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Films off competition
Chasseurs de serpents
Special 20 th ANNIVERSARY of the Dijon festival:
A film by Alain Rastoin
Production: Gédéon programmes
France - 52 minutes - 1998 Jury's special prize.
Alexandre Teynié and Frédéric Durant, two naturalists from
Auvergne (one is specialist in reptiles, the other in wasps),
are gone for a month on the slopes of Yemen which is still
largely an unknown land for science.
Coast to Coast “A piece of my heart”
A film by Olivier Aubert and Mike Blyth
Production: Mangetti Productions
Switzerland-South Africa, 52 minutes, off competition.
(Best Adventure Film in 2005).
With their 2 gliders, Mike Blyth and Olivier Aubert fly off on
a 4-month-flight over the rivers and grand landscapes of
Southern Africa, in the wake of explorer Livingstone. From
one coast to the other, they bring more than a hundred
people who have never flown before, to share their
La grande traversée
A film by Thierry Robert
Production: Gédéon Programmes
France - 52 minutes - 2000 Jean-Marc Boivin Prize and Dijon young
jury's prize.
March 2000. Arnaud Tortel et Rodolphe André tried to
complete the crossing of the North Pole icecap without any
assistance. The crossing had often been attempted but
never successfully. 100 days of terrible ordeals along the
1.800 km between Siberia and the Canadian Arctic, an
incredibly risky venture across the mysterious and moving
world of drifting pack.
Le défi de Jamie
Directors: Ian Taylor and Emmanuel Cauchy
Production: Gédéon Programmes
France - 52 minutes - 2002 Dijon young jury's prize and Peter Bird/SPB
Trophy for Jamie Andrew.
January 1989, two Scottish mountain climbers are retrieved on top of a glacier in the Mont-Blanc massif : one has
died, the other, Jamie Andrews, is seriously frostbitten. His
feet and hands shall be amputated. Two years after the
tragedy, as a tribute to his friend, Jamie undertakes the
climb of the Cosmiques ridge with two artificial legs and an
ice-axe prosthesis, accompanied by his rescuers.
Saturday 5
5:00 p.m. at the OLYMPIA Theater
The festival jury will attribute:
“Toison d'Or'' of the aventure film
(endowed by the town of Dijon)
Jury's special prize
Jean-Marc Boivin Prize
Dijon young jury's prize
(endowed by Dijon's Chapitre bookshop,
and awarded by 6 young of Dijon primary schools)
Young director prize
“Toison d'or” for the adventure book
(distinction for the best adventure book of the year)
“Toison d'or” for the adventurer of the year
(highest distinction for a personal adventure)
Alain Bombard prize
(It rewards an exceptional adventure with an educational dimension)
Peter Bird/SPB trophy
(endowed by SPB, the trophy rewards perseverance
and tenacity in adventure)
All prizes shall be endowed by "la Confrérie du Tastevin"
Les montagnes du silence
A film by Luc Marescot
Producers: ATOM, The association Mountains of Silence in association
with France 5, France 3 Thalassa, Television Suisse Romande and the
support of CNC
France - 52 minutes - 2005 Alain Bombard Prize.
In November 2004, the Association “Les Montagnes du
Silence” organised the Endurance expedition: a team of
deaf, hard of hearing, and hearing people was to leave the
Falkland Islands to join South Georgia, following the route
of Sir Ernest Shackleton, the hero of the polar conquest. In
this passionate search of wild areas and summits, the
participants are not triggered by sports achievement, they
merely look for the pleasures of life, the emotion of
discovery and the sensations of exploration.
Un désert vertical
A film by Daniel du Lac
Production: Altisphère
France - 46 minutes - 2006 Young director prize.
Sun, choking heat, sand tempests, deshydration, Mali
should discourage even the most motivated. The High
Gourma is a unique climbing site full of routes to open and
climb. Leading the team, Daniel du Lac performs a sahelian
ascent rich in discoveries, meetings, successes and open
Voisins des nuages
A film by Franck Cuvellier
Production: Média Vidéo Compagnie
France - 52 minutes - 2000 “Toison d'Or'' of the aventure film.
Slowly but inevitably, a variety of wild goose is dying out in
Europe. The French, Christian Moullec and the Swede,
Lambart Von Essen, perceptive observers of this extinction
decide to oppose the trend carrying out a migratory
transplant. This poetic film is an ecological suspense, a
human adventure, and a scientific tale meant for all.
Cinéma OLYMPIA (theater)
16 av. Maréchal Foch - Dijon
Bus lines 1, 3, 13 and 19.
Bus stops : ‘‘Gare SNCF’’ & ‘‘SNCF Sévigné’’
Parking lot at the train station
(street : ‘‘des Perrières’’)
Cinéma DARCY (theater)
8 place Darcy - Dijon
Bus lines 4, 5, 12, 18 and 19.
Bus stops : ‘‘Place Darcy’’ & ‘‘Square Darcy’’
Parking lot at ‘‘Place Darcy’’)
Theaters : 03 80 43 55 99
La Guilde
11, rue de Vaugirard - 75006 Paris
Tél. : 01 43 26 97 52
[email protected]
Dijon international adventure film festival
November 3 to 6, 2011
Thursday 3
Thursday 3
Nizwa, dans le sillage de
Henry de Mondreid
10:30 a.m. : Miracle in the storm
11:40 a.m. : Sherkan, l’aigle du Mont-Blanc
9:30 a.m. : Sherkan, l’aigle du Mont-Blanc
10:30 a.m. : À l’intérieur des volcans
11:40 a.m. : Nizwa, dans le sillage de
Henry de Monfreid
8:30 p.m. :
9:00 p.m. : Au pays des Djiins (Off competition)
10:00 p.m. : Au nom du fils (Off competition)
9:30 a.m. :
2:30 p.m. :
3:10 p.m. :
4:30 p.m. :
La Boudeuse - L’or de Ouanary
Vue d’en haut (Off competition)
Official opening of the festival
with Christine Martin deputy mayor to the town
animation, festivals and attractiveness, bernard
Voyer president of the film jury and Olivier Allard
general delegate of La Guilde and the festival.
9:00 p.m. : Tara oceans - Le monde secret
10:00 p.m. : Jolokia, l’odyssée des “bras cassés''
Friday 4
9:30 a.m. : Call of the white
10:30 a.m. : Le cheval de l’Everest
11:30 a.m. : Walpole, l’île mystérieuse
2:30 p.m. : Linea continua
3:400 p.m. : On the trails of the glaciers
4:30 p.m. : La montagne magique,
sur les chemins du Kailash
9:00 p.m. : Le ailes du soleil
10:00 p.m. : Dragon ladies, nous irons à Venise
Saturday 5
9:30 a.m. : Huis clos islandais
10:10 a.m. : À l’intérieur des volcans
11:10 a.m. : Trou de fer
2:30 p.m. :
3:50 p.m. :
5:00 p.m. :
Coast to coast, “a piece of my heart''
(Off competition)
6 mois de cabane au Baïkal
(Off competition)
Official announcement of the prize list
With Christine Martin deputy mayor to the town
animation, festivals and attractiveness, Bernard
Voyer president of the film jury, Christel
Mouchard president of the book Jury, and Pierre
Fyot, President of honnor of La Guilde.
2:30 p.m. :
3:10 p.m. :
4:20 p.m. :
Huis clos islandais
Walpole, l’île mystérieuse
Le cheval de l’Everest
Friday 4
9:30 a.m. : Linea continua
10:00 a.m. : Tara oceans, le monde secret
11:00 a.m. : Jolokia, l’odyssée des «bras cassés»
2:30 p.m. :
3:30 p.m. :
4:40 p.m. :
La montagne magique,
sur les chemin du Kailash
La Boudeuse, L’or de Ouanary
Vue d’en haut
9:00 p.m. : Un désert vertical (Off competition)
10:00 p.m. : Chasseurs de serpents (Off competition)
Saturday 5
(Off competition)
9:30 a.m. : Les montagnes du silence
10:40 a.m. : La grande traversée
11:45 a.m. : Voisins des nuages
2:30 p.m. :
3:35 p.m. :
Amazonian vertigo
Le défi de Jamie
Sunday 6
2:00 p.m. to 5:00 p.m. :
The rewarded films will be screened.
8:30 p.m. : Projection of the 2011 films rewarded.
This program may be modified.
All the films are summarized in the following pages.
À l'intérieur des volcans
A film by Jean-Gabriel Leynaud
Coproduction: Sombrero & Co and Voyage
France, 52 minutes, 2010.
Between Ethiopia and the Democratic Republic of Congo,
Bettina Aller and Jean-Gabriel Leynaud have wandered
across the African rift down to the banks of the Erta'Ale and
Nyiragongo, the two most beautiful lava lakes in the world.
Together with volcanologist Jacques Durieux, they will
reach the Eastern end of Congo in the very bowels of
Nyiragongo's crater. A magic experience!
Call of the White
A film by Elliott Forge - Production: Snowline Productions
UK, 43 minutes, 2011, preview.
In 2009, British polar explorer, Felicity Aston, made up a
team of women from the Commonwealth planning to reach
the South Pole on skis. Some of them have never seen the
snow, nor been through subzero temperatures nor spent a
single night in a tent, but their mutual love of the most
extreme regions of the planet - Antarctica - prompted them
to unite and make up a team.
Dragon ladies, nous irons a Venise
A film by Sylvie Barbe - Production: Docside production
France, 52 minutes, 2010.
The Vogalonga… the dream of an unusual crew: 20 women
from Rheims, after a breast cancer operation, sailed off on
a mythical race on board a dragon boat in May 2010. The
film relates the incredible journey of the first French crew
of the so-called Dragon Ladies, how the members were
recruited, how hard they trained, how they were thrilled
with uncertainty and finally D day when all together, they
had to face more than the Laguna.
Huis clos islandais
A film directed and produced by Philippe Sauve
France, 30 minutes, 2011, preview.
Georges Nicolas who became blind in 1995, tries to walk
across Iceland with Philippe Sauve. From the fields strewn
with lava hurled from the volcanoes at the foot of the
largest glacier in Europe, namely the Vatnajökull, to the
grim areas in the Highlands, both friends keep on hiking
like two ill-trained sherpas, bearing the weight of their
self-dependence and sharing two different ways of traveling.
Jolokia, l'odyssée des “bras cassés”
A film by Chloé Henry-Biabaud
Coproduction: La Générale de Production, with the participation of
Ushuaïa TV, RTBF and CNC. Coproduced by TV Rennes 35 / Rennes
Cité Média - France, 52 minutes, 2011.
On September, the 8th of 2010, a crew of valid and
disabled sailors set sail on board the Jolokia with the hope
of breaking a record across the ocean between Lorient and
Mauritius. It's an outstanding enterprise prevailing over
well-thought-of theories in order to actually deal with the
real life of a team by all means out of the ordinary, thus
raising the question of integration in everyday life.
La Boudeuse - L'or de Ouanary
A film by Patrice Franceschi and Valérie Labadie
Production: Tantatuga Productions
France, 52 minutes, 2011.
The last film relating the expeditions of La Boudeuse in
French Guiana puts an end to the experience which lasted
nearly one year and which tells about the environmental
tests carried out in the inhospitable marshes of Behague
Peninsula. It also shows the boat sailing dangerously up the
river Oyapock, and mainly the typical way of life the crew
shares with the illegal gold-seekers in the territory of
Ouanary near the Brazil border.
La montagne magique,
sur les chemins du Kailash
A film by Florence Tran and Simon Allix
Production: Sombrero & Co,
with the participation of France 5 and Voyage
France, 52 minutes, 2011.
In the heart of the Himalayas, between 4000 and 6700 m
in height, there is a unique place which has drawn pilgrims
in search of beauty and the Absolute for thousands of
years. It is Mount Kailash: the sacred mountain for millions
of Buddhists and Hinduists. Two wayfarers, fascinated
by the power of the place, will make this pilgrimage,
prompted each by a personal quest.
Le cheval de l'Everest
A film by Bernard Germain
Production: MC4
France, 52 minutes, 2009.
Gurmen, a young and brillant Sherpa guide from the
Everest decides to take a new direction… He looks for a
horse for tourists to hire. After a great many moves in
Nepal, a country which undergoes political unrest, he
comes up on a mare called Karma which baffles the
villagers and upsets his family's way of life.
Les ailes du soleil
A film by Henri de Gerlache
Production: GEDEON Programmes, Alizé Production, Freestudios.
France, 52 minutes, 2011.
After many years of research and studies carried out by
famous explorers and engineers Bertrand Piccard and
André Borschberg, the Solar Impulse HB-SIA plane has
been designed in such a way that it can fly both day and
night with solar energy only. It's a crazy dream which is
meant to be a message of hope to show the whole world
that progress is possible by using clean energies.
Linea continua
A film by Hervé Barmasse, G. Berthet, D. Levati
Production: A.S.D. Les Yeux du Mt Cervin
Italy, 17 minutes, 2010, preview.
Family Barmasse de Valtournenche is in actual fact four
generations of mountaineers, climbers, explorers and
mountain guides. On March 17, 2010, both father and son,
Marco and Hervé, set out to climb the Southern face of the
Cervin in order to open one of the last climbing routes of
the Alps. Indeed, in the Val d'Aoste, for mountain lovers,
there is a no better place than a 1.200-meter-high face for
a mountain to tell her most attractive story.
Miracle in the Storm
A film by Guy Noms and Leo Farber
Production: Essential Media and Entertainment
Australia, 52 minutes, 2010, preview.
In 2007, German paraglider champion Ewa Wisnierska
made history by surviving one of the most grueling
encounters with the power of natural elements. A huge
storm hurled her up into the sky at the height of 10.000 m.
Miraculously, Ewa will manage to get away from the storm
and land back to the ground unhurt, or nearly so.
Nizwa, dans le sillage de Henry de Monfreid
A film by Vincent Dumesnil
Production: Alif Productions
France, 54 minutes, 2010.
Following the instructions left by Henry de Monfreid in his
letters and logs, the Niswa - a traditional arab sailing boat
- has made a five-month exceptional journey. According to
the tempo of the explorers' writings, the Nizwa and its crew
are led from Dubaï to Yemen, Djibouti, Erythree and along
the coasts of Sudan and Egypt.
On the trails of the glaciers
A film by Massimiliano Sbrolla and Paolo Aralla
Coproduction: Sd cinematografica, Arte
Germany-Italy, 55 minutes, 2011.
A hundred years after the scientific ascent of the Baltoro
glacier in Karakorum by the Duke of the Abruzzi, a team of
scientists and photographers, led by photographer and
alpinist Fabiano Ventura, follows in the footsteps of the
explorer with a view to revealing the effects of the climate
change by trying to take the same photos as the Duke.
Sherkan, l’aigle du Mont-Blanc
A film directed and produced by Jacques-Olivier Travers
France, 52 minutes, 2011, preview.
In 2006, a lover of bald-eagles embarks on a somewhat
crazy bet, namely find out a way to teach flying to adult
birds born in a cage but having never flown outside.
Jacques-Olivier Travers chose an unbelievable method: fly
with them on a paraglider! The funny thing about it is that
the birds had never flown, neither had their instructor!
Tara Oceans - Le monde secret
A film by Michaël Pitiot - Production: MC4 - France, 52 minutes, 2011.
Seen from the sky, the Earth is blue. But in fact, what do
we know about the oceans of our planet? Or indeed of their
inhabitants? To try to answer those questions, a team of
scientists boarded a schooner called Tara. Their trip will be
a kind of investigation into a secret world, a mysterious
world known as plankton, their world meaning millions
of different organisms... One thing is certain: we know
these marine organisms play a major role in the life of our
A film by John Waller - Production: Uncage the Soul Productions
USA, 27 minutes, 2011, preview.
In March 2011, Brian French and Will Koomjian start off on
an unprecedented 1-km-long trek across the canopy of an
old forest in Oregon. Unassisted, they have to carry all their
equipment and their food with them without ever touching
ground. Their success will depend on their ability to work
together, on their tools, on their newfangled techniques
and on a little bit of luck.
Trou de fer
A film by Pavol Barabás - Production: K2 studio
Slovakia, 52 minutes, 2011, preview.
The Iron Hole is a spot of breathtaking beauty situated
in the heart of the Reunion National Park. Over there,
volcanic upheaval has brought about a huge geological
collapse eroded by continuous rainfalls. You have to
struggle your way into the Iron Hole. Nevertheless,
canyoning is practised by a handful of rash professionals.
Among them, five Slovaks who will give it a try…
Walpole, l'île mystérieuse
A film by Eric Beauducel
Production: Cauri films
France, 59 minutes, 2010.
Walpole, a remote island off New Caledonia was, for more
than 30 years, an important area of guano production.
However, Walpole is above all a place teeming with
mysteries, tales and legends… Archaeologist Christophe
Sand, the last scientist having shortly visited the isle
12 years ago, starts off with his team on a new attempt
with a view to, at long last, discovering its myriad of
Films off competition
6 mois de cabane au Baïkal
A film by Sylvain Tesson and Florence Tran
Coproduction: Bo travail et Voyage
France, 52 minutes, 2011, off competition.
Forests are there to help find a solution to all disorders of
life. To quench his thirst for freedom, Sylvain Tesson has
found a downright solution: shut himself up on his own in
a hut right in the middle of the Siberian taïga for 6 months.
Carrying his movie camera on his shoulder, he collects the
pictures of his daily happenings, of his life in the hut and of
the breathtaking scenery which surrounds him. The diary
of a man in quest of the basics of life.
Vue d'en haut
A film by Sébastien Rist - Production: Bideshi Films, LOJIQ
Canada, 26 minutes, 2011, preview, off competition.
Eleven young Inuits from the remote areas of Northern
Quebec and explorer Bernard Voyer, set off on a journey
across the Peruvian Andes. It's a moving story showing
that - against odds - only determination, close relationship
and above all friendship, enable to overcome any challenge
and to reach the highest summits.
Special 20 th ANNIVERSARY
of the Dijon festival:
Amazonia vertigo
A film by Evrard Wendenbaum
Production: Migoo production
France - 52 minutes - 2006 “Toison d'Or'' of the aventure film and
“Toison d'or” for the adventurer of the year for the team of Angel Falls
Gushing out from the Auyan plateau which juts out of the
Amazonian forest, the waters of the Angel Falls reach the
ground 1000 meters down. They are the highest falls in the
world. An international team including the best climbers of
the time, among which Arnaud Petit and Stephanie Bodet,
start to climb the wall so steep that it was first ascented in
Au nom du fils
A film by Philippe Jamain
Coproduction: Aber Images, Voyage, RFO
France - 52 minutes - Prix des jeunes de la ville de Dijon 2003
Edgar Maufrais was informed on 7th July 1950, that his son
Raymond had disappeared in Amazonia during a rather
daring expedition. Aged 52, convinced that is son is still
living, totally inexperienced, with very little means, he
decides to go and search him.
Au Pays des Djinns
A film by Jean-Gabriel Leynaud
Production: Gédéon Programmes
France - 52 minutes - Jean-Marc Boivin Prize and 2002 “Toison d'Or''
for the adventurer of the year for Régis Belleville.
Regis Belleville and camel driver Taha Ould Boussief have
just walked through Africa totally unassisted. In 50 days,
with 8 camels, they covered the 1.137 km from Chinguetti,
Mauritania to Timbouctou, which is the longest distance
between two water supply points. This unprecedented
exploit led them to some unchartered areas.