presskit (NL) - Pieter van Huystee Film


presskit (NL) - Pieter van Huystee Film
Pieter van Huystee Film presenteert
in co-productie met VPRO en ZDF/3sat
To be and not to be
Het Philharmonisch Orkest Teheran
Een film van Frank Scheffer
Pieter van Huystee Film
Noordermarkt 37-39, 1015 NA Amsterdam
Tel.: 020 421 0606 / Fax: 020 638 6255
[email protected]
Farsi met Nederlandse ondertitels
54’ minuten
Frank Scheffer
Michael Dreyer, Frank Scheffer
Melle van Essen
Harold Jalving
Daan Wierda
Pieter van Huystee
Uitvoerend producent:
Rosan Boersma
Senior producer:
Sylvia Baan
Saskia van Schaik (VPRO)
Sonja Schneider (ZDF/3sat)
Met medewerking van:
Het Stimuleringsfonds Nederlandse Culturele Omroepproducties,
Het CoBO Fonds
12 juni 2009
Doku Arts Festival in Amsterdam
TV première:
26 juni 2009
World sales:
Pieter van Huystee Film
Pieter van Huystee mobiel 06 1747 9860 / [email protected]
Festival requests:
Curien Kroon [email protected]
Curien Kroon / Pieter van Huystee Film
Tel.: 020 421 0606 / [email protected]
Regisseur Frank Scheffer volgt de Iraanse componist en dirigent Nader Mashayekhi die na 30 jaar
terugkeert naar zijn vaderland om in Teheran zijn droom te realiseren: het oprichten van een symfonie
orkest waarmee hij zowel moderne westerse als traditionele Perzische muziek kan uitvoeren. De film
laat zien hoe de jonge musici westerse muziek uitvoeren en beleven. Zo ontstaat een ander beeld van
de Iraanse samenleving dan we gewoonlijk zien krijgen.
“De muziek wordt in de islamitische staat Iran als een onbelangrijke kunst ervaren. Het gesproken
woord wordt door de Perzen als veel belangrijker gezien. De poëzie van een dichter als Hafez is voor
hen het hoogst haalbare in de kunst. Als ze muziek horen dan vragen ze zich altijd eerst af wat er mee
gezegd wordt. De poëzie van de abstracte klank wordt door hen niet begrepen. De Perzen kunnen
gewoon niet luisteren en daar wil ik iets aan doen.” zegt de Perzische dirigent en componist Nader
In de nieuwe film van Frank Scheffer volgt de Nederlandse regisseur de Iraanse componist Nader
Mashayekhi terug naar Teheran, terwijl deze worstelt met het oprichten van zijn Tehran Philharmonic
Mashayekhi had eerder de muziek van moderne componisten zoals John Cage en een voorstelling van
de Johannes Passion van Bach naar Iran gebracht. Bijna onvoorstelbare projecten ten tijde van het
officieel conservatieve en radicale culturele klimaat in het land. De Iranese componist heeft 28 jaar in
Wenen gewoond en gewerkt en is op uitnodiging van Iraanse musici naar zijn vaderland teruggekeerd.
Uit Scheffer’s film spreekt meer een cultureel filosofische dan een politieke benadering. De film laat een
ander beeld zien van het leven in Iran door te kijken naar jonge Iraanse musici en de wijze waarop zij
het spelen van eigentijdse westerse muziek beschouwen en beleven en wat dit voor hen betekent. Door
het samenvoegen van beelden met de ritmes van de compositie ontstaat er een betoverende, spirituele
en melancholieke reis, niet alleen over de vraag van het bestaan van een artiest in het huidige Iran…
ZOETROPE PEOPLE 1982, 60 min. (director)
Doc. on Francis Ford Coppola and his studio with Wim Wenders, Tom Waits, Vittorio Storraro and others
Format: video
AVALOKITESHVARA 1983, 58 min. (director)
Doc. on the Dalai Lama of Tibet, co-directed with Marina Abramovic
Format: video
BGTV (VPRO, Dutch TV) 1983-84
Directed number of items on social/cultural subjects
Format: video
A DAY 1985, 5 min. (director/producer)
Music video with the band XYMOX for label 4AD
Format: video
WAGNER'S RING 1987, 3'50” min. (director/producer)
Short experimental film on the complete opera 'Ring Des Nibelungen’ by Richard Wagner
Conceived by John Cage
Format: 35 mm
STOPERAS I & II 1987, 2'50” min. (director/producer)
Short experimental film on the complete opera's 'Europera’s I & II' composed by John Cage.
Format: 16 mm and Video
TIME IS MUSIC 1987, 60 min. (director)
Doc. on composers Elliott Carter & John Cage
Format: 16 mm and Video
ETUDES SOLARES 1988, 24 min. (director/producer)
Experimental film in juxtaposition with the composition 'Etudes Boreales' by John Cage
Format: 35 mm and video
OBSESSION 1989, 5 min. (director/producer)
Music video with and Xymox for label 4AD
Format: video
THE FINAL CHORALE 1990, 50 min. (director/producer)
Doc. on 'Symphonies of Wind instruments' composed by Igor Stravinsky,
Dutch Wind Ensemble conducted by Reinbert de Leeuw
Format: 16 mm and Video
LANDSCAPESTUDIES I & II 1991, 5 / 7 min. (director/producer)
Two experimental films to juxtapose any kind of live-music.
Format: 16 mm
AND THE EAREYE SEESHEARS 1992, 60 min. (director/producer)
Nine experimental films with live-music. Format: 16 mm and video
THE NATURE OF SPACE 1993, 73 min. (director/producer)
Doc. on two Dutch architects: Dom. H. van der Laan and Ton Alberts.
Prize: ‘United Architects Romanian Award’, at the FIFAL 4th Internal Film Festival Bucharest, Romania, 1994
Format: 16 mm and Video
ECLAT 1993, 54 min. (director/producer)
Doc. on 'Éclat' composed by Pierre Boulez, Nieuw Ensemble conducted Ed Spanjaard.
Format: 16 mm and Video
FIVE ORCHESTRAL PIECES 1994, 55 min. (director/producer)
Doc. on 'Fünf Orchesterstücke, opus 16' composed by Arnold Schönberg.
Radio Philharmonic Orchestra conducted by Michael Gielen.
Format: 16 mm and Video
LENT, VAGUE, INDECIS 1994, 10 min. (director/producer)
Short experimental film with music composed by Diderik Wagenaar
ASKO Ensemble conducted by Reinbert de Leeuw as part of the 'Hexagon' project.
Format: 16 mm and Video
THE HIDDEN FRONT 1995, 90 min. (director/producer)
Doc. series in three parts on the resistance in the south of Holland during the WWII
Format: video
FROM ZERO, A GROUP OF FILMS 1995, 84 min. (director/producer)
Experimental film in 4 parts with co-director Andrew Culver (USA)
Format: 16 mm and Video
Prize: 'Silver Award of excellence' Houston International Film Festival, 1995
FROM ZERO, the DOCUMENTARY 1995, 52 min. (director/produ cer)
Doc. based on 'Fourteen' composed by John Cage, Ives Ensemble without conductor.
Format: 16 mm and Video
HELICOPTER STRING QUARTET 1996, 77 min. (director/producer)
Doc. on 'Helicopter Streichquartett’ composed by Karlheinz Stockhausen,
performed by the Arditti String quartet.
Format: 16 mm and Video
CONDUCTING MAHLER 1996, 75 min. (director/producer)
Doc. about the Mahler-Festival in Amsterdam (1995) with The Royal Concertgebouworchestra, Berlin Symphonic
Orchestra, Vienna Philharmonic Orchestra conducted by Bernhard Haitink, Claudio Abbado, Riccardo Chailly,
Ricardo Muti and Sir Simon Rattle.
Prize: 'Award of the Dutch Film Critics' at the Dutch Film Festival, Sept. 1997, for his complete works.
Format: Video
THE ROAD 1997, 90 min. (director/producer)
Doc. on 'Tao' composed by Louis Andriessen with Tomoko Mukaiyama (piano/koto) and the Dutch Radio
Chambre Orchestra conducted by Peter Eötvos.
Format: 35 mm and Video
SONIC ACTS 1998, 60 min. (director/producer)
Doc. on the history of Electronic Music with a.o. Pierre Henry, KarlHeinz Stockhausen, Michel Waisvisz, DJ
Spooky, Merzbow and Squarepusher.
Format: Video
KONTAKTE 1998, 10 min. (director/producer)
Experimental film on 'Kontakte' composed by Karlheinz Stockhausen,performed by Tomoko Mukaiyama (piano)
and Johan Faber (percussion) as part of the 'Sonic Images' project.
Format: Video
TOUCH 1998, 10 min. (director/producer)
Experimental video on 'Touch' composed and performed by Frances-Mari Uitti (cello) and Michel Waisvisz
(electronics), as part of the 'Sonic Images' project.
Format: Video
ATTRAZIONE D'AMORE 1998, 55 min. (director/producer)
Doc. on chief-conductor Riccardo Chailly of the Royal Concertgebouw Orchestra.
Prize: ‘World Medal' The New York Festival 1999
Format: Video
VOYAGE TO CYTHERA 1999, 52 min. (director/producer)
Doc. on 'Sinfonia' composed by Luciano Berio
The Swingle Singers with the Royal Concertgebouw Orchestra conducted by Luciano Berio. Prize: 'Certificate of
Merit' Golden Gate Awards, San Francisco 2000
Format: Video
EPOXY 1999, 50 min. (director/producer)
Experimental interdisciplinary live-video project with choreographer Krisztina DeChatel, composer Thom Willems
and the Scapino Ballet Rotterdam.
Format: video
MUSIC FOR AIRPORTS 1999, 48 min. (director/producer)
Experimental 'Ambient' video on 'Music for Airports' composed by Brian Eno and
arranged by Julie Wolfe, Michael Gordon, David Lang and Evan Ziporyn,
performed by The Bang On A Can All-Stars.
Format: video
RING 2000, 2000, 3 min. (director/producer)
Experimental film, collage of my films as part of the ‘Millennium’ project commissioned by the VPRO.
Broadcasted first minutes of the year 2000.
Format: video
CHROMOSONIC 2000, 15 min. (director/producer)
Experimental video, part of 'Sonic Fragment, the poetics of digital fragmentation' which is a re-mix of the 'Sonic
Acts' and 'Sonic Images' films.
Format: video
FRANK ZAPPA: THE PRESENT DAY COMPOSER REFUSES TO DIE 2000, 55 min. (director/producer)
Doc. on the American composer Frank Zappa and members of 'The Mothers of Invention’ with a.o. Pierre Boulez
and the Ensemble Modern conducted by Peter Eötvos.
Format: video
IN THE OCEAN 2001, 54 min. (director/producer)
Doc. on the 'present-day' composers in New York, Julie Wolfe, Michael Gordon and David Lang who founded
'Bang on a Can' and their influences, with Steve Reich, Philip Glass, Louis Andriessen, Elliott Carter, John Cage,
Frank Zappa and Brian Eno.
Format: Video
CHESSONIC 2001, 10 min. (director/producer)
Experimental video, a re-mix of 'Sonic Fragments, the poetics of digital fragmentation' and video-modulations of
paintings from Paul Klee.
Format: video
FROM ZERO, THE INSTALLATION 2001, (director/producer)
Doc./interactive on the composer John Cage and his work with new digital methods of distribution (montage) of
documentary film-footage by means of the ancient chinese chance-operations by the I Ching and the game of
One of the central artists at the Holland Festival 2001 in Amsterdam, the Netherlands
Including a complete retrospective of the films in the Filmmuseum, An Exhibition in Stedelijk Museum of Modern
Art. Several events with film and live-music performances. One of them with Elliott Carter being present, another
with the complete 'Songbooks' of John Cage.
Interviewed by writer / critic Michaël Zeeman for 60 min TV-program VPRO.
FRANK ZAPPA – PHASE II, THE BIG NOTE 2002, 90 min (director/producer)
Doc. on the American composer Frank Zappa
Format: video and dvd
2003, 7 min.(director/producer)
Silent experimental film.
Format: video
A LABYRINTH OF MEMORY (tv version) 2003, 2x 55 minutes (director/producer)
Two television documentaries about on the greatest living composer: Elliott Carter. And by the hand of Carter a
view of the importance of modernism in the 20th century.
Format: video
Prize: Golden Prague Best Documentary
Golden Prague Student Prize
QUINTET 2004, 15 min. (director/producer)
Experimental film of Elliott Carter’s ‘Quintet for Piano & Strings’ performed
by Ursula Oppens and The Arditti Quartet.
Format: video/DVD
MAHLER: ICH BIN DER WELT ABHANDEN GEKOMMEN 2004, 55 min. (Director/producer) Third and final
documentary of the Mahler-trilogy, with Riccardo Chailly and the Royal Concertgebouw Orchestra.
Format: video
A LABYRINTH OF TIME 2004, 94 min. (director/producer)
Feature cinema-documentary on the greatest living composer: Elliott Carter. And by the hand of Carter a view of
the importance of modernism in the 20th century.
Format: video/DVD
Dutch Film Festival: Best Feature Documentary
Dutch Film Festival: Best Editing
SACEM prize ‘Classique en images de Louvre’ best documentary on
contemporary music
EDISON for best DVD 2007
Prize of the German Phonographic Critic Association
TEA 2005, 96 min. (director/producer)
A feature documentary about the new opera ‘Tea’ of the Chinese composer Tan Dun and the wisdom of the teamind, with Xu Ying and Pierre Audi.
Format: video
Avant Premiere: Museum of Modern Art, New York, Januari 2005
International Filmfestival Rotterdam, Januari 2005
STREAMING PAST, PRESENT MOMENTS 2005, 6 min. (director/ producer)
Experimental personal film with idea of memory in layers based based on music by the composer David Shea.
Format: video
Experimental film based on the short composition 'Segreto de Poeta' by Elliott Carter.
Format: video
Museum of Modern Art, New York, november 2006
TIME PRESENT 2006, Docu-concert and retrospective of films at the Museum of Modern Art on november 4th
Format: video
FRANK ZAPPA: A PIONEER OF THE FUTURE OF MUSIC, PART 1 & 2, 2007 2x 54min. (director/producer)
Doc. on the visionary American composer Frank Zappa.
Format: video
Directed by: Frank Scheffer, Rudolf Evenhuis and Jaap Guldenmond
Doc. about the famous German painter Max Beckmann
SEVENTEHRAN 2007 15min.
Short doc. based on 7, a composition by John Cage performed by Iranian musicians in Tehran.
Premered in nov 2007 in Vienna, Austria as part of a retrospective at the festival Wien Modern. Between 8-11nov
most of Scheffer's films was represented at the famous Konzerthaus.
EDGARD VARESE: EEN VISIONAIR IN MUZIEK 2008, 54 min. (director/producer)
Doc. on the French/American composer Edgard Varèse. The film shows his life as a visionary genius fighting for
the future of music.
Format: video
TO BE AND NOT TO BE, 2009, 55 min. (director)
Doc. about the musicians of the Teheran Philharmonic Orchestra and it's chiefconductor Nader Mashayehki
FIVE MOVEMENTS, 2009, 4 min. (director/producer)
Experimental film about a chinese taoist monk practicing tai chi. The music is six bagatelles composed by Anton
THE ONE ALL ALONE 2008, 90 min. (director/producer)
Doc. on the French/American composer Edgard Varèse. The film shows his life as a visionary genius fighting for
the future of music.
Format: video
A documentary trilogy based in China concerning the philosophy of Confucius and Lao-Tze
SENSES ARE THE FEET OF THE SOUL 1994 for NPS Television, 70 min. (prod)
Doc. on writer Dick Hillenius, directed by Brigit Hillenius
HEXAGON 1995, 75 min. (prod.)
6 short experimental films based on the relation between a composer and a filmmaker,
directed a.o by Theo Verhey/Alejandro Agresti, Willem Breuker/Johan van der Keuken, Otto Ketting/Eric van
Zuylen, Theo Loevendie/Jelle Nesna, Richard Rijnvos/Frank Zweers, Diderik Wagenaar/Frank Scheffer.etc.
MEMORY OF THE UNKNOWN 1996, 75 min. (prod.)
Feature film directed by Nathalie Alonso Casale
DETAIL UNWOUND 1997, 55 min. (prod.)
Doc. on the Dutch composer Thom Willems and the American choreopher William Forsythe,
directed by Ramon Gieling
ANDRES SERRANO: A HISTORY OF SEX 1997, 55 min. (prod.)
Doc. on contemporary artist and photographer Andres Serrano,
directed by Marten Rabarts and Brigit Hillenius.
THE FUTURE IS IN AN HOUR 1997, 95 min. (prod.)
Doc. on the music and culture of gypsies in Sevilla (Spain) directed by Ramon Gieling.
TO SANG FOTOSTUDIO 1998, 30 min. (prod.)
Doc. on the Chinese photographer To Sang and his multi-cultural neighborhood in Amsterdam, Fotostudio',
directed by Johan van der Keuken
LIVING WITH YOUR EYES 1998, 55 min. (prod.)
Doc. on the filmmaker Johan van der Keuken who is creating 'To Sang Fotostudio', directed by Ramon Gieling.
SONIC IMAGES 1998, 70 min. (prod.
6 short experimental video's based on the relation between an electronic composer and a digital filmmaker: Floris
Boddendijk Joost Rekeld, DJ Spooky / Rob Schroder, Squarepusher / Alexander Oey, Merzbow / Ian Kerkhof,
Michel Waisvisz / Frank Scheffer, KarlHeinz Stockhausen / Frank Scheffer.
SONIC FRAGMENTS The Poetics Of Digital Fragmentation 2000, 80 min. (prod.)
7 short experimental video's bases on a re-mix of the 'Sonic Images' video-footage, directed by Ian Kerkhof,
Miriam Kruishoop, Joost Rekveld, Alexander Oey, Rob Schroder, Micha Klein and Frank Scheffer.
SONIC GENETICS 2001, 60 min. (prod.)
5 short experimental video's based on a re-mix of the 'Sonic Fragments' video-footage, directed by Dick Tuinder,
Gerald van der Kaap, Phillip 'Virus' Reichenheim, Ian Kerkhof and Frank Scheffer.
WHERE WAS I 2001, 55 min. (prod.)
Doc. on the American Pop singer and 'Legend' Tim Rose who performed "Hey Joe' before it made Jimi Hendrix
famous, directed by Jacques Laureys.
MOST THINGS NEVER HAPPEN 2006, 10 min. (prod)
Short experimental film on a litlle girl Shelley the Winter who has profound thoughts. Directed by: Dick Tuinder
LANDSCAPES UNKNOWN 2007, 55 min (prod.)
Directed by: Riekje Ziengs en Melle van Essen
About a.o.the dutch artist Jan Hendriks, african photographer Malick Sidibe and Dutch artist Frans Walon.
Premiere at IDFA festival nov 2007 in Amsterdam
In 1995 begon Pieter van Huystee zijn eigen productiehuis. In de afgelopen 10 jaar heeft PIETER VAN
HUYSTEE FILM vele documentaires, een speelfilm en enkele televisiefilms geproduceerd met zowel
gerenommeerde regisseurs als Johan van der Keuken, Heddy Honigmann en Peter Delpeut als met
beginnende makers. Verschillende producties werden bekroond met prijzen. Een selectie:
Documentaires o.a. AMSTERDAM GLOBAL VILLAGE (Johan van der Keuken, 1995) Prix des Cinémas de
Récherche Marseille 1997, Dokumentärpreis des Bayerischen Rundfunks Munich 1997, JALAN RAYA
POS (Bernie IJdis, 1995), O AMOR NATURAL (Heddy Honigmann, 1996) Prix Italia 1997, Certificate of
Merit Golden Gate San Francisco 1997, THE UNDERGROUND ORCHESTRA (Heddy Honigmann) Prix
SCAM Cinéma du Réel Paris 1998, Juryprijs Yamagata 1999, DE GROTE VAKANTIE (Johan van der
Keuken, 1999) Silver Spire Award San Francisco 2000, Special Honorary Award Thessaloniki 2000, DE
GEVANGENEN VAN BUÑUEL (Ramón Gieling, 2000) Don Quijote Prijs van de Kritiek Leipzig 2000, CRAZY
(Heddy Honigmann, 2000) Publieksprijs IDFA 1999, Gouden Kalf Utrecht 2000, HET LAATSTE
JOEGOSLAVISCHE ELFTAL (Vuk Janic, 2000) EBU Beste Sport Documentaire 2001, DUTCH APPROACH
(René Roelofs, 2000) Comenius Sonderpreis Medaille Duitsland 2001, Gouden Beeld, Nederlandse
Academy Awards 2001, BELA BELA – WHAT KEEPS MANKIND ALIVE (Marjoleine Boonstra, 2001) L.J.
Jordaanprijs 2002, FOR THE TIME BEING (Johan van der Keuken), Officiële selectie ‘Quinzaine des
Réalisateurs’ Cannes 2002, LAGOS/KOOLHAAS (Bregtje van der Haak, 2002); SINTI, ROMA & GADJE ( Huib
Stam, 2003); FAIRUZ – WE HIELDEN ZOVEEL VAN MEKAAR (Jack Janssen, 2003) ; DAME LA MANO (Heddy
Honigmann, 2003) ; Internationale première Museum of Modern Art New York, Officiële selectie IDFA
2003 ; DE KINDEREN VAN ARNA (Juliano Mer Khamis en Danniel Danniel, 2003) Officiële selectie IDFA
2003, prijzen op de festivals van Praag, Nyon, New York en Toronto en Gouden Beeld 2004 voor ‘Beste
Documentaire’ ; POETINS MAMA (Ineke Smits, 2003) Officiële selectie IDFA 2003, ‘Best Dutch
Documentary’ HotDocs 2004 ; JOHAN CRUIJFF – EN UN MOMENTO DADO (Ramón Gieling, 2004) ; DE RODE
JAREN (Leo de Boer, 2005) ; BNN DOCU (Ester Gould, Patrick Lodiers, Sophie Hilbrand, Hans Pool,
Maaik Krijgsman, Christel van der Meer) ; GOD IS MY DJ (Carin Goeijers, 2006); VERGETEN DWAZEN
(Frans van Erkel, 2006) Zilveren Wolf competitie IDFA 2006; DROOMRIJDERS (Boris Gerrets, 2006)
Highlights IDFA 2006; EILAND VAN MIJN VADER (Carin Goeijers, 2006) Highlights IDFA 2006; THE
DICTATOR HUNTER (Klaartje Quirijns, 2007) ‘Beste Documentaire’ Courmayeur Noir In Festival Italië
2007 en Speciale juryvermelding Movies That Matter Human Rights Competition IDFA 2007, FACES
(GMax, 2007) Officiële selectie Joris Ivens competitie IDFA 2007, JOAQUIN SABINA – 19 DIAS Y 500
NOCHES (Ramon Gieling, 2008) Officiële selectie IFFR 2008, BIKKEL (Leo de Boer, 2008) SWEETY
(Menna Laura Meijer, 2008) ON THE WAY TO SCHOOL (Orhan Eskikoy & Ozgur Dogan, 2008) Officiële
selectie Joris Ivens competitie IDFA 2008, CARMEN MEETS BORAT (Mercedes Stalenhoef, 2008) Officiële
selectie Joris Ivens Competitie IDFA 2008, HET NIEUWE RIJKSMUSEUM (Oeke Hoogendijk, 2008) CRIPS
(Joost van der Valk & Mags Gavan, 2009)
Speelfilms en televisiefilms FELICE... FELICE... (Peter Delpeut, 1998) Gouden Kalf Beste Speelfilm en
Beste Acteur (Johan Leysen) Utrecht 1998, Best Visualisation Chicago 1998, ONGENADE (Ramón
Gieling, 1998), NOORDELOOS (Kees Vlaanderen, 2001) FIPA d’Or Beste Actrice (Juul Vrijdag) Biarritz
2001, HET WONDER VAN MÁXIMA (Paul Ruven, 2002), BI BA BO (Ramón Gieling, 2003) en DRIJFZAND
(Kees Vlaanderen, 2004) Gouden Beeld 2004 voor ‘Beste Acteur’(Johnny de Mol; WERELD VAN
STILSTAND (Elbert van Strien, 2005) Genomineerd voor ‘Beste Korte Film’ Utrecht en geselecteerd voor
het New Directors programma in MoMA, New York 2006.
voor Han van Essen
Frank Scheffer
Michael Dreyer
Frank Scheffer
Melle van Essen
Sander Roeleveld
Harold Jalving
Daan Wierda
Sara Behrad
Loods Lux & Lumen
Ruud de Bruijn
Jef Grosfeld
Ernestina van de Noort
Curien Kroon
Productie Iran
Amir Hossein Ahooie
Pegah Vill
Negin Kalantari
Natalie Durst
Neda Kazemi
Rosan Boersma
Sylvia Baan
Mirjam Bal
Claire van den Ende
Saskia van Schaik (VPRO)
Sonja Schneider (ZDF/3sat)
Pieter van Huystee
Deze film is mede mogelijk gemaakt door:
Stimuleringsfonds Nederlandse Culturele Mediaproducties
CoBO Fonds
Dank aan:
Asseman Hall
Mohammad Mehdi Heidarian
Mahmoud Fatollahi, Rahmat Alizadeh
Neda Kavoosi, Sharareh Irai, Rob van der Doe
Eva Schneidereit, Omid Pourhashemi,
Shari Parsipoor, Mehran Razaghi,Lucas van Woerkum
Ernestine Stoop, Iris Oltheten, Ali Shafai, Ehsan Naderi, Majid Mohit, Mehdi Behboodi,
Mohammad Nadali
© 2009 Pieter van Huystee Film / VPRO / ZDF 3sat
© Pieter van Huystee Film 2009