2013 Soup Strainer - YMCA of Simcoe/Muskoka


2013 Soup Strainer - YMCA of Simcoe/Muskoka
Building healthy
Director’s Message
Last year we raised over $40,000 in our Annual Campaign,
enough to send 70 kids to camp. This year, we hope to continue
the momentum, providing camp for 70 more kids who could
not otherwise afford to pay the full fee. You can donate online
at www.ymcastrongkids.ca and search for “Cam Norman” as the
fundraiser. Donations can also be made over the phone by calling
Jessica Rawn at 705-726-6421 x 444. Thank you for your support
and to those who have already made donations this year.
Cam Norman and Andrea Pepe
Greetings Friends of Kitchi. We have just completed our 94th
season of camping and outdoor education at Kitchi. The 2013
season was another successful season with a great group of
campers, volunteers and staff. We received the results of our
camper and parent survey and we have received an overall
satisfaction score of 9.5, one mark up from our 9.4 score in 2012!
Thank you to all the campers, volunteers and staff for making it
another fantastic camping season.
In terms of program initiatives for the 2013 camping season, our
partnership with the Simcoe Muskoka District Catholic School
Board to provide opportunities for our leadership campers to
obtain high school credits continued this summer. We had 3
teachers on site each month working with camp staff to rollout
this program and assist 140 youth obtain high school credits at
Kitchi! This summer we launched a new volunteer program for
youth 17 and older as an opportunity for them to obtain their
required 40 hours of community service for graduation. Each
week we had at least 3 volunteers on site. Lastly, after a 20 year
absence from our camp programs, I am pleased to announce
that archery returned as a program this summer!
Andrea Pepe has been the Assistant Director for YMCA Camp
Kitchikewana for the last three seasons. Andrea will be moving on
from YMCA of Simcoe/Muskoka, as she has accepted the position
of Outdoor Centre Program Coordinator at YMCA Wanakita, of
the Hamilton/Burlington/Brantford YMCA. Over the past three
seasons, Andrea has contributed a wealth of knowledge, energy
and dedication to Kitchi in addition to supporting our Day Camp
and Geneva Park Outdoor Education programs. She has created
many positive relationships with teachers, participants and staff
while delivering quality programs to a very diverse population of
participants. Andrea has developed our spring and fall seasons
to its highest numbers the camp has seen in its 94 year history.
We will miss Andrea here at the YMCA of Simcoe/Muskoka.
Please join me in thanking her for dedication over the last three
seasons and wish her the best of luck in her new position.
Please stay tuned throughout the winter as we will announce
our plans for our 95th Anniversary Celebration at camp in the
fall of 2014!
All the best,
Cam Norman,
Director YMCA Camp Kitchikewana
Email: [email protected] Ph: 705 726 6421 x 433
YMCA Camp Kitchikewana Construction Updates:
New Leadership Cabin
In 2012 The Midland, Penetanguishene, & District Builders’ Association volunteered their time and resources once again for their annual
build weekend in September. This year they took on the huge task of building a brand new 24 x 24 foot cabin all in one weekend! The
cabin replaced the stage (which was once a senior cabin) It was an incredible feat to see the building go up so quickly in the pouring
rain weather! The builders not only built the structure they also did a lot of the behind the scenes work with the design, building
permits and supplies ordering. Thank you so much to the MPDBA for their continued support of the camp.
Dining Hall Renovation Project Update
We have now successfully raised over $325,000 toward our
Capital Campaign for YMCA Camp Kitchi! Thank you to all
donors and volunteers in helping us raise these funds; your
gifts have already helped make upgrades to our camp, and the
next project will be rejuvenating the dining hall. Thank you for
helping to ensure that the “heartbeat” of Kitchi - the dining hall,
and many other Kitchi facilities are here for generations to come!
The estimated cost of this project is $800,000 and will include
upgrading kitchen and maintenance areas, improved ventilation
and the addition of washroom facilities. As first steps in this
project, we have already rejuvenated the fireplace in the lodges
and replaced the roof of the building. We had hoped to have
started the other major construction components of this project
this fall, with a plan for completion next spring; however, timing
issues related to project approvals have delayed construction.
Our design team is currently working with Parks Canada to
ensure that this project is completed for the summer of 2015, with
construction commencing following the 2014 camp season.
For more information or make a donation towards this project,
please contact [email protected].
Wanakita Washroom Renovation
The washroom renovation was completed this spring and the
building has new private shower stalls, upgraded air flow, new
bathroom stalls and flooring.
Cabin Roofs
In 2013 the MPDBA re-shingled 4 camper and staff cabins.
Wanakita and Treasure Lodge Fireplace Restoration
The lodge fire places have been restored to their original
open hearth fireplaces
Kitchi Alumni Around the World!
Many greetings from The Netherlands,
In 1982 I was the arts and crafts staff member at Camp Kittchikewana.
It was a great time, I will never forget it. The Canadian children were
just great, there were a lot of them that summer, and they were all
very nice to me. We sang a lot of different songs and one of them
was; “Kitchikewana, do what you wanna...” Every morning we raised
the flag and twice I had to give a speech. We made a lot of beautiful
things in the art and crafts cabin, like making your own candles,
painting on t-shirts, making beautiful things out of the grey clay
that came directly out of the bay and many other things. My name
must be somewhere in that cabin. Austin Matthews was the staff
leader from the camp by that time. I remember names like Joe
Vandervecht, Lynn Simpson (cook), Carol West (nurse), and Adrian
(music). We were singing “The Rose Together.” Inside the dining
room hangs a big sign with “Kitchi International” on it. Do you see
the Dutch flag? That’s me!
The reason I came to Canada was that I fell severely in love with a
young Canadian man the summer before, in France. So I decided to
come to Canada to see him again. At that time it was not easy to find
addresses from YMCA camps in The Netherlands, but I succeeded
and wrote to four camps in the area of Toronto. Guess what, I could
work at all of them! But one was special. Austin Mathews, the camp
director, made a phone call directly to me, and asked: “Is that you,
Marion? So Camp Kitchi it was! I took the plane, very expensive at
that time. My camera had been stolen, what a pity. I traveled to
Midland where Austin picked me on the boat. And so I came to
Camp Kitchi, where I had my “own” arts and crafts cabin, just the
way it is now. When I had some time off, I walked a lot and I made
some paintings of the beautiful landscape.
I didn’t expect to see my friend again, of course. Can you imagine
how flabbergasted I was when he stood right there, near the
entrance of the dining-room, after a month boy’s camp! In the
Netherlands, I had only written him that I had a summer job on an
Island in Georgian Bay, on a YMCA camp.
One day Austin said there was a phone call for me. There was only
one phone on the island, in his house. A friend from the Netherlands,
the best friend of my brother, wanted to say hello to me by phone. A
few years later, he and I got married. We have two sons, and I would
love to have them see the island and the camp one time!
Senior Camp Staff 1982. Marion is on the bottom row, far right.
Marion Haima
Greetings From Florida,
It was June 30 and about 10 campers were gathered at the CN
station in downtown Windsor, about to board the overnight
trip to Toronto. We were excited and on our way to “Kitchi.”
Once in Toronto we transferred to the train to Midland, and
then boarded The Midland City boat to Honey Harbor. I’m 78
and remember every detail precisely, for those who think that
their camp experience will soon be forgotten.
Vaughn Cameron and I were sharing a lower berth. My, how
times have changed! I’m 6’ 4, I can’t imagine fitting into a berth
today, if there is such a thing. Wow; going to a camp on an
island with no electricity and indoor plumbing!
Our cabin held 10 campers, and the screen was on all four
sides with no shutters. When it rained we got up in the middle
of the night and hooked the canvas completely around the
cabin. Skinny dip first thing in the morning was bath time in
the freezing water. Dining room was open air and the food was
terrific. At nine everything was great...and a new experience.
The war was on and consequently the tuck shop had limited
supplies (WWII). We could purchase one orange and one candy
bar, daily, after the mandatory rest period.
What were fond memories? Hiking to Fairy Lake, learning
to paddle a canoe, and best of all learning to sail. We had
one sloop and 2 dinghies. Our cabin went on an overnight
camp-out, where we had the privilege of being eaten alive by
mosquitoes in Port Severn. Crafts were neat and the campfires
awesome (watch out for rattlers)!
Music appreciation Sunday night always featured Mr. Spivak,
a violinist with the Toronto symphony. I went to Kitchi for four
years, learned all the songs; “We’re C-K”, “Nursie, come over here
and hold my hand”, and “Kitchi, Kitchi, Kitchikewana”, and in my
last year I did the swim to Honey Harbor.
Was Kitchi contagious? You bet. My youngest sister Cathy was
a camper, now 73 and also living here in Vero Beach, Florida.
My son Tom MacMillan, living in Grosse Pointe, Michigan,
and daughter Firth living in Toronto both camped at Kitchi. It
was a total family affair, and I have enjoyed sharing my fond
Cam MacMillan
Vero Beach, Florida
Alumni: We Want Your Addresses!
We are currently in the process of updating our alumni database which has over 3000 members. Over the
years email addresses have changed or there are many we just do not have emails for since making the
shift from print communication to electronic. Please help us to update and grow our contacts by visiting:
Please share this with your Alumni friends and family.
Thanks for your help!
Kitchi Alumni Advisory Committee
and Kitchi’s new 5 year Strategic Plan
In 2011, an alumni advisory committee was put together to
assist camp management in the development of a new strategic
plan (2013-2017). The plan includes a new mission, vision, key
foundations and three strategic directions that echo’s the YMCA
of Simcoe/Muskoka’s strategic plan, My Y For Good. We would like
to thank the advisory committee and its chair, Brad West, for their
time and effort that went towards this project. We look forward to
working with the committee in the future to assist with the rollout
of this plan.
Alumni Advisory Committee: Brad West (chair), Sue Diefenbaker,
Brenda French, Matt Ladner, Jake Lander, Sean Weaser, Gary Bard,
David Wismer, Jennie Meeker, Jim Wilgar and Steve Nicholson
2014 Opportunities
for Alumni to Visit Camp
May 9-11
Alumni Work Weekend
September 2-5
Senior Women on the Move
September 12-14
Women’s Wellness Weekend
September 26-28
Alumni Family Weekend (95th Anniversary)
To register for the Alumni Work Weekend
please contact [email protected]
or call 705-325-2253 to book a boat time.
To register for the fall events please visit
www.ymcaofsimcoemuskoka.ca to
register online or download the hardcopy
registration form.
YMCA Camp Kitchikewana Strategic Plan 2013-2017
Mission: YMCA Camp Kitchikewana’s mission is to provide each member of the camp community with the opportunity to be active, to learn and to grow in a safe, healthy and natural environment. Through a range of skills, outdoor activities and interactions with others, campers are encouraged to challenge themselves while building self-
confidence, having fun, and creating lasting friendships.
Vision: In the spirit of Kitchi’s strong tradition, we are committed to challenging individuals to “Be the best that we can ever be”.
Key Foundations:
• Kitchi is a Recognized Leader in YMCA Camping
• Kitchi’s Program Focus is on Skill Development and Certification
• Kitchi Values a Strong Relationship with Parks Canada
Building upon the above, and in conjuncture with the YMCA of Simcoe/Muskoka’s Strategic Plan, camp staff and alumni have
identified the following areas of focus:
My Y is Strong
My Y Inspires Youth
My Y Opens Doors
Expand the camp’s capacity by
focusing on the under-utilized
spring and fall seasons.
Focus on Youth Leadership
Develpoment Programs
Enhance Alumni
Philanthropy Development
Increase spring and fall camp
capacity utilization by 10-15% over
the next 5 years.
Over the next 5 years, maintain
a quality leadership development
program that occupies up to 17%
of the summer camp capacity.
Over the next 5 years, our goal is
to increase the number of children
who receive financial assistance to
12.5% of those attending camp each
summer. By 2017 this will represent
1 camper per cabin.
Develop strategy for selecting leadership
program participants to ensure past
Kitchi campers who have demonstrated
leadership potential are given the
opportunity to participate in the camp’s
leadership development programs.
Create opportunities for youth to
complete secondary education, by
creating opportunities to achieve high
school credits and volunteer hours.
Our goal is to increase fundraising
for the Annual Campaign to $70,000
per year by 2017.
Undertake a series of 3-4 annual
alumni events per year to raise
awareness, foster stewardship
and build relationships with Kitchi
Alumni of all ages.
Deliverables related to the above goals will be built into Kitchi’s Annual Plans, staff performance plans and will create a focus
for our Alumni Advisory Committee moving forward.
The Alumni Advisory Committee is also excited to be putting together a planning committee for the camp’s 100th
anniversary which will be celebrated in 2019.
In Memory of Averil Elcombe
Sadly in February 2013, Kitchi lost a fellow alumnus with the passing
of Averil Elcombe. Averil was a Kitchi camper and staff member from
1959 to 1969. Averil passed on her love for Kitchi and eventually her
daughters Kristen, Muffy and Greer became Kitchi campers and staff
members. The following is a piece from Averil’s contribution to the
2001 Kitchi history book “Our Common Story”:
“Yesterday was a special day for me. We received the first letter from our
youngest daughter who is at Kitchi now. Greer LOVES camp! So it has
been forty years since this love story began and there are many more
chapters still to be written. Like an old song, the story is sweet. When I
unpack Greer’s trunk, it will be with love. Because it won’t just be ordinary
sand falling out of everything. It will be sand that brings back those
haunting memories or a squeaky recorder solo at the Airhondiche, the
sound of the halyards clicking against the masts in the dark, Alley Cat
on someone’s transistor radio and Abide with me at the end of campfire.
And the love story continues…”
Averil will forever be in our hearts on Kitchi sands.
Our Kitchi friendships are unique; we live, play and work together while building
friendships that stand the test of time. If someone in the Kitchi community passes on,
at the family’s request we would like to let their Kitchi connections know. If you lose a
loved one and wish to do so, please feel free to contact the camp office so we can make
alumni aware through the Soup Strainer or, at the family’s request, through a special
email message to alumni.
Averil and Ruth White at camp in 1964
Northern Lights at Kitchi
It is very rare to see the northern lights at Kitchi, however the 2013 Fall Staff team
were very lucky to witness a great light show in the north sky.
YMCA Camp Kitchikewana
6604 Rama Rd Orillia ON
L3V 6H6
Ph: 705-325-2253
Fax: 705-325-9633
P.O. Box 71, Honey Harbour ON
P0E 1E0
Ph: 705-756-4002
Email: [email protected]
Charitable BN# 119215119RR0001
Building healthy