Our Club… - Classic Plastic Model Club
Our Club… - Classic Plastic Model Club
Official Newsletter of the Classic Plastic Model Club Our Club… by Club President Del Paone I’m sitting at my table thinking of a subject for my next newsletter article…What to write? What to write? Should I do a ‘Doctor In-Drag’ article? Should I write about the MassCar Model Show? Should I write about upcoming events? Well, after about an hour of repeated ‘brain farts’ I called ‘Mr. Prestigious’ (Barry F). He was also at a loss for new subject matter to discuss that’s not ‘boring’ (inside joke). So we shot the bull for half an hour, as we usually do. Then, like someone flipped a light switch, it dawned on me! What better subject can I have to discuss than our own club? We had just been to the MassCar show; which at least 15 of our club members had attended. As a group, we had a fantastic time – from breakfast on Sunday morning, being at the show and perusing vendor wares, through the awards ceremony – many even went to dinner together after the show. Perhaps this is why our club has grown over the years. We share one common interest: automobiles, be they 1/1 size or scaled models. We sincerely enjoy being together and do so whenever we can. Our meetings are very informal, usually consisting of the following activities: • Members place, in our review table area, their builds, inprogress projects, and/or tools with the intent to discuss each during our ‘Show & Tell’ session • Club members usually get together in small groups to bulls—t for an hour or so • The meeting officially begins (generally with 20-30 members in attendance) with a very brief club business session, usually consisting of the details associated with our annual show or the logistics of the next show or event we’ll (Road Warriors!) be traveling to • We usually have a chat about shows we’ve attended, with a little more bulls—ting mixed in • Laughs are usually at a maximum, with most everyone involved • We take a break and hold our monthly kit raffle - $2 per ticket with three winners drawn; each winner gets their choice of one of the available club owned kits May 2014 Volume 20 Number 1 • Last up is Show & Tell, which usually turns into a very informative Q & A session. This is where a lot of us pick up tips on how to execute better and accomplish our modeling goals. When I began back in 1997 or 1998 (I’m old, I forget), this is where I learned a lot about this hobby. I’ve been building for about 16 years now and I’m still learning from our members, members from other clubs and from magazines such as Scale Auto and Model Cars. We have some real characters that make up this bunch. No rules, no politics, just a lot of fun! If you want or need to know how something is done (or done a better way) – simply ask. If you need a certain kit or part – just ask. As you can see, I can’t say enough good things about this bunch. So, to sum things up – If you’re looking for a relaxed, nopressure club to join…we have a great group of enthusiasts that I’m glad to be a part of. Buona Fortuna, Del Hello all. FYI, I’ve erected shelves (see photo below) in my modeling annex and am finally able to see all my kits without pawing through closets under the eaves. Now it's easy to find a kit, so don't hesitate to call or email me if you need a kit, some parts, or instructions. Thanks, Paul Anagnostopoulos For those members attending our monthly meetings, please try to bring a sealed kit to donate to the club collection. Every kit will help defray the cost of our contest. Celebrating 20 Years of Club News! Page 1 of 14 Official Newsletter of the Classic Plastic Model Club Volume 20 Number 1 Safety at the Bench by Mike Siesicki Hi Guys! I know it’s been a loooong time since I’ve been in our newsletter but, ‘the times they are a changing’. We’ve picked up some new members along the way and I think that’s great! I’m sure these new members have friends with similar interests and, maybe, we will see their faces one day as well. Since I started this club maaany years ago I thought it was important to have a relaxed and comfortable atmosphere within. When you have that type atmosphere, new and experienced modelers are more apt to ‘talk it up’ and enjoy what we do. Our club seems to make everybody feel like they belong, which is very cool. Many modelers, such as myself, believe there are three key elements of building which have held true over the years – build it ‘NEAT’, build it ‘CLEAN’ and build it ‘the way YOU want it’! Nothing else, including anybody else’s opinion matters. Everything I’ve said in this paragraph is for the benefit of those that do not wish to compete at shows, opting to build for their own enjoyment. The three elements I mentioned are also a key to successful competition building. There are competitors, builders and collectors. Ask yourself which one am I (some may be more than one) and be true to your identity and you will always enjoy this hobby. This club has grown in leaps and bounds because of the mental openness it has and our ability to share. If you’re reading this at home at your work bench or some other favorite reading place, take a moment and think about how you got this far and, if you’re reading this at our meeting, take a moment to say thanks to those who opened the door and then said to you “Hey, come on in then shut the freakin’ door will you?” That’s all for now, I’ll be in touch more often. Table Talker Dana Benoit About 3 years ago, I was working on a model at my bench when the unthinkable happened...an accident! I was scratch building a part for a model and I was holding my hobby knife loosely in my left hand and it slipped on the part I was modifying, cut my thumb, flew out of my hand and hit my leg before landing on my foot. I grabbed a paper towel and wrapped it around my bleeding thumb and headed for the bathroom to take care of my injury. When I got to the bathroom, I noticed that my right leg was covered entirely with blood. I pulled down my jeans and saw that the knife blade had cut my leg on the inside of my thigh! I called out to my wife who came over to the bathroom door and saw my bloody jeans while I stood there applying pressure to the wound on my thigh. She grabbed the phone and called the ambulance as I sat on the toilet seat maintaining pressure on the wound. I told her that I didn’t need the ambulance as the wound had stopped bleeding, but she remained on the phone with the dispatcher while waiting for the ambulance to arrive. The EMT came in to the bathroom, looked at the wound and said that there was nothing he could do since I had already taken the steps necessary...remaining calm and applying pressure to the wound. Given the training over the years that I had received at my job, I investigated the accident to determine what had gone wrong and I took steps to be sure that the accident wouldn’t happen again. Keep my legs under the bench while working to ensure that nothing would touch them. Maintain a good grip on any tools I am using at the bench...knives, files, etc. Clear the bench of any unnecessary material that would clutter the space and potentially cause or contribute to an accident. And, most important...remain focused on all aspects of what I am doing to avoid any future accidents. I plan on being around for a few years and I want to get through those years in one piece! Mike Siesicki COMING EVENTS May 10, 2014 – Sat. – Mid Atlantic NNL held in Severna Park Maryland by MAMA’s club, a Road Warrior event Jun 5, 2014 – Sat. – Club meeting at Lowell VFW at 1 PM Jun 13-15, 2014 – Fri-Sun – Good Guys 1/1 show and Model Car Contest at the Eastern States Exposition in Springfield MA Jul 12, 2014 – Sat. – Club meeting at Lowell VFW at 1 PM Jul 12-13, 2014 – Sat /Sun – Atlantic Nationals Auto Show & Bernie Melanson Scale Model Show in Moncton, NB, Canada www.atlanticnationals.com for more information Jul 25-27, 2014 – Fri – Sun – Granby International Auto Show Held in Granby Quebec (replacement for the Chambly show which has been moved to mid-August to coincide with the St Jean International Balloon Festival) A Road Warrior event! Aug 2, 2014 – Sat. – Club meeting at Lowell VFW at 1 PM Sep 6, 2014 – Sat. – Club meeting at Lowell VFW at 1 PM May 2014 Sep 7, 2014 – Sun – Super September Showdown XV by the Central Pennsylvania Model Car Club. Ask Art P. Sep 14, 2014 – Sun – PatCon show in Hudson MA Sep 20, 2014 – Sat – Group 25 Model Club 17th Annual Show held in Toronto Ontario. A Road Warrior event? Oct 4, 2014 – Sat. – Club meeting at Lowell VFW at 1 PM Oct 5, 2014 – Sun. – CPMC 22nd Model Exhibition in Lawrence Oct 19, 2014 – Sun. – GraniteCon XXII held in Nashua NH Oct 25, 2014 – Sat. – Diversified Scalers Show held in Belleview NJ, A Possible Road Warrior event? Nov 1, 2014 – Sat. – Club meeting at Lowell VFW at 1 PM Nov 2, 2014 – Sun. – Baycon IPMS show in South Attleboro Nov 9, 2014 – Sun. – L.I.A.R.S. Club Model Car Challenge held in Long Island, Annual Road Warrior event! Dec 6, 2014 – Sat. – Club meeting at Lowell VFW at 1 PM Celebrating 20 Years of Club News! Page 2 of 14 Official Newsletter of the Classic Plastic Model Club A ‘Hoot’ica in Utica by Club Secretary, Barry Fadden On Sunday April 6, 2014 your author was awakened by Barb and Ken Denza at "0-Dark Thirty" (actually 4:30 am) to get ready to leave for a trip to Utica NY and the first annual "Spring Thaw" model car show. We left the Denza "homestead" at 5:30 am (no big deal for the travelin' Denzas) and after a stop at the Hillsboro NH Dunkin' Donuts for coffee and bagels we headed off for Utica. It's about 220 miles to Utica from Hillsboro and the trip should have (and did) take us around 4 hours driving time. The weather was good and the traffic was "light" (much better than our previous trip to the show in Fulton NY last year) and "Captain Kenny" brought the good ship "Escape" into the American Legion parking lot exactly on time, according to "Susie" the GPS lady. We went into the hall and registered our models and proceeded to set them up on the tables. We could see very quickly that they were going to run out of room in a short period of time. The tables were filling up quickly and we noticed the table holding the "Big Truck" class was very impressive. Barbara turned to Ken and I and said "Moto would really enjoy this". About two minutes later through the door walked who else but Moto and Mrs. Moto. They had decided to come the night before and we had no idea they would be there. We were, to say the least, very happy to see them. Barb was right and he was just "floored" by all of the neat entries in the truck class and added two of his own to the mix. Moto ALWAYS has a good time no matter where he is. Between the four of us we had 26 entries (Ken - 10, Barb - 8, me - 4 and Moto - 2) so they were happy we decided to show up. After walking around the show for a few minutes and spending some time in the vendor area, we decided to go across the street to the Burger King for lunch and the usual laughs that accompany any Classic Plastic "Road Warrior" event. When we returned to the hall we noticed that the tables were quite full and some of the classes were starting to "run together". I talked to one of the show "putter-oners" and he said they were both surprised and over-joyed at the turnout. As with any first time event they were a little apprehensive as to whether or not it would be successful. They ended up with a little over 200 entries so they were very pleased. If the show gets much larger they're going to either have to find more room or another venue, which is I guess, not an altogether terrible problem to have. We did notice that there were some really nice models on the tables in just about all the classes, but soon realized that a good many of the entries would have been outstanding if the builders would have just used a "polishing kit" on their paint jobs. The cars were fully detailed but the paint jobs were just not up to the standard one would expect today. We spent some time in the vendor area but since most of the vendors were selling kits and the three of us really don't need any May 2014 Volume 20 Number 1 more kits, we didn't spend much at this show. There were, however, a couple of resin "big rig" vendors and of course our "big rig" guy Mr. Moto loaded up and was in his glory. They finished the judging pretty much on time and started the awards ceremony on schedule. They went through the awards quickly and with very few, if any mistakes. We thought they "missed" it in a couple of classes but for the most part the judging was pretty good, especially for their first time. I do have to admit that the judging in some of the classes was pretty tough and they did have a hard job coming up with the winners. We actually did quite well in the award department as Barb, Ken and I all took multiple awards and Moto took one with his "wrecker" as well. In all we took home 14 awards with our 26 entries. In doing so Barbara became the first woman to ever win an award (1st place awards, too) at the shows in both this show (Utica) as well as the show in Fulton NY. Needless to say, we were quite pleased with our performance, especially in lieu of the competition. Another highlight of the show was, of course, "Otie", our unofficial club mascot. The ladies at the desk heard about him and wanted to "meet" him so Moto brought the little guy in and he was the hit of the party with just about everyone petting at least once. "Kool dog" I'm happy to say that upstate NY absolutely knows the Classic Plastic Model Club, because between the show in Fulton NY (just a little North of Syracuse) and this show in Utica, we have taken at least 24 awards back to NH and MA. As Del has always said, "This is the way to promote your club". After the show we all went to a Golden Corral for dinner and proceeded to "fill our faces" with good food (we tend to eat with the same amount of enthusiasm as that with which we build… …). We also had the requisite "lotta' laughs" and in turn, a real good time. The trip home was uneventful and relaxing except for the "frost heaves" we encountered coming through the mountains in Vermont. If I hadn't known better I might have thought we were going to Martha’s Vineyard. Once again "Captain Kenny" brought the good ship "Escape" back safely to her destination - the Denza garage. Barb and Ken went to bed quickly as both had to get up early the next morning for work (???). Me, I stayed up with the dog for awhile, read, and the next morning I slept 'til about 9:30 am. Kenny had been at work for 5 hours and Barb was grooming her second dog by then. Being "retired" is a thankless, dirty job, but someone has to do it, right? Add this in as another fun and memorable trip to put in my memory book. Barry Club T-Shirts Are Available We’ve have stock of brand-spanking new club T-shirts in Grape color with our logo in white over the left breast. Available sizes range from Medium through Triple-X in 50/50 poly cotton. All shirts are $10 each. Contact Art Paquin if you would like one (or more). Celebrating 20 Years of Club News! Page 3 of 14 Official Newsletter of the Classic Plastic Model Club Volume 20 Number 1 Chapman collection auction January thru April 2014 by Club Treasurer Art Paquin As most of you know, tragedy struck our club early last year when club member and good friend John Chapman suddenly passed away. Since that time we’ve planned to do something positive to help his mother Irene, whom John lived with, but were not quite sure of the best way to help. In November I received a call from John’s sister Lorraine asking if we could help with the inventory and removal of John’s collection, tools and supplies as they believed it was John’s wish that we receive his hobby items. As usual, our club had more than enough volunteers to help out, so on a cold December afternoon we all met at the Lowell VFW and headed to Irene Chapman’s house in Arlington, MA. Upon arrival we were surprised at the volume of models, supplies and tools John had accumulated (well, not really, as we all have tons of stuff ourselves) and made quick work of removing the items for inventory. At our next club meeting a unanimous decision was made to liquidate the Chapman collection for the best possible price in the shortest possible time and give the proceeds directly to Irene Chapman. She is such a nice lady we felt it our duty to help her. We scheduled an in-house auction event for the February meeting, with a follow-on auction during the March meeting and, finally, we rented a vendor table at the MidMarch MassCar show. The auction events were a huge success as club members reached deeply into their pockets to buy up nearly $2200.00 worth of items. Additionally, the MassCar table netted us an additional $747.00 in sales. The few remaining kits and supplies were then bought out by the club to bring us up to $3000.00 total sales! It was with great honor that I mailed out a club check for $3000 to Irene on March 17th – only three months after we had helped her with the collection. We had liquidated 315 unbuilt kits, 38 built-ups and die-casts as well as a number of modeling tools and supplies in that short period of time. Every member of this club should be extremely proud of their actions to help out in this cause. You’ve all earned my respect and admiration as outstanding people for what you’ve done for Irene Chapman. R.I.P. John Chapman Thanks, Art May 2014 Celebrating 20 Years of Club News! Page 4 of 14 Official Newsletter of the Classic Plastic Model Club Volume 20 Number 1 MassCar show 2014 by Art Paquin If there was an award at the MassCar show for visiting club participation we would win this one hands-down! (We may even have had more of our members present than MassCar had of their own!) We even successfully heckled Doug Estabrook (our good buddy) from our own private table. Yes, we do seem to have a lot of fun in this hobby. So, a quick synopsis of the MassCar 2014 show – it was good but indicative of our hobby on the whole; too few new modelers entering the hobby leading to diminishing entries. The MassCar guys did another great job with their show. As we know, they are suffering from a bit of a let-down and some discord in their ranks (any of you guys are welcome to join up with us – as long as it keeps you modeling, who cares where and with whom!). I know the effort it takes to put on a show year after year so there will be no negative remarks from me here. One word of encouragement – please do what it takes to keep your show alive. There are too few good shows like this one around to just let it fade away. The turnout seemed good – not as many entries as last year, but the quality was there. So with that being said, here is a sampling from my trip thru the display area. Enjoy, Art May 2014 Celebrating 20 Years of Club News! Page 5 of 14 Official Newsletter of the Classic Plastic Model Club Meeting Minutes January thru April 2014 by Club Secretary Barry Fadden January 2014: We had 24 members attend the meeting Club Business discussed at this meeting: • We have decided to combine the two drag classes that we now have into one class for the 2014 contest. • It was voted on and passed that we will add a John Chapman Memorial Award for the 2014 show. This award will be given to the best large truck model and will be picked by one of our members. This will be a permanent award for all future shows. • It was voted on and passed that our Theme for the 2014 show will be Nostalgia Drag: Pre 1975 with period correct equipment required. We also decided on adding a SubTheme for 2014 and this will be Mustangs, any type or level of detail. • It was voted on and passed that the vendor table prices for 2014 will be increased $5.00 from $25 to $30. • The club will take a table at the MassCar show in order to sell some of the kits from deceased club member John Chapman’s collection. The proceeds from this will go to Johns' mother. Club members will take turns "manning" the table throughout the day. Raffle: Paul Yergeau Ken Denza Jim Landry AMT 1949 Mercury AMT 1966 Ford Fairlane GT/GTA AMT 1970 Chevelle Show-N-Tell: Volume 20 Number 1 Frank Moore – Israeli Mercarva main battle tank made by Academy of South Korea in 1/48th scale, kit has less than 60 pieces but the detail is very good, decals were poor Frank Moore – Caravan mobile command post with towing vehicle (1/35th scale), the caravan is a scratch built model based on the real vehicle used in the movie ‘Battle of the Bulge’ Frank Moore – Monogram Panzer IV-Ausf. L Observation vehicle (1/32nd scale) from the early ‘70’s, restoration project Dave Perkins – AMT ’55 Chevy, a replica of a friend’s car, painted Hugger Orange, may wire and plumb the kit, but not 100% sure. Being built on my fly tying bench which I also use as a portable modeling bench Mike Woods – Hume 1/72nd scale Huckbein, German experimental Jet from WW2, built out of the box, airbrushed Tamiya acrylics and Future polish over all Mike Woods – Huma 1/72nd scale Horten, built out of the box, airbrushed Tamiya acrylics and Future polish over all Mike Woods – Academy 1/48th scale AH1G Huey Cobra finished in NASA Research/Chase scheme, scratch built cockpit and rotor, white ‘rattle-can’ paint and airbrushed trim Mike Woods – Academy 1/144th scale Danish F16A in tiger stripe, Tamiya acrylics and airbrush over paint and markings Barb Denza – AMT ’51 Chevy, aftermarket distributor, fuel line, throttle linkage, finish is Blue Angel blue (sorry Del and Barry but it is air brushed), flocked interior Mike Siesicki – Revell 2010 Shelby GT500, built mostly out of box, painted Model Master Royal Blue Pearl, kit tires replaced with Pegasus 225/45-18 Michelin Pilot Sports Mike Siesicki – Revell ’90 Ford Mustang LX 5.0 Notch Back, work in process, finish is tu-tone scheme of Model master Bright Platinum Metallic over Tamiya TS-18 Metallic Red, wheels from a Fujimi Ferrari Daytona Coupe and tires from AMT ’67 Chevrolet Impala Street Machine Pete Wiz Wisniewski – Monogram ‘Ultimates’ 1/43rd 289 Cobra he’s finally finished off Pete Wiz Wisniewski – Monogram ‘Ultimates’ 1/43rd ‘65 Vette built a long time ago, back when the kit first came out in 1990. Companion to the 289 Cobra mentioned above. Model features fully plumbed engine Del Paone – Comet Cyclone Dual Hemi Altered Wheelbase which he’s finally finished, rear end has scratch built shocks, strange drive shaft, rear spoiler and dual ‘chutes, and for a real sh—ty kit I think it came out OK Jim Landry – AMT ERTL Pro Shop ’62 Buick Electra 225, Sky Blue paint on body (except hood) and rear tire cover molded in original color, interior is baby blue Jim Landry – AMT ERTL ’40 Ford Sedan Delivery finished in Purple and Grey Ken Denza – AMT 70½ Camaro, resin hood, opened trunk, added rear spoiler, parachute, chassis is Olds Cutlass ProStock, painted Model Master Bright Yellow and Boyd’s True Blue Pearl, complete wiring and plumbing, modified roll cage, added different bucket seat with 5-point belt, carburetor linkage, fuel cell, parts box headers, roll bar padding by Protec, braided lines, wired battery, added fuel line; wired the Tach, instrument cluster, ignition box, transmission, electric fan and spark plug wires; Aluminum wheels by Micro Nitro Ken Denza – AMT ’57 Chevy (Boyd Coddington) in process, chassis modified to Pro-Street, front end raised, engine is 409 with Bob Dudek valve covers, wired, spark plugs, alternator, fuel lines, carburetor linkage, aluminum air cleaner…so far May 2014 Celebrating 20 Years of Club News! Page 6 of 14 Official Newsletter of the Classic Plastic Model Club Volume 20 Number 1 Hobby Shop Spotlight May 2014 Celebrating 20 Years of Club News! Page 7 of 14 Official Newsletter of the Classic Plastic Model Club February 2014: We had 25 members attend the meeting. Club Business discussed at this meeting: • We auctioned off much of the John Chapman collection at this meeting in order to get as much money for Johns' mother as we can. Great work guys! • Irene Chapman sent the club a ‘Thank You’ card for our help with John’s kits and supplies. She’s a very nice lady and we wish her the best. • We discussed and approved the final version of the 2014 Contest Flyer, which will be printed up by John Davison and distributed at the MassCar show and other upcoming shows • We had a discussion about the 2013 MassCar show and how we can help them with their 2014 show Raffle: None, we had the Chapman collection auction! Show-N-Tell: Bud Carlson – ’37 Ford Street Rod, combination of white primer over red plastic = pink – polished it out, fenders painted grey primer, interior and exterior colors match, wired the motor Bud Carlson – ’64 Chevy painted black, has wiring, heater hose, white/turquoise interior, Bare Metal foiled and scratch built antenna, sound barrier and insulation under hood Jay Faulkner – Shelby Cobra 427 S/C, engine detailed with aftermarket Cobra valve covers, hand made resin carbs, duel fuel lines, stock wheels, and inner rims anodized blue Doug Bell – ’55 Chevy Suburban, resin body, kit bashed from ’55 Cameo, ’55 Stepside, ’55 Coupe and ’55 Sportsman Gasser Doug Bell – ’55 Chevy Cameo truck bodies, one with L-88 hood and other with BIG scoop Doug Bell – ‘Black Bastard’ Funny Car Chassis, all black, scratch built front end Joe Freitas – Revell ’58 Chevy, 1/359th scale Japanese Support Group, 1/36th scale Soyo Marv Antarctica Explorer, 1/36th scale Pyro Aston Martin, Pyro 1/36th scale ’34 Ford, 1/35th scale M113 Personnel Carrier, AMT ’49 Ford and ’32 Phaeton, all of these were on my list of models I bought to build Mike Siesicki – Revell ’90 Ford Mustang LX 5.0 Notch Back, work in process, finish is tu-tone scheme of Model master Bright Platinum Metallic over Tamiya TS-18 Metallic Red, Insignia Red interior, Ferrari Daytona wheels Mike Siesicki – Revell ’70 Plymouth 383 ‘Cuda work in process, parts box 383 Big Block, Model Master SassyGrass Green, Keith Marks Decals Jon Talcott – Extended cab Chevy Pickup Ken Denza – AMT 70½ Camaro Pro Stock, Olds Cutlass Pro Stock chassis, parts box wheels and tires, engine completely wired and plumbed including carb linkage and added electric fan, interior – parts box seat, added 5 point seat belt, custom built roll cage, completely wired the ignition box, instruments and all switches, added a fire extinguisher and rear spoiler, opened the trunk, added a fuel cell, parts box batteries and parachute, finish is Model Master Bright Yellow and Fluorescent Red and Boyd’s True Blue Pearl Ken Denza – AMT ’57 Chevy Bel Air Pro Street, chassis is ’57 Chevy front end with ’66 Nova Pro-Street rear, engine is 409 with Bob Dudek valve covers, wired, spark plugs, alternator, fuel lines, carburetor linkage, Parts by Parks aluminum air cleaner, completely wired and plumbed, interior has custom painted seats and dash, flocked carpeting, billet aluminum steering column, wired Tach, front and rear speakers, front and rear seat belts, parts box wheels and tires, painted Tamiya May 2014 Volume 20 Number 1 Black and Tamiya Clear, body is completed foiled Frank Moore – SMEZ Airco DH2 ‘Pusher’ biplane in 1/48th scale, one of the few available kits of the DH2 in any scale, model is rigged with thin styrene rod to simulate wire bracing Frank Moore – Aurora’s King Tiger (Tiger II) Heavy Tank in 1/48th scale, another of my Ebay purchases, model was part of a lot of different vehicles, when finished it will resemble a King Tiger with original Porsche Turret, which has a viewing scope built in to it Frank Moore – Aurora’s British Centurion Tank in 1/48th scale, another Ebay special and a restoration in progress, when completed it will depict an AVRE (Armored Vehicle Royal Engineering) used during the first gulf war Frank Moore - Aurora’s British Centurion Tank in 1/48th scale, yet another Ebay special and restoration in progress, when completed it will depict a vehicle attached to the British 29th Infantry Brigade, which was activated for Korean service Show-N-Tell Photos for February Celebrating 20 Years of Club News! Page 8 of 14 Official Newsletter of the Classic Plastic Model Club Members at the Dunkin Donuts get together after every meeting ------> May 2014 Celebrating 20 Years of Club News! Volume 20 Number 1 Watch for noxious Moto gases! Page 9 of 14 Official Newsletter of the Classic Plastic Model Club March 2014: We had 28 members attend the meeting. Club Business discussed at this meeting: Volume 20 Number 1 Show-N-Tell Photos for March • We continued to auction off more of the John Chapman collection at this meeting in order to get as much money for Johns' mother as we can. What doesn't go today we will sell at the MassCar show later this month • Two of our club members, Barbara Denza and Paul Anagnostopoulos, have generously decided to split the $55 dollar cost of a table at the MassCar show where we will attempt to sell the remaining models from the late John Chapman collection. THANKS to both of you. It's this type of behavior that makes this club the "greatest". • Del is keeping a "checklist" for the show preparation which was suggested by club member Ron Tremblay and he reported that all is going well. We've pretty much got this down to a "science". • Del also reported that the trophy packages are all taken. This is just another indication of how well the club is functioning and the positive attitude of our members. Raffle: None, again we had the Chapman collection auction! Show-N-Tell: Mike Siesicki – Revell ’70 Plymouth ‘Cuda painted with Model Master Sassy Grass Green, replaced Hemi with a big block 383 Mike Siesicki – Revell Viper SRT-10 work in process, box stock painted Tamiya TS-49 Bright Red Del Paone – ’70 Dodge Coronet Outlaw Street Drag Racer, interior almost finished, working on chassis and finishing the engine compartment, body polished and waxed, almost done Barry Fadden – Modelhaus 1960 Merchero resin kit, a Christmas gift from my foster parents Barb and Ken Barry Fadden – Shirley Muldowney Funny Car, built box stock, dark yellow with Testors Pearl Doug ‘Toast’ Bell – late 50’s altered, kit bashed from Lindberg kits ’29 T rod and ’34 Ford Roadster pickup John Davison – Monogram Shelby Cobra (1/32nd), Testors enamel Purple and multi-color Glitter clear Guil Rosa – Tamiya ’82 Brabham BT-50 – BMW Turbo in 1/20th scale, model air brush painted with Tamiya acrylics and added Indycals decals and Tamiya seatbelt set, my first time using 5-minute epoxy Guil Rosa – Monogram Tim Richmond’s Folgers ’85 Monte Carlo built out of the box, applied Power Slide decals (kit decals were bad), air brushed Rustoleum gloss Regal Red for the body Jay Faulkner – Shelby Cobra 427 S/C, out of the box except for pre-wired distributor, dual fuel lines and scratch built resin carbs Frank Moore – Aurora King Tiger tank with Porsche turret (1/48th scale), a conversion of a vintage kit, original turret converted back to an earlier design Frank Moore – Aurora British Centurion tank in 1/48th scale, model rescued from the scrap heap, repaired and updated to depict Korean era vehicle Frank Moore – Aurora’s British Centurion Tank in 1/48th scale, another Ebay special and a restoration in progress, when completed it will depict an AVRE (Armored Vehicle Royal Engineering) used during the first gulf war Frank Moore – Academy T34/85 in 1/40th scale, being converted from a motorized model to a static, running gear being totally replaced, a work in progress May 2014 Celebrating 20 Years of Club News! Page 10 of 14 Official Newsletter of the Classic Plastic Model Club Volume 20 Number 1 April 2014: We had 27 members attend the meeting. Club Business discussed at this meeting: • I am proud and happy to say that with our two club auctions and the sale at the MassCar show we have sent a check to John Chapman’s mother for $3000. Thanks to all who contributed to this wonderful event. John would have been very proud. • We discussed looking into trying to get our trophies a little cheaper if we can. A couple of the members are going to look to their local shops and see if we can lower the price a bit. We will discuss it further at the next meeting. • We found out that the Holiday Inn in Parsippany NJ is no longer giving NNL participants the cheaper room rate so we are staying down the street at the Red Roof Inn this year. We used to stay there every year when I first started going to the NNL but for some reason switched to the Holiday Inn a few years ago. It is supposed to have been remodeled not too long ago and is even a couple of "bucks" cheaper than the Holiday Inn show rate, so it should be fine. • Art gave us his opinion of the judging system MassCar uses after his experience judging with them at their March show. He said that the biggest thing he noticed is that the paint job is all important, at least with the team he was with. It seemed to him that a flaw in the paint would "knock you down" more than other areas of "workmanship". The "Gotcha'" factor rules… • After finding out the reason we took a table at their show, the MassCar Model Club donated the table to the club. This was a very nice gesture on their part and I think I can speak for the rest of the club in saying a big THANK YOU to all the MassCar members. • Both Barbara Denza and Paul Anagnostopoulos donated the money MassCar gave back to the club for the table towards the total sent to John Chapman’s mother. A nice gesture you two. • A man club members previously met at the Dunkin’s aftermeeting get together stopped in before our meeting started and donated a box full of model kits (seven kits to be exact) to us. Many thanks to club friend Don Denomme for the generous donation Raffle: Joe Baril Revell 1949 Mercury Wagon Dave Perkins 2005 Corvette Moto Maquire Revell 66 Barracuda "Hemi Under Glass" Show-N-Tell: Jim Landry – Promos: ’61 Ford Galaxie in Mint Julep Green, ’61 Mercury Monterey in Tan, ’52 Ford Convertible in grey with black and red interior, ’60 Ford Starliner in baby blue with light blue interior Barry Fadden – Revell Mustang Funny Car, box stock Blue Max finished with Testors Dark Yellow enamel with Pearl and Testors clear Dave Perkins – Audi R-8-R race car, a Scale Motorsports resin kit, lots of photo etch parts Dave Perkins – ’55 Chevy ‘Phil’s car’, a replica of the car my friend owns, right down to the license plate Ken Denza – ’37 Ford Pickup, ’57 Chevy pickup bed, modified cab with ’40 Ford rear panel, modified rear fenders, Bare Metal Foil in the bed, parts box wheels, Testors paint Guil Rosa – Revell ’37 Ford pickup 2-n-1, built out of the box save for Bare Metal Foil, airbrushed with Krylon Ivy Leaf and Leaf Green covered with Testors ‘Wet Look Clear’, interior is finished in Brown satin…first time using 5-minute epoxy May 2014 Celebrating 20 Years of Club News! Page 11 of 14 Official Newsletter of the Classic Plastic Model Club Volume 20 Number 1 April 2014 Show-N-Tell continued Del Paone – ’70 Dodge Outlaw Street Drag Racer, finally finished, black pearl with multi-glitter finish then polished, orange is other detail color, fully detailed 16 plug Hemi, interior completely re-worked in tin, chassis has been re-done with scratch-built heavy duty shocks, rear end, traction bars and drive shaft, I think it came out pretty good Jon Talcott – ERTL Jeep (50 year old die-cast kit) finished in Mass State Police color scheme Joe Freitas – Revell 1/35th scale Long Tom M59-155, Pyro 1/32nd Bugatti, 1/25th wheels, Mitusia Jeep with trailer Jay Faulkner – ’66 Buick Riveria, Nailhead V8 with Auto, Tamiya Coral Blue and tan interior Paul Yergeau – ’70 Buick GSX building box stock from last years Club Challenge Paul Alphabet – Tom Daniels Ice ‘T’ mildly customized and detailed at random, painted Testors Flaming Orange with light Ivory interior Mike Siesicki – Revell Dodge Viper SRT-10 work in process, body painted Tamiya TS-49 Bright Red, interior painted Tamiya Semi-gloss Black Mike Siesicki - Revell ’70 Plymouth ‘Cuda painted with Model Master Sassy Grass Green, replaced Hemi with a parts box big block 383, decals from Keith Marks Frank Moore – Scratch built Stealth Aircraft carrier in 1/600th scale, a product of my ‘evil genius’ mind, work in progress Frank Moore – Aurora German U-boat in 1/209th scale, another Ebay purchase I’m completely restoring Frank Moore – USS Long Beach Guided Missile Cruiser by Revell in 1/481st scale, updated using info gained from on-line source (Wikipedia) Frank Moore – USS New Jersey in 1/600th scale by Aurora, converting a battleship into an Anti-Missile Battle Cruiser (a product of my imagination) to include all the latest military technology, a work in progress Show-N-Tell Photos for March May 2014 Celebrating 20 Years of Club News! Page 12 of 14 Official Newsletter of the Classic Plastic Model Club Volume 20 Number 1 Club shirts available (See photo below) Contact Paul Yergeau for more info Model Magazines We have available… by Paul Yergeau Attention all club members! A gentleman was nice enough to donate a collection of model magazines to our club. They are grouped as listed below in protective ring binders and are the property of our club available for any and all to use. I have them in my possession for storage. If any club member wishes to borrow any binder(s) please contact me and I’ll bring them to our next meeting or arrange some other way of getting them to you. Scale Auto Magazine Issue 37 (April 85) thru Issue 46 (December 86) Issue 47 (February 87) thru Issue 58 (December 88) Issue 59 (February 89) thru Issue 71 (February 91) Issue 73 (June 91) thru Issue 83 (February 93) Issue 84 (April 93) thru Issue 94 (December 94) Issue 95 (February 95) thru Issue 105 (October 96) Issue 106 (December 96) thru Issue 117 (October 98) Issue 119 (January 99) thru Issue 129 (March 2000) Car Modeler Magazine Issue 1 (May 90) thru Issue 12 (March 92) Issue 13 (May 92) thru Issue 24 (March 94) Issue 25 (May 94) thru Issue 36 (March 96) Issue 37 (May 96) thru Issue 48 (March 98) Issue 49 (May 98) thru Issue 51 (September 98) Thanks, Paul May 2014 Celebrating 20 Years of Club News! Page 13 of 14 Official Newsletter of the Classic Plastic Model Club Volume 20 Number 1 Upcoming Show Info: MAMA’s show in Maryland …from the Editor by Art Paquin Thanks to Del Paone, Mike Siesicki, Paul Anagnostopoulos, Paul Yergeau, Barry Fadden and Dana Benoit for all their inputs and efforts which help create this newsletter. The next deadline for submissions for the newsletter is Friday, August 15th, 2014 with a scheduled distribution date of Saturday, September 6th, 2014. Please take some time to write something for our newsletter, it will be much appreciated. Thanks, Art The Classic Plastic Model Club Newsletter Volume 20, Number 1 The Classic Plastic Model Club Newsletter is currently published four times a year by the Classic Plastic Model Club. President: Del Paone Sergeant-at-Arms: Ron Tremblay Prestigious Club Secretary: Barry Fadden Editor, Treasurer and President of Vice: Art Paquin Photographers: Pete ‘Wiz’ Wisniewski & Dave Perkins Webmaster: Paul Anagnostopoulos Historian: Joe Baril Kitmaster: Ed Arrajj Candy Man: Dana Benoit New members and change of address please contact: Art Paquin at 978-458-0816 or [email protected] Newsletter articles may be submitted to the newsletter editor at: 24 Campaw St, Lowell, MA 01850; Email:[email protected] L.I.A.R.S. Show in November PREFERRED HOBBY SHOP DIRECTORY (Membership discount listed in parentheses. Present your club membership card for the discount. If you know of any new hobby shop that may want to be placed on our list do the club a favor and sign them up… oh, and let Art know too) ABC RC & Hobbies (10%) 11 Rockingham Road, Windham NH (603) 458-6481 www.abcrchobbies.com CENTERLINE HOBBIES (10%) 167 Corporate Road, Hyannis, MA 02601 (508) 771-1244 www.centerlinehobbies.com HARRY’S HOBBIES & COLLECTIBLES (20%) 250 E. Main St (Rte 495 Marketplace, behind Dunkin Donuts) Norton, MA 02766 (508) 285-8080 www.mymummy.com HOBBY EMPORIUM (10%) 440 Middlesex Road, Tyngsboro, MA 01879 (978) 649-5055 Across from the Pheasant Lane Mall HOBBYTOWN USA 1525 S, Willow St. Manchester NH (603) 622-4881 www.hobbytown.com INSIDE & OUT HOBBIES 522 Amherst St, Nashua NH (603) 459-4427 INSIDE & OUT HOBBIES 122 Bridge St, Pelham NH (603) 508-6225 JACKSON HOBBY SHOP (10%) 2275 W. County Line Rd (Bennett’s Mills Plaza) Jackson, NJ 732-364-3334 www.jacksonhobby.com THE SPARE TIME SHOP (20%) 222J East Main Street Marlboro, MA (508) 481-5786 www.sparetimeshop.com THE HOBBY BUNKER 33 Exchange Street Malden MA 02148 (781-321-8855) www.hobbybunker.com (20% off prices when membership card is shown prior to sale) May 2014 Celebrating 20 Years of Club News! Page 14 of 14