of an object
of an object
The Auditory Perception of Objects Anna Preis Institute of Acoustics Chair of Environmental Acoustics Andrzej Klawiter Institute of Psychology Chair of Logic and Cognitive Science Adam Mickiewicz University, Poznań, Poland November 5, 2008 Stockholm University Traditional approach to audition Common sense psychology, renowned researchers even philosophers are all in agreement on this point: we hear sounds Hearing opens up a world of sounds for us, and that these sounds are recognised by features such as loudness, pitch and timbre. Psychoacoustic dogma and its rejection The complete characteristics of audition consists in accouting for how the auditory system receives, analyses and transforms Acoustic waves sound sensation attributes Research on natural audition explains how the auditory system identifies distant objects by extracting and processing information contained in acoustic waves reaching the organism What can be seen and what can be heard? Vision we see objects, but the process is mediated by the electromagnetic waves Audition we hear sound sources, but the process is mediated by the acoustics waves Both perceptual faculties provide us with information about objects in an environment Ecological approach to audition W. Gaver: there are two kinds of audition: everyday listening and musical listening (studied in traditional psychoacoustics) Listener can shift attention and choose the mode of listening: it is possible to hear any sound in terms of its source (everyday listening) or in terms of its sensory qualities (musical listening) pros: everyday listening is not directed to sounds but to their sources cons: cannot explain the functiong the auditory system Ecological approach to audition • 1979 –Vanderveer –grouping of sounds • 1979 – Lederman –roughness • 1984 –Warren, Verbrugge – bouncing versus breaking of an object • 1988 – Gaver –type or size of material • 1993 – Gaver –everyday listening, musical listening • 1991 – Li et al. –walking person • 1998 – Carello at al. – metalic ruler sound • 2000 – Cabe, Pittenger –empting or filling the glass • 2002 – Houben – velocity of balls • 2003 – Rocchesso, Fontana – literature rewiev http://www.soundobject.org/SobBook The ecological versus the cognitive approach to audition • Ecological approach to audition - inspired by Gibson’s ecological psychology Objects in an environment afford structured information and there is no need to process it • Cognitive approach to audition - inspired by Marr’s computational model of vision • We need a model which explains how the system extracts and processes auditory information Cognitive approach to audition Our proposal is limited only to listening in the natural environment In such environment the subject is engaged in natural audition, that is auditory detection of properties of objects Listening to speech and to music are different tasks and should be explained separately To understand the natural audition we have to model it Principles of the functioning of the auditory perceptual system The principle of functioning as an audile: audition alone allows an organism to acquire information about the attributes of objects in an environment The principle of constructing the auditory representation (image) of an object: an acoustic signal produced by a moving object carries information about its movement and other properties. The structure of this signal, its acoustic characteristics, is the basis for the auditory representation of the object The principle of hierarchical processing of auditory information: the auditory detection of attributes of an object is the result of multilevel information processing The stages of processing visual and auditory information Vision Audition Primal sketch, Acoustic hearing The basic structure of an auditory stream 21/2-D sketch Spatial hearing Localization and distance of the sound source 3-D model representation of an object’s shape Hearing an object Primary and secondary characteristics of the object How do we hear according to this proposal? Imagine that we hear a passing car: at the first stage the auditory system identifies the attributes of sound sensation like the loudness, pitch and timbre of the auditory stream How do we hear according to this proposal? at the second stage the auditory system estimates the direction and distance of the sound source How do we hear according to this proposal? at the third stage, we perceive how the sound source moves, what its size, weight, form, velocity, acceleration, etc. is Relevant experiments A series of experiments is needed to test the multilevel model of auditory perception The subjects listen to environmental sounds and are asked to judge not the sound attributes but the attributes and states of the sources that generated the sounds JND in frequency or intensity is replaced by JND in velocity or mass Differential velocity threshold Differential velocity threshold is independent of the reference velocity (10, 20, 30 and 40 m/s) of linearly moving sound sources, varying across listeners from 1.5 to 4.6 m/s The experimental results also show the subject’s preference for the Doppler cue and weakest sensitivity to the cue related with interaural time differences Differential velocity threshold In these experiments subjects did not have any difficulties in answering the question which of the two sources in a pair moved faster The question referred to the source’s attribute, its velocity, not to the sound’s attribute As can be seen from these experiments, people perceived the velocity of a source quite well, by using sound generated by it wszystkie dostępne tylko zmiany częstotliwości tylko zmiany poziomu tylko zmiany ITD 25 dv [m/s] 20 15 10 5 0 EJ GH HH MW SH słuchacz DJ JK CJ JD Differential mass threshold The falling ball of a given mass was regarded as a sound source The ball was dropped from two different heights onto two types of floor material The aim of this study was to examine if the auditory system is capable of detecting the information about the mass of the source. Differential mass threshold 1.5m 85 a) L A E [dB] 80 75 Hard-45cm Soft-45cm Soft-85cm 70 Smean [acum] 0.6 b) 0.5 0.4 400 600 800 1000 1200 1400 1600 M ass of ball [g] JND of mass [g] 400 350 300 250 200 150 100 Hard-45cm A verage Ball 4 Ball 3 Ball 5 400 350 300 250 200 150 100 Soft-45cm 400 350 300 250 200 150 100 Soft-85cm 700 800 900 1000 1100 M ass of standard ball [g] The JND mass values for all balls and all subjects within each condition do not change. The only exception is ball 5 in Soft-45cm condition. The JND in mass values for all balls and all subjects decrease as a function of L AE . For example, the smallest values of L AE, in the Soft-45cm condition corresponds to the largest differential mass threshold. Differential mass threshold Subjects did not have any difficulties in judging which of the two sound sources in a pair was heavier As a result of such an experiment an analysis can be performed and the question - which auditory cues derived from the stimuli are responsible for the mass perception? – can be answered Futher developments of cognitive approach to audition: auditory speech perception vs auditory control of speech SUBSYSTEMS PROCESSING INFORMATION PERCEPTION MOTOR CONTROL Milner, VISION Goodale (1995) VENTRAL STREAM DORSAL STREAM Klawiter, AUDITION Preis (2005) VENTRAL DORSAL (T. Kaczmarek -JASA 2005) M. Ishibashi, A. PreisArchives of Acoustics 2005) (H. Hafke - JASA 2008) Proofs of existence of two separate systems: vision-for-perception and visionfor-action People with visual deficits (DF) Visual illusions Titchener Circles Illusion Aglioti (1995) Hollow Face Illusion Kroliczak (2005) „what we think we ‘see’ is not always what guides our actions” Findings that support the hypothesis of separated perception and motor control in the auditory modality B. H. Repp (2001) Phase Correction, Phase Resetting, and Phase Shifts After Subliminal Timing Perturbations in Sensorimotor Synchronization (Journal of Experimental Psychology) B. H. Repp (2005) Does auditory perceptual illusion affect on-line auditory action control? The case of (de)accentuation and synchronization (Exp Brain Res) G. Hickok, D. Poeppel (2004) Dorsal and ventral streams: a framework for understanding aspects of the functional anatomy of language (Cognition) Investigation to verify the importance of acoustic feedback in the control of the fundamental voice frequency Fo The „perception” task ﻡ Task: Vocalization of vowel /u/ for 5s Question: whether trial had contained a pitch shift and what direction it was? We intend to check the possibility of a situation when a listener despite not hearing the pitch shift, performs the adequate motor reaction. The „motor response” part Recordings of the listener’s voice to further analysis subject’s reactions to pitch shifts Experimental details •9 healthy young adults were tested (4 females 5 males). All the listeners were qualified as having normal hearing. All of them were trained singers •The subjects were seated in a sound-treated room •Both beginning and ending of phonation was marked with a visual stimuli •Voices were recorded with a Shure SM 58 microphone and processed for auditory feedback pitch-shifting through a DP2 Ensoniq ultraharmonizer •The output of the harmonizer was mixed with pink masking noise (75 dB SPL) to partially mask bone-conducted feedback and presented to the subject over Sennheiser HD 600 headphones •Voice feedback was pitch-shifted by 9, 19, 50 or 99 cents respectively in both directions. •Every pitch shift value was repeated 30 times •An automatic, MIDI based control system was used for pitch shifts in the auditory feedback signal •Each block of stimuli consisted of 45 vocalizations in which the pitch shift values were randomly ordered Analysis reaction check The „perception” part Percentage values represent the number of correct answers to the pitch shift stimuli were calculated The „motor response” part Positive reaction: - deviation in F0 with a magnitude of more than 2 SDs of the 1000-m pre-stimulus mean, a duration of at least 200ms in a maximum of 800ms after the pitch shift Reaction values in cents were calculated for responses qualified as „valid” only. Extracting the fundamental frequency - algorithm incorporated in the Praat software fo frequency low-pass filtering Analyzing time changes in fundamental frequency - MATLAB environment time 1000ms 800ms Example of Fo response of a subject to downward pitch stimuli Individual results of the „perception” task Individual results of the „perception” task Green points indicate pitch changes that were below perceptual threshold Individual results of the „reaction” part Individual results of the „reaction” part Green points indicate pitch changes undetected in the „perception” part of experiment CONCLUSION The results attained support the hypothesis of two separate streams existing in auditory information processing. The experiment showed that a human being is capable of a motor response to changes in the acoustic signal omitted by their perception This leads to the conclusion that the information carried by the acoustic wave can be used for purposes other than conscious perception itself It is also highly probable that certain reactions (to loud noises for example) are mostly caused by a separate, motororiented, processing stream, and therefore a considerable amount of psychoacoustic tests results needs to be reinterpreted. Klawiter, A.,„On hearing of objects” (in Polish, „O słyszeniu przedmiotów” ): Poznańskie Studia z Filozofii Humanistyki, 5 (18), Zysk i S-ka, Poznań. (1999) Klawiter A., Preis A. (2006). „Percepcja słuchowa przedmiotów szkic teorii i jej testowanie”, Kolokwia Psychologiczne nr 14, Neuronauka, Instytut Psychologii PAN, Warszawa, 145-162 Ishibashi M., Preis A. (2005). „Auditory cue for the perception of the weight of falling balls”, Archives of Acoustics. 30, 139-144.
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