Thank You! - HobbyTown USA
Thank You! - HobbyTown USA
NOVEMBER 2010 The November meeting of the Winnebago Auto Modelers will be held on Tuesday November 9th, at 7:00 PM, at Hobbytown USA in Oshkosh. Meeting agenda will include a club roundtable discussion of projects, and last minute planning and discussion regarding the Saturday, November 13th Hobbytown Model Contest that we will again be helping Bob set up, manage and tear down. As always member participation is appreciated! Thank You! Thanks to those who read our newsletter each month. Thanks this month also go out to Hobbytown USA in Oshkosh for their support of our club, and the Auto Modelers Group (AMG) of Wisconsin, RI Bong Chapter IPMS , IPMS/GTR Auto Modelers and the Hoosier Model Car Association (HMCA) for their electronic newsletters. If you are reading this, and have a club newsletter that is not listed here, we would be happy to send you ours each month, in return for your newsletter, just let us know! VOLUME 6 ISSUE 02 Winnebago Auto Modelers October Meeting Notes The October meeting of the Winnebago Area Modelers was held on Tuesday, October 12th at Hobbytown USA in Oshkosh. Members present were Greg, Don, Matt, Rob and Dave “the Bookworm”. Our Display case in Hobbytown USA of Oshkosh was changed prior to the meeting, we still have some of our members’ large scale builds on display, along with other models built by our members. The bulletin board above our display case always has the latest club newsletter on display, thanks to Bill, as well as photos from our club activities. Club meeting activities were a bit different, as no completed or in progress models were on display, but there was plenty of “look what followed me home from Toledo” items for members to check out, including: Replicas and Miniatures of Maryland’s Lake style header set for V8’s, Modelhaus’s new “artillery” wheel and tire set, photo etch detail set for a Ferrari 250 Testarosa, and some art prints scored by Don at Road America. There were also some books and periodicals of car nature to peruse. Support Your Local Hobby Shop! UPCOMING EVENTS November 13th, 2010 Oshkosh Hobbytown USA Annual Fall Plastic Model Contest Featuring the “Modern Musclecar Meltdown” Challenge. December 12th , 2010 Milwaukee Miniature Motors Swap Meet and Model Car Contest Waukesha Expo Center. See website at www.milwaukeeminiaturemotors .com or call Joan Dunn at 262646-4114 for more info. D9’s Excellent Adventure It has been a busy year for the scratchbuilt 1/25 th scale CAT 950 wheeled loader built by D9 Dave. This collection of Evergreen & Plastruct styrene, K&S aluminum, billet aluminum, some AMT tires, a parts box steering wheel, Tamiya thin styrene cement, and ALPS printed decals from hand drawn artwork should be ready for an oil change, after making two trips to Milwaukee, a trip to Wausau and out and back to Toledo. On its latest road trip, to the 2010 Jim Turek Classic Model Show in Milwaukee on Saturday, October 30th. The 950 was awarded 3rd place in miscellaneous class, and also picked up the Wayne Grinnell Best of Show Award, a ham from Pecatonica Farms, hence the “Ham Show” nickname that this contest has been given through the years. Dave’s Cat also dragged home some Lumber from Wausau, the weekend after the NNL in Toledo. Congrats, Dave! April 9th, 2011 Auto Modelers Group of Wisconsin (AMG) 19th annual Milwaukee NNL. This year’s theme is “Auction Vehicles” Excellence Center, Waukesha, WI Info contact Scott Koch [email protected] May 7th, 2011 Mad City Modelers Contest, Madison, WI Contact Kerry Fisk for info, 608438-1842 August 3-6, 2011 IPMS USA National Convention / Model Contest, Omaha, Nebraska If you know of any upcoming events that you would like to see posted here, or if you would like to correct a posting already listed, please let me know, Thanks! Random Notes From the Hobby - Model Roundup has re-vamped their website with a classy “retro” look. -ihobby expo 2010 was held in Chicago the weekend before Halloween, no real earth shattering news broke at the expo, expect some classics to hit the shelves, some with new or long lost extra parts. A 1/12th scale Mustang kit of the popular new body style is in the works, and re-releases of kits such as the Double T kit with a stock height “Tall T” body among them. -Moebius Models has added an online store to make their kits more accessible to hobbists. You can now pre-order the 1953 Hudson Hornet kit, the 1955 Chrysler C300 kit, the 2010 International Lonestar kit, and the long believed to be lost Vampirella figure kit originally released by Aurora. Up to no good in Toledo!
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