May 29 - St. Augustine`s Church
May 29 - St. Augustine`s Church
Saint Augustine of Canterbury Kendall Park, New Jersey The Solemnity of the Most Holy Body & Blood of Christ Corpus Christi Sunday May 29th,2016 ORDER FORMS SAINT AUGUSTINE PARISHIONERS UNDER ARMOUR POLO SHIRTS Loose Fit Heat Gear Men Sizes S– M– L– XL Available in Navy Blue Only (great fit on women as well—testimonials of staff!) Price will be ACTUAL COST/NO MARKUP Now on display in Gathering Area Order now! May 29, 2016 Most Holy Body & Blood of Christ (Corpus Christi) EUCHARISTIC ADORATION There will be NO Eucharistic Adoration Monday evening, May 30th, due to the holiday. Also, there will be NO Eucharistic Adoration from the feast of Corpus Christi on May 29th until the first Monday after the Exultation of the Holy Cross on September 14th. Eucharistic Adoration will resume on Monday, September 19th. SATURDAY 5:00 PM Michael Shkolar: req. The Golubieski Family Most Holy Body & Blood of Christ (Corpus Christi) 7:30 AM Stephen Meszaros: req. His Children Daniel O’Connor: req. Bob & Pat Mate 9:00 AM 10:30 AM All Living & Deceased Parishioners of St. A’s 12:00 Noon Denise Vaillancourt: req. The Scaramuzzo & Aiello Families Caroline Cauley: req. Her Family 5:00 PM SUNDAY MONDAY Memorial Day 9:00 AM For the men & women who gave their lives in service to our country. TUESDAY The Visitation of the Blessed Virgin Mary 9:00 AM Joseph Frances Lynam WEDNESDAY St. Justin 9:00 AM Nicholas DeMarchi: req. Ann DeMarchi Corwin THURSDAY St. Marcellinus & Peter 9:00 AM Florence & Nicholas DeMarchi: req. Ann DeMarchi Corwin FRIDAY 9:00 AM First Friday—The Most Sacred Heart of Jesus Purgatorial Society “They ate and were satisfied. And when the leftover fragments were picked up, they filled twelve wicker baskets. Luke 9:17 The story of the Loaves and Fishes shows us that when we share what we have, even if it doesn’t seem like that much, miracles can happen! Do not think that your gift is too small or insignificant! God blesses all the gifts we offer and makes them wondrous. May 22 all $20,862.50 COUNTING TEAM # 2— ASSIGNED JUNE 5TH Adult Choir/Tom Lombardi SATURDAY First Saturday—Immaculate Heart of 9:00 AM 5:00 PM the Blessed Virgin Mary Special Intentions of St. A’s Parishioners Helen & Joseph Nyers: req. Anne Pearce SUNDAY 7:30 AM 9:00 AM 10:30 AM 12:00 Noon 5:00 PM Tenth Sunday in Ordinary Times Joseph O’Neill: req. Jody Squires All Living & Deceased Parishioners of St. A’s Matthew Nascher: req. Anne & Greg Tupe Frank Wiley, Sr.: req. His Wife Dorothy James J. Mac Carthy: req. Mary Ann Almestica SPECIAL DIOCESAN COLLECTION JUNE 5TH Nest weekend there is scheduled the Catholic Communication Campaign (Summer Collection). The proceeds from this collection will benefit the Catholic Communication Campaign (national and local levels) and the Catholic University of America. FATIMA STATUE This week the statue of Our Lady of Fatima will be in the home of Juliet & Jorge Bombita. MEDITATION FOR May 29, 2016 Today we celebrate the truth that Jesus left us an immeasurable gift, that of His Sacred Body and Blood, which is made for us in every Mass we attend. At times, we may find it hard to comprehend that Jesus is truly here and present with us. Each time we receive holy Communion, we truly receive Christ. Nourished and strengthened by Jesus, we draw closer to Him. Our participation in holy Communion allows us to live in greater love and unity with one another and gives us the strength we need to share Christ’s light and love with others. The first reading tells of Melchizedek, a priest of God Most High, who brought out bread and wine and gave a blessing to Abram. Abram gave him a tenth of everything. The second reading recalls Jesus’ words at the Last Supper, that when we eat this bread and drink the cup, we proclaim the death of the Lord until He comes again. In the Gospel, Jesus feeds a crowd of five thousand with only five small loaves of bread and two fish. PURGATORIAL SOCIETY ENROLLMENTS FOR MAY IN MEMORY OF: REQUESTED BY: Lam Mei Fung Cassandra Salgado Our Parish Family Sr. Mary Louise & The School Community Antonino M. Procaccini The Buono Family Gregory Schutta Our Parish Family Roseann Burke Our Parish Family Anne Rizzo Our Parish Family Frank Chrinko Our Parish Family Grace Bari Our Parish Family Frank Chrinko Robert & Eleanor Reiss Marie McGowan Our Parish Family FIRST SATURDAY MASS INTENTION JUNE—contd. IN MEMORY OF: REQUESTED BY: Lucille Lee Florence Bocippio Judith Bencivenga Anne Rizzo Pat & Joe Moore Pat & Joe Moore Pat & Joe Moore Marilyn & Bill Doran INTENTIONS OF: REQUESTED BY: Happy 60th Birthday Michael Ajukwu Chi Okwesa SPIRITUAL REMEMBRANCE TABERNACLE CANDLES The deceased enrolled in the Purgatorial Society are remembered at the 9 AM Mass for one year on the First Friday of each month. UNANNOUNCED MISSION MASSES IN MEMORY OF: REQUESTED BY: Daniel Leddy Jill Lynn Rautenstauch Colleen Reinhard Fr. Reginald C. Hezekiah Mary E. Solano Grace Bari Vincent Baldino Donna & Dan Fargo Felicia Cooper Donna Sweeney The Kushwarra Family James & Mary Kaye Brown Patricia Gable Helen Kowrach & Beverly Casmas The Benedict Tommasino Family Elsa Crespo Angelo Damante Tara Schacter FIRST SATURDAY MASS INTENTION JUNE IN MEMORY OF: REQUESTED BY: Angela Arpino Jeanette Tizzano Jose Pinto Laurinda Pinto & Daughters Carlo J. Canestri Carlo, Nicki & Family Sofia Pe The Pe Family Leona Keller Kitty Sweeney & Family Lam Mei Fung Daughter Evelyn Odette Muha The Matuszewski Family Richard Skelley The Matuszewski Family Anne Rizzo The Scurato Family Honey, Marcia, Nicky Canale Martha Schnurr Sr. Anita Canale Martha Schnurr Rosie, Richy & Rocco Canale Martha Schnurr Florence & George Schnurr Martha Schnurr Frank Chrinko Kitty Sweeney & Family Roseann Burke Mary Ann Almestica Donald Schnurr Martha Schnurr Josephine & Nicholas Canale Martha Schnurr Mary & Dominic Morgia Martha Schnurr In Memory of Albert & Ann Carson Donated Daughter Ruth Ann Graulich SANCTUARY FLOWERS In Memory of Louis Amega Donated by Dr. Elias Kpodzo for the Anniversary of his death. FATHER’S DAY NOVENA If you would like to have your father, living or deceased, remembered in a special Novena of Masses beginning on Father’s Day, June 19th, please bring the “special envelope” dated June 12th in your tithing box and place it in the regular collection. There will be only one collection taken. If you wish to add additional names, please feel free to write them on the back of the envelope. It is important to return this special envelope so all your intentions can be remembered in the Novena of Masses. There are special Father’s Day Spiritual Bouquet cards available in the Gathering Area of the Church. All your intentions will be remembered in our special Novena. Reminder The School and Parish Office will be closed on Monday, May 30, in observance of Memorial Day. Remember our men and women who have given their lives to defend our country! Our prayers are with them! God Bless America! IN THE SPIRIT OF FATHER REILLY KNIGHTS OF COLUMBUS HELP OUR SCHOOL Father Reilly, our founding pastor, used the parish Knights of Columbus Council #6345 (and their wives) in the construction of the wing which stands behind the gym. That wing, which is home to some of our Pre-K, is now called the Father Reilly Wing. With the replacement of the basketball backstops from the original ones installed in 1963, Father Bob, in the “spirit of Father Reilly”, asked the Knights of Columbus from the parish to once again give a helping hand to our school and sponsor one of the new basketball backstops at the cost of $7,000. The total project is $42,000. At a recent meeting the Knights voted and approved the donation. Pictured below is Mr. Thomas DeLuca, the Grand Knight, presenting a check for $7,000 to Sister Mary Louise Shulas, MPF, our Principal, and Mr. Edward Modzelewski, the Director of Athletics and teach. Father Bob and the parish thank the efforts of the Knights of Columbus in helping Saint Augustine School, especially our gym, the envy of the Diocese! Father Reilly is smiling down upon the Knights and is proud of you! Father Hezekiah, who was last based at the St. Charles RC Church in Tunapuna, passed away while visiting his family in Kendall Park, NJ. He was 82 years old. Father Reggie, as he was affectionately know, was considered the “people’s priest who has always placed service to others before self.” He was first ordained 55 years ago at the Cathedral of the Immaculate Conception. The Auxiliary Bishop of Port of Spain, Robert Llanos, expressed his sadness over the passing. “We are very sad to lose him unexpectedly like this. It also leaves another void in the work of the Church. He was a very highly respected and much loved pastor. He did a lot of healing ministries, concerning all aspects of the community and the family. He was also well known for his fundraising and was a vibrant Catholic priest.” Father Hezekiah was Spiritual Director of many groups including Powers for Strength, the Assumption Prayer Group. He will be missed. THIS WEEKS’ CALENDAR May 30 School and Parish Office Closed 8:00 PM AA Meeting May 31 2:30 PM Manna Ministry 7:30 PM K/C Meeting 7:30 PM Folk Group Practice June 1 2:00 PM GS Troop 82406 Meeting June 2 10:15 AM School Liturgy 11:15 AM Chime Choir Rehearsal 7:00 PM Columbiettes Board Meeting June 4 11:30 AM Confessions June 5 9:30 AM Parish Choir Rehearsal 10:30 AM 8th Grade Baccalaureate Mass READINGS FOR THE WEEK Monday: Tuesday: Wednesday: Thursday: Friday: Saturday: Sunday: 2 Pt 1:2-7; Mk 12:1-2 Zep 3:14-18; Lk 1:39-56 2 Tm 1:1-3, 6-12; Mk 12:18-27 2 Tm 2:8-15; Mk 12:28b-34 Ez 34:11-16; Rom 5:5b-11; Lk 15:3-7 2 Tm 4:1-8; Lk 2:41-51 1 Kgs 17:17-24; Gal 1:11-19; Lk 7:11-17 MASS INTENTIONS FOR 2017 On THURSDAY, JUNE 16TH we will begin taking intentions for the 2017 MASS BOOK. Those wishing to come on Thursday, June 16th are kindly asked to come at 9:30 a.m. to the CONFERENCE ROOM in the School. You may enter through the doors located between the School and the Parish Center. As in the past, you will be allowed to reserve only 10 Masses for your intentions. The stipend donation remains the same, $25 for a Saturday evening 5 PM, Sunday, Holy Day, or Purgatorial Society Enrollment Mass, and $10 for Daily or Unannounced (Mission) Masses. We also have First Saturday Mass Intentions (living or deceased) available for a donation of your choosing. Intentions for the 2017 Sanctuary Flowers and Tabernacle Candles will also be available during the Mass Book opening. The donation for the flowers is $100.00 and the candles are $10.00. MEMORIAL DAY MASS AT DIOCESAN CEMETERIES Bishop James F. Checchio will be the celebrant of the annual Memorial Day Mass on Monday, May 30, at 10:00 am, on the grounds of Resurrection Cemetery, Hoes Lane, Piscataway. At the same time, Rev. Msgr. William Benwell, V.G. will be the celebrant of the Memorial Day Mass on the grounds of Holy Cross Cemetery, CranburySouth River Road, East Brunswick. All the faithful are invited to participate at either site, and are encouraged to bring lawn chairs for comfort. In the event of inclement weather, the Mass will be celebrated inside the Mausoleum Chapel located at each site. For further information, contact the Cemetery Office at 732-463-1424. If you do NOT need to reserve specific dates and you do NOT want to wait, you can send us (or drop off at the Parish Center) a list of Mass intentions with the appropriate donation. Please include a return address, and we will send you an acknowledgment with the assigned dates. As you know, in the past there has always been a wait to reserve your dates. I have one staff member taking care of this to guarantee accuracy. Thank you for your kindness and patience! A GIFT OF LOVE—TRUE SPIRIT OF TITHING One of our wonderful children of the parish, Arianna, Grade 3, donated $14.25 from the proceeds of her lemonade sale to the Church in last week’s Sunday collection. As the Scripture states: “God loves a cheerful giver!” The Columbiettes are pleased to recognize Mr. Ed Johnson as Humanitarian of the Year. Mr. Johnson is being honored for his many contributions to both the Parish and Parishioners of St. Augustine. A contribution of $250. has been made to the Consolata Missionaries in his name. We congratulate Mr. Johnson along with our former Humanitarians Peter Frein and Barbara Corio and thank them for their continuing unselfish service to our Parish. Bishop’s Annual Appeal Status To date, the Development Department for the Diocese of Metuchen, has received pledges totaling $121,145.81 and payments totaling $119,056.65 from 555 parishioners. This represents 90.1% of our $134,500. goal. NATURAL FAMILY PLANNING INFORMATION SESSION There is now a renewed interest in NFP as it is a great means to strengthen marriage. It relies on couple communication and behavior change while honoring your spouse, your body, and God. Find out the facts, myths and blessings of NFP! Place: St. John Neumann Pastoral Center 146 Metlars La. Piscataway, NJ 08854 Date: Tuesday, June 21, 2016 Times: 7:00—8:30 PM Contact: Family Life Office 732-243-4582 Or email: [email protected] THERE IS NO FEE. Pre-registration is requested. WE SALUTE YOU! Many thanks to all who donated items and/or money for our military collection. It means so much to those who receive them and means more to know that they are not forgotten and someone really cares. CALLING ALL BIBLE SCHOOL CAMPERS IT’S TIME TO REGISTER St. Augustine of Canterbury Church invites children ages 4 to 10 to Cave Quest Vacation Bible School where children discover to follow Jesus the light of the world. The children will participate in memorable Bible learning activities, sing catchy songs, play teamwork building games, dig into yummy treats, experience one of a kind Bible adventures, and create wonderful arts and crafts projects. Children will learn to look for evidence of God all around them through something called God Sightings. Each day concludes with Cave Quest closing that everyone involved in living what they learned. Vacation Bible School will be the week of July 11 – 15, 2016 from 8:30am – 11:30 am. Registration forms can be picked up in the Parish Office. If you have any questions, please contact the Parish Office at 732-297-3000. Rest in Peace Frank Schwindinger Husband of Rosemarie Schwindinger 39 North Valley Road Roosevelt, NJ 08555 Agnes Schlegel Mother of Laura Forsythe Grandmother of Dillon & Austin 77 Coppermine Road Princeton, NJ 08540 OUTREACH MINISTRY There’s a smile that comes close to the beauty of the smile on a child’s face. It’s the smile of relief and gratitude on the faces of a family that you’ve helped to remain in their home. Help us to continue to help them. (Envelopes are in the Gathering Area of the Church). June 14 Estate Planning & Other Financial Topics: Speakers: John Seber & Gary Camacho ARE YOU INTERESTED IN BECOMING A CATHOLIC? Or perhaps you are a baptized Catholic who never completed the Sacraments of Initiation (Confirmation and Eucharist). The Rite of Christian Initiation of Adults (RCIA) is just for you! Gather with others who desire to know the Lord Jesus Christ in the truth of the Catholic Faith, as we undergo catechesis, reflect on the scriptures, and contemplate our call to faith in Christ in preparation for Baptism and/or reception and completion of the Sacraments of Initiation. Meetings are held on Sundays at 8:30 am in Father McGivney Hall (followed by 10:30 am Mass). If you are interested in getting connected, please call the Parish Center 732-297-3000. Deacon Denis MINISTRY TO THE SICK PLEASE HELP! Have you ever wondered what can I do to follow Jesus Christ and help the needs of others? Your thought is my schedule is full and I cannot commit to volunteer on a regular basis. We can help you fill that void and be part of our Ministry on your terms. If you can spare about two hours or less twice a month to help our seniors with transportation to and from doctor appointments. We work around your availability and time. I promise it is a rewarding feeling to see the gratitude of those you help. Some of our clients have no family, or their family lives too far away to assist them. Can you give it a try with no obligation or schedule to keep? You volunteer on your terms and time. For additional information, please call Dorothy Wiley at 732-297-2619. ATTENTION: PERSONS WHO ARE SICK OR DISABLED, THEIR CAREGIVERS, FAMILY & FRIENDS Join us on Sunday, June 12th at 12 noon at the Cathedral of Saint Francis in Metuchen for a special Year of Mercy Mass. Experience the love of God who consoles, pardons and instills hope! Enter through the Holy Door at the Cathedral (another door or threshold maybe substituted for the sick or persons with disabilities) and receive the grace unique to this special extraordinary Jubilee Year of Mercy. All are invited to gather for light refreshments and fellowship after Mass. If you are unable to attend and you would like your prayer intentions included in this special Mass, email [email protected] or call our office at 732-765-6432. Sponsored by the Diocese of Metuchen Office for Persons with Disabilities. GOD’S BLESSINGS ON OUR PARISHIONERS CELEBRATING THEIR BIRTHDAYS IN JUNE Fady Abi Atme Justin Abi Atme Donrey Acharon Mariela Acharon Daniela Acharon Corazon Agravante M. Barbara Ahern Daniel Airey Raul Alcaraz Jennifer Alfonso Chandler Antczak Karen Antczak Daniel Argate David Artuso Tina Wynne Arzadon Trnidad Arzadon Mary Bak Ryan Bartunek Medarda Bas Crispulo Bas Kellee Baylis Erinn Beagin Theodore Belkot Jr. Agripina Belostrino Narciso Bergamasco Marc Berran Caryn Bester Donna Bien Alyssa Bistany Michael Lupica Blondel Gabriela Borges Alexander Borges Joseph Borke William Boudwin Tricinda Bousquet Bryan Boyle Daniel Brady Ernest Bunuan Bella Bunuan Margaret Burke Carole Calabrese Sophia Calvin Michael Camacho Peter Campisano Teresa Capaccio Michael Caparas Marisa Carroll Earl Carson Madison Castillo Aidan Castro Frank Castronuovo Kaitlyn Catalano Thomas Chedid George Chedid Melissa Chedid Karson Chen Mary Chichi Lucille Chincarini Julia Chizmarik Susan Cholewka Stella Chrinko Tara Cirone John Ciszek Mary Colangelo Joseph Confessore William Cooper Sabrina Coppola Michael Corsilli Angela Cosgrave Juan Cruz Ana Cuevas Ian Curtis Arielle Curtis Carla Cusate Michael D'Angelo Jr. Brielle D'Angiolillo Carlitos Sage Datuin Mariya Davis Bridget Day Heather De Bari Anne Defilippo Walter DeLeon Denise Dennie Jungwon DeVone Jason Dickerson Damiano Diflorio Carmine Diflorio Vincent Dimino Karen Dombi Ellen Dominguez Margaret Dooley Stephen Doyle William Drost Tom Dunleavy Monica Dutton James Dwyer Mary Dwyer Byron Dyer Marisol Dzanoucakis Emilio Raphel Elechicon Conchita Enriquez Jonathan Ernesto Kristen Fahrman Nicholas Federico IIsabella Feliciano Marissa Fernandez Vincent Fernandez Julie Ferrara Joseph Ferrara Anthony Ferrara Zachary Fingerhut John Finnegan Kyle Firestine Jake Foeldes John Fuller Carol Furmick Donna Galaro Justin Gallagher Angelo Gamba, Jr. Patricia Gambino Adrian Gaspar June Gatarz Lisa Gatchell Robert Gatchell Kathleen Geddis J. Glikas Jr. Francis Glodek Atticus Glodek Islen Gomez Kyle Gomez Joshua Gomez Ricardo Gonzales Kevin Gonzalez Angel Gonzalez Calson Goodwill Collins Goodwill Casley Goodwill Declan Gordon Jocelyn Gorospe George Gorospe Jennifer Graci Linda Grant Emily Greenberg Gertrude Griffin Roger Grillo Jill Grzelak Mary Guadagno Nicola Guardascione Rebecca Guntner Brian Gussis Ofelia Gutierrez Margit Haas-Rethage David Harvey Myleigh Haurey Cameron Henderson Corazon Hernandez Deanna Hess Lauren Hess Sarah Heutz Heather Heyer Stanley Hezekiah John Hilosky Richard Hilosky Tramanh Ho Amanda Hobbs Christian Holgado Max Holmes Ana Karina Hontanosas Timothy Horan Stephen Horan Hayley Horvath Patrick Howlin III Sean Hudgins Cheyenne Hutchins Charlotte Hvozdovic Cynthia Icasiano Christian Igwebeh Eleazar Irizarry Rosafe James Riley Jarvis Susan Jasabe Peter Johnston Russell Jones Sr. Steven Juzwin Taylor Kail Shauna Kane Cristina Karcz Elvira Karkenny Nikolaus Kasper Jr. Kevin Kessler Noah Khan Tita Khanna John Kiely John Kirchner Michael Kish Jr. Julius Kiss Jessica Klimczak Michael Klinger Jillian Knehr Patrick Kocik Jack Krosnowski Chuck Lacorte Pompeyo Lacsamana Alexandria Ladzinski Kathleen Lakarosky John Lally Sarah Langoski Robert Lasky Josephine Latona Doneen Latyszonek Jonathan Laurizio Marissa Lecessi Emma Lee Herbert Lee Stephanie Lee Robert Lenart Elizabeth Lenart Juliana Leonardis Corazon Limjuco Angela Lipke Patricia Lobiondo Nicholas Lobiondo Sr. Eileen Lombardi Oliver Lombardo Jedd Lopez Christopher Lopez Cristina Losito Francesca Losito Alison Lovett William Low-Beer Thomas Lubert Prabhn-Antony Lucas Catherine Mabee Colette MacGregor Michael Madden Joseph Maderazo Tiffany Maderazo Kyle Magsino Ronelyne Mak Donovan Mak Adriana Malvone Avennia Heather Maragh Maria Marcelo Susan Marcrie Lawrence Mariano Patricia Martin Enrique Martin Edmund Mastandino Nicolette Mateescu Lilly McDonough Carol McGovern Barbara McGrath Everett McIntire Brian McNicholas Dorothy Mehesz Lisa Menotti Blandino Mercado Nicholas Mercurio Andrew Mercurio Audrey Merlin Mary Micciulli Charles Michael Maxime Michel Paul Migliore Courtney Miller Briana Miller Ashlin Miller Jeanne Miller Ashley Milotta Olivia Minucci Candida Molina Howard Monaghan Ryan Montgomery Sylvia Mundy Noah Munoz Joseph Murphy III Linda Murphy Theresa Myers Kofi Nantwi Christian Napolitano Dylan Nelson Jill Nemeth James Nono Olga Obando Christopher Obando Paul Ojugo Peter Ojugo Elizabeth Ojugo II Andrew Olazo Kaylee Orokos Annette Pacilio Peter Padia Debra Padia Cecilia Pagayunan Joan Painton Jennifer Palancia Robert Palancia Chrsitopher Papandrew Linda Papandrew Anya Paras Marilyn Pascarella Nikolaos Pasigos Joseph Pastor Stefania Paszlawska Robert Patten Kathleen Pavalkis Mark Pawloski Jennifer Peng John Perkowski Robert Perry Rizalito Pestano Madeleine Pestano Philo Peter Jonathan Phan Constance Phelps Patrick Pietrefesa Patrick J. Pietrefesa Daniela Pilapil Portia Pilapil Phoebe Pilapil Lise Plourde Lorraine Podurgiel Roberto Policarpio Brian Policarpio Lucia Polizzotto Socorro Portnoy Esther Potter Elizabeth Putnoky Kaitlin Quinn Brismeda Quisumbing Cesar Quisumbing Anuja Raju Anthony Raspa Darin Rath Jeffrey Rechter Samantha Resnick Dario Rethage Peter Riccardi Carol Riglian Diane Risorto Angel Rivera Rachel Rivera Krystian Roberts Marie Rodriguez Fernando Rodriguez Edward Rodriguez Sharon Roff Naomi Rogers William Rogers Brian Rolwood Janine Rosamilia Rosana Rosario William Rosario Michael Rosario John Rose Nancy Rubin Arian Rubio Jessica Rubio Scott Ruddy Nicholas Ruddy Marie Ruggiero Grace Ruiz Allison Russell John Sade Iris Salerno Lydia Salopek John Samson Vener San Miguel Eliza Sanchez Dominador Santos Jr. Peter Santos Sr. Steven Schladale Jonathan Schulter Francesca Scotto-D'Aniello Margaret Scurato Daniel Segarra Josslyn Sejeck Karen Sendner Jane Sendner Staci Shane Alexandra Shaw Margaret Siliwono William Simulcik Steven Sooby Lauren Sparagna Michael Speziale Kim Spinelli Madeline Stahl Delaney Stahl Kyle Stankevitch Katie Stelnick Laura Stephens Shannen Sterner James Strawbridge Donna Sweeney-Elrose Christopher Swierczek John Tahan Jennifer Tandoc Bryan Tavarez Peter Teresi Richard Torrone Joanne Trautwein Nicholas Trautwein Barry Trogu Jr. Obinna Ubah Alexander Uhrik Michael Ungano Jr. Shamina Valentine Peter Varisco Gabriela Venegas Victorino Ventura Rose Venutolo Paulo Verdeflor Arjay Vergara Margaret Vezzu Daryll Villena Samantha Visco Ricardo Vitorino Sean Wallace Mary Kate Walsh Michael Warick Michael Weber Francis White Carolyn Wilson Joseph Wood Jennifer Young Olga Zabara Michael Zaffarese Louise Zaffarese Claudia Zappia Nicholas Zappia Lauren Zastko Janet Zastko Jon Zebrowski Saint Augustine of Canterbury Roman Catholic Church 45 Henderson Road, Kendall Park, New Jersey 08824 “Churchweek” May 29, 2016 Very Reverend Canon Robert G. Lynam, KCHS, Pastor Deacon Denis F. Mayer Deacon James Tesoriero Sister Ruthann McGoldrick, SCC, Pastoral Associate Sister Mary Louise Shulas, MPF, LHS Principal/Superior Sister Barbara O’Kane, MPF, Vice Principal Sister Patricia Dunham, MPF, Director of Religious Education THE SACRAMENTAL LIFE OF OUR CHURCH THE SACRAMENT OF THE HOLY EUCHARIST THE HOLY SACRIFICE OF THE MASS Saturday: Vigil - 5:00 PM Sunday: Schedule 7:30 AM- 9:00 AM- 10:30 AM 12 NOON -5:00 PM Weekdays: Monday through Saturday 9:00 AM Holy Day Vigil Mass - 7:00 PM Holy Day: 9:00 AM - 7:00 PM COMMUNION TO THE SICK is taken by Extraordinary Ministers of the Eucharist on a regular basis to those confined to their homes. Please call the Parish Center. THE SACRAMENT OF BAPTISM is celebrated on most Sundays at 1:30 PM (not during Lent). A family must be registered in the parish, attend the baptismal preparation class, and cooperate with the regulations established by the parish. Our baptismal class is held on the 1st Monday of the month at 8:00 PM. Please call the Parish Center to register any time during your pregnancy. THE SACRAMENT OF RECONCILIATION is celebrated on Saturday between 11:30 AM and 12:30 PM in the Chapel or by appointment. THE SACRAMENT OF CONFIRMATION is celebrated once a year by our Bishop or his delegate. A candidate must successfully complete our Religious Education program. Adult Confirmation is held at the Cathedral and any interested adults should contact the Parish Center. THE SACRAMENT OF THE SICK is administered at home to any Catholic who is seriously ill. Please call the Parish Center. Any parishioner admitted to a local hospital should contact the Catholic Hospital Chaplain through the hospital. A family member should contact the parish when someone is admitted to the hospital. We will gladly pray for any members who are sick, whether at home or in the hospital, at our Sunday Masses; however, it is necessary for the family to “request” it. THE SACRAMENT OF MATRIMONY is celebrated by the Pastor or one of our deacons. Weddings may be scheduled on Friday evening, Saturday, or Sunday afternoon. Only a ceremony is permitted on Sunday. The pastor will confirm the date so couples should contact the Parish Center at least ONE YEAR in advance. All the necessary information will be sent to you. The attendance at Pre-Cana or an Engaged Encounter Weekend is required. One must be a registered member of the parish. Our parish upholds the Gospel values and the Church’s teachings regarding the sacredness of marriage and those couples choosing to live together in contradiction of those values, will receive a simple ceremony and all Diocesan regulations followed. THE SACRAMENT OF HOLY ORDERS and RELIGIOUS LIFE: If you are considering serving God as a priest, deacon, or religious, you may contact your parish priest, deacon, or religious; or phone the Diocesan Office of Vocations at (732) 562-1990. THE DEVOTIONAL LIFE OF THE PARISH: The Liturgy of the Hours is prayed Monday through Saturday at 8:45 prior to Mass. AM Eucharistic Adoration/Devotion is held Monday at 7:00 national holidays or during the summer) PM (not on Novena in honor of Our Lady of the Miraculous Medal is prayed on Saturday following the 9:00 AM Mass in the chapel. Devotion in honor of the Sacred Heart of Jesus is prayed on the First Friday of the month following the 9:00 AM Mass. St. Elizabeth’s Guild Prays the Rosary after daily Mass. PARISH CENTER: Hours (732) 297-3000 Monday - Thursday: 9 AM- 12 NOON & 1 PM- 4 PM Friday: 9:30 AM - 4 PM Evening Hours: Monday - Thursday 7:00 PM - 9:00 PM CATHOLIC SCHOOL: 297-6042 RELIGIOUS EDUCATION OFFICE: 297-3011 OUTREACH MINISTRY: 297-9713 PARISH CENTER FAX: 940-1746 SCHOOL FAX: 297-7062 WEBSITE: PARISH STAFF Elizabeth DeLuca, Administrative Assistant Kate O’Donnell, School Assistant to Pastor Mary Ann Almestica, Secretary Roseanne DeBari, Religious Education Secretary William R. Berg, Director of Music Daria Dragan, Leader of Song Eileen Baylis, Evening Secretary/Receptionist John Gentile, Plant Manager Rick Parent (Assistant) Debbie Jarosz, School Maintenance PASTORAL BOARD The Late Donald Gatarz ~ Kathleen Lakarosky, Trustees Barbara Corio, Elizabeth DeLuca, Tom DeLuca, Sister Patricia Dunham, MPF, Peter Frein, Donald Joworisak, Sister Barbara O’Kane, MPF, Deacon Denis F. Mayer, Sister Ruthann McGoldrick, SCC, Edward Modzelewski, Jr., Maureen Quigley, Sister Mary Louise Shulas, MPF, LHS, Deacon James Tesoriero, Peter Varisco SOCIAL MINISTRIES (Under the patronage of St. Vincent de Paul) Adventures in Reading Joan Hoffmann 297-3000 Archivists/Historians Marsha Byron, Marc Kollar Carpenters for Christ Len Riccardi 422-2232 Elijah’s Promise Soup Kitchen Barbara Corio 297-8287 Fix-It-Up Ministry John Burke 355-0562 Food Pantry Lorelei Berkery 297-2787 Pat Lombardi 821-8575 Helen Weachock 297-0933 Food Pantry/New Brunswick Marsha & Harold Byron 329-2954 Giving Tree/Giving Cross Janine Rosamilia 991-5333 Hands Across The Sea Rita Taylor 247-8396 Hospital Ministry Barbara A. Corio 297-8287 House of Hope—Prison Ministry Paul Dwyer 794-3069 Lazarus Ministry Elena Hesketh 297-3134 Manna Ministry Tammy Cooper 821-1808 Ministry to the Sick Dorothy Wiley 297-2619 Mother’s Circle Janet DeFreitas 940-0270 Nursing Home Ministry Deacon James Tesoriero 821-8351 Outreach Ministry Sister Barbara O’Kane, MPF 297-9713 Parish Breakfast Ministry Tom DeLuca/Jim Crowley 297-8584 Parish Family Ministry/ Parish Prayer Link Elizabeth DeLuca 297-3000 SOCIAL MINISTRIES Respect Life Ministry—VITA Len & Laura Riccardi Sanctuary Guild Lena Siegler, Chairperson Separated/Divorced Ministry Welcoming Ministry Rita Taylor SPIRITUAL ENRICHMENT MINISTRIES CFM (Christian Family Movement) Mary Gifford Family Life Ministry Donna DiPane 422-2232 742-5068 247-8396 297-3541 422-1446 LITURGICAL LIFE MINISTRIES Lectors Denise Avrutik 422-6692 Extraordinary Ministers of the Eucharist John Taikina 421-5675 Choir Director-(Adult/Young Adult/Youth/Children) William Berg 297-3000 Folk Group John Seber 821-0257 Ushers Altar Servers Lauren Machalany, MC Nick Riccardi, Scheduling Louis Biondolillo, Scheduling Marcus James, Accountability Martin James, Accountability Sacristans Lupe Limjuco, Barbara Corio, Liz DeLuca, Betty Lenart, Ed Johnson Rite of Christian Initiation of Adults Deacon Denis Mayer & the RCIA Team PARISH ORGANIZATIONS Athletic Association Edward Modzelewski, Director Columbiettes Council #6345 Joan Campisano, President Home School Association Maureen Quigley, President Knights of Columbus Tom DeLuca, Grand Knight 496-0079 484-9411 853-3132 289-8867 853-4815 297-3000 821-1115 828-9176 940-0063 821-0412 COMMUNITY GATHERINGS Alcoholics Anonymous (AA) meetings on Monday Evenings at 8:00 PM in Fr. McGivney Hall MINISTRY TO OUR “LITTLE ONES!” Children’s Mass is celebrated on the 3rd Sunday of the month at the 9 AM Mass (Oct. - May) RELIGIOUS EDUCATION—All children in grades first through eighth must be registered in our Religious Education Program or be attending our School. Call: 732-297-3011.