November 7 - Rehoboth Beach Film Society


November 7 - Rehoboth Beach Film Society
$5.00 val
302-645-9095 •
Beach Film
Board Members:
The Rehoboth Beach Film Society
Board Members / Staff
A Word from the Governor 6
is governed by the following group
A Word from the Film Society President 8
of dedicated and talented volunteer
A Word from the Executive Director 9
Board members:
A Word from the Festival Program Director
Eric Kafka, President
Everything You Need to Know about the Festival
Paul Kuhns, Vice-President
Ticket Sales Policies
Gene Dvornick, Treasurer
Audience Awards/Film Guidance System
Darrel Grinstead, Secretary
Film Schedule
Film Index
Film Planner About the Cover
Julie Davis
Teri Dunbar
Beth Hochholzer (ex officio)
Tricia Ratner
James Reichert
Allen Stafford
Midge Yearley
Regional Showcase
On Screen In Person
Sue Early, Executive Director
Live in the Lounge
Greg Jones, Education/Outreach Coordinator
Country Spotlight - Italy
Children’s Cinema Corner 99
Fierberg Award
Our Thanks
Film Society Members 104-105
Membership Information
Comment Form 108
What Makes Us Tick?
Guide to Advertisers 110-111
Beyond the Festival
Back Cover
Joe Bilancio, Festival Program Director
Malcolm Keen, Membership Coordinator
Gloria Walls, Administrative Assistant
Sue Hartman, Marketing Coordinator
Chuck Patalive, Website Administrator
Bill Becker, Bookkeeper
Mission Statement:
The mission of the RBFS is to promote the art
of film and, through outreach initiatives, to
entertain, educate, and enrich the cultural life
of local and extended communities.
Film Selection:
It is the practice of the Rehoboth Beach Film
Society, as the producer of the Rehoboth
Beach Independent Film Festival, to program
a selection of films that represents a
moderate balance of diversity, genre, focal
issues, and demographics.
Table of Contents
G over nor ’s L e t t er
Dear Film Enthusiasts,
Welcome to the 2012 Rehoboth Beach Independent Film Festival! Delaware’s oldest and
largest film festival is celebrating its 15th anniversary this year. I congratulate the Rehoboth
Beach Film Society on this accomplishment, and am proud that the State of Delaware,
Division of the Arts is once again co-sponsor of this premiere Mid-Atlantic film event.
The Festival has become a grand celebration of film culture in Rehoboth and the event sold
more than 18,000 tickets in 2011. The great contribution of American and International full
length, documentaries and short films combined with educational seminars, opportunities
to rub shoulders with celebrities and family friendly entertainment is what makes the event
so special.
Once again this year, one particularly deserving student film director will be the recipient
of the Morris and Roslyn Fierberg Student Film Award, which will be announced at the
festival along with the audience favorite winning films this year. This year’s art theme
features Laura Ambler’s mixed digital titled “Come to the Fest & Sea the World” is a fitting
expression of how Rehoboth and the Festival have become a destination for tourists and
admirers from around the world.
Whether you are a Delaware native or a visitor with us, I know you will be entertained and
enriched by this outstanding cultural event!
Jack Markell
Welc ome L e t t er
Dear Friends and Supporters of the Festival:
Time is our major resource. How we use our
as we draw together to celebrate the art of
time defines us. Our preferences and priorities
international and independent films. In a
sift through the sands of time and are clarified.
homogeneous litter with common interests,
Another concept that unites us is how we
trust and understanding come easily. This is
relate to family. We are born into a clearly
an unusual opportunity; one can leave at
defined pack which welcomes, protects, and
the end with ideas and inspiration, as well as
models how to be. We grow into independence,
a gaggle of new contact info for new “family”
but then, ironically, we search for “families” of
possibilities. Together we drink the liquid
people and places we need and want to have
literature of diverse documentary and feature
around us. Again, this process defines us.
films. Intoxicating! Remember, too, that we
Eric Kafka,
President, Board of Directors
Rehoboth Beach Film Society
Other ways
to support
If you are not inclined to
have money gathering on
your kitchen floor, you can
support the Rehoboth Beach
Film Society with its efforts to
produce the Rehoboth Beach
Independent Film Festival and
quality film events throughout
the year in several ways.
You can:
• Become or recruit a member
extend the Festival into year-round outreach
How is it that thousands of us descend upon
efforts. Check our website [
Midway Theaters in early November like
and hang our newsletters on your bathroom
horseshoe crabs or salmon internally directed
to their spawning grounds? I suggest that we
sort out by our use of time, and how we form
We can’t thank enough those individuals,
our “family.” Look around at those around you
businesses, and institutions who contribute
who have self-selected to be here. The fellow
time and money to help our efforts to bring
to your left, the couple to your right, the people
quality cinematic arts to Sussex County. A
waiting on line behind and in front, all brought
special thanks to the Delaware Division for
together under the “tent” of common tastes
their financial support of an operating grant
and interests. Say hello; engage. We share an
each year.
appreciation for visual beauty, for well-crafted plots and narrative, for the art of acting
I will end this welcome with yet another way
and storytelling, for the quest for significant
we define ourselves: by how we spend our
angles of truth, for broad and deep views of
money. If RBFS is a priority and is part of
culture and diversity, and for slices of real life
your family, then when you sweep all those
rarely portrayed in Hollywood.
loose dollars and coins off your kitchen floor,
empty the dustpan into an envelope and send
• Renew at a higher membership level
Alongside our members under the tent are
it to us. If you appreciate that we offer this
• Become or recruit a Sponsor
RBFS employees who choose to work hard
experience for the thousands of film-kin, then
• Purchase or sell a program ad
with this institution, and volunteers who
you might even find more sophisticated ways
give their time to be the heart of our family.
to contribute. Be creative; we rely on your
In my final months as President of the Board
allegiance, recommendations, and support.
of Directors, I am deeply grateful to my
Until then, let us delve into this annual RBFS-
colleagues who devote many hours to assuring
constructed celluloid “escape from reality.”
• Sponsor a film
• Attend film screenings as often as you can
that this non-profit is utilizing its resources to
meet the RBFS mission. So, welcome to the
Eric Kafka,
15th festival of the people. We do not aspire
President, Board of Directors
Rehoboth Beach Film Society
to be a jewel of the industry or a platform for
celebrities. The potential for “family” is here
The Rehoboth Beach Independent Film Festival may be considered a mid-size, regional Festival, but with
an audience coming from more than 25 states, including New Mexico, California, and other long distances,
I’m impressed with the scope of its reach.
Every January starts the influx of emails requesting the dates of the next Festival because of the need
to submit vacation schedules at work. It is heartwarming to know this event generates such enthusiasm
from so many people. One member has given up opportunities to speak at national conferences because of
schedule conflicts with the Festival. Now that is commitment!
In addition to our audience, we have many wonderful and dedicated volunteers. Some don’t see a single
film but love to be a part of such a festive event. We can always use more volunteers, so if you have time
before, during, or after the Festival, and want to help out, please let us know.
This event would not be possible without the generous support of sponsors, members, ad purchasers, and
everyone who purchases tickets. Your collective supportive is greatly appreciated.
Sue Early
Executive Director
Rehoboth Beach Film Society
Now in its 15th year, the Festival and the Film Society have entered the challenging teenage period. Significant growth has taught us
well but we also recognize there is further development ahead. As we continue to strive for improvement, one goal is to transition
to online ticket purchasing. In order to make that affordable, the parameters associated with ticket sales need to be simplified.
The Membership Committee has been reviewing options and in 2013 we will be sharing the challenges and asking for your input in
determining the best solutions.
We enjoy seeing you during the Festival put please don’t be once-a-year friends. The Film Society offers a fantastic variety of special
screenings, film series, and programs throughout the year. Please visit our redesigned website,, frequently to
learn about upcoming events.
Thanks again for your support and enjoy this wonderful event which you helped develop.
Sue Early, Executive Director, Rehoboth Beach Film Society
p.s. Next year’s Festival is November 6-10, 2013.
As Joe Sees It:
It’s only a few paragraphs, but this is always the hardest part of the program guide to complete. I am so
excited about all the films that I almost feel bad about giving some “highlights,” but alas, I must.
The best place to start would be the films that share a consistent theme. After years and years of hearing
the audiences say, and I do quote, “Why are there not more comedies?” My answer is always the same:
“because there are not many independent comedies.” This year I searched high and low, far and wide,
and found many gems of the comedy genre. These films will keep you laughing till the cows come home
(if I only knew what that meant!). The films range from laugh-out-loud, to dark comedy, and everything in
between. For those of you who like things on the darker side of your humor, do not miss The King Is Dead
and Sense of Humor. If you prefer your comedy sweet try Escort in Love and The Day I Saw Your Heart. Is
quirky comedy more your style? Then Let My People Go and Baikonur are must-sees.
Joe Bilancio
Festival Program Director
Country Spotlight: Italy highlights the amazing films coming out of the country. Six new films, including
Rehoboth Beach
major festival award winners Caesar Must Die and Diaz, Don’t Clean Up This Blood, along with three
Independent Film Festival
renowned classics that beg to be seen on the big screen (8 ½, Once Upon A Time In The West and The
Bicycle Thief) make this a great overview of the wonderful cinema industry in Italy. To learn even more, do not miss the seminar
“Neorealism, Spaghetti Westerns and Beyond,” Saturday, November 10 from 9:00AM – 10:30AM.
Finally, we have a group of truly independent films that showcase some of the best new talent and new films currently on the festival
circuit. These are prime examples that great films can be made outside of the big budgeted Hollywood machine. Sun Don’t Shine and
The Dynamiter take full advantage of their southern setting, using the setting as another character to their stories. Shuffle is a unique
blend or romance, comedy and sci-fi in a mash-up of genres that creates a wholly unique film. Valley of Saints is a socio-political film
that does not follow the expectations of the genre, but forges its own path, thus creating a new voice in the cinema of India.
So there you have it; just a few of the highlights of a festival filled with highlights. We once again have a number of films that have
played commercially in major markets, a few that will be seen commercially after the festival and yet others that will not been seen
anywhere except festivals, or maybe Netflix, way down the road.
Happy travels!
Joe Bilancio, Festival Program Director, Rehoboth Beach Independent Film Festival
Welcome Letter from Sue and Joe
As Sue Sees It:
Sponsor A ppr ecia tion
Production of the Rehoboth Beach Independent Film Festival is made possible through the
support of many businesses, and individuals. The Rehoboth Beach Film Society thanks the
following sponsors for their generous support which collectively helps make this Festival a
wonderful, cultural event that is enjoyed by several thousand film buffs:
Media Sponsor
Presenting Sponsor
Corporate Sponsors
Accommodations Sponsor
Arena’s Café (3 locations)
Metro Technical Services
Arena’s Deli & Bar
Tanger Outlet Center
Cape Gazette
Galapagos Conservancy
N Contributing Sponsors N
Atlantic Horizons
William F. McManus and David P. Nelson
Councilmember George Cole
[Sussex County Council]
Prudential Gallo REALTORS
Councilmember Joan Deaver
[Sussex County Council]
The SEA BOVA Associates, Inc.
Delmarva Online
Delmarva Public Radio
Summer House Restaurant
United Distributors of Delaware
Wilmington Savings Fund Society
N Sponsors N
Boardwalk Builders
Jack Lingo Realtor
Marisa Chaves & Chiqui Gavilan
Jakes Seafood Restaurant
Curtis J. Leciejewski DDS MAGD
Nicola Pizza
Community Bank Delaware
Sun Pile Foundation
Delaware Electric Cooperative
Wawa Food Market #849
Fulton Bank
Weston Woods
Hole By Hole
Sponsor A ppr ecia tion
N Supporting Sponsors N
E ver y thing You Need t o K now
Everything you need to know
about the Rehoboth Beach Independent Film Festival
DATES: Wednesday, November 7 – Sunday, November 11
Theaters: All films will be screened at the Movies at
Midway complex in the Midway Shopping Center on Highway One
(across from the Super Fresh, just north of Rehoboth Beach).
Thursday, Nov 8 through Sunday Nov 11
beginning at 8:00 am - till the start of the
last film.
All members can purchase tickets beginning at 8:00 am. Film
Free parking is available at the Midway Shopping
Buff and Student members may purchase tickets each day for
Center. Please be considerate and park in defined spaces. Cars
films being screened that day. Starting at 7:00 pm on Friday,
parked in non-defined spaces may be towed by the theater owners
Film Buffs and Student members can purchase tickets for the
at the car owner’s expense.
remaining days of the Festival.
SCHEDULING YOUR FILMS: When selecting films to
films being screened that day.
see, please make sure there is at least 20 minutes from the ending
Note: A current RBFS membership card must be presented
of one film until the beginning of the next film, as everyone is
and can only be used by the person whose name is on the card.
Future members can purchase tickets, beginning at 9:00 am, for
required to exit through the exterior doors and re-enter at the front
[Additional identification may be required]
of the building as per Delaware State Fire Marshal regulations.
Get a number!: During high volume periods, numbers will be
used instead of establishing long lines. Be sure to get a number
Pre-Festival: Ticket sales for eligible RBFS members take place
when you enter the Big Tent.
at the RBFS office [107 Truitt Ave., Rehoboth Beach].
Ticket Sales policies: [See pg. 16]
During the Festival: All ticket sales take place at the Festival
TICKET PRICES: A separate ticket must be purchased for
Box Office in the Big Tent located behind the Midway Shopping
each film. [Please note tickets are non-refundable]
Center. Access is from the parking lot behind the stores, or via the
“cut-through” between the Duron Paint store and JavaByte Cafe.
RBFS Member:
$9.00 per ticket
Youth Admission: $9.00 per ticket
(11 years old or younger)
Student RBFS Membership: (must have current photo student ID)
$9.00 per ticket
Pre-Festival Sales: [Oct 24 – Nov 4] at the RBFS office [107 Truitt
Ave., Rehoboth Beach] from 9:30 am – 4:30 pm, Monday – Friday.
General Admission: $10.00 per ticket
Contributing Director, Director, and Executive Producer
members are eligible to purchase tickets during the Pre-Festival
ticket exchanges if you decide to change your screening time or
sales period.
film selection. An exchange must be conducted at least one hour
EXCHANGE FEE: There is a $1.00 processing fee for all
in advance of the start time printed on the ticket being turned in.
Wednesday, Nov 7
Beginning 12:30 pm: Associate Producer members (only) may
LOCALS’ NIGHT: Oct 29-Nov 2 [9:30 am - 4:30 pm],
purchase tickets for the entire Festival.
Associate Producers, Film Buffs, Student members, and the
Beginning 3:00 pm: Film Buff members may purchase tickets
general public may purchase tickets at the RBFS office for Wed,
for Wednesday films only.
Nov 9 films only. The terms of the Ticket Sales Policy (on previous
Beginning 4:00 pm: Future members may purchase films for
page) apply to purchases for Locals Night.
Wednesday films.
Theatre TEMPERATURES: Temperatures in each
levels are entitled to priority seating as a corresponding benefit.
theater will fluctuate due to the audience size and location of your
Please respect the policy of reserving a seat for you and one guest
seat in relation to the fan. Dress in layers so you can adjust your
only. Only the priority seating badge holder may enter the theater in
clothing to be comfortable in a variety of temperatures. Remember
advance. Your cooperation is appreciated.
to take any removed clothing with you, as well as personal trash.
You may
We are glad you enjoyed
easily join the Rehoboth Beach Film Society by: registering online,
the buttery popcorn, refreshing beverages, and other delicious
by mail, in-person at the Film Society Office, or at the membership
treats while watching your film. Please be sure to take your trash
booth in the Big Tent during the Festival.
with you as you exit the theater and deposit in a trash receptacle.
Volunteers will appreciate your consideration as they are not paid
FOOD: Enjoy food and beverages in the Big Tent throughout the
trash collectors.
Festival. This is a great place to relax, meet new friends, and share
information about the great films you’ve seen! Alcoholic beverages
may not leave the tent. Thank you for your cooperation.
1) Please understand that the Management of the Movies at
Midway will not allow backpacks, large bags, recording devices, or
RECYCLING: Help us make this a Go Green festival by
outside beverages of any kind into the theater. To avoid potential
disposing recyclables in the appropriate recycling containers in the
inconveniences, please refrain from bringing extra baggage.
Big Tent. Thank you.
2) The Delaware State Fire Marshal requires all audience members
MERCHANDISE: Inventory is limited, so don’t wait to buy
this year’s Festival souvenirs. Take advantage of this opportunity to
purchase quality merchandise at reasonable prices for upcoming
holiday gifts.
to exit each theater through the exterior door, not the hallway
entrance. Compliance is required by all regardless of the weather,
Film Society membership level, or the starting time of your next
film. Your cooperation is appreciated.
3) Please be sure to turn off all electronic devices (cell phones,
PAYMENT OPTIONS: Cash, Visa, or MasterCard
beepers, etc) during film screenings.
are accepted as payment for ticket sales, membership and
4) No cameras or other recording devices may be used during film
merchandise. Checks are not accepted. Cash payment only at
the Beverage Booth, please.
Theater Accessibility: Elevators are available
Pets: Please respect that pets are not permitted in
for assistance to the upstairs screening room. Ask any theater
the Big Tent. A professionally registered service dog
employee for directions to the elevator.
may accompany its owner.
Lost & Found:
If you’ve misplaced your glasses, think you
Theatre Lighting: Each theater’s lights are
left a sweater on a theater chair, or you found keys in the parking
programmed to partially illuminate at the start of the
lot, please go to the Lost & Found box at the Information Booth in
credits and then fully illuminate when the credits are over.
the Big Tent. All discovered materials will be kept at this location.
For your safety, it is best to remain seated until the lights are on
full strength.
Movies at Midway is supportive of the Film Society by donating the use of the screening room for the Around The World series.
Please show your appreciation by purchasing your snacks from the Movies at Midway concessions booth.
Note: The Film Society works hard to make sure this program is accurate. Please understand that we depend on other festivals, distributors,
delivery people, and filmmakers to send films on time. Sometimes problems do occur which are beyond our control. Call the Festival office at
302-645-9095, check our website at and read notices in the Big Tent for the most current information.
E ver y thing You Need t o K now
PRIORITY SEATING: Certain membership and sponsor
T icke t S ale s P olicie s
ticket Sales policies
As the host of the Rehoboth Beach Independent Film Festival, the Film Society strives to maintain an “access for everyone” philosophy, as
the community spirit of the 5-day Festival is what we all enjoy. Ticket purchasing policies are designed to ensure an equitable distribution
of tickets and greater access to films for all attendees.
• Membership level determines if you can purchase tickets in advance or on the day of the screening.
• Current membership cards are required.
• RBFS individual members may purchase (2) tickets during a two-hour segment.
• RBFS couple members may purchase (4) tickets during a two-hour segment.
• Non-members may purchase two tickets during a two-hour segment on the day of the screening only.
• Throughout the Festival, an individual member or nonmember may only purchase (2) tickets per film
title, and couple members or nonmembers may only purchase (4) tickets per film title.
An individual membership, at any level, allows the purchase of one ticket for the member and one ticket for a guest per film title. A
couple membership allows the purchase of two tickets for the members and a ticket for two guests per film title. When members buy
tickets for multiple friends, it limits ticket availability for other members. Memberships help to support year-round programming. As
such, we depend on our members to encourage friends and relatives to become members so they may purchase their own film tickets.
To promote equal access, tickets may not be purchased for overlapping films beyond the two- or four-ticket allotment. This means
that no more than two tickets (individual member) or four tickets (couple) may be purchased during a two-hour segment. For further
clarification, see examples below:
(An individual member may purchase a ticket for her/himself and one guest)
Example 1 Purchase two tickets for a 1:00 pm film
Example 2 Purchase one ticket for a 1:00 pm film and
one for a 1:30 pm film
(the member attends one film, the
guest goes to the other)
Example 3 Purchase two tickets for a 1:00 pm film and
two tickets for a 2:10 pm film
Films overlap and purchase exceeds
two tickets during a 2-hour segment
Example 4 Purchase one ticket for a 1:00 pm film, one ticket
for a 1:45 pm film, and one ticket for a 2:00 pm film
Third film overlaps and exceeds two
tickets during a 2-hour segment
COUPLE MEMBERS (Couple members may purchase tickets for themselves and two guests)
Example 5 Purchase four tickets for a 1:00 pm film
Example 6 Purchase two tickets for a 1:00 pm film and two
for a 1:30 pm film
(the members attend one film,
the guests go to the other)
Example 7 Purchase four tickets for a 1:00 pm film and four
tickets for a 2:10 pm film
Films overlap and purchase exceeds
four tickets during a 2-hour segment
Example 8 Purchase of two tickets for a 1:00 pm film, two tickets
for a 1:45 pm film, and two tickets for a 2:00 pm film
Third film overlaps and exceeds four
tickets during a 2-hour segment
Note: “Not permissible” purchases will prevent an order from being fully processed.
If you have any questions contact RBFS personnel at 302.645.9095, ext 1.
Not permissible
This year the Film Society is proud to announce that the first place Audience Award winners will receive
a $500 cash prize due to the generosity of the donors mentioned below.
It is very important that each viewer vote with his/her ticket stub by selecting the option that best describes your personal rating
of the film. The rating options are:
very good
If you are one who saves ticket stubs, please ask a Theater Management volunteer for a ballot. Your ticket stub or ballot needs
to be placed in the Ballot Box at the theater’s exit. Every vote is counted and is very important to the overall process of selecting
the best films at this year’s Festival. In respect of the hard work devoted to each and every film, please be sure to submit a vote
for each film that you see.
The following Audience Awards will be announced at the Closing Celebration on Sunday evening in the Big Tent.
The Friebert-Hanuschock Best Debut Feature Award is sponsored
by Sarah Friebert and Rita Hanuschock.
The Brant-Estes Best Feature Award is sponsored
by David J Brant and Greg Estes.
The Best Documentary Award is sponsored
by Johannah Barry.
The Best Short Award is sponsored
by the Rehoboth Beach Film Society Board of Directors.
Thank you voters and wonderful donors.
Film Guidance System
The Rehoboth Beach Independent Film Festival screens films of
artistic merit from around the world. Many of these films have not
been rated by the Motion Picture Association of America and may
contain material not suitable for minors. In an effort to provide as
much information as possible for viewers, the RBFS has created
a guidance system that can be used as part of the film selection
process. Codes were assigned to films, when applicable, to the best
of the Film Society’s ability. Film viewers and parents of minors, are
strongly encouraged to read the movie descriptions and codes, and
to use individual discretion when selecting films for viewing. RBFS
employees and Board members are available to answer any questions
about the content of any film Employees and Board members are
available to answer any questions about the content of any film.
= may contain some offensive language
= may contain some nudity
= may contain some violence
= may contain some sexual content
= may contain lesbian/gay orientation
A udienc e Awar ds and F ilm Guide
Audience Awards
F ilm Schedule
Film Schedule
Fri [Nov 9]
Wed [Nov 7]
Celeste and Jesse Forever
And If We All Lived Together
The Invisible War
Caesar Must Die
The King is Dead
Ha Ha Ha Shorts
Chicken With Plums
Searching For Sugar Man
Chasing Ice
5:30 PM
5:30 PM
5:45 PM
5:50 PM
6:00 PM
7:25 PM
7:30 PM
7:45 PM
7:45 PM
8:00 PM
7:00 PM
7:05 PM
7:15 PM
7:30 PM
7:20 PM
9:15 PM
9:05 PM
9:20 PM
9:10 PM
9:15 PM
Thur [Nov 8]
Off White Lies
Kiss Me
Caesar Must Die
The Girls in the Band
Teddy Bear
Keep The Lights On
Come As You Are
Corpo Celeste
5 Broken Cameras
Once Upon A Time in the West
Found Memories
For 80 Days
Searching For Sugar Man
Sense of Humor
Apartment in Athens
Tell Me A Story Shorts
The Cat Vanishes
The Dynamiter
Facing Mirrors
Diana Vreeland
Diaz, Don’t Clean Up This Blood
Café De Flore
The Day I Saw Your Heart
Celeste and Jesse Forever
Robot & Frank
The Island President
Valley of Saints
Escort in Love
Ha Ha Ha Shorts
12:00 PM
12:00 PM
12:00 PM
12:15 PM
12:20 PM
12:25 PM
12:30 PM
12:30 PM
1:45 PM
2:00 PM
2:15 PM
2:20 PM
2:25 PM
2:35 PM
2:50 PM
2:55 PM
3:55 PM
4:05 PM
4:10 PM
4:30 PM
4:45 PM
4:45 PM
4:55 PM
5:35 PM
6:10 PM
6:15 PM
6:20 PM
6:25 PM
6:30 PM
6:45 PM
7:05 PM
7:30 PM
8:05 PM
8:30 PM
8:35 PM
8:40 PM
8:50 PM
9:05 PM
9:15 PM
1:30 PM
1:50 PM
1:20 PM
1:40 PM
1:55 PM
2:10 PM
2:25 PM
2:30 PM
3:25 PM
3:40 PM
3:45 PM
5:10 PM
4:05 PM
4:20 PM
4:20 PM
4:30 PM
5:50 PM
5:45 PM
5:55 PM
6:00 PM
6:00 PM
6:25 PM
6:40 PM
7:05 PM
7:40 PM
8:20 PM
8:10 PM
8:15 PM
8:05 PM
8:50 PM
8:45 PM
8:55 PM
9:35 PM
10:00 PM
10:20 PM
10:05 PM
10:25 PM
10:40 PM
10:50 PM
The Dream Share & Little Big Gun
10:00 AM
12:00 PM
Jonathan’s Return
10:00 AM
11:25 AM
Time To Spare
10:10 AM
11:50 AM
10:20 AM
11:40 AM
Let My People Go
10:30 AM
12:00 PM
8 1/2
12:00 PM
2:20 PM
Nancy Please
12:00 PM
1:40 PM
10% Shorts
12:05 PM
1:50 PM
12:15 PM
1:55 PM
Sense of Humor
12:20 PM
2:10 PM
Chicken With Plums
12:25 PM
2:00 PM
Sun Don’t Shine
12:30 PM
2:10 PM
Diaz, Don’t Clean Up This Blood
12:35 PM
2:35 PM
Shorts From Around Here 2
2:05 PM
3:35 PM
2:15 PM
4:00 PM
2:20 PM
3:55 PM
Café De Flore
2:25 PM
4:25 PM
The Invisible War
2:35 PM
4:10 PM
Off White Lies
2:40 PM
4:10 PM
In The Family
2:45 PM
5:35 PM
3:00 PM
4:35 PM
Escape Fire
4:00 PM
5:35 PM
Out In The Dark
4:20 PM
6:00 PM
4:25 PM
5:50 PM
King is Dead
4:35 PM
6:25 PM
Ha Ha Ha Shorts
4:40 PM
6:25 PM
4:50 PM
6:45 PM
Robot & Frank
5:00 PM
6:30 PM
And If We All Lived Together
6:00 PM
7:35 PM
6:00 PM
7:40 PM
Kiss Me
6:15 PM
8:05 PM
Apartment in Athens
6:20 PM
7:55 PM
6:50 PM
8:30 PM
6:50 PM
8:40 PM
Diana Vreeland
7:00 PM
8:30 PM
Teddy Bear
7:10 PM
8:45 PM
7:50 PM
9:20 PM
Escort in Love
8:05 PM
9:40 PM
8:20 PM
9:50 PM
Midnight Special Shorts
8:25 PM
10:15 PM
The Day I Saw Your Heart
8:55 PM
10:35 PM
I Stand Corrected
8:55 PM
10:20 PM
The Dynamiter
9:05 PM
10:20 PM
The Cat Vanishes
9:10 PM
10:40 PM
Apartment in Athens
10:00 AM
White Gold & The Ida May Project
10:00 AM
Come As You Are
Sun [Nov 11]
11:35 AM
Celeste and Jesse Forever
10:00 AM
11:30 AM
12:10 PM
Chicken With Plums
10:00 AM
11:35 AM
10:10 AM
11:35 AM
Let My People Go
10:00 AM
11:30 AM
10:20 AM
12:15 PM
In The Family
10:00 AM
12:50 PM
10:20 AM
12:15 PM
The Girls in the Band
10:10 AM
11:35 AM
10:25 AM
12:00 PM
Dislecksia: The Movie
10:25 AM
12:05 PM
Ha Ha Ha Shorts
10:30 AM
12:05 PM
10:30 AM
12:05 PM
Diana Vreeland
10:30 AM
12:00 PM
10:30 AM
11:55 AM
12:00 PM
1:40 PM
And If We All Lived Together
11:55 AM
1:30 PM
Nancy, Please
12:00 PM
1:40 PM
Caesar Must Die
12:00 PM
1:20 PM
Time To Spare
12:25 PM
2:05 PM
Robot & Frank
12:00 PM
1:30 PM
12:25 PM
2:05 PM
Searching For Sugar Man
12:00 PM
1:25 PM
Twin Poets: Why I Write
12:30 PM
1:55 PM
12:30 PM
2:20 PM
Keep The Lights On
12:35 PM
2:20 PM
12:30 PM
2:05 PM
Café De Flore
12:40 PM
2:40 PM
Audience Favorite 5
12:40 PM
2:40 PM
12:45 PM
2:25 PM
1:20 PM
3:00 PM
Off White Lies
2:05 PM
3:35 PM
Facing Mirrors
1:45 PM
3:25 PM
The Invisible War
2:05 PM
3:40 PM
5 Broken Cameras
1:50 PM
3:20 PM
The Island President
2:20 PM
4:05 PM
Audience Favorite 6A
1:50 PM
3:50 PM
I Stand Corrected
2:30 PM
3:55 PM
Audience Favorite 6B
1:50 PM
3:50 PM
Bicycle Thieves
2:30 PM
4:05 PM
Come As You Are
2:30 PM
4:25 PM
2:45 PM
4:30 PM
Escape Fire
2:50 PM
4:25 PM
Corpo Celeste
2:50 PM
4:30 PM
For 80 Days
3:05 PM
4:50 PM
Chicken With Plums
3:05 PM
4:40 PM
Corpo Celeste
3:20 PM
5:00 PM
Audience Favorite 1
4:00 PM
6:00 PM
Valley of Saints
3:35 PM
5:00 PM
Tell Me A Story Shorts
4:05 PM
5:50 PM
Escort in Love
4:20 PM
5:55 PM
Audience Favorite 2
4:30 PM
6:30 PM
Sense of Humor
4:30 PM
6:20 PM
4:55 PM
6:15 PM
Out In The Dark
5:00 PM
6:40 PM
The Cat Vanishes
5:05 PM
6:35 PM
Dancing on a Volcano
6:15 PM
7:30 PM
Robot & Frank
Day Event
Start Location
Fri​Seminar: Independents Day
9:00 AM
Screening Room
Seminar: Neorealism,
Spaghetti Westerns and Beyond 9:00 AM
Screening Room
Children’s Cinema Corner
1:00 PM Upstairs
Screening Room
Screening Room
6:20 PM
7:50 PM
Audience Favorite 3
6:25 PM
8:25 PM
Sun Don’t Shine
6:40 PM
8:20 PM
Facing Mirrors
6:45 PM
8:25 PM
Audience Favorite 4
7:00 PM
9:00 PM
​New Filmmakers New
Sat New Films
5:00 PM
Let My People Go
7:00 PM
8:30 PM
Dogfish Head Beer Tasting
8:30 PM
Big Tent
Diaz, Don’t Clean Up This Blood
7:05 PM
9:05 PM
And If We All Lived Together
7:55 PM
9:30 PM
Italian Tarantella Dance 9:15 PM Big Tent
8:15 PM
9:45 PM
Sat​Italian Sing-along
9:35 PM Big Tent
The King is Dead
8:45 PM
10:35 PM
The Day I Saw Your Heart
8:50 PM
10:30 PM
Seminar: The Invisible War –
A Further Examination 9:00 AM
Screening Room
Teddy Bear
8:55 PM
10:30 PM
10% Shorts
9:00 PM
10:45 PM
Closing Night Celebration
5:00 PM Big Tent
Chasing Ice
9:25 PM
10:40 PM
Found Memories
9:30 PM
11:10 PM
Film Schedule
Sat [Nov 10]
F ilm Index
Film Index
8 1/2
5 Broken Cameras
A Curious Conjunction
of Coincidences
A Ninth Life
A Sick Day for Amos McGee
Aaron Burr, Part 2
And If We All Lived Together
Anna Marie
Apartment in Athens
The Bicycle Thieves
Bink and Gollie
The Boy in the Bubble
Caesar Must Die
Café De Flore
The Cat Vanishes
Celeste and Jesse Forever
Chasing Ice
Chicken With Plums
Children Make Terrible Pets
Coffee & Pie
Come As You Are
Corpo Celeste
Couples Thearpy
Dancing on a Volcano
The Day I Saw Your Heart
The Detector
Diana Vreeland:
The Eye Has To Travel
Diaz, Don’t Clean
Up This Blood
Dislecksia: The Movie
The Dream Share Project
The Dynamiter
Edwina, The Dinosaure Who
Didn’t Know She Was Extinct
Escape Fire: The Fight To
Rescue American Healthcare
Escort in Love
Facing Mirrors
Fallen Comrade
The Fantastic Flying Book
of Mr. Morris Lessmore
Food of Love
For 80 Days
Found Memories
Fresh Air Thearpy
The Girls in the Band
Tell Me A Story Shorts
The House On The Lake
Midnight Special Shorts 75
I Stand Corrected
I’m Coming Over
HA HA HA Shorts
The Ida May Project
Regional Documentary
In the Family
The Invisible War
The Island President
It’s A Boy
10 % Shorts
It’s Just A Detail
HA HA HA Shorts
It’s Not A Cowboy Movie
10 % Shorts
Jonathan’s Return
Regional Documentary
Junk Man
Regional Student Shorts 85
Keep The Lights On
The King Is Dead
Kiss Me
Kitten’s First Full Moon
Children’s Cinema Corner 99
Let My People Go
Little Big Gun
Regional Documentary
Mr. Christmas
Tell Me A Story Shorts
Mr. Stache
HA HA HA Shorts
My Bow Breathing
Midnight Special Shorts 75
Nancy, Please
Never Dream…The Beginning Regional Student Shorts 85
Nowhere Road
Midnight Special Shorts 74
Off White Lies
Once Upon A Time in the West Feature
Once Upon a Time
There Was Oil
Midnight Special Shorts 74
Out in the Dark
HA HA HA Shorts
Punch Face Moan
Midnight Special Shorts 74
The Red Hen
Children’s Cinema Corner 99
The Red Shoes
Regional Student Shorts 85
Robot & Frank
Seaching For Sugar Man
Sense of Humor
Silver Stiletto
10 % Shorts
Sorri, Rabbi
HA HA HA Shorts
Sun Don’t Shine
Teddy Bear
Time To Spare
10 % Shorts
The Twin Poets: Why I Write Regional Documentary
The Unliving
Midnight Special Shorts 75
Valley of Saints
White Gold: Delaware’s
Oyster Industry
Regional Documentary
HA HA HA Shorts
Shorts From Around Here 2 83
Children’s Cinema Corner 99
Tell Me A Story Shorts
Midnight Special Shorts 74
Shorts From Around Here 2 83
HA HA HA Shorts
Children’s Cinema Corner 99
Regional Student Shorts 85
Tell Me A Story Shorts
Tell Me A Story Shorts
Children’s Cinema Corner 99
10 % Shorts
10 % Shorts
Tell Me A Story Shorts
Regional Documentary
Shorts From Around Here 2 83
HA HA HA Shorts
On Screen/In Person
Regional Documentary
Children’s Cinema Corner 99
10 % Shorts
Tell Me A Story Shorts
10 % Shorts
Regional Student Shorts
10 % Shorts
Wed [Nov 7]
5:00 PM
8:00 PM
6:00 PM
9:00 PM
7:00 PM
10:00 PM
Thur [Nov 8]
Fri [Nov 9]
10:00 AM
10:00 AM
11:00 AM
11:00 AM
1:00 PM
1:00 PM
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9:00 PM
9:00 PM
10:00 PM
10:00 PM
11:00 PM
11:00 PM
Film Planner
Film Planner
F ilm P lanner
Film Planner
Sat [Nov 10]
Sun [Nov 11]
10:00 AM
10:00 AM
11:00 AM
11:00 AM
112 NOON
1:00 PM
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9:00 PM
10:00 PM
11:00 PM
A bou t the C over
About the Cover
The theme for the 15th anniversary of the Rehoboth Beach
Independent Film Festival was inspired by Laura Ambler’s mixed
digital titled “Come to the Fest & Sea the World”
Laura Ambler is a Telly Award-winning advertising executive
heading her own writing, graphic design, and creative services
Laura Ambler
agency, The Ambler Company, Inc. based in Easton, Maryland.
She illustrated three children’s books: The Fish Tank , The Turtle
Tank, and The Rat Tank published by Schiffer Publishing in 2011.
Legendary movie producer and director Roger Corman purchased
Ambler’s first screenplay, The Theory of Chaos and hired her to
write The White Pony, the highest grossing Corman family movie
to date.
In addition to author, screenwriter, and illustrator, Ambler is
executive vice president of East Coast Flight Services, Inc. where
she is responsible for strategic planning.
Original Cover Art
Thank you, Laura for bringing a new style of artistic creativity to
this year’s Festival.
– Rehoboth Beach Film Society
A special thanks to Janice Elder, Kimberly Kirtley, Jane Knaus, Damon
Pla, Alan Rich, Nina Stamus, Lora C. Slavin, and Toby Jo Vandiver for
submitting wonderfully creative art for consideration.
If you are interested in submitting artwork for the 2013 Festival, visit for guidelines and due date.
The original artwork “Come to the Fest & Sea the World” will be available
for purchase via a silent auction to be conducted throughout the Festival.
Bids maybe placed at the Information Booth in the Big Tent until 5:00 pm, Sun
(Nov 11). The winning bid will be announced during the Closing Celebration.
Fe a tur e F ilms
And If We All
Lived Together
(Et Si on Vivait Tous Ensemble)
Five close friends, five different characters: Claude (Claude
Rich), who has always loved women; Annie (Géraldine
Chaplin) and Jean (Guy Bedos), the unlikely couple, he
a political activist, she bourgeois and conventional; and
Jeanne (Jane Fonda in fluent French) and Albert (Pierre
Richard), the feminist and the bon vivant. Five longtime
friends face five different problems with growing old. The
solution: a shared house, because none of the five friends
is ready to give up any independence, at least not yet. To
5:30 pm-7:05 pm
Julie Davis
6:00 pm-7:35 pm
Rehoboth Beach Writers’ Guild
Nov 10
7:55 pm-9:30 pm
Barefoot Wines
NOV 11
11:55 AM-1:30 PM
Suzanne & Donald Ziegler
make their communal life a little easier, Jeanne hires the young student
Dirk (Daniel Brühl) who moves in with them. “Friendship, solidarity,
fraternity” could be the catch phrase of this tender comedy but might
also provide some answers to the increased ageing dilemma.
[Director: Stéphane Robelin, 2012, France/Germany, Blu-ray,
94 mins. In French with English subtitles.]
Apartment In Athens
(Appartamento ad Atene)
Newport Film Festival, and Phoenix Film Festival, Best Young Filmmaker Award, Rome Film Festival
Set against a backdrop of the German occupation of
Athens in 1943, this taut drama introduces us to the
Helianos family, whose life undergoes a profound
change when an exacting German officer with a strict
and inscrutable attitude commandeers their apartment.
The officer, Captain Kalter, essentially treats the family
as indentured servants, expecting them to cater to
his every whim, while the father, to protect his family,
falls into a habit of doing the Captain’s bidding without
protest. His young son is altogether less acquiescent,
and his wife and daughter display their own ambivalent
feelings about the unexpected intruder. Survival instincts
4:05 pm-5:45 pm
6:20 pm-7:55 pm
NOV 10
10:00 am-11:35 am
Sponsored by:
Jon & Carole Woodyard
being what they are, the family soon establishes a routine of going
about daily life as if things are normal. But when their unwanted guest
abruptly leaves for Germany, then returns as suddenly as he left,
things take an unexpected turn.
[Dir. Ruggero Dipaola, 2011, Italy, 35mm, 95 mins. In Greek and
German with English subtitles.]
This film is part of the COUNTRY SPOTLIGHT: ITALY
An absolutely stunning visual delight, Baikonur is a
most unusual love story. The Baikonur Cosmodrome, an
entire Kazakh city administered by Russia, encompasses
an old yet ultra-modern space launch facility. Riding
furiously across the barren steppes outside Baikonur
are rival groups of Kazakh horsemen, intent on being
the first to reach newly-landed space junk, which they
recycle for a profit. Burning objects rain from the sky
on a regular basis. The villagers’ motto: Whatever falls
from heaven is a gift from God, and belongs to the first
who finds it. A young Kazakh ham radio operator and
space fanatic calling himself Gagarin, after the Soviet
Sponsored by:
thursnov 8
2:55 pm-4:30 pm
Suzanne & Donald Ziegler
2:20 pm-3:55 pm
Dogfish Craft Brewery
NOV 11
10:30 am-12:05 pm
John Metz
cosmonaut, monitors the launches. One day the capsule containing a
beautiful French space tourist named Julie crashes on its way back
to Earth, rendering her comatose. Gagarin takes her tenderly into his
yurt and places her on a bier, like Sleeping Beauty. What will happen
when she awakens? Will Gagarin follow Julie to her otherworldly life or
remain down-to-the-Kazakh-earth?
[Dir. Viet Helmer, 2011, Kazakhstan/Germany/Russia, 35 mm, 94
mins. In Kazakh, Russian, French and English with English subtitles.]
Caesar Must Die
(Cesare deve morire)
Winner of the Golden Bear (best film) at the Berlinale,
Caesar Must Die deftly melds fiction and non-fiction
in a transcendently powerful drama-within-a-drama.
The film was made in Rome’s Rebibbia Prison, where
the prisoners are preparing to stage Shakespeare’s
Julius Caesar. After a competitive casting process, the
roles are eventually allocated. As the prisoners begin
exploring the text, they discover parallels to their own
lives and stories. Hardened criminals, these actors
find great motivation in performing the play. As we
witness the rehearsals, beautifully photographed in
various nooks and crannies within the prison, we see
Audience Award for Best Film, Sundance Film Festival
Sponsored by:
6:00 PM-7:20 PM
Darrel Grinstead & Diane Pirkey
12:00 PM-1:20 PM
Beth Hochholzer & Alan Barthelman
NOV 11
12:00 PM-1:20 PM
Butch Hovis, LCSW
the inmates also work through their own conflicts, both internal and
between each other. The directors break the boundary between reality
and fiction in startling ways and the result is thoughtful, engaging and
a triumphant celebration of art’s ability to impact lives. As one of the
prisoners says in a heartbreaking moment: “Since I have known art,
this cell has turned into a prison.”
[Dir. Paolo and Vitorrio Taviani, 2012, Italy, DCP, 76 mins. In Italian
with English subtitles.]
This film is part of the COUNTRY SPOTLIGHT: ITALY
Feature Films
Fe a tur e F ilms
Café de Flore
Best Canadian Film, Atlantic Film Festival, Best Film,
Vancouver Film Critics Association, Best Actress,
Jutra Awards
Café de Flore is an unconventional love story in which two
narratives are rhythmically woven together to create a
tale of emotion and destiny. Set in present-day Montreal,
the first story centers on Antoine, a successful DJ and
divorced father of two girls, who is wildly infatuated with
his girlfriend Rose. However, he still has strong ties to
his ex, Carole, and it’s evident they are not entirely over
one another. The second story takes place in Paris in
1969. Jacqueline is the fiercely devoted single mother
of Laurent, a young boy with Down Syndrome. When a
young girl who also has Down Syndrome joins Laurent’s
class, Jacqueline’s tightly woven world begins to fray. It
seems initially that music is the only link between the
thursnov 8
6:45 PM-8:50 PM
2:25 Pm-4:25 PM
NOV 10
12:40 PM-2:40 PM
Sponsored by:
two stories, but as Carole’s dreams and sleepwalking intensify, we
begin to sense that she is connected to Jacqueline in a much deeper
way. Jean-Marc Vallée (C.R.A.Z.Y.) has crafted a mysterious and at times
devastating portrait of the mystic forces controlling his characters’
destinies. Café de Flore possesses an undeniable musicality, with its
layered, rhythmic beat mixing together two powerful tales of love and
[Dir. Jean-Marc Vallée, 2011,Canada, DCP, 120 mins. In French with
English subtitles.]
The Cat Vanishes
(El Gato Desaparece)
Special Jury Award, Miami Film Festival A suspenseful thriller in the vein of Alfred Hitchcock,
The Cat Vanishes is a tale of mistrust seeping into the
relationship of a couple who know each other well. Luis
and Beatriz are long-married spouses. He’s a university
professor and she’s a translator. Together they lead a
refined life full of books and classical music. But Luis
is just being released from a psychiatric hospital after a
violent psychotic episode. Beatriz is hesitantly eager to
start over with the husband she loves. But Luis doesn’t
seem quite right: he’s too cooperative; he’s distant; he
laughs at slapstick TV shows and he even agrees to go
Sponsored by:
thursnov 8
4:30 PM-6:00 PM
9:10 PM-10:40 PM
Hoy En Delaware Newspaper
NOV 10
5:05 PM-6:35 PM
Salisbury University
to the beach, all traits unheard of before the incident. Plus, though he
takes a daily cocktail of psychotropic drugs, it dawns on Beatriz that
Luis might be behind the disappearance of her beloved cat. And she’s
convinced he’s about to pounce on bigger prey. Carlos Sorín’s latest
work is a tense, humorous, and well-acted film, an artful modern-day
Latin American thriller.
[Dir. Carlos Sorin, 2011, Argentina, 35mm, 89 mins. In Spanish with
English subtitles.]
Website: www.
MPAA Rating: R
Celeste and Jesse met in high school and got married
young. They laugh at the same jokes and finish each
other’s sentences. They are forever linked in their
friends’ minds as the perfect couple: she a highpowered businesswoman and budding novelist, he a free
spirit who keeps things from getting boring. Their only
problem is that they have decided to get divorced. Can
their perfect relationship withstand this minor setback?
Lee Toland Krieger finds the perfect tone to tell a
story that is at first familiar but then transitions into
something unique and authentic. Writers Rashida Jones
Sponsored by:
WEDnov 7
5:30 PM-7:00 PM
8:05 PM-9:35 PM
NOV 11
10:00 AM-11:30 AM
Barefoot Wines
and Will McCormack have crafted a witty script filled with the insight
needed to make Celeste and Jesse fulfill the definition of complicated
souls seeking each other. Jones also stars opposite Andy Samberg;
together they create palpable chemistry and share eccentric dialogue
and infectious humor. Celeste and Jesse Forever is a delightful romp
that examines the inner workings of marriage and its evolving place
in modern life.
[Dir. Lee Toland Krieger, 2011, US, DCP, 89 mins.]
Chicken With Plums
MPAA Rating:
(Poulet aux prunes)
Having told her own riveting story in Persepolis, author
and filmmaker Marjane Satrapi explores the life of her
great-uncle, revered Iranian musician Nasser Ali Khan,
in her latest cinematic effort adapted from her own
illustrated novel. Co-directed by Vincent Parronaud, this
story of lost love, familial tensions and musical genius
shimmers with visual riches. Set predominantly in 1958
Tehran, Nasser Ali’s story begins when the unhappily
married man runs across his first love, who doesn’t
recognize him. When he returns home, he finds that his
prized violin has been broken. The two events together
leave him shattered and he takes to his bed to die. But
Special Jury Prize, Dublin International Film Festival Sponsored by:
Nov 7
7:45 PM-9:20 PM
James A. & Lynn Fuqua
Nov 9
12:25 PM-2:00 PM
Ellen & Jackson Coppley
NOV 10
3:05 PM-4:40 PM
Book Club
NOV 11
10:00 AM-11:35 AM
Summer House Restaurant
this situation is only the jumping-off point for Nasser to reflect on his
past and future, and for the filmmakers to boldly use varying visual
styles to bring his memories and fantasies to life. From vivid Technicolor
moments to the light and shadow of German Expressionism to a few
moments of animation, Satrapi and Paronnaud use a vast range of
techniques to evoke the mind’s manner of heightening the drama of
our lives.
[Dirs. Marjane Satrapi and Vincent Parronaud, 2011, France/
Germany/Belgium, DCP, 91 mins. In French with English subtitles.]
Feature Films
Celeste and
Jesse Forever
Fe a tur e F ilms
Best Film, Atlantic Film Festival, Sponsored
Edmonton International Film Festival,
Frameline (San Francisco GLBT) Film Festival,
Best of the Fest, Palm Springs International
Film Festival, Grand Jury Award,
Atlanta Film Festival International Film Festival
Director Thom Fitzgerald (The Wild Dogs, The Hanging
Garden) evokes virtuoso performances from Oscarwinning actresses Olympia Dukakis and Brenda Fricker in
this uproarious dramedy about two women, lovers for 31
years, who must go on the run in order to stay together.
Dukakis plays Stella, an antagonistic, foul-mouthed old
gruff who lives with her long-time lover, the near-blind
and slightly dotty Dot (Fricker), in their bucolic home by
the sea. When Dot’s neurotic granddaughter Molly shows
up, announcing that she’s putting Dot in an old folks
home, Stella throws her out, giving her an earful in the
thursnov 8
6:30 PM-8:05 PM
The Lee Ann Wilkinson Group
3:00 PM-4:35 PM
Natalie B. Moss, CPA(MD)EA
NOV 11
12:30 PM-2:05 PM
Camp Rehoboth
process. Not to be put off, Molly returns with a policeman and takes Dot
away, leaving Stella bereft, but not beaten. Stella soon breaks her out
of the home, and the two head for Canada to get married, picking up a
young hitchhiker on the way. Thus begins an alternately poignant and
riotous comedy that has much to say about the true nature of love and
[Dir. Thom Fitzgerald, 2011, Canada, 2011, 35mm, 93 mins.]
Come As You Are
(Hasta La Vista)
Best Film, Audience Award and Grand Prix Award, Sponsored by:
Montreal World Film Festival. Best Film,
Cinequest Film Festival, Best Film, Audience Award, Valladolid International Film Festival
A new hit comedy, with some dramatic elements, Come
As You Are is an offbeat Belgian road movie about three
young disabled men on a quest to lose their virginity.
Jozef is nearly blind, Philip is a paraplegic, and Lars
suffers from a disease that keeps him wheelchairbound. These buddies enjoy the finer things in life,
including wine and song; the only thing missing is the
women. Isolated by their disabilities and cared for by
their parents at home, they convince their families they
need to go on a “wine tour” to Spain. But this is a cover
for their true goal: a Spanish brothel, which Philip has
thursnov 8
12:30 PM-2:30 PM
Dogfish Craft Brewery
NOV 10
10:20 AM-12:15 PM
Anything Goes
2:30 PM-4:25 PM
Eric Kafka
heard caters to disabled men. Accompanied by a large female caretaker
named Claude who only speaks French, they take off in a beat-up van
for the journey of a lifetime. Never condescending and constantly
unpredictable, this film provides a warm look at people whose bodies
may not cooperate, but whose souls yearn to breathe free.
[Dir. Geoffrey Enthoven, 2011, Belgium, DCP, 115 mins. In Flemish,
French, and Spanish with English subtitles]
Fe a tur e F ilms
Corpo Celeste
After growing up in Switzerland, 13-year-old Marta
returns to a city in southern Italy with her mother and
older sister. Independent and inquisitive, she joins a
catechism class at a local church. However, the games
and religious pop songs she encounters there do not
nearly satisfy her interest in faith. Struggling to find
her place, Marta pushes the boundaries of the class,
the priest, and the church. Contemplating religion is an
enduring tradition in Italian cinema, but director Alice
Rohrwacher brings a fresh inflection and a provocative
artistic vision. Her vérité aesthetic emphasizes character
and subtle behavior. Uninterested in shallow critique,
Sponsored by:
thursnov 8
1:45 PM-3:25 PM
Jane Schubert & Robert Woolfolk
NOV 10
2:50 PM-4:30 PM
NOV 11
3:20 PM-5:00 PM
Corpo Celeste posits a girl who is resolutely searching for deeper
truths. Marta instinctively rebels against the apathy and hypocrisy of
the adults around her, including a priest who is more interested in his
career than in faith. Ultimately, Maria’s spirituality is as much of the
Earth as it is of the heavens.
[Dir, Alice Rohrwacher, 2011, Italy, 35mm, 98 mins. In Italian with
English subtitles.]
This film is part of the COUNTRY SPOTLIGHT: ITALY
The Day I Saw Your Heart
(Et soudain tout
le monde me manqué)
In this lighthearted comedy about the trials and
tribulations of family life, Mélanie Laurent (Inglorious
Bastards, La Rafle) stars as Justine, a twenty-something
commitment-phobe who works at an x-ray lab by day
and as a creative artist by night. After dumping yet
another boyfriend, she moves in with her sister Dom,
who is trying to adopt. The sisters are united against
their apparently selfish, cynical and heartless father
Éli. Fate then takes an interesting twist when the girls’
60 year-old father announces that his third wife is
expecting a baby! Ironically, his daughter yearns for a
Best Director and Best Actress, Newport Beach Film Festival Sponsored by:
thursnov 8
7:05 PM-8:45 PM
Rehoboth Ale House
8:55 PM-10:35 PM
Tammy & Stan Chincheck
NOV 10
8:50 PM-10:30 PM
child but has to adopt, whilst Éli seems less than thrilled to be a father
once again. At the same time, in trying to get closer to his daughter, Éli
succeeds in befriending Justine’s exes without her knowing. He almost
ruins everything when Justine falls in love with Sami, who might be
“the one.” A hilarious and moving comedy, starring great actresses
together with the brilliant Michel Blanc as Eli.
[Dir. Mona Achache, 2010, France, 35mm, 98 mins. In French with
English subtitles]
As the 2001 G8 summit in Genoa drew to a close,
brutal actions ensued between Italian police and antiglobalization protestors. Daniele Vicari’s ferocious
fictional re-creation shows the aftermath of a night
raid on the Diaz-Pascoli School, a dormitory for
protesters. Tensions were high at the 27th G8 summit,
attended by George W. Bush, Jacques Chirac, Tony
Blair, Vladimir Putin, and Silvio Berlusconi. For five
days, a dramatic protest movement drew an estimated
200,000 demonstrators to the area; police quickly
corralled the marching protesters, opening fire, and
shooting 23-year-old Carlo Giuliani dead. At the same
time, the police broke into the Diaz-Pascoli School,
indicating they had information that armed anarchists
thursnov 8
6:15 PM-8:20 PM
12:35 PM-2:35 PM
NOV 10
7:05 PM-9:05 PM
Sponsored by:
Janice Erich & Rob Morgan
were hiding inside. Their methodically brutal treatment of these young
men and women from all over Europe, an incident largely forgotten
after the 9/11 attacks a few weeks later, is effectively dramatized in
Diaz. Vacari’s gripping re-creations put the viewer in the middle of the
protesters’ point of view, capturing the spirit of these people who dared
to gather under the idea that “a different world is possible.”
[Dir. Daniele Vicari, 2012, Italy, 35mm, 120 mins. In Italian, German,
French, Spanish and English with English subtitles.]
This film is part of the COUNTRY SPOTLIGHT: ITALY
The Dynamiter
Best First Feature, Durban Film Festival, Jury Prize, Deauville Film Festival, Best Feature,
Nashville Film Festival
It’s another summer in Glen Allan, Mississippi, for 14
year-old Robbie Hendrick. Fearing a breakdown, his
mother has run off again, and he’s left to pass the days
caring for his half-brother, Fess. Despite the absence
of his mother and older brother, Robbie remains
hopeful that his family will reunite. As he burns the days
together with Fess, Robbie’s dream feels increasingly
possible. His older brother Lucas returns home, and
postcards begin to arrive from their mother, promising
that she’ll return, too. As the long days and nights begin
to pass without his mother’s return and with the ever-
thursnov 8
4:45 PM-6:00 PM
9:05 PM-10:20 PM
present threat of social services closing in on the brothers, Robbie
must face the fact that he may just lose Fess, the only family he’s ever
had. Filmed on location in the Mississippi Delta town of Glen Allan, with
the bold use of non-actors from the region, The Dynamiter is a story of
family in forgotten America, uncompromisingly told by the very people
who live it every day.
[Dir. Matthew Gordon, 2011, US, Blu-ray, 73 mins.]
Feature Films
Diaz, Don’t Clean
Up This Blood
(Nessuno mi può giudicare)
Best Actress, David di Donatello awards (Italian Oscars), Sponsored by:
Best Actor and Best Comedy, Italian Golden Globes,
Best Comedy film and Best Actress,
Italian National Syndicate of Film Journalist
A spoiled rich bitch left in dire circumstances by her
husband’s death turns to the world’s oldest profession
to earn some necessary dough in this cheerfully non-PC
sex comedy brimming with witty dialogue, funny sight
gags and savvy comic performances. Tart-tongued Alice
is forced to sell her luxurious villa and move with her
adorable 9 year-old, Filippo, to a rooftop in Rome’s multiethnic, working-class Quarticciolo neighborhood. Facing
debtor’s prison and the loss of Filippo to social services if
she can’t come up with a large sum of money fast, Alice
enlists the help of Eva, a high-priced escort who changes
life philosophies as easily as she doffs her clothes. The
thursnov 8
9:05 PM-10:40 PM
Bob & Val Cloutier
8:05 PM-9:40 PM
Paul & Anne Michele Kuhns
NOV 10
4:20 PM-5:55 PM
In Memory of Jeff Cohen
scenes in which Eva tries to mold her protégé’s fashion sense, personal
grooming habits and seduction skills are hysterical. Meanwhile, back in
Quarticciolo, the friendly locals embrace the lonely Filippo, who starts to
blossom. It takes Alice longer to warm to her new wonderland, but the
sparks she strikes with sexy Internet cafe owner Giulio move the process
[Dir. Massimiliano Bruno, 2011, Italy, 35mm, 95 mins. In Italian with
English subtitles.]
This film is part of the COUNTRY SPOTLIGHT: ITALY
Facing Mirrors
(Aynehaye Rooberoo)
Best Film, Montreal World Film Festival, Best Film,
Frameline (San Francisco) GLBT Film Festival,
Circle Award, FilmFest DC, Best Film,
Translations Film Festival (Seattle)
The film is a captivating account of a relationship that
is being forged across the divides of class, faith, and
gender identity. Poverty-stricken after her husband’s
incarceration, Rana drives a taxi on the sly to support
herself and her young son. When she picks up a fare
who pleads to be driven far outside of Tehran, Rana is
reluctant to take the job, but is eventually swayed by
the money that wealthy Adineh promises to pay. During
their journey, Adineh, who prefers to be called Eddie,
reveals that he is transgender and attempting to flee
an unwanted marriage that was orchestrated by his
tyrannical father. Eddie is desperate to get to Germany
thursnov 8
4:45 PM-6:25 PM
NOV 10
6:45 PM-8:25 PM
NOV 11
1:45 PM-3:25 PM
where he had already begun the sex reassignment process before
being tricked into returning to his father’s home. Conservative Rana is
horrified and tries to get away, but a twist of fate binds her to Adineh,
forcing Rana to confront her prejudice. Facing Mirrors does not shy
away from the difficulties faced by its main characters, and at its core is
an engaging tale of friendship and redemption.
[Dir. Negar Azarbayjani, 2011, Iran, 35mm, 98 mins. In Persian with
English subtitles.]
Feature Films
Escort in Love
(80 Egunean)
Best Film, Czech Gay and Lesbian Film Festival Abandoned by her daughter and ignored by her husband,
70-year-old Axun, is living out a traditional life in a
Basque farmhouse with little in the way of happiness
or fun. Out of a sense of duty, she begins visiting her
comatose ex-son-in-law in the hospital. Axun soon
realizes that the high-spirited woman visiting the
patient in the next bed is in fact her childhood friend
Maite from 50 years ago. The two women revive their
friendship, but hit a brick wall when Maite reveals her
lesbianism to the unworldly Axun. When the memory of
a fateful kiss between the women resurfaces, Axun finds
thursnov 8
2:35 PM-4:20 PM
3:05 PM-4:50 PM
NOV 11
herself caught between a late-blooming but all-consuming passion,
and her sense of obligation. Maite, on the other hand, has been out
for 50 years and finds Axun’s conservatism grating. Will Axun take her
chance at love and follow her heart, or succumb to the call of duty? For
80 Days is an utterly engrossing and charming film which is made all
the better for outstanding performances.
[Dir. Jon Garao, 2011, Spain, Blu-ray, 104 mins. In Basque with English
Found Memories
(Historias que so existem
quando lembradas)
A disarming meditation on memory, aging and letting go
of the past, Júlia Murat’s beguiling film takes place in a
town where time stands still. The tiny Brazilian village
of Jutuomba may be hard to locate on a map; indeed,
it might exist only in the collective imagination of its
few remaining residents, a tightly interconnected group
of elders who enact daily routines of baking bread,
churning coffee beans, attending Mass and enjoying
communal meals al fresco. Into their autumn years
drifts Rita, a young photographer captivated by the lush
locale’s picturesque scenery, and intrigued by the local
cemetery’s mysteriously locked gates. As Rita discovers
Special Mention San Sebastian Film Festival, Church of Iceland Award, Reykjavik International
Film Festival, Best Film Abu Dhabi Film Festival,
Best Narrative Film, RiverRun Film Festival
Sponsored by:
thursnov 8
2:25 PM-4:05 PM
The Rehoboth Art League
9:30 PM-11:10 PM
NOV 10
the village’s intertwined past and present through her camera lens,
she forms a strong bond with Madalena and offers her new friend a
chance at long-desired liberation. The director uses a deft blend of
fictional and documentary-like elements, Caravaggio-like interiors lit
only by oil lamps, and a palpable affection for her characters and their
otherworldly bit of Brazil. “I’ve never heard so much silence,” Rita says
of Jutuomba, yet this silence speaks volumes.
[Dir. Julia Murat, 2011, Brazil/Argentina/France, 35mm, 98 mins. In
Portuguese with English subtitles.]
Feature Films
For 80 Days
Fe a tur e F ilms
If you think the title sounds familiar, Gayby, written and
directed by Jonathan Lisecki, is a feature film based on
the award-winning short film that has screened at over
100 film festivals, including RBIFF. Jenn and Matt are
best friends from college who are now in their 30s. Single
by choice, Jenn spends her days teaching hot yoga and
running errands for her boss. Matt suffers from comicbook writer’s block and can’t get over his ex-boyfriend.
They decide to fulfill a youthful promise to have a child
Audience Award Narrative Feature and Jury Prize for Best Acting Ensemble, Ashland Film Festival,
Special Jury Prize, Independent Film Festival of Boston
Sponsored by:
5:35 PM-7:05 PM
CAMP Rehoboth
7:50 PM-9:20 PM
Elliot London
together… the old-fashioned way. Can they navigate the serious and
unexpected snags they hit as they attempt to get their careers and dating
lives back on track in preparation for parenthood? Gayby is an irreverent
comedy about friendship, growing older, sex, loneliness, and the family you
[Dir. Jonathan Lisecki, 2012, US, Blu-ray, 88 mins.]
In The Family
In the town of Martin, Tennessee, Chip Hines, a precocious
six year-old, has only known life with his two dads, Cody
and Joey. And a good life it is. When Cody dies suddenly in
a car accident, Joey and Chip struggle to find their footing
again. Just as they begin to, Cody’s will reveals that he
named his sister as Chip’s guardian. The years of Joey’s
acceptance into the family unravel as Chip is taken away
from him. In his now-solitary home life, Joey searches
for a solution. The law is not on his side, but friends are.
Armed with their comfort and inspired by memories of
Best Feature and Most Promising Filmmaker, Spokane International Film, Best Narrative Feature and
Emerging Filmmaker Award, San Diego Asian
Film Festival, Best Narrative Feature and Emerging
Filmmaker Award, San Francisco International
Asian Film Festival
Sponsored by:
2:45 PM-5:35 PM
PFLAG Rehoboth Beach
NOV 11
10:00 AM-12:50 PM
Steve Baker & Ed Turner
Cody, Joey finds a path to peace with the family and becomes closer to
his son. The director, Patrick Wang, allows the film’s ambitious length to
patiently interweave flashback sequences that reveal the complex nature
of Cody’s relationship with Joey, their relationship with Cody’s family, and
Joey’s relationship to his orphaned past. Rarely has the nature of what
it means to be in a family been examined with such rewarding nuance.
[Dir. Patrick Wang, 2011, US, 35mm, 169 mins.]
Teddy Award, Best GLBT Feature Berlinale
Keep The Lights On chronicles the emotionally and
sexually charged journey through the love, addiction,
and friendship of two men. Documentary filmmaker
Erik and closeted lawyer Paul meet through a casual
encounter, but they find a deeper connection and
become a couple. Individually and together, they are risk
takers, compulsive, and fueled by drugs and sex. In an
almost decade-long relationship defined by highs, lows,
and dysfunctional patterns, Erik struggles to negotiate
his own boundaries and dignity and to be true to himself.
Keep the Lights On is shot with a grainy beauty that
transports us to its late ’90s setting. It resonates with
thursnov 8
12:25 PM-2:10 PM
12:35 PM-2:20 PM
NOV 10
textures of New York City, accentuated by disco beats and a mournful
cello. Danish actor Thure Lindhardt, who embodies Erik’s isolation
and vulnerability with a gentle presence, anchors director Ira Sachs’s
fearlessly personal screenplay. Harrowing and romantic, visceral and
intellectual, Keep The Lights On is a moving film that looks at love and
all of its manifestations, taking it to dark depths and bringing it back
to a place of grace.
[Dir. Ira Sachs, 2012, US, Blu-ray, 101 mins.]
The King is Dead
A combination of dark suburban drama, absurdist
social comedy, and crime thriller, The King Is Dead
represents a radical change of pace for Aussie arthouse
helmer and RBIFF favorite Rolf de Heer (Alexandra’s
Project, Ten Canoes). Max and Therese are happy
together, and happy with the world. They move into a
new neighborhood, a nice family on one side and, well,
“interesting” on the other side. But interesting becomes
loud, and loud becomes intolerable. When the intolerable
becomes violent, and the police are powerless, and the
WEDnov 7
7:25 PM-9:15 PM
4:35 PM-6:25 PM
NOV 10
8:45 PM-10:35 PM
Sponsored by:
In Memory of Harold Radalin
community lawyer suggests earplugs, Max and Therese attempt to
solve the problem of the neighbor from hell themselves...and end up
with a corpse on their hands. But even that’s not the worst of it. A
darkly comic film about neighbors, amphetamines and giant Maoris
with baseball bats, The King is Dead is one wild ride.
[Dir. Rolf de Heer, 2012, Australia, DCP, 106 mins.]
Feature Films
Keep The Lights On
Fe a tur e F ilms
Kiss Me (Kyss mig)
Audience Award Breakthrough Feature, American Film Institute
Romance can unfold at the most inopportune moments,
and that’s precisely what happens to hetero-inclined Mia
and self-aware lesbian Frida, two 30-something career
women who meet at a party celebrating the engagement
of Frida’s mother and Mia’s father. While the two women’s
status as future stepsisters is a formidable obstacle, not
to mention Mia’s own engagement to a man, the two
begin a passionate, emotional and erotic dialogue that
leads to significant conflict between their loved ones
and families. Their parents, in particular, must wrestle
with the collision of the personal and political that their
thursnov 8
12:00 PM-1:50 PM
6:15 PM-8:05 PM
Sponsored by:
Jenn Harpel, Financial Advisor
daughters’ evolving relationship creates. From the beginning, director
Alexandra-Therese Keining fashions an organic, nuanced viewpoint of
Mia and Frida’s unfolding romance. Thanks to the intricacies that drive
the plot, the resulting story arc wisely sidesteps clichéd melodrama
and gains significant momentum via the actresses’ obvious chemistry
and genuinely empathetic performances.
[Dir. Alexandra-Therese Keining, 2011, Sweden, Blu-ray, 107 mins.
In Swedish with English subtitles.]
Let My People Go!
A Nordic gay couple seeks reconciliation after their
fantasia existence implodes in Let My People Go!
a kitschy romantic comedy fusing Jewish and gay
cultures. Nebbishy Ruben lives with his pretty, blond
boyfriend while delivering mail in small-town Finland. A
money parcel mix-up ends in a lover’s quarrel, sending
a tearful Ruben back to Paris and his devout but
dysfunctional Jewish family. With Passover approaching,
much melodrama ensues involving the ditzy matriarch,
philandering father, ill-tempered brother and unhappily
married sister. Making matters worse, Ruben must repel
10:30 AM-12:00 PM
NOV 10
7:00 PM-8:30 PM
NOV 11
10:00 AM-11:30 AM
Sponsored by:
CAMP Rehoboth
the advances of a closeted family friend and Jewish community elder,
Maurice Goldberg. Lavish to behold, this absurdist comedy offers an
inspired marriage of camp and farce that both celebrates and sends
up gay and Jewish stereotypes in a deliciously perverse fairytale that
milks laughter from every madcap situation.
[Dir. Mikael Buch, 2011, France, DCP, 86 mins. In French and Finnish
with English subtitles.]
Best Actress, Abu Dhabi Film Festival, Best Feature, Sponsored by:
Bangaluru Film Festival, Special Mention,
Cape Winelands Film Festival
Weeping over the grave of his AIDS-victim mother,
10 year-old Lucky promises to make something more
meaningful of his life beyond the limited confines of his
rural Zulu village. Grief-stricken but determined, he sets
his sights on higher education in an urban environment
and arrives in Durban at the doorstep of a troubled,
violent uncle who has no use for him. Stubbornly, Lucky
refuses to give up and falls in with Padma, a formidable
elderly Indian woman harboring a deep-seated fear of
Africans. She grudgingly takes him in when she hears of
thursnov 8
4:55 PM-6:40 PM
12:15 PM-1:55 PM
In Memory of Mary Miranda
NOV 10
12:45 PM-2:25 PM
Karen Wexler
a government program for AIDS orphans, and their ensuing connection
leads them both to truly unexpected territory. Through an odyssey
marked by greed, violence and, ultimately, belonging, Lucky shows
how a child’s spirit can bring out decency, humility and even love in
adults struggling to survive in the new South Africa.
[Dir. Avie Luthra, 2011, South Africa, DCP, 100 Mins. In Hindi, English
and Zulu with English subtitles.]
Audience Award Best Feature, Inside Out Toronto GLBT Film Festival,
Audience Award Best Feature,
Women’s International Film Festival of Paris
When Margarita, an illegal Mexican nanny, is fired by
her cash-strapped yuppie employers, it sets in motion a
chain of events that leaves her torn between loyalties and
the law. Desperately in love, but feeling rejected by her
shy, commitment-phobic girlfriend, Margarita becomes
resigned to starting a new life back home in Mexico. The
family quickly discovers that Margarita’s modest salary is
the only good investment they’ve ever made and hatches a
series of ill-conceived schemes to keep her in the country.
Suddenly, it seems like everyone wants to save Margarita;
everyone that is, except the one person she actually wants
thursnov 8
8:50 PM-10:25 PM
10:25 AM-12:00 PM
NOV 10
to be saved by. In the guise of a family drama, Margarita looks, through
the eyes of a hard-working illegal, at social injustice as it relates to class,
race and immigration policy. With warmth, humor, and candor, Margarita
also tells the story of the disillusionment, resentment, and alienation that
inhabit the margins of our closest relationships.
[Dirs. Dominique Cardona and Laurie Colbert, 2012, Canada, DCP,
91 mins.]
Feature Films
Fe a tur e F ilms
Nancy, Please
12:00 PM-1:40 PM
NOV 10
12:00 PM-1:40 PM
[Both screenings include a Q&A with the director and producer]
Paul’s life is good. He is a gifted graduate student at
Yale, completing a PhD in English literature, and has
finally moved in with his longtime girlfriend, Jen. A
bright and promising future seems assured. There’s just
one thing. Paul has left an item of great importance at
his old apartment: a tattered, personally annotated copy
of Dickens’ Little Dorrit, the subject of his dissertation,
and he simply must have it back. Doing so will mean
recovering it from his casually sinister and inexplicably
vindictive former roommate, Nancy, who blithely thwarts
Paul’s increasingly frantic attempts at retrieval. His
annoyance turns to rage and then to obsession, until his
life begins to come undone. Things will get much, much
worse before they get better.
First-time director Andrew Semans realizes an immersive vision of allconsuming obsession in this fresh and smart psychodrama. A unique
approach to familiar themes of quarter-life crisis, responsibility
paralysis, and victim complex, Nancy, Please is an exciting debut and
a reminder of the potential for utterly creative filmmaking to turn the
simplest stories into the most original films.
[Dir. Andrew Semans, 2012, US, Blu-ray, 84 mins.]
Off White Lies
Best Actor, Jerusalem Film Festival
After years of living apart from her dad, Libby, an
introverted yet sharp-witted teenager, is sent to live with
him in Israel. Her arrival coincides with the outbreak of
the second Lebanon war. Libby quickly discovers that
her Dad, Shaul, is an infantile eccentric, and that he is
“in-between apartments” (in other words: homeless).
Shaul comes up with a creative plan to put a roof over
their heads. They pose as refugees from the bombarded
Northern region of Israel, and are taken in by a well-off
family in Jerusalem. Finally in a “normal” household,
Shaul and Libby begin to build their father-daughter
thursnov 8
12:00 PM-1:30 PM
2:40 PM-4:10 PM
NOV 10
2:05 PM-3:35 PM
relationship, but their false identities can’t last forever, especially as
Libby unleashes teenage fury at the lies permeating her life; those she
must tell now, and those she’s been fed since childhood.
[Dir. Maya Kenig, 2012, Israel, DCP, 86 mins. In Hebrew with
English subtitles.]
Nimer, a Palestinian student, is dreaming of a better
life abroad. One fateful night he meets Roy, an Israeli
lawyer, and the two fall in love. As their relationship
deepens, Nimer is confronted with the harsh realities
of a Palestinian society that refuses to accept him for
his sexual identity, and an Israeli society that rejects
him for his nationality. When his close friend is caught
hiding illegally in Tel Aviv and sent back to the West
Bank, where he is brutally murdered, Nimer must
choose between the life he thought he wanted and his
4:20 PM-6:00 PM
NOV 10
5:00 PM-6:40 PM
love for Roy. First time director Michael Mayer crafts a romantic drama
that refuses to play it safe and in doing so captures the intensity of a
relationship that is put under immense pressure every single day. Love
between barriers leads to a life in the shadows and being left out in
the dark.
[Dir, Michael Mayer, 2012, US/Israel/Occupied Palestinian Territory,
DCP, 96 Mins. In Hebrew and Arabic with English subtitles.]
Audience Award, Three Continents Film Festival, New Directors Prize San Francisco International
Film Festival, Best Cinematography & Best First Film,
Jerusalem International Film Festival
This fascinating look at the changing political landscape
of a long-embattled region opens on a gorgeous
horizon, with bicyclists tearing down golden hills. It’s all
beauty and light for a good long while in Israeli director
Nadav Lapid’s auspicious debut feature. One of the
bicyclists will return home to view his unblemished face
in a mirror, gently massage the tired legs of his very
pregnant wife and offer an impromptu dance to cheer
her up before heading to a picnic. There he will engage
in a playful group grapple with his mates in counterterrorist police work. Yet this perfect picture of human
virility soon takes on a treacherous dimension after
12:30 PM-2:25 PM
4:50 PM-6:45 PM
NOV 10
10:20 AM-12:15 PM
misdeeds conducted by members of the unit go public. A dramatic
180-degree turn midway through the film introduces a completely new
narrative—one involving a separate but connected reality, as young
ideologues plan a violent act of guerilla class warfare. What’s most
interesting in this structurally inventive drama may not be where the
narrative shatters and reconstitutes, but where the literal battle lines
in this timely struggle are drawn.
[Dir. Nadav Lapid, 2011, Israel, DCP, 112 mins. In Hebrew with
English subtitles.]
Feature Films
Out In The Dark
Fe a tur e F ilms
(Die Verlorene Zeit)
In this epic romance spanning three decades, a
Polish partisan and German Jewish woman forge an
unshakeable bond in the dark shadow of the Holocaust.
After a daring escape from a Nazi death camp, Tomasz
and a pregnant Hannah (impressive leads Mateusz
Damiecki and Alice Dwyer) think they may finally be
together. But smoldering anti-Semitism and chaos at
the end of the war forced the lovers apart and each is
convinced the other has died. The events of 1944 Poland
are crosscut with 1976 Brooklyn, where an older Hannah
(Dagmar Manzel), now a married mother, glimpses a
thursnov 8
6:25 PM-8:15 PM
2:15 PM-4:00 PM
NOV 10
2:45 PM-4:30 PM
television interview that rocks her to the core. The stunning realization
that her lost love may still be alive triggers a spiral of unresolved
emotions and moral ambiguities, as Hannah must now confront her
unresolved past. Based on actual events, Remembrance is a heartfelt
journey told with restraint and compassion by award-winning director
Anna Justice.
[Dir. Anna Justice, 2011, Germany/Poland/US, Blu-ray, 105 mins.
In German, Polish, Russian and English with English subtitles.]
Robot & Frank
Set sometime in the future, Robot & Frank is a delightful
dramatic comedy, a buddy picture, and, for good measure,
a heist film. Curmudgeonly old Frank (Frank Langella)
lives by himself. His routine involves daily visits to his
local library, where he has a twinkle in his eye for the
librarian (Susan Sarandon). His grown children are
concerned about their father’s well being and buy him
a caretaker robot. Initially resistant to the idea, Frank
soon appreciates the benefits of robotic support, like
nutritious meals and a clean house, and eventually begins
to treat his robot like a true companion. With his robot’s
Alfred P Sloan Award, Sundance Film Festival
Sponsored by:
8:30 PM-10:00 PM
Nick & Patty Quercetti
5:00 PM-6:30 PM
Dupont At The Circle Bed & Breakfast Inn
NOV 10
6:20 PM-7:50 PM
Tanger Outlet Center
NOV 11
12:00 PM-1:30 PM
Andrew Topel
assistance, Frank’s passion for his old, unlawful profession is reignited,
for better or worse. Frank Langella makes acting, and acting with a robot,
no less, look effortless, and his relationship with the machine is filled
with poignant exchanges and amusing adventures. First-time director
Jake Schreier creates a lush world with futuristic flourishes and tells a
beautiful story about family and the implications of humankind’s everchanging relationship with technology.
[Dir. Jake Schreier, 2012, US, 35mm, 90 mins.]
Fe a tur e F ilms
Sense of Humor
(Le Sens de L’humour)
Luc and Marco are two Montréal comics on tour who
have decided to make audience member Roger the butt
of their jokes at one of their shows. Bad career move.
Now Roger seeks “permanent” revenge in a straight out
of a horror film way. Unless, of course, Luc and Marco
can find Roger’s sense of humor behind his steely,
murderous, bloodthirsty eyes. Sense of Humor is a
laugh-out-loud hilarious film about two hack comics
trying their best not to be… well, two hacked comics.
In order to save their own lives, Marco and Luc must
3:55 PM-5:50 PM
12:20 PM-2:10 PM
Dover Independent Film Fans
NOV 10
4:30 PM-6:20 PM
Arena’s Deli and Bar
train the humorless Roger to be funny so he can charm the woman
he loves and take down the nemesis who picks on him. Will Luc and
Marco be successful in their Cyrano-like attempts to teach Roger
the art of joke-telling? Will Roger bomb and be laughed at, instead
of laughed with? Either way, Roger is going to kill. With some of the
funniest performances of this year’s festival, Sense of Humor is one
killer comedy.
[Dir. Émile Gaudreault, 2011, Canada, 35mm, 110 mins. In French with
English subtitles.]
What would you do if each time you woke up you were at
a different age in your life? For Lovell Milo this is not a
theoretical question, but an every day part of life. Since
the age of 26, although he’s never quite sure when that
was, his world has been this way, a literal card shuffle,
never knowing what he’s going to get dealt. The more
his life jumps from year to year, the more restless he
becomes, and ultimately he begins searching for clues
to find a way out. Finally he notices a pattern to what he
Best Picture, Phoenix Film Festival, Santa Crux Film Festival, and Brussels
International Film Festival of Fantasy Films,
New Vision Award and Cinequest
Sponsored by:
4:25 PM-5:50 PM
Eve Kovalchick
NOV 11
10:30 AM-11:55 AM
Peter & Judy Berkman
is experiencing and discovers there may be a reason for and a solution
to this madness. A mesmerizing puzzle of a film, Shuffle is a blackand-white portrait of a disheartened young man’s second chance at
life, a chance he may miss out on if he doesn’t play his cards right.
[Dir. Kurt Kuenne, 2011, US, Blu-ray, 82 mins.]
People’s Choice Award, Sponsored
Calgary International Film Festival
David Wozniak, who has worked his way down to being the
delivery guy for his family’s butcher business, is 42 with
not much going for him. For pocket change, he routinely
donates sperm to a Montreal artificial insemination
clinic, but a processing error has led to his sperm being
used over and over, to successfully father 533 children!
Now, a group of those kids is suing the clinic to learn
David’s true identity, as David hides behind his legal
rights to anonymity, while a media circus ensues. The
media dub the mysterious donor “Starbuck,” in honor
of a true-life Holstein bull famed for his stud services.
Never one to accept a responsibility that he couldn’t
thursnov 8
6:20 PM-8:10 PM
Betty & Gary Grunder
6:50 PM-8:40 PM
Barefoot Wines
NOV 11
12:30 PM-2:20 PM
Allen Stafford & David Cristy
better shirk, David sneaks through a variety of impersonations to peek
into the lives of his young progeny, and discovers a talent for parental
nurturing he never knew he had. Ken Scott’s uproarious high-concept
comedy was the number one box office hit in Quebec last year, and it’s
not just because audiences were in tears with laughter. They were in
tears from the wellspring of joy that comes with the rediscovering of
unconditional love.
[Dir. Ken Scott, 2011, Canada, Blu-ray, 109 mins. In French with
English subtitles.]
Sun Don’t Shine
Special Jury Award, South By Southwest
12:30 PM-2:10 PM
NOV 10
6:40 PM-8:20 PM
Sponsored by:
Dogfish Craft Brewery
Includes Dogfish Shorts
[Both screenings includes a Q&A with the director]
When Crystal and Leo set out to traverse the Floridian
highways, the cryptic reasons for their journey evade
logic and scrutiny. All we are made privy to is the thrill
and desolation of the road, the stunning poetic imagery
that surrounds their natural setting, and a creeping
ominous sensation of dread. It becomes more and more
evident that this is no ordinary road trip – sinister pasts,
despairing futures, and an increasingly menacing present
are all that await them at their eventual destination. Amy
Seimetz, indie-film veteran, makes her directorial debut
with this mercurial odyssey, which she describes as being
influenced by Deliverance, Two-Lane Blacktop, and A Woman Under The
Influence. Yet, in spite of its precursors, Sun Don’t Shine manages to be
a singular vision of a relationship gauntlet, held aloft by its spellbinding
cinematography and the brutal performances of its two leads. Unlike any
other road movie, this fever dream is punctuated by bursts of violence
that are bound to keep you guessing until the final twist. (The Saturday
screening will be preceded by the top three shorts from the Dogfish Head
Short Film Competition}.
[Dir. Amy Seimetz, 2012, US, Blu-ray, 82 mins.]
Feature Films
Fe a tur e F ilms
Teddy Bear
World Cinema Directing Award Dramatic, Sundance Film Festival,
Best Performance by an Actor,
Transylvania Film Festival
In the opening moments of Teddy Bear, a colossal,
laconic man tries and fails, over shrimp cocktail, to make
small talk with his date. Such is the fascinating paradox
of Dennis, a champion bodybuilder whose impressive
physical prowess does not defeat his social discomfort
or solitude. At home after the date, something is awry
when Dennis reflexively lies when a voice behind a door
questions his whereabouts. That voice, we soon learn,
belongs to Dennis’s fragile, birdlike mother, who wields
a powerful hold on his heart. This maternal anchor by no
means allays his chronic longing for love, so he musters
thursnov 8
12:20 PM-1:55 PM
7:10 PM-8:45 PM
NOV 10
8:55 PM-10:30 PM
the courage to embark on a quest. In Thailand, amid sex tourists,
monolithic hotels, and local gym rats, Dennis begins to overcome his
fears and personal limitations. Watching Dennis’s quiet revolution gather
steam transfixes us in this subtle, moving story about integrity, the
inherent strength in gentleness, and what it means to be true to oneself.
[Dir. Mads Matthiesen, 2011, Denmark, 35mm, 93 mins. In Danish,
Thai and English with English subtitles.]
Best Feature, Venice Film Festival, Bridging The Borders Award,
Palm Springs International Film Festival,
Best Film Istanbul International Film Festival,
Italy’s Submission Best Foreign Film
at the Academy Awards
A political powder keg sparks intense drama in
Emanuele Crialese’s latest tale of working-class
Sicilians. On this occasion, Crialese’s protagonist is
Ernesto, an old-fashioned fisherman on an island
that’s quickly turning into a tourist trap. Happening
upon an imperiled boatload of African refugees,
he selflessly rescues a handful of passengers
and hides them from the authorities. Meanwhile,
Ernesto’s daughter-in-law and grandson agonize
over the potential repercussions of harboring illegal
immigrants, until one of them is driven to commit a
horrendous crime. Well-versed in the customs and
concerns of Sicilians, Crialese has helmed a film
that’s rich in authenticity and generous with insights.
Furthermore, the writer/director possesses a gift for
Sponsored by:
WEdnov 7
5:45 PM-7:15 PM
8:20 PM-9:50 PM
David Nelson & Bill McManus
NOV 10
8:15 PM-9:45 PM
Prudential Gallo, REALTORS
seamlessly incorporating front-page issues into the fabric of an
intimate family drama. In a narrative rife with struggles, whether
it’s Ernesto’s efforts to preserve his failing livelihood or the
immigrants’ hazardous pursuit of a better life, the most compelling
conflict found here is undoubtedly the one between traditional
values and an increasingly callous world.
[Dir. Emanuele Crialese, 2011, Italy, 35mm, 88 mins. In Italian with
English subtitles.]
This film is part of the COUNTRY SPOTLIGHT: ITALY
(Alle Tijd)
Maarten, a gay, 40-something music teacher, goes
through empty nest syndrome when his savvy younger
sister Molly decides to leave the home the two have long
shared, to move in with her boyfriend. Her departure
does open up new opportunities to him, however, when
he meets Arthur, a closeted but very attractive man, and
the two hit it off despite their differences. All does not go
smoothly in either couple’s relationship, and soon Molly
is moving back home and reconsidering her options even
as Maarten’s mate Arthur reconsiders his own. Can true
love ever be found in a world where all truth is relative?
10:10 AM-11:50 AM
NOV 10
12:25 PM-2:05 PM
First time feature film writer/director Job Gosschalk evokes terrific
performances from his gifted cast in this vividly rendered seriocomic
melodrama. The complexity of characters and storyline combine to
create a richly moving tale that evokes both laughter and tears.
[Dir. Job Gosschalk, 2011, Netherlands, 35mm, 100 mins. In Dutch
with English subtitles.]
Valley of Saints
World Cinema Audience Award & Alfred P Sloan Award, Sundance Film Festival, Best Feature,
Ashland Independent Film Festival
Widely considered to be the crown jewel of Kashmir, Dal
Lake is a sprawling aquatic community where erupting
political violence often distracts from the natural
beauty. Gulzar, a young, working-class boatman, plans
to skip town with his best friend in search of a better life,
but a weeklong military curfew derails their departure.
Forced to wait it out, Gulzar takes a job assisting a
pretty scientist named Asifa. As they navigate the
floating landscape, collecting water samples for an
environmental study, an unlikely relationship blossoms
between the two. When Asifa’s research reveals harmful
pollutants, Gulzar realizes that the ecology of the lake
thursnov 8
8:40 PM-10:05 PM
3:35 PM-5:00 PM
NOV 11
and an entire way of life face an alarming threat, and everything in his
own life begins to take on a new hue. Lush cinematography heightens
the region’s visual splendor in this enlightening feature debut from
Musa Syeed. Intricately weaving contemporary issues with traditional
culture and ancient myths, Valley of Saints is a vibrant, lyrical film
about finding one’s path home in a changing world.
[Dir. Musa Syeed, 2012, India/US, Blu-ray, 82 mins. In Kashmiri and
English with English subtitles.]
Feature Films
Time To Spare
Fe a tur e F ilms
Volcano (Eldfjall)
Best Film Chicago International Film Festival and Denver International Film Festival, Best Film,
Best Actress, Best Actor, Best Director,
Edda Awards (Icelandic Oscars)
At odds with the world, his family and himself, newlyretired Hannes struggles to find a place in, and a
meaning to, his new life. Depressive and curmudgeonly
by nature, Hannes is condescended to by his son and
daughter and almost unnoticeably attended to by his
submissive wife, Anna. The apparent emptiness of his life
is punctuated only by the solitary pleasures of smoking
and going out in his decrepit fishing boat. However,
when Anna’s health dramatically fails, Hannes finds
his purposefulness reignited. Her illness raises acute
emotional, physical and ethical challenges for Hannes
thursnov 8
2:00 PM-3:40 PM
6:50 PM-8:30 PM
NOV 10
12:00 PM-1:40 PM
that director Rúnar Rúnarsson addresses in a direct and powerful
fashion. Rúnarsson shoots the Icelandic landscape in a naturalistic but
gently poetic style and Theodor Júlíusson is quietly majestic as Hannes.
His journey is both painful and liberating. Like the volcanic island from
which he hails, he is a powerful spirit prone both to simmering silence
and dramatic eruption. In the end Volcano is a fresh and poignant view
of the passions, disappointments and challenges of aging.
[Dir. Rúnar Rúnarsson, 2011, Iceland, DCP, 99 mins. In Icelandic with
English subtitles.]
(Ha-Sippur Shel Yossi)
Ten years after Yossi and Jagger, the tragic love story
of two IDF officers serving in Lebanon, director Eytan
Fox returns to find out what has happened with Yossi.
Dr. Yossi Hoffman has become a valued and dedicated
cardiologist, often using his work as a way to escape his
anguished life. He lives alone, still closeted, unable to
break through the walls and defenses built around him
since the death of his lover. Even his co-workers find it
almost impossible to get close to him. His daily routine
at the hospital is shaken up by the arrival of a mysterious
woman. He follows her, and through the surprising
thursnov 8
7:30 PM-8:55 PM
10:10 AM-11:35 AM
NOV 10
Sponsored by:
Super Snooper Home Inspections, LLC
connection they make, receives a rare opportunity to deal with his
trauma. Yossi then travels to the southern city of Eilat. Surrounded by
sea and sand dunes, he meets a group of young Israeli IDF officers,
among them Tom, a handsome and self-confident openly gay man, who
represents a new world, different from the one that shaped Yossi.
[Dir. Eytan Fox, 2012, Israel, Blu-ray, 84 mins. In Hebrew and English
with English subtitles.]
8 1/2
Won the Oscar as Best Foreign Film 1964 and is on the list of the
Top 250 Movies of All Time.
12:00 PM-2:20 PM
Guido is a film director, trying to relax after his last big hit. He can’t get a moment’s peace, however, with the people who have
worked with him in the past constantly looking for more work. He wrestles with his conscience, but is unable to come up with a new
idea. While thinking, he starts to recall major happenings in his life, and all the women he has loved and left. An autobiographical
film of Fellini, about the trials and tribulations of filmmaking.
[Dir. Federico Fellini, 1963, Italy, 35mm, 138 mins. In Italian, English, French and German with English subtitles.]
Bicycle Thieves
(Ladri di biciclette)
Won an Honorary Oscar in 1949 as the Best Foreign Film Released in the United States and is on the list of the Top 250 Movies of All Time.
NOV 10
2:30 PM-4:05 PM
Antonio Ricci is an unemployed man in the depressed post-World War II economy of Italy. With a wife and two children to support, he
is desperate for work. He is delighted to at last get a good job pasting up posters, but he must have a bicycle. He is told unequivocally,
“No bicycle, no job.” He has one, but it has been pawned, so his wife Maria pawns their bed sheets in order to redeem it, and then,
in spite of Antonio’s mockery, goes to pay a fortune-teller who had prophesied to her that he would find work.
[Dir. Vittorio De Sica, 1948, Italy, 35mm, 93 mins. In Italian with English subtitles.]
Once Upon A Time in the West
(C’era una volta il West)
Won an Honorary Oscar in 1949 as the Best Foreign Film Released in the United States and is on the list of the Top 250 Movies of All Time.
thursnov 8
2:20 PM-5:10 PM
The story of a young woman, Mrs. McBain, who moves from New Orleans to frontier Utah, on the very edge of the American West.
She arrives to find her new husband and family slaughtered, but by who? The prime suspect, coffee-lover Cheyenne, befriends
her and offers to go after the real killer, assassin gang leader Frank, in her honor. He is accompanied by Harmonica on his quest
to get even. Get-rich-quick subplots and intricate character histories intertwine with such artistic flair that this could in fact be
the movie-to-end-all-movies. Widely regarded as the best Spaghetti Western ever made, the film is at #21 on the list of the Top
250 Movies of All Time.
[Dir. Sergio Leone, 1968, Italy, Blu-ray, 165 mins. In English]
Feature Films
It alian Clas sic s
D ocumen t ar ie s
5 Broken Cameras
Five broken cameras, and each one has a powerful tale
to tell. Embedded in the bullet-ridden remains of digital
technology is the story of Emad Burnat, a farmer from
the Palestinian village of Bil’in, which famously chose
nonviolent resistance when the Israeli army encroached
upon its land to make room for Jewish colonists. Emad
buys his first camera in 2005 to document the birth of his
fourth son, Gibreel. Over the course of the film, he becomes
the peaceful archivist of an escalating struggle as olive
trees are bulldozed, lives are lost, and a wall is built to
segregate burgeoning Israeli settlements. Gibreel’s loss
World Cinema Directing Award, Sundance Film Festival
Sponsored by:
2:15 PM-3:45 PM
In Memory of Lee Jones
NOV 11
1:50 PM-3:20 PM
of innocence and the destruction of each camera are potent metaphors
in a deeply personal documentary that vividly portrays a conflict many of
us think we know. Emad, a Palestinian, joins forces with Guy Davidi, an
Israeli, and from the wreckage of five broken cameras, two filmmakers
create one extraordinary work of art.
[Dirs. Emad Burnat and Guy Davidi, 2011, Palestine/Israel/France,
Blu-ray, 90 mins. In Arabic and Hebrew with English subtitles.]
Chasing Ice
When National Geographic photographer James Balog
asked, “How can one take a picture of climate change?”
his attention was immediately drawn to ice. Soon he
was asked to do a cover story on glaciers that became
the most popular and well-read piece in the magazine
during the last five years. But for Balog, that story
marked the beginning of a much larger and longerterm project that would reach epic proportions. In this
breathtakingly beautiful documentary, filmmaker Jeff
Award Winner, Excellence in Cinematography Award: U.S. Documentary, Sundance Film Festival,
Best Feature Documentary, Big Sky Film Festival,
RiverRun Film Festival and South By
Southwest Film Festival
Sponsored by:
8:00 PM-9:15 PM
Sussex County Federal Credit Union
NOV 10
9:25 PM-10:40 PM
Sussex County Federal Credit Union
Orlowski follows the indomitable photographer as he brings to life the
Extreme Ice Survey (EIS), a massive photography project that placed
30 cameras across three continents to gather visual evidence of the
Earth’s melting ice. Chasing Ice tells the story of a visionary artist who,
in facing his own mortality, bequeaths the magic of photography and
the adventure of the expedition to a new generation and captures the
most visible sign of climate change on the planet today.
[Dir. Jeff Orlowski, 2011, US, Blu-ray, 75 mins.]
Diana Vreeland: The Eye Has to Travel is an intimate
portrait and a vibrant celebration of one of the most
influential women of the 20th Century, an enduring icon
whose influence changed the face of fashion, beauty,
art, publishing and culture forever. During her fiftyyear reign as the “Empress of Fashion,” she launched
Twiggy, advised Jackie O and coined some of fashion’s
most eloquent proverbs such as “the bikini is the biggest
thing since the atom bomb.” She was the fashion editor
of Harpers Bazaar where she worked for 25 years before
becoming editor-in-chief of Vogue, this followed by a
The Eye Has to Travel
MPAA Rating: PG-13
Best Documentary, Chicago International Film Festival
Sponsored by:
thursnov 8
6:10 PM-7:40 PM
Mary Howard
7:00 PM-8:30 PM
Tanger Outlet Center
NOV 10
10:30 AM-12:00 PM
Sussex County Federal Credit Union
remarkable stint at the Met’s Costume institute where she helped
popularize its historical collection. A talented writer with a largerthan-life personality, she had an innate ability to discover designers,
photographers and new ideas, often to the point of controversy. Director
Lisa Immordino Vreeland’s delightfully playful tribute uses archival
footage, family photos, and an animated conversation with George
[Dir. Lisa Immordino Vreeland, 2011, US, 35mm, 86 mins.]
The slogan on the ‘Welcome to Maine’ sign leading into
Gouldsboro reads “Open for Business,” but the recent
closure of the sardine canning factory has brought
this small coastal town to a total standstill. Its laid-off
residents, mostly 70-year-olds, just want to get back
to work, so when Italian immigrant Antonio Bussone
arrives from Boston aiming to open a new lobster
processing plant, most of the local labor welcomes him
with open arms. If he is so welcomed, why is tapping into
federal relief funds to finance the plant turning into the
biggest struggle of Antonio’s life?
Sponsored by:
10:20 AM-11:40 AM
Sussex County Federal Credit Union
NOV 10
4:55 PM-6:15 PM
In Memory of Ed Conroy
Acclaimed directors David Redmon and Ashley Sabin shed new light on
the trying task of putting America back to work in Downeast. But this
is no hard-hitting, in-your-face exposé. Their style is gentle, poignant,
poetic. They meditate on the morbid beauty of fish sloshing across the
assembly line and quietly observe the petty political squabbles that
hamper progress. And, in a man who’s willing to risk it all to succeed,
and a generation that still gives 110 percent, they find hope.
[Dirs. David Redmond and Ashley Sabin, 2012, US, DVD, 76 mins.]
Diana Vreeland:
The Fight to Rescue
American Healthcare
Best Documentary, Full Frame Film Festival and Sponsored
Best Directing, Newport Beach Film Festival
Our healthcare system is broken. Potent forces fight to
maintain the status quo in a medical industry created for
quick fixes rather than prevention, and for profit-driven care
rather than patient-driven care. Healthcare is at the center
of an intense political firestorm in our nation’s capital. But
the current battle over cost and access does not ultimately
address the root of the problem: we have a disease-care
system, not a health-care one. After decades of opposition,
a movement to introduce innovative high-tech, low-cost
methods of prevention and healing is finally gaining ground.
With consummate skill, filmmakers Matthew Heineman and
4:00 PM-5:35 PM
NOV 11
2:50 PM-4:25 PM
In Memory of Lori Phillips
Susan Froemke interweave dramatic personal stories with the efforts of
leaders battling to transform healthcare at the highest levels of medicine,
industry, government, and even the U.S. military. Destined to be hailed as
the definitive film on American healthcare, Escape Fire offers a way out and
a primer on how to save the health of a nation.
[Dirs. Matthew Heineman and Susan Froemke, 2012, US, Blu-ray,
95 mins.]
The Girls in the Band
The most famous photograph in jazz lore, Art Kane’s
A Great Day in Harlem from 1958, features a “who’s
who” of many of the greatest jazz musicians. But who
are the two women standing next to Thelonious Monk
in the photograph? This revelatory documentary seeks
to answer that question by uncovering the hidden
history of women jazz musicians, from pre-WWII to the
present day. These talented and determined performers
and composers faced, and overcame, blatant sex
discrimination and racial barriers. But this is no dusty
historical monograph. The Girls in the Band swings.
Chock full of great music, dancing, and performance
Best Documentary Audience Award, Palm Springs International Film Festival,
Omaha Film Festival and Victoria Film Festival
Sponsored by:
thursnov 8
12:15 PM-1:40 PM
In Memory of Alfred Leggoe
10:10 AM-11:35 AM
Dogfish Craft Brewery
NOV 11
clips, the film celebrates such bands as The Ada Leonard Orchestra,
Ina Ray Hutton and Her Melodears, The Diva Jazz Orchestra, and The
International Sweethearts of Rhythm, in a visual and aural feast for
the senses. Judy Chaikin’s masterful direction and brilliant editing
seamlessly blend multiple stories and characters, a treasure trove of
archival material, and insightful, witty contemporary interviews to give
the film a musicality its subjects would be proud of.
[Dir. Judy Chaikin, 2012, US, Blu-ray, 81 mins.]
Escape Fire:
D ocumen t ar ie s
I Stand Corrected
Audience Award Best Film, American Documentary Film Festival
Over the course of two decades, bass player John
Leitham rose in the ranks of the jazz world. Richly
resourced clips, interviews and photographs document
long stints with Mel Tormé and frequent appearances as
part of Doc Severinsen’s “Tonight” show band. From the
sanctified stages of Carnegie Hall, The Blue Note, The
Hollywood Bowl and everywhere in-between, Leitham has
performed with many jazz notables. In 2001, as his fame,
demands, and visibility ratcheted up, so did the urge to
break out and embrace “the she” who he always knew
FRInov 9
8:55 PM-10:20 PM
2:30 PM-3:55 PM
NOV 10
he was. With sex-reassignment surgery, Jennifer emerged. Forging a
path in the male-dominated world of jazz presents many challenges
for women. You will be cheering for this Philadelphian virtuoso who
has always stood brave and strong, been true to herself, and, above all,
remained a unique, creative and passionate musical force.
[Dir, Andrea Meyerson, 2012, US, DCP, 83 mins.]
The Invisible War
Audience Award, Best Documentary, Sundance Film Festival
WED As ranks of women in the American military swell,
so do incidents of rape. An estimated 30 percent of
servicewomen and at least 1 percent of servicemen
are sexually assaulted during their enlistment and not
by the enemy, but at the hands of fellow soldiers. With
stark clarity and escalating revelations, The Invisible
War exposes a rape epidemic in the armed forces,
investigating the institutions that perpetuate it as well
as its profound personal and social consequences.
We meet characters that embraced their service with
pride and professionalism, only to have their idealism
crushed. Their chilling stories of violent sexual assault
become even more rattling as they seek justice in a
Kafkaesque military legal system. As a courageous few
5:50 PM-7:30 PM
FRInov 9
2:35 PM-4:10 PM
2:05 PM-3:40 PM
NOV 10
All Screenings
Sponsored by:
AAUW Delaware and
AAUW Coastal-Georgetown
defy victimhood, they face their most challenging fight yet: penetrating
a closed circuit where officers collude, cases are routinely swept under
the rug, and few perpetrators are tried or convicted. The film shows
that casualties of war rage beyond the battlefield.
[Dir. Kirby Dick, 2012, US, Video, 95 mins.]
You will have strong feelings after watching this film so please join us for
The Invisible War: A Further Examination, a panel discussion on Sunday,
November 11 from 9:00AM to 10:30AM in the Upstairs Screening Room at the
Movies at Midway. For more information go to page 92.
People’s Choice Award, Best Documentary, Sponsored by:
Toronto International Film Festival
When former political prisoner Mohamed Nasheed was
elected President of the Maldives in 2008 and introduced
democratic rule, his greatest challenge still lay ahead.
The Maldives are one of the most low-lying countries in
the world; if the sea level rises as little as three feet, it
would render the 2000 islands uninhabitable, eliminating
the country and its culture. John Shenk’s documentary
follows Nasheed’s first year in office, culminating in his
stirring participation in the Copenhagen Climate Summit
in 2009. The film offers a rare glimpse of the internal
dynamics of such an event. Modest in size and usually a
bit player on the world stage, the Maldives nevertheless
thurSnov 8
8:35 PM-10:20 PM
2:20 PM-4:05 PM
NOV 10
took on a significant role in the historic assembly. Nasheed’s candor,
charm and humor in conjunction with his sincere dedication to the
cause suggest he’s more a champion of the people than a conventional
politician. His charisma, along with the film’s stunning cinematography
and the rousing music of Radiohead, add up to a revelatory portrait of
a little known country and its struggle for survival.
[Dir. John Shenk, 2011, US, Blu-ray, 101 mins. In English and Dhivehi with
English subtitles.]
Prepare yourself for an unparalleled sensory experience.
Samsara reunites filmmakers Ron Fricke and Mark
Magidson, whose award winning films Baraka and
Chronos brought a new visual and musical artistry to
theaters. Samsara is a Sanskrit word that means “the
ever turning wheel of life” and is the point of departure
for the filmmakers as they search for the elusive current
of interconnection that runs through our lives. Filmed
over a period of five years in twenty-five countries on five
continents, and shot on 70mm film, Samsara transports
us to the varied worlds of sacred grounds, disaster
zones, industrial complexes, and natural wonders. By
Galapagos Conservancy
MPAA Rating: PG-13
Visionary Cinema Award Maui Film Festival
Sponsored by:
6:00 PM-7:40 PM
Rita Reimer
NOV 10
12:25 PM-2:05 PM
Surf Bagel
NOV 11
1:20 PM-3:00 PM
Stephen Yaros
dispensing with dialogue and descriptive text, Samsara subverts our
expectations of a traditional documentary. It encourages our own
interpretations, inspired by breathtaking images and transcendent
music that infuses the ancient with the modern. Samsara explores the
wonders of our world, from the mundane to the miraculous, looking
into the unfathomable reaches of man’s spirituality and the human
experience, and illuminating the links between humanity and the rest
of nature.
[Dir. Ron Fricke, 2011, US, 35mm, 99 mins.]
The Island President
D ocumen t ar ie s
Searching For
Sugar Man
Rodriguez was the greatest ’70s U.S. rock icon that never
was. His albums were critically well received, but sales
bombed, and he faded into obscurity among rumors of
a gruesome death. However, as fate would have it, a
bootleg copy of his record made its way to South Africa,
where his music became a phenomenal success. In a
country suppressed by apartheid, his antiestablishment
message connected with the people. When his second
album finally gets released on CD in South Africa, two
fans take it as a sign, deciding to look into the mystery
of how Rodriguez died and what happened to all of the
MPAA Rating: PG-13
World Cinema Documentary Special Jury Prize and World Cinema Audience Award:
Documentary at Sundance Film Festival,
Second Prize Best Documentary,
Tribeca film Festival.
Sponsored by:
7:45 PM-9:10 PM
2:50 PM-4:20 PM
AmericInns of Delaware
NOV 11
12:00 PM-1:25 PM
profits from his album sales. Since very little information about the
singer exists, they meet many obstacles until they uncover a shocking
revelation that sets off a wild chain of events that must be seen to be
believed. Searching for Sugar Man is a story of hope, inspiration, and
the resonating power of music.
[Dir Chris Paine, 2011, US, DCP, 90 mins]
Shor t F ilms
In keeping with this year’s comedy theme at the festival, we
have gathered shorts that will make you laugh. Some are
rolling-on-the-floor hysterical, some offer sly wit and others
serve up humor a little on the dark side, but in the end, all
these films will make you go HA HA HA.
A Curious Conjunction
of Coincidences
An absurdist journey through time with an explosive
ending in the heart of Amsterdam, this Dutch treat won
the Best Comedy Award at the recent Aspen ShortsFest,
and rightly so: its inventive tale links up three hapless
heroes living in different centuries whose worlds collide
unexpectedly in the present day.
Sponsored by:
7:30 PM-9:05 PM
Lauren Fritz-Mariner, Merrill Lynch
9:15 PM-10:50 PM
4:40 PM-6:25 PM
Hole By Hole
NOV 10
10:30 AM-12:05 PM
In this BLACK comedy, Jack’s girlfriend thinks he is
jerk for forgetting her birthday. What she does not
know is that Jack is planning a twisted surprise for her.
Unfortunately, things do not go according to plan. Did
we mention it is a dark comedy? You have been warned!
[Dir. Nash Edgerton, Australia, 2011, Blu-ray, 11 mins.]
[Dir. Joost Reijmers, Netherlands, 2012, DVD, 9 mins.
In Dutch with English subtitles]
I’m Coming Over
When a youngster brings home a startling picture he drew
at school, it sparks a conversation between his parents that
brings out some surprising secrets. dik reveals the perils
of guilt, self-doubt, the danger of jumping to conclusions
and the importance of good penmanship.
I’m Coming Over reveals a day in the life of Matt Downing,
owner and proprietor of I’m Coming Over, a service
specializing in holistic happiness. When traditional
therapy has failed, Matt Downing picks up the pieces
with common sense, good old-fashioned hard work, and
a strict avoidance of the modern world
[Dir. Chris Stollery, Australia, 2011, DVD, 10 mins.]
[Dir. Sam Handel, US, 2011, Blu-ray, 26 mins.]
Short Films
It’s Just a Detail
Mr. Stache
While cleaning up the scene of a crime, the possible
killer gets quite an unlikely surprise. But will it be a
welcomed one?
Winner of “My Movie Pitch,” a contest launched by
American Express to help bring unique independent
movie ideas to life, this is a very serious drama about a
man who grows a mustache, and everybody hates it, and
then he meets the girl of his dreams…film.
[Dir. Giovanni Maccelli, Spain, 2011, DVD, 4 mins.
In Spanish with English subtitles]
[Dir. Jac Shaeffer, US, 2012, DVD, 10 mins.]
Positions (Posturas)
Sorry, Rabbi
Dolores, an old woman who lives in a small village,
decides to liven up her love life by taking a copy of the
Kama Sutra to her elderly husband. Do they try them all?
Trial by rabbi! Surrounded by angry Hassids, Josh is
astonished to find himself accused of anti-Semitic
violence. He’s Jewish himself, if non-practicing, what
would his mother think? With a bleeding Hassid, an
exasperated rabbi, and Josh’s newly broken heart jostling
for space in the crowded office, who’s telling the truth?
[Dir. Alvaro Oliva, Spain, 2011, Blu-ray, 13 mins. In
Spanish with English subtitles]
[Dir. Marc Slutsky, Canada, 2011, DVD, 10 mins.
In English]
Shor t F ilms
What these films lack in length is compensated by their ability
to tell a story. They are not only compact, and concise, but also
full and complete.
Sponsored by:
Thurs NOV 8 4:10 PM-5:55 PM
NOV 10 4:05 PM-5:50 PM
Sussex County Federal Credit Union
Sussex County Federal Credit Union
Aaron Burr, Part 2
The Boy in the Bubble
Aaron Burr, Part 2 is a contemporary re-imagining of
the duel between Aaron Burr and Alexander Hamilton.
The film explores the idea of history as a contested
Narrated by the melodic voice of Alan Rickman, The Boy in the
Bubble is a modern fable for all. A young boy falls hopelessly
in love, but it all goes terribly wrong. Wishing to never
experience heartache again, he turns to a book of magic and
invokes a spell that will shield him from emotion forever.
[Dir. Dana O’Keefe, 2011, US, DVD, 8 mins.]
[Dir. Kealan O’Rourke, 2011, Ireland, Blu-ray, 8 mins.]
Mr. Lee, an adopted stray cat, routinely disappears
from his South Carolina home. Intrigued by Mr. Lee’s
whereabouts, his owner Juergen creates a camera
designed to fit around the pet’s neck. After many
unsuccessful attempts, Mr. Lee returns with the camera
in tact and photographic evidence of his travels.
At the lowest point of his life, Richie gets a call from his
estranged sister, asking him to look after his nine-year
old niece, Sophia, for a few hours. Can a few hours really
make that much of a difference in someone’s life?
[Dir. Seth Keal, 2011, US, Blu-ray, 16 mins.]
[Dir. Shawn Christensen, US, 2011, Blu-ray, 19 mins.]
Short Films
The Fantastic Flying Books
of Mr. Morris Lessmore
Inspired in equal measures, by Hurricane Katrina,
Buster Keaton, The Wizard of Oz, and a love for books,
“Morris Lessmore” is a poignant, humorous allegory
about the curative powers of story. Using a variety of
techniques, William Joyce and Co-director Brandon
Oldenburg present a hybrid style of animation that
harkens back to silent films and M-G-M Technicolor
musicals. “Morris Lessmore” is old-fashioned and
cutting edge at the same time. Winner of the Oscar® for
Best Animated Short Film in the 84th Academy Awards®.
[Dirs. William Joyce and Brandon Oldenburg,
US, 2011, DVD, 16 mins.]
Mr. Christmas
Every Christmas, Bruce Mertz lights up the neighborhood,
literally, with the 50,000 lights covering his house. For
decades he has obsessively added to his display, creating
beautiful, towering fixtures that people travel across the
country to see. In this offbeat, touching portrait, we learn
what drives him, and discover how a kid who grew up on a
farm with no electricity became Mr. Christmas.
[Dir. Nick Palmer, 2012, US, Blu-ray, 15 mins.]
Henry, a great concert pianist, has his life thrown in
turmoil the day the love of his life, Maria, disappears
mysteriously. He’ll then discover the inevitable verdict
of life.
[Dir. Yan England, Canada, 2011, 35mm, 21 mins.
In French with English Subtitles.]
Shor t F ilms
Not for the faint of heart these shorts are meant to make your
hair stand on end, sleep with the lights on and make sure you
are never alone. Except for the one that is just a wacky look at
big oil and its influence on the youth of today. If you like horror,
thriller, suspense or wacky comedy (a few times all at once)…
these shorts are for you.
8:25 PM-10:15 PM
Amok tells the story of a violent gun rampage at a
school from the perspective of the victims: While shots
are being fired around them, they are faced with a
difficult decision in order to survive; stand alone or work
[Dir. Christoph Baumann, 2012, Germany 35mm, 15 mins.
In German with English Subtitles]
My Bow Breathing
(Il Respiro dell’Arco)
A young woman excels at the high art of archery: sleek
and graceful, her delicate yet precisely targeted arrows
fly through the air as if her bow is an extension of her
soul. And, in this case, it may well be.
[Dir. Enrico Maria Artale, 2011, Italy, 35mm, 11 mins.
In Italian with English Subtitles]
The House on the Lake
(La Casa del Lago)
You have been thinking about leaving for years. Look
at the photo. Again. You know where it is. A pigsty. Go.
Kill him. Don’t talk, say nothing. Whiskey. It’s midnight.
He can’t explain it. She can’t either. This city is rotten.
Where is the life your parents promised you?
[Dir. Galder Gaztelu-Urrutia, Spain, 2011, 35mm,
11 mins. No Dialogue.]
Nowhere Road
When three innocuous college kids find themselves
stranded on the side of an empty deserted highway, their
only hope of salvation comes in the form of two inane
backwoodsmen and their disgusting RV.
[Dir. Benjamin Dynice, 2011, US, Blu-ray, 14 mins.]
Short Films
Once Upon A Time There Was
Oil (Il était une fois l’huile)
In a garage, two children search through the shelves
and inadvertently knock over an oil can. A drop falls to
the ground and turns into Goutix, the official mascot of
Meroll Oils, for frying and engines. A marvelous journey
in the factory begins.
[Dir. Vincent Paronnaud, 2011, France, DVD, 15 mins.
In French with English subtitles]
The Unliving
Thirty years after a zombie outbreak, people have started
taming and using the zombies as a cheap workforce.
The young couple, Katrine and Mark, struggle with the
tedious everyday life of dirty zombie catching, bloody
lobotomy experiments and a relationship on the verge
of falling apart. The film features truly exceptional
production and complex, intriguing characters.
[Dir. Hugo Lilja, Sweden, 2011, 35mm, 28 mins.
In Swedish with English subtitles.]
Punch Face Moan
Present day Los Angeles. In a rundown 50’s motel, soundman
Kirk and his brother Ethan prepare for the recording session
of a lifetime. With a looming deadline, Kirk and Ethan race to
collect a series of horror sound effects. Their logic, in order to
get real horror, create it.
[Dir. William Beaton, 2012, US, Blu-ray, 14 mins.]
Shor t F ilms
10% Shor t s
Sometimes charming, often uncomfortably real, and a bit
wacky, these LGBT shorts span the globe to highlight films
that confirm we truly are everywhere!
Sponsored by:
CAMP Rehoboth
NOV 10
12:05 PM-1:50 PM
9:00 PM-10:45 PM
David Shotwell
TIME: 108 mins
Coffee & Pie
Couples Therapy
In this self-proclaimed anti-romantic comedy, yet offbeat
love story of sorts, a couple is breaking up. Manipulative
June feels her moral superiority justifies the breakup.
October learns from seasoned waitress Billy-Jean, that
revenge is a dish best served with pie. This sweet as pie
short will be enjoyed by all.
Each week, Vince and Daniel attend couples therapy, and
each week they have something to talk about, and thus,
each week Vince and Daniel attend couples therapy.
[Dir. Mike Rose, 2011, US, DVD, 10 mins.]
[Dir. Douglas Horn, 2011, US, Blu-ray, 15 mins.]
Fallen Comrade
Two soldiers form an indelible bond in training camp,
but when shipped to the Afghan front, one is forced to
deal with the specter of his partner’s death when their
unit is caught in an ambush.
A street flyer leads to a surprising discovery in this black
and white award-winning film from one of Canada’s
favorite filmmakers.
[Dir. James Valdez, 2012, US, Blu-ray, 12 mins.]
[Dir. Laura Terruso, 2011, Canada, DVD, 4 mins.]
Fresh Air Therapy
(Frischluft Therapie)
Petra and Kerstin, a German couple, are spending another unpleasant
session with their counselor when a power failure and natural body functions
bring them closer together. Will they still need therapy?
[Dir. Christoph Scheermann, 2011, Germany, DVD, 6 mins. In German
with English subtitles]
It’s A Boy
It has been said that out of the mouth of babes can come some sage advice.
This short proves the adage correct, as three babies discuss their sexuality
and debate if being gay, bi, or straight is a choice.
[Dir. JC Calciano Horn, 2012, US, Blu-ray, 5 mins.]
It’s Not A Cowboy Movie
Brokeback Mountain was aired on TV last night. Vincent watched it and has
been completely shattered. He takes advantage of the recess to describe
the film in a touching and naïve way to his classmate, Moussa. In the girls’
bathroom, Jessica, also deeply moved by the film, bombards her best friend
Nadia with awkward questions about her gay father.
[Dir. Benjamin Parent, 2012, France, Blu-ray, 12 mins.
In French with English subtitles]
Silver Stiletto
Two men are found dead in a dumpster outside of well-known gay bar and
their wounds suggest a trained killer. Detective Alexis Morgan has a crazy
theory. Could the disheveled Dorothy from the Wizard of Oz impersonator
sitting in his interrogation room really be the murderer?
[Dir. Luke Mayze, 2011, Australia, Blu-ray, 15 mins.]
In postwar Japan, Tsuyako, a factory worker and mother, must decide between
duty and love, her family and her freedom. A winner of over 50 top honors at
international film festivals, Tsuyako is powerful, beautiful, and elegant.
[Dir. Mitsuyo Miyazaki, 2011, Japan, Blu-ray, 25 mins. In Japanese with
English subtitles]
Short Films
10% Shor ts
Regional Showc ase
Region a l showca se
This year brought us the largest number of entries to date for the regional showcase, a look at films by, for, and/or of interest to the
Delmarva Region and beyond. The filmmakers who have used the region as a backdrop for their films shed light on some of the region’s
most interesting and diverse subjects, or just have a little fun right here in our own backyard (even literally). So with a high number of
entries, we are happy to be bringing you the most films ever, but sadly we are still not able to present all of the work submitted. If you
appreciate seeing these films with local angles, keep an eye out for Delmarva Roots, a winter film series held each year.
Dancing on a Volcano
Milton, DE
Dancing on a Volcano is the tale of Nadja Hammermann, a young Austrian Jew. She
was a strong-willed artist who, in 1939, came to Paris seeking exit visas for her family
from the Chilean consul general, Armando Marine. A single kiss was the price Nadja
had agreed to pay in exchange for Armando’s help. A kiss that developed into a secret
romance. Armando liberated hundreds of refugees from the Nazis under Nadja’s
influence. In 1941, Nadja and Armando left Paris and, through her great artistic
talent, found a future in New York City, where she became a senior illustrator for the
New York Times. But could love endure a life in exile?
[Dir. Gary Merz, 2011, US, DVD, 75 mins.]
NOV 10
6:15 PM-7:30 PM
Director of the film is scheduled to appear for a Q&A after the film.
The Dream Share Project & Little Big Gun
We all dream, some big and others within reach, but dreams can motivate us to act in
ways we wouldn’t otherwise do. Here are two examples of how dreaming affects the
lives of people living in the region.
Sponsored by:
FRI NOV 9 10:00 AM-12:00 PM
Delaware Coast Press
[Total Running Time: 115 mins.]
The Dream Share Project
Millville, DE
The Dream Share Project focuses on two young people, Chip Hiden and Alexis Irvin, as they travel the
country seeking advice on how to pursue a dream. The film covers topics like: discovering one’s passion,
committing to a goal, dealing with setbacks, and redefining success for the millennial generation. Alexis
and Chip collect eye-opening advice and anecdotal wisdom from an Olympic skier, one of the original
Latin Kings of Comedy, a slam poet, a Project Runway fashion designer, the CEO of a sustainable flip flop
company, a beer-maker, the producer of Austin City Limits, and many more. The Dream Share Project is a
film that encourages people to live up to their fullest potential and reject societal pressure to “play it safe.”
[Dirs. Chip Hiden and Alexis Irvin, 2011, US, DVD, 63 mins.]
Screens with:
Little Big Gun
Laurel, DE
Little Big Gun tells the story of the Hartman family and their obsession with becoming the
smallest pumpkin gun to win the World Championship Punkin Chunkin, held every fall in Sussex
County, Delaware. They compete to have the best machine possible to launch a pumpkin the
furthest distance, an expensive quest for a family living just above the poverty line. In this
funny and touching journey into middle-class rural America, we explore the human search for
happiness and fun at a time of critical political and economic unrest.
[Dir. Simon Trepanier, 2011, Canada, DVD, 52 mins.]
Directors and subjects of both films are scheduled to appear for a Q&A after the screening.
Philadelphia, PA
Jonathan’s Return is a very personal documentary following the life of Jonathan, the
film-maker’s son, focusing on the way each member of the family copes with Jonathan’s
mental illness. Jonathan returns to his childhood, to his rebellious teenage years, his
mental collapse in the Israeli army, and his struggle with paranoid schizophrenia at
the age of 28. The film ends with Jonathan increasing his participation in life, and in
the life of his family. The documentary was shot during the last 15 years with different
cameras and points-of-view including Jonathan’s, his father and his case manager’s.
The viewer is invited to enter places seldom visited by a camera, such as the mind
and thoughts of the mentally ill, and the chaos it brings to his/her family. Jonathan’s
Return is a self-reflexive work where both he, his brothers and parents comment on
the footage and work together to destigmatize mental illness, and shed light on the
experiences of more than 100 million Americans and their families who are impacted
10:00 AM-11:25 AM
by the illness.
Director of the film & some of the subjects are scheduled to appear for a Q&A after the film.
Shorts From Around Here: Take 2
This program is a compilation of short films that were made by local residents.
We had this same program a few years ago with different shorts and it was a
huge success, so we bring you Take 2.
Sponsored by:
FRI NOV 9 2:05 PM-3:35 PM
Delaware Coast Press
Total Running Time: 74 mins
A Ninth Life
Milton, DE
Jim, a newspaper reporter, feels he has a tight rein on life until he meets Paige, a young girl caught
up in an unusual chain of events. Intrigued with her story, he continues to follow her through a
series of occurrences spanning two decades. Through the uniquely developing relationship, Jim is
brought some puzzling realizations that send his tidy belief system into a proverbial tailspin.
[Dir. Pamela Preston, 2011, US, DVD, 11 mins.]
Anna Marie
Westover, MD
A young widow lives alone in a remote village on the Chesapeake Bay, where a traditional way of life
still follows the cycle of the seasons. One spring night, a thunderstorm wakes her, and she believes her
husband has returned. Inspired by a true event, this evocative short is timeless, yet current.
[Dir. Hunter Nesbitt, 2012, US, Blu-ray, 22 mins.]
The Detector
Lewes, DE
Ben’s life had been on a downward spiral for some time. One day he loses his wedding ring on
the beach and decides this is one loss he can’t deal with. He purchases a metal detector to help
him find his ring. What he doesn’t know is that this metal detector will lead him on an unexpected
[Dir. Rob Waters, 2012, US, DVD, 41 mins.]
Directors of the films are scheduled to appear for a Q&A after the screenings.
Regional Showcase
Jonathan’s Return
Regional Showc ase
The Twin Poets: Why I Write
Wilmington, DE
NOV 10
Why I Write chronicles the lives and work of the Twin Poets, Nnamdi Chukwuocha
and Albert Mills. Artists and social workers, these identical twin brothers recoiled
from a high profile life in the entertainment industry, opting instead to devote their
lives to working with young people living in the Riverside housing projects, where
gun violence, drug culture, and an overriding sense of failure result in arrested
development, disproportionate incarceration, and even death. Their base of operation
is the Kingswood Community Center. The film offers eyewitness documentation of
the impact that repeated shootings and thug culture have on Riverside’s children and
the greater community in which they live. Bridged with segments from live poetry
performances, this evocative tale of devotion to community and the power of the
spoken word offers evidence that within the Twins’ sphere of influence, the pen is
12:30 PM-1:55 PM
ultimately mightier than the sword.
[Dir. Sharon Baker, 2011, US, DVD, 69 min.]
Director of the film and the Twin Poets are scheduled to appear for a Q&A after the film.
White Gold: Delaware’s Oyster Industry and The Ida May Project
Total Running Time: 112 mins.
SAT NOV 9 10:00 AM-12:10 PM
White Gold: Delaware’s Oyster Industry
Newark, DE
Leipsic, Little Creek, and Bowers Beach were flourishing maritime communities, relying on
huge harvests of Delaware Bay oysters, commonly called “white gold.” Wooden schooners
sailed Delaware Bay, dredging as many as 900,000 bushels annually. Local captains lit cigars
with $100 bills, and bought new Cadillacs every year. Today’s annual oyster harvest is less
than 15,000 bushels, and all but one of the schooners are gone. Yet the commercial watermen
somehow endure. White Gold captures the history of Delaware’s oyster industry and its
communities, and one waterman’s struggle to bring an aging wooden schooner back to its
former glory.
[Dir. Michael Oates, 2012, US, DVD, 60 mins.]
Screens with:
The Ida May Project
Chance, MD
In 2005, the Gladden family pulled their 100 year-old Skipjack sailboat, the Ida May, out of the
water for routine repairs only to discover that a large amount of the boat was rotten and would
have to be rebuilt. This film chronicles the six-year restoration process, and introduces the
people involved while also delving into the family’s long history with Skipjacks. It presents a
deeply personal view into the greater history and importance of the Skipjack to the heritage
and culture of Maryland’s Eastern Shore. The Ida May Project is supported by a grant from the
Maryland State Arts Council, an agency dedicated to cultivating a vibrant cultural community
where the arts thrive, and by the National Endowment for the Arts, a federal agency.
[Dirs. David and Tara Gladden, 2012, US, DVD, 52 mins.]
Directors of both films are scheduled to appear for a Q&A after the films.
This year we are proud to have many student filmmakers who are associated
with the region by school or award recognition. We are excited to bring you
these wonderful new films by new filmmakers.
FREE Admission / Upstairs Screening Room
Food of Love SAT NOV 105:00 PM-7:00 PM
[Fierberg Award - First Place: see page 102 ]
2012 Yale graduate with a degree in Film Studies
Iris is a shy baker who lives an exciting fantasy life inspired by the poetry of Shakespeare. The real
world intervenes when Iris develops a crush on a regular customer who doesn’t know he’s the star
of her Shakespearean dreams. Cupcakes and couplets may not be enough to turn her imaginary
romance into true love.
[Dir. Sarah Rosen, 2012, US, DVD, 17 mins.]
Junk Man [Fierberg Award - honorable mention see page 102 ]
Junior, DeSales University (Allentown, PA)
The film follows inveterate “collector” Ron Bucher as he scavenges, stores and sells roadside refuse
and salvaged scraps. While Ron lives the philosophy that one man’s trash is another man’s treasure,
others — like Ron’s wife — might disagree.
[Dir. Dan Baxter, 2012, US, DVD, 16 mins.]
American University (Washington, DC)
A young professional doesn’t worry that his colleagues know he’s gay, only that his white collar
colleagues will judge him harshly for dating a blue collar man.
[Dir. Michael Hyde, 2012, US, DVD, 14 mins.]
Never Dream, The Beginning
American University (Washington, DC)
A medieval knight (Arthur) is summoned to return home from his quest when his wife (Charlotte)
succumbs to a strange illness. The same illness that killed Anne, his first wife and sister Charlotte.
Arthur’s servants take Charlotte to the monastery for fear of becoming ill. When Arthur arrives, he is
greeted by more than his wife and the Abbott and must fight for his very soul.
[Dir. Carl Randolph, 2012, US, DVD, 19 mins.]
The Red Shoes
New York University (New York, New York)
While NYU might be stretching the regional classification, Lindsay shot the film entirely in Rehoboth and
surrounding areas with local talent. Karen, a young orphan with wild imagination, strikes creative gold in her
new trial home, the ‘Foster Mother Mansion’. Karen behaves well in this lifestyle of plenty, until she discovers
a pair of red dancing shoes. Unable to bottle her excitement for them, she must dance. But, will Karen’s
imagination carry her to trouble, or to paradise? This short film praises obedience… to one’s own heart.
[Dir. Lindsay Bane, 2012, US, DVD 10 mins.]
Directors of all the films are scheduled to appear for a Q&A after the screenings.
Regional Showcase
New Filmmakers New Films
On Scr een/In P er son
On Scr een/In P er son
The Rehoboth Beach Film Society is proud to once again be selected by the MidAtlantic Arts Foundation to be a host site for the On Screen/In Person film touring
program. The goal of this program is to bring the vision of some of the country’s best
independent filmmakers to a broad audience throughout the mid-Atlantic region,
especially in communities with limited access to their work. On Screen/In Person
will tour new independent, American films, including animation, documentaries,
experimental, and narrative work accompanied by the filmmaker.
On Screen/In Person is a six-film series and the Film Society is pleased to be able to
screen one of the films as part of this year’s Festival.
Dislecksia: The Movie
About one American in seven has some degree of dyslexia. It’s a condition that
makes it hard to learn to read the same way other people do. With some special
techniques, taught or self-invented, most people with dyslexia can learn to
function normally, and many are brilliant, talented, and successful. In the
comic documentary Dislecksia: The Movie, dyslexic director Harvey Hubbell,
with assistance from dyslexic writer Jeremy Brecher and several dyslexic
crewmembers, presents the latest scientific knowledge about dyslexia and the
experiences of dyslexics. Viewers will come to know dyslexics and those who
teach and study them, not just as statistics or talking heads, but as individuals.
And they’ll know a lot about dyslexia: its causes, its effects, and what can be
done about it. Dislecksia: The Movie will give viewers a better understanding
of the condition. It will also give dyslexics and their families hope, as well as a
crash course in how to keep smiling.
[Dir. Harvey Hubbell, 2011, US, DVD, 85 mins.]
NOV 11
10:25 AM-12:05 PM
Includes post-screening Q&A with the director.
On Screen/In Person is made possible by the Mid Atlantic Arts
Foundation through the generous support of the National Endowment
for the Arts’ Regional Touring Program. A Special thanks to the
Delaware Division of the Arts for additional financial support. Upcoming On Screen/In Person screenings:
Feb 23, 2013: Cafeteria Man
Mar9, 2013: Abel Raises Cain
Apr 20, 2013: What We Need Is The Impossible
Seminar s
A Look at Independent Cinema Today
9:00 am – 10:30 am, Fri [Nov 9]
Upstairs Screening Room, Movies at Midway
Admission: Free (Advance registration is not required)
This year’s Festival includes a grouping of films by
directors and producers who are working outside the
“Hollywood” model.
The term “independent film” is bandied about in the
industry as often as many other terms, but what does
it mean? Is it quantifiable? Is there a litmus test to
determine whether the term is applicable to a film?
What is the difference between “independent” and
“commercial” cinema? Is it the desire of every director,
actor, and other industry professionals to be the next
Spielberg or Clooney? Or is the motivating spark the
opportunity to do quality work on one’s own terms with
people of similar principles?
Independent cinema has its stalwarts, a group of
interconnected professionals who work on each other’s
films often switching between acting, producing and
directing, thereby creating an unusual, yet highly
creative and effective dynamic that is producing the
most refreshing and unique voices in cinema today.
Come join three such professionals, Amy Seimetz,
Andrew Semans, and David Saltzman, as they talk to
moderator Rob Rector about Independent Cinema, what
it means to them, how they plan to progress within this
context, and how they see the future of the film industry.
There will be plenty of time for the audience to ask
questions of these talented, film industry professionals.
If there were a poster child for the New Face of Independent Cinema that face would probably be Amy Seimetz. To call her the Wunderkind
might not be adequate enough to encompass her prowess in all facets of Independent Cinema. Writer, Director, Producer, and Actor are
all monikers that she holds multiple times. No stranger to the RBIFF, she produced The Dish and the Spoon which screened at last year’s
Festival. This year, she stars in the short comedy Coffee & Pie playing in 10% Shorts and directed the amazing road trip odyssey, Sun Don’t
Shine. For sure we will continue to hear about Amy well into the future.
Andrew Semans is a filmmaker based in Brooklyn, NY. He has directed several short films. Nancy, Please, playing in this years RBIFF, is
his debut feature.
Dave Saltzman is a NYC based producer and line producer. His most recent feature, Nancy, Please, premiered at Tribeca Film Festival in
2012. He is currently in preproduction for Stand Clear of the Closing Doors, a feature by Sam Fleischner (Wah Do Dem) this fall. Dave began
his career in film as director of development at Journeyman Pictures where he also worked in production on Momma’s Man, Sugar and
Cold Souls. Other producing/production credits include Children of Invention, Stones in the Sun, 3 Backyards, and Shut Up and Play The
Hits. He also currently serves as head of production at M SS NG P ECES a Brooklyn based short-form and commercial production company.
Rob Rector is the chair of the English and Communications Departments at Delaware Technical Community College, where he also serves
as a film instructor. His film review columns appear weekly in the Cape Gazette newspaper and the seasonal Beach Paper. Rob is one of the
founding members of the Rehoboth Beach Film Society and the Independent Film Festival. He’s also quite fond of nachos.
9:00 am – 10:30 am, Sat [Nov 10]
Upstairs Screening Room, Movies at Midway
Admission: Free [Advance registration is not required]
The story of Italian film is one that fluctuates between two
Of course, while they were doing so, other directors like
separate poles, artistic innovation and commercial instinct.
Sergio Leone and Mario Bava were working scant miles
This is obvious from the very beginning of film history. In
away on the Peplum, a cheap gloss on the then current vogue
1914, Italy introduced two major innovations that are still
across America and Europe for biblical sword and sandals
readily apparent in modern cinema, both in one film, Cabiria.
movies like Ben-Hur and The Ten Commandments. These
Cabiria is both the world’s first feature length film and the
very styles had more overlap than a glance would have
first film to ever use a camera dolly, which was invented
you believe. Vittorio De Sica, who made what might be the
so that the audience could fully appreciate the massive
definitive Neorealist film, Bicycle Thieves, was a very popular
practical sets built for the production. A character in the film
actor in the more populist movies of the era, using the money
also became Italy’s first exploitation film staple. After the
from them to make the work that was closer to his passion.
blockbuster release of Cabiria, the producers realized that
much of the film’s draw was found not in the titular heroine,
Spaghetti Western, also known as Italo-Western, is a
but a slave character named Maciste, played by an insanely
nickname for a broad subgenre of films that emerged in
muscular longshoreman named Bartolomeo Pagano, Italy’s
the mid 1960’s in the wake of Sergio Leone’s unique and
first exploitation star. Pagano proceeded to act in 24 other
much copied film-making style and international box-office
films as Maciste the muscle man, of which only one still
success, so named by American critics because most were
exists, the luridly titled Maciste in Hell. The character was
produced and directed by Italians. The heyday of the genre
so enduring that even the end of Pagano’s career did not
existed between 1960 and 1980 with over 600 of these films
mean the end of the franchise. There were Maciste sequels
being made. Most of these were constructed on low budgets,
made well into the 1960s, which makes him one of the longest
using inexpensive locations in the American Southwest and
running characters in film history.
Northern Mexico as well as a very popular setting of the
Tabernas Desert in the province of Almeria is Southeast Spain.
Things continued in this fashion until well after World War II,
as the Neorealist movement became ascendant. People like
Join Giorgio Melloni as he discusses many facets of Italian
Roberto Rossellini, Federico Fellini, and Luchino Visconti
Cinema: the economic realities of Italy in the postwar period,
began telling unsentimental stories about people living in
the artistic renaissance that happened at both the top and
poverty around their country, often using non-professional
bottom of the film community, and the continuing resonance
actors and documentary style techniques to show the world
that these films have on our culture.
things that had never been seen inside the walls of a cinema.
Giorgio Melloni is Associate Professor of Italian at the University of Delaware. He holds a Bachelors degree (Laurea) in Classics from
the University of Bologna, Italy, and received his PhD in Italian from Brown University in 1998. He has taught at Brown University,
Rhode Island School of Design, Roger Williams University and the State University of New York at New Paltz, where he received tenure
and promotion in 2005. His research interests are the nineteenth and twentieth centuries, with a special concentration on cinema
studies and literature in hypertext. He has published articles on Italian literature and cinema in renowned peer-reviewed journals. He
is currently writing a book on Federigo Tozzi.
Neorealism, Spaghetti Westerns and Beyond
Seminar s
The Invisible War: A Further Examination
9:00 am – 10:30 am, Sun [Nov 11]
Upstairs Screening Room, Movies at Midway
Admission: Free [Advance registration is not required]
Every once in a while a film is so emotionally powerful, the content needs to be further
examined. The Invisible War is one of those films.
THE FILM: As ranks of women in the American military swell, so
do incidents of rape. An estimated 30 percent of servicewomen
and at least 1 percent of servicemen are sexually assaulted
during their enlistment and not by the enemy, but at the hands
of fellow soldiers. With stark clarity and escalating revelations,
The Invisible War exposes a rape epidemic in the armed forces,
the institutions that perpetuate it, as well as its profound
personal and social consequences. We meet characters that
embraced their service with pride and professionalism, only
to have their idealism crushed. Their chilling stories of violent
sexual assault become even more rattling as they seek justice
in a Kafkaesque military legal system. As a courageous few
defy victimhood, they face their most challenging fight yet:
penetrating a closed circuit where officers collude, cases are
routinely swept under the rug, and few perpetrators are tried
or convicted. The film shows that casualties of war rage beyond
the battlefield.
THE PANEL: Joining us to bravely tell more of their stories are
the films subjects Jessica Hinves and Elle Helmer. Miranda
Petersen, Attorney at Law and part of the main legal counsel
for the class action suit against the US Government on behalf
of the victims, will be present to talk about the court case and
what is next. In addition we will hear from David Goldsmith, a
Professor at George Washington University. Mary Lou Dodge
from Delaware Guidance will also help support this film and
discussion panel.
This is sure to be a compelling morning that will evoke a range
of emotions, from outrage and disbelief to hope and bravery
for the men and women who took a stand against a powerful
organization and standing up for what is right.
JESSICA HINVES grew up in a military family, believing every citizen had a duty to serve their country. She joined the Air Force and was
betrayed by the military she once loved. Her commander and rapist were one and the same. He was awarded “Airman of the Year” during
the very limited investigation. Jessica, now married and mother to a son, still struggles daily with her memories.
ELLE HELMER was proud to become a Marine, following a family tradition back to the Revolutionary War. She was prouder yet when
assigned to the prestigious Marine Barracks in Washington, DC. These were the showcase Marines, involved in ceremonial functions,
including those at the White House. After official duty, these Marines drank heavily and required Elle to do so as well. When Elle insisted on
leaving, she was followed by her commander, who forced her to his room and raped her. While she was charged with “public intoxication,”
he was later promoted. Elle now lives in South Carolina.
MIRANDA PETERSEN , works for BURKE PLLC, which specializes in highly sensitive litigation such as the suits filed to reform the treatment
of rape victims in the military. The Invisible War highlights this case. She primarily has been working on the case filed by the firm against
the military focusing mostly on the client intake and has therefore spoken to many women and men who have suffered abuse.
DAVID GOLDSMITH is a Research Professor of Environmental and Occupational Health at George Washington University in Washington, DC.
He has been consulting in the medical and legal field since the 1980’s, working with Environmental Protection Agency, National Institutes
of Health and the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention. His research and lectures are important, covering health hazards such as
pesticides, asbestos, and drugs taken by pregnant women. He also is a voice on the issues of diesel fuel emissions and fracking.
The screenings of The Invisible War are: Wednesday, Nov. 7 at 5:50PM / Friday, Nov. 9 at 2:35PM / Saturday, Nov. 10 at 2:05PM
Thank you AAUW Delaware and AAUW Coastal-Georgetown for sponsoring the film and recruiting this amazing panel. A
special thanks to Ginger Livingston for coordinating this collaboration. AAUW is the American Association of University
Women, known for breaking barriers for women and girls, through advocacy, education, philanthropy and research. It’s a
community that breaks through educational and economic barriers so that all women have a fair chance.
L i ve in the L ounge
Live in the Lounge
In addition to planning your schedule of great films, don’t miss what’s happening in the
Big Tent. As part of the Country Spotlight, we are pleased to bring Italy to the Rehoboth
Beach Independent Film Festival by showcasing some traditions of the French culture.
Read below to see other activities you may include as part of your Festival experience.
Sat (Nov 10), beginning at 8:30 pm
Location: Big Tent (in the bump-out)
(Sponsored by Dogfish Head Craft Brewery)
A Festival favorite! Dogfish Head Craft Brewery is known for brewing some of the most innovative beers
and extraordinary spirits. Enjoy samplings of Dogfish Head Craft Brewery’s off-centered ales known for
their non-traditional ingredients.
Sat (Nov 10), Beginning 9:15 PM
Location: Big Tent
The tarantella dance is a lively folk dance performed to a distinct, upbeat musical style. The name
“tarantella” is derived from the city of Taranto in Southern Italy where the dance is believed to have
originated in the 15th century. The name of the tarantula spider comes from the town of Taranto as
well. The choreography and name of the dance are based on an old folk belief about the effect of a
poisonous spider bite. It was believed that when someone was bitten by the tarantula, the only cure
would be to dance the poison out of his/her system. For this reason, many consider the tarantella
to be a healing or medicinal dance. Dance scholars offer various interpretations into the origins and
meanings of the tarantella.
Enjoy a lively performance by the Sussex Dance Academy students as choreographed by Academy
Director Kate Downes Walker. Audience members may bring their Italian rhythm to the dance floor and
learn a basic variation of this festive dance.
Sat (Nov 10), Beginning 9:30 PM
Location: Big Tent
Everyone is Italian at this sing-along! Join Villa Sorrento Restaurant owner Mara DePace and Southern Delaware Choral Society
Conductor John Ranney as they lead us through a “delizioso menu” of Italian favorites including That’s Amore, O Sole Mio, Santa
Lucia, and more.
(Sponsored by Villa Sorrento and Southern Delaware Choral Society)
1511 Savannah Road / Lewes / Delaware
For reservations, call 644-7051 / For take out, call 644-7052
Tues – Fri 11:00AM – 9:00PM / Sat & Sun 3:00PM – 9:00PM
Tickets will be available at the Information Booth in the Big Tent. Drawing: Approx. 6:00 PM, Sun [Nov 11]
As part of the Film Society’s fundraising efforts, a 50/50 drawing will be held during the Film Festival. The winning ticket will be
picked and announced at the Closing Night Celebration. Tickets are tax deductible and help support Festival production expenses.
Cost: $1.00 per ticket. (Last year’s winner won $469)
The original artwork “Come to the Fest & Sea the World”, created by Laura Ambler, was the inspiration for the theme of this year’s
Festival design. This painting will be available for purchase via a silent auction to be conducted throughout the Festival. Bids may
be placed at the Information Booth in the Big Tent until 5:00 PM, Sun (Nov 11). The winning bid will be announced during the Closing
Night Celebration.
Sun [Nov 11], 5:00 PM – 7:00 PM
Location: Big Tent
Join the casual closing of the Rehoboth Beach Independent Film Festival’s fifteenth year. Highlights include selecting the 50/50
winner, announcing the Art Auction’s winning bid, presenting the Morris and Roslyn Fierberg Student Film Award, and, revealing
the much anticipated Audience Award winners. No ticket is needed for this gathering. Beverages and food can be purchased from
on-site vendors. So relax, reflect, and rejoice at the completion of another great Festival.
Live in the Lounge
L i ve in the L ounge
C oun tr y Spo tligh t : It al y
One could say that the first Italian film star appeared in 1898, when then-Pope Leo XIII was filmed for a few
seconds in the act of blessing the camera. The Italian film industry took shape between 1903 and 1908, led by
three major organizations - Cines, based in Rome; and the Turin-based companies Ambrosio and Itala Film.
Other companies were soon to follow in Milan and Naples, and these early companies quickly attained a
respectable production quality and were able to market their products both within Italy and abroad.
20th-century Italian cinema diversified, changing with the fortunes and fates of its country and the world. Throughout
the century, genres and subgenres proliferated: Both popular and “serious” cinema saw the Italian touch, from the
Sword and Sandal epics and Spaghetti Western to Avant-garde, Neorealism, Pink Neorealism, and Comedy Italian
Style (Commedia All’Italiana,). In the 1980’s, the industry suffered a minor crisis when the “art films” became
increasingly isolated from the mainstream Italian cinema in favor of “trash films” of little artistic value. These
comic films reached their popularity by confronting Italian social taboos, most notably in the sexual sphere.
Along with Italy’s influences on film genres, Italian cinema has produced many of the world’s most well-known and
well-respected directors, including Federico Fellini, Michelangelo Antonioni, Sergio Leone, Dario Argento, Luchino
Visconti and more recently, Nanni Moretti and Marco Bellocchio.
Italy also brought us one of the most highly acclaimed actresses of all time, Sophia Loren. In 1961 Sophia Loren won
the Academy Award for Best Actress for her role in Vittorio De Sica’s Two Women. She was the first actress to win an
Academy Award for a performance in any foreign language film, and the second Italian leading lady Oscar-winner
after Anna Magnani (The Rose Tattoo).
Italian films have been finalists for the Academy Award for Best Foreign Film 28 times, winning the award 11 times,
including 1948 with Bicycle Thieves and 1963 with 8 ½. Both films are being screened here as part of the Country
Spotlight, along with the classic Spaghetti Western Once Upon a Time in the West .
Italian films are well respected throughout the world and continue to be widely seen outside of their homeland.
We are very excited to bring you a wide variety of films that should demonstrate the kaleidoscopic range of Italy’s
contribution to cinema.
Films that make up the Country Spotlight: Italy are:
8 ½ (Page 55)
Diaz, Don’t Clean Up This Blood (Page 37)
Apartment in Athens (Page 30)
Escort in Love (Page 39)
Bicycle Thieves (Page 55)
Once Upon a Time in the West (Page 55)
Caesar Must Die (Page 31)
Terraferma (Page 52)
Corpo Celeste (Page 36)
My Bow Breathing (Part of Midnight Special Shorts, Page 75)
(For children age 3 to 10)
1:00 pm – 3:00 pm, Sat [Nov 11] Upstairs Screening Room, Movies at Midway
Admission: Free
Children’s Cinema Corner allows even the youngest film fans to enjoy the Festival. This program features
screenings of films adapted from children’s books, a reading corner, craft stations, art projects and face
painting. And don’t forget: complimentary popcorn will be served!
The theme of this year’s films is FRIENDSHIP
Friendship is complicated, but always worth the effort. The first films feature Bink and Gollie,
two girls who don’t agree ver y often. Whether it’s socks, goldfish or venturing to the Andes, these
ver y different individuals learn the secret to successful friendship: compromise. The Red Hen isn’t
so lucky. She wants her fellow animals to help her bake a Simply Splendid Cake, but the only “help”
they’re willing to give is to help eat it!
Sometimes our very best friends are our pets. In Kitten’s First Full Moon , the curious feline mistakes
the moon for a giant saucer of milk. After some mischievous mishaps, Kitten gets a happy surprise once she
returns home. Of course, not all friendships can last, as young Lucy the bear learns when she tries to adopt
a little boy in Children Make Terrible Pets . And the animals in the zoo run by a mild-mannered zookeeper
prove the healing power of friendship in A Sick Day for Amos McGee .
Finally, Edwina is everyone’s beloved friend, except for the class know-it-all, Reginald Von HoobieDoobie, who tries to convince the others that their friend can’t exist! What a fate for Edwina, The Dinosaur
Who Didn’t Know She Was Extinct!
Parent(s)/guardian(s) must sign in any child attending Children’s Cinema Corner. Parents are encouraged
to stay and enjoy the films and activities with their children. If a parent/guardian chooses to leave a child at this
event, contact information must be provided and the child must be picked up by 3:00 p.m.
Thank you to the following for assisting with this program:
Kids Cottage for coordinating the activities.
Weston Woods for providing the films for Children’s Cinema Corner. Weston Woods is a division of Scholastic Corporation, the
world’s largest publisher and distributor of children’s books and a leader in educational technology. For more information, please
call 1-800-243-5020 or visit or
Movies at Midway for providing popcorn.
Children’s Cinema Corner
Children’s Cinema Corner
F ier ber g Awar d
Morris and Roslyn Fierberg Student Film Award (2012)
Both Morris and Roz were actively involved in the development of the Rehoboth Beach Film Society and its awardwinning Rehoboth Beach Independent Film Festival. Being quite resourceful, Roz and Morris persuaded two of
their sons, producer/director Andrew (Andy) Fierberg and Director of Photography Stephen, to participate as
well. The involvement of the Fierberg family will always be greatly appreciated.
The Morris and Roslyn Fierberg Student Film Award Endowment Fund was established in 2004 in memory of
Morris Fierberg. The fund’s name was expanded to include Roslyn just prior to her passing in 2010.
The purpose of this award program is to encourage student film production by acknowledging the outstanding
work of a student film director. Full-time high school or undergraduate students from the United States are
eligible to participate.
Each year a review panel consisting of a Fierberg family member or representative, a teacher or professional
in the film production area or art field, a college student or recent graduate, and the Film Society’s Education/
Outreach Coordinator screen and rate each submission on originality, execution and overall quality. This year
the Committee reviewed fourteen submissions (13 features and one documentary) from students of eight
states. The first place award is a $1,000 cash prize and the Honorable Mention award is a $250 gift card.
First Place: Sarah Rosen
Sarah Rosen is a 2012 Yale graduate with a degree in Film Studies (Fiction Filmmaking Concentration). Food
of Love follows Iris, a shy baker who lives an exciting fantasy life inspired by the poetry of Shakespeare. The
real world intervenes when Iris develops a crush on a regular customer who doesn’t know he’s the star of
her Shakespearean dreams. Cupcakes and couplets may not be enough to turn her imaginary romance into
true love. [2012, Runtime: 17 min, USA, Not rated]
Honorable Mention: Dan Baxter
Dan Baxter is a senior at DeSales University where he majors in Television and Film Production. He lives in
Mishawaka, Indiana. Junk Man follows inveterate “collector” Ron Bucher as he scavenges, stores and sells
roadside refuse and salvaged scraps. While Ron lives the philosophy that one man’s trash is another man’s
treasure, others—like Ron’s wife— might disagree. [2012, Runtime: 16 min, USA, Not rated]
Review Panel
The Film Society thanks the following for their diligence in the rating process: recent Tulane University graduate Harry Kay,
Salisbury University Communications professor Frances Kendall, independent filmmaker Marianne Kelley, and Fierberg family
representative Kay Loysen.
The Film Society invites film enthusiasts, supporters of the Film Society, as well as friends and relatives
of the Fierberg family to make donations to the Morris and Roslyn Fierberg Student Film Award. Donor
generosity will help the Film Society continue the Fierbergs’ commitment to youth and the art of
filmmaking. If you are interested in making a donation to the Morris and Roslyn Fierberg Student Film
Award, please send a check made payable to RBFS, 107 Truitt Avenue, Rehoboth Beach, DE 19971.
Please write “Fierberg Award donation” in the memo portion. All donations are tax deductible and
greately appreciated. Your support is greatly appreciated.
10 3
Once again weather was a predominant factor in 2012. We enjoyed an unusually warm
winter then endured a sizzling hot summer. But, weather was no obstacle for many who
contributed to the planning and preparation of this year’s Film Festival. In appreciation
of their support and hard work we say….
Thank you…
Thank you…
filmmakers and distributors who create or provide films
that entertain, educate, inspire, and/or emotionally touch
thousands of film viewers.
the entire Movies at Midway staff for your hard work during
the Festival.
Thank you…
the Derricksons for renting eight Movies at Midway
theaters to the RBFS which allows the audience to enjoy the
convenience of seeing many films at one location.
Thank you...
summer Festival Film reviewers who assist with critiquing
numerous film submissions. Your input is helpful with the
film selection process.
Thank you…
Thank you…
intern Harry Kay for researching the history of Italian film.
each and every SPONSOR (see pages 12-13). Your generosity
and commitment are what makes this event possible.
Thank you…
Thank you…
Delaware Division of the Arts, the Delaware State Arts
Council, and staff liaison Susan Salkin for providing various
forms of support to the Film Society throughout the year.
Thank you…
ad purchasers and film sponsors for helping to support
production expenses.
Thank you…
Laura Ambler for providing the original artwork that was the
inspiration for this year’s Festival design.
Thank you…
Jeff Hughes (Hughes Design) for creatively designing this
program and other collateral materials.
Thank you…
Ginger Livingston for sharing our intense reaction to the
film The Invisible War and organizing an amazing seminar
panel with the support of AAUW Delaware and AAUW
every Festival attendee for supporting this event. Your
appreciation of the cinematic arts allows a film menu of
diverse films from throughout the world.
Thank you…
RBFS staff of Greg Jones, Sue Hartman, Malcolm Keen, Bill
Becker, Chuck Patalive, Sue McCarthy, and Gloria Walls for
your commitment as a team to continually advance the Film
Society’s work.
Thank you…
Rehoboth Beach Film Society Board of Directors for the
guidence you provide in governing this organization. A
special thanks to Eric Kafka for his leadership as Board
President and his extra effort to sweep up coins from
kitchen floors here and afar.
Thank you…
every volunteer for donating your time and talents
throughout the year. Collectively you form the strong
foundation from which much of the Film Society’s work
grows from.
Our thanks to all of you!
Thank you…
Sue Early
Executive Director, Rehoboth Beach Film Society
Beth Hochholzer for editing all the film descriptions, an
enormous task that you so willingly and wonderfully do.
Joe Bilancio
Program Director, Rehoboth Beach Independent Film Festival
Thank you…
Karen Wray and Susan Brown for assisting with the proofing
at a moment’s notice.
Our Thanks
Our Thanks…
10 4
The Rehoboth Beach Film Society thanks the following individuals (current members as of
8/23/12) whose dues support the organization’s year-round operations:
Ellen Coppley
Jackson Coppley
David Cristy
Lynn Fuqua
James A. Fuqua, Jr.
Michael Golder
Darrel Grinstead
Gary Grunder
Betty Grunder
Paul Kuhns
Anne Michele Kuhns
Nancy Leggoe
William McManus
Natalie Moss
J. Andrew Murphy
David Nelson
Diane Pirkey
Rita Reimer
Midge Smith
Allen Stafford
Carl Wisler
Stephen Yaros
Suzanne Ziegler
Emily Abbott
Laura Ambler
Cary Ambler
Janine Armstrong
Philip Armstrong
Dean Baker
Steven A. Baker
Pamela Baker
Maria Barrera
Curtiss Barrows
John Barry, Jr.
Alan Barthelman
George Bauer
David Bergman
Cathin Bishop
Rick Bochner
Burma Bochner
Cathi Bost
David Boyce
David Brant
Eugene Braverman
Malora Buck
Joann Burstein
Mala Burt
John Byra
Kathryn Byrne
Ken Casazza
Jane Casazza
Denis Casey
Cathy A. Casey
Kathy Casey
Deborah Chase
Tammy Chincheck
Stan Chincheck
Charles Churilla
Tjarda Clagett
Valerie Cloutier
Robert Cloutier
John Coleman
Laura Colker
Christine Corsette
Robert Corsette
Ellen D’Alelio
Julie Davis
Julie Dickson
Clifford Diver
Vicki DiVittorio
Diane Dixson
Deanna Duby
Reid Dudley
Teresa Dunbar
Gregory Estes
Nancy Feichtl
Joseph Feichtl
Ginny Feldman
Sally Fintel
Todd Fishburn
Christopher Fisher
Thomas Fox
Craig Fraser
Sharon Friedman
Stephen Friedman
Joel Ganz, M.D.
Don Gardiner
Helen Gates
Antonio Ghigi
Mary Good
Delores Grigsby
Tim Gualdoni
Steven Haber
Barbara Halleck
Chet Halleck
Sharon Hansen
Alan Harmon
Edward Harner
Joan Hartogs
Elizabeth Hochholzer
Elizabeth Hofstad
Rebecca Hollinger
Cindy Holt
Mary Howard
Kathy Idziak
Chris Israel
Marti Jacobs
Karen Jacoby
Jim Johnson
Walter Jones
Judith Jones
Mick Kaczorowski
Nancy Kaiser
Arnold Kaplin
Marcia Kaplin
Kevin Kaporch
Maureen Keenan
Kae Keister
Deborah Kennedy
Barbara Kiker
John Kiker
Michael King
Beatrice King
Kent Kneisel
George Knott
Joyce Koeneman
Carol Kolmerten
Charma Konnor
Eric Korpon
Genie Kramedas
Diane LaPenna
Jane Larson
Patricia Layton
Curt Leciejewski
Joan LeLacheur
Anita Lenz
John Lenz
Carol Levin
Kay Loysen
Doris Lustine
Noela Lyons
Michele Mankins
Claire McCabe
Kate McNeilly
Karen Medford
Sallie Melvin
Arthur Melvin
Cornelia Melvin
John Metz
Warren Michelson
Lee Wayne Mills
Judy Myers
Kim Nelson
John Newton, Jr.
Robert Nowak
Rose Osterstrom
Jeff Osterstrom
Sandra Pace
Rosanne Pack
Sally Packard
Peggy Paul
Robert Peavy
Julie Peters
Don Peterson
Michael Peterson
Beth Pile
Kit Pilgrim
Evelyn Pilgrim
John Pitchford
Mari Plowman
Nancy Poole
Debra Price
Brian Price
Fran Rachles
Margo Ramage
Betsy Reamer
Jay Reamer
Jim Reichert
Lee Rice
Jeff Richman
Laura Ritter
Karen Ritter
Dennis Rivard
Ellen Rodin
John Roehmer
Susan Roehmer
Robert Rosenberg
Stephen Ross
Janet Russo
Lisa Sable
John Sabo
Michael Sanow
Laurie Schneider
Susan Schranck
Frederick Schranck
Robert Schreter
Mona Schwartz
Faye Seltzer
Matt Shepard
Lori Simmons
Laura Simon
Bob Slavin
John Smeallie
Perrin Smith
Rosanne Smith
C. Wesley Sooy
Mowry Spencer
Marc Stanley
Peggy Stark
John Stassi
Phyllis Stearman
Sydney Stearman
Jeffery Stephanic
Barbara Stephanic
Jill Stokes
Ariane Sumption
Stephen Sumption
Neal Tash
Alleane Taylor
Irene Thiel
Joan Thompson
David Torok
Helen Torosian
David Towey
Michael Tupman
Ed Turner, Jr.
Marcel Unger
Doug Weidman
Linda Weidman
Denise Weiner
Mildred White
S. A. White
Robert Wiltshire
Andrew Wohl
Charles Woods
Carole Woodyard
Katherine Wu
James Wu
Alexander Yearley
Susan Abbott
Ken Adams
Anita Adams
Sally Adkins
Marc Albert
Cynthia Albright
William Ammann
Lois Anderson
Jim Antonisse
Peggy Antonisse
Brian Armstrong
Nancyfaye Autenzio
Ann Bailey
Norma Baker
Stephen Baker
Fred Baker, Jr.
Kim Bakhtiar
Patricia Bangs
Marisa Barra
Colleen Barry
Johannah Barry
Amaya Bassett
Dick Bawcombe
Sally Bawcombe
Noreen Bayly
Diana Beebe
Richard Belanger
Carole Benjamin
Rod Beresford
Peter Berkery, Jr.
Sharon Bernstein
Christine Besche
Shakuntla Bhaya
Melinda Bickerstaff
Sander Bieber
Bruce Bigelow
Cherry Billings
Leon Billings
Beverly Billingsley
Jenifer Blair
Sandra Blake
Michael Blake
Karen Blood
Jane Blue
George Bockius
Karen Bogen
Jean Bohner
Constance Bond
Carol Boros
William Bostian
Betty Bowman
Elinor Boyce
Carol Boyd-Heron
Tony Boyd-Heron
Seymour Brecher
Carol Bresler
Robert Brewer, Jr.
Denise Bridgens
Susan Britcher
Sandy Browning
Bruce Bryen
Albert Buchanan
Emory Buck
Mary Burns
Carla Burton
David Button
Sandy Cameli
Cynthia Campbell
Laurel Capodanno
Peggy-Lynne Cardwell
Rita L. Carey
Mary Carpenter
Judy Catterton
Ken Catterton
Debra Catts
Sara Cavendish
Robert Chambers
Edward Chase
Patricia Chase
Thomas Childers
Dorothy Chimienti
Curt Christensen
Larry Christman
Jacquie Christman
James A. Chupella
Gary Clemmons
Chris Coburn
Rochelle Cohen
Jane Cohen
Gary Colangelo
Paul Collins
Peggy Conception
Paul Confrey
Jeffrey Conrad
Patrick J. Cooper
Michael Cordeiro
Audrey Cordrey
Carolyn Cotter
John Cotter
Martin Craft
Christine Cronenwett
Richard Culver
Rose Cybak
Helen Daley
Marsha Davis
Jackson Davis
Nadinia Davis
Julie Day
Betty Deacon
Sonja Decker
Hoyte Decker
Michael Decker
Linda Defeo
George Dellinger
Joan Demko
George Demko
Deborah Dickey
Marie Digennaro
Mary DiPietro
Stan Divorski
Laura Dotterer
Lynda Dunham
Eugene Dvornick
Carol Eason
Brad Edwards
Mary Edwards
Walt Ellenberger
Valerie Ellenberger
Mary Ann Elliott
Jim Ellison
Carole Ellison
Donna Emory
Thomas England
Joan Epstein
Janice Erich
Jim Esposito
Candice Evans
Anne Evans
John Ewald
Susan Farnandis
Elaine Faye
Ellen Feinberg
Pam Feinstein
Rich Feinstein
Elissa Feldman
Bill Fellner
Donna Ferragut
Susan Fewell
Irene Fick
Pamela Finkelman
Cheryl Fischer
Roy Fitzgerald
Helen Flood
Mark Ford
Ann Forster
Craig Forte
Anna Fowler
Douglas Fowler
Beebe Frazer
Sarah Friebert
Rosalyn Fried
Jeffrey Fried
Jessica Fritzges
Harvey Fruman
Kathryn Fuller
Patrick Gaffney
Lynn Gaites
Helen Garton
Linda Gaskill
Susan Geller
Marion Gentul
Robin Gilbert
Peter Gilbert
Bruce Gillespie
Ellen Girardeau
Ed Gmoch
Judi Godbey
Jackie Goff
Fay Gold
Melvin Goldberg
Sadye Goldbloom
Stuart Gordon
Susan Goudy
Jane Govatos
Amy Grace
Nettie Green
Sterling Green
Debra Greenblatt
Rachel Grier-Reynolds
Rick Grier-Reynolds
Tom Griffith
Suzanne Gross
Joann Gusdanovic
Bernard Guyer
Suzanne Hain
Henry Hain, III
John Hall
Christopher Hall
Lana Halpern
Catherine Hamill
Rita Hanuschock
Rebecca Hardin
Pat Hauptman
Howard Hauptman
Karen Hawken
Donald Hecht
Margaret Hennesey
Linda Hersey
Richard Herzog
Barbara Herzog
Michael J. Higgins
Janet Higgins
Robert Hill
Bill Hillegeist
Barbara Hindin
John Holl
Larry Hooker
Lesa Howard
Rodney Huey
Karen Hugues
Nan Hunter
Nate Hurto
Dawn Hurto
Phil Hutchison
Nilda Incatascito
Gary Jackoway
Fay Jacobs
Wendy Jacobs
Valorie Jarrell
Kathleen Jennings
William Johnson
Marty Johnson
Beth Joselow
Eric Kafka
Larry Kahan
Brenda Kahan
Gaye Kahigian
Fred Kaltreider
Mary Kaltreider
Janet Kane
James Kane
Leslie Kaplan
Anita Kaplan
Joy Katz
Jon Kauffman
Teresa Kauffman
Lisa Kaufman
Anne Kazak
Janice Keane
Jean P. Keats
Jennie Keith
Martha Keller
Barbara Kelly
Linda Kemp
Joanne Kempton
Frances Kendall
Sandra Kennedy
Daniel Kinsella
Bonnie Kirkland
Dr. Carole Klase
Greg Kodjanian
Marcia Kolko
Joel Kolko
Jan Konesey
Eve Kovalchick
Mary Kperr
Joseph Kraemer
Charlene Kramer
Roger Kramer
Myra Kramer
Kathleen Kross
Margaret Krull
Elizabeth Krushinskie
Steven Kuchuck
Joan Kuriansky
Christine Lally
Ruth Lamothe
Carole Laspino-Franks
Christine Lay
Elizabeth Layton
Emily Leader
Amy Lear
Thomas Ledbetter
Donna Ledbetter
James Lee
Sally Lengel
Marsha Levine
Paul Levine
Mimi Levine
Larry Levine
Pat Lewis
Gary Lippe
Judy Lippe
Ginger Livingston
Ed Livingston
Constance Lohse
Susan Maclary
Penny MacLennan
Christopher Magaha
Marcia Maldeis
Tom Mandel
Maryanne Manzi
Sarna Marcus
Marti Marino
Harold Marmon
Peggy Marshall
Mary Martin
Herbert Martin
Guy Martin
Bert Mason
Kathryn Matassa
Don Matzkin
Susan McCarthy
Bill McGee
Timothy McGlynn
Steve McLerran
James McMahon
Nancy McMullen
Ann McNeil
Betty Ann McNeil
Robert Meighan
Gail Meighan
Michele Meisart
Monte Meltzer
Howard Menaker
Charles Meyer, Jr.
Chuck Mezger
Joyce Michalek
Mary Miele
Carl Mills
Glenn Mills
Laurie Mills
Stan Mills
Neal Minietta
Mary Miranda
Frank Miranda
Jessica Mong
Jody Morrison
Renee Murch
Deborah Murphy
Lee Mussoff
Paula Nadig
Robert Nadig
Gilbert Navarro
Donna Nicholson
Konrad Noebel
Russ Notar
Alan O’Leary
Sandra Oropel
James Ostendorf
Perry Palan
Linda Palmer
Richard Palmer
Judith Palmer
George Palmer
Carol Papazian
Daniel Payne
Carol Pearson
Mary Peck
Anita Peghini-Raber
Jane Perkins
Connie Peterson
Marianne Petillo
Malcolm Peverley
Arlene Pietranton
Anne Pikolas
Guido Pittaccio
Jon Plowman
Barry Pokrass
Robert Porta
Teri Poux
Joseph Poux
Catherine Priest
Cray Rader
William Raihall
Nancy Raihall
Ryan Rainey
Julie Lynn Ramsey
Tricia Ratner
Andrew Ratner
Patricia Rayne
Valerie Reber
George Reissig
Richard Resing
Helen Richards
Carole Robbins
Jane Roberts
Elgene Roe
Patricia Romaine
Richard Ronan
Josephine Ronan
Jay Rooney
Charles Rorbach
Robert Rosenblatt
Linda Rosenzweig
Terry Roth
Jennifer Rothgeb
Eugene Ruane
Richard Rubin
Carol Rudolph
Michelle Rumble
Gail Russell
Tom Ryan
Diane Sahakian
Sue Saliba
10 5
Gail Winkler
Paul Winkler
Linda Winton
Chris Wolf
Bobbie H. Wolf
Karen Wray
Richard Wray
Barbara Wright
Elizabeth Wulkan
William Wyatt
Midge Yearley
Winifred Young
George Yu
Bill Zak
Kit Zak
Debbie Zimmer
Bill Zimmer
Dawn Zimmerman
John Zinsmeister
Yona Zucker
Gary Zupco
Maria Acciarri
Jerry Acciarri
Sheri Ackerman
Thomas Adams
Adelyn Aker
Gerald Alexander
Amantha Allen
Andrea Andrus
Robert Appleby
Joan Appleby
Sydney Arzt
Susan Baker
Richard Baldwin
Susan Ball
Tim Bane
Dianne Bane
Maud Banks
Harry Banks
Jennifer Barrows
Victoria Barstow
Jane Battles
Bernadine Bauer
Gregory Beal
Donna Beecher
Victor Benitez
Kathleen Berault
Judith Berkman
Peter Berkman
Bea Birman
Joy Bounds
Jim Bounds
Nancy Bouse
Tara Bowman
Paul Bradley
Theo Braver
Gary Breakwell
Alan Brookbank
Christopher Brown
Leslie Brown
Jane Buckley
Debbie Burg
Tony Burns
Bernadine Butler
Howard Butler
Barbara Butta
Carole Calhoun
Thomas Carlson
Rose Cebular
Deepak Chatani
Linda Christenson
Sharon Cilento
Ralph Citino
Terrance Clark
Kevin Clark
Donald Clark
Kathy Cochran
Dan Cochran
Steven Cole-Schwartz
Michael Cole-Schwartz
Dianne Conine
Richard Contee
Pauline Copans
Diana Cowell
Ginny Craig
Daniel Crampton
Sharon Culley
Michael D’Agostino
Diane Daniel
Russell Davies
Harriet Davies
Susan Davison
Robert Davison
Sheila Davolos
John DeCore
Susan Delaney
Jay Delozier
Charlotte Dennis
Geri Dibiase
Patricia Dickinson
Claire DiStefano
Dorothy Duggan
Patricia Dukes
Robert Duncan
Sue Early
Steve Eichel
Alice Fagans
Carolyn Falb
Robert Falb
Debi Feder
Jackie Finer
Arline Fleischer
Jean Fleishman
David Fogle
Mary Folan
Anna Frankle
Holland Franks
Alan Freed
Philip Fretz
Jean Fry
Larry Fry
Jo Ann Gallo
Miriam Galster
Joanne Gartenman
Lou Garty
Mindy Gasthalter
Yvonne Gatling
Murry Gatling
Daniel Gaughan
Natalie Gilbert
Christine Gillespie
Jack Gingrich
Denise Giudice
Sue Glick
Carol Goldbach
Cindy Goldsworthy
Patrick Gossett
Eric Graber
Jane Graham
Phyllis Greenblum
Megan Grogard
Jackie Gropman
Alan Gropman
Barbara Gumas
Roberta Hagen
Robert Halligan
Delina Halligan
Dorothy Hand
Liane Hansen
Pat Hansen
Sue Harper
Kathryn Harris
Mark Harris
Alan Harris
Niki Harris
Janine Harrison
Matthew Hastings
Joann Helmeczi
Albert Helmeczi
James Herrell
Jim Hickey
Kay Hickman
Mark Hornberger
Terrie Hosey
Sheila Howe
Donna Hoyt
Jake Hudson
Claudia Hughes
John Hulse
Jeff Hurdle
Andrea Illig
John Inglesby
Charles Jacobini
Dianne Jacobini
Pinto Janice
Connie Jones
Carol Jones
Greg Jones
Frank Jornlin
Ann Jornlin
Lynne Judd
Barbara Kaplan
Elaine Kaplan
Barbara Katz
Philip Katz
Michael Kazala
Susan Kazala
Margaret Keefe
Kathleen Kelly
Esther Kernosh
Margot Kia
Debra Killeen
Vesta Kimble
Charlotte King
Anne Kirby
James Klimaski
Jennifer Knighton
Steven Krasnow
Judith Krusell
Catherine Kulpinski
Margaret LaFond
Sylvia Lahvis
Frederick Lahvis
Kenneth Lanza
Mathilda Laschenski
Mary LaTorre
Iris Lefever
Sally Lentz
Alexander Lincoln
Amy Linthicum
Dana Long
Blanche Love
Joyce Lussier
Daniel Lyons
Anne Lyons
Sally Lyston
Henry A. Madeksza
Joan Madeksza
Patricia Magee
Debra Maron
Norma Martin
Tina Masington
Toni Mason
Ruth Ann Mattingly
Dawn McCaslin
Judith McClafferty
Robert McCubbin
Patrick McGeehin
Kevin McGuire
Barbara McKendrew
Karen McKinnon
Susan McNally
J.O. Meadows
Carol Meadows
Mary Medlock
Holly Melzer
Julia Mendenhall
Elizabeth Metzler
Sharon Miken
James Miller
Shirley Miller
Rene Guy Mongeau
Margaret Moore
Norma Morrison
Barton Morrison
Chris Mueller
Barbara Mullin
Mary Murdoch
John Neary
Bee Neild, III
Jerry Newberry
Deena Newman
Carl Newman
Susan Newman
Neil Newman
Iris Newsom
Ann Nolan
Doris Northrup
Margaret O’Connell
Joan O’Neill
Nancy Oppenheim
Isabell Ortiz
David Osborn
Linda L. G. Palmer
Sophie Papanikolaou
Christopher Pellegrino
Beverly Peltz
Melanie Perkins
Barbara Perry
Mimi Peters
Joel Peters
Sharon Peters
Gail Petren
Michael Piorunski
Peter Pizzolongo
Chris Powers
Tina Proveaux
Carlos Prugue
Patricia Renninger
Cindy Richards
Elaine Rifkin
Salvatore Rinaudo
Randy Roberts
Sandra Roberts
Fredrick Rodger
Regina Rodger
Nadyne Rosin
Alvin Ross
Sally Roy
Susan Rubin
Susan Russell
Valentina Rusu
Everett Santos
Barbara Santos
Lynn Sawlivich
David Scheller
Ruth Schetman
Geoffrey Schulz
Vera Seleznow
Margaret Shaw
Jean Shaw
Everett Shawen
Ellen Sher
Carole Sheridan
Van Sherwood
Sharon Sherwood
Everett Sillers
Karen Skarlatos
Mary Slattery
Renee Slobasky
Robert Slywester
Jamee Smith
Julie Smith
Charlotte Smith
Path Snyder
James Sowers
David Stevens
C.J. Suter
Michael Sweeney
Linda G. Sweeney
Margaret Quinn Tessier
David Theil
Kathleen Thompson
Joy Tomer
Ellen Trainer
John Travis
Susan Trone
Joe Turney
John Turney
Mike Tyler
Mark Udey
Marie Urban
Elaine Vander-Clute
Bruce Vander-Clute
Jeffrey VanSiclen
Don Voth
Jennifer Walker
Brendan Walsh
Richard Ward
Margaret Ward
Barbara Warden
Richard Warden
Jennifer Watkins
Jeannette Webber
Carol West
Karen Wexler
Aimee Wiest
Susie Wills
Lynn Wilson
Robert Wilson
LaVonne Wontorek
Linda Wymbs
Robert Yound
Nieves Zaldivar
Virginia Zrake
Judith Zucker
Film Buff Level
Susan Abrams
Charles Abrams
Ramona Albert
Marge Amodei
Brook Andrews
Barbara Antlitz
Deborah Appleby
Tom Arkinson
Donna Atsidis
Andrea Balbo
Ann Baldinger
Johanna Barbati
Dennis Barnes
Ingrid Barnes
Sarah Barnett
Andy Beck
Bill Becker
Liz Becker
George Beckerman
Shultz Ben
Agnes Bender
Walter Bender
Bridget Benshetler
Linda Blake
Donna Blomquist
Linda Blumner
Nancy Bodmer
David Bower
Kent Briddell
Cathy Brown
Thomas Bruce
Carolyn Bruce
Joseph Burgess
Nancy Cabrera-Santos
Judi Cacioppo
Carl Cacioppo
Sam Cagnina
Vicky Cairns
Brenda Carder
Robin Carney
Eric Chaiet
Marisa Chaves
Charles Chester
Brenda Coakley
Betsy Cohen
March Coleman
Jean Comastro
Jim Condry
Joyce Condry
Robert Connelly
Linda Connors
Gail Cooper
Cal Copp
Salvatore Corrallo
Marjorie Corrallo
Judith Cousins
Virginia Daly
Georgia Dalzell
Ken Dalzell
Douglass Davis
Mary Davis
Paul Davis
Pamela Davis
Joan Deaver
Keven Dempsey
Wendi Dennis
Andrew Der
Marylou Dodge
Linda Dylla
Kelly Fanto
Steve Fanto
Kathy Fay
Irwin Feldman
Robert Ferber
Margaret Ferguson
Jose Fernandez
Lynne Forbes
Laurel Fountain
Michael Fountain
Mark Fulco
Anita Galdieri
Michael Garrison
Bonnie Garrison
Chiqui Gavilan
Dennis Geraghty
Linda Gillard
Lois Gillespie
Maureen Gilligan
Nelson Goodman
Bernard Gouin
James Grahne
Linda Grahne
Sue Graybill
Clarke Griffith
Warren Gump
Lyle Haas
Debbie Halanick
Susan Hartman
Jerry Harvey
Susan Hayes
Kathleen Heacock
Ivy Hecker
Helen Heinemann
Mary Helms
Alice Hendry
Keith Hoffman
Barbara Hoffman
Elaine Horan
Robert Hotes
Rhonda Hummell
Paulette Hurwitz
Claire Ippoliti
Anne Jarrell
Cindy Johnson
Barbara Keate
Malcolm Keen
Brenda Keith
Michael Kirwin
Joan Kostelnik
Dean Kotlowski
Marianne Krewer
John Krewer
Cindy Kurlanzik
Arthur Kurlanzik
Thomas Latimer
Teresa Latimer
Hugh Laumeister
Andree Lavu
Harriet Leasure
Charles Leasure
Gerald Lechliter
Leah Lederman
Linda Leonard
Marianne Levin
Leon Levin
David Lindeman
Andrea Loretangeli
Mimi Mager
Carol Mager
Jack Malloy
Phyllis Martin
Marlene McCauley
Mark Metzman
C. Richard Miller
Marsha Mills
Janice Moore
Christopher Moore
Monika Naegeli
Paul Nemirovsky
William Nunziata
Terry O’Byrne
Peggy O’Neill
Michael Ostinato
Mary Jane Ostinato
Lowell Owens
Marjorie Owens
Marilyn Panagopoulos
Fred Panico
E.J. (Elvira) Panico
Charles Patalive
Kathleen Patalive
Mary Patterson
Barbara Perricone
Craig Perry
Gloria Pound
Jim Powell
Kay Powell
Garrett Power
Penelope Power
James Prescott
Bernadine Prince
Raymond Prince
Dean Pusey
Stephanie Pusey
Nick Quercetti
Patty Quercetti
Veronica Radalin
Robert Redden
Martha Redmond
Margene Reeder
Ralph Reeder
Jodi Renbaum
Michael Resnick
Francois Reverdy
Linda Robertson
Cindy Rolleston
Teresa Rudolph
Harold Sakayan
Katherine Sams
Robert Scannell
Jacob Schiavo
Tom Schoeninger
Lynda Schoeninger
Debbie Sciallo
Joan Sciorra
Richard Sciorra
Kimberly Scott
Craig Sencindiver
David Sheslow
Elizabeth Sheslow
Greg Shupe
Sam Slabaugh
Joyce Solomon
Carole Somers
Milton Somers
Scott Steedman
Neil Stevenson
Elaine Stone
Judith Stout
Patricia Tiernan
Jack Sweeney
Nancy Tankelson
Isabelle Thabault
Chris Theim
Carolyn Theim
Jane Thompson
Judy Turner
Cheryl Vitiello
Michel Vitiello
Josie Wade
Mary Ann Waelde
Bob Wasserbach
Elva Weininger
Jerry Whiddon
Jean Whiddon
Pamela White
Terry Wilkerson
Greg Wimsatt
Linda Wolf
Jolene Wood
Holly Wright
Kottman Yvette
Carol Zelenkowski
Bud Zimmerman
Carol Zimmerman
Gail Zinar
Lawrence Zinar
Kyle Godwin
Alec Moss
Lindsey Seegers
Susan Salkin
Christina Samson
Susan Sands
Carole Sandy
Ronald Schaeffer
Felicia Schembri
Peggy Schiff
Ronald Schiff
Betsy Schmidt
Peter Schott
Sharon Schreter
Jane Schubert
Carol Schwartz
Stephanie Schwartz
Susan Schwelling
Glen Sea
Michael Shaner
Jonathan Sharp
Gwyneth Sharp
Mary Shea
Susan Sherman
David Shotwell
Barney Silver
Betsy Silver
Beverly Silver
Cynthia Silverblatt
Jay Simon
Nadia Simon
Bud Simon
Joanne Sinsheimer
Alan Skvirsky
Tara Smith
Jeanne Smith
Lawrence Sneed
Jeff Socorso
Gloria Soto
Philip Soucy
Madge Lee Spector
Pat Staby
Nancy Staisey
Erik Stancofski
Hiba Stancofski
Luanne Stanley
Wave Starnes
Betty Stevens
Mary Ann Stewart
David Storms
Ellen Stovall
John Stovall
Scott Strickler
Karen Stroney
Mary Stuart
Sandra Sullivan
Mary Sunday
Kate Supplee
Patricia Swed
Joseph Tarantolo
Ronald Tate
Dorothy Thibault
Aleta Thompson
Suzanne Thurman
Vicki Topel
Avrim Topel
Thomas Toth
Cecelia Toth
Michael Treger
Rosalind Troupin
Stephen Tschida
Raymond Turner
Maria Turner
Michael Tyler
Dana Ulery
Jeremiah Underhill
Joel Underwood
Steven Vandevander
Barton Veret
Nancy Veret
Monica Viana
Gloria Walls
Carolyn Walter
Barbara Warnell
Charles Wasserman
Shelley Wasserman
Cleora Waters
Ellen Watkins
Bernice Weinacht
Shirley Weiner
Ed Wendel
Bobbie Wendel
Robert Wheland
Patricia Whiteside
Gail Whitman
James R. Wigand
Herb Wilgis
Margaret Wilkins
Michael Williams
Marcia Williams
Holly Williams
Genevieve Wilson
Eugene Wilson
Arthur Windreich
F ilm Socie t y C on tr ibu t or s
10 6
Film Society Contributors
The Rehoboth Beach Film Society thanks the following individuals, businesses, and
foundations who made a financial donation to an endowment fund, the annual campaign,
a program, and/or for general operating expenses during the period of 9/10/11 – 8/23/12.
Every contribution is greatly appreciated.
Thank you.
Philip & Janine Armstrong
Patricia Bangs
Maud Banks
Curtiss Barrows
John Barry
Alan Barthelman
Diana Beebe
Peter & Judy Berkman
Rick & Burma Bochner
Book Club
Kathryn & Jim Bounds
CA, Inc
Carole A. Calhoun
Edward & Patricia Chase
Tammy & Stan Chincheck
James Chupella & James Wigand
Val & Bob Cloutier
Christine Coburn
Rochelle Cohen
John Coleman
Community Bank of Delaware
Ellen & Jackson Coppley
Richard Culver
Douglas Davis
Julie Davis & John Metz
Diane Dickson & Pamela Baker
Sue Early
Janice Erich & Rob Morgan
Nancy & Joe Feichtl
Robert Ferber
Margaret Ferguson
Irene Fick
Andrew Fierberg & Giuliana Bruno
Ann Marie Forster
Rhoda & Joel Ganz
Ann Gardner
Marion Gentul & Nadinia Davis
Antonio Ghigi & Kenneth Reilly
Bruce Gillespie
Lois Gillespie
Amy Grace & Karen Blood
Delores Grigsby
Darrell Grinstead
Joann Gusdanovic
Alice Hendry
Jim Herrell
Beth Hochholzer
Butch Hovis
Mary Ann Howard
Richard & Joanne Howes
Kenneth Johnson
Mary & Toby Johnson
Walter & Judith Jones
Eric Kafka
Fred Kaltreider
Anita & John Kaplan
James Keane
Dr. Kae Keister
Barbara Kelly & Ann McNeil
Joanne Kempton
Michael & Pinky King
Jan Konesey
Eric Korpon
Eve Kovalchick
Myra Kramer
Paul & Anne Michele Kuhns
Pat Layton
Christine Layton
Charles & Harriet Leasure
Anita & John Lenz
M. Walter Levine
Pat Lewis
Elliot London
Kay Loysen
Margaret & Daniel Lyons
Marcia Maldeis & Stan Mills
Tom Mandel
Herbert & Mary E. Martin
Don Matzkin
Carol & J.O. Meadows
Chuck Mezger
Warren Michelson
Natalie Moss
Lenore Mussoff
Mimi & Robert Nadig
John Newton & Mowry Spencer
Doris Northrup
Alan O’Leary
Mary P. Paul
Daniel Payne
Christopher Pellegrino
Anne Pikolas & Jean Charles
Kit & Evelyn Pilgrim
Penelope Power
Nick & Patty Quercetti
William & Nancy Raihall
Tricia & Andrew Ratner
Valerie Reber
Robert Rosenberg
Robert Rosenblatt
Nadyne Rosin
Teresa Rudolph
John Sabo & Alan Harmon
Barbara & Everett Santos
Ronald & Peggy Schiff
Fritz & Susan Schranck
Robert & Sharon Schreter
Jane Schubert & Robert Woolfolk
Joan & Richard Sciorra
Vera & Gene Seleznow
David Shotwell
Everett Sillers
Alan Stafford & David Cristy
Phyllis Steadman
Jill Stokes
David Storms
Ronald Tate
Joan Thompson
Avrim & Vicki Topel
John Travis
Rosalind Troupin
Edward L. Turner
& Steven A. Baker
Marcel Unger
Verizon Foundation
Mary Ann Waelde
Carolyn Walter & Bruce Bryen
Barbara Warnell
Bob Wasserback
Jeanette Weber
Shirley Weiner
Elva Weininger
Ann Weir
Karen Wexler
Herbert & Jane Wilgis
Lynn & Bob Wilson
Bill & Judy Wyatt
Midge Yearley
Alexander G. Yearley
Donald & Suzanne Ziegler
10 7
Welcome to the
Rehoboth Beach Film
offering you access to entertaining,
thought-provoking, and diverse film
events year-round including:
• Monthly Screenings (independent features,
documentaries & shorts)
• Around the World (international film series)
• Delmarva Roots (history-themed
film series)
• Cinema & Art (bringing art and artists to
the screen)
• Another Take (gay and lesbian-themed
film series)
• Fun with Filmmaking (children’s summer
• And Much More!
All members receive the
following core benefits:
• Discounted admission to
monthly screenings
• Discount admission to select RBFS events
$20 individual
Full-time students with a current photo ID qualify for a discounted
membership with core benefits listed on this page.
Film Buff
$40 individual
$60 couple
Film Buff members receive the core benefits listed on this page.
•May purchase tickets for remaining Festival films on Friday
evening beginning at 7 pm
Associate Producer
$70 individual
$105 couple
Associate Producer members receive the core benefits listed on
this page plus:
•May purchase tickets for entire Festival with one trip to
the Tent Box Office beginning on Wednesday (Note: Advanced
ticket sales on Wednesday are for AP members only.)
Executive Producer
$140 individual $230 couple
Executive Producer members receive the core benefits listed on
this page plus:
•Pre-Festival ticket purchasing with one order
•Complimentary Festival film vouchers, 1 per individual
membership or 2 per couple membership
• Newsletter (three per year) sent by regular
post or email, your choice
• Advance notice of Film Society events
Director members receive the core benefits listed on this page plus:
• Souvenir Festival program with your
name listed
• Complimentary access to RBFS
film library
• Early Box Office admission at the Festival
• Advanced ticket purchasing privileges
beginning 7:00 pm on Friday at
the Festival
• $1 discount on member film
festival tickets
The satisfaction of helping to bring the art of
independent film to local communities.
A Rehoboth Beach Film Society membership
is based on quarterly expiration dates, a
commonly accepted practice among memberbased organizations. All memberships end on
one of four dates: March 31, June 30, September
30 or December 31. Each membership includes
benefits for one November Film Festival.
Thank you for joining the
Rehoboth Beach Film Society!
Your membership will provide opportunities
to see quality films, meet new people, and
engage in stimulating conversations.
$280 individual
$495 couple
• Pre-Festival ticket purchasing with one order
•Complimentary Festival film vouchers, 2 per individual
membership or 4 per couple membership
•Complimentary beverage card for Festival booth (5 drink card
for individual, 10 drink card for couple)
•Priority seating at Festival films for badge holder only (badge
holder may save one additional seat)
•Complimentary Festival souvenir poster
•20% discount on the purchase of one short-sleeve Festival
Contributing Director
$420 individual $630 couple
•All of the Director benefits plus sponsorship of one Festival
film which includes name mention as film sponsor in Festival
program, a complimentary ticket to selected film, and
opportunity to introduce film.
The Film Society is a 501(c)(3) nonprofit organization. Contributions are considered
charitable for federal income tax purposes and may be deducted to the fullest extent
of the law. Return completed form with a check payable to RBFS or provide credit
card information in the space at the bottom of this page. Thank you for your support!
Membership Information
2012 Membership Information
C ommen t For m
10 8
Comment Form
Film Festival Comments
The Rehoboth Beach Film Society strives to
improve the Film Festival each year. As an
attendee, your comments can help enrich and
improve this event. Thank you for taking a few
moments to complete this section.
Member Mailings
Emails Posters
Print Media Ads
TV Ads
other (please specify)
Radio Ads
Please circle one rating in each category below:
2) Film Selection (quality, variety, etc.)
Good Average
3) Festival Catalog (ease of use, content, organization)
4) Website (ease of use, content, etc.)
B. At Festival Ticket Sales
6) Merchandise (variety, quality, pricing, etc.)
7) Big Tent (services, convenience, etc.)
8) Theatre Audience Management (crowd control, seating
process, etc.)
9) Seminars/Events (topic selection, scheduling, etc.)
10) Comments/Suggestions:
1) Zip code for primary residence:
3) How many Film Society events do you typically
attend in a given year? (circle one for each category)
Festival: 1–3 4 –6
Year-Round Events: 1–3 4–6
7–9 10+
4) Other arts/entertainment enjoyed on a regular basis
(Circle all that apply)
Popular Movies Museums
Art Exhibits
Sport Events
5) How do you most frequently view films?
(Rank 1 most frequent to 3 least frequent)
Commercial Movie Theater
6) Types of films you would like the Film Society to screen year round (Circle all that apply)
Adventure Comedy
Documentary Drama
5) Ticket Purchasing (ordering, payment, etc.)
A. Pre-Festival Ticket Sales
Please assist the Film Society’s year-round
programming, advertising and grant writing
endeavors by completing the following section.
2. Age (Circle one)
1) How did you hear about the Film Festival?
(Circle all that apply):
Year-Round Programming Survey
Other Genre (specify)
7) Please rank how you would most like to receive
RBFS event info. (1 preferred to 9 least preferred)
Emails Mail
Radio Ads
Print Media Ads
TV Ads
8) Regarding year-round RBFS offerings, what is most
important to you? (Please rank 1 most important to 5 least important)
Access to films not normally available locally
Scheduling Cost
Thank you!
Visit our website at
for information on upcoming events!
10 9
SAVE THE DATE: January 18-20, 2013
What Makes Us Tick? is a three-part analytical film series that explores aspects of the human experience.
Each film includes a post-screening discussion led by a mental health professional. 2013’s theme is Families
Taking the Gloves Off: From Conflict to Understanding.
The three selected films will provide the audience opportunities to witness how people face multiple and
simultaneous challenges while reaching a new understanding and commitment to each other. Post screening
discussions may explore topics ranging from sibling rivalry to parent-child conflict, from bullying to adult
ethical dilemmas, from the impact of illness to coping with death.
Fri [Jan 18, 2013] 7:00 pm
Moderators: Beth Joselow and Joan Procaccio
American Film Institute’s Film of the Year starring Philip Seymour Hoffman and Laura Linney.
(2007, USA, Runtime: 113 min, Rated R)
Sat (Jan 19, 2013) 2:00 PM
Moderator: Tom Ledbetter
Winner of the 2011 Academy Award for Best Foreign Film.
[2011, Denmark, Runtime: 119 min, Rated R, in Danish, Swedish, English and Arabic with English subtitles]
Sun (Jan 20, 2013) 2:00 PM
Moderator: Charlotte King
Starring Katie Holmes, Derek Luke and Patricia Clarkson.
(2003, USA, Runtime: 80 min, Rated PG-13)
Weekend Master of Ceremonies: Jay Schiavo
The Rehoboth Beach Film Society thanks the WMUT? Committee for their volunteer service in selecting this year’s theme and searching for the best corresponding films.
Committee members are: Beth Joselow, Charlotte King, Eileen LaVardera, Tom Ledbetter, Joan Procaccio, and Jay Schiavo. A special thanks to chairperson Perrin Smith
for leading the group.
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AmericInn Lodge & Suites
Arena’s Café (3 locations)
Arena’s Café / 5 points
Arena’s Deli and Bar
Arena’s Café on the highway
Café Azafrán
Arena’s Deli and Bar
Dogfish Head Craft Brewery
Atlantic Horizons
GreenMan Juice Bar & Bistro
Boardwalk Builders
Half Full
Cape Gazette
Hooked Seafood & Martini Bar
Jakes Seafood Restaurant
Kindle Restaurant
Mariachi Restaurant
Nicola Pizza
CAMP Rehoboth Community Bank Delaware
Delaware Division of the Arts
Delaware Coast Press
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Delaware Electric Cooperative
Old Bay Restaurant
Delmarva Public Radio
Root Gourmet
Dogfish Head Craft Brewery
Fulton Bank
Galapagos Convervancy
Inside Back Cover
Striper Bites Bistro
Summer House Restaurant
Surf Bagel
Hole By Hole
The Buttery
Jack Lingo Realtor
The Gallery Expresso
Jakes Seafood Restaurant
The Pickled Pig Pub
Marisa Chaves & Chiqui Gavilan
Wawa Food Market #849
Metro Technical Services
Nicola Pizza
Prudential Gallo REALTORS
AmericInn Lodge & Suites
Sun Pile Foundation
Atlantic Sands Hotel and Conference Center
The SEA BOVA Associates, Inc.
Bewitched and BEDazzled Bed & Breakfast
Summer House Restaurant
Comfort Inn
Tanger Outlet Center
INN at Canal Square
United Distributors of Delaware
Royal Rose Inn
Wawa Food Market #849
Sleep Inn & Suites
Wilmington Savings Fund Society
Atlantic Horizons
Anita Peghini-Räber Gallery
Beach Tans & Hair Designs
Boxwood Home
Bell Rock Capital
Candy Kitchen
Boardwalk Builders
J. Conn Scott, Inc.
CAMP Rehoboth 2
Just Looking Upscale Resale
Community Bank Delaware
Leather Central
Community Pride Financial Advisors, L.L.C.
Lewes Mercantile Antique Gallery
Delaware Electric Cooperative
Proud Bookstore
Doggies at the Beach
Rehoboth Art & Framing
Food By Design
R & L Liquors
Fulton Bank
Seekers Spiritual Treasures at St. Peter’s Square
Galapagos Convervancy
Inside Back Cover
Hole By Hole
Jeanine O’Donnell, State Farm Insurance
South Moon Under
Tanger Outlet Center
Teller Wines
Lank, Johnson & Tull
The Stepping Stone
Lauren Fritz-Mariner, CFM
Town of Berlin
Lewes Chamber of Commerce
Wawa Food Market #849
Metro Technical Services
Morgan Stanley Smith Barney, Jennifer Harpel
Entertainment/The Arts
Pride of the Ocean
Coastal Concerts
Stephan & Co. Salon and Spa
Delaware Division of the Arts
Sun Pile Foundation
Delmarva Public Radio
Sussex County Federal Credit Union
United Distributors of Delaware
University of Delaware Osher Lifelong Learning Institute
Wilmington Savings Fund Society
Harold Marmon, Realtor
Jack Lingo Realtor
Maggio Shields
Marisa Chaves & Chiqui Gavilan
Prudential Gallo REALTORS
Sussex County Association of Realtors
The SEA BOVA Associates, Inc.
Cape Gazette
Delaware Coast Press
Delaware Beach Life
Inside Front Cover
Delmarva Public Radio
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