the chief editor`s quill - UniKL MIMET Official Website


the chief editor`s quill - UniKL MIMET Official Website
#04 Julai 2010
MIMET Ahoy! Kita bertemu lagi dalam edisi MIMET Ahoy! yang kedua untuk tahun 2010. Masa berlalu dengan begitu pantas dan
rasanya baru semalam Ahoy! Edisi March bertemu semua warga MIMET. Kini kita sibuk kembali dengan aktiviti-aktiviti untuk menyambut
siswa-siswi MIMET yang baru. Bagi pihak sidang editor, saya ingin mengambil kesempatan ini untuk mengalu-alukan kedatangan semua
siswa baru ke kampus ini. Dengan kehadiran anda, ini bermakna kampus ini semakin hampir untuk mencapai matlamat awal bagi menampung seramai 1500 siswa-siswi. Namun demikian, harus diingat bahawa kuantiti tidak semestinya menjamin kualiti. Malahan cabaran untuk
memastikan UniKL MIMET terus menghasilkan graduan yang bukan sahaja berilmu tetapi memiliki nilai-nilai insaniah yang mulia menjadi
semakin hebat. Sehubungan itu, sidang editorial menyeru kepada semua siswa dan siswi MIMET yang masih enak dilamun mimpi agar bangkit untuk menyahut
cabaran pasaran kerja yang semakin kompetitif. Ingatlah sekeping ijazah atau diploma tidak akan bermakna jika tidak dihiasi dengan transkrip akademik yang
baik, disiplin diri yang tinggi, dan kefasihan berkomunikasi dalam sekurang-kurangnya dua bahasa. Tidak kurang pentingnya adalah kemampuan untuk mencari
maklumat dan memprosesnya kepada pengetahuan tanpa sebarang seliaan. Tanpa kemampuan pembelajaran sepanjang hayat ini, anda akan menjadi tidak relevan
hanya beberapa tahun sehaja selepas meninggalkan kampus.
WELCOME ONBOARD. On behalf of the editorial committee of MIMET Ahoy!, I would like to welcome all new undergraduates to UniKL MIMET. Some of
you may have been brought up within the maritime fraternity but to many others, the word MARITIME or MARINE itself may be a new addition to your vocabulary.
Whatever it may be, all of us at MIMET are glad to have you onboard. Since this institute is a ”gangway” before you could venture into the maritime sector, let us
all lay deep in our mind, that a ship only needs one Captain. You may disagree with him, forward whatever suggestions to him or advice him, but finally he shall
have the final say. If the ship succeeded, the Captain will succeed but if the ship failed, the Captain will be made accountable, whilst the crew will normally have
a second chance. Hence, the Captain will always decide after considering the best interest of the ship and her crew. If all the crew works together in support of the
Captain, there may not be any other outcome other than a safe and successful passage towards the planned destination. Since, we at MIMET are at the “gangway”,
do you not think that adhering to the rules, regulations and even advices of our ” Captain” and his “Lieutenants” will ensure that at the end of the day, we will be
well equipped to face the challenges of the marine industry? In the words of Nabil, “Lu fikirlah sendiri…….”.
Amin Arof
Dari Meja Dekan
Kursus Keselamatan Pekerja
Malam Anugerah Kolej Kediaman
ILMIAH - Computer Aided Design
A Trip to Surabaya
Lawatan Y.B. Menteri KLW
ILMIAH - Legal Constraints in Oil Tanker Design & Const.
LAMAN NURANI - Ahli Sunnah Wal Jamaah
Dragon Boat UniKL MIMET
Ceritera Maritim
The Royal Albatross Project
Buletin UniKL MIMET #04 Julai 2010
The Editorial committee would like to thank MIMET
some of their photo collections to be included in this 4rd edition
#04 Julai 2010
Dari Meja
aya mengalu-alukan semua mahasiswa baru yang masuk ke
UniKL MIMET pada minggu ini. Kepada pelajar-pelajar
baru “SELAMAT DATANG” dan kepada semua mahasiswa
yang kembali semula ke MIMET, “ SELAMAT KEMBALI”.
Kepada semua mahasiswa baru, saya percaya anda semua telah membuat
pilihan yang baik dan tepat apabila memilih memasuki bidang marin atau
maritim di MIMET. Saya doakan semuanya akan berjaya mengharungi
pendidikan di UniKL MIMET serta bergraduat menurut masa yang
ditetapkan. Untuk keluaran kali ini saya ingin kembali kepada asas kita
semua, terutamanya mahasiswa, berada di kampus MIMET ini.
Kita di sini menyediakan suasana pengajaran dan pembelajaran yang
sesuai untuk menyampaikan pendidikan kepada semua mahasiswa. Mendapat pendidikan berbeza daripada
menerima pembelajaran. Jika anda hanya nak belajar, masuk Universiti Terbuka atau belajar di luar kampus
pun sudah mencukupi. Tetapi jika anda hendak dididik, maka perlulah menghadiri Universiti yang ada
berkampus dan berprasarana yang lain yang sesuai untuk kita (ahli akademik) memberi dan anda (pelajar)
menerima pendidikan.
Satu aspek yang sangat penting dalam pendidikan untuk masa depan ialah disiplin – atau mematuhi
peraturan. Dimana-mana saja kita pergi dalam hidup kita, di sekolah, Universiti, syarikat, kelab dan lainlain, semuanya perlukan kita patuhi peraturan masing-masing.
Saya ingin khususnya menekankan peraturan peperiksaan dalam tulisan ini. Baru-baru ini, MIMET
menjadi “johan” dalam jumlah pelajar yang ditangkap membuat salah laku dalam peperiksaan. Ringkasnya,
kita menangkap 19 pelajar meniru dalam peperiksaan. Ini angka tertinggi sekali bagi semua kampus dalam
sistem UniKL. Semua pelajar ini telah diberi markah ‘F’ untuk kertas yang ditiru itu dan diGANTUNG
satu semester berikutnya. (Julai 2010). Bererti mereka hanya boleh menyambung pelajaran semula mulai
semester Januari 2011.
Inilah akibatnya tidak mahu mengikut peraturan peperiksaan UniKL yang melarang calon-calon
membawa masuk nota dan bantuan lain-lain yang membantu pelajar meniru atau menipu dalam peperiksaan.
Saya sebenarnya agak malu hendak mendedahkan hal ini ke khalayak tetapi memandangkan seriusnya
perkara ini, saya lakukan juga. Saya sampaikan pesanan ini kepada SEMUA warga pelajar MIMET supaya
jangan cuba mencabar peraturan-peraturan UniKL kerana ANDA juga yang akan rugi. Semua peraturan kita
dibuat dengan tujuan-tujuan tertentu. ANDA mencabulinya dengan RISIKO sendiri.
“Selamat Belajar dan Dididik”
Prof Dato’ Dr. Mohd Mansor Salleh
Dekan / Ketua Kampus UniKL MIMET
#04 Julai 2010
niKL MIMET telah menganjurkan satu kursus yang bertajuk “Keselamatan Pekerja Bermotosikal di
Tempat Kerja” kepada staf yang menggunakan motosikal sebagai kenderaan ke UniKL MIMET.
Kursus ini dijalankan oleh Institut Keselamatan dan Kesihatan Pekerjaan ( NIOSH) dengan pembiayaan oleh pihak
PERKESO. Kursus ini telah dijalankan di UniKL MIMET pada 25 hingga 26 Mei 2010 iaitu selama 2 hari.
Matlamat utama penganjuran kursus ini adalah bagi memberi maklumat berkaitan cara-cara pemanduan serta pengendalian
motosikal yang betul serta selamat. Kursus tersebut telah dihadiri oleh 20 staf serta dikendalikan
oleh empat jurulatih dari NIOSH. Kursus ini
dijalankan secara teori dan praktikal.
Diharap kursus tersebut akan dapat memberi
manfaat yang berguna kepada staf yang sering
menggunakan motosikal samada ke tempat kerja
atau di mana mana sahaja.
n 2010
ulan Ju mbut
telah m
n 2010
al tahu staf MIMET i satu fasa b a
bebera gama deng ereka di ma ahwinan dan h
an p
ka ada
m kehid
. Mere
di dala lamat melan jang mereka
telah s hiri zaman b
menga i bawah:
khtar (
tant )
ah Mo
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Ali (
t. Lect.
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d Khair
6) En
UniKL MIMET dan Sidang Redaksi AHOY!
ingin mengambil kesempatan untuk
mengucapkan tahniah ke atas staf yang
baru mendirikan rumah tangga serta kepada
staf yang baru mendapat cahaya mata
baru. Diharap dengan anugerah ini maka
staf tersebut akan dapat meningkatkan lagi
sumbangannya terhadap kejayaan UniKL
serta UniKL MIMET khususnya.
Pada tahu
n 2010 be
berapa ora
cahaya m
ng staf te
ata baru se
lah mend
bagai pen
yeri kehid
dari Allah
upan mere
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seperti be
Esa. Mere
ka adalah
Nama Staf
Pn. Syarm
Pn. Syajar
En. Kamal
atunur Yaa
En. Kamar
ela Alaauld
ul Nasser M
Pn. Norehan
Malam Anugerah
#04 Julai 2010
ada Selasa, 20 April 2010 bertempat di Dewan Khatulistiwa, Jabatan Hal Ehwal Mahasiswa
(HEM) UniKL MIMET telah menganjurkan satu program perdana untuk penghuni asrama
Kolej Kediaman. Program yang julung-julung kali diadakan ini iaitu Malam Anugerah Kolej
Kediaman 2010, adalah bertujuan untuk menghargai pencapaian siswa-siswi dalam mengadakan
aktiviti di Kolej Kediaman dan meraikan
penyertaan mereka dalam program yang
dianjurkan oleh Bahagian HEM, felo dan
Jawatankuasa Perwakilan Kolej Kediaman
Selain itu, majlis seumpama ini diadakan bagi
mengeratkan ukhwah persaudaraan dan silaturrahim di
kalangan mahasiswa dan felo di Kolej Kediaman.
Turut hadir memeriahkan majlis pada malam tersebut
ialah Dekan UniKL MIMET, Prof Dato Dr Mohd Mansor
b Salleh, Timbalan Dekan Akademik, Dr Mohd Yuzri
Mohd Yusop, Timbalan Dekan HEM & Teknoputra, Prof
Madya Zainorin Muhammad, Pn Hajjah Nik Umaimah
Mohd Hashim, Pengurus Pentadbiran & Kewangan, En.
Abd Razak Abdul Rahman, Ketua Jabatan HEM, Ketuaketua Seksyen & Unit serta wakil penaja hadiah untuk
anugerah tersebut. Dianggarkan lebih 700 siswa-siswi
telaht hadir bagi menjayakan program tersebut.
Empat anugerah telah dipertandingkan pada majlis
tersebut. Antara anugerah yang dipertandingkan ialah
Blok Inovatif dan Kreatif, Blok Selamat dan Ceria,
Aras Paling Selesa dan Nyaman, dan akhir sekali Bilik
Idaman MIMET. Blok Armada 3 (Asrama Siswi) telah
muncul sebagai pemenang pada malam tersebut dengan
membawa pulang 2 anugerah utama iaitu Blok Inovatif
dan kreatif serta Blok Selamat dan Ceria. Mereka
menerima wang tunai berjumlah RM1000.00 beserta
piala pusingan. Manakala Aras terbersih dimenangi oleh
Blok Armada 1, Aras Bawah. Mereka menerima wang
tunai RM250 beserta hamper. Untuk Bilik Idaman MIMET,
kategori lelaki dimenangi oleh Bilik GFC/04 Armada 1
manakala kategori perempuan dimenangi oleh Bilik
GFB/07 Armada 3.
Jabatan HEM merakamkan jutaan terima kasih kepada
semua pihak yang terlibat secara langsung dan tidak
langsung dalam menjayakan program pada malam
tersebut. Majlis seperti ini akan diteruskan pada
masa akan datang untuk menerapkan ke dalam jiwa
mahasiswa/i bahawa asrama adalah tempat yang
selamat dan seronok untuk didiami.
#04 Julai 2010
•Nurul Asima Zainon
CAD stands for Computer Aided Design or Computer
Aided Drafting. CAD was developed in the early 1960s.
CAD is a general term for the powerful tools used for
creating, viewing and analysing designs on a computer.
Today it is the premier way to design, develop and
optimized products.
CAD is used throughout the engineering process
from conceptual design and layout, through detailed
engineering and analysis of components to definition
of manufacturing methods. According to Mack (1992),
CAD involves using computer hardware and software
to manipulate visual stimuli on the computer screen and
refers to any kind of activity that uses a computer to aid in
the creation, modification, presentation and analysis of a
design. Although the manipulation can also be conducted
by using traditional drafting equipment, it was very difficult
for someone who was not a trained drafter, engineer or
architect to visualize how an object will look like after it
was modified. With the advent of CAD technology, even
a lay man can look at a computer generated image and
get a better understanding of how the image would look if
it were modified in some way.
CAD can be categorized into two types, 2-D and 3-D. In the early days of CAD the software mimicked the manually
produced two dimensional engineering drawings but as the graphical power of computer increased three dimensional
CAD has become the norm. With modern CAD programs,
component parts are usually built up from 2-D sketches which
are parameterised and assigned dimensional or geometric
According to Mack (1992),
constraints which capture the design, and they are then
extruded into the third dimension. Assemblies are then built
CAD involves using computer
up from component parts. Each 3-D model is a replica of an
hardware and software to
existing object or idea of an object but in digital format which
manipulate visual stimuli on the
can be up-scaled or down-scaled or even modified to any
computer screen and refers to
specific tolerance. These digital objects are then ready for
any kind of activity that uses a
multiple views, or cross sections, dimensions and details, just
like 2-D drawings.
computer to aid in the creation,
Modern computers with powerful graphic processors and highend software make it possible to manipulate almost photorealistic models with very smooth motion and manipulate the
view in sophisticated ways such as pushing a cross-sectional
plane through a complex object in real-time.
modification, presentation and
analysis of a design.
Prior to the development of modern CAD programs, the development or modification of a physical model was very
difficult and time consuming. Hence, the most effective way to convey the designer’s idea was through a drawing.
The long lead time required for drafting has nevertheless, become history with the advent of CAD technology that has
#04 Julai 2010
evolved from a merely automated drafting facility to those that include the functions of three-dimensional modelling
and computer-simulated operation of the model. The available CAD capability provides the benefit in shortening
the lead time for drafting as one of its main advantages. It is much easier and faster for a draftsman to enter,
modify and plot a drawing with CAD. Similarly, rather than having to build prototypes and change components to
determine the effects of tolerance ranges, engineers can use CAD software to simulate operations to determine
loads and stresses. Besides reducing the lead time required to complete the drafting process, CAD has also
enabled draftsmen, designers and other interested individuals to process visual information faster. By having this
advantage, the individual can decide on drawing modifications without having to modify the existing hard copy each
time a change is made.
At University Kuala Lumpur, Malaysian Institute of Marine Engineering Technology (UniKL MIMET) CAD
courses are offered to Diploma of Engineering Technology (DET) and Bachelor of Engineering Technology (BET)
undergraduates.Compared to the other programmes, undergraduates enrolled into the DET in Ship Design (DET
SD) and BET in Naval Architecture and Shipbuilding (BET NASB) are offered the most number of CAD courses.
Among the courses offered are CAD 2-D, CAD Modelling Concept, Computer Aided Ship Design (CASD), CAM
2-D & 3-D, and Electrical CAD. The university is licensed to utilized state-of-the-art CAD software from renowned
CAD developers for the instruction of its undergraduates. The available software are Auto-CAD, Autodesk Inventor,
MaxSurf, Ship Constructor and AlphaCAM.
Among the popular CAD courses for the Diploma programme is CAD Modelling Concept (CAD-MC) course.
The students enrolled for this course are expected to have learnt Manual Drafting and CAD 2-D courses as prerequisites prior to their registration into the CAD-MC course that emphasized on CAD 3-D. The primary focus of this
course is to study and develop three dimensional geometric computer models. Topics include learning to think in
three dimensions, the creation of 3D objects, document assemblies
using standard drawing views and creating animations of exploded
views. The principle objectives of this course are to develop the
CAD courses are offered in :
student’s basic knowledge, skill and proficiency with CAD software
to create 3D geometric computer models. The student’s study and
problem solving skills will be enhanced through assigned exercises,
practical tests, a project and a practical exam. This assessment
(Diploma of Engineering Technology)
will be directed toward the development of independent thinking to
resolve a variety of design problems using CAD software. At the end
(Bachelor of Engineering Technology)
of the course, students will be able to identify the main user interface
components that are common to CAD environment, and describe
Compared to the other
how to access different tools. They will also be familiar in utilizing
programmes, undergraduates
the sketch tools to create 2-D sketch geometry, and use geometric
enrolled into the DET in Ship
constraints to control sketch geometry. The undergraduates would
Design (DET SD) and BET in Naval
also be able to create features using extrude, revolve and loft tools,
Architecture and Shipbuilding
and create swept shapes by sweeping a profile along a 2-D or 3-D
(BET NASB) are offered the most
number of CAD courses.
Additionally, students would be able to use the hole and thread
tools to place hole and thread features on part model, and create
thin-walled parts using the shell tool.
This course will also teach undergraduates how to assemble the various parts and create animation. In this context,
at the end of this course students will be able to place assembly constraints on components in the assembly, and
use the Content Centre to place standard components into assembly design and create animations of exploded
views in a presentation file. Upon completion of this course, students should be able to follow drafting standards
while dimensioning and annotating drawing views with centrelines symbols, leaders, hole and thread notes, hole
tables, automated balloons, and part lists. Upon passing this course, students will move into a more specialized
software for ship design before they graduate from UniKL MIMET.
Bethune, James (2006), Engineering Design and Graphics with Autodesk Inventor 10, Pearson Prentice Hall, New Jersey.
Mack, Warren E. (1992), The Effect of Training in Computer-Aided Design on the Spatial Visualization Ability in Selected Gifted
Adolescents, An unpublished dissertation for the degree of Doctor of Education in Vocational and Technical Education, Virginia
polytechnic Institute and State University, Blackburg, Virginia.
Stinchcomb, Craig (2005), Autodesk Inventor 7 : Visual Fast Start,,Pearson Prentice Hall, New Jersey.
#04 Julai 2010
•Ikhwan Shafiq bin Zainal Abdin
urabaya is the capital of East Java Province and Indonesia’s second-largest city. With an approximately 3 million inhabitants, Surabaya was
officially established in 1923. It is known as Indonesian maritime city and also the centre of maritime activities including maritime education
owing to its location. Due to this fact,
UniKL MIMET has organized a Young Leaders and Entrepreneurs Education Tour 2010 to Surabaya from 17-21 May 2010. This tour was participated
by 34 students involving student representative council members, club presidents, and future student leaders of UniKL MIMET. They were
accompanied by 5 management and academic staff including both Deputy Deans of UniKL MIMET, Dr. Mohd Yuzri Mohd Yusof and Assoc. Prof.
Zainorin Mohamad.
Young Leader & Entrepreneurs Education
Tour, Surabaya 2010
Date :17 - 21 May 2010
The main purpose of this tour is to provide an international exposure for the students
particularly in the areas related to marine and maritime technology. During the tour,
students will have the opportunity to conduct field study, gaining extra knowledge
and experience, and establish international network with Indonesian students. The
delegation departed to Surabaya on 17th May 2010 with Air Asia flight number AK
556 at 6.15pm and arrived 2 ½ hours later at Juanda International Airport.
Official Visit to ITS-FTK & Indonesian Hydrodynamic Lab
On day 2 (18th May), the delegation has made an official visit to Fakultas Teknologi
Kelautan (FTK) at Institut Teknologi Sepuluh Nopember (ITS). A warm reception
was given by student representatives and academic staff of FTK to our delegation.
• 34 Students involving SRC
During this visit, both parties have exchanged interest in establishing a permanent
(Student Representative Concil, Club
relationship and cooperation on several issues. For students, this has been a splendid
Presidents & future student leaders of
exposure to a foreign college that has been involved in maritime studies for half a
century. The faculty consists of 3 main departments –Naval Architecture (DoNA);
Marine Engineering (DoME); and Offshore Engineering (DoOE). Currently, FTK is
• 5 management and academic staff
preparing to set up a new Department of Marine Transportation. Today, FTK has
including both DD of UniKL MIMET,
more than 1000 students supported by more than 80 academic staff. Besides offering
Dr. Mohd Yuzri and Assoc. Prof.Zainorin.
undergraduate and post-graduate programme, FTK also conducts an international
joint program with Hochschule Wismar, Germany.
Amongst the activities during our visit to ITS were briefing from both parties on
respective institute and organization, discussion among academic and management
staff, and a session where students from both sides sat together and discuss on issues
such as student affairs, academic matters, study culture etc. The discussion has generated a lot of information and knowledge to be shared between
us. At noon, our delegation has been given the opportunity to visit around FTK guided by their students. Here, participants have been exposed
to the facilities available at ITS especially in FTK. It is observed that there are many research labs available such as Computer Numerical Control
(CNC) Lab, Ship Machinery Lab which places a marine propulsion engine used by students for their learning and research purposes, Electrical &
Automation Lab, Marine Safety & Reliability Lab, 3-D Computational Lab for the usage of design software, and many more. It was amazing to see
such a comprehensive facilities they have at ITS. Another interesting thing about all these labs is they are offering membership for any student who
wishes to become the lab member and perform any research and study in the lab.
Participants of tour:
In the evening, the delegation visited the Indonesian
Hydrodynamic Lab (IHL), located just beside ITS.
The IHL is an advanced research facility for marine
hydrodynamic studies and development. Founded in
1995, there are 3 main facilities in IHL which is the
Towing Tank, Cavitation Tunnel, and Manoeuvring &
Offshore Basin. Many experiments have been conducted
at IHL such as resistance & propulsion, seakeeping &
manoeuvring, propeller performance & cavitation,
and launching & installation. All the experiments were
conducted using scaled model. The establishment of
IHL has contributed to the continued growth and
development of marine technology in Indonesia.
PT. PAL, Indonesia Largest Shipyard and Masjid
Sunan Ampel
Day 3 of Surabaya Educational Tour was filled with
a visit to PT. PAL Indonesia, the largest shipbuilding
yard in Indonesia. Located at the edge of Madura
The interior view of Masjid Sunan Ampel.
Strait, PT. PAL is also in the same area with the base
of Indonesian Navy (TNI) Eastern Fleet. This means that PT. PAL is also the main contractor in building and maintaining naval vessel belonging to
#04 Julai 2010
Historically, the shipyard was originally operated as a marine establishment for the Holland fleet back in 1822. Only after the Japanese occupation,
that the shipyard became Indonesia’s centre of shipbuilding and ship maintenance. Today, with more than 1200 staff and 2000 plus personnel
from the sub-contractors, PT. PAL Indonesia has produced hundreds of merchant and naval ships, as well as structural components & equipment for
power plant and offshore industries. There are 3 main departments here – Shipbuilding (Naval & Merchant); General Engineering (Power Plant &
Offshore); and Repair & Maintenance. Equipped with various facilities such as workshops, graving & floating docks, launching area, and ship lifts,
PT. PAL is capable of building vessels up to 50,000 DWT. One of the latest projects currently ongoing is a 25m Landing Platform Dock for TNI.
UniKL MIMET ended the visit to PT. PAL with a tour around the shipyard and subsequently visited the historic Sunan Ampel Mosque and Makam
Wali Songo.
Mount Bromo, Tanggulangin leather shopping, and
A. Rahman Hakim Orphanage
A must-go tourist’s attraction in Surabaya – Mount
Bromo is located in the Bromo-Tengger-Semeru
National Park. At 2,329 metres Mount Bromo is
still an active volcano, sitting in the middle of a
vast plain called the Sand Sea, a protected nature
reserve since 1919. It was a 3 hour journey by bus
from Sahid Hotel, our accommodation place. All
participants departed from hotel at midnight in
order to arrive there before sunrise. The bus arrived
at the village of Ngadisari, the 1st checkpoint,
before the journey continued by van to arrived
at the mountain village of Cemoro Lawang, the
2nd checkpoint. From there, several choices of
travel to Mt. Bromo are available including by
jeep, motorcycle, horse, or just hiking. The writer
Submarine Monument, the former KRI Pasopati 410 now becomes a tourist attraction
preferred to on the horseback passing through the
sand sea which took about 30 minutes before arriving at the crater of Mt. Bromo. It was such an amazing view from the peak of the mountain,
and everyone took the chance to snap memorable pictures before returning back.
On the way back to hotel, the bus stopped by at Tanggulangin, a shopping
place for leather products. Various kinds of leather products whether
factory or hand-made such as wallets, handbags, jackets, belts etc, can be
obtained here. At night, the delegation had paid a visit to Arif Rahman
Hakim Orphanage. Besides delivering the donation gathered before the
trip, participants also spent some quality time and dined together with all
the orphans. It is hoped that the donation could relieve the burden of the
orphans’ caretaker and helped in developing the orphanage.
Amazing view from the peak
Returning home
Day 5, 21st May, was the last day at Surabaya. The return flight to Malaysia
was at 4.15pm Indonesian time. Before taking off to Malaysia, the participants
visited the Submarine Monument and did some shopping at Pusat Grosir
Surabaya. The submarine monument was originally a former KRI Pasopati
410 submarine belonging to Indonesian Navy was in service from 1962 until
1995. Only in 1998, it was made opened to the public as a tourist destination.
The equipment and outfit inside the submarine is still retained. Entering the
Submarine Monument will provide the exposure and knowledge on how the
arrangement in a submarine looks like.
Mt. Bromo on the left
With Air Asia flight number QZ 7615, UniKL MIMET’s delegation departed from Surabaya and arrived at 7.00 pm Malaysian time, thus ending
the Young Leaders & Entrepreneurs Education Tour Surabaya 2010. The excitement, joy, knowledge and experience gained will always be sweet
memories for all participants. It is hoped that there will be more education tours like this in the future and the writer will always look forward to
join them.
#04 Julai 2010
•Wartawan AHOY!
Pada Khamis 3 Jun 2010, kampus UniKL MIMET
telah diserikan dengan lawatan ulung Y.B. Dato’
Seri Haji Shafie Haji Apdal, Menteri Kemajuan
Luar Bandar dan Wilayah (KKLW). Beliau turut
diiringi oleh isteri, Datin Seri Hajjah Shuryani
Datuk Shuaib, Pengerusi MARA, Y.B. Dato’
Seri Idris Jusuh, Pengerusi UniKL, Y.B. Datuk
Dr Adham Baba dan pegawai-pegawai kanan
Kementerian KLW, MARA dan UniKL. Y.B. Menteri
dan rombongan telah diberi taklimat oleh Ketua
Kampus merangkap Dekan UniKL MIMET, Prof
Dato’ Dr Mohd Mansor Salleh sebaik tiba dan
kemudiannya telah sudi menyampaikan amanat
dan berdialog degan warga MIMET. Setelah
menyaksikan pertukaran dua MoU di antara UniKL
MIMET dengan Alam Ship Management Sdn.
Bhd. dan Envirogreen Solutions Sdn. Bhd., beliau
telah dibawa melawat di sekitar kampus. Semoga
lawatan dan amanat yang diberikan oleh Y.B.
Menteri yang amat berkeyakinan dengan potensi
sektor maritim negara akan dapat merangsang
seluruh warga MIMET untuk terus berusaha bagi
mencapai kegemilangan.
#04 Julai 2010
•Aminuddin Md Arof • Syazani Mohammed
n ensuring safety of tankers at sea, ship builders and owners need to observe all legal requirements imposed through the various
conventions and codes introduced by the International Maritime Organization (IMO) to enable their ships to qualify for the Certificate
of Class for Hull and Machinery issued by a ship classification society recognised by the flag state. Among others, the International
Convention for the Safety of Life at Sea (SOLAS), 1974 includes special requirements for tankers. Fire safety provisions, for example,
are much more stringent for tankers than ordinary dry cargo
ships, since the danger of fire on board tankers carrying oil and
refined products is much greater. Tankers are also required to
be fitted with an inert gas system. (SOLAS, Chapter II-2, Reg
4 Para 5.5) This is to ensure cargo tanks that contain no oil or
partly laden tanks are not filled with flammable gas, which can
trigger explosion unless proper procedures are followed. The
normal method is to fill these tanks with inert (non-explosive)
gas from the ship’s boiler flue where it is cleaned and then
pumped into the empty tanks, or into the vacant spaces above
the oil in loaded tanks. An inert gas system is required on
all new tankers and on most of the existing tankers of 20,000
deadweight tonnes (DWT) and above.
esides that, IMO has introduced severalmeasures
over the years to ensure that in the event of
mechanical failure, the ship can still be controlled.
SOLAS makes it necessary for the essential parts of the steering gear system of tankers to be duplicated. (SOLAS, Chapter II-1,
Reg 29) As with other ships, much of the navigational equipment for tankers must also be duplicated. Otherwise, all new tankers of 20,000
DWT and above have to be fitted with an emergency towing arrangement fitted at both ends of the ship.(SOLAS, Chapter II-1, Reg 3-4)
Among others, this is in response to the Amoco Cadiz incident in 1978 where there was inadequate towing system on board the tanker. In that
incident, although a tug boat was on scene, it had difficulty connecting to the Amoco Cadiz and when connected to the tanker, the connection
point did not support the tug pulling forces causing the tug to disconnect. Today, all tankers are required to have specific towing structures
and emergency towing equipment. The emergency towing equipment must be able to be deployed even if power is lost on board.
esides SOLAS, The International Convention for
the Prevention of Pollution from Ships (MARPOL
73/78) includes regulations regarding subdivision
and stability which are designed to ensure that, in any
loading conditions, the ship can survive after being involved in a
collision or stranding. The 1978 MARPOL Protocol introduced the
concept known as protective location of segregated ballast tanks.
This means that the ballast tanks (which are empty on the cargocarrying leg of the voyage and only loaded with ballast water for
the return leg) must be positioned where the impact of a collision
or grounding is likely to be the greatest. (MARPOL Annex 1,
Chapter 4 Reg 19) In this way, the amount of cargo spilled after
such an accident will be greatly reduced.
n 1992, MARPOL was amended to make it mandatory
for tankers of 5,000 DWT and more ordered after 6 July
1993 to be fitted with double hulls, or an alternative design
approved by IMO. (MARPOL Annex 1, Regulation 19).
The requirement for double hulls that applies to new tankers has also been applied to existing ships. This can be witnessed from the new
regulation on the prevention of oil pollution from oil tankers when carrying heavy grade oil (HGO) that has prohibited the carriage of HGO in
single-hull tankers of 5,000 DWT and above after 5th April 2005, and in single-hull oil tankers of 600 DWT and above by 2008. (MARPOL
Annex 1, Reg 21) Besides the obvious advantage, the double hull design has several disadvantages particularly in making the ballast tank
difficult to access. This will be felt when there is a leakage between the ballast and the cargo tanks. Efforts to ventilate the area, which is a
requirement prior to entering and cleaning of tanks, are also difficult.
#04 Julai 2010
MARPOL also requires tankers of 150 gross tonnage and above to be equipped with an oil discharge monitoring and control system
approved by the flag state. In considering the design of oil content meter to be incorporated into the system, the flag state shall have
regard to the specification recommended by the IMO. The system shall be fitted with a recording device to provide a continuous
record of the discharge in litres per nautical mile and the total quantity discharged, or the oil content and the rate of discharge. It is a
requirement for the discharge to automatically stop in case of any failure in the monitoring and control system. (MARPOL Annex I,
Reg 31) Oil tankers are also required to be installed with effective oil/water interface detectors for a rapid and accurate determination
of the oil/water interface in slop tanks and shall be available for use in other tanks where separation of oil and water is effected and
from which it is intended to discharge effluent direct to the sea. For crude oil tankers of more than 200,000 DWT, MARPOL (Annex
I, Reg 33) requires them to be fitted with a cargo tank cleaning system using crude oil washing (COW). COW is a process to assist in
the control of hydrocarbon being discharged to the sea together with the ballast water. When the tanker is being discharged, the crude
oil cargo is pumped through a fixed cleaning system that washes the cargo tanks with crude oil (cargo) and minimizes the amount of
oil residue and wax clinging to the surface of the tanks. The crude oil (cargo) is pumped through the rotating jets with high pressure,
and the sediments are kept mixed and pumped ashore with the cargo. In order to avoid the generation of static electricity, COW is
only allowed at an atmosphere of reduced oxygen below the level that explosions or fire can occur. (Van Dokkum, 2006)
Crude oil tankers are vessels of larger sizes (from the Panamax size upwards), usually with three cargo segregations and cargo pumps
driven by steam turbines. Cargo tank bulkheads are usually of plane type. Product tankers are vessels of smaller dimensions (usually
up to the Panamax or Post-panamax dimensions), with a larger number of segregations and the cargo piping system with pumps
driven by steam turbines or with deep-well pumps (driven by either hydraulic or electric motors). Corrugated bulkheads are often used
in cargo tanks, and in some cases the deck framing is constructed above the deck. The general requirements on the design of the cargo
area for oil tankers are addressed at Regulation 3-6, Chapter II-1 of SOLAS. The usual configuration of tankers comprises a double
bottom, double skin and a centreline longitudinal bulkhead.
The design and construction of oil tankers is also influenced by the International Load Line Convention (ILLC) 1966. The purpose of
a load line is to ensure that a ship has sufficient freeboard and thus sufficient reserve buoyancy. The freeboard on commercial vessels
is measured between the lowest point of the uppermost continuous deck at the side and waterline and this must not be less than the
freeboard marked on the Load Line Certificate issued to that ship. All commercial ships, other than in exceptional circumstances,
have a load line symbol painted amidships on each side of the ship. This symbol must also be permanently marked, so that if the paint
wears off it remains visible. The load line makes it easy for anyone to determine if a ship has been overloaded. The exact location of
the Load Line is calculated and/or verified by a Ship Classification Society and that society issues the relevant certificates on behalf of
the flag state. This symbol, also called an international load line or Plimsoll line, indicates the maximum safe draught, and therefore
the minimum freeboard for the vessel in various operating conditions. For the purpose of freeboard computation, ships are divided
into type `A’ and type `B’. Ships of both types may refer to Table A and Table B of Regulation 28 to the International Convention on
the Load Line to check the estimated length of the freeboard. Oil tankers are grouped into type ‘A’ vessels.
In conclusion, it is undeniable that shipowners and charterers will strive to minimize cost and maximise profit in the operation of
oil tankers or other vessels. As a result, strict adherence to the various constraints particularly those imposed by the IMO that may
result in higher acquisition and operating costs may not be a popular option to some. This may have resulted in some owners opting
to register their vessels with the Flags of Convenience (FOC) countries. Besides enjoying the tax and other benefits offered by
the FOC, their disability in the enforcement of the various IMO conventions as flag states may be seen by some ship owners as an
opportunity to maximise profit. Nevertheless, the benefits obtained through those moves are arguably short term in nature. Tankers
and other ships that do not comply with IMO requirements will have difficulties to get through their annual survey, conducted by
the ship classification societies, which will result in difficulties to
insure the vessels and their cargoes. Ships without the required safety
certificates may also be detained and penalized by the authority
at their port of call under the Port State Control regime initiative.
Similarly, tankers that are not seaworthy will be prone to accident
• Crude oil tankers are vessels of
both at sea or in harbour and once this happens; it will cost the owner
larger sizes (from the Panamax
or charterer very dearly. Hence it will be worthwhile to adhere to the
size upwards).
various constraints in the design and construction of ships. Whilst
adhering to the legal constraints will result in additional acquisition
cost, it will provide long term operational advantage for the ship’s
• The purpose of a load line is to
ensure that a ship has sufficient
freeboard and thus sufficient
reserve buoyancy.
IMO (2003), International Convention on Load Lines 1966, IMO Publication, London.
IMO (2004), SOLAS, Consolidated Edition, IMO Publication London.
IMO (2006), MARPOL, Consolidated Edition, IMO Publication, London.
Stopford, Martin (1997), Maritime Economics, 2nd Edition,Routledge, London.
Van Dokkum, Klaas (2006), Ship Knowledge, Covering Ship Design, Construction and Operation, 3rd Edition, DOKMAR, Enkhuizen.
#04 Julai 2010
• Muhammad Zaki Zakaria
alam kesempatan ini, saya hanya mahu menjelaskan siapakan Ahlussunnah menurut penulisan Imam al-Baghdadi yang telah menjadi
rujukan definisi ASWJ supaya pembaca dapat memahaminya secara jelas.
Imam al-Baghdadi (wafat429H) Rahimahullah dalam kitabnya al-Farqu bainal Firaq menyatakan (hal.19):
“Maka golongan yang ke 73 ialah Ahli Sunnah Wal Jamaah iaitu golongan ahl al-ra’y (Abu Hanifah dan murid-muridnya) dan ahlu al-hadis;
bukan mereka yang mempermain-mainkan hadis; dan ulama fekah mereka, penghafal al-Quran mereka, perawi hadis dari mereka, dan ulama hadis
di kalangan mereka, semuanya sepakat atas keesaan pencipta, keesaan sifat-sifatNya, keadilanNya, hikmahNya, dan nama-namaNya dan pada bab
kenabian dan kepimpinan, hukum hudud, dan pada perkara usuluddin.”
Seterusnya, Imam al-Baghdadi Rahimahullah memperincikan LAPAN (8) golongan yang termasuk dalam Ahlusunnah wal Jamaah (lihat bukunya dari
halaman 240-243):
Itulah huraian sebenar al-Imam Abdul Qahir bin Tohir bin Muhammad al-Baghdadi (wafat429H). Rupanya ramai sebenarnya yang diiktiraf sebagai
Ahlussunnah. Ia berbeza dengan pandangan yang meminoritikan dan mengekslusifkan ASWJ hanya untuk golongannya sahaja dengan tuduhan
sesat dan bidaah pada perkara remeh-temeh seperti qunut, talqin, zikir selepas solat, berdoa beramai-ramai dan sebagainya. Lihat kata Imam alBaghdadi tentang perkara-perkara cabang (hal. 19):
“Mereka (ASWJ) hanya khilaf mengenai halal dan haram pada cabang hukum, bukanlah khilaf tersebut mengundang kepada sesat dan fasik; mereka
adalah puak yang terselamat, kerana mereka bersatu pada keesaan pencipta dan qidamNya, qidam segala sifatnya sejak azali, dan harus melihatNya
tanpa sebarang perumpamaan dan gangguan, serta yakin terhadap isi kandungan kitabNya dan rasulNya, dan mengikut segala syariat islam, dan
menghalalkan segala yang dihalalkan oleh Al-Quran, dan mengharamkan segala yang diharam oleh Al-Quran, serta menerima apa yang dibawa
oleh Rasulullah SAW dan beriman pada hari kebangkitan dan perhitungan, dan soal dua Malaikat dalam kubur, beriman dengan telaga Kauthar dan
• Golongan pertama, mereka yang menguasai ilmu khususnya dalam bab Tauhid (mengEsakan Allah) dan kenabian,
hukum-hukum wa’ad (khabar gembira) dan wa’id (ancaman siksa), pahala dan balasan, syarat-syarat ijtihad,
pemerintahan dan kepimpinan. Mereka yang melalui jalan ini ialah ulama Kalam (Tauhid) yang bebas dari fahaman
tasybih (menyerupakan sifat Allah dengan makhluk) dan bebas dari fahaman ta’til (yang menafikan sifat-sifat yang
Azali bagi Allah SWT)), dan bebas dari bidaah al-Rafidhah, Khawarij, Jahmiah, Najariah dan seluruh pengikut bidaah
dan hawa nafsu.
• Golongan kedua ialah imam-imam fiqh samada kumpulan yang cenderung pada rakyun (dalil aqal) atau hadith.
Iaitu mereka yang beriktikad (berkeyakinan) pada perkara usuluddin dengan mazhab-mazhab sifat pada Allah dan
pada sifat-sifatnya yang azali (membicarakan sifat-sifat Allah SWT sebagaimana sifat 20), dan mereka bebas dari
fahaman Qadariah dan Muktazilah; mereka menetapkan melihat Allah Taala dengan mata (di akhirat kelak) dengan
mata tanpa tasybih (menyerupakan Allah dengan makhluk), tanpa ta’til’ (menafikan sifat-sifat Allah).
Termasuk dalam golongan ini ialah murid-murid kepada Malik, al-Shafie, al-Auza’i, al-Thauri, Abu hanifah, Ibn Abu
Laila (wafat148H), sahabat-sahabat Abu Thaur (wafat240H), sahabat-sahabat Ahmad bin Hanbal (wafat241H), ahli
al-Zahir, keseluruhan ulama fiqh yang beriktikad dalam bab-bab akal ini dengan prinsip-prinsip Sifat (tauhid yang
membahaskan Sifat-sifat Allah). Dan mereka tidak mencampurkannya dengan apa-apa dari ahli bidaah dan hawa
• Golongan ketiga ialah mereka yang menguasai ilmu-ilmu yang berkaitan dengan periwayatan hadith dan sunnnah
yang disampaikan oleh Nabi SAW, mereka berupaya membezakan antara sahih dan cacat antaranya, mengetahui
sebab-sebab ‘al-jarh wa al-ta’dil’ (kredibiliti seorang rawi), dan mereka tidak memasukkan ilmu mereka dengan apaapa dari ahli bidaah dan nafsu yang menyesatkan.
• Golongan ke empat ialah kaum yang menguasai kebanyakan topik-topik sastera Arab, nahu dan saraf. Mereka
berada atas jalan pakar bahasa seperti al-Khalil (wafat175H), Abu ‘Amr bin al-’Ala` (wafat 145), Sibawaih (wafat
180H), al-Farra’ (wafat 207H), al-Akhfash (wafat 215H), al-Asma’i, al-Mazini (wafat 236H), Abu Ubaid (wafat 224H)
dan seluruh imam-imam Nahu samada ulama-ulama Kufah atau Basrah, yang mana mereka tidak mencampurkan
ilmu mereka dengan sesuatu dari bidaah al-Qadariah, atau Rafidhah atau Khawarij. Maka sekiranya seseorang itu
cenderung ke arah nafsu yang menyesatkan, maka bukanlah ia dari golongan Ahlussunnah walaupun kata-katanya
adalah ‘hujah’ dalam ilmu bahasa dan Nahu.
• Golongan ke lima, antaranya ialah mereka yang menguasai ilmu yang berkaitan dengan jenis-jenis qiraat untuk
al-Quran, dan jenis-jenis tafsiran al-Quran, penakwilannya berdasarkan mazhab-mazhab Ahlussunnah, tanpa
berpegang dengan takwilan ahli nafsu yang sesat.
• Golongan ke enam ialah, antaranya ialah para ahli zuhud sufi yang mempunyai ilmu maka jauh pandangan,
yang telah dinilai maka ia diiktibarkan, mereka redha dengan hidup yang ringkas, mereka mengatahui bahawa
penglihatan, pendengaran dan hati dipertanggungjawabkan terhadap kebaikan dan kejahatan; menghisab dengan
neraca zarah-zarah, justeru menyediakan diri mereka dengan sebaik-baik perisapan untuk hari Kiamat.
Perkataan mereka berjalan di atas dua jalan iaitu secara jelas dan isyarat di atas jalan ahli hadis, tanpa mereka
‘membeli’ pandangan yang mempermainkan hadis. Mereka tidak melakukan kebaikan kerana riak, tidak pula
meninggalkan kebaikan kerana malu kepada orang lain. Agama mereka hanya satu dan menafikan ‘pentasybihan’
(menyerupakan Allah dengan makhluk), mazhab mereka ialah tafwidh (menyerahkannya) kepada Allah SWT,
bertawakkal kepadanya, penyerahan kepada-Nya, tenang dengan apa yang direzekikan-Nya.
• Golongan ke tujuh ialah, antaranya kaum yang terikat dengan barisan hadapan peperangan dengan orang-orang
kafir, berjihad melawan musuh-musuh Islam, mereka menjadi benteng melindungi umat Islam, meninggalkan isteriisteri mereka dan negara mereka, dan menzahirkan pada barisan hadapan mereka Mazhab ASWJ.
• Golongan ke lapan ialah, antaranya kebanyakan negara-negara yang secara kebiasaannya terdapat syiar ASWJ,
bukannya negara yang menzahirkan syiar ahli hawa-nafsu yang sesat.
Semoga masyarakat Islam tidak terbelenggu dengan perpecahan yang lebih parah lantaran perkara-perkara tersebut. Banyak masa yang perlu
digunakan untuk memperbetulkan generasi muda yang menyongsang arus dengan pelbagai gejala sosial. Wallahu a’lam.
#04 Julai 2010
• Abdul Halim Lazim
erbekalkan moto “SAMMA RYTM BRYTA
VAGEN” yang bermaksud “Sama Irama
Kayuhan Sempurna”, Tim Dolphin UniKL MIMET
akhirnya BERJAYA mengibarkan bendera UniKL dan
berlangsung dari 18 hingga 20 Jun 2010 di Komplek
Sukan Air Putrajaya untuk Pertandingan Perahu
Naga 500m peringkat nasional dan antarabangsa.
Setelah mengharungi hampir 30 perlumbaan dalam
pelbagai kategori, akhirnya Tim Dolphin berjaya
team “anak anak naga lelaki”
merangkul pingat perak dan gangsa untuk
Kategori Terbuka Malaysia bawah 23 tahun
(pendayung campuran) dan pingat gangsa
untuk kategori bawah 23 tahun (pendayung
campuran) peringkat antarabangsa. Untuk
sampai ke peringkat ini, siswa/i UniKL MIMET dari
pelbagai program telah bergabung bagi tempoh
hampir sebulan untuk menjalani latihan intensif di
MIMET dengan mengorbankan cuti semester mereka
team “anak anak naga perempuan”
Menurut ‘anak naga’ Elly, “kerjasama dan kepercayaan setiap ahli ketika mendayung adalah kunci kejayaan pasukan ini”, ditambah oleh ‘anak
naga’ Aiman, “kasih sayang dan perjuangan tanpa kenal erti kalah menjadi pembakar semangat ketika perlumbaan”. Sokongan dari semua warga
MIMET telah benyak membantu pasukan ‘pink dragons’ ini utuk menharungi perlumbaan dalam pelbagai kategori selama tiga hari di Putrajaya.
Selain berjaya mengibarkan bendera UniKL MIMET, sukan ini mampu memupuk sahsiah dan jati diri siswa/i bukan saja dalam pertandingan, tetapi
juga dalam mengharungi kehidupan di universiti dan dalam masyarakat amnya. Untuk kemajuan dan pembangunan sukan perahu naga di UniKL,
Kelab Perahu Naga MIMET (MDC) berhasrat membuka penyertaan kepada semua kampus UniKL untuk turut serta dalam pertandingan yang
akan datang jika ada sokongan dan sambutan daripada semua pihak. Akhir kata dari ‘anak naga’ Poon & Jay yang telah berjaya menamatkan
pengajian peringkat diploma masing-masing, “sukan ini meninggalkan kenangan yang mendalam buat kami dan semua ‘anak-anak naga’ MDC”.
Penaung dan seluruh sidang editorial MIMET
Ahoy! mengucapkan SYABAS kepada semua
ahli Tim Dolphin UniKL MIMET dan berdoa
semoga anda akan terus sukses dalam
semua lapangan yang diceburi. Tahniah juga
diucapkan kepada penaung MDC, Encik
Abdul Halim Lazim dan Encik Mohd
Shahrizal Abd Salam yang telah berjaya
membimbing ahli-ahli MDC untuk mencapai
kejayaan ini. Semoga anda berdua terus
membimbing siswa/i kita untuk terus mencipta
kejayaan demi kejayaan.
Berita Siswa
#04 Julai 2010
• Mohd Yusri Yussoff
Mei 2010 – Kem Usahawan Bestari (Kem U Best) telah diadakan di UniKL Kampus Kota dari 12 hingga 18 Mei 2010. Pelancaran Kem U Best telah disempurnakan oleh Dato’ Mukhriz Tun
Mahathir selaku Timbalan Menteri Perdagangan Antarabangsa dan Industri, Malaysia. Kem U Best adalah unik kerana ia merupakan satu-satunya program yang memberi ganjaran berbentuk
wang tunai kepada pesertanya. Modul yang dijalankan berbentuk kerjasama dan gerak kerja dalam kumpulan. Antara modul yang dipraktikkan ialah praktikal kepimpinan, praktikal perniagaan,
praktikal innovasi dan kreativiti. Kerjasama dalam kumpulan merupakan kunci bagi mencapai hasil pulangan yang optimum semasa mengikuti program ini.
• Muhhammad Zaki Zakaria
Program yang disasarkan kepada pelajar Semester 1 ini berjaya menarik minat seramai 35 peserta daripada UniKL MIMET. Peserta telah membentuk 7 kumpulan yang terdiri daripada 5 orang
ahli. Antaranya ialah KMS Enterprise, BMO Enterprise, NAFAS Marine Enterprise, TBG Enterprise, Naval Cruise Enterprise, Octahedral dan Layar M&N.
Peserta UniKL MIMET telah berjaya membolot kategori CEO terbaik, kumpulan jualan tertinggi, innovasi dan kreativiti terbaik. CEO terbaik dimenangi oleh saudara Ibnu Fadhil Abdul Razak dari
kumpulan KMS Enterprise. KMS Enterprise juga telah mengungguli kategori jualan tertinggi kumpulan dengan perolehan pendapatan sebanyak RM1600.00 dalam tempoh 3 hari praktikal jualan.
Bagi kategori innovasi dan kreativiti terbaik dimenangi oleh BMO Enterprise. Rekod cemerlang peserta UniKL MIMET dalam Kem U Best sebelum ini dipegang oleh Gah Bahtera Resources
dalam kategori jualan tertinggi kumpulan dengan pendapatan sebanyak RM2200.00.
Terima kasih dan tahniah kepada peserta UniKL MIMET kerana berjaya membuktikan mereka adalah yang terbaik daripada semua peserta Kem U Best tersebut. Moga semangat keusahawanan
yang diperolehi daripada Kem U Best dapat diteruskan di peringkat kampus selaras dengan saranan kerajaan dalam merealisasikan keusahawanan sebagai kerjaya pilihan dikalangan pelajar
• Aziz Abdullah
he first thing that struck my mind when UniKL’s Diploma In Marine Engineering Technology (DME) programme was launched
was how effective this program will turn out to prepare our graduates for the uncertainties at sea. Coming from the naval
fraternity whereby the initial three-year training is usually very structured and geared towards molding a complete seafarer
to become not only a sea warrior but also a professional such as a marine engineer, naval architect, navigator or gunner, the
training path taken by UniKL’s DME students is seen quite different and unstructured to meet the actual requirements of a
professional seafarer. I could be wrong but there is an obvious lack of a simulation platform to translate what is being taught in
class to a simulated operational hands-on exposure.
I feel obligated, thus, to enlighten these students on some very basic knowledge of what they need to know beyond their
classroom theories and course works about the merchant marine.
So, what is a merchant marine?
Basically a merchant marine is defined as the crew and
officers of a country’s vessels that are engaged in commerce
or trade. Thus, those not engaged in commerce or trade
come under a totally separate entity called the Navy, which
we will not discuss here.
There is a big distinction between crew and officers, in terms
of rank, salary, career structure and job nature. A typical
merchant ship’s basic personal structure that can be found
onboard a typical Malaysian merchant ship (such as the
MISC’s Bunga Raya etc) would be as follows.
Engine Department
Deck Department
Chief Engineer
First Engineer
Second Engineer
Chief Mate
Second Mate
Third Engineer
Fourth Engineer
Third Mate
Fourth Mate
Able-Bodied Seaman
Ordinary Seaman
As you can see the Captain is the highest ranking officer on
board. The Chief Engineer’s rank may also be a Captain but
the Deck Captain has administrative authority over everyone
onboard. Thus, the Deck Captain is in full control while the
Chief Engineer is still responsible to the Deck Captain for
safe operation and maintenance of all ship’s equipment and
systems. In the absence of the Deck Captain, the Chief Mate
may assume command, never the Chief Engineer even if
he is of Captain’s rank. Officers are those in charge of their
All officers are required to have a merchant mariner’s license that is issued by
the Marine Department of Malaysia, under the Transport Ministry. Non officers
(in italics) are considered crew or “un-licensed”.
Engineering Department
What do you do on board as an engineer? Besides the routine engine watchkeeping duties, everything that you take for granted at home, such as your
electricity, air conditioning, refrigeration, drinking water and sewage are all
provided and looked after by you on a ship. You can no longer expect TNB or
Jabatan Air Perak to come sort out any service disruption. It is you who must
maintain the services throughout the often long voyages. The four engineers
and numerous, usually 2 to 5 un-licensed technical crew, are in charge of
keeping all the machineries that provide the above services in continuous
working order, all that while keeping the ship moving.
Some of the jobs that a UniKL’s DME graduate would be doing on board a
merchant ship would be as a fourth engineer that involves in fault finding and
troubleshooting as he would be expected to be well versed in the layout of the
engine room, every single pipe line, valves and related machineries. During
times of emergencies, he works with other engineers in repairing machineries.
Usually, an emergency situation on a moving ship can last from two hours to
twenty four hours or even more. Though the senior engineers relieve each
other, the fourth engineer is supposed to work throughout the emergency
situation. Thus, he should have high level of energy and stamina, should be
flexible and able to pitch in when the situation demands. Also to mind that in
cases of emergency situations such as oil spills or leakage he is expected to
clean up and remove all the traces of spilled oil from the floor plates and also
from the bilges. Moreover, the engine room temperature is extremely high and
humid, ranging from 30 degrees Celsius to 55 degrees Celsius. For this reason,
he is expected to have the ability to withstand long stretches of hard work in
emergency situations and also have the mental and physical capability to bear
such stress.
Do you have what it takes to be a fourth engineer?
#04 Julai 2010
• Pete Pela, Owner, Royal Albatross
hips have plied the seas under sail using Mother Nature’s good clean
air ever since the first Sailor set out on a floating log…until steam
engines burning filthy coal made bigger profits for their City-dwelling
Shareholders. Proper Seafarin’ nations still train their cadets under sail…
and, who knows?...maybe Oil at $1,000 per barrel will mean cargo can again be
profitably carried under Sail! The Owner and Crew of Royal Albatross can’t
wait for that day…but in the meantime, they will delight in the sheer beauty of
a big Ship under Sail, they will become better people through the discipline and
teamwork involved, and they will savour the Romance and Camaderie of a Life
at Sea under Sail.
The Royal Albatross, a Four-masted 150’ Barquentine, started life as Windy II, built in
2001 at Detyen’s Shipyard, NC. USA. USCG certified for Oceans 150 pax + 10 crew for
day sailings, 49 pax over night. Windy II operated from Chicago’s Navy Pier ‘til 2008,
and featured in Batman’s last movie: “The Dark Knight.” She arrived in Singapore in
April 2008. A Refit Project was planned by her new Owner, various shipyards were surveyed and it was determined that UniKL MIMET could
provide the facilities and environment the owner was looking for. The Project commenced in Jan 2009, is presently ongoing, and involves
significant improvements in most aspects of the ship at an estimated cost of US$2,250,000. The Ship was renamed Royal Albatross in April
Mission: Royal Albatross will be an iconic Super Yacht renowned for high end service, enjoyment and adventure through
sailing, cruising and diving activities in South East Asian waters.
Royal Albatross will be Classified by Registro Italiano Navale (RINA) who will certify the following under the category Private Yacht,
Unrestricted 100-A-1.1”Y” ; Tonnage Cert, Intl. Load Line Cert, Intact/damage stability booklet, ISPC-ISSC/Ship’s security plan/CSR,
MARPOL Annex I,IV,V,VI,Annex I (Oil) and ISPPC Annex IV (Sewage), V (garbage), VI (Air). Royal Albatross will be registered by
Langkawi International Yacht Registry who shall issue the vessel with a Passenger Ship Safety Cert. Sea trials will commence in August, and
full operations in November 2010.
Specifications, before and after refit:
Sparred Length
Length on deck
Length at waterline
Air Draft
Number of sails
Sail area (Square meters)
Displacement (light ship)
Displacement (full Load)
Gross tonnage
Engine (HP@2,600 RPM)
Genset (number/kW)
Water tanks
Fuel tanks
Waste tanks
Passenger (day/overnight)
The Refit has been carried out at the pier and on the slipway
at UniKL MIMET using the various facilities available.
Royal Albatross high and dry, enabling underwater and
other work. Here the final colours are applied.
#04 Julai 2010
Other particulars:
Crew berths: 12 + 2 (Owner), Passengers: 12 incl. Owners Cabin (including 4 Pullman)
Hull: Steel – underwater 6mm, topsides 5mm, keel sides 20mm, wing keel 50mm.
Seven watertight compartments. Steering: Data Hidrolik electro-hydraulic w/emergency helm pump.
Four Aluminum masts 6061-T6 – main and topmast, aluminum yards (4), spruce booms, aluminum/ spruce bowsprit.
Sails (22): Dacron, 4 square on fore mast, 18 fore & aft. Total 653 sq meters.
Engine: Cummins 6CTA 8.3M 430hp @ 2600rpm with Twin Disc MG 5091 hydraulic gearbox 2.95:1 ratio with hydraulic PTO from gearbox.
PE Luke Feathering Prop 40” x 25” RH.
Generator #1: Cummins 6BT5.9DM with Stamford UCM2744 100kVA 400/50/3 alternator.
Generator #2: IZUZU 4BGI 40kVA @ 400/50/3 alternator
Generator #3: Onan/ Cummins MDKBT 22.5 w/PTO & hydraulic pump.
4T.Thrusters: Wesmar DP50 forward and V2-12 40hp aft both reversing variable speed counterrotating dual propeller hydraulic powered units.
A summary of the work performed is described below:
Hull Improvements:
Strengthening of all hull sections
to meet Class requirements.
Repair of rudder and
bearingsStrengthening of bow and anchor locker. New
anchor and chain. Additional keel ballast. Modify bowsprit.
Repair and modifications to skeg. New rope guards. New
sea chest. New sea water intakes and filtration system. New
stern windows and “gallery”. Multiple new escape hatches.
Multiple new port holes. Towing points for towed support
vessel. Underwater lights and camera. Modification of
Bulwarks. Enlargement of fore house. New boarding gate
and ramps.
Machinery improvements: Upgraded rudder control
system. Modifications to existing ships hydraulics systems.
Replacement of propeller shaft. New second hydraulic
pack. New hydraulic windlass. New stern capstan. Two
new generator sets (now 3 in total). Engine room silencing.
Two new watermakers & filtration systems. Air conditioning
throughout vessel (14 units). New air compressor. New diving
compressor (air and Nitrox). Overhaul of existing Cummings
430HP main engine. Overhaul of existing genset and systems.
New engine room ventilation. High capacity ice maker (400kg/
day). Sewage system upgrade.
The Sails: are the soul of the Ship and so are designed to propel the vessel efficiently and safely in long passages across trackless oceans.
Rigging and Sail improvements: New Staysail rig design. Height modification to all four masts. Lowering upper masts. New lower topsail
yard. New standing rigging throughout. New chain plates throughout. 200+ new pulley blocks. New sails (22)
The Sails are a very traditional means of propulsion, but the availability of modern aids to safety, navigation, even comfort cannot be forgotten,
so Royal Albatross is equipped with the latest electronics and other gadgets:
Systems improvements: Navigation system. Regular Sonar. Forward
looking Sonar. Communications system (GMDSS, DSC). Radar/
AIS. Auto pilot. Hi Fog fire suppression system. Entire new electrical
distribution. Electrical management and energy management systems.
Carbon and UV filtration systems. Storage and launch system for
tenders (2), Large towed support vessel. Solas B Liferafts for 180p.
Cathode protection system. Engine/genset noise suppression systems.
Modification of water systems.
#04 Julai 2010
continue from page 19
Comfort: is important for a Life at Sea, because sometimes, just occasionally, this Life can be quite uncomfortable, so those on board
the ship, especially the pampered passengers, are accommodated in the best possible way:
Guest cabins en suite.
Interior Improvements: Grand salon, seating 70p. Owners cabin. 4 Guest cabins en-suite. New Breezeway lounge. Crew cabins (for
10+2). Gourmet galley. Wooden hull look and feel. Hidden LED lighting throughout. 270° panoramic view in Grand Salon. Dive centre.
Reception area. Bar. New Sea Cork flooring.
Exposed Deck improvements: Substantial increase in useable deck space.
Enlargement of existing foredeck. New Breezeway deck New Sea Cork decking.
New helm station. New pilot house. New open-air bar. New seating and sun beds
throughout. New awnings. New tables. Over transom seating. New boarding
gates. Deck and mast lighting. New bowsprit netting. New railings. New life
saving equipment. Upgrade to stern davits.
With such attention to careful construction, to the installation of every
conceivable safety device, and of course with careful seamanship,
Royal Albatross should be able to sail all the Seven Seas, and even the
Polar regions, in great safety, and so bring the experience of true Adventure to
all who sail in her, and an Education in the ways of the Natural World to those
who are young in age, or in heart.
We look forward to Sailing over the far horizon….to gem-like Islands set in an
azure Sea!
Pete Pela, Owner, Royal Albatross
[email protected].