Jubilee Year of Mercy - St. Julie Billiart Roman Catholic Parish
Jubilee Year of Mercy - St. Julie Billiart Roman Catholic Parish
7399 West 159th Street Tinley Park IL 60477 708-429-6767 www.stjulie.org MAY 8 Jubilee Year of Mercy December 8, 2015 to November 20, 2016 Mercy Box Works of Mercy See page 3 Mercy Mondays See page 7 Mercy Outreach Weekend See page 11 FR. LOU’S LINE... Page 2 Inside this Issue 2 Fr. Lou’s Line 3 Parish Happenings and Highlights 4 Parish Calendar Sacrificial Giving 5 Minister’s Schedules Mass Intentions 6 In Our Prayers 7 Reflections Year of Mercy 8 Liturgy & Music 9 Human Concerns 10 Formation Religious Education 11 Community Life 12 A Mother’s Tribute by Mrs. Sheila Pluchar 13 Our Parish School 14 Bulletin Board Letters from St. Julie~ Month of Mary Above all, ASCENSION… Today we keep the Solemnity of the Ascension of the Lord. After appearing to the disciples a number of times after the Resurrection, Jesus ascends to heaven in the culmination of His earthly ministry. The Lord entrusts the work of preaching the gospel to the disciples and to us! As the Gospel of Luke tells us, Jesus “blessed” the disciples before being “taken up to heaven.” This is a very important detail not to be overlooked: the Church has received the blessing of Christ to be the witnesses of the Gospel and instruments of mercy. We go into the world as a blessed people, knowing first the expression of God’s love for us so that we can share that love with the world. Time and again we gather to be blessed by Christ’s presence, especially in the Mass, so that we indeed carry God’s blessings with us each day. Where the Lord has gone, we hope to follow; until that day we know that we are a blessed people. MOTHERS’ DAY... Today is also Mothers’ Day, a day that we give thanks for the gift of all women who in some way share in the vocation of being a mom: grandmothers, mothers, aunts, sisters, God-mothers. Nothing can replace a mother’s love. At the core of motherhood is a love which is unconditional, abundantly shared, significantly challenging, tenderly forgiving and fully self-sacrificing! The love from a mother imitates God’s love for us. I suppose at some level it is, shall we say, interesting that we need to set aside a day to honor our mothers; should this not be the case each day? Nevertheless, as daughters and sons, as husbands and brothers, today we most sincerely show our appreciation for all that you do: to the Blessed Virgin, ~Julie, L417 ROOF FEST… Save the date: June 24, 2016! “Roof Fest” is coming to St. Julie. On Friday, June 24th we will host the first of four fundraisers to assist with the repayment of the loan secured last year to repair the roof at Cardinal Bernardin School. The evening will include food, music, friendship and a grand prize raffle for a car! More information is forthcoming so stay tuned! Help to ‘raise’ the roof with this fun evening! CHILI’S FUNDRAISER… We continue to eat our way through restaurant fundraising all in support of our church! This month’s local restaurant fundraiser is at Chili’s Restaurant, located at 15735 S. Harlem! Chili’s offers not just a daily fundraiser, but a fundraising week! From May 8 through May 15, each time you eat at Chili’s with our flyer, we will reap the benefits of your lunches and dinners! So take advantage of eating some good food for a good cause! WEAR RED… let us have recourse our good Mother. scaping master plan. This past week there were a number of “removals” that took place. The removals occurred for various reasons from the new design to either disease or improper planting. For instance, there were two trees that were planted off the corner of the office building, the space only is sufficient for one tree and the other is located too close to the building which would impact the foundation in the future. While the removals make for additional ‘barren’ spaces on the campus, it is more cost effective to do the removals at the same time. It will also, I hope, encourage us to move quicker on new plantings. LANDSCAPING PREP… Next Sunday we celebrate Pentecost which is the feast of the Holy Spirit. Show your ‘spirit’ by wearing red to Church! You may have noticed some missing bushes or trees as you came to Mass this weekend. Peace & Prayers, This is the first step in implementing the land- PARISH HAPPENINGS & HIGHLIGHTS Page 3 Confirmation Journey Begins Wednesday, May 11 at 7:00pm in Church 7th Grade students Religious Education Program Cardinal Bernardin School Noonan Academy, along with their parents, will participate in the Commitment Service in preparation for the sacrament of Confirmation. See flyer insert for coupons Share with family and friends St. Julie earns 15% of your purchase. Thank You! Calling all Teens and Friends: “Hey, hey, what do you say?” Softball forms are available right outside the parish office doors on the wall. Grab some forms and pass them out to your friends! It’s going to be a great summer! All current 8th graders thru current seniors are eligible to play. All are welcome! St. Julie Annual Garage Sale Friday, May 20 8:30am–3:30pm Sellers: Only $20 for each 16ft x 10ft space. Set-up any time after 6:00am; before 8:30am. Please complete an application form in the Parish Office. Spaces are assigned by date of completed paid application. No Refunds! Shoppers: Save this date - Gates open at 8:30am so come early – Enjoy a cup of coffee with a donut or stay for hotdogs and chips! Please take the slip below, complete and place in the Mercy Box in the Narthex! Works of Mercy for the Week of May 8 ~ 14 Pope Francis declared that this is a Jubilee Year of Mercy. The whole Catholic Church is invited to discover ways that we can bring mercy into our lives. This week, St. Julie Billiart Parishioners are encouraged to do one of the corporal and one of the spiritual works of mercy: Visit the sick ______________________________ Instruct the ignorant ______________________________ Write down what you did, bring it to Mass on Sunday and put your works of mercy in our Mercy Box in the Narthex. Page 4 PARISH CALENDAR May 9-15 Devine Center except where noted. Monday, May 9 Autumn Leaves Rosary - Away Finance Council - Staff Conference Room St. Peregrine Novena - Chapel SVDP Meeting - Great Room AA 10:00 a.m. 7:00 p.m. 7:00 p.m. 7:00 p.m. 8:00 p.m. Tuesday, May 10 Young at Heart Luncheon Adult Choir - Parish Hall Social Committee - Great Room Bobcats General Meeting 11:30 a.m. 7:00 p.m. 7:00 p.m. 8:00 p.m. Coffee & Conversation - Staff Conference Room 7th Grade Commitment Service - Church & Parish Hall Marriage Prep - Great Room 9:30 a.m. 7:00 p.m. 7:00 p.m. Adoration of the Blessed Sacrament - Chapel Bible Study - Great Room Holy Hour of Reparation - Chapel TTWCI Meeting - Parish Hall 8:30 a.m. 9:30 a.m. 4:00 p.m. 7:00 p.m. Andrew High School AP Testing Mary Chapel Open Our Lady of Fatima Holy Hour - Church 7:00 a.m. 8:30 a.m. 7:00 p.m. Saturday, May 14 AA 7:30 p.m. Sunday, May 15 Pentecost Hospitality Sunday - Parish Hall TNT Leaders Meeting - Youth Center Alter Server Appreciation Party - Parish Hall Bingo Baptisms - Church Mass for the Deaf - Chapel & Parish Hall TNT Meeting Wednesday, May 11 Thursday, May 12 Friday, May 13 8:00 a.m. 10:00 a.m. 1:00 p.m. 1:00 p.m. 1:30 p.m. 4:00 p.m. 7:00 p.m. Sacrificial Giving for July 1, 2015 thru June 30, 2016 Parish Office Regular Hours Monday thru Thursday 8:30am - 8:00pm Closed for lunch 12-1pm Saturday 9:00am - 1:00pm Friday* and Sunday Closed * On Fridays the Mary Chapel will be open from 8:30am - 4:00pm Access only thru doors by the Parish Office. Facebook St Julie Billiart Parish Twitter @SJB_Tinley YouTube www.youtube.com 500 Club Winners: May 1 Year to Date Needed $20,400.00 $897,600.00 May 1, 2016 Collected $18,130.35 $836,457.03 Under Budget ($ 2,269.65) ($ 61,142.97) 1st Prize ~ $100 #494 Paul J. Flynn 2nd Prize ~ $25 #277 Patricia Marrs Children’s Envelopes Children’s Amount 13 $13.80 MINISTERS AND MASS INTENTIONS Liturgical Ministers Sunday 7:30 a.m. Sunday 9:00 a.m. Fr. Lou Tylka Fr. Bob Regan Fr. Bob Regan Fr. Lou Tylka Fr. Lou Tylka Fr. Joe Mulcrone E. Eubank D. Wydra J. Thomas J. Thomas K. Bewley-Thomas S. Rheinheimer M. Roth J. Neven M. Grilli S. Rost M. Ortega S. Ortega R. Kaemerer K. Weishaar L. Ignacio M. Halicki C. Evans J. Benz SERVERS J. Noga T. Scallon D. Schissler J. Burns M. Burns K. Rost E. Sikorski G. Sikorski J. Sikorski R. Hill H. O'Brien * L. Salgado A. Gravina E. Mani F. Porcaro A. Anchinges G. Fernandez * J. Pia EUCHARISTIC MINISTERS R. Bracken C. Conachen M. Grzeslo A. Hayes E. Helmold P. Helmold M. Hernaez M. Holan B. Kmak J. Lisiecki J. McErlean M. Modjeski J. Neven J. O'Connor M. Ryan T. Scallon C. Scallon B. Weglarz B. Daum D. Gallagher M. Geary G. Gensler G. Gestaut K. Koszut C. Lipuma J. Matz J. McMillian S. McMillian B. Ritchie K./J. Rost S. Rost G. Rost R. Siepka J. Van Klaveren S. Connors M. Cronin J. Gill J. Hannigan M. Hannigan K. Keller B. Kieffer R. Kuta G. Leone D. Mazzuca M. McCarthy T. Melgar M. Melgar C. Murray M. Ortega J. Tuzik P. Wyrick R. Wyrick J. Burda J. Corral-Meza E. Day P. Fashingbauer P. Flynn V. Fultz M. Gastala P. Kmak J. Nels A. Nevins N. Pfieffer B. Sigler J. Taylor J. Van Zeyl C. Ward S. Wasinski J. Zander E. Zych S. Biel B. Cuba P. Daly D. Dobrzynski L. Freundt L. Ignacio K. Intrieri D. Jozwiak J. Kilanowski P. Laspesa T. Lavan M. Marchbanks L. Maurer P. Moskal M. Pratt E. Sniegowski S. Becvar J. Benz T. Corcuera K. Duffy P. Duffy J. Lucas M. O'Donnell T. O'Donnell N. Padgett J. Rickey Not Filled Not Filled Hot Filled Not Filled Not Filled C. Minatto V. Isherwood M. Plys C. Anderson May 14/15 (subject to change without notice) PRESIDER Saturday 4:30 p.m. Page 5 Sunday 10:30 a.m. Sunday 12:00 Noon Sunday 6:00 p.m. DEACON CANTOR LECTORS 1st 2nd (* denotes sub has been requested and is needed) CHILDREN’S LITURGY Leader Assistant Mass Intentions for Daily Masses Monday - Friday at 8:00 a.m. Monday May 9 Tuesday May 10 Wednesday May 11 Thursday May 12 Friday May 13 +Fr. Pat Brennan & deceased family members +Salvatore Vitale +Herbert & Theodora Zuleger +Rev. Francis Kaucky +Timothy J. Szwed +Naidette Juanco Deceased members of: Morrissey & Leonard families For an end to abortion +Antonio Marcovecchio Michelon families Beloved Deceased of St. Julie Billiart +Agnes & Jacob Pawlicki & deceased family members +Janina Carrig +Ann Dent +Mary Lowe +Felicitas Evangelista +Frank Parisi Mass Intentions for the Christian Sabbath, the Lord’s Day Saturday, Sunday, May 15 May 14 4:30 p.m. 7:30 a.m. 9:00 a.m. For All Mothers St. Julie +Carolyn A. Denis +Marie Aiello Parishioners +Patricia Radecky +Anthony Battaglia +Phyllis Tumpich +John Grigus +Harriet Nosek +Ann Weston +Thomas Cavanaugh +Arthur Hardy +Carmen Caso +Lois Walsh +Maria & Pasquale Caso +Edward Dombrowski +James Swanson +Robert & Leona McBain +Lena Traverso +Val & Petronella Kach +Anita Ontal Guzman +Myrna Orbeta Tan +Samuel & Julia Croce +Ann Polliakus 10:30 a.m. 12:00 p.m. +Betty Kurasz +Irene & Ray Skora +Edward & Marie Golen +Florence Dobrinski +Fr. Richard Jozwiak +Esther Jean Cody +Rose Marie Muscato +Dana Marie Jimenez +Elmer Korhorn +Phyllis Tumpich Individual deceased names will be preceded by the cross (+) sign . 6:00 p.m. For All Mothers . Page 6 IN OUR PRAYERS OUR BELOVED DEAD Eternal rest grant to them, O Lord. Philippians 1:21 May Marriage Prep Please keep the following couples in your prayers, as they prepare for marriage. Katherine Ryne (aunt of Gina Kumpf) Kaitlin Brennan and Joel Truffa Laura Siamis and Chad Stolzenbach Kendra Anderson and Eric Meyers Jenna Pyznarski and Kevin Rudolph Rachel Dobersztyn and Max Leuter John Matthews (husband of Marguerite and father of Lisa Sikorski) NEEDING GOOD HEALTH Joseph V. Frencl Maria Gabrielle Bagang Denise Umporwicz Infant Jasmine Salgado Debbie Burdelik Daniel Ogarek Rosemarie King Marie Osborne John Pastwa Jeanne Daly Mary Maturo Linda Erickson Tom Nolan Michael Fashingbauer Ruth Lukowitz Elaine Buchanan Milt Modjeski Mary Pekar Vincent Keating Virgilio Angga Francis Zemka Mike McErlean Mike Jordan Janet Coluzzi Susan Mojderik Julia Downs John Lynch Rosemary Broderick John McLean Robert Purcell Vivian DeGidio 1 John 4:7 ANNIVERSARIES May 7, 2016 60th Wedding Anniversary of Philip & Dolores Glomb SERVING OUR COUNTRY * Thomas Ryan, USMC Major Jim Hannigan, US Army 1st Lt. Brian Sutor, USAF Lt. Col. Tom Vogel, US Army Lt. Col. Dan Vogel, US Army Paul Evans SSG, US Army Joseph Lyon PFC Alex Bubis PFC, US Army Raul Torres, US Army Sgt. Jason L. O’Brien, US Army Timothy J. Avolio, US Navy Master Sgt. Michael LaGiglia 1st Lt. Mario LaGiglia Sr. Airman Dominic LaGiglia Sr. Airman Brandon LaGiglia Private Geno LaGiglia Sgt. John Thomas LaGiglia Capt. Kelly Pajak Johnson Capt. Matthew Johnson US Army National Guard Private Salvatore Chavez, US Army Capt. Katherine Maglia, USAF Michael J. Yucuis, Jr., USAF Lt. Col. Kimberly (Nyderek) Schmidt, USAF Nick Merda, U.S. Marines Lt. Charles S. Novak, US Coast Guard John T. Hannigan PFC John Riordan, US Army Tanya Ayon, USAF Private Juan Carlos Chavez, US Army AFC Tanya Rhude, USAF Capt. Michael J. VanWyk, USMC Lt. Cmdr. Michael P. Schnolis, US Navy Sgt. 1st Class Daniel Whitney Airman Richard P. Scherl Matt West, US Army 2nd Lt. David Pierce, US Army Staff Sgt. Carmen Consolino, USMC Sgt. Timothy Gena, USMC Airman Michael R. Sarniak, Jr., US Coast Guard Kimberly Rodriguez, US Marines Matt Brophy, US Army Capt. Michael Wieland, US Marines Capt. John S. Dabrowski, US Army Capt. Brian Dommer, US Army Sgt. Robert Sterling, US Army Timothy Driscoll, US Army Cpl. Joseph G. Kowalczyk, USMC Bryan Holubik, US Navy PVT Matthew Ryan, US Army Lt. Cmdr. Michael W. Meno, Jr., US Navy 2nd Lt. Andrew Reno 1st Lt John H. Weiss John Scope, US Army AFC Alex Barrett, USAF Sgt. Daniel Patrick Ryan, US Army PFC Joe Louis Siebenaler, US Army PFC Daniel Wiatrowski, US Army Tyler Novak, US Army PV2 Eric Holubik, US Army PVI/PFC Abel Santillan, US Marines Capt. Brandon Schmidt, USAF 2nd Lt. Tom Ortega, US Army Staff Sgt. Richard Vicere, USMC Lance Corp. Patrick Kinnerk, USMC Lance Corp. Mathew Kots, USMC * To add your military family member who is currently serving our country to the prayer list, please call the parish office. When he/she is released from their service, please let us know so we can keep this list current. Thank you ~ God Bless America and all those who serve. YEAR OF MERCY Page 7 Parish Prayer Intentions begin each Thursday with Adoration May-5-11: For all mothers, that they be thanked and appreciated for all they do and have done for their children. May 12-18: For our country, that it remain committed to the principles of freedom of speech and freedom of religion. Pope Francis’ Prayer Intention for May Universal: That in every country of the world, women may be honored and respected and that their essential contribution to society may be highly esteemed. Evangelization: That families, communities, and groups may pray the Holy Rosary for evangelization and peace. Beautiful Mercy published by Matthew Kelly’s Dynamic Catholic. On sale in the office for a suggested donation of $3. Jubilee Year of Mercy Mondays Tomorrow, May 9 at 7:00pm Corporal Works of Mercy Sts. Cyril & Methodius, 608 Sobieski St, Lemont, IL (630)257-2776 Facilitated by John Donahue Grossman, a gifted storyteller who inspires others with hope. Over the past 25 years, John has spoken to more than 1 million students, parents, educators, and ministers across the country. John has been a high school teacher, administrator, and parish youth minister. John is currently Director of Retreats at the Christian Brothers La Salle Manor Retreat Center in Plano and a Board Member of Outside da Box. He is a highly sought after presenter, storyteller and retreat director. Page 8 LITURGY & MUSIC Next week’s readings for Pentecost Reading I : Acts 2:1-11 All were filled with the Spirit! For the people of Israel, Pentecost originally had been a festival celebrating the wheat harvest and later it was associated with the covenant at Sinai and the exodus event. To remember this, Jews went to the temple in Jerusalem on the feast to offer sacrifices to God. That is why Jews from all parts of the world were gathered there in Jerusalem when the Spirit came upon the disciples. In today’s story of the first Christian Pentecost, the Holy Spirit descends on the disciples and the Church is born. Reading II:1 Corinthians 12:3b-7, 12-13 We are one Body in Christ. In his first letter to the community in Corinth, Paul stressed that God’s gifts were given to serve and build the community. Paul compared the Christian community to the human body. A person becomes a member of this body in Baptism. Gospel : John 20:19-23 Receive the Holy Spirit. In the Gospel of John the word Peace appears five times and three of them occur in the form of Jesus’ greeting, “Peace be with you”. After his greeting in today’s passage, Jesus breathed new life on the frightened disciples, and they received the gift of the Holy Spirit. The disciples were entrusted with the mission of forgiving sins. (708) 429-6906 St. Peregrine Novena Feast Day Holy Hour Monday, May 9 at 7pm in the Chapel is the third evening of the 9-week Novena. Please note that the Novena will take 10 calendar weeks to complete, due to skipping the Memorial Day holiday on May 30. Friday, May 13 at 7pm, all are invited to join us in church for a special holy hour marking the Feast of Our Lady of Fatima. Fr. Bob Regan will lead us in prayer for the gift and protection of life. The evening will include a rosary, litany, scripture, adoration, song and benediction. Come and pray with us! Attention All Liturgical Ministers Soon we will prepare the new ministry schedule, which begins June 4 and ends August 28. Ministers who already use the MSP Web Terminal, you will soon receive an email reminder to enter your Mass preferences and availability for the new schedule. Ministers who are not able to use the MSP Web Terminal, you may submit availability using the form below, or call the Liturgy Office (708-429-6906). Please remember: Whether you input your own information online or provide the information for Barb to input as in the Baptism “Dancer” Ministry past, scheduling is done automatically by the MSP program. The program allows Girls in Grades 4, 5, and 6 are ministers to include all 6 Masses in order invited: May 12 training, 4:30pm of preference, but make sure that you only include those Masses you are willing to Despite the name, this ministry does not really involve “dance” at all. serve. The program will automatically eliminate any Masses not included on your It involves a few simple actions, list of preferences. including: ♦ ♦ Questions: For Children: Jesus tells us that we need to forgive to have peace. Name one way that you can forgive a friend or classmate. For Youth: St. Paul tells us that we all have unique gifts for the good of others. What is special about you? How can you use those gifts to help others – friends, family, strangers? For Adults: Even as working disciples of Christ, we are given the gift of peace. How do you experience this gift, and how do you share it with others? Worship Office ♦ Leading families to the baptismal font Holding up the symbols of baptism Assisting the priest or deacon Baptism Dancers may continue in this ministry through 8th Grade. Girls who are interested are welcome to come and observe the next parish baptism in church on May 7 at 1:30pm to learn more. Sign up for the Thursday, May 12 training by contacting Deanne at: 708-429-6906 or [email protected] Please enter or submit your Mass preference changes and unavailable dates by Tuesday, May 10. Mass Preference ~Those without Internet access only please ~ Name: ______________________________ Mass Preference: (only times you are willing to serve) 1)________2)________3)_________ 4)________5)________6)_________ Unavailable Dates: ______________ ______________________________ ______________________________ ______________________________ ______________________________ HUMAN CONCERNS Mother’s Day Flower Sale Help Us to Support the Church’s Initiative on Marriage Our Respect Life Ministry is selling roses after all of the Masses. Proceeds Jesus “raised his hands and blessed them.” Jesus prayed for his disciples benefit the Women’s Center. and us to know and believe the good news of the Gospel! Open your heart Holy Hour for Life and allow God’s love to transform all Please join us this Friday, May 13th, areas of your life including your marthe Feast of Our Lady of Fatima, for a riage. The next Worldwide Marriage Holy Hour for Life. We will gather in Encounter Weekends are June 10-12, the Church at 7:00pm. Father Bob will August 12-14 and October 7-9, all at lead us in Adoration of the Blessed Elk Grove Village, IL. Early registration Sacrament. is highly recommended. For reservations/information, call Jim & Kris at Prayer Shawl Ministry 630-577-0778 or contact us through http://wwme-chicagoland.org . The St. Julie Prayer Shawl Ministry will meet on Friday, May 20 at 6:45pm in the Great Room. We will gather to pray together, bless newly crafted prayer shawls, baby blankets, prayer squares, and share ideas. Join us - new members are always welcome! Joyful Again! Program for Widowed Men and Women Page 9 Today as we celebrate the feast of the Ascension we are reminded that Christ’s saving work on earth continues through his disciples…and now through us. When we give to the poor, God indeed pours his love, peace and joy into our hearts, into our lives and into the hearts of those who are poor. Ministers of Praise The Ministry of Praise is a spiritual ministry in which people here at St. Julie offer their prayers, sufferings, joys Immigration and sorrows to God for the salvation Are you widowed? “The horrors of the Syrian war are of souls. The members intercede Have you reached a crossroads? Are heart-rending. More than 250,000 through the recital of the rosary and you at a turning point? Do you want people have perished. Half of Syria’s other devotions and prayers for the to move forward in your life, while population has been forced from their personal needs they have been asked still treasuring your memories? homes. Our brothers and sisters’ to pray for. They also pray for the suffering is terrible. It compels us, clergy, the people of St. Julie and The Joyful Again program brings hope as Catholics, to dig deeply into the world concerns. The sick, handiand understanding to help you in your foundation of our beliefs and our capped, homebound and all seniors life’s new journey. Being widowed is Church’s teaching - and to respond.” are eligible to be members. a special loss, and this program is Source: Catholic Relief Services designed especially to help the If you would be interested in praying widowed find hope & joy again. Action: Ask Congress to provide for the needs of others, please contact Space limited so register early. funding for poverty-focused internathe Parish Office and a Minister of tional humanitarian assistance and Praise will be in touch. What: Workshop/retreat fulfill our nation’s commitment to help Where: St. Julie Church Syrian and other refugees. Call your members of Congress using this toll- Annulments When: July 9 & 10, 2016 free number: 888-562-8232. Visit For information or to register contact: www.ConfrontGlobalPoverty.org. Annulment support is available by Joyful Again Widowed Ministry calling the Parish Office: 429-6767. Office for Immigrant Affairs and Phone: 1-708-354-7211 Immigration Education Email: [email protected] Elena Segura (312) 534-5333 [email protected] Page 10 Religious Education Office (708) 429-1044 FORMATION 7th Grade Begins Confirmation Journey First Eucharist Appreciation On Saturday, April 23rd,our Second Grade students from the Religious On May 11th, 7th Grade Education Program and Cardinal students from our Religious Education Bernardin School, received Jesus in Program, Cardinal Bernardin School, the Eucharist for the first time. and Noonan Academy, along with It was a great celebration with some their parents, will participate in the new and different nuances this year. Commitment Service in preparation So many agreed that it was a nice Pay your for the sacrament of Confirmation. tuition with During this upcoming year especially, touch to see all the children process SCRIP! the students will reach out in service in with their parents. We congratulate to the Church, the poor, the elderly, all who participated as gift bearers and Earn Religious Education student readers who did a fine job and those in need. Please remember Tuition Rebates them in your prayers during this time of reading the Scriptures and the Confirmations, Communions, Universal Prayer. of preparation. Mother’s Day, proms, showers, Scripture Reading: weddings, proms, summer vacaAngelina Baker tion planning, spring sports, and 2016-17 Updated end of the year coach and teacher Universal Prayer: Registration gifts are all perfect opportunities Andrew Danca Information to use Scrip gift cards and earn Taylor Bequeaith valuable rebates for your family. Our Summer Intensive Veronika Gecevis Please see page 13 for the many Program, enrollment is Delilah Burton ways you can earn rebates. reaching capacity. Third and sixth Brandon Wierzbicki grades are both full. Gift Bearers: Need More Information? If you are registering for the 2016-17 Kenneth Fittanto Please visit the CJB web site and school year, summer intensive tuition Isabel Salgado click on GIVING, then SCRIP; or must be paid in full at the time of Rosemarie Sweeney contact one of our CJB Scrip Team registration. For the Fall classes, you Kayley Kelliher members: Emma Parent may pay half the tuition now, with Corinna Pytel 708-478-0710 Lily Bonovich the balance due in January 2017. Karen Calcagno 708-226-1213 Our sincere gratitude to all who Register before June 1st to take Colleen Harris 708-429-4190 advantage of our “Early Bird” tuition contributed to this celebration! st Parish Couriers rate. When you register after June 1 , the tuition rate increases by $50. All four of our sponsoring 2015-16 Outstanding parishes now provide a weekly Tuition Balances Now Due courier for filling Scrip orders. CAN YOU HELP? St. Julie’s courier picks up on As we near the end of the current Monday mornings! Catechists are still needed both for year we ask families who presently the Summer Intensive and our regular attend Religious Education Classes Cash and Carry Sales classes. If, you feel that you can be here and still have a Tuition Balance at CJB involved in the faith formation of our due for the current year to seriously young people, please call the Religious consider this obligation and pay the Wednesday evenings Education Office. balance due for your family. Please 6:00-7:00pm contact the RE office directly with any Friday mornings questions. We thank you for your kind 7:30-8:15am cooperation in this regard. COMMUNITY LIFE Mercy Monday May 9, 2016 - 7:00pm St. Julie Annual Garage Sale Friday, May 20 8:30am – 3:30pm Hosted by St. Cyril & Methodius, Lemont, IL See page 7 for details Young At Heart Lunch May 10 Devine Center doors open 11:15am with Lunch At Noon. Cost: $7 members; $10 for others. Our menu is Mostaccioli & meat balls, salad, bread & dessert. Entertainment TBA! Social Committee meets Tuesday, May 10th at 7:00pm, Great Room. Page 11 Sellers: Only $20 for each 16ft x 10ft space. Set-up any time after 6:00am but before 8:30am. Please complete an application form in the Parish Office. Spaces are assigned by date of completed paid application. No Refunds! July 6 The Art of Hearing Heartbeats by Jan-Philipp Sendker Thursday Mornings May 12 at 9:30am in Great Room. We use At Home with the Word. Will resume after the summer break. This fund raising event includes greens fee, cart, lunch and barbeque! Cost: $100 - 18 holes; $75 - 9 holes. Join us in the Devine CenIf want to join us for the barbeque ter. Doors open at 1:00pm. only, the tickets are $50. Early bird games begin at 1:15pm. Pull tabs will also be played. There are several levels of sponsorship: All tickets for the book of 9 cards for the 10 games are $15. Refreshments ♦ Gold Sponsorship - $600 available for purchase. Please, no out(includes 4 tickets for Golf, side food. 2 extra dinner tickets and a sign on a Tee box) Ten games of bingo begin at 2:30pm. First game $100 and the last game, coverall for $150 and 8 games for $50 prize. (If 100 or more players than first game will be for $150 and last game, coverall will be $250. If 125 or more players, other 8 games will be $75 each). The Lucky Number Pot is over $200! June 1 Beautiful Mercy by Matthew Kelly Upcoming Bus Trip Chicago Botanic Gardens, Glencoe Tuesday, June 28, 2016 Depart St. Julie at 10:00am Coffee and Conversation Return approx. 4:00 pm for Women Cost: $62. All inclusive (bus, tram Join us on Wednesday, May 11 at 9:30 tour, buffet lunch, gratuities) in the staff conference room (come to the parish office). Bring a friend and a ST. JULIE favorite bread to share. We discuss a GOLF OUTING variety of topics concerning our faith Friday, August 26th and its practices and its changes. Last Silver Lake South gathering until the fall. Course Next Bingo is Sunday, May 15 The St. Julie Book Club meets the first Wednesday of every month at 1:00 p.m. in the Great Room. ♦ ♦ Silver Sponsorship - $500 (includes 4 tickets for Golf and a sign on a Tee box) Hole Sponsorship - $100 per hole (sign on a Tee box) Mercy Outreach Weekend The weekend of June 11 – 13 (Saturday -Monday) will include a variety of ‘mercy’ activities for the whole family, including: Park Clean-up Lunches for the Port Baking for First Responders Sole Hope Party. Start now by saving your worn jeans – all sizes can be used! Watch here for more details. Page 12 From Mrs. Sheila Pluchar... (708) 429-7377 [email protected] #HappyMothersDay My mom, Patricia Frances Madden O’Donnell was an incredible woman and nurse. The latter being the result of the first. She had a terrific sense of humor, a gift from God when he also gives you nine children. She came from a family of six kids, two boys and four girls. Her three sisters were all from religious communities (2 Adrian Dominican and 1 Mercy for those keeping score). I once asked her why she didn’t become a nun and she said that she had played one in a high school play and that was enough for her. My Dad was studying to be a priest. Apparently, the natural Irish Catholic thing to do, when you discern that the priesthood is not what God had planned, is to marry and have nine kids. At least it was in March of 1951. We lost our Mom suddenly when I was 31. She was 65. My brother Mike and his wife were married in San Francisco and decided to have a Chicago reception for those who could not make it to California. Mom died while dancing with my Dad, surrounded by family. As my brother Joe said later, “from Dad’s arms to God’s”. In our family humor is a must in death. We lamented that Mom would not be happy that Dad insisted on a two-day wake and he took pictures of her. We warned him that one day he not only would have to answer to God, but Mom as well. As the years progressed and my dad’s health declined, he would tell us that he is “going to see mom.” We would smile and say “don’t pack your bags just yet, she’s not ready for you.” Fourteen years later they finished their dance. Mom was loving, kind and compassionate beyond measure. She gave the best hugs and was the living definition of understanding. Dad had multiple health issues throughout his life and that left Mom to be the main and sometimes only breadwinner. We were poor, but rich in love and faith. She set an example for all of her children of what Catholic family values are. Five of the many takeaways from what my mom taught us: Kids can learn how to do laundry and other chores. #chalkboard #names #checkmarks I will not call my brother names. 1000 times. On Dad’s dresser by 6pm. Enough said. #writerscramp “You watch out for your brother and sister.” She meant it. We still do. #momsmiling My Mom’s best advice was to “try to imagine walking in the other person’s shoes before you react.” #choosekindness Go to Mass. We do. #thanksmom Happy Mother’s Day Mom! I miss you every single day! Happy Mom’s Day to all of our Moms, in heaven and on earth, and those who we are blessed enough to have in our lives. Thank you for all you do to care for us, love us, mother us and instill a great faith in us! We are who we are because of you. #MightyWomen OUR PARISH SCHOOL Spring Scrip Spring is the most popular time for participation in our Scrip program. We have Scrip cards for just about everything! Confirmations, Communions, proms, showers, weddings, summer vacation, spring sports, and end of the school year gifts are all perfect opportunities to use Scrip gift cards and earn valuable rebates for your family. Work, school, activities, oh my! Busy families don’t have much time to spend shopping. Here are a few ways to use the CJB Scrip program to save you valuable time & money. Want to pamper mom? Mario Tricoci, Spafinder Wellness, Spa & Wellness by Spa Week, Sephora, Bath & Page 13 Body Works, Victoria’s Secret, Ulta Beauty. Google Play, PlayStation, Xbox Games Planning a summer garden or project at home? Alsip Home & Nursery, Menards, Home Depot, Lowe’s, American Sales For your sports enthusiast! Dick’s Sporting Goods, Golf Galaxy, Cabela’s, Bass Pro Shops, Footlocker, REI, Gander Mountain Say THANKS to that special coach or Heading on vacation? teacher! Disney, Universal Orlando, American Kohl’s, Target, Starbucks, Dunkin Donuts Airlines, Jet Blue, Delta Airlines, Hyatt Hotels, Choice Hotels, Best Western, Need a gift for a shower or wedding? Princess Cruise Lines, Royal Caribbean, Carson’s, Macy’s, Bed, Bath & Beyond, Budget & Avis Car Rental JC Penny, Home Goods Catering a party? Papa Joe’s, Durbin’s, Gatto’s, Little Joe’s, Palermo’s, Salina’s, Winston’s Looking for a dessert that WOWS? Orland Bakery, Creative Cakes & Café, Nothing Bundt Cakes Visit http://cjbscrip.scriporder.com/ login.php or contact one of our CJB Scrip Team members: Corinna Pytel 708-478-0710 Karen Calcagno 708-226-1213 Colleen Harris 708-429-4190 Is there a gamer in the house? Cardinal Joseph Bernardin School Preschool Summer Camp Open to all three and four year olds. Must be potty trained. July 11 - 15 Farmer’s Garden August 1 - 5 Under the Big Top Take a closer look and see what’s growing in the farmer’s garden. Use your senses to learn about different types of vegetables, see who helps keep the farmer’s garden safe, and grow your own vegetable! Step right up and get your ticket to go “Under the Big Top”. Take a look at all the circus animals, practice your circus act skills, and play some fun side show games. Maybe even meet a clown! Camp meets Monday thru Friday from 9:30 - 11:30 a.m. and include story time, crafts, and hands-on learning activities. Spaces subject to availability. Minimum of ten students needed to hold session. For more information call 708-403-6525 ext. 150 or mail the registration form below. Registration Information Please return this form, with your check payable to Cardinal Joseph Bernardin School by June 1. Child’s name__________________________ Age ____ Date of Birth _____________ Parent’s name ________________________________________________________ Address ____________________________________________________________ City ___________________________________________ Zip code ____________ Home number _______________________Cell number _______________________ Please indicate your camp choices. Select one or both camps for a summer of fun! Each camp is $55 or attend both for $100 _____ July _____ August Attn: Preschool Summer Camp, Cardinal Bernardin School; 9250 West 167th Street, Orland Hills, Il, 60487 Bulletin Board Page 14 Golden Wedding Anniversary Mass Were you married in 1966 ? Golden Wedding Anniversary Mass to be held on Sunday, September 18, 2016 at 2:45pm Holy Name Cathedral 735 North State Street, Chicago Couples married in 1966, who are interested in attending this celebration, should contact the parish during regular office hours by June 13 to register. For further information, call the Marriage and Family Ministries Office at 312.534.8351 or visit the website: www.marriageandfamilyministries.org Pastoral Staff Rev. Louis Tylka, Pastor - [email protected] Rev. Robert Regan, Associate Pastor - [email protected] Edward (& Sheila) Pluchar, Deacon William (& Joan) Lubben, Deacon Nancy Pfieffer, Business Manager - [email protected] Sr. Gael Gensler, Pastoral Associate - [email protected] Patricia Kmak, Director of Religious Education - [email protected] Deanne M. Tumpich, Director of Liturgy & Music - [email protected] Sheila Pluchar, Youth Ministry Coordinator - [email protected] Mary Alice Roth, Director of Human Concerns - [email protected] Support Staff Marianne Mueller, Sacramental Coordinator Laura Frencl, Administrative Assistant Jean Aiello and Peg Siebenaler, Administrative Assistants Barb Theis, Liturgy and Technology Assistant Cindy Conachen, Facilities Coordinator Parish Office 708-429-6767 * Fax 708-429-6788 Hours: Monday - Thursday 8:30 a.m. - 8:00 p.m. (M-Th 12:00-1:00pm Closed for lunch) Saturday 9:00 a.m. - 1:00 p.m. Closed on Fridays and Sundays Office of Worship & Music - 708-429-6906 Office of Religious Education - 708-429-1044 Youth Office - 708-429-7377 Visit us on the Web: http://www.stjulie.org The Pilgrim Virgin Statue of Our Lady of Fatima St. Michael, Orland Park On Monday, May 23rd the Archdiocesan Pilgrim Statue of Our Lady of Fatima will arrive at St. Michael parish at 8:00am, beginning a day of prayer and adoration. The statue was blessed by Bishop Venancio of Leira, Fatima, then the International President of the Blue Army. It was also blessed by Cardinal Josef Mindzenty. The statue was sent to Chicago in 1972 and devotion in its presence has proven to be the catalyst for renewed interest in the message of Fatima, while exposing new generations of Catholics to the message and devotion to Our Lady. The schedule for May 23rd in St. Michael Church: 8:00am Mass Eucharistic Adoration throughout the Day Rosary recited every hour of the Day 3:00pm - The Divine Mercy Devotion 7:00pm - Closing Benediction Parish Pastoral Council Rev. Louis Tylka, Pastor and the Pastoral Staff Scott Becvar, Chair Ruth Enyart (Liturgy Bd.) Dan Sniegowski (Liturgy Bd.) Kathy Reilly (Formation Bd.) Tom Sherry (Formation Bd.) John Benz (Youth Bd.) Merilee Andreasen (Youth Bd.) Mary McCarthy (Community Life Bd.) Mike Rubino (Community Life Bd.) Karen Keller (Human Concerns Bd.) Judi Haines (Human Concerns Bd.) Chris Conneely (Pastor’s Appointee) Cheryl Scallon (Pastor’s Appointee) Finance Council Bill Hackett, Chair Carl Evans*John Thomas*Patrick Flynn*Nate Lindstrom*Kay Kempke Reconciliation: Saturday from 3:30 to 4:00 p.m. or anytime in the parish office by appointment. Registration: Please call Sr. Gael in the parish office weekdays between the hours of 8:30 a.m. and 4:00 p.m. for information on registration. Baptism: Please call the parish office to make arrangements for your child to be baptized and to attend a preparation class. Marriage: Please call the parish office at least six months in advance to secure a wedding date and to begin the pre-marriage preparations. Masses: Monday-Friday at 8:00 a.m. / Saturday at 4:30 p.m. Sunday at 7:30, 9:00, 10:30 a.m., 12:00 noon & 6:00 p.m. Cardinal Joseph Bernardin School 9250 W. 167th St., Orland Hills * 708-403-6525 * Fax 708-403-8621 * Ms. Mary Iannucilli, Principal Our Soldiers Greatest Need: white, army green or black t-shirts (L or XL), letters to soldiers, Pringle chips snack pack (8 pk), snack packs of raisins, Kraft handi snack packs (6 ea), bags of individual wrapped candy, granola bars, Rice Krispy treats (individually wrapped), crossword puzzle/game books and insect repellent with deet (pump style). Also Need: toilet paper, shaving cream, eye drops, disposable razors (10 pk), AA batteries (8 pk), lotion, white sox, band-aids (one size), heavy duty wet wipes, Tampax Super Plus 46, Always Ultra Thin Pads 28, travel size Kleenex, combs, brushes, hair clips & bands, disposable cameras, beef jerky, powdered lemonade (12 quart), powdered Gatorade (2 gal), 12 oz. bags of ground coffee, mouthwash, regular size shampoo and conditioner, International phone cards. And we always need money for postage. This bulletin is made possible by the following advertisers. Please patronize them when possible.
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