Contents 2012 - Netzer South Africa


Contents 2012 - Netzer South Africa
Who are we? ........................................................................................................................................... 1
Highlights from 2012............................................................................................................................... 1
About Machaneh Lazuz ........................................................................................................................... 1
Greetings from our friends ..................................................................................................................... 3
The Hanhallah – Camp leadership .......................................................................................................... 5
Machaneh Lazuz dates ............................................................................................................................ 7
Contacting your child during camp ......................................................................................................... 7
Financial details....................................................................................................................................... 8
Available discounts ................................................................................................................................. 8
Assist-A-Camper Appeal.......................................................................................................................... 9
Transport details ..................................................................................................................................... 9
Q&A ....................................................................................................................................................... 10
Camp Form ............................................................................................................................................ 11
Applicant’s Particulars............................................................................................................... 11
Parent(s)/Guardian(s) Particulars ............................................................................................. 12
Medical Details.......................................................................................................................... 13
Finance Details .......................................................................................................................... 16
Consent, Indemnity & Waiver ................................................................................................... 17
Returning the application form ............................................................................................................ 19
Visitors’ Day .......................................................................................................................................... 19
Camp rules ............................................................................................................................................ 20
Thank you.............................................................................................................................................. 21
What to bring ........................................................................................................................................ 22
Checklist ................................................................................................................................................ 23
Camp form 2012
Who are we?
Netzer South Africa is the non-profit, Progressive Jewish and Zionist youth movement of South
Africa. We form a branch of the international Netzer movement, Netzer Olami (worldwide), which
has its offices in Jerusalem. Netzer exists in over ten countries, including Panama, Australia, North
America, Belarus, Brazil, Germany, France, Israel, England, Russia, Spain and the Ukraine. Our parent
bodies include the South African Union for Progressive Judaism (SAUPJ) and the South African Zionist
Federation (SAZF).
One of our main aims is Tikkun Olam (social action), through Jewish education and community. The
Jewish values of equality, tolerance and respect for all humanity form the core of our ideology and
help create the unique warm atmosphere on our Machanot (camps).
Highlights from 2012
2012 has been an interesting and challenging year in the Netzer world. We have an almost
completely new leadership body, which leads to fresh ideas as well as needing to ask for help quite a
bit. Luckily, we have an eager group of bogrim (graduates) who have been on call to help with nearly
The year started off with Marni Riese going to Israel for Netzer Olami’s worldwide Veida, or
conference, where decisions are made about Netzer policy and ideology as a world movement. It
creates ties with all the sniffim (branches) around the world and bonds and connections are formed.
We have two participants in Israel on Shnat Netzer, Netzer’s ten-month gap year programme. They
spend their year learning and living Netzer’s ideology, with parts of intensive learning, community
living, leading, growing, volunteering, and working, from Jerusalem to Karmiel to Kibbutz Lotan in
the desert. When they return they will have a two-year commitment to the movement, and we trust
that they will work with the current management body to keep the movement growing and moving
Sofia Zway, Nina Hoffman and Sivan Zeffertt attended the SAUPJ 80th Anniversary Conference to
represent Netzer. It was a very interesting and valuable experience.
Other than that, on a regional level, there were a variety of activities throughout the year, including
Shabbatot, Mini-Machanot, celebration of chaggim, Day Camps and many others!
I hope that this camp inspires everyone involved, both channichim (participants) and madrichim
(councillors) and that everyone gets to feel that Netzer spirit which is loved by so many!
Sivan Zeffertt
National Mazkira 2012
**Deadline for Application forms is Friday 9 NOVEMBER **
Get your Application in before Monday 15 October and receive the early bird
Camp form 2012
About Machaneh Lazuz
Netzer has been moving to its very own unique beat for over 30 years, and it’s stronger than ever!
Netzer is all about kefucation [fun-education], and this Machaneh will be no different!
‘Movement’ has so many different connotations, many of which will be explored on Machaneh.
From traditional Israeli dancing to ridiculously fun 80s style ‘aerobics’ classes, a lot of literal moving
will be done at Machaneh. We will also, however, be moving our minds, finding new ways of
discovering ourselves and moving to ‘the beat’. Each person has his or her own beat, and this will be
explored at Machaneh Lazuz.
How have the Jews moved across the globe, from generation to generation? How have we, as
individuals, kept up with the pace of the ever-changing society in which we live? We will be looking
at all sorts of ways that we can move. With amazing and creative activities and discussions, we
promise to stretch every participant’s mind to its full capacity as we tackle these important
questions of identity, belonging and purpose.
With the hard work and passionate commitment of the Mazkirut of 2012, who have put this
Machaneh together, we will continue moving from strength to strength, developing and growing.
Machaneh Lazuz will get everyone thinking, doing, and most importantly, moving to their very own
Nina Hoffman
Rosh Chinuch 2012
**Deadline for Application forms is Friday 9 NOVEMBER **
Get your Application in before Monday 15 October and receive the early bird
Camp form 2012
Greetings from our friends
Steve Lurie - SAUPJ National Chairman
In 2012, Netzer ushered in a completely new management body, including new schlichim. These
young people continue with the notable leadership roles in the community-wide events on Yom
Hazikaron and Yom Hashoah. SAZF support for Netzer, the Progressive Jewish Zionist Youth
Movement, is a source of strength. The honours received by Netzer in recent years include
recognition for the most Zionistic Programmes and nominations of Madrichim and Shlichim for
leading roles in community functions.
Netzer is directly involved in the day to day life of our shuls, running regular youth services, youth
activities at religion schools as well as teaching at Reddam School and doing activity work at various
other schools in Gauteng and Cape Town. They continue with their Tikkun Olam projects,
environmental projects and social outreach programmes as well as being very involved in Mandela
Day and Mitzvah Day where they work with the underprivileged youth and the elderly.
Last year’s camp, “Song of the Sea,” was a great success and the South African Zionist Federation
and Israel Centre continue to acknowledge this with accolades. Netzer programmes are committed
to Reform Zionist ideals. The campsite, set in nature, lends to a vibrant and exciting camp
atmosphere while Netzer leaders ensure that our children learn how to share, lead and live the
Progressive Jewish dream. By going on a Netzer youth camp, you are not only learning about
Judaism, being a good Progressive Jew with high moral values and ethics but it will also teach you
about Zionism, and the love for Israel.
On behalf of the South African Union for Progressive Judaism, we wish Netzer and all our youth an
exciting, enjoyable and successful camp in 2012.
Maoz Haviv – Mazkir Klali (Chairperson) Netzer Olami / TaMaR
Dear members of Netzer South Africa – Shalom:
Your Machaneh theme this year is "LAZUZ," which in Hebrew means “to move” or “to get from one
point to another.” Actually, in Hebrew, “to move” is also "LANUA" and from “LANUA” comes the
word "TNUA" – and this is exactly what you are members of: "TNUAT NOAR" or, in English, a
This December, you will participate in a summer camp that intends to implement the essence of the
movement – to move on: to move towards a better future for each of you, both within the
movement and personally, to move on to a more meaningful implementation of Tikkun Olam, and,
for each of you, to move in the camp from where you are today towards a better and more
meaningful stage of your membership in Netzer Olami.
I hope you really make the most of it, and may this be the most successful joyful and positive camp
**Deadline for Application forms is Friday 9 NOVEMBER **
Get your Application in before Monday 15 October and receive the early bird
Camp form 2012
Avrom Krengel - Chairman of the South African Zionist Federation
Once again this year, thousands of excited and eager young Jewish students pack their bags and set
off for the highlight of the year: Machaneh. And what a wonderful experience awaits you! This is an
experience that will remain with you for many years to come – making new friends, renewing old
acquaintances, having fun, learning many things and revelling in an atmosphere of Jewish and Zionist
values.Your heritage and your future as Jewish youngsters, as well as Israel and its beauty and
charm, its appeal and its opportunities, will form a large part of what you will be taught, and what
you will imbibe, during your stay.
Once again, I’m happy, on behalf of the South African Zionist Federation to associate myself with this
wonderful event – I have no doubt that every participant will return home stimulated and excited –
ready to participate in the following year’s activities.
Machaneh has become an important part of our South African youth tradition and I am confident
that it will continue to be so for many years to come.
On behalf of everyone at the SA Zionist Federation, I wish you all a successful, happy and stimulating
Eric Beswick- Executive Director of Temple Israel
I am so proud of the fact that my children are carrying on the tradition of my family by being
passionate members of Netzer South Africa. I just love seeing their smiling faces coming home after
the running around, learning, singing, laughing, dancing, playing, eating, drinking, campfiring, social
actioning and all the other stuff that makes Netzer Machaneh the highlight of the year for them.
I would love all Jewish parents to be able to see the unbridled happiness that comes with being a
Netzer channie (participant). The leadership of the movement have pulled out all the stops this year
to make this a fantastic camp for your kids, so delay your family holidays a little and book your
children on the experience of their lives.
**Deadline for Application forms is Friday 9 NOVEMBER **
Get your Application in before Monday 15 October and receive the early bird
Camp form 2012
The Hanhallah – Camp leadership
Sivan Zeffertt – Rosh Machaneh (Camp Director)
Sivan is currently the Mazkira of Netzer South Africa and the Gauteng Youth
Worker. Sivan is a hardworking, open-minded and encouraging human being. She
is organised and knows her strengths and weaknesses, which makes for an
efficient and thorough leader. Sivan brings her artistic and expressive outlook on
life to Netzer and inspires all of us to do our best. She is fully supported by the
rest of the Mazkirut in her role as Rosh Machaneh. As Sivan's favourite author,
Neil Gaiman, once wrote: “Everybody has a secret world inside of them.” Sivan is
about to unleash her secret and wonderful world and, with the help of her team,
run an excellent machaneh.
Nina Hoffman – S’gan Rosh Machaneh Pnimit (Vice Head of Camp Internal) and Rosh Chinuch (Head of Education)
Nina is a dancer, a singer, a thinker and an educator. She has been a keen
Netzernik since she was just 12, and her involvement has kept increasing
throughout the years, with her being an active madricha, participating in Shnat
Netzer (Netzer’s gap-year programme), and being part of the mazkirut for the
past year. She has passion and drive for her year role of Rosh Chinuch (Head of
Education) and a great organizational mind for her role on camp. Nina is
studying to be a Maths teacher at UCT. Nina’s smile lights up rooms and her
enthusiasm motivates those around her to do any task with a good attitude.
Marni Riese - S’gan Rosh Machaneh Klali (Vice Head of Camp - External)
& Rosh Mitbach (Head of Kitchen)
Marni has spent the past year working as Gizbarit (Head of Finance) for Netzer
South Africa. She joined the movement at the tender age of nine and has not
looked back since. She finished top three of her class at the International Hotel
School, where she is studying Hotel Management and Professional Cookery.
Logistics is her passion, and she is highly attentive to the needs of others. On
Machaneh Lazuz, she will be heading up the roles of Sgan Rosh Clalit and Rosh
Mitbach, putting her skills and knowledge into action for what promises to be a
creative and healthy menu.
Dayne Brazil – Rosh Techni (Head of Logistics)
“Dayne the Durbanite - can he fix it!? Dayne the Durbanite - Yes he can!" There
could be no better Netzernik to fill the role of Rosh Logistics than Dayne Brazil.
He is tech-savvy and practical, always willing to help or lend a very capable
hand. Whether it is a blocked drain, faulty electrical gadget, or even a broken
heart, Dayne is the one to call! Dayne has been the petrol that has kept Netzer
Durban's engine running for many years (He would appreciate the motor
reference, too). His energy and love for life is motivating for those with whom
**Deadline for Application forms is Friday 9 NOVEMBER **
Get your Application in before Monday 15 October and receive the early bird
Camp form 2012
he works. Dayne lives, eats and breathes Netzer. His passion and commitment are inspiring, and the
movement would not be the same without him.
Shlichim 2012
Leshem Brosh – Rosh Mishlachat (Head of Shlichim) & Cape Town
Leshem, or “Leyshem,” as we like to call him, is the twenty-two year old
Capetonian Shaliach. He has been with us since last December, and has been
an asset to the movement ever since. He was born and raised in Petah Tikvah,
a city just outside of Tel Aviv. Leshem is well versed in Jewish conversation,
due to serving in the army as a trainer for a combined course, which included
a boot camp course. By the end of his military career he had been promoted
to Educational Officer and was in charge of 250 soldiers. With his contagious
energy and great sense of humour, Leshem will keep us all motivated and
entertained throughout Machaneh.
Yuval Berger – Gauteng Shaliach
Yuval Berger is the newly appointed Jewish Agency Youth Movement Shaliach
for Netzer Gauteng. Yuval was born and raised in Haifa. In his military service,
Yuval served as a commander in the anti - aircraft and missile forces of the
Israeli air force. Prior to coming on shlichut , he worked as a youth counsellor on
Kibbutz Yahel in the Arava Desert in southern Israel and took part in Beit
Midrash Baderech, a post-army program that includes working with agriculture
and living on a kibbutz. Yuval was a Chanich and Madrich in Noar Telem, the
Israeli branch of Netzer. We are very excited to be working with him over the
next year!
**Deadline for Application forms is Friday 9 NOVEMBER **
Get your Application in before Monday 15 October and receive the early bird
Camp form 2012
Machaneh Lazuz dates
Machaneh runs from December 9-23 at the Glen Cairn Rotary Campsite in Cape Town.
The Machaneh Hanhallah of Netzer South Africa 2012 reserves the right to accept or reject any
1. Tipot Camp - Grades 1-3: 17th-19th of December
Once again, a Mini-Machaneh will be run for our youngest age group! Unfortunately, this is only
applicable to Western Cape families. Channichim who are in grades 1 – 3 (during 2012) are invited to
share in this fun experience! Separate forms are available on
For more details contact Nina on 071 612 9977 or Leshem on 082 339 0081
Alternatively email: [email protected]
2. Keshet Grades 10-12:
The oldest age group has the additional option of staying with us for a further 4 days, until 27th
December 2012. This is an opportunity for the oldest age group, as young leaders in Netzer, to
participate fully in camp feedback, discussions about the future of Netzer and to assist in camp pack
up. There is no extra cost.
Please also note that the Keshet age group leave site for a two- day seminar in Cape Town during the
camp itself.
Contacting your child during camp
No chanich/a will be able to make or receive telephone calls during camp, except in the event of an
emergency. In such cases, all calls should be directed to the following numbers:
Sivan Zeffertt
Nina Hoffman
Marni Riese
082 855 5199
071 612 9977
071 451 7772
You can send letters to your children via email to the following addresses:
Email: [email protected] (With chanich/a’s name in subject line)
You can also keep up to date on the day-to-day happenings on
camp by following us on Facebook and Twitter!
Twitter: @NetzerSA
**Deadline for Application forms is Friday 9 NOVEMBER **
Get your Application in before Monday 15 October and receive the early bird
Camp form 2012
Financial details
Basic fee
The basic fee for Machaneh Lazuz 2012 is R5 000 for the fifteen days. We have tried to minimise
camp costs as much as possible. The price includes food, accommodation, transport during camp,
tuck-shop, CSO security, 24-hour medic and running costs. Transport costs to and from camp are
separate and are detailed on page 9.
Note that application forms must be sent with all appropriate monies. Application forms without
the fee enclosed will not assure your child a place at Machaneh.
Payment methods
Netzer South Africa accepts payment in cash, by cheque, EFT (internet transfer) and direct deposit.
1. EFT/Direct deposit:
Netzer SA Camp
Bank: Nedbank
Account number: 1913448347
Branch: Cresta
Branch Code: 191305
The deposit reference on the slip must be the chanich/a’s full name.
Your deposit slip with bank stamp must be attached to this form.
2. Cheques:
To be made to “Netzer SA Camp”
Available discounts
“Early Bird” Discount: less R300 on or before Monday 15th October.
o This only applies to applications paid in full on or before this date.
Sibling Discount:
o 5% discount will be granted for the second child from a family.
o 10% discount will be granted for a third child from a family.
New Friend Discount: You pay 5% less for each new friend you bring!
*A “new friend” is someone who has never been to any Netzer event before (this includes all
camps, Shabbatonim and weekly meetings). Include this person’s details in the relevant
space on the form. Please note that only the first applicant to identify a new camper will be
granted the 5% discount.
Any special arrangements must be made IN WRITING and confirmed with the Rosh Machaneh by
contacting [email protected] or 082 855 5199 BEFORE 9 November 2012.
**Deadline for Application forms is Friday 9 NOVEMBER **
Get your Application in before Monday 15 October and receive the early bird
Camp form 2012
Assist-A-Camper Appeal
Dear Parents and Friends,
Netzer is a non-profit community organisation.
We feel that every child should have the experience of being in a youth movement. It is our goal not
to turn away channichim (participants) for financial reasons. However, an increasing number of
families are experiencing economic difficulty as the cost of living rises, meaning that the number of
requests for financial aid grows every year.
We are grateful for the part that the continued and generous financial contributions that parents,
the Progressive congregations and the entire community have played in enabling us to grow in koach
Each year we are in danger of not being able to maintain our policy of supporting those in financial
need. We thus ask you to please assist us in ensuring that every potential channich/a (participant)
has the opportunity to join us for our vibrant and inspiring Machaneh Lazuz, by pledging an amount
to our Assist-a-Camper appeal. This can be found under the financial section. We greatly appreciate
all contributions, no matter how small.
Thanking you in anticipation of your continued support,
Hanhallah of Machaneh Lazuz 2012
Transport details
Cape Town
Sunday 9 Dec
Lanseria Airport
Early morning
Sunday 9 Dec
King Shaka Airport
Early morning
Sunday 9 Dec
Herzlia Constantia Primary
Sunday 23 Dec
Lanseria Airport
Early evening
Sunday 23 Dec
King Shaka Airport
Early evening
Sunday 23 Dec
Herzlia Constantia Primary
Late afternoon
R1 700
R1 700
Should you be joining us from anywhere else in South Africa, please contact Sivan on
[email protected]
*Please note that changing flights that have already been booked will be entirely your responsibility.
Netzer South Africa will not be responsible for any costs incurred in changing flights.
An admin fee of R200 will be charged if the participant comes late to camp/leaves early.
**Deadline for Application forms is Friday 9 NOVEMBER **
Get your Application in before Monday 15 October and receive the early bird
Camp form 2012
Can I submit my form after 9 November?
When forms are not handed in on time we cannot correctly work out quantities for Machaneh. This
can lead to shortages in food and anything else the campers receive from us (such as t-shirts). We
want to plan ahead for your child’s health, security and well-being.
By getting your form in early, you help to improve the quality of Machaneh. We have an early bird
discount to encourage you to send your forms in early. The early cut-off date for forms this year is
Monday 15th October. There are many locations to hand in your form to make it more convenient
for you. We appeal to you as responsible parents to hand in forms on time.
I can’t afford Machaneh, Are there any subsidies?
Netzer has never turned away a camper because of financial difficulty, thanks to the donations to
our assist-a-camper appeal. This year, we hope it will be no exception. Those requesting help from
the community need to request a subsidy form from the Netzer office ([email protected]) and
have it returned to us by Monday, 15th October. These forms will be handled with complete
confidentiality. Unfortunately, we cannot guarantee you a subsidy, but we will try our best. We are
indebted to the families and individuals who are able to assist by donating towards our assist-acamper appeal.
I can’t stay for the whole camp; can you change my flight dates?
We strongly recommend that all participants plan to be on camp for the full duration. Chanichim
leaving at different times negatively affects the group dynamics.
In the past we have had problems with channichim who wish to change their flights which have
already been booked for them by Netzer South Africa. We have decided that we will not be
responsible for any flight changes. If you wish to change a flight, we will give you all the details and
you will be responsible for changing the flight and paying any costs incurred with the changing. We
will also be charging a R200 admin fee for any participant who will arrive late or leave early from
camp due to logistical costs. We do however need you to confirm the flight time change with us
before booking as we may have special arrangements to consider. Please contact Sivan Zeffertt in
writing at [email protected] before Monday, 15th October.
**Deadline for Application forms is Friday 9 NOVEMBER **
Get your Application in before Monday 15 October and receive the early bird
Camp form 2011
Camp Form
To facilitate the many considerations in preparing for Machaneh, all application forms and fees must
be received by Friday 9th November. Before completing this form, it is essential that both the
applicant and his/her parent(s)/guardian(s) read Netzer’s camp rules supplied in this booklet on
page 20.
Please ensure your form is correctly completed and handed in to our offices early to avoid delays
and disappointment.
This application form comprises of five sections to be filled out and returned.
1. Applicant’s Particulars
Name and Surname
(As written in ID)
Date of Birth
ID Number
Male / Female
Home Number
Cell phone Number
Fax Number
Email Address
Postal Address + Code
T-Shirt Size
XS  S  M  L  XL 
Is the Applicant a competent swimmer?
Is the Applicant Vegetarian?
Is the Applicant allergic to or does not eat one
of the following? (Please tick)
Milk  Nuts  Fish  Wheat  Eggs  Red
Meat  Chicken 
Please specify if the applicant has any unique
dietary requirements or food allergies
(specify here and on the medical form):
**Deadline for Application forms is Friday 9 NOVEMBER **
Get your Application in before Monday 15 October and receive the early bird
Camp form 2011
How did you hear about Machaneh Lazuz 2012?
Friend  Family  I was called  Shul  School  Facebook  Website  Twitter 
Please identify any new friends who are coming with the applicant for their first Netzer experience:
(Refer to financial information on page 8.)
Has the applicant been to summer Machanot before? If yes, which one(s) and when?
2. Parent(s)/Guardian(s) Particulars
First Guardian name
Work Place
Cell number
Second Guardian name
Work Place
Cell number
Additional Contact
(or nearest relative)
**Deadline for Application forms is Friday 9 NOVEMBER **
Get your Application in before Monday 15 October and receive the early bird
Camp form 2011
3. Medical Details
This form must be completed in full, by the parents or legal guardian of the applicant, together with
their MEDICAL PRACTITIONER. Please note: forms will not be considered if this documentation is
not completed and signed accordingly.
a) Please state your medical aid scheme and number and include a photocopy of your
membership card, in case the applicant requires emergency medical attention.
Medical Aid Scheme:
Medical Aid Number:
Medical Aid Dependant Number:
b) Please indicate previous illnesses the applicant has had:
Chicken pox
Enteric Fever
German Measles
Rheumatic Fever
Typhoid Fever
Swine flu
Whooping cough
c) Please indicate when the applicant has been immunized against the following:
NB: Please ensure the applicant has had an anti-tetanus booster within the past five years!
Y / N Year:
Whooping Cough:
d) Is the applicant on any chronic medication? Please provide full details:
**Deadline for Application forms is Friday 9 NOVEMBER **
Get your Application in before Monday 15 October and receive the early bird
Camp form 2011
e) For the medical practitioner specifically:
1) How long have you been the applicant’s medical practitioner?
2) Are there any condition(s) that the applicant is suffering from (e.g. epilepsy), and, if
applicable, are there any specialists treating the said condition? (Please provide contact
details of the specialist)
3) Does the applicant suffer from asthma/allergies (e.g. bee-stings, dust)? Include details
and prescribed treatment.
4) Has the applicant ever had fits, black outs or fainting spells? (Include details and, where
possible, diagnosis)
5) Is the applicant allergic to any drugs (e.g. penicillin)? Please provide full details:
6) Are there any reasons, physical or emotional, that the applicant should have extra
attention on a long hike?
7) Are there any additional precautions that should be taken with regard to the applicant’s
health at camp?
8) Is the applicant on any maintenance therapy? Please provide details:
9) Does the applicant suffer from any physical/emotional conditions that may be aggravated
at camp?
**Deadline for Application forms is Friday 9 NOVEMBER **
Get your Application in before Monday 15 October and receive the early bird
Camp form 2011
10) Does (has) the applicant ever suffer(ed) from any physical disability (e.g. partial paralysis,
orthopaedic, etc.)?
11) Has the applicant undergone any surgical procedures in the past 12 months? Y / N
If yes, please attach report
I have personally examined the applicant and in my opinion s/he should/should not be allowed to
attend Netzer Machaneh. (Please delete as necessary)
Practitioner’s name:
Tel (practice):
Tel (emer.)
Medical Consent & Indemnity
being the parent/guardian of
hereby agree that all of the above information is correct and that no additional details
with regard to the applicant’s health have been omitted. I hereby give permission to the
camp medic team/leadership to authorise any medical treatment that may be necessary
for the applicant, and to use my medical aid scheme number to cover medical expenses
incurred in the aforementioned treatment.
**Deadline for Application forms is Friday 9 NOVEMBER **
Get your Application in before Monday 15 October and receive the early bird
Camp form 2011
4. Financial Details
Early Bird Camp fee
Before 15 October – R4 700
Basic Camp fee
After 15 October – R5 000
--ADD-Cape Town – R400
Durban - R1 700
Johannesburg – R1 700
Late arrival / Early departure
Logistical fee – R200
Late application
After 7 November – R200
R100  R300  R600 
R1 000  R3 000  R5 000 
Assist-A-Camper Appeal
R6 600  10 000  Other 
**Offset your carbon foot print
Plant a tree with the JNF – R50
Buy a Netzer CD
Support our fundraising initiative - R30
Netzer Chultzah KESHET ONLY
--SUBTRACT-Sibling Discount
See page 8
Friend Discount
See page 8
Method of payment:
(Please tick)
Cheque 
EFT/Direct Deposit 
Cash 
**Please consider offsetting the carbon footprint of your child’s camp experience: the travel to camp, the
transport to special events and daily activities. Netzer is dedicated to recycling and reducing its carbon
footprint as much as possible while on camp. Do your part and plant trees to offset what we can’t reduce. For
R50, the Jewish National Fund will plant a tree in Israel or in South Africa and your tree will absorb carbon for
approximately 70 years- having a positive impact on our environment! Go green this summer
Any forms handed in after the due date will be charged a late fee of R200 per person.
Late forms may compromise your child’s participation in Machaneh, and seriously inconveniences
Netzer South Africa.
Refer to page 19 for information regarding where to return camp forms.
**Deadline for Application forms is Friday 9 NOVEMBER **
Get your Application in before Monday 15 October and receive the early bird
Camp form 2011
5. Consent, Indemnity & Waiver
Please note: forms will not be considered if this documentation is not completed and signed
I, the undersigned
(hereinafter referred to as “the guardian”), in my capacity
as legal guardian of
(hereinafter referred to as “the applicant”),
herewith request permission for the applicant to attend “Machaneh Lazuz” (hereinafter referred
to as “the event”) which is to be held at Rotary Campsite, Glen Cairn from 3rd December 2012 to
27th December 2012 or at such other time (see age group specific camp dates) and or place as
the organisers, as defined herein, in their sole discretion decide, do hereby;
1. Acknowledge that the organisers, as defined below, reserve the right to refuse to grant to the
applicant permission to participate in and / or attend the event.
2. Certify that all the information contained in these forms is true and correct and that no
material information whatsoever has been withheld and I acknowledge that any incorrect
information may lead to this application being refused or the organisers, as defined below,
terminating the applicant’s participation in terms of clause 8.1 below or sending the applicant
home in terms of clause 8.2 below.
3. Undertake to abide by the rules, regulations and procedures of the event and in particular,
without derogating from the generality of the foregoing, the rules, regulations and procedures
relating to visits to or communications with the applicant during the course of the event with
which rules and regulations I acknowledge myself to be acquainted.
4. Undertake to pay, on demand, all amounts payable in connection with the applicant’s
attendance at the event or reasonably ancillary thereto, including, without limiting the
generality of the a foregoing, expenses incurred for the transportation of the applicant to and
from the event;
5. 5.1 Indemnify the madrichim (youth leaders) in charge of the event, the South African Zionist
Youth Council, the South African Zionist Federation, South African Union of Progressive
Judaism and any of its affiliated and/or constituent bodies and directorates and/or any
representative, employee, servant or agent of any of the a foregoing bodies or persons
(hereinafter referred to as “the organisers”) against any claim whatsoever and howsoever
arising which may be made against them or any of them by any person and/or against any
liability which may be incurred by and/or damage which may be suffered by them or any of
them, arising directly or indirectly out of any act or omission of any nature whatsoever,
whether negligent or otherwise (including gross negligence), on the part of the applicant.
5.2 Undertake that such claim and/or liability and/or damage will be fully paid on demand by
me and/or the applicant up on the organisers or any of them being called upon to make any
such payment;
6. Agree that the following provisions shall apply in respect of any claim of any nature
whatsoever which I or the applicant may have or hereafter have against any one or more of the
organisers in respect of any loss, damage, injury or death to the person or property of the
applicant, howsoever caused, namely:
6.1. Any such claim shall be notified to the organisers, in writing, as soon as practicable after
the event giving rise to such claim shall have occurred.
6.2 The organisers shall, as soon as reasonably practicable after the receipt of any such
claim, forward such claim to their insurers in accordance with the terms of such insurance
policies as the organisers may from time to time hold in respect of public liability cover
and/or personal accident cover.
**Deadline for Application forms is Friday 9 NOVEMBER **
Get your Application in before Monday 15 October and receive the early bird
Camp form 2011
6.3 To the extent that the insurers pay any amount in respect of any such claim to the
organisers, the organisers shall, in turn, pay such amount to the claimant, such payment
to the claimant shall constitute a full and final settlement of any such claim as against the
6.4 Save as aforesaid, the organisers shall have no liability whatsoever in respect of any such
claim, it being recorded that the organisers do not warrant that any amount will be paid
by their insurers in respect of any such claim.
7. Designate the director of the event (“the director”) or any such other person duly appointed
by him/her (“the appointee”) to act in loco parentis on my behalf during the course of the
event. In particular, but without derogating from the generality of the a foregoing, the
director or his/her appointee shall in his/her sole discretion have the authority to give
permission for any emergency operation or other medical treatment required by the applicant
during the course of the event and to incur, as agent on my behalf, all expenses flowing there
from, which I undertake to pay on demand, and I hereby authorise the director or his/her
appointee irrevocably and in rem suam to take all such steps necessary to give effect to the
provisions of this clause 7;
8. Agree that: 8.1 the director or his/her appointee shall have the right at any time during the course of the
event to terminate the applicant’s participation therein and to send the applicant home,
if, in his/her sole discretion, it is considered advisable for any reason whatsoever;
8.2 the director or his/her appointee may, acting as my agent, send the applicant home at
my cost by any reasonable means of transportation which he/she may in his/her sole
discretion determine and I hereby authorise the director or his/her appointee irrevocably
and in rem suam to take whatever steps necessary to give effect to the provisions of this
clause 8.2;
8.3 I and/or the applicant shall pay, on demand, to the organisers all expenses so incurred in
terms of clause 8.2 above and indemnify the organisers against any claim which may be
made against then in this regard, and acknowledge that there shall be no refund of any
payments made by me and/or the applicant for the unexpired period of the event;
8.4 should the applicant be sent home in terms of clause 8.1 above, the applicant shall not
be permitted to participate in and/or attend any other event organised by the organisers
or any of them, unless the director in his / her sole discretion, decides otherwise;
9. Accept that, in the event that the applicant being unable for any reason whatsoever to attend
or participate in the event for the full period thereof or at all, neither the applicant nor I shall
have any claim for a refund of the fees already paid in respect of the event, unless the
organisers in their sole discretion decide otherwise.
10.Acknowledge that each of the a foregoing provisions are severable from the other and may be
enforced against me and/or the applicant separately from any other provision.
Signed on this
day of
2012 at (place):
**Deadline for Application forms is Friday 9 NOVEMBER **
Get your Application in before Monday 15 October and receive the early bird
Camp form 2011
Returning the application form
Please note that forms should be scanned and e-mailed to [email protected]. Alternatively,
detach the application portion of this camp form, and return to:
Cape Town
By post and hand:
5 Salisbury Road
Forms can also be handed in at Temple Israel Green Point or faxed to 021 797 8309.
Queries: Nina – 071 612 9977
Post to the Johannesburg address.
Forms can also be handed in at Temple David offices or faxed to 031 209 2429.
Queries: Dayne -082 698 5310
Gauteng and Smaller Sniffim
By post and hand:
38 Oxford Road
Forms can also be handed in at Beit Emanuel, Bet David or Bet Menorah offices or faxed to 011 646
Queries: Sivan - 082 855 5199
Visitors’ Day
Experience a taste of Netzer at Machaneh to see what it’s all about
A light lunch will be served before an afternoon filled with entertainment.
It is an afternoon not to be missed.
Date: Sunday 23 December
Time: 11:00 am
Location: Rotary camp site, Glen Road, Glen Cairn
RSVP: Booking Essential. Before November 30th
Cost: R60 for adults, R40 for children. Payment on entrance.
Contact: [email protected]
**Deadline for Application forms is Friday 9 NOVEMBER **
Get your Application in before Monday 15 October and receive the early bird
Camp rules 2011
Camp rules
By coming to camp both parent and chanich/a agree to comply with the following rules, as set out
and followed by all participants at Netzer South Africa Machanot. These rules exist to ensure the
safety and security of each chanich/a and madrich/a.
1. No chanich/a may leave the campsite or group without specific permission from the
Machaneh Hanhallah.
2. The use of alcohol and/or drugs of any sort is prohibited at all times, including en route.
3. Theft and/or damage of any camp property, or that of any other person on or off site, is
prohibited. The cost of such damage will be entirely the responsibility of the chanich/a
and/or parents/guardian.
4. Intimidation and bullying of fellow participants is prohibited.
5. Continual disruptive and destructive behaviour will not be tolerated.
6. Weapons of any kind (including pocket knives) and “raiding” equipment is prohibited.
7. Channichim under the age of 18 may not smoke during Machaneh. Channichim over the age
of 18 require a letter of consent from a parent/guardian stipulating that they are aware that
the chanich/a smokes. Netzer South Africa strongly discourages smoking.
8. Cellular phones will be confiscated for the duration of Machaneh from channichim.
9. No food is to be brought on site. Food en route must be finished before reaching the
campsite. Food found to be in the possession of a chanich/a will be confiscated. This is to
avoid food becoming an issue for bullying, competitiveness and theft situations.
10. Attendance at all meals and activities/programmes is compulsory.
Items 2, 3, 5 and 6 can be considered criminal activities, and Netzer South Africa will not protect
perpetrators from the law.
Items 1, 2, 3, 4 and 5 are offences for which the camper will be sent home immediately. The travel
costs for this early departure will be covered by the camper or his/her parents.
We strongly discourage bringing any valuables to camp.
Netzer South Africa does not take responsibility for the loss and/or damage of any property brought
on site and/or confiscated.
The Hanhallah has the right to take appropriate disciplinary action at their discretion including:
Sending a chanich/a home at the cost of the family concerned.
Permanently banning a chanich/a from the movement
Netzer South Africa reserves the right not to refund any monies received.
**Deadline for Application forms is Friday 9 NOVEMBER **
Get your Application in before Monday 15 October and receive the early bird
Words of gratitude 2011
Thank You
This year has been a resounding success for Netzer South Africa. This is our chance to thank each of
you for supporting us and valuing our service to the community.
To those on whom we have relied for guidance & advice
Li and Michael Zeffertt  Carolyn and Tim Hoffman  Leigh Whitesman and Peter Mayson  Ted
Riese  Bryan and Dyann Segel  Trevor and Patti Zway  Sylvia and Glenn Brazil 
To the Progressive Communities whose support is crucial for our growth and development
South African Union for Progressive Judaism: Steve Lurie  Hayley Brown  Jacob Hurwitz WPJ:
Giddy Lief  Paddy Meskin  Ruth Avidan  Cynthia Duchen Bet David & WPJ: Rabbi Jacobs 
Desmond Sweke  Lynton Travis  Monica Solomon  Jo Norris Bet Menorah & WPJ  Beit
Emmanuel & WPJ: Simon Hochschild  Rabbi Ash  Kito Holz  Gail Rogaly  Julia Rubinstein
Solomon  Russel Cohen Temple David & Sisterhood: Rabbi Avidan  Prof. Anthony Arkin 
Dianne McColl  Temple Israel & Sisterhood:  Norman Cohen  Eric & Mel Beswick  Rabbi
Malcolm & Gillian Matitiani  Rabbi Greg & Andi Alexander  Rabbi Richard Newman  Bertha
Sherman  Cathy Capouya
To our bogrim whose continued assistance and advice is invaluable
Gareth Hall  Jarred Durbach  Talia Mayson  Lauren Kessler  Talya Davidoff Jackie Maris 
Maia Zway  Hayley Kornblum  Casey Wolfson
To those people and organisations that have provided support, assistance and much valued input:
The Ackerman family and Pick ‘n Pay  Peter Dannheisser & Springs Trust  Roy Fine  Cape Union
Mart  Jackie Meltz and Meltz stores  Alan Isaacs Camp  Temple Israel and the Sherman
Foundation  Yaniv Barak  Sue Rendall  Russell and Hester Hollander  Matias Gordon  Gina
To those organisations with whom we work
Netzer Olami: Maoz Haviv  Michael Vainberg  Shani Gann-Perkal South African Zionist
Federation: Avrom Krengel  David Hirsch  Julie Berman  Froma Sacks  Isla Feldman  Yvette
Rosenberg  Bnoth Zion  CSO  Israel Centre: Shimon Shamila  Debbie Horwitz and all the
incredible staff of the Israel Centre IUA/UCF  The Jewish Agency  Union of Jewish Women 
United Herzlia Schools: Geoff Cohen  Women of Reform Judaism: Lynn Lazar
To our incredible community shlichim, thank you for all your hard work.
To our executive leadership for this past year: Dayne Brazil  Sivan Zeffertt  Nina Hoffman 
Marni Riese  Jody Segel  Sofia Zway  Jessica Mayson  Mitchel Joffe Hunter  Leshem Brosh
To all of our madrichim, channichim & their parents for making Netzer South Africa what it is.
If we have omitted you or your family, we apologise for this oversight .
**Deadline for Application forms is Friday 9 NOVEMBER **
Get your Application in before Monday 15 October and receive the early bird
What to bring 2011
What to bring
Do not bring new or very good clothing to camp. Netzer South Africa is ozone-friendly and requests
where applicable, that your equipment is as well. Make sure that all items are clearly marked with
the camper’s name. If you are flying, remember not to exceed the 20kg weight limit. We
recommend that a heavy-duty suitcase be used as it will have to withstand heavy wear and tear.
15 Shoulder covering T-shirts
1 White t-shirt
15 pairs of underwear
15 pairs of socks
4 pairs of shorts
2 pairs of jeans/trousers
2 sweatshirts/jerseys
1 tracksuit
1 rain/windbreaker jacket
1 pair sandals
1 pair takkies (for sport and hike)
1 set (very) old clothes
1 set pyjamas
1 set swimwear with t-shirt to swim in
2 set smart clothes for Shabbat
2 towels (1 beach, 1 shower)
 100 paper plates
 Toiletries (toothbrush, toothpaste, soap,
 1 litre water bottle
 1 sunhat (NB)
 Suntan lotion
 Tissues
Sleeping Requirements:
 Pillow and 2 pillow slips
 Warm sleeping bag, blanket, sheet
Musical instruments
Torch (with 2 sets of batteries)
Washing powder, clothes line, clothes pegs
1 Kippah/Yarmulka
Teffilin and Tallit
**Deadline for Application forms is Friday 9 NOVEMBER **
Get your Application in before Monday 15 October and receive the early bird
**Please be aware that if any of the following are not fully
completed, the entire application will be compromised! **
I have successfully completed the following:
Completed the Applicant’s Particulars section
Completed the Parent(s)/Guardian(s) section
Completed the Medical Details section
A doctor has examined and signed section (e) of the Medical Details
Completed the Financial Details Section
I have made/attached/formally arranged payment to Netzer SA
The parent(s)/guardian(s) have fully completed and signed the
Consent, Indemnity & Waiver
The participant has fully completed and signed the Consent,
Indemnity & Waiver
Two witnesses have signed the Consent, Indemnity & Waiver
I have attached a CERTIFIED copy of the applicant’s ID book/Birth
I have attached a copy of the medical aid card
**Deadline for Application forms is Friday 9 NOVEMBER **
Get your Application in before Monday 15 October and receive the early bird