Local News - The Dalhart Texan


Local News - The Dalhart Texan
Vol. 114, No. 42 • 14 pages in two sections
Discover Dalhart Area
uring May 29’s regular
Dallam-Hartley HosD
pital board meeting, Hartley Emergency Medical
Services requested help in
purchasing a new Frasier
built ambulance to replace
the current vehicle.
Hartley EMS has received
grants and donations from
a few organizations as well
as various private donations.
Those donating
were Hartley Co. $90,000;
Texas Department of State
Health Services, $35,000;
Channing Fire Department, $10,000. Various private donations added up to
$5,000, bringing the grand
total to $140,000. The EMS
asked for $15,000 to finish
paying for the ambulance
and came to the D-H County Hospital for help. Total
cost of the ambulance is
$156,474. The Board voted
to provide the $15,000.
The Board approved the
recommendations from the
Medical and Dental Staff
Meeting held May 20 to reappoint Ammar Jarrous as
a consultant to the medical
staff and Joaquin MartinezArraras, Cardiology, both
M.D.’sThe Medical staff
approved a Nursing Policy: a registered nurse pronouncing death. Nursing
Home LVNs and Assisted
Living Center attendants
are to call the Hospital Registered Nurse who will go
and assess the resident and
then call a doctor for the
order to pronounce death.
WORD OF THE DAY: mbroil -- Definition, Page A3
Home of Emiley
Hospital Board approves
Hartley EMS request
Dallam County and Hartley County, Texas
Friday, June 6, 2014
The Financial reports were
reviewed and approved.
In Leroy Schaffner’s report
for April: Admissions to the
Hospital: 24; Surgical Procedures: 22; Newborns: 9;
ER Visits: 468; Ems Runs:
40; Admissions through
ER: 26; Home Health and
Hospice: 74 and Clinic
Visits: 1512. Schaffner is
working on several items:
hiring a CFO and hiring a
Chief Nursing Office. He
has had one interview and
was to have three more last
week. He is working on a
salary scale to set a salary
comparable to other work
places and a review of job
descriptions. A new program has started for infection control.
The hospital, nursing
home, DFMC and Assisted
Living were discussed with
no action necessary.
The home is sharing two
nurses with the hospital
and one with the clinic. The
Home needs two full time
nurses and a Director of
Nurses. The SNA Class is
in progress. The Home had
their annual survey and received several deficiencies
on pharmacy.
Legacy Assisted Living
residents celebrated Cinco
de Mayo with a fun Bingo
Game. Four residents took a
trip to Dumas for shopping
and a Dutch treat lunch.
The residents have assisted
with planting flowers and
the men’s club enjoyed a
drive through the Country.
Legacy welcomed a new
team member, Jessica Prieto, Personal Care, reported
Tammy Parker.
Beating the Heat...
Texline graduates
11 seniors
exline had eleven graduates walk across the
stage last Friday, which is
about an average class size
for the small 1A school.
Although graduating high
school is a great accomplishment, it is not a stopping point, but rather the
first step toward success,
as the salutatorian, Emily
Lobley, pointed out.
high school is
an accomplishment,”
said, “but not
the best we can
do.” The valedictorian, Kimberly Cantrell,
advised the graduates to be
themselves and to be crazy
enough to dream big and
then go after those dreams.
“I will leave you with a
quote of my own,” she said
in her closing remarks,
“Today you are you, that is
truer than true: no one will
ever be crazy as you.”
The speaker, Tasha Yarborough, was the senior
class’s junior high English
teacher who now works at
Boys Ranch. She told the
students that what they
Texan Photo by Joe Warren
were really learning in
The Dalhart City Pool is open and a great way to beat the heat school, the “main event,”
this summer. Pool hours are Tuesday through Sunday from was not necessarily the ac1 to 5 p.m. It is also open for Family Night on Tueaday and ademic content, although
Thursday from 7 to 9 p.m.
that was indeed important,
but rather how to persevere
through difficulties and
apathy. “You’ve gotten the
main event pretty well,”
she told her former students, “and you’re ready
for life after graduation.”
The ceremony also involved a slideshow of pictures of the senior class
throughout their lives.
During the slideshow, the
seniors handed flowers to
people who had made an
impact on them
throughout their
school careers,
such as parents, siblings,
friends, mentors, and favorite teachers.
There were
more than a
few teary eyes
as the seniors
gave out flowers and hugs in equal
measure. Just before the
ceremony closed with the
school song, Gary Laramore, the superintendent,
recognized those who had
earned awards and scholarships. Among those recognized were Kimberly
Cantrell, who received the
Daughters of the American
Revolution Award as well
as several scholarships,
and Emily Lobley, who
was the recipient of one
of the XIT Rural scholarships.
graduates, and we wish
you all the best and success in whatever endeavors you pursue.
From the era of the Dust
Bowl to the present
Commemorating 75 years of soil and
water conservation
By Clyde Gottschalk
TSSWCB Program Spec.
“May 29, 2014 marked
the diamond jubilee of the
Texas State Soil and Water
Conservation Board (TSSWCB) and the beginning
of Texas soil and water
conservation districts (SWCDS). The date was also
the official kickoff date for
many celebratory events
Photo Provided around the state throughCimarron County, OK 2/6/1939. Men trying to get car to move through dust accumulated on the out the year commemoratroad from wind erosion. The photo was taken about 8 miles southwest of Felt, OK.
ing the event,” said Rex
53182 14996
Dalhart Texan
410 Denrock Ave.
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Local News
C. Events
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Pro Page
20 Percent
High: 88 Low: 63
Isom, executive director of
the agency.
The problems of wind and
water erosion in the 1930’s
(which was the reason for
the creation of the TSSWCB and SWCDS in Texas
as well as in other states)
caused great land devastation in Texas and throughout the Great Plains region
of the country. The era
was marked by a period of
drought from 1931 to 1939
that was coupled with severe wind-driven soil erosion of overgrazed range-
land and soil exposed by
the use of farming practices
not adapted to the semiarid
U.S. Great Plains.
“In addition, this catastrophic display of nature
caught public attention at a
time when the state and nation was in the throes of a
great economic depression.
Nature just added additional woes to the suffering of
the people because some of
the worst dust storms that
had ever been seen in the
40 Percent
30 Percent
High: 83 Low: 60
See WATER on page A6
High: 77 Low: 57
Page A2
Dalhart Texan
Friday, June 6, 2014
Barney Lee Ferguson
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Special to the Texan
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PHONE (806) 244-4511
(806) 244-2395
Joe Warren
Dee Brown
Thomas Lott
Zelda Beth Lang
Arlene Wadlington
Dalhart Texan
(147-420) is published Tuesday and Friday
The office is closed Memorial Day, July 4, Labor Day, Thanksgiving Day
& December 25th - January 1st with no publication on corresponding dates
by the Dalhart Publishing Company, 410 Denrock Ave, Dalhart Texas.
POSTMASTER: send address changes to the
Dalhart Texan, 410 Denrock Ave, Dalhart, Texas 79022
Mail delivery in Dallam & Hartley Counties: $8.95 monthly
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By mail in-state and out-of-state $26.95 three months
$39.95 six months - $71.95 yearly. By E-paper $40.00 yearly.
Barney Lee Ferguson, died
June 2, 2014 in Amarillo,
Prayer Vigil will be at
7:00 pm on Friday, June 6,
2014 at St. Anthony of Padua Catholic Church, Dalhart,
Funeral Mass will be held
at 11:00 am on Saturday,
June 7, 2014 at St. Anthony
of Padua Catholic Church
with burial in Memorial Park
Cemetery, Dalhart, Texas.
Monsignor Michael Colwell, Pastor - St. Anthony’s
of Padua Catholic Church,
Dalhart, Texas.
Barney Lee Ferguson was
born November 13, 1960 in
Dalhart, TX to JL and Amie
(Ames) Ferguson.
Barney and Pam Carranza
were married 32 years ago
Email advertisements to
[email protected].
Letters to the Editor Policy
It is the policy of the Dalhart Texan to encourage
reader participation on its opinion page. Diverse
and varied opinions are welcomed. The publisher
and editor reserves the right to reject letters or edit
for clarity, brevity, good taste and accuracy, and to
prevent libel. Due to space limitation, please limit
your letter to 200 words, and only submit one letter
per calendar month.
All letters must have a written signature and an
address and telephone number included. Names will
be used with the letter if published. E-mail letters are
not accepted. Please fax, mail, or drop off your letter
in person.
Letters should address current local issues. No
poetry, list of businesses and people to thank, attacks
on private or public individuals, or letter-writing
campaigns please. No endorsements or attacks on
political candidates, specific commercial products or
services. Letters to a third party or those written to
more than one newspaper are not accepted.
All letters submitted become property of the
Dalhart Texan and will not be returned.
Call 244-4511 to start your subscription today!
ern.” The Ferguson’s ask for
your prayers and love for the
Funk family.
Survivors include his
wife – Pam, one daughterAnessa Ferguson Peters and
husband Shorty Peters
Their children Cory,
Cayden and Maliya Peters.
A sister Melinda Lynn Howell and husband Jr Howell,
a brother Roy lee Ferguson
and wife Susie Ferguson.
Preceded in death by his
parents: JL and Amie, 3
brothers, Clyde Lee Ferguson, Jerrold Lee Ferguson
and Doyle Lee Ferguson,
and numerous nieces and
nephews. Please sign the
online register at www.horizonfuneral.com or smartphone app www.funeralapp.
Peggie Nell Cody
Email news stories, announcements
and press releases to [email protected].
at St. Anthony’s Catholic
Church. Barney was raised
in Dalhart and had a love for
rodeo and cooking, and had
numerous rodeo friends. He
was helping with a program
for children called Rodeo for
Christ for Children. Barney
raised bucking bulls with his
family as a fun project. He
was a member of St Mary’s
Catholic Church of Amarillo
TX for 32 yrs. He worked
for years as a Feedyard assistant manager and worked
as a Radiology Service
Technician. He also loved
to make people laugh, loved
John Wayne movies and old
western movies, his grandchildren who called him
Poppie were his life!
Barney was a cowboy to
the bone and loved old rock
and roll music. He used to
introduce himself as Barney:
like Barney Ruble, Barney
Fife or Barney the dinosaur.
People that really knew him
say “he was just Barney “!
Jerry and Brenda Funk
are Barney and Pam’s dear
friends, Barney would have
said – “this was just an argument gone wild and west-
Peggie Nell Cody, 72, of
Dalhart, TX, died Wednesday, June 4, 2014 in Amarillo, Texas. Funeral Services will be held at First
Baptist Church in Dalhart at
2:00 pm. on Saturday, June
7, 2014 with burial will
follow at Memorial Park
Cemetery, Dalhart under
the direction of Horizon
Funeral Home. Officiating
will be Sean Vickers, Pastor of First Pastor of First
Baptist Church of Dalhart,
Texas and Bob McAlister,
retired Baptist minister of
Dalhart, Texas.Peggie Nell
Cody passed from this earth
on Wednesday, June 4, 2014
and entered into her heavenly home to dwell in the
presence of her Lord and
Master. She was 72 years
of age.She was born to her
parents, Ennis and Ella
Lorean Mayhan Clayton on
November 5, 1941 in their
home in Kerrick, Texas. She
was the fourth child born
into this family with one
other brother and two older
sisters and being the baby
of the family of six. At the
age of two years the family
moved in February of 1944
to the Finch Brothers Ranch
and her father did the farming on the Ranch. This is
where she was raised in a
Christian home and lived
there until her marriage.She
attended Dalhart Schools
and had all of her schooling in Dalhart On June 20,
1959 she married A. L.
Cody and they have been
married for 54 years. To this
union there were three children born. David, Tommy
and Kay and they were all
born in Dalhart. Peggie is
a member of First Baptist
Church in Dalhart. She was
baptized at the age of seven
years. She is a member of
the Adult 6 Sunday School
Dept. She served as Director of the Adult 5 Sunday
School Dept. for 30 years.
When Peggie enjoyed a
more healthy lifestyle she
was an avid golfer and was
President of the Ladies
Golf Association at Dalhart
Country Club and a member of the 18 holers Lady
Golfers. Besides golfing
she loves to play the piano.
At one time she was assistant pianist and organist at
the First Baptist Church.
She loved to sit at the piano
in her home and play hymns
with or without music having quite an ear for music. Peggie spent her years
working. She was not an
idle person. To stay home
when her children were
young she was a seamstress
and sewed for the public.
After all of the kids went to
school she started working
at Dalhart Abstract Company alongside her husband.
She worked there for Jimmie Pigman and later she
and A. L. purchased the
company and were there
for 20 years, later selling
to Peter priestly. The next
5 years was spent relaxing
and traveling some. Then
she went to work for Dr.
Matt Turner for 15 years
until February of 2011.Of
all of the years of working
and relaxing she still loved
to sew and is quite a gifted
quilter, learning the art from
her dear Mother who also
loved to sew and quilt.
Peggie loved to cook, sew
and just be a real support to
See PEGGIE on page A7
Dalhart Texan
Friday, June 6, 2014
Page A3
Community Events
Trail of Sales off and running
include a free lunch and games and inflatables for the
children. For more information, call (806) 249-5344.
The Trail of Sales, annual area wide garage sale happening Saturday June 7, is in full swing. Make sure to declutter your home or garage this year. If you have not
signed up for the Trail of Sales, you still have time. The
cost is only $15 and you get advertisement, recognition
and the warm fuzzy feeling in helping community service in Dallam and Hartley Counties. The sale is really
an area wide sale including the communities of: Dalhart,
Hartley, Channing and Texline. For more info., call Kay
Rogers at the Extension Office at 806-244-4434.
Art Camp slated
Bring out your child’s inner artist and enroll them in our
awesome summer art camp! This class will introduce
your child to a variety of art elements such as perspective, proportion and value. They will use a variety of material to create cool, unique artwork and jump into using
lines, shapes and patterns in expressive drawings.
Art Camp with Tammy Douglas
June 16 - 20, 1 – 3 p.m.
For children entering 3rd - 6th grade
$50 (includes all supplies and material) Call 244-7818.
Chamber hosts golf tourney
Dalhart Chamber to Host Wacky Open 4 person Scramble on Saturday June 14th at the Dalhart Country Club.
The chamber is now taking sponsorship registration for
the event. Sponsorships range from $100 - $750 (this
includes one team registration). For information please
visit the chamber website, www.dalhart.org for more information or contact the chamber at 806-244-5646.
Park sign dedication slated
June 6
Petal Pushers Garden Club invites family and friends of
Liny Mellema to join them for the dedication of a new
sign erected in 7th Street Park in memory of Liny and her
faithful community service with Petal Pushers in caring
for flowerbeds in the park. The event is slated to occur on
Friday, June 6 at 10 a.m.
Dalhart Chamber to host
Ribbon Cuttings for Bar H
Equipment & Auction.
The Dalhart Area Chamber of Commerce has been invited to host a grand opening ribbon cutting at 11:15 am
on Thursday June 5th at 11690 US Highway 87 South.
Bar H Equipment is your local Kubota dealer featuring
sales & service for all your needs.
Following the Ribbon Cutting there will an open house
until closing time, door prizes, lunch and some special
presentations. David Hames, owner of Bar H Equipment
& Auction would like to invite everyone to tour is new
location just 4 miles south of Dalhart on US 87.
Come enjoy lunch, tour the new facilities and see the
latest line of Kubota equipment.
Everyone is invited to come join us at Bar H Equipment
& Auction as they open the doors at their new location.
State Farm Annual Cookout
sure to sizzle
Kyle Grimsley has owned and operated the State Farm
Agency on 7th Street for a year now, and to commemorate his anniversary in Dalhart, he is hosting the second
annual Customer Appreciation Cookout.
The event, open to the entire community will be Friday
June 6, from 11 a.m. to 2 p.m. This year Grimsley and
his staff will also be giving away a $100 Visa Gift Card
every hour on the hour during the event, so you won’t
want to miss this celebration.
State Farm Kyle Grimsley Agency is located at 601 E.
7th Street in Dalhart. Come help Grimsley and his staff
celebrate their milestone and enjoy lunch and a chance to
take home one of those gift cards.
Register for Fit and Fun Camp
Have you got an energetic child at home? June 23 - 27
we’ve got an excellent afternoon camp for kids entering
1st - 6th grade that will help them channel that energy!
Fit and Fun with Alexa Welch and Lauren Willard will
keep your child entertained by introducing them to a variety of different ways they can stay fit while having fun.
They’ll rotate between stations playing sports and doing
a variety of fun activities from jumping rope and dancing
to tug-of-war and balancing activities. They’ll end each
afternoon with a healthy snack.
Register online today at: http://www.dalhartcommunityeducation.org/summer-ca, mps.html, or in person at 701
E. 10th Street.
VBS scheduled at Liberty
Liberty Baptist Church will host its VBS June 9-12, from
7-9 p.m. each night. The theme is ‘International Spy
Academy’ and is open to children ages 4-12.
The whole family is invited to the closing program at
Family Day, Sunday, June 15, at 11 a.m. Family Day will
DAFAA to meet
The Dalhart Area Fine Arts Association will meet at 9:30
a.m. Saturday, June 14 2014 at the XIT Museum. Members, please be there. Visitors, you are welcome to come
and see the interesting things that are going on for yourselves! See you at the museum at 9:30 a.m. Saturday,
June 14.
The Roto Tiller Saga
Hillside Movie Night:
Hillside Christian Church will be having a movie night
tonight. The movie will be Disney’s Frozen. The movie
is free as are the warm hugs that go with it. The movie
starts at 7 p.m. and concessions are $1.
Pecans for Sale
Dallam County 4-H has pecans for sale. The pecans DVM
come in 1 lb. bags. Halves or pieces can be purchased
t all started because Jo
for $7.00 a bag. Please stop by the Dallam & Hartley
wanted a small lawn
County AgriLife Extension Office at 401 Denrock to
the house. Tom
purchase your pecans or give the office a call at 244encouraged
her. Tom’s
4434. Pecans will also be available for purchase during
to lend
the Trail of Sales this coming Saturday, June 7 at 1904
magnum, HumVee version of a tiller.
Jo borrowed my Dodge
2500 Ram diesel to pick
.Cargill hosting 3rd Annual golf it up in Sierra Vista, 30
miles away. I received the
call at sundown. “It won’t
Cargill will be hosting its 3rd annual “Tee’d Up Against “Try to jump it, the caCancer” OPEN golf tournament June 21st and 22nd the bles are in the tool bag.”
format is a four-person scramble,. The cost is $300 per It worked.
team. One hundred percent of all fees are paid back to During the week they
tournament winners, nothing is held out.
Cargill cooks both days for all the players, sponsors and manhandled the montheir families. Contact the Dalhart Country Club to reg- ster Tiller around in the
backister. Cargill would like to thank the following sponsors close-quartered
for their donations to the Dallam Hartley County Relay
both of them to control
for Life.
G&G Operators, Peddicord Harvesting, Hog Slats, High the raging beast. It was
Plains Electric, Alliance Irrigation, Chaves & Sons Con- Saturday morning when
struction, South Plains Compost, XIT Ford, Hart Chev- Jo heard the screaming!
rolet, Bailey Flying Service, Wilber Ellis, Top of Texas, She raced out to find Tom
P&P Delco, Happy State Bank, Hydro Resources, Bar pinned sideways against
H Equipment, First NationalBank, Furniture Fashions, the wall! He had tried to
Sears, Bushwhackers, Texas Tavern, SPC & Jack’s Car
till and turn in a small,
three-sided brick cul d
sac and got stuck. Jo
flailed at the machine that
Frank Phillips scheduling
was attacking her man!
He had somehow hooked
summer classes
the throttle on the handlebar with the OFF switch
Sign up now for summer classes at Frank Phillips Col- under his overall strap!
lege at the Dalhart Center at 412 Denver Ave. Suite 504. Jo tried to push it and it
This is a great opportunity for University students home reared up and growled!
for the summer to get college classes completed, or those The spinning rotary blades
wanting to begin working on or finish up their Associ- jumped back, bit into the
ate’s Degree. High School students 16 or older who want earth and slammed Tom
to get a jump on their college education are also welcome against the wall and was
to enroll. All credits transfer directly to all Texas Univer- climbing up his bib!
sities and Colleges. For more info. Call 806-244-7669.
Trail of Sales
Pick up maps & addresses for the annual Trail of Sales
@ Dalhart Chamber of Commerce, convenience stores,
United Supermarket, vendors, or online @dallam.agrilife.org. Sale date Saturday, June 7.
Jo jerked the spark plug
wire off! The dead machine crashed to a halt. It
sat there ticking, like Stephen King’s 1958 Plymouth Fury in the movie
To return the killer tiller, Jo borrowed my ’76
GMC. “Should I put gas
in it?” she asked.
I said, “It should have
half a tank…but the gas
gauge is broken.
They drove the malevolent tiller back to the
lender and started home.
They passed two gas stations, “Shouldn’t we top
off the gas?” asked Tom.
“No,” said Jo, “Baxter
said it was half full.”
Ten minutes later Jo
was on the phone to her
son asking him to meet
her on hwy 90, along
side the road with a can
of gas. He did. It was getting darker. Tom was feeling like the can, in ‘Kick
the can.’ Four miles later
they saw the lights of the
Circle K. “Halleluiah,”
sighed Tom.
That was just before he
saw the red lights flashing
in the rearview mirror…
”Oh, no.”
The officer pulled them
over because of no taillights.
“Could it get any
worse?” Eveready
Tom found a piece of wire
in the pickup bed and attempted to hotwire the
fuse. Jo saw the sparks
and heard the sizzle. Tom
raised his smoking index
finger which smelled like
burning hair.
Tom started to cry (no
he didn’t, but it sounds
good). The sympathetic
officer allowed them to
drive home with their
emergency lights on. Tom
got a mile down the road.
He took a deep breath.
“Well, we got lucky. At
least he didn’t see that
the license plate expired
ten months ago,”
Word of the Day
\ em-BROIL \ , verb;
1. to bring into discord or conflict; involve in contention
or strife.
2. to throw into confusion; complicate.
Did he wish to embroil himself in the troubles of Miss
Lemon’s sister and the passions and grievances of a
polyglot hostel?
-- Agatha Christie, Hickory Dickory Dock , 1955
I determined not to be stirred by your presence or by the
passing through of those who, like you, would embroil
-- Rebecca Stott, Ghostwalk , 2007
Embroil entered English at the turn of the 17th century
and comes from the Middle French embrouill
Friday, June 6, 2014
Page A4
Faith & Religion
What is a Christian?
Jeff Mize
First Christian Church
What is a Christian? I assume most of
us know that not everyone who attends
church is a Christian. Some prefer to describe themselves as a disciple of Jesus, or
a follower of Christ. Those terms are a bit
more descriptive, but what does it mean to
be a disciple or follower of Jesus Christ?
What is a Christian?
A Christian believes in Jesus
Christ. No Bible author wrote about
this more than John. He opens his
gospel stating, “But to all who did
receive him, who believed in his
name, he gave the right to become
children of God (John 1:12)...”
Toward the end, speaking of the
miraculous works of Jesus that he
recorded in his account, John says,
“these are written so that you may
believe that Jesus is the Christ, the
Son of God, and that by believing you may have life in his name
(John 20:31).” And in between,
some form of the word “believe”
appears 81 times, mostly in statements by Jesus, including the well
known and often quoted John 3:16.
John also talks about believing in
Jesus in his epistle. “Everyone who
believes that Jesus is the Christ has
been born of God...I write these
things to you who believe in the
name of the Son of God that you
may know that you have eternal
life (1 John 5:1, 13).”
Paul likewise emphasizes the
importance of believing the truth
about Jesus. Speaking of the good
news about Jesus, Paul proclaims
in Romans 1:16, “For I am not
ashamed of the gospel, for it is the
power of God for salvation to everyone who believes...” In 1 Corinthians 15:3-4, Paul writes, “For
I delivered to you as of first importance what I also received: that
Christ died for our sins in accordance with the Scriptures, that he
was buried, that he was raised on
the third day in accordance with the
The belief both John and Paul
espouse is more than just intellectual assent. A Christian does not
simply believe facts about Jesus, a
Christian obeys Jesus Christ. Being
a Christian is about what you believe and what you do. Jesus said,
“If you love me, you will keep my
commandments (John 14:15).”
Later in the same conversation with
his disciples, Jesus reminds them
of the most important commandment they were to keep. “This is
my commandment, that you love
one another as I have loved you
(John 15:12).” How did Jesus love
his disciples? He gave up his life
for them. Love gives, love acts,
love does. Jesus makes it very clear
in Matthew 25:31-46 that his true
followers are those who show their
love for Him by doing for others. It
is a powerful passage. Why don’t
you put this down and read it now?
A Christian does not only believe
and obey Jesus, a Christian knows
Jesus Christ. In his Sermon on the
Mount, Jesus makes the sobering
statement that “not everyone who
says to me, ‘Lord, Lord,’ will enter the kingdom of heaven...” He
says there will be some on the day
of judgment who will claim to have
done “many mighty works in your
name.” But Jesus will declare to
them, “I never knew you; depart
from be, you workers of lawlessness.” (Matthew 7:21-23)
Being a Christian about more than
what you believe and what you do;
it is about who you are - and who
you know. An authentic disciple
of Jesus is a child of God because
he knows Jesus personally. He has
a trusting, abiding relationship
with Christ. Jesus describes this
relationship in John 15: “I am the
vine; you are the branches. Whoever abides in me and I in him, he
it is that bears much fruit, for apart
from me you can do nothing...By
this my Father is glorified, that you
bear much fruit and so prove to be
my disciples (John 15:5, 8).”
Do you believe in Jesus? Do you
love Jesus by obeying his command to love others? And above
all, do you know Jesus? If you can
answer “yes” to these questions,
then you are a real Christian, an
authentic disciple and follower of
Jesus Christ.
Jeff Mize
First Christian Church
Dalhart Church Directory
XIT Cowboy Church
Every Tues. night at 7 p.m.
1311 E. 16th St. Sunday
XIT Rangers, Lake Road
411 Texas Blvd. Saturday
Services, 11:00 a.m.
-*Mass, 5 p.m. (English), Sun.
-*9:30 am (English) & noon TEMPLO RIOS DE AGUA
402 Tanglewood. Sunday
-*-*10:30 a.m.
4th and Oatis
-*Sunday School 2:00 - 3:00
1019 Lincoln St. Sunday
Sunday Worship 3:00 p.m.
Worship, 11:00 a.m.
Corner of Pine & Lincoln.
-*884-4209. Sunday 10:30
(Spanish-English Church)
Service: 7:00 p.m.
-*211 Hillcrest.
Spanish & Bilguie
1420 Denver Ave. 244-5561
Channing, Texas.
Sunday Worship, 10:40
Sunday Worship, 11:00 a.m.
16 & Osage. 244-5584.
Sunday Worship, 10:45
#2 Pheasant Run,
11497 FM 807 - Dalhart.
-*602 Denver. 244-7500.
Saturday Service
Sunday Worship, 10:45 am
School 10:00 a.m.
-*Hwy. 87 South. Sunday
11:15 a.m.
Service, 11 am.
301 East Walnut, Texline.
362-4233. Sunday Worship,
Hartley. Sunday Worship,
1st St. - 244-6631
11:00 a.m.
10 a.m.
6th & Rock Island. Sunday
Rev. Casper C. Green
Worship, 10:50 a.m.
“Preaching and teaching
-*Corner of 9th and Johnson.
Sunday 9:30 a.m.
the gospel.”
Sunday Worship 10:45 a.m.
Wednesday 5:30 p.m.
315 Texas St. 249-8020
4 Miles South of Texline.
Sunday Worship, 11:00
Texline. Mass,
Rev. James Brady, Pastor
801 Scott. Sunday 10 a.m.
-*Saturday, 7:15 p.m.
Sunday School, 9:45 a.m.
-*Morning Worship, 11:00 a.m.
1401 Walnut. Sunday
719 Denver. 235-2019.
Sunday, 10:00 a.m.
Worship, 11:00 a.m.
Sunday Services, 9:30 a.m.
-*-*Rev. Roger Ashley
Wednesday 6:30 p.m.
Sunday School 9:45
Sunday Worship, 11 a.m.
Dalhart Texan
Friday June 6, 2014
Dalhart Texan
Page A5
53. Belonging to a thing
54. A boy or youth
55. Old small French coin
1. Current unit
4. Antidiuretic hormone
7. “What’s up?”
10. A female domestic
12. Animal catching device
14. Large tailless primate
15. Forearm bones
17. Agarwood oil
18. Japanese waist pouch
19. 36th President
22. Largest Mediterranean
23. Nicklas Grossman’s
24. Point that is one point E
of NE
25. 1841 Rhode Is. rebellion
26. Largest CA city
27. Michigan
28. Visualized
30. Remain as is
32. The Volunteer state
33. Chinese painter Zhang
34. Small young herring
36. Reverences
39. Cape Verde capital
41. Optically formed duplicates
43. Travel around the world
46. Chills and fever
47. Tennis player Erlich
48. Elicit or derive
50. Small scissors cut
51. Thin continuous mark
52. Prevents harm to creatures
1. A Dalton (physics)
2. Shopping complexes
3. Chinese transliteration
4. Lack of normal muscle
5. Clobber
6. Pilgrimage to Mecca
7. Divine language of Hinduism
8. A sudden outburst
9. Laborer who does menial
11. Move to music
13. Unit of loudness
16. Suitable for use as food
18. Financial gain
20. 14760, NY
21. Possessed
28. Saddle foot supports
29. Encircle with lace
30. Hindu religious teacher
31. Haulage
34. Faucet
35. 1509 Portuguese/Indian
37. Good Gosh!
38. Frame-ups
40. Pentyl
41. Covered with ivy
42. Painting on dry plaster
43. Colombia’s 3rd largest
44. Short fiber combed from
45. Tolstoy’s Karenina
49. Cologne
Crossword answers
from Tues.
“A man
who stops
to save
money is
like a man
who stops
a clock to
save time.”
Word Search Clues
Peanut Butter
W ord Find
- Henry
Page A6
Dalhart Texan
Friday June 6, 2014
Local News
Sheep Dog Award
Photo provided
On May 20, 2014 the Dalhart Police Department recognized four students that participated in the Ride Along Program throughout the
school year. Sgt. Eloy Duran and Officer Rudy Corrales were the officers that represented the Police Department in giving the recognition
awards. The four students recognized were Monica Knight, Berenice Anaya, Cesar Chavira, and Eric Greenstreet. In addition to recognizing the students, the Officers also awarded a plaque to the student whom they felt most embodied the spirit of a law enforcement officer.
The officers chose to name the award the “Sheep Dog Award” and the first recipient of the award was Eric Greenstreet. This award will
now be an annual award and the recipient will be voted on by the officers at the end of every school year.
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Come in and sew up a great deal on top quality
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501 S. Dumas • Dumas
(continued from page A1)
history of the country were
occurring at that time,”
added Isom.
In his book The Worst
Hard Time, Timothy Egan
notes the horrendous cataclysmic forces of nature
which plagued the land
and people during the early
1930’s. This era of American and Texas history is
better known as the “Dust
Egan vividly describes
living conditions that existed in that era. “Dust
clouds boiled up, ten thousand feet or more in the
sky, and rolled like moving mountains and when
the dust fell, it penetrated
everything: hair, nose,
throat, kitchen, bedroom,
but the eeriest thing was
the darkness. People tied
themselves to ropes before
going to a barn just a few
hundred feet away from
the house for fear of being
lost in the blackness of the
swirling dust. Buildings,
fences, and farm implements were seen as all but
buried under the devastating effects of windblown
soils.” Egan goes on to say
that the storms had, “ferocity and density never
before seen and they came
to be known by many as
‘black blizzards.’”
“So, out of this chaos of
nature and economic depression the TSSWCB
and SWCDS were born. It
should be noted that since
the creation of the TSSWCB and organization of
local soil and water conservation districts we can
proudly say that the majority of Texas farmers,
ranchers and timber producers from one generation to the next for the past
75 years have voluntarily
and continuously entered
into working agreements
with their local SWCDS to
implement a soil and water conservation program
on their farms and ranches
to meet the changing conservation needs of every
acre on that property,” said
But the story didn’t begin
smoothly. It had a rocky
start until all the political
kinks were worked out.
When the first version of a
conservation law for Texas
came out the early movers
and shakers for such a law
found that it lacked stability and convinced then
Governor Jimmy Allred to
veto the bill which he did
in June, 1937. Their reasons for wanting the bill
vetoed was because the
law would automatically
establish soil conservation
districts on a county basis,
make the county commissioners court the governing body and called for a
portion of county taxes to
finance the program,” said
“What they wanted in law
was a farmer-rancher controlled program in which
local landowners would
determine whether a soil
conservation district was
needed. In addition, they
did not want a soil conservation district to have
taxing authority or powers
of eminent domain. A new
bill was written which
satisfied their concerns
and passed in 1939 by
the following legislature.
The rest is history,” added
Today the TSSWCB administers several key state
programs that provide
technical and financial assistance to landowners and
land managers who wish
to enter into a
From the Era of the Dust
Bowl to the Present: Commemorating 75 Years of
Soil and Water Conservation cooperative agreement
with local SWCDS to protect their natural resources. In addition, the success
of local voluntary conservation programs involves
partnerships. Though the
name has changed a few
times over the years, a key
partner working with the
TSSWCB and local SWCDS is the USDA Natural
Resources Conservation
NRCS employs people in numerous
occupational disciplines
including soil conservationists, rangeland management specialists, soil
biologists, engineers, geologists, engineers, and
foresters. Some federal
conservation financial assistance programs, enable
these experts to help landowners and land managers develop conservation
plans for crop, range, and
“Conservation practices
implemented on private
agricultural lands benefit
all citizens because implemented conservation
practices not only protect and improve soil resources, but insure a sustainable agriculture from
which come food products
and the raw commodities
which drive all aspects of
the economy. In addition,
conservation practices improve water quality, and
in some cases, enhance
water quantity, but public
benefits don’t end there.
Implemented conservation
practices also contribute
to cleaner air, improved
wildlife habitat, improved
rangeland as well as being
a factor to healthy and viable rural and urban communities,” Isom noted.
“The only reason the TSSWCB still exists 75 years
after its establishment is
because of the state’s soil
and water conservation
districts, and they in turn
exist because of the state’s
farmers and ranchers who
come to local SWCDS
for help in planning and
implementing conservation programs on private
lands. This diamond jubilee then is a celebration
of a success story that has
worked across the state
and across generations because it is based on local
control by those closest to
the issues,” said Isom.
Isom’s words certainly
reflect the philosophy of
V.C Marshall, considered
the “father of the conservation district program in
Texas” who is attributed
with saying, “The soil
conservation district is the
workshop through which
those who love the and
pool their efforts and information in making land
more stable and productive and our country more
prosperous, more attractive and a better land in
which to live. The fact that
landowners themselves
have the responsibility for
petitioning for and voting
in a district, formulating
From the Era of the Dust
Bowl to the Present: Commemorating 75 Years of
Soil and Water Conservation program and work
plan, administering its
business and entering into
cooperative agreements
with their fellow landowners and operators, makes
soil conservation districts
a democracy in action.”
Will the work of the
state’s 216 soil and water
conservation districts ever
be completed, and will the
soil and water conservation programs administered by the Texas State
Soil and Water Conservation Board ever be fully
achieved? Probably not.
Land ownership changes, or family land when
passed on through inheritance is cut into smaller
pieces of the pie accompanied with varying land
management objectives.
Then too, an ever changing political environment
coupled with ever chang-
ing climatic conditions
and agricultural technological advancements all
impact existing and future
soil and water conservation programs and practices that are implemented
on the land.
The late Raymond F. Dasmann, professor emeritus
of ecology at University
of California, Santa Cruz
added additional insight
as to why conservation of
natural resources is a perpetual process. He said,
“Most conservation problems exist on particular
pieces of ground occupied
or cared for by a particular
group of people. Attempts
to solve them at a global,
or even a national level,
often strike far from the
Thus the words of the
founding father of the
Texas Soil and Water
Conservation District Program” rings even truer....
“The fact that landowners
themselves have the responsibility for organizing
a local SWCD, formulating its program and plan
of work, administering its
business and entering into
cooperative agreements
with their fellow landowners and operators, makes
soil conservation districts
a democracy in action.”
The Texas State Soil
and Water Conservation
Board (TSSWCB) administers Texas’ soil and
water conservation law
and delivers coordinated
natural resource conservation programs through the
State’s 216 soil and water
conservation districts.
From the Era of the Dust
Bowl to the Present: Commemorating 75 Years of
Soil and Water Conservation
Additionally, the TSSWCB is the lead agency for
planning, implementing,
and managing programs
for preventing and abating agricultural and silvicultural nonpoint sources
of water pollution. The
agency also administers
a water supply enhancement program through the
targeted control of waterdepleting brush.
The TSSWCB, in an additional area of responsibility, acts to ensure that
the State’s network of
2,000 flood control dams
are protecting lives and
property by providing operation, maintenance, and
structural repair grants to
local government sponsors. The agency also facilitates the Texas Invasive Species Coordinating
All Local All the Time...www.dalharttexan.com
Dalhart Texan
Page A7
Friday June 6, 2014
Local News/Obit
(continued from page A2)
her children and grandchildren and great grandchildren. She loved to share
Jesus with their children
and has had the joy of all
of her children and grandchildren having a personal
relationship with Him and
being baptized. Of her most
highly important blessings
to experience in life this is
Number One.Peggie is pre-
ceded in death by her Paternal Grandparents, Clarence
and Vernie Clayton and
her Maternal Grandparents, Raymond and Dolly
Mayhan Clayton and two
nephews, Calvin Douglas
Vogle, and Raymond Bradley Clayton. Also one Sister-in-law Lorraine Parker
and 1 Nephew Allen Parker
and one niece Lillian Parker
She is survived by her loving faithful husband of 54
years A.L. Cody of Dalhart,
two sons, David Cody and
wife Diane Waters Cody,
Dalhart, and Tommy Cody
and wife Ann Carter Cody,
Allen, TX one daughter,
Elizabeth Kay Cody Cover
and husband Andy Cover of Dalhart.Blessed by
grandchildren, Clint Cody,
Chrystal Cover Skinner &
husband Joseph Skinner,
Chelsea Cody Sage & husband Austin Sage, Jennifer Cover Lenz & husband
Jeremy Lenz, Kasey Cover,
Cody Cover, Alyssa Cody,
Trey Cody, also blessed by
4 great grandchildren, Kambry Clay Cover, Brennan
Darcy Sage, Payton Grace
Cover, Bristol Jewell Sage.
Her three siblings and their
spouses also survive her,
Raymond Ennis Clayton
and wife Martha, Paradise,
TX, Vernie Jean Nordstrom
and husband Chuck, Wichita Falls, TX, Ella Louise
Vogle and husband Bob,
Glencoe, OK, numerous
nephews and nieces and
great nephews and great
nieces and a host of other
United Family donates in relief effort
uests of The United cause.”Participating stores locations, as well stores in Dumas, Pampa and PerryFamily stores in the included the nine Amarillo Borger, Canyon, Dalhart, ton.
Texas Panhandle contributed $62,778 to the relief
efforts for victims of the
recent fire in the SanfordFritch area during the twoINVITAION TO STUDY
Please consider this your personal invitacampaign. Coupled with
the company’s $10,000
tion to study the Scriptures with us. We are happy to study at your
matching gift, total proconvenience, in whatever way is best suited for you.
ceeds for the effort were
If you read something in this column that you believe to
$72,778. be
would you please be so kind as to bring it to our
During the campaign,
attention that we might sit down together and discuss the matter?
guests at all United Supermarkets, Market Street,
We are only interested in the truth. If we have taught error, we
and Amigos locations in
hope you will make us aware of it personally so we can make a
the Amarillo area added
proper correction of it.
a contribution to their bill
Due to the size of this column, we are not able to deal
during checkout, with proexhaustively
with the subjects upon which we write. We hope the
ceeds earmarked to the
short, to-the-point articles will be thought-provoking and inspire
relief effort via The Salvation Army and American
you to ask questions and study further. If something you read stirs
Red Cross. Proceeds have
questions in your mind, if you would like to study a subject
been divided equally befurther , or if you would like clarification on any point of any
tween those two organizaarticle, we continue to make ourselves available to you.
We are available to study with you personally or through
“Once again, our guests
the mail - whatever is best for you. You may write to us and
rose to the challenge to
help their neighbors in
request a study.
need,” said Shelby Crews,
Will you accept our invitation?
community relations manager for The United FamSunday Services: 10:00 a.m., 10:50 a.m. & 5:00 p.m.
ily. “We are truly honored
Wednesdays: 7:00 p.m. Study the Bible by mail.
by their generosity and
compassion, and offer
our sincerest thanks for
1013 East 10th.
their support of this great
family and friends, including Warren and Jerelene
Waters, Dumas, Buford and
Jane Carter, Richardson,
TX, John and Kathryn Cover, Dalhart, TX, who are the
parents of her two daughterin-law and son-in-law.
Dalhart Texan
Friday June 6, 2014
Page A8
Local News
Celebrating the Class of 2014
Hayden Michael Smith
Dalhart High School Senior, Hayden Michael
Smith is the son of Toni
and Michael Smith. School
(4-years) Track (4-years).
Community Activities: Performing lawn care services
for elderly couples, helping with Vacation Bible
School at Hartley Christian
Fellowship, and Hillside
Youth Group. Current Employment: Field of Dreams
Lawn Care. Favorite teacher: Mrs. Read. Most memorable event: Going to the Regional Basketball tournament
my sophomore year. Hobbies: Playing basketball, drawing, reading, video games, hanging out with friends, and
spending time with my girlfriend and family. Post graduation plans: Attend West Texas A&M to major in General
Business. Quote or advice: “This is your time. This is
your moment. God has equipped you, empowered you
and anointed you. No weapons formed against you can
prosper.” – Joel Osteen.
David Lane Weld
Home School Seniors
David Lane Weld is the son
of Dr. Raymond and Debbie Weld. He has been homeschooled in Dalhart his entire
life. He was a boy scout for
six years and became an Eagle
Scout in 2012. One highlight
of his boy scout years was going to Philmont Scout Camp in
New Mexico. He is a member
of Hillside Christian Church.
He was a member of the 4-H
Rifle team for 4 years.
He served as a mentor for the
HOST Reading program in the public school. He worked
several years as a paper carrier for the Dalhart Texan before going to work at Speer Electric. He enjoys mountain William Thetford, Kaleb Haaland,Amanda Vickers, David
climbing in Colorado with his father.
David has taken dual credit classes at Amarillo College.
He plans to join the military and become an electrician.
Congratulations Class of 2014
Good luck in the future!
Dalhart Christian Academy Class of 2026
Keldon Allen
Ladainian Garcia
Kreed Hines
Cash Schniderjan
Hudson Siebert
Kade Speer
Legend Stone
Keira Turner
Kaden White
Reese Jenkins
Averee Koehn
Ayden Schaffner
See engagements
and graduations
Page B6
Junior Rodeo August 2
First events feature talent, excitement one week before main show
e have finally entered the month of
June, which means we
are officially two months
away from the start of the
XIT Rodeo and Reunion.
The full weekend kicks
off on Thursday July 7
and runs through Sunday
July 9.
But for those of you
that know XIT will know
that even though the official weekend starts on the
seventh, several events
will have already kicked
off and concluded by that
One of those events will
be the junior rodeo which
starts on Saturday August
2 at 10 a.m. Entries are $5
for competitors from the
ages of 0-6 and $15 for
ages 7-16.
There will be four classes this year as in years past
with ages 0-6, 7-9, 10-12
and 13-16.
Jason Swain is the vice
president of XIT this year
as well as the assistant to
the rodeo and the head of
the junior rodeo. This will
be his second year working on the XIT Board of
“I’m in charge of the junior rodeo, which I put all
of that together,” he said.
“Then I work closely with
Days of
all old
Texan Photo by Thomas Lott
Entries for the junior rodeo are $5 for ages 0-6 and $15 for ages 7-16.
Jimmy (Wright) putting
on the main pro show because after this year he’s
done and next year it’s
Swain moved to Dalhart
from Louisiana foUr years
ago and started helping out
XIT on a volunteer basis.
Several of the guys helping out eventually asked
him to work on the board
and he has been working
hard for the reunion since.
This summer has been no
The board of directors
has been hard at work
making improvements to
the chutes and the press
box as well as the concession stands already with
plenty of time out in front
of the biggest weekend of
the year in Dalhart.
The directors and the
XIT Queen candidates
will be out plastering the
city next week, so make
sure to go out and see
them as they work around
the town.
And Swain’s work will
not be done for a while.
After the success of last
See JUNIOR on page B2
Halbert signs with National Champion
Two District MVP’s, 450 strikeouts and 11 home runs later, Halbert signs with Lady Buffs
here may have been no
better athlete among
the seniors in Dalhart than
Kilee Halbert. Though she
only played one sport in
softball, she did it all for
the Lady Wolves.
She hit, she hit for power and she pitched as well
as anyone in the region
from start to finish.
strikeouts for the second
season in a row for the
Lady Wolves and helped
Dalhart to a second place
finish in the 1-3A race.
She also no-hit a regional
finalist in Pampa while
striking out 16 batters
along the way.
Halbert was fantastic
this season and coaches
and recruiters took notice.
She signed to play softball
with West Texas A&M on
Monday, May 12.
The Lady Buffs won
the Division II national
title just weeks ago and
they will add Halbert to
their already stout pitching staff.
As a senior Halbert
went 11-9 on the bump
tossing eight complete
games in 115.2 innings
and struck out 255 while
only walking 42.
She also hit .474 at the
plate with five home runs,
11 doubles and 19 RBI.
She was tied for fourth
on the team with 21 runs
In her two years with
the Lady Wolves Halbert
See HALBERT on page B6
Texan Photo by Joe Warren
Kilee Halbert signs her LOI with her parents and former head coach Ryan Jackson in tow.
Demi Read signs with Frank Phillips College
emi Read made the
most of her transfer
to Dalhart in 2014. The senior post nearly averaged a
double-double as the Lady
Wolves made it all the way
to the regional quarterfinals
and she was named the MVP
of District 1-3A.
Read parlayed that production into an opportunity
to play college ball at Frank
Phillips College. She signed
to play at the school in Borger on May 12. She is the fifth
Dalhart athlete to sign on to
play college sports this year.
The fifth signed that day as
well. She joins Emory Lobley, Robyn Elan Puttick,
Dahlia Davila and Kilee
Halbert as a signee.
Texan Photo by Joe Warren
Demi Read signs her letter of intent to Frank Phillips College.
Read helped the Lady
Wolves to a 26-5 record
overall and an undefeated
8-0 record in district play.
She averaged 19.0 points,
8.9 rebounds and 2.7 steals
per game in her only season
in a Lady Wolves uniform.
She transferred from Canyon for her senior season.
Read had a few schools
looking at her but ultimately
decided on Frank Phillips
College who was one of the
first schools to show interest in Read and according to
head coach Anthony Catherall wanted her incredibly
bad after she went down and
worked out for them in the
spring. She really stepped
up her game during the postseason averaging 20.3 points
and 9.3 rebounds per game.
She, along with Mariah
See READ on page B2
-Men Days of Future
Past is the X-Men to
right all X-Men wrongs
perpetuated by Brett Ratner
in X-Men the Last Stand.
Yes, Days of Future Past
had holes. Yes, it went away
from some of the classic
comic book themes that
make X-Men what it is. But
as someone that watches
X-Men as a fan of the movies and not as an original
comic book reader, Days of
Future Past was everything
I could have wanted.
Needless to say, I was
not a fan of X-Men the Last
Stand, the final true X-Men
movie in the trilogy started
by Brian Singer in 2000.
I even went so far as to
see X2 in theatres seven
times when I was in junior
high. Yes, that is too many
times to see a movie in theatres, but it was one dollar
and I had very little to do
during the week during the
day in the summer.
But I was a huge fan of
X2 and it remained my favorite movie for the better part of three years as I
waited for the third X-Men
to come out and to see what
happened to the apparently
deceased Jean Grey.
All of the joy that I had
from watching that movie
when they killed off Cyclops in The Last Stand and
had the most ridiculous plot
twists ever to cross an XMen movie. OK, I’m using
hyperbole, but you get my
The problem here was
the change in directors.
Brian Singer is on par
with Joss Whedon when it
comes to modern day SciFi. They just know how to
make those movies. Singer
did not do The Last Stand
and it showed in the movies
pitiful delivery and flimsy
As a result, Singer
stepped away from the XMen franchise for the better part of eight years and
the franchise lost its primary actors in Ian McLellan,
Anna Paquin, Patrick Stewart and to a lesser extent
James Marsden and Famke
What we got after that
was a string of spin-offs
that were good, but not
great movies. I could watch
them more than once, but I
See X-MEN on page B6
Page B2
Dalhart Texan
Friday, June 6, 2014
Dalhart Rodeo Club competes in Tri State Finals
Courtesy Photo
Courtesy Photo
Shelby Spielman a junior from Dalhart won the Year End poles
Courtesy Photo
and received a buckle and saddle. Shelby also placed 4th in
3rd in the
barrels, and 9th in goat tying which qualified her to place 5th
for the All Around girl for the season.
Hope Holder from a sophomore from Rocky Ford, CO., placed
13th in Poles, 11th in Barrels, 5th in Goat Tying and 13th in
Breakaway roping leaving her to place 11th for All Around
(continued from page A1)
year’s reunion, the event
has high expectations once
again this year. Some of
that success will start with
the junior rodeo, which will
be the first day of events
in the arena for XIT. Last
year at the junior rodeo,
Jace Thomas and Snow
Lopez each took home the
overall titles in their events
and they have built on that
success throughout this
year. Thomas and Lopez
each went to compete at
state a few weeks ago and
at nationals more recently.
Both of them are expected
back this year.
“The junior rodeo should
be good,” Swain said.
“There are some kids here
with some talent that’s just
unbelievable and so yeah, I
look forward to the junior
Courtesy Photo
Payten Frost a junior from Dalhart, competed in Poles, Barrels, and Breakaway and placed 11th in Poles, 12th in Breakaway roping and 16th in Barrels.
And the junior rodeo is
a great time to see some of
the young talent from the
area and even some more
talent that may not yet be
realized. There will certainly be plenty of competitors with grit and determination.
“I don’t get to watch
much of it because I’m
always in the chute pushing them up, but I love the
mutton busting,” Swain
said. “The little kids have
got more grit and determination and they have no
fear and they just a hold of
the wool and just go.”
See all of the competitions on August 2 in the
XIT Arena starting at 10
(continued from page A1)
Kenney, were the biggest
reasons for the Lady Wolves
moving on past Seminole in
the bi-district round of the
playoffs. Read drew so much
attention to the paint late in
the game after she was on her
way to a double-double in the
third quarter that it opened
up the outside and Kenney
showed what she could do
because of it. She hit three
3-pointers in the fourth quarter to put Dalhart ahead for
good in the game. Their success continued on to the next
game as Read dominated
Midland Greenwood to the
tune of 22 points and seven
rebounds. She finished off
the season with a 26 point,
nine rebound performance
in the regional quarterfinals
against Shallowater. Read
was one of only two seniors
that graduated from the Lady
Wolves along with Maddy
Silacci. The Lady Wolves
return three of four starters
and will have Madison Sherrill and Katelyn Sybesma
step into the starting line-up
next season. Catherall loves
to get the ball into the low
post and he showed how that
could work when a player
like Read can dominate in
the middle.
Dalhart Texan
Page B3
Friday June , 2014
Construction - Home Improvement
Auto Repair - Services
Beauty Services
Assisted Living - Personal Care
Heavy Equipment Service
Lawn Care . Mowing
Electric Motors
Garden Center
Professional Services
Retail Stores
Party Supplies - Rentals
Computer - Office Equipment
Appliance - Service/Sales
Page B4
Dalhart Texan
Friday June , 2014
1/1 Bdrm - $550 per mo
2/1 Bdrm - $600 per mo
3/1 Bdrm - $695 per mo
For Sale by owner
extensive pipeline system,
CAPITAN, NM – Minutes
Small home, 507 Norman large
springs, spring-fed draws &
from Ruidoso. A multi-purpose
Lot, great home, unfinished.
canyons, earthen dams & river
property w/15.6434 ac. +/-,
frontage, on pvmt.
laboratory/office, covered pens,
home. Ideal for use for horse or
DEVELOP – 240 ac. +/- in a
cattle breeding, embryo transfer
4,829 sq. ft. house with
strong area of Clovis, NM, can
facility, vet clinic or many other
5 bedrooms and 41/2 bath.
be bought as a whole or land
uses in a beautiful area of NM.
Hardwood floors, granite,
only or water rights only.
many extras. 5 acres with 3
THE WORLD! Just east
stall barn and heated waterers.
1,760 ac. +/- well improved
of town on pvmt. 9,200 ac.
Fully fenced. Call 341-5653 for
w/homes, barns & pens, well
+/- ac. deeded, state-of-thedetails.
watered, pvmt. & all weather
art improvements, 5000 ft.
roads from the interstate.
+/- home, two guests houses,
Please check our website for
employee housing, horse stalls
info on these properties, other
w/breeding station, excellent
Close to schools, hospital &
improvements including fences, ranches in NM, Texas & OK &
shopping. 3 bedroom, 1 1/2
working pens, roping arena w/air irrigated, dryland & CRP farms!
bath home with double garage
operated release, new old-time
& fenced yard.
cook house w/out-house. A must
Ben G. Scott – Broker
see property!
1 section grassland northeast
SANFORD FRITCH AREA – 2 Krystal Nelson – NM Qualifying
of Dalhart in C.R.P.
tracts of land between Sanford
High Plains Realty
& Borger on Antelope Creek,
806-244-7240, 806-333-2896...
w/ deer, turkey, quail & dove
hunting, beatiful area for a
weekend get-a-way or a lifetime,
New Construction
tract# 1 - 92.35 ac. +/- & tract#
Great 3 Bedroom 2 Bath 1,602 10 Acres west of Dalhart, fenced
2 - 122 ac. +/-, w/an 1824 sq. ft. Sq.Ft. Open floor plan fantastic
with steel pens.
two-story, brick veneer home &
designer extras call
large pond, 214 ac. +/-, give us a
288 acres on US 87 with 3 wells
call. Can divide!
on Sub., 3 sprinklers, and a
LIPSCOMB CO., TX. – 3 large New home Being completed on
Morton shop 40 x 60.
tracts of very nice combination Rita Blanca Street. Come by and
farm & ranch land together w/
see the Great open floor plans.
Hwy 80 West of
an excellent set of livestock
806-333-7418... 2.28tfn
Dalhart with 2 wells on sub. and
working facilities & a very nice
2 sprinklers.
virtually new home. If you are
looking for big water, this is it.
1926 Shawnee Trail
Other large tracts for sale.
Tracts may be bought together or 1697 sq ft per the Hartley CAD.
‘Texas Sunbelt Services, Inc
3/2/2. Updated kitchen and
Elza Pollard 806-244-3900
CIMARRON CO., OK. – 1382
baths. Lifetime energy efficient
mobile 806-341-8702
ac. +/- native grass northwest
windows. Extra wide drive. Call
of Dalhart, Texas, large draw
806-884-9813 for more info. or
Dalhart Equine Property
through south part of property
to look at...3.11-TFN
affords good hunting & winter
3 bdm 2½ bath, 2 living areas,
protection for livestock &
large dining area, Metal roof,
wildlife, watered by a mill & a
central heat & air. Gas fireplace
sub, good set of steel pens, irr.
Lots for sale on Sagerush Rd
& wood burning stove. 2 car
potential on north portion.
$9000 806+676+8572
garage, large utility room,
excellent horse facilities.
WANT – let’s divide this 10,432
Arena, large round pen, Small
ac. +/- ranch in north central
round pen. 6 stalls with
Texas, large lake w/permits for
sheds. new hay storage shed
4&5-acre lots 5 miles east of
dam & right-to-impound in place
and tack room. There are 7
Dalhart. Call (806) 268-1324.
to add tremendous aesthetic
lots, 4 with sheds. See pics at
value to the ranch together
w/hunting, boating, fishing,
com. Call 806-268-0509 or 806
commercial & residential
A newly remodeled house in
development potential. Can
Texline. 3 bd 2 bath. Call (806)
be bought by the pasture or in
multiple pastures.
NEW MEXICO GIANT Central NM – Almost 200
House 4 sale
sections, mostly deeded, well
320 acres of irrigated farm.
1013 Channing Street.
improved w/homes, barns,
3 pivots, 3 wells. Equipment
4 lots, 1628 sq. ft.
several sets of pens w/scales,
in great shape. Call Pritchett
(806) 341-8401, (806) 884-5253.
watered by solar & electric
Properties: (806) 244-8400
powered subs, windmills, an
September 18 and
October 16
2-5 p.m.
Church of the Nazarene
11th & Keeler
AA And Al Anon
In Spanish
AL Anon 6:30 to 7:30 p.m.
AA 8:00 to 9:00 p.m.
Vierges Esquina NW
de la Iglesia Catolica
Dalhart Pregnancy
Resource Center
105 E. Third
Tuesday 2:00-7:00
Thursday 9:00 -2:00
Friday evenings 6:30 p.m.
Church of the Nazarene
11th and Keeler
a support group for those needing
to break any type of addiction-drugs, food, anger, alcohol, etc.
Narcotics Anonymous
Friday Evenings
7:00 p.m.
517 Rock Island
Dalhart Winners Circle
meets 8 to 9 on Monday nights at
the St. James Episcopal Church,
801 Denver Ave.
Drug and Alcohol
in our Schools
Drug abuse and addiction
affects school aged children
in many ways. Some kids
live with an addicted family
member while others have started using themselves.
If you suspect that someone
is struggling with addiction, call
Narconon Arrowhead today!
Narconon offers
free addiction counseling,
assessments and referrals
to rehabilitation centers
Call 800-468-6933 or log on to
to speak to a qualified
counselor today
All bills paid available, ask
for price. Weekly Rent $299
Charles Palmer
or Stephanie Trevino
Your 1-Stop Storage Center.
(10) Sizes from 5x10 thru
- Security Lights
- Paved Alley
- Security Fence
- No Deposit
(Open 7 Days a Week)
Call Jay Peeples
Quality Residential Properties,
Professional Management,
806-244-3418 or
RV’s, Boats, Etc.
804 Hwy. 54 East. 244-2775
Amazingly low rent- truck
accessible - well lighted neighbor/Police Station Large Variety of prices and
sizes. 4x7 - 18x20, $15 - $60
220 W. 3rd, 244-4443
Weekly, monthly rates.
Full hook-ups.
Corral RV Park, Hwy 54
East., 249-2798
Storage Units
Various Sizes
or 806-333-4749
Ready to Rent
Large updated 3 bedroom 1
bath Duplex. Pets Ok with
additional Deposit.
$ 1000.00 first & last month
Call for showing 884-8902..3.7-8
Free Applewood for BBQ cut
down the tree and take all the
wood 244-6108...5.13-8
Jean Samllwood
Tree trimming & removal, fall
clean up, stump removal,
Estimates 806-290-5533
Mowing, Shredding
Weed control &
Commercial spraying
806-341-8725 or
806-244 8400.. TFN
Housekeeping call for price
quote. I do window! Mary
501 Oatis
Saturday June 7
Birdhouses, bird feeders,
squirrel feeders, furniture, &
computers & parts....6.6P
Multiple family garage sale.
1422 Elm Ave.
Friday 3-?
Saturday 8-?
Furniture, dryer, lots of kids’
1634 Osage
Friday 5-8, Saturday 8-2.
Clothes, books, baby bed, medal
break, furniture.
Saturday June 7, 8-2.
706 Conlen Ave. Apartment B.
501 Scott Ave.
Friday 8-?, Saturday 8-?
A lot of everything.
Saturday June 7, 9-?
1122 Keeler.
2.4 tfn
3 Bdrm 2 Bth, 2 car garage
fireplace, central heat & air.
Large fenced back yard &
storage shed no smokers, no pets
Daily, weekly, monthly
Starting at $600.00
Call John
Carroll 806-268-3659
Two bedroom with heat & air.
Rent based on income. Washer/
dryer hookups.
Call 806-244-7281.
Office at 1929 Shawnee Trail.
TDD # 1-800-833-8973.
This institution is an equal
opportunity provider
and employer
One & two bedroom with heat
& a/c for elderly, handicap , &
disabled. Rent based on income.
Office at 1929 Shawnee Trail.
RV & Mobile Home Spaces;
Apartments; Rent Houses.
King Property Management/
Sunset Village Park
3 bedroom 2 bath Duplex
in great neighborhood. 211
Mockingbird $1200.00/mo. 3334461 .5.2tfn
3 bedroom 2 bath Central Heat /
Air, Washer Dryer hook up
1560 sq ft no yard upkeep 806333-4749
Now leasing 2 &3 bedrooms
Luxury apartments
@ affordable prices!!!
FREE Gas heat, water &
trash. Full size washer & dryer
connections in every unit!
Ceiling fans in every room!
Extra storage, patio/balconies,
fitness facility,
Playground, picnic areas &
much, much more!
Call or come by today
Don’t forget to ask about our
great move in specials
Income restrictions apply,
Pre moving sale
AA meets Mon. and Thurs. at
St. James Episcopal Church, 801 genorator, baby car seat, kitchen
stuff, some tools. 1607 Oak Sat
Denver in Dalhart from
8 to 9 p.m.
AA and AL Anon meets Tues.
at the Central United Methodist
Friday 12-?
Church in Dalhart from 8 to 9
9th & Ash
Cokebox & collectibles, books,
17-inch rims, kitchen, clothes,
power tools
Office space for rent.
HWY 54 East. 17x19 $400 per
mo. 9x20 $325 per mo. Security
systems new heat/AC. Call Jay
Peoples at 806-333-5655
Watkins Products
Call for catalog
Mobile home for sale 3
bedroom, 2 bath, sits on five
lots. Sprinkler system anbd nice
redwood deck. info call 719980-0201...5.9P-TFN
Brand new 6 gallon electric
water heater. Never used.
reasonably priced call 806-2447690....5.20p k 6.13
Brand new 6 gallon electric
water heater. Never used.
reasonably priced call 806-2447690....5.20p k 6.13
Ribbon Cane Alfalfa
Small Squares
Smith & Wesson Revolver
.38 SP Caliber - self-defense.
New in box. $300. Call 2492473.....5.20p k 6.13
1980 22’ Motorhome, washer,
dryer,frig, round kitchen table,
love seat, rocker, also matching
set 18” tires very reasonable,
guarantee, delivery, 806-2209669....5.20-10
...5.30-p tfn
Dalhart Texan
Friday June , 2014
Page B5
Hartley ISD is accepting
applications for the Cafeteria
Manager position for the
2014-2015 school year. Please
contact Supt. Scott Vincent at
806-365-4458 .5.2tfn
Seeking full-time CNA. Apply
in person. Coldwater Manor
1111 Beaver Rd Stratford, TX.
New Life
Is looking for Quality nursery
workers. $10/Hr.
Call Carlos @ 806-886-4193
For more information. TFC
Wanted - Experienced Diesel
Mechanic. Must have own tools,
Excellent pay Call Schaffer
Truck Auto in dalhart at 806384-+4490 or 806-333-0690...
Must have a clean class A CDL,
Tanker endorsement and able to
pass a drug screen test. Home
every evening. Call 244-0312
Clean driving record. Two years
CDL experience. Home every
night. Apply in person. Bailey
Flying Service. 806-244-6511
EOE ...11-22-tfn
Sunday 9am - 12
Wednesday 6pm - 8:30
Must be able to pass background
Starting pay $12/hr
Apply in person(9a-5p M-W) at
1929 Apache Drive...5.9-8
CDL and Experience Preferred
Willing to train right person to
get CDL
Must have clean Driving Record
clear drug screen - Apply in
Bailey Flying Service
Need Welder/Machinist will
train if nescessary
Bring resume and apply
at Dalhart Bearing 502
Subway is hiring full time help
starting pay is above average,
with paid holidays and vacation.
Apply in person...TFN
Heiser Tire has an opening
for Tire shop help. Must have
current drivers license. Apply in
Hunter Overhead Doors now
hiring experienced Overhead
door technician. Apply at
12211 Truckline Rd..3.21-tfn
Truck driver, livestock must
have CDL health certifficate.
249-2207 or 333-5291...5.20-4
Looking for Driver/Warhouse
Must have clean Drivers
Licence. Call 806 244 8536/
Dalhart Country Club
is hiring wait staff and cooks.
Please contact Amanda
Help Wanted for Irrigation
farm CDL helpful, equipment
wxperience a must. Salary
based on experience
Todd 806-333-5201...3.28-tfn
PivoTrac is looking for
someone to fill one of 2 full time
positions. We need someone
for a manufacturing position
assembling product. We are
also looking for a person who
knows the farmers in our area
and has technical electronic
experience. The righ pay for the
right person. Call Karlyle at 3332299. 2.4 tfn
Caregiver Position
Full to,s & summer positions
must be 18 years old Have high
School diploma or equivalent.
Daqlhart Area Child Care
apply at 1000 Tascosa
G&G Operators looking for
office help must be willing to
work 1/2 day Saturday. Apply in
person 907 Liberal HWY 54E
2.18 tfn
JBS Five Rivers
XIT Feeders is seeking
dependable, motivated
applicants to fill open
positions in the following
departments- yard maintenance,
pen rider Individuals must
be team players with good
communication skills. We
offer competitive pay and
affordable family health and
dental benefits. You will need
a valid driver’s license and a
pre-employment drug screen is
required. Please apply in person
8 miles west of Dalhart on
HWY 54. E.O.E. M/F...4.1tfn
Experienced Loader Operator
Wanted. Starting pay $14/hour
Call 803-333-0690
Unruh & Sons is looking to fill
serveral full time positions for
the hay season. Tractor diving
and service work. Good pay.
Call Phillip ar 806-336-4907
The City of Dalhart has an
opening in the Sanitation
Department and the
Water Department. Applicant
must be at least 18 years old,
with a good driving record and
able to lift at least fifty pounds.
CDL preferred and required
after 90 days. Must have a High
School diploma or equivalent.
Must be able to pass a physical
and drug test. Benefits available
after 90 days. Paid vacation
and sick leave. Applications
available at City Hall. ...4.25-tfn
Pen Rider position available at
Nortex Feedlot. Some outside
work. Must supply horses.
Competitive wages and benefits,
apply in person... 12-24-tfn
Front Desk, Housekeeping and
Manager Preferred experience &
bilingual. 102 Scott Ave
Pizza Hut is now hiring Entry
level Management. Send
Resume to perrymanroy@aol.
com... 5.23-7
Super 8 is hiring front desk help.
Apply in person
Housekeeping, front desk &
manager prefered experience
and bilingual.244-5637...5.20-tfn
Cook Needed for 15-25
man crew.
Monday – Friday, variable
hours (9 or 10 to 2 or 3)
Responsibilities include
Shopping, prep, cook and
Call to schedule interview
Bailey Flying Service
Part time position 9- 2pm
Sales clerk, dependable
Apply in person
SPC Office Products
2.14 TFN
Hartley ISD is accepting
applications for the Cafeteria
Manager position for the
2014-2015 school year. Please
contact Supt. Scott Vincent at
806-365-4458 .5.2tfn
Hunter Construction now hiringconcrete finishers, steel erectors,
laborers, machinery operators.
Apply 12211 Truckline Road
XIT Sand & Gravel is looking or
loader & equipment operators.
3212 US 54 E. to Apply
Need someone to help with
delivery business. Hours will
vary from day to day. Must have
valid Texas driver’s license
with clean record. If interested,
please come by 12 Liberal for
Experienced farm hand needed
Xit Ford is lookin for oil
Technician plus other shop help
needed. Contact Don 244-8511
Local CDL Driver needed.
Starting pay $14/hour
Call 806-333-0690
*Make up to $4,000 in ONLY
11 days!! managing firework
REQUIRED! June 24- July 4,
mrwfireworks.com to submit
app, or 830-429-3808 m-f
Rehab Technician
Dalhart Physical Therapy & Sports Medicine
RehabVisions looking for a well organized and
professional individual with strong interpersonal skills.
Ability to multi-task and desire to provide effective
customer service is essential.
Duties include:
• WorkSteps program administration
• Scheduling patients
• Assist therapists, set-up/cleaning of equipment
• Preparing patients for treatment and other general
duties as assigned.
Comprehensive benefits and compensation package
offered. Fax resume to: 806-244-0017,
attn: Stephanie or email:
[email protected]
EOE: Drug Free Workplace
Classified Advertising
The deadline for Tuesday’s
edition is Friday at noon.
The deadline for Friday’s
edition is Tuesday at noon.
The Dalhart Txan requires
payment in advance for all
classified advertising unless
a business account has been
Call 244-4511 or e-mail
Advertising@ hedalharttexqan.com
to place your ad now!
Page B6
Dalhart Texan
Friday, June 6, 2014
(continued from page A1)
Courtesy Photo
Courtesy Photo
Clay and Julie Crist of Wildorado announce the engagement
of their daughter, Carissa Leigh Crist to Kody Allan Frerich,
son of Allan and Lonna Frerich, all of Dalhart. Grandparents of
the bride-elect are James and Martha Thompson and the late
Wade and Verna Kay Crist. Grandparents of the prospective
groom are Edgar and Delores Frerich and Bernie and Sue
Sneller and the late Glenda Sneller. The bride-elect is a 2009
graduate of Vega High School. She graduated from West Texas A&M with a Bachelor of Arts in 2013. She is employed with
Ward Insurance Agency of Canyon.The prospective groom is
a 2010 graduate of Texline High School. He received his diesel mechanic certificate from Amarillo College. He is currently
self-employed as a farmer in Dalhart. The couple plans to wed
Aug. 23, 2014, in Immaculate Conception Catholic Church in
Chris and Michele LeFevre and Tom and Melissa McDonald
are proud to announce the engagement of their children, Brianne LeFevre of Plainview and Garth McDonald of Hartley.
Brianne was born and raised in Plainview, Texas. She graduated from Plainview High School in 2010 and continued her
education at West Texas A & M University where she and Garth
met. She graduated with honors from WTAMU in May 2014
with a degree in Elementary Education. She will be teaching
first grade at Green Acres Elementary, Dumas ISD, in the fall
of 2014. Garth was raised in the Dalhart/Hartley area. He
graduated from McDonald Christian School in 2009 and continued his education at West Texas A & M University where
he graduated in May 2013 with a degree in Ag Business and
Economics. He is an Associate Banker at Happy State Bank
in Dalhart. The Wedding will be at Walnut Tree Weddings on
June 28 in Olton, Texas. Loren Haper, minister of Comanche
Trail Church of Christ in Amarillo will be officiating. Brianne is
the granddaughter of Tex and Marilyn Edwards and Stanley
and Shirley LeFevre and the Mary Lou LeFevre all of Plainview, Texas. Garth is the grandson of Billie McDonald and the
late Ray McDonald formally of Texline, now of Amarillo and
the late Sid and Charlene Bridgeman of Dalhart. The couple
plans to live in Hartley after they are married.
hit a combined .494 with
10 home runs, 29 doubles
and 54 RBIs.
On the mound she was
24-14 with a sub .5 ERA
and 484 strikeouts.
She tossed multiple
no-hitters in 2014 including the one on the road
against Pampa where she
actually came out on the
losing side in a 1-0 game.
Halbert hit three home
runs in the bi-district
match-up between the
Lady Wolves and the Fil-
lies from Shallowater.
She also won the first
game, which was a 4-3
victory. She also hit two
home runs in that game.
She was the difference
in a couple games like that
during the year. In the first
tournament of the year in
Lubbock, she went 4-4 at
the plate with a home run
against the Lubbock Cooper Junior Varsity while
she tossed a no-hitter on
the mound.
It should also be noted
that before she made her
way into Dalhart, Halbert
won a state title in Oklahoma.
(continued from page A1)
never went so far as to buy
any of them and I never
plan to with the exception
of X-Men First Class.
I am going to buy Days
of Future Past for many
reasons I cannot disclose.
I cannot say why this movie rights all the wrongs of
the past X-Men movies.
I am not going to divulge
Texan Photo by Thomas Lott
the plot twists that put this
Kilee Halbert won back-toback MVP Awards in District franchise back on track for
the future.
I’m not a jerk.
But for any of you out
there that felt the same way
about The Last Stand that I
did, you will feel relief at
the conclusion of this movie. It is worth your money
at any time and at any price
at the theatre.
Again, be careful with
kids, there is some violence
in this movie, but it is not
anything too horrible.
I will say there are a few
things I wasn’t a huge fan
of with this movie. I would
have liked to see more of
Quicksilver, and a few other characters as well, but
the positives of this movie
outweigh the negatives and
I certainly plan on seeing
this movie again when I get
the chance. I bet you will
Texas Commission on Environmental PUBLIC
MEETING You may submit public
comments, a request for a public meet‑
NOTICE OF RECEIPT OF APPLICA‑ ing, or request a contested case hearing
to the Office of the Chief Clerk at the
AIR QUALITY STANDARD PERMIT address below. The TCEQ will consider
all public comments in developing a final
decision on the application. The deadline
PROPOSED AIR QUALITY REGIS- to submit public comments is 15 days
TRATION NO. 120072L001
after newspaper notice is published. After the deadline for public comments, the
APPLICATION Blaine Larsen Farms, executive director will prepare a response
Inc., has applied to the Texas Commission to all relevant and material, or significant
on Environmental Quality (TCEQ) for an public comments. Issues such as property
Air Quality Standard Permit, Registration values, noise, traffic safety, and zoning
No. 120072L001, which would authorize are outside of the TCEQ’s jurisdiction to
construction of a Concrete Batch Plant. consider in the permit process.
The applicant has provided the following The purpose of a public meeting is to
driving directions to the site: from Dalhart provide the opportunity to submit comtravel north on Highway 87. Turn left ments or ask questions about the applicaonto Farm-to-Market Road 1727 and trav- tion. A public meeting about the applicael 18.5 miles west. Turn left onto County tion will be held if the executive director
Road 11 and travel 7.30 miles. Turn right determines that there is a significant deonto Larsen Farms Road and travel west gree of public interest in the application or
for 8.0 miles. Travel 1.0 mile south, then if requested by a local legislator. A public
turn right and go 1.0 mile, Dalhart, Hartley meeting is not a contested case hearing.
County, Texas 79022. This link to an elec- If only comments are received on the
tronic map of the site or facility’s general application, the response to comments,
location is provided as a public courtesy along with notice of the executive direcand not part of the application or notice. tor’s action on the application, will be
For exact location, refer to application. mailed to everyone who submitted comhttp://www.tceq.texas.gov/assets/public/ ments or is on the mailing list for this aphb610/index.html?1at=35.957637&lng- plication.
The The executive director will complete
proposed facility will emit the follow- the technical review, issue a preliminary
ing air contaminants: particulate matter decision on the application, and a Notice
including (but not limited to) aggregate, of the Application and Preliminary Decicement, road dust, and particulate matter sion will be published and mailed to those
with diameters of 10 microns or less and who are on the mailing list for this appli2.5 microns or less.
cation. That notice will contain the final
This application was submitted to the deadline for submitting public comments.
TCEQ on May 7, 2014. The application If a hearing request is timely filed in Rewill be available for viewing and copy- sponse to this Notice of Receipt of Appliing at the TCEQ central office, the TCEQ cation and Intent to Obtain Air Permit, the
Amarillo regional office, and the U.S. Post time period for requesting a contested case
Office, 210 White Street, Hartley, Hartley hearing will be extended to thirty days afCounty, Texas, beginning the first day of ter the mailing of the executive director’s
publication of this notice. The facility’s response to comments.
compliance file, if any exists, is available After the final deadline for public
for public review in the Amarillo regional comments following the Notice of Ap‑
office of the TCEQ.
plication and Preliminary Decision,
The executive director has determined the executive director will consider the
the application is administratively com- comments and prepare a response to
plete and will conduct a technical review all relevant and material, or significant
of the application.
public comments. If any comments are
received, the response to comments,
along with the executive director’s de‑
cision on the application, will then be
mailed to everyone who submitted pub‑
lic comments or who is on a mailing list
for this application, unless the applica‑
tion is directly referred to a contested
case hearing.
ED CASE HEARING You may request
a contested case hearing. The applicant
or the executive director may also request
that the application be directly referred to
a contested case hearing after technical review of the application. A contested case
hearing is a legal proceeding similar to a
civil trial in state district court. Unless a
written request for a contested case hearing is filed within 15 days from this notice, the executive director may approve
the application. If no hearing request is
received within this 15‑day period, no
further opportunity for hearing will
be provided. A contested case hearing
will only be granted based on disputed issues of fact that are relevant and material
to the Commission’s decision on the application. Further, the Commission will
only grant a hearing on those issues raised
during the public comment period and not
A person who may be affected by
emissions of air contaminants from the
facility is entitled to request a hearing.
To request a hearing, a person must ac‑
tually reside in a permanent residence
within 440 yards of the proposed plant.
If requesting a contested case hearing,
you must submit the following: (1)
your name (or for a group or associa‑
tion, an official representative), mail‑
ing address, daytime phone number,
and fax number, if any; (2) applicant’s
name and Registration Number; (3) the
statement “[I/we] request a contested
case hearing;” (4) a specific description
of how you would be adversely affected
by the application and air emissions
from the facility in a way not common
to the general public; (5) the location
and distance of your property relative
to the facility; and (6) a description of
how you use the property which may be
impacted by the facility. If the request
is made by a group or association, the
one or more members who have stand‑
ing to request a hearing, and the inter‑
ests which the group or association seek
to protect, must also be identified. Re‑
quests for a contested case hearing must
be submitted in writing within 15 days
following this notice to the Office of the
Chief Clerk, at the address below.
Following the close of all applicable
comment and request periods, the executive director will forward the application
and any requests for contested case hearing to the Commissioners for their consideration at a scheduled Commission
meeting. If a hearing is granted, the
subject of a hearing will be limited to
disputed issues of fact relating to rel‑
evant and material air quality concerns
raised during the comment period. Issues such as property values, noise, traffic safety, and zoning are outside of the
Commission’s jurisdiction to address in
this proceeding.
MAILING LIST In addition to submitting public comments, you may ask
to be placed on a mailing list to receive
future public notices for this specific application mailed by the Office of the Chief
Clerk by sending a written request to the
Office of the Chief Clerk at the address
FORMATION Public comments and
requests must be submitted either electronically at www.tceq.texas.gov/about/
comments.html or in writing to the Texas
Commission on Environmental Quality, Office of the Chief Clerk, MC-105,
P.O. Box 13087, Austin, Texas 787113087. If you communicate with the TCEQ
electronically, please be aware that your
email address, like your physical mailing
address, will become part of the agency’s public record. For more information about this permit application or the
permitting process, please call the Public
Education Program toll free at 1‑800‑6874040. Si desea información en Español,
puede llamar al 1-800-687-4040.Further
information may also be obtained from
Blaine Larsen Farms, Inc., 12295 County
Road 11, Dalhart, Texas 79022-8354 or
by calling Mr. Raul Villa, Staff Engineer,
at (915) 240-2708. Notice Issuance Date:
May 22, 2014Example

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