November HaKol - Herzl


November HaKol - Herzl
Herzl-Ner Tamid
3700 East Mercer Way
Mercer Island, WA 98040
Sparks & Spuds
Hands-on Chanukah
Wednesday, December 9, 6:00 PM
Lend a Hand...Warm a Foot
Bring new gloves & socks for homeless young
adults* who have aged out of the foster system
Light candles
& brighten someone's day!
6:00 PM Music by the Chava Mirel Band and special guest Josh Niehaus
6:15 PM Community candle lighting & joyous Chanukah songs
6:30 PM Baked potato bar and mountainous sufganiot
7:00 PM Sing-A-Long with the band
7:30 PM Head home
*Rising Out of the Shadows (ROOTS) provides shelter and other essential services to homeless young
adults. These young people are spiraling out of the foster care system and onto the streets, fleeing
abusive homes and failing to find work opportunities to survive in this tough economic climate.
ROOTS builds community, advocates for social justice, and fosters dignity among low-income people.
206-232-8555 • [email protected] •
Let’s Get Small
Steve Martin used to have a comedy
routine called Let’s Get Small (you can
see it again on Youtube!). This phrase
captures perfectly the philosophy
of Judaism. The Bible is constantly
reminding us that redemption begins
with small acts by ordinary people. A
Jewish couple decides to have a child despite great risks, and
the child grows up to be the redeemer (Moses). A little known
Moabite woman (Ruth) shows unusual kindness to her mother
in law and she becomes the great grandmother of David, and
thus the ancestor of the future Messiah.
The Rabbis teach us that our day is filled with small moments
with heroic potential. Getting out of bed and standing up
straight is a moment for us to ask: Who is bent over? Who can I
help lift up today? Being hungry is an opportunity to ask: What
hungers in the world need my attention? What of the hunger
for love, the thirst for knowledge, the desire for meaning?
At HNT this year we are putting the Let’s Get Small philosophy
into practice in a lot of different ways:
We are learning Hebrew one letter at a time with our
Hebrew letter of the week. Each week we feature
a new word. Check out the HNT website for lots of
opportunities to study Hebrew this year.
We are taking up Rabbi Kula’s challenge of trying out small
Jewish practices for 40 days in a row. Here are several we are
going to experiment with this year:
Burn the Candle at Both Ends. Shabbat Friday Night
Candle lighting and Havdallah on Saturday night are
beautiful practices and very rich in meaning. It takes
only a few minutes a week to do them. Get small with
us and try them!
Bless your children on Friday night. Here is a powerful
way to connect with our children and connect them
with our Tradition. Small and meaningful!
Kiss the mezuzah on your way in and out of the house.
This is the shortest prayer on record. We all have a
mezuzah. Just taking a moment to touch it and kiss it can
connect us with God and the Jewish people every day.
Start Your Day with a Wing and a Prayer. The tallit
represents God’s eagle wings surrounding us and
protecting us. It also represents the light and the sky.
Let’s think about making tallit a daily spiritual practice.
For a few minutes, let’s surround ourselves with light
and sky. What a way to start the day!
Mother Theresa once said: “We may not be able to do great
things every day. But, we can do small things with great love.”
Let’s get small together, and do little things with great love.
DAILY MINYAN: WEEKDAYS. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 7:00 AM
SUNDAYS AND SECULAR HOLIDAYS . . . . . . . . . 9:00 AM
PRESHABBAT ONEG: FRIDAYS . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 5:30 PM
Friday, November 6 - 6:00 PM – Services in Upper Foyer
•Birthday Shabbat • Michael Novick's D'var
Saturday, November 7 – Services in Upper Foyer
• Parasha Study – 9:30 AM
• Services – 10:00 AM
Friday, November 13 – 6:00 PM – Services in Sanctuary
Saturday, November 14 – 9:30 AM – Services in Sanctuary
• Bar Mitzvah of Mitchell Ashberg
• Shabbat for Kids - 10:30 AM
Friday, November 20 – 6:00 PM – Services in Upper Foyer
• B’Yachad & Simchat Shabbat
• Third Friday Shabbat for Young Professionals - 6:30 PM
Saturday, November 21 – Services in Upper Foyer
• Parasha Study – 9:30 AM
• Services – 10:00 AM
• Shabbat for Kids - 10:30 AM
• Mincha/Ma’ariv Havdallah – 4:00 PM Sanctuary
• Bar Mitzvah of Samuel Woodall
Friday, November 27– 6:00 PM – Services in Sanctuary
• Anniversary Shabbat
Saturday, November 28 – 9:30 AM – Services in Sanctuary
• B’nai Mitzvah of Benjamin Beder & Jared Marcus
THE 2016
FEBRUARY 28, 2016
HaKol is published monthly, except
June/July/August. Production by
HNT staff. The deadline for HaKol is
the first of the month preceding the
3700 E. Mercer Way
Mercer Island, WA 98040 month of publication.
Office Hours
Tuesday - Thursday......................... 9:00 AM - 5:00 PM
Friday............................................... 9:00 AM - 2:00 PM
Rabbi Jay Rosenbaum
206-232-8555 • [email protected] •
Everyone is invited to share services & the kiddush
following our B'nai Mitzvot
feat. Rabbi Jason Levine!
Wednesday, November 4 • 7:30 PM
Location: First Hill, Seattle
RSVP to receive exact location
November 14
Mitchell Jack Ashberg is the son of Rachel and
Jay Ashberg and the son of Vicki Piha Ashberg z'l,
who passed away from kidney cancer when he
was 4 years old. Mitch is brother to Bella, Mimi
and Zachary. He is the grandson of Geulah Fields
and Hank Finesilver, Jan and Al Ashberg and Marlene Piha and
Morrie Piha z”l. He is a 7th grader at Islander Middle School.
Mitch is an avid athlete, who enjoys playing select baseball,
basketball and soccer for Mercer Island. In addition, he runs on
the cross country team and plays tennis at the Mercer Island
Country Club. He spends his summers at B’nai Brith camp in
Oregon. Mitch enjoys spectator sports, good food, traveling
with his family and hanging with his friends.
November 21
Samuel Louis Woodall is the son of Rebekah
Lazoritz, grandson of Dr. Martin and Christina
Lazoritz and a wonderful big brother to his 2
year old sister, Paloma. Sam is in the 7th grade
at The Jewish Day School. He has been working
very hard for his Bar Mitzvah and is so happy his day is almost
here! His favorite subjects in school include math, STEM and
gym. He likes playing basketball for recreation and on his school
team. When Sam is not at school, he enjoys reading, drawing
and playing video games. Sam also loves to cook and spends a
lot of time creating recipes with his mom. He has been an active
participant in Teen Feed and volunteering for JFS. He is hoping
to continue his volunteering for years to come.
November 28
Benjamin Aaron Beder is the son of David and
Deborah Beder, and older brother of Joshua.
He is the grandson of Ruth Beder of Bellevue,
WA, Henry Beder of New York, and Robert and
Janice Lieberman of Vancouver, WA. Benjamin
is a 7th grader in the gifted program at Kamiakin Middle School
in Kirkland. He really likes math, science, and Torah study. He
enjoys playing video games, reading science fiction and fantasy,
and playing with his brother. For his mitzvah project, he will
help the community by volunteering at Hopelink.
November 28
Jared Marcus is excited to become a Bar Mitzvah
at Herzl-Ner Tamid! Jared moved three years
ago to Mercer Island from Chicago with his mom
and dad, Abby & Brian Marcus, younger brother,
Daniel and favorite pooch, Sadie. Jared is a 7th
grader at Islander Middle School and enjoys a multitude of
things including playing his violin and watching sports. Most
anytime you see Jared, you’ll see him with a smile. Jared has
been volunteering at the Kline Galland Home this fall bringing
his love of music to its members; remembering that his gift of
time and compassion is a priceless mitzvah. Jared loves being a
part of the HNT Community and looks forward to sharing his big
day with you all.
'In this world nothing can be said to be
certain, except death and taxes” quipped Benjamin Franklin in
1789. While death may be certain for everyone, except those
like Wolverine, The Doctor, and Dorian Gray, how much control
do we have? End-of-life concerns have been a fascinating and
perplexing topics for Jewish legal writing for centuries. This
topic has reemerged in the wake of California becoming the 4th
state (including Washington) to pass “Death with Dignity” laws.
Does Judaism permit such a thing? Are we allowed to pull the
plug or is life too precious to be left to mortal minds? The icy
finger of death awaits you for these legal, moral, ethical, and
all-around unanswered questions.
On the first Wednesday of the month, all young adults in their
20s and 30s are welcome to join us as we look at sources, both
ancient and contemporary, in a friendly, relaxed third space.
Torah on Tap events are co-sponsored by TDHS - The Tribe and are
held at a different participant’s homes. Rabbi Jessica Yarkin and
Rabbi Jaclyn Cohen co-teach and we have guest speakers, too! We
keep this event free and collaborative by contributing a dessert,
snack, or drink.
7:30 PM: Arrive, unwind, catch up with friends,
nosh, nosh, nosh
8:00 PM (ish) - Scintillating discussion and text study
As you can imagine, this event only works with intimate
numbers, and the max we can accommodate is 20 people. RSVP
to [email protected] or on facebook through Third Space at HNT!
Novemberfest Third Friday Shabbat
Friday, November 20 at HNT
6:30 PM: Happy half hour
7:00 PM: Short sweet services
7:30 PM: Delish dinner
This month's Third Space Friday experience will bring fall
festivities to our space and palate. Pre-Thanksgiving, ensure to
have a dinner and warm Shabbat experience with your Third
Space family (aaaw) and unwind after a long week.
Early bird price (by November 16): $10
Regular price: $15
This event is open to all Jews in their 20s and 30s in the greater
Seattle area. Invite friends and use our Facebook event for more
details or email [email protected]
206-232-8555 • [email protected] •
“In the world to come, I shall not be
asked, “Why were you not Moses? I shall
be asked, “Why were you not Zusya?”
-Rabbi Zusya of Anipoli
Rabbi Zusya of Anipoli lived from
approximately 1718 until 1800 in Eastern
Europe. He was a student of Rabbi Dov
Ber of Mezritch who was a student of the Ba’al Shem Tov,
the master of the good name and the founder of the Hasidic
movement in Judaism. Rabbi Zusya was known for his humble
behaviors and simple ways. In the above quote, Rabbi Zusya
considers his life in the world to come. He recognizes he won’t
be asked whether or not he was someone else, or whether
or not he led a life that was not his own. On the contrary, the
reckoning he believes he will face will be solely determined by
the life lived in this world on the individual level.
Rabbi Zusya is the ultimate representation for stepping up to
the plate and being yourself in Rabbinic literature. How often do
we compromise our values and behaviors to fit in? Is it common
to give up what we hold dear to our hearts when others are
longing for something different?
Do we stay true to ourselves even in times of adversity? Asking
these questions allows for parents and especially students to have
meaningful discussions around the influence of peer pressure in the
lives of our youth. This is what we are all about at FRS.
Behaviors that encourage going with the flow and not standing
up to the current develop early in life but can be countered
by always bringing it back to the individual. The story of Rabbi
Zusya teaches the importance of uncovering and discovering
personal desires, passions, and interests in all of our lives on our
Jewish journey. May we all be blessed as the days grow colder
to always remember our inner warmth and individuality!
We continue to enjoy learning and growing at FRS. Aside from
a robust holiday schedule, we’re off to a fantastic beginning
of learning with Hebrew School on Mondays, Tuesdays, and
Wednesdays for third through fifth grade, Mondays AND
Wednesdays for sixth grade, and Tuesdays for seventh grade all
4:30 PM - 6:15 PM. FRS on Sundays for fifth grade and below
9:30 AM - 12:15 PM is when we have the opportunity to explore
our new curriculum called Etgar Yesodi in depth. All parents,
grandparents, and extended family members are invited to join
us each Sunday 9:30 AM - 10:00 AM for a special family friendly
service in the sanctuary.
Thank you to Morah Chava, Morah Michelle and Rabbi Yarkin
for leading these engaging prayer experiences! Sixth and
seventh grade meet 9:30 AM - 12:15 PM each Saturday and
this opportunity to learn in Shabbat School has become a
touchstone component of our program anchoring the encounter
of learning our students have the potential to feel on Shabbat
by adding a sense of warmth and vibrancy to our already full
calendar of learning opportunities. Thank you parents for
making this important and essential commitment. Consistency
is key here in the Hebrew and Judaic acquisition process and we
really appreciate you making the extra effort! Shabbat for Kids
meets on November 14 and 21 for prekindergarten through fifth
grade 10:30 AM - 12:15 PM.
We have partnered with SJCC for Tot Shabbat on Friday
mornings 9:45 AM - 10:30 AM. Join us at the J for this Shabbat
experience for our littlest members of our community and their
families. Stay tuned for special dates at HNT for Tot Shabbat.
Join us for a special Garinim program at the Botanical Gardens
on November 8. Simchat Shabbat, our Friday evening family
friendly dinner and service, is on November 20. Our toddler
friendly service begins at 6:00 PM in Gan Danny followed by
dinner in Room 2.
Garinim meets during FRS on 11/8 and 11/22. Please contact
Moreh Eliyahu for more information about our engaging
program for our littlest congregants! Thank you to Rabbi Jay &
Janine Rosenbaum for hosting our Sukkot party for the Garinim
group in October and to Susan & Stefan Ahrensdorf for help pick
up the supplies. Thanks to Morah Kathy Packer for leading our
Shabbat service on 11/20!
B’Yachad Shabbat for families of 3rd to 5th Graders: Friday,
November 20 ● 6:00 PM
B’Yachad for Parents/Guardians of 3rd to 5th Graders:
Sunday, November 22 ● 10:00 AM - 12:00 PM • Youth Lounge
Middle School B’Yachad for Parents of 6th & 7th Graders:
Saturday, November 21 ● 9:30 AM - 12:00 PM • Frankel Library
Join us for our second installment of Jewish meditation at
HNT from 9:30 AM - 10:00 AM on November 7 in the chapel.
All are welcome and no experience meditating is necessary.
Jewish meditation is any kind of activity that brings us closer
to the experience of what’s really happening in the present
moment. It’s all about tuning in and truly listening. Jewish
mindfulness meditation does not change lives. It changes
the heart’s capacity to accept it. It teaches the heart to be
more accommodating, not by beating it into submission,
but by developing wisdom! Please contact Moreh Eliyahu
at [email protected] to learn more about deepening your
contemplative practice.
206-232-8555 • [email protected] •
Kadima Youth Group (for all 6th and 7th graders)
Pizza Parties: 6:00 PM - 7:30 PM monthly
in the Youth Lounge
(all 9th to 12th graders welcome)
Join our Facebook group Seattle Achim
USY and look out for our upcoming events.
November is SATO (Social Action Tikkun
Olam month! Look out for SATO events to
get involved in, including a diaper drive,
and a clean-up!
Be super-nice to everyone and everything this month and
do justice wherever you find injustice. Everything makes a
difference; we can’t even really measure it.
Shabbat Dinner, Sloach, and Games!
Friday, November 6 @ 6:30 PM
Location: Ariella Ikeazwa's Bellevue Pad
Celebrate Shabbat with an excellent veggie potluck dinner, a lil
sweet singing, games, desserts, and shenanigans! Over dinner,
you’ll have the chance to ask Rabbi Yarkin: “WHY?!?” So bring
those pesky, deep, unanswerable questions, and she’ll do her
upmost to answer you.
Address given upon RSVP to [email protected] or say YES on
Facebook group Seattle Achim USY
USY Pinwheel International Convention
December 27 – 31, (Pre-Con starts on December 23)
Baltimore, MD • Book now: $1250
4 Night Pre-Convention Hosted by B'nai Shalom of Olney –
includes full day of sightseeing in Washington DC
-Accommodations and programming at the Baltimore
Marriott Waterfront for 4 nights -Kosher meals -Pinwheel
IC t-shirt -Transportation to and from Baltimore Washington
International (BWI) Airport. Register at: http://www.regpacks.
com/reg/templates/build/?g_id=10806. For more info, email
Aviva at: [email protected]
After-school pizza partying time. Let off steam with games,
trivia, TV, music clips, and more! Interact with you classmates
outside of class! Free because it’s our TREAT.
6th Grade • Monday, November 16
7th Grade • Tuesday, November 17
RSVP to [email protected]
Love Kadima? Make a whole weekend of it!
SAVE THE DATE: December 4 - 6 at
Camp Solomon Schechter: Winter Kadima Kinnus!
For more scrumptious details, email Aviva at [email protected]
Livnot Chai
Innovative supplementary high school course for
8th to 12th graders
Classes are held weekly 6:00 PM - 8:30 PM Tuesdays at Temple
De Hirsh Sinai in Bellevue (on the Eastside) or Thursdays at UW
Hillel (on the Westside).
It’s not too late to participate in the Livnot Chai experience!
We started mid-October, so you haven’t missed too many
classes yet!
Dinner and Schmoozing
Core Classes by grade level taught by
our rabbis and educators
Registration is through HNT, Frankel Religious School
registration page at
Fall semester: $425, full year: $800
For more information about Livnot Chai, please contact Debbie
at [email protected] or visit
USY Fall Kinnus: Across the Jewniverse
November 20 - 22 @ Camp Solomon Schechter
If you are Jewish, in grades 9 –12, Come Together & Let It Be
with Jews from across Pinwheel Region for an amazing
weekend full of friendship, fun and a whole lot of ruach.
It’s our first chance this year to spend a Shabbat together,
Get Back with our friends from Pinwheel & to Help!
everyone make new ones.
For more information please contact the Pinwheel
Regional Office at 206-953-2545/[email protected] or the
Pinwheel Regional President, Sam Sherer at pinwheelusy@ or visit
206-232-8555 • [email protected] •
I hope you and your family
enjoyed the holidays, and I wish
you the very best in the new
year. As I had spoken during
Rosh Hashanah services, I am truly privileged to be your
president during a time with so many exciting things
happening here at HNT, and I am so proud to be a part of
this incredibly vibrant HNT community.
Our success is due to our amazing staff, clergy, board
of directors, all of our many volunteers, all that are so
committed and passionate about HNT, and all of you
who have stepped up with your financial contributions
to our Annual Appeal.
So far, we have pledged $74,406 from 220 donor
families, and I want to thank you so much for your
support so that HNT can continue to be here for all of us.
I would also like to welcome new families who
have joined our HNT community since last year's High
• Julia Abelev
• Irit & Josh Levin
• Jack & Susan Conway
• Orna Samuelly
• Steven Epstein
• Dov & Tamara Schiff
• Steve & Julie Friedman
• Jeff Sheppard
• Hamutal Gavish
• Ellen Sheps
• Paul & Jaime Gerber
• Brad & Jan Silverberg
• Allan & Sarah Goldman • Carl & June Silverberg
• Wayne & Alisa Gotel
• Garrett & Ilene Sloan
• Bill Halfon
• Mark & Rachel Sterrett
• Phil & Judy Koppel
• Jason & Amanda Stoffer
• Eliyahu & Shanti Krigel
• Amos & Barbara Szpiro
• Rebecca Kushins & Jenn • Craig & Trish Unger
• Tina Vinnick
I encourage you to reach out and extend a warm
welcome to our new members.
Thank you!
Dan Mintz
HNT President
The Shalom Hartman Institute of Jerusalem presents:
internationally acclaimed Israeli Scholar
Sunday, November 1
12:30 PM - 2:00 PM
All new members who have joined the
synagogue in the last 12 months are
invited to an informal New Member
Lunch to get to know our clergy and
staff, as well as meet other new
The Arab-Israeli conflict informs Israelis’ Jewish
identity. What is more, changes in the relationship of
Israeli Jews to the conflict generate changes in their
identity as Jews. This talk will explore the complex web
between Israelis' political positions and their Jewish
worldviews. Free and open to the public.
families and synagogue members.
The whole family is invited!
RSVP to or call
206-232-8555 x207
Dr. Micah Goodman
Three Narratives of the Arab-Israeli Conflict
Monday, November 16 2015 at: 7:00 PM
HNT's Feinberg Social Hall
206-232-8555 • [email protected] •
Sunday, November 15 • 10:30 AM – 12:30 PM
There is a saying from the Talmud that “whoever saves one life,
it is as he (or she) has saved the whole world." As a Shabbat
Greeter, we hope there are never emergencies; however,
we must always be ready in that unlikely event. Herzl-Ner
Tamid is grateful for the service of our Shabbat Greeters and
is supporting a class for CPR. There is a nominal fee for a card
if you wish to be certified, but all costs for the class itself are
being covered by HNT. Space is limited to 12 people and is
nearly full, email [email protected] if you would like to attend.
Seattle Chapter of Hadassah Fall Gala
Healing The World With Innovation
Sunday, November 22
5:30 PM University Lutheran Church: 1604 NE 50th St. Seattle
Volunteers are needed to help prepare, cook, and serve food.
Shifts start at 5:30 PM, and we need 10 or more volunteers for a
successful event. RSVP to [email protected]. If you would like
to receive monthly Teen Feed reminders, email [email protected].
Sunday, November 8 • 5:30 PM - 8:30 PM
Hyatt Regency Bellevue - Va’ad Certified
Hadassah Medical Organization is dedicated to
investing in cutting edge research initiatives. These
innovations are shared worldwide through direct
patient treatment, collaborations with the world’s
top medical research institutions, and as first
responders to international crisis.
Keynote Speaker: Dr. David Zangan
He is a leader in research on genome discovery,
diabetes, fertility and growth. He has collaborated
with researchers around the world, received
numerous awards and honors for his research and is a
member of several elite medical societies.
Want to help, but aren’t available this month? Please consider
a donation to Teen Feed. Donations may be sent to HNT, Attn:
Accounting, PO Box 574, Mercer Island, WA 98040.
Honorees: Naomi & Jon Newman
Naomi and Jon have spent over 20 years giving not
only philanthropically but also giving generously of
their time to the Jewish Community in Seattle. They
have held leadership positions on multiple boards,
committees and organizations.
Join our community on Fridays year-round at 6:00 AM weather
permitting in the HNT parking lot for a 55 minute jog, walk, or
bike ride and an opportunity learn a little Torah as well!
This informal exercise group will warm up our bodies; then stay
for minyan to warm up our hearts 7:00 AM - 8:00 AM.
Event Chair & Co-chair:
Jacquie Bayley & Dana Sugarman Shinar
Please join us for this memorable event.
Register at:
Questions: Contact – Beryl Cohen 425-891-8440
206-232-8555 • [email protected] •
The Community Event Everyone Is Talking About Is Back and Better Than Ever!
Torahthon 2.0 is an evening of thought-provoking courses taught by an esteemed faculty of clergy, professors and experts.
Topics will focus on Jewish living today, including: Cultural Judaism & Peoplehood, Historical & Sacred Texts, “How to” for
Modern Jewish Practice, Political & Ethical Issues, and “Doing Jewish”: Hands-on Learning Activities.
In addition to intriguing courses, the evening includes:
• Dinner catered by On Safari Foods • Havdallah• Keynote Address by Rivy Poupko Kletenik
• Community Shuk with Judaica, books, jewelry, crafts and sweets for sale
By virtue of its community-wide appeal, Torahthon 2.0 is co-sponsored by AIPAC, AJC, Congregation Beth Shalom,
Congregation Kol Ami, Education Services at the JFGS, Herzl-Ner Tamid, Hillel at UW, Holocaust Center for Humanity,
Jconnect Seattle, Jewish Day School, J Street, New Israel Fund, Northwest Yeshiva High School, PAVE Seattle, Seattle
Jewish Community School, Sephardic Bikur Holim, StandWithUs Northwest, The Summit at First Hill, Stroum Jewish
Community Center, Temple Beth Am, Temple B'nai Torah, Temple De Hirsch Sinai, Third Space at HNT, The Tribe at TDHS,
UW Stroum Center for Jewish Studies, and Washington State Jewish Historical Society. Funding is made possible by a
generous grant from the Jewish Federation of Greater Seattle and historically by the Alfred & Tillie Shemanski Foundation.
Torahthon 2.0 is a joint venture of Herzl-Ner Tamid & Temple De Hirsch Sinai.
For details see your Torahthon 2.0 brochure or visit
Online registration is now available at
Categorization Key:
1. Course formats are represented at the end of each description as: A for Activity-based (hands-on); D for Discussion;
or L for Lecture.
2. Major themes are summarized at the end of each description as: Culture (for Cultural Judaism & Peoplehood); Doing
Jewish (for "Doing Jewish": Hands-on Learning Activities); How to (for “How to” for Modern Jewish Practice); Issues
(for Political & Ethical Issues); or Text (for Historical & Sacred Texts).
Session A: 6:50 PM - 7:50 PM
A1. BDS, Israel, and Us: The Delegitimization Campaign
Nevet Basker, Broader View: Israel Resource Center (L; Issues)
A2. Introduction to Jewish Meditation Rabbi Olivier
BenHaim, Bet Alef Meditative Synagogue (A; Doing Jewish)
A3. Spirituality of Awareness Rabbi Will Berkovitz,
Jewish Family Service (D; How to)
A4. Perpetrators, Victims, and Heroes: The Holocaust
through Five Artifacts Ilana Cone Kennedy, Holocaust
Center for Humanity (D; Culture)
A5. Shalom Bayit: Teaching Your Children about
Healthy Relationships Irit Eliav Levin, Herzl-Ner Tamid
(D; How to)
A6. The Singing Cows of Kabbalat Shabbat Rivy Poupko
Kletenik, Seattle Hebrew Academy (D; Text)
A7. What Makes a Value Jewish? Deborah Massarano,
Livnot Chai (D; Issues)
A8. Put Your Oxygen Mask on First: Jewish Wisdom on
Self-Care When Caring for Others Rabbi Aaron Meyer,
Temple De Hirsch Sinai (D; How to)
A9. Temptation, Sublimation and Sexual Fantasy in the
Talmud Rabbi Jay Rosenbaum, Herzl-Ner Tamid (D; Text)
A10. The Peace Process: Getting to a Two-State
Solution Rachel Urman, AIPAC (D; Issues)
Session B: 8:00 PM - 9:00 PM
B1. Getting to Choose: Gender, Homosexuality, and
Marriage Equality Nance Adler, Jewish Day School (D;
B2. The Jewish Liberals’ Dilemma: Can One Be Liberal
and Nevertheless Support Israel? Professor Emeritus
Paul Burstein, University of Washington (D; Issues)
B3. Judaism on Trial: The Disputation at Barcelona,
1263 Benjamin Diament, Herzl Ner-Tamid (L; Text)
206-232-8555 • [email protected] •
B4. Making T’fillot Meaningful: Using Midrash,
Rabbinic Commentary, and Modern Day Perspectives
to Increase Personal Connection to Jewish Prayer Irit
Eliav Levin, Herzl-Ner Tamid (D; How to)
B5. Kavod HaBriyot: Sustaining Ourselves in a Complex
World Talya Gillman, Carlson Leadership & Public
Service Center (D; Issues)
B6. Is the Anti-Israel Campaign a Threat to the Jewish
Diaspora? Rob Jacobs, StandWithUs (D; Issues)
B7. Chassidus in the Twenty-First Century Rabbi Mendy
Kornfeld, Congregation Shevet Achim (L; Culture)
B8. Gematria: Does One Plus One Always Equal Two?
Eliyahu Krigel, Herzl-Ner Tamid (D; Text)
B9. From Adam to Noah in Clay Rabbi Sarah Rensin,
Jewish Day School of Metropolitan Seattle (A; Doing
B10. The Seven Wonders of Jewish History Rabbi Mark
Spiro, LivingJudaism (L; Text)
Session C: 9:10 PM - 10:10 PM
C1. What We Talk About When We Talk About Tichels
Emily K. Alhadeff, Jewish in Seattle magazine (L;
C2. The Sacred Art of Tochecha1: Calling People In
vs. Calling People Out Rabbi David Basior, Kadima
Reconstructionist Community (D; Issues)
C3. Subduing the Yetzer Harah (The Evil Inclination)
Rabbi Micah Ellenson, Temple De Hirsch Sinai (D; How to)
C4. 10 Best Ideas of Judaism and 10 New Ideas for
Judaism to Consider Rabbi Dov Gartenberg, Panim
Hadashot-The Heart of Shabbat (L; Text)
C5. 20 Years After the Rabin Assassination. What is and
What Might Have Been? Barbara Lahav, J Street (D;
Issues) C6. Music: The Light and Joy of Our People Cantor
Bradlee Kurland, Herzl-Ner Tamid (A; Doing Jewish)
C7. Joseph: How Amazing Was His Coat, Really? Amee
Sherer, Hillel at the University of Washington (D; Text)
C8. Nuclear Physics for Everyone: Understanding the
Iran Deal Michael Tischler, Herzl-Ner Tamid (L; Issues)
Session D: 10:20 PM - 11:20 PM
D1. Did Darth Vader Repent? Rabbi Micah Ellenson,
Temple De Hirsch Sinai (D; Issues) D2. Jewish Topics & Texts that Would Make Your
Bubbie Blush: Shaking Judaism Up for a Younger
Generation Rabbi Jason Levine, Temple Beth Am (D;
D3. I am a Stranger and a Resident Amongst You: A
Modern Approach to Chayei Sarah Danniell Nadiv,
Stroum Jewish Community Center (D; Culture)
D4. Five Solid (Jewish) Reasons There Must be a GOD!
Rabbi Emeritus James Mirel, Temple B’nai Torah (D;
D5. Temptation, Sublimation and Sexual Fantasy in the
Talmud Rabbi Jay Rosenbaum, Herzl-Ner Tamid (D; Text)
D6. Is your Rabbi a Wizard? Rabbi Jessica Yarkin, HerzlNer Tamid (L; Text)
Gathering Point
in the Feinberg Social Hall
5:35 PM - 10:20 PM
• Schmooze with your teachers and
fellow students
• Browse the Community Shuk
(remember, Chanukah begins
December 6!), featuring:
• Jewish books from Island Books
• Jewelry by One Loom Studio
• Gifts from the HNT Judaica Shop
• Sweets to bring home
• Visit the co-sponsor information tables
• Enjoy tasty refreshments
For full details and registration,
206-232-8555 • [email protected] •
Adult Education Classes 5776
Registration, pricing and schedules for all classes can be found at
Jewish Spirituality Made Simple, taught by Rabbi Jay
Rosenbaum & guest speakers,
Sundays, November 1, 8, 15, 22: 10:00 AM - 11:15 AM
Judaism is a practice, like meditation and yoga. Every Jewish
practice is intended to yield an immediate benefit to our wellbeing: a greater enthusiasm for life and a deeper perspective.
In this class we will: explore what it means to have a spiritual
outlook on life, study simple Jewish practices, and explore
how we can incorporate them into our day. We will look for
practices that are easy to do, don’t require a lot of time or deep
knowledge, and are high yield in emotional impact. We’ll take
up Rabbi Kula’s challenge last March to try out new practices for 40 days.
Judaism 101, the “Lab”: The How To’s of Jewish Practice,
taught by Rabbi Bob Maslan, with guest appearances by Rabbi
Jay Rosenbaum and Chava Mirel,
Sundays, November, 1, 8, 15, 22: 11:15 AM - 12:15 PM
This class will focus on the mechanics of how to do Jewish
spiritual practices. Among the subjects we will cover:
• How to say the blessings and prayers of a traditional Friday night meal
• How to chant the key prayers of Shabbat services
• How to put on tallit and tefillin
• How to conduct a Passover Seder
• When to bend, bow, stand and sit in a prayer service
The Third Age: New Perspectives for the Over Fifty Generation,
led by Rabbi Jay Rosenbaum, dates TBA
Words like ‘senior citizen’ and ‘retirement’ do not capture the
vitality and creative potential of millions of Americans in their
fifties, sixties, and beyond. We will start a community-wide
conversation of what it means to be living in the stage of life
called The Third Age. What are our concerns and hopes? How
can we re-shape society’s attitudes towards The Third Age? And,
how can we harness the potential of a generation with vast life
experience and energy in our own congregation?
Daytimers Workshop: The Write Stuff, taught by Carol Barnett,
Wednesday, November 11: 1:00 PM - 2:30 PM
Calling all writers of poetry or prose: join us once a month to
meet as a writing group. Carol Barnett, poet/writer, will provide
prompts and tips to improve your writing, whether it be memoir,
short story, journalizing or poetry. You choose the genre. Leave
your Write Fright behind and be inspired to explore a variety of
imaginative techniques to bring out the best in you. This program
is sponsored by Daytimers and open to all.
Cantor’s Lunch & Sing, Tuesday, November 17
We’ll have a chance to learn and sing popular Israeli, Ladino and
Yiddish songs. Join us for a spirited and fun musical experience!
Israel Current Events, taught by Nevet Basker,
Prayerbook Hebrew, taught by Janine Rosenbaum
Wednesdays, November 4, 11, 18: 7:00 PM - 8:30 PM
Do you want to learn more about current-day Israel and the
Middle East? Are you befuddled by the ever-changing landscape
and conflicting viewpoints? Would you like to explore difficult
issues in a safe and informal community environment? This
monthly forum explores key issues affecting Israel, the region,
and our own Seattle-area Jewish community.
Secretly feel that you are the only one who doesn’t always know
what is going on during the service? This class will prepare you
for full participation in Shabbat morning services. You will acquire
synagogue and Hebrew-reading skills and gain confidence in
your knowledge of the service. Very basic knowledge of Hebrew
iEngage 3: The Israeli-Palestinian conflict, guided by Rabbi Jay
Rosenbaum, dates TBA
Beginning Hebrew, taught by Janine Rosenbaum,
Tuesdays, November 3, 10, 17, 24: 12:15 PM - 1:30 PM;
Thursdays, November 5, 12, 19: 12:15 PM - 1:30 PM; and
Thursdays, November 5, 12, 19: 7:00 PM - 8:30 PM
The third in a series of video courses by the Hartman Institute in
Jerusalem, featuring nine video lectures, supplementary video
interviews and stimulating text study material and articles. Our
goal is to have an open, thought-provoking study and discussion
of the complexities of the conflict. We welcome and will
entertain a wide variety of viewpoints in what we hope will be a
robust, energetic and enlightening conversation.
Learn to Read Torah/Trope, taught by Cantor Kurland ,
Mondays, November 2, 9, 16, 23, 30: 7:30 PM - 8:45 PM
Have you always wanted to chant Torah on Shabbat morning?
In this class you will learn the trope system and how to apply
it with the goal of doing a reading on Shabbat morning and
beyond. Join our cadre of skilled Torah readers! Knowledge of
Hebrew reading is necessary.
Did you always want to learn to read and write Hebrew? This is
your chance to study in a safe, warm and friendly atmosphere.
Hebrew Fluency, taught by Janine Rosenbaum,
Sundays, November 1, 8, 15, 22: 9:30 AM - 11:00 AM; and
Wednesdays, November 4, 11, 18: 12:15 PM - 1:30 PM.
Having trouble remembering all your Hebrew letters and vowels?
Do you find it hard to follow the fast pace of Hebrew at religious
services? If you know how to read Hebrew, but you’d like to read
more fluently, this class will have you reading like a pro.
Modern Hebrew, taught by Janine Rosenbaum,
Sundays, November 1, 8, 15, 22: 11:00 AM - 12:30 PM
Think you know all there is to know about Modern Hebrew?
Join this continuing class to deepen your knowledge of this
dynamic language.
206-232-8555 • [email protected] •
206-232-8555 • [email protected] •
Kudos and many many thanks to Peggy Gladner for her 15+
years of service and dedication as the bookkeeper for the
Women's League Judaica Shop at Herzl-Ner Tamid. Yasher
Koach, Peggy! Also a big Hazak Baruch to Mimi Fisher for all
of her hard work and effort on behalf of the Judaica Shop.
Monthly Board Meeting
Sunday, November 1 • 10:30 AM - 12:30 PM • Frankel Library
(no December meeting) Offer your insight, ideas and support
to help make our Sisterhood strong and healthy. We are looking
for a couple good people to help us grow. Join us!
Sisterhood Book Club
Now we have two opportunities to participate. Both groups will
read the same book and members may choose to come on
Tuesday night or Sunday daytime monthly.
Tuesday, November 3 • 7:00 PM - 9:00 PM • Frankel Library
Sunday, November 8 • 11:00 AM - 1:00 PM • Frankel Library
There’s still time to join the Sisterhood Book Club! Email
[email protected] or call 206-719-2224 to join.
November 3 & 8 book: A Tale of Love and Darkness by Amos Oz
December 1 & 6 book: The Boston Girl by Anita Diamant
January 5 & 10 book: The Spinoza Problem by Irving Yalom
Torahthon 2.0 • Saturday night, November 7
Come visit our Judaica shopping experience in the Shuk!
Chanukah is right around the corner, come see what we have in
store including beautiful handmade glass Seahawks menorahs!
Email [email protected] or call 206-719-2224 for
questions. All ladies are welcome – we are an HNT organization
but you do not need to belong to HNT to be a member of
NEW PROGRAMS 2015-2016
The Sisterhood Walking Chug will be starting after the new year.
Call or email for more info. Sisterhood Monthly 'Schmooze &
Nosh' Dinner Wednesday, November 18, 6:30 PM - 8:30 PM at
Island Crust Cafe. Note new date and time!
Your Women's League Sisterhood wants to hear from you. We
are a volunteer organization dedicated to continuity in Jewish
traditions and values as well as building new traditions and
friendships. We are all Mishpachah, family. We come together to
learn and teach our children our traditions - they are relevant to
the future of our people - as well as give ourselves the opportunity
to connect with our peers, our mentors and to mentor the younger
Your Membership dues allow us to offer quality programming
that help you and your family be informed, educated and
connected within our community. Fill out your membership
form and send it in soon!
Dues are $36 and can be mailed c/o Women’s League of HerzlNer Tamid, 3700 East Mercer Way, Mercer Island, WA 98040.
We need your help! There are still Board positions open and
we need many more volunteers for the gift shop. We have the
largest Judaica Shop in the Seattle Area and we have many
beautiful and meaningful Judaica and gifts in all price ranges.
We offer Wedding and B'nai Mitzvot gift registry and encourage
you to volunteer and/or shop- come in and see what's new!
Even if you can only work just once a month (any weekday
daytime, during Hebrew school and on Sunday) we can really
use your help and would really appreciate your support! For
more information or to sign up for any of these programs
contact [email protected] or call 206-719-2224.
Make HNT your Chanukah headquarters.
Kislev: Bigger on the Inside?!
Monday, November 9, 7:00 PM • Upper Foyer at HNT
Delicious desserts provided.
Meeting monthly, with the loving support of Women’s League,
women gather together to inhabit a friendly female space
within the community. All women are welcome to partake in
rituals old and new, connect, explore big questions, and have an
“awe”ful lot of fun together with Rabbi Jessica Yarkin.
Hawaiian Chanukah • Saturday, December 5
Paid members party at Dan & Elaine Mintz's home! Bring your
spouse and join your sisters for a fun, delicious get together and
pre-Chanukah gift exchange!
Candles, gelt, menorahs, decorations, 3D gift tags, unique ritual
items, toys, gifts, dreidels, jewelry, and more.
Chanukah begins December 6.
November: Save 20% on Shabbat Candlesticks
11:00 AM - 3:00 PM on Wednesdays (closed Nov. 25)
4:00 PM - 6:00 PM, Wednesdays, November 4, 18
10:00 AM - 12:00 PM, Sunday, November 15
For an appointment call,
Sue Solomon 206-232-8480 • Kari Haas 425-719-2224
For special order items,
contact Iris Schwartz [email protected]
We can be open more..... if you volunteer. Training provided.
Call Manager Lana Finegold at 425-747-5742 and do a mitzvah.
Proceeds benefit HNT. Come see what's in store.
This month we will explore the fantasy genre concept of a 'bag of
holding' which is an object or place that is literally bigger on the
inside than its surface would have us believe! This impossible
shape permeates literature, mythology and surprisingly also
pervades our Jewish tradition (hint: Chanukah miracle!)
Open to members and non-members, bring your sisters,
mothers, daughters, cousins and friends! RSVP to Kari at Kari@ or call 206-719-2224. “What happens in Rosh
Chodesh group stays in Rosh Chodesh group”.
206-232-8555 • [email protected] •
Bruce & Peggy Gladner
for once again providing our synagogue community with
a break-fast at our hungriest hour!
Dan Mintz, HNT president and his entire board for their hard work all year, and especially at this time of year.
Brenda Luper and Ilyse Wagner, chairs of the Ritual Committee
- They have widened the circle of those involved in the process
both by the sheer numbers involved and our new online access.
Adam Droker and Jason Shindler who managed all the honors
both personally and digitally.
Rich Arnold who shows up with charts in hand year after year
for more than 25 years to help lead a corps of ushers - many of
whom have served in the same capacity - at the same door and
time - for almost as much time
All our ushers:
Bruce Krivosha, Ken Rudee, Gary Constantine, Paul Blustein,
Craig Walker, Bob Solomon, Dave Director, Dan Seidel,
Alan Weinstein, Dennis Goldstein, Ed Mulnick, Robert Peha,
Steve Luper, Mark Luster, Ilya Poleschuk, Rusty Federman,
Robert Glowitz, Joel Konikow, Mark Sandler, Andrew Jacobs,
Wayne Morse, Peggy Gladner, Jeff Kay, Sharon Kay, David Fish,
Harvey Trager, Gail Wiener, Jeff Droker, Marv Brashem,
Mark Balter, Tom Brody, Rick Kaner, Brian Moss, David Benami,
Mickey Friedman, Jeff Frankels, Don Shifrin, Alan Peizer
Greeters - many of whom are past presidents as well as current
board members
Melissa Brown and her cheerful crew who attend to the many
details seen and unseen the week before the holidays and then
put it all back AFTER the holidays
Liza Yusim who for the 18th consecutive year has polished
every bit of our ritual silver
Peter Michel and many many of you for building the sukkah,
moving the bima, chairs and books and doing it on a weeknight
posed extra challenges which were met with great cheer.
Brad Lehrer for helping return bima to its home base.
Judy Ziedman and her Mitzvah Corp volunteers for preparing
and delivering High Holiday packages
Leah Saltzman for coordinating the JFS Food Drive and Sort.
Lisa Brashem and her committee for sending apple rings
and honey sticks with a letter from our clergy to our college
students. If your child or grandchild did not receive it - visit to get them on the list.
To the entire staff of HNT who put in many extra hours to make
sure all of us are safe and comfortable so we can truly get into
the spirit, the mood and the joy of our high holidays.
THE 2016
FEBRUARY 28, 2016
We Welcome to the World . . .
• Solomon “Solly” Gray Shapiro and Mateo Gray Shapiro, twin grandsons of Raquel Shapiro
• Cecilia Dee Sternoff, daughter of Jodi & Ryan Sternoff and granddaughter of Linda & Ron Krivosha
• Nava Shwab, granddaughter of Lynne & Clive Brazg
• Avi David Berkenwald, son of Sara & Michael Berkenwald and grandson of Nancy & Mark Kiviat and Leanne &
Carl Berkenwald
We Wish a Refuah Shelemah to Congregants . . .
Marion Aronson, Ety Askenazi, Alan Barer, Astrid Bloch, Marv Coe, Valerie Epstein, David Gilman, Peggy Gladner, Leiba Husock, Esther Kahn, Jim Keller, Al Lott, David Mintz, Carrie Rosenfeld, Susanne Rosenkranz, Kelly Schreer,
Ellen Sheps, Carter Wax
We Offer Condolences to the HNT Families of . . .
• Kathleen Dyment Antonson z”l, mother of Diane Heredia
• Philip Stratiner z”l, father of Jan Lewis
206-232-8555 • [email protected] •
Fund (Amy Mackoff)
In Memory of
Robert Schuffler
Neil & Sari Schneider
Discretionary Fund
In Appreciation of
Cantor Kurland’s work for David Wolf’s Bar Mitzvah
Rob & Lisi Wolf
Cantor Kurland
The Family of Jane Strasburg z”l
Cantor Kurland’s work for
Danielle Kohorn’s Bat Mitzvah
The Kohorn Family
In Honor of
Caroline Friedman’s Bat Mitzvah
Daniel & Candace Friedman
Joel Konikow
Mark & Sharon Sandler
In Memory of
Sam Zarkin
Alan & Jean Barer
Eldon & Carolyn Wexler
Danny Lewis Fund
In Memory of
Robert Schuffler
Harris & Jean Klein
Eileen Mintz
Kitchen Fund
In Honor of
Ruth and Mike Bovarnick’s Special Anniversary
Mason & Diane Lilly
In Memory of
Robert Schuffler
Bob & Rita Lowy
David Mintz
Fund Donations
In Appreciation of
Cantor Kurland
Mike & Cheri Levy
These generous tributes were made through September 30, 2015
In Memory of
Sam Zarkin
Arny & Carol Barer
Eric & Renee Radman
Robert Schuffler
Susan Friedman
Frankel Library Fund
In Honor of
Susan & Lonnie Edelheit’s 50th Wedding Anniversary
Wayne & Nancy Morse
In Memory of
Sam Zarkin
David & Peggy Bernstein
Robert Schuffler
Wayne & Nancy Morse
Scholarship Fund
In Memory of
Sam Zarkin
Stan & Harriet Litt
General Fund
In Appreciation of
The wonderful High Holiday services
Neal & Ricki Lee Gafter
In Honor of
Lisa Glasser, MD
Joy Epstein
Joshua Heber
Mike & Ruthe Bovarnick’s 60th anniversary
Carl & Joann Bianco
Drew & Dena Herbolich’s 22nd Anniversary
Danielle Kohorn becoming a
Bat Mitzvah
Barbara & Joel Konikow becoming grandparents
Lonnie & Susan Edelheit
Ruth & Mike Bovarnick’s 60th wedding anniversary
Phyllis Gravitz
In Memory of
Robert Schuffler
Craig & Sheila Sternberg
Lonnie & Susan Edelheit
Peter & Bev Blum
Sam Zarkin
Ruth Burstiner
Sandra Feinstein
Stanley & Frances Jaffe
Carol Manes
Flora Kate Shmueli
Michal Jacoby
Julius Skolnick
Memorial Fund
In Memory of
Sam Zarkin
Israel & Betsy Rosen
Memorial Fund
In Memory of
Bob Schuffler
Amy Sidell
Robert Schuffler
Carl & Joann Bianco
Sam Zarkin
Ernie Cassirer
Helaine Goldstein
Ted & Gloria Rosenblume
Benjamin Franklin
Abby Franklin
Maurice Taylor
Amy LaBarge
Dorothy Katz
Ann Meisner
Lydia Vinnick
Annette Vinnick
Nachum Dunn
Avi Dunn & Daisy Matsa‑Dunn
Ruth Levin
Becky Minsky
Peter L. Thomas
Bob & Natalie Malin
Francis Florsheim
Bruce Florsheim
Alfred (Fred) Adler
Carrie Reibman
206-232-8555 • [email protected] •
Cornelia Sugar
Charles & Louise Kiss
Ida Sadick
Jack Farber
Corinne Farber
Kurt Leeser
Daniel & Jeanne Ben
Benjamin Samuel Asia
Daniel Asia
Rebecca Director
David Director
Max Efron
David Efron
Judy Reuben
Debbie Tudor
Arthur Kritzer
Dena & Barry Ross
Babette ‘Babs’ Fisher
Eddie Fisher
Ann Kaye
Elizabeth Kaye
Klara Dernis
Ella Dernis
Anita Mermelstein
Esther Kahn
Rachel Varon
Joe Varon
Esther Lipsen
Esther Zeitune
Eliezer Caraco
Fortune Caraco
David Cohn
Gloria Newman
Rhoda Freeman
Helaine Goldstein
Hermina Orchinsky
Hermine Maxwell
Mae Rita Kurfirst
Hy Kurfirst
Ruvim Kushner
Ida Kushner
Edward Rosenblatt
Jackie Rosenblatt, Judge Gary Johnson and Josh
Helen Keller
Jim & Lee Keller
Melvin Schottenstein
Justin Magaram & Amy Schottenstein
Freida Kastriner
Larry & Valerie Epstein
Loren Galanti
Leslie Galanti
Sheila Katsman
Lisa & Ralph Katsman and Family
Ruvim Kushner
Liza Yusim
Burt Pearce
Lucy Pearce
Royce Willhoyt
Mark & Ruth Balter
Louie Hasson
Marv and Sarah Behar
Ruth Lilly Rosenfeld
Syd Lilly
Mason & Diane Lilly
Morton Ross
Michael & Susan Golden
Jules Novick
Michael & Tina Novick
Karen McAllister
Pearl Shifman
Mickey & Debbie Kovsky and family
Ida Sadick
Morton & Loretta Kuznetz
Magdalena Josefsberg
Arne Josefsberg
Stuart Schain
Sid Schain
Ignatius Sobel
Nathan & Micky Sobel
John Sherman
Helen Sherman
Ralph & Debbie Walker
Art Kritzer
Randall & Debra Weinstein
Rita Rickles
Sandra Moore
Jean Putter
Sonny Putter
These generous tributes were made through September 30, 2015
Lisa Kahn
Steven & Stephanie Kahn
Harold Saperstein
Sylvia Saperstein
Irwin Wirth
David Finegood
Terry & Marcie Wirth
Rita Schlesigner
Tracy Schlesinger and Tamar Ghelman
Rita Rickles
Mona Rickles
Valerie Epstein
Nancy Sarles
Wayne Weissman
Mitzvah Corps Fund
In Appreciation of
Mr. & Mrs. Wayne Morse
Al & Esther Lott
In Honor of
The birth of Judy & Jim Heber’s grandson, Joshua
Arny & Anita Reich
Jill & Chuck Friedman and Family
Robin & Bernie Lucansky and Family
Robert Schuffler
Carolyn Kessler
Irwin & Babette Schiller
In Memory of
Paul Borschow
Michael & Tina Novick
Morning Minyan Fund
In Honor of
Alan & Judi Wilensky
Adrianne and Jerry Smith
In Memory of
Sam Zarkin
Arlene Schuster
Bess Leavitt
Bruce & Peggy Gladner
Corinne Farber
Ellen Rosenstein Brin
Greg & Ilyse Wagner
Irwin & Babette Schiller
Jack & Pauline Reiter
Mike & Cheri Levy
Mike & Ruth Bovarnick
Muriel Epstein
Neil & Sari Schneider
Phillip & Judy Koppel
Rita Katz
Robert & Pam Glowitz
Ron & Lori Kaufman
Robert Schuffler
Paul & Launa Winegrad
Ron & Devorah Weinstein
Stan & Iantha Sidell
Art Kritzer
Greg & Ilyse Wagner
Rabbi Rosenbaum’s
Discretionary Fund
In Appreciation of
Rabbi Rosenbaum
Bruce & Debbie Schatzman
Steven & Gene Epstein
The Family of Jane Strasburg z”l
Rabbi Rosenbaum’s work for David Wolf’s Bar Mitzvah
Rob & Lisi Wolf
Rabbi Rosenbaum’s work for
Danielle Kohorn’s Bat
The Kohorn Family
Anita & Arny Reich
Jack & Pauline Reiter
In Honor of
Mike & Ruth Bovarnick’s 60th Anniversary
Albert & Betty Hasson
Caroline Friedman’s Bat Mitzvah
Daniel & Candace Friedman
David Wolf’s Bar Mitzvah
David & Lisa, Emily and Talia Fain
206-232-8555 • [email protected] •
In Memory of
Sam Zarkin
Albert & Betty Hasson
Mason & Diane Lilly
Robert Schuffler
Brian & Randy Pollock
Simcha Levi
The Newman Family
Sydney Lilly
Mason & Diane Lilly
Rabbi Yarkin
Discretionary Fund
In Appreciation of
Rabbi Yarkin’s help with the funeral of Irving Shear z”l
Diane Jaffe Shear
Rabbi Yarkin’s work for Danielle Kohorn’s Bat
The Kohorn Family
In Honor of
Rabbi Yarkin’s New Nephew
Greg & Ilyse Wagner
In Memory of
Ruth Schocken
Mike & Cheri Levy
Religious School Fund
In Memory of
Sam Zarkin
Robert Schuffler
Marv & Rahla Turck
Memorial Fund
In Memory of
Sam Zarkin
Joe Mintz
Activities Fund
In Memory of
Robert Schuffler
Greg & Ilyse Wagner & Family
Mickey & Debbie Kovsky
November 18: The
Commissar – A 1988
Russian film with
English subtitles
Finally released after years
of being censored by the
Russian Government, this
is the epic story of a hard
Russian Commissar officer
forced out of duty when
she becomes pregnant.
Commissar Klavdia takes
refuge in a small village
home, and her experience
with the family forever changes her view on life.
December 16: The Train
of Life – A 1998 French
tragicomedy with English
Central Europe, WWII. The
village fool of a small Jewish
community warns the
townsfolk that the Nazis are
coming, and advises them
to build a fake deportation
train to cross the Russian
border and get to Palestine.
Some Jews are dressed up
with German uniforms,
and soon they start getting
strange ideas about how it
feels to be a Nazi; others are infected with the fast-spreading
germ of communism. Meanwhile, the Russian border gets
closer and closer...
Films follow lunch, served 11:30 AM -12:30 PM
Reserve by the Friday before the event
For more information or to make reservations, call
Register at:
Staff Phones
Phones are answered Tuesday, Wednesday and Thursday
9:00 AM - 12:00 PM and 2:00 PM to 5:00 PM and Fridays
9:00 AM to 2:00 PM. You can dial the numbers below at any
time after the system answers and your call will go to the
desk of the staff member you choose, or you may listen to
the list of options.
Getting ready for Simchat Torah
Senior Rabbi, Jay Rosenbaum . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 211
Cantor, Bradlee Kurland . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 214
Executive Director, Nadine Strauss . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 203
Rabbi for Community Engagement, Rabbi Jessica Yarkin . . . . . . 210
Director of Education, Eliyahu Krigel . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 220
Program and Events Manager, Rebecca Levy . . . . . . . . . . . . . 207
Finance Director, Julie Lovejoy . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 201
Accounting Assistant, Nicole Elbling . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 222
Clergy Assistant, Carol Reynolds . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 208
Art Director/Designer, Siamack “Max” Sahafi . . . . . . . . . . . . . 202
Operations Coordinator, Melanie Miller . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 200
Front Office Administrave Assistant, Rhiannon Gerhardt . . . . 204
Head Custodian, Chhoeuk Soeun . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Custodian, Johnny Wu . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Website . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
206-232-8555 • [email protected] •
Candle Lighting Times
Andy & Kelly Schreer . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 34
Adam Droker & Aly Cohen Droker. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 7
Adam & Wendy Rosen. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 29
Allan & Beth Las. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 29
Don Shifrin & Bobbi Chamberlin. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 13
Jason & Amanda Stoffer. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 8
Charles & Louise Kiss . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 51
Wes & Alice Pearl. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 73
Craig & Kimberly Fisher. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 18
Larry & Rochelle Sturman . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 60
Andy & Abby Yahna . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 2
David & Shauna Youssefnia. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 13
Stan & Iantha Sidell . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 39
Itshak & Eva Sarfati. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 44
David & Marcia Beberfall. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 35
Matt & Deborah Mandel. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 5
Sandy & Cynthia Levy. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 22
Dan & Elaine Mintz. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 27
Samuel & Leah Levy. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 5
Harvey & Alesa Trager . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 30
Richard & Lynn Du Bey. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 42
Gerry & Sandra Ostroff. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 48
Stan & Fran Schill . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 25
Al & Esther Lott. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 60
Saul & Joyce Rivkin. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 20
Gordon & Trisha Cohen . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 22
David & Amy Plotnik. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 5
Michael & Julie Mayo. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 14
Chuck & Barbara Maduell . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 25
Joel & Rachel Chiprut. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 14
Albert & Susan Ceccacci. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 12
Bill & Judy Harris. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 44
Irwin & Babette Schiller. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 58
Terry & Marcie Wirth. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 40
5776 (2015 - 2016)
Sep 13 Rosh Hashanah
Sep 18 Vayeilech
25 Tzav
1 Shmini
Sep 22 Yom Kippur
8 Tazria
Sep 25 Ha’Azinu
15 Metzora
Sep 27 Sukkot
22 Pesach
2 Sukkot
28 Pesach
4 Shmini Atzeret
29 Pesach
9 Bereshit
Oct 16 Noach
13 Kedoshim
Oct 23 Lech-Lecha
20 Emor
Oct 30 Vayera
27 Behar
Nov 6 Chayei Sara
Nov 13 Toldot
Nov 20 Vayetzei
Nov 27 Vayishlach
6 Achrei Mot
3 Bechukotai
10 Bamidbar
11 Shavuot
17 Nasso
24 Beha’alotcha
Dec 11 Miketz
1 Sh’lach
Dec 18 Vayigash
8 Korach
Dec 25 Vayechi
15 Chukat
1 Shemot
22 Balak
8 Vaera
29 Pinchas
Jan 15 Bo
Jan 22 Beshalach
12 Devarim
Jan 29 Yitro
19 Vaetchanan
26 Eikev
Feb 12 Terumah
2 Re’eh
Feb 19 Tetzaveh
9 Shoftim
Feb 26 Ki Tisa
16 Ki Teitzei
Mar 4 Vayakhel
23 Ki Tavo
Mar 11 Pekudei
Mar 18 Vayikra
30 Nitzavim
2 Rosh Hashanah
4 Vayeshev
5 Mishpatim
5 Matot-Masei
Summer Leadership Retreat for Grades 6-8
206-232-8555 • [email protected] •
of November 6/7
Nov. 7 Sam Wittenberg
Alexander Glancz
Max Streitman
Chaya Lander
Nov. 8 Gustav Falkenstein
Hayim Rosen
Simon Lotzkar
Berl Roffe
Esther Lewis
Loretta Arnold
Sharon Lee Angel
Hadassa Rosen
Nov. 9 Fanny Berger
Shirley Arshon
Sadie Roth
Nov. 10 Barnett Shapiro
Michelle Sloan
Walter Herrnstadt
Harry Grashin
Harry Lewis
Nov. 11 Richard Fleck
Sophie Sternoff
Anna Arshon
Dora Walker
Muriel Schuffler
Nov. 12 Abe Dumanis
Nov. 13 Pauline Kritzer
Tzipa Linsky
Reuben Goldman
of November 13/14
Nov. 14 William Eisenstein
Nov. 15 Sherwin Kremen
David Sidell
Jacob Kremen
Goldie Topp
Rose Lerner
Nov. 16 Jennie Fisher
Daniel Lewis
Fannie Gladstein
Max Breall
Nov. 17 Annette Axelrad Cohen
Abraham Marcus
Kreina Merport
Burton Glazer
Elsie Rosenstein
Nov. 18 Charles Balter
Irving Greenberg
Julia Frankfurt
Nov. 20 Henry Schocken
of November 20/21
Nov. 21 Samuel Epstein
Sophia Ross
Nov. 22 Jacob Glesin
Ellis Davis
Nov. 23 Rebecca Burstein
Ada Liberman
Hyman Cohen
Nov. 24 Gertrude Rosefield
Albert Benezra
Jake Gold
Stella Fein
Nov. 25 Jacqueline Barish
Izhack Nagel
Issac Lurie
Nov. 26 Isaac Davis
Nov. 27 Gisa Spektor
of November 27/28
Nov. 28 Fanny Leopold
Rose Mutchler
David Neff
Nov. 29 Sarah Cohen
Eva Getzen
Nov. 30 Max Kahn
Louis Ostroff
Dec. 1
Dec. 2
Dec. 3
Dec. 4
Ben Powazek
Sofii Moscovici
Rosalind (Roz) Mintz
Herman Klatzker
Lynne Coe
Mikel Luster
Minnie Cohn
Isaac Markow
Isidore Dwoskin
Bessie White
Shamay Thomas
William Reich
Luba Lackman
Virginia Kahn
Golda Schiller
Ida Kline
Sam Senescu
Harry Lerner
Ellen Friedman
Frieda Kiksmann
Tsirl Rosenberg
Salo Kiksmann
Herzl Memorial Park, 16501 Dayton Avenue North, Shoreline, WA 98133
If there is a death in the family,
call the Seattle Jewish Chapel at 206-725-3067
For information, call Elaine Weinstein at 425-455-4703
The Cemetery Committee:
George Siegel, President . . . . . . . . . . . . . 206-363-2196
Elaine Weinstein, Vice President . . . . . . 425-455-4703
Peter Michel, Secretary . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 425-788-3249
Steve Burns, Treasurer . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 206-232-9427
Shirley Sidell . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 206-801-7009
Harris Klein . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 206-232-2026
Jay Matt . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 206-232-5730
Small rocks to leave at graves are available under the reader board on the north side of the chapel.
206-232-8555 • [email protected] •
Information for T’filot: page 2 and Adult Education Classes: page 10
19 Heshvan
20 Heshvan
21 Heshvan
Women’s League Book
Club: 7:00 PM
Daylight Savings Ends
Women’s League Board
Meeting: 10:30 AM
New Member Lunch:
12:30 PM
22 Heshvan
Third Space Torah on Tap:
7:30 PM
Judaica Shop:
11:00 AM - 3:00 PM
4:00 PM - 6:00 PM
23 Heshvan
24 Heshvan
6RunnerGogue: 6:00
25 Heshvan
Tot Shabbat JCC: 9:45 AM
Services: 6:00 PM
Birthday Shabbat
Michael Novick’s D’var
USY Shabbat Dinner,
Sloach & Games
Jewish Meditation 9:30 AM
Services: 10:00 AM
Services: 9:30 AM
Torahthon 2.0
5:35 PM
Hayei Sarah
4:26 PM
26 Heshvan
27 Heshvan
206-232-8555 • [email protected] •
Garinim Botanical Gardens Rosh Chodesh Group:
Minyanaires: 9:00 AM
7:00 PM
Women’s League Book Club:
11:00 AM
28 Heshvan
29 Heshvan
30 Heshvan
7 Kislev
1 Kislev
RunnerGogue: 6:00 AM
Tot Shabbat JCC: 9:45 AM Bar Mitzvah of Mitchell
Services: 6:00 PM
Shabbat for Kids: 10:30 AM
Daytimers Writing
Workshop: 1:00 PM
Judaica Shop:
11:00 AM - 3:00 PM
4:16 PM
3 Kislev
4 Kislev
6th Grade Kadima: 6:00 PM
Hartman Speaker Micah
Goodman: 7:00 PM
Judaica Shop:
10:00 - 12:00 PM
CPR Class: 10:30 AM
10 Kislev
Teen Feed: 5:30 PM
11 Kislev
3-5 Grade Parent’s B’Yachad:
10:00 AM
5 Kislev
6 Kislev
Daytimers Lunch & Film: The
Cantor’s Lunch & Sing :
12:00 PM
Commissar: 11:30 AM
Board Meeting: 7:00 PM
Judaica Shop:
7th Grade Kadima: 6:00 PM
11:00 AM - 3:00 PM
4:00 PM - 6:00 PM
12 Kislev
13 Kislev
RunnerGogue: 6:00 AM
8 Kislev
9 Kislev
Middle School Parent
Tot Shabbat JCC: 9:45 AM
B’Yachad: 9:30 AM
USY Fall Kinnus @ CSS
10:00 AM
Services: 6:00 PM
Shabbat for Kids: 10:30 AM
B’Yachad & Simchat
Third Space Third
4:00 PM Bar Mitzvah
Friday Shabbat:
of Samuel WoodallVayetze
6:30 PM
14 Kislev
Office Closed
15 Kislev
Office Closed
RunnerGogue: 6:00 AM
Services: 6:00 PM
Anniversary Shabbat
18 Kislev
16 Kislev
Services: 9:30 AM
Bar Mitzvah of Benjamin
Beder & Jared Marcus
4:03 PM
17 Kislev
2 Kislev
Vay Ishlah
Torahthon 2.0 : A Night of Jewish Learning at HNT
Saturday, November 7
s u n d ay
fe b ru ary 28, 2016
f e in b e rg soc ial h all
Herzl-Ner Tamid Conservative Congregation
Affiliated with The United Synagogue of Conservative Judaism
3700 East Mercer Way, Mercer Island, WA 98040
P.O. Box 574, Mercer Island, WA 98040
Phone: 206-232-8555
[email protected] •
Senior Rabbi Jay Rosenbaum / [email protected]
Cantor Bradlee Kurland / [email protected]
Rabbi for Community Engagement, Rabbi Jessica Yarkin / [email protected]
Executive Director, Nadine Strauss / [email protected]
Director of Education, Eliyahu Krigel / [email protected]
Program and Events Manager, Rebecca Levy / [email protected]
2015-2016 Executive Committee
Dan Mintz, President
Chuck Friedman, Executive Vice-President
Jonathan Langman, Treasurer/Financial V.P.
Donna Peha, Membership Vice-President
Michele Glasser, Secretary
Julie Ellenhorn, Immediate Past President
2015-2016 Board of Directors
Marilyn Corets
Steven Novick
Antony Egnal
Scott Perry
Benjamin Diament
Billy Pruchno
Kari Haas
Aaron Rosenstein
Orit Hickman
Leah Saltzman
David Isenberg
George Siegel
Linda Krisher
Ilyse Wagner
Brenda Luper
206-232-8555 • [email protected] •
Mercer Island, WA
Permit No. 42