2011-2012 - SANU-a
2011-2012 - SANU-a
ISSN 1820-340X SASA – BULLETIN OF SCIENTIFIC RESEARCH Annual Report for 2011 and 2012 SERBIAN ACADEMY OF SCIENCES AND ARTS BULLETIN OF SCIENTIFIC RESEARCH Annual Report for 2011 and 2012 BELGRADE, 2014 ISSN 1820–340X SERBIAN ACADEMY OF SCIENCES AND ARTS BULLETIN OF SCIENTIFIC RESEARCH Annual Report for 2011 and 2012 BELGRADE, 2014 Editorial Board Academician Vidojko Jović Academician Ivan Gutman Corresponding Member Nikola Tucić Academician Zoran V. Popović Academician Veselinka Šušić Academician Aleksandar Loma Corresponding Member Časlav Ocić Academician Momčilo Spremić Academician Todor Stevanović Editor Academician Vidojko Jović Editor–in–Chief Academician Dimitrije Stefanović Translation and editing Lynne Katsikas Vera Gligorijević Layout and Cover Design Kranislav Vranić Publisher Serbian Academy of Sciences and Arts Belgrade, 35 Knez Mihailova Street www.sanu.ac.rs CONTENTS A n n u a l R e p o r t f o r 2 0 11 Editor’s Note . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 7 DEPARTMENT OF MATHEMATICS, PHYSICS AND EARTH SCIENCES 9 DEPARTMENT OF CHEMICAL AND BIOLOGICAL SCIENCES . . . . 33 DEPARTMENT OF TECHNICAL SCIENCES . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 60 DEPARTMENT OF MEDICAL SCIENCES . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 72 DEPARTMENT OF LANGUAGE AND LITERATURE . . . . . . . . . . 99 DEPARTMENT OF SOCIAL SCIENCES . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 107 DEPARTMENT OF HISTORICAL SCIENCES . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 112 DEPARTMENT OF FINE ARTS AND MUSIC . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 127 CENTRE FOR SCIENTIFIC RESEARCH OF THE SASA AND NIŠ UNIVERSITY . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 131 CENTRE FOR SCIENTIFIC RESEARCH OF THE SASA AND KRAGUJEVAC UNIVERSITY . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 136 INTERNATIONAL ACTIVITY IN 2011 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 138 SCIENTIFIC MEETINGS AND LECTURES IN 2011 . . . . . . . . . . . 148 PUBLISHING ACTIVITY IN 2011 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 154 Annual Report for 2012 Editor’s Note . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 161 DEPARTMENT OF MATHEMATICS, PHYSICS AND EARTH SCIENCES 163 DEPARTMENT OF CHEMICAL AND BIOLOGICAL SCIENCES . . . . 188 DEPARTMENT OF TECHNICAL SCIENCES . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 212 DEPARTMENT OF MEDICAL SCIENCES . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 225 DEPARTMENT OF LANGUAGE AND LITERATURE . . . . . . . . . . 252 DEPARTMENT OF SOCIAL SCIENCES . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 261 DEPARTMENT OF HISTORICAL SCIENCES . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 268 DEPARTMENT OF FINE ARTS AND MUSIC . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 283 CENTRE FOR SCIENTIFIC RESEARCH OF THE SASA AND NIŠ UNIVERSITY . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 290 CENTRE FOR SCIENTIFIC RESEARCH OF THE SASA AND KRAGUJEVAC UNIVERSITY . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 295 INTERNATIONAL ACTIVITY IN 2012 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 298 SCIENTIFIC MEETINGS AND LECTURES IN 2012 . . . . . . . . . . . 301 PUBLISHING ACTIVITY IN 2012 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 304 BULLETIN OF SCIENTIFIC RESEARCH Annual Report for 2011 EDITOR’S NOTE In 2011, the Scientific Research Fund of the Serbian Academy of Sciences and Arts (SASA) provided and allocated the funds for scientific research, publishing activity, interacademic and international cooperation, for the participation of SASA members and their associates in scientific meetings in the country and abroad, for the acquisition of scientific literature and for other SASA scientific research needs. In 2011, the scientific research programme of the Serbian Academy of Sciences and Arts, including its Branch in Novi Sad and the Centres in Niš and Kragujevac, was carried out through 74 projects in the field of natural sciences and mathematics, 13 projects in the field of technical sciences, 24 projects in the field of medical sciences, 21 projects in the field of language and literature, 9 projects in the field of social sciences, 37 projects in the field of historical sciences and 5 projects in the field of fine arts and music. The work results were published in scientific and professional journals and monographs, or were presented at scientific meetings. In 2011, 31 publications were published in the SASA editions. The total number of copies was 14,930. In these SASA editions, 329 authors published 272 works. In the course of 2011, 146 members and associates of the SASA made study trips or participated in scientific meetings in the country and abroad. In addition, more than 200 scientists visited the SASA either under bilateral agreements on free exchange of researchers, or as participants in scientific meetings, lecturers and members of official delegations. In 2011, the Academy organized 3 Formal Sessions on the Day of the Academy, on Charles Darwin’s bicentenary, and on Milutin Milanković’s jubilee, 14 scientific meetings, 13 lectures, and 4 commemorative gatherings. 7 The resources allocated by the Fund for the acquisition of professional literature in 2011, were mainly used for a subscription to foreign journals and the acquisition of other foreign scientific publications according to the needs of the specified committees, research teams and individuals, whose projects are carried out under the Academy’s scientific research programmes. A portion of these resources was also used for the acquisition of domestic scientific publications. 8 DEPARTMENT OF MATHEMATICS, PHYSICS AND EARTH SCIENCES EARTH SCIENCES Project: INVESTIGATION OF PALEOFLORA AND PALEOFAUNA OF SERBIA (Academician Marko Ercegovac) During 2011, the investigations of the historical and geological evolution of the terrain in Serbia in the Phanerozoic era, as well as fossil flora and fauna were continued. The results were published in a number of journals or presented at international and domestic scientific meetings. Project: PALYNOMORPHS FROM PALEOZOIC AND MESOZOIC SEDIMENTS IN SERBIA (Academician Marko Ercegovac) In 2011, the field investigations and processing of fossil material from Riffeic, Paleozoic and Mesozoic sediments in Serbia were continued. The investigations of palynomorphs from the Lower Jurassic sediments in Stara Planina Mountain (Carpatho-Balkanides) and older Paleozoic formations of “Inovska series“ from Stara Planina Mountain (in the area belonging to Bulgaria and Serbia) were also continued. Rundić Lј., Ganić M., Knežević S., Soliman A., 2011: Upper Miocene Pannonian sediments from Belgrade (Serbia) – new evidence and paleoenvironmental considerations. Geologica Carpathica, 62/3, 367–378. Radoičić R., Jovanović D., 2011: Involutina farinacciae Bronnimann & KoehnZaninetti 1969, a marker for the Middle Liassic in basinal and some platform facies of Mediterranean and near east areas: the discussion concerning the paleogeography of Montenegro–Albania border region (the Scutari–Peć Lineament). Geološki anali Balkanskoga poluostrva, 72, 47–61. 9 Rundić Lj., Knežević S., Vasić N., Cvetkov V., Rakijaš M., 2011: New data concerning the Early Middle Miocene on the southern slopes of Fruška Gora (northern Serbia): A case study from the Mutalj open pit. Geološki anali Balkanskoga poluostrva, 72, 73–87. Radoičić R., Jurkovšek B., Jovanović D., 2011. Clypeina teakolarae sp. nov., a dasycladalean alga from Lower Eocene of Rakitovec (Čičarija, Slovenia). Geologija (Ljubljana), 54/1, 13–30. Rundić Lj., Dulić I., 2011: Neogene to Quaternary geology of Fruška Gora (Serbia) Field Guide. 14. Summer Paleontological Meeting of Hungarian Geological Society (14. Magyar Őslénytani Vándorgyűlés), 2-4. June 2011, 48–76, Szeged (in English and Hungarian). Project: GEODYNAMICS (Academian Stevan Karamata) Project 1. GEODYNAMICS OF TECTONOSTRATIGRAPHIC UNITS IN CENTRAL PART OF BALKAN PENINSULA (Corresponding Member Milan Sudar) 1. Formation of the geological structure of Serbia up to Neogene (Corresponding Member Milan Sudar and Academician Stevan Karamata) The complex studies of the origin and history of the units, i.e., terranes, that are today in the area of the Balkan Peninsula were continued. In collaboration with colleagues from Hungary, in a joint project with the Hungarian Academy of Sciences, studies of the selective blackening of bioclasts in aragonite neomorphism transformation presented in the Dachstein-type of platform carbonates of the Upper Triassic of the Zlatibor Mt., Dinaridic Ophiolite Belt, SW Serbia were finalized. Activities on regional and sub-regional geophysical investigations of Serbia concerning gas and oil and the definition of a hydrocarbon-geological model were continued. In addition, geophysical investigations in ecology, especially on the pollution of hydrocarbons and their products, were performed. During 2011, special attention was devoted to the history of mining and geology during time period from 1950 to 2000, especially a chapter about the history of geophysics in the same period was worked on. In continuation of studies of rock of Paleozoic age in NW Serbia, due to work on a geological guide of the Družetić area and surroundings, the following localities with their contents were investigated: (a) Milivojevića Kamenjar with Upper Devonian climenians and Visean-Serpukhovian ammonites, a unique finding in the Balkan, (b) the Damnjanović and Stefanović quarries with the most complete and the most documented development of the Upper 10 Devonian in area of ex-Yugoslavia, and (c) Podolian olistostromes, which in our area indicate to an earlier beginning of molasse development in relation to the Dinaridic–South Alpian Belt. Burazer M., Dedovec S., Komnenov Đ., Bera M., 2011: Geoelectrical signature of Hydrocarbon Contamination in Serbia. In: N. Banjac (Ed.-in chief), Proceedings of the 17th Meeting of the Association of European Geological Societies, 179‒185, Belgrade. Hips K., Haas J., Vidó M., Barna Zs., Jovanović D., Sudar M. N., Siklósy Z., 2011: Selective blackening of bioclasts via mixing-zone aragonite neomorphism in Late Triassic limestone, Zlatibor Mountains, Serbia. Sedimentology, 58 (4), 854‒877. Ignjatović S., Burazer M., 2011: Horizontal Edges Detection of Magnetic Anomaly Sources Based on Aeromagnetic Data. In: N. Banjac (Ed.-in chief), Proceedings of the 17th Meeting of the Association of European Geological Societies, Abstracts, 139‒142, Belgrade. Karamata S., Cvetković V., Šarić K., 2010: Origin and history of the units in the area now corresponding to the Balkan Peninsula. Известия секции наук о земле Россйской академии естественных наук, 19, 17‒28, Москва. †Kovács S., Sudar M., Grădinaru E., Gawlick H.-J., Karamata S., Haas J., Péró Cs., Gaetani M., Mello J., Polák M., Aljinović D., Ogorelec B., Kolar-Jurkovšek T., Jurkovšek B., †Buser S., 2011: Triassic Evolution of the Tectonostratigraphic Units of the Circum-Pannonian Region. Jahrbuch der Geologischen Bundesanstalt, 151 (3+4), 199‒280, Wien. Haas J., †Kovács S., Gawlick H.-J., Grădinaru E., Karamata S., Sudar M., Péró Cs., Mello J., Polák M., Ogorelec B., †Buser S., 2011: Jurassic Evolution of the Tectonostratigraphic Units of the Circum-Pannonian Region. Jahrbuch der Geologischen Bundesanstalt, 151 (3+4), 281‒354, Wien. 1.2. The study of Carpatho-Balkanides of Eastern Serbia (Corresponding Member Milan Sudar and Dr. Branislav Krstić) In an inter-academic exchange between the Serbian Academy of Sciences and Arts and the Bulgarian Academy of Sciences, collaboration in a study of the Upper Jurassic-Lower Cretaceous basin sediments along the Serbian-Bulgarian boundary was continued. The mentioned investigations were directed to: (a) the creation of base for unification of the names of units and their structures which till now were limited only on national territories, to organize their correlation and to show synonyms from both sides of boundaries including definitions of main units, (b) the correlation of Jurassic sediments of NE Serbia and NW Bulgaria with separation of numerous paleogeographic units and their revision was realized. The results of investigations in the south of Libya (project Tibetsi) were finalized. 11 Tchoumatchenco P., Rabrenović D., Radulović V., Radulović B. Malešević, N., 2011: Trans-border (east Serbia/west Bulgaria) correlations of the morpho-tectonic structures. Geološki anali Balkanskoga poluostrva (Annales Géologiques de la Péninsule Balkanique), 72, 1‒6, Belgrade. Tchoumatchenco P., Rabrenović D., Radulović V., Radulović B., Malešević N., 2011: Trans-border (east Serbia/west Bulgaria) correlations of the Jurassic lithostratigraphic units. Geološki anali Balkanskoga poluostrva (Annales Géologiques de la Péninsule Balkanique), 72, 25‒46, Belgrade. 1. 3. Neogene basins of Serbia (Dr. Nadežda Krstić) The Lower Miocene sediments of the Dinaridic System Lakes and their fossils were mostly investigated during 2011. Besides ostracodes, charophytes and mollusks, as well as tectonic and geodynamic phenomena, were studied. Project 2. PALEOOCEANIC AREAS IN CENTRAL PART OF BALKAN PENINSULA 2.1. The study of the ophiolite belts of Vardar zone, the Dinarides and the Carpatho-Balkanides (Academician Stevan Karamata) (in collaboration with Corresponding Member Milan Sudar and Prof. Dr. Vladica Cvetković) In continuation of intensive investigations of the characteristics of the ophiolitic belts of Serbia, investigations of mineral associations in the rocks of the ophiolite mélange in the Fruška Gora area, as a part of the Northern Vardar Zone, were announced. It was established that the rocks were low grade metamorphosed under glaucophane-schist facies conditions, in connection with the late Jurassic-Lower Cretaceous subduction. In 2011, work on a study of Cenozoic volcanism and the geodynamics of the central part of the Balkan Peninsula was continued. An interpretation of the age, genesis and evolution of the Cenozoic granitoids of the southern margin of the Pannonian Basin and granitoids of the Dinarides was realized. In addition, separation of petrogenetic subgroups of the granitoids of the Dinarides was performed. In further investigations of the characteristics of rocks of the ophiolitic belts of SW Serbia, the characteristics of Middle Triassic rocks represented in the Klisura Quarry in the surrounding of Sirogojno on the eastern slopes of Zlatibor Mt. inside the Dinaridic Ophiolite Belt were presented. 12 During October 2011, within an intra-academic exchange between Serbia and Bulgaria, Dr. Ivan Zagorčev and Dr. Hristo Kiselinov, on the Eastern Serbia area, worked on problems of the investigations of D. Milanovac-Deli, Jovan-Zaglavak and on investigations of the Pre-Cambrium and older Paleozoic rocks. Кориковский С.П., Карамата С., 2011: Метаморфизм глаукофансланцевых пород комплекса Фрушка Гора, северная част Вардарской зоны, Сербия: глаукофан-рибекит-пумпеллиит-актинолит-эпидот-хлоритовые сланцы с зональными Nа-амфиболами. Петрология, 19, 1, 40‒50. Korikovsky S.P., Karamata S., 2011: Metamorphism of Glaucophane-Schist Rocks at Fruška Gora, Complex, Northern Vardar Zone, Serbia: Glaucophane-Riebeckite-Pumpellyte-Actinolite-Epidote-Chlorite Schits with Zonal Na-Amphiboles. Petrology, 19, 1, 1‒12. Koroneos A., Poli G., Cvetković V., Christofides G., Krstić D., Pécskay Z., 2011: Petrogenesis and tectonic inferences from the study of the Mt. Cer pluton (West Serbia). Geological Magazine, Cambridge University Press, 148 (1), 89–111. Schefer S., Cvetković V., Fugenschuh B., Kounov A., Ovtcharova M., Schaltegger U., Schmid M.S., 2011: Cenozoic granitoids in the Dinarides of southern Serbia: age of intrusion, isotope geochemistry, exhumation history and significance for the geodynamic evolution of the Balkan Peninsula. International Journal of Earth Sciences (Geologische Rundschau), 100,1181–1206. Sudar M., Missoni S., Gawlick H.-J., Jovanović D., Lein R., 2011: Point 8. Klisura Quarry. In: N. Banjac et al. (Eds.), Field Trip Guide, 17th Meeting of the Association of European Geological Societies, 24–27, Beograd. Project: GЕОМОRPHOLOGICAL MAP OF SERBIA AT SCALE 1:50.000 (Academician Stevan Karamata and Prof. Dr. Predrag Đurović) During 2011 two collaborators are included in work on manuscript geomorphological map in scale 1:50.000, scheets „Sjenica 3“ and „Valjevo 3“: Milovan Milivojevic MA and Aleksandar Petrovic MA. Project: GЕОCHEMISTRY (Academician Zoran Maksimović) 1. The geochemistry of the upper mantle and the igneous rocks of the Earth’s crust The study of exploration of basaltic rocks from the Dinarides and Vardar ophiolitic mélange was continued within the scope of Milica Božović’s doctoral dissertation. Apart from the Dinarides and Vardar ophiolites, lamproites 13 from Turkey were also studied and the results were presented at international meetings and published in relevant journals. Akal C., Candan O., Koralay O. E., Oberhansli R., Chen F., Prelevic D., 2011: Early Triassic potassic volcanism in the Afyon Zone of the Anatolides/Turkey: implications for the rifting of the Neo-Tethys. International Journal of Earth Sciences. DOI 10.1007/s00531-011-0654-2. Bozovic M., Prelevic D., Romer R., Barth M., 2011: Demir Kapija ophiolite: A snapshot of subduction initiation within a back-arc. Goldschmidt Abstracts 2011, Mineralogical Magazine, 75, 465–608. Prelević D., 2011: Recycling plus: A new recipe for making orogenic mantle. Goldschmidt Abstracts 2011, Mineralogical Magazine, 75, 1685–1771. 2. Geochemistry of the rock alteration The geochemical properties of the Grot flotation tailings pond (Кriva Feja, south-eastern Serbia) were investigated. The doctoral dissertation (by B.V. Djokić) was also finished and the mentor was Academician Vidojko Jović. 3. Mineralogy Ca0.9Gd0.1MnO3 nanopowders with a perovskite type crystal structure were synthesized by a modified glycine nitrate procedure. The nanopowders were prepared by combining glycine with metal nitrates and/or metal acetates in their appropriate stoichiometric ratios. Modification of the procedure was performed by partial replacement of nitrates by acetates in order to control the burn-up reaction. The obtained Ca0.9Gd0.1MnO3 powders were calcinated in the temperature interval from 850 °C to 950 °C for 10 min. Properties such as phase evolution, lattice parameters, chemical composition and magnetic properties were monitored by DTA, X-ray diffraction, SEM/EDS and magnetic measurements. The possibility of obtaining glass-ceramics from basalt from the locality on Vrelo (Kopaonik Mt.) was shown. The parent rock was ground to fraction -0.4 +0.1 mm, and then melted at 1250 – 1300 °C. The crystallization melted bazaltic glass at 950 °C during the time interval of 3 hours resulted in the synthesis of a glass-ceramic material with a microstructure that had excellent mechanical properties according to the determined dynamic modulus of elasticity and uniaxial compressive strength. The phase composition of the obtained glass ceramic material was determined by XRPD using Rietveld refinement and SEM. This work deals with the process of chalcopyrite concentrate roasting in a fluidized-bed reactor. The roasting of chalcopyrite concentrates presents a very important step in copper extraction during the traditional smelting– 14 refining process, as well as in advanced processes in copper metallurgy. To achieve maximum efficiency, minimum pollution of the environment, and to obtain a high quality product, it was necessary to examine the mineralogical transformations of the primary ore minerals during roasting. Based on mineralogical and technological investigations of the deposit “Greda”, important characteristics of bentonite clay were determined. Representative samples of the deposit were characterized by X-ray diffraction, low-temperature nitrogen adsorption, chemical analysis, differential thermal analysis and scanning electron microscopy. Recycling and reusing waste tires represent a significant contribution to sustainability through a decrease in the emission of toxic gasses and conservation of natural resources. The results of experimental investigation on concrete made with recycled rubber aggregate were presented. The density, consistency and air content were investigated on fresh-state concretes. Rosić M., Logar M., Devečerski A., Prekajski M., Radosavljević-Mihajlović A., Kusigerski V., Spasojević V., Matović B., 2011: Synthesis, structural and magnetic properties of nanostructured Ca0.9Gd0.1MnO3 obtained by modified glycine nitrate procedure (MGNP). Ceramics International, 37, 1313–1319. Cocić M., Logar M., Matović B., Poharc-Logar V., 2011: Glass-Ceramics Obtained by the Crystallization of Basalt. Science of Sintering, 42 (2010), 383‒388. Cocić M.B., Logar M.M., Cocić S.Lj., Dević S.S., Manasijević D.M., 2011: Transformation of Chalcopyrite in the Roasting Process of Copper Concentrate in Fluidized Bed Reactor. JOM Journal of the Minerals, Metals and Materials Society, Vol. 63, No. 5, 61–65. Stanković N., Logar M., Luković J., Pantić J., Miljević M., Babić B., Radosavljević-Mihajlović A., 2011: Characterization of bentonite clay from “Greda” deposit. Processing and Application of Ceramics, 5 [2], 97–101. Jevtić D., Logar M., Savić A., 2011: Concrete with recycled rubber aggregate – investigation of the properties. International Symposium about research and application of modern achievements in civil engineering in the field of materials and structures, Tara 19-21. 10. 2011, Proceedings, 99‒106. 4. Geochemical Map of Serbia During 2011, field geochemical soil sampling in Serbia proper was completed. The sampling of soil as a geochemical medium was carried out on the existing grid with the cell size of 20 x 20 km, at the resolution recommended by the European Geological Survey (Forum of European Geological Surveys – FOREGS). A total of 96 composite samples of the upper layer and 96 composite samples of the lower layer of residual soil was taken from hilly-mountainous regions (Homolje, Beljanica, Deli Jovan, Miroč, Maljen, Suvobor, Boranja) and agricultural land (Podrinje, Mačva, Šumadija, Mačva, Podunavlje, Stig). 15 MATHEMATICS AND MECHANICS Project: ASYMPTOTIC BEHAVIOUR OF GENERALIZED FUNCTIONS, THEORY AND APPLICATIONS (Academician Bogoljub Stanković) A Class of linear equations with left and right fractional derivatives was analyzed when the equation was given a bounded interval. The generalized functions have been used and also the Fredholm theory of integral equations. The results have been published in the paper: Stanković B., 2011: Large linear equation with left and right fructional derivatives in a finite interval. Bulletin Académie serbe des sciences et des arts, Sciences mathématiques, 36, 61‒79. Project: SEMI-RIEMANNIAN GEOMETRY (Academician Mileva Prvanović) Starting from an identity for the Riemannian curvature tensor of the Kähler (anti-Kähler) manifold and applying a conformal change of the metric, the Rochner curvature tensor (the conformal curvature tensor) was obtained. The relationships of these tensors and equations of the Roter type were discussed. Prvanović M., 2011: Some comparative properties of Kähler and anti-Kähler manifolds. Advances in nonlinear Sciences, T. 3, 33‒70, Beograd. Project: NONLINEAR ANALYSIS IN FUZZY STRUCTURES (Academician Olga Hadžić) This paper presents a preliminary geosite physical assessment model which has the potential to assist in the sustainable planning and management of natural heritage locations and their transformation into tourism destination. The methodology was based on two groups of values – main and additional, which were further divided into indicators and subindicators respectively. The resultant model was a graph that consisted of nine fields, into which geosites could be classified as fitting into nine general areas of suitability for tourism in terms of their main (scientific/educational, aesthetic/scenic and protection as market appeal and conservation) and additional values (functional and tourism use as a current stage of development). This could prove to be of great help in natural heritage protection and for tourism managers, as the current state of a geosite could be assessed and, hence, propose a future path for it proposed. 16 Vujičić M., Vasiljević Dj., Marković S., Hose Th., Lukić T., Hadžić O., Janićević S., 2011: Preliminary geosite assessment model (gam) and its application on Fruška gora mountain, potential geotourism destination of Serbia. Acta geographica Slovenica, 51-3, 361‒376. Project: COMPUTER AIDED INVESTIGATIONS IN DISCRETE MATHEMATICS (Academician Dragoš Cvetković) A collection of papers [1] contains several texts on the applications of the theory of graph spectra. Applications to computer science, chemistry and physics are described. Some applications of the theory of graph spectra to control theory are described in [2]. The controllability of a system of integrators, modeled by a graph, is considered. Conference presentation (Complexity indices for the traveling salesman problem and data mining, International Conference on operations Research OR 2011, Zurich, 30.8 – 2.9. 2011) explains some new ideas for the introduction and treatment of complexity indices for the traveling salesman problem. New complexity indices were obtained using spectral clustering of short edge subgraphs. 1. Selected Topics on Applications of Graph Spectra, Zbornik radova 14(22), ed. D. Cvetković, I. Gutman, Mathematical Institute SANU, Belgrade, 2011. 2. Cvetković D., Rowlinson P., Stanić Z., Yoon M.-G., 2011: Controllable graphs. Bulletin Académie serbe des sciences et des arts, Sciences mathématiques, No. 36, 81‒88. Project: ASYMPTOTIC FORMULAS IN ANALYTIC NUMBER THEORY (Academician Aleksandar Ivić) In the year 2011 A. Ivić has published the following works: 1. The mean value of the zeta-function on σ = 1, The Ramanujan Journal, 26 (2011), 209–227. http:/www.nias.res.in/ivic.pdf 2. The scientific work of Gradimir V. Milovanović, in: W. Gautschi, G. Mastroianni, Th. Rassias, Approximation and Computation (In Honor of Gradimir V.Milovanović), Springer, 2010, 3–32. http://www.springerlink.com/content/ hp8370k685650783/ In paper [1], results concerning the mean values of |ζ(1+it)| were obtained, where ζ(s) denotes the Riemann zeta-function. This sharpens the previous results of R. Balasubramanian, K. Ramachandra and A. Ivić. Pa17 per [2] presents an extensive appraisal of the scientific work of Prof. G. V. Milovanović, including an extensive bibliography of his works. In May 2011, A. Ivić participated, in the work of the „Arctic Number Theory School” in Helsinki, where he gave six lectures on the Hardy function Z(t), of great importance in the theory of ζ(s). In July 2011, he gave a talk entitled: Some results on the Rankin–Selberg zeta-function during the conference „Journées Arithmétiques” in Vilnius, Lithuania. Project: QUALITATIVE AND NUMERICAL ANALYSIS OF SOME CLASSES OF DIFFERENTIAL AND DIFFERENCE EQUATIONS (Academician Vojislav Marić) Problems related to the existence and the asymptotics of solutions of some classes of non-linear differential and functional differential equations were studied. In addition, some historical investigations related to the life and work of Academician Miodrag Tomić were realized. Kusano T., Marić V., 2011: Regularly varying solutions of second order nonlinear functional differential equations with retarded argument. Hiroshima Mathematical Journal, 41, 137–152. Kusano T., Manojlović J.V., Marić V., 2011: Increasing solutions of ThomasFermi type differential equations - the sublinear case. Bulletin Académie serbe des sciences et des arts, Sciences mathématique, T. CXLIII, 36, 21–36. Project: APPLICATION OF THE VARIATIONAL PRINCIPLES OF MECHANICS TO NONLINEAR AND NONCONSERVATIVE DYNAMICAL SYSTEMS (Academician Božidar D. Vujanović) During the year 2011, the research of the Project was partly realized in accordance to the General Plan, the outlines of which were described in the Proposal of the Project. The main effort during this year was devoted to the application of the Action Conservation Laws of rheonomic, scleronomic linear and nonlinear dynamic systems with a single and many degrees of freedom. The Action Conservation Laws are scalar relations that satisfy the differential equation of motion of the dynamic system and contain the Hamilton action integral. It was shown that such conservation laws could be used in several ways. For example, they could be connected with the generalized Hamilton-Jakobi Method and also they could be employed in the study of the mechanism of dissipative phenomena in the system. Moreover, this type of conservation laws are very reliable in problems that are defined as two point boundary value problems, direct method of variation calculus, etc. 18 Due to the illness of the principal investigator, work was partly prevented. Project: EQUATIONS WITH SINGULARITIES THROUGH METHODS OF FUNCTIONAL ANALYSIS (Academician Stevan Pilipović) The construction of frames for a sequence of Banach spaces was analyzed through conditions that intrinsically characterize the corresponding sequence spaces. The answers to open questions related to the existence of frames and the series development of functions were given (1). In paper (2), an overview of various generalized function spaces, which correspond and generalize in a natural way spaces of analytic, real analytic and harmonic functions, was given. A new approach to image denoising based on adequate nonlinear equations with fractional derivatives, and a new numerical approach giving explicit approximations of solutions were presented in (3). 1. Pilipović S., Stoeva D., 2011: Analysis of conditions for frame functions, examples with the orthogonal functions. Integral����������������������������� Transforms and Special Functions, 22 (4), 31118. 2. Pilipović S., 2011: Analytic, real analytic and harmonic generalized functions. Sarajevo Journal of Mathematics, 20. 3. Janev M., Atanacković T.M., Pilipović S., Obradović R., 2011: Image denoising by a direct variational minimization. EURASIP Journal on Advances in Signal Processing, 1, 1–16. Project: INTERPOLATION AND QUADRATURE PROCESSES BASED ON THE THEORY OF ORTHOGONALITY (Corresponding Member Gradimir V. Milovanović) For finite positive Borel measures supported on the real line in [1], a new type of quadrature rule with maximal algebraic degree of exactness, which involves function derivatives, was developed. The existence of such quadrature rules was proved and their basic properties described. In addition, we gave an application of these quadrature rules to the solution of a Cauchy problem, without solving it directly, was given. In [2], two classes of summation procedures based on ideas related to Gaussian quadratures on half-line with respect to certain special weight functions (Einstein, Fermi, hyperbolic weight, etc.) were presented. Such summation/integration procedures could be applied to the summation of slowly convergent series. Numerical examples were included. 19 Two efficient methods for numerical calculating the Cauchy principal value integrals of the logarithm of rational functions over real line were considered in paper [3]. The first method was based on double exponential transformation, and the second one on a transformation of the integral over the real line to an integral over the finite interval (-1, 1), with respect to the Chebyshev weights. An application of the corresponding quadratures of Gaussian type was also presented. These integrals play a distinguished role in theoretical chemistry. Milovanović G.V., Cvetković A.S., 2011: Gaussian quadrature rules using function derivatives. IMA Journal of Numerical Analysis, 31, 358–377. Milovanović G.V., 2011: Summation processes and Gaussian quadratures. Sarajevo Journal of Mathematics, 7 (20), 185–200. Gutman I., Milovanović G.V., 2011: Calculating a class of integrals encountered in theoretical chemistry. Bulletin, Classe des Sciences Mathématiques et Naturelles, Sciences mathématiques, Académie Serbe des Sciences et des Arts, Beograd, 36, 1–19. PHYSICS AND METEOROLOGY Project: STATISTICALITY AND CAUSALITY IN QUANTUM MECHANICS (Academician Fedor Herbut) Parallel work on a number of problems was performed. 1. The Zurek derivation of the quantum probability law from envariance was generalized. 2. The idea of degrees of reality of quantum properties and events when the wave function is given was elaborated. 3. Work on finding quantum insight in intricate quantum experiments was continued. 4. Elaboration of state-dependent quantum logic was performed. 5. Good arguments for the defense of the postulate of reality of the quantum wave function were found in controversy with opponents. Unfortunately, in spite of good results, none have been published yet. (The waiting time for publication is a year or more.) Project: NUMERICAL SIMULATION OF WEATHER AND CLIMATE (Academician Fedor Mesinger) The refined ETA discretization via the introduction of “sloping steps” developed earlier was further tested by running additional real data cases. 20 Another refinement studied was that of using a piecewise-linear vertical advection for dynamic variables instead of a finite-difference scheme. The robustness of the code having these two and several other refinements was confirmed in these test cases and also in real-time operational running by the company Weather2Umbrella (Ristić). A manuscript summarizing the model changes during the last few years, “An upgraded version of the Eta model”, by ten coauthors, is in the final stage of the publication in Meteorology and Atmospheric Physics. An issue studied using the results of previously obtained 32-day ensemble forecasts of the Eta driven by the global ECMWF ensemble was that of the possible benefit obtained from aiming to improve also the large scales when running regional climate models (RCMs). The use of a fairly large domain is required if this is to be attempted. The majority of authors seem to consider the aim of improving large scales when running RCMs as something that is not advisable, and some authors even consider it impossible. The main result of the present study was а strong indication that improvement of large scales is possible in the majority of cases, and therefore that the fairly widespread practice of the nudging of large scales within a limited area model is unnecessary, and even harmful more frequently than not if the model used was a stateof-the art RCM. Thus, if large-scale nudging is found helpful, this would seem to be due to some kind of a model weakness as opposed to an intrinsic reason of limited area modeling. A subproject addressed the effects of the release of contaminants into the atmosphere over Serbia; a PhD dissertation on the topic was defended as a result. Brill K.F., Mesinger F., 2011: Reply to “Comments on ‘Applying a general analytic method for assessing bias sensitivity to bias-adjusted threat and equitable threat scores’”. Weather and Forecasting, 26, 126–128. (doi: 10.1175/2010WAF2222459.1). Project: PHYSICAL AND MATHEMATICAL MODEL FOR MESOSCALE ATMOSPHERIC PROCESSES (Corresponding Member Zaviša Janjić) The general objective of the project is to develop a physical and numerical model of the atmosphere that could be used for detailed simulation and forecasting of atmospheric processes, as well as for studies of other environmental problems on various scales. The project leader is Prof. Zaviša Janjić, corresponding member of SASA, and the collaborators were Vladimir Djurdjević and Prof. Borivoj Rajković, from the University of Belgrade, Serbia. 21 In 2011, emphasis was placed on studying the impact of different initial conditions on medium range forecasts. The initial conditions from the National Centers for Environmental Predictions, Washington, and the European Center for Medium-range Weather Forecasts were used in the study. The anomaly correlation coefficient was used as a measure of the skill of the forecasts. The tests were run for a sample of forecasts of the National Centers that were inferior to those of the European Center. The results indicate that the significant differences in the forecast skill were not necessarily due to differences in the initial conditions, as it is usually believed, but may also be due to model differences. Janjic Z., Janjic T., Vasic R., 2011: A Class of conservative fourth order advection schemes and impact of enhanced formal accuracy on extended range forecasts. Monthly Weather Review, Vol. 139, Issue 5 (May 2011), 1556–1568. Nickovic S., Djurdjevic V., Vujadinovic M., Janjic Z.I., Curcic M., Rajkovic B., 2011: Method for efficient prevention of gravity wave decoupling on rectangular semi-staggered grids. Journal of Computational Physics, 230, Issue 5, 1865–1875. Gavrilov M.B., Jovanović G.R., Janjić Z., 2011: Sensitivity of a long-range numerical weather forecast model to small changes of model parameters. Advances in Science and Research, 6, 13–18. Pérez C., Haustein K., Janjic Z., Jorba O., Huneeus N., Baldasano J.M., Black T., Basart S., Nickovic S., Miller R.L., Perlwitz Ј.P., Schulz М., Thomson М., 2011: Atmospheric dust modeling from meso to global scales with the online NMMB/BSCDust model – Part 1: Model description, annual simulations and evaluation. Atmospheric Chemistry and Physics, 11, 13001–13027. Project: DYNAMICS OF THE SOLAR SYSTEM BODIES (Corresponding Member Zoran Knežević) Topic: Chaos and stability in the motion of small solar system bodies (Corresponding Member Zoran Knežević) Work on the improvement of orbits of known asteroids by means of the algorithm for attribution of observations by the Pan-STARRS survey, and on the identification of the systematic errors in the 2MASS stellar catalogue used in the reduction of the astrometric observations was completed. A detailed study was performed on the accuracy and the efficiency of the applied procedures and on the method as a whole, as well as on the corresponding algorithms and software. A paper was prepared and submitted for publishing. Work on the new classification of asteroids into families for the objects with high orbital inclinations, in which a total of 21 hitherto unknown families were identified, was also completed. A paper on the subject was published in an international journal. 22 The planned completion of a monograph dedicated to the investigation of the fulfillment of conditions for the application of the theorem of Nekhoroshev to real dynamical systems was postponed due to an enlargement of the research contents (creation of the public domain code, for example, which will be distributed with the monograph). The investigation on the influence of the non-gravitational Yarkovsky Effect on the motion of small bodies in complex systems consisting of two or more stars was continued. Parts of the software were developed to simulate the dynamic configuration of the system and the corresponding distribution of temperature on the surface of a small body, in order to compute the resulting non-gravitational effect. Topic: Motion of major planets and the satellites of major planets (Vojislava Protić-Benišek, MA) The reduction of the transits of Mercury (2003) and Venus (2004) observed from the Astronomical Observatory of Belgrade (AOB) were completed and papers were prepared for publication. In addition, old observations of the eclipses of the Sun and Moon obtained with the AOB’s Zeiss astrograph in the period 1936-1946 were systematized and all the photo plates were scanned in 1200 and 2400 DPI resolution, with the goal of obtaining a new set of parameters for each eclipse. Numerous astrometric observations collected during the past century at the so-called independent latitude (IL) stations were used in the previous period for correction of the proper motions in declination of selected stars. After several years of work, now the IL catalog of proper motions in declination has been published (Damljanović and Milić, 2011) for 1200 stars that can be found in the Hipparcos reference catalog. Observations from 7 latitude stations, i.e., Belgrade, Blagoveschtschensk, Irkutsk, Mizusawa, Poltava, Pulkovo and Warsaw, were used. Next, an analysis was performed of the random and systematic errors of the proper motions in declination of the stars in the IL catalog by comparison of these values with the corresponding ones in other catalogs (Hipparcos, new Hipparcos, EOC-2). It was concluded that all four catalogs provide data of approximately the same quality, i.e., with similar random and systematic errors. This represents an independent verification of the quality of the IL catalog, but also the confirmation of the corresponding results from the Hipparcos reference catalog. A similar result was obtained for the PZT catalog (Damljanović, 2011) with 807 stars, derived from the observations on Photographic Zenith Telescopes. Novaković B., Cellino A., Knežević Z., 2011: Families among high-inclination asteroids. Icarus, 216, 69–81. 23 Cvetković Z., Pavlović R., Damljanović G., Boeva S., 2011: CCD Measurements of Double and Multiple Stars at NAO Rozhen: Orbits and Linear Fits of Five Pairs. Astronomical Journal, 142, 73–81. Magri C., еt al., 2011. Radar and photometric observations and shape modeling of contact binary Near-Earth Asteroid (8567) 1996 HW1. Icarus, 214, 210–227. (V. Protitch-Benishek coautor). Tsvetkova K., Tsvetkov M., Dimitrijević M., Protitch-Benishek V., Benishek V., Jevremović D., 2011: Wide-field Plate Archives in Rozhen and Belgrade Observatories. Memorie della Società Astronomica Italiana – Supplementi, 15, 192–203. Damljanović G., Milić I.S., 2011: Corrected μδ for stars of Hipparcos Catalogue from independent latitude observations over many decades. Serbian Astronomical Journal, 182, 35–41. Damljanović G., 2011: Comparison of the proper motions in declination of four catalogues via 807 Hipparcos stars. Proceedings of the Journees 2010 “Systemes de Reference Spatio-Temporels” New challenges for reference systems and numerical standards in astronomy (N. Capitaine, Ed.), l’Observatoire de Paris, 113–116. Project: SHAPES AND SHIFTS OF SPECTRAL LINES IN GAS PLASMAS AND ELECTRIC GAS DISCHARGES (Academician Nikola Konjević) The results of a plasma electrolytic oxidation (PEO) study of tantalum and aluminum were reported and analyzed. For the characterization, real-time imaging and optical emission spectroscopy (OES) were used. It was detected with tantalum that relatively small microdischarges (cross-sectional area < 0.1 mm2) are dominant throughout the PEO, while the presence of mediumsize microdischarges (cross-sectional area from 0.1 mm2 to 0.2 mm2) and large microdischarges (cross-sectional area 0.2 mm2) become noticeable only at later times of PEO. The spectral line shape analysis of first two hydrogen Balmer lines shows the presence of two microdischarges during PEO. These discharges characterize relatively low electron number densities Ne≈0.9×1015 cm−3 and at Ne≈2.2×1016 cm−3. A simple OES technique was introduced to test the optical thicknesses of the hydrogen Balmer lines emitted during the PEO process. Apart from two low Ne values, Ne ≈6.0×1016cm−3 was determined from the width of the Al II 704.2 nm line. The three considerably different Ne values imply the presence of three types of discharge during PEO of aluminum. The hydrogen Balmer beta line shape from a micro-hollow gas discharge (MHGD) in argon with traces of hydrogen was used for the simultaneous diagnostics of the plasma and the cathode sheath (CS) parameters. For this purpose, a simple model of the relevant processes responsible for the line broadening were introduced and applied to the Balmer beta profile recorded from a MHGD generated in the microhole (diameter 100 µm at the narrow side and 130 lm at the wider side) of a gold-alumina-gold sandwich in the pressure range (100–900 mbar). An electron number density Ne in the range 24 (0.4–4.5) × 1020 m–3 was determined from the width of the central part of the Balmer beta line profile, while, from the extended wings of the Balmer beta profile, induced by the dc Stark effect, several parameters were determined: the average value of Ea of the electric field strength in the CS in the range (16–95 kV/cm), the electric field strength at the cathode surface in the range (32–190 kV/cm), the CS thickness in the range (18–70 lm) and some other parameters important for characterization of CS. The broadening of the He I 447.1 nm line and its forbidden components in plasmas were studied using computer simulation techniques and the obtained results were compared with those of others. In these calculations, wide ranges of the electron densities and temperatures were considered. The calculation results were compared with experimental profiles registered in plasmas and diagnosed using independent techniques. The obtained agreement justifies the use of the parameters of the He I 447.1 nm line for plasma diagnostics. Stojadinović S., Jovović J., Petković M., Vasilić R., Konjević N., 2011: Spectroscopic and real-imaging investigation of tantalum plasma electrolytic oxidation (PEO). Surface & Coatings Technology, 205, 5406–5413. Jovović J., Stojadinović S., Šišović N.M., Konjević N., 2011: Spectroscopic characterization of plasma during electrolytic oxidation (PEO) of aluminium. Surface & Coatings Technology, 206, 24–28. Cvejić M., Spasojević Dj., Šišović N.M., Konjević N., 2011: A contribution to spectroscopic diagnostics and cathode sheath modeling of micro-hollow gas discharge in argon. Journal of Applied Physics, 110, 033305 (10pp). Gonzalez M.A., Ivković M., Gigosos M.A., Jovićević S., Lara N., Konjević N., 2011: Plasma diagnostics using the He I 447.1nm line at high and low densities. Journal Physics D: Applied Physics, 44, 194010 (7pp). Project: AFFINE SYMMETRY OF PHYSICAL LAWS (Academician Đorđe Šijački) The Gell-Mann decontraction formula expresses the Lie algebra elements in terms of the corresponding Inönü-Wigner contracted ones. In the case of sl(n,R) and su(n) algebras, contracted with respect to. so(n) subalgebras, the Gell-Mann formula is generally not valid, and applies only in the cases of some representations of sl(n,R) algebra. A generalization of the GellMann formula that is valid for all representations – finite and infinite, tensorial and spinorial, with or without multiplicity – was obtained. This generalization is of special interest in the case of unitary and spinorial representations, which are necessarily infinite-dimensional. An important step towards obtaining a generalization of the Gell-Mann formula is the operation in the space over the group Spin(n)_L x Spin(n)_R by the action of the maximal covering subgroup Spin(n) to the left and the right respectively. The essential construction 25 element is the introduction of the operators that generate the action of the compact subgroup to the right and their anticommutation relations with the generators of the abelian part of the contracted algebra. The results achieved by the ATLAS Collaboration at CERN’s Large Hadron Collider refer to the relevant processes in proton-proton scattering at 7 TeV energies. Apart from the already mentioned papers, the following ones were also published: EPJC, JHEP, Physical Review Letters, Physical Review D, Physical Review Letters, Nuclear Physics B, Nature Communications, New Journal of Physics, Journal of Physics. Salom I., Sijacki Dj., 2011: Generalization of the Gell-Mann decontraction formula for sl(n,R) and su(n) algebras. International Journal of Geometric Methods in Modern Physics, 8, 395–410. Aad G. et al., Sijacki Dj. et al., 2011: Search for Quark Contact Interactions in Dijet Angular Distributions in 7 TeV Proton-Proton Collisions with the ATLAS Detector at the LHC. Physics Letters B, 694, 327–345. Aad G. et al., Sijacki Dj. et al., 2011: Search for the Standard Model Higgs bosonin the decay channel H->ZZ(*)->4l with the ATLAS detector. Physics Letters B, 705, 435–451. Aad G. et al., Sijacki Dj. et al., 2011: Measurement of the cross-section for bjets produced in association with a Z boson at sqrt(s)=7 TeV with the ATLAS detector. Physics Letters B, 706, 295–313. Aad G. et al., Sijacki Dj. et al., 2011: Search for the Standard Model Higgs boson in the two photon decay channel with the ATLAS detector at the LHC. Physics Letters B, 705, 452–470. Aad G. et al., Sijacki Dj. et al., 2011: Measurement of the W to tau nu Cross Section in pp Collisions at sqrt(s) = 7 TeV with the ATLAS experiment. Physics Letters B, 706, 276–294. Aad G. et al., Sijacki Dj. et al., 2011: Search for a heavy gauge boson decaying to a charged lepton and a neutrino in 1 fb^-1 of pp collisions at sqrt(s) =7 TeV using the ATLAS detector. Physics Letters B, 705, 28–46. Aad G. et al., Sijacki Dj. et al., 2011: Measurement of the inclusive isolated prompt photon cross-section in pp collisions at sqrt(s)= 7 TeV using 35 pb^-1 of ATLAS data. Physics Letters B, 706, 150–167. Aad G. et al., Sijacki Dj. et al., 2011: Search for neutral MSSM Higgs bosons decaying to tau^+ tau^- pairs in proton-proton collisions at sqrt(s) = 7 TeV with the ATLAS detector. Physics Letters B, 705, 174–192. Aad G. et al., Sijacki Dj. et al., 2011: Measurement of the transverse momentum distribution of Z/gamma* bosons in proton-proton collisions at sqrt(s)=7 TeV with the ATLAS detector. Physics Letters B, 705, 415–434. Aad G. et al., Sijacki Dj. et al., 2011: Search for new phenomena with the monojet and missing transverse momentum signature using the ATLAS detector in sqrt(s) = 7 TeV proton-proton collisions. Physics Letters B, 705, 294–312. 26 Aad G. et al., Sijacki Dj. et al., 2011: Measurement of the Upsilon(1S) Production Cross-Section in pp Collisions at sqrt(s) = 7 TeV in ATLAS. Physics Letters B, 705, 9–27. Aad G. et al., Sijacki Dj. et al., 2011: Measurement of the transverse momentum distribution of Z/gamma* bosons in proton-proton collisions at sqrt(s)=7 TeV with the ATLAS detector. Physics Letters B, 705, 415–434. Aad G. et al., Sijacki Dj. et al., 2011: Search for Heavy Long-Lived Charged Particles with the ATLAS detector in pp collisions at sqrt(s) = 7 TeV. Physics Letters B, 703, 428–446. Aad G. et al., Sijacki Dj. et al., 2011: Search for supersymmetry in pp collisions at sqrt(s) = 7 TeV in final states with missing transverse momentum and b-jets. Physics Letters B, 701, 398–416. Aad G. et al., Sijacki Dj. et al., 2011: Search for high mass dilepton resonances in pp collisions at sqrt(s)=7 TeV with the ATLAS experiment. Physics Letters B, 700, 163–180. Aad G. et al., Sijacki Dj. et al., 2011: Measurement of the centrality dependence of J/Psi yields and observation of Z production in lead-lead collisions with the ATLAS detector at the LHC. Physics Letters B, 697, 294–312. Aad G. et al., Sijacki Dj. et al., 2011: Search for Massive Long-lived Highly Ionising Particles with the ATLAS Detector at the LHC. Physics Letters B, 698, 353–370. Aad G. et al., Sijacki Dj. et al., 2011: Measurement of the production cross section for W-bosons in association with jets in pp collisions at sqrt(s) = 7 TeV with the ATLAS detector. Physics Letters B, 698, 325–345. Project: N-REPRESENTABILITY PROBLEM (Corresponding Member Milan Damnjanović) Research of correlated quantum states was continued, with emphasis on their applications in approximate methods of calculation in the physics of many body systems, in particular many electron systems. Classification of the four qubit states according to the correlations was studied as an example with known solutions, which could serve as a hint for more electron cases, being unresolved. As performed in previous years, complementary to this fundamental research, work on the applications of N-body states in numerical methods for the prediction of the properties of quasi one-dimensional crystals (nanotubes, nanorods, etc.) was continued. Milosevic I., Popovic Z., Dmitrovic C., Damnjanovic M., 2011: Optical Properties of Coiled Armchair Carbon Nanotubes. Physica Status Solidi B, 248, 2585. Popovic Z.P., Milosevic I., Damnjanovic M., 2011: Conductivity of pentaheptite and mechanically deformed carbon nanotubes. Materials science and engineering b, 176, 494. 27 Damnjanovic M., Vukovic T., Milosevic I., 2011: Diffraction from carbon nanotubes. Ibid, 497. Milosevic I., Kepcija N., Dobardzic E., Damnjanovic M., Mohr M., Maultzsch J., Thomsen C., 2011: Kohn anomaly in graphene. Ibid, 510. Damnjanovic M., Vukovic T.B., Milosevic I., 2011: Diffraction from WS2 and MoS2 Nanotubes. Acta Physica Polonica A, 120, 224. Milosevic I., Damnjanovic M., 2011: Electronic Band Structure of Coiled Carbon Nanotubes. Acta Physica Polonica A, 120, 221. Project: PHYSICS OF SUPERCONDUCTORS (Corresponding Member Zoran Radović) The microscopic theory of the long-range spin–triplet proximity effect in the Josephson junctions of superconductor – ferromagnetic bilayer – superconductors (SF1F2S) was published in a paper. The main result was that the second harmonic in the Josephson current-phase relation is dominant (like for 0-pi transitions) in highly asymmetric SF1F2S junctions. The resulting ground state degeneracy in the considered junctions could be used for quantum interferometers (SQUIDs), which operate with a two times smaller flux quantum and can exhibit the superposition of macroscopically distinct quantum states even in the absence of an external magnetic field. This could find potential application in the field of quantum computing. Trifunović L., Popović Z., Radović Z., 2011: Josephson effect and spin-triplet pairing correlations in SF1F2S junctions. Physical Review B, 84, 064511. Project: BIOPHYSICS OF PROTEINS IN LIVING CELLS (Corresponding Member Miljko Satarić) According to the plan, Miljko Satarić made the following contributions within the Project: The first aspect was the modeling of nonlinear dynamics of DNA in which the impact of the viscosity of the cytosol was taken into account, regarding the propagation of „bubbles“ that open the DNA chain in the processes of transcription and replication. The results were published in “Biosystems”. The second segment deals with the ionic currents flowing along microtubules. A new original model was established that reveals that microtubules could play the role of a kind of bio-transistor. These results were published in the cited papers: 2, 3 and 4. The idea that the neutron scattering could be used to identify and measure the piston-like movement of so-called relay-helix within the kinesin mo28 tor protein during a power stroke caused by the hydrolysis of ATP molecules is presented in paper 5. 1. Zdravković S., Satarić M., 2011: Transverse Interactions in DNA Molecule. Biosystems, 105, 10–13. 2. Sekulić D.L., Satarić B.M., Tuszynski J.A., Satarić M.V., 2011: Nonlinear Ionic Pulses along Microtubules. European Physical Journal, E34, 49. 3. Sekulić D., Satarić M., Živanov M., 2011: Symbolic Computation of some New Nonlinear Partial Differential Equations of Nanosciences, using Modified Extended Tanh/function Method. Applied Mathematics and Computations, Vol. 218, No.7, 3499–3506. 4. Satarić М., Satarić B., 2011: Ionic Pulses along Cytoskeletal Protofilaments. Journal of Physics: Conference Series, 329, 012009. 5. Satarić M., Zdravković S., Tuszynski J.A., 2011: Modeling of Relay Helix Functional Dynamics and Feasibility of Experimental Verification by Neutron Scattering. Chaos, 21,043135. INTERDEPARTMENTAL COMMITTEE DЕFICIENCY OF SELENIUM AND MAGNESIUM IN SERBIA (Academician Vidojko Jović) Investigations on the advantages of foliar biofortification with selenium salts for plant defense from abiotic stresses were continued in 2011. Investigations of the influence of nutrition with components obtained from plants biofortified with selenium on the defense of animals from abiotic stresses were continued. The obtained data showed that animals fed with crops biofortified with selenium had a higher tolerance to stress, as well as that they had a higher quantity and a better balanced ratio of essential nutrients. Based on these and previous results, it was concluded that selenium plays an exceptionally important role in the formation of protection mechanisms and the adaptation of plants and animals to unpleasant external factors. Results of these investigations are presented in the articles “Influence of biofortification with selenium on plant response to abiotic stresses” and “Importance of selenium nutrition for animal response to abiotic stresses” that, as an invited speaker, I. Djujić presented at the 11th International Symposium on “Metal Elements in Environment, Medicine and Biology” - MEEMB-11 in Cluj-Napoca, Romania. Đujić I.S., Đujić B., Aleksić N., 2011: The Sufficiency Philosophy Implication to proper Decision Making and Rehabilitating Bio-Health. XII International Ecoconference, 21-24 Sept 2011, Novi Sad, Environmental Protection of Urban and Suburban Settlements, Proceedings Book, II, 95‒104. 29 INTERDEPARTMENTAL COMMITTEE KARST OF SERBIA AND SPELEOLOGY (Academician Vidojko Jović) Interdepartmental project: KARST OF SERBIA During 2011, field investigations were carried out in the broader area of Krepoljin. They included the exploration of the Živkova Rupa and Pogana Peć caves. Hydrological observations at the intermittent source of Homoljska Potajnica were also made. INTERDEPARTMENTAL COMMITTEE ON THE DYNAMICS OF THE EARTH SYSTEM CLIMATE AND THE OPUS OF MILUTIN MILANKOVIĆ (Academician Fedor Mesinger) In May 2011, the Milutin Milanković Scientific Centre in Dalj hosted the scientific meeting entitled Milanković, Calendar, Time (Milanković, kalendar, vreme), which was devoted to Milanković’s work on a calendar reform. Due to its interdisciplinary character, the issue of calendar reform was elucidated from physical, astronomic, religious, philosophical and earth science aspects. The Committee continued to actively consider the erection of a monument to Milutin Milanković. Аcademician Fedor Mesinger attended the Tyndall Conference in Dublin, which was devoted to climate change. It was held to mark the 150th anniversary of the publication of Tyndall’s paper presenting the results of measuring carbon-dioxide’s absorption of long-wave radiation. Academician Mesinger also attended the Conference on Climate Change and Water Resources in the Western Balkans in Belgrade, organized by the Faculty of Applied Ecology Futura and the international Organization for Economic Cooperation and Development (OECD). In 2011, work continued on the preparation of the proceedings of the international conference commemorating the 130th birth anniversary of Milutin Milanković for publication. The conference was held at the Serbian Academy of Sciences and Arts. The Committee members are finalizing the preparation of the proceedings for publication in cooperation with Springer Publishing Company. The edition will be released in the first half of 2012. For this occasion, Academician André Berge prepared a comprehensive text on the history of climate change research where a prominent place was given to the presentation of the results of Milanković’s work. 30 The Russian Academy of Sciences published Dr Aleksandar Petrović’s monograph Canon of the Glacial Period (Kanon lednikovog perioda), which is entirely devoted to the life and work of Milutin Milanković. INTERACADEMIC COOPERATION OF SASA AND MONTENGRIN ACADEMY OF SCIENCES AND ARTS Project: A STUDY OF FOSSIL FLORA AND FAUNA OF MONTENEGRO (Academician Marko Ercegovac) In 2011, the biostratigraphic and paleoecological investigations of the polynomophs of Upper Cretaceous and Paleogene rocks related to the Permian epi-platform in the Dinarides were continued. Dasycladales and microbiota from the Paleogene formations in the Periadriatic region were also investigated. Project: RARE EARTH ELEMENTS IN THE BAUXITES OF NIKŠIĆKA ŽUPA (Academician Vidojko Jović) The investigations of rare earth elements in the bauxites of Nikšićka Župa from geochemical, mineralogical, metallogenic and economic-geological aspects were continued. The data and samples from similar deposits in Montenegro were also taken with a view to making comparisons and gaining a better understanding of the genesis of those deposits. The preparation of the relevant doctoral dissertation is underway (S. Radusinović). INTERACADEMIC COOPERATION OF SASA AND MACEDONIAN ACADEMY OF SCIENCES AND ARTS Project: INVESTIGATION OF TERTIARY LAMPROITES (Academician Vidojko Jović) The investigations of Tertiary lamproites in Macedonia and the Balkan Peninsula were expanded to include the detailed investigations of Mediterranean lamproites (Turkey). Jurassic calcoalcaline granites combined with eastern Vardar ophiolites were investigated from the petrological and geochemical aspects. Schefer S., Cvetković V., Fugenschuh B., Kounov A., Ovtcharova M., Schaltegger U., Schmid M.S., 2011: Cenozoic granitoids in the Dinarides of southern Serbia: age of intrusion, isotope geochemistry, exhumation history and significance for the 31 geodynamic evolution of the Balkan Peninsula. International Journal of Earth Sciences (Geologische Rundschau), 100, 1181–1206. Bozovic M., Prelevic D., Romer R., Barth M., 2011: Demir Kapija ophiolite: A snapshot of subduction initiation within a back-arc. Goldschmidt Abstracts 2011, Mineralogical Magazine, 75, 465–608. 32 DEPARTMENT OF CHEMICAL AND BIOLOGICAL SCIENCES PHYSICAL CHEMISTRY Project: NEW CATALYTIC SYSTEMS (Academician Paula Putanov) Phosphated zirconia was synthesized by a sol-gel method for the preparation with different amounts of phosphates (4, 7, and 10 mass %) in order to obtain mesoporous materials with nano-sized particles. The catalytic materials were characterized by different methods in order to determine their physicochemical properties, and the dependence of their activity and selectivity on the calcination temperature and the amount of phosphate. An analysis of their textural properties indicated that the specific area and mesopore size (11.35 to 7.58 nm) decreased with increasing calcination temperature in the range 550 to 650 °C. Similarly, it was observed that specific surface area decreased regularly with the increasing amount of phosphate until a critical content was reached. When the amount of phosphate was above this level, increasing the amount of phosphate enlarged the specific surface area. The activity and selectivity were probed in a test reaction of n-hexane isomerization, under the following reaction conditions: temperature, 300 °C; modified space velocity (MSV), 5.37 · 10-2 mol n-C6/gcat · min; partial pressure of n-C6, 60.5 mbar and pressure, 1 bar. Catalysts based on tungstated zirconia were synthesized by a sol-gel method with different nominal contents tungstate (11, 14 and 17 mass %). The catalyst samples were characterized by physico-chemical methods, and the catalytic activity and selectivity were estimated depending on the calcination temperature and tungstate content. The textural characterization data showed that the specific surface area decreased while the mean pore diameter (mesopores, from 7.3 to 11.8 nm in size) increased on increasing the calcination temperature from 550 to 650 °C. The total pore volume was insignificantly changed or remained the same taking into account particular samples. The activity/selectivity 33 data were evaluated in the test reaction of n-hexane isomerization under a constant modified space velocity (MSV) of 5.37 · 10-2mol n-C6/gcat · min, at process temperatures of 250 and 300 °C. The flow of the employed carrier gas, He or H2, was 15 ml/min. Two series of zirconia based-catalysts promoted with either sulfates or phosphates were prepared, calcined at different temperatures (600 and 700 °C) and evaluated in the n–hexane isomerization reaction. The catalysts with different concentrations of sulfates or phosphates (4 or 10 wt. %) were characterized by BET, XRD, SEM methods, and the total acidity was evaluated using Hammett indicators. Their final catalytic performances were correlated with their physico-chemical properties (surface, structural, textural and morphological). Zarubica A., Radulović N., Stojković N., Vasić M., Marinković M., Randjelović M., Putanov P., 2011: A Comparative Study of N-Hexane Isomerization Over Solid Acids Catalysts: Sulfated and Phosphated Zirconia. Chemical Industry & Chemical Engineering Quarterly, 2011 OnLine-First (00): 62-62, DOI: 10.2298/CICEQ 1106020625 Project: THEORETICAL INVESTIGATION OF THE VIBRONIC COUPLING IN TETRA-ATOMIC MOLECULES (Academician Miljenko Perić) A theoretical ab initio investigation on the spectrum corresponding to the 12Δ– X2Π electronic transition of C2As was completed.1 The possibility of using the results of ab initio computations of the structure of triatomic molecules for an estimation of the vibration−rotational partition functions was analyzed.2,3 Concrete computations were performed on the BC2 molecule. Theoretical investigations of the vibronic and spin−orbit structure in the ground X2Πu electronic state of the dicyanoacetylene cation were performed.4 In collaboration with researchers from the Faculty of Physics, University of Belgrade, combined experimental and theoretical investigations on the electrolytic oxidation of Al and Mg were realized. Within the framework of this project, the identification and interpretation of the AlO and MgO emission spectra were performed.5,6 In the case of Mg, the obtained results were used for the determination of the plasma parameters. The manuscript for the second part of the monograph Molecular Structure and Spectra was broadened and completed. Stojanović Lj., Jerosimić S., Perić M., 2011: Ab initio study on the ground and low-lying doublet electronic states of linear C2As. Chemical Physics, 379, 57−65. 34 Senćanski M.V., Radić-Perić J., Perić M., 2011: On the relationship between molecular spectrosopy and statistical mechanics: calculation of partition functions for triatomic molecules undergoing large-amplitude bending vibrations. Journal of the Serbian Chemical Society, 76, 539−555. Senćanski M.V., Stojanović Lj., Jerosimić S., Radić-Perić J., Perić M., 2011: On the relationship between molecular spectrosopy and statistical mechanics: calculation of vibrational-rotational energy levels and partition functions in the ground electronic state of BC2. Journal of the Serbian Chemical Society, 76, 557−573. Ranković R., Jerosimić S., Perić M., 2011: Theoretical investigation of vibronic and spin−orbit effects in the ground X2Πu electronic state of the dicyanoacetylene cation. Journal of Chemical Physics, 135, 024314, 1−8. Sarvan M., Perić M., Zeković Lj., Stojadinović S., Belča I., Petković M., Kasalica B., 2011: Identification of the C2П–X2Σ+ band system of AlO in the UV galvano-luminescence obtained during aluminum anodization. Spectrochimica Acta A, 81, 672−678. Project: ELECTROCATALYSIS IN CONTEMPORARY PROCESSES OF ENERGY CONVERSION (Corresponding Member Slavko Mentus) The project commenced in 2010. The experimental part of the project was realized in the laboratories and using the facilities of the Faculty of Physical Chemistry. In cooperation with the teachers, the assistants and the students of master and PhD studies of this Faculty were involved simultaneously in the project: Lithium-ion batteries and fuel cells-research and development, supported by the Ministry of Education and Science of the Republic of Serbia, leaded by Prof. Mentus. According to the Work Plan for 2011, in this second year of the project, processes on the metal-electrolyte solution boundary of interest from the aspect of energy conversion in fuel cells and lithium power sources were examined from the standpoint of electrode kinetics and thermodynamics. Attention was paid to the development of nanodispersed materials for reversible intercalation of lithium ions from both aqueous and non-aqueous solutions and to other aspects of the improvement of electrode kinetics. Apart from this, it was found that some specific processes on the boundary tungsten/ electrolyte solution could be utilized for electro-analytical purposes. The results of the activities connected to the project were published in international journals (12) and in the conference books of international (6) and national (5) conferences. Some of the results have also been submitted for publication in international journals. Gavrilov N., Dašić-Tomić M., Pašti I., Ćirić-Marjanović G., Mentus S., 2011: Carbonized PANI nanotubes/nanosheets as a support for platinum nanoparticle electrocatalyst. Materials Letters, 65, 962–965. 35 Tuvić T., Pašti I., Mentus S., 2011: ������������������������������������������������ A ������������������������������������������ rotating tungsten disc electrode in concentrated strong alkaline solutions: an electroanalytical aspect. Journal of Electroanalytical Chemistry, 645, 102−107. Stojković I., Cvjetićanin N., Mitrić M., Mentus S., 2011: Electrochemical properties of nanostructured Li1.2V3O8 in aqueous LiNO3 solution. Electrochimica Acta, 56, 6469−6473. Jelic D., Tomic-Tucakovic B., Mentus S., 2011: A kinetic study of copper(II) oxide powder reduction with hydrogen, based on thermogravimetry. Thermochimica Acta, 521, 211−217. Gavrilov N., Vujković M., Pašti I.A., Ćirić-Marjanović G., Mentus S.V., 2011: Enhancement of electrocatalytic properties of carbonized polyaniline nanoparticles upon an hydrothermal treatment in alkaline medium. Electrochimica Acta, 56, 9197−9202. Jelić D., Penavin-Škundrić J., Majstorović D., Mentus S., ����������������� 2011: The thermogravimetric study of silver(I) oxide reduction by hydrogen. Thermochimica Acta, 526, 252−256. Stojković I., Cvijetićanin N., Mentus S., 2011: Improvement of the cycle life of composite xerogel V2O5/C in aqueous LiNO3 solution by addition of vinylene carbonate. Russian Journal of Physical Chemistry A, 85 (13), 2344−2348. Tuvić T., Pašti I., Mentus S., ������������������������������������������������� 2011:�������������������������������������������� Tungsten electrochemistry in alkaline solutions – anodic dissolution and oxygen reduction reaction. Ibid, 2399−2405. Pašti I., Gavrilov N., Mentus S., 2011: Hydrogen adsorption on palladium and platinum-terminated surfaces: DFT study. Advances in Physical Chemistry, Volume 2011, Article ID 305634, pages 8. CHEMISTRY Project: ORIGIN, STRUCTURE AND PROPERTIES OF SEDIMENTARY ORGANIC MATTER APPLIED TO PROBLEMS OF ENVIRONMENTAL PROTECTION AND NEW ENERGY SOURCES EXPLORATION (Academician Dragomir Vitorović) Organic geochemical investigations were performed that were aimed at revealing the structure of type III kerogens, organic geochemical and petrographic characterization of some coals and several recent and ancient sediments in Serbia, characterization of asphaltenes, bitumen-free sediments and coals based on liquid pyrolysis products, characterization of source rocks based on biological marker and aromatic hydrocarbon distributions, and in a study of the fate of petroleum-type pollutants in soil bioremediation experiments. 36 Mrkić S., Stojanović K., Kostić A., Nytoft H.P., Šajnović A., 2011: Organic geochemistry of Miocene source rocks from the Banat Depression (S.E. Pannonian Basin, Serbia). Organic Geochemistry, 42, 655−677. Ilić M., Antić M., Antić V., Schwarzbauer J., Vrvić M., Jovančićević B., 2011: Investigation of bioremediation potential of zymogenous bacteria and fungi for crude oil degradation. Environmental Chemistry Letters, 9, 133−140. Dragutinović V., Cvetković O., Vitorović D., 2011: Zymogenic bacillus sp. revealed in Aleksinac (Serbia) oil shale. Journal of Environmental Protection and Ecology, 12, 151−156. Stojanović K., Kostić A., Šajnović A., Pevneva G.S., Golovko A.K., Jovančićević B., 2011: Validation of data on polycyclic biomarkers, naphthalenes, phenanthrenes, and alkyldibenzothiophenes obtained by gas chromatographic–mass spectrometric analysis of hydrocarbon concentrates. Petroleum Chemistry, 51, 243−251. Šajnović A., Stojanović K., Simić V., Pevneva G., Golovko A., Jovančićević B., 2011: Study of liquid thermolysis products of various types of immature kerogens in sedimentary lacustrine rocks from the Valjevo-Mionica Basin, Serbia, and the effect of Pt4+ and Ru3+ ions on their yield and the hydrocarbon composition. Geochemistry International, 49, 1022−1034. Jovanović T., Koruga Dj., Jovančićević B., 2011: Isolation ������������������������ and characterization of higher fullerenes from carbon soot. Fullerenes Nanotubes and Carbon Nano-structures, 19, 309−316. Šolević T., Jovančićević B., Vrvić M., Antić M., Ilić M., Novaković M., 2011: Investigation of bioremediation potential of soil aerobic zymogenous microorganisms in crude oil biodegradation. Journal of the Serbian Chemical Society, 76, 425−438. Project: CHEMICAL REACTIVITY AND BIOACTIVITY OF NATURALLY OCCURRING HYDROQUINONES AND THEIR DERIVATIVES (Academician Miroslav J. Gašić) Investigation of mechanism of action of avarone and its derivatives on plasmid DNA showed that these compounds induce DNA strand breakage even in the absence of oxygen, contrary to the hydroquinone avarol. The amount of damage depends on structure of the substituents, the more selective methylamino derivatives being less damaging. The results show that covalent modification of DNA bases by quinones can damage DNA even without the participation of reactive oxygen species. A methodology for differentiating the different modes of DNA binding of small molecules was developed. A new oxygen derivative of avarone, 3′-methoxyavarone was synthesized. As expected for a derivative with an electron donor substituent, it showed antibacterial and antifungal activity, as well as activity to brine shrimp Artemia salina. 37 Vujčić M., Lazić M., Milenkovic M., Sladić D., Radulović S., Filipović N., Anđelković K., 2011: A Comparative Study of DNA Binding and Cell Cycle Phase Perturbation by the Dinuclear Complex of Cd(II) with the Condensation Product of 2-Acetylpyridine and Malonic Acid Dihydrazide N’,N’2-bis[(1E)-1-(2-pyridyl)ethylidene] propanedi-hydrazide. Journal of Biochemical and Molecular Toxicology, 25, 175‒182. Eshkourfu R., Čobeljić B., Vujčić M., Turel I., Pevec A., Sepcic K., Zec M., Radulović S.S., Srdić-Rajić T., Mitić D.M., Anđelković K.K., Sladić D.M., 2011: Synthesis, characterization, cytotoxic activity and DNA binding properties of the novel dinuclear cobalt(III) complex with the condensation product of 2-acetylpyridine and malonic acid dihydrazide. Journal of Inorganic Biochemistry, 105, 1196‒1203. Project: RESEARCHES IN MATHEMATICAL CHEMISTRY (Academician Ivan Gutman) In the plan for year 2011, we indicated four main directions of intended research. Here, some of the results that were published in 2011 are mentioned. a) The papers 4-11 deal with the electronic properties of benzenoid and related molecules. b) Total π-electron energy and related graph invariants were studied in the works 13,14,17,18 and the review 21. c) Of graph invariants of importance in chemistry, we mainly examined distance-based structure descriptors and vertex-degree-based descriptors were mainly examined (1,2,3,12,15,16) d) Some of the published papers (19, 20) as well as the reviews 22 and 23, are related to the points (a), (b), and (c), but have a mainly mathematical character and represent contributions to the graph theory. e) Furthermore, other papers were published that are not mentioned in this Report. 1. Brückler F.M., Došlić T., Graovac A., Gutman I., 2011: On a class of distancebased molecular structure descriptors. Chemical Physics Letters, 503, 336‒338. 2. Das K.C., Gutman I., B. Furtula, 2011: On atom-bond connectivity index. Chemical Physics Letters, 511, 452‒454. 3. Furtula B., Gutman I., 2011: Relation between second and third geometricarithmetic indices of trees. Journal of Chemometrics, 25, 87‒91. 4. Balaban A.T., Gutman I., Jeremić S., Đurđević J., 2011: Effect of benzoannelation on cyclic conjugation. Monatshefte für Chemie, 142, 53‒57. 5. Balaban A.T., Gutman I., Marković S., Simijonović D., 2011: Local aromaticity in benzo- and benzocyclobutadieno-annelated anthracenes. Ibid, 797‒800. 38 6. Marković S., Đurđević J., Jeremić S., Gutman I., 2011: Triplet fluoranthenes: Aromaticity versus unpaired electrons. Journal of Molecular Modeling, 17, 805‒810. 7. Balaban A.T., Gutman I., Marković S., Simijonović D., Đurđević J., 2011: Local aromaticity in benzo- and benzocyclobutadiento-annelated phenanthrenes. Polycyclic Aromatic Compounds, 31, 339‒349. 8. Marković S., Radenković S., Marković Z., Gutman I., 2011: DFT study on singlet diradical character of zethrenes. Russian Journal of Physical Chemistry A, 85, 2368‒2372. 9. Gutman I., 2011: Effect of benzocyclobutadieno-annelation on cyclic conjugation. Indian Journal of Chemistry, 50A, 670‒673. 10. Gutman I., Furtula B., Balaban A.T., 2011: Effect of benzocyclobutadienoannelation on cyclic conjugation in fluoranthene congeners. Journal of the Serbian Chemical Society, 76, 733‒741. 11. Gutman I., Balaban A.T., 2011: Simple mathematical model for the effect of benzo-annelation on cyclic conjugation. Ibid, 1505‒1511. 12. Gutman I., Xiao W., Das K.C., Gutman I., Furtula B., 2011: On the first geometric-arithmetic index of graphs. Discrete Applied Mathematics, 159, 2030‒2037. 13. Gutman I., Shao J.Y., 2011: The energy change of weighted graphs. Linear Algebra and Its Applications, 435, 2425‒2431. 14. Abreu N., Cardoso D.M., Gutman I., Martins E.A., Robbiano M., 2011: Bounds for the signless Laplacian energy. Ibid, 2365‒2374. 15. Yarahmadi Z., Ashrafi A.R., Gutman I., 2011: First and second extremal bipartite graphs with respect to PI index. Mathematical and Computer Modelling, 54, 2460‒2463. 16. Gutman I., Furtula B., 2011: Estimating the second and third geometricarithmetic indices. Hacettepe Journal of Mathematics and Statistics, 40, 69‒76. 17. Ayyaswamy S.K., Balachandran S., Gutman I., 2011: Upper bound for the energy of strongly connected digraphs. Applicable Analysis and Discrete Mathematics, 5, 37‒45. 18. Gutman I., Ashrafi A.R., Fath-Tabar G.H., 2011: Graphhay ham energy [Equienergetic graphs]. Farhang va Andishe-e-Riazi [Culture and Thinking of Mathematics] 15 (1389) 41‒50 [in Persian, 1389 ~ 2011]. 19. Gutman I., Xiao W., 2011: Distance in trees and Laplacian matrix. In the book: M. V. Putz (Ed.), Advances in Chemical Modeling, Vol. 2, Nova, New York, 2011, 411‒417. 20. Gutman I., 2011: On a class of integrals encountered in theoretical chemistry. Ibid, 419‒425. 21. Gutman I., 2011: Hyperenergetic and hypoenergetic graphs. In the book: D. Cvetković, I. Gutman (Eds.), Selected Topics on Applications of Graph Spectra, Math. Inst., Beograd, 113‒135. 22. Gutman I., Borovićanin B., 2011: Nullity of graphs: An updated survey. Ibid, 137‒154. 23. Gutman I., Deng H., Radenković S., 2011: The Estrada index: An updated survey. Ibid, 155‒174. 39 Project: LOOK AT MOLECULES THAT CHANGE THE WORLD (Academician Živorad Čeković) The project Look at molecules that change the world concerns the popularization of the chemical sciences, methods, chemical products, materials and contemporary scientific achievements as well as their applications in every day life. Participation on popular scientific manifestations, seminars and popular lectures was realized. In addition to this type of activities, material was further collected for the publication of a book under the working title Useful molecules, in which useful chemical products and materials will be presented in a popular and scientifically correct manner. Chemical products such as vitamins, drugs, food, water, perfumes and many others were presented. Their applications and commercial importance were also explained. Project: NEW BIOACTIVE MOLECULES BASED ON NATURAL PRODUCTS (Corresponding Member Bogdan Šolaja) In continuation of our research in this field, the focus was directed on small non-peptide molecule inhibitors of Botulinum neurotoxin serotypes A and B light chain (BoNT/A LC and BoNT/B LC). Two new chemotypes significantly inhibiting BoNT/B LC were discovered in our laboratories. This discovery for the first time enables research in the BoNT B area. Work in the field of diazachrysene was focused towards molecules soluble in protic solvents, possibly in water. The gathered results support previous observations that diazachrysene compounds may serve as multiple inhibitors. Opsenica I., Burnett J.C., Gussio R., Opsenica D., Todorović N., Lanteri Ch.A., Sciotti R.J., Gettayacamin M., Basilico N., Taramelli D., Nuss J.E., Wanner L., Panchal R.G., Šolaja B.A., Bavari S., 2011: A Chemotype That Inhibits Three Unrelated Pathogenic Targets: The Botulinum Neurotoxin Serotype A Light Chain, P. falciparum Malaria, and the Ebola Filovirus. Journal of Medicinal Chemistry, 54, 1157–1169. Šegan S., Andrić F., Radoičić A., Opsenica D., Šolaja B., Zlatović M., Milojković-Opsenica, D., 2011: Correlation between structure, retention and activity of cholic acid derived cis–trans isomeric bis-steroidal tetraoxanes. Journal of Separation Science, 34, 1–9. Solaja B.A., Opsenica D., 2011: Second-Generation Peroxides: The OZs and Artemisone in Treatment and Prevention of Malaria. Antimalarial Drug Chemistry. Action and Use Series: Milestones in Drug Therapy. Staines H.M., Krishna S. (Eds.), Springer Basel. 40 Project: CHEMICAL CHARACTERISATION AND BIOLOGICAL ACTIVITY OF SECONDARY METABOLITES OF WILD-GROWING MEDICINAL PLANTS FROM CENTRAL BALKANS (Corresponding Member Slobodan Milosavljević) Тhe investigations of secondary metabolites of various wild-growing plant species from Serbia and Montenegro were continued. Simultaneously, a study of the chemical constituents of plant species from the National Park Galičica, not studied before, was realized. From the Montenegrin Tree Spurge, Euphorbia dendroides, seven new diterpenoids (six jatrophanes and a tigliane) were isolated and their structures elucidated by spectroscopic techniques. The biological activities of the new compounds were studied against four human cancer cell lines. The most effective jatrophane-type compound, euphodendrophane B, and its structurally closely related derivative Euphodendrophane A were evaluated for their interactions with paclitaxel and doxorubicin using a multidrug-resistant cancer cell line. Both compounds exerted a strong reversal potential, resulting from inhibition of P-glycoprotein transport. Aljančić I.S., Pešić M., Milosavljević S.M., Todorović N.M., Jadranin M., Milosavljević G., Povrenović D., Banković J., Tanić N., Marković I.D., Ruždijić S., Vajs V.E., Tešević V.V., 2011: Isolation and Biological Evaluation of Jatrophane Diterpenoids from Euphorbia dendroides. Journal of Natural Products, 74, 1613–1620. Zdunić G., Gođevac D., Šavikin K., Novaković M., Milosavljević S., Petrović S., 2011: Isolation and identification of phenolic compounds from Hypericum richeri Vill. and their antioxidant capacity. Natural Products Research, 25 (3), 175–187. BIOLOGY Project: ADAPTIVE LIMITS OF POPULATION-GENETIC POLYMORPHISM (Academician Dragoslav Marinković) A long-time analysis of individual and population-genetic variability in the model-organism Drosophila melanogaster included some 8-10 polymorphic and 16 mono-morphic gene-enzyme systems. The potential variability of ca. 82.000 possible genotypes was reduced in a few hundreds analyzed individuals to less than 150 realized combinations, some of them being repeated many times. This clearly proves that only specific hereditary programs are realized and exposed to natural selection, and not the total genetic variability, as is predicted from the basic Mendelian rules of inheritance. Due to the 41 fact that a majority of this adaptive polymorphism is based on combinational variation of polygenic complexes, the scope of allelic variation should not be basically different in succeeding generations, which explains the maintenance of genetic structures under different ecological conditions, as well as when changes in the sizes of specific populations occur. Laboratory analyses with specifically sensitive lines of D. melanogaster were used to determine geno- and anti-genotoxicity of a few substances of plant origin, which are used in medical treatments, that should contribute to an exact approach in this field of bio-medicine. The therapeutic effects of some medicaments used in human medicine (especially in tumor-treatments) were compared with the deleterious effects that they produce in the chromosomes of human blood lymphocytes. Our experience in anthropogenetics, as well as in the application of bioethical approaches in scientific studies, was presented at two respectful meetings held in Serbia this year. Milošević-Đorđević O., Grujičić D., Joksić G., Marinković D., 2011: In vitro evaluation of the genotoxicity of ritodrine and verapamil in human lymphocytes. Human and Experimental Toxicology, 30/5, 398–405. Milošević-Đorđević O., Stošić I., Vučković M., Grujičić D., Marinković D., 2011: Baseline and therapy induced chromosome damages in peripheral blood lymphocytes of breast cancer patients assessed by the micronucleus assay. Journal of Buon, 16/3, 437–443. Stanić S. et al., 2011: Study of genotoxicity and antigenotoxicity of the Cotinus coggygria methanol extract by Drosophila melanogaster sex-linked recessive lethal test. Russian Journal of Genetics, 47/7, 874–878. Matić S., Stanić S. et al., 2011: Genotoxic potential of Cotinus coggygria (Anacardiaceae) stem extract in vivo. Genetics and Molecular Biology, 34/2, 298–303. Project: INHERITANCE OF OIL QUALITY IN F1 AND F2 GENERATIONS IN SUNFLOWER (Academician Dragan Škorić) In 2011, the Project activities were focused on the obtainment of F1 combinations using crosses among two lines possessing genes for a high oleic acid content of oil genes (Ol genes) alongside genes for tolerance to imidazolinone-based herbicides (Imr1 Imr2), one high oleic line that contained Ol genes and also had resistance to tribenuron-methyl herbicide, and one standard line. In 2012, these F1 combinations will be used to obtain the F2 combinations as well as the F1BC1 with both parents. In addition to the above line of research, work was also realized on selecting sunflower lines that differ in their fatty acid and tocopherol compositions of the oil. 42 Škorić D., Pacureanu-Joita M. 2011: Possibilities for increasing sunflower resistance to broomrape (Orobanche cumana Wallr.). Journal of Agricultural Science and Technology, B1, 151–162. Hladni N. Škorić D., Kraljević Balalić M., Jocić S., Miklič V., Dušanić N. 2011: Linex tester analysis for yield components in sunflower and their correlations with seed yield (Helianthus annuus L.). Genetica, Vol. 43, No. 2, 297–306. Maširević S., Medić-Pap S., Škorić D., Živanov D., 2011: Susceptibility of some experimental sunflower hybrids to white rot (Sclerotinia sclerotiorum), and broomrape (Orobanche cumana Wallr.). Proceedings 22nd International Symposium „Food safety production“, 318–321, Trebinje, Bosnia and Herzegovina, June 19-25. Project: ECOLOGICAL AND GENETICAL STUDIES OF DROSOPHILA SUBOBSCURA POPULATIONS FROM THE CENTRAL BALKANS (Academician Marko Anđelković) Population-genetic research of inversion polymorphism in Drosophila subobscura was continued during the year 2010 within project “Ecological and genetical studies of Drosophila subobscura from the central Balkans”. In addition to several years of monitoring time and space dynamics of inversion polymorphism of subpopulations of D. subobscura on Mt. Goč, investigations were undertaken into a specific aspect of anthropogenic effect on the genetic structure of the populations of this Drosophila species. The obtained results indicated a complex role of inversion polymorphism in adaptational processes, depending on the ecological variability of the habitats. Population-genetic research into the inversion and DNA polymorphism of D. subobscura was initiated in populations living in the gorges of Serbia. The motivation behind this research was the assumption that the gorges of the Balkan Peninsula could be refugia in which recent populations of D. subobscura abided during the last glacial period in these parts. Savić T., Patenković A., Stamenković-Radak M., Andjelković M., 2011: Adaptive significance of amylase polymorphism in Drosophila XV. Genotype-byenvironment interactions in viability, developmental time and developmental stability of Drosophila subobscura homozygous Amy genotypes under nutritional changes. Archives of Biological Science, 63 (4), 1273–1286. Savić T., Patenković A., Soković M., Glamočlija J., Andjelković M., van Griensven L.J., 2011: The effect of Royal sun agaricus, Agaricus brasiliensis S. Wasser et al., extract on methyl methanesulfonate caused genotoxicity in Drosophila melanogaster. International Journal of Medicinal Mushrooms, 13 (4), 377–385. 43 Project: EVOLUTION OF COMPLEX TRAITS IN LABORATORY AND WILD POPULATIONS (Corresponding Member Nikola Tucić) Some theoretical and empirical studies have suggested that sexual selection via sexual conflict has the potential to influence the emergence of behavioral isolation barriers between allopatric populations even in the absence of ecological divergences. This hypothesis was tested using laboratory populations of the seed beetle (Acanthoscelides obtectus) selected to reproduce early (E) or late (L) in life, where inadvertent selection for either mono-or polyandry was revealed. It was found that the level of behavioral isolation detected among populations within the E selection treatment (low sexual conflict) was significant, while a high-conflict mating system (L populations) inhibited rather than promoted prezygotic isolation. The obtained results strongly support the hypothesis that sexually antagonistic co-evolution could also act to oppose speciation depending on which sex gained the upper hand in controlling reproduction. If sexual conflict results in males mating more indiscriminately (such as in the L selection treatment), it will prevent reproductive isolation and hence speciation. Only when female preference overrides male competition (as in the E treatment), prezygotic behavioral isolation could occur. Stojković B., Šešlija-Jovanović D., Perovanović J., Tucić N., 2011: Sexual activity and reproductive isolation between age-specific selected population of seed beetle. Ethology, 117, 812–821. Lazarević J., Tucić N., Šešlija-Jovanović D., Večera J., Kodrik D., 2011: The effects of selection for early and late reproduction on metabolic pools in Acanthoscelides obtectus. Insect Science, DOI: 1111/j. 1744-7917.2011.01457.x Project: CHOROLOGICAL AND ECOLOGICAL FACTORS OF TAXA DIFFERENTIATION IN OROPHYTIC FLORA OF SERBIA AND NEIGHBORING TERRITORIES OF THE CENTRAL BALKANS (Corresponding Member Vladimir Stevanović) This project encompasses various issues pertaining to vascular flora in Serbia and in the neighboring countries of the C and W Balkans. The most important work and investigations in focus were as follows: 1. For the “Atlas Florae Europaeae 15”, continuation of the running long-term project of mapping the distribution of vascular plants in Europe: – the mapping of taxonomically exceptionally complex and polymorphic genus Rubus was successfully completed. 44 – maps of distribution of 16 taxa of this genus from the territories of Serbia, Montenegro, Bosnia and Herzegovina and Macedonia were also presented to the scientific community. In our present experience, the explored genus will certainly merit further exploration of its polymorphism. 2. In a joint authorship with colleagues from abroad, two new species were identified and were introduced into the scientific records: Jurinea micevskii and Petasites anapetrovianus. The species J. micevski was described from its habitat on the Galicica Mountain in SW Macedonia. It appears to be the closest to distant endemic species J. taygetea in Peloponnesus and J. bocconei in Sicily. The discovery of this species evidenced the ancient florogenetic connections between the central parts of the Balkan Peninsula and the oro-Mediterranean subregion. The other species, P. anapetrovianus, was discovered and described on the Pindos Mountain in Greece and it is the closest to the Dinaric-Carpathian species P. kablikianus. The phytogeography of these two species brings to light florogenetic connections between Alpine and Balkan orophytic flora. 3. The investigations into the molecular phylogeny of various representatives of the family Campanulaceae were continued. Particular attention was paid to the amphi-Adriatic aggregate Campanula pyramidalis and the emergence of new taxa is to be expected within it, according to the preliminary molecular analyses. Following the performed analyses and the obtained results in the molecular phylogeny of the genus Edraianthus, a taxonomic revalorization of the species Edraianthus sutjeske was performed. This taxon had earlier been inadequately described and has not been accepted by the European plant taxonomists. 4. The floristic investigations and analyses of vascular flora that were performed fall into four categories: – Spatial differentiation of the orophytic floristic regions on the Dinarides – Investigations of endemic Balkan flora of SE Serbia (10) – Diversity of the boreal flora in the central part of the Balkan Peninsula – Endemism in the orophytic flora of the limestone crest Kobilica on the Šar Mountain. 5. The following chorologic contributions for the flora of Serbia and of the surrounding countries were published: The presence of several species was established which were not previously known to exist on the territory of Serbia and of the surrounding countries, namely: Typha domingensis, Epipactis picturata, Viola chelmea Boiss. & Heldr s.l., Dianthus stenopetalus Griseb. (= Dianthus vodnensis Micevski, syn. nov.), Erysimum microstylum Hausskn., Lunaria telekiana Jáv. (Prokletije: Koprivnik), Primula × tommasinii (P. veris subsp. suaveolens × P. vul45 garis), Impatiens balfourii Hooker fil., Knautia degeni Borbás ex Formánek, Alkanna stribrnyi Velen., Myosotis sylvatica Hoffm. subsp. cyanea (Boiss. & Heldr.) Vestergren., Bidens pilosus L. Centaurea pugioniformis E. I. Nyárády, Centaurea nervosa L. subsp. josifovicii Gajić (= C. nervosa subsp. promota Gamal-Eldin & Wagenitz, syn. nov.), Eragrostis curvula (Schrad.) Nees. In addition, the species Asphodelina, believed to have disappeared in Serbia, was found again. Jakovljević K., Lakušić D., Vukojičić S., Tomović G., Šinžar-Sekulić J., Stevanović V., 2011: Richness and diversity of pontic flora on serpentine of Serbia. Central European Journal of Biology, 6(2), 260‒274. Zlatković B., Nikolić L., Ranđelović V., Ranđelović N., Stevanović V., 2011: Comparative analyses of the vascular flora of the Pčinja river gorges in Serbia and Macedonia. Archives of Biological Sciences, 63(4), 1157‒1166. Zlatković B., Ranđelović V., Lakušić D., Stevanović V., 2011: Novelties for the vascular flora of Serbia. Botanica Serbica, 35(2), 103‒110. Lakušić B., Lakušić D., 2011: Anatomy of four taxa of the Genus Juniperus sect. Juniperus (Cupressaceae) from the Balkan peninsula. Botanica Serbica, 35(2), 145‒156. Dimitrijević D., Šinžar-Sekulić J., Ranđelović V., Lakušić D., 2011: The nature of the variability of the morphological characteristics of the taxon Jovibarba heuffelii (Schott) A. Löve & D. Löve (Crassulaceae) in Serbia. Biologica Nyssana, 2(1), 7‒18. Project: STUDYING THE MOLECULAR MECHANISMS INVOLVED IN MAINTAINING PLURIPOTENCY AND DIFFERENTIATION OF STEM CELLS (Corresponding Member Milena Stevanović) The research on molecular mechanisms involved in regulation of SOX gene expression was continued with the identification of novel transcription factors implicated in the control of their activity. Special focus was directed towards factors involved in neural differentiation and angiogenesis. It was previously demonstrated that human SOX3 gene expression is modulated during neural induction of NT2/D1 cells by retinoic acid (RA). It was also verified that RXR retinoid receptors are the major mediators of RA effects on SOX3 expression, while RAR receptors are excluded as heterodimeric partners in RA-SOX3 signaling. Additionally, it was shown that RA-induced SOX3 gene expression could be significantly down-regulated by a synthetic antagonist of RXR. It was shown that SOX3 gene expression is down-regulated by the transcription factor TGIF, a repressor protein that is implicated in brain development. By application of0 in vitro studies using embryonal carcinoma NT2/D1 46 cells, it was demonstrated that TGIF binds to the SOX3 promoter and reduces its expression. By profiling the interactions of transcription factors (TranSignal TF Protein Array), several transcription factors implicated in angiogenesis were identified as having the ability to bind in vitro to the SOX18 promoter region. Transcription factors belonging to the AP-1 and CREB/ATF protein families were subjected to further investigation. Functional analysis revealed that CREB acts as a repressor, while JunB, c-Jun and ATF3 act as activators of SOX18 promoter activity. The effects of SOX2 over-expression on maintaining the pluripotency, proliferation and neural differentiation of NT2/D1 cells were analyzed. Accordingly, stable SOX2-overexpressing NT2/D1 cell clones were generated and characterized. The SOX2 over-expression in NT2/D1 cell clones resulted in down-regulation of expression of key pluripotency genes (OCT4 and NANOG). After 21 days of induction by retinoic acid, expression of neural markers (neuroD1 and synaptophysin) was higher in the induced cell clones, compared to induced parental cells. These data indicate that SOX2-overexpressing NT2/D1 cell clones entered into a retinoic acid-dependent neural differentiation, even in the presence of elevated SOX2 expression. Nikčević G., Kovačević-Grujičić N., Mojsin M., Krstić A., Savić T., Stevanović M., 2011: Regulation of the SOX3 gene expression by retinoid receptors. Physiological Research, 60, Suppl 1, S83–91. Petrovic I., Kovacevic-Grujicic N., Popovic J., Krstic A., Milivojevic M., Stevanovic M., 2011: Members of the CREB/ATF and AP1 family of transcription factors are involved in the regulation of SOX18 gene expression. Archives of Biological Sciences, 63, 517–525. COMMITTEE FOR FLORA AND VEGETATION Project: STUDY OF FLORA AND VEGETATION IN SERBIA (Corresponding Member Vladimir Stevanović) In 2011, the most important activities from the anticipated ones were carried out: 1. The manuscript of the new edition of Flora of Serbia 2 (Flora Srbije 2) was completed and submitted for layout in early November 2011. It is expected that it will be submitted for printing by the end of the year. 2. The authors of the new edition of Flora of Serbia 3 (Amaranthaceae – Cucurbitaceae) (Flora Srbije 3 /Amaranthaceae – Cucurbitaceae) were select47 ed. This edition will be given priority in the Committee’s work in 2012. The deadline for the completion of the manuscript was also set (October 1913). 3. Underway is the preparation of material for all taxons that will be included in the new edition of Flora of Serbia 3 (Flora Srbije 3). They refer to all floral elements and life forms (the deadline is October 2012 – author V. Stevanović). The collection of material for mapping the areals of the taxons selected for the third volume of Flora is also underway. INTERDEPARTMENTAL COMMITTEE FOR STUDY OF THE FAUNA OF SERBIA (Academician Marko Anđelković) Following several years of studying the fauna of �������������������� Eriophyoidea of Serbia, the research on the Tara Mountain (Tara National Park) was continued. The collecting of conifer and anginospermae that could be hosts to the evoutionary oldest Phytoptidae family was more directional. The result of the hitherto four-year research of the Eriophyoidea fauna of Mt. Tara is reflected in the establishment of 57 species: 5 of the Phytoptidae family, 47 of the Eriophyoidea family, and 5 of the Diptilomiopidae family. Before this research began, only 8 species were known on Mt. Tara, of which three were described as new to science. During these investigations, 49 species were registered for the first time on Mt. Tara, of which 18 species were new to the fauna of Serbia. The number of registered Eriophyidae in Serbia has now risen to 305, from the previously known 287. The work on insect fauna included research on the fauna of parasitic wasps in Serbia, including their trophic associations (plant-plant lise-parasitoids). One new species to science from the region of West Serbia was described. This area of work on the fauna of Serbia included studies of habitats of pollinatiors (wild bee - Hymenoptera: Apoidea) and selected groups of parasitoids (Hymenoptera: Bracoconidae: Aphgidiinae) in selected regional configurations of semi-natural and agro-ecosystems, as well as biogeographic studies of wider regions of Serbia (Hymenoptera: Apoidea: Bombus; Sphecidae). Studies of the fauna of the vertebrate of Serbia included studies of individual groups of amfibiae (Bombina, Triturus). These studies mostly pertained to phylogeny and evolution within these groups. Realization of the project “Research of the parasito-fauna of fish in the River Danube”. This project is based on a collaboration of the Serbian Academy of Sciences and Arts and the Bulgarian Academy of Sciences. Besides the research dealing with establishing the abundance of individuals from the Acanthocephala family in the species barbel (Barbus barbus), ichthyoparasi48 tological studies were extended to include individuals of the sub-family Abramidae. During 2011, the work of the Committee for the Study of the Fauna of Serbia particularly addressed the establishment of an information system on the fauna of Serbia. It is expected that this system, at least in a preliminary form, will commence functioning during 2012. Djikanović V., Jakovčević-Todorović D., Nikolić V., Cakić P., 2011: Intestine parasites of bream Abramis brama (Linnaeus, 1758) of Danube River in Belgrade area. Proceeding of the V International Conference and technical and technological exhibition „Aquaculture & Fishery“, Faculty of Agriculture, Belgrade, 421‒426. Fijarczyk A., Nadachowaska K., Hofman S., Babik W., Livinchuk S., Stuglik M., Gollmann G., Choeleva L., Cogalniceanu D., Vukov T., Džukić G., Szymura J., 2011: Nuclear and mitochondrial phylogeography of the European fire-bellied toads Bombina bombina and B.variegata suppots their indipendent histories. Molecular Ecology, 20, 3381‒3398. Petrović A., Žikić V., Petrović-Obradović O., Mitrovski-Bogdanović A., Kavallieratos N.G., Stary P., Tomanović Ž., 2011: Two new species of aphid parasitoids (Hymenoptera, Braconidae, Aphidiinae) from Balkan Peninsula. Zootaxa, 2895, 58‒64. Rakshani E., Tomanović Ž., Stary P., Kavallieratos N.G., Ilić M., Stanković S., Mazhar N.R., 2011: Aphidiinae parasitoids (Hymenoptera: Braconoidea) of Macrosiphoniella aphides (Hemiptera: Aphididae) in the wester Palearctic region. Journal of Natural History, 45, 41-44, 2559‒2575. Vukov T.D., Sotiropoulos K., Wielstra B., Džukić G., Kalezić M.L., 2011: The evolution of adult body form in the creasted newts (Triturus cristatus seperspecies, Caudata, Salamandridae). Journal of Zoological Systematics and Evolutionary Research, 49, 324‒334. INTERDEPARTMENTAL COMMITTEE FOR PHYSICAL CHEMISTRY OF MATERIALS Project: SYNTHESIS AND PROPERTIES OF NEW CRYSTAL AND AMORPHOUS MATERIALS (Academician Pantelija M. Nikolić) In 2011, research was continued on the synthesis and characterization of the structural, electrical, optical and photo-acoustic properties of the following semiconducting materials: PbTe doped with boron, bromine, iodine, copper, Al, Pt, Au, Zn, Mn+Yb and additionally, Bi doped with Sb. All these materials were synthesized in single crystal form using the Bridgman Method. The ingots were used to prepare highly polished plates suitable for the 49 measurements of physical properties. Measurements of the optical reflectivity and thermal characteristics of some samples (PbTe doped with bromine) were performed in cooperation with Prof. K. M. Paraskevopoulos at the Aristotle University in Thessalonica. Papers on PbTe doped with boron and bromine were published, while papers on PbTe doped with iodine, copper and Al were prepared for publication or are in the final preparation phase. Furthermore, thick films were synthesized using thick film paste made from nanopowders of α-Fe2O3 (hematite) doped with Ti and TiO2 doped with Fe. Their characteristics are currently under investigation. The fabrication of large surface Grätzel-type cells as mesoporous anodes for photo-electrochemical cells (PEC) is planned. During 2011, the installation of an IBM server x3350M3 was completed and the application packet “Wien 2k” was installed. It will be used for abinitio calculation of the characteristics of doped single crystal semiconductors using the “Augmented plane wave local orbitals” method developed in the Laboratory for Theoretical Physics and Chemistry of the Technical University in Vienna (by K. Schwarz and Prof. P. Blaha). The software was purchased using private means. This program is also used by the American scientists S. Ahmad, K. Hoang and S. D. Mahanti in the Department of Physics and Astronomy, Michigan State University, USA assuming that PbTe is doped with about 5 at. % of trivalent elements. Our investigations conducted for several years have shown that optimal electrical characteristics are obtained when PbTe is doped with different elements at concentrations of about 0.2 at. %. However, theoretical research of American scientists has focused on PbTe doped with different, mainly trivalent, elements but at concentrations of several percentages, which is significantly higher than the experimentally determined optimal dopant concentration. Thus, the plan for further research includes computer simulations of PbTe with different dopants at concentrations of about 0.2 at. % using the Wien 2k software package. This software package allows further user development than came from Fortran and C program code software. Nikolic P.M., Paraskevopoulos K.M., Zachariadis G., Valasiadis O., Zorba T.T., Vujatovic S.S., Nikolic N., Aleksic O.S., Ivetic T., Cvetkovic O., Blagojevic V., Nikolic M.V., 2011: Far infrared study of local impurity modes of Boron-doped PbTe. Journal of Materials Science, DOI 10.1007/s10853-011-6057-8 Nikolic P.M., Paraskevopoulos K.M., Pavlidou E., Zorba T.T., Ivetic T., Vujatovic S.S., Aleksic O.S., Nikolic N., Cvetkovic O., Blagojevic V., Nikolic M.V., 2011: Temperature dependence of In1-xGaxSb in the far infrared. Materials Chemistry and Physics, 125, 72–76. Nikolic M.V. Radonjic B.M., Aleksic O.S., Lukovic M.D., Nikolic P.M., 2011: A Thermal Sensor for Water Using Self-Heated NTC Thick Film Segmented Thermistors. IEEE Sensors Journal, Vol. 11, No. 8, 1640–1645. 50 INTERDEPARTMENTAL COMMITTEE FOR BIOMEDICAL INVESTIGATIONS (Academician Ljubiša Rakić) Project: HOMEOSTATIC MECHANISMS AND THE REGULATION SYSTEM OF BEHAVIOR (Academician Ljubiša Rakić) 1. Dynamic Changes in the Expression Pattern of Ecto-5’-Nucleotidase in the Rat Model of Cortical Stab Injury The aim of the present study (Bjelobaba et al.) was to characterize the expression pattern and cellular distribution of ecto-5’-nucleotidase (e-5NT) in the perilesional cortex at 4 hours, 1 day, 2 days, 7 days and 15 days after unilateral cortical stab injury (CSI). Immunoblot and immunohistochemical studies showed that the overall e-5NT expression decreased between 4 hours and 1 day post-injury and then gradually increased 2 days post injury and thereafter. 2. Modulation of molecular and cellular mechanisms of reparation after brain injury in rats This lecture (Stojiljkovic et al.) gives an overview of the results of our previous research on the application of different therapeutic approaches aimed at modulating molecular and cellular mechanisms of reparation that may improve recovery after rat brain injury. Neonatal rat brain has a better capacity for recovery than adult rat brain due having a more permissive extracellular matrix (ECM). Using the nucleoside analogue – Ribavirin, the proliferation of astrocytes that produce sulfated proteoglycans (components of ECM) was reduced, thereby enabling a more permissive ECM. Ribavirin treatment also prevented glial scar formation that allowed axonal sprouting, which contributed to the recovery of locomotor performances of the treated rats. The use of hyperbaric oxygen (HBO) therapy in treatment of traumatic brain injury (TBI) was also investigated. 3. The effect of brain injury on the temporal and cellular expression patterns of voltage-dependent calcium channels and calcium transport Ca2+ influx under pathological conditions is primarily via voltage-dependent calcium channels (VDCCs). It is assumed that they are activated after injury-induced depolarization of neuronal membrane. The aim of this study was to investigate the effect of right sensorimotor cortex suction ablation on the expression of Lc and N VDCC types in rat brain. In a lecture (Pekovic et al.) and poster presentations (Bozic et al.), the effect of brain injury on tem51 poral and cellular expression patterns of VDCCs and calcium transport was investigated in the model of experimental injury to the left and right sensorimotor cortex. The obtained results pointed to different effects of left and right lesion on voltage-dependent calcium transport that depends on the post- injury time (2, 7, 14 and 30 days) and the investigated brain region. 4. The effect of B vitamins on the process of reactive astrogliosis and neurocan expression after traumatic brain injury Traumatic brain injury initiates the process of reactive astrogliosis, the formation of glial scar, and an increase of chondroitin sulfate proteoglycans (CSPGs) that inhibit axonal regeneration and prevent regeneration. Neurocan belongs to the CSPGs family, and it is known that its expression increases in the glial scar, particularly after brain injury. Looking for the mechanisms by which the glial scar can be reduced, in this study (Dacic et al.), attention was focused on B vitamins, which have been shown to downregulate reactive astrogliosis. The results presented in this study revealed that the repetitive administration of vitamin B complex reduced the process of reactive gliosis and neurocan expression, thereby enabling a more permissive environment for neurite outgrowth after brain injury. 5. The effects of the hyperbaric oxygen treatment on the recovery of locomtor functions and neuronal plasticity after experimental cortical injury The aim of this study was to investigate the potential effects of hyperbaric oxygen (HBO) therapy on the recovery of motor functions in rats after injury to the sensorimotor cortex (Brkic et al.). The LHBO group achieved statistically superior scores in the beam walking test compared to the L group. Additionally, the recovery of muscle strength of the affected hind paw was significantly enhanced after HBO treatment. Moreover, hyperbaric oxygenation induced over-expression of GAP43 and SYP in the neurons surrounding the lesion site in the ipsilateral cortex and subcortical white matter. 6. The effect of the propofol-anesthesia on neurotrophic signaling in the cortex and thalamus during early postnatal developmental rat brain General anesthetics are widely used in clinical practice, although more recent experimental studies indicate that the use of these substances during early postnatal development induce neurotoxic effects. The objective of this research (Popic, Pesic, Rakic, Ruzdijic et al.) was to investigate the impact of propofol anesthesia on neurotrophins signaling in the cortex and thalamus of rats in the early postnatal stages of development due to the intense synaptogenesis (PND7 and PND14). The effects of propofol on changes in the levels 52 of NGF and BDNF mRNA and proteins expression as well as their receptors: TrkA and Trk B were examined. 7. The impact of aging and dietary restriction (DR) on cholesterol metabolism in rat brain The aim of this study (Smiljanic, Rakic, Kanazir et al.) was to analyze the impact of aging (3, 12, 24 months) and long-term DR on cholesterol homeostasis in rat cortex and hippocampus. Maintenance of cholesterol homeostasis is achieved by a series of interrelated processes involving the synthesis, storage, transport and removal of excess cholesterol from brain. The experiments were performed on middle-aged and old (12- and 24-month-old, respectively) male Wistar rats exposed to long-term DR starting from 3-month in age. Two key enzymes: 3-hydroxy-3-methylglutaryl coenzyme A reductase (HMGCR), which participate in the synthesis of cholesterol from the brain. In addition to these enzymes, protein expression of ApoE, which is the main transporter of cholesterol in the brain, was investigated. The obtained results demonstrated age-related increases in all three mRNAs, with the highest induction found for Cyp46 in the cortex and hippocampus of 24-month-old animals. 8. Cytotoxic effects of different nucleoside analogues – in vitro studies Investigations of the cytotoxic effects of the nucleoside analogues ribavirine and sulfinosine were performed using different tumor cell lines: C6 rat glioma, U87 human glioblastoma, B16 mouse melanoma and HL60 human promyelocytic leukemia cells. Using different viability tests (sulforhodamine, MTT, CV) it was shown that sulfinosine inhibited the proliferation of U87 cells in culture and decreased their viability (IC50 = 5 µM, during the 72 h treatment) while ribavirine expressed a cytotoxic effect on C6, B16 and HL60 cell lines. Bjelobaba I., Parabucki A., Lavrnja I., Stojkov D., Dacic S., Pekovic S., Rakic Lj., Stojiljkovic M., Nedeljkovic N., 2011: Dynamic Changes in the Expression Pattern of Ecto-5’-Nucleotidase in the Rat Model of Cortical Stab Injury. Journal of Neuroscience Research, 89, 862–873. Pešić M., Banković J., Aljančić I.S., Todorović N.M., Jadranin M., Vajs V.E., Tešević V.V., Vučković I., Momčilović M., Marković I.D., Tanić N., Ruždijić S., 2011: New anti-cancer characteristics of jatrophane diterpenes from Euphorbia dendroides. Food and Chemical Toxicology, 49 (12), 3165–3173. Al-Bader M.D., Malatiali S.A., Redzic Z.B., 2011: Expression of estrogen receptor alpha and beta in rat astrocytes in primary culture: effects of hypoxia and glucose deprivation. Physiological Research, 60 (6), 951–960. Redzic Z., 2011: Molecular biology of the blood-brain and the blood-cerebrospinal fluid barriers: similarities and differences. Fluids Barriers CNS, 8 (1), 3, doi:10.1186/2045-8118-8-3. 53 Project: BIOMEDICAL RESEARCH IN DENTISTRY (Corresponding Мember Vojislav Leković) During the year 2011, Vojislav Lekovic continued a series of complex multidisciplinary studies in the field of periodontal medicine. The whole project concept was based on the determination of the correlation between periodontal disease and systemic diseases of the present day. The major project activities within the past year included large sample collection and sample proceeding. The samples were taken from patient suffering periodontitis, peri-implantitis, as well as different systemic diseases with a pathogenetic mechanism similar to those of the above-mentioned diseases. The samples were tested using microbiological and immunological methods, in order to standardize the project protocol. Additionally, statistical and informatical research was performed, creating the first data base, as a part of the supporting system for the decision making process. Project: Kidney as an endocrine organ (Academician Sveto Suša) Proinflammatory cytokines were analyzed in 102 patients with endemic nephropathy in different stages of the disease. The results show that inflammatory changes dominate in the glomeruli. They were also monitored in varying degrees in the interstitium. In one group of patients urin protein electrophoresis was also monitored relative to the previous protein concentration in urine, which showed that it was a question of glomerular proteinuria. The results of monitoring patients with endemic nepropathy in different endemic hotbeds using X-rays, isotopes and echography point to its evolution in most patients, depending primarily on the stage of the disease. It was also continued to monitor electroencephalographic findings simultaneously with the presence of serum electrolytes in order to identify early CNS changes in patients with chronic renal insufficiency. INTERDEPARTMENTAL COMMITTEE „MAN AND ENVIRONMENT” (Academician Marko Anđelković) The Committee realized its activities within the common forms of work. At the Committee meetings, current issues from the domain of natural and environmental protection were discussed. The Committee members realized their research and professional activities pertaining to the interests of the Committee primarily in reputed scientific institutions. 54 Based on the synopsis and script previously discussed by the Committee during 2011, shooting was completed and editing process commenced on the documentary film “Belgrade oasis”, the author of which is Petar Lalovic. INTERDEPARTMENTAL COMMITTEE ON ENERGETICS Project: SOLAR ENERGY AND THE CHARACTERIZATION OF APPLIED MATERIALS (Academician Pantelija M. Nikolić) During 2011, the investigations involving the conditions for the synthesis and characterization of materials for the production of photoelectrochemical cells of hematite doped with TiO2, NiO and ZnO were continued. Their characterization was carried out by atomic microscope, X-ray and photoacoustic methods, as well as by scanning electron microscope. Photoacoustic amplitude and phase spectra as a function of modulation frequency were scanned and numerically analyzed, and the values of the thermal diffusivity of the pressed and sintered samples were calculated. Before the formation of thick layers, the starting powders were characterized using X-ray diffraction and scanning electron microscopy. The second step was the formation of the pastes for the thick-layer technique from the nanometre powders of Fe2O3 and TiO2, butyl cellulose and binding glass powder. Thereafter, doping one paste with another up to the weight ratio of 3:1 was performed by mechanical mixing of the pastes. Doped and undoped pastes were applied onto glass substrates by screen printing, dried at different temperatures and sintered. The samples so obtained were analyzed using the XRD, SEM, EDS, UV-VIS, PA and Hall techniques in order to determine the composition, structure, homogeneity, absorption and energy gap, thermal diffusivity, mobility and concentration of the carriers. INTERDEPARTMENTAL COMMITTEE FOR THE RESEARCH ON LIVES AND WORK OF SERBIAN SCIENTISTS IN SERBIA AND OF SERBIAN ORIGIN SCIENTISTS OUTSIDE SERBIA (Academician Vladan Đorđević) During 2011, the manuscripts for Volume XIII of the Lives and Works of Serbian Scientists (Život i delo srpskih naučnika) Series were prepared. The workflow of the authors, reviewers and editor of the Series was coordinated. The texts and bibliographical units were standardized and the abstracts were translated into English. The Department of Chemical and Biological Sciences approved the content of Volume XIII for publication. 55 The relevant consultations were continuously carried out and numerous authors were involved in writing about Serbian scientists. Project: SUPPLEMENT TO THE HISTORICAL MATERIAL ON THE DEVELOPMENT OF CHEMISTRY IN SERBIA (Academician Paula Putanov) In 2011, research started on scientific meetings as a means of permanent education, comprising those in the field of chemistry and chemical technology organized over the last decades in the SASA and by the Serbian Chemical Society, the Society of Physical Chemists, the Union of Engineers and Technicians and several other minor Serbian scientific-professional societies. The contents of these meetings were analyzed, together with their organizers, participants and attendees, and their contribution to the development of experts in chemistry and chemical technology. COMMITTEE ON VILLAGE (Academician Dragan Škorić) By the decision of the SASA Presidency adopted on 3 October 2011 the Committee on Village was established. The Committee held two sessions at which its members presented their views on the poor condition of agriculture and rural areas, and advanced their proposals relating to the Committee’s further activities aimed at improving the situation in Serbian villages. These proposals created a basis for the elaboration of the work plan for 2012 and the provisional five-year programme. INTERACADEMIC COMMITTEE ON CATALYSIS (Academician Paula Putanov) In addition to the usual monitoring of theory and applied catalysis development, in the 2011, we started a comparative study of the contemporary situation and problems in catalytic processes in Serbian industry and the content of scientific projects agreed upon with the Ministry of Education and Science for the forthcoming period. The results will be presented in the Report for the year 2012. Special attention was given to the marking the 30th anniversary of the Committee, but this was postponed for 2012 for reasonable reasons. 56 INTERACADEMIC COOPERATION OF SASA, MONTENEGRIN AND ACADEMY OF SCIENCES AND ARTS Project: ISOLATION, CHEMICAL AND BIOCHEMICAL CHARACTERIZATION OF MARINE NATURAL PRODUCTS (Academician Miroslav J. Gašić) Bioconjugates of the enzyme lysozyme and avarone derivatives were thoroughly characterized. Mass spectrometry results after trypsin hydrolysis showed that in all cases, one molecule of quinone was bound and always to lysine-97. The results were completely in accordance with the results obtained by molecular modeling. Thermodynamic studies indicated a slightly increased stability of the conjugates. The conjugates have two targets: cell wall and DNA. A model compound in which lysine with a protected α-amino group was bound via an ε-amino group to the 4′-position of avarone was synthesized. The activity of the model was able to explain the increased activity of conjugates in comparison to both lysozyme and avarone derivatives, since even after hydrolysis by proteolytic enzymes, active products remain. Novaković I., Anđelković U., ������������������������������������������������ Zlatović M.������������������������������������� ��������������������������������������� , Gašić M.J., Sladić D., 2011: Bioconjugate of lysozyme and the antibacterial marine sesquiterpene quinone avarone and its derivatives. Bioconjugate Chemistry, DOI: 10.1021/bc200330m Project: AQUACULTURE OF THREATENED SPECIES OF FISHES AND APPLICATION IN PROTECTION AND RESTITUTION OF NATURAL POPULATIONS (Academician Dragoslav Marinković) Concerning the planned activities, field investigations of localities suitable for aquaculture development along the Montenegrin coast were performed. Moreover, studies on some biological parameters of red mullet, a species that is under high fishing pressure, were conducted. Field studies in Serbia were related to the ichthy faunistic survey of waters in the Special Nature Reserve “Uvac”, and on investigations along the Danube River (Slankamen area). A pilot experiment regarding the usage of a river hopper barge as an aquaculture facility was conducted. Red mullet (Mullus barbatus L. 1758) represents economically the second most important species for trawl fishing in Montenegro. Moreover, this species occupies a high position on the list of fish species that are recognized as potential candidates for the development of lagoon aquaculture. The conducted studies were focused on investigations of the ecology of this economi57 cally important species, which, due to heavy fishing pressure, is characterized by diminishing populations. The distribution, length-weight relationships, length frequency structure, sex ratio, maturity ogive and maturity stages are described. Along the coastal area of the Boka Kotorska Bay, several localities are exceptionally suitable for aquaculture development. On the other hand, the waters of the studied area are locally exposed to high pollution, thus emphasizing the necessity for a detailed estimation of the environmental conditions at each particular site. The Mediterranean mussel, Mytilus galloprovincialis (Lamarc, 1819), is a well-recognized bio-indicator organism that can be easily used in studies of genotoxic pollution in the areas under the impact of anthropogenic activities. In July 2011, specimens of M. galloprovincialis were collected from 4 sites in the Boka Kotorska Bay, and the levels of genotoxicity, as a measure of environmental stress, were recorded. The obtained results were presented at the Aquatic Biodiversity International Conference, held in Sibiu, Romania. Waters of the Special Nature Reserve “Uvac” are well-known as habitats of fish species of pronounced conservation value. During the 2006-2010 period, studies of fish fauna were conducted. Sampling was performed by electrofishing and by means of a variety of fishing nets. A total of 21 species from 20 genera and 8 families were identified. Of the 21 recorded species, 14 are legally protected by national acts. Based on the faunistic list and evaluated status of fish species, and by applying the model of Guti, the absolute and relative conservation values of the ichthyo-fauna were determined. In recent years, based on international experience, the need for the introduction of new technologies into the aquaculture sector in Serbia is indicated. A pilot experiment regarding the usage of a river hopper barge as an aquaculture facility was conducted. The river hopper barge used as the aquaculture facility is located on the left bank of the Danube. Pešić A., Joksimović A., Regner S., Mićković B., 2011: Some biological parameters of red mullet, Mullus barbatus (Linnaeus, 1758), in Montenegrin waters. Studia Marina, 25(1), 121–136. Mićković B., Nikčević M., Hegediš A., Gačić, Z., 2011: Survey of the ichthyofauna in the Special natural reserve ″Uvac″, management and protection measures. Nature protection in XXI century. Proceedings of the Conference (book no. 2), 277–282. 58 INTERACADEMIC COOPERATION OF SASA AND BULGARIAN ACADEMY OF SCIENCES Project: NATURAL PRODUCTS FROM PLANT SPECIES AND MARINE ORGANISMS: MEDICINAL AND ECOLOGICAL SIGNIFICANCE (Corresponding Member Slobodan Milosavljević, Academician Miroslav J. Gašić) Тhe investigations of secondary metabolites of various wild-growing plant species from Serbia and Montenegro and the National Park Galičica (Macedonia) were continued, which also involved an ethnobotanical study on the traditional uses of wild medicinal plants in the Prokletije Mountains (Montenegro) are presented below. Aim of the study: The main objectives were to collect information on the use of wild growing medicinal plants by local people living in a high mountain region of Montenegro and to conduct local botanical and ecological surveys. The active ingredients of plants species officinal in the European Pharmacopoeia 6.0 (Ph.Eur.6.0) were studied and the possibilities for commercial exploitation for local economic development were assessed. Materials and methods: The 75 people that were interviewed (40–82 years old) identified 94 species for the treatment of various human ailments. For each named species, the following elements were provided: botanical name, family, part(s) used, medicinal use and perceived property, listing in published pharmcopoeias, the relative abundance of each species and locality from where the plant was collected. Chemical analyses were realized according to the prescriptions of Ph. Eur. 6.0 in order to estimate the potential commercial use of native plants. These results are published in: Menković N., Šavikin K., Tasić S., Zdunić G., Stešević D., Milosavljević S., Vincek D., 2011: Ethnobotanical study on traditional uses of wild medicinal plants in Prokletije Mountains (Montenegro), Journal of Ethnopharmacology,133 (1), 97‒107. 59 DEPARTMENT OF TECHNICAL SCIENCES Project: Theoretical And experimental research of metal structures and their influence on contemporary design and construction (Academician Nikola Hajdin) The subproject “Elasto-plastic behavior of metal plates, plate and box girders” dealt with box-girders with wide flanges subjected to bending and torsion and plate girders subjected to centric and eccentric patch loading. Experimental and theoretical investigations of the stability and ultimate load were performed. The subproject “Dynamics of structures” was directed primarily to bridges. The research included problems of the impact and the noise - structure borne sound and bridges as its source. The subproject “Composite structures of steel and concrete” dealt with the analysis of composite structures according to the theory of elasticity and the theory of plasticity, with theoretical analysis of the influence of the deformability of connectors on the behavior of composite beams with a fire design. Research was continued on all subprojects. The results were presented in international journals and at international conferences. Hajdin N., 2011: On Belgrade bridges over the Sava river. Proceedings of the International Conference IBSBI 2011 „Inovations on Bridges and Soil-Bridge Interaction“, October 13-15, 2011, Athens, Greece, 53–60. Stipanic B., Zivanovic M., 2011: Concept Design Proposal of Pedestrian-Cycle Bridge across Ibar River in Kraljevo (Serbia). 4th International Conference Footbridge 2011 – Attractive Structures at Reasonable Costs, July 6-8 2011, Wroclaw, 268–269. Stipanić B., Hajdin N., Rubinjoni Z., Kozlović M., 2011: Novii most čerez reku Sava v Belgrade, Respublika Serbija. Mostostroenie Mira, Žurnal Associacii mostostroitelei (Fond AMOST), No 2, Moskva, 41–48. Šćepanović B., Knežević M., Lučić D., Aleksić S., 2011: Analysis of Eccentrically Patch Loaded I-Girders – Modelling by Means of Artificial Neural Networks. The 6th European Conference on Steel and Composite Structures – EUROSTEEL 2011, Budapest, Vol. A, 813–818. 60 Project: Advanced Engineering Ceramics (Academician Momčilo M. Ristić) The basic principles and laws on which the synthesis and applications of advanced materials with predefined structure and properties are based were investigated. Phenomenological equations of sintering that describe solid state reaction kinetics and that are based on the fact that diffusion is the main mechanism of these processes have been analyzed. With the purpose of developing new phenomenological equations that could be used for an analysis of the sintering kinetics of oxide materials, especially materials based on zinc oxide, the densification process and transport of mass of isothermally sintered zinc oxide, were analyzed. The results of this analysis were correlated with the results of an investigation of microstructure evolution. The dependences of the grain size on temperature and sintering time were also obtained. Special attention was paid to investigations of solid phase reactions of mechanically activated binary and ternary systems with a perovskite structure. The temperatures of the formation of intermediary compounds were found and the change of their concentration versus activation time and sintering regime was analyzed. SEM was employed for investigations of the influence of decreasing grain size on changes of the intercontacts and type of grain boundaries. These results enabled the modeling of the mechanically activated microstructure. Kosanović D., Maričić A., Mitrović N., Ristić M.M., 2011: Interdependence of fundamental and applied research in material science. Science of Sintering, Vol. 43, Issue 2, 119–126. Obradović N., Filipović S., Pavlović V., Mitrić M., Marković S., Mitić V., Đorđević N., Ristić M.M., 2011: Isothermal sintering of barium-zinc-titanate ceramics. Ceramics International, vol. 37, no. 1, 21–27. Project: INVESTIGATION OF MATERIALS CONSOLIDATION PROCESS (Academician Momčilo M. Ristić) Consolidation of mechanically activated technical oxide ceramics was investigated. The influence of mechanical activation on the phase composition and crystal structure of MgTiO3 and BaZnTiO3 was investigated by XRD and SEM. Distribution curves of the samples, which were analyzed by SEM, were obtained by statistical analysis. It was found that mechanical activation enabled the formation and hardening of contact necks. It was also found that although barium zinc titanate exhibited better sinterability than magnesium 61 titanate, the final stadiums of the process has not been reached at 1100 °C. Investigations of the electrical properties indicated the potential applications of these materials as dielectrics. The influence of Bi2O3 on mechanically activated cordierite was analyzed. It was found that as a result of lower melting temperature of Bi2O3, liquid phase sintering occurred, thus resulting in an increase in the reaction velocity of the products. The formation of a mullite phase at 1200 °C was investigated by XRD analysis. Investigations of construction materials with added fly ash by thermal analysis were performed, beside investigations of mechanically activated materials. These investigations not only are of fundamental importance, but also have ecological significance, since they enable applications of fly ash. Obradović N., Filipović S., Pavlović V.B., Maričić A., Mitrović N., Balać I., Ristić M.M., 2011: Sintering of Mechanically Activated Magnesium-titanate and Barium-zinc-titanate Ceramics. Science of Sintering, 43, 145–151. Obradović N., Filipović S., Pavlović V., Paunović V., Mitrić M., Ristić M.M., 2011: Structural and Electrical Properties of Sintered Barium-Zinc-Titanate Ceramics. Acta Physica Polonica A, 120 (2), 322–325. Obradović N., Đorđević N., Filipović S., Nikolić N., Kosanović D., Mitrić M., Marković S., Pavlović V., 2011: Influence of Mechanochemical Activation on the Sintering of Cordierite Ceramics in the Presence of Bi2O3as a Functional Additive. Powder Technology, doi:10.1016/j.powtec.2011.12.012 Project: Synthesis and properties of thin and thick films (Academician Pantelija M. Nikolić) During 2011, cooperation in this matter with Professor Paraskevopoulos from Aristotle University in Thessaloniki was continued. The samples were synthesized here and then sent to Thessaloniki where their optical properties were measured (the transmission and reflection of monochromatic light and the infrared and far-infrared regions), while measurements in the visible and UV region were taken in Belgrade and Novi Sad. The monocrystalline samples of lead telluride doped with iodine, copper and aluminium were synthesized by the Bridgman method, while their optical properties were measured in Thessaloniki. The results were numerically analyzed here and the relevant papers were prepared and sent for evaluation before publication. The thick-film hematite samples, doped with titanium-dioxide, were prepared here, proceeding from nanometre powders that were printed on the 62 glass and dried at the temperatures up to 2500С. Their optical properties were measured in the visible and UV region of the spectrum and the results are now being prepared for publication. Mechanochemical doped nanometre powders were also produced. Nikolic M.V., Radonjic B.M., Aleksic, O.S. Lukovic M.D., Nikolic P.M., 2011: A Thermal Sensor for Water Using Self-Heated NTC Thick Film Segmented Thermistors. IEEE Sensors Journal, VII, N8, 1640–1645. Project: HIGH PRECISION MEASUREMENT OF AC CURRENT (Academician Petar Miljanić) The function of the completed instrument for the measurement of a three phase system was checked and good results were obtained. Besides convenience, this instrument is capable of measuring the variance in voltages, currents, and active and reactive powers, as well as of direct, indirect and null components. It was proved that the accuracy obtained was better than 0.05 %. The possibility to improve the accuracy of a current transformer by the implementation of a positive feedback was studied and a prototype was made. Good results were obtained. This year, the Institute “Nikola Tesla” made and delivered two devices to a transformer factory in Germany for checking the performance of current transformers. Due to the implementation of the technique of the current comparator, developed in Serbia, high quality of these devices were obtained. These devices, before delivery, obtained a certificate from the PhysikalischTechnische Bundesanstalt, Germany. Project: NEW MATHEMATICAL METHODS IN THEORY OF STRUCTURES, THEORY OF ELASTICITY AND THEORY OF PLASTICITY (Academician Đorđe Zloković) With regard to previous papers, shape functions of finite elements in the group supermatrix procedure were formulated by shorter and more efficient mathematical description. In a novel derivation of shape functions, matrices in subspaces were obtained directly from the matrix in the first subspace by numerical coefficients from the product of the coordinates of the first nodes in the nodal sets. It was necessary to invert only one matrix in the first subspace and other inversions of matrices in other subspaces not required. The changed order of irreducible group representations in the group character table provided correspondence of 63 the sequence of group elements (symmetry operations) at the top of the group character table with sequences of other terms In the group supermatrix procedure concerning the group D2h, the basic eight term sequence of group elements (symmetry operations) was introduced at the top of the character tables of the group that corresponds to the sequences of function terms of irreducible representations of the group, of shape functions in the subspace U1, of function factors of shape functions in the subspace U1 for shape functions in the subspaces Ui, of exponents p, r, s in the products xpyrzs and of symmetry (S) and antisymmetry (A) to xy, xz, yz coordinate planes. The novel derivation of shape functions for the 64-node rectangular hexahedral element has the following features: 1. Nodal numbering by means of eight nodal sets, where only the coordinates of first nodes are used in the derivation; 2. Derivation of matrices for particular subspaces by left multiplication of the matrix from the first subspace by the diagonal matrix with elements determined by reciprocal values of numerical coefficients of functions 1, xy, xz, yz, xyz, z, y, x in the product xyz of coordinates of the first nodes in the nodal sets; 3. Inversion of only one 8×8 matrix in the first subspace, with no necessity for inversion of matrices in other subspaces. In comparison with the previous derivation, which contains complete derivation for each subspace separately, the novel derivation of shape functions produces expressions in each subspace directly from the expression in the first subspace. The group supermatrix procedure systematized according to these novel results will be presented in the next paper. Project: CONTEMPORARY PROBLEMS OF FLUIDS ENGINEERING (Academician Vladan Đorđević) During 2011, the work on the Project was mostly directed toward (a) multi-phase fluid flows, (b) experiments in turbulent swirling flows in pipes, (c) investigation of laminar flow in curvilinear parts of ducts, (d) investigation of non-isothermal rarefied gas flows in micro-channels and (e) application of various mathematical methods in solving some problems of applied fluid mechanics. The following papers were published. 1. Radenković D., Crnojević C., 2011: Calculation of flow parameters of the mixing chamber gas ejector that is used to transport the disperse phase. 3rd Intеrnational Symposium Contemporary Problems of Fluid Mechanics, May 12-13th, 2011, Proceedings on CD, 167–173. 64 2. Crnojević C., Lečić M., 2011: Determination of the pressure drop two-phase flow of oil and gas isothermal flow in horizontal pipelines. DEMI 2011, Banja Luka, Proceedings, 453–458. 3. Skoko D., Crnojević C., Ristivojević M., 2011: Influence of supply pressure and geometry of meassuring branch’s nozzle on the work of differential pneumatic controller. 4th International Conference on Manufacturing Engineering, October 2011, Thessaloniki, Greece, Proceedings, 423–430. 4. Marinković A., Ćoćić A., Stojiljković B., Vulićević M., 2011: Design of TeslaTiffany cascade fountain as a sample of Tesla’s research creativity in the field of mechanical engineering. DEMI 2011, Banja Luka, Proceedings, 117–122. 5. Lečić M., Ćoćić A., Čantrak S., Nedeljković S., 2011: Measurement and calibration equipment for experimental research of turbulent swirling flow in straight pipes. 3rd Intеrnational Symposium Contemporary Problems of Fluid Mechanics, May 12-13th, 2011, Proceedings on CD, 281–288. 6. Ćoćić A., Guranov J., Lečić M., 2011: Numerical investigation of laminar flow in square curved duct with 90 degrees bend. Intеrnational Congress of Serbian Society of Mechanics, July 2011, Vlasina Lake, Proceedings, 1275–1283. 7. Milićev S.S., Stevanović D.N., 2011: A different walls temperature Couette slip gas flow. 3rd Intеrnational Symposium Contemporary Problems of Fluid Mechanics, May 12-13th, 2011, Proceedings on CD, pp. 129–138. 8. Djordjević V.D., 2011: Methods of exact linearization of some basic fluid mechanics equations. Advances in nonlinear sciences, Vol. 3, 287–304, International Academy of Nonlinear Sciences, Belgrade. Project: Numerical techniques and data bases for development of plasma technologies for applications in micro electronics and nano-technologies (Academician Zoran Petrović) In 2011, one paper supported by the work on this project was published in an international journal: On Anisotropy and spatial dependence of Doppler Induced Broadening due to Heavy Particle Excitation, Ž. Nikitović, V. Stojanović, Z.Lj. Petrović, IEEE Transactions on Plasma Science, 39, (2011), 2592–2593. This activity involves the numerical modelling of the previous measurements of anomalous Doppler hydrogen line profiles on highly effective fields. In 2011, there began the inclusion of photon transport and excited-state kinetics in gas breakthrough modelling in cooperation with the Hungarian Academy of Sciences. The numerical simulations of positron traps and positron transport in the human body are underway. During the year, 15 papers were published in international journals. A special issue of the journal Plasma Sources Science and Тechnology was edited and 4 chapters in monographs were published. 65 Project: DYNAMICS AND STABILITY OF VISCO-ELASTIC BODIES OF FRACTIONAL TYPE (Academician Teodor Atanacković) During the year 2011, the problems of the formulation and finding a solution to the differential and integral equations arising in mathematical models of elastic and visco-elastic rods were considered. Atanackovic T.M., Pilipovic S., Zorica D., 2011: Distributed-order fractional wave equation on a finite domain. Creep and forced oscillations of a rod. Continuum Mechanics and Thermodynamics, 23, 305–318. Atanackovic T.M., Pilipovic S., Zorica D., 2011: Distributed-order fractional wave equation on a finite domain. Stress relaxation in a rod. International Journal of Engineering Sciences, 49, 175–190. Atanacković T.M., Dolićanin D., Konjik S., Pilipović S., 2011: Dissipativity and stability for a nonlinear differential equation with distributed order symmetrized fractional derivative. Applied Mathematics Letters, 24, 1020–1025. Atanacković T.M., Pilipović S., 2011: Hamilton’s principle with variable order fractional derivatives. Fractional Calculus & Applied Analysis, 14, 94–109. Atanacković T.M., Konjik S., Oparnica Lj., Zorica D., 2011: Thermodynamical Restrictions and Wave Propagation for a Class of Fractional Order Viscoelastic Rods. Abstract and Applied Analysis, Volume 2011, Article ID 975694, 32 pages doi:10.1155/2011/975694 Janev M., Atanacković T.M., Pilipović S., Obradović R., 2011: Image denoising by a direct variational minimization. EURASIP Journal on Advances in Signal Processing, 8, 1–16. Janev M., Pilipović S., Atanacković T.M., Obradović R., Ralević N., 2011: Fully fractional anisotropic diffusion for image denoising. Mathematical and Computer Modelling, 54 (1-2), 729–741. Popović J., Dolićanin D., Rapajić M.R., Popović S., Pilipović S., Atanacković T.M., 2011: A nonlinear two compartmental fractional derivative model Eur. Journal of Drug Metabolism and Pharmacokinetics, 36, 189–196. Novakovic B.N., Atanackovic T.M., 2011: On the optimal shape of a compressed column subjected to restrictions on the cross-sectional area. Structural and Multidisciplinary Optimization, 43, 683–691. Atanacković T.M., Seyrania A.P., 2011: Bimodal optimization with constraints: critical value of the constraint and post-critical congurations. Theoretical And Applied Mechanics, 38, 107–124. Marković D., Petronijević B., Blažić L., Šarčev I., Atanacković T., 2011: Bond Strenght comparison of three core Build-Up materials used to restore maxillary incisor Teeth. Contemporary Materials, II−1, 63–68. 66 Project: SYNTHESIS OF NANOPOWDERS AND NANOCOMPOSITES BY SOL-GEL METHOD (Corresponding Member Zoran V. Popović) During 2011, pure and Pr-doped CeO2 nanopowders were synthesized by hydrothermal and self-propagating room temperature (SPRT) methods. Undoped CeO2 powders were obtained from two different basic solutions (NH4OH or NaOH) varying the temperature of calcination (200 °C up to 600 °C). The influence of these parameters on the structural properties and porous structure of these materials was investigated. The obtained results demonstrated that these synthesis parameters have a significant influence on the specific surface and porous structure of CeO2 nanopowders. CeO2 nanopowders obtained via the SPRT method were gradually calcinated up to 500 °C in order to demonstrate, by Raman spectroscopy, that the microstrain effect plays a more crucial role on the vibrational properties of nanopowders than size effects. An investigation of the magnetic properties of Pr-doped CeO2 nanopowders showed that the choice of dopant played a significant role on the phenomena of room temperature ferromagnetism in oxide nanopowders such as ceria. The complete characterization of these samples is in progress. All these results were presented in several papers in scientific journals from the ISI list. The photocatalytic activity of TiO2 powders was tested on the degradation of metoprolol tartrate salt (MET) under ultraviolet (UV) irradiation. It was demonstrated that highly photoactive nanocrystalline TiO2 powders can be produced by the proper choice of sol-gel synthesis parameters (precursor, alcohol, basic solution, and calcination temperature). The photocatalytic activity of TiO2 nanopowders mostly depends on the anatase structure (crystallinity, particle size, microstrain, and non-stoichiometry) and porosity, as well as on the number of surface O-H groups, which can produce hydroxyl radicals. The pore size distribution of TiO2 nanopowders also played a crucial role in the photocatalytic degradation of metoprolol, a material with relatively large molecules. 1.Dohčević-Mitrović Z., Golubović A., Radović M., Fruth V., Kremenović A., Meden A., Babić B., Šćepanović M., Popović Z.V., 2011: Mesoporous CeO2 nanopowders with different particle sizes. Physica status solidi A, 208, No. 6, 1399–1402. 2. Popović Z.V., Dohčević-Mitrović Z., M. Šćepanović, M. Grujić-Brojčin, and S. Aškrabić, 2011: Raman scattering on nanomaterials and nanostructures. Annals of Physics (Berlin), 523, No. 1–2, 62–74. 3. Aškrabić S. Dohčević-Mitrović Z., Kremenović A., Lazarević N., Kahlenberg V., Popović Z.V., 2011: Oxygen vacancy-induced microstructural changes of annealed CeO2-x nanocrystals. Journal of Raman Spectroscopy, DOI 10.1002/ jrs.2987. 67 4. Šćepanović M., Abramović B., Golubović A., Kler S., Grujić-Brojčin M., Dohčević-Mitrović Z., Babić B., Matović B., Popović Z.V., 2011: Photocatalytic degradation of metoprolol in water suspension of TiO2 nanopowders prepared using sol-gel route. Journal of Sol-Gel Science and Technology (DOI: 10.1007/s10971011-2639-9). 5. Šćepanović M., Grujić-Brojčin M., Vojisavljević K., Srećković T., 2011: Defect induced variation in vibrational and optoelectronic properties of nanocrystalline ZnO powders. Journal of Applied Physics, 109, 034313(1-8). 6. Nesheva D., Aneva Z., Šćepanović M.J., Levi Z., Iordanova I., Popović Z.V., 2011: Crystal structure and spectral photosensitivity of thermally evaporated ZnxCd1−xSe thin films. Journal of Physics D: Applied Physics, 44, 415305. Project: numerical simulation of electromagnetic fields (Academician Antonije Đorđević) In 2011, the following topics were investigated: 1. Using graphic processors, electrostatic problems were solved in real time. Good results for the charge distributions were obtained. A solution for two-dimensional dynamic problems is in progress. 2. An efficient technique was developed for the detection of buried metallic objects. The method is based on estimation of equivalent surface currents, along with the application of the l1 regularization. An experimental model was built and the simulation results were experimentally confirmed. Maric S.M., Olcan D.I., Kolundzija B.M., 2011: Analysis of electromagnetic systems using graphics processing units. Proceedings of the 5th European Conference on Antennas and Propagation (EUCAP), April 10-15, 2011, Rome, Italy, 1677–1681. Project: MICRO- AND NANO-SENSORS BASED ON RESONANT OR RESISTANT THIN FILM STRUCTURES AND ADSORPTION AND DESORPTION PROCESSES (Corresponding Member Zoran Đurić) The project activities were realized in accordance with the project proposal submitted to the Fund of Scientific Research of the Serbian Academy of Sciences and Arts, although its scope was extended to include the field of reverse Engineering in MEMS technology. The investigation in the field of a mercury vapor sensor is becoming increasingly topical; the most important result obtained was the development of the prototype of this sensor. Additionally, some theoretical and experimental 68 results were presented at international conferences. The project activities will be continued throughout 2012 with the emphasis on the determination of the adsorption-desorption fluctuations and noise. The work in the area of fluctuations processes is in progresses and the results were also published at international conferences and prepared for publication in leading international journals. During 2012, it is planned to intensify the activities in the field of MEMS thermal infrared detectors, photoluminescence and the improvement of the parameters of opto-electronic components and the plasmon resonance effect in nanoparticles, with special emphasis on nano-antennas. Project: DESIGN OF THE SYSTEM FOR THE ANALYSIS OF MOTOR LEARNING WITH MODIFIED PERCEPTION AND HAPTIC ASSISTANCE (Corresponding Member Dejan Popović) Design of a system which allows the analysis of the learning outcomes in humans without and with sensory-motor disability. The system integrates the visual distortion system (modified visual feedback) and a robot with a haptic interface controlling the position of the wrist (hand). The learning outcomes were studied using the available instrumentation in the Laboratory for Biomedical Engineering and Technologies, Faculty of Electrical Engineering, University of Belgrade. The effects of modified feedback were studied by recording the trajectories of the hand during movements. The drawing board and the Omni haptic robot were the main instruments. In a preliminary analysis of the recordings, it was found that the learning outcome depended on the task complexity and the skills of the subjects. Namely, subjects with established skills performed worse if being assisted to move the arm along the paths established as optimal, while subjects without skills benefited from the assistance. It was also found that the level of motivation during learning played an important role. During the year 2011, the company Rotech, Belgrade built a planar robot, based on our design. This robot allows improved scenarios of movement to be studied. The next phase is to add vertical movement to the robot to allow spatial (3D) movement to be analyzed. The critical aspect is the development of the controller for this robot, and this is part of the PhD study of Mr. Miloš Kostić. The preliminary results follow the main hypothesis of the research. The following publications are directly related to the project. Tarkka I.M., Pitkänen K., Popović D.B., Vanninen R., Könönen M., 2011: Functional electrical therapy for hemiparesis alleviates disability and enhances neuroplasticity. Tohoku Journal of Experimental Medicine, 225, 71–76. 69 Došen S., Popović D.B., 2011: Transradial Prosthesis: Artificial Vision for Control of Prehension. Artificial Organs, 35(1), 37–48. Kostić M.D., Kovačević P., Popović D.B., 2011: Is the Haptic Tunnel Effective Tool for Motor Learning? IFMBE Proceedings, vol. 37, 761–766, Budapest, 14-18 September, 2011, doi: 10.1007/978-3-642-23508-5_196. Kostić M.D., Popović D.B., Popović M.B., 2011: Influence of Planar Manipulandum to the Hand Trajectory During Point to Point Movement. Proceedings of the IEEE 12th International Conference on Rehabilitation Robotics, 29.06-1.07 2011, Zurich, Switzerland, 468–471. Project: PROPERTIES OF THIN AND ULTRATHIN OXIDE LAYERS (Corresponding Member Ninoslav Stojadinović) The project performed research on instabilities due to bias temperature stress of power VDMOS transistors, primarily the instabilities caused by static negative voltage stress at elevated temperatures (SNBTI). SNBTI was found to occur mostly in p-channel MOSFETs operated at elevated temperatures (100-250 °C) under negative gate voltages, producing gate oxide electric fields in the range 2-6 MeV/cm. The NBTI phenomenon has been known for many years, but was recognized as an important reliability issue only rather recently, due to remarkable gate oxide thinning . However, NBTI could also be critical for normal operation of thick gate oxide devices, such as power VDMOS. Namely, these devices are routinely operated at high current and voltage levels, which favor NBTI, as they lead to both self-heating and increased gate oxide fields. In this project, the stress-induced leakage current in Hf-doped Ta2O5 layers (7; 10 nm) under constant voltage stress at gate injection was also investigated in order to assess the mechanisms of conduction, the traps involved and the effect of Hf doping. The amount of Hf was found to affect the conduction mechanisms, the temperature dependence of the leakage current and the current response to the stress. A significant leakage current increase was observed only when the stress voltage and/or stress time exceed the corresponding threshold values, where charge trapping at the pre-existing traps dominated below and defect generation dominated above these threshold values. The energy levels of the traps responsible for current transport were estimated. The stress effect on the dominant conduction mechanisms appeared to be quite weak, and the nature of the traps controlling the current transport before and after the stress seemed to be nearly identical. The results indicate that constant voltage stress affects the pre-existing traps in Hf-doped Ta2O5 and modifies their parameters, but there is no evidence for stress-induced generation of traps with a completely new nature different from oxygen-vacancy related defects. 70 Project: APPLICATIONS OF COMPUTATIONAL INTELLIGENCE METHODS IN TRAFFIC ENGINEERING (Corresponding Member Dušan Teodorović) During 2011, I worked on the application of computer intelligence methods in traffic, transport and logistics together with my associates. The partial research results were sent to international scientific journals for possible publication. 71 DEPARTMENT OF MEDICAL SCIENCES Project: INVESTIGATION OF PATHOLOGICAL-MORPHOLOGICAL LESIONS OF: CONGENITAL AND ACQUIRED HEART DEFECTS (AND THEIR PULMONARY CIRCULATION), MYOCARDIUM AND CORONARY BLOOD VESSELS (Academician Vladimir Kanjuh) With 35 multidisciplinary associates (from Serbia and abroad), in 2011, 47 scientific papers were published: 39 in extenso (including 27 chapters in 4 books) and 8 abstracts. In Serbia, 38 and abroad 9. In addition, V. Kanjuh was co-editor for 2 books and author of 23 items for the Serbian Encyclopedia. The papers were in the fields of: patho-morphology, experimental cardio-pharmacology, morphological-clinical correlations, and the history of medicine. Postgraduate textbook Cardiology, 2011 (edit. M. Ostojić, V. Kanjuh, B. Beleslin). Besides the function as co-editor of the book, V. Kanjuh was with V. Lačković editor of the III part of the book Normal and pathologic morphology, embryology and genetics of cardiovascular system; coauthor of the Foreword and 16 chapters (all together 125 pages). The future of cardiovascular therapy (edit. V. Kanjuh, Lj. GojkovićBukarica). V. K. was co-editor and co-author of 7 papers. V. Kanjuh et al. gave 2 plenary lectures on the openings of the XVIII Congress of the Serbian Cardiological Society and the scientific meeting “Psychosocial factor and cardiovascular diseases” of ASA RS: entitled “Clinical entities of coronary atherothrombotic ischemic disease and their patho-morphological findings” (“Jesse E. Edwards Memorial”) and “Patho-morphology and clinical-morphological correlations in coronary atherothrombosis”, respectively. The following topics were investigated: Pathology of coronary atherothrombosis The functional histology and cytology of cardiovascular and lymphatic system and endothelium in normal and pathologic (atherosclerosis) condi72 tions. Definition, etiopathogenesis, importance, holistic approach, correlation of coronary histopathologic atherothrombotic lesions with clinical coronary syndromes (including new, original classification of these lesions). Importance of thrombosis, anticoagulant and anti-thrombocytic therapy, hypertension, and DMT2 for atherosclerotic lesions. The importance of the instructive Finnish epidemiological cardiovascular study “The North Karelia Project”. Patho-morphology of congenital heart disease in children and adults Review of 1440 congenital heart disease among 55250 autopsied cases between 1926-2008. – “Single institution experience” of the Institute of Pathology (from Kanjuh’s Museum of CHD), Medical School, Belgrade. Experimental cardiopharmacology Experimental investigations of the vasomotor effect of Resveratrol, P1075, Pinacidil, Nicorandil, and K-ion channel on rats (their renal artery and uterus smooth muscle) as well as on surgically received segments of the human umbilical vein and vascular structures used as aorto-coronary grafts in a by-pass operation (human saphenous vein, internal mammary and radial artery). Torrent-Guasp heart A review of world and Serbian results on investigations of the “Helicoid open myocardial band between the pulmonary artery and aorta”, which contribute to a solution of the “Gordian knot” of the anatomy of the heart. Other cardiological topics Role of myocardial stem cells in eventual myocardial regeneration after myocardial infarction; pathomorphology of myocarditis and pericarditis; aortic aneurysms; heart’s myxoma. Lačković V., Tanasković I., Radak Đ., Nešić V., Gluvić Z., Lačković M., Ašanin B., Radović S., Stanković V., Đurić J., Nešić J., Kanjuh V., 2011: Morphofunctional characteristics of endothelial cells in coronary atherosclerosis. Archives of Biological Sciences (Belgrade), 63(4), 921–932. Gojković-Bukarica Lj., Novaković R., Cvejić J., Kanjuh V., Atanacković M., Heinle H., 2011: The role of potassium channels in the relaxation of rat renal artery induced by resveratrol. Deutsche Gesellschaft für Arterioskleroseforschung e.V. 24. Jahres-tagung der Deutschen Gesellschaft für Arterioskleroseforschung in Blaubeuren, 18-20.03.2010. Düsseldorf: ����������������������������������������������� German Medical Science GMS Publishing House; 2011. (paper in extenso in electronic form: http://www.egms.de/en/meetings/dgaf2010/10dgaf10.shtml . DOI:10.3205/10dgaf10, URN: urn:nbn:de:0183-10dgaf100). 73 Gojković-Bukarica Lj.Č., Beleslin-Čokić B.B., Novaković A.N., Perić M.S., Marković-Lipkovski J.Z., Čirović S.Z., Nežić D.G., Lešić A.R., Kanjuh V.I., Heinle H.H., 2011: The Effects of Potassium Channel Opener P1075 on the Human Saphenous Vein and Human Internal Mammary Artery. Journal of Cardiovascular Pharmacology, 57(6), 648–655. Gojković-Bukarica Lj., Savić N., Perić M., Marković-Lipkovski J., Čirović S., Kanjuh V., Cvejić J., Atanacković M., Lešić A., Bumbaširević M., Heinle H., 2011: Effect of potassium channel opener pinacidil on the contractions elicited electrically or by noradrenaline in the human radial artery. European Journal of Pharmacology, 654(3), 266–273. Gojković-Bukarica Lj., Kanjuh V., 2011: Effects of phenolic compound resveratrol on the gastrointestinal tract. DL Dumitraşcu, V Drug: „Functional and motility disorders of the gastrointestinal tract“. Proc Humboldt Kolleg Neurogastro 2011 3rd Intern Symp Neurogastroenterology. Edit Medicală Universitară Iuliu Haţieganu. Iaşi, Romania, 314–318. Novaković A., Pavlović M., Stojanović I., Milojević P., Babić M., Ristić S., Ugrešić N., Kanjuh V., Yang Q., He G.W., 2011: Different K+ Channels Are Involved in Relaxation of Arterial and Venous Graft Induced by Nicorandil. Journal of Cardiovascular Pharmacology, 58(6), 602–608. Project: PHYSICIANS - MEMBERS OF THE SASA (Academician Vladimir Kanjuh) The objective of the Project was to write individual bio-bibliographies of 140 physicians – members of the SASA (including foreign and nonresident members) in the context of time, environment, and condition of their work, institutions, and circle of associates. Besides 6 communications in Serbian, V. Kanjuh wrote 23 items (biographical and others, including items regarding the SASA) for the Tom I, book 2 of the Serbian National General Encyclopedia of the SASA and Matica Srpska as the president of the Editorial Board 023 concerning medicine, stomatology, pharmacology, and veterinary medicine. Project: Etiopathogenesis, incidence and treatment of various forms of glomerulopathies (Academician Sveto Suša) Cytokines in the serum and urine were determined in patients with various forms of glomerulopathy. The results showed their high correlation with pathohystological findings in the bioptic kidney tissue. Antioxidant activity in chronic renal insufficiency in patients with various renal diseases was also investigated. A correlation between the progression of renal insufficiency and anemia or, more precisely, the impact of the 74 applied recombined human erythropoetin (Еprеx, Еpogen, etc.) on anemia, quality of life and complications (hypertension, etc.) in the same group of patients was also investigated. The research results also show that all forms of glomerulopathy are not equally progressive and that, apart from immunological factors, there are also other factors that influence the rate of disease progression and occurrence of renal fibrosis and terminal uremia. Project: HEALTH CONDITION FOLLOW-UP OF THE SASA MEMBERS (Academician Sveto Suša) The number of examined SASA members was considerably reduced both in numerical and qualitative sense. The reason lies in the fact that there is only one part-time physician unlike the previous years, when every day another specialist was available. During 2011, in more serious cases a certain yet insufficient number of SASA members were examined and treated in several Belgrade clinics, including the Military Medical Academy. A number of academicians got the flu vaccine, so that a greater number of them did not contract any serious type of flu. Project: EXPERIMENTAL AND CLINICAL INVESTIGATION OF BIOLOGICALLY ACTIVE SUBSTANCES (CONVULSANTS, ANTICONVULSANTS, SLEEP PEPTIDE AND ITS ANALOGUES ON EXCITABILITY OF CENTRAL NERVOUS SYSTEM (Academician Veselinka Šušić) In 2011, the investigations under this project were continued and a greater number of papers were published in the country and abroad, and presented at domestic and international scientific meetings. Hrnčić D., Rašić-Marković A., Djuric D., Šušić V., Stanojlović O., 2011: The role of nitric oxide in convulsions induced by lindane in rats. Food and Chemical Toxicology, 49(4), 947‒954. Rašić-Marković A., Hrnčić D., Djurić D., Macut D., Lončar-Stevanović H., Stanojlović O., 2011: The effect of N-methyl-D-aspartate receptor antagonists on D,L-homocysteine thiolactone induced seizures in adult rats. Acta Physiologica Hungarica, 8(1), 17‒26. Rašić-Marković A., Hrnčić D., Macut D., Stanojlović O., Djuric D., 2011: Anticonvulsive еffect of folic acid in homocysteine thiolactone-induced seizures. Cellular and Molecular Neurobiology, 31(8), 1221‒1228. Stanojlović O., Hrnčić D., Rašić-Marković A., Djurić D., 2011: Homocysteine: neurotoxicity and mechanisms of induced hyperexitability. Serbian Journal of Experimental and Clinical Research,12, 3‒9. 75 Project: EXPRESSION OF THE NEOPLASTIC PROGRAMME OF THE CELL (Academician Zoran Kovačević) The study of the expression of the neoplastic program of cells was continued. The main focus of the study was on the epigenome alterations during carcinogenesis. The project represents a theoretical investigation of the molecular mechanism of induction and progression of the neoplastic program of cells with special emphasis on the influence of the process of aging and interaction of tumor cells with their microenvironment. Project: IDENTIFICATION OF MYOCARD VIABILITY WITH DYPIRIDAMOLE AND DOBUTAMINE (Academician Miodrag Ostojić) Assessment of myocardial deformation after reperfusion in acute myocardial infarction was shown to predict LV remodeling, functional recovery of myocardium within the infarct zone, which is closely related to the transmural extent of the infarction. Nevertheless, the power of early strain, the strain rate and especially LV rotation in the prediction final infarct size is still challenging. Aim: to examine whether the longitudinal global and segmental myocardial deformation and LV rotation assessed 48 h after primary PCI can predict the final infarct size estimated by SPECT one month later. 29 patients with first anterior myocardial infarction successfully treated with primary PCI were examined 48 h after primary PCI. Transthoracic echocardiography was performed using a Sequoia 256 echo machine and post processing was realized using Syngo US workplace. The systolic and peak strain, systolic and diastolic strain rates (SR S; SR E and SR A) were measured as indices of the longitudinal LV function in apical 4-, 2- and 3-chamber views. The global and territorial (for LAD territory) strain and strain rates were calculated. Rotations of the LV base and apex were measured (rotation angle and rotation velocities), LV twist and LV torsion were calculated. SPECT imaging with 99mTc-MIBI was performed one month after the index event and the defect in the myocardial perfusion was measured as percent of the total myocardial surface. Conclusion: LV apical rotation, as well as territorial and global longitudinal strain and strain rates 48 h after reperfusion therapy in patients with first anterior myocardial infarction correlate well with the size of infarction as determined by SPECT one month later. The LV apical rotation correlated the 76 best. These parameters could be of clinical value for risk stratification early after myocardial infarction. Banovic M., Vasiljevic-Pokrajcic Z., Vujisic-Tesic B., Stankovic S., Nedeljkovic I., Petrovic O., Boricic-Kostic M., Petrovic M., Trifunovic D., Ostojic M., 2011: Characteristics, outcome and predictors of one year mortality rate in patients with acute heart failure. Vojnosanitetski pregled, vol. 68, 2, 136‒142. Ostojic M., Perisic Z., Sagic D., Jung R., Zhang Y., Bendrick-Peart J., Betts R., Christians U., 2011: The pharmacokinetics of Biolimus A9 after elution from the BioMatrix II stent in patients with coronary artery disease: The Stealth PK Study. European Journal of Clinical Pharmacology, vol. 67, 4, 389‒398. Grdinic A., Vojvodic D., Djukanovic N., Colic M., Grdinic A., Ignjatovic V., Majstorovic I., Ilic V., Magic Z., Obradovic S., Ostojic M., Pavlov-Dolijanovic S., 2011: PCI and clopidogrel: antiplatelet responsiveness and patient characteristics. Acta Cardiologica, vol. 66, 3, 333‒340. Colonna G., Pasceri V., Barbato E., Merkely B., Edes I., Ostojic M., Wijns W., Di Sciascio G., 2011: Outcome Comparison of 600-and 300-mg Loading Doses of Clopidogrel in Patients Undergoing Primary Percutaneous Coronary Intervention for ST-Segment Elevation Myocardial Infarction Results From the ARMYDA-6 MI (Antiplatelet therapy for Reduction of MYocardial Damage during Angioplasty-Myocardial Infarction) Randomized Study. JACC, 15 (58), 1592‒1599. Banovic M., Ostojic M., Bartunek J., Nedeljkovic M., Beleslin B., Terzic A., 2011: Brachial Approach to NOGA-Guided Procedures Electromechanical Mapping and Transendocardial Stem-Cell Injections. Texas Heart Institute Journal, vol. 38, 2, 179‒182. Popovic D., Ostojic M., Petrovic M., Vujisic-Tesic B., Popovic B., Nedeljkovic I., Arandjelovic A., Jakovljevic B., Stojanov V., Damjanovic S., 2011: Assessment of the Left Ventricular Chamber Stiffness in Athletes. Echocardiography: A Journal of Cardiovascular Ultrasound and Allied Techniques, vol. 28, 3, 276‒287. Djordjevic-Dikic A., Beleslin B., Stepanovic J., Giga V., Tesic M., Dobric M., Stojkovic S., Nedeljkovic M., Vukcevic V., Dikic N., Petrasinovic Z., Nedeljkovic I., Tomasevic M., Vujisic-Tesic B., Ostojic M., 2011: Prediction of Myocardial Functional Recovery by Noninvasive Evaluation of Basal and Hyperemic Coronary Flow in Patients with Previous Myocardial Infarction. Journal of the American Society of Echocardiography, vol. 24, 5, 573‒581. Potpara T., Vasiljevic Z., Vujisic-Tesic B., Marinkovic J., Polovina M., Stepanovic J., Stankovic G., Ostojic M., Lip G., 2011: Mitral Annular Calcification Predicts Cardiovascular Morbidity and Mortality in Middle-aged Patients With Atrial Fibrillation The Belgrade Atrial Fibrillation Study. CHEST, vol. 140, 4, 902‒910. Vasiljevic Z., Mickovski-Katalina N., Krljanac G., Panic G., Putnikovic B., Ostojic M., Stojanovic B., Milanovic S., 2011: Coronary care unit and primary percutaneous coronary intervention networks improve the standard of care: reperfusion therapy in ST elevation myocardial infarction in Serbia from 2002 to 2008. Journal of Cardiovascular Medicine, vol. 12, 4, 300‒302. 77 Djukanovic N., Todorovic Z., Obradovic S., Trifunovic-Zamaklar D., Njegomirovic S., Milic N., Prostran M., Ostojic M., 2011: Abrupt Cessation of One-Year Clopidogrel Treatment Is Not Associated With Thrombotic Events. Journal of Pharmacological Sciences, vol. 117, 1, 12‒18. Project: GENETIC BASIS OF CENTRAL NERVOUS SYSTEM DEGENERATIVE DISEASES (Academician Vladimir S. Kostić) During 2011, the activities of Prof Dr Vladimir S. Kostić were focused on the investigation of genetics of Parkinsonism and other neurodegenerative disorders, as well as morphological correlates of various phenomena associated with them, particularly with atypical Parkinsonism. The results were reported in 15 papers published in international peer-reviewed journals. The data were also presented on seven international and one national meeting. In the course of 2011, he mentored one master thesis related to his project. V. S. Kostić gave invited lectures during international meetings in Оsijek (European specialist educational program for the treatment of Parkinson’s disease; February 26), University Josip Juraj Strosmajer, March 18), Тuzla (Symposium on Dyskinesia, April 2), Bucharest (9th Congress of the Romanian Society of Neurology, May 20), Teslic (2nd Congress of Physicians of Republic Srpska, May 27), Athens (MDS Course: Dopamine transporter imaging in neurological practice, June 17), Еfforie Nord (6th International Summer School of Neurology, July 6), Dresden (43rd International Danube Neurology Symposium, October 7), Paris (European Wilson Disease Congress, November 15), as well as on several national meetings. During 2011, he collaborated with research groups from Italy, Germany, Denmark, Greece and the USA. He is an acting member of editorial boards of Аcta Physiologia et Pharmacologica Jugoslavica, Psychiatry Today, Acta Infectologica, Vojnosanitetski Glasnik, Polish Journal of Neurology and Neurosurgery, Romanian Journal of Neurology, Scripta Periodica (Sophia), Degenerative Neurological and Neuromuscular Disease, Srpski Arhicv, аnd as a new elected member of Current Treatment Options in Neurology. In 2011, he was re-elected to the Board of European Section of the Movement Disorders Society. 1. Blesić S., Marić J., Dragašević N., Milanović S, Kostić V., Ljubisavljević M., 2011: Scaling analysis of bilateral hand tremor movements in essential tremor patients. Journal of Neural Transmission, 118, 1227–1234. 2. Papassotiropoulos A., Henke K., Stefanova E., Aerni A., Müller A., Demougin P., Vogler C., Sigmund J.C., Gschwind L., Huynh K.D., Coluccia D., Mondadori C.R., Hänggi J., Buchmann A., Kostić V., Novaković I., van den Bussche H., Kaduszkie78 wicz H., Weyerer S., Bickel H., Riedel-Heller S., Pentzek M., Wiese B., Dichgans M., Wagner M., Jessen F., Maier W., de Quervain D.J., 2011: A genome-wide survey of human short-term memory. Molecular Psychiatry,16, 184–192. 3. Facheris M.F., Hicks A.A., Minelli C., Hagenah J.M., Kostić V., Campbell S., Hayward C., Volpato C.B., Pattaro C., Vitart V., Wright A., Campbell H., Klein C., Pramstaller P.P., 2011: Variation in the Uric Acid Transporter Gene SLC2A9 and Its Association with AAO of Parkinson’s Disease. Journal of Molecular Neuroscience, 43, 246–250. 4. Svetel M., Pekmezović T., Tomić A., Kresojević N., Potrebić A., Ješić R., Kostić V.S., 2011: Quality of life in patients with treated and clinically stable Wilson’s disease. Movement Disorders, 26, 1503–1508. 5. Kostić V.S., Lukić-Ječmenica M., Novaković I., Dobričić V., Brajković L., Krajinović M., Klein C., Pavlović A., 2011: Exclusion of linkage to chromosomes 14q, 2q37 and 8p21.1-q11.2 in a Serbian family with idiopathic basal ganglia calcification. Journal of Neurology, 258, 1637–1642. 6. Mende S., Royer L., Herr A., Schmiedel J., Deschauer M., Klopstock T., Kostić V.S., Schroeder M., Reichmann H., Storch A., 2011: Whole blood genomewide expression profiling and network analysis suggest MELAS master regulators. Neurological Research, 33, 638–655. 7. Kostić V.S., Filippi M., 2011: Neuroanatomical correlates of depression and apathy in Parkinson's disease: Magnetic resonance imaging studies. Journal of the Neurological Sciences, 310, 61–63. 8. Lohmann K., Uflacker N., Erogullari A., Lohnau T., Winkler S., Dendorfer A., Schneider S.A., Osmanovic A., Svetel M., Ferbert A., Zittel S., Kühn A.A., Schmidt A., Altenmüller E., Münchau A., Kamm C., Wittstock M., Kupsch A., Moro E., Volkmann J., Kostić V., Kaiser F.J., Klein C., Brüggemann N., 2011: Identification and functional analysis of novel THAP1 mutations. European Journal of Human Genetics, 20, 171–175. 9. Kačar K., Rocca M.A., Copetti M., Sala S., Mesaros S., Stosic Opincal T., Caputo D., Absinta M., Drulovic J., Kostic V.S., Comi G., Filippi M., 2011: Overcoming the Clinical--MR Imaging Paradox of Multiple Sclerosis: MR Imaging Data Assessed with a Random Forest Approach. AJNR American Journal of Neuroradiology, 32, 2098–2102. 10. Kostić V.S., Svetel M., Mijajlović M., Pavlović A., Ječmenica-Lukić M., Kozić D., 2011: Transcranial sonography in pantothenate kinase-associated neurodegeneration. Journal of Neurology, 2011 Nov 5 [Epub ahead of print]. 11. Svetel M., Mijajlović M., Tomić A., Kresojević N., Pekmezović T., Kostić V.S., 2011: Transcranial sonography in Wilson's disease. Parkinsonism & Related Disorders, 2011 Oct 22 [Epub ahead of print]. 12. Šipetić S.B., Vlajinac H.D., Maksimović J.M., Marinković J.M., Džoljić E., Ratkov I.S., Kostić V.S., 2011: Cigarette smoking, coffee intake and alcohol consumption preceding Parkinsonćs disease: a case-control study. Acta Neuropsychiatrica, 2011 Aug [Epub ahead of print]. 13. Žiropadja L., Stefanova E., Petrović M., Stojković T., Kostić V.S., 2011: Apathy and depression in Parkinson’s disease: The Belgrade PD study report. Parkinsonism & Related Disorders, 2011 Dec 12 [Epub ahead of print]. 79 14. Papassotiropoulos A., Stefanova E., Vogler C., Gschwind L., Ackermann S., Spalek K., Rasch B., Heck A., Aerni A., Hanser E., Demougin P., Huynh K.D., Luechinger R., Klarhöfer M., Novaković I., Kostić V., Boesiger P., Scheffler K., de Quervain D.J., 2011: A genome-wide survey and functional brain imaging study identify CTNNBL1 as a memory-related gene. Molecular Psychiatry, 2011 Nov 22 [Epub ahead of print]. 15. Longoni G., Agosta F., Kostić V.S., Stojković T., Pagani E., Stošić-Opinćal T., Filippi M., 2011: MRI measurements of brainstem structures in patients with Richardson’s syndrome, progressive supranuclear palsy-parkinsonism, and Parkinson’s disease. Movement Disorders, 26, 247–255. MECHANISMS OF PROGRAMMED CELL DEATH (Academician Vladimir Bumbaširević) In 2011, the investigations of the molecular mechanisms of programmed cell death were continued with focus on the modulation of signaling pathways that regulate intracellular energy balance. By demonstrating the ability of compound C to induce autophagic response in cancer cells via AMPK inhibition-independent downregulation of the Akt/mTOR pathway. The results warrant caution when using compound C to inhibit AMPK-dependent cellular responses, but also support further exploration of compound C and related molecules as potential anticancer agents. In addition, it was shown that metformin, an antidiabetic drug reduces cisplatin in vitro anticancer activity through AMPK-independent upregulation of the Akt survival pathway. These data warrant caution when considering metformin for the treatment of diabetic cancer. Moreover, the anticancer effects of statins were investigated. The application of simvastatin induced autophagic response in U251 human glioma cell lines. Inhibition of autophagy with bafilomycin A1, 3-methyladenine and LC3_shRNA, as well as AMPK inhibition with compound C or AMPK siRNA, markedly increased apoptotic death of simvastatin-treated U251 cells. These data suggest that inhibition of AMPK-dependent autophagic response might sensitize glioma cells to statin-induced apoptotic death. Vucicevic L., Misirkic M., Janjetovic K., Vilimanovic U., Sudar E., Isenovic E., Prica M., Harhaji-Trajkovic L., Kravic-Stevovic T., Bumbasirevic V., Trajkovic V., 2011: Compound C induces protective autophagy in cancer cells through AMPK inhibition-independent blockade of Akt/mTOR pathway. Autophagy, 7, 40‒50. Janjetovic K., Vucicevic L., Misirkic M., Vilimanovich U., Tovilovic G., Zogovic N., Nikolic Z., Jovanovic S., Bumbasirevic V., Trajkovic V., Harhaji-Trajkovic L., 2011: Metformin reduces cisplatin-mediated apoptotic death of cancer cells through AMPK-independent activation of Akt. European Journal of Pharmacology, 651(1-3), 41‒50. 80 Jakovic L.R., Mihaljevic B.S., Perunicic Jovanovic M.D., Bogdanovic A.D., Andjelic B.M., Bumbasirevic V.Z., 2011: The prognostic relevance of tumor associated macrophages in advanced stage classical Hodgkin lymphoma. Leukemia and Lymphoma, 52(10), 1913‒1919. Misirkic M., Janjetovic K., Vucicevic L., Tovilovic G., Ristic B., Vilimanovich U., Harhaji-Trajkovic L., Sumarac-Dumanovic M., Micic D., Bumbasirevic V., Trajkovic V., 2011: Inhibition of AMPK-dependent autophagy enhances in vitro antiglioma effect of simvastatin. Pharmacological Research, 2011 Aug 18. [Epub ahead of print] PubMed PMID:21871960. Project: IMMUNOBIOLOGY OF DENDRITIC CELLS IN HEALTH AND DISEASE (Academician Miodrag Čolić) In 2011, research on the improvement of protocols for the preparation of dendritic cells (DCs) as cancer vaccines was conducted. The main purpose of the study was focused on the functional characterization of DCs by using combinations of Toll-like receptor agonists 3 and 7, tumor necrosis factor alpha, interferon gamma and CD40 ligand. It was shown for the first time, the immunomodulatory effect of Ni-Ti ribbons with shape memory properties on the phenotypic and functional characteristics of human DCs. In cooperation with researchers from INEP, a study on the effect of Trichinella spiralis antigens on DCs was performed. In addition, in cooperation with researchers from Pharmacy School Belgrade, the effect of an immunosuppressive drug (Leflunomide) on the functions of DCs was examined. Investigations on the immunomodulatory processes in periapical lesions at the levels of immunoregulatory cytokines and cells were also continued. A stromal cell line with the properties of mesenchymal stem cells was established for the first time. In the research field related to the response of DCs to biomaterials, carbon nanotubes and nanogold particles were used as potential carriers for biomolecules. 1. Gruden-Movsesijan A., Ilic N., Colic M., Majstorovic I., Vasilev S., Radovic I., Sofronic-Milosavljevic Lj., 2011: The impact of trichinella spiralis excretory-secretory products on dendritic cells. Comparative Immunology, Microbiology & Infectious Diseases, 34(5), 429‒439. 2. Stojić-Vukanić Z., Čolić M., Backović A., Antić-Stanković J., Bufan B., Dimitrijević M., 2011: Differentiation and function of human monocyte-derived dendritic cells under the influence of leflunomide. Archives of Biological Sciences, 63(2), 353‒364. 3. Dzopalic T., Vucevic D., Tomic S., Djokic J., Chinou I., Colic M., 2011: 3,10-Dihydroxy-decanoic acid, isolated from royal jelly, stimulates Th1 polarising 81 capability of human monocyte-derived dendritic cells. Food Chemistry, 126(3), 1211‒1217. 4. Tomic S., Djokic J., Vasilijic S., Vucevic D., Todorovic V., Supic G., Colic M., 2011: Immunomodulatory properties of mesenchymal stem cells derived from dental pulp and dental follicle are susceptible to activation by toll-like receptor agonists. Stem cells and development, 20(4), 695‒708. 5. Rajkovic I., Dragicevic A., Vasilijic S., Bozic B., Dzopalic T., Tomic S., Majstorovic I., Vucevic D., Djokic J., Balint B., Colic M., 2011: Differences in T-helper polarizing capability between human monocyte-derived dendritic cells and monocyte-derived Langerhans-like cells. Immunology, 132(2), 217‒225. 6. Dragicevic A., Dzopalic T., Vasilijic S., Vucevic D., Bozic B., Majstorovic I., Balint B., Colic M., 2011: The influence of CD40 ligation and interferon-γ on functional properties of human monocyte-derived dendritic cells activated with polyinosinicpolycytidylic acid. Vojnosanitetski pregled, 68(4), 301‒308. Project: INVESTIGATION OF BALKAN ENDEMIC NEPHROPATHY AND UROTHELIAL CANCER IN SERBIA (Corresponding Member Vladisav Stefanović) In 2011, research was focused on molecular mechanisms in the etiology of Balkan endemic nephropathy (BEN) and the associated urothelial cancer (UC). The Interacademy Council of the South Eastern Europe Academies of Sciences has created a Project entitled “Balkan endemic nephropathy” directed by Vladisav Stefanovic from the SASA. The major studies of the coordinator and associated academies were directed to a genomic and proteomic investigation in the etiology of BEN and UC. In a SCOPES Project, financed from 2010 to 2012 by the Swiss Government, “Uroepithelial tumors in Balkan Endemic Nephropathy – specific and common pathways” these were the objectives of the coordinated multi-institutional research. We collaborate with an important laboratory for proteomics in Göttingen (Prof. Müller), the National German Cancer Institute (Dr Schmeiser), the Institute of Cancer Research, Section of Molecular Carcinogenesis, Sutton, UK (Dr Volker), the Genomic Center, Sofia (Prof. Toncheva) and the MASA, Skopje (Prof. Polenakovic). Pešić I., Stefanović V., Müller G.A., Müller C.A., Čukuranović R., Jahn O., Bojanić V., Koziolek M., Dihazi H., 2011: Identification and validation of six proteins as marker for endemic nephropathy. Journal of Proteomics, 74, 1994‒2007. Jankovic Velickovic L., Dolicanin Z., Hattori T., Pesic I., Djordjevic B., Stojanovic M., Stankovic J., Visnic M., Stefanovic V., 2011: Divergent squamous differentiation in upper urothelial carcinoma-comparative clinicopathological and molecular study. Pathology & Oncology Research, 17, 535‒539. 82 Stefanovic V., Polenakovic M., Toncheva D., 2011: Urothelial carcinoma associated with Balkan endemic nephropathy. A worldwide disease. Pathologie Biologie (Paris), 59, 286‒291. Review. Jankovic-Velickovic L., Stojnev S., Ristic-Petrovic A., Dolicanin Z., Hattori T., Mukaisho K., Stojanovic M., Stefanovic V., 2011: Pro- and antiapoptotic markers in upper tract urothelial carcinoma associated with balkan endemic nephropathy. The Scientific World Journal, 11, 1699‒711. Milojkovic M., Stojnev S., Jovanovic I., Ljubisavljevic S., Stefanovic V., Sunder-Plassman R., 2011: Frequency of the C1236T, G2677T/A and C3435T MDR1 gene polymorphisms in the Serbian population. Pharmacological Reports, 63, 808‒814. Stefanović V., Djukanović L., Cukuranović R., Bukvić D., Ležaić V., Marić I., Ogrizović S.S., Jovanović I., Vlahovic P., Pešić I., Djordjević V., 2011: Beta2microglobulin and alpha1-microglobulin as markers of Balkan endemic nephropathy, a worldwide disease. Renal Failure, 33, 176‒183. Conic I., Dimov I., Tasic-Dimov D., Djordjevic B., Stefanovic V., 2011: Ovarian epithelial cancer stem cells. The Scientific World Journal, 11, 1243‒1269. ��� Review. Dimov I., Conic I., Tasic-Dimov D., Stefanovic V., 2011: Glioblastoma multiforme stem cells. Ibid, 930‒958. Review. Petrovic V., Stankovic J., Stefanovic V., 2011: Tissue engineering of the urinary bladder: current concepts and future perspectives. Ibid, 1479‒1488. Review. Project: CONTROL ENDOCRINE MECHANISMS IN BODY WEIGHT REGULATION AMONG OBESE SUBJECTS (Academician Dragan Micić) In 2011, investigations concerning endocrine disorders in obese subjects were continued. Possible anticancer effects of metformin were analyzed, bearing in mind the widespread use of this drug in the treatment of insulin resistant, Type 2 diabetes mellitus and obesity, during which, in review form, actual concepts about its anticancer effects were presented in one manuscript, and in another are own experience with its in vitro and in vivo use for melanoma were reported. The head of the project participated as a member of international team in the publication of a guide for the criteria for the establishment of centers for obesity treatment proposed by the European Association for the Study of Obesity (EASO). The effects of metabolic disorders, including obesity, were analyzed in connection with sleep disturbances. Particularly, association between obesity, atherogenesis and diabetes was analyzed, bearing in mind their common root through the mechanism of inflammation. The results of the investigations were published in four international journals, three in national journals, eleven abstracts for international meetings 83 and four abstracts for national meetings. The project head delivered eleven lectures at international and national meetings. Micić D., Cvijović G., Trajković V., Duntas L.H., Polovina S., 2011: Metformin, Its emerging role in oncology. Hormones, 10, 5‒15. Janjetović K., Harhaji-Trajković L., Misirkić-Marajanović M., Vučićević L., Stevanović D., Zogović N., Šumarac-Dumanović M., Micić D., Trajković V., 2011: In vitro and in vivo anti-melanoma action of metformin. European Journal of Pharmacology, 668, 373‒382. Tsigos C., Heiner V., Basedevant A., Finer N., Mathus-Vliegen E., Micić D., Maislos M., Roman G., Schutz Y., Toplak H., Yumuk V., Zahorska-Markiewicz B., 2011: Criteria for EASO-collaborating centres for obesity management. Obesity Facts, 4, 329‒333. Selea A., Šumarac-Dumanović M., Pešić M., Šuluburić D., StamenkovićPejković D., Cvijović G., Micić D., 2011: The effects of education with printed material on glycemic control in patients with diabetes type 2 treated with different therapeutic regimens. Vojnosanitetski pregled, 68, 676‒683. Project: PROSTATE CANCER SCREENING (Academician Jovan Hadži-Đokić) During 2011, the Prostate Cancer Screening Project was continued, using standard diagnostic procedures and a significant number of prostate biopsies. In patients with proven prostate cancer, various treatment modalities were employed, such as radical retropubic prostatectomy, laparoscopic prostatectomy, brachytherapy, etc. Jovan Hadzi-Djokic participated on the 31th Congress of the World Congress of Urology (Société Internationale d`Urologie, SIU), where he gave five scientific presentations and was the chairman of the BPO/LUTS session. In addition, Hadzi-Djokic was a member of the Review Committee. During 2011, Hadzi-Djokic was the reviewer of one scientific article for the Brazilian Journal of Urology. The members of the Project participated on the International Congress of Private Practice in Serbia, 2011, were they organized a symposium about prostate cancer and had interesting presentations. Jovanovic M., Soldatovic I., Janjic A., Vuksanovic A., Dzamic Z., Acimovic M., Hadzi-Djokic J., 2011: Diagnostic value of the nuclear matrix protein 22 test and urine cytology in upper tract urothelial tumors. Urology International, 87 (2), 134‒137. Epub 2011 Aug 24. PubMed PMID: 21865670. Vukomanovic I., Colovic V., Soldatovic I., Hadzi-Djokic J., 2011: Prognostic significance of tumor location in high-grade non-muscle-invasive bladder cancer. Medical Oncology, 2011 Jun 9 [Epub ahead of print] PubMed PMID: 21656270. 84 Pejčić T., Hadži-Djokić J., Topuzović Č., Basić D., Marjanović A., Djurašić L., 2011: The analysis of some factors that influence on serum PSA level in localized prostate cancer patients: mathematical model. Acta chirurgica Iugoslavica, 58 (1), 81‒87. Erratum in: Acta chirurgica Iugoslavica, 58(2), 207. Basić, Dragan [corrected to Basić, Dragoslav]. PubMed PMID: 21630551. Radak D., Milojevic P., Babic S., Matic P., Tanaskovic S., Vukotic V., Pejcic T., Hadzi-Djokic J., 2011: Renal tumor with tumor thrombus in inferior vena cava and right atrium: the report of five cases with long-term follow-up. International Urology and Nephrology, 2011 Dec, 43 (4), 1033‒1038. Epub 2011 Mar 27. PubMed PMID: 21442396. Pejcic T., Hadzi-Djokic J., Markovic B., Naumovic R., 2011: Resolving erythrocytosis and hypertension after open surgical extirpation of giant renal cyst measuring 30 cm: case report. Renal Failure, 33 (2), 249‒251. PubMed PMID: 21332350. Basić D., Djokić J.H., Milutinović D., Džamić Z., Topuzović Č., Pejcić T., 2011: Ureteral fistulae after kidney transplantation: experience with 224 cases. Acta chirurgica Iugoslavica, 58(1), 89‒94. Erratum in: Acta Chir Iugosl., 58 (2). 207. Basić, Dragan [corrected to Basić, Dragoslav]. PubMed PMID: 21630552. Bašić D., Đurasić Lj., Bašić B., Bašić M., Milutinović D., Đokić M., HadžiDjokić J., 2011: Kidney allograft obstruction by Surgicel. Acta Medica Medianae, 50 (1), 51‒53. Hadži-Djokić J, Bašić D., Petrović M., Stamenković V., Djurašić Lj., Pejčić T., 2011: Radical cystectomy and orthotopic ileal bladder substitution with serous lined extramutal ureteral reimplantation – report of 8 cases. Acta chirurgica Iugoslavica, god. 18, Vol LVIII, br. 3, 73‒77. Topuzović Č., Pejčić T., Hadži-Djokić J., Djurašić Lj., 2011: Is routine dystoscopy justified in female stress urinary in continence? Ibid, 77‒81. Project: INSULIN RESISTANCE: COMPARATIVE ANALYSIS OF ITS ROLE IN THE PATHOGENESIS AND PROGRESSION OF DIABETES, ATHEROSCLEROTIC VASCULAR DISEASE AND NEURODEGENERATIVE DISORDERS (Corresponding Member Nebojša M. Lalić) During 2011, we carried out research on the link between insulin resistance (IR), measured by the clamp technique, and the development of type 2 diabetes, and published the results on the link between IR and beta-cell dysfunction, under in vivo conditions, in the pre-diabetes stage, as well as on the basic pathophysiological determinants of th emergence and development of type 2 diabetes. During 2011, we also carried out research on the link between atherosclerotic vascular disease (AVD) and IR and published the results revealing the link between metabolic disorders and pathophysiological changes at the vascular level in different AVD models. Our investigations pointed to the significance of metabolic risk factors (including specifically dyslipidemia 85 and a disturbed level of insulinemia) in “metabolically normal“ persons (without glucose intolerance), who are moderately and massively obese, which suggests that obesity has a significant role in the appearance of AVD. In addition, our analysis of the link between IR and atherosclerosis performed in a large number of patients shows that insulin sensitivity disorders and an increased coronary disease risk can be based on disorders of hepatic lipid metabolism (evaluated by the new FLI index). In addition, we investigated the metabolic determinants of asymptomatic cardiovascular disorders in diabetes. Mari A., Tura A., Natali A., Anderwald C., Balkau B., Lalic N., Walker M., Ferrannini E., 2011: RISC Investigators. Influence of hyperinsulinemia and insulin resistance on in vivo β-cell function: their role in human β-cell dysfunction. Diabetes, 60 (12), 3141‒3147. Pataky Z., Makoundou V., Nilsson P., Gabriel R.S., Lalic K., Muscelli E., Casolaro A., Golay A., Bobbioni-Harsch E., 2011: Metabolic normality in overweight and obese subjects. Which parameters? Which risks? International Journal of Obesity (Lond), 35 (9), 1208‒1215. Seferović-Mitrović J.P., Lalić N.M., Vujisić-Tesić B., Lalić K., Jotić A., Ristić A.D., Giga V., Tesić M., Milić N., Lukić L., Milicić T., Singh S., Seferović P.M., 2011: Asymptomatic cardiovascular manifestations in diabetes mellitus: left ventricular diastolic dysfunction and silent myocardial ischemia. Srpski arhiv za celokupno lekarstvo, 2011 Sep-Oct, 139 (9-10), 599‒604. Project: THE HISTORY OF SERBIAN MEDICINE (Academician Radoje Čolović) In 13 book “Life and work of the Serbian scientist” (publisher: SASA, Belgrade, 2011.) the study “Bogdan Kosanović (1892-1964)” will be published. In the book “School of Medicine, University of Belgrade” (publisher: Medical Faculty, University of Belgrade, Belgrade 2011), a chapter “Ninety years of the Belgrade School of Medicine” (p. 22-50) was published. In Tome II, Book 1 of the “Serbian Encyclopedia” (publishers: Matica Srpska, Serbian Academy of Science and Arts and Institute for Textbooks, Novi Sad-Beograd 2011), 11 contributions were published: Biga Sofija (p. 138-139), Blagojević Milan (p. 214), Bogdanović Miloš (p. 253), Bogićević Julijana (p. 259), Božin Teodor (p. 294), Brašovan Radoslav (p. 519), Budisavljević Manojlo (p. 635), Bukurov Stanislav (p. 656), Bumbaširević Živojin (p. 666), Bumbaširević Marko (p. 666) and Bumbić Savo (p. 667). th 86 Project: FETOPLACENTAL DEVELOPMENT IN PREGNANCY FOLLOWING ASSISTED REPRODUCTION (Corresponding Member Nebojša Radunović) During the year 2011, the investigations were focused on investigating the underlying biochemistry profiles and mechanisms necessary for successful embryonic selection and implantation, as well as further fetal development, and to try to identify the origins of developmental disorders in pregnancies conceived by IVF. Direct identification of the products of embryo metabolism, assessment of profiles related with embryonic viability, as well as evaluation of the oocyte-cumulus dialogue, which is a key factor for oocyte competence to meiosis and embryo development, were analyzed. The results of the investigations were published in three international journals, three chapters in a national monograph, national journals and five abstracts of international meetings. The project head delivered six invited lectures at international meetings. The results were presented on 5 international and two domestic meetings. N. Radunović chaired and gave invited lectures on the international meeting in Bucharest, Romenia (1. Embryosonography-role for early detection of CNS anomalies Romanian - Ian Donald School of Ultrasonography 19th May 2011, 2. Placental Sonography – impact on pregnancy management), The 4th Congress SEESPM, 21st May Taormina, Italy, (Fetal origin of adult infertility, XXVII Fetus as a Patient Congress 26th-28th May 2011), Alexandria, Egypt (The First Trimester Screening - what are the advantages? Alexandria Regional Centre for Women’s Health and Development 14th-16th June 2011), Athens, Greece (Volume ultrasonography in fetal heart exploration, 10th December 2011, Fetal Hydrops-Urgent condition, 11th December 2011, Inter University School of Medical Ultrasound, Athens, 2011), as well as on a number of Serbian meetings. Di Renzo G.C., Cabero R.L., Facchinetti F., Antsaklis A., Breborowicz G., Gratacos E., Husslein P., Lamont R., Mikhailov A., Montenegro N., Radunovic N., Robson M., Robson S., Sen C., Shennan A., Stamatian F., Ville Y., 2011: Guidelines for the management of spontaneous preterm labor: identification of spontaneous preterm labor, diagnosis of preterm premature rupture of membranes, and preventive tools for preterm birth. Journal of Maternal-Fetal and Neonatal Medicine, vol. 24, No. 5, 659–667. Radunovic N., 2011: Volume Sonography-Basic Principles. In: Ultrasound in Obstetrics and Gynecology - What is New?, Editor Radunovic N., Publisher New Astakos, Belgrade,15–26. Radunovic N., 2011: Volume Sonography and fetal cardiovascular system. In: Ultrasound in Obstetrics and Gynecology - What is New?, Ed Radunovic N., Publisher New Astakos, Belgrade, 171–182. 87 Stojnic J., Radunovic N., 2011: Follicular Fluid-Predictor of the Embryo Quality? In: Cross Talk From cell to Human, Ed N. Radunovic, Publisher Serbian Human Reproduction Society, 23–40. Radunovic N., Tošić T., 2011: Folicular Fluid From Single Biochemical Markers To Metabolomics. Cross Talk From cell to Human, Ed N. Radunovic, Publisher Serbian Human Reproduction Society, 41–46. Radunović N., 2011: What is role of motile sperm organelle morphology examination? Cross Talk From cell to Human, Ed N. Radunovic, Publisher Serbian Human Reproduction Society, 59–64. Radunovic N., 2011: Imunologic hydrops fetalis-urgentn condition. In: Urgent conditions in Perinatale medicine, Ed N. Radunovic, Publisher New Astakos, Belgrade, 159–163. Project: PLAQUE TEXTURE ELECTRONIC ANALYSIS IN PREVENTION AND TREATMENT OF RESTENOSIS FOLLOWING CAROTID ENDARTERECTOMY (Corresponding Member Đorđe Radak) A questionnaire (Carotid Disease and Treatment) was created to capture the five main key domains (dimensions) of diagnostics and different therapeutic solutions. A database for prospective short and long-term monitoring of carotid reconstruction results was designed and introduced into use. Newly introduced procedures for the analysis of Color Duplex ultrasonographic findings were standardized in cooperation with Prof. Dr Nicolaides. Plaque texture electronic analysis provides the possibility for volume assessment of the heterogeneous material of atherosclerotic carotid plaque, which is a measure of its instability, embolic potential and predisposing factor for the development of restenosis. This methodology will be used to define the tissue texture of carotid restenosis and to define the indications for redorevascularization. Radak Dj., Milojević P., Babić S., Matić P., Tanasković S., Vukotić V., Pejić T., Hadži-Djokić J., 2011: Renal Tumor with Tumor Thrombus in Inferior Vena Cava and Right Atrium: the Report of Five Cases with Long–term Follow–up. International Urology and Nephrology, 43, 1033–1038. Djurić T., Stanković A., Končar I., Radak Dj., Davidović L., Alavantić D., Živković M., 2011: Association of mmP-S promoter gene plymorphisms with carotid atherosclerosis: Preliminary study. Atherosclerosis, 219, 673–678. Babić S., Radak Dj., Tanasković S., Ilijevski N., 2011: Therapeutic Choice for the Treatment of Subcranial Positioned Bilateral Kinking of Internal Carotid Artery with Dissection: Case Report. Neurosurgery, 21, 125–127. 88 Radak Dj., Babić S., Ilijevski N., Jocić D., Aleksić N., Gajin P., Tanasković S., Lozuk B., Otašević P., 2011: Surgical reconstruction for unilateral iliac artery lesions in patients younger than 50 years. VASA, 40, 474–481. Aleksić N., Tanasković S., Radak S., Mitrašinović A., Kolar J., Babić S., Otašević P., Radak Dj., 2011: Color Duplex sonography in the Detection of Internal Carotid Restenosis After Carotid Endarterectomy. Journal of Ultrasound in Medicine, 30, 1677–1682. Lačković V., Tanasković I., Radak Dj., Nešić V., Gluvić Z., Lačković M., Ašanin B., Radović S., Stanković V., Djurić J., Nešić J., Kanjuh V., 2011: Morphofunctional characteristics of endothelial cells in coronary atherosclerosis. Archives of Biological Sciences, Belgrade, 63(4), 921–932. Babić S., Mitrasinović A., Gajin P., Ilijevski N., Radak Dj., 2011: Missed Dissection as a result of the Ascending Pharyngeal Artery Arising from the Internal Carotid Artery. Annals of Vascular Surgery, 25, 701e, 5–8. Tanaskovic S., Isenovic E.R., Radak Dj., 2011: Inflammation as a Marker for the Prediction of Internal Carotid Artery Restenosis Following Eversion Endarterectomy. Evidence from Clinical Studies. Angiology, 62, 535–542. Labudović Borović M., Borović S., Perić M., Vuković P., Marinković J., Todorović V., Radak Dj., Lačković V., 2011: The internal thoracic artery as a transitional type od artery: A morphological and morphometric strudy. Histology and Histopathology, 25, 561–576. http://www.hh.um.es Mandušić V., Radak Dj., Markićević M., Perović M., Obradović M., Mikhailidis D., Isenović E., 2011: Role of estrogen and estrogen receptors in cancer pathology. Endocrinology Studies, 1, 19–23. Davidović L., Radak Dj., Končar I., Sagić D., Čolić M., Banzić I., 2011: Endovascular aortic repair – initial experience in the Serbian bi-centric study. European Surgery, 42, 302–308. Ilijevski N., Nenezić D., Popov P., Sagić D., Radak Dj., 2011: Giant aneurysm of the abberant right subclavian artery (arteria lusoria). Vascular Medicine, 16, 157–158. Mitrasinovic A., Radak S., Kolar J., Aleksic N., Otasevic P., Popovic M., Radak Dj., 2011: Color Doppler sonographic evaluation of flow volume of the internal carotid and vertebral arteries after carotid endarterectomy. Journal of Clinical Ultrasound, 38 (5), 238–243 Radak Dj., Tanaskovic S., Marinkovic S., Antonic Z., Kolar J., 2011: Internal jugular vein duplication: a further truncular malformation in a patient with multiple sclerosis. Phlebology, ePUB ahead of printing. Radak Dj., Kolar J., Antonić Ž., Sagić D., Tanasković S., Babić S., Ilijevski N., 2011: Chronic Cerebrospinalis Venous Insufficiency in Multiple Sclerosis: Fact or Fiction. Cardiovascular and Interventional Radiology. ePUB ahead of printing. Kolaković A., Živković M., Radak Dj., Djurić T., Končar I., Davidović L., Dinčić D., Alavantić D., Stanković A., 2011: The association of ACE I/D gene polymorphism with severe carotid atherosclerosis in patients undergoing carotid endarterectomy. Journal of the Renin-Angiotensin-Aldosterone System. ePUB ahead of printing. 89 Šoškić S., Dobutović B., Sudar E., Obradović M., Nikolić D., Djordjević J., Radak Dj., Mikhailidis D., Isenović E., 2011: Regulation of Inducible Nitrie Oxide Synthase (iNOS) and its Potential role in Insulin Resistance, Diabetes and Heart Failure. The Open Cardiovascular Medicine Journal, 5, 153–163. Radak Dj., Kolar J., Sagić D., Antonić Ž., Mitrašinović A., Babić S., Nenezić D., Ilijevski N., 2011: Morphological and haemodynamic abnormalities in the jugular veins of patients with multiple sclerosis. Phlebology, ePUB ahead of printing. Babić S., Sagić D., Radak Dj., Antonić Ž., Otašević P., Kovačević V., Tanasković S., Ružičić D., Aleksić N., Vučurević G., 2011: Initial and Long-Term Results of Endovascular Therapy for Chronic Total Occlusion of the Subclavian Artery. CardioVascular and Interventional Radiology. ePUB ahead of printing. Sagić D., Antonić Ž., Stanišić M., Ilijevski N., Milojević P., Mašulović D., Radak Dj., 2010: Simultaneous Stenting of the Left Main Coronary Stem and Internal Carotid Artery in a Hemodynamically Unstable Patient. Vojnosanitetski pregled, 68, 712–715. Radak D., 2011: Carotid endarterectomy should be performed early after a cerebral ischemic event in order to be most effective. Vojnosanitetski pregled, 68, 166–169. Ilić M, Tanasković S., Ilijevski N, Radak D., 2011: Acute reversible ischaemic neurological deficit induced by internal carotid artery kinking-case report. Srpski arhiv za celokupno lekarstvo, 139, 92–94. Vučurević G., Tanasković S., Ilijevski N., Kovačević V., Kecmanović V., Radak Dj., 2011: Right-Sided Aortic Arch with Anomalous Origin of the Left Sublavian Artery: Case Report. Srpski arhiv za celokupno lekarstvo, 9-10, 666–668. Radak S., Aleksić N., Kolar J., Mitrašinović A., Tanasković S., Babić S., Radak Dj., 2011: Color duplex ultrasonography in diagnosis of venous disorders in gynecology and obstetrics. In: Ultrasound in obstetrics and gynecology – what is new? Ed. N. Radunović, Belgrade, 183–188. Popov P., Ružičić D., Babić S., Tanasković S., Gajin P., Lozuk B., Radak Đ., 2011: Abdominal Aortic Aneurysm Prevalence in Patient with Diabetes Mellitus. Medicinska istraživanja, Beograd, 45 (1), 4–13. Radak Đ, Jovanović P., 2011: Is CREST Study a Turning Point in Determining Indication for Carotid Disease Treatment by Stent Dilatation? Ibid, 17–22. Radak Dj., Crnokrak B., 2011: Tretman akutnog tromoflebitisa površinskih vena donjih ekstremiteta. Ibid, 45 (4), 77–86. Ašćerić R., Ilić M., Radak Dj., Sagić D., Ilijevski N., 2011: Natural history and risk of aneurysm rupture. Ibid, 45 (2), 23–27. Radak Dj., Babić S., Tanasković S., Matić P., Ilijevski N., 2011: Cerebrovascular disease. Ibid, 41–44. Tanasković S., Aleksić N., Babić S., Kovačević V., Antonić Ž., 2011: Internal jugular vein compression by sternocleidomastoid muscule in patient with spasmodic toracollis and multiple sclerosis. Ibid, 46–49. Vučević D., Radak Dj., Gajin P., Radosavljević T., Mladenović D., Milovanović I., Stojanović Z., Zec M., 2011: Activity of Alpha Naphthyl Butyrate Esterase in Human Carotid Plaque with Diferent Morphology. Ibid, 56–66. 90 Project: prevalence of posttraumatic stress disorder in postpartal period and its relationship with plasticity of Hipothalamo-pituitary-adrenal axis (Corresponding Member Dušica Lečić-Toševski) During 2011, cooperation with Professor Dr. Joseph Zohar (Division of Psychiatry, Chaim Sheba Medical Centre, Tel Aviv, Israel) and the Narodni Front Gynecology and Obstetrics Clinic was continued and a substantial part of the research being the subject of the doctoral dissertation of the associate of the Institute of Mental Health was done. At the Narodni Front Gynecology and Obstetrics Clinic 115 new mothers were examined and their blood samples were taken. According to the procedure, they are kept frozen in the form of cortisol concentration serum. The respondents were monitored over the three-month postnatal period and tested using the following measurement scales: Interview for Posttraumatic Stress Order (PTSD), Clinician-Administered PTSD Scale - CAPS; Montgomery Asberg Depression Scale - MADRS; Visual Analogue Scale for Anxiety VAS; Sheehan Disability Scale - SDS and Revised NEO Personality Inventory (NEO PI-R). She published 10 papers in leading international journals cited in CC, SCIE or SSCI; 3 papers cited in Medline, 3 in international journals, 5 in national journals, 3 chapters in international books, 2 national books and the WPA template for undergraduate and graduate psychiatric education, as a member of the Working Group of the World Psychiatric Association. In addition, a large number of papers were presented at international and national congresses and meetings (published as the abstracts not cited in this report). Tyrer P., Crawford M., Mulder R., Blashfield R., Farnam A., Fossati A., Kim Y.R., Koldobsky N., Lecic-Tosevski D., Ndetei D., Swales M., Clark A.L., Reed G.M., 2011: The rationale for the reclassification of personality disorders in the 11th revision of the International Classification of Diseases (ICD-11). Personality and Mental Health, 5 (4), 246–259. Tyrer P., Crawford M., Mulder R., Blashfield R., Farnam A., Fossati A., Kim Y.R., Koldobsky N., Lecic-Tosevski D., Ndetei D., Swales M., Clark A.L., Reed G.M., 2011: A classification based on evidence is the first step to clinical utility. Personality and Mental Health, 5 (4), 304–307. Pejuskovic B., Lecic-Tosevski D., Priebe S., Toskovic O., 2011: Burnout syndrome – the role of personality dimensions and coping strategies. Psychiatria Danubina, 23, 4, 383–389. Miljevic D.C., Kecojevic S.M., Crnobaric C., Lecic-Tosevski D., 2011: A rare case of male hysteria – hemiparesis successfully treated with amitryptiline. Psychiatria Danubina, 23, 3, 281–284. 91 Tyrer P., Crawford M., Mulder R.; on behalf of the ICD-11 Working Group for the Revision of Classification of Personality Disorders, 2011: Reclassifying personality disorders. Lancet, 377, 1814–1815. Jankovic Gavrilovic J., Vidakovic I., Matanov A., Schützwohl M., Ljubotina D., Lecic Tosevski D., Priebe S., 2011: Reasons for not receiving treatment in people with posttraumatic stress disorder following war. Journal of Nervous and Mental Disease, 199, 2, 100–105. Pejuskovic B., Lecic Tosevski D., 2011: Burnout syndrome in physicians of different specialties – general practitioners, psychiatrists and surgeons. World Psychiatry, 10, 1, 78. Lecic-Tosevski D., Vukovic O., Stepanovic J., 2011: Stress and personality. Psihiatriki, 22, 292–299. Christodoulou G., Jenkins R., Tsipas T., Christodoulou N., Lecic-Tosevski D., Mezzich J., 2011: Mental health promotion: A conceptual review and guidance. European Psychiatry Review 4, 1, 9–11. Botbol M., Alanen Y.O., Lecic Tosevski D., Schmolke M.. 2011: ����������� Psychological perspective in psychiatry for the person. International Journal of Person Centered Medicine, 1, 1, 134–136. Lecic-Tosevski D., Miljevic C., 2011: ������������������������������������� Should the same antidepressant be administered if a depressive epizode recurs? Medicographia, No 107, 33, 2, 175. Lecic Tosevski D., Draganic Gajic S., Pejovic Milovancevic M., 2011: Mental health care in Serbia. In: International Perspectives on Mental Health (ed. Hamid Ghodse. Royal College of Psychiatrists. (http://www.rcpsych.ac.uk/publications/ books/rcpp/9781908020000.aspx). Lecic Tosevski D., 2011: Many faces of personality disorders. In: Honorary Volume in honor of Professor George N. Christodoulou, edited by C. Kittas, E. Lykouras and G. Papadimitriou, University of Athens, Betamedarts, Athens, 200–206. Tasman A., Kay J., Udomratn P., Alarcon R., Jenkins R., Lindhardt A., Fahrer R., Gureze O., Hirayasu Y., Lecic Tosevski D., Stein D., 2011: WPA template for undergraduate and graduate psychiatric education. www.wpanet.org Project: SIGNIFICANCE OF ANTIREFLUX SURGERY AFTER THE ENDOSCOPIC RADIO-FREQUENT ABLATION IN THE TREATMENT OF PATIENTS WITH BARRETT ESOPHAGUS (Corresponding Member Predrag Peško) During this year, we started with a study entitled “The significance of anti-reflux surgery after endoscopic radio-frequency ablation in the treatment of patients with Barrett’s esophagus” was commenced. So far, radio frequency treatment in 34 patients was completed with highly satisfactory early results. HALO 90 and 360 ablation catheters were employed. Complete re-epithelization was found in 28 patients after the first treatment, one additional treatment was conducted in 14 patients, and in two patients 3 endoscopic RF ablations were performed. In 14 patients, laparoscopic Nissen fundoplication was per92 formed 3 months after the RF ablation. All patients completed a form that consisted of symptomatic questions and general data. Complete functional esophageal diagnostics were conducted in all patients before and 8 weeks after the RF procedure. It is planned to repeat this protocol one year after completion of the treatment, regardless of whether it was RF ablation alone, or the combined RF/surgery treatment. INTERDEPARMENTAL COMMITTEE ON AIDS (Academician Miodrag Čolić) The Committee organized the traditional Meeting entitled “HIV/AIDS 2011 - Messages of the 13th AIDS European Conference”, which was held on 02.02.2011. in the SASA. The Meeting was related to the modern concept of immunopathogenesis and therapy of HIV/AIDS. Six plenary lectures were presented. The second part of the Meeting concerned HIV and stigma, the ways of reducing stigma and human rights related to HIV infection. COMMITTEE ON KIDNEY DISEASES (Academician Sveto Suša) All Committee members took an active part in all four research projects: – Kidney as an Endocrine Organ; – Health Condition Follow-up of SASA Members; – Research on Endemic Nephropathy in South-Eastern Serbia; – Etiopathogenesis, Incidence and Treatment of Various Forms of Glomerulopathy. During the past year, the Committee on Kidney Diseases was involved in the increasingly successful examination and treatment of SASA members and early detection of various diseases, paying special attention to the early detection of malignant diseases, especially malignant prostate tumour. During the past year, the Committee members presented their papers at numerous scientific meetings both at home and abroad. COMMITTEE ON SURVEY OF THE DEVELOPMENT OF MEDICAL SCIENCES IN SERBIA (Academician Vladimir Kanjuh) The results of the medical scientific projects in SASA are relatively satisfactory in spite of the small financial funds (the Serbian budget for sciences is only 0.3 %). The collaboration of SASA with its Departments in Niš and Kragujevac, the Serbian Medical Society and its Academy of Medical Sci- 93 ences, as well as international cooperation (including R. Srpska), were more advanced. The following scientific meetings were held: Symposium “Sleeping and its disturbances”, Belgrade, SASA, May 13th, 2011. Promotion of 7 toms “Rouds and visions in the development of neurosciences” – a collection of academician Lj. Rakić’s scientific papers, Belgrade, SASA, June 14th, 2011. Academician Vojislav Danilović, physician – life and achievements. Vrnjačka Banja, August 4th, 2011. News concerning ultrasound, Belgrade, SASA, Sept. 22nd, 2011. The days of the Serbian Diaspora, Vrnjačka Banja, Belgrade, Novi Sad, Vlasinsko Jezero, Sremski Karlovci, Oct. 12th-15th, 2011. Serbia has 10,000 physicians working abroad. Pathogenesis and therapy of obesity, Belgrade, SASA, Oct.14th, 2011. Gojko Nikoliš (1911-1995) – on the occasion of his 100th birth anniversary, Belgrade, mmA, Oct. 20th and Novi Sad, Matica Srpska, Dec. 21st, 2011. Biomedical engineering for human health, Belgrade, SASA, and Kragujevac, Oct. 24th-25th, 2011. Dr Laza K. Lazarević – Life and achievement, Belgrade, SASA, Nov. 2nd. 2011. The Journal “Military Medical Review” received its first impact factor (0.199). The Editorial Board (023) of the Serbian Encyclopedia (V. Kanjuh et al.) wrote 106 items and collected 28 photographs for Tome I of Book 2. The list of the of award winners for medicine in 2011 is given in the Serbian version of the Bulletin of Scientific Research 2011. COMMITTEE ON CARDIOVASCULAR PATHOLOGY (Academician Vladimir Kanjuh) Under the auspices of the Committee of 37 members (including 12 foreign members), the following projects were worked on (besides the 3 projects in SASA): 1. Preventive prospective study of cardiovascular diseases in seven countries of the world (M. Ostojić and associates). 2.Yugoslav study of the precursors of atherosclerosis in school children (S. Simeunović, I. Novaković, V. Kanjuh, M. Ostojić and associates). 3. The waters of the common rivers of Vojvodina, Hungary and Romania, and cardiovascular diseases (Dj. Stojšić, V. Kanjuh, M. Ostojić). 94 4. Myocarditis – Inflammatory Cardiomyopathy: Problems in Diagnostics and Therapy (Dj. Stojšić, V. Kanjuh, M. Ostojić). The Annual Committee Meeting was held on December 23rd, 2011, with participation of academician V. Šušić, secretary of the Department of Medical Sciences of SASA, and 25 other distinguish guests, with the agenda: Commemoration for Prof. Dr. Srećko Nedeljković doyen of the Board and Serbian cardiology, who died on Jan. 2nd, 2011. (V. Kanjuh). Promotion of the following 3 books: (1) Yugoslav study of the atherosclerosis precursor in school children II; (2) Postgraduate textbook “Cardiology 2011” (Eds. M. Ostojić, V. Kanjuh, B. Beleslin); Interventional Pericardiology, Springer, 2011. Authors: B. Maisch, A. Ristić, P. Seferović, T. S. M. Tsang. The following scientific conferences were held with the Committee as a co-organizer: The future of cardiovascular therapy (V. Kanjuh and Lj. GojkovićBukarica), Belgrade, SASA, April 4th, 2011. The Belgrade Summit of Interventional Cardiologists (M. Ostojić, M. Nedeljković, B. Beleslin), Belgrade, April 9th-12th, 2011. Heart failure 2011. (Z. Vasiljević), April 18th, 2011. Psychosocial factor and cardiovascular disease (D. Šećerov-Zečević, V. Kanjuh), Banja Luka, ASA RS, Sept. 30th, 2011. 7th Serbian congress on diabetes mellitus with international participation (N. Lalić), Belgrade, Nov.17th-20thy, 2011. XVIII congress of the Serbian Cardiological Society with international participations (M. Nedeljković, M. Ostojić, P. Mitrović) with plenary lectures given by V. Kanjuh and M. Ostojić, Belgrade, Nov. 24th-27th, 2011. Mini symposium “Morphology of myocardial ischemia” (G. Teofilovski-Parapid), Belgrade, School of Medicine, Dec. 9th, 2011. The Third International School for Cardiovascular Disease of ECPD, Miločer, June 27th-July 1st, 2011. Members of the Faculty were academicians: V. Kanjuh and M. Ostojić, and Prof. D. Vulić. The relevant book of lectures was published. Academician V. Kanjuh gave a lecture at The University Health School and participated in the organization of a doctoral study in cardiology in Pula (Croatia), Dec. 18th, 2011. The members of the Committee paid great attention to the investigation of coronary atherothrombosis, heart failure, cardio-diabetology, cardiovascular pharmacotherapy and stem cells in heart regenerative medicine. 95 COMMITTEE ON IMMUNOLOGY AND ALLERGOLOGY (Academician Miodrag Čolić) The most significant activity of the Committee in 2011 was the organization of The V Scientific Meeting of Immunology (05.05.2011, Belgrade) in association with Serbian Immunological Society. During the Meeting, 16 plenary lectures related to new tumor vaccines, current knowledge in the treatment of rheumatic diseases, multiple sclerosis and other autoimmune diseases were presented. The allergologists organized their traditional scientific symposium “Academician Vladimir Spužić” in March 2011. The Meeting was also dedicated to the Anniversary of the Clinic for Allergology and Immunology, Clinical Center of Serbia. COMMITTEE FOR SOMNOLOGY (Academician Veselinka Šušić) The committee organized the scientific meeting „Sleeping and disorder of sleep“. The papers presented at this symposium published in GLAS by Department of Medical Sciences No 51. 1. Miodrag Radulovački: Humoral Sleep Theories; 2. D.D.Micić, M.Šumarac-Dumanović, V.Šušić, D.Pejković; S. Polovina: Sleep and Metabolic Disorders; 3. Marina Svetel: Are Live Dreams Predictors for the Appearance of Hallucinations? 4. Slavko Janković: Evolutionary Approach to the Interpretation of Sleep Function. 5. Nikola N.Trajanović: Priciples of Diagnosis of Apnea in Sleep. 6. Miodrag Vukčević: Modalities in the Treatment of Obstructive Breathing in Sleep; 7. Jasna Šaponjić: Selective Stimulations and Lesions of the Rat Brain Nuclei as the Models for Research of the Human Sleep Pathology Mechanisms. 8. Slobodanka Pejović-Nikolić: Neurobiological Disturbances in Insomnia: Clinical Utility of Objective Sleep Measures. 9. Srdjan Milovanović, Nikola Trajanović: The Influence of Psychopharmacs on Sleep. 10.Stanojlović O., Hrnčić D., Rašić-Marković A., Macut Dj., Djurić D., Šušić V.: Sleep Peptides in Experimental Models of Epilepsy. 96 COMMITTEE FOR UROGENITAL TUMORS (Academician Jovan Hadži-Đokić) The Urogenital System Tumor Board was founded in 2008. During 2011, the board members were still occupied with the investigations of the appointed goals, including: • Invasive bladder cancer and radical surgical treatment, • Urinary PSA as a marker of benign prostatic hyperplasia and also prostate cancer, • The significance of urinary PSA during the follow up of prostate cancer patients on total androgen blockade, • Urinary diversion, especially regarding long-term results of both orthotopic neobladders and sygma rectum pouch operative techniques, • Urothelial tumors, especially in the regions of Balkan endemic nephropathy. During 2011, the Board members published numerous articles and participated in many of domestic and foreign meetings and congresses (Berlin, Barcelona, Skopje, Timisoara, Pančevo, Leskovac, Ćuprija, etc.). In cooperation with the Urological section of Serbia, a symposium entitled “Innovations in diagnostics and therapy of prostate cancer” was organized. It was held in the Hotel Continental in Belgrade, in October, within the International Congress of Private Medical Practice in Serbia. The board also achieved cooperation with the National Oncological Institute in Havana (Cuba). COMMITTEE FOR MULTIDISCIPLINARY RESEARCH ON DIABETES (Corresponding Member Nebojša M. Lalić) During 2011, the Committee for Multidisciplinary Research on Diabetes continued its activities involving the promotion of research in the field of diabetology, presentations and discussions about their results, as well as educational sessions aimed at promoting the wider use of a multidisciplinary approach to various aspects of diabetes research. During 2011, the Committee was the co-organizer of the Second Postgraduate Seminar of the European Association for the Study of Diabetes (EASD) in cooperation with the Faculty of Medicine, University of Belgrade, and the Diabetes Committee of the Endocrinology Section of the Serbian Medical Society. The Seminar was held in Belgrade, 18-25 May 2011, and was attended by 365 various scientists specializing in diabetes. Within the scope of the programme, lectures were delivered by 16 international lecturers; 7 lecture sections and 8 workshops were extremely well attended and the 97 whole seminar was highly evaluated by this international association (www. easd.org). During the year, the Committee was again the co-organizer of the most important meeting of diabetologists in Serbia – the 7th Serbian Congress on Dabetes, which was held from 17 to 20 November 2011. The Congress gathered 1152 participants, thus being the hitherto most attended congress on this disease in Serbia. Under its programme there were 67 lectures on the latest aspects of basic, clinical and public health research in the field of diabetology, with the participation of 16 renowned foreign lecturers, 35 diabetologists/endocrinologists and 13 other experts from Serbia. COMMITTEE FOR ENDOCRINOLOGY AND ENVIRONMENTAL FACTORS (Academician D. Micić) In 2011, the Board for endocrinology and environmental factors of SASA organized, on the 14th of October 2011, a Meeting in the Serbian Academy of Sciences and Arts under the title: Fundamentals of pathogenesis and therapy of obesity. The meeting attracted great interest among scientists and experts. The meeting was accredited by the Health Council of the Republic of Serbia, so that the lecturers and participants obtained accreditation points. During the meeting, 23 lecturers and more than 200 participants participated actively in the course of meeting. In the attachment is the program of the meeting. 98 DEPARTMENT OF LANGUAGE AND LITERATURE ONOMASTIC COMMITTEE (Corresponding Member Aleksandar Loma) During the past year, field investigations were carried out in Levač (J. Radić), in the municipality of Foča, where toponymic data on three villages were collected (V. Avram), and in the middle part of the Lim basin, where V. Petrović and J. Pušica collected microtoponomastic material from nine villages in the municipalities of Prijepolje (8) and Nova Varoš (1) for the Committee, within the scope of cooperation under the interdisciplinary project “On the Holy Waters of the Lim“ (Na svetim vodama Lima), financed by the Ministry of Culture. Onomastic material collected from 13 villages in Radjevina (M. Petrović-Savić) and 17 villages in the Lim basin (Jovan Pušica) were submitted in digitized form. А. Loma adapted the existing “Instructions for Onomastic Research in the Field“ for electronic data entry. The planned digital base mask was not created due to the lack of funds for the development of the appropriate software under the project “Interdiciplinary Research on Serbia’s Cultural and Linguistic Heritage and the Creation of the Multimedia Web Portal Glossary of Serbian Culture“ (Interdisciplinarno istraživanje kulturnog i jezičkog nasledja Srbije i izrada multimedijalnog internet-portala Pojmovnik srpske kulture). COMMITTEE FOR THE DICTIONARY OF THE SERBOCROATIAN LITERARY LANGUAGE AND VERNACULARS (Academician Milosav Tešić) During 2011, the Committee monitored the work on the preparation of Volume XIX of the SASA Dictionary – Letter R, including the last sections with the words beginning with the letter O (from the entry ocat1 to the entry oščuro) and the first 27 sections with the words beginning with the letter P. 99 In view of the fact that almost 40 per cent of the dictionary text in all preparation phases was finished and that the remaining four manuscript redactions will be completed by the end of the year, the Committee agreed with the project leader’s opinion that it would be realistic to expect the submission of the manuscript of Volume XIX of the SASA Dictionary for publication in 2012. At the same session, the Committee supported the initiative of the Editorial Board of the SASA Dictionary for the digitization of its linguistic resources (material, library holdings, published volumes) and decided to ask the SASA Executive Board for its written approval for this project, with the support of the Department of Language and Literature (to which it will appeal separately). COMMITTEE FOR RESEARCH IN LITERARY HISTORY (Academician Predrag Palavestra) Radovan Vučković was the President of the Ivo Andrić Foundation in Belgrade and a member of the Editorial Board of “The Bibliography of Ivo Andrić 1911-2011“ (Bibliografija Ive Andrića 1911-2011). He worked on the publishing of “Complete Works of Pero Slijepčević“ (Celokupna dela Pere Slijepčevića) in which this Committee also participates. Miro Vuksanović published Selected Novels (Odabrani romani), three novels in one volume; the book of essays and notes Carved Stone (Klesan kamen) and the book of conversations Semolj of Miro Vuksanović (Semolj Miro Vuksanovića), edited by Miloš Jevtić. He prepared the Serbian Dictionary or ABC Novel by Vuk Karadžić (Srpski rječnik ili azbučni roman Vuka Karadžića). He was the leader of the project “The Bibliography of Ivo Andrić“ (Bibliografija Ive Andrića) (15,647 units, 1080 pages) and editor-in-chief of this edition. He is the editor-in-chief of the “Ten Centuries of Serbian Literature“ Series (Edicija Deset vekova srpske književnosti). The Committee supported Dušan Ivanić’s work on his book “The Genesis of Serbian Literature“ (Geneza srpske poezije) and its publishing. Staniša Tutnjević worked on the publishing of “Complete Works of Desanka Maksimović“ (Celokupna dela Desanke Maksimović) in the Desanka Maksimović Foundation, while Milan Radulović made the preparations for continuation of his work on the project “Serbian Literary Criticism“ (Srpska književna kritika) in 25 volumes by the Institute for Literature and Arts in Belgrade, through the proposal for the additional five volumes dealing with Serbian postwar literary criticism (1945-2000). Mirjana Detelić co-edited the collection The Bird Motif in Literature and Culture (Motiv ptice u književnosti i kulturi) with Dragan Bošković and Living Word (Živa reč) 100 in honour of Nada Milošević-Djordjević with Snežana Samardžija. Predrag Palaverstra published a new edition of his book of biographic essays Nekropolje, co-authored the book A Short History of the Serbian Literature and prepared The Anthology of Bogdan Popović (Antologija Bogdana Popovića) for the “Ten Centuries of Serbian Literature“ Series. COMMITTEE FOR THE ETYMOLOGICAL DICTIONARY OF THE SERBIAN LANGUAGE (Corresponding Member Aleksandar Loma) In 2011, the Committee members Academician Milka Ivić and Academician Nikša Stipčević passed away. Further work on Volume IV of the Etymological Dictionary of the Serbian Language (bl–bre) consisted of entering the material for the first parts of the entries from the SASA Dictionary and certain dialect dictionaries and word collections. A total of 33.5 author’s sheets (A. Tešić, J. Janković and Ž. Stepanović) was entered in three segments (blavor – bogat, bogatinka – borčanka, bos – bre). Further work on the one-volume etymological dictionary included the following activities: the elaboration of the methodology for preparing entries; correction of the list of words for the first edition; preparation of primary entry versions and the first redaction of entries. The youngest associates spent one week (8-13 May 2011) in Jena, Germany, for study purposes, within the scope of inter-academy cooperation between the SASA and Saxonian Academy of Sciences and Humanities in Leipzig. They also attended the Conference Schleichers Erben – 200 Jahre Forschung zum Baltischen und Slawischen (11-12 May 2011) and were acquainted with the project Deutsche Wortfeldetymologie im еuropäischen Kontext at the Friedrich Schiller University of Jena (Ž. Stepanović, A. Tešić and O. Ligorio). Bjeletić М., 2011: Results and Perspectives of Serbian Etymological Lexicography (Rezultati i perspektive srpske etimološke leksikografije), Grammar and Lexicon in Slavic Languages (Gramatika i leksika u slovenskim jezicima), Novi Sad – Belgrade, pp. 289–299. Vlajić-Popović J., 2011: Greek Loanwords in Serbian Vernaculars – in the Territory of Vojvodina (Grecizmi u srpskim narodnim govorima – na teritoriji Vojvodine), Južnoslovenski filolog, LXVII, Belgrade, pp. 197–216. Vučković, M., 2011: The Proto-Slavic Word Family *gъb‑ / *gyb‑ / *gub‑ in the Light of Prototype Theory (Praslovensko gnezdo *gъb- / *gyb- / *gub- u svetlu teorije prototipa), Proceedings of Matica Srpska for Philology and Linguistics (Zbornik Matice srpske za filologiju i lingvistiku), LIV/2, Novi Sad, pp. 15–29. 101 Loma A., 2011: Toponomastic Testimonies of the Banjska Chrysobull // King Milutin’s Charter for Banjska Monastery – St Stephen’s Chrysobull (Toponomastička svedočanstva Banjske hrisovulje // Povelja kralja Milutina manastiru Banjska — Svetostefanska hrisovulja), edited by Dj. Trifunović, Belgrade 2011, II, pp. 179–194. Vlajić-Popović J., 2011: The Bulg. бùшка ‘Swine, Sow’ Revisited. Балканско езикознаниe / Linguistique balkanique, XLIX (2010), 1-2, Sofia 2011, 105–112. Vlajić-Popović J. (contributor from Serbia), 2011: Bibliographie linguistique /Linguistic bibliography for the year 2010, „Brill“: Leiden / Boston, 523–561. Vučković M., 2010: Serbian Prison Jargon: Daravela ‘an Alarmist’. Балканско езикознание / Linguistique Balkanique, XLIX/1–2, Sofia, 129–134. Loma A., 2011: Le nom du millet et le problème de la satémisation incomplète en balto‑slave // D. Petit (éd.), Langues baltiques, langues slaves, sous la direction de Daniel Petit, Claire Le Feuvre et Henri Menantaud, Paris, 237–249. Loma A., 2011: Mahābhārata and Serbian Kosovo cycle: the Indo‑European heritage // Zmago Šmitek (ed.), Southern Slavs and India. Relations in Oral Tradition, SAMPARK, Calcuta, 58–74. Loma A., 2011: Namenkundliches zur skythischen Abstammungssage. Studia etymologica Cracoviensia, 16, Kraków, 76–92. Loma A., 2011: Proto‑Slavic *bystrъ or *brystrъ? // W Stulecie Rocznika Slawistycznego (= Polska Akademia Umiejetności, Krakowskie Studia Slawistyczne I), Kraków 2010, 197–206 [Sztreszczenie: Prasłowiański *bystrъ czy brystrъ 206] COMMITTEE ON FOLK LITERATURE (Corresponding Member Nada Milošević-Đorđević) Work continued on the digitization of the poems, tales, legends, proverbs, riddles and other material from the Ethnographic Collection, including their retyping, reading through the whole text and entering it into the database, as well as cataloguing based on the international motif and type index. The Committee also undertook to scientifically process the oldest comprehensive collection of lyrical, epic and civic songs collected along the border between the then Austria and Turkey in the early 18th century. As is known, it was published under the title The Erlangen Manuscript of Old Serbo-Croatian Folk Songs by Gerhard Gesemann and the Serbian Royal Academy in 1925. The original Erlangen Manuscript, used by Gesemann for this collection, was acquired. The problems with the graphia and reading of the characters (ѣ, ю, ѩ, ѥ, ѿ, ь), ligatures and supercharacters, taken over by Gesemann from the original manuscript, were resolved. It must be noted that the problems stemmed not only from the status of the Serbian language before Vuk’s reform, but also from the scribe’s insufficient literacy skill. The relevant activities included the 102 insertion of punctuation marks and correction of grammar and ortographic errors (writing with/without inter-word separation, capital/small letters, etc.). The development of the ErlSat application (program) in the first stage of the project enabled the insertion of both the decoded and scanned poems from Gesemann’s edition. The second stage involved the creation of a special application, ErlHome, into which the original 1021-page manuscript with CD was entered in order to compare it Gesemann’s and decoded texts. This enables the classification of songs, entry of other metadata, searching for songs by verse, etc. OLD SLAVONIC COMMITTEE (Corresponding Member Jasmina Grković-Mejdžor) During 2011, the SASA Old Slavonic Committee collected old Serbian records and inscriptions at Gračanica, Lipljan, Dečani and the Patriarchate of Peć. This work was carried out by Rade Petrović, retired painter-conservationist, Angelina Petrović, painter-conservationist, and Branislava Čukić, graphic artist. It was decided to propose to the Department of Language and Literature the publishing of the Festschrift for the 200th anniversary of Franc Miklošič’s birth in 2013. COMMITTEE FOR RESEARCH OF SERBIAN LANGUAGE REGARDING CONTEMPORARY LINGUISTIC THEORIES (Corresponding Member Jasmina Grković-Mejdžor) In the light of contemporary linguistic theories, the Committee began to work on the collection Theolinguistic Studies of Serbian and Other Slavic Languages (Teolingvistička proučavanja srpskog i drugih slovenskih jezika (Professor Dr Ksenija Končarević and Corresponding Member Jasmina Grković-Major, eds.). According to plan, this collection will be published in early 2013. COMMITTEE FOR THE COMPARISON OF THE SERBIAN LANGUAGE WITH OTHER LANGUAGES (Corresponding Member Predrag Piper) According to the 2011 work plan of the Committee for the Comparison of the Serbian Language with Other Languages, the monograph CONTRASTIVE GRAMMAR OF THE SERBIAN AND UKRAINIAN LANGUAGES: TAXIS AND EVIDENTIALITY (Kontrastivna gramatika srpskog i ukrajinskog jezika: taksis i evidencijalnost) was prepared in mid-November. Its au103 thor is Dr Ljudmila Popović, Full Professor at the Faculty of Philology, University of Belgrade. After its final editing, the manuscript will be submitted for peer review in the course of December 2011. INDIVIDUAL PROJECTS Project: LINGUISTIC SLAVISTICS AS THE OBJECT OF SCIENTIFIC CRITICISM AND HISTORIOGRAPHY (Corresponding Member Predrag Piper) During 2011, the following was published: Contributions to Research on the History of Serbian Slavistics: Biobibliographic Material (Prilozi proučavanju istorije srpske slavistike: Biobibliografska gradja), Čigoja štampa – Faculty of Philology, Belgrade 2011, 735 p. Аcademician Milka Ivić (11 December 1923 – 7 March 2011) // Južnoslovenski filolog, 67 (2011). Radovan Košutić // Serbian Biographical Dictionary (Srpski biografski rečnik), Vol. 5, Novi Sad 2011, Matica Srpska. Мilka Ivić (11 December 1923 – 7 March 2011) // Glas SANU. Department of Literature and Language, 28 (2011). INTERACADEMIC COMMITTEE FOR DIALECTOLOGICAL ATLASES (Academician Aleksandar Mladenović, Corresponding Member Aleksandar Loma) The main and only task of the Committee is the elaboration of dialectolological atlases or, more precisely, work on the Serbian Dialectological Atlas (SDA) (Srpski dijalektološki atlas, SDA) and on our sector of European Linguistic Atlas (ALE) (Evropski lingvistički atlas, ALE) and General Slavic Linguistic Atlas (OLA) (Opšteslovenski lingvistički atlas, OLA). At one time the ALE, OLA, OKDA and SDA Commissions were formed within the Committee with a view to increasing the efficiency of the work on these projects. Еuropean Linguistic Atlas At the 44th Meeting of the Editorial Board of the Atlas of European Languages, the Serbian National Commission for ALE was represented by Dr Snežana Petrović as its member. The meeting was held in Leeuwarden 104 (Netherlands), 22-26 June 2011. Working sessions were devoted to the work on the maps for Volumes IX and X of the Atlas: 159 dent (tooth), 345 marteau (hammer), 299 jars (goose), 346 clou (nail), 216 cìmetiere (cemetery), 335 berger (shepherd). At the initiative of the representative of the Croatian National Committee and with the consent of all present collaborators, the issue of delineating the research points that had previously been designated as SC (Serbo-Croatian) or YU (Yugoslavia), was considered. It remained disputable as to how to designate the research points in Montenegro and one research point in Kosovo (the other two belong to the Albanian language), as well as several research points outside the former Yugoslav borders (e.g. Clocotici in Romania). S. Petrović proposed that the national committees of the three countries voice their opinions and present their harmonized views to the ALE Editorial Board. Her proposal was accepted. General Slavic Linguistic Atlas During the period 25 September to 1 October 2011, Zvenigorod near Moscow was the venue of the regular annual meeting of the International Commission and International Working Group for OLA within the International Committee of Slavists, which was organized by the V.V. Vinogradov Russian Language Institute of the Russian Academy of Sciences. Our representatives at this meeting were S. Remetić, S. Miloradović and Dr Marta Bjeletić (etymologist). At the formal opening of the meeting of the Commission the representatives of the national commissions presented their reports. The Serbian National Commission fulfilled its obligations for 2011. During the past year, 77 questions from the section Folk Customs (Narodni običaji) (S. Miloradović and D. Petrović) were prepared for the Russian National Commission. The national indices for six maps of the Czech phonetic volume *tort/tolt – FM 1022, F 907, FPM 656, FP 713, F 932 and F 571 were reviewed. As agreed at the meeting in Bulgaria, the comments on the Slovak morphological volume (S. Miloradović) and the volume Pronouns (Zamenice) (S. Remetić), entrusted to the Macedonian National Commission, were edited. In addition, 16 literary names for the lexical volume Folk Customs were sent to the Russian National Commssion. At the meeting of the Phonetic Section, material and maps for three subsequent phonetic volumes were considered: Reflexes *tort/tolt, *tert/telt (Czech Republic), Reflexes *i, *u, *y (Slovenia) and Reflexes *а (Belarus). Twelve trial maps for the Czech volume, with the changed system of graphical symbols, were presented. It was also discussed about some issues and possible solutions related to the work on the morphological volumes Pronouns 105 (Zamenice) (Macedonian National Commission) and Nouns (Slovak National Commission). The Lexical Section worked on three lexical volumes: Степени родства (Bulgarian National Commission), Сельское хозяйство (Slovak National Commission) and Народная техника, транспорт и пути сообщения (Ukrainian National Commission), so that the relevant consultations were held with the members of the national commissions. The Serbian Commission was assigned the task of submitting the list of questions for work on the volume Пастушество и горное овцеводство to all national commissions until the next session (Brno 2012). The legends for the maps of the Bulgarian volume Степени родства were analyzed within the Morphonological Subcommission. Serbian Dialectological Dictionary In 2011, the work was focused on the First Lexical Volume of the Atlas. During the year, the Instruction for the Elaboration of the First Lexical Volume of the Serbian Dialectological Atlas (Srpski dijalektološki atlas) was supplemented on the basis of experience in working on linguistic maps. Past experience points to a significant reduction in the inventory of questions whose contents will be cartographed, thus increasing the corpus of the “noncartographed material“ section. 106 DEPARTMENT OF SOCIAL SCIENCES COMMITTEE ON THE SOURCES OF SERBIAN LAW In 2011, under the project “Serbian Medieval Law“ (Srpsko srednjovekovno pravo), led by Corresponding Member Kosta Čavoški, work continued on the preparation of twelve manuscripts of the more recent redaction of Dušan’s Code (Dušanov zakonik) for publishing in Volume IV of the Collection of Manuscripts of Emperor Stefan Dušan’s Code (Zbornik rukopisa Zakonika cara Stefana Dušana). Academician Miloš Blagojević, a member of the Committee, was writing the introductory historical essay for Volume IV of the Collection. Professor Dr Gordana Jovanović decoded and transcribed the Paštrovići (Reževići, Zagreb) and Grbalj Manuscripts of Dušan’s Code. Radmila Kovačević finished decoding the Bogišić and Jagić Manuscripts from the 19th century. Viktor Savić, MA, finished decoding the very specific Karlovac Manuscript. Within the scope of cooperation with the Croatian Academy of Sciences and Arts (CASA), Branislav Tomić and Viktor Savić stayed in Zagreb from 3 to 6 April 2011. At the CASA Archives the Studenica and Paštrović Manuscripts containing Dušan’s Code were scanned. On this occasion, a partial description of these manuscripts was also made. Branislav Tomić and Viktor Savić stayed in Cavtat from 20 to 22 June 2011. At the Baltazar Bogišić Archives, they scanned the Grbalj Code and Bogišić (Coastal, Dalmatian) Manuscript. During 2011, Ljubica Kovačević prepared the descriptions of seven manuscripts of Emperor Dušan’s Code: the Patriarchal, Bordjoš, Popinac, Tekelija, Stratimirović, Kovilj and Vršac Manuscripts. The work on the descriptions of the Jagić, Bogišić, Grbalj, Paštrovići and Karlovac Manuscripts is underway. As agreed with Academician Blagojević, Dr Biljana Marković worked on the extraction of the text of the Justinian Code from Dušan’s Code for the essay that will be published in Volume IV of the Collection of Manuscripts. 107 Dušan I. Sindik continued to work on the book entitled Short Church Law Documents of Dušan’s Rule (Kratki crkveno-pravni spisi Dušanove vladavine). Professor Dr Tatjana Subotin continued to translate Syntagm of Matija Vlastar (Sintagma Matije Vlastara) from Old Slavonic, based on the text published by Stojan Novaković at the beginning of the 20th century. In 2011, under the project “Two Centuries of Serbia’s Constitutionality“ (Dva veka srpske ustavnosti), the monograph St Vitus Day Constitution (Vidovdanski ustav) by Academician Aleksandar Fira was published. COMMITTEE ON PHILOSOPHY AND SOCIAL THEORY This project is led by the President of the Committee, Corresponding Member Aleksandar Kostić. He finished editing the proceedings dedicated to Vladimir Jovanović, which were initiated by the late Academician Mihailo Marković. The papers presented at the scientific meeting were published in the proceedings entitled Social and Political Thought, and Work of Vladimir Jovanović (Društvena i politička misao i delatnost Vladimira Jovanovića). COMMITTEE FOR THE STUDY OF POPULATION (Corresponding Member Časlav Ocić) In 2011, there was also a debate about the issues relating to the latest population census. Material for the Serbian demographic bibliography covering the period 1945-2011 was supplemented and peer reviews were written; it will be accessible on the SASA website. It was also included in the 2011. Demographic bibliography was prepared for publication within the programme of events marking the 170th anniversary of the Serbian Academy of Sciences and Arts. COMMITTEE ON ECONOMIC SCIENCE (Corresponding Member Časlav Ocić) In 2011, special attention was devoted to the realization of the proposals advanced during the round table discussion on THE ORIGINS AND OUTCOMES OF CRISES (POREKLO I ISHODI KRIZA), which was held on 20 April. The round table was dedicated to the global economic crisis and its impact on the Serbian economy. On 29 April, at the Committee on Economic Science, Professor Dr Miroslav N. Jovanović, University of Geneva, European Institute, lectured on THE STRENGTHENING OF RUSSIAN-GERMAN COOPERATION AND CHANGE IN THE BALANCE OF POWER IN EUROPE (Jačanje ruskonemačke saradnje i promena snaga u Evropi). 108 COMMISSION FOR THE STUDY OF LIFE AND CUSTOMS OF THE ROMA (Academician Aleksandar Fira) During the past year, the Commission focused its attention on the following: (1) its past year’s activities mostly involved the preparation of the Proceedings of the International Conference on Changes in Roma Identity, Culture and Language Under Conditions of Planned Socio-Economic Integration (Promene identiteta, kulture i jezika Roma u uslovima planske socijalnoekonomske integracije) for publication. The Conference was held from 6 to 8 December 2010. It was the fourth international conference after twelve years which was organized by the SASA Commission in an attempt to perceive the scientific investigations of various aspects of the life, customs and status of Roma people. It was organized in cooperation with the Austrian Science and Research Liasion and the Women’s Studies from Novi Sad. According to plan, the Proceedings will be published in 2012; (2) it was continued to monitor the policies and strategies relating to Roma integration in the region and to collect data on various aspects of their status and life. It was also worked on the creation of the database on the culture and status of Roma. COMMITTEE FOR THE PREPARATION OF SCIENTIFIC CONFERENCE “PHILOSOPHY BETWEEN THE EAST AND THE WEST” (Academician Mihailo Đurić) Academician Mihailo Djurić, the President of the Committee, was the nominal leader of the research project “Philosophy Between East and West“ (Filozofija izmedju Istoka i Zapada), but his health problems, which already started in the first half of the year, precluded any activity on his part. He passed away on 25 November 2011. Corresponding Member Danilo Basta and Professor Dr. Časlav Koprivica carried out their assignments at the Committee. Danilo Basta published the book The Strength and Weakness of Philosophy – From the Initial and Subsequent Philosophical Paths (Moć i nemoć filozofije – Sa početnih i potonjih filozofskih staza) (Faculty of Law, University of Belgrade – Dosije studio, 2011, 307 p.). He finished his comprehensive work on Heidegger’s philosophical correspondence, which will be published in the first half of 2012. Professor Dr. Časlav Koprivica gave a list of his project-related works in 2011: (1) The Future of Fear and Hope. A Philosophical Essay on the Coming Times (Budućnost straha i nade. Jedan filosofski ogled o dolazećem vremenu), Banja Luka 2011, 109 p. (monograph); (2) “The Identity and Otherness of Europe“ (Identitet i drugost Evrope), Sociološki pregled 3, 2011, pp. 109 295–322; (3) “Criticism of Culture and Humanism in Philosophical Ravines by Justin Popović“ (Kritika kulture i humanizma u Filosofskim urvinama Justina Popovića), in: Irina Deretić (ed.), The History of Serbian Philosophy I (Istorija srpske filozofije I), Belgrade 2011, pp. 301-340; (4) “World and Tradition. Is a World Without Tradition (Im)possible? – The Situation in Europe and Serbia“ (Svijet i tradicija. Koliko je (ne)moguće svijet svijet bez tradicije? – Evropska i srpska situacija), in: Slobodan Rogić (ed.), Into the World with Tradition (S tradicijom u svet), Bajina Bašta 2011, pp. 129–166. INTERDEPARTMENTAL COMMITTEE FOR STUDYING MINORITIES AND HUMAN RIGHTS (Academician Vojislav Stanovčić) The Interdepartmental Committee for Studying National Minorities and Human Rights, which carries out the project The Position of the Serbian Minority in the Neighbouring and Other Countries in the Region, and on the Minorities in Serbia (Položaj srpske manjine u susednim i drugim zemljama u regionu i o manjinama u Srbiji) collected significant data on Serbs in the neighbouring countries and national minorities in Serbia and filed them in electronic form. During 2011, the Committee continued its cooperation with the Ethnographic Institute and Institute for Balkan Studies. This year it established cooperation with the Serbian Institute of Hungary, which was founded in 2009 and already established cooperation with the SASA Ethnographic Institute in 2010. They organized the scientific meeting entitled “Ethnological Investigations of Serbs in Hungary: The Status and Perspectives“ (Etnološka istraživanja Srba u Madjarskoj: stanje i perspektive). Under the project “Serbian Cemeteries, Churches and Tombstone Inscriptions in the Neighbouring Countries (Srpska groblja, crkve i nadgrobni belezi u susednim zemljama), a team from the National Museum in Užice spent several years studying the Serbian cemeteries, churches and tombstone inscriptions in Romania. The project envisages that the research team investigates the Serbian cemeteries in Romania, Hungary, Italy in Albania where the Serbs live or once lived. The Interdepartmental Committee was also involved in the investigations and preparation of the monograph The Szentendre Cathedral Cemetery – Its Past and Inscriptions (Saborno groblje u Sentandreji – prošlost i natpisi) for publication. The monograph deals with the Serbian cemeteries and tombstones in Szentendre, which have already been investigated by Professor Dimitrije E. Stefanović, a Committee member, with a group of his associates. During the year, the Intergovernmental Committee also cooperated with the Office of the Protector of Citizens, especially in connection with the use of the official language and script. 110 Academician Tibor Varady, a member of the Interdepartmental Committee and the President of the Commission for the Study of Life and Customs of Roma, wrote a short article entitled “Restitution of Hatred, or Restitution of Mutual Understanding“ for Hungarian Review, November 2011, pp. 20–27. Academician Stanovčić, President of the Committee, made a study visit to the Russian Academy of Sciences, 10-20 September. He talked with Academician Valery Tishkov, Director of the RAS Institute of Ethnology and Anthropology, and Dr Marina Martinova, Deputy Director of the RAS Institute, about cooperation in “Research on the Status of National Minorities“ (Izučavanje položaja nacionalnih manjina) and the extension of cooperation and conclusion of a new Protocol, since the previous one was effective until the end of 2011. At the invitation of the Chinese Academy of Social Sciences and with the consent of the SASA, Stanovčić wrote the paper on “Problems of Balkan Countries’ Transition and Prospects of Further Enlargement of EU“ for the Forum on “China and Central and Eastern Europe“ (21-23 September) in accordance with the organizer’s requirements and participated in its work. 111 DEPARTMENT OF HISTORICAL SCIENCES COMMITTEE ON ARCHAEOLOGY (Academician Nikola Tasić) Project: FONTES ARCHEOLOGIAE SERBIAE – ARCHAEOLOGICAL SUBJECT MATERIAL OF SERBIA (Academician Nikola Tasić) The work continued on sorting out the collected material, primarily numerous Bronze Age hoards that were partially processed and prepared for the next volume of Fontes. Parallel to his work on hoards, P. Medović continued to sort out material, including specifically the registration of hummocks in central and southern Banat. N. Tasić published a portion of the data on these hummocks in “Annals of the SASA Branch in Novi Sad“ (Anali Ogranka SANU u Novom Sadu). During the year, P. Medović also worked on a comparative analysis of Bronze and Iron Age pottery from the Gradina archaeological site on the Bosut. During the past year, the settlement strata dating from the Early Iron Age at Gradina on the Bosut near Šid were explored. Insofar as Early Iron Age settlements are concerned, this one represents a unique phenomenon in Europe. The development of material culture and specific development-related phenomena in the Danube and Morava regions in Serbia are followed from the Early Iron Age until the end of this period. The settlement strata being over 3.5 metres provide enough opportunities to follow that development and the influence of contemporary cultures on the development of this final stage of prehistory in south-eastern Europe. Ten or so settlement horizons dating from the early 9th to the 2nd century BC were discovered. Seventy or so dwellings point to the urbanization of this settlement with dwellings arranged in rows. The dwellings were equipped with a very clear household inventory, so that it was possible to determine what immovable objects and related equip112 ment had existed, and get the picture of the average household dealing primarily in farming and livestock raising, in addition to hunting and fishing. At the end of the research, it was possible to derive the conclusion on the beginning, development and duration of material and spiritual culture in Early Iron Age settlements belonging to the Bosut group, which was presented in monograph form. Project: NEOLITHIC AND ENEOLITHIC CULTURES AND COPPER FINDINGS IN EAST SERBIA (Academician Borislav Jovanović) In 2011, the investigations under this project were continued and two papers were presented at domestic and international scientific meetings. A system of exploitation of the carbonate ores in the early eneolithic of the Central Balkans, VI/V Millenium B.C. Integrated International Symposium (ISTI, ORRE, IRSE), M. Grujić ed., Zlatibor 2011, Serbia, Vol. 1-2, p. 5-9. Ceramic Bowls of Type Bratislava on Masinske Njive Site in the Kolubara Mining Basin. The Transition from the Nelithic to the Eneolithic in Central and South-East Europe in the light of recent research, Museum of Banat, Timişoara, November 2011. Project: ROMAN LIMES MOESIA SUPERIOR AND PANNONIA INFERIOR (Academician Slobodan Dušanić) During 2011 S. Dušanić and his collaborators continued the preparation of vol. III-1 of IMS as well as the research on a related epigraphical monuments. The collaboration (for Moesia Superior and neighbouring provinces) with the editors of Annee epigraphique was continued. Project: FELIX ROMULIANA – GAMZIGRAD (Academician Slobodan Dušanić) 1. During the July/August 2011 campaign, archaeological investigations were carried out in the interior of the eastern gate of the earlier fortification (between towers I and II that flank the gate and the portico of the earlier fortification) and the area inside the gate of the later fortification. These excavations, which were partially revisional (in 1987 and 1989, the area in front of the threshold of the gate of the earlier fortification and that in front of the threshold of the gate of the later fortification were investigated by probing), discovered one part of the water and sewage ducts communicating with the 113 main entrance to both fortifications, as well as the stone pavement inside and outside the gate of the later fortification. 2. Within the scope of cooperation with RGK DAI (Römisch-Germanische Kommission des Deutschen Archäologischen Instituts in Frankfurt), it was continued probing the large structure located alongside the northern rampart of the later Romuliana fortification, whose existence was ascertained by geophysical prospecting in 2009. 3. Archaeological supervision over the work carried out in order to clear the area outside the entrance to tower 15 (the hexadecagon-shaped corner tower located on the south-western part of the later fortification rampart) within the later fortification rampart. 4. In July, the workshop for conservation of stone sculpture (cleaning and consolidation) was realized in cooperation with the colleagues from the Central Institute for Conservation in Rome and the Central Institute for Conservation in Belgrade. 5. Preparatory work for the realization of the five-year project involving the creation of the database on Romuliana stone sculpture (project realization is planned for the period 2012-2016) was completed: the collection of decorative wall and floor tiles made of precious stone (white and coloured marble, red and green porphyries) and one part of architectural decorative elements located in the square-shaped tower of the earlier fortification, were examined, cleaned and photographed; the model of pattern for stone decoration data entry was developed. Project: ANCIENT INSCRIPTIONS OF MACEDONIA (Academician Slobodan Dušanić) The work on Ancient Inscriptions of Macedonia was still within limits of historical research in 2011. Fine results have been accomplished by Assistant Professors Žarko Petković (The Bellum Dardanicum of Scribonius Curio) and Mirko Obradović (Why Perseus? The Name of the Last Macedonian King and Its Historical Sgnificance). Project: METALLURGY IN THE PREHISTORIC AND ANTIQUE PERIOD (Academician Borislav Jovanović) The new results concerning the relative and absolute chronology of primary copper metallurgy, which were obtained by the hitherto investigations at the archaeometallurgical sites in western and eastern Serbia, were published. 114 COMMITTEE ON THE HISTORY OF ART (Academician Gojko Subotić) After the death of Academician Vojislav Korać, the Department of Historical Sciences concluded that it was necessary to enlarge the Committee on the History of Art and entrust Academician Gojko Subotić with leadership. At the meeting held on 25 November 2011, various action possibilities were considered, especially within the scope of a broader action that was initiated by the Academy of Athens led by Academician Manolis Hadjidakis and continued by the Centre led by Academician Panayotis Vokotopoulos. It envisages that the south-eastern European countries collect and process Byzantine artistic heritage in a systematic and comprehensive way. Bearing in mind the present circumstances, the Committee members agreed that the most urgent task was to collect and process materials from the region of Kosovo and Metohija. In this context, as in previous year, the Committee provided its support to the work organized at the Serbian Academy of Sciences with a group of young people under the direct guidance of Dr. D. Vojvodić, Assistant Professor. They copy and file the documents kept at various places, in museums, heritage protection institutions and collections, or being in the private possession of experts who dealt with Kosovo and Metohija heritage. Bearing in mind the current condition of cultural monuments, it was decided not to hesitate to publish the graphically prepared material using the possibilities of digital scanning or, in other words, not to set a strict publishing schedule if it cannot be observed. Therefore, it seems appropriate to give priority to the wall painting of the Church of the Holy Saviour in Prizren. CHILANDAR COMMITTEE (Corresponding Member Mirjana Živojinović) Project: PAINTED ORNAMENTS OF CYRILLIC MANUSCRIPTS IN THE LIBRARY OF CHILANDAR MONASTERY (Dr. Zoran Rakić) During the year, the miniatures in 15 manuscripts from the library of Chilandar Monastery were described in detail and photographed: Tetraevangelia (Cod. 40, 44 and 45), Apostoles (Cod. 103, 106, 107 and 758/I), Leitourgia (Cod. 326, 327 and 330), Psalters (Cod. 124 and 154), Theotokarion (Cod. 164), Miscellaneous (Cod. 500) and the Service to SS Sergios and Bakchos (Cod. 325). The descriptions were included in the catalogue section of the book by Zoran Rakić 16th and 17th Century Serbian Miniature (Srpska minijatura XVI i XVII veka) (published by the Theological Research Institute of the Fac115 ulty of Orthodox Theology, Faculty of Philosophy in Belgrade and Chilandar Monastery), whose printing is nearing completion. In the discussion section of the synthesis, the iconographic and stylistic characteristics of the miniatures in the mentioned manuscripts were analyzed and comprehensive comparative material from the manuscrupts produced at Athonite and Balkan transcription centres. Project: THE GREEK ACTS OF THE HILANDAR MONASTERY (Corresponding Member Mirjana Živojinović) M. Živojinović worked on the revision of the Actes de Chilandar II manuscript with her associate Olivier Delouis (le Centre de Recherches d’Histoire et Civilisation Byzance du Collège de France). It is planned to publish the second volume of the Greek Acts of Chilandar Monastery, while the introductory essay for the third volume is under preparation. Project: TRAVEL BOOKS ON MOUNT ATHOS (Prof. Dr. Aleksandar Fotić) Vera Pavlović translated (a) the part of Robert Curzon’s travel book Visits to Monasteries in the Levant (Lo-Ny 1849 /London 1916, 1955/ pp. 281368) depicting the Athonite monasteries and (b) narrations by the Chilandar monks Isaiah and Paisius from B. De Khitrowo’s Itinéraires russes en Orient (Geneva, 1889). A certain number of collected travel books will be translated and accompanied by comments. Milka Čanak-Medić: Some Issues on the Development of the Chilandar Catholicon, The Holy Mountain – Thoughts and Studies VII (Neka pitanja razvoja hilandarskog katolikona, Sedma kazivanja o Svetoj Gori), Belgrade 2011, pp. 157–182. Gojko Subotić: Thoughts on the Past Years (U mislima na protekle godine), The Holy Mountain – Thoughts and Studies VII (Sedma kazivanja o Svetoj Gori), Belgrade 2011, pp. 269–272. Zoran Rakić, 18th Century Wall Painting at Chilandar (Zidno slikarstvo XVIII veka u Hilandaru), Danica, XVIII, Belgrade 2011, pp. 386–400. Mirjana Živojinović: Mount Athos in the Light of Grand Čelnik Radič’s Charters to the Monasteries of Kastamonitou and Vatopedi (Sveta Gora u svetlosti akata velikog čelnika Radiča manastirima Kastamonitu i Vatopedi), Proceedings The Fall of the Serbian Despotate (Pad Srpske despotovine), SASA Scientific Meetings (Naučni skupovi SANU), Vol. CXXXIV. Department of Historical Sciences, Vol. 32. Mirjana Živojinović: Mount Athos – The Emergence of Coenobitic Monasticism and the Beginnings of Skete Monasticism (Aton – Pojava opštežića i počeci 116 osobenožića), The Holy Mountain – Thoughts and Studies VII (Sedma kazivanja o svetoj Gori), Belgrade 2011, pp. 31–52. Mirjana Živojinović: Eλεημοσύνη – The Byzantine Emperor’s Clemency (Ελεημοσύνη – milost vizantijskog cara). Collection On the Trail of Vojislav J. Djurić (Zbornik radova Na tragovima Vojislava J. Djurića), Belgrade 2011, pp. 69– 79. Mirjana Živojinović, Roga and Other Cash Donations of the Protaton to the Athonite Monasteries (Roga i druga novčana davanja protata atonskim manastirima). Homage to Academician Sima Ćirković (Spomenica akademiku Simi Ćirkoviću), Belgrade 2011, pp. 29-38. Aleksandar Fotić: Ottoman Maritime Cartography and Mount Athos (16th – 17th Centuries) (Osmanska pomorska kartografija i Sveta gora /XVI-XVIII vek/). The Holy Mountain – Thoughts and Studies VII (Sedma kazivanja o Svetoj Gori), Belgrade 2011, pp. 101–132. Djordje Bubalo: When Did Grand Zhupan Stefan Nemanjić Issue His Charter to Chilandar Monastery? (Kada je veliki župan Stefan Nemanjić izdao povelju manastiru Hilandaru?), Old Serbian Archives (Stari srpski arhiv) 9 (2010), pp. 233-241. Djordje Bubalo: Chilandar and the Ston Tribute in the 19th Century (Hilandar i Stonski dohodak u XIX veku), Chilandar Proceedings (Hilandarski zbornik) 13 (2011), pp. 83-103. SZENTENDRE COMMITTEE (Academician Dinko Davidov) The curator of the Museum of the Serbian Orthodox Diocese of Buda, Szentendre, prepared the Exhibition of Icons from the Mohacs Protopresbytery at the Matica Srpska Gallery and the exhibition catalogue. Dr. Dimitrije Stefanović submitted his monograph “The Szentendre Cathedral Cemetery“ (Sentandrejsko Saborno groblje) for printing. Аcademician Dinko Davidov continued his archival research at the SASA Archives in Sremski Karlovci. Publications in 2011: Dinko Davidov, Szentendre – Serbian Historical Heritage (Sentandreja srpske povesnice). COMMITTEE ON THE HISTORY OF THE SERBS IN CROATIA (Academician Vasilije Krestić) At the end of August, Proceedings on Serbs in Croatia (Zbornik o Srbima u Hrvatskoj) No. 8 were published. By the end of the year, the papers for Proceedings No. 9 were collected and submitted to peer reviewers for their opinion and evaluation. It is planned to publish Proceedings on Serbs in Croatia No. 9 in 2012. 117 COMMITTEE FOR THE COMPILATION AND PUBLICATION OF THE MATERIAL ON THE FOREIGN POLICY OF THE KINGDOM OF SERBIA 1903-1914 (Academician Vasilije Krestić) During 2011, the following books were published: Volume III/2, in two parts (June-October 1908), prepared by Corresponding Member Mihailo Vojvodić and Dr. Ljiljana Aleksić-Pejković, Scientific Advisor (Ret.) at the Historical Institute, and Supplement 4 (Serbian Defence Organization in Turkey, 1908) (Dodatak 4 / Organizacija Srpska odbrana u Turskoj, 1908), prepared by Dr. Ljiljana Aleksić-Pejković. Volume IV/1, in two parts (January-June 1910), is being printed. It was prepared by Dr. Ljiljana Aleksić-Pejković, Scientific Advisor, and MASA Academician, Dr. Kliment Džambazovski. Volume III/3, in two parts (October-December 1908 and January-March 1909), and Volume IV/2, in two parts (July-December 1910), have been prepared and await printing. COMMITTEE ON THE HISTORY OF THE SERBS IN XIX CENTURY (Academician Čedomir Popov) In 2011, as in previous year, the entire work of the Committee was focused on the preparation of The Diary (Dnevnik) of Milan Dj. Milićević, a renowned Serbian scholar, cultural figure and the President of the Serbian Royal Academy, for publication. Due to the voluminousness of this extremely important work for the history of Serbia in the second half of the 19th century, it will be published in four volumes. The first volume, prepared by Dr. Petar Krestić, Scientific Advisor, was just published. In 2011, the second volume was prepared by Dr. P. Krestić and Dr. Aleksandar Rastović, Assistant Professor. VARDAR COMMITTEE (Academician Vladimir Stojančević) 1.This year, the eighth issue of Vardar Proceedings (Vardarski zbornik) was published. The 358-page Proceedings contain 13 papers by 13 associates + 2. 2.Vardar Proceedings No. 9 were presented at the meeting of the SASA Department of Historical Sciences held on 30 November 2011. The 318-page Proceedings contain 14 papers. 118 INTERDEPARTMENTAL COMMITTEE FOR KOSOVO AND METOHIJA (Corresponding Member Mihailo Vojvodić) The Committee members devoted most of their time to the preparations for marking the 100th anniversary of the First Balkan War. The scientific meeting will be organized by the SASA and coordinated by Matica Srpska and the Academy of Sciences and Arts of the Republic of Srpska (ASARS). It will be held at the SASA from 18 to 20 October 2012. The Committee members advanced this proposal and then discussed the possible topics and participants. Some experts conducted field research in Kosovo and Metohija on behalf of the Committee (e.g. Radomir Petrović copied the records and inscriptions scratched on the walls of the monasteries of Gračanica, Dečani, etc.; Rada Stijović carried out dialectological investigations in the territory of Kosvoska Mitrovica). The Committee also prepared Milan Ivanović’s book The Destruction of Serbian Church Monuments in Kosovo and Metohija (1998-2004) (Stradanje srpskih crkvenih spomenika na Kosovu i Metohiji /1998-2004/) for publication. The fourth issue of Kosovo and Metohija Proceedings (Kosovskometohijski zbornik) was prepared for publication, while some papers were also collected for Proceedings No. 5, which will be printed next year. At the proposal of the SASA Institute for Balkan Studies, the Committee was the co-publisher of the book The Dečani Desert. The Sketae and Kellia of the Monastery of Dečani (Dečanska pustinja. Skitovi i kelije manastira Dečani), which was published this year. COMMITTEE ON THE HISTORY OF BOSNIA AND HERZEGOVINA (Academician Milorad Ekmečić) In 2011, the Committee continued its work. The Committee members continued to work on individual topics. The seventh issue of the Proceedings for the History of Bosnia and Herzegovina (Zbornik za istoriju BiH) was prepared and submitted for publication. COMMITTEE ON THE HISTORY OF THE 20TH CENTURY (Corresponding Member Dragoljub Živojinović) The main topic of the discussion among the Committee members was the preparation and holding of the scientific meeting dedicated to the 100th anniversary of the First World War 1914-2014. Numerous issues discussed on this occasion included the number of participants, invitations to organizations and individuals, topics that deserve attention and the like. 119 Group of Projects: BALCANOLOGICAL THEMES (Academician Nikola Tasić) The work under the projects “Balkanological Themes“ (Balkanološke teme) was carried out within a number of thematic entities and subprojects: Society, Spiritual and Material Culture, and Communications in the Prehistory and Early History of the Balkans (Društvo, duhovno-materijalna kultura i komunikacije u praistoriji i ranoj istoriji Balkana); Medieval Heritage of the Balkans: Institutions and Culture (Srednjovekovno nasledje Balkana: institucije i kultura); History of Political Ideas and Institutions in the Balkans in the 19th and 20th Centuries (Istorija političkih ideja i institucija na Balkanu u 19. i 20. veku); Language, Folklore and Migrations in the Balkans (Jezik, folklor i migracije na Balkanu). Apart from the publication of scientific results in the form of monographs and professional papers, intensive international cooperation with the countries in the region was also promoted. This especially refers to cooperation with the Centre for Neo-Hellenic Studies in Athens, Greece; Institute for Balkan Studies of the Bulgarian Academy of Sciences in Sofia, and Institute for Social Research of the Romanian Academy in Timisoara. Group of Projects: BYZANTINE THEMES (Academician Ljubomir Maksimović) Collaborators: - G. Subotić, M. Živojinović, B. Krsmanović, S. Bojanin, S. Pirivatrić, D. Dželebdžić, B. Miljković, P. Komatina, M. Drašković, M. Cvetković, B. Pavlović, M. Živković, J. Šaranac. The project is connected to the project of the Institute for ByzantineStudies of SASA – Tradition, Innovation and Identity in the Byzantine World. The project contains studies concerning various aspects of changes of the Empire during both the middle byzantine period and the times connected to the consequences of the 4th Crusade. Some other research tasks are also included, among them six PhD dissertations. Maksimović Lj., 2011: La Serbie : pouvoir et organisation sociale, Le Monde Byzantin, III, L’Empire grec et ses voisins (XIIIe - XVe siècle), Nouvelle Clio, Paris, 323-342. Živojinović M., 2011: ����������� Οι μοναχοί ���� της ������ Μονής ��������������� Χελανδαριου σε ����������� ρόλο διπλομάτων μεταξύ της σερβικής αυλής και του Βυζαντίου, Χαριστήριος τόμος στον Ι. Ταρνανίδη, Thessaloniki, 307-334. 120 Krsmanović B., 2011: Mount Athos and Political Thought in the Slavic World, Proceedings of the 22nd International Congress of Byzantine Studies, Sofia 22-27 August 2011, Vol I: Plenary Papers, Sofia, 145-166. Pirivatrić S., 2011: Manuel I Komnenos, “carski san” and “samodržci oblasti srpskog prestola”, Zbornik radova Vizantološkog instituta 48, 89-117. Komatina P., 2011: Traduction des titres de souverains et de chefs étrangers dans le monde byzantinau Xe siècle – la forme et l’essence, Remanier, métaphraser – fonctions et techniques de la réécriture dans le monde byzantin, Belgrade, 131-148. Individual Project: MATERIAL FOR THE HISTORY OF THE SERBS IN CROATIA AND SLAVONIA (Academician Vasilije Krestić) In 2011, Vasilije Krestić published the book The Historian in Times of Crucial and Fateful Moments (Istoričar u vremenu prelomnih i sudbinskih trenutaka). The publisher of this 489-page book is Prometej from Novi Sad. He also published the article Controversial Issues of Serbs and Croats as the Causes of Genocide (Sporna pitanja Srba i Hrvata kao uzroci genocida) (Dveri srpske, XIII/47-50, pp. 4–9). Viktor Novak (1889-1977), Viktor Novak, Magnum Crimen. Half a Century of Clericalism in Croatia, Vol. I, Gambit, Jagodina, pp. VII–X. In the proceedings of the scientific meeting on Croats in Bosnia and Herzegovina Today (Hrvati u BiH danas), which was held in Banja Luka, 4-6 March 2011, he published the paper “Croatian Aspirations Towards Bosnia and Herzegovina“ (Hrvatske pretenzije na Bosnu i Hercegovinu), pp. 121–152. Individual Project: THE PRINCIPALITY OF SERBIA AND SERBS IN HUNGARY 1860-1880 (Academician Čedomir Popov) In 2011, the first year of the work on this project, bibliography was collected, historical sources were recorded and about 100 pages of the material for introductory sections and some chapters of the study that will be elaborated over the next 3-4 years, were copied. Individual Project: CULTURE AND ART OF BRONZE AND IRON AGE OF SERBIAN DANUBE BASIN (Academician Nikola Tasić) Under the project Bronze and Iron Age Culture and Art of the Serbian Danube Basin (Kultura i umetnost bronzanog i gvozdenog doba srpskog Podunavlja) broader cooperation was established with the colleagues from 121 Vojvodina, Romania and Bulgaria. With Romanian and Bulgarian guests who visited the Institute for Balkan Studies it was discussed to conduct joint research on Bronze and Iron Age culture. It was also agreed on the participation of the three countries’ representatives in explorations, as is the case with Vinča, and the study of archaeological artifacts from the Djerdap region. As a result of this cooperation it is anticipated to publish joint publications. On a number of occasions, the Institute for Balkan Studies played host to domestic prehistoric archaeologists, who were acquainted with material from the Djerdap region and the latest results of investigations at Vinča. Further work on this project includes the joint investigations of Romanian and Serbian Banat, on one side, and the investigations of the archaeological finds in the DJerdap region and Bulgarian Danube basin, on the other. Individual Project: ANCIENT SOCIETY AND STATE (Academician Slobodan Dušanić) In 2011, like previous years, S. Dušanić’s research was focused on two subjects: Greek history of the fourth century B.C. and the structural history of the Roman Empire. He has published a book on “Plato’s Dialogues and Athenian Politics”, Belgrade 2011, pp. 1-588. He has become a referee for the journal Athenaeum, Pavia. Individual Project: MONASTERY OF ST JOHN THE FORERUNNER IN JAŠUNJA (Academician Gojko Subotić) The material for the monograph dealing with the history, architecture and interior and exterior wall paintings of the Church of St John the Forerunner at Jašunja, was prepared and processed. Gojko Subotić mostly completed his texts. It is now expected to receive the material contributed by the Japanese colleagues, including Professor Suzuki, who will arrive in March 2012. It is anticipated that the book will be published in Serbian and Japanese. Individual Project: EUROPE AND SERBIA IN THE MIDDLE AGES (Academician Jovanka Kalić) The study of the history of Old Raška, the central region of the medieval Serbian state, was continued. Several thematic entities were singled out: society and cultural monuments, Byzantine heritage and Western influences, economy and settlements. The processing of comprehensive material is underway. Field investigations were significantly limited due to the lack of funds. Research on Serbian-Hungarian relations in the Middle Ages was also continued. 122 Individual Project: SERBS IN HUNGARY – CULTURAL PAST (Academician Dinko Davidov) In 2011, within the scope his multi-year research in Szentendre, Academician Davidov published the monograph Szentendre – Serbian Historical Heritage (Sentandreja srpske povesnice) (SASA, Prometej, Novi Sad). He spent six days at the SASA Archives in Sremski Karlovci studying 18th century material. Dr Dimitrije Stefanović (with his associates) finished additional research and prepared the book “The Szentendre Cathedral Cemetery“ (Sentandrejsko saborno groblje) for publication (the peer reviewer was Academician Dinko Davidov). Curator Kosta Vuković staged the exhibition of icons from the Museum of the Serbian Orthodox Diocese of Buda at the Matica Srpska Gallery. Individual Project: TERRITORY AND SOCIETY OF MEDIEVAL SERBIA (Academician Miloš Blagojević) During 2011, he conducted necessary research in order to finish writing and prepare one book, three papers, and a number of contributions for the Serbian Encyclopedia for publication. Serbian Statehood in the Middle Ages (Srpska državnost u srednjem veku), Srpska književna zadruga, Series 103, Belgrade 2011, 428 p. + 9 p. of historical maps. On the Surrender of Belgrade to King Zsigmond in 1427 (O predaji Beograda kralju Žigmundu 1427. godine), Proceedings of Matica Srpska for History (Zbornik Matice srpske za istoriju), 82 (2010), 7–22 (published in 2011). Despot Djuradj Branković and Serbian Statehood, The Fall of the Serbian Despotate (Despot Djuradj Branković i srpska državnost, Pad srpske despotovine), SASA Scientific Meetings (Naučni skupovi SANU), Vol. CXXXIV, Department of Historical Sciences, Vol. 32, Belgrade 2011, 33–55. Individual Project: HISTORY OF CIVILIZATION IN SERBIA IN THE FIRST HALF OF THE 19th CENTURY (Academician Vladimir Stojančević) The work on the final redaction of the manuscript, which should be submitted by the end of the year. It will be necessary to provide funds for the preparation of 2-3 historical maps. From the Serbian Historical Past (1804-1918) (Iz srpske istorijske prošlosti /1804-1918/), Vol. 8, Pirot 2011, 215 p. From the Serbian Historical Past (1804-1918) (Iz srpske istorijske prošlosti /1804-1918/), Vol. 9, Pirot 2011, 209 p. 123 Individual Project: SREBRENICA IN THE MIDDLE AGES (Academician Desanka Kovačević-Kojić) With the publishing of the monograph bearing the same title, the work on individual project, whose research topic had been changed, was completed. Аcademician Desanka Kovačević-Kojić plans to continue transcribing and studying the content of The Memo of the Account Books of the Kabužić Brothers (Podsetnik trgovačkih knjiga braće Kabužić), preserved at the Dubrovnik Archives and hitherto unpublished. Individual Project: SERBIA AND ITALIAN STATES IN THE LATE MIDDLE AGES (Academician Momčilo Spremić) During 2011, he studied political and economic relations between Serbia and the Italian states in the 14th and 15th centuries. The rulers of the Italian states showed a keen interest in the Balkan countries due to an increasing Ottoman threat. This especially applied to Serbia due to its mineral wealth. Large quantities of metals, especially silver, were coming to Venice and other cities on the Apennine Peninsula. In the 15th century, Venice succeeded in occupying Dalmatia and coastal towns in Zeta, which previously belonged to the Serbian state. Both the Venetian Republic and Habsburg Emperor Friedrich III (1440-1493) maintained ties with the members of the Branković family, the last Serbian medieval dynasty. Despot Stefan Lazarević and “Gospodin“ Djuradj Branković (Despot Stefan Lazarević and „gospodin“ Djuradj Branković), Istorijski časopis, 56, 49–69. Saint Sava – On the Occasion of His Death Anniversary (Sveti Sava – povodom godišnjice smrti). Mons aureus, 27 /2011/, 131–139. Despot Stefan Branković the Blind (Despot Stefan Branković Slepi). Glas SANU CDXIV, Department of Historical Sciences, Vol. 15 /2011/, 115–143 – Academic Speech. Individual Project: SCORDISCI AND AUTOCHTHONS IN THE PROTOHISTORY OF THE CENTRAL BALKANS (Academician Borislav Jovanović) Before submitting the manuscript of the monograph on the old Celtic necropolis at Pećine near Kostolac, Viminacium, it is necessary to coordinate the complex illustrative documents, text and translation, depending on available funds. There is a noticeable increase in the scientific literature on the historically known campaigns of Eastern Celts against the ancient Mediterranean centres, launched from the territory of the central Balkans, which is actually the basic topic of this monograph. 124 Galatae and Scordisci, Eastern Celts and the Mediterranean import, The Eastern Celts, the communities between the Alps and Black Sea, M. Guštin, M. Jevtić, eds., Koper, Belgrade 2011, 137–142. Individual Project: STATE AND SOCIETY IN BYZANTIUM (Academician Ljubomir Maksimović) In 2011 I have been continously working on synthetic elaboration of previously (during a long process) collected and analysed sources. The elaboration has not been finished up to now. The collected data refer to the structure and functioning of both state and social institutions, as well as the economic and social phaenomena, including some patterns of everyday life. The title of the project is actually corresponding to the first phase of the planned synthesis: the state and social structures and their interaction. In this context the following subjects of research should be dealt with: emperor, senate, army, common people (demos), as well as the structure and evolution of the state administration. All of these themes should represent main chapters of the future book. Serbia’s View of the Byzantine World (1204-1261), in: Identities and Allegiances in the Eastern Mediterranean after 1204, edd. Judith Herrin – G. SaintGuillain, Farnham (UK) – Burlington (USA) 2011, 121–131. Vizantija kao izazov (The Challenge of Byzantium), Glas SANU 414, Department od Historical Sciences 15 (2010, ed. 2011), 145–160. Η βυζαντινή Μακεδονία στήν πολιτική τής μεσαιωνικής Σερβίας, Πρακτικά της Ακαδημίας Αθηνών 85Β΄ (2010, έκδ. 2011), 261–285. La Serbie : pouvoir et organisation sociale, in : Le Monde Byzantin, III, L’Empire grec et ses voisins (XIIIe - XVe siècle), edd. A. Laiou (†) – C. Morrisson, Nouvelle Clio, Paris 2011, 323–342. Les souverains serbes dans les documents byzantins : maniérisme ou réalité? in : Remanier, métaphraser – fonctions et techniques de la réécriture dans le monde byzantin, Belgrade 2011. Individual Project: FONTES – THE GREEK ACTS OF THE HILANDAR MONASTERY, VOL. III (14th-15th CENTURY) (Corresponding Member Mirjana Živojinović) The project is realized in cooperation with the Byzantine History and Civilization Research Centre in France (Centre de Recherches d’Histoire et Civilisation de Byzance du Collège de France). Associate: Olivier Delouis. For the period 1320-1328 there are 72 documents whose second revision is underway. I expect O. Delouis to send me the last ten documents. The intro- 125 ductory essay has yet to be revised. I continued to work on the preparation of documents for Actes de Chilandar III. Individual Project: THE GREAT POWERS AND THE SERBIAN QUESTION IN THE 20TH CENTURY (Corresponding Member Dragoljub Živojinović) During 2011, he has continued to work on the project The Great Powers and the Serbian Question in the XX Century. One part of it dealt with the problems of relationship between Great Britain and Serbia 1875-1941. The book An Arrogant Allied and Neglected Serbs, 1875-1941 (Belgrade, 2011, pp.527). The book was published by the publishing house Albatros Plus, Belgrade, and it appeared for the Belgrade Book Fair in October 2011. The second part of the project is still in progress, and it deals with the Italian penetration on the Balkans after the First World War, and the occupation of the Adriatic territories during 1919-1923. The title of the project is The Pact of London in Action. Italian Occupation of Eastern Adriatic Lands 1918-1923. Individual Project: STOJAN NOVAKOVIĆ IN THE POLITICS OF SERBIA (Corresponding Member Mihailo Vojvodić) He continued to write some chapters of the book Stojan Novaković in Serbian Politics (1905-1915) (Stojan Novaković u politici Srbije /19051915/), while at the same time gathering additional sources. He wrote several papers on this topic, but it is especially worth mentioning his two-volume 1908 Documents (Dokumenti iz 1908. godine), whereby he continued to publish the documents relating to the foreign policy of the Kingdom of Serbia 1903-1914. Jovan Ristić, Serbia and the Porte After the Bombing of Belgrade, Memories of Jovan Ristić (Srbija i Porta posle bombardovanja Beograda, Uspomene Jovana Ristića), Belgrade 2010, 5–16. Ljubomir Stojanović on His Journey Through Macedonia and Old Serbia in 1890 (Ljubomir Stojanović o svom putu po Makedoniji i Staroj Srbiji 1890. godine), Vardar Proceedings (Vardarski zbornik), 8, Belgrade 2011, pp. 23–32. The Founding of the Saint Sava Society (Osnivanje društva Svetog Save), Bratstvo, XV, Belgrade 2011, 11–19. Serbia and the First Balkan War: Political and Diplomatic negotiations, Balkan Cultural Legacies, Historical, Literary and Fine Arts Perceptions (ed. Jelena Milojković-Đurić), Columbia University Press, New York, NY 2010, 227–247. 126 DEPARTMENT OF FINE ARTS AND MUSIC Project: LEXICON OF ARTISTIC DANCE (Academician Dejan Despić) The Department of Fine Arts and Music initiated the project involving the preparation of the Lexicon of Artistic Dance. At the meeting of its members on 4 November 2011, the project was adopted and Academician Dejan Despić was appointed as project leader. Gordan Dragović was appointed as editor. The editorial board and associates proposed the list of 850 foreign and 250 domestic productions that could be considered for inclusion in the Lexicon. the preliminary short list of 600 titles will be discussed and proposed for adoption at the editorial board meeting scheduled for 28 January 2012. The first 45 titles that will be definitely included in the Lexicon, were already prepared. Some photographs and illustrative material that should be included in the Lexicon were collected. Project: RECORDING OF SERBIAN FOLK MUSIC, COMPACT-DISKS AND CASSETTES PRODUCTION (Corresponding Member Isidora Žebeljan) Since I assumed the responsibility for the above mentioned projects this year and since this year was marked by an extremely important jubilee – the 170th anniversary of the Serbian Academy of Sciences and Arts, I decided to pool the funds earmarked for the mentioned projects and have them invested in the preparation of an exclusive edition consisting of three compact discs, entitled the music of composers – sasa academicians, the 170th Annniversary of the Serbian Academy of Sciences and Arts (Muzika kompozitora – akademika SANU, 170 godina postojanja Srpske akademije nauka i umetnosti): This CD edition was released within the scope of the celebration in November 2011. The three compact discs contain the compositions of all com127 posers academicians: Davorin Jenko, Josif Marinković, Stevan Mokranjac, Petar Konjović, Stevan Hristić, Krešimir Baranović, Mihailo Vukdragović, Milenko Živković, Ljubica Marić, Stanojlo Rajičić, Rudolf Bruči, Vasilije Mokranjac, Enriko Josif, Vlastimir Peričić, Dušan Radić, Dejan Despić, Ivan Jevtić, Vlastimir Trajković and Isidora Žebeljan. This edition is not only the first SASA edition of this kind, but is also the first CD edition providing a peculiar survey of Serbian art music in Serbia. The realization of this project was supported by Radio Television of Serbia (RTS), which made the recordings from its Sound Recording Archives available free of charge. I also propose that we send a specified number of copies of this exclusive CD edition to some of the most important radio stations in Europe. In this way Serbian art music will be finally heard by a much wider circle of people in Europe. Project: CONTEMPORARY SERBIAN MUSIC SCENE (Academician Dejan Despić) Under the joint project of the SASA Institute of Musicology and Radio Belgrade, “The Awakened Archives. A New Music Series“ (Probudjeni arhiv. Nova muzička edicija), including co-financing, Katarina Tomašević published her analysis in the programme booklet acompanying the double compact disc dedicated to Stanojlo Rajičić’s works: the fragments from his opera Simonida and vocal-instrumental cycle At Lipar (Na Liparu). Roksanda Pejović submitted her book Critical Reviews byPavle Stefanović and Dragutin Gostuški (Kritike Pavle Stefanovića i Dragutina Gostuškog) (Writer-Musicians in Belgrade’s Musical Life of the Second Half of the 20th Century Series) (Edicija Muzičari-pisci u beogradskom muzičkom životu dtuge polovine 20. veka) for publication. A significant portion of the book is devoted to opera production in Serbia. Мilica Zajcev prepared the bibliography of her works published during the period 2007-2011. She wrote the article The First Achievements of Artistic Dance on Our Television (Prva ostvarenja umetničke igre na našoj televiziji) for Orchestra magazine on the occasion of the World Day of Dance in April 2011 and the 10th anniversary of the Art TV programme “The World of Ballet“ (Svet baleta) authored by Drina Durić-Pešić. She also submitted for publication her paper Artistic Dance on the Pages of Pozorište Magazine (Umetnička igra na stranicama lista “Pozorište“) (covering the period from 1992. to 2003), for the Matica Srpska Proceedings for Stage Arts and Music (Zbornik MS za scenske umetnosti i muziku) on the occasion of the 150th anniversary of the Serbian National Theatre in Novi Sad. She also published the mini biographies of Stevan Grebeldinger, Ana Palović (an interview on the occasion of the 20th anniversary of her artistic career), Jovanka Bjegojević, Dušanka Sifnios, Bora 128 Mladenović, Lidija Pilipenko, Višnja Djordjević, Dušica Tomić and Ivanka Lukateli in feuilleton form in “Pozorišne novine“ magazine (published by the National Theatre in Belgrade), in the section The Personalities of Belgrade Ballet (Ličnosti beogradskog Baleta). Nadežda Mosusova submitted her papers “Koštana“ by Petar Konjović. The Seventieth Anniversary of Its Premiere (“Koštana“ Petra Konjovića. Sedamdeset godina od prvog izvodjenja“) for publication in “Muzički talas“, Belgrade, and Исполнение православных опер Мусоргского и РимскогоКорсакова силами русской эмиграции for publication in the Moscow Proceedings “The Russian Diaspora. Music and Orthodoxy“ (Ruska diaspora. Muzika i pravoslavlje). Biljana Milanović analyzed the first Serbian operas in the context of her research on the music of national identity. Mirka Pavlović continues studying Serbian plays with singing. COMMITTEE FOR THE DICTIONARY ON FINE ARTS TERMS (Academician Milan Lojanica) Project: DICTIONARY ON FINE ARTS TERMS (Academician Milan Lojanica) In the first half of 2011, the final work on the texts for the Dictionary was completed. Dr Zoran Manević edited and supplemented the entries: AGORA, ACADEMISM IN ARCHITECTURE (Akademizam u arhitekturi), ALTERNATIVE ARCHITECTURE (Alternativna arhitektura) and BALCONY (Balkon), and prepared the entry IRON (Gvoždje) that was missing. Academician Milan Lojanica gave the final form to the entry ARCHITECTURE (Arhitektura). Aleksandra Mokranjac prepared the entries: TOWN (Varoš), MILITARY ARCHITECTURE (Vojna arhitektura) and CITY (Grad), which were subsequently thoroughly abridged and adapted for use in the Dictionary by Dr Ljiljana Stošić. With Academician Lojanica’s suggestions, Dr Stošić also prepared the entries: BAROQUE ARCHITECTURE (Barokna arhitektura), CONCRETE (Beton), VIENNA SECESSION (Bečka secesija), BOULEVARD (Bulevar), DOOR (Vrata), GALLERY (Galerija), CEMETERY (Groblje), DENOTATION IN ARCHITECTURE (Denotacija u arhitekturi), DESTRUCTION OF ARCHITECTURE (Destrukcija arhitekture), DIVANHANA, DISPERSION (Disperzija) and SPIRIT OF PLACE (Duh mesta). Lawyer Vesna Jovanović prepared the entry COPYRIGHT (Autorsko pravo) in the spirit of the current laws and regulations. Dragoslav Acović contributed the entries COAT OF ARMS (Grb) and HERALDRY (Heraldika). Dr Dijana 129 Milašinović Marić wrote the entry DESIGN (Dizajn), using the concept proposed by Academician Lojanica. Associate Mića Kušić worked on the revision and harmonization of the citation of bibliographic units using the databases of the libraries in Washingon and Paris, and the National Library. Kušić also wrote the entries that were missing: AQUAMANILE (Akvamanile), ALBARELLO (Аlbarelo), AMPHORA (Amfora), GREEK VASE PAINTING (Grčko vazno slikarstvo) and HALL CHURCH (Dvoranska crkva), as well as one half of the entry GREEK ART (Grčka umetnost), while Dr Ljiljana Stošić wrote the other part. Associate Kušić prepared the working version of the personal name index, in both the Cyrillic and Latin scripts. COMMITTEE FOR THE HISTORY OF SERBIAN MUSIC (Academician Vlastimir Trajković) It was stated that the SASA Committee for the History of Serbian Music did not meet for a very long time. In consultation with Dr. Danica Petrović, Director of the SASA Institute of Musicology, I came to the conclusion that the composition of the previous Committee should be changed, that is, “rejuvenated“, since its composition was not changed for a few decades and, in the meantime, some of the renowned Committee members passed away (such as Academician Dejan Medaković). As the only remaining member of the previous Committee, Dr. Danica Petrović submitted a specific report on the work of the Committee over the past years. 130 CENTRE FOR SCIENTIFIC RESEARCH OF SASA AND UNIVERSITY OF NIŠ Research activities at the Centre were performed according to the plans and programmes of its Sections, through the realization of research projects (field and theoretical investigations), organization of international and domestic scientific meetings, promotion and popularization of the science of language, scientific papers, publishing activity, i.e. the pablication and promption of research results and papers presented at scientific meetings. The Centre has realized, or is realizing the following projects: • Science Promotion and Popularization: Science Festival “Science Is not a Scare“ (Promocija i popularizacija nauke: Festival nauke “Nauk nije bauk“) (coordinator: Professor Dr Gordana Stojanović) • Science Promotion and Popularization: Earth: Minerals, Rocks, Ores, Mineral Raw Materials: Occurrences, Deposits, Mineral Wealth (Promocija i popularizacija nauke: Zemlja: minerali, stene, rude, mineralne sirovine; pojave, nalazišta, rudno bogatstvo) (coordinator: Professor Dr Gordana Stojanović) • Typological Studies of Serbian Speech in South-Eastern Serbia (Tipološko proučavanja srpskih govora na jugoistoku Srbije) • The Culture of Language in Public Life (Jezička kultura javnog života) • Dialectological Studies of the Serbian Linguistic Area (Dijalektološka istraživanja srpskog jezičkog prostora) • Science Popularization Among Youth – The Serbian, Bulgarian and Romanian Languages in the Light of Linguistic Interference (Popularizacija nauke kod mladih – srpski, bugarski i rumunski jezik u svetlu jezičke interferencije) • Literary and Cultural Life in South-Eastern Serbia in the 19th and 20th Centuries (Književni i kulturni život na jugoistoku Srbije u XIX i XX veku) • Cultural Encyclopedia of Niš (Kulturna enciklopedija Niša) 131 • The Study of Endemic Nephropathy in South-Eastern Serbia (Izučavanje endemske nefropatije u jugoistočnoj Srbiji) • The Study of Endemic Nephropathy and Urothelial Tumours in Serbia (Istraživanje endemske nefropatije i tumora urotelijuma u Srbiji) • Early Predictors of Outcome in Ischemic Stroke Patients: Ischemic Stroke Biomarkers (Rani prediktori ishoda kod obolelih od ishemijskog moždanog udara: biomarkeri ishemijskog moždanog udara) • Traditional Aesthetic Culture of Serbs (Tradicionalna estetska kultura Srba) • The Population of South-Eastern Serbia – Social and Cultural Dynamics (Stanovništvo jugoistočne Srbija – društvena i kulturna dinamika) • Risky Sexual Behavour of Niš University Students and Their Experiences with Drugs (Rizično seksualno ponašanje studenata Univerziteta u Nišu i njihova iskustva sa narkoticima) • Socio-Cultural and Emotional Factors of Risky Sexual Behaviour (Socio-kulturni i emocionalni činioci rizičnog seksualnog ponašanja) • Socio-Cultural Circumstances and Emotional Problems of Youth in a Time of Transition (Socio-kulturne prilike i emocionalni problemi omladine u vreme tranzicije) • The Nišava Basin in Prehistory, Antiquity and the Middle Ages (Ponišavlje u praistoriji, antici i srednjem veku) • The Settlements and Population of South-Eastern Serbia: 13th-19th Century (Naselja i stanovništvo jugoistočne Srbije: 13-19. vek) • Marking the 1700th Anniversary of the Proclamation of the Edict of Milan at the University of Niš (Obeležavanje 1700. godišnjice proglašenja Milanskog edikta na Univerzitetu u Nišu) • Paralele University Art Colony (Univerzitetska likovna kolonija “Paralele“) • Prepoznavanja – The First International Student Art Colony (Prva Medjunarodna studentska likovna kolonija “Prepoznavanja“) In 2011, the Centre held presentations and scientific meetings, published various publications and performed the following activities according to its 2011 Work Plan and Programme: SCIENTIFIC MEETINGS • Round Table on The Population of South-Eastern Serbia: Demographic Reproduction and Socio-Cultural Dynamics (Stanovništvo jugoistočne Srbije: demografska reprodukcija i socio-kulturna dunamika), Niš, University of Niš, 13 May 2011. 132 Statements were presented by 19 participants from Serbia (project leader: Professor Dr. Ljubiša Mitrović, Section for Social Sciences). •Traditional Aesthetic Culture VII: Garden (Tradicionalna estetska kultura VII: vrt), Niš, University of Niš, 25 November 2011. The Seventh Scientific Symposium with international participation, under the project Traditional Aesthetic Culture of Serbs (Tradicionalna estetska kultura Srba) (project leader: Professor Dr Dragan Žunić, Section for Social Sciences). Statements were presented by 17 participants from Serbia, Bulgaria and Macedonia. •Family with an Adolescent in a Time of Transition, Socio-Cultural and Emotional Correlates (Porodica sa adolescentom u vreme tranzicije, sociokulturni i emocionalni korelati), Niš, University of Niš, 9 December 2011. The Second Scientific Symposium with international participation (project leader: Professor Dr Tatjana Stefanović-Stanojević, Section for Social Sciences). Statements were presented by 43 participants from Serbia and 8 from the Republic of Srpska, Bosnia and Herzegovina (total), while papers were presented by 26 participants from Serbia and 2 from the Republic of Srpska, Bosnia and Herzegovina. • The First Cognitive Science Symposium (Prvi Simpozijum iz kognitivnih nauka), Niš, University of Niš, 16 December 2011. The Symposium was organized to mark the first anniversary of the Cognitive Science Forum (Forum za kognitivne nauke). The main topic of the Symposium was interdisciplinarity in cognitive sciences. Love, Sex, Youth (Ljubav, seks, mladi). The Proceedings of the Second Scientific Symposium held at the University of Niš, 19 February 2010. Prepared by Dr Tatjana Stefanović Stanojević, 2011, 225 p. Encyclopedia of Niš. Culture (Enciklopedija Niša. Kultura). Editor: Professor Dr Miroljub Stojanović, 2011, 514 p. Radoje Kostić, MA, Army Officers from Niš Killed in the Wars of 1912-1918 (Niški oficiri poginuli u ratovima 1912-1918. godine). Edited by: Professor Dr Miroljub Stojanović. 2011, 236 p. Traditional Aesthetic Culture V: Dance (Tradicionalna estetska kultura V: igra). Proceedings of the Fifth Scientific Symposium, held at the University of Niš on 12 February 2010. Edited by: Professor Dr Dragan Žunić. 2011, p. 276. The Library of the Church of the Venerable Mother Paraskeva (Biblioteka hrama Matere Paraskeve) at Izvor near Svrljig. Manuscript prepared for printing by: Professor Dr Nedeljko Bogdanović, Ana Bogdanović and Milan Djordjević. 133 FIELD RESEARCH AND MATERIAL PROCESSING The work under the project Dialectological Studies of the Serbian Linguistic Area (Dijalektološka istraživanja srpskog jezičkog prostora), which is led by Academician Slobodan Remetić, involved the preparation of maps for the Serbian Dialectological Atlas (Srpski dijalektološki atlas). The members of the Section edited the manuscript of The Crna Trava Dictionary (Crnotravski rečnik) by Radoslav Stojanović, which was published in the Serbian Dialectological Proceedings (Srpski dijalektološki zbornik). In 2011, the work on the project Research on Endemic Nephropathy and Urothelial Tumours in Serbia (Istraživanje endemske nefropatije i tumora urotelijuma u Srbiji) (project leader: SASA Corresponding Member Vladisav Stefanović) was focused on the proteomics of endemic nephropathy (EN) and related urothelial tumours (UT). SASA Corresponding Member Vladisav Stefanović coordinates the “Endemic Nephropathy“ project within the Inter-Academy Council for SouthEast Europe. The research is devoted to discovering the cause of endemic nephropathy. Under the SCOPES project (leader: Corresponding Member Vladisav Stefanović), financed by the Swiss Government from 2010 to 2012, the research involves specific and common molecular mechanisms in EN and TU. For three years already, Dr Stefanović’s team has maintaining cooperation with the laboratories for proteomics in Goettingen (Professor Mueller) and genomics at the National Cancer Centre in Heidelberg (Dr Schmeisser), National Cancer Research Centre in the United Kingdom (Dr Walker), Human Genome Centre in Sofia (Professor Toncheva) and the Laboratories of the Macedonian Academy of Sciences and Arts in Skopje (Professor Polenaković). Protein markers in the urine in EN patients were identified. A significant contribution towards getting acquainted with pro- and anti-apoptotic markers, as well as numerous tumour-related antigens in EN-related urotherial cancer, was made. • Research on Endemic Nephropathy in South-Eastern Serbia (project leader: Academician Sveto Suša); field research was continued. • Early Predictors of Outcome in Ischemic Stroke Patients – Ischemic Stroke Biomarkers (project leader: Professor Dr Miroslava Živković); research and material processing continue. SCIENCE PROMOTION AND POPULARIZATION Science Festival “Science Is Not a Scare 3“ (Festival nauke “Nauk nije bauk 3“), held in cooperation with the Svetozar Marković High School in Niš from 25 to 26 February 2011. 3-9 September 2011 – The Association of Geophysicists of Serbia, SEG – Student Section at the Faculty of Mining and Geology, University of 134 Begrade, conducted research at the Medijana archaeological site under the project “The First International Archaeo-Geophysical Student Field Camp“ (Prvi medjunarodni arheo-geofizički studentski kamp). The presentation of the research results, which was organized by the Centre, took place at the University of Niš on 9 September 2011. 135 CENTRE FOR SCIENTIFIC RESEARCH OF SASA AND UNIVERSITY OF KRAGUJEVAC The new Director of the Centre, Ivan Gutman, assumed his duties on 27 December 2011 and found the situation as desribed below. The report that follows was prepared on the basis of the data obtained by the Director from the Secretary of the Centre, Lela Vujošević, and/or by personal insight. 1. PUBLISHING ACTIVITY The Thematic Proceedings Birds; Literature, Culture (Tematski zbornik “Ptice; književnost, kultura“) were published. The editors are Professor Dr Mirjana Detelić and Professor Dr Dragan Bošković. The Proceedings contain 22 papers by authors from Serbia, Italy, Croatia, Macedonia and Russia. They were prepared on the basis of six lectures delivered from October to December 2010 and published within the Liceum Series, No. 14. The Proceedings Beginnings of Greek Language Teaching Among Serbs (Zbornik “Počeci nastave grčkog jezika kod Srba“) were published within the Liceum Series, No. 15. The editor is Professor Dr Miodrag Stojanović. The Proceedings are the result of the scientific meeting held on 18 May 2010 to commemorate the 200th birth anniversary of Vukašin Radišić (1810-2010), the first Greek teacher at the Lyceum of the Principality of Serbia in Kragujevac and the author of the first Greek Reader. The Proceedings contain 11 papers. The Proceedings Anthropology of Truth – Second Life and Opus Primum of B. Wongar (Antropologija istine – Drugi život i opus primum B. Vongara) were published in cooperation with the Faculty of Philology and Arts in Kragujevac. The Proceedings mostly containg the texts from the cycle of lectures bearing the same name, which were delivered in 2009/2010. The editor is Professor Dr Aleksandar Petrović. The Centre is the publisher of the book Table of the Sun (Sunčeva trpeza) by Mirjana Petrović, Aleksandar Petrović’s wife, which was published under the project Science with 1000 Faces – Support to Biological and Cultural Biodiversity (Nauka sa sto lica – podrška biološkim i kulturnom biodiverzitetu). 136 2. ОRGANIZATION OF SCIENTIFIC MANIFESTATIONS The cycle of lectures entitled vipers and scorpions: arthropods and reptiles in culture and literature (Guje i jakrepi: gmizavci i reptili u kulturi i književnosti) was held from 18 October to 6 December. 3. WORK ON RESEARCH PROJECTS 3.1. Мusical Life of Kragujevac in the 19th and First Half of the 20th Century In 2011, research in archival and other materials within the subtopic Musical Life of Kragujevac in the 19th and First Half of the 20th Century (Muzički život Kragujevca u 19. i prvoj polovini 20. veka) was continued albeit at a slower pace. The sections within the selected research subject were differentiated. The divisions are as follows: – General history of Kragujevac’s music from Šlezinger to the first half of the 20th century; – Music societies; – Choirs and orchestras – founded by the town, various organizations, schools, etc.; – Most important personalities of Kragujevac’s music; – Musical instrument manufacturing and – Music libraries. 3.2. Section for Technical Sciences Professor Dr. Miroslav Demić submitted a comprehensive report (on 6 densely typed pages) on his work on the project Motor Vehicles and Motors (Motorna vozila i motori). Here is a list of some of its parts. According to the 2011 plan, the following activities are anticipated: • Research on new vehicle systems; • Development of new methods for the optimal design of mechanical systems with special emphasis on the automotive industry; • Research on the effects of complex random vibrations on humans; • Some ecological problems; • Еnergy efficiency of buildings and • Аctivities relating to the organization of the Congress “Motor Vehicles and Motors 2012“. As in previous years, it is planned to organize the International Congress “Motor Vehicles and Motors 2011“, which will be jointly organized by the Department of Motor Vehicles and Motors of the Faculty of Engineering Sciences in Kragujevac, magazine «Мobility & Vehicles Mechanics», Centre for Scientific Research of SASA and Kragujevac University. 137 INTERNATIONAL COOPERATION IN 2011 In 2011, the international activities of the Serbian Academy of Sciences and Arts also played an important role in its programmes and achieved a significant breakthrough in its regional, European and global cooperation. Contacts with scientific and cultural institutions in the world and especially cooperation within the scope of non-governmental associations of academies are still a priority and one of the Academy’s major activities. Its attention was focused on the promotion and expansion of cooperation with foreign academies and international scientific institutions and organizations, either through membership in these organizations or work on joint research projects in accordance with the bilateral agreements concluded with them. International cooperation greatly contributes to the Academy’s reputation and its linkages with international scientific and cultural communities. Its international cooperation is carried out through: – The exchange of researchers under bilateral agreements on scientific cooperation (inter-academy, inter-institutional and inter-state). Non-foreign currency exchange was carried out with 20 national academies within 152 joint research projects, whereby 135 man/weeks were used for the exchange of researchers; – Multinational cooperation, which involves the activities related to the programmes being funanced from the European Commission’s and other funds (FP 6, FP 7, EUREKA, TEMPUS, CERN, COST); – Membership in non-governmental international scientific associations at all levels or, more exactly, at the global level: IAP – Global Network of Science Academies, International Council for Science (ICSU) and UNESCO; at the European level: Еuropean Federation of National Academies of Sciences and Humanities (ALLEA), International Union of Academies (UAI) and European Academy of Sciences and Arts (EASA), European Academy of Arts, Sciences and Humanities (EAASH); at the regional level: Central and East European Network of Academies (CЕEN), Global Round Table, Euro-Mediterranean Academy Network (ЕМАN) and International Centre for Black Sea 138 Studies (ICBSS); and at the Balkan levell: Inter-Academy Council for SouthEast Europe (IAC SEE); – Participation in international scientific meetings abroad, as well as the organization of such meetings in the country; – Lecturing by renowned foreign and domestic scientists. The Serbian Academy of Sciences and Arts is continuously upgrading its scientific cooperation with external institutions, which is primarily carried out through the realization of joint scientific projects under scientific cooperation agreements with other academies. International Activities of SASA In 2011, the SASA representatives took part in all major international meetings. On 12 January 2011 in Brussels, the Global Round Table organized the meeting of the presidents of the national academies in the Balkan region with Mr Johannes Hahn, European Commissioner for Regional Policy. Apart from the President of SASA, Academician Nikola Hajdin, the meeting was attended by the Presidents of the Romanian, Bulgarian and Montenegrin Academies. On 18 March 2011 in Banja Luka, Academician Nikola Hajdin, President of SASA, and Academician Dimitrije Stefanović, Secretary General of SASA, attended the opening ceremony of the new building of the Academy of Sciences and Arts of the Republic of Srpska. On this occasion, the SASA donated the bronze sculpture of Dositej Obradović made by Academician Nikola Janković. Brussels hosted the meeting of the ALLEA Standing Committee on Science and Ethics from 29 to 30 March 2011. The agenda items included the presentation of recommendations for the study of ethics as part of research projects, exchange of experiences with the relevant factors in the field of ethics in Europe, preparations for meetings of the Working Group on Science and Ethics, etc. The SASA representative at this meeting was Corresponding Member Vladisav Stefanović who is also a member of the Working Group. The ALLEA Working Group on Social Sciences and Humanities held a meeting in Brussels, on 31 March 2011. The main objective of the meeting was to have the representatives of social sciences and humanities exchange their views on the position of these sciences and possibilities for their development under European programmes. The SASA representative at this meeting was Academician Ljubomir Maksimović. The General Assembly of the European Federation of Academies of Sciences and Humanities (ALLEA) was held in Amsterdam, 12-13 April 2011. The main topic of its agenda was the deliberation and adoption of the ALLEA 139 strategic plan for the period 2010-2015. The SASA representative at the meeting was Academician Ljubiša Rakić, Vice-President of SASA. The President of SASA, Academician Nikola Hajdin, attended the meeting of the General Assembly of the Austrian Academy of Sciences, held on 11 May 2011, as well as the scientific meeting entitled “Ageing Society – The Possibility of Healthy Ageing of Mature People“. The 85th General Assembly of the International Union of Academies (UAI) was held in Brussels, 8-12 May 2011. Its host was the Royal Belgium Academy. This meeting was devoted to the issues such as the report on the work during the previous period, statutary issues, admission of new members, presentation of new delagates and the like. The Union also deliberated the issue of whether social sciences should take a greater part in the UAI work, as well as the issue concerning the organization of the General Assembly every two years, beginning in 2013. The SASA representative at this meeting was Academician Ljubomir Maksimović. Božidar Djelić, the Serbian Vice-Premier in charge of European integration, held the round table on the EU’s future framework programme for science in Belgrade, on 12 May 2011. This round table was attended by Academician Ljubiša Rakić, Vice-President of SASA. On 11 May 2011, Podgorica hosted the Regional Conference on “Nuclear Energy – Global Trends and Perspectives in South-East Europe“ (Nuklearna energija – globalni trendovi i perspektive u jugoistočnoj Evropi), which was organized by the Montenegrin Academy of Sciences and Arts in cooperation with the International Atomic Energy Agency. Academician Djordje Šijački took part in this conference with his presentation as the SASA representative. On 19 May 2011, Budapest hosted the festive gathering marking the 250th birth anniversary of Sava Popović Tekelija, which was organized by Matica Srpska, the Embassy of the Republic of Serbia in Budapest and SelfGovernment of Serbs in Hungary. The gatering was attended by Academician Dimitrije Stefanović, Secretary General of SASA, on behalf of SASA and Matica Srpska. The General Assembly of the Berlin-Brandenburg Academy of Sciences was held in Berlin, on 18 June 2011. It was attended by Academician Zoran Kovačević, President of the SASA Branch in Novi Sad, on behalf of SASA. The ALLEA Working Group on Science Education held its meeting in Brussels, 21-22 June 2011. The meeting was devoted to the problems of science and mathematics education. It was attended by 22 representatives of European academies of sciences and the introductory speech was delivered by Professor Pierre Lena, Global Coordinator of IAP’s Science Education Programme. The SASA representative at this meeting was Academician Miljenko Perić, who is also a member of the ALLEA Working Group. 140 The Hungarian Academy of Sciences and the European Research Centre organized the Conference on “Promoting Excellence in Research in Europe“ in Budapest, on 20 June 2011. The SASA representative at this meeting was Academician Miodrag Čolić. The Secretary General of SASA, Academician Dimitrije Stefanović, received the delegation of Japanese businessmen led by Yasuhiro Ueda, Deputy General Manager of the Main Office, Maeda Corporation, on 11 July 2011. This visit was part of the course on foreign civilizations, their development and culture. The Vice-President of SASA, Academician Ljubiša Rakić, attended the Serbia-EU International Forum “Overcoming the Crisis, Moving Towards the European Union“ on behalf of the Serbian Academy of Sciences and Arts and the European Federation of Academies of Sciences and Humanities (ALLEA). It was held in Belgrade, 8-10 September 2011. The European Academy of Sciences and Arts organized the First Danube Academies Conference in Vienna, 15-16 September 2011. The SASA representative was Academician Ljubiša Rakić, Vice-President of SASA. The 30th General Assembly of the International Council for Science (ICSU) was held in Rome, 26-30 September 2011. At the end of the Assembly the new officials were elected and the strategic plan for the period 2012-2017, involving 20 scientific themes and 11 scientific and operational researches, was adopted. The SASA representative at the General Assembly was Academician Ljubiša Rakić, Vice-President of SASA. Academician Vojislav Stanovčić, Secretary of the Department of Social Sciences, attended the first “China and Central and Eastern Europe“ Forum on behalf of SASA. The Forum was organized by the Chinese Academy of Social Sciences in Bejing from 22 to 23 September 2011. The Montenegrin Academy of Sciences and Arts marked its 40th anniversary on 14 October 2011. On behalf of SASA, the ceremony was attended by the Vice-President of SASA, Academician Ljubiša Rakić. On this occasion, the SASA donated the bronze sculpture of Dositej Obradović made by Academician Nikola Janković. The ALLEA and the Academy of Sciences of the Institute of France organized the meeting of the ALLEA Working Group on Science Education in Paris, on 4 November 2011. The purpose of this meeting was the preparation for the formation of the European network that will be comprised of the academies and institutions reputed for teacher training under the Inquiry-Based Science Education (IBSE) Programme. The SASA representatives at this meeting were Academician Milosav Marjanović and Miljenko Perić. The British Academy organized the meeting on the position of social sciences and humanities under the European F6 and F7 Programmes, in cooperation with the ALLEA and European Commission. The meeting was held in 141 London, 10-11 November 2011, and the SASA representative was Academician Ljubomir Maksimović. The World Science Forum was held from 16 to 19 November 2011 in Budapest. This biannual gathering was organized by the Hungarian Academy of Sciences in cooperation with the UNESCO, International Council for Science, Council of the European Academy of Sciences and American Association for the Advancement of Science. The theme of this year’s Forum was Changing Landscape of Science: Challenges and Opportunities. The SASA representatives were SASA President Nikola Hajdin and Academician Zoran Kovačević. President of the SASA Branch in Novi Sad. The ALLEA Working Group on Science and Ethics held its meeting in Amsterdam, 13-14 December 2011. The objective of the meeting was to develop the method that will prevent plagiarism and other types of intellectual property theft in the internet era. The SASA representative was Corresponding Member Vladislav Stefanović in the capacity of member of the ALLEA Working Group on Science and Ethics. The Serbian Academy of Sciences and Arts was visited by Academician Momir Djurović, President of the Montenegrin Academy of Sciences and Arts MASA), and Academician Milojica Jaćimović, Secretary of the Department of Natural Sciences. The President of SASA delivered the address of the Montenegrin Academy of Sciences and Arts on the occasion of the 170th anniversary of SASA in which this Academy expressed its sincere wishes for the successful and fruitful work of SASA, as well as its conviction that their cooperation would also be successful in the future. Apart from the charter, the Serbian Academy received a gift – the painting Parallels made by Academician Dragan Karadžić. With its visit the MASA delegation wished to express its gratitude to the Serbian Academy of Sciences and Arts for its support to this Academy in its efforts to keep the current Law on the Montenegrin Academy of Sciences and Arts in force. The Serbian Academy of Sciences and Arts played host to a certain number of representatives of renowned foreign and domestic institutions. Bilateral Scientific Cooperation Under the Concluded Agreements The Serbian Academy of Sciences and Arts has signed bilateral agreements on scientific cooperation with 20 academies of sciences. These agreements cover 152 research projects and anticipate 195 man/weeks a year for the exchange of domestic and foreign researchers on a non-foreign-currency basis. In 2011, under bilateral agreements, 135 man/weeks were used. This represents an increase of 3 % compared to the previous year. Out of the mentioned 135 weeks, 72 were used by foreign and 63 by domestic researchers. 142 Cooperation with the Academy of Athens The Academy of Athens participates in the research project Scientific Approach to the Protection of Cultural Heritage in South-East Europe (Naučni pristup zaštiti kulturnog nasledja u jugoistočnoj Evropi), together with the SASA, Turkish Academy of Sciences and Austrian Academy of Sciences. The SASA endorsed the Appeal of the Academy of Athens to the European Commission for an exemption of the funds earmarked for science and technological development from the restrictive EU policy. Cooperation with the Austrian Academy of Sciences In 2011, the annual four-week quota for the exchange of researchers was not used. Cooperation with the Bulgarian Academy of Sciences In May 2011, the Thematic Cooperation Plan for the period 2011-2013 was agreed. It includes 19 research projects, two which are new: Transborder Stratigraphic Correlations of the Western Stara Planina Mts in Western Bulgaria and Eastern Serbia (Medjugranična stratigrafska korelacija zapadne Stare planine u zapadnoj Bugarskoj i istočnoj Srbiji). The projects are led by the SASA Committee for Geodynamics (project leaders: Academician Stevan Karamata and Corresponding Member Milan Sudar) and BAS Geological Institute (project leader: Professor Dr Iskra Lakova) and Correlation of Metamorphic and Igneous Complexes in Bulgaria and Serbia: Implications for the Geodynamic Evolution of the Balkan Peninsula (Korelacija metamorfnih i magmatskih kompleksa u Bugarskoj i Srbiji: implikacije na geodinamičku evoluciju Balkanskog poluostrva), led by the SASA Committee for Geodynamics (project leaders: Academician Stevan Karamata and Academician Marko Ercegovac) and BAS Geological Institute (project leader: Academician Ivan Zagorchev). BAS Vice-President Atanas Atanasov attended the ceremony marking the 170th anniversary of SASA. Cooperation with the National Academy of Belarus The annual exchange quota anticipates four weeks for each side, while the Thematic Plan includes only one joint project. Thw Ambassador of the Republic of Serbia to Belarus, Stojan Jevtić, informed the SASA about the wish of the National Academy of Sciences of Belarus to establish cooperation in the fields of climatology, biotechnological sciences and physics. 143 Cooperation with the Hungarian Academy of Sciences Тhe Thematic Cooperation Plan includes 10 joint projects. The annual exchange quota is 20 weeks each and both sides used 15 weeks each. HAS President Jozsef Palinkas sent his greetings on the occasion of the 170th anniversary of the Serbian Academy. Cooperation with the Macedonian Academy of Sciences and Arts In June 2011, the new joint project Language as a Record of Culture in Ethnological and Linguistic Analysis Between Serbia and Macedonia (Jezik kao zapis kulture u etnološkoj i lingvističkoj analizi na relaciji Srbija i Makedonija) was agreed. It is led by the SASA Ethnographic Institute and MASA Research Centre for Areal Linguistics. The Thematic Cooperation Plan of the two academies includes seven joint projects. At the ceremony marking the 170th anniversary of SASA, MASA was represented by its Secretary General Ljupčo Kocarov. Сooperation with the Polish Academy of Sciences The new research project Low Energy Excitations in Magnetic Nanoparticles (Niskoenergetske ekscitacije u magnetnim nanočesticama) was agreed. Its leaders are the Institute of Physics (project leader: Dr Nebojša Romčević) and PAS Institute of Physics (project leader: Professor Dr Witold Dobrowolski). The Thematic Cooperation Plan includes six projects and the annual exchange quota is seven weeks each. Сooperation with the Romanian Academy During 2011, the new project Intangible Cultural Heritage in the Carpathian Area and Banat – in Romania and Serbia (Nematerijalno kulturno nasledje u Karpatskoj oblasti i Banatu – u Rumuniji i Srbiji) was adopted. It is led by the SASA Institute of Musicology (project leader: Professor Dr Danica Petrović) and Constantin Brailoiu Institute of Ethnography and Folklore of RA (project leader: Academician Sabina Ispas). Тhe Thematic Cooperation Plan includes 24 projects and the annual exchange quota is 15 weeks for each side. RA President Ionel Haiduc attended the ceremony marking the SASA anniversary and delivered a keynote speech on behalf of foreign guests. 144 Сooperation with the Russian Academy of Sciences The annual exchange quota is 30 weeks and the Thematic Cooperation Plan includes 36 projects. The new joint project Experimental and Theoretical Study of Microwave Induced Plasma (Eksperimentalna i teorijska studija mikrotalasno indukovane plazme) was adopted. It is led by the Belgrade University Faculty of Physics (project leader: Academician Nikola Konjević) and A.V. Topchiev Institute of Petrochemical Analysis of RAS (project leader: Dr Yuri A. Lebedev). Сooperation with the Slovak Academy of Sciences The annual exchange quota is four weeks each, while the Thematic Cooperation Plan includes four joint projects. Сooperation with the Turkish Academy of Sciences The SASA participates as a partner in the multilateral project initiated by the Turkish Academy of Sciences: Scientific Approach to the Protection of Cultural Heritage in South-East Europe (Naučni pristup zaštiti kulturnog nasledja u Jugoistočnoj Evropi), including the subproject The Corpus of Monumental Byzantine Painting (Korpus monumentalnog vizantijskog slikarstva). Apart from the Turkish Academy of Sciences and SASA, the participants in this project are the Academy of Athens, Austrian Academy of Sciences and the Academies of Sciences of South-East Europe: Albania, Bosnia and Herzegovina, Bulgaria and Montenegro. Сooperation with the National Academy of Sciences of Ukraine The annual exchange quota is seven weeks for each side, while the Thematic Cooperation Plan includes 12 projects. Сooperation with the Academy of Sciences of the Czech Republic In 2011, the Thematic Cooperation Plan was supplemented by the new project: Multicomponent Metal Systems and Nanostructured Materials with Diverse Functional Properties (Višekomponentni metalni sistemi i nanostrukturni materijali sa različitim funkcionalnim karakteristikama). It is led by the IHTM – Department of Materials and Metallurgy (project leader: Dr Nadežda Talijan) and Institute of Physics of Materials of ASCR, Brno (project leader: Professor Dr Tomáš Žák). 145 Тhe Thematic Plan includes ten projects. The ceremony marking the SASA anniversary was attended by Jaroslav Panek, Vice-President of ASCR. Сooperation with the Royal Swedish Academy of Letters, History and Antiquities The Cooperation Agreement between the two academies anticipates the granting of scholarships in the fields of humanity, religious studies, legal sciences and national heritage research to Serbian researchers for their stay at the Swedish universities. Сooperation with the Royal Flemish Academy of Belgium for Science and the Arts side. The Agreement sets the annual exchange quota at four weeks for each Cooperation with the Chinese Academy of Social Sciences in Beijing The Cooperation Agreement sets the annual exchange quota at seven weeks each. Academician Vojislav Stanovčić presented his paper at the First “China and Central and Eastern China“ Forum in Beijing, 22-23 September 2011, under the Cooperation Agreement between the two Academies. Сooperation with the Accademia Nazionale dei Lincei The Memorandum of Understanding between the SASA and Accademia Nazionale dei Lincei was signed and exchanged by mail in the autumn of 2006. The necessary particulars for the execution of the Memorandum will be defined with the conclusion of the executive protocol. Сooperation with the Montenegrin Academy of Sciences and Arts The SASA sent an appeal to the Montenegrin authorities expressing its concern over the proposed modification of the Law on MASA in the section relating to the election of new members. The MASA delegation led by its President, Academician Momir DJurović, visited the Serbian Academy on 14 December 2011. Сooperation with the Slovenian Academy of Sciences and Arts side. 146 The annual exchange quota set at two weeks was not used by either President Jože Trontelj attended the ceremony marking the 170th anniversary of SASA. Сooperation with the Academy of Sciences of the Islamic Republic of Iran The Agreement on Scientific Cooperation is of general type and defines the following cooperation objectives: the work on individual and joint projects, exchange of scientific experiences, information and publications, organization of joint conferences, symposia, seminars and similar gatherings and participation of researchers in them. Сooperation with the National Research Council of Canada The institution that is directly included in this cooperation on the Canadian side is the Institute for National Measurement Standards. Those responsible for cooperation under the Memorandum of Understanding are Academician Petar Miljanić, on behalf of SASA, and Dr Branislav DJokić, on behalf of the Institute. *** During the year, 90 SASA members and associates realized study stays, attended scientific meetings in the country and abroad, and participated in the working bodies of international associations, or attended significant international meetings as SASA representatives. At the same time, the SASA was visited by over 70 scientists under bilateral agreements on non-foreign-currency basis as participants in scientific meetings, lecturers or members of official delegations. Almost as many researchers visited scientific institutions outside the SASA, which cooperate in projects under SASA bilateral agreements. 147 SCIENTIFIC MEETINGS AND LECTURES IN 2011 In 2011, the Serbian Academy of Sciences and Arts organized 17 scientific meetings, 13 lectures, the ceremony marking the 170th anniversary of SASA and three commemorative meetings. In cooperation with the Ambassy of the Republic of Italy and Italian Institute for Culture in Belgrade, the Serbian Academy of Sciences and Arts organized the one-day Round Table entitled The Day Dedicated to Risorgimento, Italy-Serbia: 1861 (Dan posvećen risordjimentu, Italija-Srbija: 1861), which dealt with the ties between the Kingdom of Sardinia and Principality of Serbia on the eve of Italian unification in 1861. The Round Table was held on 6 April 2011. There were eight participants, including five from Italy. The SASA Department of Language and Literature organized the Solemn Academy Commemorating the 200th Death Anniversary of Dositej Obradović on 14 April 2011. Under the auspices of the SASA, Serbian Ministry of Education and Science and Brookhaven National Laboratory from the United States, the Department of Mathematics, Physics and Geosciences organized the 13th Condensed Matter Physics Symposium in cooperation with the Society of Physicists of Serbia, Belgrade University Faculty of Physics, Institute of Physics and Vinča Institute of Nuclear Sciences from 18 to 22 April 2011. This international gathering brought together researchers from Serbia, the United States, Russia, Canada, the United Kingdom, Germany, Switzerland, Slovenia, Croatia, Belgium, France, Greece, Spain and the Netherlands. The SASA Department of Mathematics, Physics and Geosciences, Institute of Physics and Belgrade University Faculty of Physics, Vinča Institute of Nuclear Sciences and Department of Physics of Novi Sad University organized the jubilee scientific meeting entitled One Hundred Years Since the Discovery of the Atomic Nucleus (Sto godina od otkrića atomskog jezgra) on 10 May 2011. 148 The SASA Committee on Somnology and Serbian Association of Neurologists organized the Symposium on Sleep and Sleep Disorders (Spavanje i poremećaji sna) on 13 May 2011. It was attended by 12 researchers. The Institute of Physics and SASA Department of Technical Sciences jointly organized the Fifth International Conference on Elementary Processes in Atomic Systems – CEPAS 2011 (Peta medjunarodna konferencija o elementarnim procesima kod atomskih sistema). Its programme consisted of 30 lectures and 56 poster presentations. One day before this international meeting, the 2nd National Conference on Electronic, Atomic, Molecular and Photonic Physics (CEAMPP) (Druga nacionalna konferencija iz oblasti elekronske, atomske, molekulske i fotonske fizike, CEAMPP), which gathered researchers in these fields, was held. At this meeting, lectures were delivered primarily by younger doctors of science at the start of their scientific careers. From 27 June to 1 July 2011, the SASA hosted the UNESCO Ethics Training Course for bioethics educators, which was the result of cooperation between the National Committee for Bioethics and UNESCO, and was conducted by world-reputed experts – Professor Amnon Carmi, Professor Daniella Keidar and Professor Henk ten Have. It was attended by 24 participants. The 8th International Congress of MEDUOG (Mediterranean Association for Ultrasound in Obstetrics and Gynecology) was opened in the SASA Festive Hall on 22 September 2011. It was devoted to perinatal medicine and its organizers were the SASA and Serbian Association for Perinatal Medicine. After its opening, the Congress continued to work on 23 and 24 September, whereby a great number of Serbian and foreign experts presented their papers. Оn 14 October 2011, the Department of Medical Sciences organized the one-day Conference on Basic Pathogeneses and Treatment of Obesity (Osnovne patogeneze i terapije gojaznosti). The Department of Chemical and Biological Sciences and Serbian Chemical Society organized the EuCheMS Annual Meeting from 13 to 15 October 2011. The Dositej Obradović Foundation, Matica Srpska and SASA Department of Historical Sciences organized the gathering dedicated to Dositej Obradović, entitled Dositej Obradović in Serbian History and Culture (Dositej Obradović u srpskoj istoriji i kulturi) from 13 to 14 October 2011. The Committee for Education of the SASA Presidency organized the scientific meeting on Improving Specific Subject Didactics at the Teacher Training Faculties (ISDTF) (Unapredjenje predmetnih didaktika na nastavničkim fakultetima, ISDTF) from 20 to 21 October, 2011. After the opening ceremony and plenary lecturers – Professor Dušan Šidjanski i Bernard Hodgson, the work of this scientific meeting continued in sections – mathematics, informatics and social sciences – with the participation of experts from Serbia, Canada, France, Switzerland, Cyprus, Bulgaria and Israel. 149 On 24 October 2011, the SASA Festive Hall was the venue of the first day of the Scientific Conference on Biomedical Engineering for Human Health (Biomedicinski inženjering za ljudsko zdravlje), organized by the Department of Technical Sciences, Department of Medical Sciences, City of Kragujevac and Metropolitan University in Belgrade – Research and Development Centre for Bioengineering BIOIRC in Kragujevac. There were three sessions: Nanomaterials Cell and Bioengineering, Computer Modeling of Biological Processes and Neural Engineering for Improved Medical Care, at which 11 papers were presented and there was the round table on “Biomedical Engineering for Human Health – Priorities, Transposition and Training“ (Miomedicinski inženjering za ljudsko zdravlje – prioriteti, komponovanje obuka), organized together with the Nanotechnology and Functional Materials Centre of the Faculty of Technology and Metallurgy in Belgrade. The participants included prominent experts from the United States, Greece, Denmark, Slovenia, Spain and Serbia. The Scientific Conference was continued in the Festive Hall of the First Kragujevac High School in Kragujevac on 25 October. Оn 26 October 2011, the SASA Department of Mathematics, Physics and Earth Science and Astronomical Observatory held the meeting commemorating the 300th birth anniversary of Rudjer Bošković. The participants included prominent experts in various fields of science in which Rudjer Bošković was also engaged. They provided an overview of Bošković as an astronomer, physicist, engineer, mathematician, philosopher and author. The Svetozar Marković University Library staged the appropriate exhibition of Bošković’s work in front of the SASA Festive Hall. On the occasion of the 160th birth anniversary of Dr Laza K. Lazarević, the SASA Department of Medical Sciences, Serbian Medical Society and Dr Laza K. Lazarević Foundation for Human Ageing held the scientific meeting on Dr Laza K. Lazarević – Life and Work (Dr Laza K. Lazarević – život i delo). The meeting was divided into three sessions at which 12 papers in the fields of medicine and literature were presented. The SASA Library exhibited the most important works of this author in front of the Festive Hall. The SASA Department of Fine Arts and Music and Institute of Musicology held the scientific meeting on Musical Practices in the Balkans: Ethnomusicological Perspectives (Muzičke prakse Balkana: etnomuzikološke perspektive) from 23 to 25 November. The meeting worked in 8 sections at which 25 domestic and foreign participants presented their papers. In cooperation with the Interdepartmental Committee on AIDS and Association Against AIDS – JAZAS, the SASA organized the scientific meeting with international participation on the occasion of 1 December – World AIDS Day, enentitled HIV/AIDS 2011 Echoes of the 13th European AIDS Conference (HIV/AIDS 2011 Odjeci 13. AIDS evropske konferencije). 150 Сeremonial Meetings The Serbian Academy of Sciences and Arts marked its 170th anniversary with a number of events taking place from 17 to 20 November 2011. Within the scope of its celebration, on 17 November, the SASA Gallery was the venue of the concert – Musical Miniatures by Composers – SASA Members (Muzičke minijature kompozitora – članova SANU), while on 18 November, at Kalemegdan Park, the bust of Laza Kostić (the work of Academician Nikola Janković) was unveiled by Ljubomir Simović. On the same day, the exhibition Academicians – Artists from the SASA Art Collection (Akademici – likovni umetnici, iz Umetničke zbirke SANU) was opened at the SASA Gallery. On 19 November, the Day of the Serbian Academy od Sciences and Arts was marked by the ceremonial meeting attended by SASA members, high representatives of Serbia’s public and political life, representatives of the Serbian universities, deans, directors of research institutes, and heads and representatives of diplomatic and consular missions. The meeting was honoured by the presence of the presidents and representatives of the European academies – Academician Ionel Haiduc, President of the Romanian Academy, Jože Trontelj, President of the Slovenian Academy of Sciences and Arts, Academician Rajko Kuzmanović, President of the Academy of Sciences and Arts of the Republic of Srpska, Branislava Peruničić, Vice-President of the Academy of Sciences and Arts of Bosnia and Herzegovina, Academician Jaroslav Panek, Vice-President of the Academy of Sciences of the Czech Republic, Academician Atanas Atanasov, Vice-President of the Bulgarian Academy of Sciences, and Academician Ljupčo Kocarev, Secretary General of the Macedonian Academy of Sciences and Arts. The speech about the beginnings of the Serbian Academy was delivered by Academician Predrag Palavestra. The marking of the anniversary ended on 20 November 2011, with the Concert of the Chamber Music by the Composers – SASA Members, which was held at the Grand Hall of the Kolarac Foundation. Commemorative Meetings The Serbian Academy of Sciences and Arts held three commemorative meetings devoted to the memory of its deceased full members: Academicians Milka Ivić, Nikša Stipčević and Mihailo Djurić. Lectures On 20 January 2011, on the occasion of his election as foreign member of SASA, Professor Dr. Václav Klaus, President of the Czech Republic, delivered the inaugural speech entitled Remarks on the Czech and Serbian Transforations. 151 Professor Dr. Martin West, Professor of Classical Philology at the All Souls College, Oxford, UK, and a member of the British Academy, delivered the lecture on The Trojan War on 24 March 2011. Professor Dr. Olivera Finn, Chair of the Department of Immunology at the University of Pittsburgh School of Medicine (USA), delivered the lecture on The Two-Faced Interaction of the Immune System with Cancer on 4 May 2011. Professor Dr. Toshiaki Makabe, Vice-Chancellor of Keio University in Tokyo (Japan) and foreign member of SASA, delivered the inaugural address entitled Vicaddress: Introduction to Topdown Plasma Nanotechnologies – Vertically Integrated Computer-Aided Design for Plasma-Assisted Processes in Manufacturing of Integrated Circuits on 13 May 2013. Dr. Eng. Sunao Aoki, Senior Executive Vice-President of Mitsubishi Heavy Industries Ltd., Honorary Member of the Japan Society of Mechanical Engineers (JSME) and Honorary Member of the American Society of Mechanical Engineers (ASME), delivered the lecture on The Challenges Towards a Sustainable Society on 16 May 2011. Professor Dr. Berislav V. Zloković, Director, Center for Neurodegenerative and Vascular Brain Disorders; Director, Interdisciplinary Program in Dementia Research, University of Rochester (SAD), and foreign member of SASA, delivered the lecture on Neurovascular Pathways to Neurodegeneration on 6 June 2011. Professor Dr. Sergei Novikov, Professor at the University of Maryland (USA), member of the Russian Academy of Sciences and foreign member of SASA, delivered the lecture on Interaction of Mathematics and Physics in the Second Half of the 20th Century on 8 June 2011. As a guest of the Serbian Academy and Vinča Institute of Nuclear Science, H.E. François-Xavier Deniau, Extraordinary and Plenipotentiary Ambassador of France to Serbia, delivered the lecture on French Vision of Nuclear Energy Usage on 16 June 2011. Professor Dr. Jerzy Bartmiński, Professor of Polish Philology at the Maria Curie-Skladowska University in Lublin and member of the Polish Language Council of the Presaidency of the Polish Academy of Arts and Sciences, delivered the lecture on Linguistic Worldview as a Problem of Cognitive Ethnolinguistics on 22 September 2011. Professor Dr. Milan Mijić, California State University in Los Angeles, delivered the lecture on The Nobel Prize in Physics 2011, whereby he presented the winners Saul Perlmutter, Brian P. Schmidt and Adam G. Riess, on 18 October 2011. Professor Dr. Rosemarie Lühr, Professor at the Department of IndoEuropean Studies of the Friedrich Schiller University of Jena and full member of the Saxon Academy of Sciences in Leipzig, delivered the speech on Ety152 mology and Semantic Fields: German Word Field Etymology Project on 27 October 2011. Within the celebration of the United Nations Day on 28 October 2011, the Serbian Academy of Sciences and Arts hosted the UN High Representative for the Alliance of Civilizations and former President of Portugal, Jorge Sampaio, who delivered the speech on The Presentation of the United Nations Alliance of Civilizations. Professor Dr. Milan Stojanović, Columbia University Professor, visited the SASA and delivered the lecture on DNA: Molecules that Compute on 4 November 2011. 153 PUBLISHING ACTIVITY IN 2011 In 2011, the SASA editions included 36 titles, totalling about 1,330 author’s sheets or 1,500 press sheets. In these editions, 379 authors published 335 papers. The books were printed in 16,500 copies altogether. These publications included the joint editions of Serbian Encyclopedia (Srpska enciklopedija), Vol. I/2, and Ivo Andrić’s Bibliography (1911-2011) (Bibliografija Ive Andrića /1911-2011/). During the year, the Serbian Academy of Sciences and Arts published the following: Presidency • Almanac (Godišnjak) CXVII, for 2010 • Bulletin of the Scientific Research Fund for 2010 (Bilten Fonda za naučna istraživanja za 2010. godinu), No. 36 • Bulletin of Scientific Research. Annual Report for 2010 • Serbian Encyclopedia (Srpska enciklopedija), Vol. I/2 Department for Mathematics, Physics and Earth Sciences • Bulletin, Tome CXLIII, Classe des sciences mathématiques et naturelles. Sciences mathématiques, No 36 • Book of Abstracts ISDTF 2011 Department of Chemical and Biological Sciences • The Lives and Works of Serbian Scientists (Život i delo srpskih naučnika), Vol. 12 Department of Medical Sciences • Glas CDXVII, Vol. 51 154 Department of Language and Literature • Glas CDXVIII, Vol. 27 • Library of Onomatologic Contributions (Biblioteka Onomatoloških priloga), Vol 1, Radojka Cicmil-Remetić, Toponymy of Piva Mountain (Toponimija Pivske planine) • Scientific Meetings (Naučni skupovi) CXXXIII, Vol. 23, Laza Kostić 1841–1910-2010 • Critical Editions of Serbian Authors VIII, Djordje Branković, Old Slavonic Chronicles (Kritička izdanja srpskih pisaca VIII, Djordje Branković, Hronike slavenosrpske). Prepared by Anna Kretschmer • Ivo Andrić’s Bibliography (1911-2011), Bibliografija Ive Andrića (1911-2011) • Serbian Dialectological Proceedings (Srpski dijalektološki zbornik) LVII • Onomatological Contributions (Onomatološki prilozi) XXI • Scientific Meetings (Naučni skupovi) CXXXVII, Vol. 24, Festschrift in Memory of Skender Kulenović (Spomenica Skendera Kulenovića) Department of Social Sciences • Scientific Meetings (Naučni skupovi) CXXXI, Vol. 31, Social and Political Thought and Work of Vladimir Jovanović (Društvena i politička misao i delatnost Vladimira Jovanovića) • Special Series DCLXIX, Vol. 105, Аleksandar Fira, St Vitus Day Constitution (Vidovdanski ustav) Department of Historical Sciences • Glas CDXIV, Vol. 15 • Proceedings on the History, Language and Literature of the Serbian People (Zbornik za istoriju, jezik i književnost srpskog naroda), Section II – Monuments in Foreign Languages (Spomenici na tudjim jezicima), Vol. XLIV, • Slavko Gavrilović, Material for the History of the Military Frontier in the 18th Century (Gradja za istoriju vojne granice u XVIII veku), Vol. VI, Varaždin Generalate (Varaždinski generalat), Vol. IV • Vardar Proceedings (Vardarski zbornik) 8 • Proceedings on the Serbs in Croatia (Zbornik o Srbima u Hrvatskoj) 8 • Chilandar Proceedings (Hilandarski zbornik) 13 155 • Scientific Meetings CXXXIV, Vol. 32, The Fall of the Serbian Despotate in 1459 (Pad Srpske despotovine 1459. godine) • SASA Gallery of Science and Technology (Galerija nauke i tehnike SANU), No. 12, Nenad N. Tasić, Dragana Filipović, Diet in Neolithic Vinča – Sources and Reconstruction (Ishrana u neolitskoj Vinči – Izvori i rekonstrukcija) • Scientific Meetings (Naučni skupovi) CXXXV, Vol. 33, On the Trail of Vojislav J. Djurić (Na tragovima Vojislava J. DJurića) • Scientific Meetings (Naučni skupovi) CXXXVI, Vol. 34, Serbian-Russian Relations from the Early 18th to Late 20th Century (Srpskoruski odnosi od početka XVIII do kraja XX veka) • Dinko Davidov, SZENTENDRE. Serbian Historical Heritage (SENTANDREJA. Srpske povesnice) • Arhiv Edition (Izdanje Arhiva) 2/I, 2/ II, Vasilije DJ. Krestić, Mile Stanić, Proceedings of the Sessions of the Society of Serbian Scholarship 1842-1863 (Zapisnici sednica Društva srpske slovesnosti 18421863) • Documents on the Foreign Policy of the Kingdom of Serbia 19031914 (Dokumenti o spoljnoj politici Kraljevine Srbije 1903-1914), Vol. III, 2/1, 1/14 June – 15/28 July 1908; 2/II, 16/29 July – 23 September/6 October 1908. Prepared by: Mihailo Vojvodić, Ljiljana AleksićPejković • Documents on the Foreign Policy of the Kingdom of Serbia 19031914 (Dokumenti o spoljnoj politici Kraljevine Srbije 1903-1914), Vol. III, Supplement (Dodatak), Serbian Defence Organization in 1908 (Organizacija Srpska odbrana 1908. godine). Prepared by: Ljiljana AleksićPejković. Department of Fine Arts and Music • Gallery of SASA 121, The Icon: A Serbian Spiritual and Historical Picture (Ikona: srpska duhovna i istorijska slika) • Gallery of SASA 122, Miodrag B. Protić, ARS LONGA • Gallery of SASA 123, Academicians – Artists. From the Art Collection of the Serbian Academy of Sciences and Arts (Akademici – likovni umetnici. Iz Umetničke zbirke Srpske akademije nauka i umetnosti) • Resume Book, Musical Practices of the Balkans: Ethnomusicological Perspectives (Knjiga rezimea, Muzičke prakse Balkana: etnomuzikološke perspektive) • Winners of the Awards from the Stanojlo Rajičić Fund (Dobitnici nagrade iz Fonda Stanojlo Rajičić) 156 SASA Branch in Novi Sad • Annals of the SASA Branch in Novi Sad (Anali Ogranka SANU u Novom Sadu), No. 6 for 2010 • Katalin Rafa, Bibliography of Academician István Szeli (Bibliografija radova akademika Ištvana Selija) • HELIA, International Scientific Journal, Vol. 34, No. 54, July 2011 • Svetozar Petrović, On Indian Literature (O indijskoj književnosti) 157 BULLETIN OF SCIENTIFIC RESEARCH Annual Report for 2012 EDITOR’S NOTE In 2012, the Scientific Research Fund of the Serbian Academy of Sciences and Arts (SASA) provided and allocated the funds for scientific research, publishing activity, interacademic and international cooperation, for the participation of SASA members and their associates in scientific meetings in the country and abroad, for the acquisition of scientific literature and for other SASA scientific research needs. In 2012, the scientific research programme of the Serbian Academy of Sciences and Arts, including its Branch in Novi Sad and the Centres in Niš and Kragujevac, was carried out through 56 projects in the field of natural sciences and mathematics, 17 projects in the field of technical sciences, 31 projects in the field of medical sciences, 19 projects in the field of language and literature, 12 projects in the field of social sciences, 37 projects in the field of historical sciences and 6 projects in the field of fine arts and music. The work results were published in scientific and professional journals and monographs, or were presented at scientific meetings. In 2012, 23 publications were published in the SASA editions. In these SASA editions, 200 authors published 165 works. In the course of 2012, 67 members and associates of the SASA made study trips or participated in scientific meetings in the country and abroad. In addition, more than 30 scientists visited the SASA either under bilateral agreements on free exchange of researchers, or as participants in scientific meetings, lecturers and members of official delegations. In 2012, the Academy organized 13 scientific meetings, 10 lectures, and 5 commemorative gatherings. The resources allocated by the Fund for the acquisition of professional literature in 2012, were mainly used for a subscription to foreign journals and the acquisition of other foreign scientific publications according to the needs 161 of the specified committees, research teams and individuals, whose projects are carried out under the Academy’s scientific research programmes. A portion of these resources was also used for the acquisition of domestic scientific publications. 162 DEPARTMENT OF MATHEMATICS, PHYSICS AND EARTH SCIENCES D EARTH SCIENCES Committee FoR Paleoflora and paleofauna (Corresponding Member Milan Sudar) Topic: Geological evolution of Serbia in the Phanerozoic Topic: Investigation of the fossil flora and fauna of Serbia In the Zlatibor Mt. area of the Dinaridic Ophiolite Belt of SW Serbia, carbonate platform sediments of Triassic age were studied in detail to solve the evolution of the platform that existed in areas of the Neotethys at that time. The processes of the formation and destruction of the Wetterstein Carbonate Platform in a mélange belt in the surrounding of Sirogojno were reconstructed in great detail. Moreover, the process of the beginning of the Anisian rifting in the Neotethys and its consequence for the formation of asymmetric marine basins in the area that is today on the Zlatibor Mt. in the Dinaridic Ophiolite Belt, were discussed. The results of the initial investigations were published in a leading international journal from the ISI SCI list. Other results were presented on an international conference in Austria (29th IAS Meeting of Sedimentology). Intensive investigations for defining the lithostratigraphic Tertiary/ Quaternary boundary in Serbia were continued in concordance with the official ICS boundary between the two periods, which is now older in time (2.59 million year before today). These investigations represent the continuation of scientific collaboration between colleagues who investigate the Neogene and Quaternary from Serbia and abroad. During field activities within the area of the Kostolac Coal Basin and Fruška Gora, sediments of the Pannonian Lake were found for the first time 163 on the southern slope of Fruška Gora. Furthermore, from Fruška Gora, the first geochemical data from the Lower Miocene land sediments of the Vrdnik Formation in the surroundings of Beočin were presented. In surroundings of Belgrade, on the archaeological site Vinča, a geological investigation of material from boreholes was realized that gave many unknown geological data and changed the explanation that Vinča was built in a loess environment. Moreover, some analysis of the subsurface geology in the area of the new bridge over the Sava River (Ada Ciganlija) was analyzed and the results of these investigations were published in a leading national journal with international confirmation. Work on the project EUROCORES – TOPO EUROPE Source & Sink was continued with colleagues from Utrecht concerning the biostratigraphic– magnetostratigraphic evidence and the time of isolation of the Pannonian Basin during Upper Miocene. To date, the results of these investigations were presented in a leading journal from the ISI SCI list. In 2012, fossil ostracodes material from Sremski Karlovci and Rakovica was prepared and SEM photographs were taken, In addition, geological– paleontological objects of Belgrade, as important and low-protected monuments of nature, were promoted. From the surroundings of the village Boljetin (near Donji Milanovac, eastern Serbia), extremely rich fossil material of ammonites of Lower Cretaceous age was collected. In a paper, published in a leading national journal from the ISI SCI list, ammonite taxons from the families Desmoceratoidea and Silesitoidea were presented, which enabled documentation of two ammonite zones in the Lower Baremian. Other ammonite fauna, also uncalcareous algae dinoflagelates (which served for a reconstruction of the paleoenvironment) were described in another paper, which is in print in the same leading international journal. With two groups of foreign geologists from Great Britain and Italy, are published the results were published of investigations of the taxonomy and paleobiogeography of Upper Baremian brachiopods from Sinaja area, as well as the content of Upper Albian (Vrakonian) clasts of limestones from Eocene conglomerates of the Mont Albo massif from Sardinia. The papers were published in journals from the ISI SCI list, one in a leading and the other in an international journal. In a complex investigation of dasycladacean algae, a new taxon from the Upper Cretaceous, Santonian sediments located near Novi Pazar, SW Serbia was established are presented. The results of previous investigations from Fruška Gora and three previous interpretations of the development of the Upper Cretaceous, Maastrichtian sediments in Čerević Potok were presented, which are now part of lithologically different members/blocks of a chaotic complex in which Campanian blocks are now present. 164 Investigations of conodonts, foraminifers and other fossils on the Jadar Block area of NW Serbia were continued with the aim of solving very important stratigraphical/biostratigraphical, lithostratigraphical, geodynamical and other relations and problems in this very important boundary area. Similar investigations were realized in Slovenia as a result of international collaboration with colleagues from their Geological Survey. On many other terrains of Serbia, geological–paleontological investigations were performed, as follows: (a) in area of Fruška Gora, Drmno (Kostolac), also from Deliblato sand area, material for chemical and XRD analyses from Pleistocene sediments was taken; (b) in Tupižnica area near to Knjaževac, Urgonian limestones were investigated, and near to Gornja Bela Reka and Lenovac Albian–Cenomanian sediments; (c) sediments of Triassic age were investigated near to Zaječar, Pirot and the Stara Planina Mt. (eastern Serbia), also in the surroundings of Požega and Čačak, i.e., near to Kragujevac (western Serbia). Results of palynological investigations of the Proterozoic and the Cambrian age from eastern Serbia, realized by academician Marko Ercegovac in collaboration with the Bulgarian Academy of Sciences, will very soon be prepared for printing. Missoni S., Gawlick H.-J., Sudar M.N., Jovanović D., Lein R., 2012: Onset and demise of the Wetterstein Carbonate Platform in the mélange areas of the Zlatibor Mountain (Sirogojno, SW Serbia). Facies, 58 (1), 95‒101, Erlangen. Rundić Lj., Knežević S., Kuzmić V., 2012: New data on the geology of the archaeological site at Vinča (Belgrade, Serbia). Geološki anali Balkanskoga poluostrva, 73, 21‒30. Knežević S., Rundić Lj., Ganić M., 2012: The subsurface geology along the route of the new bridge at Ada Ciganlija Island (Belgrade, Serbia). Geološki anali Balkanskoga poluostrva, 73, 9‒19. Ter Borgh M., Vasiliev I., Stoica M., Knežević S., Matenco L., Krijgsman W., Rundić Lj., Cloetingh S., 2012: The isolation of the Pannonian basin (Central Paratethys): new constraints from magneto- and biostratigraphy. Global and Planetary Change, http://dx.doi.org/10.1016/ j.gloplacha.2012.10.001 Vašíček Z., Rabrenović D., Radulović V., Radulović B., Mojsić I., 2012: Ammonoidea (Desmoceratoidea and Silesitoidea) from the Late Barremian of Boljetin, eastern Serbia. Cretaceous Research, http://dx.doi.org/10.1016/j.cres.2012.10.002 Feldman H., Radulović V., Hegab A.A.A., Radulović B., 2012: Taxonomy and paleobiogeography of late Bathonian brachiopods from Gebel Engabashi, northern Sinai. Journal of Paleontology, 86 (2), 238‒252. Dieni I., Massari F., Radulović V.. 2012: Clasts of uppermost Albian (Vraconian) limestone in the Eocene Cuccuru’e Flores conglomerate of the M. Albo massif (eastern Sardinia). Rivista Itaiana di Paleontologia e Stratigrafia, 118 (1), 173‒182. 165 Radoičić R., Conrad M.A., 2012: Salpingoporella nicolacarrasi spec. nov., a dasycladalean alga from Santonian of Southwestern Serbia (Novi Pazar, Mirdita Zone). Geološki anali Balkanskoga poluostrva, 73, 87‒97. Radoičić R., Jovanović, D., 2012: Upper Cretaceous of the Čerevićki potok (Čerević Stream); Fruška Gora Mt., Serbia: state of art. Geološki anali Balkanskoga poluostrva, 73, 31‒36. COMMITTEE FOR GEODYNAMICS (Academian Stevan Karamata) Project: geodynamics of Earth Crust (Academician Stevan Karamata) Topic: Paleooceanic areas in central part of Balkan Peninsula (Academician Stevan Karamata) In 2012, the establishment of a connection between Oligo–Miocene magmatism and the formation of ore deposits in Serbia was intensively is worked on. Of special interest was the investigation of finding a petrogenetic connection between the formation of Pb–Zn mineralization and the processes of magma mixing in the area of Rogozna. In addition, metamorphic rocks of the Serbo-Macedonian massif were studied in the surroundings of Leskovac. During 2012, lacustrine sediments of Neogene age were intensively studied as a part of a system of Neogene lakes in the Balkan Land. Based on all the geological data collected to date, paleogeographic maps of the Miocene and Pliocene lacustrine were constructed. It was constated that the distribution of the lakes in the Balkan Land was dependent on tectonics and their migration was compatible with causes derived deep underground. In addition, the different phases of the origin of Miocene and Pliocene lakes were discussed. Topic: Geomorphological Map of Serbia (Academician Stevan Karamata and Prof. Dr. Predrag Đurović) During 2012, two collaborators, Milovan Milivojević M.Sc, and Aleksandar Petrović M.Sc., were included in the work on the manuscript Geomorphological Map on the scale 1:50 000, sheets “Sjenica 4” and “Valjevo 4”. In the first year, the authors digitalized the orohydrographic base, quantitatively analyzed the relief (map of incline gradient of the relief) and produced a test version of the geomorphological map. Moreover, Božidar Vasiljević and Ljubomir Menković prepared and printed the Geomorphological Map, sheet Zaječar (scale 1:100 000). 166 Project: study of the ophiolite belts of Vardar zone, the Dinarides and the Carpatho-Balkanides (Academician Stevan Karamata) (in collaboration with Corresponding Members Milan Sudar and Vladica Cvetković) In the area of eastern Serbia, magmatic rocks of Upper Cretaceous and Paleogene age were studied. Their interpretation helped to better understanding of geodynamics at the transition from the Mesozoic to the Cenozoic. Attention was paid to the different petrogenetic problems of basanites of Paleogene age, such as the study of ultramafic xenolites from alkaline basalts. The results of these investigations were published in a few well known journals from the ISI SCI list. Dr. Ivan Zagorčev and Dr. Hristo Kiselinov participated in an interacademic exchange between the Serbian Academy of Sciences and Arts and the Bulgarian Academy of Sciences during June 2012 in Serbia and they, together with Dr. Dragan Milovanović, worked in Eastern Serbia on problems of the investigation of the ophiolite belt of D. Milanovac-Deli Jovan-Zaglavak, as well as in field investigations of Pre-Cambrian and old Paleozoic rocks (Bosiljgrad, Vlasina, Surdulica, Jastrebac Mt., Ram, etc.). In Western Serbia area, ophiolite rocks of different areas of the Vardar Zone (the surroundings of Valjevo, Krupanj and Mali Zvornik) were investigated by sampling numerous specimens for different investigations. The purpose was a better understanding and knowledge of the characteristics and eventual differences in these areas with other ophiolitic belts on the territory of Serbia. The same investigations of ophiolitic rocks were applied in the Dinaridic Ophiolite Belt of SW Serbia (surrounding of Prijepolje, Priboj and Tara Mt.). Project: GEODYNAMICS OF TECTONOSTRATIGRAPHIC UNITS IN CENTRAL PART OF BALKAN PENINSULA (Corresponding Member Milan Sudar) In complex investigations of the origin and history of units, i.e., terranes, that are today in Balkan Peninsula area, the evolution of tectonostratigraphic units of Triassic and Jurassic age dealing with the development of whole Pannonian region was investigated. Two papers were printed at the beginning of 2012 (date of publishing was 2011) in an international journal that is not on the ISI SCI list, but which is in this report. In collaboration with geologists from Germany and America, the results of investigations of the biogeography of ammonite fauna in the Lower Carboniferous (Mississippian) were finalized in a journal from the ISI SCI list. 167 From Serbia area, Visean–Serpukhovian ammonites were analyzed from the locality Milivojevića Kamenjar (the surroundings of Družetić), which represent their unique appearance on the Balkan Peninsula and which belongs to the tectonostratigraphic unit of the Jadar Block. In 2012, work on geophysical investigations in ecology, especially on pollution of soil and subsurface waters by hydrocarbons, was continued. The experimental work on the mentioned problems was intensified by collaboration with the Russian company „Геологоразведка“, i.e., with its subsidiary TR-Geo, with the application on georadars in ecology. In addition, collaboration with the Slovakian company “IngGeoCom” was established concerning the application of electromagnetic methods of investigations in ecology. The results of investigations for establishing a new gravitational reference for Serbia were published in an international journal from the ISI SCI list. The chapter Geophysics concerning the history of geophysics is in preparation for the “Mining Geological Lexicon of Serbia from 1950 to 2000”. In the area of Dinaridic Ophiolite Belt of SW Serbia (Zlatibor and Zlatar Mts.), numerous field explorations of different sedimentary rocks were performed to establish their characteristics, first stage, as the main elements of this very characteristic ophiolite belt of Serbia. †Kovács S., Sudar M., Grădinaru E., Gawlick H.-J., Karamata S., Haas J., Péró Cs., Gaetani M., Mello J., Polák M., Aljinović D., Ogorelec B., Kolar-Jurkovšek T., Jurkovšek B., †Buser S., 2011: Triassic Evolution of the Tectonostratigraphic Units of the Circum-Pannonian Region. Jahrbuch der Geologischen Bundesanstalt, 151 (3+4), 199‒280, Wien. Haas J., †Kovács S., Gawlick H.-J., Grădinaru E., Karamata S., Sudar M., Péró Cs., Mello J., Polák M., Ogorelec B., †Buser S., 2011: Jurassic Evolution of the Tectonostratigraphic Units of the Circum-Pannonian Region. Jahrbuch der Geologischen Bundesanstalt, 151(3+4), 281‒354, Wien. Korn D., Titus A.L., Ebbighausen V., Mapes R.H., Sudar M.N.,2012: Early Carboniferous (Mississippian) ammonoid biogeography. Geobios, 45, 1, 67‒77, Lyon. Cvetković V., Erić S., Radivojević M., Šarić K., 2012: Cognate clinopyroxene from Paleogene mantle xenolith-bearing basanite lavas (East Serbia, SE Europe): the role of dissolution of mantle orthopyroxene. Mineralogy and Petrology, 106 (3-4), 131‒150. Borojević-Šoštarić S., Cvetković V., Neubauer F., Palinkaš L.A., Bernroider M., Genser J., 2012: Oligocene shoshonitic rocks of the Rogozna Mts. (Central Balkan Peninsula): evidence of petrogenetic links to the formation of Pb-Zn-Ag ore deposits. Lithos, 148, 176‒195. Borojević-Šoštarić S., Palinkaš L.A., Neubauer F., Hurai V., Cvetković V., Roller-Lutz Z., Mandić M., Genser J., 2012: Silver-base metal epithermal vein and listwanite hosted deposit Crnac, Rogozna Mts., Kosovo, part II: A link between mag168 matic rocks and epithermal mineralization. Ore Geology Review. DOI http://dx.doi. org/10.1016/j.oregeorev.2012.10.005. Kolb M., von Quadt A., Peytcheva I., Heinrich C.A., Fowler S.J., Cvetković V., 2012: Adakite-like and Normal Arc Magmas: Distinct Fractionation Paths in the East Serbian Segment of the Balkan–Carpathian Arc. Journal of Petrology. DOI:10.1093/ petrology/egs072. Odalović O.R., Starčević M., Grekulović S, Burazer M., Aleksić I.R., 2012: The establishment of a new gravity reference frame for Serbia. Survey Review, 44, 327, 272‒281. Krstić N., Savić Lj., Jovanović G., 2012: The Neogene Lakes on the Balkan Land. Geološki anali Balkanskoga poluostrva, 73, 37‒60. Project: GЕОCHEMISTRY (Academician Zoran Maksimović) 1. The geochemistry of the upper mantle and the igneous rocks of the Earth’s crust The investigations of magmatic rocks in the Balkan Peninsula, including their comparisons with similar rocks in the Mediterranean region, especially in Anatolia (Turkey), were continued. Prelević D., Jacob D.E., Foley S.F., 2012: Recycling Plus: A New Recipe for the formation of Alpine-Himalayan Orogenic Mantle Lithosphere. Earth and Planetary Science Letters, DOI: 10.1016/j.epsl.2012.11.035. Foley S.F., Prelević D., Jacob D.E., Rehfeldt T., 2012: Minor and trace elements in olivines as probes into early igneous and mantle melting processes. Earth and Planetary Science Letters -Frontiers, DOI:10.1016/j.epsl.2012.11.025. Fritschle T, Prelević D., Foley S.F., Jacob D.E., 2012: Petrological characterization of the mantle surce of Mediterranean lamproites: indications from major and trace elements of phlogopites. Chemical Geology, DOI: 10.1016/ j.chemgeo.2012.09.006. Akal C., Helvacı C., Prelević D., van den Bogaard P., 2012: High-K volcanism in the Afyon Region, Western Turkey: a switch from Si-oversaturated to undersaturated volcanism. International Journal of Earth Sciences, DOI 10.1007/s00531012-0809-9. Prelević D., Akal C. Foley S.F., Romer R.L., Stracke A., van den Bogaard P., 2012: Ultrapotassic mafic rocks as geochemical proxies for postcollisional mantle dynamics of lithosphere: the case of SW Anatolia-Turkey. Journal of Petrology, 53, 1019‒105. 2. Geochemistry of the rock alteration In 2012, specific plants were investigated with respect to the characteristic heavy metals occurring in the soils formed by the surface decomposition 169 of rocks. In addition, the Grot flotation tailings pond was investigated from a geochemical aspect – the behaviour of some heavy metals in the tailings pond and waters coming into contact with tailings material. In the Bukulja and Brajkovac granitoid massifs the impact of geological materials on the migration of fluorides in mineral waters was analyzed. Jović V., Krupniković M., Srećković-Batoćanin D., 2012: Biondicators of heavy metals in soils released through weathering of stones. 2nd International Conference „Harmony of nature and spirituality in stone“, 15-16 March 2012, Kragujevac, 65‒70. Djokić B.V., Jović V., Jovanović M., Ćirić A., Jovanović D., 2012: Geochemical behaviour of some heavy metals of the Grot flotation tailing, Southeast Serbia. Environmental Earth Sciences, vol. 66, No. 3, 933‒939. Papić P., Djoković I., Stojković J., Jović V., Marinković G., Nikić Z., 2012: The impact of geology on the migration of fluorides in mineral waters of the Bukulja and Brajkovac pluton area, Serbia. Geološki anali Balkanskog poluostrva, 73, 109–116. 3. Mineralogy Airborne particles were collected near the power plant and the opencast coal mine of the Kolubara Basin. This paper represents a part of a one-year project aimed at collecting, characterizing and then determining the mineralogical composition of the airborne particles. Samples of deposited particulate matter from the air were collected between March 2007 and March 2008. The particle distribution at all sites was classified in three classes: particles larger than 10 µm, particles from 10 to 2.5 µm in size and particles smaller than 2.5 µm. Such a division gave the ratio of inhaled and respiratory particle concentrations at the measuring points. Both, SEM-EDS and X-ray powder diffraction analysis showed that dust from the coal mines and power plant largely consisted of the group of mineral grains and coal particles (quartz, feldspar, clays, gypsum, dolomite, calcite, micas, chlorite and hematite). This study showed that both the concentration and mineralogical characteristics of the airborne particles from mines and the power plant are essential for quantification of the fractions that are inhaled and for the identification of potentially dangerous (hazardous) components in the deposited matter (1). In this paper, particular attention was paid to the presence of aerosol solid particles, which occurred mainly as a result of exploitation and of coal combustion in the thermal power plant of the Kolubara Basin. The sampling was performed using precipitators placed at eight locations within the territory of the Lazarevac municipality. The mineralogical composition and particle size distribution in the samples of aero sediments were defined. Several methods were applied: microscopy, SEM-EDX and X-ray powder diffraction. The 170 most common minerals were quartz and feldspar. The presence of gypsum, clay minerals, calcite and dolomite as secondary minerals was determined, as well as the participation of organic and inorganic amorphous matter. The presence of quartz as a toxic mineral has a particular impact on human health (2). In this study, the behavior of glass ceramics synthesized from a glass frit FFW (final flotation waste) in thermal shock testing was investigated, in order to discuss the possibility of application for the production of new material from the group of ceramics (glass ceramic). Thermal shock of the samples was measured using a standard laboratory procedure, the water quench test. The level of surface deterioration before and during quenching was monitored by image analysis. Ultrasonic measurements were used for the nondestructive quantification of the thermal shock damage in the specimens. The dynamic Young modulus of elasticity and strength degradation were calculated using measured values of ultrasonic velocities obtained in ultrasonic measurements. It was found that the materials exhibited good thermal shock resistance, and could be good candidates for application where this behavior is required (3). 1) Cvetković Ž., Logar M., Rosić A., Ćirić A., 2012: Mineral composition of the airborne particles in the coal dust and fly ash of the Kolubara basin (Serbia). Periodico di Mineralogia, 81, 2, 205‒223. 2) Cvetković Ž., Logar M., Rosić A., 2012: Mineralogy and characterization of deposited particles of the aero sediments collected in the vicinity of power plants and the open pit coal mine: Kolubara (Serbia). Environmental Science and Pollution Research, DOI 10.1007/s11356-012-1154-z. 3) Cocić M., Logar M., Pošarac M., Matović B., Volkov-Husović T., Dević S., Vušović N.. 2012: Thermal shock properties of glass ceramics synthesized from a glass frit. 44rd International October Conference on mining and metallurgy, Bor, 1-3 October 2012, 33‒39. 4. Geochemical Map of Serbia The field and laboratory processing and preparation of individual and composite samples were followed by the selection and systematization of the representative probes of the top and bottom soil horizons, which were sent to ACME Analytical Laboratories Ltd., an accredited Canadian laboratory in Vancouver, for multi-element chemical analysis. A new strategy for the investigation of soil as a geochemical medium was created and network plan for the densification of field exploratory work, using the high-resolution probing of 4 x 4 and 5 x 5 km. After receiving laboratory results, the data were processed and classified: by method, type of element, group to which it belongs and value of its content. After the traditional statistical processing of data for each chemical element, preparations were made for geostatistical and geochemical analysis, 171 required for the forthcoming geochemical modelling of the horizontal and vertical distribution of the content. MATHEMATICS AND MECHANICS Project: ASYMPTOTIC BEHAVIOUR OF GENERALIZED FUNCTIONS, THEORY AND APPLICATIONS (Academician Bogoljub Stanković) In 2012, a survey of the results in the theory of fractional equations with constant coefficients was published. The new solving methods were presented and the obtained results were also compared with the results known in relevant literature. Atanackovic T.M., Pilipovic S., Stankovic B., 2012: A theory of linear differential equations with fractional derivatives. Bulletin CXLIV, Classe des sciences Mathematiques et Naturellees, Sci. Math., Vol 37, 73‒97. Project: SEMI-RIEMANNIAN GEOMETRY (Academician Mileva Prvanović) In 2012, two articles were published. Prvanović M., 2012: Conformally invariant tensors of an almost Hermitian manifold associated with the holomorphic curvature tensor. Journal of Geometry, 103, 89–101. Prvanović M., 2012: Conformal change of the metric of almost anti-Hermitian manifolds. Bulletin CXLIV, Classe des sciences mathématiques et naturellees, Sciences mathématiques, No. 37, 41–59. Project: NONLINEAR ANALYSIS IN FUZZY STRUCTURES (Academician Olga Hadžić) It is very important to investigate what the factors influencing a high level of service customer orientation of hotel employees under the conditions of transition and a high rate of the unemployment is of great importance. One of the conclusions of the research was that the management of hotels in Serbia does not fully recognize the potentials of the knowledge of employees as a possible competitive advantage during organizational changes in a highly competitive global environment. Since job satisfaction is one the most important factor that influences the readiness of employees for organizational 172 changes, the relationships between job satisfaction, perceptions of organizational customer climate, cultural dimensions and employees customer orientation among front-line employees in the hotel industry in a non-western country in transition was investigated in the study. Data for the current study were collected through the use of a survey instruments completed by front-line employees in several hotels in the north province of Serbia –Vojvodina. This part of Serbia is one of the most developed parts of Serbia and the tourism industry is one of the important factors in the economic development of the region. Vukonjanski J., Nikolić M., Hadžić O., Terek E., Nedeljković M., 2012: Relationship between GLOBE organizational culture dimensions, job satisfaction and leader-member exchange in Serbian organizations. Journal of East European Management Studies, Vol. 17, No. 3, 333‒368. Project: COMPUTER AIDED INVESTIGATIONS IN DISCRETE MATHEMATICS (Academician Dragoš Cvetković) Two subjects were studied, i.e., applications of the theory of graph spectra to computer science and the travelling salesman problem. Paper [1] gives a survey of the graph spectral techniques used in applications in computer sciences. Paper [2] explains some new ideas for introducing and treating complexity indices for the travelling salesman problem. New complexity indices were obtained using spectral clustering of short edge subgraphs. 1. Arsić B., Cvetković D., Simić S.K., Škarić M., 2012: Graph spectral techniques in computer sciences. Applicable Analysis and Discrete Mathematics, 6, No. 1, 1‒30. 2. Cvetković D., 2012: Complexity indices for the travelling salesman problem and data mining. Transactions of Combinatorics, 1, No. 1, 35‒43. Project: ASYMPTOTIC FORMULAS IN ANALYTIC NUMBER THEORY (Academician Aleksandar Ivić) In the year 2012 A. Ivić has published the following works: 1. (with Jie Wu, Nancy) On the General Additive Divisor Problem. Proceedings of the Steklov Institute of Mathematics, 276 (2012), 140-148. 2. The theory of Hardy’s Z-function, Cambridge University Press, Cambridge, 2012, 243pp. 173 In [1], results concerning the averages of the error term in the general additive divisor problem were obtained. The monograph [2] presents an extensive work on the Hardy function Z(t), connected with the Riemann zetafunction ζ(s). It contains 11 chapters, plus bibliography, author and subject index. A. Ivić visited Japan and China in March 2012. In Tokyo and Beijing, he gave three lectures in each city on his current scientific research involving ζ(s) and related topics. Project: QUALITATIVE AND NUMERICAL ANALYSIS OF SOME CLASSES OF DIFFERENTIAL AND DIFFERENCE EQUATIONS (Academician Vojislav Marić) In 2012, under this project, the properties of the solutions of differential and functional differential equations were investigated. He published two papers and one article unrelated to his profession. He participated in the International Conference on the Theory, Methods and Applications of Nonlinear Equations, Texas A&M University, Kingsville, USA, 17-21 December 2012. Project: APPLICATION OF THE VARIATIONAL PRINCIPLES OF MECHANICS TO NONLINEAR AND NONCONSERVATIVE DYNAMICAL SYSTEMS (Academician Božidar D. Vujanović) In 2012, he was involved in writing the analyses and surveys of papers for the reference journals ZAMM (Berlin) and Мathematical Reviews (Ann Arbor, USA). He also collected and sorted out the literature for writing the textbook-monograph on analytical mechanics and variational principles, both integral and differential. Project: EQUATIONS WITH SINGULARITIES THROUGH METHODS OF FUNCTIONAL ANALYSIS (Academician Stevan Pilipović) As result on the project in 2012 I report the next paper: Atanackovic T.M., Pilipovic S., Stankovic B., 2012: A theory of linear differential equations with fractional derivatives. Bulletin CXLIV, Classe des sciences Mathematiques et Naturellees Sci. Math., 73‒97. In the paper, an overview of results in the theory of fractional equations with constant coefficients was given. New methods of solving equations were 174 presented. Moreover, the obtained results were compared with well-known results in the literature. Project: INTERPOLATION AND QUADRATURE PROCESSES BASED ON THE THEORY OF ORTHOGONALITY (Academician Gradimir V. Milovanović) General constructive methods and the corresponding software for constructing orthogonal polynomials and Gaussian quadrature formulae were presented in [1]. Cases of some interesting special classes of orthogonal polynomials were also obtained. Special Gaussian quadrature formulae for numerical integration of functions with algebraic and/or logarithmic singularities were obtained in paper [2]. Numerical (weighted) integration of analytic functions along a line segment in the complex plane was developed in [3]. Interesting properties of the Boubaker polynomials were presented in [4], as well as an application to the approximate solution of the Love integral equation. The concept of multiple-orthogonality and two applications in numerical integration were discussed in [5]. Finally, the most significant results related to extremal problems and inequalities with algebraic and trigonometric polynomials were given in a monograph [6]. Milovanović G.V., Cvetković A.S., 2012: Special classes of orthogonal polynomials and corresponding quadratures of Gaussian type. Mathematica Balkanica, 26, 169–184. Milovanović G.V., Igić T., Tončev N., 2012: Quadrature formulae for problems in mechanics. In: Numerical Analysis and Applied Mathematics (ICNAAM 2012), Vol. 1479, 1058–1061. Milovanović G.V., Tošić D.Đ., Albijanić M., 2012: Numerical integration of analytic functions. In: Numerical Analysis and Applied Mathematics (ICNAAM 2012), Vol. 1479, 1046–1049. Milovanović G.V., Joksimović D., 2012: Some properties of Boubaker polynomials and applications. In: Numerical Analysis and Applied Mathematics (ICNAAM 2012), Vol. 1479, 1050–1053. Milovanović G.V., Stanić M.P., 2012: Multiple orthogonality and applications in numerical integration. In: Nonlinear Analysis: Stability, Approximation, and Inequalities (P. Georgiev, P.M. Pardalos, H.M. Srivastava, eds.), Series: Springer Optimization and its Applications, Vol. 68, Chapter 26, 431–455, Springer Verlag, Berlin - Heidelberg - New York. Milovanović G.V., 2012 : Extremal Problems and inequalities for polynomials. Zavod za udžbenike, Beograd (In Serbian). 175 PHYSICS AND METEOROLOGY Project: STATISTICALITY AND CAUSALITY IN QUANTUM MECHANICS (Academician Fedor Herbut) Parallel work on a number of problems was performed. 1. The Zurek derivation of the quantum probability law from envariance was completed. 2. The idea of degrees of presence of quantum properties and events in the spectra of quantum observables when the wave function is given was completed. 3. Elaboration of the state-dependent quantum logic was completed. 4. Good arguments for the defense of the postulate of reality of the quantum wave function were sought further in controversy with opponents. 5. A new idea of “delayed twin observables” was introduced and elaborated. Its implications in quantum mechanics were investigated. 6. A study of the algebraic relations in the dynamics of quantum measurement was commenced. Herbut F., 2012: Zurek’s derivation of Born’s rule and measurement. European Physical Journal Plus, 2012, 127, 14 (7 pages). Herbut F., 2012: State-dependent implication and equivalence in quantum logic. Advances in Mathematical Physics. 2012 (23 pages) (Electronic journal with online open access). Project: NUMERICAL SIMULATION OF WEATHER AND CLIMATE (Academician Fedor Mesinger) A study was completed on the impact of using in a limited area model the Eta model lateral boundary conditions (LBCs), which use only the driving model information on a single outermost line of grid points and prescribe one less variable on the outflow than at the inflow points, against the relaxation LBCs, which are used in perhaps all or almost all other nested models in NWP and regional climate efforts. The results showed that, verified against analyses in 32-day integrations, in the majority of cases the Eta LBCs are less computationally demanding and more in line with the mathematics of the problem and performed better than the relaxation LBCs. A paper on the topic is in press in Meteorology and Atmospheric Physics (Mesinger, Veljovic). 176 Several refinements were made in the Eta model code, which were implemented in the model code that is downloadable from its CPTEC site (http:// etamodel.cptec.inpe.br). They include enforcement of consistency in using analogs of the hydrostatic equation in pre- and post-processing packages and in the dynamical core of the model. The refined Eta discretization via the introduction of “sloping steps” developed earlier was tested by running numerous additional cases and in particular by refining some features of importance in very high resolution runs of about 1 km (Ristić). A manuscript summarizing the model changes during the last several years, “An upgraded version of the Eta model”, by 11 co-authors, was published in Meteorology and Atmospheric Physics. A subproject addressed the effects of the release of contaminants into the atmosphere above Serbia. A presentation on the topic was made at a conference in The Netherlands. Mesinger F., Chou S.C., Gomes J., Jovic D., Bastos P., Bustamante J.F., Lazic L., Lyra A.A., Morelli S., Ristic I., Veljovic K., 2012: An upgraded version of the Eta model. Meteorology and Atmospheric Physics, 116, 63‒79. [http://www.springerlink.com/content/0177-7971/116/3-4/.] Mesinger F., Veljovic K., Fennessy M.J., Altshuler E.L., 2012: Value added in regional climate modeling: Should one aim to improve on the large scales as well? In:Climate Change: Inferences from Paleoclimate and Regional Aspects, Ed. by A. Berger, F. Mesinger, and Dj. Šijački, Springer, 201‒214 (doi:10.1007/978-3-70910973-1_15). Project: PHYSICAL AND MATHEMATICAL MODEL FOR MESOSCALE ATMOSPHERIC PROCESSES (Corresponding Member Zaviša Janjić) The general objective of the project has been to develop a physical and numerical model of the atmosphere that can be used for detailed simulation and forecasting of atmospheric processes, as well as for studies of other environmental problems on various scales. The project leader is Prof. Zaviša Janjić, corresponding member of the SASA, and the collaborators were Dr. Vladimir Djurdjević and Prof. Borivoj Rajković from the University of Belgrade, Serbia, and Mr. Milos Lompar from the Republic Hydrometeorological Institute of Serbia. In 2012, the emphasis was placed on studying and improving the interaction between radiation and the available microphysics species. Issues with the ice phase requiring further work were detected. Another topic addressed was the medium range forecasting of high impact weather. The TC Sandy 177 case was rerun using initial conditions from the National Centers for Environmental Predictions, Washington, and the European Center for Medium-range Weather Forecasts. Preliminary analysis of the results indicated that coupling of an ocean model to an atmospheric model could have a positive impact on the forecasts. Further work on the coupling of the Princeton Ocean Model (POM) is under way and will lead to a major upgrade of the forecasting system when completed. Project: DYNAMICS OF THE SOLAR SYSTEM BODIES (Corresponding Member Zoran Knežević) Topic: Chaos and stability in the motion of small solar system bodies (Corresponding Member Zoran Knežević) The development of a method and a corresponding code for attribution of asteroids to the known families were completed. The method was applied to the updated and homogenized catalog of asteroid proper elements. In the first phase, by using only bright objects, the cores of the families were identified; subsequently the first iteration of the attribution of faint asteroids was performed. The most significant data on the families extended in such a way, and on their members, are included in the AstDyS database. The same was realized for the asteroids located in one of the two most important mean motion resonances with Jupiter (2/1 and 3/2). The work was continued on the development of an efficient algorithm for the computation of the Jarkovsky non-gravitational effect in the case when two sources of radiation (stars) affect a small spherically shaped body (asteroid). The part that describes variations of the geometry of the system and for an arbitrary instant of time computes relative position of the asteroid with respect to the stars was completed. Observations of double and multiple stars using the two-meter telescope of the observatory at Rozhen, within the framework of collaboration with the Bulgarian Academy of Sciences, and using with the 60-cm telescope at the Astronomical Station on Vidojevica Mountain were commenced. Observations of 274 systems for which reduction of observations, computation of orbits and preparation of papers for publishing are ongoing. Topic: Motion of major planets and satellites of major planets (Vojislava Protić-Benišek M.A.) It was found that the two transits of Mercury and Venus over the solar disk, observed from the private observatory in Bački Petrovac (Prof. Jaroslav 178 Grnja) in 2003 and 2004, agree very well in terms of the basic results with the results obtained from observations collected by V. Protitch-Benishek from the Astronomical Observatory of Belgrade in the same years. Since this material is quite comprehensive and contains interesting results and since such events will not occur again in the 21st century (in the case of Venus), the authors decided to prepare a monograph for publishing devoted to their results. Technical preparation of this monograph is under way. Moreover, a paper is in preparation related to the results of observations collected over several decades of occultations of stars and minor planets by the Moon, which includes a full bibliography of published papers. Random and systematic errors of astrometrical data for stars in the Hipparcos reference catalog were investigated by comparison with several other catalogs, such as the new Hipparcos (van Leeuwen), ЕОC-2, EOC-3, EOC-4, PZT and IL. The unknowns were computed using the Ivanov-Yatsenko formula. The systematic effect of the orbital motion of double and multiple stars on the determinations of their proper motions was also considered. By using for comparison only the astrometrical values of stellar proper motions, it was not possible to find a definite answer to the question of whether the new Hipparcos catalog is in the systematic part indeed better than the previous version. The conclusion is that the effect of orbital motion on the proper one for double and multiple stars can hardly be determined precisely and that all the mentioned catalogs have small relative (with respect to each other) random and systematic errors. It follows that also errors of proper motions in declination of the stars in these catalogs must be small, and that all the catalogs used for comparison give results of approximately the same quality (i.e., have similar random and systematic errors). This is taken as an independent verification of the quality of our IL catalog, as well as of the corresponding results from the reference Hipparcos catalog. Similar results were also obtained for our PZT catalog. Milani A., Knežević Z., Farnocchia D., Bernardi F., Jedicke R., Denneau L., 2012: Identification of known objects in solar system surveys. Icarus, 220, 114‒123. Novaković B., Dell’Oro A., Cellino A., Knežević Z., 2012: Recent collisional jet from a primitive asteroid. Monthly Notices of the Royal Astronomical Society, 425, 338‒346. Novaković B., Hsieh H.H., Cellino A., 2012: P/2006 VW139: A Main-Belt Comet Born in an Asteroid Collision? Monthly Notices of the Royal Astronomical Society, 424, 1432‒1441. Cvetković Z., Pavlović R., Ninković S., Stojanović M., 2012: System ADS 48: Visual binary or multiple system? Astronomical Journal, 144, 80 (8pp). Мijajlović Ž., Pejović N., Šegan S., Damljanović G., 2012: On asymptotic solutions of Friedmann equations. Applied Mathematics and Computation, 219, 1273‒1286. 179 Cvetković Z., Pavlović R., Boeva S., Damljanović G., 2012: CCD measurements of double and multiple stars at NAO Rozhen. Bulgarian Astronomical Journal, 18, 56‒61. Cvetković Z., Damljanović G., Pavlović R., Vince O., Milić I.S., Stojanović M., 2012: Focal length determination for the 60 cm telescope at ASV. Serbian Astronomical Journal, 184, 97‒104. Jevremović D., et al. (V. Protić-Benišek co-author), 2012: Serbian Virtual Observatory. Proceedings of 13th International Conference, CompSysTech'12, ACM ICPS, Vоl. 630, 399‒406. (Awarded paper) Jevremović D., et al. (V. Protic-Benišek, co-author), 2012: Serbian Virtual Observatory and Virtual Atomic and Molecular Data Center. Proceedings of the VII Bulgarian-Serbian Astronomical Conference, Publications of the Astronomical Society “Ruđer Bošković”,11, 55‒62. Pejović N., Мijajlović Ž., Valjarević A., Damljanović G., 2012: Serbian astronomical works in the virtual library of the Faculty of Mathematics in Belgrade. Ibid, 311‒323. Мijajlović Ž., Pejović N., Šegan S., Damljanović G., 2012: Regularly varying solutions of Friedman equation. Ibid, 305‒310. Project: SHAPES AND SHIFTS OF SPECTRAL LINES IN GAS PLASMAS AND ELECTRIC GAS DISCHARGES (Academician Nikola Konjević) An analysis of the procedure for plasma electron number density, Ne, diagnostics based on a comparison of theoretical and experimental shape or width of the hydrogen Balmer lines was presented. Low Ne diagnostics, requiring an extension of the available theoretical Stark broadening data tables, was examined first. The difficulties encountered during the experimental line profile analysis at low Ne were discussed and appropriate procedures suggested. The widely adopted deconvolution of the experimental profile by fitting with a Voigt function was examined and it was shown that this deconvolution introduces large systematic errors in the determination of the Stark width. The results of an experimental and theoretical study of the electric field distribution in the cathode-fall (CF) region of an obstructed abnormal glow discharge in hydrogen were presented and analyzed. The distribution of the electric field strength was measured using an improved Stark polarization spectroscopy technique of the hydrogen Balmer beta line profile. The experimental electric field distribution was modeled by a simple analytical formula, adopted after consideration of elementary processes relevant in the CF. The model fitted the experimental distribution within error bars and, consequently, enabled the determination of the CF parameters. 180 Hydrogen Balmer beta line profile from a micro-hollow gas discharge (MHGD) in hydrogen was used for diagnostics of cathode sheath (CS) parameters. The average electric field strength in CS (25–46) kV/cm and CS thickness (60–120) µm were determined by profile fitting with the aid of a model recently developed and used in an argon MHGD. The results of a spectroscopic and 2D modeling study of the influence of hydrogen addition to a non-uniform nitrogen plasma of the microwave discharge of the electrode were presented. The axial intensity distributions of the H alpha line and some N2 and N2+ molecular bands were recorded for different incident microwave power inputs and hydrogen contents. The experimental results were compared with the intensity distributions of 2D modeling. The general conclusion of this comparison was that the 2D modeling was in agreement with the experimental results and showed that the influence of hydrogen addition on the discharge induced fast conversion reactions of nitrogen ions (N2+ and N4+) to N2H+ ions. These ion conversions led to changes in the transport properties of the ion plasma components, to a modification of the microwave field strength in the plasma and, consequently, to an alternation of all plasma parameters. The results of an optical emission spectroscopy study of Plasma during Electrolytic Oxidation (PEO) of magnesium- and aluminum-alloy were also presented. Plasma electron number density, Ne, diagnostics was performed either from the H-beta line shape or from the width or shift of non-hydrogenic ion lines of aluminum and magnesium. The line profile analysis of the H-beta suggests the presence of two PEO processes characterized by relatively low electron number densities Ne ≈ 1.2×1015 cm–3 and Ne ≈ 2.3×1016 cm–3. Apart from these two low Ne processes, there is the third one related to the ejection of evaporated anode material through a micro-discharge channel. This process is characterized by larger electron density Ne ≈ (1.2–1.6)×1017 cm–3, which was detected from the shape and shift of the aluminum and magnesium singly charged ion lines. During the course of this study, difficulties in the analysis of spectral line shapes were encountered and the ways to overcome some of the obstacles were demonstrated. Konjević N., Ivković M., Sakan N., 2012: ����������������������������������� Hydrogen Balmer lines for low electron number density plasma diagnostics (review article). Spectrochimica Acta B, 76, 16–26. Spasojević Dj., Steflekova V., Šišović N.M., Konjević N., 2012: Electric field distribution in the cathode-fall region of an abnormal glow discharge in hydrogen: experiment and theory. Plasma Sources Science Technology, 21, 025006 (8pp). Spasojević Dj., Cvejić M., Šišović N.M., Konjević N., 2012: Spectroscopic diagnostics of microhollow gas discharge in hydrogen. Journal of Applied Physics, 111, 096103. 181 Jovović J., Epstein I.L., Konjević N., Lebedev Yu.A., Šišović N.M., Tatarinov A.V., 2012: The influence of small hydrogen admixtures up to 5 % to a low pressure nonuniform microwave discharge in Nitrogen. Plasma Chemistry Plasma Processing, 32, 1093–1108. Jovović J., Stojadinović S., Šišović N. M., Konjević N., 2012: Spectroscopic study of plasma during electrolytic oxidation of magnesium- and aluminium-alloy. Journal Quantitative Spectroscopy and Radiative Transfer, 113, 1928–1937. Project: AFFINE SYMMETRY OF PHYSICAL LAWS (Academician Đorđe Šijački) The so called Gell–Mann decontraction formula expresses the Lie algebra elements in terms of the corresponding Inonu–Wigner contracted ones w.r.t. some of its sub-algebra. In the case of sl(n,R) and su(n) algebras contracted w.r.t. so(n) sub-algebras, the Gell–Mann formula is generally not valid, and applies only in the cases of some algebra representations. The achieved generalization of the Gell–Mann formula was valid in all cases of irreducible representations – finite, infinite, with and without multiplicity, as well as tensorial and spinorial. The generalized formula was applied to the Chromogravity theory, which describes the QCD theory IR region. Experimental investigations at the ATLAS detector at the LHC at CERN were extended to 8 TeV energies, and a considerably large amount of data was collected. As a result, a deeper and more precise insight into all relevant Standard Model processes was achieved. The most important result, that crowned all hitherto investigations of the ATLAS collaboration, was the discovery of the Higgs-like boson particle. Berger A., Mesinger F., Šijački Dј. (eds), 2012: Climate Change: Inferences from Paleoclimate and Regional Aspects. Springer. Aad G., Šijački Dj. et al., 2012: ATLAS Collaboration, Measurement of the top quark pair production cross section in pp collisions at sqrt(s)=7 TeV in dilepton final states with ATLAS. arXiv:1108.3699. Physics Letters B, 707, 459‒477. Aad G., et al., Šijački Dj. et al., 2012: ATLAS Collaboration, A measurement of the ratio of the W and Z cross sections with exactly one associated jet in pp collisions at sqrt(s)=7 TeV with ATLAS, arXiv:1108.4908. Ibid, 708, 221‒240. Aad G., et al., Šijački Dj. et al., 2012: ATLAS Collaboration, Search for a heavy Standard Model Higgs boson in the channel H→ZZ→l+l−qq using the ATLAS detector, arXiv:1108.5064. Ibid, 707, 27‒45. Aad G., et al., Šijački Dj., et al., 2012: ATLAS Collaboration, Measurement of the pseudorapidity and transverse momentum dependence of the elliptic flow of charged particles in lead-lead collisions at sqrt(sNN)=2.76 TeV with the ATLAS detector, arXiv:1108.6018. Ibid, 330‒348. Aad G., et al., Šijački Dj., et al., 2012: ATLAS Collaboration, Measurement of the centrality dependence of the charged particle pseudorapidity distribution in lead182 lead collisions at sqrt(sNN)=2.76 TeV with the ATLAS detector, arXiv:1108.6027. Ibid, 710, 363‒382. Aad G., et al., Šijački Dj., et al., 2012: ATLAS Collaboration, Search for squarks and gluinos using final states with jets and missing transverse momentum with the ATLAS detector in sqrt(s)=7 TeV proton-proton collisions, arXiv:1109.6572. Ibid, 67‒85. Aad G., et al., Šijački Dj., et al., 2012: ATLAS Collaboration, Search for New Physics in the Dijet Mass Distribution using 1 fb−1 of pp Collision Data at sqrt(s)=7 TeV collected by the ATLAS Detector arXiv:1108.6311. Ibid, 708, 37‒54. Aad G., et al., Šijački Dj., et al., 2012: ATLAS Collaboration, Measurements of the electron and muon inclusive cross-sections in proton-proton collisions at sqrt(s)=7 TeV with the ATLAS detector, arXiv:1109.0525. Ibid, 707, 438‒458. Aad G., et al., Šijački Dj., et al., 2012: ATLAS Collaboration, Measurement of the cross-section for b-jets produced in association with a Z boson at sqrt(s)=7 TeV with the ATLAS detector, arXiv:1109.1403. Ibid, 706, 295‒313. Aad G., et al., Šijački Dj., et al., 2012: ATLAS Collaboration, Measurement of the cross section for the production of a W boson in association with b-jets in pp collisions at sqrt(s)=7 TeV with the ATLAS detector, arXiv:1109.1470. Ibid, 707, 418‒437. Aad G., et al., Šijački Dj., et al., 2012: ATLAS Collaboration, Search for displaced vertices arising from decays of new heavy particles in 7 TeV pp collisions at ATLAS,arXiv:1109.2242. Ibid, 707, 478‒496. Aad G., et al., Šijački Dj., et al., 2012: ATLAS Collaboration, Searches for supersymmetry with the ATLAS detector using final states with two leptons and missing transverse momentum in sqrt(s)=7 TeV proton-proton collisions, arXiv:1110.6189. Ibid, 709, 137‒157. Aad G., et al., Šijački Dj., et al., 2012: ATLAS Collaboration, Search for strong gravity signatures in same-sign dimuon final states using the ATLAS detector at the LHC, arXiv:1111.0080. Ibid, 709, 322‒340. Aad G., et al., Šijački Dj., et al., 2012: ATLAS Collaboration, Search for Diphoton Events with Large Missing Transverse Momentum in 1 fb−1 of 7 TeV Proton-Proton Collision Data with the ATLAS Detector, arXiv:1111.4116. Ibid, 710, 519‒537. Aad G., et al., Šijački Dj., et al., 2012: ATLAS Collaboration, Measurement of the W±Z production cross section and limits on anomalous triple gauge couplings in proton-proton collisions at sqrt(s)=7 TeV with the ATLAS detector, arXiv:1111.5570. Ibid, 709, 341‒357. Aad G., et al., Šijački Dj., et al., 2012: ATLAS Collaboration, Search for Extra Dimensions using diphoton events in 7 TeV proton-proton collisions with the ATLAS detector, arXiv:1112.2194. Ibid, 710, 538‒556. 183 Project: N-REPRESENTABILITY PROBLEM (Academician Milan Damnjanović) Research of the correlated quantum states was continued, with emphasis on the applications of the results in the determination of many-body, in particular many electron, ground state systems. A classification of the possible spin arrangements in quasi one-dimensional systems was made with help of constructed spin representations. Vuković T., Lazić N., Milošević I., Damnjanović M., 2012: Symmetry of chiral nanotubes: Natural torsion and diffraction evidence. Physica Status Solidi B, 249, 2446–2449. Milošević I., Popović Z.P., Damnjanović M., 2012: Structure and stability of coiled carbon nanotube. Physica Status Solidi B, 249, 2442–2445. Lazić N., Milivojević M., Damnjanović M., 2012: Spin arrangements of the first family line groups. Physica Status Solidi B, 249, 2558–2561. Lazić N., Vuković T., Milošević I., Damnjanović M., 2012: Natural Torsion In Chiral Single-Wall Carbon Nanotubes. Journal of Physics: Condensed Matter, 24, 485302. Project: PHYSICS OF SUPERCONDUCTORS (Corresponding Member Zoran Radović) The results of the research were published in one scientific paper and reported at four scientific conferences. In the paper, the Josephson Effect in superconductor – ferromagnetic bilayer junctions was studied. In highly asymmetric junctions when the influence of one ferromagnetic layer is much larger and magnetizations are noncollinear, the long-range spin-triplet superconducting correlations give a dominant second harmonic in the current–phase relation. The Josephson currents and density of electronic states were calculated. It was shown that characteristic dependence of tunnel conductance on the voltage could be employed for direct experimental observation of long-range spin–triplet correlations. Knežević M., Trifunović L., Radović Z., 2012: Signature of the long triplet proximity effect in the density of states. Physical Review B, 85, 094517. Project: BIOPHYSICS OF PROTEINS IN LIVING CELLS (Corresponding Member Miljko Satarić) Within the framework of the Project “Biophysics of Proteins”, together with his fellows, Miljko Satarić published several papers in international journals and participated at five international conferences as follows: 184 Zdravković S., Kavitha L., Satarić M.V., Zeković S., Petrović J., 2012: Modified extended tanh-function method and nonlinear dynamics of microtubules. Chaos, Solitons & Fractals, 45, 1378–1386. Zdravković S., Satarić M., 2012: Morse potential in DNA molecule-An experimental proposal. Journal of Bioscience, 37 (4), 1–4. Sekulić D.L., Satarić M.V., Živanov M.B., Bajić J.S., 2012: Soliton-like Pulses along Electrical Nonlinear Transmission Line. Electronics and Electrical Engineering (Elektronika Ir Elektrotechnika), Vol. 121, No. 5, 53–58. Sekulić D.L., Satarić M.V., 2012: Microtubule as Nanobioelectronic Nonlinear Circuit. Serbian Journal of Electrical Engineering, Vol. 19, No. 1, 107–119. Sekulić D.L., Satarić M.V., 2012: Protein-based Nanobioelectronics Transmission Lines. 28th International Conference on Microelectronics–MIEL, Niš, Serbia, 13-16 May 2012, 215–218. Sekulić D.L., Satarić M.V., 2012: Actin Filaments Can Serve as Nonlinear Electrical Network. Advanced Electromagnetics Symposium – AES 2012, Paris, France, 16-19 April 2012, 341–345. INTERDEPARTMENTAL COMMITTEE DЕFICIENCY OF SELENIUM AND MAGNESIUM IN SERBIA (Academician Vidojko Jović) After the elementary statistical processing of the measures of the central tendency and percentile values of the contents, the following contents for MgO were obtained: The spatial distribution of magnesium in soils in Serbia is specific due to extremely low and extremely high concentrations, ranging from 0.28 to 16.86 %, with the median value of 1.24 %. The highest anomalous concentrations of this element were measured in the bottom soil horizon in Mts Zlatibor (16.86 %) and Suvobor (11.96 %). In this region, the geological background is mainly composed of ultrabasic rocks. The characteristic values that deviate significantly deviate the central tendency of the statistical distribution from 4.30 to 5.13 %, are related to the locations of Kopaonik ultrabasites and Dukat Paleozoic shales. The selenium content of the bottom horizons of soils in Serbia ranges from 0.05 mg/kg (method sensitivity 0.1mg/kg, i.e. it was not detected) to a maximum of 0.7 mg/kg with the mean value of 0.15 mg/kg and median value of 0.10 mg/kg. Its content in the top horizon was detected only in the residual soil formed on the ultrabasic background. The anomalous values, i.e. extreme concentrations related to the investigated set, are the outliers values of 0.2-0.7 mg/kg and occur in many locations with the most frequent value of 0.5 mg/kg and versatile geological background. 185 INTERDEPARTMENTAL COMMITTEE KARST OF SERBIA AND SPELEOLOGY (Academician Vidojko Jović) Interdepartmental project: KARST OF SERBIA (Academician Vidojko Jović) During 2012, speleological explorations in eastern Serbia, in the broader area of Krepoljin, were continued. They included the exploration of the Živkova rupa and Pogana peć caves. In addition, hydrological observations were carried out in the karst regions of eastern Serbia (Homoljska Potajnica). INTERDEPARTMENTAL COMMITTEE ON THE DYNAMICS OF THE EARTH SYSTEM CLIMATE AND THE OPUS OF MILUTIN MILANKOVIĆ (Academician Fedor Mesinger) The mission of the Board was to support activities aimed at studying the dynamics of the components of the Earth’s climate system, in particular as they pertains to climate change, and to advance the understanding and awareness in the scientific community and general public of the contributions of Milutin Milankovitch, to science as well as to culture and the history of science. Among the Board’s efforts in 2012, the most visible might be its help and the contributions of its members to the final publication of the proceedings book of the Milutin Milankovitch Anniversary Symposium, held in Belgrade in 2009, in which three Board members had their papers published. The book Climate Change; Inferences from Paleoclimate and Regional Aspects was published by Springer, edited by André Berger, international member of the Academy, Fedor Mesinger and Djordje Šijački, Academy members. An extensively documented paper by André Berger on the history of paleoclimate science published in the book was particularly relevant for the mission of the Board. In 2012 as perhaps the final one, the ninth book in the series of selected works of Milankovitch, a translation from French to Serbian of his 1920 book “Mathematical Theory of the Thermal Phenomena Created by Solar Radiation”, with a comprehensive preface by Aleksandar Petrović and Zoran Knežević - Board Members was edited and published. Active participation of several Board members at the yearly end of May event commemorating Milankovitch’s birth, in renovated Milankovitch family home in Dalj, Croatia, now a Culture and Science Center, was another noteworthy activity in 2012. Among the contributions to this 2012 event was an electro-mechanical model of the Milankovitch Earth’s astronomical cycles, precession, obliquity, and orbit eccentricity, authored by Aleksandar Petrović 186 with a team of coauthors. The model was first presented at the Academy in Belgrade, and is now permanently on display in the Center in Dalj. An activity partially funded from the Board’s sources was the attendance of the researcher Katarina Veljović at a workshop in Oxford, England, on Solution of Partial Differential Equations on the Sphere (PDEs on the Sphere). The results she presented are included in one of the papers she co-authored that were published in the above-mentioned Springer book, and were noted by the working group of the Intergovernmental Panel of Climate Change in the preparation of its 5th Assessment Report (AR5). INTERACADEMIC COOPERATION OF SASA AND MONTENGRIN ACADEMY OF SCIENCES AND ARTS Project: RARE EARTH ELEMENTS IN THE BAUXITES OF NIKŠIĆKA ŽUPA (Academician Vidojko Jović) In 2012, the results of the earlier investigations of rare earth elements in the bauxites of Nikšićka Župa were processed from geochemical, mineralogical, metalogenic and economic-geological aspects. They were compared with the available data from similar deposits in Montenegro with an aim to explain the genesis of the deposits. The work on the doctoral dissertation in this field is underway (S. Radusinović). INTERACADEMIC COOPERATION OF SASA AND MACEDONIAN ACADEMY OF SCIENCES AND ARTS Project: INVESTIGATION OF TERTIARY LAMPROITES (Academician Vidojko Jović) The investigations of Macedonian Tertiary lamproitic rocks were expanded to include a detailed investigation of Mediterranean lamproites (especially in Anatolia).The granitoids of eastern Serbia were investigated from petrological and geochemical aspects. Akal C., Helvacı C., Prelević D., van den Bogaard P., 2012: High-K volcanism in the Afyon Region, Western Turkey: a switch from Si-oversaturated to undersaturated volcanism. International Journal of Earth Sciences, DOI 10.1007/s00531012-0809-9. Prelević D., Akal C. Foley S.F., Romer R.L., Stracke A., van den Bogaard P., 2012: Ultrapotassic mafic rocks as geochemical proxies for postcollisional mantle dynamics of lithosphere: the case of SW Anatolia-Turkey. Journal of Petrology, 53, 1019‒105. 187 DEPARTMENT OF CHEMICAL AND BIOLOGICAL SCIENCES PHYSICAL CHEMISTRY Project: NEW CATALYTIC SYSTEMS (Academician Paula Putanov) During 2012, the investigations of modified-zirconia catalysts were carried out at the SASA and laboratories of the Faculty of Science and Mathematics in Niš and Vinča Institute of Nuclear Sciences. Within the multi-year systematic investigations of modified-zirconia catalysts for hydrocarbon isomerization, М-моdified sulphatized and phosphatized zirconia (М = Pt, Re) were also investigated. In addition, the investigations of CaO-based catalysts for biodiesel production were initiated. A series of zirconium(IV) oxide-based catalysts was prepared with different phosphate concentrations (4 or 10 wt %) and calcinated at different temperatures������������������������������������������������������������������ , and������������������������������������������������������������� ���������������������������������������������������������������� then ������������������������������������������������������������ tested������������������������������������������������� in���������������������������������������������� ������������������������������������������������ the ��������������������������������������������� n���������������������������������������� -��������������������������������������� hexane��������������������������������� isomerization������������������� �������������������������������� reaction���������� ������������������ . The����� �������� cat���� alysts were characterized by BET, XRD and SEM methods, while total acidity was determined using Hammett indicators. The specific surface area of the catalysts, determined by the BET method, ranges from 41 to 55 m2/g with the exception of the catalyst 4-PhZrO2–600 with SBET of 100 m2/g. This paper dealt with the impact of several parameters on the yield of biodiesel obtained by means of sunflower oil transesterification, using CaO as the catalyst. The effects of calcination temperature, reaction temperature, reaction time, pressure, methanol to oil molar ratio and stirring speed were observed. The reaction was performed in the Parr 4520 group reactor in an inert atmosphere. The yield of biodiesel was determined using the standardized method (SRPS EN 14103), based on gas chromatography. Zarubica A., Randjelovic M., Momcilovic M., Putanov P., 2012: Physicochemical and catalytic characterization of M-modified zirconium oxide in n-hydrocarbon conversion. 11th International Conference on Fundamental and Applied Aspects of Physical Chemistry, Belgrade, Serbia, September 24-28, 2012, Proceedings, Vol. 1, 139‒150 (C-01-SL). 188 Project: THEORETICAL INVESTIGATION OF THE VIBRONIC COUPLING IN TETRA-ATOMIC MOLECULES (Academician Miljenko Perić) The focus of the research work of Miljenko Perić changed in 2012 from the theoretical to predominately the experimental field (electrochemistry, spectroscopy, and material science). He used, however, to a considerable extent, his experience from theoretical, particularly ab initio, investigations of the structure of molecular spectra. The subject of these studies was plasma electrolytic oxidation of magnesium, zirconium and their alloys. With his coworkers from the Faculty of Physics and Faculty of Physical Chemistry, University of Belgrade, Miljenko Perić published in 2012, three papers in leading international scientific journals in this working field, as well as a very extensive review in the J. Serb. Chem. Soc. Project: Е������������������������������������� LECTROCATALYSIS IN CONTEMPORARY ENERGY CONVERSION PROCESSES (Corresponding Member Slavko Mentus) The project started in 2010. During 2012, the experimental part of the research was carried out in the laboratories of the Faculty of Physical Chemistry by its professors, associates and doctoral students, who were also involved in the project “Lithium Ion Batteries and Fuel Cells – Research and Development“ (Litijum-jonske baterije i gorivne ćelije – istraživanje i razvoj). The project is financed by the Serbian Ministry of Education, Science and Technological Development, and the project leader is Slavko Mentus. According to the work plan for 2012, during this third year of project implementation, the investigations covered the processes occurring at the border of the metalelectrolyte solution being of interest for energy conversion in fuel cells and lithium power sources from electrode kinetic and thermodynamic aspects. More significant results were achieved in the utilization of carbon materials produced by the carbonization of nanodispersed polyaniline as the catalyst and catalyst carrier for oxygen reduction, and for the storage of electrical charge in an electrical double layer. New results were also achieved in the development of nanodispersed materials for the reversible binding of lithium ions from lithium iron phosphate-based water solutions by forming vanadium oxide solid solutions, as well as in making other improvements in the kinetics of electrochemical processes. The investigations of specific processes occurring at the border of the wolfram-electrolyte solution, carried out during 2011, were continued with an aim to achieve their more efficient use in electroanalytical chemistry. 189 1. Pašti I., Lazarević-Pašti T., Mentus S., 2012: Switching between voltammetry and potentiometry in order to determine H+ and OH- ion concentration over the entire pH range by means of tungsten disk electrode. Journal of Electroanalytical Chemistry, 665, 83‒89. 2. Janošević A., Pašti I., Gavrilov N., Mentus S., Krstić J., Mitrić M., TravašSejdić J., Ćirić-Marjanović G., 2012: Microporous conducting carbonized polyaniline nanorods: Synthesis, characterization and electrocatalytic properties. Microporous and Mesoporous Materials, 152, 50‒57. 3. Mentus S., Abu-Rabi A., Jašin D., 2012: Oxygen reduction on potentiodynamically formed Pd/TiO2 composite electrodes. Electrochimica Acta, 69, 174‒180. 4. Gavrilov N., Pašti I.A., Vujković M., Travaš-Sejdić J., Ćirić-Marjanović G., Mentus S.V., 2012: High-performance charge storage by N-containing nanostructured carbon derived from polyaniline. Carbon, 50, 3915‒3927. 5. Tomić-Tucaković B., Majstorović D., Jelić D., Mentus S., 2012: Thermogravimetric study of the kinetics of Co3O4 reduction by hydrogen. Thermochimica Acta, 541,15‒24. 6. Gavrilov N.M., Pašti I.A., Ćirić-Marjanović G., Nikolić V.M., MarčetaKaninski M.P., Miljanić Š., Mentus S.V., 2012: Nanodispersed platinum on chemically treated nanostructured carbonized polyaniline as a new PEMFC catalysts. International Journal of Electrochemical Science, 7 (8), 6666‒6676. 7. Gavrilov N., Pašti I.A., Mitrić M., Travas-Sejdić J., Ćirić-Marjanović G., Mentus S.V., 2012: Electrocatalysis of oxygen reduction reaction on polyanilinederived N-doped carbon nanoparticle surfaces in alkaline media. Journal of Power Sources, 220, 306‒316. 8. Pašti I.A., Gavrilov N.M., Mentus S.V., 2012: Potentiodynamic investigation of oxygen reduction reaction on polycrystalline platinum surface in acidic solutions: the effect of the polarization rate on the kinetic parameters. International Journal of Electrochemical Science, 7, 11068‒11075. CHEMISTRY Project: ORIGIN, STRUCTURE AND PROPERTIES OF SEDIMENTARY ORGANIC MATTER APPLIED TO PROBLEMS OF ENVIRONMENTAL PROTECTION AND NEW ENERGY SOURCES EXPLORATION (Academician Dragomir Vitorović) Organic geochemical and petrographic characterization of some coals and several recent and ancient sediments in Serbia (the Kolubara, Kostolac–Drmno and Valjevo–Mionica Basins) was realized based on biomarker compositions. The geological evolution, quality and maturation of Banat and local Srbobran depression source rocks were investigated. The process of bioremediation of soils contaminated by petroleum-type pollutants was studied in detail. 190 Šajnović A., Stojanović A., Simić V., Jovančićević B., 2012: Geochemical and sedimentation history of Neogene lacustrine sediments from the Valjevo-Mionica Basin (Serbia). In: Geochemistry, Earth’s System Processses. Edited by Panagiotaras D., INTECH, Rijeka, 1–26. Beškoski V., Gojgić-Cvijović G., Jovančićević B., Vrvić M., 2012: ��������� Gas chromatography in environmental sciences and evaluation of bioremediation. In Gas Chromatography, Biochemicals, Narcotics and Essential Oils. Edited by Salih B., INTECH, Rijeka, 2–28. Stojanović K., Životić D., 2012: Comparative study of Serbian Miocene coals – insights from biomarker composition. International Journal of Coal Geology, doi: 10.1016/j.coal.2012.09.009 Geosciences, Multidisciplinary (27/170). Životić D., Stojanović K., Gržetić I., Jovančićević B., Cvetković O., Šajnović A., Simić V., Stojaković R.������������������������������������������������������ ,����������������������������������������������������� Scheeder G., 2012: Petrological and geochemical composition of lignite from the D field, Kolubara basin (Serbia). International Journal of Coal Geology, doi: 10.1016/j.coal.2012.10.014 Geosciences, Multidisciplinary (27/170). Novaković M., Ramadan M.M.A., Šolević Knudsen T., Antić M., Beškoski V., Gojgić-Cvijović G., Vrvić M.M., Jovančićević B., 2012: �������������������������������� �������������������������� Degradation of phenanthrene methyl isomers (mono-, di- and tri-) during bioremediation of soil contaminated by residual fuel oil. Environmental Chemistry Letters, 10, 287–294. Stojanović K., Životić D., Šajnović A., Cvetković O., Nytoft H.P., Scheeder G.,��������������������������������������������������������������������������������� 2012: �������������������������������������������������������������������������������� Drmno lignite field (Kostolac Basin, Serbia): origin and palaeoenvironmental implications from petrological and organic geochemical studies. Journal of the Serbian Chemical Society, 77, 1109–1127. Stojanović K., Kostić A., Mrkić S., 2012: Applicability of calculated vitrininte reflectance for maturity assessment of organic matter of source rocks from hyperthermal basin (Banat Depression, Serbia). 8th International Conference „Oil and Gas Chemistry“, Tomsk, Russia, September 24–28, 2012, Proceedings, 116–119 (In Russian). Stojanović K., Jovančićević B., Nytoft H.P., 2012: Diversity of hopane structures in OM of source rocks from the hyperthermal basins and their applicability to organicgeochemical studies. Proceedings of the 8th International Conference „Oil and Gas Chemistry“, Tomsk, Russia, September 24–28, 2012, Proceedings, 201–204. Project: CHEMICAL REACTIVITY AND BIOACTIVITY OF NATURALLY OCCURRING QUINONES AND HYDROQUINONES AND THEIR DERIVATIVES (Academician Miroslav J. Gašić) Interactions of the biologically active sesquiterpene quinone avarone and its derivatives with calf thymus DNA were investigated using UV/Vis and fluorescence spectrophotometry. The hyperchromic effects observed in the absorption spectra and the quenching of the fluorescence of ethidium bromide indicate binding of the quinone in the minor groove of DNA. 191 Krstić N., Bjelaković M.S., V. Pavlović V., Robeyn K., Juranić Z.D., Matić I., Novaković I., Sladić D.M., 2012: New androst-4-en-17-spiro-1,3,2-oxathiaphospholanes. Synthesis, assignment of absolute configuration and in vitro cytotoxic and antimicrobial activities, Steroids, 77, 558–565. Project: RESEARCHES IN MATHEMATICAL CHEMISTRY (Academician Ivan Gutman) In the plan for the year 2012, four main directions of intended research were indicated. Here, some of the results that were published in 2012 are mentioned. (a) The papers 2, 3, 11, 12, 13, 14, 15 deal with the electronic properties of benzenoid and related molecules. (b) Graph energy and related graph invariants were studied in the works 1, 4, 7 and in the book 18. (c) Of graph invariants of importance in chemistry, distance-based structure descriptors and vertex-degree-based descriptors were examined (5, 6, 8, 9, 10). (d) Some of the published papers (16, 17) are in the area of biomathematics. (e) In addition, other papers were published that are not mentioned in this Report. 1. Gutman I., 2012: Bounds for all graph energies. Chemical Physics Letters, 528, 72‒74. 2. Radenković S., Bultinck P., Gutman I., Đurđević J., 2012: On induced current density in the perylene/bisanthren homologous series. Chemical Physics Letters, 552, 151‒155. 3. Radenković S., Gutman I., Bultinck P., 2012: A comparative study of aromaticity in tetraoxa[8]circulenes. Journal of Physical Chemistry A, 116, 9421‒9430. 4. Gutman I., 2012: Estimating the Laplacian-energy-like molecular structure descriptor. Zeitschrift für Naturforschung, 67a, 403‒406. 5. Das K.C., Xu K., Gutman I., 2012: Comparison between Kirchhoff index and the Laplacian-energy-like invariant. Linear Algebra and Its Applications, 436, 3661‒3671. 6. Abdo H., Dimitrov D., Gutman I., 2012: On the Zagreb indices equality. Discrete Applied Mathematics, 160, 1‒8. 7. Gutman I., Wagner S., 2012: The matching energy of a graph. Discrete Applied Mathematics, 160, 2177‒2187. 8. Liu J., Gutman I., Mu Z., Zhang Y., 2012: q-Wiener index of some compound trees. Applied Mathematics and Computation, 218, 9528‒9535. 192 9. Furtula B., Gutman I., Ivanović M., Vukičević D., 2012: Computer search for trees with minimal ABC index. Applied Mathematics and Computation, 219, 767‒772. 10.Gutman I., Ghorbani M., 2012: Some properties of the Narumi-Katayama index. Applied Mathematics Letters, 25, 1435‒1438. 11.Vukičević D., Đurđević J., Gutman I., 2012: Limitations of Pauling bond order concept. Polycyclic Aromatic Compounds, 32, 36‒47. 12.Gutman I., Đurđević J., Radenković S., Matović Z., 2012: Anomalous cyclic conjugation in the perylene/bisanthrene homologous series Monatshefte für Chemie, 143, 1649‒1653. 13.Marković M., Đurđević J., Gutman I., 2012: Cyclic conjugation in benzo- and benzocyclobutadieno-annelated terrylenes and higher rylenes. Journal of the Serbian Chemical Society, 77, 751‒759. 14.Gutman I., Furtula B., 2012: Vertex-degree-based molecular structure descriptors of benzenoid systems and phenylenes. Journal of the Serbian Chemical Society, 77, 1031‒1036. 15.Gutman I., Đurđević J., Matović Z., Marković M., 2012: Verifying the modes of cyclic conjugation in tetrabenzo[bc,ef,op,rs]circumanthracene. Journal of the Serbian Chemical Society, 77, 1401‒1408. 16.Zhang Z., Zhang Y., Gutman I., 2012: Predicting nucleosome position in yeast: Using the absolute frequency. Journal of Biomolecular Structure and Dynamics, 29, 1081‒1088. 17.Ren L., Zhang Y., Gutman I., 2012: Predicting the classification of transcription factors by incorporating their binding site properties into a novel mode of Chou’s pseudo amino acid composition. Protein and Peptide Letters, 19, 1170‒1176. 18.Li X., Shi Y., Gutman I., 2012: Graph Energy. Springer, New York, pp. XI+266. Project: VIEW INTO MOLECULES THAT CHANGE THE WORLD (Academician Živorad Čeković) Through the project View into molecules that change the world, Živorad Čeković was engaged in the popularization of the chemical sciences, chemical products and materials that have wide applications in every day life. In this year, the writing of a book concerning the popularization of chemical products, compounds and materials, under the title USE OF MOLECULES – chemical essays about molecules and their applications, was finished. The book was edited by Zavod za udžbenike in 2012, 1000 copy printing, 406 pages. This book was intended for wide reading publicity, secondaryschool pupils, the other schools-pupils and also chemists. The reviewers of the book were academician Miroslav Gašić and Prof. Dr. Snežana Bojović. 193 Project: NEW BIOACTIVE MOLECULES BASED ON NATURAL PRODUCTS (Academician Bogdan Šolaja) In continuation of our research in this field, attention was focused on peroxides that would be soluble in protic solvents / water. Their activity screening against chloroquine resistant chloroquine susceptible Plasmodium falciparum strains is currently ongoing. Systemic research in the field of Botulinum neurotoxin small molecule inhibitors revealed a few chemotypes that are active against several indications: BoNT/A LC malaria and HeLa cells. Detailed activity screening is ongoing. Opsenica I., Filipovic V., Nuss J.E., Gomba L.M., Opsenica D., Burnett J.C., Gussio R., Bavari S., Solaja B.A., 2012: The synthesis of 2,5-Bis(4-amidinophenyl) thiophene derivatives providing submicromolar-range inhibition of the botulinum neurotoxin serotype A metalloprotease. European Journal of Medicinal Chemistry, 53, 374‒379. Selaković Ž., Opsenica D., Eaton B., Retterer C., Bavari S., Burnett J.C., Šolaja B.A., Panchal R.G., 2012: A Limited Structural Modification Results in a Significantly More Efficacious Diazachrysene-Based Filovirus Inhibitor. Viruses, 4, 1279‒1288. Project: CHEMICAL CHARACTERISATION AND BIOLOGICAL ACTIVITY OF SECONDARY METABOLITES OF WILD-GROWING MEDICINAL PLANTS FROM CENTRAL BALKANS (Corresponding Member Slobodan Milosavljević) The investigations of secondary metabolites of various wild-growing plant species from Serbia and Montenegro were continued. Simultaneously, a study of the chemical constituents of plant species from the National Park Galičica, not studied before, was performed. In addition, the secondary metabolites deposited on the seeds of some cultivated fruits, such as white, black and red currants, were studied. Based on LC/UV/MS analysis, 35 compounds from the extracts of the seeds of black, red, and white currants (2 cultivars of each) were identified. Among the isolated compounds, the main constituents were carboxymethyl indol glycosides, dihydrophaseic acid glycosides and numerous polyphenols. These extracts exhibited protective effects against cytogenetic damage in human lymphocytes, which was assigned to their anti-oxidative activities. From the latex of Montenegrin spurge Euphorbia dendroides, several new diterpenoids (10 jatrophanes) were isolated and their structures elucidated by spectroscopic techniques. Some of them exhibited significant activ194 ity against four human cancer cell lines, i.e., P-glycoprotein (P-gp) inhibiting activity, even higher than those of R(+)-verapamil and tariquidar in colorectal multi-drug resistant (MDR) cells (DLD1-TxR). A paper on this subject has been accepted for publication in Phytochemistry. Gođevac D., Vajs V., Milosavljević S., Đorđević B., Zdunić G., Tešević V., 2011: Chemical composition of white currant seed extract. Journal of the Serbian Chemical Society, 76 (11), 1465‒1470. Gođevac D., Tešević V., Vajs V., Milosavljević S., Zdunić G., Ordević B., Stanković M., 2012: Chemical Composition of Currant Seed Extracts and Their Protective Effect on Human Lymphocytes DNA. Journal of Food Science, 77 (7), 779‒783. BIOLOGY Project: ADAPTIVE LIMITS OF POPULATION-GENETIC POLYMORPHISM (Academician Dragoslav Marinković) Using the model-organism Drosophila melanogaster, the analyses of gene–enzyme variability in ten systems of 400 individuals from natural populations were continued. Multigenic complexes that control this individual variability have a polygenic character, being reduced to a very restricted amount of adaptive combinations, i.e., less than 0.2 % of the theoretically available. A combinational character of these adaptive phenotypes ensures that during periods of sharp selection, when a population could be reduced to a minimum, the allelogenic polymorphism is not crucially diminished. In restored more optimal conditions, a new reconstitution of formerly existing structures could be realized already in one of following generations. The main positive selection of adaptive combinations of allelic genes seems to occur at the individual level during meiotic cell chromosomal divisions in gametogenesis, and to a smaller degree during gametic selection, to produce viable zygotes, and even in a relatively lesser degree during egg-to-adult ontogenetic development. The studies in the field of biomedicine were directed to the discovery of deleterious effects of some medicaments and chemical substances that are used in common practice, especially from developmental and genetic aspects. The pioneering work to disperse and transfer the basic principles of bioethics in our scientific and educational environment was continued. Marinkovic D., Magic Z., eds., 2012: Ethical Aspects of Genetic Studies in Biomedicine. Proceedings of Regional Conference held in SASA 2010. Council of Europe in collaboration of National committee for bioethics of UNESCO-Com195 mission of Serbia, Serbian Academy of Sciences and Arts, Serbian Genetics Society, Belgrade, 1‒115. Milosevic-Djordjevic O. et al., 2012: Chromosomal instability in peripheral blood lymphocytes of patients with reproductive failure assessed by micronucleus assay. Archives of Industrial Hygiene and Toxicology, 63, 367‒375. Matić S., Stanić S. et al., 2012: In vivo antigenotoxic potential and possible mechanism of action of selected 4-hydroxy-2H-chromen-2-one derivatives. Journal of Biochemical and Molecular Toxicology, 26/8, 322‒330. Project: INHERITANCE OF OIL QUALITY IN F1 AND F2 GENERATIONS IN SUNFLOWER (Academician Dragan Škorić) During the 2012 growing season, F2 combinations and F1BC1s were produced with both parents in crosses between lines with standard oil quality and those with high oleic acid levels (Ol genes) along with tolerance to imidazolinone-based herbicides (Imr1 and Imr2 genes). In addition, based on the hitherto obtained results, correlations were calculated between the main parameters of sunflower oil quality (fatty acids and tocopherols). a. Correlations among different tocopherols Significant negative correlations were found between the α-tocopherol content on the one hand and the γ- and δ-tocopherol levels on the other. A positive correlation was observed between the α-tocopherol content and the content of total tocopherols. There was also a pronounced positive correlation between the contents of γ-gamma and δ-delta tocopherols. b. Correlations between tocopherols and fatty acids There was a positive correlation between contents of α-tocopherol and erucic acid. Such a correlation was also found between the β-tocopherol content and the myristic acid content, as well as between the contents of δ-tocopherol and linoleic acid. Looking at the total tocopherol levels, there was a significant positive correlation between the content of total tocopherols on the one hand and the contents of linoleic and erucic acids on the other, as well as a negative correlation between the content of total tocopherols and the content of oleic acid. c. Correlations among fatty acids in sunflower oil Considering the correlations among the contents of the four major fatty acids (palmitic, stearic, linoleic, and oleic acid), the following conclusions could be drawn: – Palmitic acid was negatively correlated with stearic and oleic acids; – There was a significant negative correlation between stearic and oleic acid; 196 – There was a negative correlation between oleic and linoleic acid; – The only positive correlation was that found between linoleic and stearic acid. The minor fatty acids in sunflower are myristic, linolenic, arachidic, behenic, erucic, and lignoceric acids as well as some others. Their total level in sunflower is insignificant and they do not affect oil quality in this crop. Among these acids, significant positive and negative correlations were observed. There were also positive correlations between these minor acids and palmitic acid and negative correlations between them and stearic acid. The above results will help sunflower geneticists and breeders in the modeling of new types of oil quality. Hladni N., Terzić S., Miklič V., Jocić S., Kraljević-Balali M., Škorić D., 2012: Gene effect, combining ability and heterosis in sunflower morphophysiological traits. Helia,Vol. 34, Nr. 55, 101‒118. Vujaković S., Radić V., Miklič V., Jocić S., Balašević-Tubić S., Mrdja J., Škorić D., 2012: Seed dormancy of hybrids and parent lines of sunflower (Helianthusannuus L.). Helia, Vol. 35, Nr. 56, 111‒118. Project: ECOLOGICAL AND GENETICAL STUDIES OF DROSOPHILA SUBOBSCURA POPULATIONS FROM THE CENTRAL BALKANS (Academician Marko Anđelković) Population-genetic research of inversion polymorphism in populations of Drosophila subobscura from gorges and canyons in Serbia was ��� intensified. The attractiveness of these studies is based on the presumption that these localities from the central Balkans could have been refugia for Drosophila subobscura during the last glaciation. Besides inversion polymorphism, the genetic variability studies included mitochondrial DNA and nuclear microsatellite polymorphism. The study compared the variability through this integrated approach among the potential refugia and some non-refugial habitats, aimed at obtaining a complete picture of the history and spatial distribution of the population of this species on the Balkans. The analysis of possible population-genetic effects of environmental stress was realized through studying the effect of increased lead concentration on fitness components and on morphometry of wing parameters in D. subobscura. Jelić M., Castro J.A., Kurbalija-Novičić Z., Kenig B., Dimitrijević D., SavićVeselinović M., Jovanović M., Milovanović D., Stamenković-Radak M., Andjelković M., 2012: Absence of linkage disequilibria between chromosomal arrangements and mtDNA haplotypes in natural populations of Drosophila subobscura from the Balkan Peninsula. Genome, 55 (3), 214‒221. 197 Radulović Ž., Milutinović M., Tomanović S., Mihaljica D., Čakić S., Stamenković-Radak M., Anđelković M., 2012: Seasonal and spatial occurrence of glycerol-3-phosphate dehydrogenase variability in Ixodes ricinus (Acari: Ixodidae) populations. Journal Medical Entomology, 49 (3), 497‒503. Jelić M., Kenig B., Tanasković M., Stamenković-Radak M., Andjelković M., 2012: Relationship between chromosomal and mitochondrial DNA variability of Drosophila subobscura population from the Lazar’s river canyon. Genetika, 44 (2), 409‒417. Kenig B., Stamenković-Radak M., Andjelković M., 2012: Population specific fitness respons of Drosophila subobscura to lead pollution. Insect Sciences, DOI 10. 1111/j. 1744-7917.2012.01501 Kurbalija Novičić Z., Kenig B., Ludoški J., Stamenković-Radak M., Andjelković M., 2012: Lead-induced variation in wing size and shape in populations of Drosophila subobscura. Environmental entomology, 41, 979‒988. Pavković-Ličić S., Savić T., Jelić M., Kenig B., Tanasković M., StamenkovićRadak M., Andjelković M., 2012: Note on the fauna Drosophila (Diptera: Drosophilidae) and the first record of Opomyza florum (Diptera: Opomyzidae) from mountain Goč, Serbia. Acta entomologica serbica, 12, 56‒65. Project: EVOLUTION OF COMPLEX TRAITS IN LABORATORY AND WILD POPULATIONS (Corresponding Member Nikola Tucić) A considerable amount of data has implicated physiological resemblance between ageing processes and stress resistance. Among various examined stresses, oxidative stress resistance has been suggested to be the only predictive factor of extended longevity. Since the pro-oxidant agent paraquat (PQ) is commonly used in testing oxidative stress resistance, it was tested whether the variation in resistance to paraquat correlates with the variation in longevity in two sets of experimental lines of seed beetles (Acanthoscelides obtectus), which were selected either for early reproduction and short-life or late reproduction and long-life. The long-lived late reproduction lines (L) showed increased resistance to PQ, while the opposite was true for the shortlived early reproduction line (E). A striking outcome of the selection for early and late reproduction in A. obtectus was the asymmetry of the responses to alternate mating schedules. The intensity of the resistance response depended on the selection regime, sex and PQ dose. Evolution of longevity and PQ resistance was faster in the L than in the E selection regime, faster in females than in males and was more expressed at higher doses of PQ. Stojković B., Šešlija-Jovanović D., Tucić N., 2012: Transgenerational effects on overall fitness: Influence of larval feeding experience on the oviposition behaviour of seed beetle A. obtectus. Polish Journal of Ecology, 60, 387‒393. 198 Lazarević J., Tucić N., Šešlija-Jovanović D., Večera J., Kodrik D., 2011: The effects of selection for early and late reproduction on metabolic pools in Acanthoscelides obtectus. Insect Science, 19, 303‒314. Project: CHOROLOGICAL AND ECOLOGICAL FACTORS OF TAXA DIFFERENTIATION IN OROPHYTIC FLORA OF SERBIA AND NEIGHBORING TERRITORIES OF THE CENTRAL BALKANS (Academician Vladimir Stevanović) Within the scope of this project, several interesting issues regarding the vascular flora of Serbia and the neighboring countries of the central and western part of the Balkan Peninsula were researched, which could be summarized as follows: The studies of the genus Edraianthus in the central part of the Balkan Peninsula, especially the complex E. graminifolius-jugoslavicus were continued. Detailed mophometric and statistical analysis of a large number of E. jugoslavicus populations were performed, which clearly showed existing differences between the populations that was also supported by their specific chorological characteristics. The results of investigations of the genus Ramonda, related to the morphology of the pollen and seeds, the morphometric characteristics of the population of both species R. Serbica and R. nathaliae and their hybrids, as well as the preferences of the species R. nathaliae to various substrata, particularly to serpentinite bedrock, were presented at international meetings. Rakić T., Živković I., Šinžar-Sekulić J., Stevanović B., Stevanović V., Lakušić D., 2012: Morphological variation of Edraianthus graminifolius complex���������� ����������������� (�������� Campanulaceae) from the central Balkan Peninsula – evidence from multivariate statistical analysis. Flora, 207 (5), 354‒364. Niketić M., Vukojičić S., 2012: Retypification of two infraspecific names from Caryophyllaceae. Botanica Serbica, 36 (1), 65‒67. Lakušić D., Surina B., Niketić M., Barina Z., 2012: Distribution of Lunaria telekiana (Brassicaceae), a poorly known species of European concern. Botanica Serbica, 36 (2), 139‒144. Foggi B., Parolo G., Šmard, P., Coppi A., Lastrucci L., Lakušić D., Eastwood R., Rossi G., 2012: Revision of the Festuca alpina group (Festuca section Festuca, Poaceae) in Europe. Botanical Journal of the Linnean Society, 170 (4), 618‒639. Conti F., Bartolucci F., Tomović G., Lakušić D., 2012: Jacobaea vulgaris subsp. gotlandica (Compositae), new for Italy and Montenegro. Botanica Serbica, 36 (2), 145‒147. 199 Project: STUDYING THE MOLECULAR MECHANISMS INVOLVED IN MAINTAINING PLURIPOTENCY AND DIFFERENTIATION OF STEM CELLS (Corresponding Member Milena Stevanović) The studying of the effects of SOX2 overexpression on retinoic acid (RA) induced neural differentiation of pluripotent NT2/D1 cells was continued. As a model system, the G3 NT2/D1 cell clone generated in a previous study was used. After three weeks of RA treatment, the level of SOX2 expression in G3 cells remained elevated by approximately 3-fold, compared to the parental cells. Although G3 cells were able to enter into retinoic acid-dependent neural differentiation, the research demonstrated that constitutive SOX2 overexpression reduced the number of terminally differentiated neurons, as revealed by immunostaining with markers specific for mature neurons. Additionally, it was shown that SOX2 overexpressing cells maintained an increased ability to proliferate compared to parental cells. Downregulation of cell markers of pluripotency and the unaltered expression level of early neural markers indicated that the increased proliferation of G3 cells was due to expansion of the pool of neural progenitors. The decreased number of terminally differentiated neurons and the accumulation of cells in intermediate phases of neural differentiation led to the conclusion that SOX2 overexpression delays the process of neuronal differentiation of pluripotent NT2/D1 cells. WNT signaling is active in numerous cellular processes during development, including cell fate determination, differentiation, cell migration and apoptosis. Quercetin and lithium chloride were used to investigate the modulations of the WNT signaling pathway in the NT2/D1 cell line. Their cytotoxic effects on the viability and proliferation rate of NT2/D1 cells were assessed and it was shown that induction of cell death by quercetin and LiCl is p53dependent. The effects of modulations of WNT signaling on SOX protein expression in NT2/D cells were also examined. Quercetin induced inhibition of WNT signaling decreased the expression of SOX1, SOX2 and SOX3 proteins. WNT signaling activation by LiCl led to an increase in SOX2 and SOX3 protein expression, while the level of SOX1 protein remained unchanged. The research on molecular mechanisms involved in regulation of SOX gene expression was continued with special focus on factors involved in neural differentiation. Using functional assays, it was shown that the transcription factor CREB (cAMP response element-binding protein) positively regulates SOX3 gene expression. The transient increase in the phosphorylated pCREB level, which occurs during early phases of RA induction of NT2/D1 cells, is accompanied by elevated SOX3 expression. On the other hand, treatment of these cells with p38 MAP kinase inhibitor significantly blocked phosphorylation of CREB stimulated by RA and reduced SOX3 expression. 200 Mojsin M., Popovic J., Kovacevic Grujicic N., Stevanovic M.. 2012: TG-interacting factor (TGIF) downregulates SOX3 gene expression in the NT2/D1 cell line. Journal of Genetics and Genomics, 39, 19‒27. Drakulic D., Krstic A., Stevanovic M., 2012: Establishment and initial characterization of SOX2-overexpressing NT2/D1 cell clones. Genetics and Molecular Research, 11, 1385‒1400. Stevanovic M., 2012: SOX genes: from basic to apply research in biomedicine. Proceedings of Regional Conference Ethical Aspects of Genetic Studies in Biomedicine, National Committee for Bioethics of UNESCO Commision of Serbia, 81‒100. Mojsin M., Topalović V., Marjanović J., Stevanović M., 2012: Quercetin and lithium chloride modulate WNT signaling in pluripotent embryonal carcinoma NT2/ D1 cells. Archives of Biological Science, Belgrade, DOI:10.2298/ABS1301201М. COMMITTEE FOR STUDY OF FLORA AND VEGETATION IN SERBIA (Academician Vladimir Stevanović) In the year 2012, the following planned activities were realized: 1. A new edition of Flora of Serbia 2 was printed, This book comprises 10 plant families 2. Preparation of the manuscript Flora of Serbia 3 new edition (Amaranthaceae - Cucurbitaceae). will be a priority in the work in the year 2013. 3. Determination of floristic elements and life forms of all taxa that will be included in the new edition of Flora of Serbia 3, which is in progress. COMMITTEE FOR STUDY OF THE FAUNA OF SERBIA (Academician Marko Anđelković) The work of the members of Committee for the study of the fauna of Serbia in year 2012 contributed to further comprehension of the fauna of Serbia. This is important regarding the fact that the scope and intensity of the activities on the research of the fauna of Serbia is far from the real demands. The reason for this is primarily the attitude of the broader society towards faunistic research, which is not motivating and stimulating for studies in this field. The financial support was partly from the SASA project “Study of the fauna of Serbia”, and mostly from the projects held by the research institutions in which members and associates of the Committee work. The studies of Eriophyidae of Serbia were very intensive. From the plant species Dipsacus lacinatus L. (Dipsacaceae), a new lace species Aculops 201 orlovacae n.sp. was collected. Within the genders Phytoptus (Phytoptidae) and Eriohyes (Eriophyidae), studies were performed aimed at resolving the taxonomic status of different species within these genders inhabiting different plant species of Tilia. Preliminary results indicate the existence of at least two genotypes within the populations of Phytoptus tetratrichus and Eriophyes tiliae associated with different Tilia species in Serbia. Within work on the insect fauna of Serbia, the pollinator communities (wild bees - Hymenoptera: Apoidea) and some groups of parasitoids (Hymenoptera: Braconidae: Aphidiinae and Gasteruptidae) were studied in selected landscape configurations, and biogeographic studies of a broader range were also realized. The majority of the sampled material is still under analysis. Further contributions to the research of Drosophila fauna of Serbia was also performed, Within long-term studies of the vertebrates of Serbia, biogeographic and faunistic researches of various taxonomic groups were continued. Particular studies within batrachofauna and herpetofauna particularly encompassed representatives of the order Caudata (g. Salamandra and g. Triturus), some representatives of the order Anura (g. Pelophylax, g. Rana and g. Bufo) and the class of reptiles (g. Vipera, g. Testudo and g. Natrix). Cvrković T., Chetverikov P., Vidović B., Petanović R., 2012: Molecular analysis of COI mtDNA in Phytoptus (Phytoptidae) and Eriophyes (Eriophyidae) species associated with galls of Tilia spp. (Tiliaceae): preliminary results. Proceedings of the “International Symposium on Current Trends in Plant Protection”. Belgrade, September 25-28, 2012, 483‒488. Ćetković A., Nonveiller G., 2012: Fauna Europaea: Mutillidae. In: Mitroiu, M.-D. (Ed.), Fauna Europaea: Hymenoptera: Apocrita excl. Ichneumonoidea. Fauna Europaea, version 2.5, http://www.faunaeur.org [major revision and update, July 2012]. Ivanović A., Sotiropoulos K., Uzum N., Džukić G., Olgun K., Kogalniceanu D., Kalezić M.L., 2012: A phylogenetic view on skull size and shape variation in the smooth newt (Lissotriton vulgaris, Caudata, Salamandridae). Journal of Zoological Systematics and Evolutionary Research, 50, 116‒124. Labus N., Vukov T.D., Ljubisavljević K., Džukić G., 2012: Morphological variability without geographical structuring in the fire salamander (Salamandra salamandra, Salamandridae) from Central Balkans. North-Western Journal of Zoology, 8, 92‒98. Pavković-Ličić S., Savić T., Jelić M., Kenig B., Tanasković M., StamenkovićRadak M., Andjelković M., 2012: Note on the fauna Drosophila (Diptera: Drosophilidae) and the first record of Opomyza florum (Diptera: Opomyzidae) from mountain Goč, Serbia. Acta entomologica serbica, 12, 56‒65. Rector B.G., Petanovic R.U., 2012: A new species of Aculops (Acari: Prostigmata: Eriophyidae) from Serbia on Dipsacus laciniatus L. (Dipsacaceae), a weed target of classical biological control in the United States of America. Zootaxa, 3192, 59‒66. 202 Tomanović, Ž., Starý P., Kavallieratos N.G., Gagić V., Plećaš M., Janković M., Rakhshani E., Ćetković A., Petrović A., 2012: Aphid parasitoids (Hymenoptera: Braconidae: Aphidiinae) in wetland habitats in western Palaearctic: key and associated aphid parasitoid guilds. Annales de la Société Entomologique de France, 48, 189‒198. INTERDEPARTMENTAL COMMITTEE FOR BIOMEDICAL RESEARCH (Academician Ljubiša Rakić) In the year 2012, the tasks encompassed within the framework of the activities of the Board and sub-boards were realized in the following scientific institutions: Institute of Nuclear Sciences “Vinča”, Institute for Biomedical Research “Siniša Stanković” in Belgrade, Institute for Multidisciplinary Studies of the University of Belgrade, Institute of Nuclear Medicine, Clinical Center of Serbia, the laboratories of the Medical Faculties in Belgrade, Novi Sad and Kragujevac, Military Medicine Academy in Belgrade, Center for Biomedical Research of the “Galenika” Institute in Belgrade, Institute for Marine Biology in Kotor in cooperation with the Montenegrin Academy of Sciences and Arts, the Russian Academy of Sciences, Institute of Preventive Medicine and Psychology in Heidelberg and the University of California in Los Angeles. During the year 2012, the Board organized 6 lectures of foreigner scientists. The Interdepartmental Board was the organizer of an International Meeting dedicated to Neurological rehabilitation. A very important role of the Board was its participation in the organization of the second Congress of Physiological Sciences of Serbia with contribution of an impressive numbers of international representatives. Project: HOMEOSTATIC MECHANISMS AND THE REGULATION SYSTEM OF BEHAVIOR (Academician Ljubiša Rakić) 1.The effects of hyperbaric oxygen treatment on the recovery of locomotor functions and neuronal plasticity after experimental cortical injury The aim of this study was to investigate the potential effects of hyperbaric oxygen (HBO) therapy on the recovery of motor functions in rats after injury to the sensorimotor cortex (Brkic et al.). The LHBO group achieved statistically superior scores in the beam walking test compared to the L group. Additionally, the recovery of the muscle strength of the affected hind paw was 203 significantly enhanced after HBO treatment. Moreover, hyperbaric oxygenation induced over-expression of GAP43 and SYP in the neurons surrounding the lesion site in the ipsilateral cortex and subcortical white matter. The presented data suggest that hyperbaric oxygen therapy could intensify neuroplastic responses by promoting axonal sprouting and synapse remodelling, which contributes to the recovery of locomotor performances in rats. The results of these animal studies provide the perspective for implementation of HBO as a therapeutic method in clinical strategies for treating traumatic brain injuries. 2. The effect of ribavirin on reactive astrogliosis in experimental autoimmune encephalomyelitis (EAE) In the present study (Lavrnja et al.) the effect of the purine nucleoside analogue ribavirin on reactive astrogliosis was investigated. Accumulations of hypertrophic reactive astrocytes, intensely stained with glial fibrillary acidic protein (GFAP), which also expressed vimentin, were prominent features of EAE lesions. Recent laboratory studies found that ribavirin attenuated the disease process in EAE by reducing clinical and histological manifestations. In this study, we have observed increased gene and tissue expression of GFAP and vimentin in EAE rats were observed. Ribavirin treatment significantly decreased the number of reactive astrocytes at the peak of the disease. At the end of disease, reactive GFAP+ and vimentin+ astrocytes in both immunized and ribavirin treated groups, accompanied by an increased level of GFAP mRNA, were observed. The present study indicated that ribavirin may have the ability to attenuate astrocytes proliferation and glial scaring at the peak of the disease and modulate astroglial response to EAE during the time-course of the disease. 3. The effect of hyperbaric oxygen therapy (HBOT) on recovery after brain injury: cellular and molecular mechanisms The results of these investigations were presented as oral presentation at a national conference with international participation (Pekovic et al.) and as poster presentations at international conferences (Brkic et al., Stojiljkovic et al.).The obtained data showed that HBOT inhibited lipid peroxidation, and intensified the activities of the antioxidant enzymes glutathione peroxidase and superoxide dismutase (SOD) after experimental brain injury, and thus contributed to the observed neuroprotective effects. Interestingly, it was shown that HBOT altered the temporal and cellular expression pattern of SOD2 after TBI. In addition, the obtained data suggested that HBOT could intensify neuroplastic responses by promoting axonal sprouting, synapse remodelling, and the formation of new functional synaptic circuits, which contributed to the recovery of locomotor performances. On the other hand, it is likely that some of the effects of HBOT on neuronal survival were mediated indirectly by glial cells. 204 4. The effect of treatment with purine nucleoside analogues on experimental autoimmune encephalomyelitis (ЕАЕ): clinical and histopathological evaluation In a lecture (Stojiljkovic et al.) an overview of the results of previous research on the application of the purine nucleoside analogues ribavirin (RBV) and tiazofurin (TR) was given. The results indicated that both drugs, given individually or in combination, succeeded in decreasing the clinical symptoms and notably shortened the duration of EAE. In addition, the incidence of mortality was radically reduced. Importantly, the severity of treatment side effects was low and disappeared after cessation of drug application. The administration of RBV and TR attenuated the proliferation of mononuclear cell infiltrates, composed of autoreactive T lymphocytes and macrophages / microglia, and their infiltration into the nerve tissue, and thereby preventing myelin destruction and axonal loss. 5. The effect of treatment with a combination of B vitamins on neurological recovery after traumatic brain injury (TBI) The purpose of the present study (Pekovic et al.) was to assess the ability of different combinations of B vitamins to improve neurological recovery after TBI. The obtained data of behavioural tests showed that animals treated with a cocktail of 5 B vitamins (CB3: B1, B2, B3, B6, B12) achieved statistically superior scores in the beam walking test compared to CB1 (B1, B6, B12) and CB2 (B2, B3) and non-treated injured rats (group L). 6. The effect of dietary restriction (DR) on the aging processes in the brain Research related to the effects of dietary restriction (DR) on the aging processes in the brain was presented as oral presentation (Kanazir et al.). Obtained data revealed that DR slowed and/or alleviated age-dependent changes in the expression of plasticity related proteins. Furthermore, DR significantly affected the proteins involved in cholesterol metabolism. However, DR did not change the level of cholesterol in the brain, but had a significant impact on the levels of cholesterol precursors and metabolites in the brain, the cortex and hippocampus. 7. The effect of dietary restriction (DR) on the recovery processes after brain trauma The results of these investigations were presented as two oral presentations at a national conference with international participation (Kanazir et al., Perovic et al.). Research related to the effects of DR on the recovery processes 205 after brain trauma, indicated a clear effect of DR on the suppression of inflammation and apoptosis in the region of the brain that was affected by injury (stub lesion). This implies the potential of DR applied 3 months prior to injury to mitigate and/or prevent harmful processes and significantly improve postinjury recovery. 8. Cytotoxic effects of different nucleoside analogues and Sideritis scardica extracts - studies in vitro Investigation of cytotoxic effects of nucleoside analogues ribavirine and sulphinosine was performed using different tumour cell lines: C6 rat glioma, U87 human glioblastoma, B16 mouse melanoma and HL60 human promyelocytic leukaemia cells. Using different viability tests (sulphorhodamine, MTT, CV), it was shown that sulphinosine inhibited the proliferation of U87 cells in culture and decreased their viability (IC50 = 5µM, during a 72 h treatment) while ribavirine expressed cytotoxic effects on C6, B16 and HL60 cell lines. To define the mechanisms responsible for these cytotoxic effects, flow cytometry analysis was performed. Sulphinosine induced the production of reactive oxygen species (applied in its IC50 concentration) and induced an increase in the number of autophagolysosomes in U87 cells, which indicated autophagy cell death. This was confirmed using both flow cytometry and confocal microscopy. Brkic P.D., Stojiljkovic M.B., Jovanovic T.S., Dacic S.A., Lavrnja I.C., Savic D.Z., Parabucki A.B., Bjelobaba I.M., Rakic Lj.M., Pekovic S.M., 2012: Hyperbaric oxygenation improves locomotor ability by enhancing neuroplastic responses after cortical ablation in rats. Brain Injury, 26 (10), 1273‒1284. Lavrnja I., Savic D., Bjelobaba I., Dacic S., Bozic I.,Parabucki A., Nedeljkovic N., Pekovic S., Rakic Lj., Stojiljkovic M., 2012: The effect of ribavirin on reactive astrogliosis in experimental autoimmune encephalomyelitis. Journal of Pharmacological Sciences, 119 (3), 221‒232. Tadić V.M., Jeremic I., Dobric S., Isakovic A., Markovic I., Trajkovic V., Bojovic D., Arsic I., 2012: Anti-inflammatory, gastroprotective, and cytotoxic effects of Sideritis scardica extracts. Planta Medica, 2012 Mar, 78 (5), 415‒427. Dačević M., Isaković A., Podolski-Renić A., Isaković A.M., Stanković T., Milošević Z., Rakić L., Ruždijić S., Pešić M., 2013: Purine nucleoside analog sulfinosine modulates diverse mechanisms of cancer progression in multi-drug resistant cancer cell lines. PLoS One, 2013, 8 (1), e54044. Doi. Pešić M., Banković J., Aljančić I.S., Todorović N.M., Jadranin M., Vajs V.E., Tešević V.V., Vučković I., Momčilović M., Marković I.D., Tanić N., Ruždijić S., 2011: New anti-cancer characteristics of jatrophane diterpenes from Euphorbia dendroides. Food and Chemical Toxicology, 49 (12), 3165‒3173. 206 Al-Bader M.D., Malatiali S.A., Redzic Z.B., 2011: Expression of estrogen receptor alpha and beta in rat astrocytes in primary culture: effects of hypoxia and glucose deprivation. Physiological Research, 60 (6), 951‒960. Redzic Z., 2011: Molecular biology of the blood-brain and the blood-cerebrospinal fluid barriers: similarities and differences. Fluids and Barriers of the CNS, 8 (1), 3. Project: BIOMEDICAL RESEARCH IN DENTISTRY (Academician Vojislav Leković) During 2012, within Serbian Academy of Science and Arts (SASA), Prof. Lekovic actively participated in a series of a multidisciplinary studies in periodontal medicine, analyzing the correlation and influence of periodontitis and peri-implantitis with systemic diseases. The project research design involved a wide range of immunological, genetic, biochemical and microbiological periodontitis analysis, including the analysis of endocrine and neurologic diseases. During the past year, the research was shifted towards the research of the peri-implant tissue biology and disease. Former pilot studies were broadened into large sample studies, whereas immunological and biochemical research was further developed. The research resulted in preliminary peri-implantitis isolation of biomarkers. The above-mentioned research resulted in publication of two papers within the SCI Journals, as well as various international conference presentations, where one oral presentation was awarded the best in an international competition. INTERDEPARTMENTAL COMMITTEE ”MAN AND ENVIRONMENT” (Academician Marko Anđelković) The central event within the activity of interdepartmental Committee “Man and the Environment” was the organization and administration of the scientific-expert meeting “Energy and the Environment”. The meeting was held on 3rd–4th October, 2012, with 18 oral presentations. At the end of the meeting, a two-hour panel discussion covered the topic “Sustainable Energy and Regional Collaboration”. Integrative texts of all presentations and brief authorized texts of discussions will be published by the SASA as a monograph. During a year 2012, the montage of a documentary film “Belgrade Oasis” by Petar Lalovic was finalized and it premiered in November. The synopsis and scenario were analyzed by the Committee “Man and the environment” and particular members were involved in their formulation. The Committee realized regular activities within usual working arrangements. At Committee meetings, currant issues in natural and environ207 mental protection were discussed. The members of the Committee realized research and expert activities related to the Committee’s domain in reputed scientific institutions. INTERDEPARTMENTAL COMMITTEE FOR THE RESEARCH ON LIVES AND WORK OF SERBIAN SCIENTISTS IN SERBIA AND OF SERBIAN ORIGIN SCIENTISTS OUTSIDE SERBIA (Academician Vladan Đorđević) During 2012, Volume XIII of the Lives and Works of Serbian Scientists (Život i delo srpskih naučnika) Series was published. The volume contains 11 papers on Serbian scientists: 1. BOGDAN KOSANOVIĆ (1892–1964) - Radoje Čolović 2. MILENKO ĆELAP (1920–2004) - Svetozar Niketić 3. VLADIMIR PANTIĆ (1921–2006) - Dušan Gledić 4. JOVAN SURUTKA (1921–2006) - Antonije Đorđević 5. VOJISLAV PETROVIĆ (1925–2007) - Gordana Cvijić 6. MILENKO ŠUŠIĆ (1925–2006) - Miljenko Perić 7. NIKOLA PANTIĆ (1927–2002) - Marko Ercegovac, Aleksandar Grubić 8. IVAN SPUŽIĆ (1928–2003) - Ljubisav Rakić, Gordana Konjević 9. STEVAN KOIČKI (1929–2007) - Nebojša Nešković 10.DRAGUTIN DRAŽIĆ (1930–2008) - Vesna Mišković Mitrović 11.MILAN KUREPA (1933–2009) - Leposava Vušković, Danica Cvejanović During the year, the coordinated workflow of the authors, editors, peer reviewers, printing shop and relevant SASA services was continued. The content of Volume XIV was accepted, so that the subsequent intensive work included the collection and processing of manuscripts, and the engagement of new authors to write about scientists. COMMITTEE ON VILLAGE (Academician Dragan Škorić) The Committee on Village was established by the decision of the SASA Presidency made on 3 October 2011. Apart from renowned academicians, it also includes the best known experts and public figures dealing with village and agriculture within the scope of their scientific disciplines and participation in social and cultural life. As the working body of the most renowned scientific and cultural institution in Serbia, the Committee on Village bears 208 prime responsibility for publicly promoting and supporting scientific research, action-oriented rural and agro-economic projects, national, regional and local village cultural activities and events, as well as all other actions that contribute both indirectly and directly to the sustainable and overall development of Serbian village and agriculture. Among other things, the Committee on Village pursues these general objectives by initiating a public debate in the form of a round table where the most important problems are addressed in an interdisciplinary and professional way. It was planned to hold thematic round tables whenever necessary or possible, in any village or local/regional centre in Serbia showing interest in the topic in question. Since it is a question of the action project of the Committee on Village, it is publicly promoted as the national cultural action entitled “Towards Village“ (Selu u susret). Such a character of this cultural action is reflected in an attempt to ensure the necessary systemic support of the community – from the nearest, local (municipal) to the broadest (government) - for the development of Serbian villages and agriculture – and encourage every village and every local community to pool, organize and activate their own development forces and resources (no matter how small or limited they are). To this end, the following actions were taken during this year: 1. From 11 to 13 May 2012, Vrnjačka Banja and the neighbouring villages (Medvedja and Bogdanje) hosted the round table on “Village Culture and Sustainable Village Development“ (Seoska kultura i održivi razvoj sela) in three sessions. It dealt with the most topical problems related to the sustainable development of Serbian village and agriculture, and the relevant proposals were submitted to the competent authorities and public institutions. 2. The Committee on Village and the Chamber of Commerce and Industry of Serbia jointly organized the meeting in Belgrade, on 28 September 2012, where the examples of developed villages from various parts of Serbia were presented to the public. On this occasion, the Declaration on the Development of Village and Agriculture in Serbia (Deklaracija o razvoju sela i poljoprivrede u Srbiji) was adopted and the National Assembly, the President and the Government of the Republic of Serbia were acquainted with it accordingly. The Declaration calls for a new agrarian reform and comprehensive social reform of local village institutions. 3. The Committee on Village and the City of Kragujevac organized the round table on “The Cooperative – A Factor of the Sustainable Development of Agriculture and Villages in Serbia“ (Zadruga – faktor održivog razvoja poljoprivrede i sela u Srbiji), which was held in Kragujevac on 15 November 2012. In addition to the introductory papers, nine examples of good practices in cooperatives and associations in the Serbian agricultural sector and vil209 lages were presented. On this occasion, the Committee’s publication “Why and How to Get Organized into Cooperatives“ (Zašto i kako se organizovati u kooperative), a guide for farmers’ cooperative organization, was also presented. This guide was printed in 50,000 copies with an aim to distribute them free of charge to as many farmers as possible, thus enabling them to perceive their perspective in cooperative organization. The round table adopted 16 conclusions relating to cooperative pooling arrangements, which will be submitted to the competent institutions in the form of a proposal. Project: ADDITION TO THE HISTORICAL MATERIAL ON THE DEVELOPMENT OF CHEMISTRY IN SERBIA (Academician Paula Putanov) In 2012, the investigations included scientific meetings as a form of continuing education in the fields of chemistry and chemical technology, organized by the SASA as well as by the Serbian Chemical Society, Society of Physical Chemists of Serbia, Union of Engineers and Technicians of Serbia and several smaller Serbian scientific and professional societies during the past few decades. The contents of these meetings, their organizers and participants, audiences and contributions to the development of scientists and professionals in the fields of chemistry and chemical technology in the specified periods were analyzed. Due to the fast pace of theoretical, and technical and technological development in these fields, the knowledge of university educated personnel becomes significantly obsolete and insufficient during their working life. It was pointed to the role of the SASA whose primary activity is concerned with the future theoretical and industrial development of the mentioned disciplines, in contrast to university and adult education which is oriented to the current state of affairs. Other contributions of scientific meetings in terms of building linkages of experts at the national and international levels were also considered. INTERACADEMIC COMMITTEE ON CATALYSIS (Academician Paula Putanov) During 2012, apart from the routine monitoring of the development of theoretical and applied catalysis, and the transfer of knowledge so acquired to our environment, the Committee’s work was oriented towards investigating the current catalysis programmes included in the projects agreed with the Ministry of Education, Science and Technological Development for the period 210 2011-2014. The Committee considered complementarity, topicality, suitability for inclusion in larger international projects and perspectives of applying the results in our industry. The marking of the 30th anniversary of the Interdepartmental Committee for Catalysis was also considered, but gad to be postponed for next year due to objective reasons. INTERACADEMIC COOPERATION OF SASA AND MONTENEGRIN ACADEMY OF SCIENCES AND ARTS Project: ISOLATION, CHEMICAL AND BIOCHEMICAL CHARACTERIZATION OF MARINE NATURAL PRODUCTS (Academician Miroslav J. Gašić) A lectin with a molecular mass of 16.8 kDa was isolated from the marine coral Gerardia savaglia using affinity chromatography based on its mannose specificity. The work on its sequencing was undertaken, and the sequences of three fragments of 5 kDa each were determined. The enzymes trypsin, Glu-C and Asp-N were used for the sequencing. Asp-N was more useful than Glu-C because of the lower abundance of aspartic acid residues in the lectin. Milenković M., Warżajtis B., Rychlewska U., Radanović D., Anđelković K., Božić T., Vujčić M., Sladić D., 2012: Synthesis, Spectral and Solid State Characterization of a New Bioactive Hydrazine Bridged Cyclic Diphosphonium Compound. Molecules, 17, 2567‒2578. 211 DEPARTMENT OF TECHNICAL SCIENCES Project: Theoretical And experimental research of metal structures and their influence on contemporary design and construction (Academician Nikola Hajdin) The subproject “Elasto–plastic behaviour of metal plates, plate and box girders” dealt with box-girders with wide flanges subjected to bending and torsion and plate girders subjected to centric and eccentric patch loading. Experimental and theoretical investigations of the stability and ultimate load were performed. The subproject “Dynamics of structures” was directed primarily to bridges. The research included problems of the impact and the noise - structure borne sound and bridges as its source. The subproject “Composite structures of steel and concrete” dealt with the analysis of composite structures according to the theory of elasticity and the theory of plasticity, with theoretical analysis of the influence the deformability of connectors on the behaviour of composite beams and with fire design. Research was continued on all subprojects. The results were presented in international journals and on international conferences. Hajdin N., Marković N., 2012: Failure mechanism for longitudinally stiffened I girders subjected to patch loading. Archive of Applied Mechanics, 82, 1377–1391. DOI 10.1007/s00419-012-0679-4. Stipanic B., Floric Z., 201): Sava Bridge Project – Accelerated Design-Build Realization. 18th Congress of IABSE Seoul 2012: Innovative Infrastructures – Toward Human Urbanism, Congress Report + CD, 2012, IABSE Zurich, 144–145. Stipanic B., 2012: Project Realization of Ada Bridge across Sava River in Belgrade. GNP Internacionalni naučno-stručni skup Građevinarstvo-nauka i praksa, Žabljak, 20-24.02.2012, Crna Gora, Građevinski fakultet Univerziteta Crne Gore, 583–590. Šćepanović B., Knežević M., Lučić D., 2012: An Example of ann Modelling Application in Patch Loading Problems of Steel Structures. Journal of Applied Engineering Science, Vol. 10, Issue 1, 15–20. 212 THE INVESTIGATION OF ADVANCED TECHNICAL CERAMICS CONSOLIDATION PROCESS (Academician Momčilo M. Ristić) During 2012, fundamental problems concerning the consolidation of advanced technical ceramics were investigated. According to this, the influence of mechanical activation on the sintering process of BaCO3–ZnO–TiO2, BaCO3–SrCO3–TiO2 systems was analyzed. The activated powders were sintered under non-isothermal and isothermal conditions up to 1400 °C. The nonisothermal sintering process was followed by measurements with a sensitive dilatometer, while the effects of the activation and sintering processes on the evolution of the microstructures were investigated by scanning electron microscopy. These results were correlated with the values of the electric resistivity, capacitance and loss tangent of the samples. For the barium–zinc-titanate ceramics, the photo-acoustic phase and the amplitude spectra of the sintered samples were measured as a function of the modulating frequency of the laser beam using a transmission detection configuration. Fitting of the experimental data enabled the determination of the photo-acoustic properties, including thermal diffusivity. Mechanical activation was also used for the development of new methods for recycling fly ash. These investigations were performed on fly ashes from two different power plants. Mechanically treated fly ashes were cemented with two different binders: standard Portland cement and high aluminates cement. The thermal stability of the crystalline phases was investigated by DTA. The macro performances of the composites were correlated to the microstructure of the studied fly ash by means of XRD and SEM analyses. Moreover, the influences of mechanical activation on the constituents of the MgO–Al2O3–SiO2–TiO2 system were investigated. It was confirmed that mechanical activation led to homogenization of powder particles and their comminution. Thereafter, the introduced energy was used to induce changes in the crystal structure, which resulted in the emergence of defects, initially on the surface of the crystal lattice. 1. Obradović N., Filipović S., Mitrić M., Pavlović V., Paunović V., Kosanović D., Balac I., Ristić M., 2012: Influence of mechanical activation on electrical properties of barium–zinc–titanate ceramics sintered at 1100 °C. Powder Metallurgy and Metal Ceramics, Vol. 11-12, 714–718. 2. Kosanović D., Obradović N., Živojinović J., Filipović S., Maričić A., Pavlović V., Tang Y., Ristić M.M., 2012: Mechanical-Chemical Synthesis Ba0.77Sr0.23TiO3. Science of Sintering, 44, 1, 47–55. 213 3. Kosanović D., Obradović N., Živojinović J., Maričić A., Pavlović V.P., Pavlović V.B., Ristić M.M., 2012: The Influence of Mechanical Activation on Sintering Process of BaCO3-SrCO3-TiO2 System. Science of Sintering, 44, 3, 271–280. 4. Obradović N., Đorđević N., Filipović S., Nikolić N., Kosanović D., Mitrić M., Marković S., Pavlović V., 2011: Influence of Mechanochemical Activation on the Sintering of Cordierite Ceramics in the Presence of Bi2O3 as a Functional Additive. Powder Technology, 2011, doi:10.1016/j.powtec.2011.12.012 5. Obradovic N., Nikolic M.V., Nikolic N., Filipovic S., Mitric M., Pavlovic V., Nikolic P.M., Djordjevic A.R., Ristic M.M., 2012: Synthesis of barium-zinc-titanate ceramics. Science of Sintering, 44, 65–71. 6. Terzić A., Pavlović Lj., Obradović N., Pavlović V., Stojanović J., Miličić Lj., Radojević Z., Ristić M.M., 2012: Synthesis and Sintering of High-temperature Composites Based on Mechanically Activated Fly Ash. Science of Sintering, 44, 2, 135–146. Project: Synthesis and CHARACTERIZATION OF NEW, HIGH QUALITY MATERIALS FOR APPLICATION IN ELECTRONICS AND SOLAR ENERGY (Academician Pantelija M. Nikolić) In 2012, the synthesis and characterization of the structural, electrical, optical and photo-acoustic properties of the following materials were investigated: Bi doped with Sb Since in the newest literature, “Topological insulators” have been intensively studied, simple crystal ingots of Bi1−xSbx, Bi1−xАsx and Bi1−xPx were synthesized using the Bridgman method. Characterization of structural parameters, dopant distribution and composition of Bi1−xSbx were realized using scanning electron microscopy (SEM) and electronic dispersion microscopy (EDS). Photo-acoustic characterization was also performed. Magneto-optical characterization at low temperatures was realized in the USA at the University of Akron, Akron, Ohio, USA, the National High Magnetic Field Laboratory, Tallahassee, Florida, USA and the Department of Physics and Astronomy, University of North Dakota, Grand Forks, ND, USA. The cooperative work was published in the well known journal Physical Review B. PbTe doped with B, I, Mn+Yb The semiconducting compound PbTe doped with various elements in still very interesting due to practical reasons for making detectors and letters which could be employed easily in the universe as this material is very resistant to nuclear radiation. PbTe is a very often used material as it has a large dielectric constant, small effective mass of free electron carriers and a small 214 energy gap, which even decreases when it is cooled. Recently, it was shown that PbTe is “Topological trivial” (L. Fu, C. L. Kane, Phys.Rev.B76, 04532 (2007)), which opened up new possible applications. Initially, the properties of Bi1−xSbx as a typical representative of topological insulators were studied by application of “full potential code Wien 2k”, which was purchased, to investigate “Topological surface states” and deep defect states in doped PbTe. The properties of PbTe doped with boron, iodine of Mn+Yb were also studied experimentally. Hematite α-Fe2O3 doped with Zn The effects of doping α-Fe2O3 with Zn on the electrical and dielectric properties were studied. X-Ray analysis showed the existence of two phases in all samples: hematite and spinel ZnFe2O4, whereby, the spinel content increased with increasing Zn content, thus increasing the electrical conductivity. Nickel manganite doped with Cu and Zn in order to obtain less porous microstructures Nickel manganite thick film NTC thermistors doped with Cu and Zn have a less porous microstructure. The purpose was to reduce the thermistor dimensions and to decrease the surface resistivity. This is important for making sensors to determine the flow of water based on self-heating thermistors Cu0.2Ni0.5Zn1.0Mn1.3O4 with a typical dendrite structure. Dordevic S.V., Wolf M.S., Stojilovic N., Nikolic M.V., Vujatovic S.S., Nikolic P.M., Tung L.C., 2012: Magneto-optical effects in semimetallic Bi1−xSbx (x=0.015). Physical Review B, 86, 115119-4. Nikolic P.M., Paraskevopoulos K.M., Aleksic O.S., Vujatovic S.S., VasiljevicRadovic D., Zorba T.T., Blagojevic V., Nikolic N., Radovanovic M., Nikolic M.V., 2012: Far infrared and photoacoustic characterization of iodine doped PbTe. Optoelectronics and Advanced Materials – Rapid communications, 6, 352–356. Nikolic P.M., Paraskevopoulos K.M., Zachariadis G., Valasiadis O., Zorba T.T., Vujatovic S.S., Nikolic N., Aleksic O.S., Ivetic T., Cvetkovic O., Blagojevic V., Nikolic M.V., 2012: Far infrared study of local impurity modes of Boron-doped PbTe. Journal of Materials Science, 47 2384–2389. Nikolic M.V., Slankamenac M.P., Nikolic N., Sekulic D.L., Aleksic O.S., Mitric M., Ivetic T., Pavlovic V.B., Nikolic P.M., 2012: Study of Dielectric Behavior and Electrical Properties of Hematite α-Fe2O3 doped with Zn. Science of Sintering, 44 , 307–321. Aleksic O.S., Nikolic M.V., Lukovic M.D., Nikolic N., Radojcic B.M., Radovanovic M., Djuric Z., Mitric M., Nikolic P.M., 2012: Preparation and characterization of Cu and Zn modified nickel manganite NTC powders and thick film thermistors. Materials Science and Engineering: B, 178, 202–210. 215 Project: HIGH PRECISION MEASUREMENT OF AC CURRENT (Academician Petar Miljanić) The new theoretical and experimental results of research on the accuracy of AC, voltage and power measurements contributed to successful cooperation with the National Research Council Canada. Precision wattmeter manufacturing was contracted for the needs of Canada's foremost measurement laboratory (NRC). The precision wattmeter will be designed and delivered by the Mihailo Pupin Research Institute. The preparation of the study and preliminary design of the equipment for the most accurate testing of current transformers for primary currents up to 2000 Amps and secondary currents of 5, 1, 0.1 and 0.08 Amps was also contracted. These unique instruments are the result of the latest scientific achievements in the field of measurement technology. Project: NEW MATHEMATICAL METHODS IN THEORY OF STRUCTURES, THEORY OF ELASTICITY AND THEORY OF PLASTICITY (Academician Đorđe Zloković) The group supermatrix procedure of the Author was systematized utilizing new formulations, which are presented in the prepared paper entitled “The novel chain of symmetry groups C2 – D2 – D2h of the group supermatrix procedure in finite element analysis”. The properties of the symmetry groups C2, D2 and D2h enabled the formulation of a one-two-three-dimensional chain based on their group character tables that all contain only one-dimensional group representations. The relations in this chain concern character tables, nodal numbering, nodal permutations, group supermatrices in normal and diagonal forms, idempotents of the centre of group algebra, basis functions in G-invariant subspaces and shape functions. The sequence of eight elements (symmetry operations) at the top of the character table of the group D2h was utilized for nodal numbering and it corresponds to the sequences of several sets of terms in the procedure. The relation of the global and local coordinate systems in the nodal points of the element for particular symmetry types, quite different compared to the standard procedure, provides the most efficient mathematical modeling with maximum utilization of complex symmetry properties. The group supermatrix procedure of the C2– D2–D2h chain provides great qualitative and quantitative advantages in mathematical description and computation in finite element analysis in comparison with conventional procedures. 216 Project: CONTEMPORARY PROBLEMS OF FLUIDS ENGINEERING (Academician Vladan Đorđević) During 2012, the work on the Project was mostly directed towards (a) investigation of isothermal and non-isothermal flow of rarefied gases in micro-channels and micro-bearings, in connection with modern MEMS technologies, and (b) experimental research of the turbulence structure in non-isothermal diverging swirling and non-swirling annular jets, related to ventilation techniques. 1. Stevanović N.D., Djordjević V.D., 2012: The exact analytical solution for the gas lubricated bearing in the slip and continuum flow regime. Publications de l’Institut Mathématique (Beograd), 91 (105), 83–93. 2. Milićev S.S., Stevanović N.D., 2012: Microbearing gas flow with different walls’ temperature. Thermal Science, 16, No. 1, 119–132. 3. Čantrak Đ.S., Janković N.Z., Nedeljković M.S., Lečić M.R., 2012: Stereo PIV and LDA measurement at the axial flow outlet. International Symposium on Flow Visualization, Minsk, Belarus, CD-ROM, ISFV15-072-S16, June 2012. 4. Skoko D., Crnojevic C., Ristivojevic M., 2012: Inclination effects of outlet nozzle on sensitivity of pneumatic comparator. Proceedings of the Danubian-Adriatic Symposium on Advances in Experimental Mechanics, Belgrade, Sep. 2012, 222–225. 5. Burazer J., Lečić M., Čantrak S., 2012: On the non-local turbulent transport and non-gradient thermal diffusion phenomena in HVAC systems. FME Transactions, Univ. of Belgrade, Fac. of Mech. Eng., Belgrade, New Series, Vol. 40, No. 3, 119–125. Project: Numerical techniques and data bases for development of plasma technologies WITH applications in microelectronics and nanotechnologies (Academician Zoran Petrović) During 2012, the main activity supported by this project was the work on the data base for positron scattering on molecules of interest for positron traps and positron diagnostics and therapy on humans. In addition the work on a major review article on electrons in plasmas of interest for applications in micro and nano electronics was ongoing. During 2012, Zoran Lj. Petrović published 15 papers in international journals from the SCI list and presented 8 invited lectures at international conferences, while being a coauthor at another 7 invited lectures presented by his coworkers. He was a co-author of 2 texts in collections of scientific chapters. 217 Prof. Petrović visited Keio University in Japan, where he received a diploma for a major contribution to the development of their center of excellence in natural and engineering sciences. He was a visiting professor at the University Paolista in the city of Guaratingueta in Brazil, where he gave a course at a summer school and postgraduate studies on Plasma Physics. During 2012, he was a member of the Physics Committee of the European Research Council (ERC), where he worked on the evaluation of more than 250 research projects. McEachran R.P., Sullivan J.P., Buckman S.J., Brunger M.J., Fuss M. C., Munoz A., Blanco F., White R.D., Petrović Z.Lj., Limao-Vieira P., Garcia G., 2012: Modelling single positron tracks in Ar. Journal of Physics B: Atomic, Molecular and Optical Physics, 45, 045207 (8 pp), doi:10.1088/0953-4075/45/4/045207 Banković A., Dujko S., White R.D., Marler J.P., Buckman S.J., Marjanović S., Malović G., Garcia G., Petrović Z.Lj., 2012: Positron transport in water vapour. New Journal of Physics, 14, 035003 (23pp), doi:10.1088/1367-2630/14/3/035003 Dujko S., White R.D., Raspopović Z.M., Petrović Z.Lj., 2012: Spatially resolved transport data for electrons in gases: Definition, interpretation and calculation. Nuclear Instruments and Methods in Physics Research Section B, 279, 84–91. Marjanović S., Šuvakov M., Engbrecht J.J., Petrović Z.Lj., 2012: Thermalization of positronium in helium: a numerical study. Ibid, 80–83. Stojanović V.D., Raspopović Z.M., J. Jovanović, Nikitović Ž.D., Radovanov S.B., Petrović Z.Lj., 2012: Transport properties of positive ions in BF3 plasmas. Ibid, 151–154. Banković A., Dujko S., White R.D., Buckman S.J., Petrović Z.Lj., 2012: Monte Carlo simulation and Boltzmann equation analysis of non-conservative positron transport in H2. Ibid, 92–95. Boyle G.J., White R.D., Robson R.E., Dujko S., Petrović Z.Lj., 2012: On the approximation of transport properties in structured materials using momentumtransfer theory. New Journal of Physics, 14, 045011 (25pp), doi:10.1088/1367-2630 /14/4/045011 Ristivojević Z., Petrović Z.Lj., 2012: A Monte Carlo simulation of ion transport at finite temperatures. Plasma Sources Science and Technology, 21, 035001 (12pp). doi:10.1088/0963-0252/21/3/035001 Šašić O., Dujko S., Makabe T., Petrović Z.Lj., 2012: A Set of Cross Sections and Transport Coefficients for electrons in HBr. Chemical Physics, 398, 154–159. Marić D., Škoro N., Maguire P.D., Mahony C.M.O., Malović G., Petrović Z.Lj., 2012: On the possibility of long path breakdown affecting the Paschen curves for microdischarges. Plasma Sources Science and Technology, 21, 035016 (6pp), doi:10.1088/0963-0252/21/3/035016 Puač N., Maletić D., Lazović S., Malović G., Đorđević A., Petrović Z.Lj., 2012: Time resolved optical emission images of an atmospheric pressure plasma jet with transparent electrodes. Applied Physics Letters, 101, 024103, doi: 10.1063/1.4735156 218 Banković A., Dujko S., White R.D., Buckman S.J., Petrović Z.Lj., 2012: On approximations involved in the theory of positron transport in gases in electric and magnetic fields. European Physical Journal D, 66, 174, doi: 10.1140/epjd/e2012-20696-1 Nikitović Ž., Stojanović V., Petrović Z.Lj., 2012: Transport of electrons in Ar/ H2 mixtures. Europhysics Letters, 99, 35003, doi: 10.1209/0295-5075/99/35003 Maletić D., Puač N., Lazović S., Malović G., Gans T., Schulz-von der Gathen V., Petrović Z.Lj., 2012: Detection of atomic oxygen and nitrogen created in a radiofrequency-drivenmicro-scale atmospheric pressure plasmajet using mass spectrometry. Plasma Physics and Controlled Fusion, 54, 124046 (8pp), doi:10.1088/0741 3335/54/12/124046. Petrović Z.Lj., Puač N., Malović G., Lazović S., Maletić D., Miletić M., Mojsilović S., Milenković P., Bugarski D., 2012: Application of non-equilibrium plasmas in medicine. Journal of the Serbian Chemical Society, 77 (12), 1689–1699. Petrović Z.Lj., Puač N., Lazović S., Maletić D., Spasić K., Malović G., 2012: Biomedical applications and diagnostics of atmospheric pressure plasma. Journal of Physics: Conference Series, 356, 012001, doi: 10.1088/1742-6596/356/1/ Project: DYNAMICS AND STABILITY OF VISCO-ELASTIC BODIES OF FRACTIONAL TYPE (Academician Teodor Atanacković) During the year 2012, I worked on the problems of the formulation of and finding solutions to the differential and integral equations arising in mathematical models of elastic and visco-elastic rods. Atanackovic T.M., Janev M., Pilipovic S., Zorica D., 2012: Complementary variational principles with fractional derivatives. Acta Mechanica, 223, 685–704. Atanackovic T.M., Konjik S., Oparnica Lj., Zorica D., 2012: The Cattaneotype space-time fractional heat conduction equation. Continuum Mechanics and Thermodynamics, 24, 293–311. Atanackovic T.M., Novakovic B.N., Vrcelj Z., 2012: Application of Pontryagin’s principle to Bimodal Optimization of Nano Rods. International Journal of Structural Stability and Dynamics, 12, No 3, 1250012 (11 pages). Atanackovic T.M., Novakovic B.N., Vrcelj Z., 2012: Shape optimization against buckling of micro- and nano-rods. Archive of Applied Mechanics, DOI 10.1007/s00419-012-0661-1. Stojanac I., Drobac M., Petrovic Lj., Atanackovic T.M., 2012: Predicting in vivo failure of rotary nickel-titanium endodontic instruments under cyclic fatigue. Dental Materials Journal, 31 (4), 650–655. Sarcev I.N., Petronijevic B.S., Atanackovic T.M., 2012: An incremental technique with improved marginal adaptation of dental composite resin. Acta of Bioengineering and Biomechanics, 14 (3), 85–91. Glavardanov V.B., Spasic D.T., Atanackovic T.M., 2012: Stability and optimal shape of Pflüger micro/nano beam. International Journal of Solids and Structures, 49, 2559–2567. 219 Atanackovic T.M., Pilipovic S., Stankovic B., 2012: A theory of Linear Differential equations with fractional Derivatives. Bulletin de l’Académie des sciences et arts. Classe des sciences mathématiques et naturalles, sciences mathématiques, 37, 73–97. Project: SYNTHESIS OF NANOPOWDERS AND NANOCOMPOSITES BY SOL-GEL METHOD (Academician Zoran V. Popović) During 2012, we have investigated the structural, optical and electronic properties of pure, Fe- and Pr-doped CeO2 nanopowders were investigated. Investigation of magnetic properties of (Fe,Pr)-doped CeO2 nanopowders showed that choice of dopant played significant role on the phenomena of room temperature magnetism in oxide nanopowders such as ceria. In the case of Fe-doped CeO2 samples, superparamagnetic spin ordering was found. Prdoped CeO2 samples showed room temperature ferromagnetism. Raman scattering, infrared reflectivity and photoluminescence measurements of Fe-doped samples showed insulator to metal transition in oxygen deficient samples. An electronic structure for CeO2 nanopowders was proposed. Aškrabić S., Dohčević-Mitrović Z., Kremenović A., Lazarević N., Kahlenberg V., Popović Z. V., 2012: Oxygen vacancy-induced microstructural changes of annealed CeO2-x nanocrystals. Journal of Raman Spectroscopy, 43, 76. Popovic Z.V., Dohcevic-Mitrovic Z.D., Paunovic N., Radovic M., 2012: Evidence of charge delocalization in Ce1-xFex2+(3+)O2-y nanocrystals (x=0, 0.06, 0.12). Physical Review B, 85, 014302. Paunovic N, Popovic Z.V., Dohcevic-Mitrovic Z.D., 2012: Superparamagnetism in iron-doped CeO2-y nanocrystals. Journal of Physics: Condensed Matter, 24, 456001. Paunovic N., Dohcevic-Mitrovic Z., Scurtu R., Askrabic S., Prekajski M., Matovic B., Popovic Z.V., 2012: Suppression of inherent ferromagnetism in Pr-doped CeO2 nanocrystals. Nanoscale, 4, 5469. Project: numerical simulation of electromagnetic fields (Academician Antonije Đorđević) In 2012, the following topics were investigated: Interactive analysis of electromagnetic field problems was performed using graphical processing units. It was demonstrated that the method of moments could be implemented on graphical processing units with many cores; thus, the complete numerical analysis for some 3D electromagnetic problems was performed within 1 s. 220 An algorithm, based on measurements using antenna arrays, was developed for the localization and estimation of objects hidden behind walls. The algorithm combined the method of moments, geometrical theory of diffraction and sparse signal processing, which was employed to regularize the inverse procedure. Zubac Z.B., Olćan D.I., Djordjević A.R., Zorić D.P., Kolundžija B.M., 2012: On real-time method-of-moments analysis using graphics processing unit. Proceedings of 2012 IEEE International Symposium on Antennas and Propagation and USNC-URSI National Radio Science Meeting, Chicago, IL, USA, July 8-14, 2012. Nikolic M., Djordjevic A., Nehorai A., 2012: Experimental verification of 2D sparse electromagnetic imaging. 6th European Conference on Antennas and Propagation (EuCAP 2012), 26-30 Mar. 2012, Prague, 1510‒1514. Project: MICRO- AND NANOSENSORS BASED ON RESONANT STRUCTURES OR RESISTANT THIN-LAYERED STRUCTURES AND ADSORPTION-DESORPTION PROCESSES (Academician Zoran Đurić) In 2012, the project activities were focused on theoretical investigations into fluctuation processes and the research topic was expanded to include the influence of the transport of target molecules from liquid solutions towards an activated sensor surface. Since activated sensor surfaces are not fully selective, a fluctuation theory of non-specific adsorption was also developed. The mentioned problems have great scientific relevance and find application in a new generation of micro and nano chemical and biological sensors. Further research in 2013 should lead to a generalization of the theory so as to include fluctuation processes resulting from the transport of target molecules on the sensor surface. The main result of another major topic covered by this project was the development of a technological procedure for the manufacture of sensors for monitoring mercury vapor in the atmosphere. The newly developed sensor was tested and it was shown that it may find practical application in environmental monitoring. A doctoral thesis related to this topic was completed (Milija Sarajlić), which should be defended in March 2013. Further enhancement of this sensor, aimed at making it suitable for wide practical application, is planned for 2013. The leader of this project would like to expand the research topics so as to include hybrid energy sources – primarily, a combination of solar cells and diesel aggregates. 221 The research related to the project yielded six papers published in international journals, as well as five international and two national conference papers. Project: APPLICATIONS OF COMPUTATIONAL INTELLIGENCE METHODS IN TRAFFIC ENGINEERING (Corresponding Member Dušan Teodorović) During the last year (2012), research activities, with my co-authors, were continued within research project that deals with the applications of computational intelligence methods in traffic engineering. The following publications resulted from the work on the project: Davidović T., Šelmić M., Teodorović D., Ramljak D., 2012: Bee Colony Optimization for Scheduling Independent Tasks to Identical Processors. Journal of Heuristics, 18 4), 549–569. Dimitrijević B., Teodorović D., Simić V., Šelmić M., 2012: Bee Colony Optimization Approach to Solving the Anticovering Location Problem. Journal of Computing in Civil Engineering, 26 (6), 759–768. Šelmić M., Macura D., Teodorović D., 2012: Ride Matching Using K-means Method: Case Study of Gazela Bridge in Belgrade. Journal of Transportation Engineering-ASCE, 138 (1), 132–140. Raović N., Šelmić M., Teodorović D., 2012: Fuzzy logic system for determining the number of workers on toll gates on highways. ICTTE, 561–568, Scientific Research Center, Belgrade. Project: DESIGN OF THE SYSTEM FOR THE ANALYSIS OF MOTOR LEARNING WITH MODIFIED PERCEPTION AND HAPTIC ASSISTANCE (Corresponding Member Dejan B. Popović) During the Year 2012, research was mostly related to the development of new methods for the treatment of patients after stroke. New methods of signal processing of data acquired from the inertial sensors were developed. A new type of electrical stimulation system was developed based on miniature wireless components. New software for the design of anthropomorphic robots for rehabilitation and a new modeling approach for walking were developed. Malešević N.M., Popović Maneski L.Z., Ilić V., Jorgovanović N., Bijelić G., Keller T., Popović D.B., 2012: A Multi-Pad Electrode based Functional Electrical Stimu222 lation System for Restoration of Grasp. Journal of NeuroEngineering and Rehabilitation, 9: 66, 10.1186/1743-0003-9-66 Đurić-Jovičić M.D., Jovičić N.S., Popović D.B., Đorđevic A., 2012: Nonlinear optimization for drift removal in estimation of gait kinematics based on accelerometers. Journal of Biomechanics, 45, 2849–2854, doi. 10.1016/j.jbiomech.2012.08.028 Jovičić N.S., Saranovac L.V., Popović D.B., 2012: Wireless Distributed Functional Electrical Stimulation System. Journal of NeuroEngineering and Rehabilitation, 9: 54 doi:10.1186/1743-0003-9-54 Štrbac M., Popović D.B., 2012: Software tool for the prosthetic foot modeling and stiffness optimization. Computational and Mathematical Methods in Medicine, Volume 2012, Article ID 421796, 8 pages, doi:10.1155/2012/421796, http://www. hindawi.com/journals/cmmm/aip/421796/ Milovanović I., Popović D.B., 2012: Principal Component Analysis of Gait Kinematics Data in Acute and Chronic Stroke Patient. Computational and Mathematical Methods in Medicine, Volume 2012, Article ID 649743, 8 pages, doi:10.1155/2012/649743, http://www.hindawi.com/journals/ cmmm/aip/649743/ Project: PROPERTIES OF THIN AND ULTRATHIN OXIDE LAYERS (Academician Ninoslav Stojadinović) The subject of the investigation was the physics of degradation processes due to CCS (constant current stress) and the dynamics of breakdown in doped dielectric thin films with a high dielectric constant. Due to its optimal combination of dielectric constant value and leakage current, Ta2O5 has been proclaimed as the leading dielectric in the development of dielectric capacitors for dynamic memory. Regarding this fact, the consideration was primarily focused on the stress-induced leakage current in Al-doped Та2О5. In experiments, the response of SILC (Stress-Induced Leakage Current) due to the CCS of MIS (Metal Insulator of English Semiconductor) capacitors with Al-doped Ta2O5 dielectric layer was investigated. The dielectric layer thickness of the samples was 6 nm and constant current stress was in the range of 1–30 mA/ cm2 for a period of 50–400 s. Attention has focused on the CCS effects on the traps controlling the SILC and their relationship with pre-existing traps, as well as on the role of Al dopant in their formation. The results showed that the key factor controlling the current in Ta2O5 after stress under these conditions was the complex impact of current stress levels and the applied voltage. SILC is a result of the combined effect of three processes: the positive oxide charge creation, the electron trapping at pre-existing traps and new traps formation. Moreover, the results showed that even a small concentration of Al in the Ta2O5 provokes a very specific behaviour of the leakage current. The general conclusion is that the type of dopant in Ta2O5, and its concentration are criti223 cal factors in defining the initial characteristics of dielectric films and their response to CC stress. In addition, the effects of negative bias temperature stressing on the threshold voltage in p-channel power VDMOSFETs was investigated. The estimation of device lifetime for random combinations of operating voltage and temperature was demonstrated using the experimental results obtained by accelerated NBT stressing. In addition to the effects of NBT stress, the effects of annealing of stressed transistors were investigated. In order to estimate the mechanisms responsible for NBT instabilities, degradation of device electrical parameters and threshold voltage shifts were related by modelling during NBT stressing and annealing. 224 DEPARTMENT OF MEDICAL SCIENCES Project: PATHOLOGIC MORPHOLOGY AND MORPHOLOGIC-CLINICAL CORRELATIONS IN CARDIOVASCULAR DISEASES (INCLUDING HISTORICAL ASPECTS) (Academician Vladimir Kanjuh) With 35 multidisciplinary associates (from Serbia and abroad), 1 monograph (co-author); 36 scientific papers, i.e., 23 in extension (including 12 book chapters) and 13 abstracts were published in 2012. Abroad - 23. V. K. gave 4 plenary introductory lectures on relevant congresses. M. Ostojić, V. Kanjuh and B. Beleslin obtained the Award for Sciences of the City of Belgrade for the postgraduate textbook ‘’Cardiology 2011’’. The following topics were investigated: experimental cardio-pharmacology (the effects of resveratrol); coronary atherothrombotic disease (pathologic morphology, clinics, and epidemiology); stem cells and myocardial infarction; myxomata cordis; diabetic cardiomyopathy; the Serbian part of the Seven Countries Cardiological Study and myocardial bridging in the population of Serbia. Novaković R., Protić D., Radunović N., Heinle H, Kanjuh V., Leskošek-Čukalović I., Jović S., Gojković-Bukarica Lj., 2012: Resveratrol relaxes smooth muscles of rat uterus. Proceedings of 6th Central European Congress on Food, 23-26 May, Novi Sad, Serbia, 2‒3. Protić D., Novaković R., Spremović-Radjenović S., Radunović N., Heinle H., Petrović A., Despotović S., Kanjuh V., Gojković-Bukarica Lj., 2012: The effect of resveratrol on the human umbilical vein without endothelium. Ibid, Abstr book, p. 129 and Proceeding p. 3‒4. Novaković A., Pavlović M., Milojević P., Stojanović I., Nenezić D., Jović M., Ugrešić N., Kanjuh V., Yang Q., He G-W., 2012: Different potassium channels are involved in relaxation of rat renal artery induced by P1075. Basic & Clinical Pharmacology & Toxicology (Nordic Pharmacol Soc), 111 (1), 24‒30. Tatić V., Rafajlovski S., Kanjuh V., Gajanin R., Šuščević D., Balint B., Obradović S., 2012: Histochemical and immunohistochemical analyses of the myocardial scar fallowing acute myocardial infarction. Vojnosanitetski pregled, 69 (7), 581‒588. 225 Obrenović-Kirćanski B., Mikić A., Parapid B., Djukić P., Kanjuh V., Milić N., Kovačević-Kostić N., Velinović M., Seferović P., Vraneš M., 2012: A 30-YearSingle-Center Experience in Atrial Myxomas: From Presentation to Treatment and Prognosis. Thoracic and Cardiovascular Surgeon, 2012 Aug 3. [Epub ahead of print] PMID:22865091[PubMed - as supplied by publisher]. Project: Etiopathogenesis, incidence and treatment of various forms of glomerulopathies (Academician Sveto Suša) During 2012, the determination of microalbiminuria in 53 patients with diabetes mellitus was continued. It was carried out with special strips for the early detection of diabetic nephropathy and its possible prevention or, more precisely, for the prevention of manifest chronic renal insufficiency or slowdown in its evolution. Work also continued on obtaining electroencephalographic (EEG) findings in 53 patients parallel to the findings of serum electrolytes with an aim to detect early changes in the central nervous system (CNS) of patients with renal insufficiency. In the second part of the study the impact of proteinuria reduction in 75 patients by ACE inhibitors was investigated as a therapeutic model. The results of investigating 27 patients with secondary hyperparathyroidism point out that the investigation must be continued to include other types of renal diseases, in addition to diabetic nephropathy. On the basis of the clinical course and early kidney biopsy, we pointed out that the pathohistological finding in hemorrhagic fever with renal syndrome is glumerulopathy and not interstitial nephritis, which represents a great mistake insofar as therapeutic treatment is concerned. Project: EXPERIMENTAL AND CLINICAL INVESTIGATIONS OF BIOLOGICALLY ACTIVE SUBSTANCES (CONVULSANTS, ANTICONVULSANTS, SLEEP PEPTIDE AND ITS ANALOGUES) ON EXCITABILITY OF THE CENTRAL NERVOUS SYSTEM (Academician Veselinka Šušić) In the year 2012 following papers were published: Hrnčić D., Rašić-Marković A., Krstić D., Bjekić-Macut J., Šušić V., Mladenović D., Djurić D., Stanojlović O., 2012: Gaseous neurotransmitter nitric oxide: its role in experimental models of epilepsy. Archives of Biological Sciences, 64 (3), 1207– 1216. 226 Mladenović D., Radosavljević T., Hrnčić D., Rašić-Marković A., Puškaš N., Maksić N., Djuric D., Stanojlović O., 2012: Behavioral and electroencephalographic manifestations of thioacetamide-induced encephalopathy in rats. Canadian Journal of Physiology and Pharmacology, 90 (9), 1219–1227. Mladenović D., Hrnčić D., Rašić-Marković A., Puškaš N., Petrovich S., Stanojlović O., 2012: Bihaviour and electroencephalographic manifestations of thioacetamide-induced encephalopathy: possible mechanisms of neurotoxic effects. Archives of Biological Sciences, 64 (3), 829–841. Hrnčić D., Rašić-Marković A., Krstić D., Macut Dj., Šušić V., Djuric D., Stanojlović O., 2012: Inhibition of the neuronal nitric oxide synthase potentiates homocysteine thiolactone – induced seizures in adult rats. Medicinal Chemistry, 8 (1), 59–64. Mladenović D., Radosavljević T., Hrnčić D., Rašić-Marković A., Maksić N., Stanojlović O., 2012: Inhibition of the neural nitric oxide synhase potentiates homocysteine thiolactone induced seizures in adult rats. Medicinal Chemistry, 8 (1), 52–58. Project: EXPRESSION OF THE NEOPLASTIC PROGRAMME OF THE CELL (Academician Zoran Kovačević) Theoretical investigation focused on the study of the influence of process of aging, as one of the most important risk factors in the appearance of malignant tumors, was continued. In relation to this, the study shall be extended to investigations of the interaction of tumor cells with the microenvironment and the influence of epigenetic changes in their malignant evolution. Project: ESTIMATION OF INFARCT SIZE USING TRANSTHORACIC DOPPLER ECHOCARDIOGRAPHIC MEASUREMENT OF CORONARY FLOW RESERVE IN INFARCT RELATED AND REFERENCE CORONARY ARTERY (Academician Miodrag Ostojić) Patients in the chronic phase of myocardial infarction (MI) have decreased coronary flow reserve (CFR) in the infarct related artery (IRA) that is proportional to the extent of microvascular/myocardial damage. A novel model was proposed for the assessment of microvascular damage and infarct size using Doppler echocardiography evaluation of CFRs of the IRA (LAD) and reference artery (RCA). The study included 34 consecutive patients (28 men, mean age 50±11years) with first anterior STEMI and single vessel disease successfully treated with primary PCI. All patients underwent SPECT MPI for an assess227 ment of the infarct size (expressed as a percentage of myocardium with fixed perfusion abnormalities) and CFR evaluation of LAD and RCA. The CFR derived percentage microvascular damage (CFR PMD) was calculated as: CFR PMD (%) = (CFR RCA–CFR LAD) / (CFR RCA–1) × 100. The CFR PMD correlated significantly with all parameters evaluating the severity of myocardial damage, including: peak CK activity (r = 0.632, p <0.001), WMSI (r = 0.857, p <0.001), ejection fraction (r = –0.820, p <0.001), left ventricular end diastolic (r = 0.757, p <0.001) and end systolic volume (r = 0.794, p <0.001). Most importantly, CFR PMD (22±17 %) correlated significantly with infarct size by SPECT MPI (21±17 %) (r = 0.874, p <0.001). CFR PMD derived from the proposed model was significantly related to the echocardiographic and enzymatic parameters of infarct size, as well as to myocardial damage assessed by SPECT MPI in patients with successfully reperfused first anterior STEMI. The efficacy and safety of drug-eluting stents compared with bare-metal stents remains controversial in patients with ST-segment elevation myocardial infarction (STEMI) undergoing primary percutaneous coronary intervention (PCI). To compare stents eluting biolimus from a biodegradable polymer with bare-metal stents in primary PCI, a prospective, randomized, single-blinded, controlled trial of 1161 patients presenting with STEMI at 11 sites in Europe and Israel between September 19, 2009 and January 25, 2011, clinical followup at 1 and 12 months was performed. Patients were randomized 1:1 to receive the biolimus-eluting stent (n = 575) or the bare-metal stent (n = 582). Primary end point was the rate of major adverse cardiac events, a composite of cardiac death, target vessel-related reinfarction, and ischemia-driven target-lesion revascularization at 1 year. Major adverse cardiac events at 1 year occurred in 24 patients (4.3 %) receiving biolimus-eluting stents with a biodegradable polymer and 49 patients (8.7 %) receiving the bare-metal stents (hazard ratio [HR], 0.49; 95 % CI, 0.30–0.80; P = 0.004). The difference was driven by a lower risk of target vessel-related reinfarction (3 [0.5 %] vs. 15 [2.7 %]; HR, 0.20; 95 % CI, 0.06–0.69; P = 0.01) and ischemia-driven target-lesion revascularization (9 [1.6 %] vs. 32 [5.7 %]; HR, 0.28; 95 % CI, 0.13–0.59; P < 0.001) in patients receiving biolimus-eluting stents compared with those receiving bare-metal stents. The rates of cardiac death were not significantly different (16 [2.9 %] vs. 20 [3.5 %], P = 0.53). Definite stent thrombosis occurred in 5 patients (0.9 %) treated with biolimus-eluting stents and 12 patients (2.1 %; HR, 0.42; 95 % CI, 0.15–1.19; P = 0.10) treated with bare-metal stents. Compared with a bare-metal stent, the use of biolimus-eluting stents with a biodegradable polymer resulted in a lower rate of the composite of ma228 jor adverse cardiac events at 1 year among patients with STEMI undergoing primary PCI. Antic V., Ciraj-Bjelac O., Rehani M., Aleksandric S., Arandjic D., Ostojic M., 2012: Eye lens dosimetry in interventional cardiology: results of staff dose measurements and link to patient dose levels. Radiation Protection Dosimetry, 2012 [Epub ahead of print] Giga V., Dobric M., Beleslin B., Sobic-Saranovic D., Tesic M., DjordjevicDikic A., Stepanovic J., Nedeljkovic I., Artiko V., Obradovic V., Seferovic P.M., Ostojic M., 2012: Estimation of infarct size using transthoracic Doppler echocardiographic measurement of coronary flow reserve in infarct related and reference coronary artery. International Journal of Cardiology, 2012 Oct 8. doi:pii: S01675273(12)01205-3. Stepanovic J., Ostojic M., Beleslin B., Vukovic O., Djordjevic Dikic A., Giga V., Nedeljkovic I.., Nedeljkovic M., Stojkovic S., Vukcevic V., Dobric M., Petrasinovic Z., Marinkovic J., Lecic-Tosevski D., 2012: Mental stress-induced ischemia in patients with coronary artery disease: Echocardiographic characteristics and relation to exercise-induced ischemia. Psychosomatic Medicine, 74 (7), 766–772. Roe M.T., Armstrong P.W., Fox K.A., White H.D., Prabhakaran D., Goodman S.G., Cornel J.H., Bhatt D.L., Clemmensen P., Martinez F., Ardissino D., Nicolau J.C., Boden W.E., Gurbel P.A., Ruzyllo W., Dalby A.J., McGuire D.K., Leiva-Pons J.L., Parkhomenko A., Gottlieb S., Topacio G.O., Hamm C., Pavlides G., Goudev A.R., Oto A., Tseng C.D., Merkely B., Gasparovic V., Corbalan R., Cinteză M., McLendon R.C., Winters K.J., Brown E.B., Lokhnygina Y., Aylward P.E., Huber K., Hochman J.S., Ohman E.M., 2012: TRILOGY ACS Investigators. Prasugrel versus clopidogrel for acute coronary syndromes without revascularization. New England Journal of Medicine, 367 (14), 1297–1309. Räber L., Kelbæk H., Ostojic M., Baumbach A., Heg D., Tüller D., von Birgelen C., Roffi M., Moschovitis A., Khattab A.A., Wenaweser P., Bonvini R., Pedrazzini G., Kornowski R., Weber K., Trelle S., Lüscher T.F., Taniwaki M., Matter C.M., Meier B., Jüni P., Windecker S., 2012: COMFORTABLE AMI Trial Investigators. Effect of biolimus-eluting stents with biodegradable polymer vs bare-metal stents on cardiovascular events among patients with acute myocardial infarction: the COMFORTABLE AMI randomized trial. JAMA, 308 (8), 777–787. Stojkovic S., Sianos G., Katoh O., Gallasi A.R., Beleslin B., Vukcevic V., Nedeljkovic M., Stankovic G., Orlic D., Dobric M., Tomasevic M., Ostojic M., 2012: Efficiacy, Safety, and Long-Term Follow-up of Retrograde Approach for CTO Recanalization: Initial (Belgrade) Experience with International Proctorship. Journal of Interventional Cardiology, 2012. Mangiacapra F., Patti G., Barbato E., Orlic D., Peace A.J., D’Ambrosio A., Ostojic M., Wijns W., Di Sciascio G., 2012: Antiplatelet effect of 600- and 300-mg loading doses of clopidogrel in patients undergoing primary percutaneous coronary intervention for ST-segment elevation myocardial infarction: an analysis of the ARMYDA-6 MI (Antiplatelet therapy for Reduction of MYocardial Damage during Angioplasty-Myocardial Infarction) Study. International Journal of Cardiology, 160 (3), 213–214. 229 Kristensen S.D., Fajadet J., Di Mario C., Kaifoszova Z., Laut K.G., Deleanu D., Gilard M., Guagliumi G., Goktekin O., Jorgova J., Kanakakis J., Ostojic M., Pereira H., Sabate M., Sobhy M., Vrints C., Wijns W., Widimsky P., 2012: Implementation of primary angioplasty in Europe: stent for life initiative progress report. EuroIntervention, 8 (1), 35–42. Asanin M., Stankovic S., Mrdovic I., Matic D., Savic L., Majkic-Singh N., Ostojic M., Vasiljevic Z., 2012:B-type natriuretic peptide predicts new-onset atrial fibrillation in patients with ST-segment elevation myocardial infarction treated by primary percutaneous coronary intervention. Peptides, 2012 May, 35 (1), 74–77. Stankovic S., Asanin M., Trifunovic D., Majkic-Singh N., Ignjatovic S., Mrdovic I., Matic D., Savic L., Marinkovic J., Ostojic M., Vasiljevic Z., 2012:Timedependent changes of myeloperoxidase in relation to in-hospital mortality in patients with the first anterior ST-segment elevation myocardial infarction treated by primary percutaneous coronary intervention. Clinical Biochemistry, 2012 May, 45 (7-8), 547–551. Stankovic S., Asanin M., Majkic-Singh N., Ignjatovic S., Mihailovic M., Nikolajevic I., Mrdovic I., Matic D., Savic L., Marinkovic J., Ostojic M., Vasiljevic Z., 2012: The usefulness of myeloperoxidase in prediction of in-hospital mortality in patients with ST-segment elevation myocardial infarction treated by primary percutaneous coronary intervention. Clinical Laboratory, 58 (1-2), 125–131. Abizaid A., Costa J.R. Jr, Banning A., Bartorelli A.L., Dzavik V., Ellis S., Gao R., Holmes D.R. Jr, Jeong M.H., Legrand V., Neumann F.J., Nyakern M., Orlick A., Spaulding C., Worthley S., Urban P.M., 2012: e-SELECT Investigators. The sirolimuseluting Cypher Select coronary stent for the treatment of bare-metal and drug-eluting stent restenosis: insights from the e-SELECT (Multicenter Post-Market Surveillance) registry. JACC Cardiovascular Interventions, 5 (1), 64–71. Petrovic M., Petrovic M.T., Milasinovic G., Vujisic-Tesic B., Trifunovic D., Nedeljkovic I., Calovic Z., Ivanovic B, Tesic M., Boricic M., Petrovic O., Petrovic I.M., Banovic M., Draganic G., Ostojic M., 2012: Prediction of a good response to cardiac resynchronization therapy in patients with severe dilated cardyomyopathy: could conventional echocardiography be the answer after all? Echocardiography, 2012 Mar, 29 (3), 267–275. Mrdovic I., Savic L., Krljanac G., Perunicic J., Asanin M., Lasica R., Antonijevic N., Kocev N., Marinkovic J., Vasiljevic Z., Ostojic M., 2012: Incidence, predictors, and 30-day outcomes of new-onset atrial fibrillation after primary percutaneous coronary intervention: insight into the RISK-PCI trial. Coronary Artery Disease, 23 (1), 1–8. Savic L., Mrdovic I., Perunicic J., Asanin M., Lasica R., Marinkovic J., Vasiljevic Z., Ostojic M., 2012: Impact of the combined left ventricular systolic and renal dysfunction on one-year outcomes after primary percutaneous coronary intervention. Journal of Interventional Cardiology, 25 (2), 132–139. Potpara T.S., Stankovic G.R., Beleslin B.D., Polovina M.M., Marinkovic J.M., Ostojic M.C., Lip G.Y., 2012: A 12-year follow-up study of patients with newly diagnosed lone atrial fibrillation: implications of arrhythmia progression on prognosis: the Belgrade Atrial Fibrillation study. Chest, 141 (2), 339–347. 230 Potpara T.S., Marinkovic J.M., Polovina M.M., Stankovic G.R., Seferovic P.M., Ostojic M.C., Lip G.Y., 2012: Gender-related differences in presentation, treatment and long-term outcome in patients with first-diagnosed atrial fibrillation and structurally normal heart: The Belgrade atrial fibrillation study. Journal of Interventional Cardiology, 161 (1), 39–44. Ostojic M.C., Karanovic N.D., 2012: Mentality and organisational changes are key to developing primary angioplasty. EuroIntervention, 8(P), P86–89. Project: GENETIC BASIS OF CENTRAL NERVOUS SYSTEM DEGENERATIVE DISEASES (Academician Vladimir S. Kostić) During 2012, the activities were focused on the genetic basis of Parkinsonism, dementia, dystonia and other neurodegenerative disorders, as well as morphological correlates of various phenomena particularly those associated with Parkinsonism. In relation to this topic, more than 20 papers were published in international journals cited in Current Contents (Life Sciences). Papers relating to this topic were presented at 6 international and one domestic meeting (published as abstracts and not cited in this report). In the course of 2012, V.S. Kostić actively collaborated with research groups from Italy, Germany, Denmark, Greece and the USA. 1. Dobricic V., Stefanova E., Jankovic M., Gurunlian N., Novakovic I., Hardy J., Kostic V., Guerreiro R., 2012: Genetic testing in familial and young-onset Alzheimer’s disease: mutation spectrum in a Serbian cohort. Neurobiology of Aging, 33, 1481.e7–12. 2. Žiropađa L., Stefanova E., Petrović M., Stojković T., Kostić V.S., 2012: Apathy and depression in Parkinson’s disease: The Belgrade PD study report. Parkinsonism and Related Disorders,18, 339–342. 3. Kostic V.S., Agosta F., Pievani M., Stefanova E., Jecmenica-Lukic M., Scarale A., Spica V., Filippi M., 2012: Pattern of brain tissue loss associated with freezing of gait in Parkinson disease. Neurology, 78, 409–416. 4. Kozić D.B., Semnic R., Petrović I., Svetel M., Ostojić J., Kostić V.S., 2012: Are irreversible morphological signs of portal hypertension in neurological form of Wilson’s disease associated with treatment delay? A pilot study. Acta Neurologica Belgica,112, 261–264. 5. Svetel M., Smiljković T., Pekmezović T., Kostić V.S., 2012: Hallucinations in Parkinson’s disease: cross-sectional study. Acta Neurologica Belgica,112, 33–37. 6. Agosta F., Pievani M., Svetel M., Ječmenica Lukić M., Copetti M., Tomić A., Scarale A., Longoni G., Comi G., Kostić V.S., Filippi M., 2012: Diffusion tensor MRI contributes to differentiate Richardson’s syndrome from PSP-parkinsonism. Neurobiology of Aging, 33, 2817–2826. 231 7. Vlajinac H., Sipetic S., Marinkovic J., Ratkov I., Maksimovic J., Dzoljic E., Kostic V., 2012: The Stressful Life Events and Parkinson’s Disease: A Case-Control Study. Stress Health, 29, 50–55. 8. Fasano A., Ricciardi L., Bentivoglio A.R., Canavese C., Zorzi G., Petrovic I., Kresojevic N., Kostić V.S., Svetel M., Kovacs N., Balas I., Roubertie A., Mishra D., Mariotti P., Temudo T., Nardocci N., 2012: Status dystonicus: Predictors of outcome and progression patterns of underlying disease. Movement Disorders, 27, 783–788. 9. Schmitt I., Wüllner U., van Rooyen J.P., Khazneh H., Becker J., Volk A., Kubisch C., Becker T., Kostic V.S., Klein C., Ramirez A., 2012: Variants in the 3’UTR of SNCA do not affect miRNA-433 binding and alpha-synuclein expression. European Journal of Human Genetics, 20, 1265–1269. 10. Spica V., Pekmezović T., Svetel M., Kostić V.S., 2012: Prevalence of nonmotor symptoms in young-onset versus late-onset Parkinson’s disease. Journal of Neurology, 260, 131–137. 11. Kumar K.R., Ramirez A., Göbel A., Kresojević N., Svetel M., Lohmann K., Sue C.M., Rolfs A., Mazzulli J.R., Alcalay R.N., Krainc D., Klein C., Kostic V., Grünewald A., 2012: Glucocerebrosidase mutations in a Serbian Parkinson’s disease population. European Journal of Neurology, 322, 132–136. 12. Kumar K.R., Weissbach A., Heldmann M., Kasten M., Tunc S., Sue C.M., Svetel M., Kostić V.S., Segura-Aguilar J., Ramirez A., Simon D.K., Vieregge P., Münte T.F., Hagenah J., Klein C., Lohmann K., 2012: Frequency of the D620N Mutation in VPS35 in Parkinson Disease. Archives of Neurology, 69, 1360–1364. 13. Petrovic I.N., Stefanova E., Kozic D., Semnic R., Markovic V., Daragasevic N.T., Kostic V.S., 2012: White matter lesions and depression in patients with Parkinson’s disease. Journal of the Neurological Sciences, 322, 132–136. 14. Brajkovic L.D., Svetel M.V., Kostic V.S., Sobic-Saranovic D.P., Pavlovic S.V., Artiko V.M., Obradovic V.B., 2012: Dopamine transporter imaging (123)I-FPCIT (DaTSCAN) SPET in differential diagnosis of dopa-responsive dystonia and young-onset Parkinson’s disease. Hellenic Journal of Nuclear Medicine, 15,134– 138. 15. Stefanova E., Pavlovic A., Jovanovic Z., Veselinovic N., Despotovic I., Stojkovic T., Sternic N., Kostic V., 2012: Vascular risk factors in Alzheimer’s disease - Preliminary report. Journal of the Neurological Sciences, 322,166–169. 16. Lackovic V., Bajcetic M., Lackovic M., Novakovic I., Labudović Borović M., Pavlovic A., Zidverc-Trajkovic J., Dzolic E., Rovcanin B., Sternic N., Kostic V., 2012: Skin and Sural Nerve Biopsies: Ultrastructural Findings in the First Genetically Confirmed Cases of CADASIL in Serbia. Ultrastructural Pathology, 36, 325–335. 17. Popovic L., Vojvodic N., Ristic A.J., Bascarevic V., Sokic D., Kostic V.S., 2012: Ictal dystonia and secondary generalization in temporal lobe seizures: A videoEEG study. Epilepsy & Behavior, 25, 501–504. 18. Kostić V.S., Mijajlović M., Smajlović D., Lukić M.J., Tomić A., Svetel M., 2012: Transcranial brain sonography findings in two main variants of progressive supranuclear palsy. European Journal of Neurology, 20, 552–557. 19. Lohmann K., Uflacker N., Erogullari A., Lohnau T., Winkler S., Dendorfer A., Schneider S.A., Osmanovic A., Svetel M., Ferbert A., Zittel S., Kühn A.A., Schmidt A., Altenmüller E., Münchau A., Kamm C., Wittstock M., Kupsch A., Moro 232 E., Volkmann J., Kostic V., Kaiser F.J., Klein C., Brüggemann N., 2012: Identification and functional analysis of novel THAP1 mutations. European Journal of Human Genetics, 20, 171–175. 20. Kostić V.S., Svetel M., Mijajlović M., Pavlović A., Ječmenica-Lukić M., Kozić D., 2012: Transcranial sonography in pantothenate kinase-associated neurodegeneration. Journal of Neurology, 259, 959–964. 21. Svetel M., Mijajlović M., Tomić A., Kresojević N., Pekmezović T., Kostić V.S., 2012: Transcranial sonography in Wilson’s disease. Parkinsonism and Related Disorders, 18, 234–238. Project: MOLECULAR MECHANISMS OF PROGRAMMED CELL DEATH (Academician Vladimir Bumbaširević) In 2012, the investigations of the molecular mechanisms of programmed cell death were continued with the focus on the modulation of signaling pathways that regulate intracellular energy balance. It was shown that neurotoxic effects of 6-hydroxydopamine (6-OHDA) on SH-SY5Y neuroblastoma cells were mediated by both autophagy-dependent and independent mechanisms. Both mechanisms are apparently controlled by oxidative stress-activated AMPK, involving mTOR inhibition in the former, and p38 MAPK activation in the latter neurotoxic pathway. Therefore, AMPK-mediated autophagy and p38 activation might be valid therapeutic targets for fighting neurodegeneration and neurotoxicity. In addition, the anticancer effects of choloquine in vitro on U251 glioma, B16 melanoma and L929 fibrosarcoma cells, as well as, its effects in vivo in the B16 mouse melanoma model were investigated. This study demonstrated the in vitro and in vivo potentiation of calorie restriction-induced anticancer effect by chloroquine, probably mediated by lysosomal dysfunctionassociated oxidative stress leading to mitochondrial damage and apoptotic/ necrotic death of tumor cells. In the study of patients with Hodgkin’s lymphoma (HL), the prognostic relevance of clinical parameters and tissue based variables, including markers of programmed cell death, were analyzed. According to these results, a prognostic model was designed that stratified patients into 4 risk groups, each with progressively reduced overall survival rate. 1. Harhaji-Trajkovic L., Arsikin K., Kravic-Stevovic T., Petricevic S., Tovilovic G., Pantovic A., Zogovic N., Ristic B., Janjetovic K., Bumbasirevic V., Trajkovic V., 2012: Chloroquine-Mediated Lysosomal Dysfunction Enhances the Anticancer Effect of Nutrient Deprivation. Pharmaceutical Research, 29 (8), 2249–2263. 233 2. Misirlic Dencic S., Poljarevic J., Vilimanovich U., Bogdanovic A., Isakovic A., Kravic Stevovic T., Dulovic M., Zogovic N., Isakovic A., Grguric-Sipka S., Bumbasirevic V., Sabo T.J., Trajkovic V., Markovic I., 2012: Cyclohexyl analogues of ethylenediamine dipropanoic acid induce caspase-independent mitochondrial apoptosis in human leukaemic cells. Chemical Research in Toxicology, 25 (4), 931–939. 3. Markovic Z.M., Ristic B.Z., Arsikin K.M., Klisic D.G., Harhaji-Trajkovic L.M., Todorovic-Markovic B.M., Kepic D.P., Kravic-Stevovic T.K., Jovanovic S.P., Milenkovic M.M., Milivojevic D.D., Bumbasirevic V.Z., Dramicanin M.D., Trajkovic V.S., 2012: Graphene quantum dots as autophagy-inducing photodynamic agents. Biomaterials, 33, 7084–7092. 4. Arsikin K., Kravic-Stevovic T., Jovanovic M., Ristic B., Tovilovic G., Zogovic N., Bumbasirevic V., Trajkovic V., Harhaji-Trajkovic L., 2012: Autophagy-dependent and-independent involvement of AMP-activated protein kinase in 6-hydroxydopamine toxicity to SH-SY5Y neuroblastoma cells. Biochimica et Biophysica Acta, 1822 (11), 1826–1836. 5. Jakovic L.R., Mihaljevic B.S., Perunicic Jovanovic M.D., Bogdanovic A.D., Andjelic B.M., Bumbasirevic V.Z., 2012: Prognostic Significance of Bcl-2, TumorAssociated Macrophages, and Total Neoplastic and Inflammatory Lymph Node Involvement in Advanced Stage Classical Hodgkin’s Lymphoma. Onkologie, 35, 733– 739. Mirčić A., Vilimanović U., Brajušković G., Bumbaširević V., 2012:Apoptosis and appearance of multinuclear c6 glioma cells after treatment by microtubule poisons. Acta veterinaria (Beograd), 62, 17–26. Project: IMMUNOBIOLOGY OF DENDRITIC CELLS IN HEALTH AND DISEASE (Academician Miodrag Čolić) In 2012, research on the improvement of protocols for the preparation of dendritic cells (DCs) and Langerhans-like cells of monocytic origin as cancer vaccines were continued. The effects of nanomaterials (carbon nanotubes functionalized with agonists of Toll-like receptors) and biomaterials with shape memory characteristics on DCs and the immune response were also conducted. A study related to the immunomodulatory properties of mesenchymal stem cells from dental periapical granuloma on the inflammatory cells and DCs was introduced. In addition, the production of cytokines in supernatants of tissue explants and isolated cells from abdominal aortic aneurysm as well as the interaction between regulatory T cells and DCs were investigated. Dragičević A., Džopalić T., Vasilijić S., Vučević D., Tomić S., Božić B., Čolić M., 2012: Signaling through Toll-like receptor 3 and Dectin-1 potentiates the capability of human monocyte-derived dendritic cells to promote T-helper 1 and T-helper 17 immune responses. Cytotherapy, 14 (5), 598–607. 234 Djokic J., Rudolf R., Tomic S., Stopic S., Friedrich B., Budic B., Anzel I., Colic M., 2012: Immunomodulatory Properties of Nanoparticles Obtained by Ultrasonic Spray Pirolysis from Gold Scrap. Journal of Biomedical Nanotechnology, 8 (3), 528–538. Djokic J., Tomic S., Cerovic S., Todorovic V., Rudolf R., Colic M., 2012: Characterization and immunosuppressive properties of mesenchymal stem cells from periapical lesions. Journal of Clinical Periodontology, 39 (9), 807–816. Tomic S., Rudolf R., Bruncko M., Anzel I., Savic V., Colic M., 2012: Response of Monocyte-Derived Dendritic Cells to Rapidly Solidified Nickel-Titanium Ribbons with Shape Memory Properties. European Cells & Materials Journal, 23, 58–80. Mehrabi K., Brunčko M., Kneissl A.C., Čolǐć M., Stamenković D., Feřcec J., Anžel I., Rudolf R., 2012: Characterisation of melt spun ni-ti shape memory ribbons’ microstructure. Metals and Materials International, 18, 413–417. Vučević D., Maravić-Stojković V., Vasilijić S., Borović-Labudović M., Majstorović I., Radak D., Jevtić M., Milosavljević P., Čolić M., 2012: Inverse production of IL-6 and IL-10 by abdominal aortic aneurysm explant tissues in culture. Cardiovascular Pathology, 21 (6), 482–489. Drašković-Pavlović B., Vučević D., Božić B., Majstorović I., Čolić M., 2012: Functional properties of granulocytes after thermal injury. Immunology Research, 52 (1-2), 133–138. Sofronic-Milosavljevic L, Colic M., 2012: Immunology in Serbia: From past to present Immunology Research, 52 (1-2), 2–6. Dzopalic T., Dragicevic A., Bozic B., Rajkovic I., Colic M., 2012: Dose-Dependent Response of Dendritic Cells to 7-Thia-8-Oxo-Guanosine and its Modulation by Poly (I:C). Experimental Biology and Medicine, 237 (7), 784–792. Dzopalic T., Rajkovic I., Dragicevic A., Colic M., 2012: The response of human dendritic cells to co-ligation of pattern-recognition receptors. Immunology Research, 52 (1-2), 20–33. Rudolf R., Friedrich B., Stopic S., Anzel I., Tomic S., Colic M., 2012: Cytotoxicity of Gold Nanoparticles Prepared by Ultrasonic Spray Pyrolysis. Journal of Biomaterials Applications, 26 (5), 595–612. Project: INVESTIGATION OF BALKAN ENDEMIC NEPHROPATHY AND UROTHELIAL CANCER IN SERBIA (Academician Vladisav Stefanović) In 2012, research was focused on moleculaр mechanisms in the etiology of Balkan endemic nephropathy (BEN) and associated urothelial cancer (UC). The Interacademy Council of the South Eastern Europe Academies of Sciences has created a Project named “Balkan endemic nephropathy” directed by Vladisav Stefanovic from the SASA. The major studies from the coordinator and associated academies were directed to the genomic and proteomic investigation in the etiology of BEN and UC. In the SCOPES Project, financed by the Swiss Government, “Uroepithelial tumors in Balkan Endemic Neph235 ropathy – specific and common pathways”, these are the subjects of coordinated multi-institutional research. The Council collaborates with an important laboratory for proteomics in Göttingen (Prof. Müller), the National German Cancer Institute (Dr. Schmeiser), the Institute of Cancer Research, Section of Molecular Carcinogenesis, Sutton, UK (Dr. Volker) and the Genomic Center, Sofia (Prof. Toncheva), MASA, Skopje (Prof. Polenakovic). Jankovic Velickovic L., Ristic Petrovic A., Stojnev S., Dolicanin Z., Hattori T., Sugihara H., Mukaisho K., Stojanovic M., Stefanovic V., 2012: Angiogenesis in upper tract urothelial carcinoma associated with Balkan endemic nephropathy. International Journal of Clinical and Experimental Pathology, 5 (7), 674–683. Mihajlovic M., Vlajkovic S., Jovanovic P., Stefanovic V., 2012: Primary mucosal melanomas: a comprehensive review. Ibid, 5 (8), 739–753. Petrovic V., Zivkovic P., Petrovic D., Stefanovic V., 2012: Craniofacial bone tissue engineering. Oral Surgery, Oral Medicine, Oral Pathology, Oral Radiology,114 (3), 1–9. Cukuranovic J., Ugrenovic S., Jovanovic I., Visnjic M., Stefanovic V., 2012: Viral infection in renal transplant recipients. ScientificWorldJournal, 2012, 820621. doi: 10.1100/2012/820621. Epub 2012 May 2. Vlajković S., Čukuranović R., Bjelaković M.D., Stefanović V., 2012: Possible therapeutic use of spermatogonial stem cells in the treatment of male infertility: a brief overview. ScientificWorldJournal, 2012, 374151. doi: 10.1100/2012/374151. Epub 2012 Mar 12. Avramovic M., Stefanovic V., 2012: Health-related quality of life in different stages of renal failure. Artificial Organs, 36 (7), 581–589. Pesic I., Petrovic V., Rancic D., Dunjic O., Stefanovic V., 2012: Validation of macromolecules as an early marker in glomerular and tubulointerstitial diseases – current proteomics and computational approach. HealthMED, 6 (5), 8–35. Deljanin-Ilic M., Pavlovic R., Lazarevic G., Cvetkovic T., Kocic G., Ilic S., Stefanovic V., 2012: Asymmetric and symmetric dimethylarginine in patients presenting with risk factors for coronary heart disease. Central European Journal of Medicine,7, 659–664. Conic I., Miljkovic S., Tosic-Golubovic S., Stanojevic Z., Milenkovic D., Djordjevic B., Damnjanovic I., Visnjic M., Antic S., Stefanovic V., 2012: Anxiety levels related to the type of therapy for cervical cancer. Ibid, 490–496. Project: CONTROL ENDOCRINE MECHANISMS IN BODY WEIGHT REGULATION AMONG OBESE SUBJECTS (Academician Dragan Micić) In 2012, investigations concerning endocrine disorders in obese subjects were continued. The possible effects of metformin on ghrelin action connected with food intake were analysed on an experimental model with intracerebral administration of metformin. The results of this study contribute to an 236 understanding of the mechanism of the metformin anorectic effect. Immunomodulatory actions of centrally applied ghrelin were analysed in diet-induced energy imbalance. Inflammation as a possible mechanism of the association between obesity, diabetes and atherosclerosis was analysed as well. A review article was published about the cardiovascular risk generated in the relation between adiposopathy and thyroid disease. The Head of project participated as a member of an international team in the publication of guidelines devoted to the prevalence, pathophysiology, health consequences and treatment options of obesity in the elderly. The results of the investigations were published in five international journals, three in national journals, twenty four abstracts for international meetings and twenty one abstracts for national meetings. The project head delivered eight lectures at international and national meetings. Misirkić M., Janjetović K., Vučićević L., Tovilović G., Ristić B., Vilimanović U., Harhaji-Trajković L., Šumarac-Dumanović M., Micić D., Bumbasirević V., Trajković V., 2012: Inhibition of AMPK.dependent autophagy enhances in vitro antiglioma effect of simvastatin. Pharmacological Research, 65, 111‒119. Stevanović D., Starčević V., Vilimanovich U., Nesić D., Vučicević L., Misirkić M., Janjetović K., Savić E., Popadić D., Sudar E., Micić D., Šumarac-Dumanović M., Trajković V, 2012: Immunomodulatory actions of central ghrelin in diet-induced energy imbalance. Brain, Behavior, and Immunity, 26, 150‒158. Mathus-Vliegen E.M.H., Basdevant A., Finer N., Hainer V., Hauner H., Micić D., Maislos M., Roman G., Schutz Y., Tsigos C., Toplak H., Yumuk V., Zahorska-Markiewitz B., 2012: Prevalence, Pathophysiology, Health Consequences and Treatment Options of Obesity in the Elderly: A Guideline. Obesity Facts, 5, 460‒483. Stevanović D., Janjetović K., Misirkić M., Vučićević L., Šumarac-Dumanović M., Micić D., Starčević V., Trajković V., 2012: Intracerebroventricular administration of metformin inhibits ghrelin-induced Hypothalamic AMP-kinase signalling and food intake. Neuroendocrinology, 96, 24‒31. Duntas L., Micić D., 2012: Adiposopathy and thyroid disease: tracing the pathway to cardiovascular risk. Expert Review of Cardiovascular Therapy, 10, 797‒803. Project: PROSTATE CANCER SCREENING (Academician Jovan Hadži-Đokić) Given the current trends that the role of prostate specific antigen (PSA) in prostate cancer screening should be clearly estimated, the Board modified the objectives of the Project. Thus, an additional goal of the Project is to investigate whether PSA-based screening for prostate cancer really reveals a large number of small prostate cancers, at the stage when their treatment is unnecessary. 237 Four groups of subjects, aged 50–75 years, should be formed: 1. Patients with suspect prostate cancer based on digital-rectal examination (DRE) of the prostate 2. Patients with suspected prostate cancer based on transrectal ultrasound (TRUS) examination of the prostate 3. Patients with suspected prostate cancer based on DRE and TRUS 4. Patients with suspected prostate cancer base elevated PSA values (PSA ≥ 2.5 ng / mL) In all of these patients, TRUS-guided prostate biopsy would be performed. In patients where it is indicated, a radical prostatectomy would be performed and the definitive stage of the disease determined. In the data processing phase, the sensitivity and specificity of each method in the diagnosis of prostate cancer would be compared. In addition, the percentage of so-called “insignificant” prostate cancer, detected in the groups 1, 2, 3 and 4, would be analyzed. The intention of the Board is that the Project should be realised in several towns in Serbia. Project: INSULIN RESISTANCE: COMPARATIVE ANALYSIS OF ITS ROLE IN THE ONSET AND DEVELOPMENT OF DIABETES, ATHEROSCLEROTIC VASCULAR DISEASE AND NEURODEGENERATIVE DISORDERS (Academician Nebojša M. Lalić) During the year 2012, the relationship between metabolic impairments and the onset of pathological changes of the vasculature in different models of atherosclerotic vascular disease was analyzed. In this context, it was shown, after a three year follow-up, that weight gain could have an instrumental influence on the worsening of metabolic risk factors for atherosclerosis (especially the decrease in insulin sensitivity and the increase in dyslipidemias) in “metabolically normal” individuals (without glucose intolerance). Simultaneously, it was shown that individuals with early carotid atherosclerosis exhibit high FLI, higher levels of glycemia, arterial blood pressure, LDL-ch and hsCRP and lower antioxidant enzyme levels, compared to those without changes on the carotid arteries. Moreover, investigations were continued of the relationship between insulin resistance (IR) and changes in the heart muscle, which have demonstrated its association of IR with diabetic cardiomyopathy. In addition, studies on the links between changes of IR and neurodegenerative diseases (NDDs) were continued. An analysis of the changes in IR and insulin secretion capacity in patients with Alzheimer disease (AD), being a NDD, showed a significant increase in IR, accompanied by decreases in insulin levels in the 238 cerebrospinal fluid, which were among the first of this type of studies. Within the project, in a special part, the insulin sensitivity levels in newly diagnosed type 1 diabetes were investigated. It was found that in these patients, a decrease in insulin sensitivity could be detected, together with the changes in T memory cells and apotransferrin levels, which might be important for the pathogenesis of the disease. Finally, within this project, a study of the effect of the structured self management of blood glucose on metabolic risk factors was undertaken and it was shown that this approach could improve blood glucose control, together with simultaneous decrease in lipid risk factors, which might be an important approach in the prevention of atherosclerosis and complications in type 2 diabetes. Lalic N., Tankova T., Nourredine M., Parkin C., Schweppe U., Amann-Zalan I., 2012: Value and utility of structured self-monitoring of bblood glucose in real world clinical practice: findings from a multinational observational study. Diabetes Technology & Therapeutics,14 (4), 338‒343. Mangano K., Fagone P., Di Mauro M., Ascione E., Maiello V., Milicic T., Jotic A., Lalic N.M., Saksida T., Stojanovic I., Selmi C., Farina C., Stosic-Grujicic S., Meroni P., Nicoletti F., 2012: The immunobiology of apotransferrin in type 1 diabetes. Clinical & Experimental Immunology,169 (3), 244‒252. Seferović P.M., Milinković I., Ristić A.D., Seferović Mitrović J.P., Lalić K., Jotić A., Kanjuh V., Lalić N., Maisch B., 2012: Diabetic cardiomyopathy: ongoing controversies in 2012. Herz, 37 (8), 880‒886. Bobbioni-Harsch E., Pataky Z., Makoundou V., Laville M., Disse E., Anderwald C., Konrad T., Golay A., 2012: RISC Investigators (Lalic N., Lalic K., Jotic A., Lukic L.). From metabolic normality to cardiometabolic risk factors in subjects with obesity. Obesity (Silver Spring), 2012 Oct, 20 (10), 2063‒2069. Kozakova M., Palombo C., Eng M.P., Dekker J., Flyvbjerg A., Mitrakou A., Gastaldelli A., Ferrannini E., 2012: RISC Investigators (Lalic N., Lalic K., Jotic A., Lukic L.). Fatty liver index, gamma-glutamyltransferase, and early carotid plaques. Hepatology, 55 (5), 1406‒1415. Macesic M.V., Lalic N.M., Kostic V.S., Jotic A., Stefanova E., Lalic K., Milicic T., Lukic L., Rajkovic N., Seferovic-Mitrovic J., Stanarcic J., 2012: The effect of decreased insulin sensitivity and insulin secretion on cerebrospinal fluid insulin level: an analysis in normoglycaemic patients with Alzheimer’s disease. Diabetologia, 55 [Suppl1] S1–S538, S 807. Project: THE HISTORY OF SERBIAN MEDICINE (Academician Radoje Čolović) А study of “Bogdan Kosanović (1892–1964)” was published in the 13th book “Life and Work of the Serbian Scientist”. Publisher: the Serbian Academy of Science and Arts, Belgrade, 2012, p.p. 1–63. 239 In the book “School of Medicine University of Belgrade 1920–2012” (publisher: Medical Faculty, University of Belgrade, Belgrade 2011.) a chapter “90 Years of the Belgrade School of Medicine” (page 22–50) was published. The following 5 articles were published: 1. Professor Dr. Slobodan Djordjevic (1921–2012). Serbian archive for the entire medicine. 2012;140:122–123. 2. Professor Dr. Aleksandar Dimitrijević (1924–2012). Serbian archive for the entire medicine. 2012;140:395. 3. Dr. Laza Lazarevic in Serbian Surgery. Compte rendu from the scientific meeting “Dr. Laza Lazarevic. Life and work”. Publishers: The Serbian Medical Society and “Infinitas”. Belgrade 2012;41–51. 4. 800 Hundred Years of Serbian Medicine and 140 years of the Serbian Medical Society. Compte rendu of the 3rd scientific meeting “800 Years of Serbian medicine”. Publishers: Infinitas and Serbian Medical Society. Belgrade 2012:11–45. 5. The Beginnings of Hernia Surgery and the Role of Military Surgeons. Compte rendu of the 3rd scientific meeting “800 Years of Serbian Medicine”. Publishers: Infinitas and the Serbian Medical Society. Belgrade 2012: 243–249. The following 4 lectures were delivered: 1. Short History of Serbian Medicine and the Serbian Medical Society (delivered at the promotion of graduated doctors of Belgrade School of Medicine 24.01.2012.). 2. Dr. Toma Leko. Life and Work. Lecture delivered at the meeting of the History Section of the Serbian Medical Society 22.03.2012. 3. The Beginnings of Hernia Surgery in Serbia and the Role of Military Surgeons (delivered at the Congress of the History of Medicine. Soko Grad. 8.06.2012.). 4. 800 Hundred Years of Serbian Medicine. Lecture delivered at the opening ceremony of the 17th Congress of the Serbian Medical Society 20.09.2012. Belgrade, Sava center. 20. 09.2012. Project: FETOPLACENTAL DEVELOPMENT IN PREGNANCY FOLLOWING ASSISTED REPRODUCTION (Corresponding Member Nebojša Radunović) During the year 2012, the studies were primarily engaged with placental and embryonic morphology in the first trimester in pregnancies conceived by in vitro fertilization (IVF). The basic hypothesis that embryos originating in the course of assisted reproduction might have profound effects on placental and foetal development (through DNA methylation and other likely mechanisms) was analysed. From the 5th to the 9th gestational week, the length, volume, heart rate and movement of embryos were measured by high resolution trans-vaginal ultrasound probes in 32 pregnancies achieved through natural mating and in 41 pregnancies achieved through IVF. Additionally, the intentions were to compare atypical placental sonographical manifestations recognized in the second half of pregnancy. 240 The results of the investigations were published in the three international journals, three chapters in national monograph, national journals and five abstracts of international meetings. The project head delivered six invited lectures at international meetings. The results were presented on 5 international and two domestic meetings. N. Radunović chaired and gave invited lectures on the 5 international meeting: 1).10th Annual Meeting of the Mediterranean Society for Reproductive Medicine, MSRM, Budva, Montenegro 10–12.05.2012 (1. Multi-slice ultrasonography - how to acquire the proper volume, 2. Immunological aspects of early pregnancy), 2) 23rd Foetus as a Patient, 31stAugust 2nd September, Mykonos, Greece (1. Placental Sonography – a significant tool in antenatal foetal monitoring), 3) 8th Obstetrics and Gynaecologic Ultrasonography Congress & Ian Donald Advanced Ultrasound Course, Lykia, Fethiye, Turkey 26–30 September 2012, (1. Technique and diagnostic potential of 3D/4D foetal echocardiography, 2. Sonography of placenta-problem solving tools?), 4) 1st Macedonian Ian Donald Course, 28th–30th 09.2012, Ohrid, Macedonia (1. First trimester ultrasound examination, 2, Ultrasound of the foetal heart, 3.Ultrasound of the placenta), 5). 9th Congress of MEDUOG, 24–25th 10. 2012, Bucharest, Rumania (1. Immune foetal hydrops – an urgent condition), as well as on a number of Serbian meetings. During the course of 2012, N. Radunovic collaborated with groups from Greece, Turkey, Rumania, Macedonia and the USA. During the same period, he acted as a Vice President of the Mediterranean Association for Sonography in Obstetrics and Gynaecology (MEDUOG) member of the Educational Committee of the European Association for Perinatal Medicine, and the Board member of the International Society “Foetus as a patient”. Spremovic-Radjenovic S., Gudovic A., Lazovic G., Marinkovic J., Radunovic N., Ljubic A., 2012: Fetal free thyroxine concentrations in pregnant women with autoimmune thyroid disease. Journal of Clinical Endocrinology and Metabolism, 2012 Nov, 97 (11), 4014‒4021. Cirovic S., Tadic J., Radunovic N., Mueller C., Mueller G., Markovic-Lipkovski J., 2012: NCAM polysialylation as potential initiator of differentiation and proliferation of renal progenitors in human fetal tissue. Virchows Archiv, Vol. 461, Suppl. 1, S216‒S217. Novakovic R.B., Protic D.D., Radunovic N.V., Kanjuh V.I., Gojkovic-Bukarica L., 2012: The relaxation of non-pregnant rat uterus by wine polyphenol resveratrol. European Journal of Clinical Investigation, Vol. 42, Suppl. 1, 86‒86. Protic D.D., Novakovic R.B., Spremovic-Radjenovic S.S., Radunovic N.V., Heinle H.H., Gojkovic-Bukarica L.C., 2012: Wine polyphenol resveratrol relaxes human umbilical vein. European Journal of Clinical Investigation, Vol. 42, Suppl. 1, 86‒86. 241 Project: PLAQUE TEXTURE ELECTRONIC ANALYSIS IN PREVENTION AND TREATMENT OF RESTENOSIS FOLLOWING CAROTID ENDARTERECTOMY (Corresponding Member Đorđe Radak) An intra-operative collection of abdominal aortic aneurysm explant tissues was organized for in culture ultrastructural pathodynamic and regulative proteinomic investigations. A database for prospective long-term monitoring of carotid reconstruction results, and the natural course of carotid disease, was designed and introduced into everyday clinical practice. Plaque texture electronic analysis provided the possibility for atherosclerotic carotid plaque heterogeneous material volume assessment, which is measure of its instability, embolic potential and predisposing factor for the development of restenosis. This methodology is to be used in defining carotid restenosis tissue texture and to define indications for redo-revascularisation. Radak Dj., Tanasković S., Matić P., Aleksić N., Ilijevski N., 2012: Eversion Carotid Endarterectomy-Our Experience After 20 Years of Carotid Surgery and 9897 carotid Endarterectomy Procedures. Annals of Vascular Surgery, 26 (7), 924‒928. Radak Dj., Babić S., Sagić D., Tanasković S., Sotirović V., Otašević P., 2012: Long-Term Follow-Up of Endovascular Treatment for Trans-Atlantic Inter-Society Consensus II Type B Iliac Lesions in Patients Aged < 50 Years. Ibid, 26 (8), 1057‒1063. Radak Dj., Davidović L., Tanasković S., Končar I., Kostić D., Ilijevski N., 2012: Surgical Treatment of Carotid Restenosis after Eversion Endarterectomy. Serbian Bicentric Prospective Study. Ibid, 26 (6), 783‒789. Radak Dj., Tanaskovic S., Antonic Z., Kolar J., 2012: Internal jugular vein duplication: A further truncular malformation in a patient with multiple sclerosis. Phlebology, 27 (4), 194‒196. Radak Dj., Ilijevski N., 2012: Chronic Cerebrospinal Venous Insufficiency in Multiple Sclerosis: Fact or Fiction!? Comment on Dr. Jim Reeker’s Reply. CardioVascular and Interventional Radiology, 35 (5), 1248‒1248. Radak Dj., Kolar J., Tanaskovic S., Sagić D., Ilijevski N., 2012: Morphological and haemodynamic abnormalities in the jugular veins of patients with multiple sclerosis. Phlebology, 27 (4), 168‒172. Radak Dj., Tanasković S., Sagić D., Kolar J., 2012: A Case of Extrinsic Shronic Cerebrospinal Venous Insufficiency in a Patient With Multiple Sclerosis. Annals of Vascular Surgery, 26, 419‒420. Radak Dj., Babic S., Peric M., Tanaskovic S., Babic D., Otasevic P., 2012: Distribution of Risk Factors in Patients with Premature Coronary, Supra-Aortic Branches and Peripheral Atherosclerotic Disease. Medical Principles and Practice, 21 (3), 228‒233. 242 Radak Dj, Tanaskovic S, Antonic Z, Kolar J, Aleksic N, Ilijevski N., 2012: Compressive syndrome of internal jugular veins in multiple sclerosis: does it matter? Phlebology 2012. [Epub ahead of print]. Zivkovic M., Kolakovic A., Radak Dj., Dincic D., Radak S., Djuric T., Stankovic A., 2012: The sex-specific association of Met62Ile gene polymorphism in P-selectin glycoprotein ligand (PSGL-1) with carotid plaque presence: preliminary study. Molecular Biology Reports, 39 (6), 6479‒6485. Mijajlovic N., Jovic M., Calija B., Radak Dj., 2012: Low-volume acute normovolemic hemodilution in elective coronary surgery performed with cardiopulmonary bypass. British Journal of Anaesthesia, 108, 234‒235. Maksimović M., Vlajinac H., Radak Dj., Marinković J., Jorga J., 2012: Prevalence of the Metabolic Syndrome in Patients with Carotid Disease According to NHLBI/AHA and IDF Criteria: a Cross-section Study. BMC Cardiovascular Disorders, 12, 2. Kolakovic A, Zivkovic M, Radak Dj, Djuric T, Koncar I, Davidovic L, Dincic D, Alavantic D, Stankovic A. The association of ACE I/D gene polymorphism with severe carotid atherosclerosis in patients undergoing carotid endarterectomy. Journal of the Renin-angiotensin-aldosterone System, 13 (1), 141‒147. Rabe E., Guex J., Puskas A., Scuderi A., Fernandez Quesada F., Alberti T, Andercou A., Dinh Thi Thu H., Le Nu Thi Hoa H., Escotto Sanchez I., Escudero J.R., Guex J., Hoyos S., Kazim Y., Swidan N., Larisa C., Liptak P., Matyas L., Paocharoen V., Radak Dj., Scuderi A., Yuwono S., 2012: Epidemiology of chronic venous disorders in geographically diverse populations: Results from the Vein Consult Program. International Angiology, 31 (2), 105‒115. Vlajinac H., Radak D., Marinković J., Maksimović M., 2012: Risk Factors for Chronic venous Disease. Phlebology, 2012. [Epub ahead of print]. Otasevic P., Tasic N., Vidakovic R., Boskovic S., Radak Dj., Djukanovic B., Angelkov L., Kostic N., Caparevic Z., Vasiljevic-Pokrajcic Z., 2012: Feasibility of semi-quantitative assessment of left ventricular contractile reserve in dilated cardiomyopathy. Journal of Clinical Ultrasound, 40 (7), 405‒409. Tepavcevic B., Matic P., Radak Dj., 2012: Comparison of sclerotherapy, laser and radiowave coagulation in treatment of lower extremity teleangiectasias. Journal of Cosmetic and Laser Therapy, 14 (5), 239‒242. Maksimovic M., Vlajinac H., Radak D., Marinkovic J., Jorga J., 2012: Relationship Between High-Sensitivity C-Reactive Protein and Risk Factors in Patients With Peripheral Arterial Disease: A Cross-Sectional Study. Angiology, 2012. Epub ahead of print. Vucevic D., Maravic-Stojkovic V., Vasilijic S., Borovic-Labudovic M., Radak Dј., Jevtic M., Milosavljevic P., Colic M., 2012: Inverse production of IL-6 and IL-10 by abdominal aortic aneurysm explant tissues in culture. Cardiovascular Pathology, 21 (6), 482‒489. Milosavljević M., Radak Dj., Ćetković M., Vučurević G., Trifunović D., 2012: Duplication of the superior vena cava associated with atrial tremination of the left hepatic vein. Phlebology, 2012 – Epub ahead of print. Babić S., Sagić D., Radak Dj., Antonić Ž., Otašević P., Kovačević V., Tanasković S., Ružičić D., Aleksić N., Vučurević G., 2012: Initial and Long-Term of 243 Endovascular Therapy for Chronic Total Occlusio of the Subclavian Artery. CardioVascular and Interventional Radiology, 35 (2), 255‒262. Babic S., Radak Dj., Sotirovic V., Unic-Stojanovic D., Sagic D., 2012: Technical Strategy in a Patient with Symptomatic Thoracic Artery Aneurysm Near the Origin Of the Left Subclavian Artery and Left Internal Thoracic Artery Coronary Graft. Journal of Cardiac Surgery, 27 (6), 725‒727. Gajin P., Tanasković S., Ilijevski N., Radak Dj., 2012: Emergency carotid endarterectomy following one-stage contrakateral carotid endarterectomy and coronary artery bypass grafting within one day. Italian Journal of Vascular and Endovascular Surgery, 19 (2), 117‒118. Matic P., Babic S., Tanaskovic S., Jocic D., Radak Dj., 2012: Treatment of Infected Pseudoaneurysm of Femoral Artery after Vascular Closure Device Deployment: A Practical Solution. Case report. Vascular Medicine, 2012, 292945. Babić S., Nežić D., Radak Dj., 2013: Comment of the article “Screening for significant atherosclerotic renal artery stenosis with a regression medel in patients undergoing transradial coronary angiography/intervention”. Journal of Zheijang University SCIENCE B, 14 (1), 761‒762. Sudar E., Šoškić S., Smiljanić K., Radak Dj., Mixailidis D., Rizzo M., Isenović E., 2012: Ghrelin, Obesity and Atherosclerosis. In: Ghrelin, Editors, H. Yamada and K. Takahachi, 111‒126, Nova Science Publishers, Inc. Radak Dj., Tanasković S., 2012: Eversion Carotid Endarterectomy in Patients with Near -Total Internal Carotid Artery Occlusion - Diagnostic Modalities, Indications and Surgical Technique, Vascular Surgery, D. Yamanouchi (Ed.), 73‒84. Radak Dj., Matić P., Jocić D., Babić S., Tanasković S., Aleksić N., Radak S., Gajin P., 2011: Ultrasonographic Criteria and Treatment Options for Ascending Superfitial Vein Thrombophlebitis in Pregnancy. Cross Talk From Cell to Human. Ed. N. Radunovic, Belgrade, 221‒225. Radak S., Aleksić N., Kolar J., Mitrašinović A., Tanasković S., Babić S., Radak Dj., 2011: Dolor Duplex Ultrasonography in Diagosis of Venous Disorders in Gynecology and Obstetrics. Ultrasound in Obstetrics and Gynecology – What is New. Ed. N. Radunovic, Belgrade, 2011, 183‒188. Project: prevalence of posttraumatic stress disorder in postpartal period and its relationship with plasticity of Hipothalamo-pituitary-adrenal axis (Corresponding Member Dušica Lečić-Toševski) 150 women were assessed after delivery at the Gynaecologic Clinic “Narodni front”. They were followed up in the next three months in a monthly interval with the following instruments: Interview for the post-traumatic stress disorder (PTSD) - Clinician Administered PTSD Scale - CAPS; Montgomery Asberg Depression Scale - MADRS); The Visual Analogue Scale for Anxiety 244 - VAS); the Sheehan Disability Scale - SDS and Personality inventory - NEO PI-R. The last woman was included in the study in August 2012. Blood samples (150) samples which were kept frozen according to the procedure were analyzed for the level of cortisol at the Institute of Biochemistry, Clinical Centre of Serbia. An analysis of the data is on-going. Dusica Lecic-Tosevski was coordinator of the WPA Project Choice of psychiatry as a career and national representative for the multicentric international project Copy number variations conferring risk of psychiatric disorders (2008–2012), supported by the EU, within FP7. She was principal investigator of the study Temperament and structure of symptoms of personality disorders, supported by the Ministry of Education, Science and Technological Development of the Republic of Serbia (2011–2014). In 2012, Dusica Lecic-Tosevski was included in two multicentric international projects: 1) Suicides in Europe between 2000–2010 - the impact of socioeconomic factors; 2) Comorbidity of diabetes and depression – a global programme – Dialogue on Diabetes and Depression. She is an invited expert in the international project ROAMER (Roadmap for Mental Health Research in Europe), FP7, EU, Work Package 3. Dusica Lecic-Tosevski continued participating in the WHO Work Group for the new ICD-11 classification of personality disorders. As a national counterpart for mental health, she was included in the preparation of new WHO European Action Plan for Mental Health at two international meetings at which she chaired sessions (in Oslo and Trieste). 1. Pejovic-Milovancevic M., Popovic Deusic S., Perunicic I., Radosavljev Kircanski J., Lecic Tosevski D., Draganic Gajic S., Jovicic M., Mitkovic M., 2013: Depressive symptoms, exposure to aggression and delinquency proneness in adolescence – Impact of two decades of war and political violence on adolescent mental health. Archives of Biological Sciences, 65, 1, 47–55. 2. Priebe S., Jankovic Gavrilovic J., Bremner S., Ajdukovic D., Franciskovic T., Neri G., Kucukalic A., Lecic-Tosevski D., Morina N., Popovski M., Schützwohl M., Bogic M., Matanov A., 2012: Course of posttraumatic stress disorder following war in the Balkans: A one-year follow-up study. Psychological Medicine, Nov 29, 1–11. [Epub ahead of print]. 3. Jankovic J., Bremner S., Bogic M., Lecic-Tosevski D.,Ajdukovic D., Franciskovic T., Galeazzi G.M., KucukalicA., Morina N., Popovski M., Schutzwohl M., Priebe S., 2012: Trauma and suicidality in war affected communities. European Psychiatry, Sep 14, pii :S0924-9338(12)00075-2.doi:10.1016/j.eurpsy.2012.06.001, available online. 4. Steinberg S., de Jong S., Mattheisen M., ….Pejovic Milovancevic M., Lecic Tosevski D., …Collier D.A., Stefansson H., Stefansson K., 2012: Common variant at 16p11.2 conferring risk of psychosis. Molecular Psychiatry, 2012 Nov 20. doi: 10.1038/mp.2012.157. 245 5. Pejovic-Milovancevic M., Miletic M., Popovic-Deusic S., Kircanski-Radosavljev S., Minic T., Draganic-Gajic S., Lecic-Tosevski D., 2012: Depression with psychotic features in a child with SLE: Successful therapy with psychotropic medications – case report. European Child & Adolescent Psychiatry, Oct 10. [Epub ahead of print] 6. Miljevic C., Nikolic-Kokic A., Nikolic M., Niketic V., Spasic B.M., LecicTosevski D., Blagojevic D., 2012: Effect of atypical antipsychotics on antioxidant enzyme activities in human erythrocytes (in vitro study). Human Psychopharmacology: Clinical and Experimental (wileyonlinelibrary.com) DOI: 10.1002/hup.2272 7. Priebe S., Jankovic Gavrilovic J., Bremner S., Ajdukovic D., Franciskovic T., Galeazzi G.M., Kucukalic A., Lecic-Tosevski D., Morina N., Popovski M., Schützwohl M., Bogic M., 2012: Psychological Symptoms as Long-Term Consequences of War Experiences. Psychopathology, 46 (1), 45–54. 8. Stepanovic J., Ostojic M., Beleslin B., Vukovic O., Djordjevic Dikic A., Giga V., Nedeljkovic I., Nedeljkovic M., Stojkovic S., Vukcevic V., Dobric M., Petrasinovic Z., Marinkovic J., Lecic-Tosevski D., 2012: Mental stress-induced ischemia in patients with coronary artery disease: Echocardiographic characteristics and relation to exercise-induced ischemia. Psychosomatic Medicine, 74 (7), 766–772. 9. Lecic-Tosevski D., Draganic Gajic S., Pejovic Milovancevic M., 2012: State of psychiatry in Serbia - problems, advances and perspectives. International Review of Psychiatry, August 2012, 24 (4), 341–346. 10.Kalra G., Christodoulou G., Jenkins R., Tsipas V., Christodoulou N., LecicTosevski D., Mezzich J., Bhugra D., 2012: Mental Health Promotion: Guidance and Strategies. European Psychiatry, 27, 81–86. 11.Miljevic C., Crnobaric C., Nikolic S., Lecic-Tosevski D., 2012: A case of pregabalin intoxication. Psihiatriki, 23 (2), 162–165. 12.L����������������������������������������������������������������������� ecic Tosevski D., Pejovic Milovancevic M., Popovic Deusic S., 2012: Suicide and disaster. In: Suicide from a Global Perspective (ed. A. Shrivastava, M. Kimbrell, D. Lester). New York: Nova Science Publishers, Inc, 127–134. Project: SIGNIFICANCE OF ANTIREFLUX SURGERY AFTER THE ENDOSCOPIC RADIO-FREQUENT ABLATION IN THE TREATMENT OF PATIENTS WITH BARRETT ESOPHAGUS (Academician Predrag Peško) Barrett esophagus (BE) is defined as the presence of columnar epithelium in the distal esophagus which contains goblet cells. This special type of columnar epithelium is prone to the development of esophageal adenocarcinoma. The incidence of Barrett esophagus among patients with BE and gastroesophageal reflux disease is approximately 12 %, with a tendency of continuous growth. In the last three decades, the incidence of esophageal adenocarcinoma increased 6 times. HALO radiofrequency ablation technology is a new method of endoscopic treatment of BE, with excellent initial results 246 and very low incidence of procedural side effects. The introduction of this procedure in an every-day clinical setting may implicate better results in the treatment of patients with BE and the development of a national strategy in the prevention of esophageal adenocarcinoma. Hitherto, 55 patients have been included in the study, in which complete removal of the Barrett esophagus trough was performed in single or multiple sessions of HALO ablation. After the HALO RFA procedure, 23 patients underwent additional antireflux surgery, while 22 patients were submitted to prolonged treatment with proton pump inhibitors. The initial results showed better symptom score values in the group of patients who were operated after RFA. In addition, a lower incidence of macroscopic and pathohistologic reflux esophagitis was marked in the group of patients who underwent antireflux surgery after HALO RFA. INTERDEPARMENTAL COMMITTEE ON AIDS (Academician Miodrag Čolić) In 2012, the Committee did not organize the traditional HIV/AIDS Meeting in the SASA dedicated to the World HIV/AIDS Day (01.12). The Meeting will be organized in 2013 and the preparations are currently in progress. The members of the Committee, together with activists of JAZAS (Association against AIDS) were engaged in several projects related to HIV and sexually transmitted diseases, including the international Bordernetwork project. The intensive professional and scientific work on the control and prevention of HIV/AIDS in the Serbian Army, organized by the Military Medical Academy in cooperation with the USA Embassy in Belgrade, should be emphasized. COMMITTEE ON KIDNEY DISEASES (Academician Sveto Suša) During the past year, the Committee on Kidney Diseases was concerned with the increasingly succesful examination and treatment of SASA members, and early detection of various diseases, paying special attention to the early detection of malignant diseases, especially malignant prostate tumour. Apart from standard laboratory analyses, the PSA (Prostate Specific Antigen) test was also performed on some SASA members for the purpose of early detection of malignant prostate tumours. During the current year, this test will also be performed on other SASA members. During the past year, the Committee members attended numerous scientific meetings in the country and abroad, and presented their papers. 247 COMMITTEE ON CARDIOVASCULAR PATHOLOGY (Academician Vladimir Kanjuh) Under the auspices of the Committee of 36 members (including 11 foreign members), the following projects were worked on in 2012: International project: (1) Preventive prospective study of cardiovascular diseases in seven countries of the world (M .Ostojić and assoc.) and (2) Yugoslav study of precursors of atherosclerosis in school children (S. Simeunović, I. Novaković, V. Kanjuh, M. Ostojić and assoc.). International regional projects: (3) The water of the common rivers of Vojvodina, Hungary and Romania and cardiovascular diseases (Dj. Stojšić, V. Kanjuh, M. Ostojić) and (4) Myocarditis – Inflammatory cardiomyopathy: Problems in diagnostics and therapy (Dj. Stojšić, V. Kanjuh, M. Ostojić). SASA projects: (5) V. Kanjuh - Pathologic morphology and morphologic-clinical correlation on cardiovascular diseases (including historical aspects) and (6) M. Ostojić - Identification of myocard viability with dipyridamole and dobutamine. The Annual Committee Meeting was held on December 11, with the participation of academician N. Hajdin, president of the SASA, academician V. Šušić, secretary of the Department of Medical Sciences, A. Lazarević, D. Vulić from the Committee on cardiovascular pathology of R. Srpska and other distinguished guests. The Meeting was dedicated to The Celebration of 30 years work of the Committee. V. Kanjuh will write a book “30 Years work of the SASA’s Committee on cardiovascular pathology and the development of cardiovascular pathology in Serbia”. Letters of thanks were given to the members of the Committee and their associates. The following other scientific conferences were held with the Committee as a co-organizer: 1. Contemporary approach to the prevention, diagnostics and treatment of atherosclerosis (D. Vulić, V. Kanjuh, S. Kešelj). Jahorina, R. Srpska, March 17. 2. How to be more successful in pharmacotherapy of CVD (with a published Book of papers) (V. Kanjuh, Lj. Gojković Bukarica, Z. Vasiljević). Belgrade, April 9. 3. European congress on heart failure (with 3700 participants!) (P. Seferović). Belgrade, May 19 – 22. 4. 3rd Congress of cardiologists of R. Srpska (with a published book of papers and abstracts). (D. Vulić, A. Lazarević). Banja Luka, June 1–3. 5. IV International summer school for CVD of ECPD (M. Ostojić, V. Kanjuh, D. Vulić). Miločer, Montenegro, July 1–5. 6. Acute myocardial infarction 2012 (Z. Vasiljević). Belgrade, September 27. 7. 3rd International congress of private medical praxis in Serbia (V. Hadži-Tanović). Belgrade, October 1–4. 248 8. Summit of the European National Society for heart failure (P. Seferović). Belgrade, October 26. The Committee paid great attention to the investigation of: coronary atherothrombosis (pathology and epidemiology); heart failure; stem cells and myocardial infarction, and experimental and clinical cardiopharmacology. COMMITTEE ON IMMUNOLOGY AND ALLERGOLOGY (Academician Miodrag Čolić) The most significant activity of the Committee in 2012 was the organization of The Scientific Meeting of Immunology (24. 04. 2012, SASA, Belgrade) in association with Serbian Immunological Society dedicated to the World Immunology Day. During the Meeting, 14 plenary lectures related to autoimmune inflammatory diseases; immune mechanisms in homeostasis; tumor immunology and immunomodulation were presented. The allergologists organized their traditional scientific symposium “Academician Vladimir Spužić” in March 2012. In addition, the members of the Committee presented their scientific works at numerous domestic and international meetings or conferences. COMMITTEE FOR SOMNOLOGY (Academician Veselinka Šušić) The associates of this Committee contributed to international journals and presented their papers on domestic and international meetings. Academician Veselinka Šušić was elected as a member of “The Assembly of the National Sleep Research Society”. Author data: S. Janković, D. Sokić, N. Vojvodić, A. Ristić, M. Kovačević, V. Kostić: A case of catathrenia – definitely a sleep related breathing disorder. 21st Congress of the “European Sleep Research Society”, September 4–9, Paris. Author data: S. Janković, D. Sokić, N. Vojvodić, A. Ristić, M. Kovačević, V. Kostić: A case of catathrenica – definitely a sleep related breathing disorder. 21st Congress of the „European Sleep Research Society“, September 4–9, Paris. COMMITTEE FOR UROGENITAL TUMORS (Academician Jovan Hadži-Đokić) The Board for Urogenital Tumors has been founded in 2008. During 2012, the members of the Board continued their work on various projects and investigations, such as: 249 – Prostate cancer screening in Serbia – Prostate cancer epidemiology in Serbia – The changes and shifts of clinical and pathological stages of urogenital tumors in recent decades – The diagnostics and management of urinary bladder cancer – Radical cystectomy and urinary derivations – The impact of blood volume and Body Mass Index (BMI) on the serum PSA level – Urinary PSA: potential marker for BPH – Urinary PSA: potential marker for late onset hypogonadism – Urinary PSA: potential marker for monitoring hormonal therapy in the management of prostate cancer. The members of the Board published numerous issues and participated on many domestic and international congresses during 2012 (Havana, Timisoara, Linz, Barcelona, Fukuoka, Sofia). In 2012, the members of the Board published the monograph: Male sexual function and malfunction (authors: Dragoslav Bašić, Jovan HadžiĐokić, Eduardo Austoni. Publisher: The Medical Faculty, University of Niš). The book was presented in The Medical Faculty, University of Niš, and in the Serbian Academy of Science and Arts. 1. Lazić M., Hadži-Djokić J., Bašić D., Aćimović M., 2012: Congenital arteriovenous fistula of the horseshoe kidney with multiple hemangiomas. Srpski arhiv za celokupno lekarstvo, 140 (7-8), 508‒510. 2. Petrović M., Stamenković V., Djurasić L., Andrejević V., Basić D., HadžiDjokić J., 2012: Radical retropubic prostatectomy - experience of two urological departments. Acta chirurgica Iugoslavica, 59 (1), 77‒79. 3. Pejcić T., Dimitrijević V., Hadži-Djokić J., 2012: Urinary PSA in monitoring of patients with prostate cancer. Ibid, 57‒60. 4. Petrović M., Andrejević V., Djurašić L., Stamenković V., Acimović M., Pejcić T., Bašić D., Hadži-Djokić J., 2012: Tumors of the horseshoe kidney - characteristics and literature review. Ibid, 53‒55. Review. 5. Blagojević-Lazić R., Radivojević D., Andrejević V., Džamić Z., Aćimović M., Milutinović D., Djurašić L., Hadži-Djokić J., 2012: Malignant disease in renal transplant recipients - our experience. Ibid, 49‒51. COMMITTEE FOR MULTIDISCIPLINARY STUDIES OF DIABETES (Academician Nebojša M. Lalić) During year 2012, the Committee for Multidisciplinary Studies of Diabetes continued its activities on initiation and development of the mul250 tidisciplinary approach in diabetes research. In this context, the Committee promoted common activities with other associations focusing on the complications of diabetes, the co-morbidities of this disease and diseases having similar impacts on public health. During 2012, the Committee was co-organizer of the 3rd Congress of the Serbian Hypertension Society that was held in Belgrade, February 25–28, 2012 and gathered several hundreds of participants involved in hypertension research in the country, as well as from abroad. In addition, the Committee collaborated in the organization of the 5th Annual Meeting of the Diabetes and Cardiovascular Study Group of the European Association for the Study of Diabetes, held in Paris, November 15–17, 2012. The members of the Committee participated as invited lecturers, chairpersons and presented their original papers, and the Executive Board of the Study Group accepted that the International Postgraduate Course of the Study Group will take place in Belgrade during 2013, and be organized by the Faculty of Medicine, University of Belgrade, this Committee and the Diabetes Committee of the Endocrine Section of the Serbian Medical Association. COMMITTEE FOR ENDOCRINOLOGY AND ENVIRONMENTAL FACTORS (Academician Dragan Micić) In 2012, the Committee for endocrinology and environmental factors of the SASA participated as a co-organiser of the First Serbian Congress on Obesity with international participation on Zlatibor from 18 – 21 October 2012. The Congress attracted great interest among scientists and experts. The Meeting was accredited by the Health Council of the Republic of Serbia, so that the lecturers and participants obtained accreditation points. In the scientific part of the Congress, active participation was taken by the following members of the Board for endocrinology and environmental factors of the Serbian Academy for Sciences and Arts: Academician Lj. Rakić, Academician V. Sušić, Academician D. Micić (President of the Board and President of First Serbian Congress on Obesity), Academician N. Lalić, as well as members of the SASA Medical Department: Academician R. Čolović and Academician P. Peško. During the Congress, an educational course of the European Association for the Study of Obesity was held, with active participation of five foreign professors and Academician Dragan Micić. During the Congress, there were 46 invited lectures, 34 oral presentations and 42 poster presentations. The Congress was attended by more than 250 participants. 251 DEPARTMENT OF LANGUAGE AND LITERATURE ie ONOMASTIC COMMITTEE (Academician Aleksandar Loma) The only field investigations were carried out in the Lim basin near Prijepolje and Priboj where, within the scope of cooperation in the realization of the interdisciplinary project “On the Holy Waters of the Lim“ (Na svetim vodama Lima), financed by the Ministry of Culture. A. Loma recorded the toponomastic material related to its archaeological sites from 16 to 20 August. Onomastic material (1400 entries) was collected in the Radjevina villages of Brštica and Cerova (M. Petrović-Savić) and submitted in digitized form. Software for onomastic material entry and processing was developed. The basic version will be further tested and upgraded. Volume XXI of Оnomatological Contributions (Onomatološki prilozi) for 2011 was published. Volume XXII of Onomatological Contributions and the second volume of the “Library of Onomatological Contributions“ (Biblioteka Onomatoloških priloga) Series (Aleksandar Loma, Toponomy of the Banjska Chrysobull /Toponomija Banjske hrisovulje/) for 2012 were submitted for printing. COMMITTEE FOR THE DICTIONARY OF THE SERBOCROATIAN LITERARY LANGUAGE AND VERNACULARS (Academician Milosav Tešić) On the basis of the 2012 summary report, which was submitted by the President of the Editorial Board of the SASA Dictionary, it can be stated that – with the exception of complete technical editing – all other lexicographic work on Volume XIX of the SASA Dictionary, including the final sections with the words beginning with the letter O (from the entry оcat1 to the entry оščuro inclusive) and the first 27 sections with the words beginning with the letter P, was performed. 252 The manuscript of Volume XIX of the SASA Dictionary was positively evaluated and recommended for publication by the peer reviewers, Professor Dr. Darinka Gortan Premk and Professor Dr. Milorad Dešić. During 2012, the work on Volumes XX and XXI of the Dictionary continued. For Volume XX about 36 author’s sheets underwent the copyediting stage and 5 author’s sheets the proofing stage. As for Volume XXI, 35 author’s sheets underwent the processing stage and about 5 author’s sheets the copyediting stage. COMMITTEE FOR RESEARCH IN LITERARY HISTORY (Academician Predrag Palavestra) The Committee members prepared and published Complete Works of Desanka Maksimović (Celokupna dela Desanke Maksimović) (a group of authors, in cooperation with the Desanka Maksimović Foundation; Staniša Tutnjević, ed.). They also worked on publishing Complete Works of Pero Slijepčević (Celokupna dela Pere Slijepčevića) (a group of authors, in cooperation with the Academy of Sciences of the Republic of Srpska; Academician Radovan Vučković, ed.). They published ten volumes of the third subseries of the Ten Centuries of Serbian Literature (Deset vekova srpske književnosti) Series of the Matica Srpska Publishing Centre (Miro Vuksanović, ed.), new edition of Postwar Serbian Literature 1945-1970 (Posleratna srpska književnost 1945-1970), Predrag Palavestra’s book Nekropolje and the Proceedings Vipers and Scorpions (Guje i jakrepi) by the SASA Institute for Balkan Studies (Mirjana Detelić and Lidija Delić, eds.). They also worked on the digitization of The Erlangen Manuscript (Erlangenski rukopis) (in cooperation with the SASA Committee on Folk Literature). COMMITTEE FOR THE ETYMOLOGICAL DICTIONARY OF THE SERBIAN LANGUAGE (Academician Aleksandar Loma) Further work on Volume IV of the Etymological Dictionary of the Serbian Language (bl–bre) included entering materials for the first parts of the entries from the SASA Dictionary, Matica Srpska Dictionary, Vuk Karadžić Dictionary, YASA Dictionary and the remaining dialect dictionaries and word collections. A total of 25.5 author’s sheets (A. Tešić, J. Janković and Ž. Stepanović) was entered into three segments (blavor – bogat, bogatinka – borčanka, bos – bre). Further work on the single-volume etymological dictionary included the improvement of the method for the preparation of entries; correction and 253 enlargement of the list of words for the first edition; preparation of the primary versions of entries and the first copyediting of entries. The primary version of 16.46 author’s sheets was prepared, while 6.25 author’s sheets underwent the first stage of copyediting (M. Bjeletić, J. Vlajić-Popović, A. Loma and S. Petrović). The exemplary notions for the Thesaurus (drvo, ime, majka, orao, pojas, svadba, hleb, crkva) were selected; the Thesaurus test entries were prepared and the priority dialect dictionaries for digitization were selected. In addition, the problems related to the structuring of the lexicographical base and defining the semantic fields into which the words from the base will be classified, were solved. The first phase of digitization of one dialect dictionary was finished (M. Zlatanović, Dictionary of the Vernacular of Southern Serbia /Rečnik govora južne Srbije/. Vranje 1998 – 1,070,000 characters); it was converted into XML format and the subsequent phase of work on the structure of the base itself started. The scanning of the Dimitrije Čemerikić collection of words from Prizren in manuscript form is nearing completion. The database now contains over 20,000 scans (each document represents one page of the cards constituting this material). Сooperation in international research projects: а) Membership in the Morphonological Commission of the “General Slavic Linguistic Atlas“ (Opšteslovenski lingvistički atlas) (M. Bjeletić, A. Loma). Under the project, the morphonological comments accompanying the indices (77 questions) for the section Folk Customs (Narodni običaji) were prepared. b) Bilateral project with Slovenia: “Dialect Lexicon of the Serbian and Slovenian Languages – A Comparative Aspect“ (Dijalekatska leksika srpskog i slovenačkog jezika – komparativni aspekt) (J. Vlajić-Popović, project leader, M. Bjeletić, Ž. Stepanović and A. Tešić – during the first year of the two-year project). Under the project, its researchers were also exchanged: Dr. Metka Furlan and Dr. Karmen Kenda-Jež stayed in Belgrade for a week (5–10 October 2012) on which occasion the work plan was considered and agreed upon. Thereafter, Dr. Jasna Vlajić-Popović and Doctoral Candidates Ana Tešić and Željko Stepanović stayed in Ljubljana for two weeks (5–16 November 2012). During this period, they were acquainted with the work of the Etymological-Onomastic and Dialectological Sections of the Institute of the Slovenian Language, reviewed relevant literature, and excerpted and photocopied materials necessary for their research and preparation of PhD theses. c) Cooperation in the international project entitled “Тюркизмы в языках Юго-Восточной Европы (Опыт сводного описания историколексикологических и этимологических данных)“, which is led by the 254 Institute of Linguistic Research of the Russian Academy of Sciences, St Petersburg; editor: N.L. Sukhachev (S. Petrović). Turcisms were singled out from two dialect dictionaries (M. Zlatanović, Dictionary of the Vernacular of Southern Serbia /Rečnik govora južne Srbije/, Vranje 1998; and M. Bukmirić, Dictionary of the Vernacular of Northern Metohija /Rečnik govora severne Metohije/, Belgrade 2012) and the material from M. Zlatanović’s dictionary was retyped and classified (nearly 10 author’s sheets). d) Cooperation in the international linguistic bibliography Linguistic Bibliography / Bibliographie linguistique (J. Vlajić-Popović, contributor from Serbia). The volume for 2011 was published, while the bibliography for 2012 was submitted for printing. Petrović S.: Turcisms in the Serbian Speech of Prizren (Turcizmi u srpskom prizrenskom govoru), SASA Institute of Serbian Language, Monographs 16 (Monografije 16), Belgrade 2012, 424 p. Vlajić-Popović J.: How to Say: katalka or katarka? (A Few Words Between Synchronous Polysemy and Diachronous Homonimy) (Kako se kaže: katalka ili katarka? /par reči izmedju sinhrone polisemije i dijahrone homonimije/), Scientific Meeting of Slavists During the Vuk Days (Naučni sastanak slavista u Vukove dane), 41/1, Bеlgrade 2012, 457–469. Vučković М.: Theory of Pictorial Schemes and the Semantic Development of the Proto-Slavic Nest *gъb‑ (Teorija slikovnih šema i semantički razvoj praslovenskog gnezda *gъb-), Languages and Cultures in Time and Space I (Jezici i kulture u vremenu i prostoru I), Thematic Proceedings (Тematski zbornik) (S. Gudurić, ed.), Faculty of Philosophy, University of Novi Sad, Novi Sad 2012, 95–106. Јanković J.: Semantic Analysis of the Derivatives of the Adjective beo in the Serbian Language (Semantička analiza derivata prideva beo u srpskom jeziku), Contributions to the Study of Language (Prilozi proučavanju jezika), 42, Novi Sad, 9–36. Kalezić M: S.-Cr. odoljen ‘Valeriana celtica’ (An etymological note), Studia etymologica Brunensia, 15, Eds. ����������������������������������������������� Ilona Janyšková & Helena Karlíková, Nakladatelství Lidové noviny, Praha 2012, 127–141. Белетич М.: К исследованию терминологии родства в сербском языке (чукундед), Этимология 2009–2011, Москва 2012, 3–17. Бјелетић М.: Этимологизация „словообразовательных гапаксов“ (на примере с.‑хорв. разговетан ‘внятный, ясный, понятный’), Studia etymologica Brunensia, 15, Praha 2012, 15–25. Loma A., Vlajić-Popović J.: The Common Slavic *gotovъ reconsidered, Theory and Empiricism in Slavonic Diachronic Linguistics, (eds.) Ilona Janyšková & Helena Karlíková, Praha: Lidové noviny 2012, 103-111 (= Studia etymologica Brunensia 15). Vučković M.: Еtymology and pragmatics: Serbian šunela ‘quiet, silence’, Theory and Empiricism in Slavonic Diachronic Linguistics (I. Janyšková, H. Karlíková, eds.), Praha: Nakladatelství Lidové noviny, 2012, 113–120. 255 Loma A.: Archaism vs Innovation, Composition vs. Derivation. A contribution to the study of territorial variation and chronological segmentation within the Proto‑Slavic vocabulary // M. Furlan / A. Šivic‑Dular (ur.), Praslovanska dialektizacija v luči etimoloških raziskav. Ob stoti obletnici rojstva akademika Franceta Bezlaja. Zbornik referatov z mednarodnega znanstvenega simpozija v Ljubljani, 16.–18. septembra 2010, Ljubljana, 151–161. Loma A.: Vom Indogermanischen zum Slavischen und zurück. Probleme und Perspektiven einer vertiefenden Wortforschung im Bereich der slavischen Sprachen // Methods of Etymological Practice, ed. by B. Vykypel and V. Boček (Studia etymologica Brunensia 14), 83–96. COMMITTEE ON FOLK LITERATURE (Academician Nada Milošević-Đorđević) During 2012, all anticipated work on the Erlangen Manuscript (Erlangenski rukopis) was completed: 1.The base was created, tested (posted online for peer review) and filled; http://www.branatomic.com/erl; 2. Critical apparatus for each song (type, variations, bibliography) was prepared and appropriately incorporated into the base; 3.Preface to the print edition was written; 4.Print edition registers were prepared. It is expected to get an expert opinion from Tatjana Subotin, an expert on old manuscripts and inadvertent writing errors. In the described electronic edition the public will find for the first time in one place: Gesemann's edition of the Erlangen Manuscrupt (1925); Decoded Text; Manuscript; Decoding Process with the Possibility of Interactive Reading. The base allows text search and limited manipulation. Work continued on the digitization of folk literature works from the Ethnographic Collection of the SASA Archives, and their decoding and entry in the database. Folk tales and myths are catalogized according to the international motif and type index. OLD SLAVONIC COMMITTEE (Corresponding Member Jasmina Grković-Mejdžor) During 2012, the Committee carried out the following activities: 1. Preparations for the Festschift commemorating the 200th birth anniversary of Franc Miklošič in 2013 (Corrresponding Member Jasmina Grković-Major and Academician Aleksandar Loma, eds.). Participation was 256 confirmed by 31 authors (Austria, Bulgaria, the United Kingdom, Germany, Russia, Slovenia, Serbia, France and the Czech Republic). According to plan, the Festschift will be published in 2013. 2. Preparations for the publication of the manuscript of An Introduction to Philology and Philology of the Serbian People, Notes from Ljubomir Stojanović’s Lectures at the Higher School, School Year 1895/96 (Uvod u filologiju i Filologija srpskog naroda, Beleške sa predavanja na Velikoj školi Ljubomira Stojanovića, školske 1895/96). Academician Vasilije Krestić enabled a free digitization of the manuscript, which will be given to the SASA Archives for permanent preservation after its publication. The digitized text was entered into the computer and its collation with the original is underway. 3. Rade Petrović, a Committee member, collected was involved in collecting inscriptions at the Studenica Monastery, whereby this work should be finished. COMMITTEE FOR THE COMPARISON OF THE SERBIAN LANGUAGE WITH OTHER LANGUAGES (Academician Predrag Piper) In 2012, the additional proofreading, technical editing and layout of Professor Dr. Ljudmila Popović’s monograph Contrastive Grammar of the Serbian and Ukrainian Languages: Taxis and Evidentiality (Kontrastivna gramatika srpskog i ukrajinskog jezika: taksis i evidencijalnost) were finished and the book was submitted to the SASA Publishing Service for printing in mid-2012. COMMITTEE FOR RESEARCH OF SERBIAN LANGUAGE REGARDING CONTEMPORARY LINGUISTIC THEORIES (Academician Milorad Radovanović) During 2012, the work involved the preparation of the Proceedings entitled Theolinguistic Studies of the Serbian and Other Slavic Languages (Teolingvistička proučavanja srpskog i drugih slovenskih jezika). Its editors are Professor Dr. Ksenija Končarević and SASA Corresponding Member Jasmina Grković-Major. Participation in the Proceedings was confirmed by 33 authors (from Poland, the Republic of Srpska, Russia, Serbia, Ukraine and Montenegro). It is planned to publish the Proceedings in 2013. In the same year it is also planned to conceptualize the project bearing the working title Etymological Studies of the Serbian and Other Slavic Language (Etimološka proučavanja srpskog i drugih slovenskih jezika) to be edited by Academician Aleksandar Loma. 257 This year’s funds of the Committee were spent, together with the SASA Old Slavonic Committee, on the preparation of the manuscript of An Introduction to Philology and Philology of the Serbian People, Notes from Ljubomir Stojanović’s Lectures at the Higher School, School Year 1895/96 (Uvod u filologiju i Filologija srpskog naroda, Beleške sa predavanja na Velikoj školi Ljubomira Stojanovića, školske 1895/96 godine) for publication (i.e. text entry into a computer and checking of the entered text). INDIVIDUAL PROJECTS Project: SERBO-ITALIAN LITERARY AND CULTURAL TIES Dr. Snežana Milenković continued research under the individual project “Serbian-Italian Cultural Ties“ (Srpsko-italijanske kulturne veze) (by Academician Nikša Stipčević), including the publishing of The Correspondence of Ludovico Beccadelli (Prepiska Ludovika Bekadelija), Archbishop of Dubrovnik in the 16th century. Project: SERBIAN LITERATURE IN XX CENTURY (Academician Predrag Palavestra) I published the second edition of the book Postwar Serbian Literature 1945-1970 and Its History (Posleratna srpska književnost 1945-1970 i njena istorija), the fourth edition of the biographic essays Nekropolje and Bogdan Popović’s anthology and selected critical reviews in the “Ten Centuries of Serbian Literature“ (Deset vekova srpske književnosti) Series. I was also an editorial board member of the biographical lexicon Notable Jews of Serbia (Znameniti Jevreji Srbije) and editor of “Sveske“ published by the Ivo Andrić Foundation and “Glas“ published by the SASA Department of Language and Literature. I published six papers. Project: LINGUISTIC SLAVISTICS AS THE OBJECT OF SCIENTIFIC CRITICISM AND HISTORIOGRAPHY (Academician Predrag Piper) In 2012, the following works were published: Linguistic Russistics: Essays and Articles (Lingvistička rusistika: studije i članci), Belgrade: Faculty of Philology, 2012, 560 p. On Ss Cyril and Methodius in Their and Our Times (O sv. Ćirilu i Metodiju u svom i u našem vremenu), Letopis Matice Srpske, Year 188, Vol. 490/3, September 2012, pp. 389–405. 258 Perspectives of Serbian Slavistics (Perspektive srpske slavistike), Slavistika, Vol. 16, 2012, pp. 80–87. INTERACADEMIC COMMITTEE FOR DIALECTOLOGICAL ATLASES (Academician Aleksandar Loma) The main and only task of the Committee is the elaboration of dialectological atlases or, more precisely, work on the Serbian Dialectological Atlas (SDA) (Srpski dijalektološki atlas, SDA) and on our sector of the European Linguistic Atlas (ALE) (Evropski lingvistički atlas, ALE) and General Slavic Linguistic Atlas (OLA) (Opšteslovenski lingvistički atlas, OLA). In 2012, Professor Dr. Milosav Vukićević, a Committee member and member of the SDA Commission, passed away. At one time, the ALE, OLA, OKDA and SDA Commissions were formed within the Committee with an aim to improve the efficiency of the work on the mentioned projects. On 17 May 2012 in Belgrade, the SASA hosted the session of the Interacademic Committee for Dialectological Atlases. It was devoted to the current issues concerning three linguo-geographic projects falling within the Committee’s competence: 1) Serbian research points (the ALE Editorial Board proposed the delineation of the research points from Bosnia and Herzegovina; 2) preparation of indices, comments on the morphological volumes and map for the Belarusian OLA *а volume, preparation of the volume Пастушество и горное овцеводство and composition of the International OLA Commission (Professor Dr. Sofija Miloradović was proposed as its new member); 3) proposal to include the Montenegrin Academy of Sciences and Arts (MASA) in the publication of SDA Volume I as a co-publisher, together with the SASA and ASARS, if possible, as well as to include Professor Dr. Mihai Radan (Romania), Professor Dr. Miroslav Nikolić (Faculty of Philology, Belgrade) and Dr. Rada Stijović (SASA Institute of Serbian Language) in the SDA Commission. (1) Riga (Latvia) hosted the 45th Meeting of the ALE (Atlas Linguarum Europae) Editorial Board from 27 to 31 May 2012. (2) The Serbian OLA Commission mostly fulfilled its obligations for 2012: А) All requested indices, including the material from the OLA research points in Serbia and Montenegro for the section Meteorology (Meteorologija) as well as the section Folk Customs (Narodni običaji) (a supplement to the last year’s indices) were submitted; 259 B) The material for the volume Pronouns (Zamenice) from the Serbian research points 64 and 169 was submitted. This material was missing in the first version of indices sent to Skopje. It is only necessary to make some corrections to the remaining Serbian material for this volume; C) The requested comments on the volume Pronouns (Zamenice) were also sent to the Macedonian OLA Commission and colleague Dolinjski; D) Etymological comments on the Serbian material (i.e. the sections Meteorology and Folk Customs) were submitted; E) All national OLA commissions were called upon to submit to the Serbian commission the material for the chapter entitled Пастушество и горное овцеводство in the agreed form and within the time-limit set by the OLA leadership. Šlapanice near Brno (Czech Republic) hosted the regular annual meeting of the International Commission and International Working Group for OLA within the International Committee of Slavists from 17 to 21 September 2012. As usual, work was done at the plenary sessions of the International Commission and in sections (involving the Phonetic-Grammatical Section, Lexical Word-Formation Section and Subcommission for Morphonological Transcription), while the so-called general minutes and minutes containing the data on the work and obligations in the coming period by section were electronically submitted to the Serbian OLA Commission. In 2012, just like before, the work on the preparation of the Serbian Dialectological Atlas (Srpski dijalektološki atlas) was carried out by the permanent members and external associates of the SASA Institute of Serbian Language, involved in the long-term project entitled Dialectological Studies of the Serbian Linguistic Area (Dijalektološka istraživanja srpskog jezičkog prostora). The work on the first four lexical volumes continued. 260 DEPARTMENT OF SOCIAL SCIENCES Eight long-term projects are underway at the Department of Social Sciences, involving the appropriate committees and one Commission. COMMITTEE ON THE SOURCES OF SERBIAN LAW Work continued on the preparation of twelve manuscripts of the more recent redaction of Dušan’s Code (Dušanov zakonik) for publication in Volume IV of the Collection of Manuscripts of Emperor Stefan Dušan’s Code (Zbornik rukopisa Zakonika cara Stefana Dušana), under the project entitled Serbian Medieval Law (Srpsko srednjovekovno pravo), which is led by Corresponding Member Kosta Čavoški. The late Academician Miloš Blagojević managed to finish the introductory historical essay entitled More Recent Redactions of Dušan’s Code (Mladje redakcije Dušanovog zakonika). Professor Dr. Gordana Jovanović decoded and transcribed the Paštrovići (Reževići, Zagreb) and Grbalj Manuscripts of Dušan’s Code. Radmila Kovačević finished decoding the Bogišić and Jagić Manuscripts dating from the 19th century. She also collated and identified the articles of the Code on the basis of Stojan Novaković’s enumeration. During 2012, Viktor Savić, MA, finished decoding the Rudnik (Belgrade) Manuscript of Dušan’s Code on the basis of the photographs received from the Šafařík Collection in Prague. He also carried out an analysis of the manuscripts belonging to the more recent redaction of the Karlovac Manuscript subgroup. After comparing a number of characteristic places among all representatives of this subgroup, it was concluded that it would be best to make the translation on the basis of the Kovilj Manuscript. What remains to be done is to standardize the texts of all decoded manuscripts (e.g. to single out the articles in the manuscripts having a continuous text, follow the original enumeration, where it exists, add S. Novaković’s enumeration /in the translation/ adopted in literature and the like), so that all 261 articles in the manuscripts can be followed in parallel, without neglecting the specific structure of each text. It was decided to translate the Kovilj, Grbalj and Bogišić Manuscripts and, probably, the Popinac and Paštrovići ones. This will be decided during translation work. The differences that exist among the manuscripts, which will not be completely translated, and are considered important for this edition, will be presented in the scientific apparatus accompanying each translation. Ljubica Kovačević finished the descriptions of all twelve manuscripts of Emperor Dušan’s Code: the Patriarchate, Bordjoš, Popinac, Stratimirović, Kovilj, Vršac, Jagić, Bogišić, Grbalj, Paštrovići and Karlovac Manuscripts. Dr. Biljana Marković continued to single out and compare those articles in the manuscripts of the more recent redaction which are not contained in the manuscripts of the older redaction of Dušan’s Code. These articles were most often taken from the Syntagm of Matija Vlastar (Sintagma Matije Vlastara), according to the shorter redaction characteristic of the older manuscripts of Emperor Stefan Dušan’s Code. Dr. Djordje Bubalo continued to work on the textological study of the manuscript of Dušan’s Code using textological analysis and comparing the special variations of the Shorter Syntagm in the Rakovac and Studenica Manuscripts of Dušan’s Code. He also collected the data on the composition and characteristics of the manuscripts containing the Shorter Syntagm and Justinian Code, without Dušan’s Code, since they must also be taken account while reconstructing the history of the text of Dušan’s Code. Dušan I. Sindik also carried out additional research within the topic Short Documents of Dušan’s Reign (Kratki spisi Dušanove vladavine), which delayed the completion of this volume. After comparing the texts of the Baranja Manuscript with the printed edition of “St Sava’s Nomocanon“ (Zakonopravilo svetoga Save), he arrived at the conclusions that will most likely have an influence on a legal-historical approach to the Baranja Manuscript and its place and importance as a source for the study of the history of the texts containing the canons of the Serbian Orthodox Church and Serbian medieval law as a whole. Professor Dr. Tatjana Subotin continued to translate the Syntagm of Matija Vlastar (Sintagma Matije Vlastara) from Old Slavonic, based on the text published by Stojan Novaković at the beginning of the 20th century. COMMITTEE ON PHILOSOPHY AND SOCIAL THEORY During 2012, Corresponding Member Aleksandar Kostić, President of the Committee on Philosophy and Social Theory, organized two scientific meetings: “Social, Political and Scientific Thought of Sima Marković“ 262 (Društveno-politička i naučna misao Sime Markovića) (held within the cycle “Social and Political Thought in Serbia in the 19th and 20th Centuries“ / Društvena i politička misao u Srbiji u 19. i 20. veku/) and “Education – Serbia’s Development Potential“ (Obrazovanje – razvojni potencijal Srbije) (held at the SASA and Faculty of Philosophy in Belgrade), in cooperation with the SASA Committee on Education and Committee on Higher Education within the cycle “Strategic Issues of Serbia’s Development in the 21st Century“ (Strateška pitanja razvoja Srbije u 21. veku). During the year, the Proceedings Social and Political Thought and Work of Vladimir Jovanović (Društvena i politička misao i delatnost Vladimira Jovanovića) were published and the SASA hosted their presentation. Other editions, whose editor is Corresponding Member Aleksandar Kostić and which deserve consideration as the educational resources that contribute to the development potential, include two volumes of the frequency dictionaries of the Serbian language from the 12th to 18th century. This year, Volumes VII (1505 pages) and VIII (1416 pages) entitled BIOGRAPHIES, CANON, CHRONICLES (Žitija, kanon, hronike) were published. Corresponding Member Aleksandar Kostić published his paper “Electronic Corpus of Serbian Language from the 12th to 18th Century“, NCD Review – Pregled NCD, 99 (2050), 11-12. He presented this paper at the 11th Conference on New Technologies and Standards: Digitization of National Heritage (Nove tehnologije i standardi: digitalizacija nacionalne baštine), which was held from 20 to 21 September 2012. The Conference was organized by the Faculty of Mathematics, University of Belgrade, and SASA Mathematical Institute. The paper abstracts are presented in the Book of Abstracts (Knjiga apstrakata), 12. As the leader of the subproject “Digitization of Novine Serbske (1813-1868)“ (Digitalizacija Novina serbskih /1813-1863/), realized in cooperation with Službeni Glasnik and the SASA Mathematical Institute, he developed the methodology for lemmatization of Old Slavonic texts and user application for searching the texts written in the Old Slavonic language and using such orthography. COMMITTEE FOR THE STUDY OF POPULATION The President of the Committee, Coresponding Member Časlav Ocić, is also the project leader. The Committee members worked on three projects: Serbian Demographic Bibliography (Srpska demografska bibliografija), Serbia’s Population Development 1992-2002-2011 (Razvitak stanovništva Srbije 1992-2002-2011) and Methodology of Historical Demography (Metodologija istorijske demografije). In 2012, bibliographic material and the latest census data were sorted out. data from the latest census taking were sorted out. The Serbian Demo263 graphic Bibliography covering the period 1945-2011 was completed and prepared for publication within the programme of events celebrating the 170th anniversary of the SASA. During the year, it was discussed about the latest agricultural census and several Committee members took an active part in the discussions organized by the Republican Statistical Office. It was agreed to carry out joint research on population policy and jointly prepare the bibliography of publications published by Serbian statistical institutions from 1864 to the present day. The material for the Serbian Demographic Bibliography covering the period 1945-2012 was supplemented and its layout is currently being prepared. The funds for its publication are available. COMMITTEE ON ECONOMIC SCIENCE (Corresponding Member Časlav Ocić) During the year, the Committee made preparations for publishing the phototype edition of the journal Ekonomist (1912, 1913 and 1914); all issues were collected, technically refined and digitized; six registers and the introductory essay were prepared and the funds were provided (outside the SASA budget), so that it will be published soon. The processing of the Serbian Economic Bibliography covering the period 1929-1941 is nearing completion. Peer reviewers for the manuscript will be selected. The round table on “The Origins and Outcomes of Crises“ (Poreklo i ishodi kriza) was held on 20 April 2010 and during the subsequent period the discussions on the realization of the proposals were conducted. COMMISSION FOR THE STUDY OF LIFE AND CUSTOMS OF THE ROMA During the past year, Academician Tibor Várady, President of the Commission, directed most activities of the Commission relating to the study of the life and customs of Roma and the preparation of the Proceedings of the International Scientific Meeting on Changes in Roma Identity, Culture and Language Under Conditions of Planned Socio-Economic Integration (Promene identiteta, kulture i jezika Roma u uslovima planske socijalno-ekonomske integracije), held from 6 to 8 December 2010, for publication. The Proceedings comprising the contributions of 32 authors were prepared and published (SASA, 2012, 500 p.). Their editors were Academician Tibor Várady and Dr. Goran Bašić, Assistant Professor. 264 Work continued on monitoring the policies and strategies relating to the integration of Roma in the region, and gathering the data on various aspects of their status and life. During the year, the database dedicated to their status and life was also developed. The Commission continued its cooperation with the Institute for Balkan Studies, Ethnographic Institute, Department of Sociology of the Faculty of Mechanical Engineering in Niš, Ethnicity Research Centre and other organizations concerned with Roma issues. COMMITTEE FOR THE PREPARATION OF SCIENTIFIC CONFERENCE “PHILOSOPHY BETWEEN THE EAST AND THE WEST” The Acting President of the Committee, Academician Danilo N. Basta, put forward the proposal that the Committee pay tribute to the late Academician Mihailo Djurić, its founder and long-time President. He organized this project under which twelve authors, mostly the members of the Committee, contributed their papers on the philosophical work and personality of Mihailo Djurić to the memorial anthology entitled The Guardian of the Dignity of Philosophy. Festschrift Commemorating the Death Anniversary of Academician Mihailo Djurić (1925-2011) (Čuvar dostojanstva filozofije. Spomenica o godišnjici smrti akademika Mihaila Djurića /1925-2011/), which was released on the day of this anniversary, on 25 November 2012 (Dosije studio, Belgrade 2012, 305 p.). INTERDEPARTMENTAL COMMITTEE FOR STUDYING MINORITIES AND HUMAN RIGHTS (Academician Vojislav Stanovčić) The President of the Interdepartmental Committee is Academician Vojislav Stanovčić, who leads the project: The Position of the Serbian Minority in the Neighbouring and Other Countries in the Region (Položaj srpske manjine u susednim i drugim zemljama u regionu). The Committee also studies the position of national minorities in Serbia. It maintains close cooperation with the SASA Ethnographic Institute and Institute for Balkan Studies, as well as the Serbian Institute of Budapest. The Director of the Serbian Institute, Petar Lasztity, is a member of the Interdepartmental Committee and cooperates successfully with the SASA Institutes. With the support of the Committee and Institute, the associates worked on The Recording of Cemeteries and Burial Places, Tombstones and Inscriptions in Hungary (Evidentiranje grobalja i grobnih mesta, nadgrobnih spomenika i natpisa u Madjarskoj). 265 The monograph The Szentendre Cathedral Cemetery: Its Past and Inscriptions (Saborno groblje u Sentandreji: prošlost i natpisi) (SASA and Službeni glasnik, 546 p.) was published. It contains two significant introductory texts written by Professor Dr. Dimitrije E. Stefanović, who added the previously described church epitaphs at the end. He was a very active Committee member, who directed the cemetery restoration work by the associates of the SASA Institute of Serbian Language for many years. Ivan Jakšić made 425 photographs very professionally. The editors are Academician Vojislav Stanovčić and Professor Dr. Dimitrije E. Stefanović. It is planned to include the Committee to a greater extent in the creation of the digital database and bibliography. Mirjana Pavlović, an associate of the Committee, carried out field investigations (under the project financed by the Serbian Ministry of Education, Science and Technological Development) and, as a result, published Serbs in Timisoara (Srbi u Temišvaru) (No. 78), EI, Belgrade 2012, 268 p. As the President of the Commission for the Study of the Life and Customs of Roma, Academician Tibor Varady is the editor of the Proceedings Changes in Roma Identity, Culture and Language (Promene identiteta, kulture i jezika Roma) and so far has published several papers dealing with the status of minorities. The SASA Executive Committee appointed Academician Stanovčić as coordinator of the Serbian part of the Interacademic Commission (SASA and Hungarian Academy of Sciences) with an aim to organize research that will help determine the victims during and after World War II (1941–1948) in Vojvodina and work towards reconciliation and the promotion of friendly relations and cooperation. During the year (2012), this research was greatly intensified and produced results. Stanovčić lists here only the papers devoted to national minorities: “Investigations into the Life and Status of Roma – SASA Projects and Published Papers“ (Istraživanja o životu i položaju Roma – projekti SANU i objavljeni radovi) (pp. 1–17) in: Proceedings Changes in Roma Identity, Culture and Language (Promene identiteta, kulture i jezika Roma), etc.; “Rule of Law“ (pp. 17–28) in: Boris Vukobrat, Reviews 2012, Belgrade, with the reprint of Stanovčić’s “Draft of Constitutional Law on the Rights of Ethnic Minorities” (pp. 113–122), published in: Boris I. Vukobrat’s Proposals for a New Commonwealth of the Republics of ex-Yugoslavia, Zug, CopArts. Dr. Dragana Radojičić, Director of the SASA Ethnographic Institute and member of the Interdepartmental Committee, organizes international cooperation in research on national minorities with a number of countries – the Czech Republic, Slovakia, Bulgaria, Macedonia, Slovenia, Hungary, Romania, Austria, Sweden, France and Russia. 266 The project The Ethnology of Serbs in Hungary (Etnologija Srba u Madjarskoj) continues in cooperation with the Serbian Institute of Budapest. The counselling on The Language of Serbs in Hungary (Jezik Srba u Madjarskoj) was also held (with the participation of Mladena Prelić, Miroslava Lukić-Krstanović and Mirjana Pavlović). Dr. Prelić carries out research on The Life of Serbs in Battonya (Život Srba u Batanji). She published: Multiculturalism: An Ongoing Debate (Multikulturalizam: Rasprava koja traje), Proceedings of Matica Srpska for Social Sciences (Zbornik za društvene nauke Matice srpske), 139/2, pp. 139–149; Serbs in Hungary: Their Status, Institutions, Identity (Srbi u Madjarskoj: Status, institucije, identitet), Bratstvo, 16, pp. 167–182; Festivals and Celebrations of Serbs in Hungary and the Symbolization of Ethnic Identity (Praznici i proslave Srba u Madjarskoj i simbolizacija etničkog identiteta), Bratstvo, 16, pp. 183–202. During 2012, Professor Dr. Vukašin Pavlović, a member of the Interdepartmental Committee, published two significant essays: Politics and Power (Politika i moć) (Zavod za udžbenike, 390 p.) and the 2nd expanded edition of Environmental Impacts of the NATO War in FR Yugoslavia: An Independent Experts Report (Belgrade: Eko centar, 2012). In its proceedings the SASA published the results of its research on the status of national minorities “Multiculturalism and the Ethnification of Politics“ (Multikulturalnost i etnifikacija politike) in: The Position of Minorities in the FRY (Položaj manjina u SRJ): SASA, pp. 87-94; “Democracy and Multiculturalism“ (Demokratija i multikulturalizam), in: The Position of National Minorities in Serbia (Položaj nacionalnih manjina u Srbiji), SASA, pp. 135-144; Vukašin Pavlović (ed.), Problems of Identities in the Balkans, Belgrade, Dosije Press, pp. 95– 111. Dr. Biljana Sikimić from the SASA Institute for Balkan Studies, a member of the Interdepartmental Committee, initiated cooperation between the SASA and Romanian Academy of Sciences, together with its Romanian associates (“Anthropological Linguistic and Sociolinguistic Investigations of Romanians in Serbian Banat“ /Antropološko lingvistička i sociolingvistička istraživanja of Rumuna u srpskom Banatu). The SASA projects in cooperation with the Bulgarian Academy of Sciences include “Labour Migrations in the Balkans“ /Radne migracije na Balkanu/ – Petko Hristov and Biljana Sikimić). The SASA’s cooperation with the Russian Academy of Sciences involves the project “The Language and Culture of National Minorities in the Balkans“ (Jezik i kultura nacionalnih manjina na Balkanu). The results of the joint field investigations of Hungarians in Southern Banat (the settlements of Skorenovac, Vojlovica and Novi Sad), carried out from 22 to 28 October 2012, were processed by Biljana Sikimić and Gleb Pilipenko with their team and published. 267 DEPARTMENT OF HISTORICAL SCIENCES COMMITTEE ON ARCHAEOLOGY (Academician Nikola Tasić) Project leaders and their associates continued to carry out the already initiated investigations involving individual topics. In the past year, the volume of work was limited due to objective and subjective problems, as well as the involvement of project leaders and their associates in other SASA activities. The basic projects remained the same. Research continued with respect to the earliest metallurgy in the Balkans that emerged in the Eneolithic period and was especially intensified during the Copper Age. The researchers’ attention was also focused on Celtic newcomers and their culture in our region. Academician Nikola Tasić carried out research on the material culture of autochthonous inhabitants and their attitude towards Celtic and Roman invaders. The investigations of the Roman Limes and Felix Romuliana – Gamzigrad, one of the most important archaeological sites in the Balkans, as well as the previously initiated investigations of antique inscriptions and epigraphic monuments in the Roman province of Macedonia were continued. Project: FONTES ARCHEOLOGIAE SERBIAE – ARCHAEOLOGICAL SUBJECT MATERIAL OF SERBIA (Academician Nikola Tasić) The objective of the project entitled Fontes Archeologiae Serbiae – Gradja za arheologiju Srbije is to sort out and publicize collected archaeological materials. Project associates Predrag Medović and Milorad Girić continued to sort out materials, including specifically the registration of hummocks in central and southern Banat, as well as to analyze Bronze and Iron Age pottery and architectural remains of Early Iron Age settlements. 268 It is also worth to mention the participation of Dr. Vladimir Petrović, a project team member, in the French-Serbian scientific cooperation project entitled Au coeur des Balkans, les liens entre l’Adriatique et le Danube de I-IV siècle après J. C., including the investigations of communications and cultures in the central Balkans or, more precisely, the link between the Danube basin and the Adriatic Sea. Project: NEOLITHIC AND ENEOLITHIC CULTURES AND COPPER FINDINGS IN EAST SERBIA (Academician Borislav Jovanović) In 2012, the work under the project involved a comparative, relative and absolute chronology of Eneolithic cultures based on the new finds of Eneolithic artifacts with respect to the dating of the beginnings of copper metallurgy in the Vinča culture (late 5th to early 4th millennium BC). Project: FELIX ROMULIANA – GAMZIGRAD (Academician Slobodan Dušanić) The protective archaeological investigations of tower 15 (the southwestern corner tower belonging to the younger fortification of the Romuliana western gate): during the campaign that lasted three weeks (May/June) one-third of this big hexadecagonal tower was investigated. The investigations were carried out with an aim to prepare the tower for conservation and restoration work. Processing, classification and analysis of architectural decoration (August 2012): aimed at the chronological and spatial designation of the hitherto found fragments of architectural decoration, which have not yet been publicized, designated or inventoried; apart from Maja Živić, MA, her colleague, architect Brana Stojković-Pavelka, also took part in this project. A significant contribution to an analysis of stone was made by Professor Dr. Bojan Djurić from the Department of Archaeology, Faculty of Philosophy, University of Ljubljana (the second year of cooperation). Thanks to cooperation with Professor Djurić, Professor Dr. Walter Prohaska, an Austrian expert on white marbles, was also included in the project. Archaeological probing in cooperation with the colleagues from the RGK DAI (�������������������������������������������������������� R������������������������������������������������������� ő������������������������������������������������������ misch������������������������������������������������� -������������������������������������������������ germanische������������������������������������� ������������������������������������ Kommission�������������������������� ������������������������� des���������������������� ��������������������� Deutchen������������� ������������ Arch�������� ä������� ologischen Instituts) of the German Archaeological Institute in Frankfurt (late July/ first half of September 2012): the probing of a large structure in the immediate vicinity of the external side of the northern rampart of the younger Romuliana fortification was continued; research was also conducted in the area within the 269 eastern gate of the settlement that arose before the construction of the palace, to the east of the large structure running alongside the northern rampart. Project: METALLURGY IN THE PREHISTORIC AND ANTIQUE PERIOD (Academician Borislav Jovanović) The long-term investigations of primary mines, since the first evidence that metals, especially copper, were known and used, were continued. The systematic geomagnetic recording of the Mali Šturac mine within the archaeometallurgical complex on Mt Rudnik near Gornji Milanovac was resumed (Archaeological Institute). The financial resources, approved by the Fund, were spent on the elaboration of digital and technical documents during the preparation of the already achieved results for publication. COMMITTEE ON THE HISTORY OF ART (Academician Gojko Subotić) Under its programme, the Committee on the History of Art continued to collect and scan materials about the artistic heritage of Kosovo and Metohija. Dr. Dragan Vojvodić. Assistant Professor at the Faculty of Philosophy in Belgrade and a member of the Committee on Kosovo and Metohija, was directly responsible for the relevant activities. As was emphasized in the last year’s report, Vojvodić is well acquainted and successfully cooperates with the institutions and experts possessing the appropriate documentation (the Republican Institute for the Protection of Cultural Monuments of Serbia, Mnemosyne Centre, National Museum, Fresco Gallery and legacies in the possession of the Archaeological Institute and Faculty of Philosophy. Work is done by young art historians who have recently completed their studies. Occasionally, they receive a minimum compensation, which is not provided from of the SASA funds. CHILANDAR COMMITTEE (Academician Mirjana Živojinović) The Committee lost its member, Academician Miloš Blagojević. Mirjana Živojinović proposed the appointment of Dr. Bojan Miljković, Scientific Associate at the SASA Institute for Byzantine Studies, as member of the Committee and the appointment of Professor Dr. Aleksandar Fotić as member of the Editorial Board of Chilandar Proceedings (Hilandarski zbornik). 270 Mirjana Živojinović - The project Greek Acts of Chilandar Monastery (Grčki akti manastira Hilandara), including the publishing of the second volume of these documents, is in its finishing stage. During our one-week stay in Paris we revised the notes on the back side of all Greek documents prepared for the second volume (together with our associate Olivier Delouis). We extended the chronology of the second volume back to 1335 due to which I prepared the Greek documents and content of the Serbian documents for the period 1328-1335, as well as the introductory essay covering this period. I continued to prepare the documents for Actes de Chilandar III. Aleksandar Fotić - The following work was published: “Hilandar's Response to Crisis and New Challenges in the 15th and 16th Centuries”, Το Άγιον Όρος στον 15ο και 16ο αιώνα (The Holy Mountain in the 15th and 16th centuries). Πρακτικά ΣΤ’ Διεθνούς Συνεδρίου της Αγιορειτικής Εστίας (Papers from 6th International Conference of the Mount Athos Center), Thessaloniki: Mount Athos Center (Thessaloniki), Aristotle University of Thessaloniki and the Institute for Byzantine Research / National Hellenic Research Foundation (Athens), 2012, 169-138. As for Actes de Chilandar III (Collection Archives de l’Athos), I finished the chapter devoted to the 15th century Ottoman documents from Chilandar Monastery. I was elected as leader of the project Mount Athos Travelogues (Putopisi o Svetoj Gori). During 2012, the work on this project included the collection of published travelogues and their classification, as well as the translation and processing of some of the most important ones (authored by John Laskaris in the 15th century, Pierre Belon in the 16th century, John Cowell and Joseph Georgirenes in the 17th century, etc.). At present, Vera Pavlović is the only translator involved in this project: (translation – 1.7 author’s sheets). Zoran Rakić: PAINTED ORNAMENTATION OF CYRILLIC MANUSCRIPTS IN THE LIBRARY OF CHILANDAR MONASTERY (Slikani ukras ćirilskih rukopisa u Biblioteci manastira Hilandara) In 2012, my book Serbian Miniature of the 16th and 17th Centuries (Srpska minijatura XVI i XVII veka) was published. It contains a detailed description and iconographic and stylistic analysis of the miniatures from twenty Athonite manuscripts. A great majority of the explored manuscripts is kept in the Library of Chilandar Monastery (Tetraevangelia Nos. 40, 44 and 45; Apostles Nos. 103, 106, 107 and 758; Leitourgia Nos. 326, 327 and 330; Psalters Nos. 124 and 154; Miscellaneous No. 500; Service to SS Sergios and Bakchos No. 325, and Theotokarion No. 164). Apart from the miniatures in Chilandar manuscripts, the miniatures in the manuscripts kept in the libraries 271 of the Athonite monasteries of Zographou (Tetraevangelia Nos. 25 and 26) and Iveron (Tetraevangelion, No. 12, and Leitourgion, No. 7), as well as two codices written and lavishly decorated on Mount Athos – Kir Ruvim’s Apostle (Vienna, Austrian National Library) and Leitourgion No. 354 (Belgrade, SASA Archives) were also studied. Work also continued on describing the ornaments in the Cyrillic manuscripts kept in the Library of Chilandar Monastery. Painted ornamentation in thirty Serbian books, which were written and illuminated in the 16th century, was explored. Djordje Bubalo - In 2012, Chilandar Monastery and the Saint Sava Orthodox Society of Novi Sad published the two-volume book The Code of Emperor Stefan Dušan (Zakonik cara Stefana Dušana). The first volume contains the photographs of the Athonite and Chilandar manuscripts of Dušan’s Code. For the second volume I wrote the introductory essay (the chapters: The Code of Emperor Stefan Dušan in Serbian Medieval Legislation /Zakonik cara Stefana Dušana u zakonodavstvu srednjovekovne Srbije/); The Manuscript Tradition of Dušan’s Code /Rukopisna tradicija Dušanovog zakonika/; and The Church and Dušan’s Code /Crkva i Dušanov zakonik/) and translated the Code into the modern Serbian language. The lavishly designed volumes, packed in a decorative box, have been published with an aim to raise some funds for the restoration of Chilandar Monastery. Danica Petrović - During my private stay in the United States in the first part of the year, at the kind invitation of the Curator of the Chilandar Research Library, Dr. Predrag Matejić, I spent three days at the Ohio State University Libraries Special Collections or, more precisely, at the Hilandar Research Library. I visited the splendidly modernized and renovated Thompson Library of the Ohio State University in Columbus, housing the Special Collections, including the Chilandar Research Library. Although this visit was short and dynamic, I had an opportunity to watch the Chilandar Slavic neumatic Sticherarion Rs 668 on a microfilm and scan some fragments of the manuscript. During the past decades, the Chilandar collection of microfilmed Slavic manuscripts was expanded by collections from other European libraries (from Bulgaria, Russia, Poland); the collection was also expanded by some original manuscripts and manuscript fragments bought on the world’s antiques markets. There are also exquisite phototype editions of valuable old manuscripts: we single out the phototype edition of the oldest Greek Menaion, written in the last quarter of the 9th century, which was published in Spain, as well as the phototype edition of the multi-volume The Chronicle History of Russia, lavishly decorated with miniatures, which was written and illuminated for Russian Emperor Ivan the Terrible. 272 SZENTENDRE COMMITTEE (Academician Dinko Davidov) Dr. Dimitrije E. Stefanović, a member of the Committee, and his associates published the book The Szentendre Cathedral Cemetery (Sentandrejsko Saborno groblje) (Službeni glasnik). The members of the Szentendre Committee, Dr. Branislav Todić, Dr. Ljiljana Stošić, Dr. Dušica Grbić and Professor Dr. Petar Krestić, spent 27 days at the Buda Diocese Museum in Szentendre doing their research. Publications in 2012: SASA Szentendre Proceedings (Sentandrejski zbornik SANU) were submitted for printing. COMMITTEE ON THE HISTORY OF THE SERBS IN CROATIA (Academician Vasilije Krestić) The Committee lost one member, since Academician Čedomir Popov passed away. Proceedings on Serbs i n Croatia (Zbornik o Srbima u Hrvatskoj) No. 9 are being printed, while contributions to No. 10 are being collected. During 2013, Proceedings No. 10 will be prepared and submitted for publication. COMMITTEE FOR THE COMPILATION AND PUBLICATION OF THE MATERIAL ON THE FOREIGN POLICY OF THE KINGDOM OF SERBIA 1903-1914 (Academician Vasilije Krestić) In 2012, Volume IV, Issue 1/I-II (January-June 1910), in two parts, which was prepared by Dr. Ljiljana Aleksić–Pejković, Scientific Advisor (Ret.), and Dr. Kliment Džambazovski, MASA Academician, came out. Underway is the selection of the documents collected for Volume III, Issue 4 (April-December 1909), in two or three parts, which will be prepared by SASA Corresponding Member Mihailo Vojvodić. The following volumes are ready for publication and financial resources are now expected: Volume I, Issue 3/I-II (January-June 1905), and Issue 4/I-II (July-December 1905), both in two parts, and Volume III, Issue 3/II (JanuaryMarch 1909). The retyping of about 1200 documents (about 3500 printed pages) and processing of Volume III, Issue 4 (April-December 1909), which will be published in two or three parts, will be continued. 273 COMMITTEE ON THE HISTORY OF THE SERBS IN XIX CENTURY (Academician Čedomir Popov, Corresponding Member Ljubodrag Dimić) During 2012, work on the second volume of The Diary by Milan Dj. Milićević, a renowned Serbian scholar, cultural figure and the President of the Serbian Royal Academy, was focused on reading the manuscript and its comparison with the typed version of the manuscript. Work also continued on the processing of numerous biographies contained in the Diary. Apart from significant and well-known figures, the author also writes about many other ones living in the second half of the 19th century, who are almost unknown to the Serbian public. In 2012, the second volume was prepared by Professor Dr. A. Rastović and Dr. P. Krestić. VARDAR COMMITTEE (Academician Vladimir Stojančević) This year, Vardar Proceeedings (Vardarski zbornik), No. 9, were released. Vardar Proceedings No. 10 were presented at the session of the Department of Historical Sciences, which was held on 26 December 2012. The Proceedings contain 18 papers. COMMITTEE ON THE HISTORY OF BOSNIA AND HERZEGOVINA (Academician Milorad Ekmečić) In 2012, the Committee continued its activities. Its members continued to work on individual topics. The papers for the Proceedings for the History of Bosnia and Herzegovina (Zbornik za istoriju BiH), No. 8, were collected, while Proceedings for the History of Bosnia and Herzegovina, No. 7, were published. COMMITTEE ON THE HISTORY OF THE 20TH CENTURY (Academician Dragoljub Živojinović) The main topic of the discussions among the Committee members involved in the preparations for holding the international scientific meeting to mark the 100th anniversary of the outbreak of the First World War. Numerous other topics on the agenda included the number of participants in the scientific meeting, invitations to organizations and individuals, the topics that deserve attention and the like. The Committee will continue its work during the coming year. It informed the Department of Historical Sciences about its intention 274 and asked it to inform the SASA Executive Committee accordingly. Both the Department of Historical Sciences and the Executive Committee gave their consent for the proposed meeting. INTERDEPARTMENTAL COMMITTEE FOR KOSOVO AND METOHIJA (Corresponding Member Mihailo Vojvodić) The session of the Committee held on 5 April was almost entirely devoted to the scientific meeting on the Balkan War that was planned for 18-20 October. After the session, some members of the Committee devoted themselves exclusively to the organization of this scientific meeting. It was also necessary to include some other participants because certain registered participants could not attend the scientific meeting for justified reasons. The necessary funds were provided with great effort. The members of the Preparatory Committee went twice to the Ministry of Science and the problem was solved at the last moment. The meeting was completely successful about which the Department of Historical Sciences was also informed. We collected a sufficient number of papers for the fifth issue of the Kosovo and Metohija Proceedings (Kosovsko-metohijski zbornik) and agreed on some peer reviewers at the session held on 6 December. We received the manuscript of Dr. Mitra Reljić’s The Serbian Language in Kosovo and Metohija Today (A Sociolinguistic and Linguoculturological Aspect) (Srpski jezik na Kosovu i Metohiju danas / sociolinguistički i lingvokulturološki aspekt), including the review by Academician Predrag Piper, for consideration. We also received the manuscript of Blagoje Maković’s book Vraka, which was sent to us by Professor Dr. Milica Grković from Novi Sad. Milan Ivanović’s book The Destruction of Serbian Church Monuments in Kosovo and Metohija (1998-2004) (Stradanje srpskih crkvenih spomenika na Kosovu i Metohiji, 1998-2004) was prepared for publication. The Committee financed the field investigations of several associates in Kosovo and Metohija. At its session held on 6 December, the Committee agreed to support the efforts of the Committee on the History of Art to acquire the necessary equipment for the collection of materials for its digital database. Group of Projects: BALCANOLOGICAL THEMES (Academician Nikola Tasić) Apart from SASA members, the research under the project Balkanological Themes (Balkanološke teme) is also carried out by the researchers of the SASA Institute for Balkan Studies and their associates from Greece, 275 Bulgaria, Romania, Hungary and Russia. Some project associates from the Institute for Balkan Studies, Dr. Dušan T. Bataković, Dr. Ljubinko Radenković and Dr. Biljana Sikimić, lead younger researchers from the Institute, whose work is directed – through a number of thematic entities – towards the Balkan region and relations among its peoples, or carriers of different archaeological cultures (when it is a question of the prehistoric period). The results of such scientific policy are very good. The SASA and its Institute for Balkan Studies were visited by Dr. Aleksandar Kostov, Director of the Institute for Balkan Studies of the Bulgarian Academy of Sciences, and his associates, Dr. Irina Ognyanova and Mariana Stanova. On this occasion, it was agreed on the joint publication of The Selection of Documents on the Interwar Period (Zbirka dokumenata o međuratnom periodu). Under the bilateral project between the SASA and the Bulgarian Academy of Sciences in Sofia, Labour Migrations in the Balkans (Radne migracije na Balkanu (project leaders: Petko Hristov and Biljana Sikimić), Belgrade was visited by Dr. Ivailo Markov from 24 to 29 April 2012. The collection of papers, which is the result of this cooperation, was also published. The new project entitled The Language and Culture of National Minorities in the Balkans (Jezik i kultura nacionalnih manjina na Balkanu), which is the result of cooperation between the SASA and Russian Academy of Sciencies, began to be realized together with the RAS Institute of Slavistics – project leaders: G.P. Neshchimenko and B. Sikimić. Within the scope of this cooperation, they carried out field research on Hungarians living in southern Balkan (the settlements of Skorenovac, Vojlovica and Novi Sad) from 22 to 28 October 2012. Dr. Marija Ilić carried out field research on Serbs in Hungary, Battonya, in cooperation with the Serbian Institute of Budapest, from 3 to 8 August 2012. International cooperation with scientific institutions in the region, especially the Centre for Neohellenic Studies in Athens and the Institute for Social Sciences of the Romanian Academy in Timisoara, continued. Group of Projects: BYZANTINE THEMES (Academician Ljubomir Maksimović) The project is related to the project of the SASA Institute for Byzantine Studies – Tradition, Innovation and Indentity in the Byzantine World (Tradicija, inovacija i identitet u vizantijskom svetu). The project contains the essays on various aspects of changes in the Empire during the Middle Byzantine period, as well as the period affected by the consequences of the Fourth Crusade. 276 The project also includes other research assignments such as, for example, three doctoral dissertations defended during the year. Subotić G. – Мaksimović Lj., 2012: Saint Sava and the Building of Mileševa (Sveti Sava i podizanje Mileševe), Byzantine World in the Balkans (Vizantijski svet na Balkanu), I, 97–109. Živojinović M., 2012: Στοιχεία των εγγράφων του δεσπότου Στεφάνου Lazarević για το Άγιον Όρος: Το παράδειγμα της μονής Χελανδαρίου, in: The Holy Mountain in the 15th and 16th Centuries, 155–162. Krsmanović B., 2012: On the Relationship Between the Administrative and Ecclesiastical Organization in the Territory of the Ohrid Archbishopric (O odnosu upravne i crkvene organizacije na području Ohridska arhiepiskopije), in: Byzantine World in the Balkans (Vizantijski svet na Balkanu), I, 17–39. Pirivatrić, S., 2012: Η κυριλλομεθοδιανή παράδοση και οι σερβικές περιοχές πριν από τη δημιουργία της αυτοκέφαλης εκκλησίας της Σερβίας το 1219, Κύριλλος και Μεθόδιος, 249–261. Bojanin S., 2012: Matrimonial Provisions of the Žiča Charter Between the Church and the Popular Concept of Marriage (Bračne odredbe Žičke povelje izmedju crkvenog i narodnog koncepta braka), in: Byzantine World in the Balkans (Vizantijski svet na Balkanu), I. Komatina P., 2012: The Notion of Bulgaria in the 11th and 12th Centuries and the Territory of the Ohrid Archbishopric (Pojam Bugarske u 11. i 12. veku i teritorija Ohridske arhiepiskopije), in: Byzantine World in the Balkans (Vizantijski svet na Balkanu), I, 41–56. Pavlović B., 2012: The Fear of Turks in the Letters of Demetrios Cydones (1352-1371) (Strah od Turaka u pismima Dimitrija Kidona /1352-1371/), in: Byzantine World in the Balkans (Vizantijski svet na Balkanu), II, 373–383. Živković M., 2012: Serbian Rulers’ Portraits in Gregory’s Gallery of Saint Sophia in Ohrid and Their Programme Context (Srpski vladarski portreti u Grigorijevoj galeriji Svete Sofije u Ohridu i njihov programski kontekst), in: Byzantine World in the Balkans (Vizantijski svet na Balkanu), I, Беlgrade 2012, 169–187. Cvetković M., 2012: The Illegitimate Children of the Palaiologos Dynasty Emperors (Vanbračna deca careva dinastije Paleologa), in: Byzantine World in the Balkans (Vizantijski svet na Balkanu), II, Београд 2012, 397–415. Individual Project: MATERIAL FOR THE HISTORY OF THE SERBS IN CROATIA AND SLAVONIA (Academician Vasilije Krestić) During 2012, he published the book Croatian Claims to Vojvodina, Bosnia and Herzegovina from 1848 to the Present Day (Hrvatske pretenzije na Vojvodinu, Bosnu i Hercegovinu od 1848. do danas), Zrenjanin 2012, 83 p. In addition, he published the article Trade Turnover in the Customhouses 277 Between Serbia and Austria-Hungary in 1867 (Trgovački promet na carinarnicama izmedju Srbije u Austrougarske 1867), Proceedings of Matica Srpska for History (Zbornik Matice srpske za istoriju), 84, Novi Sad 2012, pp. 135–142. He wrote a review of D. Davidov’s book Szentendre – Serbian Historical Heritage (Sentandreja srpske povesnice) entitled The Book Is as Beautiful as Serbian Szentendre (Knjiga je lepa koliko je lepa i srpska Sentandreja), Belgrade – Novi Sad 2011, Književni list, 1 January and 1 February 2012, Year X/103. At the scientific meeting on the First Balkan War, which was held at the SASA, he presented his paper Serbs from Hungary and the Balkan Wars (Srbi iz Ugarske i Balkanski ratovi). He wrote and prepared the book Serbs in Hungary 1790-1918 (Srbi u Ugarskoj 1790-1918), 650 p. Individual Project: CULTURE AND ART OF BRONZE AND IRON AGE OF SERBIAN DANUBE BASIN (Academician Nikola Tasić) Within the scope of the project Bronze and Iron Age Culture and Art in the Serbian Danube Basin (Kultura i umetnost bronzanog i gvozdenog doba srpskog Podunavlja), attention was focused on the Banat and Djerdap regions. Cooperation with the colleagues from Vojvodina, Romania and Bulgaria was continued. As a result of this cooperation it is planned to launch joint publications. Further work on this project is oriented toward the joint investigations of the Romanian and Serbian parts of Banat, on one side, and the study of the finds in the Djerdap region and Bulgarian Danube basin, on the other. Individual Project: MONASTERY OF ST JOHN THE FORERUNNER IN JAŠUNJA (Academician Gojko Subotić) Underway is the preparation of the monograph The Monastery of St John the Forerunner at Jašunja near Leskovac (Manastir Svetog Jovana Preteče u Jašunji kod Leskovca) in cooperation with Professor Michitaka Suzuki. As was mentioned in the earlier reports, after the cleaning and conservation of wall paintings, all graphic documentation was prepared and the frescoes were photographed. The material for this monograph, which will cover history, architecture and wall paintings in the interior and exterior of the Church of St John the Forerunner in Jašunja, was prepared and processed. G. Subotić’s text was mostly completed. It is now expected to receive the contributions of Japanese colleagues led by Professor Suzuki. The complete book will be published in Serbia, while its shortened version will appear in Japanese. 278 Individual Project: EUROPE AND SERBIA IN THE MIDDLE AGES (Academician Jovanka Kalić) The investigations under the project will be considerably reduced due to the lack of funds for the expert team’s field work involving further research on the typology of medieval settlements. Therefore, most work included the processing of materials for the region of Old Raška and Belgrade. So far, the regional history of Serbian medieval society has not been systematically researched. This especially refers to the links of some regions of the Serbian state with the “outside“ world (causes, consequences). Among other things, this is the content of the project. J. Kalić, Serbs in the Late Medieval Times (Srbi u poznom srednjem veku), expanded edition, Belgrade 2012, 279 p. Individual Project: SERBS IN HUNGARY – CULTURAL PAST (Academician Dinko Davidov) Within the scope of his research in the Serbian churches in the Diocese of Buda, Academician Dinko Davidov continued to work on the manuscript of the monograph “Serbian Kovin – The Monastery of the Diocese of Buda“ (Srpski Kovin – manastir Eparhije budimske). Dr. Ljiljana Stošić studied the drawing and graphic opus in manuscripts and printed books dating from the first half of the 18th century. Kosta Vuković continued to research the historical and artistic content of the one-time Serbian Cathedral in Buda. Curator Kosta Vuković organized an exhibition of icons in Germany. Publications in 2012: Professor Dr. Dimitrije E. Stefanović, with his associates, published the book The Szentendre Cathedral Cemetery (Sentandrejsko Saborno groblje). Individual Project: HISTORY OF CIVILIZATION IN SERBIA IN THE FIRST HALF OF THE 19th CENTURY (Academician Vladimir Stojančević) The work included the final copyediting of the manuscript and preparation of cartographic contributions and photographs. 279 Individual Project: THE MEMO OF THE ACCOUNT BOOKS OF THE KABUŽIĆ BROTHERS (Academician Desanka Kovačević-Kojić) Аcademician Desanka Kovačević-Kojić continued to transcribe and study the content of The Memo of the Account Books of the Kabužić Brothers (Podsetnik trgovačkih knjiga braće Kabužić), preserved at the Dubrovnik Archives and hitherto unpublished. Individual Project: SERBIA AND ITALIAN STATES IN THE LATE MIDDLE AGES (Academician Momčilo Spremić) During 2012, I studied the relations between Serbia and Italian states in the Late Middle Ages. My interest was focused on Serbian-Venetian relations in the times of Despot Stefan Lazarević (1389-1427) and Despot Djuradj Branković (1427-1456). These relations were becoming increasingly important due to the Venetian occupation of the towns on the Zeta coast belonging to the Serbian Despotate. Venice was hindering the relations between Serbia and Neapolitan King Alfonso of Aragon (1442-1458) whose ambitious eastern policy also anticipated the conquest of some parts of the Balkan Peninsula. During that period, large quantities of silver and other metals were exported from Serbia to Venice. The Jakšić Family in Banat (Porodica Jakšić u Banatu), Banat Through the Centuries. Cultural Layers of Banat (Banat kroz vekove. Slojevi kultura Banata). Proceedings, Belgrade 2012, pp. 33–63. Individual Project: SCORDISCI AND AUTOCHTHONS IN THE PROTOHISTORY OF THE CENTRAL BALKANS (Academician Borislav Jovanović) Work continued on the preparation of the manuscript of the monograph entitled The Campaigns of Eastern Celts Toward the Southern Balkans and Hellenistic Greece, Late 4th Century – First Half of the 3rd Century BC. The Early La Tène Necropolis of the Military Camp at Kostolac / Danube Basin in Northern Serbia (Pohodi Istočnih Kelta na jug Balkana i helenističku Grčku, kraj IV – prva polovina III v. stare ere. Rano latenska nekropola vojnog logora kod Kostolca / Podunavlje severne Srbije). This necropolis was discovered in the narrower territory of later Viminacium, the urban centre of the Roman province of Moesia. It is extremely 280 rare bearing in mind the period in which it was built – the period of the direct preparations of Eastern Celts for their expansion, as it was just indicated in the above given title of the monograph. I participated in the Symposium on “Latènisierung im Raum von den Südostalpen bis zum croatisch-serbischen Donaugebiet”, which was held in Kobarid, 23-25 November 2012��������������������������������������������� .�������������������������������������������� I������������������������������������������� presented an invited lecture on “The Early La Tène Graves from the Cemetery at Pećine near Kostolac, Republic of Serbia”. It was organized after the important discovery of the Celtic cavalry necropolis dating from the same period as that at Pećine in which the horses were ritually buried together with the fallen warriors. Individual Project: STATE AND SOCIETY IN BYZANTIUM (Academician Ljubomir Maksimović) In 2012, I continued to synthetically process the source material that was collected and analyzed for a long time. This procedure has not yet been completed. The collected data apply to the structure and functioning of institutions, ranging from economic and social phenomena to forms of everyday life. The data were not processed in equal measure, so that it was necessary to treat them by phases. The mentioned working title covers only the first phase – the structures of the state and society and their interaction – which actually makes up the project. The subject area of the project cover the physiognomy and evolution of the basic constitutional factors of the Empire – the emperor, the senate, the army and the people (populus), as well as the structure and evolution of state administration. The treatment of these mutually permeated factors resulted in the creation of several entities that should represent the chapters in the future book. In thix context, there was no significant change in relation to the previous year, which caused the postponement of the previously set time-limits. Publications: Saint Sava and the Building of Mileševa (Sveti Sava i podizanje Mileševe), Byzantine World in the Balkans (Vizantijski svet na Balkanu), I: The Ohrid Archbishopry in the Byzantine World (Ohridska arhiepiskopija u vizantijskom svetu), Belgrade 2012, pp. 97-109 (with G. Subotić). Individual Project: FONTES – THE GREEK ACTS OF THE CHILANDAR MONASTERY, VOL. III (14th-15th CENTURY) (Academician Mirjana Živojinović) The finishing work associated with publishing the second volume of the Greek Acts of Chilandar Monastery is underway. During our one-week 281 stay in Paris, we revised the notes on the back of all Greek documents for the second volume (together with our associate Olivier Delouis). We extended the chronology of the second volume back to 1335 due to which I prepared Greek documents and the content of Serbian documents for the period from 1328 to 1335, as well as the introductory essay devoted to this period. I continued to work on the preparation of documents for Actes de Chilandar III. Individual Project: THE GREAT POWERS AND THE SERBIAN QUESTION IN THE 20th CENTURY (Academician Dragoljub Živojinović) In 2012, I contunued to work on the project The Great Powers and the Serbian Question in the 20th Century (Velike sile i srpsko pitanje u 20. veku). In this connection, I published the books La Dalmazia o Morte, 1918-1923 (Zavod za udžbenike, Belgrade) and The Vatican in the Balkan Whirlpool (Vatikan u balkanskom vrtlogu), articles and essays, published by Albatros plus, Belgrade. In addition, I continued to study the problems of the Kingdom of Italy in the Balkans. Individual Project: STOJAN NOVAKOVIĆ IN THE POLITICS OF SERBIA (Corresponding Member Mihailo Vojvodić) I wrote the last two chapters and expanded the topic by adding some sections referring to Novaković’s activity during that period, which will be included in the project for 2013. In this connection, I published the book Stojan Novaković in the Service of National and State Interests (Stojan Novaković u službi nacionalnih i državnih interesa) and several papers. I also prepared two volumes of documents for publication (they are now in the SASA Publishing Service). These documents refer to the foreign policy of the Kingdom of Serbia 1903-1914 and cover the period from 1908 to March 1912. Stojan Novaković in the Service of National and State Interests (Stojan Novaković u službi nacionalnih i državnih interesa), Belgrade 2012, 416 p. At the scientific meeting in St Petersburg, I presented the statement on Pašić’s Mission in St Petersburg in 1908 (Pašićeva misija u Petrogradu 1908), while the title of my paper presented at the meeting dedicated to the 1912 Balkan War was Economic Factors of the National Strategy on the Eve of the First Balkan War (Ekonomski činioci nacionalne strategije uoči Prvog balkanskog rata). 282 DEPARTMENT OF FINE ARTS AND MUSIC Project: LEXICON OF ARTISTIC DANCE (Academician Dejan Despić) In 2012, work continued on the preparation of the LEXICON OF ARTISTIC DANCE (Leksikon umetničke igre). During that period, the texts about ballet performances on our stages were written. By the end of 2012, 61 out of planned 70 domestic production units were written. This year, the Lexicon project received a donation of 5,000 euros from the foundation of the Serbian ballet dancer Milorad Mišković. Some illustrative material for the Lexicon was also obtained through this fondation. In September, the editorial staff of the Lexicon moved from the temporary premises at 4 Jakšićeva St. to the premises given to Academician Dejan Despić in the SASA building. In November, the Lexicon of Artistic Dance project was entered into the Competition for Capital Publications launched by the Ministry of Culture. The results are expected in late February 2013. Project: RECORDING OF SERBIAN FOLK MUSIC, COMPACT-DISKS AND CASSETTES PRODUCTION (Academician Isidora Žebeljan) The field recording of vocal, instrumental and vocal-instrumental music and narratives was carried out in the town of Battonya (Hungary) from 3 to 8 August 2012 (Dr. Jelena Jovanović). The interviews with trumpet players, the main participants in the Dragačevo Festival in Guča, as well as the representatives of the local audience and social organizations having an influence on the cultural policy related to the Festival, were recorded from 9 to 11 August 2012 (Dr. Danka Lajić-Mihajlović). The field investigations also included folk instrumental practice (flute, ocarina, etc.) in the region of Kikinda, 26-27 July 2012, folk music created by Serbs and Vlachs, with emphasis on the building of musical instruments and musical folklore material, in the region of Zaječar, 28-30 July 2012, as well as interviews with local dancers and players of aero283 phonic instruments, with special emphasis on bagpipes, in Kačarevo, 21 August 2012 (Dr. Rastko Jakovljević). Project: CONTEMPORARY SERBIAN MUSIC SCENE (Academician Dejan Despić) Under the joint project of the SASA Institute of Musicology and Radio Belgrade, “The Awakened Archives. A New Music Series“ (Probudjeni arhiv. Nova muzička edicija), Melita Milin published an analysis in the programme booklet accompanying the double compact disc devoted to Petar Konjović’s works: fragments from the opera Miloš’s Wedding (Ženidba Miloševa) and Peasants (Seljaci). Roksanda Pejović published two books: 1) Reviews by Pavle Stefanović and Dragutin Gostuški (Kritike Pavla Stefanovića i Dragutina Gostuškog) and 2) Essayists and Critics from Petar Konjović to Oskar Danon (Esejisti i kritičari od Petra Konjovića do Oskara Danona) (Musicians Authors in Belgrade’s Musical Life in the Second Half of the 20th Century Series /Edicija Muzičari-pisci u beogradskom muzičkom životu druge polovine 20. veka/), published by the Faculty of Music in Belgrade. In these books the opera and ballet productions in Serbia are considerably represented. Milica Zajcev published the book Dance That Means Life (Igra što život znači), Vol. III (published by the Association of Ballet Dancers of Serbia). The third volume of the trilogy bearing the same name was made using electronic communications by means of which the majority of principal dancers and first soloists of the Belgrade Ballet submitted their artistic confessions: Mirjana Zdravković, Maja Kovačević, Ljiljana Hmela, Ljiljana Šaranović, Milica Bezmarević, Zoja Begoli, Ana Pavlović, Mila Dragičević, Tamara Ivanović-Pingović, Aleksandar Ilić, Milan Rus, Olga Olćan, Dejan Kolarov, Sanja Ninković, Bojana Žegarac and Miloš Marijan. The principal dancers Jovan Veselinović and Jovica Begojev did not send their confessions. In the chapter “Bright Artistic Trail“ (Svetao umetnički trag) the author wrote about Anika Radošević and Milica Jovanović. In the chapter “From the Mist of Memories“ (Iz magline sećanja) the author gives the portraits of Janka Atanasova, Ljiljana Dulović and Boris Radak. In the same chapter, Sonja Lapatanov and Slobodan Jocić write down the memories of jazz ballet promoters on Serbia TV. In her trilogy Dance That Means Life Milica Zajcev presented 70 ballet dancers belonging to different generations whose performance marked the history of Serbian ballet in Belgrade. She published the paper Artistic Dance on the Pages of the Pozorište Magazine (Umetnička igra na stranicama lista “Pozorište“) covering the period from 1992 to 2003 in the Proceedings of Matica Srpska for Stage Arts 284 and Music, No. 45, devoted to the 150th anniversary of the Serbian National Theatre in Novi Sad. Katarina Tomašević is a member of the Matica Srpska Committee on Stage Arts and Music, and the reviewer of the Proceedings of Matica Srpska for Stage Arts and Music. She leads the project “The Serbian Theatre and Music of the Baroque Period“ (Srpsko pozorište i muzika baroknog perioda) (2010-2012) of the Matica Srpska Department of Stage Arts and Music. She published the essay Musical Travel Along the Danube in the First Half of the 18th Century (Muzičko putovanje Dunavom u prvoj polovini 18. veka) (the collection of papers entitled Along the Danube from Bezdan to Belgrade /Dunavom of Bezdana do Beograda), published by the SASA Institute for Balkan Studies. Biljana Milanović was a consultant on staging the performance of Miloje Milojević's ballet The Valet's Broom (Sobareva metla). She wrote an analysis of Milojević's work for the programme booklet for the whole evening event entitled “Two Serbian Ballets“ (Dva srpska baleta). The Valet’s Broom was performed together with Dušan Radić’s Ballad of the Wandering Moon (Balada o Mesecu-lutalici), directed and choreographed by Aleksandar Ilić. She published the paper Politics in the Context of the “Opera Question“ at the National Theatre on the Eve of the First World War (Politika u kontekstu “operskog pitanja“ u Narodnom pozorištu pred Prvi svetski rad (Muzikologija, No. 12, Year XII). Nadežda Mosusova – published the following works: 1) “Koštana“ by Petar Konjović. The Seventieth Anniversary of Its Premiere (“Koštana“ Petra Konjovića. Sedamdeset godina od prvog izvodjenja) (Muzički talas, No. 39, Year XVI) and 2) Modern Dance in Serbia. On the 130th Anniversary of Maga Magazinović’s Birth and 100th Anniversary of Her School (Moderna igra u Srbiji. Povodom stotridesetogodišnjice rodjenja Mage Magazinović i stogodišnjice njene škole), 14th Pedagogical Forum of Stage Arts (Proceedings) (Četrnaesti pedagoški formu scenskih umetnosti / zbornik radova), published by the Faculty of Music. Mirka Pavlović continued to study Serbian theatre plays with musical numbers. COMMITTEE FOR THE DICTIONARY ON FINE ARTS TERMS (Academician Milan Lojanica) Project: DICTIONARY ON FINE ARTS TERMS In the first half of the year the final copyediting activities were completed. They included the editing of the outgoing text versions for the entries 285 that were not completely processed, or were subsequently added in the final stage. Special attention was devoted to the editing of all illustrative material, including the preparation of a new set of illustrations to replace those from the previous stage of work which, in cooperation with Zavod za udžbenike, proved to be technically inadequate. The additional captions of the adopted illustrations were also checked. The Editorial Office and Committee for the Dictionary decided that the title of the book should definitely be “Dictionary of Fine Arts and Architecture“ (Rečnik likovnih umetnosti i arhitekture) and that in defining its visual design, as a very important aspect, the graphic editor at Zavod za udžbenike should adhere to the concept and suggestions of Academician Lojanica who is the Editor-in-Chief of the Dictionary. COMMITTEE FOR THE HISTORY OF SERBIAN MUSIC (Academician Vlastimir Trajković) After being appointed President of the SASA Committee for the History of Serbian Music, I convened the Committee meeting in agreement with Dr. Danica Petrović, Director of the SASA Institute of Musicology. The Committee considered the ideas for reviving its work (by project) and, after an exhaustive discussion, it was concluded that the members of the Committee should put forward the relevant proposals during the coming calendar year (certainly before October 2012). An exhaustive study was received only from Academician Isidora Žebeljan, whose content was fully approved by Vlastimir Trajković, President of the Committee. The study was also substantively accepted at the meeting of the Department of Fine Arts and Music. There is no doubt that the work on compiling, filing and publicizing sheet music forming part of Serbian art music heritage – the material that is currently in a state of disastrous neglect and is not accessible for performance or musicological research ─ represents the formationally possible and urgently needed field of action within the work on the history of Serbian music. Since other Committee members did not submit their projections of future activities, despite being asked to do so, I hold that А. The Committee for the History of Serbian Music should not be dissolved despite its decades-long inactivity; instead, its future work should be project-oriented. Projects should be based on the guidelines for work on Serbian art music heritage, as was explained in Academician Isidora Žebeljan’s study presented to the Department or, in other words, 286 B. Bearing in mind the mentioned projections of the Committee’s work, its composition should be adjusted to it. To this end, the new composition of the Committee would include the following composers and musicologists: 1. President of the Committee, Academician Vlastimir Trajković, composer; 2. Academician Isidora Žebeljan, composer; 3. Milana Stojadinović Milić, composer and professor at the Faculty of Music in Belgrade, and 4. Borislav Čičovački, oboist and a PhD candidate in musicology at the University of Amsterdam. Project: OLGA JEVRIĆ’S LEGACY IN THE SASA The Plan and Programme for the Protection and Presentation of Olga Jevrić’s Legacy Fund were prepared. 1. The expert and scientific processing of the Legacy Fund started: – The single Inventory Book of Olga Jevrić's Legacy Fund was created and the data on all 147 sculptures comprising the Legacy Fund were recorded in it. Complete documentation was processed according to the content criterion. A precise inventory and filing of this documentation, its keeping and processing, as well as an adequate material and data classification are of utmost significance for easy data retrieval; – A precise inventory of sculptures was made; – The works were identified together with the authors; – Electronic cards of sculptures, including their photographs and catalogue, were created; at the same time, preparations for the formation of a database were made. – The already existing data were harmonized: the ordinal numbers and inventory numbers in the inventory book, electronic cards and cards containing the data on the sculptures from Olga Jevrić's Legacy Fund kept in the documentation of the SASA Art Gallery; – 103 photographs of Olga Jevrić’s sculptures, which belong to the Documentation on the Academicians’ Works from the SASA Art Collection, authored by Vladimir Popović, were scanned for the first time and preserved in digital form (40 sculptures from the Legacy Fund were not photographed); – The coloured and black-and-white working photographs of all 143 sculptures were made in as found condition, from four angles, in August 2012. The cultural legacy documentation formed in this way is of great importance for the conservation of sculptures, since it represents the process of recording the information possessed and emitted by sculptures; 287 – A portion of the collected archival material: catalogues, depliants, exhibition guides, sound recordings, notes, letters, testimonies, photographs, etc. were processed; – Some catalogues were scanned and filed in electronic form; – Curator Jelena Mežinski-Milovanović provided insight into the documentation of the SASA Art Collection, which is available in digitized form (CD-DVD) and refers to the academicians' works, since it is needed for the formation of the unique documentation of Olga Jevrić's Legacy; 2. The e-mail address of Olga Jevrić’s Legacy at the SASA (legat.oj@ sanu.ac.rs) was opened in July 2012; 3. The internet presentation of Olga Jevrić's Legacy was opened within the web presentation of the SASA Gallery. The content of the presentation was created by curator Žaklina Marković at the suggestion of the legator, Academician Olga Jevrić. The presentation contains the following pages: – The biography of Academician Olga Jevrić; – The list of works (tha catalogue with the photographs of all 143 sculptures comprising the fund); – The artist's awards; – Olga Jevrić's one-person exhibitions; – Olga Jevrić's international exhibitions; – Mileta Prodanović's text – Miniature / Monumental in Olga Jevrić's Sculpture (Minijaturno / monumentalno u skulpturi Olge Jevrić). – The text by Academician Svetomir Arsić Basara – Sculpture by OLGA JEVRIĆ: Sublimated Cosmic Harmony (Skulptura Olge Jevrić: sublimirana kosmička harmonija). – Friends of the Legacy (listing the institutions whose donations enabled the opening of the Permanent Exhibition of Olga Jevrić's Legacy at the SASA); 4. The funds were provided and the Legacy budget was increased thanks to an active participation in competitions for donations to cultural institutions; 5. Expert support and cooperation with Jovan Ćirilov and Professor Dr. Jerko Denegri was agreed. Within the Permanent Exhibition of Olga Jevrić's Legacy it is necessary to publish the descriptive methodological catalogues of the collection in printed or digitized form. Finally, research also anticipates the popularization of the Legacy. Popularization must be supplemented by publications intended for the general public, both domestic and foreign. Depending one available funds, it is planned to print the bilingual depliant, exhibition guide and desriptive methodological catalogue of Olga Jevrić’s Legacy exhibition at the SASA. 288 Andrija Teodosijević's preliminary design of the exhibition of Olga Jevrić's Legacy at the SASA was accepted at the proposal of the Secretary of the Department of Fine Arts and Music, Academician Milan Lojanica, and with the consent of Academician Olga Jevrić. This preliminary design will enable the permanent exhibition of Olga Jevrić’s Legacy to acchieve its aim – longevity, sustainability, innovativeness and thoughtfulness. Olga Jevrić’s Legacy at the SASA has the premises, collection and staff. We plan to carry out widely varied promotional activities that are directly associated with the Legacy: guided visits, audio guide and other forms of cultural presentation; pedagogical presentations for young people; lectures; cooperation with the Tourist Organization of Belgrade; networking with other cultural factors at the national level. Those 147 sculptures comprising Olga Jevrić’s Legacy at the SASA represent the most significant achievement in our contemporary art. Thus, they call for serious protection, comprehensive scientific research and regular presentation. The work of our artist, which is well-known both in our country and abroad, deserves such an approach. At the same time, it obliges us to provide special funds with an aim to record her own testimony about her work. Olga Jevrić's Legacy at the SASA is not yet open to the public. The realization of this project will enable its opening to the public, thus providing a much better insight, adequately equipped space, depliants, catalogues and museographic solution adjusted to the technological progress of our time. 289 CENTRE FOR SCIENTIFIC RESEARCH OF SASA AND UNIVERSITY OF NIŠ At the Elective Assembly of SASA, which was held on 1 November 2012, the members of the Centre, SASA Corresponding Members Vladisav Stefanović, Gradimir Milovanović and Ninoslav Stojadinović were elected Full Members of SASA, while Professor Dr. Milorad Mitković was elected Corresponding Member of SASA. ONGOING PROJECTS •The Study of Endemic Nephropathy in South-Eastern Serbia (Izučavanje endemske nefropatije u jugoistočnoj Srbiji) •The Study of Endemic Nephropathy and Urothelial Tumours in Serbia (Istraživanje endemske nefropatije i tumora urotelijuma u Srbiji) •Early Predictors of Outcome in Ischemic Stroke Patients: Ischemic Stroke Biomarkers (Rani prediktori ishoda kod obolelih od ishemijskog moždanog udara: biomarkeri ishemijskog moždanog udara) •Epidemiological Characteristics of Falling Ill with Neorological Diseases (Epidemiološke karakteristike oboljevanja od neuroloških bolesti) •Typological Studies of Serbian Speech in South-Eastern Serbia (Tipološko proučavanje srpskih govora na jugoistoku Srbije) •The Culture of Language in Public Life (Jezička kultura javnog života) •Dialectological Studies of the Serbian Linguistic Area (Dijalektološka istraživanja srpskog jezičkog prostora) •The Promotion and Popularization of the Science of Language Among Youth – The Serbian, Bulgarian and Romanian Languages in the Light of Linguistic Interference (Promocija i popularizacija nauke o jeziku kod mladih – srpski, bugarski i rumunski jezik u svetlu jezičke interferencije) •Literary and Cultural Life in South-Eastern Serbia in the 19th and 20th Centuries (Književni i kulturni život na jugoistoku Srbije u 19. i 20. veku) •Cultural Encyclopedia of Niš (Kulturna enciklopedija Niša) 290 •Traditional Aesthetic Culture of Serbs (Tradicionalna estetska kultura Srba) • The Population of The Population of South-Eastern Serbia – Social and Cultural Dynamics (Stanovništvo jugoistočne Srbije – društvena i kulturna dinamika) •Socio-Cultural Circumstances and Emotional Problems of Youth in a Time of Transition (Socio-kulturne prilike i emocionalni problemi omladine u vreme tranzicije) •The Settlements and Population of South-Eastern Serbia: 13th-19th Centuries (Naselja i stanovništvo jugoistočne Srbije: 13-19. vek) •The Promotion of Interdisciplinary Cooperation in the Field of Cognitive Sciences (Unapredjenje interdisciplinarne saradnje u oblasti kognitivnih nauka) •Marking the 1700th Anniversary of the Proclamation of the Edict of Milan at the University of Niš (Obeležavanje 1700. godišnjice proglašenja Milanskog edikta na Univerzitetu u Nišu) SCIENTIFIC MEETINGS • The Impact of Demographic Changes in South-Eastern Serbia on Social Development and Security (Uticaj demografskih promena u jugoistočnoj Srbiji na društveni razvoj i bezbednost), Niš, University of Niš (25 May 2012). The Second Scientific National Symposium under the project The Population of South-Eastern Serbia: Social and Cultural Dynamics (Stanovništvo jugoistočne Srbije: društvena i kulturna dinamika) (project leader: Dr. Ljubiša Mitrović, Professor Emeritus), in cooperation with the Centre for Sociological Research of the Faculty of Philosophy, University of Niš – project: Tradition, Modernization and National Identity in Serbia and the Balkans in the Process of European Integration (Tradicija, modernizacija i nacionalni identitet u Srbiji i na Balkanu u procesu evropskih integracija). Thirty six statements were presented by participants from Belgrade, Bor, Vranje, Kosovska Mitrovica, Niš and Novi Sad (Section for Social Sciences) • Scientific Symposium on Iatrogenization of Psychiatric Patients (Jatrogenizacija psihijatrijskih pacijenata). Symposium organizer: Psychiatric Clinic; Symposium manager: Julijana Nikolić Popović (Section for Medical Sciences). • The Implementation of Information Technologies in the Treatment of Patients with Cerebrovascular Diseases (Primena informacionih tehnologija u obradi bolesnika sa cerebrovaskularnim bolestima). The Second Interdisciplinary Symposium, accredited by the Health Council of the Republic of Serbia. Faculty of Medicine, University of Niš, October 2012, 260 participants. 291 Course organizers: Professor Dr. Miroslava Živković (Faculty of Medicine in Niš) and Professor Dr. Dragan Janković (Faculty of Electronics in Niš) (Section for Medical Sciences). • Benzodiazepine Addiction (Benzodijazepinska zavisnost). Clinic for Mental Health Protection. Course organizer: Dr. Olivera Žikić, Assistant Professor (Section for Medical Sciences). WORKSHOPS AND PUBLIC LECTURES • Cognitive Science Symposium of the Centre for Scientific Research of the SASA and the University of Niš: Professor Todd Oakley, Chair of the Department of Cognitive Science of the Case Western Reserve University (USA), visited the University of Niš, Cognitive Science Forum of the Centre and Faculty of Philosophy, University of Niš, from 24 to 28 April 2012. Professor Oakley conducted two workshops (“Force Dynamics as Applied to Discourse“ and “Mental Spaces, Blending Theory: Issues and Applications“) for final year students, students pursuing master studies, teaching assistants and professors at the Faculty of Philosophy in Niš, one plenary lecture within the conference entitled Language, Literature Values (Jezik, književnost, vrednosti) (“How Attention and Language Conspire to Create Meaning“), one lecture within the Cognitive Science Forum at the University of Niš (“Externalism as a Viable Stance in Cognitive Science“), as well as a presentation at the American Corner in Niš (“Studies in Cleveland and Northeast Ohio: Possibilities for International Students“). Professor Oakley’s visit was supported by the US Embassy in Belgrade, University of Niš and Faculty of Philosophy of the University of Niš. PUblications Stojanov D., Ilic M., Bosnjakovic P., Zivkovic M., Jolic S., Vukasinovic N., Ignjatovic A., Ilic B., Benedeto-Stojanov D., 2012: New Ischemic Brain Lesions on Diffusion-Weighted MRI after Carotid Artery Stenting with Filter Protection: Frequency and Relationship with Plaque Morphology. American Journal оf Neuroradiology, 33 (4), 708‒714. Jankovic Velickovic L., Ristic Petrovic A., Stojnev S., Dolicanin Z., Hattori T., Sugihara H., Mukaisho K., Stojanovic M., Stefanovic V., 2012: Angiogenesis in upper tract urothelial carcinoma associated with Balkan endemic nephropathy. International Journal of Clinical and Experimental Pathology, 5 (7), 674‒683. BOOK PRESENTATIONS Miodrag Petković, Beny Neta, Ljiljana Petković, Jovana Džunić, Multipoint Methods for Solving Nonlinear Equations (Višetačkasti metodi za 292 rešavanje nelinearnih jednačina, Elsevier, Academic Press, 2013). University of Niš, 14 December 2012 (Department of Mathematics, Physics and Earth Sciences). •Zoran J. Maksimović: Scientific Opus (Zoran J. Maksimović: naučni opis). Edited by: Professor Dr. Aleksandar Kerković, Belgrade / Niš: Centre for Scientific Research of the SASA and University of Niš, 2012, 164 p. •Stjepan Ivanovič Čahotin, In Serbia and About Serbia (U Srbiji i o Srbiji), poems and epic poems. Edited by: Miroljub M. Stojanović. The authographs’ interpretation and translation: Nadežda Lainović Stojanović and Miroljub Stojanović. Niš: Centre for Scientific Research of the SASA and University of Niš, 2012, 277 p. The poems and epic poems by Stepan Ivanovich Chakhotin, Russian Consul in Niš in the period 1895-1915, were discovered and published for the first time. •Lexical Layers: Contributions to the Frequency Dictionary of the Serbian Language (Leksički slojevi: prilozi frekvencijskom rečniku srpskog jezika). Edited by: Nedeljko Bogdanović and Ana Savić Grujić. Niš: Centre for Scientific Research of the SASA and University of Niš, 2012, 141 p. The published papers are devoted to the linguistic layers and contribute to the Serbian frequency dictionary, in an analysis of the works by Borislav Stanković, Stevan Sremac, Slobodan Džunić, Saša Hadži Tančić, Radosav Stojanović and Branko Miljković. •Papers (Radovi). The collection of works by young scientists in the field of the science of Serbian language and Serbian literature. Niš, Centre for Scientific Research of the SASA and University of Niš, Department of the Serbian Language of the Faculty of Philosophy in Niš, and the West University of Timisoara, 2012, 93 p. Edited by: Aleksandra Janić. •The Population of South-Eastern Serbia 2: The Impact of Demographic Changes in South-Eastern Serbia on Social Development and Security (Stanovništvo jugoistočne Srbije 2: Uticaj demografskih promena u jugoistočnoj Srbiji na društveni razvoj i bezbednost). Editor and author of the preface: Dr. Ljubiša Mitrović, Centre for Scientific Research of the SASA and University of Niš – Department of Social Sciences, Faculty of Philosophy, University of Niš – Centre for Sociological Research, 2012, 444 p. The Proceedings of the Second Scientific National Symposium within the project The Population of South-Eastern Serbia: Social and Cultural Dynamics (Stanovništvo jugoistočne Srbije: društvena i kulturna dinamika), held at the University of Niš, 24 May 2012. •Family, Adolescents, Transition (Porodica, adolescenti, tranzicija). Edited by: Professor Dr. Tatjana Stefanović Stanojević. Niš, University of Niš. Niš: Centre for Scientific Resarch of the SASA and University of Niš – Section for Social Sciences, 2012, 227 p. Proceedings of the Third Scientific Symposium with international participation within the project Socio-Cultural 293 Circumstances and Emotional Problems of Youth in a Time of Transition (Socio-kulturne prilike i emocionalni problemi omladine u vreme tranzicije), held on 9 December 2012. ENCYCLOPEDIC WORK •The work on the preparation of the sixth volume of The Encyclopedia of Niš (Enciklopedija Niša), devoted to sports, continued. The Editorial Board was formed. It determined the abecedarium of entities and began to write them. Main Editor: Professor Dr. Miroljub M. Stojanović; Volume Editor: Professor Dr. Nenad Živanović (Section for Language and Literature). •Preparations for the seventh volume of The Encyclopedia of Niš, dedicated to education and science, began. It should be prepared for printing by September 2013 and published by the end of the year (Section for Language and Literature). MARKING THE 1700th ANNIVERSARY OF THE PROCLAMATION OF THE EDICT OF MILAN The Senate of the University of Niš appointed the members of the Committee for marking the 1700th anniversary of the proclamation of the Edict of Milan. The Centre made the Programme of Marking the 1700th Anniversary of the Edict of Milan at the University of Niš (Program obeležavanja 1700. godišnjice proglašenja Milanskog edikta na Univerzitetu u Nišu). The proposal was accepted by the Professional and Scientific Council of Centre, while its expanded version was also accepted by the Committee, at its session held on 11 December 2012. The realization of the Programme was entrusted to the Centre for Scientific Research of the SASA and University of Niš. 294 CENTRE FOR SCIENTIFIC RESEARCH OF SASA AND UNIVERSITY OF KRAGUJEVAC During 2012, the Centre carried out the following activities: 1. Two scientific monographs were published; 2. Three scientific and professional events were organized; 3. Some other scientific and professional events were also supported; 4. Several scientific research topics, to which the Centre provides token financial support, were selected. Publishing Activity 1. Мolecular Modelling (Molekulsko modeliranje) by Professor Dr. Svetlana Marković, Faculty of Science, University of Kragujevac, and Professor Dr. Zoran Marković, State University in Novi Pazar. 2. Тheoretical Basis for the Automated Design of Motor Vehicles (Teorijske osnove automatizovanog projektovanja motornih vozila) by Professor Dr. Miroslav Demić, Faculty of Engineering Sciences, University of Kragujevac. Оrganization of Scientifc and Professional Events In 2012, the following scientific-professional events were organized: 1. Round Table on Academician Vojislav Djurić – 100th Birth Anniversary (Akademik Vojislav Djurić – 100 godina od rodjenja), was held at the University Gallery, within the celebration of the Day of the City of Kragujevac and the Day of the University in Kragujevac, on 18 May 2012. 2. The Centre organized the scientific meeting on Dragoslav Srejović and Mythology (Dragoslav Srejović i mitologija) on 29 November 2019, as the fourth in a series of meetings devoted to Academician Dragoslav Srejović. At the ceremonial opening of this meeting the speeches were delivered by Academician Dimitrije Stefanović, Secretary General of SASA (on behalf 295 of SASA), Professor Dr Slobodan Arsenijević, Rector (on behalf of the University of Kragujevac), Professor Dr Zoran Todorović, a member of the City Council in Charge of Cooperation with the University, Academician Vidojko Jović, Chairman of the Programme Board of the Meeting, and Academician Ivan Gutman, Director of the Centre. On this occasion, an excerpt from the documentary film shot during a lecture delivered by Academician Dr.agoslav Srejović, was exclusively shown. The work of the meeting was carried out in two sessions: Myth and Religion (Mit i religija) and Roman Religion (Rimska religija). After the presentations, the premiere of the documentary film Geogeometry of Lepenski Vir (Geogeomtrija Lepenskog Vira) was shown. 1. The monograph “Molecular Modelling“ (Molekulsko modeliranje) was presented at the University Gallery on 8 November 2012. Support to Scientific and Professional Events 1. At the proposal of Dr. Dragana Ignjatović Ristić, Professor at the Faculty of Medical Sciences in Kragujevac, the Centre participated in the organization of the accredited seminar on “Ethical Issues of the End of Life“ (Etička pitanja kraja života), which was organized by the Medical Chamber of Serbia from 30 to 31 March 2012. 2. At the initiative of Dr. Miroslav Demić, Professor at the Faculty of Engineering Sciences, the Centre was one of the organizers of the Congress “Motor Vehicles & Motors 2012“, which was held at the Faculty of Engineering Sciences in Kragujevac on 4 October 2012. Work on Research Topics In December 2011, the Centre issued a public call for cooperation, which was intended for professors at the University of Kragujevac. At the session of the Professional and Scientific Council of the Centre, which was held on 29 March 2012, it was decided to realize and finance 6 research projects from among the proposed activities and research projects. For a topic to be approved, its carrier has to document that he/she has lately achieved significant scientific results. 1. “Research and Development of Net-Zero Exergy Buildings (ZEB)“ (Istraživanje i razvoj kuća sa neto-nultom potrošnjom eksergije /KNEP/), Dr. Milorad Bojić, Faculty of Engineering Sciences, Kragujevac; 2. “Toponomastic Investigations of Kragujevac and Its Surroundings“ (Toponomastička istraživanja Kragujevca i okoline), Professor Dr. Radivoje Mladenović and Dr. Vladimir Polomac, Assistant Professor, Faculty of Philology and Arts, Department of Serbian Language, Kragujevac; 296 3. Synthesis, characterization and crystal Structure of 4-hydroxy-3-(1-ptolylimino)ethyl)-2H-chromen-2-one-palladium(II) and structural chromone derivative complex (Sinteza, karakterizacija i kristalna struktura kompleksa paladijuma(II) i strukturnog derivata hromona 4-hidroksi-3-(1-r-tolilimino) еtil)-2H-hromen-2-ona), Professor Dr. Srećko Trifunović, Faculty of Science, Kragujevac; 4. “Study of the SET-PT Mechanism of Quercetin“ (Istraživanje SETPT mehanizma kod kercetina), Professor Dr. Svetlana Marković, Faculty of Science, Kragujevac; 5. “Geometry of Sub-multiplicity and Its Applications“ (Geometrija podmnogostrukosti i njene primene), Professor Dr. Miroslava Petrović Torgašev, Faculty of Science, Kragujevac; 6. “Gifts of Nature – Proven Guardians of Our Health“ (Darovi prirode – provereni čuvari našeg zdravlja), Dr. Vladimir Kurćubić, Assistant Professor, Faculty of Agriculture, Čačak. The reports on the work on the mentioned topics are kept in the archives of the Centre. 297 INTERNATIONAL COOPERATION IN 2012 The international cooperation of the Serbian Academy of Sciences and Arts is carried out through: – The exchange of researchers under bilateral agreements on scientific cooperation (inter-academy, inter-institutional and inter-state). Non-foreign currency exchange was carried out with 20 national academies under 153 joint research projects, whereby 98 man/weeks were used for the exchange of researchers. – Multilateral cooperation, which implies the activities related to the programmes financed from the European Commission’s and other funds (FP 6, FP 7, EUREKA, TEMPUS, CERN, COST, HORIZON 2020). – Membership in non-governmental international scientific associations at all levels or, more precisely, at the global level: IAP – Global Network of Science Academies, International Council for Science (ICSU), International Union of Academies (�������������������������������������������� UAI),��������������������������������������� UNESCO; at the European level: European Federation of National Academies of Sciences and Humanities (ALLEA), European Academy od Sciences and Arts (EASA), European Academy of Arts, Sciences and Humanities (EAASH); at the regional level: Central and East European Network of Academies (CЕEN), Global Round Table, EuroMediterranean Academy Network (ЕМАN), Danube Academies Conferences (DAC), International Centre for Black Sea Studies (ICBSS), and at the Balkan level: Inter-Academy Council for South-East Europe (IAC SEE). – Participation in international scientific meetings abroad, as well as the organization of such meetings in the country. – Lecturing by renowned foreign and domestic scientists. International Activities of SASA In 2012, SASA representatives took an active part in numerous and diverse international meetings. 298 ings: The participation of SASA representatives in major international meet- – European Academy od Sciences and Arts, Salzburg, 3 March 2012; Academician Ljubiša Rakić. – Second Danube Academies Conference, Smolenice, 8-9 March 2012; Academician Zoran Kovačević. – Royal Academy od Sciences, Madrid, 25-29 March 2012; Academician Nikola Hajdin. – General Assembly of the European Federation of National Academies of Sciences and Humanities (ALLEA), Rome, 11-12 April 2012; Academician Ljubiša Rakić. – Assembly of the Austrian Academy of Sciences, Vienna, 9 May 2012; Academician Nikola Hajdin. International Conference on “Humanities and the Contemporary World“ (Humanističke nauke i savremeni svet), Podgorica, 7-9 June 2012; Academician Vojislav Stanovčić and Academician Dragoljub Živojinović. – Ceremonial Session of the Academy od Sciences and Arts of the Republic of Srpska, Banja Luka, 11 June 2012; Academician Ljubiša Rakić. – Workshop “Serbia-Italy: Statues and Perspectives of Scientific and Technological Bilateral Cooperation“ (Srbija-Italija: Status i perspektive naučne i tehnološke bilateralne saradnje), Belgrade, 25 June 2012; Academician Ljubiša Rakić. – Conference on “The Role of Competition and Innovation in the Job Creation and Economic Growth of the Danube Region“ (Uloga konkurencije i inovacija u otvaranju novih radnih mesta i ekonomskom rastu podunavskog regiona), Bucharest, 28-29 June 2012; Professor Dr. Ljubiša Adamović. – International Meeting of the Academy of Sciences and Arts of the Republic of Srpska on “The Republic of Srpska, Twenty Years of Development – Achievements, Challenges and Perspectives” (Republika Srpska, dvadeset godina razvoja – dostignuća, izazovi i perspektive), Banja Luka, 17-18 September 2012; Academician Ljubomir Maksimović and Professor Dr. Slavenko Terzić. – Third Danube Academies Conferences, Budapest, 24-25 September 2012; Academician Ljubiša Rakić and Academician Vladimir Stevanović. – Annual Meeting of European ICSU Members, Helsinki, 2-3 October 2012; Academician Ljubiša Rakić. – Conference of the European Academy of Sciences “The Future of Science in the 21st Century – Sustainability“, Liège, 24-26 October 2012; Academician Nikola Hajdin. – International Slavist Conference “Slavic Languages, Literatures and Cultures in the European Context“ (Slovenski jezici, književnosti i kulture u 299 evropskom kontekstu), Podgorica, 8-9 November 2012; Academician Predrag Piper. – 40th Anniversary of the Albanian Academy of Sciences, Tirana, 12 November 2012; Academician Ljubiša Rakić. *** In 2012, the SASA signed the following documents: Agreement on Danube Academies’ Multulateral Cooperation. On behalf of SASA, the Agreement was signed by Academician Ljubiša Rakić at the Third Danube Academies’ Conference in Budapest on 25 September 2012. In November 2012, on behalf of SASA, Academician Nikola Hajdin signed the Amendment to the Letter of Intent defining the forms of future coperation between the SASA and Joint Research Centre of the European Commission. The Agreement on Scientific Cooperation Between the SASA and University of Banja Luka was signed in February. The Agreement was signed by SASA President, Academician Nikola Hajdin, and Rector of the University of Banja Luka, Professor Dr. Stanko Stanić. *** The Serbian Academy of Sciences and Arts played host to a certain number of representatives of renowned foreign and domestic institutions. Bilateral Scientific Cooperation Under the Concluded Agreements The Serbian Academy of Sciences and Arts has signed bilateral agreements on scientific cooperation with 20 academies of sciences. These agreements cover 153 research projects and anticipate 195 man/weeks a year for the exchange of domestic and foreign researchers on a non-foreign-currency basis. In 2012, 98 man/weeks were unsed, which represents a 28 % decrease compared to the previous year. Out of this number foreign researchers used 46 weeks (or 37 % less than previous year) and domestic researchers used 52 weeks (18 % less than previous year). The main reason for this decrease should be sought in the lack of funds faced by the Academy during the year. In 2012, the Serbian Academy of Sciences and Arts organized 13 scientific meetings, 10 lectures, one ceremonial meeting marking the Day of the Academy and five commemorative meetings. 300 SCIENTIFIC MEETINGS AND LECTURES IN 2012 Scientific Meetings 28 March 2012, Social, Political and Scientific Thought of Sima Marković (Društveno-politička i naučna misao Sime Markovića). 24 April 2012, Immune Mechanisms in the Preservation of Health and in Disease (Imuni mehanizmi u očuvanju zdravlja i u bolesti). 9-12 May 2012, Second Symposium on Population and Evolution Genetics (Drugi simposium populacione i evolucione genetike). 14-15 June 2012, 50th Jubilee Meeting of the Serbian Chemical Society. 3-8 September 2012, three conferences were organized on the occasion of the 50th anniversary of the Seminar for Analysis: Topics in PDE, Microlocal and Time-frequency Analysis (PDEMTA), Contemporary Problems of Mechanics and Applied Mathematics (MechAM) and Mathematical Logic and General Topology (Log Top). 2-3 October 2012, Еnergy and the Environment (Energetika i životna sredina). 18-19 October 2012, The First Balkan War 1912/13: Historical Processes and Problems in the Light of the Centennial Experience (Prvi balkanski rat 1912/13: istorijski procesi i problemi u svetlosti stogodišnjeg iskustva). 9 November 2012, “Petar Arežina“ Investigations in Neurological Rehabilitation („Petar Arežina“ Istraživanja u neurološkoj rehabilitaciji). 15-16 November 2012, Janko Veselinović 1862-2012. 22–24 November, Fifth Swedish-Serbian Symposium on the topic Sweden/Serbia and Europe – Periphery or not? (Švedska/Srbija i Evropa – periferija ili ne?). 24 November 2012, Epigenetic Controversies in Human Reproduction – Return to the Future (Epigenetske kontroverze u humanoj reprodukciji – povratak u budućnost). 301 23-24 November 2012, Education: Serbia’s Development Potential (Obrazovanje: razvojni potencijal Srbije). 11 December 2012, The Committee for Cardiovascular Pathology celebrated its 30th anniversary. Ceremonial Meetings On 19 November 2012, the Serbian Academy held the ceremonial meeting devoted to the Day of the Academy. On this occasion the speeches were delivered by the President of SASA, Academician Nikola Hajdin, and Tomislav Nikolić, President of the Republic of Serbia. At the ceremonial meeting the newly established awards in physics and related sciences, as well as in chemical, biological and related sciences were conferred. The SASA award-giving ceremony was followed by the conferring of election charters and pins to the newly elected corresponding members. Commemorative Meetings The Serbian Academy of Sciences and Arts held five commemorative meetings devoted to the memory of its deceased full members: Academicians Miroslac Pantić, Aleksandar Fira, Marko Ercegovac, Čedomir Popov and Miloš Blagojević. Lectures Professor Dr. Hermann Maurer, 7 February 2012, Why Wikipedia Is not Enough? (Zašto vikipedija nije dovoljna?); Professor Dr. Blagovest Sendov, 4 April 2012, Hausdorff Geometry of Polynomials (Hausdorfova geometrija polinoma); Corresponding Member Zaviša Janjić, 4 May 2012, Contemporary Methods of Numerical Modelling of the Atmosphere (Savremeni metodi numeričkog modeliranja atmosfere); Professor Dr. Stanko Stojilković, 14 May 2012, The Structure, Activity and Function of Purinergic P2X Channels (Struktura, aktivnost i funkcija purinskih P2X kanala); Professor Dr. Volker Mehrmann, 13 June 2012, Modelling and Optimization of Real-World Processes: New Mathematics for Key Technologies (Modeliranje i optimizacija savremenih procesa: nova matematika za ključne tehnologije); Professor Dr. Luigi and Professor Dr. Tommaso Ruggeri, 3-8 September 2012, lectures within the celebration of the 50th anniversary of the Seminar for Analysis and Foundations of Mathematics; 302 Professor Dr. Dimitri Mikhailidis, 4 October 2012, Carotid and Aneurysmatic Disease – The Role of Dyslipidemia (Karottidna i aneurizmatska bolest – uloga dislipidemije); Professor Dr. Ivo Šlaus, 23 October 2012, The Responsibility of Intellectuals – The Role of the World Academy (Odgovornost intelektualaca – uloga Svetske akademije); Professor Dr. Nikolaos Makris, 20 November 2012, From Hooke’s Hanging Chain and Milankovitch’s Druckkurven to a Variational Formulation: The Adventure of the Thrust-Line of Masonry Arches (Od Hukovog visećeg lanca i Milankovićevih potisnih krivih do varijacionog metoda: istorija pritisne krive kod građevinskih lukova); Professor Dr. Milutin Blagojević, 18 December 2012, Theory of Gravity with Local Symmetry (Teorija gravitacije sa lokalnom simetrijom). 303 PUBLISHING ACTIVITY IN 2012 In 2012, the SASA published 23 titles in 25 volumes, totalling about 680 author’s sheets, or 730 press sheets. In these edition, 200 authors published 165 works. For the SASA these volumes were published in 60,500 copies altogether (the brochure “Why and How to Get Organized into Cooperatives“ / Zašto i kako se organizovati u zadruge/ was printed in 50,000 copies). Presidency • Almanac (Godišnjak) CXVIII, for 2011 Department for Mathematics, Physics and Earth Sciences • Bulletin, tome CXLIV, Classe des sciences mathématiqes et naturelles. Sciences mathématiques, No 37. • Detailed Geomorphological Map of Serbia, Zaječar Section (Detaljna geomorfološka karta Srbije, sekcija Zaječar). Authors: Ljubomir Menković and Božidar Vasiljević Department of Chemical and Biological Sciences • Flora of Serbia 2 (Flora Srbije 2) • Biographies and Bibliographies, Volume XIII. Committee for the Study of the Lives and Works of the Scientists in Serbia and Scientists of Serbian Origin, The Lives and Works of Serbian Scientists (Biografije i bibliografije, knjiga XIII. Odbor za proučavanje života i rada naučnika u Srbiji i naučnika srpskog porekla / Život i delo srpskih naučnika) • Special Series DCLXX. Vol. 7. Marija Milutinović, Željko Radulović. Snežana Tomanović, Zlatibor Petrović, Ticks (Acari: Ixodidae, Ar304 gadidae, Argasidae) of Serbia (Krpelji /Acari: Ixodidae, Argasidae/ Srbije) • Committee on Village, Djordje Bugarin, Danilo Tomić, Branislav Gulan, Why and How to Get Organized into Cooperatives (Zašto i kako se organizovati u zadruge) Department of Technical Sciences • SASA Gallery of Science and Technology 13. Mihajlo Idvorski Pupin – Creative Coordination (Mihajlo Idvorski Pupin – stvaralačka koordinacija) Department of Medical Sciences • Special Series DCLXXI. Vol. 38. Dragana Vučević and Miodrag Čolić, Regulatory T-Lymphocytes, Development, Functions and Clinical Significance (Regulatorni T-limfociti, razvoj, funkcije i klinički značaj) Department of Language and Literature • Serbian Dialectological Proceedings (Srpski dijalektološki zbornik), Vol. LVIII. • Glas CDXIX, Vol. 28. Department of Social Sciences • The Szentendre Cathedral Cemetery, Its Past and Inscriptions (Saborno groblje u Sentandreji, prošlost i natpisi). Edited by: Nataša Vulović, Marija Djindjić, Vladan Jovanović, Danijela Radonjić, Dimitrije E. Stefanović • Scientific Meetings (Naučni skupovi) CXXXIX, Vol. 33. Changes in Roma Identity, Culture and Language Under Conditions of Planned Socio-Economic Integration (Promene identiteta, kulture i jezika Roma u uslovima planske socijalno-ekonomske integracije) Department od Historical Sciences • Bibliographies (Bibliografije) XI. Gordana Radojčić Kostić, Bibliography of Works by Academician Dinko Davidov (Bibliografija radova akademika Dinka Davidova) • Kosovo and Metohija Proceedings (Kosovsko-metohijski zbornik) 4. 305 • Documents on the Foreign Policy of the Kingdom of Serbia 19031914 (Dokumenti o spoljnoj politici Kraljevine Srbije 1903-1914), Vol. IV, 1/I, 1/14 January – 30 April/13 May 1910; Vol. IV, 1/II, 1/14 May – 30 June/13 July 1910. Edited by: Ljiljana Aleksić-Pejaković, Kliment Džambazovski • Vardar Proceedings (Vardarski zbornik) 9 • Proceedings for the History of Bosnia and Herzegovina (Zbornik za istoriju Bosne i Hercegovine) 7 Department of Fine Arts and Music • Gallery of the Serbian Academy of Sciences and Arts 124. Tree or Life Itself (Drvo ili život sam) • Gallery of the Serbian Academy of Sciences and Arts 125. Petar Omčikus – Portraits (Petar Omčikus – portreti) • Exhibition Notebooks (Izložbene sveske) No. 34. Ljubica Cuca Sokić – Pastels (Ljubica Cuca Sokić – pasteli) • Gallery of the Serbian Academy of Sciences and Arts 126. Tome Serafimovski – The Balkan Constellation (Tome Serafimovski – Balkansko sazvežđe) • Music Series 67. Ivan Jevtić. Nine Songs from the Cycle “Seven Lyrical Circles“. Set to the Verses of Momčilo Nastasijević. Score (Devet pesama iz ciklusa Sedam lirskih krugova. Na stihove Momčila Nastasijevića. Partitura) • Мusic Series 67. Ivan Jevtić. Nine Songs from the Cycle “Seven Lyrical Circles“. Set to the Verses of Momčilo Nastasijević. Piano Score (Devet pesama iz ciklusa „Sedam lirskih krugova“. Na stihove Momčila Nastasijevića. Klavirski izvod) SASA Branch in Novi Sad • Annals of the SASA Branch in Novi Sad (Anali Ogranka SANU u Novom Sadu). No. 7 for 2011 • Chronicle of the SASA Branch in Novi Sad (Hronika Ogranka SANU u Novom Sadu), No. 1 • Sunflower Genetics and Breeding. Dragan Škorić, Gerald J. Seiler, Zhao Liu, Chao-Chien Jan, Jerry F. Miller, Laurence D. Charlet, International Monograph • HELIA International Scientific Journal,Vol. 35, No. 56, July 2012 306 • Мarija Jovancai, Bibliography of Academician Tibor Varady (Bibliografija radova akademika Tibora Varadija) • Gordana Djilas, Bibliography of Academician Mileva Prvanović (Bibliografija radova akademika Mileve Prvanović) • Are We Pro or Contra Genetically Modified Organisms in Serbia? (Da li smo za ili protiv genetski modifikovanih organizama u Srbiji?), Round Table. Science and Society (Nauka i društvo), Vol. 1. • Svetozar Petrović, Diary from India (Dnevnik iz Indije) 307 Publisher Serbian Academy of Sciences and Arts Belgrade, 35 Knez Mihailova Street www.sanu.ac.rs CIP – Каталогизација у публикацији Народна библиотека Србије, Београд 001 BULLETIN of Scientific Research : Annual Report for ... / editor-in-chief Dimitrije Stefanović. – 2003 – Belgrade : Serbian Academy of Sciences and Arts, 2004 – Belgrade: Calorgrafx). – 24 cm Godišnje. – Prevod dela : Билтен Фонда за научна истраживања – Српска академија наука и уметности = ISSN 0352-2385 ISSN 1820-340X = Bulletin of Scientific Research – Serbian Academy of Sciences and Arts COBISS.SR - ID 119943436
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