Week 6 - Palestine Independent School District
Week 6 - Palestine Independent School District
October 4, 2013 Volume 2, Issue 6 Inside this issue: Athletics 2 Palestine High School Palestine Junior High 3 4 A.M. Story Intermediate School 5 Southside Elementary School 6 Northside Primary School 7 Washington Early Childhood Center 8 Support Services 9 Cupcake Wars at Southside!! The students are learning cake decorating with Mrs. Anderson in the 21st Century Program. Yummy! Wildcat Weekly from the Superintendent: Jason Marshall Palestine ISD enjoyed a Homecoming parade & pep rally on Monday. Students from all campuses, their parents, and PISD staff showed their Wildcat spirit with help from Sparky, the Palestine Fire Department’s mascot. I would like to thank Bill Rogers of Bacon Autoplex, and Scott Johnson of H&W Honda Powerhouse for use of their vehicles and ATV’s for the parade. Tonight at 7:30 pm, the Wildcat football team will play Pittsburg at Wildcat Stadium. At halftime, two Palestine ISD alumni, Sandra Suzanne Eiben Assistant Superintendent of Human Resources Produced by Palestine High School Printing and Imaging Technology students Palestine Independent School District Carolyn Martin Assistant Superintendent of Instructional Services Cummings-Glover, world class Olympic hurdler, and Adrian Peterson, Minnesota Vikings running back and the NFL Most Valuable Player for 2013, will be inducted into the Palestine ISD Wall of Honor. Due to the Wall of Honor ceremony, there will be numerous television and radio stations in attendance along with many loyal Wildcat fans. Palestine ISD enrollment is continuing to grow each week. I appreciate the students for coming to school each day and our parents and staff for making every effort to ensure our students are in school. David Atkeisson Chief Financial Officer David Long Director of Technology The State of Texas was successful in getting a waiver this week that waives the requirement for school districts to meet federal AYP standards. This will allow all schools in the state of Texas to focus only on the standards established by the state of Texas. Congratulations to the Texas Education Agency and Commissioner of Education, Michael Williams for helping streamline our current accountability system. Thank you also to organizations such as TASA, TASB, TAMS, TREA, and TACS for their work on the AYP appeal. Lance Angel Director of Athletics Dee Dietz Director of Special Education PISD School Board Ana Balderas Rozi Balderas Kiare Jackson Cheyenne Masters Jessica Vallance Wade Hobbs President Stanley Sokolowski Vice President Janie Sepulveda Secretary Michael Bennett Rickey Ferguson Dana Staples Dyna Tutt Page 2 Wildcat Weekly Volume 2, Issue 6 Go Wildcats Palestine Athletics Lance Angel: Athletic Director Cross Country Varsity Boys, Jv Boys and Jv girls won their division. Varsity Girls were 2nd in their division. Top Boys varsity runners were: Tyler Barnard with a 1st place finish, Mason Munoz with a 3rd place and Chris Rangel with a 4th place finish. Top Girls varsity runners were: Olivia Cone with a 3rd place, Jessica King with an 8th place and Mallorie Sander with a 9th place. Congrats to all the Cross Country runners!! District Cross Country Meet at Fairfield on Monday, October 21st. The Freshman football team lost a hard fought game to Pittsburg. Pittsburg scored with 30 seconds to go to win 18-12 The JV football team lost 18-8. The JV scored three times but all three touchdowns were called back and in the end the Pirates came out on top. The 7th Grade A Team defeated Pittsburg 27-13 last night to remain undefeated. The 7th grade A Team is now 4-0 The 8th Grade A Team defeated Pittsburg 30-0 last night to also remain undefeated. The 8th grade A Team is now 4-0 HOMECOMING 2013 Palestine ISD will celebrate Homecoming today at Wildcat Stadium. We would like to welcome our alumni who will be attending their Class Reunions during homecoming week. The Wildcat football team will play Pittsburg. At halftime, two Palestine ISD alumni, Sandra Cummings-Glover, world class Olympic hurdler, and Adrian Peterson, Minnesota Vikings running back and the NFL Most Valuable Player for 2013, will be inducted into the Palestine ISD Wall of Honor. Adrian Peterson will also retire his Palestine High School Wildcat # 28 jersey. Wildcat Weekly Volume 2, Issue 6 Page 3 Palestine High School William Stewart: Principal Student of the Month Riley Martine Junior Rotarians Eli West Taylor Edwards Homecoming Spirit Week Joe Edens Page 4 Wildcat Weekly Volume 2, Issue 6 Palestine Junior High School Larissa Loveless: Principal Football Managers Volleyball Girls The 7th Grade football managers prepare for the game by filling the hydration stations and taking them out to the players. Where would we be without the help of these young students? They truly are an important part of the team. Our Volleyball girls show great Improvement with the time and effort they are putting into practice each week. Their next game will be on Thursday, October 17 at PJH. We hope to bring a win home against Rusk. Yearbook Teachers Mi Futuro The Yearbook students are off to a great start this year already advertising the upcoming year book. This yearbook looks promising as we have already had so many great events and a ton of talented students working hard to create it. Our teachers strategize on the best ways to review our students for the CBA’s given this week. Both 7th and 8th grade students were given their ELA, Math, Social Studies, and Science CBA’S. The MI FUTURO Mentoring Group met this Wednesday and the program is a great success. We are so lucky to have these volunteers who will help our students prepare for a career after high school. It’s never too early to get started. Wildcat Weekly Volume 2, Issue 6 Page 5 A.M. Story Intermediate School Amanda Jackson: Principal Goal Setting As our first week comes to an end, our students and teachers are reviewing their academic progress and setting goals for content mastery. Fund Raiser Blue Bonnet Reader In conjunction with our PTO Story students will be selling cookie dough Congratulations to Ladasha McDowell for reading all of the featured Bluebonnet books! Story Style - Wildcat Way Thanks to Mrs. Nethery and our Story students for representing us in the Homecoming Parade. An Apple a Day and A SMILE goes a long way! We appreciate our community! Thank you Mrs. Hunt for treating our faculty! Page 6 Wildcat Weekly Volume 2, Issue 6 Southside Elementary School Stephen Cooksey: Principal Students are “Diving into Learning” here at Southside Elementary! NBA Stars ESTAR Buzz Future NBA stars were having a BLAST participating in a Class Competition Basketball Game…What a great way to spend your recess time… knocking down a few 3’s!! Numbers are still the BUZZ around Southside! This week our students were using ESTAR for Math. This new program should prove to be very helpful. Bonnie’s Cabbage Program Our 3rd Grade students are participating in the Bonnie’s Cabbage Program…This program provides each and every 3rd grade student with a cabbage plant to “look after” and take a photo with once it reaches maturity. Students will have the opportunity to win a $1,000 scholarship for their efforts from the Bonnie Plant Farm based out of Union Springs, Alabama. AWESOME!! Wildcat Weekly Volume 2, Issue 6 Northside Primary School Barbara Dutton: Principal Last week, Northside Primary held our second annual Community Helpers event. Page 7 Page 8 Wildcat Weekly Volume 2, Issue 6 Washington Early Childhood Center Rhonda Herrington: Principal Learning Centers Head Start Ms. Murray’s students are very busy throughout the day, working on emerging skills like turn taking, conflict management, phonological awareness, math knowledge, and other academic behavioral and social skills. One of the ways this is achieved is through learning centers. Learning centers allow children to manipulate materials, explore ideas, discover consequences, build, create and express themselves. Washington ECC has added another new group of Head Start 4 year olds. Smiles and excitement were on all of their faces as they began their new journey at PISD. Buggy Ride “Out for a buggy ride.” Ali Harding, Benjamin Sanchez, Madison Hardin, Landon Willard, Karis Marcellus and Malia Wright took time out of their busy day to take a little buggy ride. Way too cute!!! Ms. Carolyn and Ms. Brittany are enjoying working with these babies in their earliest years and have formed deep, meaningful bonds with each of these babies. These babies and their parents appreciate and trust these two wonderful ladies. Learning about Feelings While learning about feelings and the letter “F” Mrs. Carrizales’ students had to make a Face on their playdough mat representing their Feelings for the day. Learning about Senses While learning about their senses, Mrs. Carrizales’ class went on a listening walk. While on their walk they each had a chart with pictures on it if they heard a bird, car, or airplane etc. They had to put an X by it; if they heard something that was not on the chart they had to draw what they heard on their chart. Wildcat Weekly Volume 2, Issue 6 Page 9 Palestine ISD Support Services Technology Technology has been continuing to support the district in its technology needs. Tech tickets are worked daily. Wifi has now been enabled at DAEP. We have been reworking our Security Camera system, including replacing those cameras that are non-working or obsolete. Once completed, the campuses will each have the ability to monitor their own campus. Shortly, we will be increasing our internet up to 200 Mbps. Human Resources Food Service Palestine ISD Passport Health/North Texas Flu Shots will be providing on site flu shot clinics for Palestine ISD on October 21st & 22nd. Children under the age of 10 years old must have a parent/guardian present when the vaccine is given. To sign up please go to: https://www.passageware.com/FluSignUp/Palestine/ For those employees who have the following insurance, your Immunizations are covered at 100% under your plan. Blue Cross Blue Shield PPO *see exceptions below Aetna PPO** United Health Care PPO We will have the following vaccines available: If you have an accepted insurance If you do not have an accepted insurance Flu Shot No charge with your insurance card $15 Flu Mist No charge with your insurance card $32 with Pertussis No charge with your insurance card $65 Hepatitis A No charge with your insurance card $70 Tetanus Diphtheria Next week, October 14-18, is National School Lunch Week. The focus will be on local products and menu items. Look for Texas favorites, like Chicken Fried Steak and Frito Pie on the menu. Looking Forward September-October 6 13 7 8 9 10 11 12 6:00 pm Story TACE Parent Workshop 5 pm LadyCat Volleyball vs. Rusk (Home) 1:00 pm JH & JV Cross Country @ Grapeland Blood Drive at PHS No football 5:00 pm - PJH Football vs. Madisonville (Home) Late Registration Deadline for 10/26/13 ACT 8:30 am JV/V Cross Country @ Lufkin 14 15 16 17 18 5:00 pm – LadyCat Volleyball vs Mexia (Home) 4:30 pm - PJH Volleyball vs Rusk (Home) Late Registration Deadline for Nov 2 SAT 5:30 pm Southside TACE Meeting 5:00 pm - PJH 4:30 pm – LadyFootball vs Rusk Cat Volleyball vs (Away) Rusk (Away) 6:00 pm - PJH TACE Parent Meeting 7:30 pm - Football @ Rusk 19