science with the virtual observatory - Euro
science with the virtual observatory - Euro
SCIENCE WITH THE VIRTUAL OBSERVATORY Evanthia Hatziminaoglou EURO-VO Facility Centre Astronomer ESO-Garching Since Jan 2009: 30 papers, making heavy use of the VO OR describing new VO services stars/ISM/BDs, WDs, ...: 10 extragalactic: 3 high-z, 5 low-z tools, portals, services, catalogues: 11 models: 2 planets: 2 (with some cross-talk) large datasets (mining or construction) medium size datasets individual objects (discoveries) images/spectra/catalogues/models Defining the Sample Using the Sloan interface; X-correlate with LEDA & filter Investigating the SDSS scale length TOPCAT STILTS Aladin TOPCAT Querying and Storing SkyView VOSpace 50000 objects * 5 images each ~300 GB of data Collect 2MASS and GALEX photometry TOPCAT VOSA SED fitting to find best Teff Keep in touch:
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