skydive - BPA Archive Project


skydive - BPA Archive Project
Nothing will prepare you for the dream
of flight like flying a Performance Designs
canopy. Performance Designs canopies are the mark
that all canopy manufacturers measure their products by.
Ring Thomas Sports today to arrange to test fly a
Performance Designs Demo canopy. Choose from
their most popular sizes of Spectre, Stiletto or Velocity
and we 'II send it to you for 2 weekends.
Also coming to the UK this summer
the all new
Not only is Thomas Sports Equipment the largest rig
manufacturer in the UK but we are also the only
Authorized Performance Designs Demo Center
in the UK!
Thomas Sports Equipment, the largest
retailer of Performance Designs
canopies in the UK.
Y0165X6 - United Kingdom
Tel. +44 1262678299
Fax. +44 1262602063
[email protected]
The British ~
Parachute 4O
Patron: His Royal Highness
The Prince of Wales
The longer I stay in this \
sport, the more I'm
alarmed and sometimes
angry at the increasing
frequency and severity of
canopy incidents. The wings
which are available to us now are
so radical it is incredibly easy to
damage, disfigure or destroy ourselves.
BPA, W harf Way,
Glen Parva,
Leicester LE2 9TF
Tel: 0116 278 5271
Fax: 0116 247 7662
BPA Staff
Technical O ffic e r
The M a g
Station Road, A ilsw orth,
Peterborough PE5 7AH
United Kingdom
01733 380 568
e d ito r @ s k y d iv e m a g .c o m
A big fa cto r causing people to be hurt is canopy choice. I see a
lot of people choosing small canopies when they aren't flying
th e ir current one to its limits. Some jumpers are even buying
smaller canopies ’to improve th e ir landings'... er, HELLO!
O verleaf
Call the BPA on
0116 278 5271
Jackie G reen
W arners G roup
P ublications
W est Street
Bourne, Lines PE10 9PH
01778 393 313
Fax: 01778 394 748
adverts@ skyd ivem
Le sle y G a le
le s le y @ s k y d iv e m a g .c o m
B e v e r l y F a ir h u r s t
b e v @ s k y d iv e m a g .c o m
Trust me, you'll look a lot cooler standing up on landing than you
will covered with grass stains from your 'super cool' new
handkerchief. Choose a parachute where you're not on limits all
the time, with no room fo r error when you have a bad spot, a
demo or an off-day. Fly a canopy where you can walk away from
a mistake. You’ll be more relaxed and able to focus on your
freefall. I f you often fly on half brakes, downsizing is pointless
and dangerous.
Canopy pilots in the US stay around twice as current as jumpers
in the UK yet are generally more conservative in canopy
selection. Those few pilots who do make extreme choices
average 1000 jumps a YEAR! Bear your currency and yearly
jump numbers in mind before emulating them.
Good skills will stand you in b e tte r stead than a more radical
parachute. I encourage everyone to read or re-read Chris
Lynch's article. Pilot or Passenger, in December 2000's Mag be tte r still, visit our website which has an updated, improved
version to print out. I'm really delighted to see that Chris is
running a canopy pilot skills seminar in the UK (see JM's
newsround, page 13), in my opinion, the most needed event in
the UK this year.
A n d y V e rn u m
Tel: 0 1 7 3 3 3 8 0 8 0 9
s ty la p r in t@ b r e a th e m a il.n e t
Tony Butler
N a tio n a l S a fe ty O ffic e r
John Hitchen
PA to a b o v e o ffic e rs
Trudy Kemp
Fin an cia l A d m in is tra to r
Jon Gretton
N a tio n a l A d m in is tra to r
M artin Shuttleworth
D e v e lo p m e n t O ffic e r
I see the same people nervous about jumping, scared to fly
th e ir canopies and worried about their landings. Make life
simple and enjoyable: choose the right canopy by taking advice
from reputable, current dealers and instructors. There are
squillions of d iffe re n t canopies out there; ignore the so-called
experts (your peers) who want you to buy what they have. Buy
what's right fo r you.
See you there!
Lucie Wood
A d m in is tra tio n S e c re ta ry
Susan Waterfield
M e m b e rs h ip S ervice s
Karey Goodwin
M e m b e rs h ip S ervice s
Sue Allen
S to ck C o n tro lle r
Dave Brown
BPA Council
BPA Chairm an
C hris A llen
s k y d iv e @ u k g a te w a y .n e t
Vice C hairm an & C om petitions Chairm an
John S m yth
sm yffy@ a o m
D e ve lop m e nt Chairm an
Ian M id g le y
ia nm id g le y@ h o tm a m
C om m unications Chairm an
K ieran B rady
kb ra d y@ fsb d ia .u k
Council M em bers
Paul A pplegate
C raig P oxon
c ra ig@ p o xo
D ave H icklin g
b p s la n g a r@ a o m
Ian M a rs h a ll
m a rs h a llcf@ a o m
Eddie Jones
edd ie @ skyd ive ca m era .fre e se .u k
Jim W h ite
jc w h ite 526@ h otm
* BPA Officers and
STC Chairm an
John H itchen
jo hn @ b pa .o rg .u k
Zahed Shah
z e d s h a h @ e x c ite .c o m
R iggers Chairm an
01869 277 469
BPA V ice P re s id e n ts
Paul A pplegate
Jim Crocker, John Lines
& Bob Card
Tre a s u re r
P ilo ts C o m m itte e C h a irm a n
• copy deadline is the 6th of the month before
Debbie Carter
Tony Knight
R o y a l A e ro C lub D e le g a te
John Smyth
CAA L iaiso n O ffic e r
Tony Knight
BPA G asco R e p re s e n ta tiv e
• out on the 16th of every other month
d )
IPC D e le g a te
Angela Hickling
John Hitchen
NOTE Some of the photos contained in this magazine may show skydivers
w ithout helmets, in which case they were jumping abroad. In the UK it is
mandatory to wear a helmet for obvious safety reasons.
© s k y d iv e m a g
A ll rig h ts re se rve d. N o part of this p ub lica tio n m a y b e re pro d u ce d , sto re d in a retrieval sy s t e m o r transm it
ted in a n y form ; electronic, m e c h a n ic a l, p h o to co p yin g, re cord ing, without p rior p e rm is s io n o f the Editor.
T h e v ie w s e x p r e s s e d in s k y d i v e m a g a re t h o s e o f the c o ntrib u to rs a n d not n e c e s s a rily th o s e of the B P A .
O p in io n s in the editorial a re t h o s e of the Editor, n ot of the B P A . T h e Edito r re ta in s the right to w ithdraw a n y
ad ve rtise m e n t at h e r d iscre tio n a n d d o e s not ac ce p t liability for d e la y in p ub lica tio n o r for e y o re s, alth o u gh
e v e ry c a re is ta ke n to a v o id m ista kes.
T h e inform ation in th is m a g w a s. to the b e st of o u r ability, correct at the time of g o in g to p re ss.
Re p ro d u c tio n , printing a n d m a iling ta k e s a total of three w e e k s s o s o m e inform ation m a y b e o ut o f date, o r
su p e rs e d e d .
F ro n t C o v e r
& a b o v e im a g e
By Bundy Taylor, shows Oliver Furrer
Oliver says thanks to: SunPath, PD, AirTec,
Tom Stanton boards, BirdM an, D a K in e R a g s and
' y
April 2002
A ppro ved
G A/101/96
the support from the best training places
including Skydive Perris and Skydive Arizona.
f ju ' M W
O u t on the sixteenth o f every oth er m onth
. . .
Jim Stevenson shoots again
Wingin’ It
Britain’s first
wingsuit festival
Meet Our Council
T he faces b e h in d th e m in u te s
Wanna be an Instructor?
H o w to get
started a n d
w h a t to e x p e c t
Arabian Days
H o t n ’ sunny in
U m m A l Q uw ain
regulars. . .
In Confidence
S ub scribe
C la ssifie d A ds
JM 's new sround
C ro ssw o rd Puzzle
BPA M atters
C lub News
BPA Affiliated C lubs & Centres 73
Dive D o cto r
S k yd iv in g p ro b le m
V N E explain the
secrets o f 8-way
b a ck by p o p u la r request
BPA Associated Organisations 75
K it News
D iary
A d ve rtise rs Index
P eople in the S port:
K ie ra n B ra d y
Rick Boardm an takes up incident reporting
Artril onno
USPA Group Member
Sunny Skies All Y e ar!
B o D’-1 i 0
i r i
N o r w a y
July 5 th -2 is t 2 0 0 2
Learn to skydive using our wind tunnel
Student program m e and 9 skydives.
All this in just 4 days!!
NO hidden costs, whole student program m e only $990!
Or g et your USPA A license in 10 days!
Free accom m odation a t the drop zone or
inexpensive a ccom m odation in Eilat
V All student gear Cypres equipped
Night jumps every full moon
Flight line - Cessna 206 and NEW Cessna 411
Call 00 972 8 633 2386
Two A N -2 8 (21 jumpers to
13 000 in 1 2 minutes).
1 2 GBP a slot. V
No restrictions on tlvimm
Up to 1 6 hours jumping a day.
Fantastic organizing, from
one-to-one up to 40-way.
• Craig Girard of
Arizona Airspeed
• Dane Kenny
• Nimmo of Bab^lon-FreeFly
Packing indoors, and
packers o r\D Z .
>unklouses, with all facilities.
W e have a Cessna 182
which can carry four
parachutists for hire
(we have a contact who is experienced in this work that we could
put you in touch with) or £120 +VAT per tacho hour dry
Also Aerial Advertising from as little as £320 per hour
(Banner construction from £70 extra.) We operate throughout the
UK seven days a week. Positioning charge where applicable.
For details on Aerial Photography and surveys please contact
Sky Ads - Netherthorpe Airfield, Thorpe Salvin, Worksop
Tel: 01909 482981 • Fax : 01909 482981 • Mobile 07889 883906
April 2002
contact info:
phone: + 4 7 9 1 6 41 801
manifest: + 4 7 6 2 4 4 4 9 1 5
You don't have to be a skydiver
You don't have to be British
You don't have to be a Red Devil
Six issues a ye ar
V ibrant
A w ard w in n in g editorial
Stunning photos
Im agin a tiv e d e sign
Inform ative
Out on 16,h of every other m onth
The M ag is, first and foremost the British Parachute Association (BPA)
m agazine, but we have an increasing number of non BPA members
who subscribe just because they like it.
If you're interested in skydiving, whether a first jump student, a rock
star or an adventure sports enthusiast, you'll enjoy The M ag.
If y o u s u b s e q u e n t ly jo in th e B P A as a full member (after six
jumps or when you progress to freefall) your m agazine subscription
amount is deducted from your BPA m em bership fee so, in all,
y o u d o n 't p a y a n y e x t r a .
U K £28
E x B P A m e m b e r £24 O V E R S E A S (Air) £35
E x B P A m e m b e r £30
Please send me a copy of T h e M a g on each of the next six bimonthly publication dates:
I enclose a cheque/PO to the value required payable to ‘BPA Limited’ (UK subscriptions only) OR:
please debit my Mastercard/Visa as follows:
Card No._____ |______ |______|______|
Name: .....................................................
Exp date: _ _ / _ _
D a te :..............................
BPA, Wharf Way, Glen Parva, Leicester LE2 9TF
w n / r i
These sm a sh in g sh o ts were taken by
J a m e s Stevenson, resident c a m e ra m a n at
Strath allan drop zone, in Scotland. Jim is
pictured to the right d a n glin g from a P itts
Special at the World Freefall Convention.
T h e o t h e r p h o to s w e r e ta k e n in E lo y A r iz o n a N o v e m b e r
2001 a n d s h o w J a s o n P e te rs , a fre e fly c a m e r a m a n a n d
o n e h a lf o f th e U S s k y s u rf t e a m (w it h K e ith S n y d e r ).
I Spotlight
To su b m it yo u r w o rk fo r 'S p o tlig h t', send b e tw e e n 8 and 20
high q u a lity shots and some w o rd s a b o u t th e m . A th e m e is
p re fe ra b le b u t you could also ju s t s u b m it y o u r best pieces o f
w o rk w ith th e th e m e being YOU!
Send submissions to:
Spotlight, The Mag, Station Road, Ailsworth,
Peterborough PE5 7AH.
S p o t lig h t p h o t g r a p h e r
J a m e s S te v e n s o n
(p ic t u r e d to r ig h t ) is
r e s p o n s ib le f o r m a n y
o f t h e la rg e im a g e s
y o u h a v e s e e n in th e
M ag o ve r th e p a st fo u r
y e a rs. K eep u p th e
g o o d w o rk J im !
Janice Ritchie
DZ Sports Ltd
Hinton Skydiving Centre
Hinton Airfield
Ordering is as sim p le as 1 , 2 o r 3 ! 1 Call us on 01295 812 101 2 E-mail your order & payment details to [email protected] 3 Post us your order form
F T 5 0 A lt i - wrist m ount
£ 9 5 .0 0
A l t i m a s t e r II - big dear face, for chest o r wrist, lifetime guarantee
£ 1 4 0 .0 0
A lt im a s t e r Ml - wrist mount
K r o o p O v e r g la s s e s
£ 1 0 .0 0
V e lc r o w r i s t m o u n t w i t h 'U ' B a r s
S k y E yes
£ 1 2 .5 0
A lt im a s t e r II 'LT B a r s
£ 6 .0 0
S o r z - tinted, m irror, am ber, cle ar
£ 1 9 .5 0
M ouse M a t
£ 4 .5 0
B la z e / P e e r s e r G o g g le
£ 1 6 .5 0
O th e r g oggles a vailab le ca ll fo r details
£ 1 2 0 .0 0
S k y d i v in g B a s ic s
A u d ib le Altim eter, Choose yo ur settings
£ 1 2 0 .0 0
P r o - T r a c k - A udible A ltim e ter
S k y d i v e S port P arachuting
N v e r t ig o X fla t sides & to p fo r m o u ntin g cam eras
£ 1 8 5 .0 0
H u r r ic a n e F r e e fly H e lm e t
£ 1 6 0 .0 0
F a c to r y D iv e r
£ 1 9 5 .0 0
O x y g n flip up lens
£ 2 1 5 .0 0
J u m p T ra c k CD a n d In te rfa c e -
O x y g n A 3 - flip up lens, external altimeter port
£ 2 2 5 .0 0
fo r Pro-Track
F a c to r y D i v e r / O x y g n V i s o r / Z l c le a r v is o r
£ 2 0 .0 0
T in t e d Z 1 V is o r
£ 2 2 .5 0
G ecko
£ 8 9 .0 0
and Freefall Com puter, LED d isplay
N e w T im e O u t
£ 1 9 9 .0 0
IN STOCK N O W !! £ 1 1 0 . 0 0
£ 8 8 .0 0
T im e -o u t/p ro -tra ck/d ytte r batteries
£ 5 .5 0
V is io n O N ! - Battery free video light on indicater
£ 1 9 .0 0
S te p R in g (Lens converter fo r P C I /7 / 1 0 )
£ 1 9 .0 0
A d v a n c e d N e w t o n R in g s ig h t
G a th
N e w t o n S ig h t H o ld e r
£ 2 5 .0 0
C a m e y e II
£ 3 0 .0 0
£ 9 9 .0 0
P a r a s p o r t I t a li a Z 1 Full face, flip -u p visor
£ 1 1 9 .0 0
£ 8 .0 0
D o u g P eacock - A n d y A llm a n
C a ll f o r c u r r e n t s t o c k a n d c u s to m f in is h d e t a ils
P ro -D y tte r -
£ 1 2 .0 0
£ 1 8 9 .0 0
P a r a s p o r t it a li a Z 1 a lp h a open face
£ 9 5 .0 0
P a d d e d H e lm e t b a g f o r Z 1
£ 3 0 .0 0
F ra p H a t
£ 9 5 .0 0
B o n e H e a d M i n d w a r d M i lle n n iu m
£ 1 7 5 .0 0
£ 1 4 .9 9
e xp laine d b y C h r is D o n a ld s o n
B re a k a w a y The m ost tho u gh t p ro vo kin g v id e o o ut. Buy it.
£ 1 9 .5 0
F ly L ik e a P r o - For every p a rach ute p ilo t
£ 1 9 .5 0
P a c k L ik e a P r o - Comprehensive g u id e to both side packing
and p ro p ackin g
£ 1 9 .5 0
T r o u b le F re e Z e r o - P - Packing Ups from the Pro's
£ 1 5 .0 0
G ro u n d R ush M alfu nctio ns - how w o uld you react?
£ 1 7 .5 0
O la v - M o re Free Flying
£ 2 9 .9 5
C h r o n ic le I Freefly C lo w n s C harles Bryan a n d O la v Zip se r
£ 2 2 .0 0
C h r o n ic le II - M ore c lo w n in g aro un d -
£ 2 5 .5 0
C h r o n ic le III -
H it t e r - Leather Skydiving G love,
Black o r W h ite , C a ll fo r size a v a ila b ility
L o g b o o k 2 ju m p s / p a g e
£ 1 6 .0 0
s o ftb a c k £ 7 .5 0
h a rd b a c k £ 1 0 .0 0
S u r e T a c k -Tackified palm ,
Black o r W h ite C a ll fo r size a v a ila b ility
1 0 ju m p s / p a g e
£ 1 9 .0 0
A i r C r e w S u m m e r G lo v e s a v a ila b le in b la ck o r w h ite. XS, S,
D e lu x e L o g b o o k H o ld e r -
M, L
Choose co lou r preference
£ 2 1 .0 0
A i r C r e w W i n t e r G lo v e s Thermal lined,
a v a ila b le in red o r blue , XS, S, M , L
£ 2 5 .0 0
£ 5 .0 0
A lt im e t e r W a t c h
J e t F u e l - W hite - M , L, XL
£ 1 6 .9 5
P h u q k in f a s t - W hite - M , L, XL
£ 1 6 .9 5
S o u l W i n d o w - W hite Short Sleeve - M , L, XL
£ 1 6 .9 5
F r e e fly F ir e b a ll - Black, Long Sleeve, XL
£ 2 1 .9 5
£ 1 0 .0 0
T u b e S to e s m icro lin e /s ta n d a rd /ta n d e m
£ 8 .0 0
J a c k K n if e & p o u c h large knife, black pouch
£ 2 1 .9 5
£ 8.00
T h e C lo u d s E d g e som ething fo r everyone
£ 3 5 .0 0
W i llin g t o F ly p a c k a g e
£ 7 0 .0 0
D iv in g
N o rm a n Kent
- DVD - N orm an Kent
£ 7 0 .0 0
£ 3 5 .0 0
C r o s s W in d - the new film fro m Patrick Passe
£ 3 7 .5 0
A n t i G r a v it y
£ 3 9 .9 5
O v e r T h e E d g e - Skydiving, Base, Lingerie
& m ore!
£ 3 9 .9 5
B u d d ib u o y F lo t a t io n D e v ic e - small, gas operated with whistle
A ir s p e e d Four & 8 w a y d o cu m e n ta ry
£ 3 7 .5 0
and g low stick
£ 3 0 .0 0
B e y o n d E x tr e m e
£ 2 9 .0 0
P a c k B o y - packing to o l
£ 1 0 .0 0
Q u i n c y M e g a S e s s io n
£ 3 7 .5 0
P a c k in g M a t
£ 1 5 .0 0
W o r t h le s s E y e C a n d y
£ 3 5 .0 0
G r o u n d R u s h C lo t h in g
C a ll F o r P ric e
C a ll F o r C u r r e n t S to c k a n d P ric e s
£ 5 0 .0 0
L e a t h e r n e c k la c e w i t h d e p lo y m e n t p in
£ 8 .0 0
A lt im e t e r C h e s t P a d
£ 7 .5 0
lo g b o o k , g lo v e s , g o g g le s a n d F T 5 0 A lt im e t e r
S t u r d y A lt im a s t e r II_________________________________________
£ 8 .5 0
E m a i l
£ 1 3 .5 0
C y p r e s B a t t e r ie s
£ 10.00
£ 11.00
F le x v is io n t in t e d
£ 7 5 .0 0
Z a k K n if e & p o u c h - sm all knife, choose pouch co lo u r £ 6 . 9 9
C y p r e s U n it
F le x v is io n c le a r
£ 3 0 .5 0
C h r o n ic le I, II & III p a c k a g e
T h e G o o d S tu f f - just w hen you th in k yo u've seen
G r id R e fe r e n c e M u g
£ 1 6 .9 5
P a r a d is e T r ib a l - W hite, Long Sleeve M, L, XL
£ 1 5 .0 0
6 0 FA S T! T -S H IR T S
F r e e fly F r ie n d ly - W hite - L, XL
- s o ftb a c k o n ly £ 7 .5 0
A m ust fo r every freeflyer a nd Base Enthusiast
O NLY £ 100.00
Phone for Details
[email protected]
o r d e r
I enclose a CHEQUE payable to DZ Sports Ltd
o r please debit m y VISA / Mastercard / Delta / Switch
Nam e:
A d d re s s :
: □ □ □ □ □ □ □ □ □ □ □ □ □ □ □ □
Issue No.
Te l/ E m a il:
d C H S ig n a tu r e :___________
D a te :
please add 5% fo r credit cards, sorry but we have to p ay fo r this too , no charge fo r deb it cards.
Insurance is automatically added to your order unless specified in the box provided.
If you do not accept insurance we take no responsibility for non-delivery.
Insurance not required (tick box)
D Z S PO RTS L td ,
H in t o n S k y d i v in g C e n tr e , H in t o n A i r f i e l d ,
S te a n e , B r a c k le y , N o r t h a n t s , N N 1 3 5 N S
2 4 H R
Post & Pa c k in g
BFPO & Europe
O rders up to £ 1 0 .0 0
£ 1.00
£ 2 .0 0
O rders £ 1 0 .0 0 - £20.00
£ 2 .0 0
£ 3 .0 0
O rders £2 0 .0 0 - £50.00
£ 3 .0 0
C R E D IT C A R D 5 %
O rders o ver £ 5 0 .0 0
£ 4 .0 0
£ 5 .0 0
O rders over £ 2 0 0 .0 0
P O S T & P A C K IN G
0 1 2 9 5
0 .9 5 p
81 2 1 0 1
P l e a s e s p e a k s l o w l y a n d c l e a r l y , s p e l l in g a n y u n u s u a l n a m e s . G iv e u s a s m u c h d e t a il a s p o s s i b l e u s i n g t h e a b o v e o r d e r a s a g u i d e
Vortex II
Rig with Cypres
inc VAT
Call NOW for details -
0(245 *12101
Demo ICits available at
Hinton Skydiving Centre
DZ Sports Ltd
Hinton Skydiving Centre
Hinton Airfield
Hans Berggren
Cool Chicks
Warm Up
L angar
2 2-23 J u n e
The response to the cool chicks
50-way proposed British
record has been excellent and
a warm-up weekend is
scheduled at Langar for 22-23
June. There will be seminars
on techniques for big-ways
and the opportunity to try dual
aircraft loads. All British
skydiving females are welcome
to turn up although it would
be helpful to email organiser
Lesley Gale first so she has an
idea of numbers.
00 46 707 97 97 57
[email protected]
[email protected]
Swedish Freefly Festival
FS Training
in CAP
Skydive Skdne is the host of the Swedish Freefly Festival, Europe's biggest freefly event this year.
W orld champion Martial Ferre
Over 180 participants made it last time and this year they hope to top that. So far they have
and world medalist Manu Ars
booked Charles Bryan and Eli Thompson from the Flyboyz, Steve Utter, Mike Swanson, Colon
1 3 - 2 0 J u ly
will be coaching 4 and 8-way
Berry, Adrian Nicholas, James Evered and, of course, the lovely Boel Janerus who will organise
this year in Gap. The DZ has
three new Porters and will hold
the next W orld Championships,
and coach during the event.
7-14 September 2003.
[email protected]
Trainee Rigger
3D Award for Brits
Chris Lynch and Rob Silver who
horizontal orientation with a
coach at the Freefly Training
compressed accordion,
Centre and Thomas Hughes of
Sebastian XL, have qualified for
a second compressed
the USPA's 3D Award at Skydive
accordion, finishing with a star.
individual 180 degree turns to
The award was designed with
PointZero has a vacancy for a
They completed formations
Trainee Rigger/Sales
Administrator and to learn all
including three manoeuvres in
progresses you have better
each of these three orientations:
awareness of the ground. "W e
aspects of operating a full time
Head-down 3-way flower,
believe this to be the first all-
rigging facility. This will be a long­
followed by a star, then opposite
British group to achieve the
term permanent position.
hand flower. Next in the sitting
award." said Chris, "It would
be great to have something like
position, right/left vertical
Phil Nash
0 7 97 3 305272
[email protected]
12 sky
stairstep, followed by two
rotations, (so each jumper takes
this in the UK, but be warned,
it aint easy."
top, middle and bottom,
pictured) for one of the three
points. Concluding in the
April 2002
the safety angle that as the dive
[email protected]
www. f reef lytra in i ngcenter. com
The Californian freefly team, Flyboyz
have been hired to do the opening
scene of the new Austin Powers movie.
Fritz Pfniir is doing the camera work
and Eli Thompson is going to be the
stunt double for Austin Powers. Charles
Bryan and Jon Devore were also
involved in the project.
Fritz P fn iirjim Granley, Eli Thom pson,
Kerry Ferrington, Stan Gray
B PA 1 C
[email protected]
e r tif ic a te
o f M e r it
Chris Lynch is ru nning a conopy piloting sem inar on
M o n d a y 2 0 M ay; burble in the m orning and
jum ping in the afternoon. Chris wrote the excellent
article, Pilot or Passenger in Skyd ive M ag, Dec
2 0 0 0 . His d a y will include canopy selection,
packing and equipm ent extras as well as piloting.
Chris w ants to encourage experienced jumpers,
particularly coaches and instructors as they will be
able to help spread the word out further and
encourage the training of piloting skills at an early
The BPA has awarded Mike Carruthers and Mick Morgan
Certificates of M erit for their quick thinking when Val
Clarke dislocated her shoulder on a jump in Umm Al
Quwain. Mike, Val and Mick are pictured above.
Val found her right arm flapping around after exiting an
Chris com m ented "Lack o f training is a worse
problem than racy canopy selection because, with
the right training the pilot w ould be able to assess
the canopy, figure out the flare and land safely
even if it was unfam iliar and w ay beyond their
experience le ve l."
A N 1 2 (similar to a C l 30) on a 2-way launch with Mick
Morgan. She was immediately in difficulty and Mick took
her side grips on the left. Mike Carruthers realised there
was a problem so swooped down and reassured Val that
they would help. He waved off the other four jumpers who
were coming in to pin then moved around to Val's right.
Cost: around £20
Please register:
[email protected]
They couldn't pull Val's main at that point as it could have
resulted in her hitting the rest of the swoopers as the main
deployed a n d /o r she could have landed in the sea or
desert. On agreement with Mick, Mike opened Val's main
at 5,000 feet.
Mike and Mick spiralled down to raise the alarm then
watched Val try to land, controlling the canopy with one
arm. She was in pain and could not do a safe flare. She
was taken to hospital but quickly released. Mike said "I
am only pleased that Val's injuries were not more serious."
"I will be eternally grateful to Mick and Mike for their
coolness and caring. Great guys." said Val who intends to
jump again when she has recovered.
Tm Strauss landing
by Jam es Stevenson
jm’s newsround
Flyoyz goto
They can be found on most drop
zones, waddling inelegantly to the I
em planing point and clam bering
clum sily into the aircraft.
The last group under canopy, they \
walk aw ay from the landing area, \
grinning and making descriptive
hand movements, re*enacting the
skydive like children playing with
model aircraft.
So who are these people who get
excited a s the big thick clouds build all
over the sky when most others are
wishing it w as clear and blue?
They are the wingsuit flyers, men and women who practice the latest discipline in our
continually evolving sport. Carving a graceful arc as they pilot the specially designed
suits through the sky, chasing each other around the clouds, flocking together in
formation, experiencing over two glorious minutes of gliding before flying to pre-arranged
opening points and deploying their canopies.
Where did they com e fro m ?
Wingsuit flying is not a new concept. From the 1930s to the early 1960s, wannabe birdmen
rigged up various wings, both rigid and flexible. 72 out of the 75 skydivers who became birdmen \
lost their lives in the pursuit of human flight. The legendary Harry Ward, 'the Yorkshire Birdman’, )
was able to control his freefall, fly his wings in a figure of eight pattern and deploy his canopy in a
stable position; Harry survived two seasons before he wisely stopped his birdman flying. In the mid
90s legendary skydiving pioneer Patrick DeGayardon designed his own innovative wingsuit; with this
suit Patrick was able to fly like no one had ever dreamed - not even the original birdmen. Tragically,
Patrick died on 13 April, 1998 whilst flying his modified wingsuit.
W hy?
For me, the beauty in flying the wingsuit is the ability to stay in the air for extended periods. From
12,000 feet, a flight time as long as 2 minutes 20 seconds can be achieved with a descent speed
as low as 31 mph. This extra time in freefall gives me a different concept of how the skydive will take
shape. I visualise the skydive on the horizontal axis compared with the usual vertical axis; my exit
Words and photos by
Andy Ford
[email protected]
Andy is a BPA instructor with
over 3 ,5 0 0 skydives and more
than 2 0 0 wingsuit flights.
Contact him for more
information on wingsuit flying
or instruction.
April 2002
Wanna Fly a Wingsuit?
Get yourself along to the first ever
British Wingsuit Festival
2 0 - 2 1 July
I point is less critical on the wind line as any corrections can be made whilst flying.
I Once in flight, I look upwind for the tall, thick, cumulo-nimbus clouds as they
I create an inspiring skyscape of valleys and canyons. Mastering the
I manoeuvrability of the wingsuit enables me to fly around this skyscape, awe-struck
I at how slowly and gently the base of the cloud drifts past. It adds yet another
/ dimension to this extraordinary sport.
/ W hat su its are a vaila b le ?
/ There are a number of wingsuit designs available to skydivers today. All have ram-air
/ wings between the arms and legs which, when inflated, allow the suit to act as a rigid
/ wing and gain lift. They are also equipped with a cutaway system to release the wings
/ between the arms and the body so any emergency situation can be dealt with swiftly with
/ full use of the arms. The suits also provide enough movement that all the handles for
/ main deployment and emergency drills can be easily reached with the wings attached. The
/ Birdman wingsuit comes in three designs, which progressively build on the aerodynamic
/ qualities; the Classic for beginners, the Gti for intermediate level, and the Skyflyer for
/ advanced wingsuit flyers.
/ W hat about sa fe ty ?
In the UK there is a restriction of 5 0 0 skydives before the wingsuit can be jumped. Although
jump numbers are not always an indicator of skill level or currency, good instruction and
experience go a long way towards a safe flight.
The following must be a priority on every flight:
A safe flight plan away from other skydivers taking into account higher deploying
canopies [eg, tandems, AFF and consolidation jumps)
An awareness of where you are in relation to the airfield; a wingsuit flight from 12k
can easily take you 3km away from the DZ
An awareness of other airfield users (eg, flying school, glider club); they are
expecting skydivers to occupy limited airspace above the ground
A clear flight plan if group wingsuit jumps are planned.
/ How do I prepare for a w in gsu it jum p?
The firs t critical step is to get a thorough brief from an experienced wingsuit jumper. It is also wise to use a
v / larger docile canopy (eg, Spectre, Saffire or F111 canopy], as this cuts down the possibility of a fast rotating
/ malfunction. A longer bridle line and larger pilot chute are also a good idea, as the airflow during deployment is
/ from a different angle and causes a large burble area behind the wingsuit flyer. And, as with all disciplines, do
plenty of dirt-diving of deployment and emergency drills on the ground before making a wingsuit flight to keep
procedures fresh in the mind.
toogoolaw ah d z
• O pen 7 d a ys fo r yo u r
S k y d iv in g p le a s u re
S -
1111 » 3
• 1 7 p la c e C e s s n a C a ra v a n
T u rb in e a irc ra ft
lST*l 1 3 J M
Enjoy our Summer
Skydiving Season
at Toogoolawah DZ
Oct ‘02 •Mar (03
• E x c e lle n t ju m p w e a th e r
all y e a r ro u n d
.13 a *1*111
12 - 24 October 2002
T he Aussie Boogie’
Twelve days & twelve nights of
absolute fun & enjoyment on
the ground & in the air.
• A great line up of Turbine &
Novelty Aircraft.
• ‘Trio Ludens’ Norwegian
Freefly Team Coaching plus
Australia’s Best Coaches and
Load Organisers.
• Catering for all Experience Levels
and all Disciplines.
• Ramblers Reunion - Win your
Airfare Back.
• Awesome Nightly Prizes - for free!
S'. • Party Every Night - in true
Skydiver Style!
Don’t miss Australia's greatest skydiving boogie book your holidays and accommodation now!
Check out our Website for regular updates
* RW School
Freefly School
Load O rganisers
R igging Loft
G ear Shop
Jum p su it Facto ry
H uge Bar
Coin Laundry
In te rn et A cce ss
Inground Pool
Foos Tables
* Pool Table
Variety o f on-site accommodation
P ow er C am p S ite s
i » i l \ r | , »]
2002 looks like being another great year at Skydive Sibson
We’re ready to welcome you back to a new season of skydiving, the Let arrived on 16th March & was
in the air on the 17th! We’re open full time (closed mondays except bank
holidays). So here’s just to let you know what we have lined up so far and we’ll keep you updated as
we add more to our diary of events.
Babylon at Sibson!
Fred & Thomas from Babylon Freefly at
Empuriabrava will be here for the Jubilee
Freefly from 31st May to 4th June along
with our resident coaches, Stuart & Alex
Meacock & Giles Fabris for coaching, big
ways, tube dives & tracking dives. DJ
^ / v
Richie will be spinning the tunes on the Friday and Monday. jJ f lr | V,
Stuart is just back from Babylon and has the “Guide to Pf
Freefly” video on sale & can coach & clear you on it.
Download the booklet from
J t-
/ 1
r '
Photo courtesy of Babylon
Photo courtesy of Babylon
4-Pak Coaching Roadshow.
On the 8th & 9th June, 4-Pak will be here to give some expert FS and camera skills coaching.
Any teams, individuals and camera people are welcome to take part. Contact us for details.
The BPA New Age Nationals are here again.
Or as they are now to be called
the Artistic
Performance Nationals,
be held Saturday
10th to
Monday 12th August. Registration
up 14th
to 9am
on the
Saturday. we’re
will be our
this year,
& 15th
criteria for this is still being decided.
meet with junior, intermediate and senior categories.
The UK Freefly Festival
Photo courtesy of Russell Smith
21st to 29th September will see the 3rd Annual UK Freefly festival
with big ways, tube dives, tracking dives and much more. We will give
you details as soon as we have them on who will be here,
entertainment, etc.
Let jump prices for this year are £18 each or £170 for 10 to
members, £19 to non-members, £15 to both on Fridays. Static line &
student freefall jumps are £35. We have heated accommodation,
showers, bar & cafeteria, indoor packing area. We do Freefly coaching,
WARP, Skydive U, RAPS, AFF & Tandems.
Peterborough Parachute Centre, Sibson Airfield, Wansford, Peterborough, PE2 8DZ
Tel: 01832 280490 Fax: 01832 280409 e-mail: [email protected]
Who are the ten
people on
Council? What
makes them tick?
Here's a snapshot
of each...
Jumps: 7,600
Club: Sibson
TEAM :- Together
E veryo n e A ch ieves
M ore
Th e BPA C ouncil is a gro u p o f v o lu n te e rs w ho d ire ct policy and m ake
decisions on th e fu tu re o f o u r sp ort. Th e aim is th a t o u r o rg a n isa tio n is run
by its m e m b ers fo r th e b e n e fit o f all. E v e ry th in g is d e m o cra tic; C o un cil are
v o te d in by th e m em bership and d ecisions are m ade by v o tin g fo llo w in g
d iscussion.
C ouncil sub d ivid e s into c o m m ittte e s to deal w ith th e specific areas of
co m p e titio n s , d e v e lo p m e n t and co m m un ica tio n . C hairm en fo r each of th e
c o m m itte e s are e lected from C ouncil m e m b ers, w h o also e le ct a BPA
C hairm an and V ice C hairm an.
Describe yourself in 3 words:
Thoughtful, tenacious, equitable.
Company Director and AFF
Instructor, Shydive Ltd. Barrister
com m encing May 2002.
Other interests:
Wish I had the time.
First jum p:
Her Majesty's service, 1980.
Jumping interests:
AFF, F5, Freefly.
Skydiving qualifications:
BPA Examiner, AFF instructor,
Tandem instructor, Shydive U
coach, U5PA safety and training advisor, pilot.
Council history:
9 years, fourth as Chairman.
Favourite quote:
lie who thinks he can and he who thinks he
can't are probably both right.
[email protected]
Chairman of
Developm ent
Jumps: 2,700
Club: Any and all
You g e t w h a t you
p a y for
01832 280 066
Describe yourself in 3 words:
Straight to point.
Job: Run own manufacturing
business, employing six
First jum p:
Military 1972.
Jumping interests:
All jum ping, as long it's safe.
Skydiving qualifications:
Tandem & AFF Instructor,
Other interests: Skin diving
and travel.
Communications, Development.
Council history:
7 years, 3 as Development Chairman.
What's good about being on Council?
Creating a sense of achievem ent when it all
comes together. 5eeing fair play for all.
Additional notes:
When we compiled this article, Chris was busy
writing a submission to Sports Council on our
behalf so he had limited tim e to answer these
questions. This is not ususual; Chris puts
immense tim e and dedication into his role,
spending hous o f his personal tim e on BPA
business. Me has managed to get Council
working as a team , meetings are now shorter
but seem to achieve more with people
working better together.
We asked renewing Council mem bers whom
they admired m ost on Council, Chris Allen was
the unanimously and only named person. John
5m yth com m ented "That's easy. Chris Allen. I
believe he is the best Chairman we have ever
had. His com m itm ent to the BPA is total, his
vision for the future is inspiring. His ability to
manage his colleagues on Council and the BPA
s ta ff is exceptional." In Craig Poxon's words:
"I've not seen anyone else chair the Council
but it would be hard to do it better."
What do you dislike about it?
People who stand for Council who are in it
for self interest only.
What have you achieved?
Personally organising recalibrating o f the
AADs we were given by RAPA and loaning to
BPA clubs and centres, enhancing safety for
students. Investm ent o f m em bers' money
for security for the BPA membership.
Overseeing the BPA website and helping
with its development.
What do you want to achieve this year?
All item s on the prepared Action Plan Matrix.
Mew WARP type manuals for CF and freefly
How do you approach being Chairman?
With an open mind.
How would you like to see the BPA
developing in the next five years? 7
Making itself completely self-funded.
[email protected] 01709 836 481
April 2002
Describe yourself in 3 words:
Stupid I guess.
Motor dealer.
First jum p:
Strathallan 1985.
Jumping interests:
FS, instructional FS, Tandem.
Skydiving qualifications:
Instructor, tandem instructor,
pilot examiner.
Skydiving business links
Director of 5kydive Strathallan.
Other interests:
Driving sports bikes.
Council history:
5 years, 3 1/2 as Communications Chairman.
C hairm an o f
C o m m u n ic a tio n s
Jumps: 4,500 +
Club: 5trathallan
If yo u 're go n n a sh o o t,
sh oot, d o n 't talk
Communications, Development.
C hairm an o f
C o m p e titio n s
BPA V ice C h a irm a n
Jumps: 2 ,0 0 0
Club: Metropolitan Police PC
B efore e n g ag in g m o u th ,
en g ag e brain
Photos: 5imon Ward
and Lesley Gale on
Describe yourself in 3
Tenacious, loyal, honest.
Inspector, Met Police.
First jum p:
Thruxton 1973.
Jumping interests:
I used to be a keen
Classics competitor.
These days I ju s t fun
ju m p doing the odd
display for the Met Police. I'm
now getting into sit flying, I'm absolutely
useless but I make m yself laugh.
Skydiving achievements:
I've been on the gold medal accuracy team
(Philishawe) at the nationals a few tim es,
also regional accuracy medals a few tim es
plus I have won individual and team medals
at various com petitions around Europe with
the Mustgetbeers.
I was very proud to manage the British
Classics Team at the World championships
in Croatia. I was really chuffed when they
gave me a signed picture to say thank you.
But my proudest m om ent in the last 29
years was at the AGM. The delegation that I
was honoured to manage at WAG are the
best bunch o f people I have ever m et in my
life. For them to say the things they have
plus getting that certificate really did BLOW
Other interests:
I serve on the Regimental Association o f my
old Army Unit. (You tend to get these jobs
when you get older, greyer and put on
weight). I used to play rugby, now I love
watching it, while drinking huge amounts of
Council history:
9myear, my 5th as Comps Chairman.
What do you like about being on Council?
Being involved.
What do you dislike about it?
Being a target for everyone's moans and
What have you achieved?
Harmony at comm unications meetings. Most
goals which were set out.
What do you want to achieve this year?
harmony with the whole Council. Programme
of continued improvements.
How do you approach being Chairman?
How would you like to see the BPA
developing in the next five years?
Becoming self sufficient financially.
[email protected]
01236 732 461
What's good about being on Council?
I do not like to ju s t pay lip service to
'Putting som ething back into the sport'.
Being on Council allows me to do it. Actions
speak louder than words. I hope I have
achieved som ething in the last ten years.
What do you dislike about it?
Sometimes the politics can get very nasty
and personal. That really does pee me off!
What have you achieved?
Funding for our best team s for tw o World
Championships. The Coaching Roadshow
concept and initiation. A shed load of Royal
Aero Club awards for BPA members. Loads
o f new judges at all levels. Listening to
com petitors' views and making things
happen. I work very hard in my own tim e
not only with Council and Comps com m ittee
but also the Royal Aero Club. This takes up
a lot o f tim e, it's ju s t as well I have a very
understanding boss in the Met and an even
more understanding and gorgeous wife in
What do you want to achieve this year?
Carry on in the same vein. Make the
roadshows bigger, better and even more
successful. Plus try and get some funding
from somewhere for the team s that are
selected for the 2003 World
Championships. Improve the Regional
concept. Improve attendance at the
Nationals in all disciplines. Do not let IPC
destroy our com petitions while chasing the
Olympic dream.
How do you approach being Competitions
I try to delegate where possible while
maintaining control. I value my com m ittee
m em bers' input, being honest and open,
although one criticism levelled a t me is I
som etim es am too honest for my own
good. I can live with that.
[email protected]
020 8868 4084
O lym pus D ig ita l
April 2002
Jumps: 7,0 0 0 +
Club: Weston
If you're scared
when you exit the
plane, a t least it will
keep you aw ake to
deal with s tu ff
What's good about being on Council?
Being in touch with the Association and helping to
sort out any problems that occur while remaining
in touch with the sport at grass roots level.
What do you dislike about it?
People who won't stand for Council or put their
thoughts in writing, moaning about decisions and
What have you achieved?
I hope I have managed to help bring New Age to
the front of the queue even though I am an old git!
I also have a wealth of experience to learn from
and share and that learning never stops.
What do you want to achieve this year?
To have changed the things that need changing
and left alone those things that work well. It would
be good to enjoy it all as well.
How would you like to see the BPA developing
in the next five years?
To be more respected in the aviation world and not
be a third class sport (their words not mine).
Any additional comments:
I would like to thank my wife, Mary, for putting up
with me being on Council for another year!
[email protected]
Jumps: 6,300
Club: Hinton
There is no such
word as 'C an 't'
Describe yourself in 3
Open-minded, outgoing, fair.
Tandem instructor.
First jum p:
Netheravon 1970.
Jumping interests:
CF, competitions, tandems.
d ifljP f
| Skydiving qualifications:
Tandem instructor.
Other interests: Travel.
Council history: 8 years.
Committee: Competitions.
What's good about being on Council?
Being involved in decision making.
What do you dislike about it?
Being involved in decision making!
What have you achieved?
Getting CF more respected.
What do you want to achieve?
Introduce a coaching system for CF and a new
2-way competition for CF.
How would you like to see the BPA developing
in the next five years?
New coaching system for all disciplines and more
support for competitors at all levels.
[email protected]
Jumps: 3 ,1 0 0 +
Ciub: Skydive 5 t Andrews
Memo Me Im pune
April 2002
Describe yourself in 3 words:
Nungover, knackered, skint
(just back in Perth after driving
7hrs from the ASM).
Ex army helicopter pilot. Semi
retired but will fly for money
(or food).
First jum p:
Glenrothes, 1981.
Jumping interests:
Camera, swoop accuracy.
Skydiving qualifications: Instructor
Other interests: Flying.
Why did you decide to stand? Because of the
apathy amongst many jumpers who say "What's
the point in standing for council you can't change
anything" Well let's see. Tell me what you want.
Council history: First year.
Committees: Competitions, I am F5 rep. I was
due to take on the post as jo in t classics rep.
However due to the resignation of Barrie [Buck], I
volunteered to take on F5 rep and deal with the
jumpers at what I feel is the sharp end of our
sport. "Never volunteer", I was always told, so 23
years in the army has taught me nothing. I am
01869 277 469J
01737 769 684
looking forward to this year as F5 rep having been
thrown in at the deep end as they say. I'm starting
to realise now it must be the busiest of the rep's
jobs going. By the time you read this the
intermediate /ju n io r dive pool will be out so when I
visit your DZ you will know it's me as I'm the one
in the flak jacket. Sorry if not everyone likes it.
What do you want to achieve this year?
Do my best to help the membership any way I can.
What do you feel you can contribute?
Ask my CCI, Alan Wilkinson, he proposed me.
Whom do you admire in the sport and why?
Colonel (Uncle Arthur) Gibson AAC. For being my
boss and getting me all those free helicopter
jumps when I was on the Army Air Corps team,
and he is still jumping at his age. Wow!
How would you like to see the BPA developing
in the next five years?
Can I answer that in a couple of months?
Any additional comments:
To all those at the 2000 AGM who did not know
me yet bought me drinks, thank you for your
support and encouragement to stand for Council
this year.
[email protected]
01738441 871
Describe yourself in 3
Old, grey, wise.
Rigger and househusband.
First jump:
Spreadeagles, near
Shaftesbury, 1973.
Jumping interests:
8-way and big loads.
(I used to do a lot of CRW.)
Skydiving qualifications &
achievements: Instructor, Category 5ystem,
Tandem and AFF; Advanced Rigger, national
Champion in 8-way F5, 4 and 8-way CF. World
Champion in CF (4 and 8). Mot many people have
fallen down the North Face of the Eiger but I have!
Other interests:
Countryside pursuits, real ale, sleeping. My
proudest achievement was producing a beautiful
daughter and being there to see her born.
Council history: 5 years.
Committees: Communications, Competitions.
Chairman of the Riggers Committee, where all UK
riggers meet to discuss Kit problems and solutions
Describe yourself in 3 words:
Dedicated skydiving dinosour.
CCI at BPS Langar.
First jum p:
My firs t sport jum p was at EMSD
Ashbdurne Derbys, about 1970.
Jumping interests:
Skydiving qualifications:
BPA Advanced Instructor and
Examiner, including AFF, U5PA AFF Instructor.
Other intere
Member of Dionysus's fan club.
Council history:
4 years, also on Council in late 80s & early 90s.
Committees: This year I may have to sit out on
the committee thing.
Jumps: 8,700 +
Club: Langar
D o n 't le t the
b ....... s g rind
you dow n
Jumps: 1,400
Club: 5kydive
If it's n o t
broken, d o n 't fix it
Describe yourself in 3 words:
Determined, persistent, late.
Job: Refrigeration engineer.
First jum p: Strathallan, '92.
Jumping interests:
Camera flying, F5, demos.
Skydiving qualifications:
Category System Instructor.
Other interests:
Why did you decide to stand?
Everyone should take a turn some time
and do whatever they can for our sport.
Council history: First year.
Committees: Development, Communications.
What do you want to achieve this year?
To get involved and make any contribution I can.
What's good about being on Council?
I believe I am working for all UK skydiving.
What do you dislike about it?
Nothing really, I don't seem to have a problem.
What have you achieved?
Being an old, long servicing BPA member I
sometimes can remember when we last tried
'this new brilliant idea', and the result of it.
Knowing history can help in predicting the future.
What do you want to achieve this year?
Stay alive!
How would you like to see the BPA
developing in the next five years?
Put some more cash in the investment fund so
when or if Sport for England stop financing the
BPA we can still tread the path that the
membership wishes us to.
[email protected]
01949 860 878
What can you contribute?
Fresh eyes, ears that work and an open mind, less
expertise than any one else.
Whom do you admire?
Dr Charles Robertson, who founded the Scottish
Parachute Club in 1960, when there was nothing
to start with in the first place; John Hitchen and
Tony Butler, who both wrote the Operations
manual when there was no manual to start with.
In short the innovators of our sport, without them
we would all be playing golf.
How would you like to see the BPA
developing in the next five years?
If the BPA can continue to represent the interests
of all its members, as it has done since the
sixties, allowing generation after generation to
keep on jumping, that will be ju s t fine.
[email protected]
Jumps: 630
Club: Langar,
anywhere there is
something going on
Life's too sh o rt
Describe yourself in 3 words:
Nice, disorganised geek.
Solutions Architect - glorified
computer programmer working with
Digital Rights Management and the
First jum p: Ipswich, 1990,
although it took me seven years to
do my second at Chatteris.
Jumping interests:
Freeflying, wingsuit, speed.
Other interests:
Snowboarding, IT, Internet.
Favourite quote: From Frenchman Bruno Gouvy,
who achieved speeds of 335mph using a weighted
nosecone in 1989 when he had less than 200
jumps. He was a good friend of Patrick
DeGayardon. They did a lot of the early
snowboarding and skysurfing together, he was
killed during an extreme snowboarding descent of
the Aiguille Verte, Chamonix, he was talking about
his snowboarding when he said, "Sure there is a
chance I might be killed. But in exchange, I have
such a powerful sense o f being alive."
Council history: This is my second year.
Committees: Communications, my full-time job
makes me suited for this. Development, to help
carry the sport and the Association forward.
What's good about being on Council?
Being involved. Feeling like I'm helping, changing
0141 632 3801
or improving things. Empowering members by
getting them to talk to me about what is good and
bad in the sport. Working with people who are
passionate and care about the sport.
What do you dislike about it?
Politics, hidden agendas. 5ome Council members'
aversion to electronic forms of communication!
Feeling like I'm not changing anything because
sometimes it is a slow process and sometimes
people don't listen.
What have you achieved?
A young, fresh approach to Council, helping to
diffuse the stuffy, old-boys image of the Council.
Being in touch with the membership.
What do you want to achieve this year?
5ome more infrastructure (coaching and coaches)
for freeflying and advanced canopy control. Also to
average under 60mph in my wingsuit and over
260mph in my gimp suit.
How would you like to see the BPA developing
in the next five years?
Financial independence so there is enough money
to go around without relying on external bodies.
Thanks to previous Councils this is already
underway. Increasing numbers of members.
Improving retention rate. Getting more people
Any additional comments: Stop moaning about
what is wrong and get involved! Talk to me!
020 8930 8377
April 2002
Number 1 Porocentre in the Netherlands offers
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i - 3 June 2002
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7 levels, 5 consolidation jumps
✓ 4-way FS - Open Fri 31s' May from12 noon
€nglish speaking professional staff
including advanced student equipment
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795 JS Texel
Karlovy Vary 17 - 14 A ug
• Now in its 9th year, here we go again with all the
usual facilities and good vibes that this great DZ in
the Czech Republic has to offer.
Boogie Club
• Organizers and Video will o f course be provided.
Jumps from Super Otter at DM40 (Approx £12 at
present) to 13000ft. This is a really low cost trip to
a truly beautiful location.
• Drive from the UK with family and enjoy a great
AFF available
Return minibus travel to the Boogie £90
Pete Marsden
Boogie Club, 7 Primrose Road, Hersham, Surrey,
KT12 5JD
Phone: 01932 701321
Email: pete@
Visit the website:
To join our mailing list please post or Email
me your home address and phone number.
N ew BPA
Renewal Reminder
To those m em bers w ho have renewed - thank you! To those
w ho h a v e n 't yet got around to it, a rem inder that subscriptions
expired on 31 M arch 2 0 0 2 and need to be renewed for this
Advanced Instructor
year. A renewal form w as inserted into the February issue of the
Arron Hearsum
M ag. If you have n't got the form to hand, you can dow nload it
from the BPA website or phone the office. W e ll be sending the
Category System
June M a g only to those on the BPA m em bership database when
we run the labels in early June. Help us to help yo u and renew
John Stevens
Ray Arm strong
Rusty Lewis
FS Southern Regionals'
then w ork towards, aiding a proactive approach tow ards m easurable objectives. The plan is
also used to bid for a grant of exchequer funding from UK Sport, which last ye ar aw arded
£ 2 0 ,0 0 0 for Safety and Training and £ 2 5 ,0 0 0 for Competitions.
Anti-Doping Policy
com m itm ent to involve its athletes in the
achievem ent of the highest quality
established Anti-D oping Policy to bring it
Provides athletes with inform ation on the
fully into line with the UK Sport's current
National Anti-D oping Policy, testing
Council 2002
And y Houston has resigned from Council as he is taking up a new
National Standard. The updated policy and
procedures, advice card, annual report
rules will be in force for this ye ar's
and details of prohibited substances and
Nationals and for athletes representing the
doping methods.
U K at all international competitions.
post in France this month. We wish him well.
What it means to YOU as a
^ C o a c h in ^ T o a d s h o w ^ j
Athletes/competitors: An independent
agency m a y require you to take a random
drugs test. Rem em ber thot alcohol,
num erous prescribed and 'o ve r the
counter' medicines - including
decongestants and ashtm a medication,
VM ax
St Andrews
also caffeine from drinking excessive tea,
coffee or soft drinks (such as cola drinks)
Noah Stephenson
are prohibited - as well as perform ance-
Tony Beevor
Lee Andrew s
Matthew Applegote
interm ediate/Junior
FS Dive Pool
Ken W ebber
Advanced Packer
with Tandem
Tim Skinner
Nader Afsharian
4 -w a y
Blocks 2, 4, 5, 6, 7, 9, 11, 13, 14, 17, 19,21
Randoms A, B, C, E, F, G, J, K, N, O , P, Q
8 -w a y
Blocks 1, 4, 6, 14, 18, 21
Randoms B, F, G, J, L, M
Gives info on the status of prohibited,
restricted and permitted substances.
3. Call UK Sport's
drug enquiry line
0207 841 9530
A UK Sport service, responses are usually
given within 2 4 hours.
Lack of know ledge is no excuse - careful
study of the rules is essential and getting
A handy-size reference card.
it from a doctor on prescription is no
defence! Each athlete is strictly liable,
m eaning that it is their own personal
responsibility to ensure that they com ply
M ick D anby
2. Visit UK Sport's drug
information database:
4. UK Sport's Anti-Doping
Directorate Advice Card
Call the BPA Office
0116 2785 271
enhancing drugs and illegal substances.
D anny Wood
Advanced Packer
W h e r e ca n I ge t
in fo rm a tio n a n d a d v ic e ?
been brought forw ard to 11 -1 2 May, in accorance with
Ian M acD onald
Michael Harrison
Adm inistration
com petitors' w ishes. Thank you Headcorn!
Keith Gilluley
M ick G affney
The Action Plan is im portant within the BPA as it sets specific targets w hich the committees
1. Visit the UK Sport website
Alex Waller
Chris Byrne
Developm ent
perform ances without the m isuse of drugs.
Category System Bl
G rahom e M eggison
The BPA is review ing and updating its
W illiam Jones
G avin Horrell
Com m unications
The dates for the FS Southern Regionals at Headcorn have
Chris Guntrip
G avin Tuckley
Safety and Training
The BPA Council has re-affirm ed its
lain Anderson
Steven Candlish
a nalysin g them.
Tandem Instructor
Craig Kelsall
2 0 0 3 . It covers each of the BPA's m ain areas of activity:
T h a nks to everyone w ho has already done so - w e 're busy
A nd y Ford
Sim on H opkins
Andrew Kille
Council has agreed the BPA's Action Plan for the financial y e a r 1 July 2 0 0 2 to 3 0 June
Please d on't forget to complete and return the BPA
questionnaire & M a g readership surve y with you r renewal form.
AFF Instructor
Tandem Bl
Action Plan 2002/3
fully with this policy. The test is concerned
with w hether a prohibited substance is
present in the body, not how or w hy it got
there. A positive test result m eans
disqualification for the w hole team
a loss of any funding
and a ban for the individual.
Note the above relate to the U K only,
regarding the status o f licensed
medications and substances available. If
athletes are travelling abroad they are
advised to check all m edication with a
doctor or Sports D rug Agency in that
country. M any com m on products m ade b y
the same m anufacturer can and do
contain different substances from country
to country.
April 2002
>? r
/U ^ “202 norniT)
in t i n
;sou h
or i
r a n
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a n d i l o r id a
take more
students abroad than
anyone else and
welcome students from
all schools!
C A L L 07802 472566
01322 557375
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Come and join us in the sun for your AFF Course
(usually completed within 3-4 days)
We offer the best student training facilities
in Florida, including:
600 Acres of open landing area
Skydiving Altitudes between 14,000 to
15,000 feet
Our flight line of Casa's, Super Otters
Our Video Service
Free Camping & Showers
Trailer Rentals
Gear Store & Rigging Facilities
Undercover Packing Area
Air Conditioned Classrooms & TV Lounge
Cafe, Bar &Ttkki Bar
FS1 Progression: WAR.P. and One on One Coaching.
Helping you to achieve your FS1 /CAT 10 in 4 days.
We can incorporate Wind Tunnel Training into your
skydiving experience at Florida's famous Skyventure
Wind Tunnel in Orlando.
Let us arrange a Tandem Skydive for your friends
and family.
For our highly qualified BPA & USPA Jumpmasters.Our state of the art equipment, the best on the market.
Our knowledge of the UK and European Drop Zones to assist you on your return. We are a specialised
AFF and One on One School who offer professional, personalised training programmes.
Freefall Adventures
Photograph by Johiv
Our aim is to introduce you to the sport in a safe, professional environment where you'll never feel left
out or lost in the crowd. Our courses are designed to fit in with your schedule, so if you feel like a few
days off to see the attractions, we can incorporate this into your training schedule.
400 West Airport Drive, Sebastian Florida 32958
T e l: 7 7 2 3 8 8 0 5 5 0 F a x : 7 7 2 581 4 4 6 8
Email. [email protected] Website,
2 7
April 2002
There are people who wish to
experience deep emotions.
There is a company that designs
and manufactures a reliable AAD
which discreetly accompanies
these people.
Student unstable exit over Weston, taken by A nd y Ford
Netheravon Instructor Ian Nicholson,
taken by Sim on W ard
Ever th o u gh t of in stru ctin g? You’d p ro gre ss in
another area and give so m e th in g back to the
Mike Rust, a B PA Instructor for m any years,
currently w orking at Chatteris, give s his
personal view of the B P A train in g syste m and
course for instructors.
W hat to expect, how to prepare and w hat you
can gain...
Say you have over 200 jumps, you've been in the sport fo r
over tw o years, you really enjoy the jum p scene and you're in
the a ir all the tim e. M ost w eekends you're at the DZ and you
go on skydiving holidays cram m ing in as m any jumps as
possible. Sometimes sitting at your DZ w hen perhaps the
w eather isn't kind your thoughts w a n d er to the idea o f
Getting Started
The best person to talk to is the CCI at your centre. He or she will
be delighted that you have shown an interest and should know
you well enough to realise if you're ready. They will probably
start by asking you to get involved by giving you numerous
helper tasks around the DZ. Don't be disappointed if these are
menial. You are being assessed as to your work ethic, initiative
Could I do it?
How w ould I cope w ith the responsibility?
Maybe it w ill keep me out o f the a ir too much?
These are the most frequently asked questions about becoming
a BPA instructor.
taking and ability to carry out instructions. Your CCI will be
responsible for your training, which will increase their already
busy workload. The last thing they need is someone who needs
constant chasing and has to be told everything three times. Once
the CCI sees you helpinq out and feels you will be an asset to the
to prepare properly than to attend and be
unsuccessful the first time. A full CSI rating
isn't given away lightly and quite rightly so!
Back at
your DZ
Then you'll practise the skills back at your
home DZ. Normally you w ill be allowed to
work without direct supervision once the
CCI is happy that you are capable of safely
carrying out a certain lesson, brief or
talkdown on your own. However he or she
will try to give you as much help as is
possible and may assign another instructor
to assist you.
The preparation for
instructional staff he or she will recommend
designed as a training week and is there to
that you attend a Basic Instructor course.
be enjoyed not endured. I would defy
CSB I Course
The Category System Basic Instructor
Course is excellent experience and great
fun to attend if you go with the right
anyone not to learn something new from
course is
the week. Don't be put off if you have only
just enough jumps or time in the sport to
the hard
work really
attend the course as it's attitude that counts,
not experience.
starts. I
remember a
Weather permitting you w ill carry out static
line despatching and do some personal
friend who became
an instructor after many
parachuting. Normally you will attempt at
years and, all of a sudden, instead of
attitude. You will be expected to arrive with
some basic lessons and briefs prepared.
You will give these to the other candidates
as they pretend to be your first time
students. The more preparation you have
done by observing and practising lessons
the easier it will be. The examiners won't
expect you to be at exam standard at this
stage. They will want to see a good attitude
and willingness to take on board the
coaching points that their experience will
afford. During the week you w ill be taught
how to teach the BPA way and will receive
the week
long exam
least one formal lecture, a brief and a
being in the middle of the social scene, he
practical session. These will be debriefed to
would make his excuses and retire to bed
help you in future. You will be coached on
early. You begin to appreciate the hard
how to teach and not what to teach (as
work that the DZ staff do, especially in the
centres use different equipment and may
middle of the summer when there has been
have slightly different ideas on content). If
a backlog of students and the world and
it's not quite the same as at your DZ don't
worry. A t some point you will complete an
his wife have arrived at the DZ. This is
where your qualities as an instructor will
open book test on the Operations Manual.
really be tested; to be alert, unhurried and
observant. You have the ability to prevent
several formal lectures on such things as
methods of instruction, basic rigging, flying
an accident, or even a fatality, by stopping
for parachuting, flight-line checking and
A t the end of the week the examiners will
many others.
have made a collective assessment and
give you a recommendation to attend an
a chain of events before it begins.
The course means long days starting early
exam course after any period of up to a
and going on late into the evening; it
year. Aim to be recommended to return in
that you must pass with at least 70%. You
mirrors busy summer days at a typical DZ.
six months but don't be disappointed if you
w ill normally do at least one formal lesson,
It should be borne in mind that the week is
require longer. It's better to have more time
a brief and a practical lesson. If the
The exam week begins with a written test
Chatteris fight-line by M ike Rust
Tandem and AFF Instructors
This article is about becom ing a Category System Instructor. If you
w ant to becom e a Tandem or AFF Instructor, you can start by
attending either the CSBI course or a specific tandem or AFF Basic
Instructor course. These are held on the sam e course as the CSBI,
as everyone is required to attend the sam e form al lectures. The
only difference is the subject m atter of the briefs yo u give.
If yo u do w ant to be an AFF or tandem instructor yo u would
probably be best to do the CSBI course because, if you
subsequently w ant to becom e a different sort of instructor, yo u can
then attend a n y of the final courses but an AFF Basic Instructor can
only g o on to be an AFF instructor, sim ilarily for tandem.
Do YOU have what it takes?
mmf, * ''
A p p r o a c h a b le
A le r t a n d u n h u r rie d
S a fe ty C o n s c io u s
O b s e rv a n t
F irm
E n q u irin g M in d
G o o d E x a m p le
K n o w le d g e a b le
C o n fid e n c e
S y s te m a tic
weather is suitable, you w ill carry out static line despatching.
Ifthe BPA
Examiners are satisfied you are worthy, you'll be awarded Category System
Instructor status
Photo sequence by G ary W ainw right shows Langar instructor Rusty
Long hours, little pay and sometimes scanty appreciation by DZ owners can
seem to be small reward. The benefits are more personal: training the first
jump course and seeing their reaction after landing; progressing a student
briefing them and despatching them on their first freefall; landing with them
after their Cat 8 dive; when your ex-student tells you he's now doing
camera full time 'down under'; when an ex-student wins the Nationals;
when one's now doing tandems in the States and another has just been
successful on her Bl course. Well that's reward enough to know that you've
helped them to pursue their dreams.
If you think you are up to the challenge then read the Instructors section of
the BPA Ops Manual (available at your DZ) to ensure you qualify. Speak to
people you know who are going through the process at the moment and
those that you respect such as your CCI. If you're still keen, ask for their
recommendation to be booked on a CSBI course. Be prepared to work your
backside off and reap the rewards that only those who do the do and not
those that talk a good story will know.
Lewis in action
“Mammy - where do
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R O B C O L P U S - F a th e r o f S y m b i
for Paragon Skydiving Club ASAP
Tel:- 01821642 454 weekends only
I I t
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from March 30 to Sept. 30
Skyvan & Super otter / 4200m
Casa for boogies and special events
s p e c ia l r a te s f o r t e a m s a n d g r o u p s
M ay 6 to 11 S p rin g B oo gie Super otter, Casa,
Skyvan. With BaByLoN and Frick Atmonauti
[RW, FreeFly, WingSuit].
M ay 18 to 20 1st round of the R W french cup.
Skyvan and Super Otter
/ /
M ay 21 to 26 : C o Vertical 5000 m
Super Otter. All styles
Ju ly 8 to 14 European F ly in g convention
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FreeFly and wingSuit load organization
August 10 to 18 espace B oo gie 2002
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Telephone & Fax: 01949 860878
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flying our turbine aircraft every jum ping day!
4 - 1 2 Ma y
l *
" p o o g i e
RAPS, Tandem Skydives,
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Loads o f jumping and p arties and music!
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ANt> “
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Canteen, 1?ar,
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Should a Sabre canopy
be pro-packed or
I don't know much about your experience level,
jump numbers, or years in the sport so my answer
to your question will be on the assumption that
you have little experience and that it is a fairly
Advice on buying a rig
large Sabre.
Please could y o u g ive m e som e advice on b u y in g a rig? I've recently
achieved m y FS1 a n d h ave d o w n s ize d the canopies I'm using quite
com forta b ly. A m I re a d y to invest in a n e w rig? I w a s th in kin g of a
c a n o p y a b o u t 170 to 190 sqft. This is a m anufacturer's recom m endation
for m y w e ig h t. I've go t the m o n e y a n d the b a ck in g of m y instructor a n d
I a m ju m p in g 2 2 0s at the m om ent. I d o n 't w a n t to spend on a
second h an d rig then be skint w h e n I need a n e w rig . A m I
| c
being o v e r am bitious?
What most people call a pro-pack is very far from
the real thing and it is sometimes better that you
flat-pack and have more order to the pack job
than a disorderly pro-pack. The notion of the pro­
pack is that the canopy would be properly
orientated for a smooth and on-heading opening.
That one starts at the container; working your way
up to the canopy and then back to the container
again, as opposed to having to go back and forth
between the canopy and the container to either
stow the brakes or bring up the slider, as you
It is a seller's market right now for decent second hand kit for first time buyers. Dealers
may have a list of people looking for decent, modern, used gear, suitable for first time
would when flat-packing.
Two important issues with flat-packing that could
be better done by pro-packing:
Finding a modern container that fits both you and your canopy choice is usually the
problem. Because of this many people in your situation have decided not to wait for that
elusive, perfect, used rig to come along and have gone ahead and ordered a new custom
container that fits them properly. Then in the 2-3 months it takes to arrive, they have found
a combination of new or used canopies and a Cypres to put in it. This way you could start
with a used (cheaper) 190 and downsize later into the same container/reserve combo.
a) The positioning of the slider. The slider should
be evenly distributed front to back and left to
right, orientating it so that it is subject to the
relative wind on opening.
b) The ability to wrap the tail of the canopy. Roll it
It's possible to up or downsize at least one canopy size into any given container. It's easier
to find used mains on their own that are suitable than to find suitable containers.
with a few twists, allowing you to control the
fabric better when s-folding it and putting it in the
Assuming you are right about the manufacturer's recommendations, buy a 190 square
These issues can be addressed if you flat-pack;
foot canopy, learn excellent pilot skills on that and then downsize later to a 170 when
when you reach the stage of wrapping the tail
you're ready. Whereas, if you go straight from the 220 to 170, you may find it harder to
around the canopy, pick it up off the ground,
fly and develop your skills as this is a big change. Many people who downsize too early
orientate the slider correctly and then wrap the tail
find they don't enjoy their new canopy as much as they expected because they are uneasy
around the canopy. In doing so, you should
always be careful not to pull the D and steering
about flying i t , especially near the ground.
lines of the canopy around the nose, thus
Dr Rob
increasing the risk of a line-over.
[email protected]
When you pull the tail around the canopy, try and
[There is an article in the Starter M a g about choosing kit. You can also use the search
facility on the Skydive M a g website and input 'buying kit'. - Ed]
produce a couple of firm and even twists in the
tail, so as to take some of the slack out of the tail,
before laying it gently on the ground - a
technique that comes with practice. You often see
f Where can I find the technical details
about constructing tubes for freefly?
people throw the canopy on the ground which
does nothing for the integrity and order of the
pack job.
I hope this helps answer your question. If you
The guys at Babylon Free Fly School invented the freefly tube and are very helpful. You
need to you can always contact your local dealer
can get some info from the Skyrats website. Don't even think about jumping a tube
for an owner's manual or contact customer
without asking the CCI's permission, whether at a UK drop zone or abroad.
services at Performance Designs.
Dr Bushman, PD
[email protected]
Isn't there a site w h e re the
techniques of b o d y flyin g for
FS are e xp la in e d in detail? For
e x a m p le , I w a n t to m ake a
d iago n al m o ve to the left and
fo rw a rd , w ith a turn of 9 0
degrees also to the left, all in
one fluent m otion. Can I find
som e w h e re on the w e b w h e re
it is e xplained w h a t to d o w ith
arm s a nd legs to
perform such a
Struggling Freeflyer
M y head up is p retty g o o d . But w h e n it
comes to h e a d -d o w n , as the speed starts
to build I tend to end up on m y ba ck. M y
friend tells m e that I'm a 'typical
freeflyer', I need to breathe a n d re la x
m o re . This is easier said than
d o n e , as w h e n I re la x I just end
up on m y b ack quicker. A n y
suggestions for a stru gglin g
;4 I
freeflyer w o u ld be appreciated.
Jo h n
Make some jumps with your hands on
your stomach. Place them palm down, on top of
one another, on your belly button. Climb out of the
plane and stand on the rail with your back to the
I'm not sure if there is a
website devoted to techniques (what a
your stomach and just 'stand' there. The relative
great ideal). Check out
wind will cause you to make a back loop and then and see
you will find yourself head-down. Push your feet
where that leads you.
wide apart, sideways and try to keep your feet flat,
slipstream. Step off sideways, place your hands on
as opposed to pointed. Concentrate on relaxing,
breathing and hangin' from your head. Look at the
horizon and just 'hang'.
This worked for me, and after a few jumps I was
able to move my hands out into the
'Whasssszzuuuuuup' position.
Dr George
[email protected]
The Kit Store Lid
Gold Necklaces
In Stock Now!
9 carat
Li’rgz stock of alt the stuff to satisfy
your skydiving needs and desires
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Call, fax or email
R o b Colpus
for help or a brochure
O r drop in to the Kit Store at
Headcorn D Z at any tim e
Welcome to the Urnm 111 Quuiain boogie in the United Arab Cmirates at
the gulf of the Arabian Sea. Hot sunny uieather, crystal clear blue skies,
incredible views and great people w ere abundant. O v e r tw o thousand
skydives w ere made from four different flying machines over stunning
turquoise lagoons and an incredible stretch of desert sands.
Over 100 skydivers From the UK, Germany, Cyprus, the Czech Republic, France,
America, Russia, Saudi Arabia and the Cmirates gathered for exotic, summer-style
fun. The average temperature was a brilliant 26 degrees C. Freeflyer Fred Maio of
France said that the best thing about this boogie was "Definitely the heat; being
able to walk around in shorts and T-shirt in the evenings.
Darryl Moran, advanced F5 load organiser said. "There are no egos here, and the
guaranteed sunshine every day is terrific. The boogie was a pleasure to organise
and we had great jumps consistently throughout." Darryl's group ranged from 8way to 12-ways, whilst Sam UUilliams catered for medium level skills and guest
jumper Mike Brown on the way home to Flinton from New Zealand stepped in to
organise the 'bunnies'. Paul Stockwell did a sterling job for all on camera and
Anne Manning was a smiling sea of tranquillity on manifest.
S a m W illiam s
April 2002
Antonov Tailgate jets
One of the special treats at this year's boogie was a
Vakolov Vak 40 jet, pictured overleaf. Similar to a baby
Boeing 727, the Vak was truly an experience to jump.
Lined up in single file rows, the 40 jumpers run down
the centre of the plane, exiting through a porthole style
door at the rear of the aircraft, diving straight down into
the blue abyss. Remarkablel
In addition to the Vak and the skydive centre's super
clean Let 410, jumpers uuere lucky enough to have tuuo
different Antonov jets roar in for the occasion. The AN26
was impressive enough, carrying 70 jumpers, but then
they brought in the big guns, an AN 12, which held 170
skydivers and could climb to full altitude in warp speed
of 8 minutes, pictured below. The tailgate was large
enough for six jumpers across.
It was an exciting experience for many since we think
the Vak has never been used as a jump plane. Chris
Davies o f Netheravon said the Vak wos his favourite
because he'd never jumped one before. Chris
celebrated his 1500“’ jump on the successful 26-way
formation dive thot broke the standing UA€ national
Jim UJeir exited in a Zen-style lotus position, being
literally chucked out o f the plane. Cddy Smerdon of
Longer jumped his BirdMon suit and said ”/ was level
with the flntonov For 7 seconds looking a t Rob [Colpus]
inside - it mas overwhelming!"
Paul Stockwell
UJqs this boogie skydiving only? No way! UAC hod
plenty o f other octivities, just as well os not everyone
was able to do os many jumps os they wanted owing to
aircraft problems and manifesting arrangements being
difficult with so many different jumpships. The Gun Club,
just over the road from the flero Club, was popular.
Janet Fallon said "firing machine guns w as kinda'
surreal. I fired an SR80. UJe just walked in and they
gave us a machine gun!"
Ulho you gonna coll? Dune Busters!
Another popular excursion was the sand dune safari, fl
caravan of twenty 4-wheel drive Toyota Land Cruisers
charged through the sand, roaring up the dunes, sidesliding around, sailing over the top, crashing down on
the other side in air-conditioned style with hard core
drivers. Ruthie Cooper of Headcorn loved the experience
and gushed, "Dune busting! The sa n d was just like
w aves of water. It w as like being on a small boat in
choppy seas- pure exhilaration!" Tom Hurst of Hinton
said, “I thought the truck w as gonna g o over a couple oT
times!" Tom and his fellow BOSS team-mate Dave
Phillips of Chatteris both achieved FS1.
Included in the safari package was an an Arabian
evening complete with crutch-boshing camel rides,
artistic henna tattoos, delicious buffet dinner and
mesmerising belly dancing with Chris Spirit a star guest
UJoter Pork
UJalking distance from our luxurious hotel villas was a
gigantic water park full of slides and rides. W e had a
really go o d time", said Chris Mizzi who went with his
lady, Sally, and their little boy Toby.
fo x : (+ 9 7 1 6 )7 6 8 1 3 9 3
M o n ta ge compiled from photos by W e n d y Haffey, D e b Clarke, Jim Weir, Paul Stockwell, Pete M arsden, Sa m W illiam s an d Lesley Gale, Olym pus Digital
The Barracuda complex where we stayed had a patio area around the pool which
provided a convivial spot for evening socialising. Ruth Cooper was our barbecue
queen, cooking up two fine feasts, included in the package price from Pete Marsden
On the last day of the boogie most of the group spent the day in the city o f Dubai;
shopping in the souks for gold, spices, antiques and woven rugs; cruising the bustling
Dubai Creek in traditional Dhow wooden boats; and drinking in the friendly Irish Pub at
the luxurious Metropolitan Deira Hotel for a long farewell party. Newly made friends »
prepared to leave our oasis and return to our daily worlds around the globe. LUe tried
not to think about returning to chilly days as compared to those balmy Arabian nights!
O lym p us Digital
Ulendy Haffey
[email protected]
i v
H ib a ld s t o w
New Age Regionals
25-26 May
FS Coaching Roadshow with VNE 15 -16 June
Summer Boogie No.l
15-23 June
BCPA Nationals
1-5 July
4-way FS Nationals
27-29 July
8 -way FS Nationals
3 -5 August
Summer Boogie No.l 1 0 - 1 8 August
Unbeatablejump prices at Summer Boogies
Freefly W eekends and Even ts
th ro u gh o u t the year
great plane line-up
huge packing hangar
covered creeper pad
kit shop
load organisers
NEW rigging loft
NEW unlimited video & camera
L downloading booths
The U K ’s m ost progressive skydiving centre
Hibaldstow Airfield, Hibaldstow, Brigg, N o rth Lincolnshire
Office Tel/Fax 0113 250 5600
Drop Zone
01652 648837
[email protected]
M ay B a n k H o lid ay Weekend
4-6 M ay
Flat flyers & Freeflyers alike welcome
FS 4 way Scramble organised and coached by
Andy Ibbetson & Chris Peacock. Prizes up for grabs
(registration form must be filled in on arrival)
Freefly organising and coaching by “ Euphoria” .
C om e and learn FF skills in a fun
& frie n dly atm osphere
Party on Saturday night
Buffet/BBQ on Sunday night
V ery co m p e titiv e ju m p p rices
U n b ea ta b le tea m rates,
call Leeds office fo r details
B a r & live
e n t e r t a in m e n t
C a n te e n - H o t & c o ld
fo o d , d r in k s & m e a ls
A c c o m m o d a t io n
b lo c k , te a m r o o m s
w ith V C R c o n n e c tio n s
a n d c a m p in g a v a ila b le
3 large lecture rooms
plenty of student kit
many instructors for advice
Great AFF prices
2 student aircraft: G92/CH6
cameramen available
The Confidential Report System
helps identify human factors and
equipment problems which might
cause an accident, early enough
to prevent another problem
happening. This system costs less
to run than the accident it can
A great deal of what we learn about Incidents
gets circulated by Chinese w hispers and
anecdotal tales, often after som eone gets hurt.
5ometimes people Keep quiet about things
which happen to the m , for ve ry valid reasons.
This reluctance to tell m ay be because you feel:
you m ay be In the wrong
It's n o t im p o rta n t enough
you m ig h t g e t som eone in trouble
It could make you look stupid.
The confidential reporting system solves all o f
this. You can explain your experiences without
any em barrassm ent or finger-wagging, as
anything you say will be kep t utterly private. You
m ig h t ju s t Identify a problem that was ab ou t to
kill som ebody, so you could potentially save
so m e o n e 's life.
1. Premature Opening
expose the main container to over 120mph of
This happens a lot more often than you
might think. A very experienced and
reasonably cautious jumper w ith a
modern piece of gear on her back
exited solo and tried a bit of sit-flying.
At 1 0,0 00 feet, she w as brought to a
very sudden halt by her premature
deployment but, when it comes, you're risking a
"I had a lot of pain in my right arm but flew the
canopy down as best I could, t landed, and
collapsed onto the ground, because I figured if I
didn't, I'd faint, puke, or both. I got myself
together eventually and walked in nursing a by
now excruciatingly painful arm. I got a friend to
help me get out of my suit, expecting to see an
opened up arm. There was no blood, but my
arm was like Popeye's, and growing rapidly.
Six months on, after extensive physio my arm
still has a lump in it, but at least I have got full
"W hat hacks me off most is that I asked for
advice on freeflying, and was told that, whilst
the main flap tuck tab was not ideal, the rest of
my rig would be okay, I've now had a bridle
cover fitted, and had the B O C pocket re-cut a
lot tighter."
Contributing factors
Freeflying, whilst undoubtedly being great fun
presents several problems. Not all kit is ideally
suited for the job. Whilst the main deploying
from the small of your back is fine when belly to
earth, things aren't so good when you directly
April 2002
airflow. Not only do you risk a premature main
malfunction, and/or serious pain.
This jumper was lucky, she just got months of
pain. She is not alone in my files. Other injuries
from premature openings whilst freeflying include
a compound arm and shoulder injury.
(Compound injuries are the ones where bones
stick out.)
The other problem isn't quite so obvious. If you're
fresh out of RAPS or AFF training, you might be
a little shy about asking for coaching or just in
need of a break from 'formal' lessons. It's easy to
default to a freefly jump on your own, when
maybe your equipment isn't suitable.
Each element of the sport requires certain kit. Get
the right kit, or get yours modified.
Each element of the sport also requires you to
learn skills. Watching the bar video and reading
articles isn't enough. You must learn skydiving
skills from a teacher. Don't be afraid to ask the
best teacher you can find. If they're any good,
they'll be only too happy to help.
Finally, jumpmasters, if someone on the load says
they're "just off for a solo", get them to be more
specific. If they say they're just "Going to try a bit
of this and a bit of that", then they probably
don't have a plan and that could spell trouble.
If you have any safety
problem, accident or near
accident, report it in complete
confidence by phone or in
writing to:
+ -»
Confidential Report
Rick Boardm an
281 Ablington
01980 670 598
07747 114 602
These numbers are private
Email: available soon
Thank you and farewell to Allan Hewitt, who has worked very hard
on the Confidential Reporting system for several years now. Hello
and welcome to Rick Boardman (above) who has now [been]
volunteered to take over the processing of confidential reports and
writing these up, together with traditional incident reports for the
magazine. Rick’s taken a slightly different approach, let us know what
you think.
2. Aircraft Emergency
On a cold clear day, w ell within limits for everyone, the
first jumper had just left the aircraft at 3 ,5 0 0 feet when the
aircraft engine started to run rough. The jumpmaster
elected to turn back over the airfield and put everyone else
out on one pass, leaving the pilot to deal w ith the plane.
The aircraft landed back a t the airfield.
Caught out by the change to a shorter delay, a jumper that
w as expecting to exit higher, now got a bit of a rush on.
His hand slipped on the main deployment device and he
w en t for the reserve. The jumpmaster saw all this and
landed outside the PLA (parachute landing area) to collect
the free-bag.
Contributing Factors
Aircraft: they don't always work, it's as simple as that. They very rarely let
us down so when they decide not to play, it can be a bit of a nasty
Skydivers can only prevent aircraft problems in a very limited sense. If
you see something hanging loose, leaking, or just not looking right, then
talk to someone (ideally the pilot), and you might save some grief. In this
particular case, there was little the jumpers could do except what they
were told. All the jumpmaster could do was make sure that the jumpers
left in good order, thus lightening the load for the pilot, who had a lot of
work to do.
Jumpmasters should always have a plan for this scenario because it is so
rare. This jumpmaster had a plan ready, organised the jumpers, and got
on with it. The stress level for a low experience jumper in this situation
could be very high. Proof of this is in the open admission to 'a bit of
panic', going though the mind of the jumper who ended up on a reserve.
This jumpmaster handled it. Are you ready, as you cruise to altitude, to do
a bit more than spot for the lift?
Rick Boardman
April 2002
-w a y
8-way is pretty, diverse and has fascinating mechanics
8-way has now become even more accessible:
• IPC changes to the pool have taken out many of the fry-your-brain blocks
• the Nationals is run over a long weekend
t the Regionals now include 8-way
So, to set you up, here’s the SECRET stuff on the brand new blocks from
British National 8-way team, VNE...
“Great fun. Swiss Tony’s are a slow
X *■? X
block like frisbee but the action
involved makes them seem like a
high energy ripper. ”
Standard ‘A ’ launch and transition to
first point.
Or, if confident,‘B’ launch.
Non switcher block.
Green/yellow check left fo r
singleton and compress complete,
heads together and key/move.
Block Move
Red/purple hold ground and anchor
while green and yellow move
A .
* I
towards each other, passing right
shoulders to form a 6-way compress
picture. Blue/brown rotate right and
travel backwards into the space the
pieces have created. As
green/yellow pass through they
anchor and red/purple squeeze
knees and pass backwards left
shoulders through the 6-way
compress picture.
Red/purple then stop hard looking
fo r singletons, (blue and brown).
Blue/brown watch this second phase
move and finish rotation aiming to
present right legs to green and
Hot Tips
build it on level
out-facers are responsible for
seeing everything
everybody see the key
passive people should watch
and help maintain proxim ity
use the target 6-way compress
picture to gauge timing o f piece
rotation and levels
singleton move is similar to
frisbee singleton moves
red/purple pull knees in
together and watch clone in
second part o f block
key when static
Red/purple should
target inside left leg of
singletons. Red/purple
should be last on.
green and yellow check
the singletons, see red
and purple on, then
heads in and key.
Suggested Skydive:
L, 2
Combine w ith a star as a
random fo r the first point
Key to
• White:
C olours,
Centre Front Float
B ro w n :
Rear Rear Float (Tail)
F ro n t D iv e r
Centre Float (Outside Centre)
Rear Diver
'* m
M a in photo: V N E by A n d y Ford
“ A workhorse block with lots of
bust potential. Very like the old
opal-opal blocks with four pieces
going as fast as they can on level
without busting because of loose
arms drifting”
Standard ‘A ’ launch.
14, open accordian - diamond. All
pieces go forwards through an 8way compress.The next 90° picture
is an 8-way box, then 8-way
compress again.
As you travel through the last box
picture the catch is made by yellow
on black and green on white.The
end pairs watch the centre build
and transition to have centre of sub
groups moving towards the centre
o f whole formation.
Hot Tips
Build it on level
Everybody see the key
Loose hands under chin - the
block has bust potential for
flailing fingers
Use the target compress/box
pictures to gauge
W atch the levels, particularly as
the catch is made in the centre
at the end
Block Move
You are in the same pieces as block
and kpv
Green/yellow check right fo r donut
piece builds then key w ith left arm
Red/purple should target inside
right leg presentation to black/white
-----------------catchers while
blue/brown transition
sidewards to close
Skydive: C, 7
and help the piece
Combine w ith random C,
move finish correctly.
hourglass, as the first
Green/yellow check
right fo r finish, head in
N on switcher block.
April 2002
“ We tested this one out in the air
For dive pool info and much much more visit:
Thanks Tim W agner for dive pool im ages and help
and it’s a wicked boogie block”
Standard 'A ' launch from left side
door aircraft; transition when ready
to formation. The rear four people
form the donut, fro n t four form the
bipole; inside centre and outside
centre are in a pod on the legs o f the
rear diver.
Non-switcher block.
W h ite and green check own piece,
heads in and key.
Block Move
The donut piece can go vertical and
should travel under bipole piece.
Beware o f sub group centrepoints
crossing (bust potential). Both pieces
are turning clockwise.
Black and red hold their ground and
aim to contribute to green and blue
moving the centrepoint straight at
purple. W h ite holds ground, brown
and yellow start transition towards
green and blue, purple anticipates the
vertical and squeezes backwards.
As purple and blue cross over, the
passive pairs now impulse to finish
rotation and the other pairs now
stop hard and w o rk on proxim ity o f
the pieces.
Momentum can build very quickly in
the rotation. It is vital that this is
stopped before closing.The ideal
picture p rio r to closure is black in a
sidebody on yellow. As the pieces
rotate to the finish, yellow aims to
hook the outside o f the left and then
present arm grip to green.
Hot Tips
Anticipate the vertical move
Everybody see the key
Passive people should watch
and help maintain proxim ity
Avoid fast head switches in the
donut piece as this will cause
over rotations and missed
Target the sidebody picture
of black on yellow p rio r to close
Go hard but stop harder
Key when static
Suggested Skydive: B, 17
Combine w ith random B, stairstep as
the first point:
Here, VNE describe the two basic 8*way
launches, including the secret B launch. The B
could be a fun challenge to try at a weekend. It’s
an easy exit to pull off a Turbolet as the front
floater has a step to use as support. It’s fun and
it’s funky, give it a go.
S ta n d
A Lau n ch
The five floaters all have a left hand grip on the next person's right
leg, except purple, fro n t float who grips the aircraft rails and red, rear
float who takes an arm grip on black, the rear diver. Divers all have a
left hand grip on the next person's right leg and take right hand grips
on the floaters’ right arms as follows: Rear diver on centre floater
(black on green), centre diver on centre floater (yellow on white) and
fro n t diver on fro n t floater (brown on purple). As the floaters peel
off, they take the double arm grip fo r rigidity across the centre (see
Timing is everything - to generalise, the people in the tail are
responsible fo r getting down early to help the fro n t present.
W hen the exit count comes, tail need to think early and straight
down.The centre think away and present hips. The fro n t has the
hardest job thinking out, up, present. Purple, the fro n t float may need
a lift (from white, centre fro n t floater) to help present hips up the hill
rather than dragging/impeding the ir exit. Brown, the fro n t diver
cruises out w ith good presentation o f the hips. A
The ideal exit picture is as per the photo, a stairstep diamond with
everyone parallel. Hold that exit until you are ready and on the same
air (no cutting in/wobbling).
Common issues are the tail not leaving early enough causing a flick
fo r the front, o r different timing causing a fold in the centre.
Centre Front Float
Centre Float (Outside
Centre Rear Floater
Rear Rear Float (Tail)
Front Diver
Rear Diver
Main photo: Andy Ford
April 2002
For certain form ations
trained teams use the
‘B’ launch, where tw o
centre people (black
and white) are facing
the opposite way. The
here, including the slots.
B Lau n ch
B Launch
Line-up & Grips
The colours take up the same places in the d o or but white, w ho was
centre fro n t float, is now diving, compressed on green, centre float.
Black, w ho was diving, is now floating outside w ith a compress grip on
yellow, centre diver.
This is a bit complex but stick w ith it!!
G re e n , centre float has a left hand on the rail and a right hand on
black’s left leg. (Black was rear diver but is now in the same slot
only floating.)
W h it e (who was centre fro n t float but is now is now diving from
the same position) has a right hand on the rail and is leaning out
far w ith a left hand compressed grip on green, centre float.
P u rp le , fro n t float, has a left hand grip on the aircraft and a right
hand grip on white's right leg (it’s a bit cack-handed but it works)
B ro w n , fro n t diver, has leg grips on w hite (centre fro n t float)
and yellow, centre diver
Y ello w , centre diver, has w hite’s right leg and a cross grip
on green, the centre float
B la c k (who was rear diver) stands next to centre float as
a floater coming out o f the aircraft essentially backwards.
Red, rear float, takes a leg grip o f black, the rear diver.
B lu e , centre rear float hangs o u t low and grips green’s leg
as normal w hilst super-floating round the back o f black
(the now floating rear diver).
The timing o f the exit is crucial w ith tail (red and blue) leaving earlier
to allow black to leave before yellow (centre diver).
See picture, showing loose Chinese T's.Timing changes are just to see
the tail getting off/down earlier than usual.The rear diver needs to
make sure they see/feel the exit pulse and get away slightly earlier than
usual.The emphasis should be off the aircraft and straight down in
ord er to beat the oth er divers out.The centre compress people really
box it out.The fro n t has a similar job as before, hips up and present.
The centre have cross grips and when launching/transitioning to tw o
separate pieces, such as double Chinese tees, the cross grip helps
retain proxim ity at the start.The exit can look a bit loose but takes a
split second to turn into Chinese tees.
Tail think early early early
Rear diver think D O W N !
Article by: Andy Scott, [email protected] and Ian ‘Stumpy’Matthews, [email protected]
April 2002
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P a re n ts
B e w a re
A s a n e n lig h t e n e d , m o d e r n p a re n t, I ta k e g re a t p a in s to e n su re m y
c h ild re n g ro w u p in a su p p o rtiv e , h e a lth y e n v iro n m e n t. W e sp e n d tim e
tog e th e r, p la y sp o rts toge th e r, a n d a re a lw a y s th e re fo r each other. W e
Here are some signs th a t your son m ay be a freeflyer:
1. Has your son storied to dress like a surfer or a clown? F lo p p y p a n ts, c o n tra stin g
colou rs, b ig h a ts a n d p atc h e s a re a ll w a rn in g s ig n s th a t h e is b e g in n in g the
slid e d o w n th e slo p e to w a rd s in te n tio n a l instability.
e n c o u r a g e o u r c h ild re n to d e v e lo p th e ir ta le n ts, w h a te v e r th e y m a y be.
2. Have you noticed n a il polish on your son's fingernails or toenails? D o n 't be p u t
O n e o f m y d a u g h t e r s h a s a lw a y s w a n te d to p la y the g u ita r, a n d w e p a id
off b y th e c o m m o n , "O h , it's just s o m e t h in g w e d id o n a ra in y d a y " excuse.
fo r le sso n s fo r her. W e e v e n let o u r so n T o n y ta k e s k y d iv in g le sson s.
F re e fly e rs a re w e ll k n o w n fo r th e ir secre tive id e n tify in g m a rk s.
3. Does his ha ir seem to be changing colour? C h e c k a n o ld fa m ily a lb u m to m a k e
F o r a y e a r o r so, a ll w a s w ell. C a th y c o n tin u e d h e r g u it a r le sso n s a n d
b e c a m e q u ite sk ille d . T o n y k e p t ju m p in g a n d b e c a m e a safe , co m p e te n t
su re th a t h is h a ir h a s a lw a y s b e e n p u rp le . If not, y o u s h o u ld k e e p a n e ye on
w h o h e 's h a n g in g o u t w ith at th e D Z.
sk y d iv e r, a n d w e h a v e se v e ra l pictu re s of h im in the sk y o n o u r liv in g ro o m
4. Do some o f the logos on his clothing seem to be upside down? F re e fly e rs often
w a ll. I w a s co n te n t w ith t h in g s th e w a y th e y w e re u n til C a th y ca m e ru n n in g
fly u p sid e -d o w n , a n d lik e to re v e rse th e lo g o s o n th e ir c lo th in g a n d e q u ip m e n t
in to th e ro o m y e llin g "D a d ! T o n y 's a fre e fly e r!" A s y o u can im a g in e , I w a s
so th e y se e m th e rig h t w a y u p in fre e fa ll. B e w a re of w o rd s th a t m a k e se n se the
sh o c k e d . A fre e fly e r in o u r o w n h o u se !
rig h t w a y u p a s u p sid e -d o w n , lik e th e G ra v ity G e a r lo g o o r 'W O W '.
5. Do a ll his friends seem to have video cameras? F re e fly e rs a re w e ll k n o w n fo r
I im m e d ia te ly w e n t in to m y s o n 's b e d r o o m a n d b e g a n s e a rc h in g it. A fte r a
th e ir d e sire to be o n c a m e ra , a n d h a v in g six d ig ita l c a m c o rd e rs su d d e n ly
s h o rt se a rc h I w a s d ism a y e d to fin d a ll the p a r a p h e r n a lia o f fre e fly e rs - a
a p p e a r d u r in g a g e t-to g e th e r is a su re s ig n th a t y o u r so n is t h in k in g a b o u t
flo p p y ju m p su it, a c a m e ra h e lm e t w ith a s in g le d ig ita l c a m e ra o n it, a rig
f ly in g o n h is h e a d .
w ith a ru b b e r b a n d y th in g b e tw e e n th e le g stra p s, e v e n n a il p o lish a n d h a ir
c o lo u rin g ! I c o n fro n te d h im a n d he a d m itte d to it. W e 'v e se n t h im to
c o u n se llin g , a n d su p p o rte d h im in h is fig h t to re m a in o n h is b e lly a n d
a w a y fro m th e d e v ia n t b e h a v io u r s of th e fre e flye rs. A fte r g o in g th r o u g h
th is o r d e a l w ith m y o w n fa m ily , I k e p t w o n d e r in g h o w I co u ld best h e lp
o th e rs in s im ila r situ a tio n s. It's o n ly rig h t th a t I p ro v id e in fo rm a tio n to
o th e r p a re n ts, in th e h o p e th a t th e y w ill be a b le to tell if th e ir ch ild re n a re
6. Does he have a sudden desire to videotape everything? T h is m a y be a n
e x te n sio n of h is fre e fly in g h a b it o f re c o rd in g e v e ry ju m p a n d th e n w a tc h in g
th e m a ll c o m p u lsiv e ly .
7. Is he buying perverse videotapes with images o f smoking clowns, base jumps
and nearly naked women? T h e se so rts of ta p e s a re w e ll k n o w n in fre e fly in g
b e in g d ra w n in to th e w o rld of fre e fly in g . P e r h a p s o th e r p a re n ts w ill be
I e n c o u r a g e a ll p a re n ts to re a d th r o u g h th is g u id e care fully. Y o u r c h ild 's fu tu re m a y d e p e n d
a b le to ste e r th e ir s o n s b a c k o n to th e s tra ig h t a n d n a r ro w b e fo re e x tre m e
u p o n it. F re e fly in g is a n u n n a t u ra l a n d p e rv e rse activity th a t m a y le a d y o u r ch ild to h a v e
p re m a tu re d e p lo y m e n ts, m a k e b a d fa sh io n choices, be o stra c ise d b y n o r m a l ju m p e rs a n d
m e a s u r e s n e e d to be e m p lo y e d .
te a r y o u r fa m ily a p a rt. It c a n n o t be ta k e n to o se rio u sly .
D iv e
P o o l
C o v e r G r ip e
H a v in g re a d y o u r recent e d ito ria l, I th o u g h t th a t I'd p u t
impact o f the bright colours and the (actually) unusual
configuration o f freeflyers in a good photographic
composition (the rule o f thirds).
in a g e n e ra l m o a n ! I th o u g h t th a t th e la st co v e r p h o to
O n b e h a lf o f a ll th e c o m p e tito rs I w o u ld
[F e b ] w a sn 't re a lly u p to th e job. M o st of th e p h o to w a s
Given that the best images at m y disposal are in the
lik e to e x p re ss o u r t h a n k s to a ll th o se
o u t of focus a n d th e subject w a s b o rin g . H o w m a n y
Mag (Why would I leave a stonking shot in the
in v o lv e d w ith th e recent IP C m e e tin g
p h o to s h a v e y o u se e n o f ju m p e rs (u s u a lly fre e fly e rs)
th a t d e cid e d th e fu tu re fo rm a t fo r FS.
ju m p in g o v e r th e w a te rw a y s of e ith e r F lo r id a o r
T h e p r o p o se d re d u c tio n s h a d
E m p u r ia ?
taken with Adrian Nicholas' e xit shot o f Sebastian on
e n c o u ra g e d m a ssiv e re a c tio n w o rld w id e ,
w ith d iffe re n t n a tio n a l te a m s e m a ilin g
drawer?), what do you think would have made a better
cover? I am genuinely interested. Personally I was very
A p a rt fro m this, it's still a g re a t m a g .
page 19, it's unusual. Or we could have used the
tracking shot on page 3 7 . 1 fe lt that image was more
id e a s a n d c o u n te r p r o p o s a ls to e a ch
other. T h e IP C d e le g a te s w e re lo b b ie d
Jason Brister
[email protected]
at th e A G M c o m p s m e e tin g to re p re se n t
th e c o m p e tito rs' v ie w s at IP C . T h e
unusual but d idn 't have the immediate impact o f the
one we used. Input desired, Ed-for-a-day, le t me know
'y o u r' choice o f cover from the last Mag...
c h a n g e s to th e fo rm a t reflect th e g re a t
job th e se g u y s d id in g e ttin g th e IP C to
liste n to w h a t w e w ant.
N ice o n e !
A nd y Scott, VNE
[email protected]
Hi Jason!
Dear Lesley,
Covers are the most contentious area o f the Mag and
definitely a m atter o f taste; one man's m eat is another's
D o n 't g e t m e w ro n g a b o u t th e subject con te n t o f the
p h o to g ra p h , it 's a g re a t c o m p o sitio n , just th a t it 's o u t of
You're right the cover isn't sharp. I knew that when I
chose it but went fo r the aesthetics o f the shot, the
A n r i l 2002
no M im a
M ira g e System s of the USA have com e up with a few new im proved, allsinging-all-dancing features on their Mirage harness/container system.
Am ongst the im provem ents are a unique toggle design which 'sp rin g s' open
to present an easily accessible loop which can
be quickly grasped, thus cutting dow n on
'fu m b le ' tim e (pictured, fig 1). New risers
feature a half-brake steering line stowage
method which requires no m oving parts and
no velcro to w ear out and pick up grass and
Their 'soft p a d ' reserve ripcord option is now
constructed with a built-in stiffener plate
between the pad and the attachm ent point,
thus m aking the handle lie flat preventing
'roll u nd e r' (pictured, fig 2). Legstrap link
attachment points are now standard as ore
one-piece cast stainless fittings at the ends of
the cutaw ay cables (pictured, fig 3).
Mirage Systems
001 386 740 9222
i n
That old chestnut - three ring design and m aintenance -
grom m et by the locking loop which should be long enough
Put som e drops on a cloth and firm ly wipe the cables a few
raised its ugly head again with a recent report from the
to give it som e play.
times, a THIN, invisible film should rem ain - too much will
The locking loop should g o straight through the riser
attract dirt and grit.
Australian Parochute Federation which concerned an incident
w here a jum per w as physically unable to pull the cutaway
grom m et on its w a y to the cable housing end fitting.
It should be checked that NO suspended load is supported
loop. In this case it w as determ ined that the problem w as due
by the cable housing and locking loop due to the cable
D o not reverse the risers. Do a line check if necessary. Ensure
to a poorly constructed 3-R ing riser w hose geom etry did not
housing being incorrectly positioned in the harness or
each ring passes through only one other ring, and that the
conform to recom m ended criteria. In this case the two sm aller
being too short.
release handle due to excessive forces generated at the locking
rings did not have metal to metal contact. In 1 9 9 8 the Relative
W orkshop (original designers of the system ) began a detailed
re-evaluation of the engineering specifications necessary to
properly construct a 3 -R ing release. Their findings are
published in the '3 -R in g Release Construction M a nua l - August
1 9 9 8 Specifications' which is available from the Relative
W orkshop. The follow ing m ain points were found to be
Part B: Maintenance
• Each m onth the 3-R ing release should be operated on the
ground by pulling the cables out. W hile it is disassem bled
closely inspect the system , vigorously flex the w ebbing near
locking loop passes through only the sm all ring. Do not kink
the cables or twist the locking loop d uring assembly.
If the above points are follow ed the 3-Ring release system
should w ork perfectly every time. However, even with a
each ring to rem ove a n y 'set', rotate the rings and check for
perfectly constructed and m aintained system, extrem e cutaw ay
bends and elongation and check around the riser grom m et for
forces m a y still be experienced if extra G forces are created by
w ebbing failure.
a violently spinning, m alfunctioned m ain at cutaw ay time. As
• Check the white loop for any wear.
w e 'v e pointed out before in KN a 'L a rg e ' 3-R ing set will reduce
Part A: Inspection
• Check the inside of the Bendix release cable housing for
the forces present at the loop by a factor of four to one.
gravel or other obstructions and feel for a n y dents w here the
necessary for perfect perform ance of the system:
The rings should overlap each other and m aintain metal
contact between each other.
housing runs through the rig. Check the hand tacking which
The rings should be aligned in parallel planes.
• The sm aller ring should not be pulled snug against the
April 2002
secures the housing to the rig.
• Clean and lubricate the cables with a light oil such as 3 -in -l.
Relative Workshop
001 386 756 7589
w w w . relat
A t y o u r s e r v ic e !
Airtec, m a n u fa c tu re rs o f th e n o w
u b iq u ito u s Cypres sy ste m h a s re ce n tly
put o u t the fo llo w in g notice to ow n e rs:
o •
Im m I
"What to do when your Cypres un it requires maintenance? Your Cypres requires factory
maintenance four and eight years after the date o f manufacture (as stated on the serial
number label). To avoid any inconvenience, there is a leeway o f plus/m inus three months
in which the maintenance can be performed. Should the maintenance date be missed,
Airtec is able to perform it at a later date. However, there is no advantage returning a
Cypres fo r maintenance at a dale later than due. The subsequent maintenance w ill still be
due at a four year interval from date o f manufacture. Because o f the number o f Cypres
units in the field, (more than 70,000) Airtec cannot directly deal with a ll Cypres owners.
Airtec has therefore established a w orld wide dealer network to provide a ll skydivers with
an easy and convenient access to Cypres products, and to get the maintenance o f the
Cypres done in an economical manner. There are several advantages, eg Cypres dealers
ship more units at a time to Germany and that w ill split the shipping charges for the
individual. You can pay in your own currency, therefore avoiding higher fees fo r foreign
money transfers or cheques. For customers outside o f the EC, another advantage is no
customs hassle or unexpected high im port duty.
"Should your Cypres require maintenance or service, please send it to your local dealer. I f
you don '1 know who that is, please contact Airtec in Germany, and they w ill be glad to
provide you with the address. A ll Cypres units received directly at Airtec w ill be sent back
to you via one o f the Cypres dealers in your country. "
0049 2953 98990
S ig h t N e a t e r
O n e o f the im p o rta n t e le m e n ts o f s k y d iv in g e q u ip m e n t d e sig n is the atte m p t to
" I t ' S
l l
t i v
p ro d u ce clean, s n a g -p r o o f p ro d u c ts w h ich d o not in vite ro g u e su sp e n sio n lin e s to
attach th e m se lv e s d u rin g d e p lo y m e n t. C a m e ra h e lm e t d e sig n is o n e a re a w h e re th is is
l a
p a rtic u la rly im p o rta n t a s e rra n t lin e s s n a g g in g o n h e lm e ts d u rin g the o p e n in g
se q u e n c e is o n e e x p e rie n c e m o st ju m p e rs could d o w ithout. U p until n o w th o u g h , o n e
( W
r k s h
) "
p a rticu la r a re a w h e re su r p ris in g ly little
'c le a n in g u p ' a s g o n e o n is in the d e sig n of
c a m e ra sig h t b ra cke ts. B ritish r ig g e r T o n y
S ilm a n , a k a 'M o o s e ' h a s p u t th is rig h t at
last w ith a m u c h o v e rd u e so lu tio n to the
p ote ntia l lin e s n a g o n c a m e ra sig h t b ra ck e t
h a za rd .
p ro tru d in g fro m th e h e lm e t a n d n o lo n g
e x te n sio n bar, ofte n k n o w n a s 'sc a ffo ld in g '.
Th e n e w lig h tw e ig h t, a n o d ise d a lu m in iu m
b ra c k e t p ro tru d e s b y o n ly 1 2 m m a n d h a s
no e x te n sio n b a rs p o k in g o u t fro m the
he lm e t th u s p ro d u c in g a fa r n e a te r a n d
sm a lle r a sse m b ly , w h ich still p ro v id e s the
m o v e m e n t n e c e ssa ry
fo r c a m e ra / e y e
a lig n m e n t.
07770 934307
a n d the Vector Tandem sy ste m . B oth o f th e se rig s h a v e b e e n m a in p la y e rs on
the co n ta in e r m a rk e t fo r o v e r a d e ca d e o r m ore , a n d h a v e in sp ire d m a n y o th e r
co n ta in e r m a n u fa c tu re s to im itate the ir fe ature s.
Th e V ector II sp o rt co n ta in e r h a s b e e n re p la ce d b y the (y o u g u e sse d it) Vector III
M o o s e 's n e w b ra c k e t h a s n o u p rig h t post
fu ll fle xib ility o f
T h e R e lativ e W o r k s h o p o f F lo rid a h a v e a n n o u n c e d the d e m ise o f the Vector II
sp o rt conta iner. A lth o u g h the III h a s b e e n out fo r so m e y e a rs, the II w a s until
now , still in production.
Th e Vector T an de m , o n e o f th e first tw o e v e r ta n d e m sy ste m s to appe ar, h a s
b e e n re p la ce d b y the Sigma sy ste m w hich Kit N e w s re p o rte d o n so m e tim e last
year. Th e R e la tive W o r k s h o p cla im that th e S ig m a is the m o st a d v a n c e d ta n d e m
sy ste m , in re g a rd s to safety, a v a ila b le a n y w h e re in the w o rld . It h a s se v e ra l ne w
fe a tu re s w h ich h a v e b ro k e n the m o u ld o f co n v e n tio n a l ta n d e m construction.
F or b oth th e Vector II sp o rt sy ste m a n d the V ector II ta n d e m sy ste m , sp a re parts
w ill be a v a ila b le fo r a p e rio d o f th re e y e a rs a n d a fte r that, all sp a re p a rts will
be m a n u fa c tu re d o n req uest. The R e la tiv e W o r k s h o p w ill con tin u e to su p p o rt
th e se sy ste m s fo r a m in im u m o f te n y e a rs.
Relative Workshop
001 386 736 7589
s k y d iv e
April 2002
in the
Kieran Brady is one
of the m o st well
known jum pers in
Scotland. He is
C h airm an of
Skydive Strath allan ,
a tan de m and
category syste m
instructor, pilot and
BPA pilot examiner.
He can be a hard
person to deal with
but only if you have
different ideals
within the sport.
Every weekend,
Kieran clo se s his
m otor dealer
b u sin e ss and w orks
unpaid at the club.
Why he w orks so
hard, week in, week
out, is difficult for
m ost people to
How m any ju m ps do
you have?
W hat c h a n g e s have
you se e n ?
About 4,500 including around 2,000 tandem
The club trained 200-300 students a year, just
jumps and 150 demo jumps.
enough to pay the bills. The way the sport
When did you do your
first ju m p ?
is nowadays, it is a constant battle to
I first trained at the club in July 1975, attending
for thirteen weeks in a row without jumping due
to bad weather. W ork commitments meant that I
couldn't carry on. I worked hard at car sales for
ten years and, as soon as I became self employed
and could have weekends off, I returned to
at times, so it is a more
aggressive marketing
machine that has got to be
kept in place.
Friday course and jumped the next day. I was
W hat are the
club a s s e ts
now ?
instantly hooked. We went up, jumped, put our
We now have 30 sets of
Strathallan in July 1985, trained in the first ever
names back on the board and jumped again.
RAPS kit, 25 sets of
Tell u s about your
second jum p
round kit and three
After leaving the plane, the wind turned around
completely, and I went backwards towards the
river and landed in a tree. I was stuck up there
for forty minutes, upside down and unconscious. I
woke up in Perth Royal Infirmary where I stayed
How did you becom e
C h a irm an of S tra th a lla n ?
tandem rigs. We operate
three aircraft and we have
taken over the whole
hangar, including three
W hat w a s your
proudest m om ent
a s C h a irm a n ?
When I secured the twenty-five year
Shortly after I started jumping I was encouraged
lease at Strathallan, I was awarded
to stand for the committee of Skydive Strathallan,
[aka Scottish Parachute Club], A month after that,
what is considered to be the highest
when the Chairman resigned, I was asked to take
the role of acting chair for the rest of that year. By
Memorial Quaich', which left me kind
then I was on dummy pulls. When the AG M
trophy to have your name on.
came round the next year, no one stood for
chairman and I just continued with the role. I've
award in Scotland, the 'Tom Dickson
of speechless because it is, I think, the
Have you any
other a w a rd s?
been Chairman for seventeen years and have
In my first year in the sport I received
never actually been voted in. No-one has stood
the Albert Wheeler Memorial Trophy,
against me.
W hat did the club co n sist
of th e n ?
The club was a very strong close-knit community
that had ten sets of C9 kit, one Cessna 206 and a
bunch of real good quality instructors. It also had
a fairly substantial bank balance, which had
been accumulated by the hard work of many
devoted individuals. It was a strong entity at
that point, although its ideas, in my
opinion, kind of needed updating.
Photo by Sim on W ard
find students. We train up to 1,500
students a year, just to break even
awarded to a student by the instructors at
W hat is your role
a s C h a irm a n ?
Skydive Strathallan is a series of systems which
are managed by people who have particular
expertise in that area. And what I have to do is
take a step back and leave people to do that. My
role is to have all these people together once a
month, to oversee and to ensure there is no
conflict and just manage it like any business.
Photo an d background image, by Eddie Jones, show Kieran in action
W ho’s had a b ig influence on the
S c o ttish P arachu te C lu b ?
There have been so many people who have given a great
deal like Rob Noble-Nesbitt, Gordon Fernie, Ian Robertson
and Billy Somerville, who have a strong, steady influence
and great dedication. But anyone who has a regard for
helping each other is worth a mention.
W hom do you adm ire
in the sp o rt?
Karen Farr, my partner. Parachuting has never done her
W h at’s your advice for new com ers
to the sp o rt?
Don't ever forget that you are there to have fun. If you are not
having fun then don't go. And definitely as a student, you must stay
W h at’s your advice for anyone sta rtin g
a s a tan d em instructor?
Tandem skydiving is potentially the most hazardous type of
parachuting you can do. You need to be strong, fit and current. You
need to be switched on, always focusing on the fact that someone
any favours and has dealt her a few blows. W hat I admire
else is depending on you being on the ball.
in her is that she uses these blows to assist her to look after
What's your greatest asset?
other people in a positive way. I don't know anyone else
who could have taken the knocks she has had and still be
so enthusiastic to do the job she does. [Karen is CCI at
Strathallan and her husband, John, died skydiving.]
W hat w a s your m ost
m em orable d e m o?
The most memorable was one that I did not
actually jump on, I was ground crew. The club
was supposed to jump in with a letter from the
Prime Minister to a rugby ground in
Glasgow to celebrate their centenary.
When Rob Noble-Nesbitt landed he
informed me that he forgot the letter!
I have always been good with my hands. I can do most practical
things with my hands, and I find that a great asset.
Are you interested in skydiving or
aviation first?
M y initial interest was as a parachutist. I only became involved in
the flying side through necessity. I like to see myself as a jumper
who can fly, rather than a pilot who can jump.
W h at’s been your funniest m o m e n t?
When we convinced a jumper called W innie that the Chinese
restaurant in Auchterarder Main Street took jump tickets. It was only
after they made her meal and gave it to her, that she found out they
Scottish Parachute Club flyer, in
W hat for you is the b est th in g
in the sp o rt?
pretence of the letter from Downing
When you see the students coming back with giant smiles on their
Street and I had to take my hat o ff to
faces or people on the early WARP jumps dancing about when they
So I handed the Provost of Glasgow a
her, because she looked at the paper,
smiled at me, and then just ad-libbed the
whole speech, which was supposedly written by
M argaret Thatcher!
W hat g o a ls do you have?
M y desire has always been to make Scottish Parachute Club better.
M y immediate goal is to complete the climbing wall. As soon as that
is finished, there is another goal sitting waiting.
land. Occasionally, on a day at the club when the three aeroplanes
are all operating, and all the good guys are there, I like to kind of a
take a step back. Sometimes I'll wander across the other side of the
airfield and just sit back and watch. When you see the whole
machine operating and all the systems coming into place that have
taken months o r years to build; it's all working and people are
enjoying themselves; to me it's the best feeling in the world!
K ieran w a s ta lk in g to Eddie Jones
[email protected]
sJwdive 59
April 2002
COMPLETE RIG: ZP EXE 185, about 80
iumps, very responsive. Reserve Tempo 150,
never deployed £825. Also altimeter, knife,
gloves, student helmet, new contact lens
goggles, offers. Two jumpsuits £ 1 5 and £80
call Richard 0 2 0 8 842 0495.
COMPLETE RIG: Javelin Jl, black and red.
ZP 150 main, 140 jumps. PD 143 reserve.
Cypres. FF modified. Perfect condition, plus
Dytter. Bargain only £1,500. Location
Southampton. Contact Tom Arnold Tel: 0 2 3 8
0 9 0 6821. Email:[email protected]
COMPLETE KIT: North Devon. Foil 2 5 2 (250
COMPLETE RIG: 1 pin Teardrop, Sabre 230
jumps), Swift reserve unused, Talon classic
silver, 500 quid. Will sell seperately, also very
good Elite suit (large) blue/red with booties, 60
quid. Alti, knife, frappe hat thrown in for free!!
(offers accepted) Contact: Rob Mcintyre Tel:
01271 328078.
Emaihrobmacl 01@ hotm
main, both 125 jumps. Techno 190 reserve,
Cypres fitted, both 85 jumps. Large harness.
£2,2 0 0 ono. East Anglia. Contact Adrian Tel:
0 1 4 7 3 687442.
Email:[email protected]
COMPLETE RIG: Raven II in Tracer container,
4.8 GQ Sac reserve, unused. Including Cypres.
All in mint condition. £800. Call Adrian Tel:
0 1 6 5 6 72491 1.
COMPLETE RIG: Vortex II container. ZP170
EMPURIA BRAVA. All year. Private
EXE main (30 Jumps) BOC. Collapsible pilot
chute. Decelerator reserve 0 jumps. Main
approx 40 jumps + alti. Jumpsuit. £1,250
ono. Contact Steve in Cramlington
Northumberland. Tel: 0 1 6 7 0 715496.
Mob: 0 7 8 1 3 3 95 3 7 9 .
Apartment 5 mins from CP, CB/DZ. 6 Beds, TV,
satellite/VCR. Will sleep 6 in style & comfort.
For details contact David.
Email:puigm al@ G M
Tel: 0 0 3 4 6 4915 3239.
COMPLETE RIG: Sabre 135 main, 250
jumps, Tempo 150 reserve, Teardrop
container. Cypres fitted. Medium harness.
Excellent condition. £1,300. Call Andy
Tel: 0 7 7 5 3 678381.
COMPLETE RIG: Vortex II container; ZP155
These ore listed on the reverse of every advertising
acknowledgement, or are available from Warners Group Publications
Pic. In addition the following supplementary conditions apply:
Every effort is made to comply with the advertiser's wishes, but
Skydive M a g reserves the right to alter copy if necessary.
main (1 5 0 jumps). Decelerator 150 reserve
(no jumps). Cypres (Due 4 year check).
Blue/black container; Groovy yellow/pink
main. £1 ,5 0 0 Swindon. Contact Lucy Pond. Tel:
0 1 7 9 3 783126.
Email:[email protected]
Heat wave or Hornet 150 main, (you choose),
Tempo 170 reserve. £ 1 0 0 0 / 1 1 0 0 , (no offers).
Crawley Sussex. Contact: Jon Nash 0 1 2 9 3
887720. fax: 0 1293 887720.
Email:[email protected]
1 97 7, which stipulates that trade odvertisers must indicate that they
COMPLETE RIG: Superb condition. 1 pin
BONEHEAD AND PC5: Bonehead and Sony
business. If is the traders responsibility to comply with this order and
Teardrop. Glidepath Raider. Tempo 170
reserve. Repacked Jan 2002. Cypres ready
BOC. Full history any inspection. £ 7 5 0 ovno,
Langar. Contact Terry Tel: 0 7 7 2 0 559862.
PC5 complete with top mount, side box and
chin cup. Crawley Sussex. £899, (no offers).
Contact: Jon Nash. Tel: 0 1 2 9 3 8 8 7 7 2 0
Fax: 0 1 2 9 3 8 8 7 7 2 0
Email:[email protected]
any trader not doing so runs the risk of prosecution. Traders, indicate
COMPLETE RIGS: Racer or Vortex II with
ELECTRA 170 CANOPY: PDF Electra 170,
In the event of advertisers failing to pay by the due dote, Warners
Group Publications reserves the right to pass on any legal and any other associated debt recovery costs.
Attention is drawn to the Business Advertisement Disclosure Order
are selling goods or services in the course of carrying on their
orange and black. 150 jumps. £775. Call
Martin Tel: 0 1 9 8 0 621363.
Email: m artin@
2 SETS FULL KIT: plus camera gear Manes
area and Lincoln. 2 x Teardrop with 150/ 1 3 5
Stilletos, reserve Speed 135, Cypres and
camera helmets plus video. Will split all of the
above to sell. Contact David McCaulauy. Tel:
0 1 7 0 6 649582. Email:pik20e@
your status when you send your copy and we will add T to the end
of the advertisement number accordingly.
PHASE NOTE; The ad should describe the product, not make judgements or give
adnce as to how it should be used. Phrases such as ‘ideal first kit’ or ‘suit
female jumper may be removed. Mo responsibility is accepted for any
negotiations which may result from these ac^erttsements.
Die publishers reserve the right to refuse or withdraw any advertisement
COMPLETE RIG: Raven II in Tracer
without giving a reason. No liability can be accepted by the publisher for any
container, 4.8 GQ SAC reserve, unused.
Including Cypres. All in mint condition. £800.
Contact Adrian on 0 1 6 5 6 724911
error or omission. Rates, terms and conditions for classified advertisements may
be changed at any time without notice. Readers should take care before making
payments, or parting with goods, to advertisers or persons replying to
advertisements as no liability can be accepted by the publishers for any
resulting loss or dissatisfaction.
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For an extra £10.00 I would like to appear on the BPA Website □
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Please tick
□ K it for Sale □ M iscellaneous M a x i m u m 3 6 W o r d s
S ig n e d :_______________________________________________________ . D a te :.
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Warners Group Publications, The Makings, West Street, Bourne, Lincs. PE 10 9PH
N am e/Address (not for publication)
N AM E_____________________________
Closing Date for the June issue - May 22
60 skydive
April 2002
Two sets of clues with the same solutions
The main
th e reserve
clues are much
more controllable.
Make a decision - stay w ith th e
- or cut away and use th e reserve
a c r o s s :
El ■
Reserve clues
A cro ss:
'Length' of aerofoil
Reverse away from formation
Rigging innovations container
Light wind
'A Bridge Too Far'
W id th of narrow risers
Determines exit point
Opening fo r coin
Flies upwards
Audible warnings
See 18 down
Personal terminal velocity (4 ,4 )
Thomas S p ort rig
Release mechanism (5 ,4 )
Pilot chute connector
N o t reserve
Tailgate a ircra ft
Elevated roads
Spanish farewell
Floats like a helicopter
Parachutes De France rigs
Wearing a skid-lid
& 25 Basic skydiving
position ( 6 ,6 )
N u tte r
Give voice
Fly like a bird
B y P aul B o o re r
Quote of
a n s w e rs -in s id e back co ve r
“You never lose a girlfriend in
skydiving, your turn just comes
to an end”
Several notes hit an emotional soft spot (5 )
A reverse tail-skid (9 )
Kentish fie ld 's principal crop ( 8 )
Magical rig ( 6 )
British drugs heard to create wind ( 6 )
M arket garden's aim to learn hemp's ingredients ( 6 )
Fractured chin and part of foot (4 )
Rains slightly at the places you want to jump (5 )
Place in team or place in 14 (4 )
Scrambles about branches ( 6 )
Th e y go o ff early to stop you becoming late ( 6 )
See 18 down
Th e speed at which leaves drop from the trees (4 ,4 )
He zooms into a formation (9 )
A photocopy of a rig (5 )
Slipping device goes ting-a-ling-a-ling (5 ,4 )
L e ft newlywed without restraint ( 6 )
Chap has one parachute (4 )
Th e blue lorry or another vehicle with a tailgate ( 6 )
Ceremonial formations in the U.S. high streets ( 8)
Goodbye to everybody in Empuria Brava (5 )
Remains undecided about lawnmowers ( 6 )
Tiny bits of containers (5 )
Arrangement of diamond hammer or icepick
perhaps (9 )
Protected from concussion, high explosive melted
o ff ( 8 )
18 & 25 Balanced meal recommended fo r student
skydiver ( 6 ,6 )
21 Lunatic mother rises before her husband ( 6 )
23 Th e pilots remain confused ( 6 )
24 Point to mountain say (5 )
26 Wave your arms up and down in a panic (4 )
Ron Luke
PARA GEAR has the largest
selection of rigging tools, raw materia
and hardware in the world.
Visit our online catalog or order our
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J C C o lc la s u r e
S w o o p in g th e p o n d
a t Q u n ic y 2 0 0 1
F u l lf a c e d H e a d g e a r
Several ColorChoices
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F r e e f ly H e a d g e a r
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M -■AAvailable
ccessories available
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Available Colors: Black, Silver.
Yellow, Red, Turquoise,
Blue, Lime G reen, Forest Green,
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C om as w ith p ro te c tiv e cam
Ava ilable w ith m irror-yelloi
N e o p re n e C a m e ra E n c lo s u re s
S k y d i v in g G o g g le s
- Blue-Green, Purple, Red, Silver or
YellowSemi-rigid frame with
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+shipping * Great Peripheral vision
- Vented frame to keep fromfogging
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Custom Colors
W r is t M o u n t A l t i m e t e r
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n n • D u r a b le f t A c c u r a t e
A d d itio n a l O R A N G E
w a r n in g s e g m e n t
- E asy R e ad N u m b e rs
I J1 f l —
Available Colors:
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Audible Altimeter !r Freefall Computer
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Ex p e r i e n c e the
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Dealers welcom e!
Phone : 0 0 4 9 -4 195-99770 Fax : gfj97$5$ Em ail: sales@ m y
Great Airfares from Heathrow
direct to Phoenix, Arizona.
Only 1 hour from the DZ.
April 2002
O u r image bank is
hungry! Please S ' ' ' x
help us keep /
it f u l"
W et, w in try
w eather and
em pty D Zs
meant I was
sent few er
S /B S O M
photos than usual.
Consequently we
scoured o u r image bank fo r some
clubby shots and pulled tog e th e r
the follow ing pages which, if I say
so myself, lo o k fab.
You don’t have to be a Club Rep
to send stuff in. If you have some
pictures you th in k w ould loo k cool
in the Mag, send them to me, w ith
your name and contact details.
Explain on a separate piece o f
paper o r a label on the back o f the
picture w here the ph o to was
taken, w ho is in it and w ho to o k
the picture. I send all photos back
after the Mag is printed and we
always cre d it the photographer.
N o w th a t sum m er is on its way,
you w ill have the chance to send
me some great shots. Even if we
d on’t use them straight away, we
w ill keep the scans in o u r image
The Let arrived in M arch and all the usual staff
have returned, raring to go.
Jubilee Freefly with Babylon
To celebrate the jubilee, Sibson is holding a
Babylon Freefly Special for the five day holiday
w eekend on 31 M a y to 4 June. Sibson is hom e
to Stuart and Alex M eacock, along with Giles
Fabris w ho form the British freefly team. Stuart
has been w orkin g in Spain with Babylon this
w inter and he will be organising the event,
bringing Tom N aef and Fred Fugen from
Babylon Freefly school over to the UK. There
will be 1-on-l coaching, load organised head
up/dow n, flock, trace (tha t's head up flocking),
track and tube jum ps and safety and coaching
sem inars on freefly, especially if we have bad
[email protected]
Stuart W ilson, H aydn H arris
Brad Rock
Giles Fobris, Clare Rollaston and Alex m eacoc,
1 0 0 jum ps M artin Ball
photo by Sim on W an
bank fo r future use.
Pilot Louis R om a n o after his tandem last
year with Sim on Davenport,
by Colin Fitzm aurice
C lu b N e w s
" If ye r n a m e 's not
it's not go in ' in!”
D on't forget to w rite your nam e and
achievem ents on the Club News poster.
T h a t's w here your Club Rep gets the
in fo rm atio n to send to us...
D o n't rely on Chinese w hispers, bush
teleg rap h o r sem aphore. Pen an d pap er
w ork much better!
T fL S T O C fC
Bye to H ayley w ho was
tem porarily m anifesting and
can probably hold the record
o f least num ber of loads
m anifested, tha nks to the
weather! Welcom e to W ilko
w ho is taking over. Arthur
has taken over the canteen
and we all w ish Jen a speedy
recovery. Advance w arning, a
student progression w eek is
planned for 8 July, with a big
party at the end of the week.
Liz Rimmer
The first trip of the ye ar w as to Em puriabrava in February. It w as a joint trip with
Paragon and two friends from Lost Prairie, M ontana. Everyone had a great tim e and
m anaged to jum p on six out of the nine days of the trip. The club's FS team is heading to
DeLand in April to take part in the Airspeed tunnel camp.
W ild Geese over Empuria,
John McCourt
photo by John M c C o u rt
c w
CCI'S Birthday Party
B o r d e r P a r a c h u t e C e n tre
To celebrate A lan's birthday, we decided to have a fancy dress
Welcome to the new ow ner of Border Parachute Centre, Chris
parly. Although unknow n to Alan, it had been decided thot
Francis and farewell to Katherine and Tim Andrew es. St
everyone w ould dress as him. This w as a sim ple task with the
Andrew s' senior instructors and CCI took a trip to Border, to the
help of cushions to get us all up to size and the healthy
envy of the less experienced jum pers on the airfield. As fate
application of black and gre y hair dye (well, m ostly grey). It
would have it, due to bad w eather conditions previous to that,
w as taken in good spirits and about thirty of the regulars plus
the St Andrew s g u ys were the first people to jum p into Border
som e h u n g ry first tim e students headed out to Crail (nearby
this year!
tow n) for dinner. Speeches were m ade by old and new CCIs
then we returned to the D Z to party.
J u m p in g f o r B ig B r o th e r
W e have seen students com e through the system for num erous
E d in b u rg h U n i S k y d iv in g C lu b U n d e r w e a r J u m p
reasons at the centre but one of the m ost interesting ones
The Edinburgh University S k yd ivin g Club decided that an
recently w as Nicola Marcella, w ho had her first jum p video to
underw ear jum p w as in order as a w ay of fund raising for their
send along with her application to Channel 4 's Big Brother. The
club. Out cam e the sponsorship form s and m em bers of the
D Z sends her the best of luck look forw ard to seeing her on TV
EUSDC, plus its form er president went up in their underw ear to
as well as at the DZ.
do a 4-w ay. The opportunity to video the event w as auctioned
and never before have cam eras appeared so quickly on the DZ.
A c h ie v e m e n t s
At night the video of the dive w as played and another excuse
Cat 8
Sarah Rhind
for a student party w as presented. In the usual fashion, the
D arren Rose (o superb 7-point 4-way,
students started with drinking gam e s then form ed their own
dance floor.
Canteen Changes
The canteen and clubhouse will be handed from Trish G ordon to
Susan Brown. Susan is a D Z regular and a professional dancer
so we eagerly anticipate her contributions to party nights. The
bar and canteen staff will w ork hard together to m a ke Su sa n 's
entrance seam less. Trish has done a fantastic job with the
canteen for the last 18 months, bringing it from nothing to a
fully operational clubhouse but, due to the dem ands of her
career, she decided that it w ould be best to let som eone else
continue. W e look forw ard to seeing Trish on the other side of
the bar for a change.
attaining his FS1 on his 35th jump!)
1 ,5 0 0 jumps
John McCourt
S tr a th a u a m
St Valentine's with a twist
The them e for our Valentine's party w as 'm a ssa c re ' as opposed to
'ho n e y m o o n ', with gangsters and their m olls gunning for the buffet
laid on by committee m em bers. 'M a u ls ' w ould probably be a m ore
accurate term for the beauties in dresses!
The club participated in the O utdoors 2 0 0 0 Exhibition at the SECC in
G lasgow to prom ote skydiving. Thanks to the club m em bers w ho put
in the tim e and effort to m ake it such a success.
Anne Johnson
Cat 8
R ay M acD onald
Callum Grant and passenger,
photo by Eddie Jones
P arag o n
C lu b T rip to E m p u r ia b r a v a
N W PC's line up of events and training
Several of our regulars at Parago n fled from
cam ps will m ake 2 0 0 2 a busy year. The
Carruthers and M ick M o rg a n for their
Congratulations to Craig Kelsall for
assistance. She said the support of the
passing his e x a m s and getting his Bl
w hole Cork gang w as great and has
rating. Now Craig, that m eans you are
helped her loads in her recovery. See
qualified to despatch students, not chat
J M 's Newsround, page 13.
them up!
Scotland looking for blue skies in February
FS roadshow on 1 1 -1 2 M a y will be
Now the nights are getting shorter and
and m anaged one day jum ping out of seven
hosted by British national cham pions,
the days are staying lighter, Cork is now
in Spain. I guess that's better than none at
VNE. As well as their extensive
open for jum ping on Fridays. This is
1 ,4 0 0
M ik e Carruthers
all! The weather w asn't up to much but I'm
experience and know ledge they will be
expected to continue until October which
A n d y Brass
sure they m ade up for it.
offering 4 -w ay FS and cam era coaching.
will give us even m ore reason for not
A m anda H iggins
Other events include the infam ous
going to w ork on Fridays!
C o lle g ia t e s t a k e o v e r E rro l
Northwest S k y Fest on 2-11 August,
In February we had the pleasure of
details will be confirm ed at a later date.
entertaining around twenty collegiates. Sorry
- we had the pleasure of being entertained
M a n y of our jum pers have just got back
by around twenty collegiates from Aberdeen,
from Um m Al Q uw ain, h a vin g jum ped a
D undee and St Andrew s universities at their
variety of aircraft and have m a n y a
a nnual BCPA Valentine's Meet. The weather
story to tell. Thirteen of our travellers
w as variable, from complete pants (trousers
m ade it all the w ay to the desert.
please, w e're British - Ed) to jum pable low
U nfortunately one of our jum pers had
cloud. Thankfully this did n't dam pen
an yon e 's spirits and the party got going. See
w hat som e m a y call an 'e xp e rience ' out
BCPA news overleaf for m ore info on their
the exits. A s a consequence, Val would
w eekend's antics.
like to sa y a big thank yo u to M ik e
Sto rm D a m a g e
The club has fallen victim to the recent
storm s that have struck the country, with
considerable dam age around the DZ. W e've
had trees and phone lines down, roofs lifted
and worst of all, limited jum ping. Here's
hoping that the worst is over as the repairs
are under w ay and everyone gets ready for
the next season. We now have heating in
both of the bunk room s thanks to Billy.
Sandra Inglis
A c h ie v e m e n t s
5 0 Jum ps & IC1
Alan Geddes
April 2002
there w hen she injured herself on one of
Michelle Meakins
Jump N u m b e r s
Lam g ar
H ere's som ething never done ot Longor before - night jum ps! After severol
attempts to get som e of our g u y s up there in the dark, organiser Rich W heatley
finally got the conditions he needed on 12 February w hen we m anage d one whole
lift in the 2 0 6 ! Participants in this historic event were Steve New m an, Chris
McCann, Chuckles, M ilk o and Rich W heatley. Angela H ickling flew, and D ave
Hickling (am a zingly) stayed on the ground to do 0 Z control. D o n 't hold your
breath for the next one!
A c h ie v e m e n t s
W ill Reddaway,
Cat 8
A group from Langar went on a trip to the SkyV enture w ind tunnel in
Laurence Richardson
Florida. Rusty Lewis w as the unsuspecting instructor, trying to
D arren M cG ing
im prove the othe rs' flying skills. Swifty (D arre n Swift) m anaged
over one and a half hours tunnel tim e and three tandem s
and hopes to do his AFF back at hom e this year.
Jo M e rry
'W e e d ' Stoodley
G a ry D e'Ath
Inow there's a name
W e've got lots lined up for this season. O ur die­
for a skydiver!)
hard 206, Charlie Echo has got a nice new paint job
and w e 're hosting several record attempts during
Jump Numbers
2 0 02. These include the PO PS FS record, a try for the
largest num b er of tandem skydive s in one day on 3 July and the
British W om e n's Form ation Record on 5-8 September. So ladies, get current - the
Langar Boogie will be a good place to start on 4 -1 2 May.
Tony Danbury
her pilot's licence out in Florida. Well done to Tom
A c h ie v e m e n t s
Steve Stringer, Tom Hurst
Hurst for finally gaining his FS1 rating, at the
Congratulations to Catherine Glenister on getting
Baz Braid
exotic desert location of U m m Al Q uw ain. Also
good luck to Tim Carter with his freefly and canopy
Jum p N u m b e rs
skills school at Lake Wales. 1 bet they both missed
Stuart Brown
this fantastic w eather w e are having!
M ike M cH ale
Caroline While
Jason Southall, G us M a lyon
1 ,000
Tim Carter
John Baggale
Sally Beck
Sue Ball
Keith Thom son
Chris Beattie over Peterlee
by Bryn Chaffe
A c h ie v e m e n t s
First freefall
8 0 0 jum ps
Future Events
special appearances from Nellie the elephant and David the
19-21 April
BCPA Scottish R egionals at St Andrew s
Contact Louise Duguid:
strong m an with their range of com edy sketches.
Su n d a y m orning provided just e nough w eather for experienced
[email protected]
V a le n t in e 's M e e t , 2 3 - 2 4 F e b r u a r y
lifts at cloud base, while the student accuracy competition was
3 -6 M a y
Despite extrem e w eather conditions, including snow drifts, the
carried out on Errol's fan trainer! St Andrew s University rom ped
BCPA Northern Regionals ot Cork
Contact Felicity W oo d / D an Parker:
collegiates am assed at Paragon for the annual BCPA Valentine's
hom e in first place w hile Aberdeen took second and Dundee
blam ed everything on the beer m onkey.
[email protected]
1-5 July
BCPA Nationals & A G M at Hibaldstow
Contact D ave Thom pson:
[email protected]
BCPA Southern Regionals
the, see website:
Saturd ay saw high w inds and no jum ping but plenty of entries
S u n d ay afternoon finally saw studentable weather, and
for the silly hat competition, from Elijah the Pixie to M arilyn
everyone completed at least one jum p and m anaged to
M a n so n 's children! The e ve n ing's barbecue roared, adding much
progress. The 1 8 2 provided plenty of entertainm ent, as those
needed heat to the Scottish ha nga r and prom pting cool beer to
unfam iliar with the strut and step got to grips with it for the
be drunk all round. Govin, Neil and G eorge took the
first time.
I opportunity to rem inisce over everything from 7 0 s student
parachuting to Lancaster bom ber com m and, punctuated by
Alan Geddes
Inge Sildnik,TP’s number I Aussie member
T£a m P u m pk w
Team Pum pkin is a skyd iving social club which
encourages people to stay in the sport and is
m ade up of over 1 0 0 people w ho have passed
AFF through M artin W illiam s of PhD Skyd iving.
W hen we were in Elsinore over H allow een 2 0 00,
the PhD colours of black and orange prom pted
one local to tell us that we looked like pum pkins.
The team w as born!
Hinton is TP's UK base but Team Pum pkin
w eekends have also been organised at Chatteris,
Weston, and Netheravon. O ur favourite DZ
abroad is Elsinore in California w here our
Christm as boogie is held.
One m em orable event w as a sim ulated aircraft
em ergency w hen the only people in the know
were Martin, the pilot Nige Jackson (w ho deserves
an Oscar) and the D Z controller. The planned
1 3-w ay FS jum p becam e 13 solos, departing in
quick succession at 5 ,0 0 0 feet! Such were the
acting skills, som e of us w ould not believe it was
a put up job.
Russian 8-way team
by Gael Tanguy
Em p u r ia
The Babylon team is back on track and jum ping hard, training
of the increasing num bers of skydivers
for the next W orld Cup in October. Tom and Kuri are also in
going straight from AAF into Freefly.
training for the Sw iss Nationals and Kuri hos team ed up with
Also the use of A A D s became
Swiss skysurfer, Stephane Klaus getting ready for the Red Bull
m andatory for all skydive rs at
competition in M ay. The Russians, new ly form ed with five of the
Em puria on 1 March.
previous W orld Cham pionship w inning team m em bers, have
been g oing for it in 4 and 8-w ay training with the French,
The staff celebrated Juan Venturas'
1 1,000th jum p this month. Juan is an
Italian, Belgian and Spanish teams.
AFF instructor, tandem m aster and 19
The British contingent Giles Fabris and Stuart M eacock are here
tim es Spanish cham pion in 4 and 8-way,
too, w orkin g on their program m e. The Italian freeflyers, Filippo
freestyle and skysurf. He has been in the
Fabbi (Ippo) and D assori Gabriele (Lele) are here for the
sport for 2 7 ye a rs and has been involved
season training together and will be doing som e coaching with
with the centre since its beginnings 2 4 years
Babylon this sum m er.
Benigale Richards
Big new s for M arch w as the introduction of the freefly safety
rules called the Freefly CBT (C om pulsory Basic Training),
introduced b y m anagem ent. This is an im provem ent as a result
B r id lw g to m
Yorkshire TV w as at Bridlington agoin in January, this tim e to film
Phil 'H o lly w o o d ' H arris went to the W orld PO PS M eet in New
local celebrity D ave 'E lv is' W alker jum ping out of the Club's 2 06.
Zealand. After all these ye a rs spent in cram ped jum p planes, he
The sequinned jum psuit and bouffant hairdo stood up well to the
should be w ell prepared for DVT! Welcom e back to Paul
rigo urs of freefall. D ave got in the plane looking like 'the K in g '
Smethurst. Nice new rig, it's a pity about the m ucky jum psuit! Oh,
and landed looking like Don King. O nly days after D a ve 's brush
on the subject of muck, Sim on 'D A Z Autom atic' Cathrine, the
with stardom he had a brush with death (well, alm ost). He
farm er w onts his field back! Congratulations to Cat Swift for
Phil Lyall, Kerry Connell
received a m assive blow to the head from a UFO (Unidentified
landing on her bum for the first time.
Tracey Bartley, Phil Lyall
Falling Object). W as it M ilk Tray or Q uality Street, D a ve ?
First freefall
Lara Jordan, Clive Bailey
5 0 jum ps
Craig Sm art, Alan W esterm on
Hello, and welcom e to the new OZ dog - a rottweiler puppy
called Teal'c. Apparently her role is Com plaints and Security
M anager.
April 2002
The staff m ade good use of the w inter w eather by building us a
2 0 0 2 - Y e a r o f th e P a r t y A n im a l
fab Beaver m ock-up and the now slim line M ick D an b y is building
W ith two excellent bashes orgonised for this sum m er, 2 0 0 2 m ay
a n im proved D Z barbecue. In addition to the fantastic new hot
prove to be the ye a r of the party anim al. Ruth Cooper is
drinks machines, the canteen is pleased to announce that they will
organising a M id sum m e r D inner and Dance on 21 June at the
have a Slush Puppie m achine for the sum m er and W ings bar now
London Beach G olf Hotel in Tenterden. It prom ises to be an
has its own k a ra o k e m achine! O ur Let 4 1 0 will be back on 1 M a y
aw esom e night and tickets will be about £ 3 2 . For further info
w hen there will hopefully be a party.
contact Ruth on
M a n y of the regulars have been jetting off to w arm er climes
[email protected]
including U m m Al Quw ain, Florida, Portugal and Em puria. Richard
Headcorn Airfield 7 5 th A nn ive rsary Gala Dinner, 31 A ugust looks
W igg in s m anage d to celebrate Valentine's D a y having dinner with
set to be a huge event with live bands, a disco and an optional
no fewer than six girls in Em puria and Michelle Theobald
1 9 4 0 s them e. Tickets are £ 3 9 .5 0 . Tel: 0 1 6 2 2 8 9 1 5 3 9 .
m anage d to write off a go-kart a couple of d a y s later!
Speed Seven, 8 -9 June
The 'B e Free Go F ly ' t-shirts were huge ly popular and m ore will
We have decided that this y e a r's Speed 8 will in fact be a Speed 7
be available soon from Chris Lynch w ho will be back in the UK in
as this will allow us to fit two team s plus cam era on each lift and
Cat 8
A dam Dunn, Jam es Clarke, Tilly Altewill
M a y to open the Freefly Centre U K at Headcorn. Coaching will be
should m a ke for a m uch faster competition. The meet will be run
Hely Boylan, Jon M ilne
available for FF1, FF2 and beyond. The aim of the school will be
to 'D a n b y 's R ules' (tba!) with yet another party planned for the
Richard W iggins
to encourage a rise in the skill level of UK freeflying. This is an
Saturd ay night.
opportunity to get som e top class coaching in the UK. Chris has
W a f e r J u m p , 2 8 J u ly
Jump Numbers
also arranged a canopy pilot sem inar on 2 0 M ay. For m ore info
The a nnual water jum p into Bewl Reservoir is great fun and has
Kevin Dawes, Jon Milne
contact Chris on
to be done. If there's e nough dem and, w e 'll be able to use the Let
Chris Carroll
[email protected]
aga in this year. If yo u have kit and w ant to jump, contact Jane
D arren Lucas
Sim on 'H o p p y ' H opkins
Buckle at the club.
Vicki Tomlinson
The sixth world POPS cham pionships were held at M atam ata, New
dining hall. This is a traditional m eal of meat, vegetables and
Zealand on 1 -8 March. O ver 1 7 0 jum pers were registered, with a
fruits, baked in a pit of hot rocks, covered in leaves and dam p
further 5 0 non-jum pers. Pete Best, as usual, assisted with the
sacks. It w as delicious and w as accom panied by M aori
competition judging. The British were much in evidence in their
entertainm ent from the children of the local schools.
distinctive 'corporate im a g e ' shirts, although during the meet m ore
and m ore foreigners had also got hold of them. Countries
The Flying Jellytips from NZ w on the CF. Jeff Chandler did his usual
represented were, UK, USA, Canada, Germ any, Switzerland,
and brought back the accuracy gold for the UK. This w as followed
Denm ark, Australia, Ecuador and, of course, New Zealand.
by three rounds of 4-w ay scram bles, national 4-w ay and a speed
Maori Welcome
the national 4-way.
nine from the Pilatus Porter. New Zealand also took the honours in
On the first day of the meet, a Catalina flew in. This 5 3 ye ar old
World POPS Meet 2002
am phibian w as a slow old lady, but took twenty jum pers or
Kiwi Record
observers at a time to a few thousand feet. Jum pers exited via the
On Friday we had a fun jum p d a y at Lake Taupo - one of the
open pod on the rear observation deck - a m agnificent sight. That
largest volcanic calderas in the world. W e jum ped in from a DC3,
evening, the entire meet w as invited to the local M a ori village to
then doing additional DC3 and M I8 jumps, and finally flying in the
enter their 'M a ra e ', or m eeting ground. We received the traditional
D C3 back to M atam ata (do yo u set your alti/Dytter/Cypres up or
Lofty & Grace Thom as, Pete & Hattie Best, Phil &
w elcom e ceremony, and Tom Thom as (N Z Top POP), and John
dow n 12,00ft?). The view over Lake Taupo from altitude and under
Aine Harris, John Knight & Betty, John & Pauline
Crowhurst (W orld Top PO P) responded on our behalf. Following the
canopy w as spectacular. O n one of the M I8 jumps, a new New
Crowhurst, Jeff Chandler, Pete & Julie Shew and
challenges, e ve rybody in turn shook hands and rubbed noses with
Sylvia Baines
the entire village. W e were then feasted with a 'H a n g i' in their
Zealand PO PS form ation record of 14 w as established. Jim from
Australia w as rem iniscing that the last time he had jumped a DC3
2K Composites
e t
To view the best freefly
Despite the a b ysm a l w eather we
have all been experiencing, the
helmets in the world visit
party faithful have been keeping
the S M G busy on the d a y s that
have been jum pable at Hib. Roll
on sum m e r h e y ? H appy birthday
to m anifester and freefly dow n,
Jam es Sw allow w ho hit 21 in
February and well done for
looking so surprised at your
'su rp rise ' party. Another happy
birthday to Gregster and thanks
for the aw esom e party in March.
DJs D an (is there anything he
can't d o?), Aidan, M ik e y and
D oom w ere great. Cheers for the
sore head guys!
The G 9 2 is back from its winter
hols so w e are fully turbined up,
with a lift capacity of 3 5 on
turbines plus the Cherokee for
static liners.
Ruth Covell
or e-mail [email protected]
w as in Cyprus in 1 9 4 4 - that w as before I w as born!
/ m
e w
i/ O
D uring the week, balloon rides and jum ps were available,
and m ost jum pers got back to the D Z too! Finally the Hit
'n ' Rock w as competed for on slightly wet grass with zero
winds. This led to som e spectacular landings. The winner,
Peter Schm id of Sw itzerland had a spectacular tim e of
5.18 seconds.
On Saturday, w e had a closing banquet at the M atam ata
race course, w here competition prizes, and aw ards were
m ade. A m on g them w as a certificate of thanks from the
British PO PS to the Kiwi PO PS for a m ost excellent meet.
M ost im portant to the PO PS w as the acceptance by Theo
Fritschy of the role of W orld Top PO P from now until the
next meet in 2 0 0 4 at G ruyere in Switzerland. Thanks to
the Kiwi POPS, S k yd ive W aikoto, and to M atam ata Gliding
Club for the organisation, facilities, and great weather.
Words & photos: Pete Shew
U K Top PO P No7
This ye ar has begun with a bit of a dam p squib weatherw ise. Talking
of things dodgy, the Valentine's party with a them e of 'flow er pow er'
First freefall Paul Rowland, D ave Clark
certainly yielded som e interesting outfits! The 'O o o h b e h ave ' aw ard
Cat 8
Steve M iskiri, M o Sw eeney
w as jointly aw arded to Tom m y and W oof - nice w igs lads! If anyone
JJ Alder, Tony Pywell,
out there has a n y photographic evidence of the night, please let me
G em m im a Leek, Neil Trewin
Adam Jones
M artin Sm ith
Progression Weeks
A n y students out there that m a y be stuck on the rope, tum bling on
Jump Numbers
turns or fed up with five second delays will be interested to hear
G em m im a Leek, Neil Trewin
about progression w eeks that the APA are planning to run w hen the
JJ Alder, Tony 'M u n c h e r'
weather im proves. Currently there are four w eeks planned during
A dam Jones
April, June, August and September. Contact Rick Boardm an or see
the Nethers website for details. There is also a W A RP progression
Chris W ood
w eekend planned for the M a y b a n k holiday.
Tom Canty
The skydiving
com m unity will be
resounding to the
tinkling sound of
broken hearts with
the news that our
v e ry own Debbie
'stable on a
for w e e k ' Ingle is
tying the knot with
G uy Wallis. We
wish you both the
best for the future.
Kath Salisbury
Stephen Northcott, Liz Ashley
Sun Path Products
4439 Skydive Lane
Zephyrhills, FL 33540
Ph: (813) 782-9242
Fax: (813) 788-3057
video room
load organisers
equipm ent shop
form ation skydiving
canopy form ation
evening restaurant
Skydive U
cam ping welcom e
caravans w elcom e
rigging room
Headcorn Parachute Centre
Headcom Aerodrome, Headcorn, Kent T N 27 9 H X
Tel: 01622 890 862 Fax: 01622 890 641
[email protected]
Open: Every day 9am - dark (Closed Mondays in winter)
First Jump Courses: squares, AFF, tandem
Aircraft: Turbolet (Apr-Sept), Beaver (Oct-Mar), Islander
LO WP FS AC S || T A fy
Hinton Skydiving Centre
Hinton Airfield, Steane, Brackley, Northants NN13 5 N S
Tel: 01295 812 300
Fax: 01295 812 400
[email protected]
Open: 9am - 7pm Tues - Fri, 8am - 8pm Sat and Sun
First Jump Courses: squares, AFF, tandem
Aircraft: Cessna 206 (all year), Turbolet March - Dec
Y j<a « *
Black K nigh ts Parachute Centre
Patty’s Farm, Hilliam Lane, Cockerham,
Nr Lancaster LA 2 ODY
Tel: W/end 01524 791 820 W/days 01772 717 624
e-mail [email protected]
Open: Weekends, bank holidays 8am - 8pm
First Jump Courses: rounds, squares, AFF, tandem
Aircraft: Islander, Cessna 185
W P 5 < g J 5
B order Parachute Centre
Brunton Airfield, Chathill, Northumberland N E 6 7 5 E R
Tel: 01665 589 000 Fax: 01665 721 053
[email protected]
Open: Wkends winter, any day by call in summer, 9am - dark
First Jump Courses: squares, AFF, tandem
Aircraft; Cessna 182, larger aircraft on call
A « r%
British S kyspo rts, Bridlington
East Leys Farm, Grindale Rd, Bridlington, E.Yorks Y 0 1 6 4YB
Tel: 01262 677 367 / 07836 276 188 Fax: 01262 401 871
Open: Everyday 8am -8pm
First Jump Courses: squares, AFF, tandem
Aircraft: Cessna 206
Merlin Parachute Centre
North Lo ndon Parachute Centre Ltd
FS CF AC WP x g * t f | T A IB %
Cornw all Parachute C lub
Fran’s Ranch, Old Naval Airfield, St Merryn,
Wadebridge, Cornwall PL27 7 R T
Tel: D Z 01841 540 691 C C I 01208 813 310
[email protected]
Open: Weekend 8am - dark, 3pm - sunset Wed - Fri (summer)
First Jump Courses: squares, tandem
Aircraft: Cessna 182, 206
Paragon Skydiving
Errol Airfield, Grange, Errol, Perthshire PH 2 7TB
Tel: 01821 642 454 Fax: 01821 642 656
Open: W e d -S u n
First Jump Courses: rounds, squares, AFF, tandem
Aircraft: Cessna 182
cf wp ac a
A W % gj
f i)
f |
Devon & Som erset Parachute School
PO Box 192, Durham DH1 5W D
Tower Way, Dunkeswell, Nr Honiton, Devon EX14 4XR
Tel/Fax 0191 517 1234
Tel/Fax: 01404 891 690
Email: [email protected]
A G U E S T 1 @
Open: All day Sat/Sun/Bank holiday Mon all day. Occassionally midweek
(especially Wed & Fri pm) - phone to confirm before travelling
O pen: 9am - sunset Wed - Sun, midweek by arrangement
First Jump Courses: Squares, AFF, tandem
First Jump Courses: squares, AFF, tandem
Aircraft: Cessna 182, Turbo 206
Aircraft: Cessna 206
FS CF WP SU i'i A s-=JS Y A 19\
Background Image: Norman Kent
FSCFWP^Afii A 18
Hibaldstow Airfield, Hibaldstow, Brigg, N Lines DN 20 9NN
Tel/Fax: 0113 250 5600 or 01652 648 837 DZ
[email protected]
Open: 9am - dusk every day
First Jump Courses: squares, AFF, tandem
Aircraft: G92Turbine, SMG-92Turbo Finist, Cherokee 6
lo fs ff wp ft « as ||Y
A 18 %
T h e Parachute Centre
Tilstock Airfield, Whitchurch, Shropshire S Y 1 3 2HA
Tel: 01948 841 111 Fax: 01948 840 638
[email protected]
Open: Sat 8am - dark, Fri 2pm - dark (summer)
First Jump Courses: squares, AFF, tandem
Aircraft: 2 x Cessna 206
L O F SC F A C W P x jA *^ A 18 %
U K Parachuting
Old Buckenham Airfield, Attleborough, Norfolk N R17 1PU
Tel: 01953 861 030 Fax: 01953 861 031
[email protected]
Open: Weekends & Weekdays (but phone first)
First Jump Courses: squares, tandem
Aircraft: PA-32 (available for weekend displays)
fs k
»Y A
Wild Geese Skydive Centre
Movenis Airfield, 116 Carrowreagh Road, Garvagh,
Coleraine, C o Londonderry, N Ireland BT51 5 LQ
Tel: 028 295 58 609 Fax: 028 295 57 050
[email protected]
Open: Every day. W/end 8am - dark, W/days 9.30am - dark
First Jump Courses: squares, tandem
Aircraft: Cessna 206, Cessna Caravan
Army Parachute Association
The Commandant, J S P C Airfield Camp, Netheravon,
Salisbury, Wiltshire S P 4 9 S F
Tel: Bulford Camp 01980 678 250
[email protected]
B RAFSPA &RAFSPA Hawks Parachute Team
JSP C (W) RAF Weston-orHhe-Green, Bicester, Oxon 0 X 6 8TQ
Tel: 01869 343 343 / 343 201 Fax: 01869 343 676
Peterlee Parachute Centre
Target Skysports
fs ff cf wp js ||^ A 18 %
Peterborough Parachute Centre
Sibson Airfield, Wansford, Peterborough P E 8 6 N E
Tel: 01832 280 490 Fax: 01832 280 409
Open: 8am - 8pm, Tue - Sun (summer). Wed - Sun (winter)
First Jump Courses: squares, AFF, tandem
Aircraft: Islander, Cessna 206, Turbolet (summer)
Skydive Wales
North W est Parachute Centre
Cark Airfield, Ftookburgh, Nr Grange-over-Sands,Cumbria
Tel: 01539 558 672 Fax: 01772 787 106
[email protected]
Open: Weekends and bank holidays
First Jump Courses: squares, tandem
Aircraft: Islander, Turbolet 410
Skydive Strathallan
Strathallan Airfield, Nr Auchterarder, Perthshire PH3 1LA
Tel: 0777 468 6161 Weekend 01764 662572
[email protected]
Open: Fri 5pm - 9pm, weekends 9am - 9pm
First Jump Courses: rounds, tandem
Aircraft: Turbine, 3 x Cessna 206
A 18 \
LO FS FF WP i* ft A Jff || T
LO FS CF FFWP SU AJ»f|Y ^>A 18 %
Pembrey Airfield, Pembrey, Carmarthenshire,
Wales S A 1 6 OHZ
Tel: 01554 891 534 Mobile: 07779 019655
[email protected]
Open: Friday - Sunday
First Jump Courses: tandem, squares
Aircraft: Cessna 182
Alanbrooke Barracks, Topcliffe, Nr Thirsk, N Yorks
Tel: W/days 01204 391 860 W/end 01748 875 367
Open: Weekends and bank holidays 9am - dark
First Jump Courses: squares, AFF, tandem
Aircraft. Islander
Kingsmuir Airfield, Saint Andrews, Scotland
Tel: 01334 880678
[email protected]
Open: Every w/end & Public holiday 8am - 10pm,
Regularly open midweek (by arrangement)
First Jump Courses: squares, AFF, tandem
Aircraft: Cessna 185, Islander May - September
Langar Airfield, Langar, Nottingham N G 13 9 H Y
Tel/Fax: 01949 860 878 [email protected]
O pen: Every day 9am - 8pm (or sunset), 10am start Sunday
First Jump Courses: squares, AFF, tandem
Aircraft: Porto- and Cessna 206. Turbolet (summer), Grand Caravan
Skydive St A n drew s
Green Street, Hazlemere, Bucks H P 1 5 7 R A
Drop Zone located off Junction 6 of M 40
Tel: 01494 459 500 Fax: 01494 444 326
[email protected]
Chatteris Airfield, Manea, March, C am bs PE 15 0 E A
DZ Tel: 01354 740 8 10 Fax: 01354 740 406
Office Tel: 01473 829 982 Fax: 01473 829 515
[email protected]
Open: Tues - Fri 10.30am - dark, Weekends 8am - dark
First Jump Courses: rounds, squares, AFF, tandem
Aircraft. Nomad
British Parachute S ch ools
LO FS CF FFAC WP ••< A M A <8 %
London Parachute School
Mob: 07970 818 458
Open: Weekends 8am - dark
First Jump Courses: rounds, squares, tandem
Aircraft. Islander, Cessna 206
Skydive Redlands
Redlands Farm, Wanborough, Swindon, Wiltshire
Tel/Fax: 01902 653 220 [email protected]
Open: Weekends, 9am - 8pm Please call 07855 908 083 prior to coming
First Jump Courses: squares
Aircraft: Various
drop zones
C o a c h i n g & F a c i li t ie s
Services Parachute Centre
Shackleton Barracks, B F P O 802.
Tel: 01504 721 472 Fax: 01504 721 342
Mobile: 0780 232 8755 SPC N I@
D Silver Stars Parachute Team
Duke of Gloucester Barracks,
South Cerney, Cirencester, Gloucester G L 7 5 R D
Tel: 01285 868259 Fax: 01285 861344
[email protected]
skydive 73
April 2002
Taking Human Flight
N 6 302M
Everyone welcome
Open every day (except Monday)
Team rates available
Unrestricted Altitude.
Now permanently based at:
North London Parachute Centre Ltd
Chatteris Airfield
Cambs PE 15 oEA
Tel: 01354 740810 fo r m o re d e ta ils .
O r call in a n d se e us.
Alternatively Email: [email protected]
Web Site:
Closest D Z
T he W
P a r t y in g
PhO M : + 4 5 4 8 48 24 M
F u c + 4 8 4 8 4 8 24 88
F l o r id a
King Air
Super Otter ,
Snack Bar
High Altitude Loads
Free Load Organizing
40 Seat Video Stadium
Regular Balloon Jumps
Large Carpeted Packing Hanger
Jump n' Jacks Bar and Grill
Organized Wind Tunnel Trips
Camping & Accomodation
O rlando
T h e S k y V e n t u r e W in d T u n n e l
Fast, reliable and
friendly advice for
air/activity sports
and domestic
insurance needs.
Capital sum in the event o f death, loss o f lim b/eye
W eekly benefit up to a m aximum of 104 weeks
(or use thereof) or to tal disablem ent
(exc. first 14 days) so long as doctor certifies totally unable
to follow normal occupation.
1 0 % No Claim s Bonus on renew al.
Activity sports equipm ent w orldw ide
you afford
. to be without it.
Personal baggage for travel insurance (excludes kit whilst
M edical expenses covering medical or surgical treatm ent
follow ing skydiving, air/activity accident
Air transport for repa tria tion, including medical attendants
for seriously ill or in jured insured person.
Costs of recovery to hospital follow ing a parachuting accident
Buildings/contents insurance
Car insurance
C o n ta ct Y vonne Jukes Tel/Fax 01983 298480 (2 4 hours)
4 8 A le x a n d r a R o a d , C o w e s , Is le o f W ig h t . P 0 3 I 7JT
Sport Jumpers
FS1 Training
Tel 001 (863)6781003
Fax 011 (863)678 1409
440 S Airport Rd Lake Wales, FL 33859
April 2002
out o f UK)
[email protected]
rz v Wrm
B est
F lo rid a \5 fiy d iv in g C enter
Skydive Ufce Wales
ww w
L 410 Tu
s k y d iv e @ c o m p u te l.s k
w w w .s lo v ak a irb o og ie .s k
BPA Associated UK Organisations
Overseas DZs
A s s o c i a t e d O r g a n i s a t i o n s ________________________________ O v e r s e a s M i l i t a r y A f f i l i a t e d DZs
When at BPA Af f i l i at ed Centres, the f ol l owi ng or ganisations are run under the
BPA Oper at i ons Ma n u a l . The BPA takes no responsibility
for t r ai n i ng or advice when these or ganisat ions oper at e at ot her centres
A c tiv e S k y d iv in g
Glengoynan, St Fillons,
Perthshire PH6 2ND
Tel/Fax: 01764 685316
Mobile: 07803 041348
Specialist AFF School offering residential courses in Spain and
USA, video included on all jumps. Run by Scotty Milne, ex Red
Devil, 5 times British Champion, w ith over 7,000 lumps. Advanced
Instructor & Examiner, Scotty uses the latest equipm ent and
P a ra c h u te T r a in in g S e rv ic e s
11 Godwyn Close, Abingdon,
Oxon 0X14 1BU
Tel/Fax: 01235 529570
doug@ paratrg.dem
Run by Doug Peacock, BPA Instructor/Examiner. The complete
RAPS package, PTS offers one jump introductory courses w ith the
option of individual progression training through Cat 8 and
advanced grades. Operating at Hinton A irfield in conjunction with
Hinton Skydiving Centre. Six days per week, call for further
teaching techniques tor best results.
inform ation.
A irw a v e s I n t e r n a t io n a l S k y d iv in g S ch o o l
78 Bexley High Street, Bexley,
P hD S k y d iv in g
Shrewton, Wilts SP3 4JY
Kent DA51LB
Tel: 01322 557375
Mobile: 07802 472 566
Tel: 01980 621363 M obile: 07971 665815
Friendly, professional AFF school and skydive U coaching run by
France: 00 33 (0) 619 605 997
M artin W illiams, BPA examiner, AFF instructor and Skydive U
coach. Providing clients w ith small, personalised courses all year in
BPA Approved instructors Rod Bartholomew (22 years experience),
Chris Lynch (ex XL), & Coco Cazalas (USPA) offer AFF, RAPS /
California, Spain and UK. Emphasis on continued support in UK
post course. Video on all jumps, only best equipm ent used.
RAPS progression, tandem , FS, FF and team coaching at our
beautiful seaside resorts in Royan, Corsica and Florida. Operating
fu ll-tim e all year, our professional and personal skydiving holidays
P op s UK
Pete Shew, 6a A m pthill Rd, Shefford,
Beds, SG17 5BD
have everything. Video included. UK support on return.
Tel: 01462 638312
A society of skydivers over forty. Regular national and
B ritis h C o lle g ia te P a ra c h u te A s s o c ia tio n
Dave Thompson - Chairman
Mill Hollow Barn, Stockwell Lane, Sulgrave, Banbury, Oxon, 0X17 2RS
The BCPA oims to promote porochuting and skydiving at collegiate
international meets at host parachute centres.
Red D e v ils
Airfield Camp, Netheravon,
level. We hold events for our 25 affiliated university clubs and we
W iltshire SP4 9SF
Tel: 01980 678211 (Chief Instructor)
provide help on setting up and running these clubs. Most importantly
we provide a community where university skydivers of all abilities can
Tel: 01980 678203 (Courses)
find like-minded people to jump and socialise with.
D a v id M o rr is A c tio n S p o rts
2 Daleside, Cotgrave,
Nottingham NG12 3QA
Tel/Fax: 0115 989 2050
M obile: 0777 498 6600
dave@ doleside2.dem
Dave specialises in AFF courses and tandem introductions in the
UK, Spain and France. The AFF course includes free jumpsuit,
altim eter, helmet, goggles, video log with re-jum ps at cost. A great
Fax: 01980 678349
Displays, tandem and RAPS courses.
S c o ttis h S p o rts P o ra c h u te A s s o c ia tio n
Bunny McGeechan (Chairman, SSPA),
Strathallan Airfield,
Auchterarder, Perthshire PH3 1BE
Tel: 01698 812 443 (weekdays)
Tel: 01764 662 572 (weekends)
deal if you w ant to learn to skydive. Dave has over 7,000 jumps
and is a BPA Tandem and AFF Instructor ond Examiner.
The SSPA aims to promote parachuting in Scotland and provide
training grants and subsidies fo r all aspects of the sport.
E ast C o ast P a ra c h u te C e n tre
8 Burns Crescent, Chelmsford, Essex CM2 OTS
Tel: 01245 268772
RAPS, static line and progression courses. AFF - UK and abroad.
Tandem Video by arrangement.
Currently sharing facilities w ith the London Parachute School at
Lewknor drop zone.
S k y d iv e A c a d e m y
P0 Box 192, Durham DH1 5WD
Contact: Ian Rosenvinge
Tel/Fax: 0191 386 5261
http://mem /skydiveam y
7 day AFF courses our speciality. Late May-mid September at
F r e e F a ll C o m p a n y
The Coach House, West St, Epsom, Surrey KT18 7RL
Tel: (Spain) 00 34 626 54 53 98
Operated by Kevin McCarthy, National Champion with over 7,500
jumps and over 20 years experience. Probably the best AFF school
in Europe. State of the a rt equipm ent and professional,
personalised training gives you safe, rapid progression to Category
10 ond beyond! Videos with all jumps. Courses available all year
in the Costa Brava. Flexible payment to suit YOU!
Peterlee. Outside this period, courses can be arranged abroad.
Centre 15 mins drive from Durham city (2.45hrs from Kings Cross
and and less than 2 hrs from Edinburgh). B&B in local pubs from
£12.50, in Durham City from £18.
S k y d iv e L im ite d
Sibson Airfield, Wansford,
Peterborough PE8 6NE
Tel: 01832 280066 Fax: 01832 280067
Mobile: 0785 000 7178
Chris Allen, Ex Red Devil, CCI, BPA AFF/Tondem Examiner, USPA
Safety and Training advisor and Skydive University UK co­
ordinator. Offers AFF courses in the UK and abroad. Also
available; team coaching, Skydive University one-on-one
Background Image: Norman Kent
T h e se D r o p Z o n e s a re ru n u n d e r th e B P A
O p e r a t io n s M a n u a l
C y p r u s C o m b in e d S e r v ic e s P o r a c h u t e C e n tre ( C C S P C )
Contact: Club CCI,
Dhekelia Garrison, BFPO 58, Cyprus
Tel: Office 00 357 474 4337
DZ: 00 357 474 4245
Fax: 00 357 474 4180 [email protected]
(Rhine Army Parachute Association)
Flugplotz, 33175 Bad Lippspringe,
Germany, BFPO 16
Tel: 0049 5254 982 2740 or 2378
Fax: 0049 5254 982 2740 awright91@
O ve rs ea s Associated O r g a n i s a t i o n s
The BPA takes no re spo nsibility
fo r any tra in in g or advice given by these organisations os they
do not necessorily operate under the BPA O perations Manual
PO Box 194,17487 Empuriabrava, Spain
Tel: 0034 972 450 111
Fax: 0034 972 450 749
[email protected]
Skydive Spain! AFF courses (1 tondem, 7 jumps with air-to-a ir video),
tandem flights, freestyle school, Babylon freefly school, Skydive U, free
load organising, team coaching (special rates), gear hire (with Cypres).
Pilatus Porter and Twin Otter all year. All jumps from 12,500ft. Open
all year - and now club house, tennis and pool!
F lo r id a S k y d iv in g C e n tre
440 South A irp o rt Road, Lake Wales, FL 33859, USA
Tel: 001 863 678 1003
Fax: 001 863 678 1409
info@ skydivelakew
BPA qu a lifie d WARP and tandem instructors and USPA AFF &
static lin e courses. Very large land in g open area, large covered and
carpeted packing area, fu ll lin e o f equipm ent, rigg in g shop, cafe,
snack ba r and lounge. King A ir summer, CASAs and Super Otters
N ovem ber-April.
F r e e fa ll A d v e n tu re s
400 West Airport Drive, Sebastian, FL 32958, USA
Tel: 001 561 388 0550
Fax: 001 561 581 4468
skydivem ik@
BPA and USPA qualified instructors. Owned by Brit Mick Hall. Otters
and Casas. Over 600 acres, classrooms, state of the art equipment,
undercover packing, wind tunnel training, free camping, showers, bunk
rooms, rigging, store, restaurant.
S k y d iv e C ity / Z - H ills
4241 Skydive Lane, Zephyrhills, FL 33540, USA
Tel: 001 813 783 9399
Fox: 001 813 782 0599
[email protected]
Visit Skydive City / Z-Hills - Florida's # 1 skydiving centre with full
time Super Otters, covered packing, RV park, free camping, Sunshine
Factory ond rigging shop on site, AFF, tondem, video available. BPA
S k y d iv e E ls in o r e
Mission Trail & Corydon Road, Lake Elsinore, C alifornia, USA
Tel: 001 909 245 9939
Fax: 001 909 245 3661
S k y d iv e S e b a s tia n
400 West Airport Drive, Sebastian, FL 32958, USA
Tel: 001 561 388 5672
Fax: 001 561 388 2105
[email protected]
Seb XL: [email protected]
BPA and USPA qualified training. Aircraft - Super Otter, Super Casa.
AFF, tandem, home of Skydive U, freefly coaching, teom training from
Sebastian XL. Equipped teom rooms, gym, volleyball, bunk-house,
camping, beach jumps, load organising, rigging service,
accommodation arranged.
programm e and tandem.
skydive 75
April 2002
BCPA Scottish Regionals
S t Andrews
[email protected]
Learning Curve Camp
Ramblers PC,
[email protected]
Toogoolawah Australia
Learn fr e e fly , sp otting , night jumps, canopy handling,
in tro to CF, seminars
XL Challenge Skills Camp
Pete Allum
001 561 5 89 673 4
Skydive Sebastian,
[email protected]
XL Tunnel Camp
Advanced Coaching Camp
Coaching fo r experienced coaches
SkyVenture W ind Tunnel, Orlando, FL
[email protected]
Irish FS & Accuracy Nationals
W ild Geese
0 28 295 5 860 9
[email protected]
Skydive U AFF Tunnel Camp
Skydive Sebastian, Florida
The f ir s t tunnel camp aimed exclusively at
A F F students.
[email protected]
CF Central Regionals
British Parachute Schools 01949 8 60 878
ww w
French FS Cup
Lapalisse, France [email protected]
1st Round
POPS Boogie
Bad Lippspringe,
0 0 4 9 5 25 4 9 8 22 7 40
[email protected]
BCPA Northern Regionals
[email protected]
Cinco de Mayo Boogie
01622 8 90 862
[email protected]
0116 278 5271
[email protected]
wild Geese 19th
Anniversary Boogie
Wild Geese
0 2 8 2 9 5 5 860 9
[email protected]
Albena, Bulgaria
[email protected]
Labor Day Mini Boogie
Ramblers PC,
[email protected]
Toogoolawah Australia
Weston Bank Holiday Party
01869 343 343
Australian National
Classics Championships
Sunshine Coast 5kydivers, Caloundra,
S Queensland, Australia
[email protected]
M ike Dyer
0061 0 7 3 3 69 8863
Langar Boogie
British Parachute Schools 01949 8 60 878
ww w
Co Vertical Boogie
Lapalisse Spring Boogie
European Freefall Center,
Lapalisse, France
[email protected]
FS Southern Regionals
01622 8 90 862
[email protected]
Classics Southern Regionals
[email protected]
01980 6 78 245
01869 343 343
Block Knights
0 1524 791 8 20
ww w . b k p c . c o . u k j e f f @ p a y c o . n e t
Jack Jefferies FS Skills Camp
BPA STC & Riggers M eeting
County Arms, Glen Parva, Leicester
[email protected]
0116 278 5271
New Age Central Regionals
0113 2 50 560 0
VNE FS Coaching Roadshow
01539 5 58 672
POPS M eet
M eissendorf,
[email protected]
01622 8 9 0 862
[email protected]
VMax FS Coaching Roadshow
S t Andrews
01334 8 80 678
4Pak FS Coaching Roadshow
01832 2 80 4 90
Queen's Birthday Boogie
Ramblers PC,
A ustralia
[email protected]
F re e fly scrambles A 10-way speed meet
0 0 4 9 5 25 4 9 8 2378
VNE FS Coaching Roadshow
0113 2 50 560 0
Target's 1st Summer Boogie
0113 2 50 560 0
BPA Council M eeting
01832 2 80 4 90
Scottish Nationals
0 7 7 7 4 6 86 161
4&8-w ay/FF/Surf/Fstyle/S& A/CF
CF & Classics
Northern Regionals
0 7 7 7 4 6 86 161
0 2 8 2 9 5 5 860 9
[email protected]
S tudent Progression w eek
01948 841 111
[email protected]
European Freefly Convention
[email protected]
Jack Jefferies 4-way Camp
The Ranch, New Y o r k
4-way M eet
01622 8 90 862
[email protected]
Swedish Friflaj Festival
[email protected]
0 0 4 6 7 0 7 9 79 7 5 7
POPS M eet
01295 812 300
01869 343
Airspeed Basic Tunnel Camps
29-13 Jui Golden Knights
Training Camp
The Ranch, New Y o rk
001 4 8 0 283 2603
POPS M eet
Perg bei Linz,
A ustria
[email protected]
wingsuit Festival
R A F SP A , W eston
01869 343 343
New Age Southern Regionals
[email protected]
01980 6 78 245
25-3 A ug World Cup of Champions
Lucenec, Slovakia
Rodders 4-way M eet
R A F SP A , W eston
Cancer Survivor
world Record Skydive
Skydive San Marcos,
001 512 3 35 3263
Texas, U S A
[email protected]
[email protected]
01622 8 90 862
[email protected]
New Age Northern Regionals
Voss, Norway
women's British Record
warm -up weekend
W ild Seese
CF Spektakel 2002
National Paracentrum, [email protected]
Teuge, N L
Midsummer Dinner Dance
01949 8 60 878
ww w
01295 812 3 00
0116 278 5271
31-4 Jun Jubilee Freefly w ith Babylon
Hinton CF Festival
Skydive Skane
Skydive Delmarva, Laurel, Delaware, U S A
001 4 8 0 283 2603
FS Central Regionals
Lapalisse, France
[email protected]
RAPA M eet
29-2 Jun Basic FS Skills Camp
Ostre Aera Summer Boogie,
including CF seminar
Speed 7
01622 8 90 862
[email protected]
30-4 Jun Airspeed Basic Tunnel Camps
POPS M eet
Target Skysports
independance Day Boogie
The Ranch, New y o r k
British Parachute Schools 01949 8 60 878
ww w
Target Sky sp orts
Target Sky sp orts
Black Knights
01524 791 8 20
ww w . t h e p o p s . o r g j e f f @ p a y c o . n e t
Tandem Record Day
Aiming fo r the largest number of tandem
skydives in one day - Langar 01949 8 6 0 878
Norway [email protected] 07816 821 204
ww w .skydivenorw ay.noinfo@ fallskjerm .no
Inter/A dv FS Skills Camp
24-4 Jun Fun/Progression Week
[email protected]
Skydive Delmarva, Laurel, Delaware, U S A
with Pete Allum
Black Knights
01524 791 8 20
ww w . b k p c . c o . u k j e f f @ p a y c o . n e t
BCPA Nationals & ACM
The Ranch, New Y o r k
RAPA, Germany
SAA/4A 8-w ay
Red Devils CF weekend
Jubilee Party
II-1 2
Lapalisse, France [email protected]
[email protected]
01980 6 78 245
[email protected]
01980 678 245
R A F SPA , W eston
Albena Black Sea Boogie
The Ranch, New Y o r k
scrambles Com petition &
Jubilee Party
instructor Course
C SI/Pre-Advanced
Canopy Piloting Seminar
Chris Lynch:
0116 278 5271
0116 278 5271
[email protected]
Pete Allum
001 561 5 89 673 4
Skydive Sebastian,
[email protected]
BPA Council M eeting
[email protected]
instructor Course
C S B I/ T B I/ A F F B I/ A d v
FS British Nationals
1st weekend (4-way)
0113 2 50 5 6 0 0
Bewl Reservoir Jump
01622 8 9 0 862
[email protected]
F o rm a tio n S kydivin g
Canopy Form ation
S tyle & Accuracy
Freefly & Skysurf
Speed S kydiving
M l
North west Sky Pest
01539 5 58 672
FS British Nationals
2nd weekend (8-way)
[email protected]
Jack Jefferies Big-way
Open Challenge
The Ranch, New York
7 Chord. 8 Backslide.
1 Three Ring. 2 Bridle.
10 Headcorn. 11 Voodoo.
3 Main. 4 Skyvan.
12 Breeze. 13 Arnhem. 15 Inch.
5 Flyovers. 6 Adios.
17 Spots. 19 Slot.
9 Hovers. 13 Atoms.
20 Climbs. 22 Alarms.
14 Formation. 16 Helmeted.
25 Spread. 26 Fall Rate.
18 Stable. 21 Madman.
27 Cameraman. 28 Zerox.
23 Airmen. 24 Speak. 26 Flap.
Denmark [email protected]
BPA STC & Riggers Meeting
BPA O f f ices, Leicester
[email protected]
0116 2 78 5271
Skydive City Boogie
Zephyrhills, Florida
001 8 00 4 04 939 9 info@
0044 (0)1296 688 536
[email protected]
Airsports Insurance Bureau
0044 (0)1983 298 480
[email protected]
0049 295 398 990
Albatros Skyworld
0044 (0)802 472 566 (Mobile)
[email protected]
01869 343 343
Headcorn 75th Anniversary
Gala Dinner & Dance
CASA Fallfest Boogie
Skydive Delmarva, Laurel, Delaware, U S A
01622 891 539
31-1 sep POPS FS Record Attempt
Paul French
[email protected]
Langar 07815 983 4 85
County Arms, Glen Parva, Leicester
[email protected]
0116 278 5271
BPA STC & Riggers Meeting
51-1 sep Tracking M eet
Pau Parachutisme
Passion, France
Ramblers PC,
[email protected]
Toogoolawah Australia
0 0 3 3 5 59 0 48 589
[email protected]
Equinox Boogie
0044 (0)1949 860 878
[email protected]
Dodington's Sports Instruments
51-2 sep Labor Day Boogie
The Ranch, New Y o r k
Perris Valley, California 001 9 0 9 6 5 7 3904
[email protected]
women's world Record
Hinton Skydiving Centre
0033 470 991 803
004 546 757 722
North London Parachute Centre
0044(0)1473 829 982
[email protected]
Norway Boogie
0047 916 41 801
Larsen & Brusgaard
[email protected]
0044 (0)1482 635 483
[email protected]
Original Lizard
0031 222 311 436
Parachutes de France
0033 (0)134 327 777
[email protected]
Paragear Equipment
001 847 679 5905
[email protected]
Paragon Skydiving
CF Southern Regionais
women's British Record
CPCB, Empuriabrava,
[email protected]
[email protected]
01841 5 40 691
ww w cpc@ m
01949 8 6 0 878
ww w
New Age British Nationals
01832 2 80 4 90
[email protected]
Target's 2nd Summer Boogie
0113 2 5 0 560 0
Second Round
0031 222 311 436
Paracentrum Texel
[email protected]
Espace Boogie
Lapalisse, France
[email protected]
www. lapal
Instructor Course
C S B I/ T B I/ A F F B I/ A d v
0116 2 78 5271
[email protected]
US Pond Swooping Nationals
The Ranch, New York
inte rn a tio n a l 16-way M eet
Lapalisse, France
F irst Round
[email protected]
international 16-way M eet
POPS M eet
[email protected]
01295 812 300
World Parachuting
FS Northern Regionais
0 1980 6 78 245
Karlovy Vary Boogie
Pete Marsden,
The Boogie Club
0 2 8 295 5 860 9
[email protected]
Armed Forces Championships
4-way F S / S A A
01932 701321
Fun/Progression Week
Black Knights
01524 791 820
ww w . b k p c . c o . u k j e f f @ p a y c o . n e t
woodmouse 4-way M eet
01832 280 490
[email protected]
BPA Council Meeting
[email protected]
0116 278 5271
[email protected]
0116 2 78 5271
FS & Freefly Skills Camp
R A F SPA, W eston
01869 343 343
[email protected]
Jelenia Gora,
01869 343 343
Speed Skydiving World Cup
instructor Course
C SI/Pre-A dvanced
Weston End of Season Party
[email protected]
www. lapal
G eoff W ood (Hinton)
[email protected]
Instructor Course
0116 278 5271
[email protected]
instructor Course
C S B I/ T B I/ A F F B I/ A d v
0116 2 78 5271
[email protected]
BPA STC & Riggers Meeting
County Arms, Glen Parva, Leicester
[email protected]
0116 278 5271
BPA Council Meeting
[email protected]
01832 2 80 490
[email protected]
0044(0)1980 844 130
[email protected]
Sky Ads
Skydive Eilat, Israel
Skydive Lake Wales
Skydive M ag
Skydive Portugal
Skydive Strathallan
Skydive University
Slovak Boogie
Sunpath Products
Symbiosis Suits
Target Skysports
0116 278 5271
Wild Geese Christmas Dinner
W ild Geese
0044 (0)1832 280 490
[email protected]
32, 43, 52
01869 343 343
0 28 295 5 8 60
26-3 Jan Australian National
[email protected]
UK Freefly Festival
End of Season Party
C SI/Pre-Advanced
Point Zero
Skydive Arizona
R A F SPA , W eston
The Boogie Club
The Kit Store
0061 754 231 159
0044 (0)1909 482 981
[email protected]
001 520 466 3753
0097 276 332 386
[email protected]
001 863 678 1003
[email protected]
0044(0)1733 380 568
[email protected]
[email protected]
0044 (0)7774 686 161 (mobile)
001 561 581 0100
[email protected]
[email protected]
001 813 782 9242
[email protected]
0044 (0)1622 890 967
[email protected]
0044(0)1132 505 600
[email protected]
0044 (0)1932 701 321
[email protected]
0044 (0)1622 890 967
[email protected]
Thomas Sports Equipment
Sydney Skydiving Centre, Corowa, N S W
[email protected]
[email protected]
001 904 738 2224
Peterborough Parachute Centre
01295 812 300
Performance Designs
01869 343 343
Lapalisse, France
Scrambles M eet
R A F SP A , W eston
Lapalisse, France
0116 278 5271
R A F SPA , W eston
W ild Geese
Classics & CF Nationals
[email protected]
Sap, France
0 0 3 3 4 9 2 5 40 239
1st Parachuting [email protected]
01262 6 7 7 3 67
[email protected]
26-10 n o v Kenya Safari Beach Boogie
BPA Council Meeting
26-3 n o v Halloween Boogie
LAC M eet
01622 8 90 862
[email protected]
0044 (0)1821 642 454
[email protected]
0044 (0)1962 774 443
004 968 377 375
CF Boogie
0044 (0)1948 662 179
001 561 388 0550
[email protected]
0044 (0)1993 700 200
[email protected]
0044 (0)1295 812 300
Freefall Adventures, Florida
Paracentrum Texel
0049 419 599 770
[email protected]
British Parachute School
Weston Summer Ball
R A F SP A , W eston
Hercules Boogie
0113 2 50 5 6 0 0
2k Composites
Total Control
0044 (0)1262 678 299
[email protected]
0061 893 256 001
[email protected]
April 2002
Skydive Thomas Sports
We are now on the web
• EQUIPMENT etc....
PINFOLD LANE, BRIDLINGTON, EAST YORKS, Y016 5XS • TEL: +44 (0) 1262 678299
FAX +44 (0) 1262 602063 • MOBILE: 07785 994931 • EMAIL: [email protected]