primaryy and secondary circuits
primaryy and secondary circuits
International Nuclear Supplier of Cast and Forged Components Manufacturing Locations in France and China More than 15 years of partnership Wide range of NDT: Wide range of NDT: Gamma, Iridium and Gamma, Iridium and cobalt sources, 9MeV linear accelerator, ultrasonic tests, dye-penetrant inspection, magnetic particle tests… cobalt sources, linear accelerator, ultrasonic tests, dye-penetrant inspection, magnetic particle tests… Facilities 125 000 m2 Facilities 360 000 m2 Traitement Thermique Welding Contrôles non destructifs Industrie et Energie Metal processing Innovation Pîtres (法国) Bouzonville (法国) Yantai (法国) THM 中国台海集团 R&D Centrifugation Fonderie conventionnelle Nucléaire Centrifugation Metal processing Nuclear Machining Welding Assembling Heat treatment Non destructive controls 泵阀 阀体 泵体 附属产品 叶轮 Industry & Energy Circuit primaire Coude et tube Bride Pièces soumises à pression Forge libre Usinage Soudage Assemblage Extrusion Laminage Coudes Brides Vannes 工业&能源 THM Machining 质量检验 Hot extrusion Static foundry Estampage Route de Guerstling - BP 11 57320 Bouzonville - France Tel.+33 3 873 97878 - Fax +33 3 873 97892 Yantai Taihai Manoir Nuclear Equipment Co., Ltd. Add.: No.6, Hengyuan Road, Laishan Economic Development Zone, Yantai, China, 264003 Tel.+86 535 372 5661 - Fax +86 535 372 5888 Nuclear Hot extrusion 质量检验 Innovation 主管道 直管和弯头 法兰 承压容器 Closed-die forging Nuclear Expertise Manoir Bouzonville Réalisation - Siret : 379 895 758 00033 - N° Chambre des Métiers, code APRM : 1813ZC. ASME III N Stamp Metal processing Gear cutting Certifications: ISO 9001, ISO 14000 / 18000, ASME III MO Stamp in progress 核电 静态铸造 离心铸造 锻造 THM Static Foundry, Centrifugation, Investment Casting, Open-die Forging, large Hot Extrusion, Welding, Machining Certifications: ISO 9001, PED, HAF 604, Expertise 12 Rue des Ardennes - BP 8401 - Pîtres 27108 Val de Reuil CEDEX - France Tel.+33 2 324 87200 - Fax +33 2 324 95726 [email protected] Pîtres (法国) Bouzonville (法国) Yantai (法国) THM 中国台海集团 Static Foundry, Centrifugation, Closed-die Forging, Hot Extrusion, Machining, Assembling R&D Nuclear Static foundry Manoir Pîtres 1kg to150 t 7 Industrial processes: Body valve Manoir Industries 1kg to13 t 6 Industrial processes: Forging Solutions Fonderie conventionnelle Production capacities: Document non contractuel mis à jour le 20 05 2015. Production capacities: Manoir Industries & THM: 60 years of expertise in Cast and Forged Nuclear Components Manoir Industries & THM, wholly owned subsidiaries of Taihai, leader in China for the civil nuclear market, are teaming up to provide expertise on forged and cast products from 1 kg to over 100 tons. Manoir Industries has been delivering nuclear classified parts to all French NPP and to over 60 nuclear facilities in collaboration with major nuclear partner clients worldwide. Since 2008, THM was awarded contracts for the supply of 30 primary loops with CGNPC and CNNC, and obtained AP1000 third generation primary loop contracts for Shandong Haiyang Unit 2 and Zheijang Sanmen Unit 2, becoming the only company in the world to produce both second and third generation primary piping for PWR units. This long-established partnership in forging & casting expertise is a key factor to provide solutions to the nuclear challenges of the future. Manoir Industries & THM offer nuclear synergies in a large range of forging, cast and lost wax products focusing on the primary and secondary circuits. Strong of 375 000 m² facilities including R&D alloy development and advanced control equipment, Manoir Industries & THM are capable to deliver fully machined parts, or even assembled components ready to use. A wide range of forged and cast components for the primary & secondary circuits from 1 kg to 150 t : 10t um pc g in a &b xis lades: 100t Ste am e eller 50t ne o lo p Im Fo rg wa 9t p heel: 70 0k dy : Prim ary pw bo Pu m p m lbow: 7t pe Va lv : 20 0 k g Prim ar y y od pu g Primary tion: 150k b c ne Valve Water con b Valve Valve l pump : 100kg na t eb bin ur ody: 150t R&D Nuclear Static foundry Gear cutting Welding Forge libre Usinage Soudage Assemblage Extrusion Laminage Coudes Brides Vannes Hot extrusion Traitement Thermique Contrôles non destructifs Industrie et Energie Metal processing Innovation Nuclear 核电 静态铸造 离心铸造 锻造 Estampage Innovation Centrifugation R&D Centrifugation Fonderie conventionnelle Nucléaire Nuclear Machining Welding Assembling Heat treatment Industry & Energy Pîtres (法国) Bouzonville (法国) Yantai (法国) THM 中国台海集团 质量检验 工业&能源 Gear cutting Industry & Energy Industry & Energy Circuit primaire Coude et tube Bride Pièces soumises à pression Closed-die forging Innovation Nuclear Nuclear Nuclear Innovation Expertise 主管道 直管和弯头 法兰 承压容器 Fonderie statique Centrifugation Forge Innovation Pîtres (法国) Bouzonville (法国) Yantai (法国) THM 中国台海集团 Machining Welding Assembling Heat treatment Non destructive controls Civil Engineering & Mining Forging Solutions Pompes et vannes Corps de vanne Corps de pompe Accessoires Diffuseurs Heat treatment Welding 主管道 直管和弯头 法兰 承压容器 Closed-die forging 泵阀 阀体 泵体 附属产品 叶轮 Open-die forging Traitement Thermique Contrôles non destructifs Industrie et Energie 质量检验 Machining Metal processing Static foundry 质量检验 工业&能源 Estampage Fonderie conventionnelle Forge libre Usinage Soudage Assemblage Extrusion Laminage Coudes Brides Vannes Innovation R&D Centrifugation Fonderie conventionnelle Nuclear 核电 静态铸造 离心铸造 锻造 Expertise Body valve Metal processing Extrusion Open-die forging mecha ng ar drivi cle Expertise o y od y : 1 , 5t ck: blo Inte r Static foundry Hot extrusion kg Nu Forging Solutions R&D Nuclear Machining Gear cutting e el: 3 0 wh 70 d y: k g g g m: 2k nis b Forging Ma n Foundry asing: 30t Tur bi Investment casting Steam turbine casing, axis & blades Surge line Valve bodies Primary circuit Control bars Steam generator Secondary circuit Steam Alternator Discharge Steam generator components Turbine Investment casting components Condensator Reactor casing Water Reheat system Valve & Pump bodies Primary pump casing, Wheel, Impeller Primary loops