Saint Mark Catholic Church


Saint Mark Catholic Church
Saint Mark Catholic Church  14740 Stumptown Road, Huntersville, NC 28078
We, the members of St. Mark Catholic Church, a Faith Community called as one by Christ
to serve and witness in His name, seek to celebrate our Faith through service and evangelization
to each other, our families and our community.
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St. Mark Parish Directory14740 Stumptown Rd, Huntersville NC 28078
Parish Office | Mon-Fri, 9 am - 4:30 pm
Phone: 704-948-0231; Fax: 704-948-8018
Very Rev. John T. Putnam, JV
Parochial Vicar
Rev. Paul D. McNulty
Pastor Emeritus in Residence
Rev. Msgr. Richard M. Bellow
Rev. Mr. Louis Pais
Rev. Mr. Robert Murphy
Rev. Mr. Richard McCarron
Rev. Mr. Thomas McGahey
Rev. Dr. Ronald Sherwood
Daniel Pressley
[email protected]
704-948-0231, Ext. 211
Administrative Assistant
Tricia McCaa
[email protected]
704-948-0231, Ext. 102
Pastoral Associate for HR and
Barry McCaa
[email protected]
704-948-0231, Ext. 119
Pastoral Associate for Facilities
and Planning
Scott Bruno
[email protected]
704-948-0231, Ext. 118
Finance Director
Florence Moore
704-948-0231, Ext. 116
[email protected]
Parish Accountant
Karen Zaleski
[email protected]
704-948-0231, Ext. 121
Calendar Management
Leanne Vaccaro
[email protected]
704-948-0231, Ext. 101
Music Ministry
Laura Maclean, Director
[email protected]
704-948-0231, Ext. 106
Ministry Coordinator
Beth Zuhosky
[email protected]
704-948-0231, Ext. 136
Faith Formation
Donna Smith, Director
[email protected]
704-948-1306, Ext. 104
Elementary Faith Formation
and Sacraments of
First Reconciliation and
First Communion
Faye Nye, Coordinator
[email protected]
704-948-1306, Ext. 115
Middle School Ministry and
Sacrament of Confirmation
Mary Grace Alvord, Coordinator
[email protected]
704-948-1306, Ext. 117
6th-7th Grade Faith Formation
Sonnet Bonelli
[email protected]
704-948-1306, Ext. 117
High School Ministry
J. Brian Kaup
[email protected]
704-948-0231, Ext. 105
Jane Petriella, Director
[email protected]
Deaf Ministry
Mary Sumeracki
[email protected]
704-576-0675 (V/TTY)
Young at Heart Ministry
Leanne Vaccaro (Interim)
[email protected]
704-948-0231, Ext. 101
Hispanic Coordinator
Belisario Solorzano
[email protected]
Wedding Director
Kris Brodof
[email protected]
Evening Attendant
Hank Stiene
Alcoholics Anonymous
Bulletin Team
[email protected]  704-948-0231
Mass Schedule
Sunday Masses
Saturday: 5 pm
7:30 am, 9 am (signed for the hearing
impaired), 11 am, 1 pm (Spanish),
5 pm (High School Ministry Mass)
Spanish: Misa en Español cada Domingo a la 1 pm y
cada viernes a las 7 pm
Daily Masses
Mon., Tue., Thur., Fri., 7 and 9 am
Wednesday 7 am and 6:30 pm; Saturday 9 am
Holy Days: Vigil 7 pm before feast day, 7 am, 9 am, 7 pm
on the feast day
Nursery available during 9 and 11 am Masses serving
children walking age through Kindergarten.
Wednesday: 6—7:30 pm;
Daily: (45 minutes prior to Mass,
ending 15 minutes prior to Mass)
6:15—6:45 am and 8:15—8:45 am
Sunday: 6:45—7:15 am, 8:15—8:45 am, 10:15—10:45 am,
12:15—12:45 pm (Spanish), 4:15—4:45 pm
Tuesdays - Church; 7—7:30 pm
Perpetual Eucharistic Adoration
In the Monsignor Bellow Adoration Chapel in the Family
Center. For more information email
[email protected]
Our Lady of Perpetual Help Novena
Immediately following the Wednesday 6:30 pm Mass
Our Lady of the Miraculous Medal
Novena and Rosary
Immediately following the Friday 9 am Mass
If you or your loved one are in an area hospital,
call the Parish Office to reach one of the Priests. The
Priests offer Confession, bring the Holy Eucharist to you or
administer the Sacrament of Anointing of the Sick.
Baptisms & Weddings
The use of the Church for Baptisms, Weddings and other
Sacramental events is available to active Parishioners.
Contact the Parish Office.
Natural Family Planning
Joe and Kathy Hack
Teaching Couple #1947
704-548-1834; [email protected]
Crisis Pregnancy Help
Pregnancy Hotline:1-800-848-LOVE
Catholic Social Services: 704-370-3262
Birthright: 1-800-550-4900; 1-800-712-HELP
Post Abortion: 1-800-5-WE CARE
Page 2
From the Pastor
Jesus shows no preference when it
comes to those who believe. If you
believe, no matter who or what you
are, you can be saved. If you do not
believe, it does not matter who you
are. As is written in our Second Reading
from James, we, too, are called to that
same kind of attitude: “Brothers and
Sisters, show no partiality as you adhere to the faith in
our glorious Lord Jesus Christ.”
the poor have learned to trust God to a greater extent
than others. Thus, their faith may be deeper. We need
to find that trust in God in our lives.
The Gospel reading from St. Mark indicates that Jesus
and His followers were traveling and arrived in the
“region of Decapolis.” Decapolis means “ten cities” in
Greek, and it was an area just east of the Sea of Galilee,
and a region with which Jesus (who was from the
northern end of the Sea and of Galilee) was familiar. The
people there were Gentiles, so it is probable that both
those who presented the man for healing to the Lord, as
well as the man himself, were not Jewish. However, as
James states, the Lord shows no partiality. Make no
mistake; Jesus knew what He was doing at every
moment, and everything He did and said was significant
to us and our understanding. Our goal as Catholics and
Christians is to answer the Lord’s call to discipleship and
stewardship and holiness, and in the process of taking
action in response to that summons, we are to minister
and serve with no regard to judgment or bias. Loving our
neighbor is a command, not a choice, and loving our
neighbor indiscriminately is Jesus’ way.
The Gospel records a remarkable healing of a man who
could not hear or speak. Our First Reading from Isaiah
refers to similar events when Isaiah, looking to the
future of the Kingdom here on earth, states, “Then will
the eyes of the blind be opened, the ears of the deaf be
cleared; then will the lame leap like a stag; then the
tongue of the mute will sing.” Each of our lives is filled
with challenges and trials. Isaiah tells us that our
strength is in God. When John the Baptist was in prison,
he began to doubt (a test each of us faces) and he sent
people to pose a question to Jesus. The Lord’s response
was “Go and report to John what you have heard and
seen: the blind see, the lame walk, the lepers are
cleansed, the deaf hear, the dead rise, the poor have
the gospel preached to them.” (Matthew 11: 4)
Blessings, Fr. John
Throughout Holy Scripture Jesus tells us and repeats to
us the glory of salvation. That is where
our trust should lie; that is where we
RCIA Classes Begin on Sept. 15
need to find strength; that is our hope.
The Rite of Christian Initiation of Adults is a process in which adults
We must not forget that the age when
learn more about the Catholic faith and discern if they are being led to
the letter of James was written was a
become a member of the Catholic Church. The process is designed for
time filled with prejudice and opinions
baptized Catholics who have not received the other sacraments, those
based upon how one was viewed in
who have never been baptized and those who have been baptized in
terms of class, religion, gender, and
another faith but are seeking full communion in the Catholic Church.
nationality. People were constantly
Classes begin on Sept. 15 and will continue through Easter. Meetings
classified and judged. We often speak
will be held in the library of St. Mark School on Tuesday evenings from
of and think of the early followers of
7–9 pm. Any adult who might be interested in participating, please
Jesus as being unified. Nevertheless,
contact Deacon Louie Pais at 704-948-0231.
they battled many of the same
attitudes prevalent today and
Adult Confirmation Class
throughout history. Jesus spent his
Adult Catholics (ages 18 and older) who have been Baptized, received
ministry trying to break down the
First Communion and are practicing their faith but have not yet
barriers that existed between and
celebrated the Sacrament of Confirmation are invited to participate in
among people; the Second Reading
the program.
from James addresses these same
difficulties. James speaks in particular
Prior to Confirmation, we will participate in a number of information
of the rich and the poor and how we
sessions; participants are expected to attend all sessions. These
judge and view people based upon our
sessions will begin on Thursday, Oct. 22, at 7 pm in room 200 of the
perception of their place in society.
Msgr. Kerin Center. There will be five sessions: Oct. 22, Oct. 29, Nov.
James indicates that the poor are
5, Nov. 12 and Nov. 19.
chosen, and this is an estimation
You will need to obtain a copy of your Baptismal Certificate from your
shared by the Lord. The poor have
church of Baptism. Please call them and have them send you a copy
inherited the Kingdom, first of all,
with the notation on the back of any other Sacraments received.
because as Jesus indicated, it is easier
For questions or more information please contact Deacon Louie at:
for them to enter Heaven. In addition,
[email protected] or by phone at 704-948-0231.
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Remember In Your Prayers
Mass Intentions
Please Pray For
Michelle Westbrook
John Ason
Joanne Anthony
Roberto Argente
Renee Branem
Torie Costa
Dottie Dambrauskas
Kristina Dontino
Albert Fox
Jean Fox
Patrick Golden
Theresa Gribschaw
Sarah Elizabeth Hauser
Baby Katherine
Elizabeth Jousma
Phyllis Kiebler
Robb Lamont
Mary Mangan
Dale McCaa
Marylou McDonald
Katie Meserrol
Michael Orlando
Bill Othling
Nicole Pellitteri
Guillermo Rojas
Alexandra Schaney
Ron Seabacher
Jefferson Sims
Christine Talbert
Robin Warner
Karen Zaleski
...and all our parishioners who are homebound or reside
in area nursing homes and are unable to attend Mass.
Our Faithful Departed
May God’s grace be with the family of our
recently deceased: Howard Cole Strickland,
brother of parishioner Wes Strickland
Bereavement Support
Have you recently lost someone you love? Are
you having a difficult time dealing with your
loss? St. Mark Church Bereavement Ministry now
offers faith-based support to assist you in this
time of sadness. We invite you to join us in our
peer support groups and let us offer our
assistance at this difficult time. The group will
meet eight consecutive weeks beginning
Sept. 10.
Contact: Nancy McGahey, 704 608-7067
The St. Mark Prayer Chain
Ministry Needs You!
When: Anytime
Where: Anywhere, including the comfort of
your own home!
If you can pray for others and wish to become a
St. Mark Prayer Warrior, please join the St. Mark
Prayer Chain Ministry. Go to the St. Mark
website and click on “Prayer Warrior.” This is a
great Ministry you can participate in from the
comfort of your own home or if you are
homebound for any reason. Please join us –
there is tremendous power in prayer!
Information and Registration: St. Mark website,  704-948-0231
Mon. September 7
7 am Elizabeth Conter (Mark Conter)
9 am +Stephen Vermillion, Jr. (Vermillion family)
Tues. September 8—Nativity of the BVM
7 am +Ella Kay (Stacy Kay)
9 am +Alma Jones (Stacy Kay)
Weds. September 9—St. Pater Claver, Priest
7 am In Thanksgiving for Employment
(Reyes & Cruz families)
6:30 pm +Bernice Clements (Polich family)
Thurs. September 10
7 am +Sharon Emich (Julie Leiker)
9 am Intentions of the Women of Joy (WoJ)
Fri. September 11
7 am +Stephen Shailor (Elizabeth Shailor)
9 am Joanna Solorzano
7 pm No Mass due to Eucharistic Congress-Sat. September12—Most Holy Name of Mary; BVM
9 am Scott & Michelle Fisher (Ly Nguyen)
5 pm --No Mass due to Eucharistic Congress-Sun. September 13—24th Sunday in Ordinary Time
7:30 am Intentions of St. Mark parishioners
9 am Rob Cannon (Michelle Cannon)
11 am +Hazel Mendillo (Schreck family)
1 pm +Edwin Weiss, Jr. (Dick & Trish Mahoney)
5 pm +Ellen Marie Costello (Rosary Makers Ministry)
6:30 pm Glenn & Marion Harris (Mark & Jackie Kugler)
+ deceased; (requested by)
Members In the Service
PFC Jacob Alexander; LCPL Jon C. Atkinson, USMC;
Lt. Colonel
Scott Michael Breece, USAF; AM1 John Caldwell, (VFA
32); 2nd Lt. Sam Camut, USMC; Capt. Dan Crum, USAF;
Lt. Colonel Peter Dargle, U.S. Army; Veronica
Dominguez; Spc. Frank Christopher Dunning; PFC
Albert Hadley, Infantry/Scout; Ensign Matthew
Hartung USN; MSgt. Patrick Heffernan; LT. Jenna
Hehn, USN; 1st Lt. Trevor Hehn, U.S. Army; Capt.
Laura Hehn M.D. U.S. Army; MM3 Christopher Heim;
Sgt. Christopher Holden; Lt. Colonel Matthew
Holloway, Air National Guard; Michael Huddle, U.S. Army;
CWO4 Christopher Joyce, Army Airborne; Corporal
Edward Keller III; PFC NCARNG Derek Koontz; Lt.
Patrick McFarland; SPC Michael Quinn, Jr., U.S. Army;
USMC; Lt. Matthew Santoli, USMC; Lt. Carter
Stapleton; LT JG Ryan P. Veatch, USN; LT Robert
Vendley, U.S. Army; LT William Vey III; Staff Sgt.
Andrew Vranek, USAF Army Airborne; Joshua Wagner,
U.S. Army; CTT2 Zachary Wortham, USN; PFC Ryan
Wilson, Army National Guard
...and for all service members not listed here.
Page 4
Mass Readings
Today’s Readings
Readings for the Week
First Reading — Say to those whose hearts are frightened:
Be strong, fear not! Here is your God
(Isaiah 35:4-7a).
Psalm — Praise the Lord, my soul! (Psalm 146).
Second Reading — Show no partiality as you adhere to the
faith in our glorious Lord Jesus Christ (James 2:1-5).
Gospel — Jesus makes the deaf hear and the mute speak
(Mark 7:31-37).
The English translation of the Psalm Responses from the Lectionary for
Mass © 1969, 1981, 1997, International Commission on English in the
Liturgy Corporation. All rights reserved.
Col 1:24 — 2:3; Ps 62:6-7, 9; Lk 6:6-11, or,
for Labor Day, any readings from the Mass
“For the Blessing of Human Labor,” nos.
Tuesday: Mi 5:1-4a or Rom 8:28-30; Ps 13:6
Mt 1:1-16, 18-23 [18-23]
Wednesday:Col 3:1-11; Ps 145:2-3, 10-13ab; Lk 6:20-26
Thursday: Col 3:12-17; Ps 150:1b-6; Lk 6:27-38
1 Tm 1:1-2, 12-14; Ps 16:1b-2a, 5, 7-8, 11;
Lk 6:39-42
Saturday: 1 Tm 1:15-17; Ps 113:1b-7; Lk 6:43-49
Is 50:5-9a; Ps 116:1-6, 8-9; Jas 2:14-18;
Mk 8:27-35
Parish Calendar
Sunday, Sept. 6
K of C Blood Drive Sign Ups - AFTER ALL MASSES (Church)
2:30 pm Baptisms (Church)
2:30 pm Feast of Guadalupe Dance Rehearsal (Hispanic)
(Room 200, 201)
3:15 pm Baptisms (Church)
7 pm Organ Practice (Church)
Monday, Sept. 7
7:30 pm Liturgical Training (Church)
Tuesday, Sept. 8
8:30 am Preschool (Preschool Rooms, Room 201, 203)
8:30 am Preschool (Room 201)
10 am Prayer Shawl Ministry (Parish Hall)
10 am School of Mary - Hispanic (Room 216)
12:30 pm YaHM - The Shufflers (Room 202)
6 pm Respect Life Meeting (Room 202)
6:30 pm RCIA Team meeting (Room 204)
6:30 pm Troop 97 Meeting (Parish Hall)
7 pm K of C General Council Meeting
(Kitchen, Room 200, 201)
7 pm Rosary (All are Welcome) (Church)
Wednesday, Sept. 9
8 am SLAM (Parish Hall)
8:30 am Preschool (Preschool Rooms, Room 203)
9:30 am Newcomers - After the Boxes Prep Meeting
(Room 204)
1:30 pm SMHSM (Room 200, 201, 202, 121)
1:30 pm YaHM -SilverSneakers Fitness Program
(Parish Hall)
3 pm Cheer Practice (Parish Hall)
7 pm Celebration of Virgin of Venezuela - Hispanic
(Parish Hall, Kitchen)
7 pm FFHSM-CAC Core Meeting (Room 215)
7:30 pm Couples Meeting - Hispanic (Room 204)
7:30 pm Men's Bible Study (Room 200,201)
7:30 pm Psalm 150 Practice (Church)
8 pm Regnum Christi (Room 216)
Page 5
Thursday, Sept. 10
8:30 am Preschool (Preschool Rooms, Room 201, 203)
8:30 am Preschool (Room 201)
10 am WOJ Babysitting (Room 202, 204)
10 am WOJ Bible Study (Parish Hall, Kitchen)
7 pm Be a Man - Men's Fellowship (Room 202)
7 pm Catholic Doctrine Study (Hispanic) (Parish Hall)
7 pm Evening WOJ Bible Study (Room 200, 201)
7 pm Legion of Mary (Room 203)
7:30 pm Women's AOH (Room 204)
Friday, Sept. 11
7 am Cursillo (Room 200)
8 am SLAM (Parish Hall)
8:30 am Preschool (Preschool Rooms, Room 201, 203)
10 am Finance - Meeting (Room 204)
10 am Legion of Mary (Room 202)
12:30 pm YaHM - SilverSneakers Fitness Program
(Parish Hall)
5 pm Eucharistic Congress
Saturday, Sept. 12
AOH -Ticket Sales - AFTER ALL MASSES (Church Fountain)
K of C “Pastapalooza" Ticket Sales - AFTER ALL MASSES
7 am Eucharistic Congress
8 am Confirmation 2: Eucharistic Congress High
School (Offsite: Charlotte Convention Center)
10 am YaHM - Tai Chi (24 movement Form)
(SMS Cafeteria)
Sunday, Sept. 13
K of C “Pastapalooza" Ticket Sales - AFTER ALL MASSES
Troop 97 BBQ Cooking / Sale - AFTER ALL MASSES
8:30 am K of C Blood Drive (Parish Hall)
1 pm Maximilian Kolbe Fraternity OFS (SMS Library)
2:30 pm Baptisms - Spanish (Church)
3 pm Feast of Guadalupe Dance Rehearsal (Hispanic)
(Room 200, 201)
3:15 pm Baptisms (Church)
5 pm FF-MS EDGE/ FR Classes (SMS)
6 pm FF- HSM (Parish Hall, Kitchen)
7 pm Organ Practice (Church)
7:15 pm FF- Confirmation 1: Sunday Parent Meeting
(SMS Gym)  704-948-0231
Parish Life
Ministry of Hospitality
Grow in Christ…..Serve one
Another…..Share our Gifts
We want you to help us welcome
and serve each other at the Mass
by serving at the new Ministry of
This ministry consists of Greeters
(4th grade and older) to welcome
arriving parishioners, Ushers (16
and older) to locate seats and
collect offertory, a Camera Crew
(16 and older) to live stream the
Mass from the Choir Loft and
New Parishioner Registrants (18
and older). Join together with
your spouse, children, teens and
friends to serve in this ministry
during the Mass. Choose one Mass
per month or more if you wish.
Signups will be during the
weekend of Sept. 26 and 27,
after all of the Masses. Training
for new members of this ministry
will be held Oct. 5, at 7 pm in
the Church.
Many Opportunities to
Serve as a Music
Children’s Mass 9 am in the Parish
Hall is returning in September and
we will need someone to lead the
Rising 9th graders through adult are
welcome to audition for Psalm 150
(the group that plays for the
Sunday 5 pm Mass).
The Saint Mark Choir is composed
of rising 9th graders though adult
and we in need of MORE SINGERS of
ALL VOICE PARTS. If you like the
more traditional music of the
church please talk to me! No
audition needed to try it out! We
sing at the 9 am Mass and practice
Thursdays at 7 pm beginning
Sept. 17.
For more information or to sign
up now, contact Norm Peter at
704-661-9803 or
[email protected].
Children 2nd-8th grade are welcome
in the Children’s Choir. The
children sing once a month at the
11 am Mass. First practice is Sept.
16, 3-4 pm or Sept. 17 4:30-5 pm.
Children will sing at the 11 am
Mass on Sept. 20.
Rosary Makers Ministry
Monthly Meeting
We are also putting together a
string ensemble and are looking for
When: Sun., Sept. 27; Opening
prayer at 1 pm
Where: Family Center, Room 200
Rosary Makers - bring your smiles
and completed rosaries, and pick
up your new mission kits and
crystal rosary kits for the feast of
Our Lady of Guadalupe. Your
children are always welcome. We
look forward to seeing you at our
first meeting!
Information: Check the online
Parish calendar
Contact: Susan Wild,
[email protected]
If you speak Spanish, please
contact Gladis Compoverde at
Thank you for your support and
encourage your family members
and/or fellow parishioners to get
involved in Music Ministry!
Laura Maclean, Director of Music
Ministry 704-948-0231
[email protected]
Women Newcomers
New “After the Boxes” Session
Wednesdays, Sept. 16 through
Nov. 18; Daytime: 10–11:30 am,
Nighttime: 7–8:30 pm
Family Center, Rooms 200-201
New to our parish or still feel new? This
class is based on Susan Miller’s book After
the Boxes Are Unpacked, dealing with the
spiritual, emotional and practical needs
when making a move. It is a great way to
meet fellow parishioners and make new
Daytime – Cathy, 704-895-9879 or Maxine,
Nighttime – Paula, 804-937-5719 or
Valerie, 704-997-5296,
or [email protected]
AFTER “After the Boxes”
Wed., Sept. 9; 10 —12
The Bakery Shoppe,
If you have been in an “After the Boxes”
session and would like to meet the new
ladies who have recently finished their
session or would like to meet up with some
of the “After the Boxes” alumni, join us.
We will be meeting the second Wednesday
of each month. So mark your calendars.
We are looking forward to seeing you. No
need to RSVP, just come.
Contact: Allison, 704-770-7842,
[email protected]
Training for New Altar Servers, 4th Graders
and Above
When: Session 1: Sept.14 AND Session 2: Sept. 28; 7:30—9 pm
Where: St. Mark Church
Both sessions are required to be put on the server schedule.
There will be no make-ups for these sessions (however there will
be additional opportunities in the future).
A parent/guardian will be required to be present for the first 30 minutes of the
training on Sept. 14 (Session 1).
Contact: Mr. Tom Rider, [email protected]  704-948-0231
Page 6
Faith Formation
Childrens’ Mass is
Yes, St. Mark will be offering a
children’s Mass beginning Sunday
Sept. 27 at 9 am in the Parish Hall.
This Mass will be available for
children 1st-3rd grade. We are
asking parents to register their
child for this Mass by going to By registering
your child it will give us a sense of
our numbers for this Mass, also
there will be opportunities for
parents to sign up to assist as
volunteers, lectors and ushers. Any
questions contact Donna Smith.
[email protected]
The Great Adventure Bible Study
At the core of program is the concept that even though the Bible is, in essence,
a library of 73 separate books. Running through it is a story that ties all books
together and makes sense, not just of them, but of our lives as well.
That story is God’s plan as it has unfolded in history and continues
today. Once we get a grasp of that “big picture,” the Mass readings
begin to make sense, our Scripture reading and study come to life,
and we see how our lives fit into God’s loving plan.
This is a three phase, 24 week study that will occur over 18 months
(fall 2015, spring and fall 2016). This study expands upon the overview taught
in the Quick Journey through the Bible, going further into 12 periods of Bible
history, focusing on the 14 books of the Bible that tell the story chronologically.
The first phase of the study begins Tuesday, Sept. 22 at 10 am in Room 204 and
runs for 8 consecutive weeks. Please register by Sept. 15 to ensure we have
your material. Cost is $20.00 and includes all course material for the 24 weeks.
To register for the study email [email protected] or call
Parents…if you have not picked up
your class assignment packet yet,
please do! They are available
outside the church on Sundays, or
outside the parish hall. Packets
that are not picked up by Sept. 9
will be mailed. Faith Formation
classes begin the week of Sept. 13.
Faith Formation registration will
close Sunday, Oct 4. If you were
previously registered with our
program, and have not registered
we will not be able to
accommodate you after this date!
Imagine our Parish encountering the Catholic Faith not
just on Sunday but all throughout the week! Symbolon is
an immersion in the faith for the whole parish. It aims
at transforming adults on all levels – how they think, how they pray and how they live – by immersing them in an
understanding of the Word of God and the Catholic Faith.
The 20 compelling sessions, presented by some of the most trusted Catholic teachers in the world, guides
parishioners through the breadth and richness of our Catholic faith. As a member of our parish, you can access
Symbolon anytime on the web, using your computer, smartphone or tablet. Tell your friends, neighbors and
family… this is something for everyone!
To access this subscription go to: Enter Parish Code: a237c6
Page 7  704-948-0231
Knights of Columbus
Uptown Men's Shelter Volunteers
When: Wed., Sept. 9
Mark your calendars for our next Uptown Men's Shelter
meal. We will need at least eight or more volunteers to
ensure a smooth process.
Contact: Sergio Miranda,
[email protected]
Medical Outreach Day
When: Sept. 13; 8:30 am-1:00 pm
Where: Family Center
Health opportunities for you! St. Mark and the Knights
of Columbus are sponsoring a “Medical Outreach Day.”
We will be hosting two key events: one which will
benefit others and the other to benefit YOU.
• Join us in the Parish Hall for a FLU SHOT made
available to us by Rite Aid to prepare you for the
upcoming flu season. We will have a list of the
insurance companies which cover the cost of the
shot. Most insurance companies do cover it. The
cost of the shot is $30.00 if not covered by your
insurance company.
• The other outreach is a BLOOD DRIVE, sponsored by
the Knights of Columbus. Our goal is to have 65
donors. Our local area hospitals require more than
400 units of blood daily. Blood is needed not only
for emergencies, but also for continual transfusions
for patients suffering from cancer, heart disease
and other serious illnesses. By donating you can
provide a lifetime of difference for our suffering
brothers and sisters.
To schedule an appointment online; log onto
• Click on donor logins and appointments.
• Create an account.
• Click on "Donate Blood or Platelets" and enter
sponsor code, Mark, to find St. Mark's blood
• Schedule your time early to obtain a time that is
convenient for you. Walk-ins are also welcome.
• If you prefer, you can sign up at the Knights of
Columbus table after Mass on designated
weekends (listen for the Altar announcement).
Please note that there are no issues with getting the
shot and giving blood on the same day. Thank you for
your support in both of these ministries.
Business Meetings
Knights of Columbus
When: Tue., Sept. 8; 7 pm
Where: Family Center, Room 200
All Knights, please attend. All Catholic gentlemen may
attend as a guest by contacting the Grand Knight, Tom
Battle at [email protected] .  704-948-0231
Columbus Day - A National Holiday
When: Sun., Oct. 11; Afternoon
Where: Family Center
The St. Mark Knights of Columbus, a Catholic Fraternal
Service Organization, will be celebrating our inaugural
Columbus Day Pastapaloosa. Pastapaloosa is an Italian
Pasta Food Festival, which will include Cavatelli,
Lasagna, Gnocchi and Spaghetti & Meatballs. Salads with
Italian olive oil and red wine dressing and Italian bread
will also be served.
Tickets are now available!
Donation: Adult $10; Child $5; Family of Four $25 - before
Oct. 1
As a prelude to this event the children of St. Mark School
will participate in a "Columbus Day Model Shipbuilding
Contest,” which will begin in September. Prizes will be
awarded at the celebration to each child who builds a
model of the Nina, Pinta or the Santa Maria, with special
prizes for the top three model shipbuilders from each
Contact: Steve Romeo, 570-317-7857,
[email protected]
Time To Go Racing
Volunteers are needed to drive buses or trams for the
upcoming races at Charlotte Motor Speedway during race
week, Oct. 5 through Oct. 10. If you drove during the
races in May, just use this link to volunteer If you're a first time driver
call Mike Tolbert at 704-241-3222 or email him at
[email protected].
Notecard Sale
When: Oct. 17-18; After all Masses
Where: Church Fountain
Coming soon! The St. Mark Knights of Columbus Ladies
Auxiliary will be selling St. Mark Catholic Church
Knights on
The "Fishing
Frenzy" at
Steve Romeo, Brian
Lisk, Bobby
Collucci, Dave
Stoughton, Tom
Collucci at the
Outer Banks, NC
St. Mark Knights of Columbus Ladies Auxiliary
When: Sept. 30; 7 pm
Where: Family Center, Room 204
Page 8
High School Ministry
Sunday Night Calendar
Sept. 6
Sept. 12
Sept. 13
Sept. 19
Sept. 20
Sept. 27
Oct. 4
No Meeting – Labor Day Weekend
Eucharistic Congress – This is our
youth event for the weekend.
No Meeting— Eucharistic Congress
Life Teen Adult Core Training
beginning with 9 am Mass
Continuation of 4 Last Things
Social Night
Life Teen Kick-off
Life Teen Core Training
When: Sat., Sept.19; Beginning with 9 am Mass
Where: Church (for Mass); Family Center, Room
200 (for training)
Kathleen Lewis is putting together a great team
to train all new core members. If you are
interested in volunteering as a core team
member for Life Teen, contact Brian Kaup.
Contact: Brian Kaup, 704-948-1306 ext. 105,
[email protected]
Respect Life
Rachel’s Vineyard
When: Asheville area: Sept. 18-20;
Charlotte area: Oct. 9-11
There is hope, healing and
forgiveness following
abortion. Rachel's Vineyard is a
weekend retreat for women and
men to begin their healing journey.
One mother’s thoughts following a
retreat weekend: “I have been
through 14 years of therapy and anti
-depressants. I have confessed my
abortion a hundred times. Just
when I thought I could take the pain
no longer, I found Rachel’s
Vineyard. This weekend retreat
literally saved my life.”
The weekends are sponsored by the
Respect Life Program, Catholic
Charities Diocese of Charlotte.
Contact: Shelley Glanton, 828-2304940, [email protected];
Jennifer Ganser, 336-209-2161,
[email protected]
Natural Family Planning — Couple to Couple League:
Sympto-Thermal Method
A Natural Family Planning three class series will be taught Sept. 18, Oct. 23
and Nov. 20. All classes are on Saturdays from 6:30-9:30 pm at the Hack
home, in North Charlotte.
Certified Sympto-Thermal Method teaching couple will help couples
naturally plan for family growth in a safe, effective manner, within the
Church’s teaching. Sign up on-line and purchase class materials at Scholarships are available. Postpartum and Premenopause
transition classes are also available upon request.
Contact: Joe and Kathy Hack, 704-548-1834, [email protected]
MiraVia’s 21st Annual Fundraising Banquet
When: Oct. 22; 5:30 pm
Where: Crown Ball Room,
The Charlotte Convention Center
MiraVia, a non-profit, Catholic maternity and
after-care program, cordially invites you to
attend this year’s banquet “Witness For Life.” We welcome guest speaker,
Austin Ruse, president of C-Fam (Center for Family & Human Rights), and
ardent defender of the dignity of the human person. Our annual banquet
generates about 30% of our operating funds for the year and helps us provide
material and emotional assistance to pregnant mothers and children in
Reserve your seat today at For
more information, to make reservations, or to host a table of eight to ten,
please contact Banquet Reservations at 704-525-4673 ext. 10 or
[email protected] by Oct. 10. Reservations are free, but required.  704-948-0231
Page 9
Young at Heart
Prayer Shawl Ministry
Alzheimer’s Awareness Presentation
When: Second and fourth Tue. of the month
Where: Parish Hall
When: Tue., Oct. 20; 6:30—8:00 pm
Where: Parish Hall
Huntersville CARE’s invites you to an Alzheimer’s
Awareness Presentation. Huntersville CARES’s is a
volunteer group dedicated to bringing Alzheimer’s
awareness to our community. Each year more and more
members of our faith community are experiencing the day
-to-day difficulties of learning to live with this debilitating
brain disease. Alzheimer’s is NOT a normal part of aging.
Every 68 seconds someone new develops Alzheimer’s
disease, so it somehow touches nearly everyone in our
congregation. Huntersville CARE’s members will provide
the resources and education needed to help those
affected by Alzheimer’s and their family members.
Members pray together as they
crochet and knit prayer shawls for
people suffering through a time of
transition, crisis or need, and baby
blankets and hats for infants in area
hospital neo-natal units or for
individual requests. Contact us to
join this group or receive a shawl,
infant cap or blanket.
Contact: Carole Lavinio, 704-992-5659 or Sharon Marshall
(baby blankets), 704-875-8811
Lunch Bunch
When: Fri., Sept. 11; 12 noon (second Fri. of the month)
Where: The Pearl Grill & Deli, 19501 W. Catawba Ave.,
This is a wonderful way to meet fellow parishioners while
enjoying lunch out.
RSVP: Jennie Donohue, 704-274-5135 or Eunice Bajart,
Topics will include:
• Alzheimer’s, what it is, what it is not
• Ten Warning Signs of Alzheimer’s
• The Three Stages of Alzheimer’s
• Communication Tips
• Caregiver Strategies
• Question and Answer Session
Information/RSVP: Janet Urban, 704-948-3558,
[email protected]
Harvest Festival Fireside Kickoff at Shelton Vineyards Winery
When: Fri., Oct. 9; Bus departs St. Mark at 3 pm
Where: Shelton Vineyards Winery
The St. Mark Travelers Ministry invites you to join us as we kickoff the 2015
Harvest Festival with a dinner buffet and fireside S'mores in the vineyard by
Chef Paul. Enjoy the cool autumn evening as you dine, relax and sip Shelton
Vineyards award-winning wine by fireside! Wines will be sold by the glass and
the bottle. We will also have Mulled Wine and "Spiked" Cider available for
• Bus departs St. Mark at 3 pm
• Winery tour at 5 pm with a wine tasting of five wines
• Buffet dinner/bonfire to follow from 6:30—8:30 pm
Cost is $70 per person which includes roundtrip bus transportation, winery tour, wine tasting and buffet dinner/
bonfire at Shelton Vineyards, Yadkin County.
For reservations, please fill out RSVP form located on the Young at Heart Ministry table in the Family Center. Also
include your check payable to St. Mark Catholic Church and place in the YAHM drop box.
Spaces limited to 25 people. Reserve your spot ASAP.
Contact: Janet Urban, 704-948-3558, [email protected]
Friendly Visitor Ministry (FVM)
On their own schedule, Friendly Visitor Ministry volunteers visit people in nursing homes and those homebound.
Individuals, couples and families can expand their faith practices, prayer and socialization and provide a large
variety of services to those who need it most. Training and assistance is available. If you know someone who would
welcome a Friendly Visitor, please contact us.
Contact: Leanne Vaccaro, 704-948-0231, [email protected]  704-948-0231
Page 10
Stewardship Corner
Save the date for our parish-wide Stewardship Social
Saturday, September 26
6:15 pm – 8:45 pm
St. Mark Catholic Church Lawn/Family Center
Food Trucks-Beer Truck-Music-Games
Kids-Teens-Adults, All are Welcome!
Special Live Streaming of Pope Francis’
speech in Philadelphia
Sunday, September 27
Join us for coffee, bagels and donuts
After the 9 am and 11 am Masses
Learn about our new Ministry of Hospitality and how you can serve the Lord
by serving our community.
Greeters- Ushers-Camera Crew-New Parishioner Registration Team members wanted. Serve the above ministry in
any capacity with your spouse, children, teens and friends. Together we can make St. Mark a more welcoming
Other Opportunities
Adopt a (College) Student
I’m looking for a few more St. Mark families to “adopt” a
Davidson College Catholic student this year. Students
often long for a home away from home, for the
opportunity to interact with a “normal” family, for an
escape from the pressures and craziness of college life. If
you’re interested in supporting a student (inviting them to
dinner, attending a Davidson event with them, sending an
occasional care package or card, etc.) please contact
Karen Soos, the Catholic campus minister at Davidson:
[email protected], 704-894-2423. Thanks!
Catholic Campus Ministry
Are you a college student or
the parent of a college
student? There are Catholic
Campus Ministry programs at
over ten colleges in our
diocese. Check out
to see what’s available.
Contact: Karen Soos (Campus Minister at Davidson
College), 704-894-2423, [email protected]  704-948-0231
Page 11
Anuncios Semanales del Ministerio Hispano
8 de Sept. Fiesta de la Virgen de Coromoto
La historia relata que en 1591 al ser fundada la ciudad de Guanare, los indígenas que
habitaban en la región, los Cospes, huyeron hacia la selva en el Norte de la ciudad. Esto
dificultaba la evangelización que la iglesia Católica había emprendido. Alli la Virgen María
apareció ante el cacique Coromoto y su mujer, exhortándoles en su propia lengua a recibir el
bautismo de los hombres blancos.
Coromoto no obedeció, por lo que la Bella Señora se le apareció nuevamente el 8 de
septiembre de 1652. Molesto, él le exigió que lo dejase tranquilo, pero la Señora lo abrazó.
El cacique trató entonces de agarrarla por el brazo, y al instante todo quedó envuelto en
tinieblas. “Aquí la tengo”, exclamó, pero al abrir su mano para mostrarla a las mujeres que
se hallaban presentes, contemplaron un retrato con el rostro de una bella mujer, que es la
reliquia que se venera actualmente en el Santuario Nacional Nuestra Señora de Coromoto.
Cuenta el relato que luego Coromoto fue mordido por una serpiente venenosa y, herido y
moribundo, volvió a Guanare, donde comenzó a pedir el bautismo. Tras serle administrado el
sacramento, se convirtió y comenzó a exhortar a los cospes para que se bautizaran.
Finalmente, Coromoto, quien adoptó el nombre cristiano de Ángel Custodio, murió en buena vejez.
El 1º de mayo de 1942, la Virgen de Coromoto fue declarada Patrona de Venezuela por el Episcopado Nacional. El 7
de octubre de 1944, S. S. Pío XXII, la proclamó "Celeste y Principal Patrona de toda la República de Venezuela", y su
coronación canónica se celebró en 1952. El Santuario Nacional a la Virgen de Coromoto fue declarado Basílica por S.
S. Pío XII el 24 de mayo de 1949. El Papa Juan Pablo II la coronó en su visita al Santuario mariano en Guanare, y en
2006 el Papa Benedicto XVI elevó el Santuario Nacional de Nuestra Señora de Coromoto a la categoría de Basílica
Celebración en Honor a la Virgen de Coromoto
Miércoles 9 de sept, 2015
Salón Familiar de la Iglesia San Marcos
Los consagrados a Jesus a través de Maria en coordinación con los feligreses
venezolanos los invitan a la celebración en honor a la Virgen de Coromoto,
patrona de Venezuela, el dia miércoles 9 de septiembre a las 7 pm en el salón
familiar. Para mayor información favor contactar Arnelis Cote al 704- 2645394 o Jaimar Nuñez al 786-9530760.
Grupo de Oración Carismático
Todos los viernes a las 7:45 pm
Iglesia San Marcos
Jesucristo siempre nos está buscando y nos habla de muchas maneras. Sólo
tenemos que saber escuchar su voz. El grupo carismatico Esperanza y Vida te
invita y te espera todos los viernes a las 7:45 pm para participar y juntos
alabemos a Dios. Para mas información puedes llamar al hermano William Veliz
al 704-634-8302
Exposición Perpetua del Santísimo Sacramento
Nuestro Señor Jesucristo está expuesto en la Capilla 24 horas al día, 7 días a la
semana. Ven a visitarlo y a pasar un momento en la presencia de Jesús
Sacramentado. El Señor ha reservado gracias especiales para los que le visitan.
En el altar el Señor es puro amor, y distribuye sus gracias a manos llenas a los
que le visitan.
Información en
Andrea Solórzano (704-948-4239)
Rosalba Rojas (704-895-8866)
Horario De Misas
Misa Diaria:
Lunes, Martes, Jueves y
7am y 9 am
7pm Español
Miércoles: 7 am y 6:30 pm
9 am
5 pm
Domingo: 7:30, 9, 11 am
1 pm Español
5 pm Misa de jóvenes
Bautizos: Clases todos los segundos
sábados de cada mes de 10 am a 12
pm Celebración del Bautismo todos
los segundos domingos de cada mes
a las 2:30 pm. Por favor contacte a
Caridad Masson al 704-948-2839 para
registrarse en las clases.
Matrimonios: Clases PreMatrimoniales, favor avisar con seis
meses de anticipación.
“La vida de María
nos muestra que
Nuestra Santísima Madre María, la Virgen de Guadalupe, está visitando nuestra Dios realiza
comunidad dejando un regalo de amor, paz, fe y esperanza. Si deseas abrir las grandes obras por
puertas de tu hogar a nuestra Madre María, puedes inscribirte llamando a
medio de los más
Yolanda Gutierrez al teléfono 980-255-6233.
Virgen Peregrina  704-948-0231
Page 12
Bank Near. Go Far.
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Tel: 704-990-7060
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800-566-6150 •
Christina J. Collura, DO, MPH, FAAAAI
Jonathan R. Romeo, DO
Julia W. Parkhurst, MS, PA-C
11907 Sam Roper Drive, Charlotte, NC 28269
961424 St Mark Church (D)
PHONE 704.597.2570
15940-C Northcross Drive
Huntersville, NC 28078
311 Williamson Road
Mooresville, NC 28117
For Ads: J.S. Paluch Co., Inc. 1-800-432-3240
Cortes Home Services
Cathy Hansen
Juan Cortes - Parishioner
[email protected]
One Call Gets It All
Electrical • Cleaning Gutter • Pressure Washer
Landscaping • Trimming • Pine Needle • Mulch • And More!
A way for you to partner with service
providers who support your parish through
their sponsorship of the parish bulletin.
Assisted Living & Memory Care
Conveniently located across from St. Mark
Opening Soon
SINCE 1984
Patrick J. Coleman, DMD
Michael J. Coleman, DDS
Robert & Eileen McCrary - Parishioners
231 Griffith St.
Davidson, NC 28036
w w w. N o r t h l a k e M e m o r i a l . c o m
To better serve our community, your local family owned funeral home now owns and operates the areas
only non-Church related cemetery, NorthLake Memorial Gardens. NorthLake is a 30 acre cemetery in a
secluded setting that includes the only consecrated Catholic grounds in the Lake Norman area.
With grave space starting at less than $1,000.00 we are also one of the areas most affordable cemeteries.
The cemetery includes a columbarium and cremation gardens for families who choose cremation.
As Lake Norman’s only funeral home and cemetery combination, we will be able to serve your family with the
high quality service you have come to know, from the first call to caring for the grave space for years to come.
Feel free to call 704.584.9004 for more information.
704 895-9844
Debbie Ruthenberg
Owner & Parishioner
Lizzie McCormick, Parishioner
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For Ads: J.S. Paluch Co., Inc. 1-800-432-3240
Come Sail Away on a 7-night Catholic Exotic Cruise. Prices begin at $1045
per couple which includes all port fees and taxes. Daily Mass and Rosary
offered. Deposit of only $100 per person will reserve your cabin.
Space is limited. Thanks and God Bless,
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Travel Agency
Brian or Sally, coordinators 860.399.1785
WILLIAM G. DAGIT, CPA Saint Margaret
Sunday Missal
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Cornelius, NC 28031
CORNELIUS, NC 28031 Parishioners
Brennan Law Firm, PLLC
Simple Solutions for Complex Problems • Trusts & Estates
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Fulfilling the commercial and residential needs
of Catholic families in the Lake Norman Area
Bill Fitzpatrick
Owner/St. Mark Parishioner
& Closet Systems
MIKE HEGE, MRE, Realtor®
Plantation Shutters, Blinds & Shades
Custom closet organization system
[email protected]
Quality products and superior customer service since 2000
(704) 947-9822
Alina M. Bohn - Parishioner
980.292.1017 / [email protected]
• Accounting Solutions / Advice
• Personal & Small Business Accounting
• Tax Professional
¡Hablo Español!
St. Mark parishioner
A/C Service
NC Inspections
JIM NEITZKE, Parishioner
411 South Old Statesville Rd.
Huntersville, NC 28078
(704) 875-1095
Daniel Skotzko, DDS
20816 N. Main Street, Suite 202 ~ Cornelius, NC 28031
Monolithic Slabs, Driveways, Sidewalks,
Patios, Colored & Stamped Concrete
f. 704.987.8777
Progressive, Family,
Cosmetic, & General Dentistry
961424 St Mark Church (B)
Cesidio Castricone
Laura Castricone
Office: 704-895-8952
Fax: 704-895-8130
[email protected]
For Ads: J.S. Paluch Co., Inc. 1-800-432-3240
General & Cosmetic
9725 Caldwell Commons Circle
Cornelius, North Caroline 28031
Steven M. White, DDS, PA
(704) 896-9535
Brad S. Haines, DDS, PA
advanced dentistry
The Good Samaritan Funeral Home
Myrtle Beach Rental
3362 North Highway 16 • Denver, NC 28037
3 bedrooms 2½ bath condo
704 483 2124
Owned and operated by the Costigan Family (Parishioners)
Cremation, Irrevocable Pre Need and Veterans Services Available
Info go to:
Email: [email protected]
✂ Please Cut Out This “Thank You Ad”
and Present It The Next Time You
Patronize One of Our Advertisers
Patrick Golden, Parishioner
9115 Harris Corners Parkway, Suite 250
704-688-0605 Office
704-578-9451 Mobile
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- Parishioners TODD SANSBURY
The Pearl
Weddings & Events
19501 West Catawba Ave.
Cornelius, NC 28031
Beaver Dam
Historical Home and Grounds
19600 Davidson-Concord Rd.
Davidson, NC 28036
Armin’s Catering & Events LLC
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St. Mark Parishioner
Dr. Brian P. McNulty
Dr. Luis L. Dancausse
3014 Baucom Rd., #200
Charlotte 28269
[email protected]
Gentle Dentistry with a Caring Touch
New Patients Welcome
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Contact Me At 704-391-8868
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Michael Malyszko, Parishioner
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961424 St Mark Church (A)
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For Ads: J.S. Paluch Co., Inc. 1-800-432-3240

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