Waste Management Calendar - Valley Waste Resource Management
Waste Management Calendar - Valley Waste Resource Management
2010 Waste Management Calendar This calendar is printed on 100 per cent recycled paper. Contact Valley Waste 679-1325 or 1-877-927-8300 (toll free) www.vwrm.com January 2010 Waste Management Calendar T his calendar is your guide to the Valley’s waste management program. Look here for information on special collections, recycling, composting, hazardous waste and much more. For more details, call our hotline at 679-1325, toll free: 1-877-927-8300 or visit our website: www.vwrm.com. Christmas Tree Disposal Index Spring/Fall cleanup schedule ............Outside back cover How to sort waste ................................ Inside back cover Collection service........................... Last page of calendar Spring/Fall cleanup rules .......................................... April Enviro-Depots ....................................................... August Hazardous waste ..............................................September Waste disposal sites.......................................... December Locations Eastern Management Centre 100 Donald Hiltz Rd, Kentville Industrial Park (Exit 14 on 101) Western Management Centre 343 Elliott Road, Lawrencetown (Exit 19 on 101) Hours of Operation @ the Management Centres Monday – Friday 8:00 am – 4:00 pm Saturday 8:00 am – noon Business Office 11 Calkin Drive, Kentville Industrial Park Monday – Friday 8:30 am – 4:30 pm Note: Green carts and kitchen mini-bins should be picked up in Lawrencetown or at our business office in Kentville. Valley Waste does not provide a special Christmas Tree collection. Here are some disposal options: Management Centres – drop your tree off, free of charge, throughout the month of January. Bridgetown – The Town of Bridgetown will pick up trees on January 12 & 13. Middleton – Town residents can drop off trees on January 7th & 8th, during regular operating hours, at the old dump site on the west side of Brooklyn Rd. Call the Town office for details. Berwick – Residents can drop trees off at the Public Works site during regular operating hours or staff will pick them up from roadside during January. Kentville – The Kinsmen Club will collect trees in Kentville on Jan 9th as a fundraiser for charity. For details, call 678-6937. Wolfville – Town residents can set trees at the curb no earlier than January 2nd for pick up scheduled January 4th. Trees can also be dropped off at the Maple Ave compost site Monday Jan 4th through to Friday Jan 8th between 8:30 am and 3:30 pm Hantsport – The Town of Hantsport will collect trees on January 11. Call the Town office for details. You can also cut the tree in 4ft. lengths, bundle it and set it out as brush for regular collection, or put it out for Spring Cleanup. Symbols Found in Our Calendar No collection Alternate collection Leaf collection Information in this calendar was correct at the time of printing. Fall/spring cleanup This calendar is printed on 100 per cent recycled paper. JanuaRy 2010 sunDay mOnDay TuesDay For bus schedule information contact Kings transit www.kingstransit.ns.ca 1-888-546-4442 WeDnesDay ThuRsDay FRiDay saTuRDay 1 Have all items at roadside between 6:00am & 8:00am New Year’s Day No collection 2 Collection for New Year’s Day WEEK #1 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 WEEK #2 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 WEEK #1 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 WEEK #2 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 CentreStage Theatre “The little theatre with a big ❤” The Mousetrap A Mystery by Agatha Christie Jan. 7 - Feb. 13 • 61 River St., Kentville Info 678-3502 Reservations 678-8040 www.centrestagetheatre.ca BoNNyMaN MitsuBishi 29 Crescent Dr New Minas 681-8337 fax 681-2005 bonnymanmitsubishi.ca This calendar is printed on 100 per cent recycled paper. 2010 Waste Management Calendar February Contact Valley Waste 679-1325 or 1-877-927-8300 (toll free) www.vwrm.com Clear Bag Update “The little theatre with a big ❤” The Clear Bag Program continues to produce great results as recycling and composting rates continue to grow while garbage rates have held steady. This means less waste is going to landfill and your waste is much safer to handle. Great job everyone! The Elusive Kitchen Catcher We know you love to use them: Kitchen Catchers and grocery bags to line your kitchen garbage can... well if you’re putting a solid bag in a clear bag, collectors still can’t see what’s in your garbage. A clear bag full of solid coloured bags counts as your one allowable privacy bag; however, anything over the one bag and you are required to Clear bags are empty the grocery bags into the not limited to regular larger clear bag. There is an roadside collection. They are easier solution, many stores also required for bagged garbage are carrying small clear bags the same size as a kitchen entering our Management catcher. They can be placed Centres and for Spring and directly into larger clear bags. Clear Bag It: Fall Cleanup. Town of Kentville 354 Main St., Kentville, NS B4N 1K6 P: (902) 679-2500 www.kentville.ca April 16-18 – Kentville Home Show July 1 – Kentville Canada Day Celebrations October 2 – Kentville Harvest Festival November 18 – Kentville Torchlight Parade December 1 – Holiday Shopping Season Begins 9049 Commercial St, New Minas (902) 365-3335 Mon-Sat: 6 am to 3 pm, Sun: 7 am to 3 pm CentreStage Theatre The Last of Jane Austen A Comedy by Shirl Hendryx Feb. 25 - Mar. 27 61 River St., Kentville Info 678-3502 Reservations 678-8040 www.centrestagetheatre.ca 9209 Commercial Street, New Minas, NS B4N 3G1 Phone: (902) 681-6972 Fax: (902) 681-0779 New Minas Recreation Dept. Phone: 681-6577 www.newminas.com Winter Carnival February 17-21 Canada Day Celebrations July 1 25th Annual Celebration Days August 5-8 Fall Harvest Fest October 1-3 Celebration of Lights Nov 20 - Dec 31 Bonnyman Mitsubishi 29 Crescent Dr New Minas 681-8337 fax 681-2005 bonnymanmitsubishi.ca FebRuaRy 2010 sunDay mOnDay TuesDay 1 For bus schedule information contact Kings transit www.kingstransit.ns.ca 1-888-546-4442 WeDnesDay 2 ThuRsDay FRiDay 3 saTuRDay 4 5 6 Wolfville's Ice Wine Festival Begins WEEK #2 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 WEEK #1 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 24 25 26 27 New Minas Winter Carnival Begins St. Valentine's Day Ash Wednesday WEEK #2 21 WEEK #1 28 22 23 Are you New to the Community? planning a wedding? expecting or have a new baby? Are you looking for a career with PART-TIME flexible hours? For a Free home visit, an invitation to one of our showcases or to be part of our Team, contact us at: nova scotia 1-866-824-5363 • www.welcomwagon.ca Beat the spring rush. Bicycle tune-up time is here. Book your appointment today! Valley Stove & Cycle Ltd. Wolfville 542-7280 valleystoveandcycle.com 5488 Prospect Ave., New Minas | 681-2144 Toll Free 1-866-KIALAND | www.thebarrettgroup.ca This calendar is printed on 100 per cent recycled paper. 2010 Waste Management Calendar March Contact Valley Waste 679-1325 or 1-877-927-8300 (toll free) www.vwrm.com Construction Site Recycling Tipping fees at our Management Centres are lower when materials such as wood, shingles, drywall, metal and brick are disposed of separately. Sorting materials at the job site may save you both money and time. Here are a few tips for reducing waste at your worksite: Torbrook C&D Disposal And Recovery Uhlman Branch Road, Nictaux Box 598 Kingston NS B0P 1R0 Tel: (902) 765-9199 Fax: (902) 765-3125 Construction Debris Plan Ahead: On-site Waste Management 1. Analyze project waste. Estimate the types and quantities of materials the project will generate at each stage. 2. On-site reuse options. Check to see what can be recycled/reused onsite (wood, soil, rock, concrete) 3. Decide how you will recycle. How can the job site accommodate multiple containers? How can current containers be made to accommodate sorted materials? 4. make a plan. Which materials will be salvaged or recycled? How will materials be collected and transported to the recycling facility and who is responsible for the waste. 5. Educate. Explain your waste management plan to all employees and sub-contractors 6. Set up and Monitor. -C learly designate recycling bins with signage that explains what is recyclable and what is not. - Keep bins close to where waste is generated. - Provide hauler and crew with site plan. - Check bins daily for contamination. -Monitor quantity and cost tickets to track results and savings. & Waste Disposal Hours: Mon-Fri 8am to 5pm Sat 8am to 12 noon We take wood, concrete, drywall, pipe, shingles, carpeting, tile, etc. Call us for a complete list and prices. We have signage available for construction debris. Call for details. Town of Hantsport a haven of hospitality 20 Main Street, PO Box 399 Hantsport, NS B0P 1P0 Phone: 684-3211 Fax: 684-3227 www.hantsportnovascotia.com 5482 Prospect Road, New Minas, Exit 12 | 681-3311 | www.thebarrettgroup.ca maRch 2010 sunDay mOnDay TuesDay For bus schedule information contact Kings transit www.kingstransit.ns.ca 1-888-546-4442 WeDnesDay ThuRsDay FRiDay saTuRDay 1 2 3 4 5 6 WEEK #2 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 WEEK #1 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 Daylight Savings Time Begins St.Patrick's Day Spring Begins WEEK #2 21 22 23 24 WEEK #1 28 29 30 31 25 26 27 Have all items at roadside between 6:00am & 8:00am BoNNyMaN MitsuBishi • WATER & FIRE CLEANUP • RECONSTRUCTION SERVICES • SEWER & MOULD CLEANUPS • ODOUR REMOVAL Halifax, Valley, South Shore, Western Shore 24 HOUR EMERGENCY SERVICE Valley 678-1970 Fax: 678-1983 9128 Commercial Street, New Minas, NS, B4N 3E5 www.firstonsite.ca Toll Free: 1 877 434-7199 011260 Serving you from: * BONDED * INSURED * SAFETY CERTIFIED * MEMBER OF BBB, NSHBA, IICRC, CFIB, DKC 29 Crescent Dr New Minas 681-8337 fax 681-2005 bonnymanmitsubishi.ca This calendar is printed on 100 per cent recycled paper. April 2010 Waste Management Calendar Contact Valley Waste 679-1325 or 1-877-927-8300 (toll free) www.vwrm.com Spring & Fall Cleanup Uhlman Branch Road, Nictaux Box 598 Kingston NS B0P 1R0 Tel: (902) 765-9199 Fax: (902) 765-3125 During cleanups, you can put out extra garbage and large items that won’t fit on the regular truck but there are guidelines and limits. Please read through the info below. Rules •A maximum of 20 items will be collected from each stop. An “item” means an object, bag, container or securely tied bundle. (5 loose toys = 5 items. 5 toys in a clear garbage bag = 1 item! Please bag or bundle everything you can!) • Bagged garbage must be placed in clear bags. •A bundle must measure no more than 4 feet in length •Put items out no more than 7 days before your collection •No more than 2 of any one appliance type will be collected at any one stop •All items must be placed out for collection in front of the property at which they were generated •There are weight limits: furniture or appliances no more than 91 kg (200 lb); other items no more than 34 kg (75 lb) each Construction When is my cleanup? Your Cleanup is one day only. Follow these steps to help you determine your pickup day. Step 1 Use the map on the back cover to figure out whether you live in: One of the Towns, or the Village of New Minas; or Zone A; or Zone B Step 2 Look at the schedule below the map: If you live in one of the Towns, or the Village of New Minas your specific cleanup date is listed. The Towns and the Village of New Minas are not part of Zone A or Zone B. If you live in Zone A or Zone B, your pickup will be on your regular collection day during the period indicated. Note: The Villages of Kingston and Greenwood are part of Zone B. Call the info line if you are unsure! •Cardboard boxes will be emptied and left behind (they're recyclable) •Items not collected are the responsibility of the resident and must be removed from roadside when Cleanup is finished Important: Do not place anything at or near roadside during clean-up that you wish to keep. Valley Waste and our collection contractor are not responsible for lost or damaged items. Debris The following items will not be collected during cleanup: ✘Electronics: televisions, computers, printers, AM/ FM radios, VCR’s, mp3 players, telephones etc. ✘Yard waste (leaves & brush) ✘Cardboard & other recyclables ✘Tires (car & truck) ✘Propane tanks, paint and Household Hazardous Waste ✘Large or heavy auto parts, Car batteries ✘Fridges, freezers, air conditioners, dehumidifiers without CFC stickers Balcom’s distribution (2008) 2546 Hwy 221 Aylesford | Ph: 848-6964 or 848-6963 2009 Langille Drive, Coldbrook, NS B4R 1C3 Phone: 678-0190 • Fax: 678-5490 • Cell: 698-0707 email: [email protected] Dan Gates Serving the Valley from Windsor to Middleton Janitorial and Sanitation Products 011257 011269 Northridge Farms Quality Grade A Compost and Compost Tea For Sale for use on your vegetable gardens, flower beds, farm fields, golf courses, lawns, etc. Available in bulk only Torbrook C&D Disposal And Recovery Bonnyman Mitsubishi 29 Crescent Dr New Minas 681-8337 fax 681-2005 bonnymanmitsubishi.ca & Waste Disposal Hours: Mon-Fri 8am to 5pm Sat 8am to 12 noon We take wood, concrete, drywall, pipe, shingles, carpeting, tile, etc. Call us for a complete list and prices. CentreStage Theatre “The little theatre with a big ❤” The Mouse That Roared A Comedy adapted by Christopher Sergel Apr. 15 - May 15 61 River St., Kentville Info 678-3502 Reservations 678-8040 www.centrestagetheatre.ca apRil 2010 sunDay mOnDay TuesDay For bus schedule information contact Kings transit www.kingstransit.ns.ca 1-888-546-4442 WeDnesDay ThuRsDay If you live in ZONE A, cleanup is on your REGULAR DAY in the two week period below. 4 saTuRDay 1 Spring Cleanup WEEK #2 FRiDay 2 Good Friday No collection April Fool’s Day 3 Collection for Good Friday 5 6 7 8 9 10 12 13 14 15 16 17 22 23 24 29 30 Easter Monday Collection as usual 11 Leaves are accepted free of charge at the Management Centres during Spring Cleanup WEEK #2 AVBEC Earth Day Litter Pick-up, New Minas 18 19 20 Leaf exemption at Management Centres WEEK #1 Kentville Home Show Opens Zone a 21 Earth Day Zone a 25 26 Town of Kentville 27 28 Village of New Minas Clean up in Wolfville is on May 1 Leaf exemption at Management Centres Tri County 902 681-3980 Towns of Bridgetown & Hantsport We supply waste bins in several sizes for Home & Business use: Management ¸ Construction Sites ¸ Property Renovations 323 Cambridge Mtn. Rd ¸ Demolition Debris P. 538-0049 F. 538-9232 [email protected] … and so much more Call us for your waste management needs and ask about our flexible Subsidiary of Howard rental options and discount program. Little Excavation Ltd. Towns of Berwick & Middleton Turn the page for more Cleanup dates Congratulations to Valley Waste Resource Management “We all benefit by reducing waste going to landfills.” Municipality of Chester 006816 WEEK #1 This calendar is printed on 100 per cent recycled paper. May 2010 Waste Management Calendar Contact Valley Waste 679-1325 or 1-877-927-8300 (toll free) www.vwrm.com Backyard Composting Composting is Nature’s way of recycling food scraps, grass, leaves and other plant and animal matter into a useful soil conditioner. You can reap the rewards by making valuable compost in your own backyard. Just mix equal amounts of “greens” (fruit and vegetable scraps, coffee grounds, fresh grass, and egg shells) and “browns” (straw, dried leaves, wood shavings, ash, and paper) into a pile and compost happens. You can build a composter to contain your compost, purchase a commercial composter, or simply make an open pile. ATTENTION BUSINESS OWNERS We care about the integrity of your data… DO YOU? 011285 dataplanet.ca 1. Place your compost in a partially shaded, easy to reach spot in your yard. 2. Make sure the pile is always damp; about as wet as a wrung-out sponge. 3. Turn the pile every two or three weeks through the spring, summer and fall. 4. Keep adding materials and enjoy the results. Arlington Heights Construction & Debris Site Construction • Debris • Asbestos • Demolition Services Available We accept wood, concrete, drywall, pipe, shingles, carpeting, tile, etc. Call us for a complete list and prices. Mon-Fri 8am-5pm / Sat 8am-noon Trailers and Dumpsters for rent. YOU CALL WE HAUL! 1481 Arlington Road Ph: 665-4650/825-8349 Fax: 665-4272 BoNNyMaN MitsuBishi Septic Systems, QP11 Services, Driveways, Foundations, Rotten Rock, Topsoil & Gravel, Dug Wells, Demolition 825-9235 006825 backyard composting Tips: 011254 Valley waste has a limited supply of earth Machines available for sale ($35.00 tax included). if you wish to build your own, we have simple plans to help. Contact us for more info. 011255 Earth Machines 29 Crescent Dr New Minas 681-8337 fax 681-2005 bonnymanmitsubishi.ca may 2010 sunDay mOnDay TuesDay WeDnesDay Compost Awareness Week is May 2-8th. Visit www.vwrm.com for information on our Compost Giveaway! 2 3 10 11 Mother’s Day Leaf exemption at Management Centres 1 Town of Wolfville 5 6 7 8 12 13 14 15 Zone b WEEK #2 16 WEEK #1 23 Environment Week Starts saTuRDay Zone b 9 WEEK #1 FRiDay If you live in ZONE B, cleanup is on your REGULAR DAY in the two week period below. 4 Leaf exemption at Management Centres ThuRsDay Spring Cleanup 30 Victoria Day Collection as usual End of Leaf Exemption 17 18 19 20 21 22 24 25 26 27 28 29 31 10060 Hwy 1, Greenwich 542-2295 www.blomidonnurseries.net A retailer and wholesaler of quality nursery, garden and horticultural products for over the last 50 years. Apple Blossom Festival Begins 011121 WEEK #2 For bus schedule information contact Kings transit www.kingstransit.ns.ca 1-888-546-4442 sole Provider Custom Orthotics & Medical Supplies Helping you feel better from the ground up • Custom Foot Orthotics • Orthotic Shoes / Sandals • Birkenstock® Footwear • Mephisto Footwear • Aids for Daily Living • Ambulatory Aids • Compression Garments Kentville Phone: 678-0020 • Fax: 678-5858 Toll Free: 1-866-881-2529 • www.soleprovider.ca This calendar is printed on 100 per cent recycled paper. Contact Valley Waste 679-1325 or 1-877-927-8300 (toll free) www.vwrm.com June 2010 Waste Management Calendar A New Challenge! Nova Scotians have become known as world leaders in recycling and composting. The quantities of recycling and compostable organics we collect continue to rise. The problem: We continue to dispose of large amounts of garbage. In other words…we are still wasteful. Your Efforts Are Paying Off! 900 Are you up for a challenge? 800 The Nova Scotia Government has issued a bold new target for all Nova Scotians: An annual disposal rate of 300kg/person by the year 2015. We currently dispose of 417kg/person meaning we as a region need to cut our disposal rate by about one third. The next time you are shopping ask yourself these questions: 600 500 429 400 300 300 MLA, Kings South Constituency Office Suite 2, 8985 Commercial St., New Minas 681-3741 fax 681-6261 [email protected] Two Businesses, one location “The little theatre with a big ❤” Getting Sarah Married A Comedy by Sam Bobrick June 3 - July 10 100 0 Canada Nova Scotia Annapolis Valley 2015 Target Nova Scotia is still a leader when it comes to quantities of waste disposed with a 2008 provincially calculated 429kg/person* annual disposal rate; far better than the 2006 national average of 835kg/person**. Our region even trumps that with a 417kg/ person rate *. * Provincially generated statistics, 2008 ** Statistics Canada, 2006 Hon. Ramona Jennex Fritz’s “Just for you!” and Fritz’s Recycling and Enviro-Depot™ CentreStage Theatre 417 200 1. Do I need this product? 2. I s the packaging on the product necessary, and is there an alternative? 3. Is the product/package recyclable? 4. Is the product I'm purchasing a single-use item, or will it be long-lasting? 5. Can this product (applies to appliances, etc.) be repaired? June 11 8751 Commercial St. New Minas tel 681-4796 fax 681-0322 www.nsbd.ca/fritzs [email protected] 835 700 kg/person How can we do this? Nova Scotia Environment is planning new waste management initiatives. Industry will be asked to be more responsible for reducing the waste from their products. It can’t stop there; we consumers need to think twice about what we purchase. Join us for our 68th Anniversary Celebration Conference Center|Dining Room|Legends Lounge Indoor Heated Pool/Sauna/Hot Tub exit 14 Hwy 101 Coldbrook, NS 1-877-447-7270 | www.wandlyninn.ca Cinderella, Cinderella A Family Show by Edith Weiss June 5-20 61 River St., Kentville Info 678-3502 Reservations 678-8040 www.centrestagetheatre.ca June 2010 sunDay mOnDay TuesDay For bus schedule information contact Kings transit www.kingstransit.ns.ca 1-888-546-4442 WeDnesDay 1 ThuRsDay 2 FRiDay 3 saTuRDay 4 5 Environment Week -May 30th-June 5th This calendar was produced with the generous support of RRFB Nova Scotia 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 WEEK #2 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 WEEK #1 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 28 29 30 WEEK #1 Open House at Eastern Management Centre in Kentville, 11am-2pm Father’s Day WEEK #2 1st Day of Summer 27 Celebrate Environment Week at our OPEN HOUSE! Tour the Management Centre in Kentville on June 6th. Learn a little and enjoy some free food - fun for the whole family! Avoid the waiting list. Have your pellet stove Serviced this month! Book your appointment today! Valley Stove & Cycle Ltd. Wolfville 542-7280 valleystoveandcycle.com 5488 Prospect Ave., New Minas | 681-2144 Toll Free 1-866-KIALAND | www.thebarrettgroup.ca This calendar is printed on 100 per cent recycled paper. Contact Valley Waste 679-1325 or 1-877-927-8300 (toll free) www.vwrm.com July 2010 Waste Management Calendar Construction and Demolition Debris Recycling Uhlman Branch Road, Nictaux Box 598 Kingston NS B0P 1R0 Tel: (902) 765-9199 Fax: (902) 765-3125 Construction Debris & Waste Disposal Hours: Mon-Fri 8am to 5pm Sat 8am to 12 noon We take wood, concrete, drywall, pipe, shingles, carpeting, tile, etc. Call us for a complete list and prices. 006812 Construction and Demolition (C&D) materials are those items left over at a construction, renovation or demolition site. The most common materials are concrete, wood, drywall, asphalt shingles, and metal. They are often discarded but are actually valuable commodities that can be recycled into new products or used in many new ways. Approximately 1/3 of all landfilled materials in the Valley are C&D waste. That is over 8000 tonnes annually. Having your materials recycled instead of buried not only benefits the environment, it also saves tax dollars. Torbrook C&D Disposal And Recovery CentreStage Theatre “The little theatre with a big ❤” Doing renovations? Check with your hauler to see if your construction and demolition materials can be recycled. Brick, concrete and mortar are reused for road base and fill. Asphalt shingles are ground and added to asphalt applications such as roadways and driveways. Ground shingles are also applied to trails and walkways. Wood such as lumber, doors and furniture are ground and used as alternative fuel at Brooklyn Energy. 006835 Proud to Help Keep the Valley Clean PO Box 206 Berwick N.S. B0P 1E0 Phone: 902-538-8474 Fax: 902-538-8249 Drywall is ground and used as landfill cover. Steel Magnolias Scrap metals are sold to markets where they are melted and reformed into new metal products. A Comedy/Drama by Robert Harling July 29 - Aug. 28 61 River St., Kentville Info 678-3502 Reservations 678-8040 www.centrestagetheatre.ca July 8 5pm-10pm Wineries On Site for Sales & Samplings www.blomidonnurseries.com July 2010 sunDay mOnDay For bus schedule information contact Kings transit www.kingstransit.ns.ca 1-888-546-4442 TuesDay WeDnesDay ThuRsDay FRiDay Canada Day Try wrapping food waste in newspaper or boxboard to keep odours down in your green cart. Never use plastic bags, they don’t break down and contaminate the compost. saTuRDay 1 2 3 Wolfville, Hantsport and New Minas Canada Day Celebrations Collection as usual WEEK #1 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 WEEK #2 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 WEEK #1 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 WEEK #2 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 Construction & Debris Site Construction • Debris • Asbestos • Demolition Services Available We accept wood, concrete, drywall, pipe, shingles, carpeting, tile, etc. Call us for a complete list and prices. Mon-Fri 8am-5pm / Sat 8am-noon Trailers and Dumpsters for rent. YOU CALL WE HAUL! 1481 Arlington Road Ph: 665-4650/825-8349 Fax: 665-4272 BoNNyMaN MitsuBishi Septic Systems, QP11 Services, Driveways, Foundations, Rotten Rock, Topsoil & Gravel, Dug Wells, Demolition 825-9235 011254 Arlington Heights 011255 Wolfville Mud Creek Days Begin 29 Crescent Dr New Minas 681-8337 fax 681-2005 bonnymanmitsubishi.ca This calendar is printed on 100 per cent recycled paper. Contact Valley Waste 679-1325 or 1-877-927-8300 (toll free) www.vwrm.com August 2010 Waste Management Calendar Recycling at your Enviro-Depot ™ Bring beverage containers to your local Enviro-Depot™ for a refund. glass bottles Plastic Beverage Containers refu • Remove caps nd • Do not crush • Rinse, leave labels on • No yogurt or ice cream containers • No garbage (straws, wrappers, cigarettes, etc.) • • • • Remove Caps Rinse Containers Do not Crush Containers Leave Labels On refu nd • Must be whole • Discard caps, rinse, leave labels on • No food containers • No garbage (straws, wrappers, cigarettes, etc.) Steel Beverage Cans Tetra Pak & Gable Top Cartons refu • Must be whole • Do not crush • Rinse, leave labels on • No food cans • Do not crush • Rinse and empty • Discard straws • No milk containers nd refu nd refu Beer Bottles nd • Tabs tucked in • Keep case dry • No caps • No garbage Aluminum Cans r Household Paints efun d • Do not crush • Rinse • No garbage (straws, wrappers, cigarettes, etc.) • Paint must be tightly sealed and in its original container • Leave labels on • No empty or bulging cans • No tools (e.g. brushes, rags, stir sticks) The nation’s largest collision repair franchise Offering... • Lifetime Nationwide Warranty Enviro-Depots C.N. Orde & Sons Ltd.������������������������ 532-7440 Hankinson’s������������������������������������������ 825-3357 Greenwood Recycling Centre�������������� 765-0335 Beehive������������������������������������������������� 847-0249 Fritz’s Recycling������������������������������������ 681-4796 Valley Recycling������������������������������������ 542-2123 L.W. Layton Salvage������������������������������ 582-3175 Webber’s Bottle Exchange������������������� 245-2483 Windsor Enviro-Depot������������������������� 798-5636 Questions about the ENVIRO-DEPOT™? Call Toll Free 1.877.313.7732 or visit us online at www.rrfb.com Maritime CARSTAR Collision 5494 Prospect Road, New Minas, NS 681-3300 • FAX 681-4300 1-866-681-DENT (3368) [email protected] 006830 Recycle milk and food containers through the curbside collection program. • 24-hour Accident Assistance & Towing with 1-800 CARSTAR We treat you like a star 5482 Prospect Road, New Minas, Exit 12 | 681-3311 | www.thebarrettgroup.ca augusT 2010 sunDay WEEK #1 mOnDay TuesDay 1 2 For bus schedule information contact Kings transit www.kingstransit.ns.ca 1-888-546-4442 WeDnesDay 3 ThuRsDay 4 Civic Holiday Collection as usual FRiDay saTuRDay 5 6 7 New Minas 25th Annual Celebration Days Begin WEEK #2 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 WEEK #1 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 WEEK #2 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 WEEK #1 29 30 31 For information about the electronics recycling program and to find a drop-off location near you call Atlantic Canada Electronics Stewardship at 1-877-774-3260 or visit www.acestewardship.ca 29 Crescent Dr New Minas 681-8337 fax 681-2005 bonnymanmitsubishi.ca Scotia Recycling is proud to partner with Valley Waste Resource Management to make the Annapolis Valley a greener community. Torbrook C&D Disposal And Recovery Uhlman Branch Road, Nictaux Box 598 Kingston NS B0P 1R0 Tel: (902) 765-9199 Fax: (902) 765-3125 Construction Debris & Waste Disposal Hours: Mon-Fri 8am to 5pm Sat 8am to 12 noon We take wood, concrete, drywall, pipe, shingles, carpeting, tile, etc. Call us for a complete list and prices. 006813 BoNNyMaN MitsuBishi This calendar is printed on 100 per cent recycled paper. Contact Valley Waste 679-1325 or 1-877-927-8300 (toll free) www.vwrm.com September 2010 Waste Management Calendar Household Hazardous Waste (HHW) Valley Waste and our contractors are confronted with potentially dangerous items placed in garbage and recycling bags every day. Please remember: items that are sharp, poisonous, corrosive, explosive or flammable require special disposal. Residents can bring HHW to the Management Centres during regular operating hours FRee of CHARGe. examples include: Needles Needles and lancets belong in a SAFE SHARPS CONTAINER. Residents can get a FREE container from a pharmacy. Once full, return the container FREE to the pharmacy. Needles should never go in garbage or recycling bags. ✔ ✔ ✔ ✔ ✔ ✔ ✔ Batteries (rechargeable & non-rechargeable) Paints, stains, finishes, sealers Propane tanks Motor oil & other automotive fluids Pool chemicals Pesticides Fluorescent light bulbs Ammunition can be taken to an RCMP detachment. This service is FREE. It is recommended when dealing with these items, that extreme care be taken. Remember, these are explosives and if handled in a careless manner, can cause serious and sometimes fatal injuries. 9241 Commercial St, New Minas 681-6881 For your complete car care needs 100% Canadian Owned 9049 Commercial St, New Minas (902) 365-3335 Mon-Sat: 6 am to 3 pm, Sun: 7 am to 3 pm CentreStage Theatre “The little theatre with a big ❤” The Farndale Ave Housing Estate Townwomen's Guild Dramatic Society Murder Mystery A Comedy by David McGillivray & Walter Zerlin Jr. Sept. 16 - Oct. 23 61 River St., Kentville Info 678-3502 Reservations 678-8040 www.centrestagetheatre.ca Kings County Honda 933 Park St., Kentville 679-0029 1-888-917-5464 www.kingshonda.com sepTembeR 2010 sunDay mOnDay TuesDay For bus schedule information contact Kings transit www.kingstransit.ns.ca 1-888-546-4442 WeDnesDay ThuRsDay Fall Cleanup FRiDay saTuRDay 1 2 3 4 If you live in ZONE A, cleanup is on your REGULAR DAY in the above two week period. WEEK #2 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 13 14 15 16 17 18 22 23 24 25 Labour Day Collection as usual WEEK #1 12 Zone a Grandparents Day WEEK #2 19 20 21 Zone a WEEK #1 26 27 Town of Kentville 28 Village of New Minas 29 Towns of Wolfville 30 Towns of Bridgetown & Hantsport Turn the page for more Cleanup dates BoNNyMaN MitsuBishi AFFORDABLE WINEMAKING GIFT PACKAGES Regardless of whether you're buying for a wine maker or wine drinker, Wine Kitz has the perfect winemaking gift package for every budget. Starter Equipment kits from $59.99. Choose from 5 different packages. Pour yourself into the experience. 8934 Commercial St. New Minas 681-1129 www.winekitznewminas.ca Wolfville Deep Roots Music Festival Begins Autumn begins thebarnardgroup.ca 902 681-3980 29 Crescent Dr New Minas 681-8337 fax 681-2005 bonnymanmitsubishi.ca This calendar is printed on 100 per cent recycled paper. October Educational Services Did you know we have staff available to help you become greener? Whether it is a business, a community group, a class room or even at your own home: We are here to help you! Free presentations to schools, businesses, community groups etc. Free signage, brochures, calendars and other literature Sorting guides available in French, Spanish and Mandarin Information booths at festivals and events Waste Audits Door-to-door visits to households, apartments or businesses. Uhlman Branch Road, Nictaux Box 598 Kingston NS B0P 1R0 Tel: (902) 765-9199 Fax: (902) 765-3125 Construction Debris & Waste Disposal Hours: Mon-Fri 8am to 5pm Sat 8am to 12 noon We take wood, concrete, drywall, pipe, shingles, carpeting, tile, etc. Call us for a complete list and prices. The nation’s largest collision repair franchise Offering... • Lifetime Nationwide Warranty • 24-hour Accident Assistance & Towing with 1-800 CARSTAR Assistance with greening your special event Tours of our Management Centres and Scotia Recycling Facility Information hotline Monday-Friday 8:30-4:30 Maritime CARSTAR Collision 5494 Prospect Road, New Minas, NS 681-3300 • FAX 681-4300 1-866-681-DENT (3368) [email protected] 006830 Don’t be afraid to ask. No question is too bizarre…we get them all. Don't know which bag to put something in? Call our hotline. 679-1325 or toll free 1-877-927-8300. Office/Store/Industrial visits to help improve source separation set ups and compliance Torbrook C&D Disposal And Recovery 006812 2010 Waste Management Calendar Contact Valley Waste 679-1325 or 1-877-927-8300 (toll free) www.vwrm.com We treat you like a star 5482 Prospect Road, New Minas, Exit 12 | 681-3311 | www.thebarrettgroup.ca OcTObeR 2010 sunDay mOnDay TuesDay For bus schedule information contact Kings transit www.kingstransit.ns.ca 1-888-546-4442 WeDnesDay ThuRsDay 4 5 2 Towns of Berwick & Middleton Valley Pumpkin Fest Oct. 1 - 31 If you live in ZONE B, cleanup is on your REGULAR DAY in the below two week period. 3 saTuRDay 1 Fall Cleanup WEEK #2 FRiDay www.valleypumpkinfest.ca New Minas Fall Harvest Fest Begins Kentville Harvest Fest Pumpkin People Display 6 7 8 9 13 14 15 16 20 21 22 23 Zone b 10 WEEK #1 11 12 Thanksgiving Collection as usual 17 WEEK #2 Zone b 18 19 Waste Reduction Week across Canada October 17th to 23rd AVBEC Trade Show and Household Battery Drop-off, New Minas 24 Halloween 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 CentreStage Theatre Levy Casey Carter MacLean “The little theatre with a big ❤” Chartered Accountants A Family Musical by Susan Bardsley & Lani Brockman 006828 58 Bedford Highway, Fairview Cove, Halifax, Nova Scotia B3M 2J2 Phone: (902) 445-4446 • Fax: (902) 443-4846 The Princess and the Pea Oct. 16 - 31 • 61 River St., Kentville Info 678-3502 Reservations 678-8040 www.centrestagetheatre.ca Foster’s Fire and Safety For Your Fire and Safety Requirements • • • • Fire Extinguishers Recharging and Inspections Safety Equipment, Signs Traffic Control Products • First Aid Products • CSA Footwear • Certified in Kitchen & Off-Road Fire Suppression Systems 011258 WEEK #1 Box 38, 5943 Hwy#1, Cambridge, N.S. B0P 1G0 Phone 902-538-7214 Fax 902-538-7742 www.fostersfireandsafety.com This calendar is printed on 100 per cent recycled paper. Contact Valley Waste 679-1325 or 1-877-927-8300 (toll free) www.vwrm.com November 2010 Waste Management Calendar There is no excuse for illegal dumping and burning! CentreStage Theatre “The little theatre with a big ❤” There are plenty of options to get rid of waste. Know them and there is no need for excuses. Fines for burning and dumping range from $50 to $5,000 per case. Little Women A Drama Adapted by Kristin Laurence To protect our environment, there are provincial and municipal laws to regulate waste disposal. Most Valley residents do their part for the environment and the community by disposing of sorted waste at curbside, at our two Management Centres in Kentville and Lawrencetown, or at other licensed, privatelyrun sites. Another option: You can donate your unwanted usable items to others. Bonnyman Mitsubishi However, a few people still burn or dump waste. These activities are illegal. They cause air and water pollution, they are hazardous to wildlife and human health, and they are unsightly. Our Bylaw Enforcement Officer responds to complaints, issues tickets and lays charges. e-mail: [email protected] www.mcti.ca Your Best Insurance Is An Insurance Broker 011129 29 Crescent Dr New Minas 681-8337 fax 681-2005 bonnymanmitsubishi.ca 6 Masters Ave PO Box 880 Kentville, NS B4N 4H8 678-6277 9850 Main St PO Box 99 Canning, NS B0P 1H0 582-3348 www.centrestagetheatre.ca Unit 6, 24 Harbourside Dr, Wolfville, NS B4P 2C1 542-5765 “Quality People, Quality Service, Quality Vehicles” 006825 The cost to dispose of a small load (up to 60 kg) at the Management Centre is only $4 and the average cost to dispose of a ½ton truck load of regular household waste is $12. Note: Cost depends on the weight of the materials. Nov. 4 - Dec. 11 61 River St., Kentville Info 678-3502 Reservations 678-8040 BEST TOYOTA 840 Park St., Kentville • Phone: 678-6000 • Fax: 678-6455 website address: www.besttoyotasales.com nOVembeR 2010 sunDay mOnDay TuesDay 7 WEEK #1 For bus schedule information contact Kings transit www.kingstransit.ns.ca 1-888-546-4442 WeDnesDay ThuRsDay 14 saTuRDay 1 2 3 4 5 6 8 9 10 11 12 13 Daylight Savings Time Ends WEEK #2 FRiDay Remembrance Day No collection 15 16 17 Wolfville: A Christmas Tradition begins Collection for Remembrance Day 18 19 Kentville Torch Light Parade WEEK #1 21 22 23 WEEK #2 28 29 30 24 25 Leaves are collected on your regular day in the two week period above. Place leaves in clear bags; there is no limit on the number of bags of leaves. 20 New Minas Celebration of Lights Begins 26 27 Fall leaf Collection Nov. 8 to 19 5488 Prospect Ave., New Minas | 681-2144 or Toll Free 1-866-KIALAND | www.thebarrettgroup.ca This calendar is printed on 100 per cent recycled paper. 2010 Waste Management Calendar December Contact Valley Waste 679-1325 or 1-877-927-8300 (toll free) www.vwrm.com Management Centres. Here for your use! D o you have extra garbage, recyclables, and compost or large bulky items that cannot be collected roadside? If so, you can take your items to one of our two Waste-Resource Management Centres available in Kentville and Lawrencetown. If you visit a Using clear bags management centre to dispose for garbage not only applies of waste-resources, you will be at roadside, it also applies at our impressed by the cleanliness Management Centres. Clear transparent and organization of the sites. bags allow us to quickly scan bags for dangerous items and unsorted waste. Any See January for directions solid coloured bags and/or unsorted and hours of operation. materials are subject to a penalty fee of $196/tonne. Clear Bag It: Cover Your Load! Uncovered loads cause litter and can create road hazards. FEES Waste Category Minimum Fee...................................................................... $4 Recyclables ............................................................... 7.7¢/kg Organics..................................................................... 8.8¢/kg Garbage*.................................................................... 9.8¢/kg Construction & Demolition Debris – Sorted............... 5.2¢/kg Brick, block, concrete, Asphalt, Asphalt shingles, Drywall, Wood/brush (up to 6” in diameter) “Quality People, Quality Service, Quality Vehicles” BEST TOYOTA 840 Park St., Kentville • Phone: 678-6000 • Fax: 678-6455 website address: www.besttoyotasales.com Construction & Demolition Debris - Mixed................. 9.8¢/kg Scrap Metals and White Goods................................. 5.2¢/kg (One free appliance per day; weight restrictions apply). Other Services CFC Removal from Refrigeration Units..................... $20/unit Household Hazardous Waste..................................... No Fee Asbestos:.................................................................. 12.9¢/kg Generator must provide VWRM with 48 hours notice. Material must be bagged and manifested as per NS Dept of Environment requirements Other Special Wastes:....................................To be arranged Generators of waste requiring special handling must call 48 hours in advance to make special arrangements Weighscale Usage.................................................... $10.00 per load Used Wood Pallets (for sale)................................... $2.00 each Penalty Fee (for non-compliant loads)...................... $1.96/kg NOTE: *Bagged garbage must be in clear bags. The Kings Arms Pub British Beer, Food and Hospitality. 390 Main St. Kentville 678-0066 (pub) 678-4031 (office) [email protected] www.kingsarmspub.ca 5488 Prospect Ave., New Minas | 681-2144 Toll Free 1-866-KIALAND | www.thebarrettgroup.ca 006825 (loaded weight and tare weight) DecembeR 2010 sunDay mOnDay TuesDay For bus schedule information contact Kings transit www.kingstransit.ns.ca 1-888-546-4442 WeDnesDay ThuRsDay Have all items at roadside between 6:00am & 8:00am FRiDay saTuRDay 1 2 3 4 Christmas Shopping Season begins in Kentville WEEK #1 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 WEEK #2 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 WEEK #1 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 Winter begins 26 27 Christmas Eve 28 29 30 31 New Year’s Eve BoNNyMaN MitsuBishi 29 Crescent Dr New Minas 681-8337 fax 681-2005 bonnymanmitsubishi.ca Torbrook C&D Disposal And Recovery Uhlman Branch Road, Nictaux Box 598 Kingston NS B0P 1R0 Tel: (902) 765-9199 Fax: (902) 765-3125 Construction Debris & Waste Disposal Hours: Mon-Fri 8am to 5pm Sat 8am to 12 noon We take wood, concrete, drywall, pipe, shingles, carpeting, tile, etc. Call us for a complete list and prices. 006813 WEEK #2 Christmas Management Centres Closed This calendar is printed on 100 per cent recycled paper. Your Collection Service Take a few moments to read through the information below. If you have questions about the waste management program contact us. We want to help. All items must be at roadside between 6 – 8 am on collection day. Collection day is once every two weeks. Place all materials in front of your own home, on your own side of the road. You can put out a maximum of 8 bags per collection. As many of those bags as you want can be recycling, but the maximum number of garbage is 4. Garbage + Recycling =8 One solid coloured bag is permitted per collection for garbage items of a personal nature. This bag is included in the 4 bag limit. Garbage One Green Cart • U se standard size CLEAR bags. (Not longer than 39 inches when flat). • Maximum # that will be collected is 4 • One dark bag for “personal“ items is acceptable (eg. regular black garbage bag) • Maximum weight per bag is 15 kg • Large or bulky items are collected during Spring/ Fall cleanup. See April month for details. • C art and contents must not exceed 100 kg (220 lbs). • Do not overfill your cart – the lid must be able to close. • If you require a green cart or mini bin contact the Valley Waste office. Fees may apply. • PLEASE no plastic, metal or glass in the cart! Recyclables • U se transparent BLUE bags • Maximum # that will be collected is 8 (recycling bags + garbage bags = not more than 8). • Maximum weight per bag is 15 kg • Recyclables must be CLEAN & DRY • Paper and recyclable containers (plastic, cans, milk cartons) belong in separate recycling bags. Cardboard If cardboard can’t fit inside your recycling bag, flatten and bundle to 3ft x 2ft x 1ft Yard Waste • U p to two bundles of brush; maximum length of 4 ft and maximum width of 2 ft. • If you have a large amount of pine needles (too many for your cart), they can be placed in clear bags and count as part of your garbage limit; total number of bags (garbage + pine needles) may not exceed four. Pine needles in clear bags will also be 2 ft accepted during 4 ft Spring/Fall Cleanups. Sorting Your Waste Blue Bag #1 Blue Bag #2 Green Cart Clear Garbage Bags paper CONTAINERS compostables everything else Milk & juice cartons (no caps please) Phone books All food waste (including meat & fish) Potato chip bags & candy wrappers Beer & pop cans Paper egg cartons Newspaper (Beverage containers can also be returned to an ENVIRO-DEPOT™ for a refund) Tin/steel food cans File folders Yard waste (leaves, brush, sawdust, weeds, wood shavings…) Glass bottles & jars (please remove lids) Envelopes Empty Plastic bags Paperback books Liquor bottles Cereal boxes Flyers & magazines Corrugated cardboard can also be flattened & bundled (3 ft. x 2 ft. x 1 ft.) & placed beside the bag. All plastic containers: (food containers like ice cream, yogurt, cake and cookie trays, shampoo bottles, cleaning fluid bottles, windshield washer containers, etc). No Styrofoam. Coffee cups Styrofoam Diapers Foil plates & trays Paper (including shredded paper) Tooth paste tubes, tooth brushes & floss All soiled & non-recyclable paper (tissues, paper towels, paper plates, wrapping paper, sugar & flour bags, pizza & detergent boxes) NO ASHES We prefer you use paper or boxboard to line your mini-bin or green cart but if you must use a bag, please use only 100% compostable bags labelled with the following symbol. Biodegradable and oxo-degradable plastic bags are not acceptable. Check out our Sorting Search Engine online at vwrm.com Toys, unusable clothing & footwear Incandescent light bulbs, spray cans & empty paint cans. Feminine hygiene products Oil & antifreeze containers Kitty litter Broken glass (boxed or wrapped) Spring / Fall Cleanup 2010 Bridgetown Zone ‘A’ includes: Zone ‘B’ includes: All of Annapolis County, some of Kings County, the East Dalhousie area, everything west of Victoria Road, and that part of Victoria Road that is south of Brow Mtn Rd. Within the Villages of Kingston and Greenwood, Kings County east of Victoria Road, and that portion of Victoria Road that is north of Brow Mtn. Rd. Middleton Berwick Kentville New Minas Wolfville Hantsport Within the boundaries of Kingston and Greenwood Villages = Zone B Area for Cleanup 2010 Zone A - On your regular collection day Town of Kentville (Within Town limits, does not include North Kentville) Village of New Minas Town of Wolfville Towns of Bridgetown and Hantsport Towns of Middleton and Berwick Zone B - On your regular collection day Spring Cleanup Not sure of your day? Call 1-877-927-8300 Fall Cleanup April 12-23 Sept 13-24 April 26 Sept. 27 April 27 Sept. 28 May 1 Sept. 29 April 29 Sept. 30 April 30Oct. 1 May 3-14Oct 4-15
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