time flies when you`re having fun! joseph trip to edinburgh
time flies when you`re having fun! joseph trip to edinburgh
The PQA Edinburgh West Newsletter March 2015 TIME FLIES WHEN YOU’RE HAVING FUN! Hello everyone - and Welcome to our second Stage Whispers Newsletter! It’s been a fantastic term here at PQA Edinburgh West with all our students learning new skills each week. Since January we can really see the progress that each individual student is making and we couldn’t be more proud! We’ve had lots more students join us this term and it’s great to see everyone settling in, making new friends and really enjoying being with us each week. In this edition of Stage Whispers you will see all the fantastic things we have been up to this term. Happy Easter everyone, and I really look forward to seeing you all when we return on Saturday 18th April. Leonna - Principal JOSEPH TRIP TO EDINBURGH PLAYHOUSE On Wednesday 18th February PQA Edinburgh West and PQA Edinburgh North joined forces to go on a trip to the theatre. Over 80 students and parents attended the world famous Edinburgh Playhouse to see an amazing performance of ‘Joseph and The Amazing Technicolour Dreamcoat’. Everyone had a fantastic evening and it was great to see so many smiling faces at the end of the show. For some of our students this was their first theatre experience and it was great to see the two academies come together for a fantastic night out. As the evening was such a success we are planning another trip later in the year. Watch this space!! PARENTS DAY AT PQA EDINBURGH WEST! Next term at PQA Edinburgh West we will be having our first parents day! All our parents will have the chance to come along and try a PQA Session to see what we get up to every week. We will even have a special Parent of the Week! Stage Whispers: The PQA Edinburgh West Newsletter MARCH 2015 TERM REVIEW – ‘QUIET ON SET’ This term we have been have been working on some really interesting projects culminating in a showing of everything we have achieved to the other groups. I’ve really enjoyed watching the groups make clear choices, create some lovely work and have an amazing time! In Comedy & Drama this term we have been working on scenes from Musical Theatre shows. We have delved into the world of character development through exercises and improvisation, and used the techniques learned in class to create the characters in each scene. Each student has created a unique character based on the choices they have made and it’s wonderful to see everything coming to life! All the skills learned this term are vital when performing and I know that when we move forward next term everyone will know what to do! In Musical Theatre we have been working on several songs and routines from the same productions as Comedy & Drama. Green Group have been working on ‘Annie’, Blue Group on ‘Shrek’ and Red Group have been working on ‘Legally Blonde’. This term a lot of focus has been placed on vocal development and encouraging our students to sing out. We have noticed a marked improvement, which is wonderful! We have also continued with dance technique and acting through song. I’m delighted with the progress made this term. In Film & TV this term we have focused mainly on the technical side of the module. The students created their own adverts from scratch, pitching ideas, creating storyboards, shot lists and even choreography. Each student was shown how to set up the camera and sound kit and members of each group were chosen to be director, camera operator, camera assistant and sound. All other members of the group were involved in the creation of the finished ad. In Post-Production, students had a chance to get involved with the edit process and even had a chance to try out ADR (Automated Dialogue Replacement) and Foley – a fab technique when you make or use sound effects! Stage Whispers: The PQA Edinburgh West Newsletter MARCH 2015 IMPORTANT INFORMATION Our Academy starts at 9.30am and finishes at 12.30pm. Timekeeping is really important to us as we always have a jam-packed schedule and I don’t want anyone to miss out. Please can students be at the Academy for registration between 9.15am and 9.25pm so we can get started on time. The school also closes very soon after we finish our academy so please can parents make sure you are there before 12.30pm. Please call me if you are going to be late, as I know sometimes things don’t always go to plan! If a student cannot make the academy for any reason then please let me know as soon as you can. You can email me at [email protected] or call me on 07597 321734. If I don’t hear from you then I worry about you! On Academy days please call or text me, as I don’t have access to my email or Facebook. Please don’t be offended if we call you or contact you in the event of non-attendance and we haven’t heard from you. This is our policy and your child’s welfare is important to us. We also encourage regular attendance at the academy. A lot of the work we do leads on from week to week and regular attendance is vital, especially leading up to performance time. Pick up/Drop Off/Self Sign If you would like your child to self-sign in and out of the academy then please let me know. I will then inform Head Office of the change to the register. Self-sign means your child can attend and leave the academy without you being there. If they are not self-sign then you must be present when attending and leaving, we will not let anyone leave on their own. Uniform Our uniform is quite simple: PQA t-shirt, black joggers/ bottoms/leggings and trainers/dance shoes. Please note that uniform is mandatory. We are a performing arts academy not a youth club or fashion show! PERFECT POPPETS! This has been a wonderful term for our Poppets and we have welcomed lots of lovely new faces! Each week our Poppets have had exciting sessions and have worked on projects including Beauty & The Beast, Pop-Stars and our end of term mini-show of Mary Poppins. Our Poppets also had their first film session using Green Screen and flying on a magic carpet! Everyone had a chance to be director and use the clapperboard and we had a wonderful time! We can’t wait to see what wonderful adventures our Poppets will have next term! Stage Whispers: The PQA Edinburgh West Newsletter MARCH 2015 RED NOSE DAY! On Saturday 7th March PQA Edinburgh West made their faces funny for money and along with PQA Edinburgh North raised an impressive £134.37 for Red Nose Day. Lots of our students painted their faces, wore their Red Noses and Deeley Boppers! We held the Red Nose Day sweepstake and our lucky winner was Samantha Kelly from Green Group at PQA Edinburgh West. We all had a fab day and it was lovely to raise so much money for a worthy cause. Well done everyone! QUIRKY KIDZ We are having our very first Quirky Kidz casting day in Newcastle on Sunday 12th April. I know that lots of our students are heading down to Newcastle for the day and I’m very excited about this wonderful opportunity for all those involved. Simon and me will also be there on the day everyone will see our friendly faces and we will help to calm any nerves! There are other dates available for those that can’t make the 12th, and the closest one is in Leeds on Sunday 19th April. SFX MAKE-UP MASTERCLASS WITH MIKE PEEL Earlier this term, PQA Edinburgh West and held their first Masterclass. Mike Peel, a renowned special effects make up artist and prosthetics expert who has worked on many TV shows and films including James Bond and Harry Potter, attended the academy and shared his knowledge with an enthralled group of students from all our age groups. Everyone had an absolutely fantastic day and learned some new skills and knowledge about the art of SFX makeup. The Pauline Quirke Academy of Performing Arts, Edinburgh West Craigmount High School, Craigs Road, Edinburgh, EH12 8NH www.pqacademy.com/locations/edinburgh-west Tel: 07597 321 734 PQA PERFORMERS OF THE WEEK SPRING TERM 2015 The following students won Performer of the Week during the Spring Term 2015. The certificates are awarded for exceptional behaviour, hard work, commitment and dedication. Huge Congratulations to everyone! 10/01/2015 – Cameron Seath 17/01/2015 – Lorna Robertson & Daniel Slater 24/01/2015 – Callum Sayers 31/01/2015 – Charley Connelly 07/02/2015 – Finlay Cowan & Hannah Gray 14/02/2015 – Abi Kinloch 21/02/2015 – Chloe Yeung 28/02/2015 – Shania Lawrie 07/03/2015 – Amelie Raffaelli 14/03/2015 – Esme Stevens 21/03/2015 – Neil McKay POPPET OF THE WEEK SPRING TERM 2015 The following students won Poppet of the Week during the Spring Term 2015. The certificates are awarded for exceptional behaviour, hard work, commitment and dedication. Well done Poppets! 10/01/2015 – Jacob Thirlaway 17/01/2015 – Alexis Gow 24/01/2015 – Archie Kirkwood-Law 31/01/2015 – Mila Grbic 07/02/2015 – Archie Kirkwood-Law 14/02/2015 – Harry Muir 21/02/2015 – Keira Biddulph 28/02/2015 – Orla Russell 07/03/2015 – Keira Biddulph 14/03/2015 – Mila Grbic 21/03/2015 – Harry Muir We would like to wish all our students, parents and families a very Happy Easter! PQA Edinburgh West re-opens on Saturday 18 April 2015. th Leonna McGilligan-Dix Principal of PQA Edinburgh West [email protected] 07597 321 734 PQA Edinburgh West is enrolling now!! If you know anyone who may like to join our fantastic Academy, please pass on our details! Free taster sessions available – get in touch.
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