AHAA 05-12 - Arkansas Hospital Association
AHAA 05-12 - Arkansas Hospital Association
May - June 2012 AHAA Board Dear Volunteer Friends, PRESIDENT The Spring District Meetings were all and more than we could have expected. Again, the host auxiliaries outdid themselves with beautiful decorations, delicious food and awesome entertainment. It was great to visit with many of you around the state and hear the glowing reports of your auxiliaries. I am so proud to be president of such an outstanding organization. As I mentioned in the meetings, AHAA wants to recruit existing volunteer programs to be a part of our organization. There are many benefits to being a member of AHAA. Please display your AHAA Certificate of Membership and talk up our organization. We need your help to add auxiliaries to our organization. Theda Aud, Sharon Huffmire and I have just returned from the SAL (State Auxiliary Leaders) meeting in Washington D.C. We attended workshops and exchange ideas with other auxiliary leaders from around the nation. The climax of our trip was a visit to Capitol Hill to have breakfast and visit with Senators Pryor and Bozeman. Arkansas Hospital Auxiliary Association is highly regarded by the American Hospital Association for our efforts in advocacy and our relationship with Arkansas Hospital Association. We were so proud to represent YOU in Washington. I want to thank Leadership Chair, Melissa Williamson, for the exciting and educational program she has put together for our Leadership Conference on June 20. Please make plans to attend, I know it will be time well spent and look forward to seeing you there. Thanks for ALL you do for your auxiliary and AHAA. Lynn Smith Medical Center of South AR 250 Forest Lake Dr. El Dorado, AR 71730 (870) 864-0473 [email protected] PRESIDENT ELECT Sharon Huffmire Baxter Regional Medical Center 287 Howard Creek Road Midway, AR 72651 (870)656-4775 [email protected] PRESIDENT Darlene Tuohy Mercy Medical Center 17 Tanyard Dr. Bella Vista, AR 72715 (479) 855-8720 [email protected] SECRETARY Shirley Walters St. Edward Mercy Med. Center P.O. Box 1876 Greenwood, AR 72936 (479) 996-4520 [email protected] TREASURER Sharon Sly Siloam Springs Memorial 56167 CR 660 Colcord, OK 74338 (918) 597-3202 [email protected] NEWSLETTER EDITOR Shirley VanHorn Washington Regional Med. Center 11879 Red Oak Dr. Fayetteville, AR 72704 (479)200-3958 [email protected] IMMEDIATE PAST PRESIDENT Mary J. Frauenhoff Summit Medical Center 107 Elfen Glen St. Van Buren, AR 72956 (479)474-6306/479-414-6196(cell) [email protected] Lynn Smith AHAA President 1 MEDIC ALERT UPDATE By Sharon Huffmire, AHAA President-elect During the Spring District Meetings I issued a challenge to all district chairmen and auxiliary presidents to register their auxiliaries with the MedicAlert Arkansas Ambassador Program. I am very pleased to announce that since the spring district meetings there have been an additional nine (9) auxiliaries who have registered in the program. And, I would like to congratulate Margaret Underwood, Northwest District Chair on being the first district in the AHAA to register all of her auxiliaries. Congratulations Margaret and the Northwest District Auxiliaries! Remember, you must register with MedicAlert by AUGUST 1, 2012. If you choose to phone in your registration to the Customer Service department you will be asked how you heard about MedicAlert and your hospital will be credited for the leads in that aspect. If you have NOT registered with MedicAlert you will NOT receive any literature as it is only sent to those auxiliaries who have registered in the Arkansas Ambassador Program. Remember what I said at the district meetings…”We ALL need to become members of MedicAlert!” The Arkansas Ambassador Program currently has 39 out of 61 hospitals enrolled in MedicAlert. I still need 22 auxiliaries to enroll in the program by the August 1st deadline. Let’s get everyone on board this life saving program! In Loving Memory Valley: Summit Medical Center Rick Young Southwest: National Park Medical Center Edward Saffel Evelyn Saffel Ouachita County Medical Center Stanley Arrington Northeast: Crittenden Regional Hospital Magalene Ingram Northwest: North West Arkansas Regional June Schwantes Mary Sessions Northwest Medical Center – Bentonville Otto Oberhelman 2 AHAA CONVENTION MEMORIAL SERVICE Remembering a friend…. I feel a warmth around me like your presence is so near. I close my eyes to visualize your face when you were here. I relive the times we spent together and they are locked inside my heart. For as long as I have those memories we will NEVER be apart. It will be my honor as your president to conduct the memorial service at convention. I have always thought the memorial services were special. I find it very difficult to find the right words to remember a friend or express my love or my feelings of loss. This past year I too lost a very dear friend and auxiliary member to cancer. Her name was Gradine Fones and I still think of her almost every day. Some of you met Gradine but for those that did not...let me tell you about my friend. She was diagnosed with cancer and on the day I was installed as president elect she was in surgery to remove her bladder. Prior to the convention last year (between her chemo and radiation treatments) she made dozens of beautiful pink and green bows that were used to decorate the tables. She made the effort to come to convention and helped me set up the night before our installation ceremony. On the morning I was to be installed as AHAA president, she got up early to have her radiation treatment and then came back for my installation. As proud as I was to be installed as your president, I was even prouder to have my very dear sick friend there to support me and share in my excitement. With this said, I want this memorial service to be so special and I want you to make sure I have the names of your auxiliary friends to memorialize. I will be using the names that you have published in our AHAA Newsletter. Please make sure to submit names either to [email protected] or to me at [email protected] by September 1. Thank you, Lynn Smith AHAA President 2011-2012 3 2012/2013 District Meetings 2012 Fall District Meetings: October 22nd Northwest - Washington Regional Medical Center --‐ Fayetteville October 23rd Valley - Johnson Regional Medical Center --- Clarksville October 24th Metropolitan - UAMS Medical Center --- Little Rock October 25th North Central—Ozark Health Medical Center —- Clinton October 29th Southwest - Hot Spring County Medical Center --Malvern October 30th Southeast - Delta Memorial Hospital -- Dumas October 31st Northeast – St. Bernard’s Medical Center --- Jonesboro 2013 Spring District Meetings: April 15th Northeast - Arkansas Methodist Medical Center — Paragould April 16th North Central - Stone County Medical Center—Mountain View April 17th Northwest - Eureka Springs Hospital—Eureka Springs April 18th Southeast - Drew Memorial Hospital—Monticello April 22nd Valley - Mena Regional Health System—Mena April 23rd Southwest - Howard Memorial Hospital—Nashville April 24th Metropolitan - W.P. Rockefeller Cancer Inst.—Little Rock 4 2012 AHAA Forms I am both pleased and excited to announce another “first” for AHAA. All 2012 AHAA Forms are online for your convenience. Special thanks to Peg Kuhnly and Melissa Williamson for making needed changes on 2012 forms. Additional thanks to Amber Estrada of AHA for putting the forms on our link of the AHA website. You can view them much like you do the AHAA Newsletter, but instead of clicking on a date, click OTHER. Your direct link to the 2012 AHAA forms is: http://www.arkhospital.org/publications/ahaa-auxiliaries/ahaa-additonal-resources By now your District Chairs have probably held presidents meetings to review a few changes in the 2012 forms. I feel sure that you were given copies of current forms at that meeting. If, for some reason, you need additional forms just go to the website mentioned above and print them for yourself. This should be very helpful to all auxiliary presidents as well as the district chairs. Now that the forms are available be sure to mark your calendar to make all the deadlines. Thank you in advance for getting the forms to the proper person in a timely manner. This information is so important for our record keeping. I also want to encourage you to complete the Five Star Award of Excellence Forms. I believe ALL our auxiliaries are FIVE STAR; it is just a matter of getting it down on paper. Please know that I am available to help you in any way with your forms. I encourage you to consider the forms a challenge not a chore. Thanks for ALL you do! Lynn Smith AHAA President AHAA Legislative Alert! If you are registered with voterVOICE, be sure to check your email regularly for Legislative Updates or Alerts. Our message to State and Federal Legislators is: PLEASE REJECT ANY PROPOSALS TO CUT PAYMENTS FOR HOSPITAL SERVICES! Use voterVOICE to send this message to your legislators. If you are not registered for voterVOICE, please do so: voterVOICE - submit on line: 1. Go to AHA homepage at www.arkhospitals.org 2. Click on "Legislative/Regulatory" 3. Click on "VoterVOICE/Grassroots" 4. Register your name and e-mail address. The state motto for Arkansas is "Regnat Populus" meaning "the people rule". This is only possible when we voice our opinion to our elected officials. Theda Aud, AHAA Legislative Chair 2011-2012 5 METROPOLITAN DISTRICT Beth A Nelson, District Chair St. Vincent Morrilton Submitted By: Delores Hartman, Auxiliary President We have been very busy here in Morrilton with activities. Since the completion of the renovations to our Gift Shop we have been staying busy as patrons want to see what is new and that always helps sales. The volunteers were honored for Volunteer Week with a wonderful barbeque lunch and all the trimmings by our hospital. Our Easter Bake Sale was a huge success and one of our Auxilians makes, decorates and packages a bunny family of three cakes which we sold chances on and everyone was very excited about those cakes. We assisted our Foundation with serving at their annual fundraiser, Melodies and Medicine. Another fundraiser our Beans & Cornbread Lunch was enjoyed by many so that was very successful. During May we will be selling chances for our Memorial Day "Outdoor Fun" drawing valued at $300 which is a cooler with many items such as a Petit Jean Meats gift box and 6 lbs. of hot dogs, $20 Wal-Mart gift card, $20 Kroger gift card, a monogrammed apron and so much more. With the summer months ahead and everyone occupied with family and vacations we will be busy covering our volunteer areas and let the fundraising rest awhile. Amber Estrada of AHA attended Metro Spring District Meeting in Benton. 6 Northeast Shirley Grady, District Chair SMC Regional Medical Center – Osceola Submitted by Dorothy Crockett, Secretary The Mississippi County Hospital System partnered with The National Patient Safety Foundation in hosting a "Be Aware for Safe Care". It was held March 8, 2012 in the SMC Regional Medical Center Cafeteria in Osceola. Joanne Sullivan, RN presented the program which focused on empowering patients and patientprovider communications. This will help improve patient safety. SMC Auxiliary members attended the in-service. Each who attended was presented a certificate certifying they are a “Aware of Safe Care”. The SMC Regional Medical Center-Osceola recently held an Emergency Disaster Drill. We are proud of our Auxiliary member, Morris Sue Wood, LPN who participated in the drill. The SMC -Osceola Hospital Auxiliary recently purchased a 40 inch television for the hospital waiting room. 7 St. Bernard’s Medical Center The Gift shop at St. Bernard’s was closed March 10-13, 2012, and reopened March 14 with new exterior touches, a new door, new flooring, track lighting, new glass shelves, new counter, new merchandise, and a roomier, more spacious feel. The grand reopening began with a VIP reception and ribbon-cutting. They rang up record sales on opening day and, during the following week, for the March sale. Last year’s March sale brought in $7,250 compared to $14,780 this year. The St. Bernard’s Foundation honored the Auxiliary on April 17 with an appreciation tea. Colors were bright and spirits were high as volunteers sampled dainty foods on the buffet and left with gift packets. Eighteen volunteers from St. Bernard’s attended the NEA District meeting April 19 in Osceola. Ribbon cutting at the Gift Shop reopening: Laura Pickens-SB, Greye Winningham-Aux., M. G. MeyeringInteriors by Design, Suzanne Hackney-Aux., Rosalee Barber-GS chair, Chris Barber-SB, L.M DuncanCity of Jonesboro, Michael Givens- SB, Ed Hill- Craighead County Judge, John McPike- Chamber Goodwill Ambassador, Dana Housley, Volunteer Coordinator, St. Bernards Development Foundation. 8 SMC Regional Medical Center – Osceola Submitted by Dorothy Crockett, Secretary The Osceola Hospital Auxiliary hosted the Spring District Meeting at the First Baptist Church Fellowship Hall on April 19, 2012. There were 94 Auxiliary members attending representing ten District Hospitals: Arkansas Methodist Medical Center, Paragould; Crittenden Regional, West Memphis; CrossRidge Community Hospital, Wynn; Forrest City Medical Center, Forrest City; Helena Regional Medical Center, West Helena; Lawrence Health Services, Walnut Ridge; NEA Baptist Memorial, Jonesboro; Piggott Community Hospital, Piggott; St Bernard's Medical Center, Jonesboro and SMC Regional, Osceola. Upon arrival guests were greeted with a "Goodie Bag" filled with wonderful items which had been donated by Osceola-Blytheville merchants. Door Prizes (donated by our community merchants) were given throughout the day. President Mary "Pud" Thomas introduced Mayor Dickie Kennemore who welcomed the guests to Osceola. Following Mayor Kennemore's welcome, AHAA President Lynn Smith intorduced the State and District Officers. The Keynote speaker for the day was Ralph Beaty, Mississippi County Hospital systems Administrator. Brunch was served upon the guest's arrival. After the program, lunch was served by the Osceola High School Key Club. Following lunch Osceola's own "Timeless" entertained the group with music from the 50's and 60's! Pictured are AHAA President Elect Sharon Huffmire, Osceola Mayor Dickie Kennemore, AHAA President Lynn Smith and SMC Regional Hospital Administrator, Ralph Beaty. 9 NORTH CENTRAL DISTRICT Janet Mruk, District Chair Baptist Health Medical Center Heber Springs Submitted by Holly Langster Baptist Health Medical Center - Heber Springs Auxiliary has had a very busy and exciting spring!! It all started with the Easter Bunny who came to visit on April 6th. She brought with her a following of children who came to sit for photographs. The auxiliary hosts the Easter Bunny every year and it has become a really fun thing for the children of hospital employees (and for patients) to enjoy. In May, MORE children came to visit but this time it was a hospital tour. The auxiliary hosted a local pre-k class and toured them through established educational sessions in the ER, the LAB, RADIOLOGY, RESPIRATORY, and with INFECTION CONTROL. Shortly thereafter, volunteer week was celebrated with a reception that followed the monthly meeting. May also consists of many style show planning sessions (believe it or not, October is just around the corner), a hospital week cookout (where the auxiliary hosts the dessert table) and the quarterly blood drive. WHEW!! With all these activities, we had better get some more help ~ on June 5th, we will host a new volunteer recruitment tea. This is second event of this kind; the first one was held in 2010 and was hugely successful in the recruitment of new members. Its spring and everything is coming up roses in Heber Springs!! Auxiliary Uniform Sale 10 Auxiliary Reception Lena Neighbors 11 White County Medical Center Submitted By: Jamie Laughlin White County Medical Center Staff and associates recognized the auxiliary volunteers at the April monthly meeting. The staff presented a video expressing their appreciation to the volunteers for their many hours volunteering at both north and south campuses. Each volunteer was given a thermal mug with a lid and printed with the message “My Hospital Volunteers Make a Latte ‘Difference.” A proposed slate of officers for the upcoming year was presented to the members. The election of the officers will take place in the May monthly meeting. On April 18, twenty-one members from our auxiliary attended the Spring District Meeting hosted by Harris Hospital in Newport. Door prizes were won by Eunice Holder and Patty Rine. With twenty-one members attending, our auxiliary had the most representation at the district meeting. Lynn Smith, the AHAA President, and Sharon Huffmire, the AHAA President-elect from our North Central District, were both present at the meeting. Good food and fellowship was enjoyed by all. Spring book sales were held with dedicated proceeds toward the $50,000 auxiliary commitment for the purchase of the daVinci Surgical System, which has been in use for approximately six months. Rise and shine, its breakfast time! We began a monthly auxiliary breakfast in February. On rotating days during the last week of each month, the breakfast allows all auxiliary members an opportunity to meet and visit. We are hoping to use the breakfast as an opportunity to retain volunteers and possibly to recruit new ones. Becca Nalley and Kathy Gammill enjoy a good breakfast and great fellowship. 12 Barbara Churchwell and JoAn Duncan WCMC Administration members thank our volunteers for their dedication and leadership. 13 Volunteer, Irene Fuller and DVS, Jamie Laughlin take time to pose for a quick snapshot while preparing to open their third Auxiliary Gift Shop. “Moxie” is located at the Cancer Center of Excellence. Volunteer, Carolyn Bowman gives lessons every Tuesday to anyone who wants to learn to crochet. Several auxilians are working on their practice assignments. 14 Stone County Medical Center – Mountain View Submitted by: Hannah M. Dyke, Newsletter Editor Our yard sale during Folk Festival was quite successful! Each member contributed items, and some of our members worked the one-day sale. Nearly $700 was made that day. The other event to raise money was for the benefit of a relative of one of the hospital employees. Each hospital .department submitted a basket of items (of their choice) to be raffled at the hospital. Our Auxiliary’s basket, which was a “night at the movies” theme, brought in over $400. These baskets with different themes proved to be a great money-raising venue. The White River Medical Center (Batesville) graciously provided our members with an annual Appreciation Luncheon in April. It was held at the Folk Center Skillet Restaurant with lovely potted flowers for each to take home. We’re looking forward to the district presidents’ meeting here in Mountain View in June. White River Medical Center, BATESVILLE, AR. Totals from our recent Jewelry Sale of March 1 & 2, were $11,800 with our share being $2,600. Our auxiliary has adopted a new community service project which we kicked off in April. Working in conjunction with local 4-h clubs we are helping to provide food for school children of families in need. April’s “Food of the Month” was peanut butter and jelly. May’s will be soup and crackers. This food is donated by volunteers. Employees of WRMC are also invited to participate. During national Volunteer Week, members of our auxiliary were honored with a reception in the home of our director of Volunteer Services. There was food, music and fellowship. A very nice event. Many areas of WRMC are under construction, both new additions and renovation of already existing areas. We are looking forward to its completion when we will enjoy a new and larger space for our Gift Shop. 15 Southeast Nedra White, District Chair CHICOT MEMORIAL MEDICAL CENTER AUXILIARY – LAKE VILLAGE Submitted By: Dean Ann Smith APRIL - We hosted the 2012 Southeast Arkansas Spring District Meeting at the Lake Village Country Club on Tuesday, April 10th. It was a huge success and the ladies and gents sang praises on the excellent brunch that was served by us before being fed lunch by the Country Club. They said they were ready to come back again next year! LOL! Ninety-one auxilians representing eight hospitals in the southeast region of Arkansas were in attendance. Linda Sanders, seated, and Betty Shuler, checking the ladies in as they registered. The tables were decked out in the “Volunteers are a Gift of Love” theme colors. MAY – We will be having our awards meeting on May 16th and on May 24th, another blood drive. Our cosponsor for the blood drive is the Lake Village Chamber of Commerce 16 Southwest District Dorothy Berley Ouachita County Medical Center Submitted By:Daphne A check for $12,000 was given to the hospital in March which completed payment of the $22,000 commitment for the purchase of eight PCA pumps. Our Good Friday bake sale netted $835. Uniforms 2U2 came on April 26 and 27 for a scrub sale. Sales were $21,283.52, and our commission $4,788.29. Nineteen members attended the Spring District Meeting in Magnolia. Dorothy Berley was elected as Southwest District Chair and Daphne Bennett as District Treasurer. Dorothy Berley, SW District Chair, hosted two presidents meetings in February. We awarded one $1,500 scholarship to an LPN candidate for spring semester. Volunteers assisted the Red Cross Blood Mobile on February 15 26 units were collected. Four volunteers attended the wreath-making class conducted by Vickie Shuff at Hot Spring County Medical Center on February 20. We treated our doctors to homemade cookies on Doctors Day, and they were given a 20% discount for a one-time shopping visit in our gift shop. Sixty four- and fiveyear-olds were given a tour through the hospital on February 2. Stanley Arrington, one of our long-time members and one of the founders of our Careline (we received an Outstanding Achievement Award for Community Service for this at the 2011 convention) died on April 28. We have added six members during March and April. Shirley Hodges, an active and outstanding member of our auxiliary and Southwest District Chair from 2004 2006, moved to Columbus, MS on May 1st. Her plans are to be active in a hospital auxiliary near her home there. Jerry Berley, President of OCMC Auxiliary, presents David Cicero, CEO with a donation of $12,000 to complete the purchase of PCA Pumps. These pumps are Patient Controlled Analgesic pumps that allow the patient to control the administration of medication for pain management. The remaining funds from this donation will go toward the purchase of hospital beds. After purchasing 19 remaining beds, the OCMC Auxiliary will have completely furnished OCMC's 300 wing and ICU with new, state of the art hospital beds. Over the past 5 years, Ouachita County Medical Center Auxiliary has donated approximately $358,000.00 to the hospital. 17 Pictured from left to right are Ouachita County Medical Center Auxiliary members who received service pins at their March 14th Quarterly Meeting: Linda Broome, Warren Broome, Jerry Barley- President, Arena Hayden, Dorothy Berley, Marilyn Walters, Judy Foster, Deloyce Hart, Ora Broadnax and Wallace Nash. St Joseph’s Mercy Health Center Hot Springs Submitted By: Peg Kuhnly One of our four general meetings each year is the annual awards event. This year we had a very special meeting with the current Miss Arkansas as our special guest. Pins were given to volunteers who have been active for five, ten, and fifteen and twenty years; certificates were presented for the numbers of hours that have been given over the years. As always the decorations and food were wonderful. This event was on April 17th, on April 24th we learned that the Mercy Health System is selling St Joseph’s and it is expected that the details of the sale will be worked out in the next few months. To say we were surprised would be a classic understatement! At this time we have no idea what will be happening or when, I would guess that all the volunteers will continue to come and take care of their assignments on the usual schedule. We will have to wait and see what the name of the hospital that reports in July might be! Baptist Health Medical Center – Arkadelphia A Red Cross Blood Drive was held on March 19th (assisted by two of our auxilians). In observance of National Volunteer Week (April 15-21), fifteen of our auxilians were treated to a luncheon on April 9th @ Honeycomb Restaurant hosted by our Hospital Administrator, Greg Stubblefield, and Loretta Kilts, our DVS. A special birthday cake was served honoring our DVS. Mr. Stubblefield presented each auxilians gift certificates for use in the hospital cafeteria. Are we ever proud! We have two (2) more new members: Emily Talley who will be helping in a newly revised service (Patient-Liaison) and Betty McKenzie. Six (6) auxilians attended the Southwest District AHAA meeting @ Magnolia. Emilie Prescott from our auxiliary was elected SW District Secretary for the coming year. The Fashion Show-Luncheon hosted by Baptist Health at Little Rock was attended by three of our auxilians and our DVS. Truly enjoyable! 18 ARORA sign-up program was held on April 19th with our auxilians assisting. Sixty-one (61) employees and auxiliary members participated in this worthwhile event. We are again opening our Gift Shop on the 1st Sunday of each month (11:00 a.m.to 2:00 p.m.) Our own Theda Aud will be attending the State Auxiliary Leaders Conference (SAL) in Washington, D. C. on May 5-7. This came about because of her extensive involvement, both past and present, with the AHAA, AHA and AMA (American Medical Association). We have elected new officers for 2012-2013. Grace Calhoun will continue as President-she is doing a beautiful job! Gift Shop sales have been pretty good, thanks to all the hard work and innovative ideas of our Gift Shop ladies, Mary Ratliff and Vivian Herbert. Our Spring Shoppers Expo was held on April 26th and well attended. During National Hospital Week (May 6-12), we will be presenting each hospital employee a candy bar from our Gift Shop with our many thanks for all their services in our hospital. Pictures from Southwest District Medical Center of South Arkansas MCSA administrator, Kyle Swift, with auxiliary member Lynn Smith who currently serves as AHAA President. 19 Members of Medical Center of South Arkansas Auxiliary Past Presidents, Peg Kuhnly and Theda Aud, at SW District Spring Meeting in Magnolia. 20 NORTHWEST DISTRICT Margaret Underwood, District Chair Northwest Medical Center – Bentonville Submitted by Jan Dolan, Newsletter Editor The Annual Volunteer Luncheon was held Thursday, April 19, at The Shewmaker Building on the NWACC Campus in Bentonville. Approximately 100 volunteers were in attendance and enjoyed the luncheon provided by Catering Concepts of Bentonville. The special entertainment was provided by Pianist James Miller. Volunteer Recognition & Awards were presented by Joan Schroeder, Auxiliary Board Member and Lauren Sanders, Marketing Manager. A very successful Tupperware Sale was held on April 20. Upcoming is the very popular Masquerade Jewelry Sale which is scheduled for June 14 & 15. Washington Regional Medical Center Submitted By: Jimmie Barham Beauchamp, DVS Volunteer Hours: 3,997 Auxiliary profits for February & March: Gift Shop Flowers Balloons $7,428 $2,736 $1,655 March The Auxiliary didn’t have a formal meeting in March as they are only meeting quarterly. April The Auxiliary held their second quarterly business meeting on April 26. Mark Bever, WRMC Administrator, updated us on our Emergency Department’s new certification. Bill Rogers, Executive Director of the Foundation gave an update on the very successful Gala as well as upcoming events sponsored by the Foundation. Our program was presented by Sissy Perderson and Doug Chambers from our imaging department. They gave an interesting presentation on the many services and locations where Washington Regional can provide imaging services. Eight auxilians traveled to Siloam Springs on April 16 to attend the NW District Auxiliary Meeting. The Auxiliary hosted a uniform/shoe sale on April 11-12 with a profit of $6,213. 21 MERCY HOSPITAL BERRYVILLE [ST. JOHN’S AUXILIARY-BERRYVILLE (SJAB)] Submitted by Neta Stamps, SJAB Secretary/Newsletter Editor Mercy Hospital Berryville, along with other Mercy hospitals in the area, went “live” with EPIC (electronic medical information) on March 3rd. Our projects have included the following: Scrubs Sale, March 27 th $588.65 Bake Sale April 5th $ 455.50 $5 Jewelry Sale April10th $471.00 Six members traveled to Siloam Springs April 16th for the Spring District Meeting. Mercy Hospital Berryville held a Volunteer Appreciation and Yearly In-service Update gathering on April 18th. Instructions and updates were provided by MHB President Kristy Estrem and Nicole Hoppel, Auxiliary Liaison. Games, prizes and good food were enjoyed by all. On April 19th, Lora Witcher, Springfield Coordinator for the Community Blood Bank of the Ozarks, (L) presented Joy Flake (R), SJAB Blood Drive Chairman, with Most Improved Sponsor of Health Care Blood Drives in 2011. SJAB President Anita Spearman is in the center. SJAB President Anita Spearman presented Whitney Wingo-Perez (l) and Estefani Rayo (r) with 2012 scholarships. The awards were presented April 30th at the Green Forest High School Honor and Senior Recognition Banquet. Whitney has her CNA license and has taken her test for Emergency Medical Technician. She plans to continue her. education to become an Obstetric Nurse. Estefani has been accepted at Harding College to pursue a career as Speech Language Pathologist with the goal of working with autistic children. Plans are underway for the annual meeting on June 18th which will include election and installation of officers for the New Year as well as time awards. 22 North Arkansas Regional Medical Center Submitted by Carol Evans Auxiliary President Well here we are off and running with a new slate of officers (except for me) for another year. The spring weather is beautiful and summer is not far behind. I’m looking forward to getting out on the lake so I hope the nice warm weather is not far off. Fourteen of us attended the Northwest District meeting on April 16th in Siloam Springs everyone agreed they had a wonderful time with great company, great food and wonderful entertainment. Our board held a Leadership luncheon on Tuesday the 17 th of April so outgoing and incoming Chairpersons could exchange any paperwork and ideas they had. We had a wonderful program by our County Extension Agent. I think everyone there learned a little something about themselves. Until the next meeting or newsletter May God be with you and yours. 14 attended NW District Meeting from North Arkansas Regional Medical Center Open House and ribbon cutting with Harrison Chamber of Commerce to celebrate North Arkansas Regional Medical Center Thrift Shop Expansion. 23 . Valley District Theresa Erwin, District Chair Summit Medical Center Submitted By: Mamie Mann, President March 1st and 2nd Summit Auxiliary had a very successful Uniform Scrub Sale by Uniforms by 2U2. This is always a good fundraiser and we plan to repeat it later in the year Doctor's Day on March 30th was observed by Auxiliary members providing :Goodies" in the Doctor's lounge. An additional attraction was massages given by Physical Therapy. April 1st was the deadline for Scholarship applications. We received 13 this year. The membership voted to award 7 $1,000 Scholarships. This was one more than was given last year. An outside committee was appointed to interview the applicants. On April 11th, the interviews were held and the committee selected and made recommendations for the 7. Final approval was made by the Auxiliary Scholarship Committee. On April 26th at 5:30 a reception for the recipients and their families was held in the Hospital Lobby. CEO, Sue Connely, welcomed the Applicants and congratulated them on their achievements. Norma Shults, DVS set up a lovely reception table and served cookies and punch. Our local newspaper took pictures of the event. On April 28th, Stacy Calderera, Hospital PR Director, along with other Hospital workers took part in the Susan G. Komen "Race For The Cure at Pinnacle Hills in Rogers. Auxiliary members provided cookies for their booth; Our Susan G. Komen Grant has been renewed for another year. Upcoming events for May include helping with High School physicals at the Athletic Field House on May 7th, 8th, and 10th. Also on May 12th, Auxiliary members will work at the Hospital Booth on Main Street in Van Buren for the annual: Old Timer's Day Celebration. At our May meeting the members will vote on the new slate of officers for the 2012-2913 year. 24 Gift Shop News Location, location, location. How many times have you heard that location is the #1 consideration when customers purchase a house? Have you ever considered how this relates to your hospital gift shop? You generally have no control over the location of the gift shop in your hospital; however, you do have control over the location of merchandise in your gift shop. Take a good look at the merchandise in your shop….what merchandise is occupying the best location? Does this merchandise warrant your prime real estate? You may discover that some of your lowest profit items are occupying prime real estate in your shop…we did, and began to make changes several months ago. Our health & beauty aids, as well as our candy and snacks, were the first items you saw when you entered the shop. Why? Because it had always been done this way, and was convenient for our customers. Guess what? We didn’t lose any customers when we relocated these items to a less desirable location….and when we placed high ticket items in our prime real estate, our profit margin began to rise! This proved to be a “win-win” situation. In order to share your ideas with others throughout the state, please take the following photos and send them to be via email…I plan to showcase all gift shops during the gift shop session at the AHAA state convention in October: Exterior view of gift shop Interior view when you walk into the shop Merchandise displays, including top sellers I will also be sending you a one-page questionnaire in the near future; Please complete and return to me at your earliest convenience. Thank you very much. Rosalie Barber [email protected] Gift Shop Consultant 25 AHAA LEADERSHIP CONFERENCE JUNE 20, 2012 CHENAL COUNTRY CLUB, LITTLE ROCK, AR We are extremely proud to have Lorraine Frazier, Ph.D., R.N., F.A.A.N., the new Dean of the College of Nursing at the University of Arkansas for Medical Sciences. Dr. Frazier has won several research, education and leadership awards during her career. Also speaking to attendees will be Beth Ingram, Arkansas Hospital Association Vice-President. Beth has some great advice about working with different personalities and the issues that can arise from those differences. Past AHAA President Theda Aud will be on hand to present a seminar on leadership. Theda has represented Arkansas volunteers at the national level and has great information to pass along to all of us. Breda Turner, Director of Volunteer Services at St. Vincent Health System, Little Rock, is going to be speaking about recruitment and job matching for volunteers. We also expect to have some state board members, past and present, to answer questions about different board positions. Be thinking about what you would like to know about holding a district or a state job. Registration opens at 9:00 A.M. on June 20, 2012. A Continental breakfast will be available at that time. The program will begin at 9:30 A.M. Please make your plans early to spend the day exchanging ideas and learning from each other. If you have any questions, call me at 501-834-4212 or email [email protected]. The registration form and area motel information is available online at the AHA website. The link is: http://www.arkhospitals.org/publications/ahaa-auxiliaries. Click on Other to access the Leadership Conference material. Melissa Williamson AHAA 2012 Leadership Conference Chair 26 Proposed Bylaws Changes Article VI. Officers Section 4. Nominees for the office of president-elect shall have served on the AHAA Board of Directors in an elected position for at least two (2) years in the past four (4) years and shall not have previously served as AHAA President. (The number of people eligible will increase and they will have more experience) Section 9. Add the appointed position of State Scholarship Chair. (The responsibilities of a chair to coordinate the State Scholarship will be defined in Policies and Procedures) Article VII. Duties of Officers Section 7. District Chairs a. Lead each district to function under Administrative Policies and Procedures guidelines as compiled following the AHAA bylaws and inform local auxiliaries of any changes approved by the Board. (Chairs cannot update without Board Approval) f. Serve on the AHAA Membership Committee and the State Projects Committee. (Chairs cannot form AHAA Committees) Article XIII. Finance Delete this article – (Section 1. is better addressed in Policies and procedures) (Section 2. is addressed in Article VII, Section 5, c) Changes in Policy and Procedures do not need to be published as the Board may change them at any time, however they may choose to publish these changes if they are approved by the Board: Expense Allowance: 6. Expense of postage, stationery and copies incurred by Board members, other than district chairs in the course of association duties may be paid by the association. Receipted bill must be attached to an AHAA voucher and presented to the Treasurer for payment Standing Committees 7. State Projects b. Scholarships Encourages the participation of auxiliaries in scholarship programs within their own communities. Appointed Officers 8. State Scholarship Chair a. Serves as a liaison between AHAA and UAMS b. Makes UAMS aware of the seven AHAA districts and the counties in each district. c. Recommends that scholarship be awarded to district applicants on a rotating basis, assuming there is a well qualified candidate. d. Makes UAMS aware of any changes or concerns expressed by the AHAA Board. e. Presents recommendations to the AHAA Board in regard to the administration of the State Scholarship. In order to clarify the difference between the AHAA State Scholarship and the state project of encouraging scholarship participation by auxiliaries at the local level the following should be shown as a freestanding statement in the Handbook: AHAA State Scholarship The AHAA Board, in 2004/2005, seriously considered the shortage of nurses and other medical professionals in the state of Arkansas. After a great deal of discussion by the Board, a committee was appointed and following their recommendation the Board established an AHAA Scholarship to be available to Arkansas residents, which would be awarded at UAMS. Two scholarships were to be granted each year (providing funding was available) one in the College of Nursing, the other in the College of health Related Professions, each in the amount of $2,000. This was seen as a way for our state organization to address the critical need for nurses and other health care professionals as the students continue their education to meet these needs. Under the State Projects definitions in the Handbook add: Auxiliaries are encouraged to support scholarships programs in their local communities. Our state has an excellent network of community colleges and other institutions of higher learning that have programs for nurses and other medical professionals. Many of our auxiliaries support scholarship programs for students in their own communities. If an auxiliary would like to participate in the support of scholarships and is unable to do this at a local level, they are encouraged to make a donation to AHAA as the state organization does support a scholarship program. 27 Editorial By Shirley VanHorn Thank you all very much for your timely submissions of your articles. I would like to remind everyone that if at all possible if you could submit your articles for the newsletter as an attachment to your e-mail. This format makes if much easier for me to work with. If anyone has any suggestions for the newsletter please let me know and I will try my best to use them. Newsletter Schedule/Reminder Issue Date 2012Cutoff Date Covered Activities May/June May 5 2012 Activities for May and Jun Jul/Aug Jul 5 2012 Activities for Jul and Aug Sep/Oct Sep 5 2012 Activities for Sep and Oct It is highly appreciated if submissions are made electronically via email to ([email protected]) as a Microsoft Word attachment. But, if you absolutely must submit via snail-mail, please mail early so that I receive it by the cut-off date. Photos using the .jpg extension may also be submitted – just let me know what event it goes with and, if appropriate, identify those in the photo. Please do not send photos that you have scanned from a newspaper…these are too blurry to publish. – Thank you! 28
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