
Head Up High
La Mirona
Dijous 5 de desembre 22 h
I com artista convidada ...
Sara Pi
presentant el seu nou disc Wake up (Sony Music)
Head Up High
Veu: Skye
Guitarra: Ross Godfrey
Baix: Steve Gordon
Teclats: Andy Nunn
Bateria: Martin Carling
DJ: James Anthony
Dia i hora: Dijous 5 de desembre, 22 h
Lloc: La Mirona
Preus: 25, 20 €
Head Up High
Va ser un dels grups imprescindibles de la música negra dels anys 90, i les seves influències del
blues i el pop van revolucionar el trip hop. Després d’uns anys separats, el 2010 la seva vocalista
estrella, l’elegant Sky Edwards, va tornar al grup per presentar Blood like Lemonade, el disc que va
tornar a agermanar la banda i els fans. Aquesta tardor, els anglesos aterren a Girona per estrenar el
seu nou treball, Head up High. 13 noves cançons que conserven intacte l’ADN de la banda, aquest
trip hop travessat per solcs de downtempo, amb reminiscències africanes, riffs de guitarres, soul,
blues, pop i sons electrònics coronats per la veu íntima de Skye.
Head Up High
Sobre el disc
Es pot veure el vídeo del nou single “Gimme Your Love” al lloc web:
Morcheeba presenten el seu vuitè disc Head Up High (PIAS Recordings, 2013). Després d’uns
anys en els quals Skye Edwards va abandonar la banda, Morcheeba van tornar als escenaris el
2010 amb el disc Blood Like Lemonade, on es presentaven novament amb la formació original
(Skye amb els germans Paul i Ross Godfrey) que els va fer un grup imprescindible per entendre la
música negra dels anys 90, amb les seves influències de trip hop, blues i pop. Després d’aquest
retrobament amb èxit, la banda va recuperar novament l’encant i es va sentir totalment còmode per
afrontar nous projectes i és en aquest context que arriba el nou disc Head Up High. Són 13 noves
cançons que conserven intacte l’ADN de la banda; trip hop travessat per solcs de downtempo, reminiscències africanes, riffs de guitarres, soul, blues, pop i sons electrònics coronats per la veu íntima
de Skye, amb lletres que aporten el punt just de positivisme i malenconia.
Una banda mítica que ja ha fet història amb temes com ara “Rome Wasn’t Built in a Day”, “World
Looking in”, “Let Me See” o “The Sea”.
Head Up High
La gira
Dissabte 7 de desembre, 18 h: Wuk, Vienna
Diumenge 8 de desembre, 18 h: Culture Factory, Zagreb
Dimarts 10 de desembre, 19 h: PeCsa Music Hall, Budapest
Dimecres 11 de desembre, 19 h: Arenele Romane, Bucharest
Divendres 13 de desembre, 19 h: NDK, Sofia
Dissabte 14 de desembre, 18 h: Gagarin, Athens
Dijous 10 d’abril, 19 h: Powerstation, Auckland
Divendres 11 d’abril, 19 h: Opera House, Wellington
Dimecres 16 d’abril, 18 h: The Corner, London
Dijous 17 d’abril, 19 h: The Metro, Sydney
Dissabte 19 d’abril, 18 h: Bluesfest, Byron Bay
Diumenge 20 d’abril, 19 h: Bluesfest, Byron Bay
Head Up High
Head Up High
1. “Gimme your love”
2. “Face of danger”
3. “Call it love”
4. “Under the ice”
5. “I’ll fall apart”
6. “Morcheeba - Make believer”
7. “Realise me now”
8. “To be”
9. “Hypnotized”
10. “To the grave”
11. “Do you good”
12. “Finally found you”
Head Up High
Sobre la banda
Morcheeba és una banda britànica que barreja influències de trip hop, blues i pop. A mitjans del
1990, els germans Godfrey (el DJ Paul Godfrey i el multi-instrumentalista Ross Godfrey) es van
unir a Skye Edwards com a vocalista. Cinc àlbums més tard, el 2003, Edwards va deixar la banda.
El 2005 Morcheeba va gravar un altre àlbum juntament amb Daisy Martey (anteriorment part de la
banda Noonday Underground) per reemplaçar Edwards com a vocalista. La veu d’Edwards s’havia
tornat una part integral del so de Morcheeba i la nova cantant va haver d’afrontar dures crítiques
tant per part dels fans com dels crítics de música. Els últims concerts en directe els germans Godfrey havien reemplaçat Martey amb una altra vocalista, Jody Stemberg.
Edwards, com a solista, es va quedar amb el mateix mànager de Morcheeba, fet que va conduir
a una trobada fortuïta a les seves oficines el 2009. Edwards i els germans Godfrey van discutir la
possibilitat d’engegar un nou projecte. Eventualment, Edwards torna amb la banda i el trio comença
a treballar en un nou àlbum. Amb Edwards de gira promocionant el seu àlbum en solitari, Ross
Godfrey vivint a California i Paul Godfrey a Londres la banda va fer Spent much time in the same
room together. El 12 de febrer de 2010, NME va revelar que Edwards tornava a formar part de la
banda, la qual cosa va confirmar un dia després Paul Godfrey a través del Myspace de la banda.
El seu setè àlbum llançat Blood like Lemonade a PIAS el juny del 2010 precedit del single “Even
Though”. Va ser produït per Paul Godfrey, que va descriure l’àlbum com una càlida manta, mentre
que Edwards va trobar les lletres massa fosques.
El seu vuitè àlbum, Head Up High es va llançar el 14 d’octubre de 2013.
Head Up High
1. Head Up High (2013)
2. Blood Like Lemonade (2010)
3. Dive deep (2008)
4. The Antidote (2005)
5. Parts of the process (2003)
6. Charango (2002)
Head Up High
La premsa ha dit...
“Quan finalment Morcheeba va trepitjar l’escenari, el públic va esclatar.”
Nick Roberts
“Divuit anys en la indústria musical els podrien haver passat factura; en canvi, Morcheeba han aconseguit renovar-se i ampliar el seu estil de producció.”
Huw Woodward
Head Up High
The Camden area has always been a hot-spot for arty types, with musicians busking on near every
corner, and bohemian vibes positively oozing out of every space. This of course means that there
are also a fair few music venues, one of being The Forum in Kentish Town –which was the location
for the last night of Morcheeba’s UK tour.
The night opened up with Harley Blu and her band, who played a set of soulful and funky set to an
already large audience in The Forum. The band were tight, and the songs were well written, with
nice vocal harmonies and a generally pleasant musical vibe. Blu and her band were followed by The
Old Silent, a very enjoyable band with a feeling that could be best described as a mixture of rock and
folk. The mixture worked well, with the band taking complete advantage of their 3 singers different
voices to pronounce what style it was they were playing.
After the two fantastic support bands played, were were left for quite a while before Morcheeba finally came on stage –by which point the audience were very restless. But, once Morcheeba finally
hit the stage, the audience erupted. The band entered with a pre-recorded opening song playing as
the lights dimmed and they walked out from back stage and took their positions on stage. The band
got straight into what they were best at, playing their song Make Believer –which compelled the
audience with it’s nice grooves and funky (almost reggae like) feeling. All the way through this song
and the rest of the set the kick drum and the bass-line could be physically felt in your chest, making
it feel like you were getting hit in the chest with every beat.
For their next song they made a significant change, opening a song with slide guitar, and following
that up with a song that best suited the description “blues rock.” This didn’t stick though, as the band
went more classic sound with songs such as Never and Easy Way and The Sea. This had the audience swaying and singing along, in particular for The Sea, where Skye (the band’s singer) had the
whole audience singing the line “down by the sea” as backing vocals for the track. This boosted up
the atmosphere of the gig on a level that you could actually feel, with the audience being noticeably
more into the gig after the sing-along.
One of my highlights for the night came in the form of their sixth song, Shoulder Holster, most recognisable for it’s almost Beatles like trippy rock vibes –and even the use of the electric sitar. The song
was played perfectly, but came with a few subtle changes that brought the song up to whole other
levels of enjoyable. Another highlight was when Morcheeba covered the David Bowie classic Let’s
Dance –once again getting the audience singing along.
After these highlights the band went onto play some of their new and old songs, equally impressing
the audience with both –getting the whole audience, including those on the balcony, dancing along
Head Up High
for their last song. The night was very enjoyable, with every song getting you singing and swaying
to the music by the second chorus (even if you didn’t know the song before!)
Nick Roberts | Live, Music
Set List:
“Make Believer”
“Part of the Process”
“Never an Easy Way”
“The Sea”
“Gimme Your Love”
“Shoulder Holster”
“Let’s Dance”
“Trigger Hippy”
“Release Me Now”
“I’ll Fall Apart”
“Face of Danger”
See more at:
Head Up High
Published On October 8, 2013
Trip Hoppers Morcheeba continue to expand their sound with their eighth studio-album, Head Up
High. Incorporating elements from dancehall, blues, rock and house, Paul and Ross Godfrey have
created the ideal sonic environment for vocalist Skye Edwards to bring to life.
It’s no secret Edwards is a formidable presence, her expressive timbre adhering to whatever mood
the arrangements inspire. On the sultry ‘Gimme Your Love,’ Skye’s lithe vocals tease with promises of what could be when you “close the door, turn the light off, switch your mind off”. The feline
within is again unleashed on ‘Face of Danger,’ flirting with the prospect of warm loving with a
stranger, before being subdued for the lovelorn ballad ‘I’ll Fall Apart.’
Morcheeba’s tradition of working with MCs is continued, and guests like Chali 2 Na, Rizzle Kicks
and Ana Tijoux are added to the list of past collaborators like Big Daddy Kane and Bahamadia.
The rhyme styles featured are as diverse as the instrumental backdrops, with Hand Percussion
and charango conjuring forth the magical ‘Under The Ice,’ whilst Blues guitar and harmonica electrify on ‘Hypnotized.’
Eighteen years in the industry may take its toll on other acts, but Morcheeba’s latest outing sees
them refreshed and ready to broaden their production style. The addition of new sonic elements
that flesh out the compositions ensures an enriching listen, and with Skye Edwards taking care of
lead vocals, Head Up High has the trio reaching new plateaus.
Huw Woodward
See more at:
Head Up High
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Head Up High
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