Spring 2014 - Safeside Association
Spring 2014 - Safeside Association
SAFESIDE NEWSLETTER Spring 2014 WELCOME FROM SAFESIDE SF OFFICERS SELECTED FROM WING, VICE WING, AND GROUP COMMAND Security Forces officers who were selected for Wing, Vice Wing and Group Command positions for 2014 included Col. Michael C. Ross Sr. Colonel Ross will command the 820th Base Defense Group, Moody AFB, GA. According to Brig Gen Allen J. Jamerson “these selections are just additional examples of the high caliber senior officers this career field produces and the Air Force-wide impact Defenders make each and every day.” Colonel Ross, on behalf of the members of the Safeside Association, we congratulate you on your promotion and on being selected to return home to the 820th Base Defense Group. (Col Ross previously served as 820th Security Forces Group Deputy Commander under Colonel Decknick). 1. Notes from the Vice President Greetings Safesiders: EXECUTIVE COMMITTEE MEETING: Our Board of Directors is currently planning for our Executive Meeting to be conducted at Moody AFB, on May 29, 2014. The 820th Base Defense Group created a Safeside Council and its exciting for us to have the participation from the troops at Moody. Our Board will be considering pertinent issues relative to membership, particularly the 105th Base Defense Squadron (ANG), and appointing the Safeside Council to the Safeside Board of Directors. ELECTIONS: We will be having elections for all positions at our next Safeside Reunion scheduled for 2015. And speaking of Board of Directors, I have informed our President, Jerry Nelson, that I won’t seek re-election for the position of VicePresident in 2015. I would have served as the V/P for eleven years, and it is time for me to step back and allow someone else to take over this position. There is so much talent in our Association, so it won’t be difficult to fill this important position. I will however, be available to help in anything that may be needed. I love this association, and all my efforts are a labor of love, and I want to remain involved. Secretary Roger Nelson also has tendered his resignation. He has been our Treasurer for 10 years and also feels that it is time for someone else to take over. 2. MEMBERSHIP: Please remember to renew your membership and submit your $15 dues to Roger Nelson, 1329 O. St., Omaha Neb, 68107. ALL, except Life Members, should submit your dues on Jan 1 of the year. 2015 REUNION: We will start planning for our Safeside Reunion to be held at Moody AFB/Valdosta, Georgia in 2015. As soon as the 820th BDGp announces the date we will make it public. SAFESIDE BULLETIN BOARD: I encourage all to participate on our Bulletin Board. We have had some very interesting discussions over the years. Gary Jones can assist you with a password and how to navigate the BB. Always slap a flare if you need assistance; the QRT will respond and give you a hand. BASE EXCHANGE: Russ Mercer has had to give up the BX. Russ is still working full time and he has realized that it would be better for someone else to take it over. I have spoken to President Nelson, and have decided that I can take it over until such time that we can find someone willing to run the BX. If you are interested and have the time, let me know. 3. JOINED TO FIGHT! Pete Villarreal, Vice-President SAFESIDE ADOPTION PROGRAM Art Suess, 822nd CSP Sometime in August, of 2013, I received a top secret Twix from one of our top supreme flight commanders. As some of us learned very quickly after volunteering for our years with Uncle Sam, "Never volunteer for anything". After proof reading this document many times and unable to find any small print or clause that would possibly throw me out of a perfectly good aircraft without a chute, I decided to look up the code word of the Twix, "SAFESIDE ADOPTION PROGRAM." 1. law to bring (a person) into a specific relationship, esp. to take (another's child) as one's own child. 2. to choose and follow (a plan, technique, etc). 3. to take over (an idea, etc) as if it were one's own. 4. to take on; assume: to adopt a title. In a millisecond I found myself scrambling to get to my computer to respond and volunteer to adopt one of our own from "Safeside". My orders were simple, "write your adoptee and tell him about yourself". What could have been one paragraph and very simple turned out to be many paragraphs and very simple. I hit enter on my computer and the email was on its way. 4. On August 21, I received an email from my "adoptee". He is an airman 1st class and he volunteered to join the 820th BDG. He was originally tasked to be in the 822nd but was changed to the 823rd at the last minute. He studied philosophy in college and is recently married and has a young daughter. Members of "Safeside", Airman 1st class My Nguyen, a member of the 823rd comes from a very honorable family from Vietnam. His family fought in Vietnam. His father was a lieutenant in the South Vietnam Army and his older brother, My's uncle, was a first lieutenant in the South Vietnam Air Force. My said "I feel a strong sense of fraternity and pride in the unit’s legacy". During My's deployment, his dedication to his team and to his family did not waiver. While in Afghanistan, My and his wife were able to buy a house near Atlanta, making his family proud and happy. My's last name, Nguyen, means "HAPPY" in Vietnamese. My lived up to his great heritage and to the meaning of his last name. Airman My "HAPPY" Nguyen, welcome home. Job well done and thank you for your service and letting me be a part of your deployment. MIKE KOMOMUA, 821st CSP The young troop that I “adopted” is named A1C Eric Pernell and is from Tennessee. Eric is a huge Tennessee Titans football fan. He is currently on a 6 year enlistment and hopes one day to transition to civilian law enforcement. 5. One of the first things he wrote to me after our introduction was to thank me for my service to my country. I thought that was very mature and also very thoughtful. He is a man of few words, but I had a sense that he was committed to his craft and was already planning for the future. I was able to send three large care packages during his deployment. When I asked what he wanted sent he said, trail mix, cookies and DVD’s. Seemed reasonable to me…. After all he is a young man in his early 20’s and the world is his oyster!!! Went to local pawn shop and scored on a personal DVD player for him. I also had a lot of fun shopping DVD’s at the local pawn shop and pretty much nailed his wish list for his viewing pleasure. The unit was able to rotate home just before Xmas and I know that was a relief to Eric and his team so they could share the holidays with family and friends back in the world. All in all, I enjoyed my time corresponding with Eric, even if I had to initiate the dialog… and would do it again. Thanks so much for including me in the project. I’ve pasted a picture of Eric below. 6. Timothy Lott, 823rd "Margaret and I have had a wonderful, "makes you feel good" experience getting to know A1C Timothy Lott, 823rd while he was serving in Afghanistan. Pete led us to him, provided a list of things the troops can use as did the 823rd's First Sergeant, Dustin Bohall. Our first email to Tim was on Sep 13, 2013 and we received a nice response on Sep 25. It told us about himself and his family. It was so interesting to learn he was born in Guatemala to U.S. missionary parents who are still there along with a brother who is also doing missionary work there. Tim grew up in the great state of Texas and it was evident and gratifying to know that he was brought up in a wholesome, caring family. He said he had spent a lot of time with both sets of grand parents who live in Belton and Beaumont, Texas. 7. Margaret enjoyed selecting things for his packages. In early November he thanked us for the package we sent on October 9 saying he loved the goodies, that the 823rd would be coming back early and that he was going to volunteer for K-9 upon his return. We mailed him a Thanksgiving package on November 18 and followed up with an email on December 8 wondering if all was well and asking if he had gotten it. We hope he did and wondering what the future holds for him at Moody. We look forward to hearing from our adopted Safesider again soon. Margaret and I wish Tim and the rest of the "Safesiders" at Moody--God Speed. Lyle Brakob (V/P notes: Twenty three members of the Safeside Association adopted deployed troops, and many reported a fantastic relationship developed over emails and care packages sent. Taking care of our family – thank you)!!! 8. BLAST FROM THE PAST Archived Article by Danny Goodall, 821st. This article was quoted from The News from Many Sources from “Happy Valley” Phan Rang AB, Vietnam: Phan Rang News No. 3 Unique Police Unit Ready Defense Force For All Viet Bases (Seventh Air Force News, Sept. 11, 1968) PHAN RANG One of the Air Forces unique units is the 821st Combat Security Police Squadron (TAC) at Phan Rang AB. Trained in infantry tactics, these security policemen make up a quick reaction force that supplements the normal base security forces at Air Force bases in the Republic of Vietnam. The unit is headquartered here where it assists the normal base defense forces on a regular basis. "Our job," said Lt. Col. Orange D. Steffey, Studio City, Calf., 821st CSPS commander, "is to be ready to deploy to any Seventh Air Force base as directed by the Seventh Air Force director of security police." 9. The men of the 821st CSPS were drawn from security police squadrons throughout the Air Force and given their special training at Schofield Barracks, Hawaii. They were trained in heavy weapons and infantry unit tactics. Many of their instructors were Ranger qualified and much of the training resembles the Army's Ranger Training Course. While in Vietnam the men are deployed to several bases with frequent training sessions at Phan Rang. The unit has men stationed at Bien Hoa, Cam Ranh Bay, Pleiku and Tan Son Nhut ABs. Intelligence teams are located at three other bases. "While at the bases," Colonel Steffey said, "our men augment the base defense forces. Even though we are a Tactical Air Command unit when we are here we come under the operational control of the individual base security police chief." Colonel Steffey's men have participated in frequent operations with base defense forces. "Our men at Phu Cat have taken part in sniper ambush patrols," he said, "and a two day sweep operation at Cam Ranh.” 10. THE LATEST FDA WARNING LABELS. A FAREWELL BUT NOT GOODBYE SAFESIDE WARRIORS Just a short note to inform everyone I will be leaving the 820 BDG en route to the Air Force Security Forces Center at Lackland AFB. As I have become older with the group, time has flown by (I'm sure as many of you experience) and I realize I will miss the awesome Airmen past and present whose selfless courage and pride to serve deploys them to the combat zones and high threat locations of the world where our AF mission takes them. Many continually go again and again, some come home as wounded warriors while others come home without a scratch. I hope I at least had a small part of ensuring the survivability of our troops through the war on terror and their everlasting record of successful mission accomplishments whether in southwest Asia or humanitarian relief missions. It is with mixed emotions Charlotte and I depart 820 BDG in April 2014 but I am honored to be selected to serve the Security Forces career field as challenges arise and the chance to again work with many great troops. The mission of Security Forces places them at the forefront of global response to support AF combatant commanders or securing priority resources in CONUS and they will always need the best training, equipment, and leadership we can provide for them. I plan to remain actively involved in the SAFESIDE Association to ensure the legacy lives on from the warrior ethos and foundation you all established during the Vietnam War. Please keep in touch and I look forward to seeing/working with everyone during future reunions and meetings. HOOAH and take care always! Very respectfully, Bobby Le Fever "JOINED TO FIGHT" 12. Michael Creedon, Colonel, USAF Ret., Past Safeside Association President Mrs. Villarreal (Gloria) and I had the pleasure of having dinner with Michael and “Sam” Creedon in Albuquerque, NM early in January, 2014. We had previously arranged this dinner so that I could interview him for our newsletter. Back then in 1974-77 Captain Creedon, assigned to the 2AF Security Police Headquarters, and myself, a MSgt assigned to the 2nd Security Police Squadron, Barksdale AFB, La, would ride our motor cycles to tennis courts in Shreveport and Bossier City. He would routinely have Gloria and me over for dinner. To this date, and I never asked him, I have no idea how we became friends. He and I having been in Safeside really did not have anything to do with it. He served with the 821st CSP and I with the 822nd CSP. I left for Alaska in 1977 and I saw Captain Creedon again in 1978 when he came with an inspection team to inspect the 5010th Security Police Sqdn, Eielson AFB, Alaska. I retired in 1980 and remained in Alaska. Captain Creedon went on to become a Colonel and command several Security Police units. Mike Creedon was born and raised in Pennsylvania. His career in the Air Force had its roots in Safeside: Oct 1966-1968 – Missile Security, Whiteman AFB, Missouri. Mar 1968-1970 – 821st Combat Security Police Squadron, Safeside! 1970-1972 - Kirtland AFB, NM 1972-1973 – 13th Air Force Security Police, Clark AB, PI 1973-1977 - 2AF Security Police, Barksdale AFB, La 13. 1977- 1980 - AF Inspector General, Norton AFB, Ca 1980-1982 – Dep SP Group Cmdr, Kirtland AFB, NM 1982-1983 – Chief SP, 39th SPS, Incirlik AB, Turkey 1983-1988 - DNS, AF IG Team, Kirtland AFB, NM 1988-1991 - SP Group Cmdr, Nellis AFB, NV 1991-1992 – Dep Chief SP, Tactical Air Command Col Creedon was the first guest speaker for a Safeside Reunion, held in Tucson, Arizona. He served as Safeside President for three years. I ran into Col Creedon in 1994 when I attended the Safeside Reunion in Las Vegas. It was at this meeting that he appointed me “Mr. Vice” for the Dining Out. I attended the 1996 Safeside Reunion in Fairfax, Va; Col Creedon was still the President and BGen Coleman was our Guest Speaker. Mike and “Sam” Creedon have two boys, Michael, Maj, USAF, currently a KC-10 Instructor Pilot at McGuire AFB NJ , but is heading to the 82nd Wg at Sheppard AFB, Tx to Instruct Foreign pilots in the T-6 Texan 2! He has 11 deployments in the Sandbox. Brad is a Capt in the USMC and has had 3 tours in Iraq. He is currently the asst OPS Officer of the 1st MACS at MCAS Yuma. The Safeside Association is proud to have had Colonel “Magic” Mike as our President. He still plays tennis almost daily and is a Board Member of the US Air Force Security Forces Association. 14. 15. 16. SAFESIDER VOLUNTEERS AGAIN Months after F-4 tornadoes hit Oklahoma residents are still working to recover from the devastation. Safesider Ron Allen 822nd discovered he was not as in shape as he was 45 years ago at Ft Campbell. Ron was part of a volunteer group that helped with the disaster recovery and clean up.
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