CCPA - OFFS BosnIa AND HerZegovina 1998 - 2009 1 Organization: • • Cross Cultures Project Association Norwegian Football Association /NFF/ Sponsors: • • • • • • • • • • • UEFA Ministry of foreign affairs Swedish international development agency / SIDA/ Mercy Corps Novo Nordisk VKR funds Local sponsors in BiH Federal minstry of culture and sport Football federation BiH Municipalities BiH Novo Nordisk BiH Staff: • • • • • • • • • • • ANDERS LEVINSEN, project director HANS FINSTAD, NFF representative BERIT MORTENSEN, CCPA editor STINA WAHL, financial manager HELLE KRUSE WICHMANN, web master GORAN FAZLINOVI], international assistant ESAD HADŽIJUSUFOVI], country project coordinator RADOVAN @DRALE, project assistant SANJA PAU^INAC, project assistant IRENA [EHI], project assistant VILDANA DELALI], project assistant Instructors: • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • AMIR DURGUTOVI] ZORAN STAJI] ADEM DURAKOVI] VEHAD IBRIŠIMOVI] UGLJE[A MALBAŠA NENAD \API] RE[AD KULENOVI] GORAN ^EKO RASTISLAV MATI] SULEJMAN SINANOVI] SAMIRA HUREM DUŠKO PETROVI] NIKOLA BEVANDI] JANKO DAMJANOVI] EMIR SEDI] AMELA TRBOVI] Advisory board: 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. 9. MUNIB U[ANOVI] MUNIR TALOVI] JOSIP KATALINSKI DENIJEL PIRI] MURAT JAHA JASMIN BAKOVI] NIJAZ MERDANOVI] ANDERS LEVINSEN ESAD HADŽIJUSUFOVI] Saradnici: • • MIRSAD AGI], illustration TRIPTIH, design and DTP 2 INTRODUCTION Sports Project Open Fun Football Schools is organized by the Danish non-governmental organization CCPA / Cross Cultures Project Association / in cooperation with the NFF / Norwegian Football Association, and in cooperation with FA BiH,Ministry of Culture and Sports, Ministry of Refugees and Displaced Persons and municipalities, who provide the local part of the financing of this project. . Open Fun Football Schools is a humanitarian project that uses fun games and pedagogical “Fun Football” concept as a tool to stimulate the process of democracy, peace, stability and social cohesion in South Eastern Europe, and for re-establishing friendships and sports co-operation between population groups (municipalities, football clubs, primary schools,leaders,coaches,etc..). Thus, we see our Open Fun Football Schools as: - The tool for bringing teachers, coaches and children from different ethnic and social backgrounds to the common game and thus bridging the existing divisions and promote social cohesion. - Project to promote the fundamental principles of sport for all, that gives children and their coaches a feeling of friendship, cooperation, mutual understanding and psychological health - Building capacity of hundreds of qualified trainers through training them in our specific “Fun Football” concept, which is based on the pedagogical democratic principles. - Project promotes Grassroots football and the basic principles of Sports for all. - Provision of sports equipment for all clubs, schools and institutions in working with young people and youth football development in BiH. Open Fun Football Schools were first presented in the war torn BiH in 1998. That year the project was implemented in 12 municipalities - then proclaimed as open cities, from both BiH entities. During 2000, the project has been extended to Macedonia, and then Serbia and Montenegro, Croatia, Georgia, Armenia and Azerbaijan, and since 2005 to Jordan, Syria and Lebanon.From 2006. activities strated in Moldova, Kosovo, and the 2009 also in in Iraq. In the period 1998-2009, in the Balkan region, a total of 169 multi-ethnic seminars, courses and workshops involving 15 235 people, leaders, trainers and instructors was organized. If you would put together all the days spent at these seminars, then we can say that it is full time of 632 days. Of the total amount, 169 workshops, 49 seminars were held in several places and hotels in BiH.In this period, about 3 760 leaders, coaches and instructors have gone through our educational process - Fun football, and organization of Open fun football schools, or Grassroots football, as UEFA calls it. Many years of education, formed a team of 16 INSTRUCTORS of Fun Football in BiH and it is significant team in the process of educating leaders and coaches in ourseminars. We realized a succesfull cooperation with the FA BiH, through our joined activities in Grassroots football, as well as with Center for education within the FA BiH. Grassroots charter with UEFA has been signed, and, it defines the inclusion of all Grassroots football activities in BiH and presentation of those to the UEFA. In the period of 1998 to 2009, in BiH, 218 Open fun football schools, 29 street sports activities, 9 one day - display football schools, and 14 projects - FOOTBALL IN SCHOOLS CHILDREN ASK YOU TO, a large number of football tournaments for children, and 93 New Nordisc Cup competition were organized. All of these events involved some 64 940 boys and girls from 7-12 years. It is significant to note that the percentage of girls participants is around 30%. With these children worked about 5154 leaders, trainers and instructors, and a significant number of assistants, parents, staff and volunteers, during the Open fun football scholls and other events. Until now, the 5154 leaders and trainers in BiH received a complete sports equipment, as a compensation for their work with children in this project, and the project has, in addition to numerous other sports gear and equipment for the development of youth football, provided and distributed to participants in the project also following items: • 13 024 - footballs nr. 5 • 31 242 - footballs nr.4 • 26 312 -plastic cones • 25 605 - marker shirts • 68 510, jerseys, variety of other equipment, tools for working with children and equipment for children • 5 044 sweats for trainers 3 regional Seminars This year too, Instructor”s and Trainer”s seminars are held on a regional concept basis, and Leader”s seminar in each country. Complete education of the staff has been prepared and held by instructors, with help of experts from Denmark. The goal of these seminars is to familiarize leaders and trainers with pedagogical Fun Football concept, as well as with “Scandinavian sports model”, wich is characterized by strong local base, democratic principals, parents support and basic principal “sport for all”. It is very important to us to create a network of motivated and dedicated trainers and leaders, who want to join us in organizing football for all children, no matter of their talent, as well as social, ethnic and any other background. On our seminars, we practice football games, we study quality and we try, using our educational Fun Football concept, to contribute in making children happy and good players, who will love playing with the ball. Our trainer”s education includes three-day seminar, five-day practical work at Open Fun Football School and in the end, our trained Instructors give a feedback to each trainer, as far as training children is concerned. We had 1 Instructor”s, 5 Leader”s and 14 Trainer”s seminars in Region this year. Bosnia and Herzegovina hosted one Leader”s and three Trainer”s seminars, and one Educational work-group workshop. Seminars were held in Buzim, Rijecani-Modrica and Kiseljak ( for leaders), on Jahorina ( trainers) and in Vogo{} a (workshop). All of the seminars were held under the moto HOW DO I BECOME A BETTER FOOTBALL TRAINER FOR CHILDREN? Overall 368 leaders, trainers, instructors and staff from 20 OFFS participated in educadional process during mentioned seminars and workshops. What has been planned, but not yet realized is joined leader and trainer education by CCPA OFFS and FA BiH - Education center and gaining C licence for all seminar participants. We hope to realize this in next year. 4 Regional seminars 5 VENUES SEMINARS Croatia - Lepoglava - maj WORKSHOP - DEVELOPMENT OF FEMALE FOOTBALL SEMINAR NUMBER OF DURADION PARTICIPANTS (DAYS) NUMBER OF PARTICIPANT FROM BIH 3 4 12 Croatia - Bjelolasica - juni INSTRUCTORS SEMINAR 4 100 17 BiH - Bu`im, Modri~a, Kiseljak - juli LEADERS SEMINAR 3 58 58 Serbia - juni LEADERS SEMINAR 2 64 0 Macedonia - Struga - juni LEADERS SEMINAR 2 59 0 Croatia - Daruvar - juni LEADERS SEMINAR 2 56 0 Kosovo - juni LEADERS SEMINAR 2 20 0 BiH - Jahorina - juli THREE TRAINERS SEMINARS 9 339 119 Croatia - Daruvar - juli FOUR TRAINERS SEMINARS 12 460 94 Macedonia - Struga - juli THREE TRAINERS SEMINARS 9 320 42 Serbia - Lepenski Vir - juli TWO TRAINERS SEMINARS 6 240 30 Montenegro - Plav - juli TRAINERS SEMINAR 3 150 15 Kosovo - Mitrovica - juli TRAINERS SEMINAR 3 120 15 BiH - Vogo{}a - oktobar WORKSHOP - EVALUATION OF SEMINARS, SCHOOLS AND MANUAL 2009 2 17 5 Serbia - Beograd - oktobar ONFERENCE “ FIGHT AGAINST RACISM THROGH DIVERSITY IN SPORT” AND LEADER”S MEETING 5 10 2 Serbia - Beograd - novembar EDUCATIONAL WORK GROUP MEETING 1 6 1 TOTAL 24 68 2031 402 Project implementation This has been a 12th year of implementation of CCPA OFFS project in BiH. This year too, we have organized 20 football schools for girls and boys aged 7-12. Overall 4335 children have participated, of wich 1316 are girls. The region of Canton of Middle Bosnia has again hosted a school participated by 406 girls, and this region leads in female football development. Football school Zenica-Nemila-Visoko has again included children with special needs from Children”s institute in Zenica, in playing and fun. OFFS in Bosanska Krupa hosted children from Sapna, and specific thing about this schools was that all the children were accomodated in a tent camp during five days school, and there have been 10 Italian voluntters actively involved in working with children. Our OFFS in Travnik, Srebrenica, Pra~a and Ilid`a have been visited by UEFA film crew. They filmed short movies from these schools, to be presented during breaks on matches of European champion”s League. Also, we had visits of our football Legends, Mirsad Fazlagi},Vahidin i Husref Musemi} and Bulend Bi{~evi}, who gave interwievs for the films. We had also a very significant visit to our OFFS in Ilid`a, by our football legends Ivica Osim and Sergej Barbarez. This happen on August 12th, when we, together with the UN Volunters, celebrated International Zouth day. Their presence was specially significant and incentive to children, and their approval of the way we work with children, in this way, means a lot to us all. An initiative has been launched that our football legends Ivica Osim, Sergej Barbarez, Mirsad Fazlagi}, Vahidin Musemi}, Mi{o Smajlovi}, Refik Mufti}, Rastislav Matic and others join the project as Grassroots football ambassadors of children and fun football. 6 1 OFFS LEADERS CLUB TESLI] DRAGAN BLAGOJEVI] FK PROLETER TE[ANJ - [IJE EDIN HALILOVI] NURUDIN SADIKOVI] NK NAPREDAK ^E^AVA - TESLI] MILORAD DAKI] FK UKRINA CHILDREN TOTAL M F 186 35 221 MONITOR: UGLJE[A MALBA[A 2 OFFS LEADERS CLUB LIVNO ZORAN PAVI] NK TROGLAV NK RUJAN GUBER MIROSLAV ]OSI] NK KAMENICA SE\EVI]I JURE MAMI] NK HAJDUK O[ FLK LIVNO MONITOR: GORAN ^EKO 7 CHILDREN TOTAL M F 133 69 202 3 OFFS CAZIN LEADERS JASMIN ^ATAKOVI] CLUB CHILDREN TOTAL M F 145 51 NK VITEZ BU@IM NED@AD DURI] NK MLADOST VELIKA KLADU[A ENVER BAJRAKTAREVI] O[ VELIKA KLADU[A 169 MONITOR: IRENA [EHI] 4 OFFS LEADERS CLUB BOSANSKA KRUPA ALMIR SPAHI] NK @ELJEZNI^AR,OK UNA BOSANSKA OTOKA SANEL HASIC NK SLOGA,KK FENIKS SAPNA JASENKO [ERTOVIC KK BRATSTVO,OSN.[KOLA CHILDREN TOTAL M F 155 94 249 MONITOR: EMIR SEDI] 8 5 OFFS LEADERS CLUB TUZLA ENES BABAJI] OFK TUZLA SLAVINOVI]I @IVINICE - BARICE HAMDIJA MUMI] NK JABLANICA FK SLAVEN CHILDREN TOTAL M F 159 47 206 MONITOR: ESAD HAD@IJUSUFOVI] I RADOVAN @DRALE 6 OFFS LEADERS CLUB PETROVO - KAMU@ SIMO TUMAR^I] FK ZVIJEZDA,FK SLOGA GRA^ANICA MIRSAD HALILOVI] NK MLADOST MALE[I]I FK GRA^ANICA MONITOR: UGLJE[A MALBA[A 9 CHILDREN TOTAL M F 175 29 204 7 OFFS ILIJA[ LEADERS HARIS ALI] CLUB CHILDREN TOTAL M F 157 50 NK ILIJA[ VARE[ MIRALEM ZUB^EVI] NK JEDINSTVO BREZA HARIS KAMENAREVI] NK VARE[, @FK BREZA 207 MONITOR: RASTISLAV MATI] 8 OFFS LEADERS CLUB JAJCE JOZO PETROVI] FK GORICA [IPOVO TIHOMIR GVERO STANISLAV JAK[I] FK SLOBODA MRKONJI] GRAD SA[A DEDI] NK ELEKTROBOSNA CHILDREN TOTAL M F 165 29 194 MONITOR: AMELA TRBOVI] 10 9 OFFS LEADERS CLUB [AMAC CICA IVKOVI] FK BORAC ORA[JE IVICA MARKOVI] HNK ORA[JE TOLISA CHILDREN TOTAL M F 178 58 236 NK HAJDUK, NK TOLISA MONITOR: TUNJO DAMJANOVI] 10 OFFS LEADERS CLUB @EP^E FRANJO VRBI] NK @EP^E MAGLAJ FUAD ZUKI] NK NATRON, NK VIS ZAVIDOVI]I ADMIR BURZI] NK KRIVAJA, O.[. MONITOR: ADEM DURAKOVI] 11 CHILDREN TOTAL M F 181 23 204 11 OFFS LEADERS CLUB ILID@A/BUTMIR NERMIN O[IJAN FK IGMAN, SA[K NAPREDAK HRASNICA/DOGLODI ZDRAVKO BO[NJAK FK FAMOS, FK VOGO[]A, [F DRIBLING, [F FAIR PLAY VOGO[]A [EFKIJA UZUNI] NK BUTMIR, [F [AMPION, [F PARTIZAN CHILDREN TOTAL M F 176 44 220 MONITOR: SMAIRA HUREM 12 OFFS GRADA^AC LEADERS NIHAD KADI] CLUB CHILDREN TOTAL M F 165 36 NK MIONICA OD@AK MARJAN [KORO [F JEDINSTVO, NK OD@AK MIONICA IZUDIN ME[ANOVI] FK ZVIJEZDA, O.[. 192 MONITOR: AMIR DURGUTOVI] 12 13 OFFS LEADERS CLUB LUKAVAC /DEVETAK SALIH GOSI] FK RADNI^KI, [F LUKAVAC BISTARAC/DOBO[NICA NASIHA HAMZI] FK DSK, [F BISTARAC POLJICE @NK SIDRO, [F DOBOSNICA, [F POLJICE CHILDREN TOTAL M F 146 48 194 MONITOR: VEHAD IBRI[IMOVI] 14 OFFS LEADERS CLUB BOSANSKA KRUPA IZET PRO[I] FK MLADOST NOVI GRAD MIROSLAV LAZI] FK PARTIZAN, FK RUDAR KOSTAJNICA RAJKO GA]E[A NK BRATSVO, NK @ELEJZNI^AR MONITOR: NIKOLA BEVANDI] 13 CHILDREN TOTAL M F 153 43 196 15 OFFS KALESIJA LEADERS SUAD TABAKOVI] CLUB CHILDREN TOTAL M F 157 41 FK GUBER SREBRENICA NAMIK MUJKANOVI] FK MLADOST, [F DIVI^ BRATUNAC @ELJKO LOJANICA FK BOSNA, FK BRATSTVO DIVI^ SEAD SULJKANOVI] 198 MONITOR: SULEJMAN SINANOVI] 16 OFFS ZENICA LEADERS ERZET AVDI] CLUB CHILDREN TOTAL M F 142 58 FK RUDAR VISOKO JUSUF FAZLI] NK ZMAJ, [F VISOKO NEMILA [EVAL DELI] NK 12 APRIL, [F NEMILA 200 MONITOR: RE[AD KULENOVI] 14 17 OFFS KONJIC LEADERS SULEJMAN DZUMHUR CLUB CHILDREN TOTAL M F 160 64 FK IGMAN BUTUROVI] POLJE HANDZO SENAD NK KUS, [K B.POLJE GLAVATI^EVO KOVA^ ABDULAH [F KONJI], [F GLAVATI^EVO 224 MONITOR: RASTISLAV MATI] 18 OFFS IST. NOVO SARAJEVO LEADERS BRANISLAV RADI^I] CLUB TOTAL M F 143 49 FK SLAVIJA IST. ILID@A MIRKO [E[LIJA FK FAMOS KISELJAK RADE TOMI] NK KISELJAK MONITOR: DU[KO PETROVI] 15 CHILDREN 192 19 OFFS LEADERS CLUB TRAVNIK/NOVI TRAVNIK DRAGO SUBAN @NK MLADOST, O[ NOVA BILA, OP G. VAKUF, O[ KALIBUNAR, @RK TRAVNIK GORNJI VAKUF/USKOPLJE MUHAREM KURI] FK RADNIK, O[ USKOPLJE, OP DOLAC,OS TURBE, O[ STOJKOVI]I DONJI VAKUF D@EVAD DEDI] CHILDREN TOTAL M F 0 406 406 @RK SLOGA, O[ TRAVNIK, O[ KARAULA, O[ NOVI TRAVNIK, O[ S.B.BA[AGI] MONITOR:AMELA TRBOVI] 16 20 OFFS PALE LEADERS SLAVI[A BR^KALOVI] CLUB TOTAL F 152 42 FK ROMANIJA PRA^A [EFKO MUTAVD@I] FK GLASINAC SOKOLAC ZORAN JOLOVI] FK JAHORINA MONITOR: NENAD \API] 17 CHILDREN M 194 18 15 TESLI], TE[ANJ - [IJE, ^E^AVA LIVNO, GUBER, SE\EVI]I CAZIN, BU@IM, V.KLADU[A B. KRUPA, B.OTOKA, SAPNA @IVINICE, BARICE, TUZLA, SLAVINOVI]I PETROVO, KAKMU@, GRA^ANICA, MALE[I]I ILIJA[, VARE[, BREZA JAJCE, [IPOVO, MRKONJI] GRAD [AMAC, ORA[JE, TOLISA @EP^E, MAGLAJ, ZAVIDOVI]I ILID@A, BUTMIR, HRASNICA, DOGLODI, VOGO[]A GRADA^AC, OD@AK, MIONICA LUKAVAC, DEVETAK, BISTARAC, DOBRO[NICA, POLJICE BOS.KRUPA, NOVI GRAD, KOSTAJNICA KALESIJA, SREBRENICA, DIVI^, BRATUNAC ZENICA, VISOKO, NEMILA KONJIC, B.POLJE, GLAVATI^EVO TRAVNIK, N.TRAVNIK, G.VAKUF/USKOPLJE, D.VAKUF IST.NOVO SARAJEVO, IST.ILID@A, KISELJAK PALE, PRA^A, SOKOLAC 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 % 100% total 308 15 15 15 15 15 16 15 15 15 20 15 15 15 15 15 15 17 15 15 TOTAL NO OFFS LEADERS AND TRAINERS 87.66233766 270 15 13 11 12 14 16 13 12 15 20 13 11 15 14 11 13 11 13 14 14 M 12.33766234 38 0 2 4 3 1 0 2 3 0 0 2 4 0 1 4 2 6 2 1 1 F 58.76623377 181 5 1 8 15 13 11 6 10 12 18 10 3 3 13 7 11 13 15 2 5 B 23.37662338 72 10 10 0 0 0 5 9 2 1 0 0 7 8 0 8 1 1 0 0 10 S 15.90909091 49 0 4 6 0 1 0 0 2 2 2 5 5 2 2 0 3 2 0 13 0 C 1.948051948 6 0 0 1 0 1 0 0 1 0 0 0 0 2 0 0 0 1 0 0 0 O 309 12 12 37 12 12 12 12 12 12 20 12 12 12 12 12 12 50 12 10 12 ASSISTANTS 101 3 3 15 5 5 5 5 7 4 9 5 4 3 4 4 3 6 3 5 3 CLUBS 19 CHILDREN PARTICIPATION NO OFFS TOTAL M F 7 - 10 10 - 12 13 - 14 CLUB MEMBER NOT CLUB MEMBER 1 TESLI], TE[ANJ - [IJE, ^E^AVA 221 186 35 57 126 38 207 14 2 LIVNO, GUBER, SE\EVI]I 202 133 69 95 107 0 53 149 3 CAZIN, BU@IM, V.KLADU[A 196 145 51 90 106 0 90 106 4 BOS.KRUPA, BOS.OTOKA, SAPNA 249 155 94 121 85 43 39 210 5 @IVINICE, BARICE, TUZLA, SLAVINOVI]I 206 159 47 60 146 0 79 127 6 PETROVO, KAKMU@, GRA^ANICA, MALE[I]I 204 175 29 79 125 0 93 111 7 ILIJA[, VARE[, BREZA 207 157 50 37 170 0 77 130 8 JAJCE, [IPOVO, MRKONJI] GRAD 194 165 29 117 68 9 138 56 9 [AMAC, ORA[JE, TOLISA 236 178 58 154 71 11 115 121 10 @EP^E, MAGLAJ, ZAVIDOVI]I 204 181 23 112 92 0 95 109 11 ILID@A, BUTMIR, HRASNICA, 220 DOGLODI, VOGO[]A 176 44 90 130 0 150 70 12 GRADA^AC, OD@AK, MIONICA 192 156 36 112 80 0 150 42 13 LUKAVAC, DEVETAK, BISTARAC, DOBRO[NICA, POLJICE 194 146 48 69 125 0 94 100 14 B.KRUPA, NOVI GRAD, KOSTAJNICA 196 153 43 104 92 0 99 97 15 KALESIJA, SREBRENICA, DIVI^, BRATUNAC 198 157 41 119 79 0 134 64 16 ZENICA, VISOKO, NEMILA 200 142 58 59 141 0 142 58 17 KONJIC, B.POLJE, GLAVATI^EVO 224 160 64 83 111 30 36 188 18 TRAVNIK, N.TRAVNIK, G.VAKUF/USKOPLJE, D.VAKUF 406 0 406 81 238 87 190 216 19 IST.NOVO SARAJEVO, IST. ILID@A, KISELJAK 192 143 49 47 145 0 130 62 20 PALE, PRA^A, SOKOLAC 194 152 42 83 111 0 123 71 total 4335 3019 1316 1769 2348 218 2234 2101 % 100 69.64 30.36 40.81 54.16 5.03 51.53 48.47 20 21 B S C O SOCIAL CASES PREMANENTLY DISPLACED REFUGEES RETURNEES LOCAL 78 140 3 0 28 0 0 42 179 25 1 176 0 16 19 0 0 181 196 0 0 0 31 0 0 0 196 224 11 4 10 40 24 0 0 185 170 12 21 3 16 0 27 23 140 107 90 3 4 33 0 17 0 187 195 1 11 0 12 33 0 0 174 12 123 56 3 12 0 14 0 168 43 93 95 5 28 26 1 12 197 148 2 54 0 18 22 0 0 164 180 6 28 6 42 7 23 23 115 170 17 5 0 31 0 2 3 187 125 25 40 4 30 10 15 39 100 73 122 1 0 24 0 6 11 173 126 69 0 3 38 0 7 15 176 186 2 2 10 36 0 9 0 191 220 3 1 0 12 4 0 2 206 282 0 111 13 13 1 6 85 311 21 131 40 0 16 0 32 0 160 35 159 0 0 34 0 11 0 173 2616 1007 651 61 510 146 170 255 3563 60.35 23.23 15.02 1.41 11.76 3.37 3.92 5.88 82.19 PARent workshops NO OFFS Parents participation Parents involved M F Number of workshops 1 TESLI], TE[ANJ - [IJE, ^E^AVA 37 15 22 2 2 LIVNO, GUBER, SE\EVI]I 25 12 13 1 3 CAZIN, BU@IM, V.KLADU[A 48 26 22 2 4 BOS.KRUPA, BOS.OTOKA, SAPNA 48 20 28 2 5 @IVINICE, BARICE, TUZLA, SLAVINOVI]I 0 0 0 0 6 PETROVO, KAKMU@, GRA^ANICA, MALE[I]I 18 10 8 2 7 ILIJA[, VARE[, BREZA 40 19 21 2 8 JAJCE, [IPOVO, MRKONJI] GRAD 18 8 10 2 9 [AMAC, ORA[JE, TOLISA 20 12 8 1 10 @EP^E, MAGLAJ, ZAVIDOVI]I 46 22 24 2 11 ILID@A, BUTMIR, HRASNICA, DOGLODI, VOGO[]A 90 47 83 2 12 GRADA^AC, OD@AK, MIONICA 38 25 13 2 13 LUKAVAC, DEVETAK, BISTARAC, DOBRO[NICA, POLJICE 20 8 12 1 14 BOS.KRUPA, NOVI GRAD, KOSTAJNICA 25 19 6 2 15 KALESIJA, SREBRENICA, DIVI^, BRATUNAC 22 11 11 2 16 ZENICA, VISOKO, NEMILA 27 15 12 1 17 KONJIC, B.POLJE, GLAVATI^EVO 20 13 7 1 18 TRAVNIK, N.TRAVNIK, G.VAKUF/USKOPLJE, D.VAKUF 0 0 0 0 19 IST.NOVO SARAJEVO, IST.ILID@A, KISELJAK 20 9 11 1 20 PALE, PRA^A, SOKOLAC 0 0 0 0 562 291 311 28 Total 22 Total obtained and distributed sports equipment 1998 - 2009 23 NO EQUIPMENT TYPE 1998. 1999. 2000. 2001. 2002. 2003. 2004. 2005. 2006. 2007. 2008. 2009. TOTAL 1 FOOTBALLS NR. 5 320 950 925 765 912 1362 1150 1125 1100 1680 1325 400 12014 2 FOOTBALLS NR. 4 2400 2500 2000 2200 2122 1900 3450 3380 3450 2760 1875 2725 30762 200 200 150 650 60 360 3 TRAMONDI FOOTBALLS 4 DIADORA-POS.PLAY FOOTBALLS 5 ADIDAS FA BIH FOOTBALLS 480 480 100 100 200 6 BASKETBALLS 60 100 100 80 64 404 7 VOLLEYBALLS 60 100 100 80 64 404 8 HANDBALLS 60 100 100 80 9 BOUNCING BALLS 10 KANGAROO BALLS 11 SPORTS BAG 200 350 200 350 12 TRAINER SUIT 13 LOWER TRAINER SUIT 14 DUKS - SHIRTS 15 T-SHIRT DRESS 16 POLO SHIRT 17 OFFS T-SHIRT 340 20 15 20 16 355 285 300 397 355 285 300 351 351 350 2852 5052 355 5143 35 36 410 400 530 420 400 389 400 385 410 408 400 380 420 400 410 420 285 300 357 435 30 60 40 50 760 3973 4292 6000 6149 6000 840 6200 6250 400 4436 3814 1230 1181 800 5620 394 4876 396 576 5300 62831 18 JACKET 200 350 355 285 300 445 400 19 SHORTS 200 350 355 285 300 397 408 400 380 458 400 394 4327 2735 20 SOCKS 200 350 355 285 300 397 408 400 380 753 400 900 5128 21 PUMP 200 350 355 285 300 300 410 400 400 340 1200 360 4900 22 WHISTLE 200 350 355 285 300 300 410 400 400 340 400 360 4100 23 WATER BOTTLES 2452 4352 4433 3418 3692 4350 5050 4750 4750 4250 500 4500 46497 4750 4250 24 UEFA CAP 4433 3403 3692 4397 5338 4750 25 BAGS FOR BALLS 15 20 19 16 16 15 21 20 26 PLASTIC CONES 2400 2500 3000 1800 1625 1530 2000 2200 2825 2100 5000 4500 44513 80 60 282 2400 1932 26312 27 MARKER DRESS 2400 2500 2800 1800 1580 1500 2100 2200 2825 2100 2000 1800 25605 28 NET FOR BALLS 150 240 228 192 192 240 240 250 283 252 240 218 2725 29 HOCKEY SET 15 20 19 16 16 15 21 20 19 21 20 18 220 16 30 FOOT-BASKETBALL SET 15 20 19 31 FOOT-VOLLEYBALL SET 15 20 20 55 32 BASEBALL SET 15 20 19 54 33 BELLE BALL 34 PAL DOUBLE PAS 70 8 35 HULA HOP 120 200 190 160 160 36 SPONGE CUBE 15 20 19 16 16 37 FRIZBEE 38 ROPE 39 TENT 40 AUXILIARY GOALS 8 18 150 200 18 250 240 20 19 210 200 200 160 60 100 95 80 80 2280 125 160 36 42 70 20 69 63 60 140 10 895 30 72 72 41 TRAMBOLINE 8 4 42 PENCILS OFFS 350 355 285 300 5000 5000 5000 5 500 500 500 500 18290 17 43 NOTEBOOKS 350 355 285 300 530 500 600 500 500 500 500 4920 44 MANUALS 200 350 355 285 300 1200 800 500 500 500 500 450 5940 45 CD DIPLOMA 2252 4002 4078 3118 3392 5100 5000 5000 5000 5000 5000 5000 51942 46 MINI PITCH 47 CATTERPILAR 48 FOOT-TENNIS NETS 2 12 16 2 6 6 20 48 50 T-SHIRTS UEFA FA BIH 221 150 50 421 51 CAPS FA BIH 100 100 52 BAGS FOR BALLS FA BIH 20 20 53 GOALS FA BIH 8 8 54 FOOTBALL SNEAKERS 55 BRACELETTES SILICONE 56 MINI GOALS 57 LIVING WALL 19 6000 19 4500 6000 5700 26 26 26 78 10000 32200 78 78 24 KIDS FESTIVAL Kid’s Festival is the largest independent event for youth in South Eastern Europe. Since 2004., over 40.000 children from all over Bosnia and Herzegovina participate in the mentioned festival every year. The very success of the Kid’s Festival is the huge number of children participants who come to this event, as guests of Sarajevo, which is an important step in the process of building trust among young people in BiH. Kid’s Fest BiH is now a social event - an attractive combination of entertainment and education. Kid”s Festival has been awarded the prestigious nominations “Project of cultural interest for the City of Sarajevo”. The variety of 30 activities, provides interactive education through entertainment: the creative and educational workshops, international artists from around the world, magicians, dancers, artists, balloons, clowns, the Embassy stands, video corner Arte & Prix Jeunesse, OSCE corner, Open Fun Football Schools BH place for fun football, as well as film screenings for children participants. This year’s festival motto was “All different and all SAME“ in order to support the initiatives of the Council of Europe. Great “colorful parade”, which, acommpanied with the sound of 40 drums of a drum band passed through the city center - opened the sixth Kid”s Festival in Sarajevo. The joint appearance at this great event for children from all over Bosnia-Herzegovina had: - Embassy of Denmark - The Royal Norwegian Embassy - CCPA OFFS BiH Sarajevo At stands of embassies of Denmark and Norway, children were able to have fun and express creativity using Lego and making their own world of imagination, to draw the flag of Denmark and Norway, and to get variety of materials and candy from these countries as presents. CCPA OFFS BIH organized games and entertainment on three stations: - Mini-Football - Belebol - Hockey On June 15th, from 14:00-17:00,our games participated about 450 boys and girls, with whom worked four leaders and trainers. Children from our stations, as well as other participants, were introduced to project CCPA OFFS in BiH and the region and were given a gift of school: shirts and bracelets. 25 FEMALE FOOTBALL DEVELOPMENT CCPA OFFS this year organized special seminar for the development of women”s football in the region, and FA Croatia and office CCPA OFFS from Zagreb organized a Festival -tournament for women as part of the seminar . From Bosnia and Herzegovina, participated 38 female club members: - DPC “SFK 2000” - Sarajevo - ŽNK “Mladost” - N. Travnik, Nevi} Polje - ŽNK “Breza “ - Breza CCPA OFFS instructor Amela Trbovi} and group of coaches attended the seminar, which had the topic “The situation in women”s football - plans for further development”. It was emphasized that the CCPA - OFFS, by organizing schools and including a large number of girls (30%) has the greatest affect and contribution on girls in general to be engaged in training football. There are girls gathering, participating in OFFS, training in new girls clubs, but when it is time to develeop and move on to competitions, problems appear, mostly about the means of financing these clubs. SBK Region and the municipalities of Travnik, Novi Travnik, Vitez, Donji Vakuf and Gornji Vakuf / Uskoplje again were the organizers of particularly beautiful and interesting school - in which participated only the girls. Overall there were 406 girls from 15 clubs and primary schools, with 30 leaders, coaches and assistants. In all activities we had with the girls we can be satisfied that the participation percentage is 30%, but we can not be satisfied with the participation of girls and women, when it comes to instructors, leaders and coaches. There is a percentage of representation of 12.5% an in our action plans, we want to raise this percentage to 20-25%, 26 OFFS IN VARE[U Vares is a small town in the middle of Bosnia, formerly known for it’s mineral resources - coal, iron and steel, as well as for it’s football club. Long after the war events, the football clubs and the sport in general didn”t exist, especially girls had no opportunity to practice sports. Guided by our desire to come in every part of country, to each child, we came to Vares and encountered a good mayor and a former football player Imamagi}, with which we started to work and organize Open fun football schools for all boys and girls. These days, we received a letter of one girls’ mother, who is a participant of our schools in Vares. Dear all, hoping that some “feedback” from a parent is welcome, I would like to express the most honest gratitude for Vares town is one of the “lacky ones” to participate in great OFFS adventure! I am a mother of 12, and my daughter has participated in OFFS since the year 2005. She has been only second grade when she first participated, and I had some concerns in regard to traveling to partnering cities or “being away whole day playing football...:)))”...but when I first witnessed how this is organized and what children do - there has been no mother in the world more proud than I was for having a child involved!!! Being 12 my child is “outgrown” most of her group, she is not the only one - there are many who refuse to “let their seat free” for some younger child to participate! This is a great sign of a wonderful time she experiences there, and one of the warmest spots in our mind when thinking about the great fun that summer generally brings... I work as a teacher in local primary school, and I know how “football culture” is developed here. OFFS brings another perspective to it, it is not about football, it is about all the greatest things that only could be seen through the eyes of a children. Of course, World would be much better place if the things like this could be organized even more often. If my letter may contribute bringing any motivation to any one of you who might be tired of organizing OFFSs- than it has served its purpose! Thanks a lot for everything you do for mine, and any other child! Best regards, Sarajlic Maja Vares town 27 STREET SPORT - AUGUST 12th- ineternational youth day On the occasion of International Youth Day, the UN Volunteers and the CCPA - OFFS organized special sports activities for 300 boys and girls, 20 leaders and coaches and many volunteers in Ilidza. It was a day of Fun Football-named “COPACABOSNIA”, which is traditionally held for there years now. A great support of this event gave municipality Ilidza, UN Volunteers and volunteers from clubs and elementary schools Ilidza, Vogosca and Eastern Ilidza. A special station called “Things talk” was organized, where children, with the assistance of volunteers, made figures, objects and toys, which also had artistic value, all by things considered garbage. By this we wanted to show the need to preserve ecologically clean environment - by regular and organized collection and subsequent use of waste materials. Fun Football Game, a fun children”s workshops were visited by the former captain of the BiH football team Sergej Barbarez, who was very happy with the coordination of Fun Football Games and children”s care for a clean environment. Press confernce was also organized in the field. 28 things talk project The project Things talk is organized by the CCPA, the Danish municipalities Bellrup and Heerup Museum. Things talk is an interesting global project for children from 10-12 years about spreading awareness in relation to climate change. School classes throughout the world are invited to work on climate. Practical artistic demand is to produce, from waste and old things from the homes, toys, art objects, and so what would otherwise be thrown, will be given a new life. Children develop in a creative sense, create sculptures of waste and so, they let “Things talk” about their ideas and visions, while they are educated about the origin of materials, recycling and other ways to preserve the environment. The aim is to use art and imagination of kids to find new and unusual ways to apply and learn about climate issues. The project has provided a full educational material, which can be downloaded for free on the official website of the project Guide can be downloaded for teachers and for students. After a realized project, each class can register and present their doings on a web page. Children can also learn about the origin and usage and recycling of various materials, such as copper, wood, plastics, etc. In Bosnia and Herzegovina, the project was implemented this year in several Open Fun Football Schools. Artefacts were presented in the photo gallery of official web site of the project. Final of this year”s activities under the project was held at the Creative Children”s Copenhagen climate camp, wich attended participants of the workshop from Bosanska Krupa. Creative Children”s climate camp provided for 225 boys and girls from 11 countries, to create works of art under the guidance of a large number of artists (Kristian Bust / artist, Jarl Egeberg / Illustrator, Martin Fabricius / musician, Peter Fønss / dancer and others). The result of their five-day activities is the work of “new world” that is presented to leaders of countries during the COP 15 Summit on climate. It is planned to continue the implementation of this project in the 2010, and it is to be implemented as part of our “tailored schools”. 29 LITTLE FOOTBALL PLAYERS AND ECOLOGISTS FROM BOSANSKA KRUPA Bosanska Krupa is a town that participates in project for many years now, and this year hosted two schools with interesting participants and significant results. Participants were also Italian volunteers who organized the camp and stay in tents for all children. Various additional workshops were organized - “Things talk”, art section, healthy food-healthy living and eco section. Four boys with their leader, from Bosanska Krupa traveled in Copenhagen to participate the creative children”s climate camp, which is organized by CCPA and the Danish municipalities Bellerup prior to COP-15 - World Conference on climate. Boys from Una river showed their creativity, and together with 225 boys and girls from 11 countries and 15 artist, they built their version of the “new world”, which was presented to state leaders on COP 15 conference. Boys Asmir Zuti}, Sinan VElagi}, Omer Hadzic, Armin Velagi} and their coach Almir Spahic had the full support of the municipality of Bosanska Krupa, and Municipality mayor, Mr. Armin Halitovi} gave them sports suits. Also, upon completion of OFFS, Mayor along with instructor CCPA Emir Sedic visited the primary school “JEZERSKI” and the local children and teachers were given CCPA OFFS BALLS. Students were informed that they will, again next year, be participants of Open fun football schools. 30 NOVO NORDISK CUP In this year”s activities in organization and commemoration of November 14th World Day against diabetes, we worked together with NovoNordisk representative office in BiH. We found a common interest, to increase awareness among children and adults of the growing problem of diabetes and increase of the number of patients, especially among young people and children. “Changing the future of diabetes” was the motto of the activities that we organized together. Healthy food, proper nutrition and movement are the prevention of all disorders, as well as diabetes, and therefore we had our education and practical work devoted to these facts. Together with dr. Enisa Še}erovi}, NovoNordisk representative of Bosnia and Herzegovina, on June 27th J, we visited a camp in Ljubovija, where gathered about forty members of the association of diabetes patients from the Brcko District. On the same day, organized by the CCPA - OFFS BIH and NovoNordisk BiH, we held a day of sports, socializing, Fun Football day in which we changed the future of diabetes, we learned togeher with sick children how to live with this disease and how one can be physically active, playful and happy, even having diabetes! In addition to games and recreation, people with diabetes, especially the youngest, teach themselves to “lead” their disease, with a program of entertainment, recreation and physical activity. “I am delighted by enthusiasm of these young people, project Open fun football school thrilled me, and until now, I”m proud of the successful cooperation that we have for years, but honestly, I could not stay uninvolved in fun games and become a child again with them! “, Says ENISA Še}erovi}, Media, Information & Marketing Manager NovoNordisk BiH. Resolution 61/225 of the United Nations, declared November 14th the World day against diabetes. This is the first time that one non-infectious disease is recognized as a serious threat to world health. Symbol that the International Diabetic Federation selected for marking such events is a blue circle. The blue circle because it is a symbol of life, land and health. This day, November 14th, we organized our traditional NovoNordisk Cup in 26 locations (municipalities ) in BiH, which were attended by 2230 boys and girls in our project, 145 leaders and over 700 parents. Among participants in a common game and entertainment were children and the elderly, diabetics. This activity was supported by the municipalities, clubs, schools and the medical institutions. Doctors and other medical staff,and our leaders introduced to all participants the diabetes-like disease, the manner of treatment and living with the disease as well as the need for movement-running and exercise, with the preparation and use of healthy foods. Within these activities, together with NovoNordiskom BiH and Association of suffering from diabetes in Sarajevo, Tuzla and Brcko-district, we organized walks and of suffering and those who are not, expert lectures and exhibitions of healthy food and educational literature. There were over 300 participants from the project CCPA-OFFS, our leaders, coaches and assistants-volunteers. 31 NOVO NORDISK CUP CHILDREN NO VENUES Leader/ Monitor 1 @EP^E - MAGLAJ - ZAVIDOVI]I ADEM DURAKOVI] 41 2 ISTO^NO NOVO SARAJEVO BRANISLAV RADI^I] 46 M STAFF LEADERS/ TRAINERS MEDICAL STAFF PARENTS CLUBS/ SCHOOLS MEDIA 20 5 1 20 3 2 40 3 1 42 2 2 F 3 LUKAVAC - DEVETAK VEHAD IBRI[IMOVI] 72 24 5 1 30 3 2 4 BOS KRUPA EMIR SEDIC] 50 46 6 1 45 3 2 5 BU@IM NEDZAD DURI] 70 30 5 1 18 2 1 6 UDRU@ENJE OBOLJELIH OD DIJABETESA BU@IM NEDZAD DURI] 35 15 6 2 22 1 1 7 VUKOSAVLJE UGLJE[A MALBA[A 40 15 3 1 10 2 0 8 ORA[JE - TOLISA TUNJO DAMJANOVI] 72 30 4 1 18 3 1 9 TUZLA SLAVINOVI]I ENES BABAJI] VEHAD IBRI[IMOVI] 80 30 4 1 50 7 3 10 ILID@A - BUTMIR - DOGLODI O[IJAN NERMIN BOSNJAK ZDRAVKO 80 40 6 2 40 6 3 11 KALESIJA SULEJMAN SINANOVI] 62 38 5 1 39 2 1 12 TRAVNIK AMELA TRBOVI] 20 130 8 1 20 7 2 13 LIVNO GORAN ^EKO 45 55 3 1 100 2 1 14 PALE NENAD \API] 54 16 2 0 15 2 2 15 BREZA - ILIJA[ HARIS ALI] HARIS KAMENAREVI] 70 20 4 0 20 2 2 16 NOVI GRAD LAZI] MIROSLAV 80 30 5 1 20 3 2 17 PETROVO SIMO TUMACI] 58 42 3 2 30 2 2 18 NOVI TRAVNIK DRAGO SUBAN 40 40 4 1 18 2 1 19 VOGO[]A NURIJA UZUNI] 62 15 5 0 10 2 2 20 KISELJAK RADE TOMI] 40 15 4 1 20 2 1 21 ZENICA AVDIC ERZET 40 48 6 1 18 3 1 22 ISTO^NA ILID@A [E[LIJA MIRKO 25 15 3 0 12 1 1 23 [AMAC CICA IVKOVI] 29 45 3 1 16 2 2 24 GRADA^AC NIHAD KADI] 50 20 5 1 20 2 2 25 SARAJEVO IRENA SEHI] 50 50 6 3 60 2 3 26 BR^KO - UDRU@ENJE UGLJE[A MALBA[A, GORANA VUKOVI] 30 20 5 1 30 2 1 30 1341 889 118 27 743 70 43 TOTAL 32 POSITIVE PLAY POSITIVE PLAY NGO and CCPA-OFFS for several years realize successful joint activities and programs that deal with various issues of development of society, especially children. One of these programs is providing education about the risks from residual mines and other weapons. Through the creation and distribution of educational materials to all participants of this year”s Open Fun Football Schools in Bosnia and Herzegovina, we approached all the problems and ways of reacting upon finding residual mines or other weapons. At the appropriate posters, which were given to each child on OFFS, our prominent players D`eko, Supi} and Hrgovi} and coach Blazevic, say to children to be carefull and warn them of need for play that has positive thoughts and ideas. Each municipality and club who participated in this project, was rewarded with 15 football balls. 33 OSTALE AKTIVNOSTI NO Activity type 1 MUNICIPALITY TESLI] AND Cooperation CCPA-OFFS and FK'Proleter ' on youth team's visit to Italy and FK “PROLETER” visits to football matches in the province di Belluno Description 2. MUNICIPALITY LUKAVAC AND FOOTBALL SCHOOLS FOR KIDS During the Fair of tourism, sports, hunting and fishing in Lukavac,instructor Vehad Ibrisimovic with coaches-volunteers, organized a children's football tournament named 'Tournament of champions'.12 teams took part with 69 boys 3. STREET FOOTBALL WORLD - FO^A On the Street Football World Festival that is organized in Foca, there were present boys and girls from the cities in which the CCPA-OFFS BiH organizes its Open fun football schools. So the teams who took part are from Gorazde, Zenica, Ustikolina, Vitkovici, Foca and Pale. A girl from Gorazde was selected and included in the best team of BiH, which will show their knowledge and skills at The World street football festival in South Africa 2010, during the time of World Cup / football championship. 4. ZENICA AND FK “RUDAR“ Football tournament of children up to 12 years, from 10 cities of BiH, participants of OFFS project 5. ASSOCIATION OF ROMA OF CANTON SARAJEVO 'ROMAS' Cooperation of CCPA-OFFS and the Association 'Romas' on organization of football tournaments for May 6th, with the participation of eight teams. 6. ASSOCIATION OF JOURNALIST OF BIH, FOOTBALL SELECTION Cooperation in organizing football gatherings of CCPA OFFS BIH selection with the selection of journalists of BIH, as well as selection of journalists of BiH living abroad. 7. VETERANS LEAGUE, MUNICIPALITY PALE Participation in Veteran's league organization 8. FA BIH STUDY GROUP, VISITING NETHRELANDS As part of the study group for education for grassroots football, grassroots representatives of BiH Committee visited the Netherlands, from 23-26th September this year, together with representatives of Georgia and Belarus. The host was the Football federation of the Netherlands. Within group from Bosnia and Herzegovina there were six representatives of CCPA-OFFS: - Esad Had`ijusufovi} - Coordinator for BiH - Goran ^eko - Instructor - Vehad Ibrisimovic - Instructor - Nenad Đapi} - Instructor - Fuad-Lepi}-coach FA Netherlands has theoretically and practically presented their activities in grassroots football and group visited several amateur clubs and professional club PSV Eindhoven. Acquired knowledge and experience will come to a great good in a successful implementation of grassroots Football in BiH 34 UEFA - TRAINING GROUND SHORT FILMS ON OFFS IN BIH In August, three regular and one extraordinary Open fun football schools, were movie set for shooting short films on OFFS and Grassroots football activities in BiH. Films were recorded by the team hired by UEFA, in order to show OFFS activities in BiH, while telling stories about multi-ethnicity, women”s football, the development of dialogue and coexistence in the war-torn areas. The team visited the schools: Travnik, Novi Travnik-Vitez - Donji Vakuf and Gornji Vakuf / Uskoplje, Kalesija Srebrenica-Bratunac, Pale-Pra~a-Sokolac and Ilidza-Butmir-Hrasnica - Doglodi-Vogosca. Shots were taken on locations: Travnik, Srebrenica, and Pra~a Ilidza. When shooting in Ilidza, school was visited by the legends of the Bosnian-Herzegovinian football Ivica Osim, Vahidin Musemi}, Mirsad Fazlagic, Husref Musemi} and Bulend Biscevic, who also gave interwievs for the films. In Travnik, shots were recorded with 406 girls who play football. On the subject of football development spoke instructors of CCPA Samira Hurem and Amela Trbovi}, and about the importance of this event for the Central Bosnia Canton talked Deputy Minister of Ministry of Sport SBK. In Srebrenica, the team had the opportunity to shoot children from different ethnic backgrounds, who play together on the field and interview instructors and trainers of CCPA. Shots recorded in Pra~a also told the story of the destruction of inter-entity, social and other barriers, both among children and among the leaders and trainers. Interviewed were instructors Nenad Đapi} and Vehad Ibrisimovic, and their sons, former participants of OFFS- now coaches, who are expected to give out a lot. A special interview was given by Project Director Anders Levinsen. Movies are recorded within the UEFA Training Ground section, and will be shown during the breaks of the game on the Champions League broadcasts. WEB page In 2009, the official website CROSS PROJECT ASSCOCIATION Cultures - Open Fun Football Schools has been launched. Page is located at and presents the overall project. Each country involved in the project has its own section on the page where one can find reports, photographs and stories from various countries. CCPA OFFS Sarajevo regularly reports on activities in BiH. Page was generated in order to present our activities to as many people, to serve as a mean of presentation to the potential donors and sponsors, but also as a place of informing and connecting all the participants in the project. 35 Saradnja NFS BiH U martu 2009. godine Nogometni/fudbalski savez BiH je potpisao Grassroots football povelju sa UEFA. U cilju razvoja i implementacije ovog projekta na podru~ju Bosne i Hercegovine, odr`ano je nekoliko sastanaka izmedju CCPA OFFS BIH i NFS BiH, a ~lanovi CCPA OFFS BiH, bili su i dio UEFA studijske grupe o Grassroots football - u u Holandiji, u septembru 2009. Saradnja sa NFS BiH na ovom polju se nastavlja, sa stalnim ciljem integracije u Savez i zajedni~ke implementacije dijela Grassroots football aktivnosti. Federalno ministarstvo kulture i sporta i Federalno ministarstvo za izbjegla i raseljena lica i socijalnu politiku Federalno ministarstvo za izbjegla i raseljena lica i socijalnu politiku direktno prati rad na{e organizacije i izdaje potrebne dozvole. Saradnja sa Federalnim ministarstvom kulture i sporta traje ve} dugi niz godina. Ovo ministarstvo podr`ava i subvencira rad CCPA OFFS, naro~ito na polju organizacije vanrednih sportskih doga|aja. Lokalna zajednica - op{tine/op}ine i fudbalski / nogometni klubovi u BiH Od po~etka implementacije projekta 1998. nai{li smo na izvanredno razumijevanje i saradnju lokalne zajednice u gotovo svim dijelovima BiH. Ve} tre}u godinu, op{tine/op}ine i finansijski u~estvuju u realizaciji projekta, finansiraju}i tro{kove edukacije lidera i trenera. Za edukaciju 2009. godine, lokalna zajednica je uplatila 62.000 KM. UN Volonteri CCPA OFFS BiH i UN Volonteri implementirali su zajedni~ki, jednodnevni projekat, ~ime je obilje`en Me|unarodni dan mladih. Na Ilid`i, pored rijeke @eljeznice, odr`ana je jednodnevna OFFS Copacabosnia, i uz zalaganje UN volontera, trenera i lidera CCPA OFFS BiH, djeca su obilje`ila ovaj dan igrom, plesom i kreativnim radom. NovoNordisk BiH I pored redovne saradnje koju projekat CCPA OFFS ima sa kompanijom NovoNordisk, ured CCPA OFFS BIH, je pro{irio saradnju i na predstavni{tvom ove kompanije u BiH. Tako je zajedni~ki implementiran projekat “Mijenjamo budu}nost dijabetesa“, u tri grada, Tuzli, Br~kom i Sarajevu. CCPA OFFS BiH planira nastaviti aktivnu saradnju sa kompanijom NovoNordisk BiH i u narednom periodu, naro~ito na projektima zdrave ishrane. 36 MEDIJSKA POKRIVENOST 37 Nagrade i priznanja Od 1998. godine CCPA Open Fun Football Schools su dobile vi{e nagrada i priznanja za rad na promovisanju fudbalske igre i kreiranju mogu}nosti za djecu, mlade osobe, trenere i lidere, da se sastanu, dobro zabave, premo{}uju}i i kulturne, politi~ke i socijalne granice. 1998. Michael Laudrup nagrada, DKR 25 000 1999. Danska nagrada za mir, DKR 100 000 2000. Nagrada za pionirski rad, DKR 100 000 2001. UEFA-ina Nagrada za specijalni doprinos, Zlatne medalje, CHF 400 000 2002. UEFA Dobrotvorni ~ek, CHF 1. 000 000 Sportska nagrada Gerlev, DKR 15 000 2003. Nagrada Danskog nacionalnog tima kao “Tima godine”, DKR 10 000 2004. Direktor projekta gdin. Anders Levinsen je progla{en za najuspje{nijeg sportskog radnika u BiH za izuzetan doprinos u razvoju sporta i multietni~ke saradnje. U Sarajevu, prije utakmice BiH-Danska, UEFA je dodijelila ~ek u iznosu od 400.000 euro za nastavak realizacije i pro{irenje projekta na druge zemlje. 2006. Projekat CCPA OFFS je bio najbolji sportski projekat za mlade u BiH, u akciji Sportskog Saveza BiH - Izbor sportista godine. 2008. N/FS BiH i CCPA OFFS BiH, skupa su kod UEFA kandidovali svoje aktivnosti sa djecom - kao projekat Grassroots Football-a. UEFA je odala priznanje i N/FS BiH i CCPA OFFS BiH i prihvatila da N/FS BiH potpi{e Grassroots Football Povelju. 2009. Beyond sport - me|unarodna organizacija ~iji su ~lanovi i voditelji premijer Velike Britanije, gdin. Tony Blair,Michel Johnson, Sergey Bubka, Senator Bill Bradley, Lord Sebastian Coe i mnogi drugi, proglasila je projekat CCPA Open Fun Football Schools kao najbolji projekat za mir u svijetu - koji sportom i poslije sportskih aktivnosti promovira mir! Open Fun Football Schools projekat je u kategoriji Sport za mir, dobio nagradu ispred druga dva, tako|e jako dobra fudbalska i sportska projekta. Nagradu je u Londonu, u julu 2009. godine, gdinu Andersu Levinsenu, uru~io gdin. Tony Blair. 38 Statisti^ki podaci 1998-.2009. PERIOD NUMBER OF SCHOOLS NUMBER OF CHILDREN LEADERS AND TRAINERS INSTRUCTORS 1998. 12 2252 189 1999. 20 4002 323 2000. 19 4078 302 2001. 16 3118 144 8 2002. 16 3392 256 8 2003. 16 3303 242 14 2004. 19 3736 276 15 2005. 19 4023 271 15 2006. 20 4123 303 15 2007. 21 4470 307 17 2008. 20 4301 302 17 2009. 20 4335 308 16 TOTAL 218 45133 3223 16 PERIOD NUMBER OF MANIFESTATIONS NUMBER OF CHILDREN LID. /TR./ASIS. INSTRUCTORS 1998.-2009. 29 5614 510 17 PERIOD BROJ ŠKOLA BROJ DJECE LID. /TR./ASIS. INSTRUKTORI 1998.-2009. 9 1710 176 17 PERIOD BROJ ŠKOLA BROJ DJECE LID. /TR./ASIS. INSTRUKTORI 1998.-2009. 14 914 57 17 PERIOD AKTIVNOSTI BROJ DJECE LID. /TR./ASIS. INSTRUKTORI 1998.-2009. 93 11569 1188 17 PERIOD AKTIVNOSTI BROJ DJECE LID. /TR./ASIS. INSTRUKTORI 1998.-2009. 363 64940 5154 17 STREET SPORT POKAZNE ŠKOLE [KOLSKI FUDBAL NOVO NORDISK KUP GRAND TOTAL 39 Contents CCPA - OFFS BosnIa AND HerZegovina 1998 - 2009............................................................................... 1 INTRODUCTION........................................................................................................................................... 3 regional Seminars.................................................................................................................................. 4 Project implementation ........................................................................................................................ 6 LEADERS AND TRAINERS........................................................................................................................... 18 CHILDREN PARTICIPATION.......................................................................................................................... 20 PARent workshops................................................................................................................................ 22 Total obtained and distributed sports equipment 1998 - 2009.................................................... 23 KIDS FESTIVAL .......................................................................................................................................... 25 FEMALE FOOTBALL DEVELOPMENT........................................................................................................... 26 OFFS IN VARE[U........................................................................................................................................ 27 STREET SPORT - AUGUST 12th - international youth day.................................................................... 28 things talk project............................................................................................................................... 29 LITTLE FOOTBALL PLAYERS AND ECOLOGISTS FROM BOSANSKA KRUPA.................................................... 30 NOVO NORDISK CUP................................................................................................................................. 31 POSITIVE PLAY........................................................................................................................................... 33 OSTALE AKTIVNOSTI.................................................................................................................................. 34 UEFA - TRAINING GROUND........................................................................................................................ 35 WEB page................................................................................................................................................. 35 Saradnja NFS BiH .................................................................................................................................. 36 MEDIJSKA POKRIVENOST........................................................................................................................... 37 Nagrade i priznanja............................................................................................................................. 38 Statisti^ki podaci 1998 - 2009.............................................................................................................. 39 40