- Tailwinds Bicycle Club of Santa Maria
- Tailwinds Bicycle Club of Santa Maria
March/April 2011 http://www.tailwindsofsantamariabc.org Editor: Diana Cantero Tailwinds of Santa Maria BC is a member of the Santa Maria Valley Chamber of Commerce FROM THE PRESIDENT At the February club meeting, Tom Murphy brought up the point that there should be a ride leader for every posted ride. In this newsletter you will find an article, recommended by Tom, discussing the responsibilities of a ride leader. While not everything in the article is a requirement, some of the ideas are valid and deserve to be followed. It has become increasingly difficult to get volunteers to lead the rides on Saturdays. In the future, dates with no ride leaders will not be posted on the calendar. Also at the February meeting, Dr Bob Okerblum spoke about the death of his son Eric who was hit by a distracted driver last year while riding his bike..Eric was a member of the UC Berkley cycling team. At present there is a $20 fine for texting while driving in California. He stated that 2.5% of all California drivers are texting while driving. On February 27, Dr. Okerblom will begin a bike journey starting in San Diego and riding across America, taking the southern route, to spread the message about texting while driving and the damage caused by distracted drivers. As part of our budget this year, Tailwinds voted to donate $500 to the non-profit Eric Okerblom Foundation in support of this ride. On February 25 Tailwinds held its second bike giveaway at Arellanes Elementary school in Tanglewood. As always, the children were very excited to be selected for the giveaway, wrote excellent essays on bike safety and why they deserved winning a bike and the teachers were very appreciative of the club’s generosity. The railroad tracks, on Betteravia, have been repaired. However, the bike lane in this area still needs improvement. We still have to loop out into the center of the road to cross the tracks at a 90 degree angle. Thanks to Tom McCullough who was our contact person for this project. The Spring Choo Choo Ride will be on April 30 this year. See the ad on page 8. The Wheelin Warriors will be hosting a ride on March 5th, Tom Jones Trail, at 9AM and having a Fund raising BBQ at Ballard Canyon, on May 20th. So plan to attend. The article below appeared in last year’s March issue of the Tailwinds Newsletter. Written by Doug Palmer, it bears repeating so new members can learn our history and old members can reminisce. “March 14, 1982 was the initial club ride for the Tailwinds Bicycle Club of Santa Maria. Which, of course, made 2007 the Club’s silver anniversary. In honor of that accomplishment Doug Palmer, one of the Club’s founders, has agreed to write some articles about those early years. This month’s installment relates how the club got its name and events leading up to that first ride. Alex Mendoza and I were headed to Los Alamos aided by the soft Santa Maria breezes on a Wednesday evening ride that started at the old Cook Street School our gear ratio was a 52 – 13 affair as we took turns trying to burn the other off. Alex was first to the city limits sign and that left me stuck with the bill for Perrier…again. Then it was time for the return trip. Typically in the fall the wind dies down as sunset approached, but no such luck tonight. Struggling in 42 – 19 gears, I said to Alex that we should form a club so that more people could enjoy this fun. As Alex pulled through he asked, “What would we call it?” I quipped back, “The Tailwinds.” In the following weeks we started to take the notion of a club more seriously, when Ira Hughes, of Ira’s bicycles, told us that we were not alone in our thinking. A Nipomo “bikey” named Ron Holt had similar plans. A phone call put us together and we met after the Holidays at the Cook Street School. I believe that only 4 or 5 of us showed up at the first meeting and only 3 returned for a second meeting in February. At that second meeting I recall that in addition to Ron, Alex and my-self, long time Tailwind treasurer Claude Weimer was present. I know one or two others were there, but I don’t recall their names. Ron was elected our first President and also served as newsletter editor. Ron and the SLOBS had hosted the first Holiday Halves that past November; the proceeds of which had been donated to our efforts. When it came time to name the organization we learned that the title “Santa Maria Bicycle Club” was already registered with the LAW by long time local cyclist Dick Trissel. Though that club was no longer active, Dick wanted to keep the name for sentimental reasons. In a three-two vote the name Tailwinds won out. In the years since that day I’ve found it interesting that Tailwinds is also the name of Lance Armstrong’s organization which owns the Discovery pro team.” So there you have it folks. Be proud of your club’s history and I’ll see you on the road. I’ll be riding “Chuy”. Dave Cantero 1 RIDE CALENDAR MARCH/APRIL 2011 ALL Tuesdays: Route to be determined by group 25-30 miles Loading Dock 8:30 AM ALL Thursdays: Guadalupe 24 miles Master’s Donut 8:30 AM All rides start at the Loading Dock in Old Orcutt unless otherwise specified. Be ready to ride at 8:30AM. Dear Cyclists: Here is our ride calendar for March and April. If f you feel you can lead a ride, please let me know (937-1519). The available dates are open below. Thanks. Maureen March 5: Cayucous Pier: Old Creek Road Loop (Victor) March 12: Loading Dock: Graciosa, Vandenberg Village to Harris Grade (Tom Murphy) March 19: Bull Canyon Bridge: Bull Canyon, Arroyo Grande, Higuera Street in SLO, return by Highway 1 (Murphy) March 26: TBD Victor April 2: Shandon Park: Bitterwater Ride (Tom Murphy) April 9: TBD….. Victor April 16: Loading Dock April 23: April 30: Choo Choo Ride Los Alamos to Los Olivos (Peggy LeDoux) Ride descriptions may be found on the Tailwinds website: http://tailwindsofsantamariabc.org/ under the Ride Schedule PARTICIPATING BIKE SHOPS These bike shops offer a 10% discount to Tailwinds members on most stock items Please show your membership card to the sales person. PEDAL POWER BICYCLES: 349-2294 1740 S, Broadway, SM HART VELO BIKE SHOP: 929-2258 150 N. Thompson, Nipomo MAIN STREET CYCLES: 922-5577 311 E. Main St. SM IRA’S BIKE SHOP: 489-2621 107 Bridge, A.G. CENTRAL COAST CYCLERY: 934-2003 1157 E. Clark, Ste 1, Orcutt ART’S CYCLERY: 543-4416 2140 Santa Barbara St., S.L.O. TRINITY CYCLERY: 473-8324 1343 W. Grand, A.G. THE BIKE CONNECTION: 736-4849 200 W. Ocean, Lompoc BICYCLES UNLIMITED: 736-4064 660 N. H Street, Lompoc CYCLE STARS 347-1950 College Square, Starbuck’s Shopping Center, SM WALLY’S BIKE SHOP 544-4116 306 Higuera St, San Luis Obispo, THANK YOU GOLDEN DONUTS at Clark and Bradley, in Orcutt, for donating the delicious donuts we enjoy at our Club meetings. 2 Ride Leader Guidelines…From Grizzly Peak Cyclists .. Ride leaders are encouraged to provide sufficient detail in ride listings to ensure that the reasonable rider will not be taken by surprise. This includes unusually long stretches without a chance to get more water or food, lack of any bailout route, surprisingly hard hills for the given terrain rating, etc. Ride leaders are strongly encouraged to provide a route sheet and/or map showing all turns and regroup points for all rides except regular weekly rides and decide-and-rides. If a ride is listed in the Wheel Truth or the website, the leader is expected make every effort to show up or send a substitute to at least meet the ride with a route sheet, except in case of rain, It is not sufficient to cancel or postpone the ride via the club e-mail list. Leaders are encouraged to start rides with introductions and ask if anyone is present who is new to our club rides. "No-drop" means that the group will wait at all regroups for slower riders to catch up. The leader may, however, suggest an alternative "bailout route" to riders unable to keep up with the published pace. L and LT rides are generally no-drop unless specified otherwise. T rides and faster are generally not no-drop unless the leader indicates it in the listing or at the start. It is not the responsibility of the ride leader to ensure that no one gets lost or to track down anyone who is missing at the end of the ride. However leaders are encouraged to take reasonable precautions (clear route sheets, regroups at strategic points) to prevent this from happening. The ride leader is expected to ride at a pace consistent with the projected average listed or wait at regroups, even if most of the pack rides faster. If slower riders express a clear willingness to stick with each other and ride by themselves, it is okay for the leader to ride faster. If a rider is injured on a ride, the club insurance policy requires the leader to fill out an incident report for the club insurance. The incident report form, with instructions, may be obtained from the club web site, Carry the sign-in sheet on the ride, in case the emergency info is needed. Don't leave it at the ride start. The Leader should sign in as well, giving appropriate emergency numbers. Background Ride Leader Guidelines 1-9 and Rider Guidelines 1-12 originated at a special club meeting on ride pace and etiquette held 7 December 1999. Details were worked out at a follow-up committee meeting on 5 February 2001, and a draft was published on-line and in the March 2001 Wheel Truth, p 16. They were adopted by unanimous vote at the regular club meeting of 16 May 2001. Ride Leader Guidelines 10 and 11 were adopted at the regular club meeting of 13 August 2008, although they had been "common knowledge" for a long time preceding. This page is maintained by Mark Abrahams, < webminion at grizz dot org>. Comments welcome. EDITOR’S NOTE: The above is inserted as an FYI for Tailwind members. 3 TAILWINDS HOLD THE FIRST WINDMILL CENTURY MEETING FOR 2011 The meeting was held on Wednesday, January 27, at 7:30 PM at KCOY. Tom Murphy, Windmill Chairman, presided. This year’s event will be on Saturday, July 16th, at Pioneer Park. Entry fee is again only $55 with late registration $65. Carol Moore, advertising Captain, has done an excellent job designing the advertising flyer and poster (on the right) Tiny Tim Brookshire is working on the route, while Jim Hosp and Janelle Hann will again be Rest and Lunch Stop Captains. Maia and Steve Lewis are the t-shirt Captains and the new design looks spectacular. Maureen Black heads up the Donors/Sponsors and Ashley Ashmore will handle the “Goody Bags”. Sue Nunn is the SAG captain again this year while Dave Cantero and his crew will once again man the BBQ. Victor Cabatuan is in charge of Registration. Lots of folks will be needed to work in all these areas so be sure to contact your favorite Captain and volunteer to help out. Last year’s Windmill was a huge success and this year we hope to do even better!!! Poster to be placed in local bike store windows and fitness gym’s bulletin boards. TAILWINDS CONTRIBUTIONS HELP BUILD A NURSERY IN RWANDA From Karen Lake-Shampain, Tailwinds member, and avid supporter of project “HOPE MADE REAL”: “Aren't these babies sweet? Our contributions helped to build the nursery. (And I boxed up my chevron car collection and mailed them). Hugs, Karen 4 “KNUCKLEHEADS” RIDE TO POINT SAL There has been a small rebellion among the troops that ride on Thursday morning. The ride is supposed to go to Guadalupe, stop for coffee and return to Santa Maria. However some intrepid riders have decided to ride on to the Point Sal gate. Victor Cabatuan, one of the “rebels” sent in these pictures and words: “Here are some pictures of our Thursday Ride to Pt. Sal. We decided to call it the "Knucklehead Ride". Everybody else opted to go to Guadalupe for Coffee. David called us the "Knuckleheads"…. we like it!” Victor Victor Cabatuan, Steve Lewis, Gary Shaw, Jim Rainville, Julie Coolidge and Maureen Black Tom Mc Cullough “Tiny” Tim Brookshire Ashley Ashmore Will Rogers once said: "If you're riding' ahead of the herd, take a look back every now and then to make sure it's still there. “ 5 THE BUELLTON RIDE WAS HELD ON SATURDAY, JANUARY 15, 2011 Below are pictures of the group after the Santa Rosa to Lompoc and back to Buellton ride. There were lots of Riders......Tom McCullough, Joe Slaughter, Jannelle Hann, Trish,Fertig, Maia and Steve Lewis, David Cantero, John Klingensmith, Julie Orr, Jim Rainville, Howard Wallace, Tiny Tim Brookshire and Victor Cabatuan, Dave Cantero and John Klingensmith load up their bikes. Tricia Fertig had a good ride. Maia Lewis is ready to go, Steve Lewis checks out the bikes. “Tiny” Tim Brookshire and Julie Coolidge On Monday, January 24th, Julie Coolidge put together a Palmer Road Ride..Julie was unable to do the Tuesday ride but still wanted to get her ride in for the week. She sent out an email and two other people showed up: Maia Lewis and Victor Cabatuan. According to Victor they “Had a ball!!” 6 . APRIL 30, 2011 Limited to the first 20 sign ups. Cycle to Santa Barbara and return on the train. Meet at 7:00 AM at the Guadalupe train station and ride 82 miles to the Santa Barbara train station. For a shorter ride, 64 miles, meet at Surf Station (See Dave for time.) and join the group at the first rest stop. SAG will carry your return clothes, etc. Bring your bike back on the train or let SAG take it back for you. For only $35, you get SAG, lunch on the road, and a train ride back. The ride is for club members only. Any riders falling too far behind to give SAG time to set up at the next rest stop will be picked up. No-host dinner in Santa Barbara .Must have a current CA driver’s license/picture ID for boarding the train. SAG, supplies, water & great treats at both rest stops, lunch at Gaviota and return train ticket included in price. Total cost $35.00 Leave Santa Barbara Amtrak station at 5:30 PM and Arrive at Guadalupe at 7:40 PM. Make checks payable to: TAILWINDS BICYCLE CLUB OF SANTA MARIA and turn in to Dave Cantero by April 23rd in order to determine: how many riders how much food to take for the rest stops how many will want their bikes returned by SAG. For more information call: Dave Cantero (805) 937-4097, [email protected] or [email protected] Solvang Century & Half-Century March 12, 2011 NEW START/FINISH LOCATION THIS YEAR HOTEL CORQUE 400 ALISAL ROAD REGISTER ON ACTIVE.COM 7 CYCLE FOR SIGHT NAPA VALLEY SATURDAY APRIL 16, 2011 Time to get in shape and get ready for this year’s event - Register now at the $50 early bird rate! Cycling Wine Tasting Food Beer Music Cycle 4 Sight offers the Bay Area’s best post ride festival, scenic and challenging 50, 25, or 15 mile routes among thevineyards and hills of the world famous Napa Valley. Regarded as Northern California’s best post ride wine festival, Cycle 4 Sight's festival offers wine tasting, microbreweries, local restaurants, a silent auction and live entertainment featuring the Bay Area’s legendary Pride & Joy. By attending The Wine Valley Cycle For Sight Rotary Ride for Veterans, one of the Bay Area’s most popular events, you support two amazing causes, the Pathway Home Program Enchanted Hills Camp. The Pathway Home is a privately funded center that treats veterans returning from war in Iraq and Afghanistan who suffer from Posttraumatic Stress Disorder (PTSD) and Traumatic Brain Injury (TBI). Our other beneficiary is The Enchanted Hills Camp for the Blind and Visually Impaired. On that beautiful spring day, you will share the road with many of our heroic veterans and tandems with non-sighted passengers as you ride to help improve their lives. We hope that you will be able to join us on this special day. Put a group together and make your plans for a great day or weekend in the beautiful Napa Valley! Cycle for Sight has three scenic 50, 25, and 15 mile courses, that wind among the hills and vineyards of the World Famous Napa Valley. The ride starts and finishes at Justin Siena High School where the Cycle for Sight Wine and Music Festival will take place. During the festival enjoy wine tasting from Napa Valley wineries, beer tasting from local microbreweries and local cuisine from Napa Valley restaurants, all while listening and dancing to the sounds of "Pride and Joy". Proceeds will go to two local organizations, Enchanted Hills Camp For The Blind & Visually Impaired and The California Veterans "Pathway Home Project." Our goal is to raise $100,000. We look forward to your participation. Same day registration will be available onsite Saturday morning beginning at 7:00 am and closing at 10:00 am. Festival tickets can be purchased at registration tables and at festival entry opening at 11:00 am. To save time-please download a registration form, complete prior to Saturday and bring your check---payable to "rotary bike event". to register please visit our website: http://www.cycle4sight.com Tailwind members had the privilege of riding with the “Wounded Warriors” (Veterans) in October of 2010 as they rode through Orcutt on their way to San Diego. 8 9 10 PLEASE SUPPORT OUR SPONSORS of THE 2010 WINDMILL IN ORCUTT Now carrying SPECIALIZED BIKES IRA’S BIKE SHOP 107 BRIDGE STREET ARROYO GRANDE, CA CYCLE STAR BICYCLES 560 E. BETTERAVIA ROAD SANTA MARIA, CA 93454 11 NEW M EMBER S OME BOARD OF DIRECTORS 2011 W ELC President: David Cantero… [email protected] Vice President: Tom Murphy [email protected] Roselio Barrera John and Elizabeth Beyea Ken Dally Treasurer: Janelle Hann… [email protected] Secretary: Maureen Black [email protected] Newsletter Editor: Diana Cantero [email protected] NOT RECEIVING club emails or a copy of the Newsletter? It may be because we do not have your correct home or email address. Please notify us of mail changes at: Tailwinds Bicycle Club, PO Box 48 2011 CLUB ELECTIONS or Were held at the January club meeting and the incumbent Board of Directors was re-elected: . [email protected] TAILWINDS BICYCLE CLUB P.O. BOX 48 SANTA MARIA, CA 93456 IT’S MEMBERSHIP RENEWAL TIME Single 1 year membership $15.00 …..Family 1 year membership $20.00 For your convenience: Application and waiver may be found in this newsletter and on our website http://tailwindsofsantamariabc.org Please sign both pages and return, along with your check, to: TAILWINDS BICYCLE CLUB OF SANTA MARIA, P.O. BOX 48, SANTA MARIA, CA 93455 12