View full packet - City of Castle Pines
View full packet - City of Castle Pines
CllYOI. c~~~ loR A ®2012 City of Castle Pines, Colorado ~~~s AGENDA REGULAR MEETING OF THE CITY COUNCIL CPN Community Center, 7404 Yorkshire Drive, Castle Pines, CO Tuesday,August25, 2015 Mayor Jeffrey T. Huff City Clerk Bruce Roome 5:30p.m.- Regular Meeting of City Council (NOTE EARLIER START TIME) Treasurer Gregg Fisher 1. CALL TO ORDER I ROLL CALL City Council Ward 1 Rex Lucas T era RadlofV Ward2 Geoff Blue Resa Labossiere Ward 3 Roger Addlesperger Ned Wilt 2. EXECUTIVE SESSION PURSUANT TO C.R.S. 24-6-402(4)(B)- Legal advice concerning franchise negotiations 3. PLEDGE OF ALLEGIANCE 4. APPROVAL OF AGENDA 5. DISCLOSURE OF CONFLICTS OF INTEREST AS TO ANY ITEM ON THE AGENDA 6. CITIZENS' COMMENTS This time is reserved for comments only on matters other than the public hearings listed on the printed agenda. To accommodate all persons wishing to speak on the Council's business, speakers are requested to sign up in advance and limit comments to no more than three (3) minutes for an individual or five (5) minutes for a person representing a group. 7. CONSENT AGENDA Items placed on the Consent Agenda may be removed by any Councilmember prior to adoption of the Consent Agenda. Items removed from the Consent Agenda will be considered in order following approval of the remaining Consent Agenda items. a) Approval of the Minutes of the Regular Council Meeting of August 11, 2015 8. COUNCIL BUSINESS - Action Items a) Ordinance 15-02 - First Reading and Public Hearing on Qwest (Centurylink) Franchise Agreement b) Resolution 15-18- Appointment of Alternate Member to the City of Castle Pines Plann ing Commission c) Financial Statement: • Approval of Statement of Expenditures • July Financial Statement 9. COUNCILMEMBER REPORTS/OTHER BUSINESS 10. CITY MANAGER'S REPORT 11. CITY TREASURER'S REPORT 12. MAYOR'S REPORT 13. CITY ATTORNEY'S REPORT 14. ADJOURNMENT Immediately following Regular Meeting -Council Study Session 2015 City of Castle Pines Page 1 of 2 CII>Ot. c~~~ l 0 RA City of Castle Pines, Colorado ~~~s 1. CALL TO ORDER 2. COUNCIL STUDY TOPICS a) 2016 Budget NEXT Regular City Council Meeting is Tuesday, September 8, 2015, CPN Community Center, 7404 Yorkshire Drive, Castle Pines, CO. Please call the City Offices (303) 70~200 at least 48 hours prior to the Council meeting if you believe you will need special assistance or any reasonable accommodation in order to be in attendance at or participate in any such meeting. THIS AGENDA IS SUBJECT TO CHANGE 2015 City of Castle Pines Page 2 of2 City of Castle Pines, Colorado CITY COUNCIL COMMUNICATION FORM AGENDA ITEM-ORDINANCE NO. 15-02 GRANTING A NON-EXCLUSIVE CABLE FRANCHISE AGREEMENT TO QWEST BROADBAND SERVICES, INC., d/b/a CENTURYLINK FROM: Linda Michow, City Attorney CC: Don Van Wormer, City Manager DATE: August 25, 2014 ITEM: Ordinance No. 15-02, Granting a Franchise Agreement to Qwest Broadband Services, Inc., d/b/a/ CenturyLink to Provide Cable Television Services within the City of Castle Pines - First Reading and Public Hearing I. REQUEST OR ISSUE: On or about June 16, 2015, CenturyLink submitted a new application to the City pursuant to the City's competitive cable franchise regulations requesting reconsideration of a new franchise to operate cable television services within the City of Castle Pines. Ordinance No. 15-02 would approve the franchise agreement with CenturyLink. II. BACKGROUND INFORMATION: Cable franchise agreements authorize private cable companies to occupy and use public rightsof-way to provide television and communication services to the public. The City currently is a party to a cable franchise agreement with Comcast of Colorado X (Comcast) which expires in February, 2018. Cable franchise agreements only relate to the provision of video programming and do not include telephone or internet services. As Council is aware, CenturyLink originally submitted a competitive cable franchise application to the City for consideration earlier this year; however, due to concerns about CenturyLink's ability to serve the community, the Council rejected its proposal and failed to approve Ordinance No. 15-01. Since then , CenturyLink has resubmitted its application and is prepared to address any concerns Council may have concerning its provision of cable service to Castle Pines residents. Note that the public hearing is scheduled to occur with first reading of Ordinance No. 15-02 in order to allow the Applicant an opportunity to respond to questions/concerns/ or revisions to the proposed franchise agreement prior to second reading and final consideration. Approval of this ordinance on first reading simply allows the application to move forward for final determination by Council and does not indicate Council's final approval of the franchise. 1 The franchise agreement attached to Ordinance No. 15-02 is based on the standard model agreement prepared by the Colorado Communications and Utility All iance (CCUA), with specific build-out obligations set forth in Section 12 of the agreement. The franchise fee paid to the City is based on 5% of gross revenues received by Centurylink. The term of the franchise is 7 years (through December 31 , 2021 ); however, the term may be automatically extended by Centurylink for up to 3 additional years if it meets thresholds for offering service. Ill. RECOMMENDED ACTION I NEXT STEP: The City Council may approve Ordinance No. 15-02 on first reading , as presented; continue first reading in order to request additional information; or reject the Ordinance based on the following review criteria set forth in Section 5-5-120 of the Municipal Code: IV. (1) The Applicant does not have the financial , technical, or legal qualifications to provide cable service; (2) The Applicant will not provide adequate public, educational, and governmental access channel capacity, facilities, or financial support; or (3) The Applicant's proposed terms do not comply with applicable federal, state and local laws and regulations including , but not limited to , local customer service standards, or relevant existing contractual obligations of the City. FISCAL IMPACTS: The application fee for the second submittal of this franchise application was waived in accordance with Section 5-5-90 of the Municipal Code. If Ordinance No. 15-02 is approved, the City will receive revenue from the 5% franchise fee. V. LEGAL ISSUES: City Council must determine whether to approve the franchise agreement with Centurylink based on the review criteria set forth in Section 5-5-120 of the Municipal Code, identified above. VI. SUGGESTED MOTION: I move to approve Ordinance No. 15-02, Granting a Franchise Agreement to Qwest Broadband Services, Inc., d/b/a/ CenturyLink to Provide Cable Television Services within the City of Castle Pines, on first reading. cc: CP Elected Officials via Council Meeting Packet CP Staff via Email 2 .,, Centurylink'M Centurylink 1801 Cal~omia Streel. 101h floor Denver, Colorado 80202 Phone 303 992-5809 Facsimile 303 296-4576 '" -~~ ,p_ 11 ~~ Jim Campbell RVP-Midweat Region Regulatory & LegiSlative Affairs June 16, 2015 Mr. Don Van Wormer Castle Pines City Manager 7501 Village Square Drive, Suite 100 Castle Pines, CO 80108 Re: City of Castle Pines Cable Franchise Dear Don: Thank you for your letter ofMay 19th. Again, Century Link remains committed to bring Prism service to residents of Castle Pines. Therefore, CenturyLink is resubmitting its application to reopen negotiations and respectfully requests waiver of the application fees suggested in your letter. The attached application is substantially similar to the original application filed November 21, 2014. CenturyLink looks forward to restarting the approval process as quickly as possible. I believe we are in substantial agreement, and my hope is that we can wrap this up quickly. I will be contacting your office to schedule time before the Council to request approval of our application. Please feel free to contact me should you have any questions. Sincerely, ~Campbell Regional Vice President, Legislative and Regulatory Affairs ORDINANCE NO. 15-02 AN ORDINANCE OF THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF CASTLE PINES, COLORADO GRANTING A FRANCHISE AGREEMENT TO QWEST BROADBAND SERVICES, INC., d/b/a CENTURYLINK ("GRANTEE") TO PROVIDE CABLE TELEVISION SERVICES WITHIN THE CITY OF CASTLE PINES AND AMENDING CHAPTER 5 OF THE CASTLE PINES MUNICIPAL CODE WHEREAS, pursuant to C.R.S. § 31-15-702, the City of Castle Pines City Council is authorized to regulate streets and alleys and other public grounds within the City; and WHEREAS, pursuant to C.R.S. § 31-15-101 (c), the City Council may enter into contracts on behalf of the City of Castle Pines; and WHEREAS, Qwest Broadband Services, Inc. , d/b/a CenturyLink, the Grantee, provides cable television service and seeks to continue to provide such service within the City of Castle Pines; and WHEREAS, the City Council finds that competition in the provision of cable television service benefits the residents of the City and that it is in the best interest of the citizens of Castle Pines to enter into a franchise agreement for cable television services with CenturyLink. NOW, THEREFORE, THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF CASTLE PINES, COLORADO, ORDAINS: Section 1. Approval of the Franchise Agreement. The Cable Franchise Agreement attached hereto between the Grantee and the City of Castle Pines is approved. Section 2. Amendments to Chapter 5 of the Castle Pines Municipal Code, entitled "Franchises and Communication Systems." Chapter 5 ofthe Castle Pines Municipal Code, entitled " Franchises and Communication Systems," is hereby amended by the addition of a new Article 1.5 entitled "Cable Television Franchise - 20 15" which Article is attached as Exhibit A to this Ordinance. The title of the existing Article 1 of Chapter 5 of the Castle Pines Municipal Code is hereby renamed to read as follows: " Cable Television Franchise - 2009." Section 3. Severability. If any provision of this Ordinance should be found by a court of competent jurisdiction to be invalid, such invalidity shall not affect the remaining portions or applications of this Ordinance that can be given effect without the invalid portion, provided that such remaining portions or applications of this Ordinance are not determined by the court to be inoperable. The City Council declares that it would have adopted this Ordinance and each section, subsection, sentence, clause, phrase, or portion thereof, despite the fact that any one or more section, subsection, sentence, clause, phrase, or portion would be declared invalid or unconstitutional. Section 4. Codification Amendments. The codifier of the City's Municipal Code is hereby authorized to make such numerical and formatting changes as may be necessary to incorporate the provisions of this Ordinance within the Castle Pines Municipal Code. City of Castle Pines Ordinance No. 15-02 Page 2 of 3 Section 5. Effective Date. This Ordinance shall take effect thirty (30) days after publication following final passage. Section 6. Effective Date. This Ordinance shall take effect and be in force thirty (30) days after publication following final adoption. INTRODUCED, READ, AND PASSED ON FIRST READING, AT A REGULAR MEETING OF THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF CASTLE PINES, COLORADO the _ _ day of_, 2015. READ, PASSED, AND ADOPTED ON SECOND READING, AT A REGULAR MEETING OF THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF CASTLE PINES, COLORADO the _ _ day of __, 2015. Jeffrey T. Huff, Mayor ATTEST: City Clerk Approved as to form: Linda C. Michow, City Attorney CERTIFICATION OF PUBLICATION I hereby attest and certify that the within and foregoing Ordinance was introduced and read on first reading at a noticed public hearing of the Castle Pines City Council on _ _ _ _ _ _, 2015; published by reference by title only in the Douglas County News-Press, together with the statement that "[t]he complete text of all ordinances is available through the City Offices and on the City' s official website"; and finally passed and adopted by the City Council on , 20_ following a duly noticed public meeting and ordered published by title only, with amendments if any, one time in the Douglas County News-Press on _ __ _ _ ,201 5. ATTEST: City Clerk City of Castle Pines Ordinance No. 15-02 Page 3 of3 EXHIBIT A CABLE TELEVISION FRANCHISE Castle Pines Cable Television Franchise Application Sec. 5-5-30. Reauisite information (a) Identification and ownersh ip information. The application shalf include: (1) The name, address, telephone number and web site (if applicable) of the Applicant and the proposed franchisee (if different from the Applicant); and Qwest Broadband Services, Inc. (QBSI) d/b/a Centurylink 1801 California Street, lOTH floor Denver, CO 80202 Attn: Public Policy 303-992-5822 Company Website (2) The name, address, primary telephone number and primary e-mail address of all individuals authorized to represent the Applicant before the City during its consideration of the franchlse(s) requested, including the Applicant's primary contact and any additional authorized contacts. Primary Contad: Jim Campbell 303-992-5809 jim [email protected] VP Regional Regulatory and Legislative Affairs Additional authorizations: Mark Soltes Assistant VIce President 303-992-5813 [email protected] John Lee Director, Video Affairs 303-992-5808 [email protected] Torry Somers 702-244--8100 Associate General Counsel [email protected] (b) Business structure. (1) If the Applicant is a corporation, it shall provide: a. The names of all officers and members of the corporation's board of directors and their principal affiliations and addresses; QBSI's parent corporation is Centurylink, Inc. and through its subsidiaries owns 100% of QBSI. Centurylink Corporate Headquarters Centurvlfnk, Inc. 100 Centurylink Drive pg. J Monroe, LA 71203 (318) 388-9000 QWEST BROADBAND SERVICES, INC. •• note: (Centurylink, Inc officer slate Is the same, its board members are listed at: Qwest Broadband Services. Inc. {Delaware Domestic) Directors: R. Stewart Ewing. Jr. Stacey W. Goff Officers: Chief Executive Officer and President President Global Markets Executive Vice President and Chief Financial Officer Executive Vice President, General Counsel President IT Services and New Market Development Glen F. Post, Ill Karen A. Puckett R. Stewart Ewing, Jr. Stacey W. Goff Girish Varma Vice President- Public Policy and Government Relations President- Wholesale Operations Executive Vice President- Controller and Operations Support Executive Vice President- Network Services Vice President and Treasurer Vice President Secretary Assistant Secretary Assistant Secretary James P. Campbell William E. Cheek David D. Cole Maxine Moreau Glynn E. Williams, Jr. Jonathan J. Robinson Kay Buchart Joan E. Randazzo Meagan E. Messina b. A certificate of good standing indicating that the Applicant is licensed to do business in the State; and Please see attachment A c. A statement indicating whether the Applicant is directly o r indirectly controlled by another corporation or legal entity. If so, the Applicant shall attach an explanatory statement and respond to Subparagraphs (I) a and b above concerning the controlling corporation. Applicant's ultimate parent company is CenturyUnk, Inc., a Louisiana corporation headquartered in Monroe, Louisiana, and, through its subsidiaries, owns 100% of Qwest Broadband Services, Inc. d/b/a Centurylink. A more detailed corporate structure is depicted on the attached Exhibit B. CenturyLink Is a global communications, hosting, cloud and IT services company enabling millions of customers to transform their businesses and their lives through innovative technology solutions. Centurylink offers network and data systems pg. 2 management, Big Data analytics and IT consulting, and operates more than 55 data centers in North America, Europe and Asia. The company provides broadband, voice, video, data and managed services over a robust 250,000-route-mile U.S. fiber network and a 300,000-routemlle international transport network. On Aprill, 2011, Centurylink, Inc. completed its acquisition of Qwest Communications International, Inc. ("QCII") through a tax-free, stock-for-stock transaction. Under the terms of the parties' merger agreement, Centurylink, Inc. is the ultimate parent of QCII and the subsidiaries that were under QCII. At the time of the merger between CenturyUnk, Inc. and QCII, Applicant was a wholly-owned subsidiary of Qwest Services Corporation, Inc. as was Qwest Corporation, the entity which places facilities in the City's public rights of way pursuant to the City's ordinances and associated rules. Further, at merger, Applicant was a member of the National Cable Television Cooperative ("NCTC") as was the Centurylink entity which offers Prism in legacy Centurylink markets. Because the NCTC expressly forbids more than one entity within a corporate family to belong to and directly obtain content from the NCTC and because any affiliated entity receiving content from the NCTC must be a wholly-owned subsidiary of the NCTC member, Centurylink, Inc. moved Applicant from being a subsidiary of Qwest Services Corporation to being a subsidiary of CenturyTel Broadband Services, LLC. The following sets forth the officers and directors of Applicant. This group of officers and directors do not own any shares of the Applicant. (c) Experience. (1) Current franchises. An Applicant shall list all cable systems in which it or any Affiliate owns more than five percent (5%) of the system . For each system, the Applicant shall include the name of the system, address, communities served, number of subscribers, number of homes passed, date of system award, duration (start and end date) of franchise, status of construction and percent of penetration of homes passed as of the most recently available date (indicate date). Please see attachment C (2) Potential franchises. An Applicant shall list communities where it or any Affiliate currently has a formal or informal request pending for an initial franchise, the renewal of a franchise or the approval of a transfer of ownership. The Applicant shall include the names of communities, date of application and date of expected action. QBSI will be pursuing a number of new franchises in the Denver metropolitan area during 2015 and 2016. In addition Applicant has filed applications with numerous jurisdictions in Minnesota, Oregon, Utah, and Washington (d) Management structure. Every application for a competitive franchise shall include a management and organizational chart showing the management structure of the Applicant. A similar chart shall also be provided showing the relationship of the Applicant to all general partners, Parent Corporations, subsidiaries, Affiliates and aU other subsidiaries of Parent Corporations, including a brief description of each entity's relationship to the Applicant. Please see attachment B Sec. 5-4-40 Legal qualifications. pg.3 (a} Franchise violations. {1) An Applicant shall state whether it or any Affiliate has been found in violation by a Regulatory Authority or franchising authority of any franchise ordinance or agreement, contract or regulation governing a cable system. If so, the Applicant shall identify the judicial or administrative proceeding, the date of the proceeding, the name of the tribunal and the result or disposition of the proceeding. Centuryllnk's cable affiliates have had no franchise violations. {b) Other violations. {1) An Applicant shall state whether it has been found in violation by a Regulatory Authority of any other type (e.g., utility) of franchise, ordinance, agreement, permit, contract or regulation. If so, the Applicant shall identify the judicial or administrative proceeding, the date of the proceeding, the name of the tribunal, and the result or disposition of that proceeding. (Ord. 07-12 Art. 6) Centurylink and its other affiliates have had no violations of this nature and conduct daily regulatory administrative activities with state and federal Telecommunications regulators. Additionally Centurylink and its affiliates maintain daily interactions with various local, state and federal agencies, such as, departments of labor, secretaries of state, attorneys general, securities regulators, public works, transportation, revenue and tax authorities. Centurylink Is engaged in thousands of regulatory proceedings, negotiations and settlements concerning our regulation as well as the regulation of other entities with these authorities in any given year. "'Supplemental Media cross-ownership information for Sec 5-5-40. Section 613 of the Cable Communications Policy Act of 1984, 47 U.S.C. § 533(a), and applicable FCC rules prohibit certain forms of media cross-ownership. An Applicant shall state whether it or an Affiliate directly or indirectly owns, operates, controls or has an Interest in any of the following, or whether the Applicant holds or operates any company or business operating jointly with any of the following: a. A national broadcast television network, such as ABC, CBS or NBC. NA b. A television broadcast station with predicted Grade B contour computed in accordance with Section 73 .684 of the FCC's rules that overlaps in whole or in part with the City's service area, or an application for a license to operate such a station. NA c. A telecommunications or telephone company with a service area that includes any portion of the City's service area. pg. 4 Qwest Corporation (QC), a 100% wholly-owned subsidiary of Centurylink, Inc. holds a state of Colorado PUC certificate to operate throughout the service area, including the entire City of Castle Pines On April21, 2010, CenturyUnk, Inc. reached an agreement to purchase Qwest Communications International, Inc. {"QCII") through a tax-free, stock-for-stock transaction (the "Transaction" ). Under the terms of the parties' merger agreement, Centurylink, Inc. is the ultimate parent of QCII and the subsidiaries that were under QOI, including QC. This transaction closed on April 1, 2011. Sec. 5-4·50 Financial qualifications. (a) Unless SEC Forms lOK and lOQ are available on the EDGAR database, Applicants with existing operations shall provide audited financial statements, including statements of income, balance sheets and cash flow statements, together with any notes necessary to the understanding of the financial statements for the last three (3) fiscal years for the Applicant and any Parent Corporation. Attached and in the interest of environmental conservation Is a link for Centurylink, Inc.'s most recent Securities and Exchange Commission (SEC} filings, including our 10k filing. lOK filing on 02/27-2014 for Centurylink: SEC Edgar filings for Centurylink: Because it is a public traded Company, Centurylink does not provide affiliate level statements, including QBSI. (b) Applicants which are new (start-up) entities shall provide pro forma projections fo r the next five (5) fiscal years, if available, but at a minimum the next three (3) fiscal years from the date of the application. (Ord. 07-12 Art. 7} NA Sec. 5-5-60. Technical qualifications, planned services and operations. (a) The application shall describe the Applicant's planned initial and proposed cable services geographic area, including a map of all areas proposed to be served and proposed dates for offering service to each area. The application shall additionally state whether the Applicant proposes to provide cable services to the entire franchise area and, if so, a proposed timetable for meeting that goal. QBSI is seeking a franchise throughout the city. QBSI will provide the city a map for review and discussion that outlines locations that could have the proper Infrastructure to receive cable service should it be granted a franchise. The map is highly confidential Information and would not be subJect to public disclosure. QBSI's deployment of cable services will be in compliance with the CCUA-Centuryllnk model franchise agreement. In addition, Centurylink expects to meet periodically with the City during and following franchise negotiations to inform it of our actual and planned deployment of cable services. pg. S (b) If the Applicant has or asserts existing authority to access the public right-of-way in any of the initial or proposed service areas listed in Subsection (a) above, the Applicant shall state the basis for such authority or asserted authority and attach the relevant agreements or other documentation of such authority. Qwest Corporation {"QC"), a traditional telephone provider certificated by the State of COlorado Public Utilities Commission in Castle Pines and many other Colorado areas, has and will continue to pull all necessary permits from the City to deploy Its facilities. QC will continue to work with the City and comply with all applicable codes, rules and ordinances with respect to right of way management. Under federal law, the applicant is permitted to operate with QC on a fully Integrated basis. (c) The Applicant shall describe with particularity its planned residential cable services. Applicant's cable communications system will be fully digital. The channel lineup is anticipated to be the same as the current Douglas COunty offer, which Is attached hereto as Exhibit D, in which Centurylink offers its cable communications service, Prism'... This illustrates the vast selection of content available to subscribers. Centurylink will provide the City with a copy of the actual channel lineup prior to launching service In Castle Pines. It should be noted that currently Centurylink offers more channels in HD than any other MVPO nationally. It also provides a robust library of Video on Demand content. Because our system is IP based, we offer unique applications available via the television set such as access to Picasa. In addition, searc::h and streaming services are available which enable viewers to searc::h for the cheapest gasoline within a specified area or to stream selected stock market quotes. We also have an ever Increasing video on demand library. Prism is a state of the art offering and its features and functions also include, but are not limited to: (1) whole home DVR; (2) warp speed channel change; (3) flnd-it fast navigation, (4) multi-view (4 shows on one screen); (5) personal media sharing; (6) interactive news and information dashboard; (7) Prism on the Go (select content available over mobile devices such as smart phones and tablets); and (8) advanced parental controls . By going to the following URI., you can ,.experience" the features and functions of Prism through a short demonstration: (d) The Applicant shall describe with particularity its planned system technical design, upstream and downstream capacity and speed, provision for analog or digital services or packages, distribution of fiber, planned count of households per residential node and any other information necessary to demonstrate that the Applicant's technology will be deployed so as to be able to successfully offer cable services in the proposed locations. Please see below (e) The Applicant shall describe with particularity its planned nonresidential cable services. Please see below pg.6 (f) The Applicant shall describe its planned construction and extension or phase schedule, as applicable, including system extension plans or policy, and describe the current status of the Applicant's existing or proposed arrangements with area utilities, including pole attachments, vault or conduit sharing agreements as applicable. Please see below (g} The Applicant shall describe its plan to ensure that the safety, functioning and appearance of property and convenience and safety of other persons will not be adversely affected by installation or construction of the Applicant's facilities, and that property owners will be justly compensated for any damages caused by the installation, construction, operation or removal of the facilities. Please see below (h) The Applicant shall describe it s plan to comply with the subscriber privacy protections set forth in 47 U.S.C. § 551 and any applicable City cable customer service standards. (Ord. 07-12 Art. 8) In response to items (d) thru {h) above, in addition to the model CCUA franchise that addresses or incorporates these factors and other applicable laws, QBSI will provide the city other highly confidential information during and following its receipt of a cable franchise. Centurylink is the 3rd largest traditional telecommunications carrier in the nation with $18.388 In revenue. CenturyUnk, Inc., through its subsidiaries and predecessor companies, has been providing telecommunications services in Colorado for over 100 years. Centurylink's video network is fully Integrated with its telephone network Qwest Corporation (HQCN). The technology it is currently deploying and would intend to deploy is an Ethernet-based, switched digital video service (and is not a QAM-based, broadcast system). From the serving central office, Centurylink deploys fiber feeder to a serving area interface (SAl), a terminal in a neighborhood which traditionally serves between 250 and 400 homes. The SAl houses the electronics which create a high-speed broadband circuit of at least 25Mpbs over the copper sub-loop running from the SAl to individual residences. In fiber to the home architectures the technical architecture Is slightly different, but more advanced. The video Is provisioned over this high-speed broadband circuit and ultimately terminates i11 a set-top box attached to a television set. · <'~ ,., •. CenturyUnk 11~5-S'Uper h~!,ct ~nds in Columbia, MO and Uttleton, CO, each of which has a satellite "far~!' u$ed to download national content. This content Is encoded at the head-end and is d~Pfotjed o¥eht/}bei'~~ckbone to local head-ends where the local content, including any PEG,~ hanneJs, insetted for ultimate delivery to end users. In addition, the super head enij, also hQu,~~,~l the ~uipment necessary for video on demand. Having two super head enas provides to avoid any interruption of the provision of video ... .redunct,~cv .. ' content. Subscribers in ~tl~Cenv~{ market are served out of the super head end in Uttleton, \ co. ~I.',,-.;.;:. QC (Qwest Corporation}, the traditional telephone provider affiliate of Centurylink, has and will continue to pull all necessary ROW permits from the city to deploy its facilities. pg. 7 QC will contJnue to work with the city and comply with all applicable codes, rules and ordinances with respect to right of way management. Under federal law, the applicant is permitted to operate with QC on a fully integrated basis. Sec. 5-5-70. Affidavit of Applicant. Each application shall be accompanied by an affidavit substantially in the form set forth below: This application is submitted by the undersigned who has been duly authorized to make the representations within on behalf of the Applicant and certifies the representations are true and correct. The Applicant recognizes that all representations are binding on it, that all application commitments are enforceable, and that material misrepresentations or omissions, or failure to adhere to any such representation may result in a denial of an application by the City. The Applicant shall comply with all applicable local laws. Consent is hereby given to the City, and its representatives to make Inquiry into the legal, character, technical, financial and other qualifications of the Applicant by contacting any persons or organizations named herein as references, or by any other appropriate means. Name of Applicant'~~Atho 'zed Representative: ,tAlA'?I~ Affiant's Signature:_ _ Official Position: 6__,.,,....;~:,_ __£_[._-6_5t_t._s:._·_6_4_A-~-~JAI Date R 6·& r b>--' STATE OF COLORADO ) ss. COUNTYOF .N'AIVE~ ) Subscribed and sworn to before me this 15R1ay of Ju ltV WITNESS MY HAND AND OFFICIAL SEAL. My Commission expires: 1/,;s,/go;4 pg. 8 OFFICE OF THE SECRETARY OF STATE OF THE STATE OF COLORADO CERTIFICATE I, Wayne W. Williams, as the Secretary of State of the State of Colorado, hereby certify that, according to the records of this office, QWEST BROADBAND SERVICES, INC. is an entity formed or registered under the law of Delaware bas complied with all applicable requirements of this office, and is in good standing with this office. This entity has been assigned entity identification nwnber 1999ll29180. This certificate reflects facts established or disclosed by documents delivered to this office on paper through 06/12/2015 that have been posted, and by documents delivered to this office electronically through 06/ 15/2015@ 15:05:00. I have affixed hereto the Great Seal of the State of Colorado and duly generated, executed, authenticated, issued, delivered and communicated this official certificate at Denver, Colorado on 06/15/2015@ 15:05:00 pursuant to and in accordance with applicable law. This certificate is assigned Confirmation Nwnber 9218911. Secretary of State of the State of Colorado •••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••EndofCertifica~•••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••• Notice: A certificate issued elrccronically from the Colorado Stcrrzqry o[Stme 's Web §ite is (u/fv and imwuuliglelv yqlid and effwiw, However, as lPI option, 1M iss!4011Ce and validity ofa cenificate obtained electronically may ~ esrobli.rhtd by viJtling the C1rtijicate Confil7lllllion Page of the Secretary of State's Web site, htta-/lwww.sos. .stQle co HSibrz! entering w cenificaJt 's confirmation number displayed on the ctrtificale, and follolfing the instf'llctlons displayed Confirming W jssyanu of q ccntficqre Is msrelv omional tvt4 js !!Ot necessary to the va/jd ami ({Jeclive lss!1111!Ce of a certificate For more uiformation. nlit ow Web site. http:llwww sos.sfi1te co us/ cliclc Businus Center and select ·'Frequently Asked Ques/Jons. " CER1'_OS F Rcwud 08120/2008 Company· Structure / 1 CenturyLink, d ••• ' • • ~nc." .· · j~ : l CenturyTel Broadband . : - Services LLC · : ~ / CenturyTel TeleVideo, Inc. .: Qwest Communications · International, Inc. , CenturyTeiiTeleview · · of Wisconsin, Inc. Qwest Broadband Services, me. Qwest Communications Services, lll"llc. Qwest Corporation Exhibit B ., . •-"' ;.~~ Centurylink . . EXHIBIT C Locally Negotiated Franchises Municipality {Franchisee) Start Date End Date Gulf Shores, AL (CTSSI) 12/5/2011 12/5/2014 Orange Beach, AL (CTBSI) 12/4/2012 12/4/2022 City Adm inistrator- City of orange beach - 4099 Orange Beach Boulevard- Orange Beach, AL36561 Media Com Baldwin County, AL (CTBSI) 3/1/2010 9/1/2015 Baldwin County Commission - 312 Courthouse Square, suite 12 Bay Minette- Alabama 36507 Phone: {334) 937-0264 Media Com Phoenix, AZ (QBSI) 6/1/2014 5/31/2020 City of Phoenix Attn : Cable Administrator 251 West Washington St., 6th Floor Phoenix, AZ 85003 Cox Chandler, AZ (QBSI) 11/7/1998 11/6/2013 Cox Mesa, AI. (QBSI) 11/5/2012 10/18/2018 City Manager P.O. Box 4008 Chandler, AI. 85244 City Manager City of Mesa PO Box 1466 Mesa, AZ. 85211-1466 Queen Creek, AZ. (QBSI) 11/7/2012 11/8/2022 Town of Queen Creek, Attn : Town Manager, 22358 S Ellsworth Rd, Queen Creek, AZ 85142 MediaCom 7/1/2014 6/30/ 2029 City of Glendale 5850 West Glendale Avenue Glendale, Arizona 85301 Attn : City Manager Cox 12/ 14/1999 11/ 30/2014 City of Peoria Attention : City Manager 8401 West Monroe Street Peo ria, AZ 85345 Cox Glendale, AZ (QBSI) Peoria, AZ (QBSI) Contact for Franchise Authority City Clerk - City of Gulf ShoresP.O. Box 299 - Gulf Shores, AL 1 . 36547 Facilities Based Competitor Media Com Cox Scottsdale, A:l (QBSI) 2/1/2015 12/31/2024 Surprise, AZ {QBSI) 1/2/2015 1/2/2022 Goodyear, AZ (QBSI) 3/1/2013 3/1/2019 Maricopa County, AZ (QBSI) Town of Maricopa {QBSI) 4/21/1999 4/21/2014 5/3/2005 5/3/2015 Pinal County, Al. (QBSI) 12/13/2012 12/13/2027 Buckeye, AZ (QBSI} 12/7/2004 12/7/2019 Florence, AZ {QBSI) 6/20/2016 Gilbert, AZ. (QBSJ) 2/25/1999 2/25/2014 CasaGrande, AZ (QBSI) 12/2/2013 12/2/2028 6/1/2012 6/1/2018 Tempe, AZ (QB$1) Paradise Valley, AZ (QBSI) Apache Junction, AZ (QBSJ) 3/1/2015 3/1/2015 3/1/2020 City Manager 3939 N. Drinkwater Boulevard Scottsdale AZ 85251 City Manager City of Surprise 12425 W Bell Rd. Suite 0100 Surprise, AZ 85374 City of Goodyear City Manager City Hall 190 North Litchfield Road . Goodyear, Al. 85338 County Attorney 301 W . Jefferson, 9th Floor City Manager City of Maricopa P.O. Box610 Maricopa, Al. 85239 County Manager 31 N Pinal Street Florence, AZ 85132 Town of Buckeye Attn: Town Manager Buckeye, Al. 85326 Florence Town Manager P.O. Box 2670 Florence, Al. 85232 Town Manager Town of Gilbert 1025 5 Gilbert Rd Gilbert, AZ 85296 City Manager - City of Casa Grande- 510 E. Florence Boulevard CasaGrande Arizona85012 City ofTempe Attn: Cable Policy Administrator 120 E. 5th St. Tempe, AZ 85281 Town Manager Town of Paradise Valley Paradise Valley, AZ City of Apache Junction 300 E Superstition Blvd Apache Junction, AZ 85119 Cox Cox Cox Cox Orbital Communications MediaCom Cox Time Warner and Cox Cox Cox Cox Cox MediaCom ! Colorado Springs, I I I co 7/24/2012 I I (QBSI) Denver, CO (QBSI) 7/24/2022 II I I 3/23/2015 . 3/23/2025 Attn: City Attorney City Colorado Springs 30 South Nevada Avenue, Suite 701 Colorado Springs, CO 80903 AITN : Cable Franchise Compliance Officer City of Denver Comcast Com cast Attn: Alan DeLollis 1437 Bannock St Rm 002 Denver, CO 80202 Monument, CO (QBSI) 2/10/2012 2/10/2022 automatic 5 year Town of Monument 645 Beacon Light Road Monument, CO 80132 Com cast City of Fountain Attn: City Manager 116 S Main Street Fountain, CO 80817 Office of the County Attorney El Paso County, Colorado 200 5 Cascade Ave. Suite 150 Colorado Springs, CO 80903 Town of Gypsum Attn: Town Manager P.O. Box 130 Gypsum, CO 81637 Town of Eagle Town Manager 200 Broadway, P.O. Box 609 Eagle, CO 81631 Comcast renewal Fountain, CO (QBSI) 1/1/2013 1/1/2013 El Paso County, 6/28/2012 06/28/2018 10/3/2013 10/3/2023 co (QB$1) Gypsum, CO (CTBSI) Eagle, CO (CTBSI) 04/25/2014 04/25/2024 12/31/2013 12/31/2023 Centennial, CO (QBSI) 9/1/2014 8/31/2022 Littleton, CO (QBSI) 10/1/2014 9/30/2020 Castle Rock, CO (QBSI) 9/1/2014 8/31/2020 Parker, CO 10/6/2014 10/5/2020 Eagle County, CO (CTBSI) Office of the County Attorney Eagle County, Colorado 500 Broadway P.O. Box 850 Eagle, co 81631 City Manager, City of Centennial 13133 E. Arapahoe Road Centennial, CO 80112 City of Littleton Attn : City Manager 2255 West Berry Avenu e Littleton, CO 80120 Town of Castle Rock Attn: Deputy Town Manager 100 N. Wilcox St Cast le Rock, CO 80104 Town of Parker Com ca st Centurylink Centurylink Comcast Comcast Com cast Com cast Com cast (QBSI) Jefferson County, 8/1/2014 7/31/2019 Attn: Elise Penington 20120 E. Main Street Parker, CO 801387334 Transportation and Engineering Division 100 Jefferson County Parkway Golden, co 80419 11/6/2014 11/5/2020 City of Lone Tree co (QBSI) lone Tree, CO (QBSI) Com cast Comcast Attn: Seth Hoffman/ Kristen Knoll 9220 Kimmer Drive, Suite 100 Lone Tree, CO 80124 Douglas County, 1/4/2000 1/4/2015 5/28/2015 6/30/2020 Papillion, NE (QB$1) 4/2/2013 4/2/2020 Springfield, NE (QBSI) 1/31/2013 1/31/2028 Gretna, NE (QBSI) 6/11/2013 6/11/2023 Ralston, NE (QBSI) 5/7/2013 5/7/2023 La Vista, NE (QBSI) 8/6/2013 8/6/2023 Bellevue, NE (QBSI) S/13/2013 5/13/2023 Omaha, NE (QBSI) Douglas County, NE (QBSI) Sarpy County, NE (QBSI) 12/5/2012 12/5/2022 1/1/2013 1/1/2028 12/4/2012 12/5/2022 co (QBSI) Minneapolis, MN (QBSI) Douglas County Administrator 100 Third Street Castle Rock, Colorado 80104 Director of the Department of Communications City of Minneapolis 350 South Fifth St Room 300M Minneapolis, MN 55415 City Clerk 122 East Third St. Papillion, NE 68046 Office of City Clerk 170 North 3rd Street P. 0. Box 189 5Rt"ingfield Nebraska 68059 City Attorney Jeff C. Miller Young and White Law Office 8742 Frederick Street Omaha, NE 68124 City Clerk Ralston City Hall 5500 South 77th Street Ralston, Nebraska 68127 City Clerk City of La VIsta, Nebraska 8116 Parkview Boulevard La Vista, NE 68128 City Clerk 210 W Mission Ave Bellevue, NE 68005 City Clerk 1819 Farnam street, Ste LC-1 Omaha, NE 68183 Douglas County Clerk 1819 Farnam Street, Room H08 Omaha, NE 68183 Sarpy County Oerk 12.10 Golden Gate Drive, Papillion, NE 68046-2894 Comcast Com cast Cox Charter Charter Time Warner Cox Cox Cox Cox Cox Portland, Oregon 11/14/2007 Com cast 12/31/2015 Office of Cable j Communications and Franchise 1 Management City of Portland, Oregon1120 SW Fifth A v enue, Room 1305 Portland, Oregon 97204 11/1/2020 Rocky Fluhart Chief Administrative Officer Management Services Department 451 South State St., j Room 238 Salt Lake Municipalit y, UT 84111 I Salt lake City, UT (QBSI) 2/3/2006 Salt lake County, UT (QBSI) 3/31/2015 3/31/2021 Salt Lake County Attention: Patrick Leary 2001 South State Street N3200 Salt Lake City, UT 84114 Com cast Saratoga Springs, UT (QBSI) 6/2/2007 6/1/2022 Com cast South Jordan, UT (QBSI) 12/7/2004 12/6/2019 Highland, UT (QBSI) 11/19/2007 11/19/2017 Bellevue, WA 1/1/2008 1/1/2018 City of Saratoga Springs Attn: Ken Leetham, City Manager 1307 North Commerce Drive Suite 200 Saratoga Springs, UT 84043 City of South Jordan Attn City Manager 1600 West Towne Center Dr South Jordan, UT 84095 City Administrator 5378 W 10400 North Highland, UT 84003 City of Bellevue, Washington P.O. Box 90012 Bellevue, WA 98009 Attn: Cable Franchise Manager Franchises operated pursuant to Statewide Video Franchise Laws Las Vegas, NV (CTBSI) North Las Vegas, NV (CTBSI} Clark County, NV (CTBSI) Henderson, NV Com cast Com cast Comcast Com cast (CTBSI} Tallahassee, FL (CTBSI} Fort Myers, FL (CTB$1) Orlando, FL (CTBSI) Columbia, MO (CTBSI) Raleigh/Durham DMA, NC (CTBSI) LaCrosse DMA, WI (CTBSI) Council Bluffs, lA (QBSI) Pottawattamie County, lA {QBSI) Carter Lakes, lA (QBSI) CenturyLink® PrismTM TV Channel Lineup Page 1 of 4 ,i ~. ~$ Centurylink· prisn-: Contact Centurylink Denver Channel Lineup Sales: 877-299-0172 Support: 866-314-4148 .~ Prism ~ 1167 167 7 1179 179 1007 1691 191 1m 690 1791 781 1101 23 310 1158 158 1222 222 32'7 1G 1182 182 1e50 160 1651 651 1652 652 1230 230 1231 2:31 1S27 Essential A&EHD A&E ABC (KMGH) ABC F1111oy HD ABC Family ABC HD (I<MGHDT) A-2HD A-2 Alt.'tlldo Sports HO Allltuda Sports MICHO AMC AXS !V Aztaco Amo""" (KZCSJ Babyf"nl TV BETHO BET Blccmberg HO 91ocmt>erg Boc.nera'll Bot.noo 1V (KTFDDT2) Brave HD Bravo BTNHO BTN BTN2 HD 8TN2 BTN3 HO B'!liiS C-SPAN HD C-SPAN C·SPAN2 HD C-SPAN2 Canoon Nolwork HD 326 Cartoon Nelwe<k 4 CBS(KCNC) 1004 CBS HO (KCNCOTJ 411 C<wtturylirj< ln!orrralocn 1411 Conlu!yl.k"« lnlomuof on 15241 CMTHD 526 CMT 1216 CNBCHO 218 CNBC 1202 CNNHD 202 CNN 1141 Comedy Conlral HD 141 Comedy CerWII 40 5 1121 121 1303 303 8 9999 1134 135 603 1502 28 1102 1606 29 608 53 1424 424 1162 512 2f 14U 453 31 1031 1210 210 1~0 1120 112t 129 1131 131 4004 3004 41 1641 1141 1178 178 1106 Doye:« (KRMT) Oeeedoo (KCNCDT2) Discovery Channel HD o;oco<ory ChaMel Cisney Channol HO !looney Channel Douglao Ccun11 Govemmenl OVR EIHD El ESPNCias.sie ESPN HD ESPN ESPN ESP!IC2 HD ESPN2 ESPN2 Einlla TV (o{ETD) EV!NE Live HO EVJNE Live EWTNHO £wrN EJQ!os (l<OENOT2) Feed Networl< HO Food Nelwor1< FOX(KOVR) FOX HD (KDVROT) FOX Nevro Chamol HD FOX N_, Channel FOX Spc<1s 1 HO FOX SpotU 1 FXHO FX FXXHO FXX Ga'IIYiolon HD Ga'l"itslon GotTV (KTFOOT3) Gdf Chonnol HO GdfO!annel Hallmark Olannel HD Halmill< CNonnol HONet MoVIes ,~11 HG!VHD 451 HG!V 2'71 Hb!ory 1203 HLNHD 203 HLN 1422 Home Shopping NoiWork HO 19 Heme Shopping NeiWorlt 422 Heme St-oopp;ng No~ 1261 10HD 261 10 68 ION(KPXC) 1066 ION HD (KPXCDT) 1426 ~ry Totevitoon HO 17 Jewelry Telovlslon 421 J- r y Television 1118 Judce c.ttral HD 188 Ju••ce Ceo1tnll 3 K3(KCOO) 1003 K3 HD (KCOOOT) IS LAfF· TV (K"'.GHOT3) 11 LATV (KCECDT2) 1361 Lifetime HD 361 l..le!One 364 Lifetime Roll V<.'omon 1362 LMN HD 362 LMN 5129 MC70s 5128 MC '80s G127 MC ';Oo 5116 MC ACIIJI AltemaUve 5115 MC AIUJmdw 51~ MC Blues 5134 MC cra..ic C<>Untry 5t18 MC Clau;c Rocl( Sf48 MC Claulcol Mul.,piec:os 5135 MC Cconlomponory CIY1a11on 6133 MC C<>Untry HHs 5103 MCDanoe 6148 MC E01y UslllnMlg 5111 MCGospol 6105 MC Hi>-Hc!> end R&B 5107 IIIC Hip-Hop ClaS6ict 5101 IIIC HtU.I 5104 IIIC!n<h 5145 MCJau. 5124 MC Kldz Only! 5150 MC Ught Ctooalcal 5120 MC\.Cve Songo 5114 MC Melal 8138 MCMo» 51S7 MC Musial Urbano 5122 MC Pony Favorites 5131 MCPo,>Ccuncy 5121 MCPcpHIIo 5136 MC Pep>nc 5102 MC PopRhylllmk: 5109 MC R&B Claseies 5110 MC R&B SCul 510& ti.C Rlll> 5112 MC Roggoo 6117 MCRee~ Hit> 5113 MCRcdl 5140 MCRcmoncao 5147 MC &1gers & Sv.lng 5144 MC S!noclh Jozz 5119 MCSO!tRcdl 5130 MC ScUd Gold Oldies 51~1 MCSc.JndaolfleSOMOna 5143 MC Sotwlscapes 5142 MC &age & Screen 5108 MC ThcowbiiCk Jams 5132 MC T~s C<>Untry 1125 MC Toddler Tunes 5139 MC Trcpieoloi 5126 MCV2K 21 Me-TV (KTVDDT2) 1634 MLBN-HD fi3~ MLBN1218 MSNBCHD 215 MSNBC 1503 MTVHD 503 MTV 20 My Notwot1< TV (KT VD) 1020 My NeiWM< TV HD (KTVDOT) 121115 NatJconol Geographic Chonruol HO 266 Nalklnal Geognoph'c ChaMeJ 9 NBC(KUSA) 1~ NBC HO (KUSAOT) 1640 NBC SN HO 1540 NBCSN 193 10 1830 8:!0 8:29 1628 18SI 631 1314 314 NBC UriveBo NBC WB<Illler f>,us (KUSADT2) NFL !'lo:wotl< H!> NFL Ne:wor1< NFL RedZono (Pay Per View) NFL RodZc<M 1-'0 (Pay Per VIew) N'iLNet.¥0!1<HD NHL N&twOflo. Nld<e/oclcon HD 1368 368 Ol<yGon HD 1686 116 108 1101 101 12 6 13 1012 1006 II .,,, 1151 1182 1152 t183 1163 1164 91S4 tl65 115$ 90 12 301 201 to1 1420 18 420 1799 719 780 1760 11<46 148 1:137 337 1152 152 31 1560 560 1112 112 5123 25 3007 1025 2 1002 1225 225 :u Nk:*e~odeon Oxygen PAC 12 Moumm:n HO PAC 12 Mcunta!n Pay Per Vtew EYonts HO Poy Per Viow Evams HO Pay Per \/lew Ev«<to PBS (1<901) PBS(I<RMA) PBS Encoro (KBDIOT21 PBS HD (KBDIOT) PBS HO (KRMADT) PBS W:>rtd- (KBDIOT3) Prell'ier Leoguo em. Tome 1 HD Prorrior Leogue Elclre r~~M 1 PramHtr League Exira Time 2 HD Premier ~.c<~gue Ex1rl' Time 2 Prell'ior League En'a Time 3 HO Premier L. .gue Exira Time 3 Pr......,. League EJdra Time 4 HD l'nMrler LHgua E><tra Tmo 4 Premier l e oguo El<trw Trne 5 HO Pn!m'or League Exira Torno 5 Prism Appicallons P~smGam.. Prism Kl<la PrismNI!wo Prism ~orts QIIC HD QIIC QVC Roolz Channel HO Reolz Chamol ROCia Racl<y Mo<.Hltlln Roots Rocky MOunlion HO Spi<e TV HO Spite TV SproutHD Sprout Syly HO Syly TBN (KPJR) TBN HO TBN TBSHD TBS Toon MC Telem..,do (KDEN) Teleml.lldo (KDEN) Tol~o HD (KDENDT) The CW(KWGNJ Tho CWHO (KI'.GNOTJ Tho Wulher Cnennol HO Tho Weali"lef Chonruol Thit TV (KWGNDT2) T\.CHO n.c TNTHO 1261 251 1108 101 TNT 1255 Trovol Ch&Mel HD 255 Trovel cnannel 1114 truTV HO 185 trulV 11 39 TVLondHO 139 80 TV8 V ail (TV8VAIL) 14 UriMas (KTFO) 1014 Uri'AM 1-10 (KTFOOT) 4006 UniMu HO 50 Unlvlsion (KCECJ 1050 UniYiaion HO (KCECOT) 112.6 USA N.......,kHD 125 USA Notwort. 1102 Velocity HO 1519 VH1HD 511 VH1 I V1deo On De,_d 1180 OON HD 110 OON PrismN Complete Includes Prism~ Essential Plan channels 1259 2!58 American Herve Chamel HO AmerCan Heroes ChanneJ 1380 381 EO<JJire lVHO EO<!Uire TV 5(15 315 M1V2 Nick 2 6/4/20 15 CenturyLink® Prism™ TV Channel Lineup 1253 253 1188 188 567 1&43 &<13 515 153 161 lll7 1.s6 .s6 1<165 465 Anl""'l O!arwt HD Anill'oiPia.'lOI BBC Amonco HD 9BCAmtrlca BYUTV C9SSp~HD CBSSpo<ts Centric Ch~ler 1211 211 &.117 &.118 M9 1621 621 1535 535 Cloo CMT ?uro Counuy Coolung Cl!annel HO Cookin g Channol 08SbmltlOn America H D Oo>tir,.!lonAmorice Ois~ry Fam ty HD Logo 1109 MTVHits MTVU MTV2HO 27. 178-4 ':K17 1454 454 181M 8IM 1805 605 tar• 78<1 17$7 798 510 1505 1320 320 1318 316 NOCI< Jr HD MckJr Nicktoons H:J 1 1~ NlJVQtv H!l NUVOI'i Oprah V'Jrt.Iey Netv.ork HO Oprah lMt'lfr8y Ne«wor'< Ol.'ldoer Cl111t1MI HD C Wloor Charrwl Ovdon HO Ovation SCi ENCE HD SC:ENCE Sportomon Cl!onntl HO Sportsman Cl!a:mo: 1&5 12!6 257 1680 ~ 1307 305 Fcse 184 5211 117. 17. 1305 FO X Business Ne!WOII< HO FOX Bu&!ness N e FOX Col OliO Spoils Atla."tlc FOX CoiiOQO Spot!s Cer.tral FOX Col. - Sporro Paclfic FOX Sports2 HO FOX 5;>o.:S 2 Fuse HO FX ~0w1e C h• •vulf t«J FX M011lo CNnntl FYI HD FYI Groa! Am<1'1<'111 Country HC Gnoo\ Arnwican Coumry GSNHO GSN H2HO H2 Hol.morf< Movie> & Mysteno• HO Ha~tmark Movies & Mystet'tes IFCHO IFC l nspkdon Network 1782 792 1272 272 1529 1336 335 Oitt:OYery F•m1ty 466 CiSCOYeryLh Di or>Oy .l:nOoiHD Oionoy Jun'ot Oi&noyXOHD Ditl\8)1XD OIYNelliiO/k HD DIY Network ESPNN-• HD ESPNNows ESPNU HD ESPNU Page 2 of4 6110 1531 531 usa 258 1M2 &42 322 507 1780 780 1167 167 110. 621 522 1372 373 ,,2 Nidctoor:s -:-••, N"c k Tl'll Tur:>er Clas&k: Mov ies HO Tumor Cla,.lc Moviec TV One HD TV One Uni...-..J HD VH 1 0oss!c VH t Soul 'M:tvHD 'M:tv YoutooAmeri<:a Prisma Preferred Includes P rism ~ Complete Plan c ha nnels. 220 rs11 1470 470 1218 219 1540 540 1232 232 1169 1&9 217 206 11Q IQ 1163 183 263 t:l2 t:IJ t:IB 8311 1138 M2 543 1142 tt4 t35 1954 t48 944 H5 19S2 1133 SSt 1951 835 937 1936 140 541 1133 133 890 182 1192 1206 AI JOZJ>era America ASPiRE AWEHD AWE BBC W orld N""" HD BBC INDrld News Blue H·ghway> TV HO B'uo li<ghways TV C-SPAN3HD C.SPAN3 CarsTVHD Cars TV CNBC 11\bttd CNNI Comeoy TV HD Comody.TV Cri'ne & lnvestgatocn HD CJ'W'ne & lnvHtJg.at1on OoONews ENCORE (E) eNCORE (W) ENCORE Actlcn (E) ENCORE Ao:tlcn fN) Eroxn Action HD IE) ENCORE Black (E) ENCORE Black (W) E.ncoro !lock HO (E) ENCORE Cioouic (E) ENCORE (W) ENCORE Cla ..'c HD (E) ENCORE E_,ai ENCORE Famly (E) ENCORE Faml y (W) Enane HD (E) Encore HD CN) ENCORE On Oomor>d Encore On Demand ENCORE Su_,oe (E) ENCORE Suopenso (W) ENCORE SU!jlOIISe HD (E) ENCORE Westerns (E) ENCORE Wllslems rHJ ES.TVHD ES.TV A lX (E) A lX Oft Demand Fllx On Demand FuSionTVHD c•usc 2011 Fusion Tv 656 GorTV (EngliSh) GorTV HC (Ercilioll) HRTV !ndieplox HD lndioplax JewiSh Broadcasting Service HD Jewish Broedcasti~ Service IAAVTVHO MAVTV I.IGM H D MOM M;litary Hist:xy MOVIEPLEX HC 1B58 672 11114 114 1590 stO 1147 147 1118 11& 271 1781 711 1172 172 12M 2M 12S7 2fT 12011 209 tan 671 1613 6&3 18M 1184 teas 615 1617 617 tM8 ... 1U2 482 1170 170 1.02 .02 1787 717 ~~· ~· 1918 916 1538 6,. 14 75 476 c• 1&07 1801 eoa 1609 IIOt IIIJ7 176t 189 852 1153 as. 1155 ISS. 1855 860 161 1160 1111 858 1158 MOVIEPl£X My0e51t1allon.TV HD MyOesUootlon.TV NASA TVHD NASA TV Not Geo \Mid HO NatGeo\Mid One Am«ica N.,.. Nei'Norlt HC Orw Am«Jco News Network 11110 850 866 11117 PAC12~ AnooHO z H BO Comedy (W) H OO Comedy HD (E) HBO Comedy H O fN) HBO Famll'y (E) HBO Fami'y (W) HBO Fnlr H D (E) HBO f oml.y H D (W) HBO HO (E) 1155 8110 1158 PAC ,2Ariz:ona 811 181 0 1811 806 807 1806 1807 1102 185 18M 1157 PAC 12 Bay Area PAC 12 lot Angoloa HO PAC 12 Los Angelos PAC 12 Oregon HD PAC 12 O<ogon PAC 12 washington HO PAC 12 WMhir>gton PAC12 Ne!WOII< HD PAC12 N Pets.TVHC Pets.TV PIYCI HO PIYCI Plxl. HD PixL Redpe.TV HD Recipe.TV RettopiCUI HD Retroplex RevoiiHD REVOLT RF DTV HO RFD TV RLTV SEC Nelwof1< HO SEC Netwof1< Overflow 1 HD SEC Netwof1< Overflow t sec Network Ovet1l<>.Y HD SEC Netwof1< Overflow 2 SEC Netwofl< Short5 HD Shorts Showrlme (E) Showtime (W) Showlime 2 (E) Showtim. 2 fN) SI1-2HD (E) Sllowtimo 2 HD (W) Showbme Boyond (E) ShowliJM Boyond (W) 5~ Beyond HO (E) Showline Boyono HD (W) S - • Exnemo (E) G - . Extreme (W) St.owtrno Extreme HD (E) Shc1Mime Extn>me HD (W) Faml y (E) ShowmloF..,i y(W) s-• 854 167 O~sldeTVHO OLbldeTV PAC 12 Arizona HD 1851 1169 162 663 1852 1853 11166 1887 ttl 119 1111 1118 1791 781 902 903 801 909 1908 110 911 1910 804 905 19a. U02 190) ~moHO (E) ShowUne HD fN) ShowUno Nlllll (E) ShowUno Noxf (W) s - · Next HD cEJ s - . Next HD (W) Sl'<>wllma On Demand Sl'<>wllme ShcWcaoe (E) Showlime Sllowcaso (W) Sl'lowlime Sllowcaae HD (E) Sl'lowlime Sllowc"'o HD (W) Sllowtime Women (E) womon (W) sr-time women HD (E) Showtimo Wlm111 HD (W) Smkhscni011 Chlnnol (E) Smlll1oonion Channa~ (W) Smilllscnian Channel HD (E) SrniiNcnlan Cl'lllnntl HO ( W) Sony Movie Channel HO Sony MoYie cr-nol Slant (EI Sta~l (W) Slarzl Cinema (E) Slarz! enema (W) Storz! Ci'lell'a HD (E) Sla!Zl Comedy (E) Slorz! Como d)' (W) Slarz! Comedy HD (E) Starr. Edge (E) SUirz! Edgo (W) SlarzJ Edge HD Slarz! HD (E) Starz! HD(W) Slo!ZIIn Block (E) Sto!Zlln Black rM Slant In Bla e<t HD Stan! Kldl and f amoly <El Slarzl Kl<U and Family fN) Sian! Kid< and FamMy HO Sua! On Demone Slant On Demand Th61Mln!Net"""' TMC (E) TMC (W) TMC HD(E) TMCHD(W) TMC On[)lomond TMCOnDotnancl TMCXIr.I (E) TMCXIni (W) TMC XIniHO (E) TMCX1r11 HOfN) TVG UriY«Sal Sports Spor!O HO UP HO UP WO~d Fishing Ne.._k H D WOrtd Fishing N""""'k t07 1!106 912 913 1912 831 1931 575 Sill m ,... 1812 1Q3 884 815 tN4 tits 170 ~ 1~ 1558 858 1679 679 Prism• Premium In Clude s Pri sm • Preferred P lan channels . 1840 840 838 837 1138 1137 832 833 5$UJr MoxHD 5 Slor Max ACiionMAX (E) AcllcrMAX (W) A-AXHD (E) Aetlorlo4AX HD (W) C nemu (E) c.....,.x fN! 112 113 1112 1t13 1104 110& 854 ., HBOZone (E) H BOZDne (W) HBO Zono HO (E) tiBO Zllnt! HO (W) tl802 HD (E) HB02 KC ( W) Moret.IAX (E) MonJMAX(W) http://www .century!prisrntv/channelLineupTable.html?marketN ame=denver-colora ... 6/4/2015 Page 3 of4 CenturyLink® Prism™ TV Channel Lineup 1132 1833 1846 ISO ClnllmatHO (E) Cinemax H D (W) C:nernax HO Conemu On o.m~n~ Cine max On Demond C tnotNox ltBO(E) HBO (W) H802 (E) HB02 (W) HBO Comedy (E) 1850 846 802 803 80S 810 1803 814 ttl 1114 1815 830 1834) 801 1109 11101 180$ HBO'"IO(W) HBOL.a'.Joo('E) HBOL.alloo(W) HBO l.IICi,.., HD (E) HBO L.o~ro HD (W) HBO On Demond 'i8 0 On Demand H BO Slgr~atura (E) HBO S.gnaue (W) HBO Slgnauo HD (E) HBO Slgnaturo HD (W) Premium Packages Available as 1134 1135 1842 842 1844 844 83& MotCMa x HD(E) M0!8Max HD (W) Mov:aMAX HD Mov.eMAX 01..1er Max HO 1138 1139 Ou'.e<MAX Tlvi ••MAX (E) TldorMAA (W) Th~lerMax HD (E) HO (WJ 1842 Molli<>MAXHD au Add~ons: Preterred and Premium plans Include select Add-on Channels. Cinemax Add-on Package 1840 SStorMax H D 840 S StarMa• 838 ActiorMAX ~E} 1137 11136 1837 832 Ul 1U2 AdioniAAX (W) AcltonMAX HD !E) AdiooMAX HD (W) Cinemax(E) Cinemax(W) Clne<MXHD(E) 1833 1846 CinemaxHD(W) CinemexHD 150 Ci'lomu On Demand 1850 846 834 835 1834 1835 •u CC,emu On Demand 1844 844 C tnemax MoreMAX(E) MOreMAJ( {W) Mon!MaxHD (E) MoreMax HO (W) 839 1838 1139 138 M~AA o.rlerMo• HD o.rlo<MAX Thrillo<MAX (E) TM!o<MAX (W) TtwtllarMax t-D (E) TIYi"eoMax HD (W) Paquete Latino Add-on Package 3146 3063 3022 3054 302G 3127 3202 312JI 312S Bandom&JI Boomora11g en Esponol Coble Nolicias Co noon Notwort. on Esponol ConcMel<io:ono C one Sony CNN on E<panol Do Peticu•a Do Pefcu!o Clasico 3102 3103 30111 3052 3302 3077 3303 30411 3304 D:scovory on Espenol Oiocovory Fam.ia Disney "" E•panct Disney XD E<panol ESPNDoponea EWTNen E<par.ol FOXOepatea FOX life GoiTV 3104 3101 3141 30?1 3143 3017 3024 3013 Hlslory en Eo!>onol La F.,..~. Cosmovislon Not Goo Munoo Rttmoson Latino TBN eNaoo ToteM ToleN TV Chile WAPAAmerlcoo 3680 Ja32 3702 lV Japan TVSMondo ZuTV )050 lntemationat-AI·Carte Add-on Package 3112 3603 Chomol One Rueaoa 3e04 CT~ZI'cng Tlan Ch OMel 3710 Eros Naw ~ Fii'Pino on Oomoild ChO>oCe~lV 3802 3704 3706 3681 3703 Rat iloilo Sony En!enalnmonl Televl•ton Asll (SET Asia) STAR Indio PLUS Tho FUplno Ci\annol TVAsl<l Stan/Encore Add-on Package 932 933 II.!I 939 1838 942 943 11142 t34 935 1834 946 ~ 1145 1932 1933 t51 ENCOR~ (E) ENCORE(W) ENCORE Action (E) ENCORE Acbon (W) Ercae Adlon HD (E) ENCORE Blad< (E) ENCORE Black (W) Encore Blac~ HO (E) ENCORE O.oUlC (E) ENCORE auoic (W) ENCORE Cinslc HD (E) ENCORE EKPI'lol ENCORE Famly (E) ENCORE Famfty (W) Enc:oro HO (E) Enco<e HO (W) ENCORE On Demano 11151 938 937 11131 940 841 1914 814 17&8 7&8 1816 911 902 to3 901 908 ltol Encore On O.mand ENCORE Susponoo (E) ENCORE Su1p01n.. (W) ENCORE Su'i>"n•e HD (E) ENCORE 11\'astem• (E) ENCORE WCSioms (W) lndieplex t-D tnd·eptex 1.40VJEPLEX HD MOVIEPLEX no 911 1910 905 1104 - 1102 11103 to7 Retroplcx HD Ret!OiliOX Starz! (E) Starzl (W) S1er.l C onomo (E) Slar.d Cinemo (W) Storz! Cinema HO (E) 1901 1112 1113 1912 131 1931 Sllov.1Jme Extremo HD (E) Stoowtime Extreme HD (W) She-Mime F.-nlly (E) Sllowtino F"'"liY (W) HD (E) ShoW'ume HD (W) Sha..time Next (E) Shov.41me Noxt (W) 1857 sta~l Comedy (E) &a~ I Comedy CNJ Sto"'! Comedy HD (E) Slam Edge <EJ Silo~ ! E<lge(W) Star.o:l EdgoHD Starz! HD (E) Starzl HD (W) Slant in Black (E) S1arzltn Bleck (W) S1orz! In Black HO Storz! Ki<1s and FamRy (E) St.nt Kkh and Famly (W) Star>I Kids IM Fomly HD Slarzl On Demand Sblrzl On Oo'TU!nd Showtlme Add·on Package 190 892 1892 85.2 853 a$4 855 11lj4 1155 1160 1161 1160 1161 858 15ll Filx (E) A 'XOn o ....-.d AxOn Oem•nd Showttn• (E) ShoWtlme (W) Showt)no 2 (E) Sllowtine 2 (W) Sllowttme 2 HO (E) Showtine 2 HD (W) s-lino Beyond (E) SIIOWtme Beyond (WJ ShoWtlme Beyon0 H O (E) Showtlme Beyond HO (W) Sl\owtimo Extreme (E) Sl>oWIIme Extreme (W) 1a$1 11159 182 &83 1U2 1853 884 U& 1164 1165 ~Nex!HD(E) - m • Noxt HD (W) 110 Showtlmo On Domand 1880 856 &57 1156 Showtimo On Dei1\Qnd Sno...tlm Sllowc.o. . (E) snowtme (W) Show1ino Sllowcaoe HD (E) sna...,.,.. 186 857 11166 1H7 812 883 1182 11U 1&8 1&88 1;84 116 1&84 1&85 Showtlme Showcase HD (\~ Src..time 'M>mon (E) Src..time Wo<T\on (W) Showtine Wo<T\en HD (E) S t - . o Womon HO (W) "NC(E) TMC(WJ TMCHD(E) TMCHD(W) TMC On Demn TMC On Demond TMC Xtra (E) TMCXtra(W) TII.C Xtra HD (E) T'MC Xtra HD (W) HBO Add-on Package 802 103 10& 810 811 1110 1811 106 807 HBO(E) HBO(W) HB02 (EJ HB02(W) HBO Comedy (E) H Comody (W) HBO Comeoy HD (E) HBO Comedy HO (W) HBO Fam!y (E) HBO Fom ty (W) eo 18De 1807 1802 1803 114 81G 1814 1816 130 1130 HBO Fomlly HD (E) HBO Fom ly HO (W) HBOHD(EJ HBOHD (W) HBO Latino (E) HBO ur.ino (W) HBO La~,.., HD (E) HBO Leti,.., HO (W) HBOOn Oomand HBOOn Demill'\0 ·~ 109 1801 11109 112 813 1812 1113 1804 180& HBO Sognetu!1! (E) HBO SIQnonn (W) HBO Slgnoltn HD (E) HBO Slgnat..-e HD (W) HBOZcne(E) HBOZcno (W) H 80 Zone HD (E) HBO Zone HD (W) HB02 HO (E) HB02HO(W) 6/4/2015 CenturyLink® Prism™ TV Channel Lineup Page 4 of4 6/4/2015 RESOLUTION NO. 15-18 A RESOLUTION OF THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF CASTLE PINES, COLORADO APPOINTING REGULAR AND ALTERNATE MEMBERS TO THE COMBINED PLANNING COMMISSION/BOARD OF ADJUSTMENT WHEREAS, the City Council adopted Ordinance No. I 0-07 establishing a citizenappointed Planning Commission and Board of Adjustment (collectively, the "Board"); and WHEREAS, the City Council has advertised for citizen volunteers to serve on the combined Board; and WHEREAS, with the resignation of Rob Hanna from the Board, the City Council desires to appoint the current alternate member, Don Tosby, to fill the vacancy; and WHEREAS, the City Council further desires to appoint an alternate member of the Board. NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED BY THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF CASTLE PINES, COLORADO, THAT: Section 1. The City Council hereby appoints the following citizen representatives to serve on the combined Planning Commission/Board of Adjustment: Don Tosby- Regular member; term to expire 1/28/2017; _ _ _ _ - Alternate member; term to expire 11 /12/2016. Section 2. stated in Section 1. Section 3. The terms of appointment for such citizen representatives shall be as This Resolution is effective upon adoption. INTRODUCED, READ, AND ADOPTED AT A REGULAR MEETING OF THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF CASTLE PINES by a vote of _ _ in favor and against 111 this 25 day of August, 2015. Jeffrey T. Huff, Mayor ATTEST: APPROVED AS TO FORM: Interim City Clerk Linda C. Michow, City Attorney City of Castle Pines castle~nes 7501 Village Square Drive, Suite 100 Castle Pines, Colorado 80108 Phone: 303-705-0200 Fax: 303-688-9414 Application for Appointment Castle Pines Planning Commission Completed applications may be dropped off at the Castle Pines city offices or you may submit them via fax, mail or email to [email protected]. Please complete both sid es of the application. For questions about the application process or inquiries about Castle Pines Advisory Committees, please contact Don Van Wormer City Manager, at 303-705-0200. PLEASE TYPE OR PRINT CLEARLY Name (Last, First) street Address Glynn' Lisa 1303 Buffalo Ridge Road 303-765-5569 occupation Land Development Home Phone How did you learn about this vacancy? (X) ZIP . C1ty, 5tate Castle Pines CO 80108 303995-8065 Email [email protected] Business Phone _0 Newspaper_0 Word of Mouth _D_ City Website _0 Other (please e x p l a i n ) : - - - - - - - - - - -- - - - - -- - - - - -- - - - - Do you own a business in Castle Pines? D Yes; Business Name - - - -- - -- - -- - - - - - 1!!!!!1 No Castle Pines Policies: Castle Pines employees may not serve on City advisory committees, except as specifically provided by City resolution or as required to perform official City duties. Information submitted on t he application form shall be considered public information. Continued on reverse... Vo22015 Lisa Glyn n Application for Appointment Castle Pines Planning Commission 1. What experience/training/qualifications do you have for this particular citizen advisory committee? I have been developing vacant ground in the Denver area for 18 years. I have worked on all facets of the development process from land acquisition, architectural design, site planning, rezoning, land entitlement. redevelopment, engineering , construction and facility operations. I have completed projects that range in size from 2.000 to 200,000 square feet. My experience includes development of single family, multi-family, commercial and industrial projects. I do not have any current or future plans for development in the Castle Pines area at this time . develop and own Self Storage facilities in the Denver Metro Area. I do not personally believe that there is a current need for this type of development in this City. Why do you want to become a member of this advisory committee and what specific contributions do you hope to make? 2. I have lived in Castle Pines for the last eleven years and I plan to live in this community for at least 10 more years. I love living here and would like to contribute to the planning and zoning commission as this City grows. I believe that land use, zoning and planning and design are all key elements of a great community. Our City has a great vision for the future and I believe that my experience in mixed use projects could be a very valuable contribution as this City grows and expands. I have worked with the City of Denver. City of Thornton, City of Golden. Jefferson County. Denver Tech Center. Douglas County and Parker during the last 18 years. I believe that every land use has a place as well as every use can be incorporated in the right manner through placement, orientation to the context of the surroundings, setbacks, landscape buffering and thoughtful design. I would like to work with incoming development projects to make sure that they meet the City's land use objectives. 3· Briefly describe your involvement in relevant community groups and activities. Lack of previous involvement will not necessarily disqualify you from consideration. I have served on the HOA board for the Estates at Buffalo Ridge. I currently serve as the Vice President of the Bowles End Subdivision Owner's Association in Jefferson County. I am involved with my daughter in the National Charity League. I am on my neighborhood landscaping committee . I have also served as a youth group volunteer at Cherry Hills Community Church. I also volunteer with Timber Trail Elementary and Rocky Heights Middle School. 4. Which community topics concern you that relate to this citizen advisory committee? The topics that concern me involve land use and zoning . I would like to work with this committee as it works to incorporate the comprehensive plan into the frame work of future planning, zoning and land use review. Working together to cohesively incorporate a sense of design and place that unites and promotes the great community that we live in. 5· Are you currently a member or have you previously served on a municipal committee or governing board? If so, which one and when? No I have not served or currently participate on any municipal committee or governing boards. City of Castle Pines 7501 Village Square Drive, Suite 100 Castle Pines, Colorado 80108 Phone: 303-705-0200 Fax: 303-688-9414 Application for Appointment Castle Pines Planning Commission Completed applications may be dropped off at the Castle Pines city offices or you may subm it them via fax, mail or email to [email protected]. Please complete both sides of the application. For questions about the application process or inquiries about Castle Pines Advisory Committees, please contact Don Van Wormer City Manager, at 303-705-0200. PLEASE TYPE OR PRINT CLEARLY Patrice Echola Name (Last, Firs t ) - - - - - - - - - - -- -- - - - - - - - - - -- - - - -- - - -- - Castle Pines, CO 801 08 8251 Wetherill Circle Street Address - - - - -- - - - - - -- -- - - City, State ZIP----- -- - - - - - - 775-233-6442 Home Phone Occupation same Business Phone Wine Consultant [email protected] Email _ _ _ __ _ _ __ _ __ __ __ How did you learn about this vacancy? (X) _ON ewspaper _0 Word of Mouth _0 City Website ~ Other(pleaseexplain): _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ __ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ __ _ _ __ __ Wine Shop @ Home Consultant Do you own a business in Castle Pines? IB Yes; Business Name 0 No Castle Pines Policies: Castle Pines employees may not serve on City advisory committees, except as specifically provided by City resolution or as required to perform official City duties. Informat io n submitted on the application form shall be consider ed public information. Signature of Applicant_--;7,4.~6--'f:' ==~ --t:=-~...::;;_ _ _ _c=._ .Lico-"\r"51' . L _ z/_ 2_D_)_z._c_J_S_--_ _ _ Date _ _ _ - ~ m@D1RWJ11ffi 8~ H ? "nJ: Continued on reverse ... lW &fL........... BY: ..... V022015 Application for Appointment Castle Pines Planning Commission PLEASE TYPE OR PRINT CLEARLY 1. What experience/trainin~/qua lifications do you have for this particular citizen advisory committee? 2. Why do you want to become a member of this advisory committee and what specific contributions do you hope to make? Ms. Echola has a total of 2g-years of Planning and Engineering experience for small to very large public and pnvate agenc1es and corporations. Ms. Echola ret1red as a Land Use Transportation Plar and Transportation Des1gner. Ms. Echola Mas experience 1n presentations to Cny Counc1ls and Plan Comm1ss1nors. I have a vested interest in Castle Pines Community, I have a son and three grandsons living here as well as my hUsband and my relocat1on Mere. 1 have decades of knowledge and expenence 1n b1cycle and pedestnan safety, and w1tM more folks ndlng and M1t<lhg the local roads and tra1ls, Mav1n~ someone wnM my expertise rev1ew1ng proposed plans 1s a bonus to our commumty. 3· Briefly describe your involvement in relevant community groups and activities. Lack of previou s involvement w ill not necessarily disqualify you from consideration. Land development application review and evaluation - Reno, Sparks and Washoe County B1cycle Fnendly cert1f1cat1on apphcat1ons (2011 Bronze) - Washoe County tong range land use urban comprehensive plan 2008, C1ty of Sparks Pedestrian Safety Act1on Plan (CMa1r) and Strateg1c H1gMway Safety Plan 2022 Wlhter Olympics- Blue R1bbon commmee, focus on all aspects of transportation Which community t opics concern you that relate t o this citizen advisory commit t ee? t ong Range Douglas County Plans and improvements to the Castle Pines Community s. Are you currently a member or have you previously served on a municipal committee or governing board? If so, wh ich one and when? Washoe County HOME Consortium to improve low income and senior housing Traff1c lnc1dent Management System (TIMS) (f1rst responders) for traff1c safety V022015 " '" - c~~! City of Castle Pines 7501 Village Square Drive, Suite 100 ~~~s Castle Pines, Colorado 80108 a RA Phone: 303-705-o:wo Fax: 303-688-9414 l Application for Appointment Castle Pines Planning Commission Completed applications may be dropped off at the Castle Pines city offices or you may submit them via fax, mail or email to [email protected]. Please complete both sides of the application. For questions about the application process or inquiries about Castle Pines Advisory Committees, please contact Don Van Wormer City Manager, at 303-705-0200. PLEASE TYPE OR PRINT CLEARLY Name (Last, First) _ABRAM, Gaylynn G._ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ __ Street Address _12425 Tapadero Way _ __ City, State ZIP_Castle Pines, CO 80108_ _ __ Home Phone _303-284-9381_ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ __ Business Phone (cell) 571-216-2134_ __ _ Occupation _urban planner (Past) Instructor, art enrichment_ __ Email [email protected]_ _ __ How did you learn about this vacancy? (X) ___ Newspaper _ __ Word of Mouth _X_ City Website _ __ Other (please explain):----- -- - - -- - - - - - - -- -- - - - - - - Do you own a business in Castle Pines? 0 Yes; Business N a m e - - - - - - - - - - - - - ~ No Cas_tle Pines Policies: Castle Pines employees may not serve on City advisory committees, except as specifically provided by City resolution or as required to perform official City duties. Information submitted on the application form shall be considered public information. fo) l1:@ )11 It WII fffi H\\ AUG 1 0 2015 JY} Signature of Applicant htr~ 9 a~ BY: ....................... Signed Electronically per email submission this date August 9, 2015 Date - - - - -- - - - - - - -- - - - - - - - - - -- - - - - - -- Continued on reverse ... V0 220 15 Application for Appointment Castle Pines Planning Commission PLEASE TYPE OR PRINT CLEARLY 1. What experience/training/qualifications do you have for this particular citizen advisory committee? 20 yrs experience in Urban and Regional Planning, incl City Planning Experience in conducting and attending public meetings High degree of diplomacy; professional experience working with diverse citizenry, consultants, and numerous levels of governmental administration. Experienced in working with and developing Comp Plans and amendments Understanding of a Planning Commission and its' function to the City Why do you want to become a member of this advisory committee and what specific contributions do you hope to make? To help guide planning and zoning processes that strengthen and maintain the interest(s) of Castle Pines To help support the growth and development of Castle Pines within a collaborative process. To help in development and preservation of the best quality of living for current residents and for future generations. 2. 3· Briefly describe your involvement in relevant community groups and activities. Lack of previous involvement will not necessarily disqualify you from consideration. Past HOA Board member and HOA VP. Past Athletic Board member. Past judge Regional Science Fair engineering/environmental (high school). Past Park Board member. Past youth athletic community & events chair (swimming, soccer). Past boy scout leader, girl scout co-leader. School volunteer. Past coordinator Bike to Work day. 4. Which commu nity topics concern you that relate to t his cit izen advisory committee? Maintaining the Castle Pines hometown feel as part of new Urbanism concept. Thoughtful growth management, residential/business balance, density impacts, schools, transportation/mobility access, environmental impacts. Cultural and open space preservation. Impact of Right of Way acquisition. 5· Are you currently a member or have you previously served on a municipal committee or governing board? If so, w hich one and w hen? Northern Virginia transportation and mobility Fairfax County Trails and Sidewalks Stringfellow Bicycle and Pedestrian Committee MWCOG Bicycle and Pedestrian Safety Committee_ _ _ _ __ _ _ _ __ V022015 City of Castle Pines GL Account and Title Vendor Name Statement of Expenditures by GL Account Report dates: 8/12/2015-8/18/2015 Invoice Number Invoice Date 10-40-350 WARD MTGS/COUNCIL ACTIVITIES Castle Pines Chamber TURN SPON Description 08/12/2015 Golf Tournament Turn Sponsor Total10-40-350 WARD MTGS/COUNCIL ACTIVITIES: 10-41-340 COMMUNICATIONS EXPENSE 1273 Slate Communications 07/31/2015 Monthly PR/Communications Serv 235334162 08/03/2015 High speed internet 6336019 07/31/2015 Copier Lease and usage 07/29/2015 Office Supplies 10.1218 10.1219 21506 10-47-450 PUBLIC NOTICE ADVERTISING Colorado Community Media 109449 07/31/2015 Legal Counsel 07/31 /2015 Legal Counsel- Planning 07/20/2015 Legal Services-Century Link 08/13/2015 Public Hearing Notice 5058 90812 08/10/2015 Muni Court Prosecutor Services Total10-50-300 DUES & SU BSCRIPTIONS: 15.96 600.00 600.00 08/05/2015 Engineering Services 1,950.00 1,950.00 Total10-50-1 10 PROFESSIONAL SERVICES : 1274 3,764.10 575.00 135.00 15.96 Total10-48-115 PROSECUTION SERVICES: 10-50-300 DUES & SUBSCRIPTIONS Slate Communications 42.25 4,474.10 Total10-47-450 PUBLIC NOTICE ADVERTISING: 10-50-110 PROFESSIONAL SERVICES Bohannan-Huston, Inc. 448.05 42.25 Total10-44-250 CITY ATTORNEY FEES: 10-48-115 PROSECUTION SERVICES Ausmus Law Firm, P.C. 149.79 448.05 Total10-42-244 OFFICE SUPPLIES: 10-44-250 CITY ATTORNEY FEES Widner Michow & Cox LLP Widner Michow & Cox LLP Kissinger & Fellman, PC 6,400.00 149.79 Total10-42-242 PRINTING AND COPYING: 10-42-244 OFFICE SUPPLIES Quill Corporation 500.00 6,400.00 Total10-42-233 TELEPHONE/INTERNET SERVICE: 10-42-242 PRINTING AND COPYING Konica Minolta Business Solutions Net Invoice Amount 500.00 Total10-41 -340 COMMUNICATIONS EXPENSE: 10-42-233 TELEPHONE/INTERNET SERVICE Comcast 0310190-081 Page: 1 Aug 18, 2015 11 :03AM 07/31/2015 Comm Dev & PW Printing 157.44 157.44 City of Castle Pines GL Account and Title Vendor Name 10-50-530 TRAFFIC SIGNALS O&M W .L. Contractors, Inc Intermountain Rural Electric Associ Intermountain Rural Electric Associ Intermountain Rural Electric Associ Intermountain Rural Electric Associ Statement of Expenditures by GL Account Report dates: 8/12/2015-8/18/2015 Invoice Number Invoice Date 25903 260081 01-07 27550301-07 24817201-07 24817301-07 07/31/2015 08/04/2015 08/04/2015 08/05/2015 08/05/2015 Description Traffic Light Maintenance 215 CP Pkwy 84 W CP Pkwy 494 CP Pkwy 417 CP Pkwy Total10-50-530 TRAFFIC SIGNALS O&M : 10-60-125 COMMUNITY DEVELOPMENT Quill Corporation 6336019 Slate Communications 1274 07/29/2015 Office Supplies 07/31/2015 Comm Dev & PW Printing 300000630 07/31/2015 Bid DepUReviews & Inspections 6117-0715 05/05/2015 Annual Membership 295.00 07/31/2015 Water - ElkRidge Park 3,247.31 3,247.31 0044595-IN Total20-55-210 PARKS MAINTENANCE: Grand Totals: 28,807.90 295.00 Total20-55-205 PARKS UTILITIES: 20-55-210 PARKS MAINTENANCE Designscapes Colorado 31.44 77.70 28,807.90 Total10-60-300 DUES & SUBSCRIPTIONS: 20-55-205 PARKS UTILITIES Castle Pines North Metro District 1,333.51 99.03 73.47 71 .89 148.45 109.14 Total10-60-130 BUILDING INSPECTION SERVICES: 10-60-300 DUES & SUBSCRIPTIONS Downtown Colorado, Inc. Net Invoice Amount 1,726.35 Total10-60-125 COMMUNITY DEVELOPMENT: 10-60-130 BUILDING INSPECTION SERVICES SAFEbuilt, Inc. 0021300-IN Page: 2 Aug 18, 2015 11 :03AM 07/31/2015 Irrigation check & repair 6 18.46 618.46 49,541 .75 CITY OF CASTLE PINES BALANCE SHEET JULY 31,2015 GENERAL FUND ASSETS 10-10000 CASH ALLOCATED TO OTHER FUNDS 10-10100 CASH CHECKING-WF 10-10110 CASH CHECKING-KEY 10-10120 CASH MONEY MARKET-KEY ( 1,032,930.83 92, 140.38 4,652,009.47 10-11500 ACCTS RECEIVABLE 10-11510 PROPERTY TAX RECEIVABLE 10-14300 PREPAID EXPENSES 3,051,299.64) 268.90 4,506.95 195.00 TOTAL ASSETS 2,730,751.89 LIABILITIES AND EQUITY LIABILITIES 10-21100 ACCOUNTS PAYABLE 121 ,253.81 10-21300 EMPLOYEE BENEFITS PAYABLE 10-21305 402.48 SUI PAYABLE 90.76 TOTAL LIABILITIES 121 ,747.05 FUND EQUITY UNAPPROPRIATED FUND BALANCE: 10-29800 BEGINNING FUND BALANCE REVENUE OVER EXPENDITURES - YTD BALANCE- CURRENT DATE 1,658,769.06 950,235.78 2,609,004.84 TOTAL FUND EQUITY 2,609,004.84 TOTAL LIABILITIES AND EQUITY 2,730,751 .89 FOR ADMINISTRATION USE ONLY 58 % OF THE FISCAL YEAR HAS ELAPSED 08/18/2015 02:40PM PAGE: 1 CITY OF CASTLE PINES REVENUES WITH COMPARISON TO BUDGET FOR THE 7 MONTHS ENDING JULY 31 , 2015 GENERAL FUND PERIOD ACTUAL YTDACTUAL APPROVED BDGT UNEARNED PCNT PRIOR YTD ACT -- TAXES -637,320.77 10-31-100 PROPERTY TAXES- LAW ENFORCEME 4,916.07 649,137.72 654,484.00 5,346.28 99.18 10-31-200 SO TAX- LAW ENFORCEMENT 5,302.91 36,070.31 50,395.00 14,324.69 71 .58 33,069.35 10-31-300 SALES TAX - CITY 95,609.23 387,192.84 1,015,000.00 627,807.16 38.15 384,754.15 10-31-400 USE TAX - BLDG MATERIALS 30,157.59 61 ,919.44 270,379.00 208,459.56 22.90 59,640.79 10-31 -500 USE TAX- AUTO 73,975.05 473,687.70 875,000.00 401 ,312.30 54.14 434,642.63 209,960.85 1,608.008.01 2,865,258.00 1,257,249.99 56.12 1,549,427.69 94,855.00 TOTAL TAXES FRANCHISE FEES 10-32-100 FRANCHISE FEE - IREA 14,005.37 92,337.27 191 ,362.00 99,024.73 48.25 10-32-200 FRANCHISE FEE - XCEL 4,642.04 61 ,065.43 124,957.00 63,891 .57 48.87 69,777.62 10-32-300 FRANCHISE FEE - CABLE TV .00 34 ,446.17 137,773.00 103,326.83 25.00 34,368.77 10-32-400 FRANCHISE FEE - CENTURY LINK .00 2,256.38 .00 ( 2,256.38) .00 .00 10-32-700 FRANCHISE APPLICATION FEE .00 2,000.00 .00 ( 2.000.00) .00 .00 18,647.41 192,105.25 454,092.00 261 ,986.75 42.31 199,001 .39 175,141.56 313,243.66 327,450.00 14,206.34 95.66 306,228.51 24,101 .22 141 ,800.17 277,722.00 135,921 .83 51.06 136,305.11 210,000.00 130,800.21 37.71 92,650.70 .DO .00 28,561 .39 TOTAL FRANCHISE FEES INTERGOVERNMENTAL 10-33-100 COUNTY R&B SHAREBACK 10-33-200 HIGHWAY USERS TAX FUND 10-33-250 SALES/USE TAX SHAREBACK .00 79,199.79 10-33-300 CONSERVATION TRUST FUND REV .00 .DO 10-33-400 CIGARETTE TAX 505.90 2,999.83 6,000.00 3,000.17 50.00 3,000.34 10-33-500 MOTOR VEHICLE REG FEE 2,639.00 17,530.00 39,000.00 21,470.00 44.95 17,281 .50 .DO 10-33-600 STATE ENERGY DISTRIBUTIONS .00 .00 4,500.00 4,500.00 .00 261 .88 10-33-700 GRANTS -GOCO .00 .00 75,000.00 75,000.00 .00 .00 202,387 .68 554,773.45 939,672.00 384,898.55 59.04 584,289.43 TOTAL INTERGOVERNMENTAL FOR ADMINISTRATION USE ONLY 58 % OF THE FISCAL YEAR HAS ELAPSED 08/18/2015 02:40PM PAGE: 2 CITY OF CASTLE PINES REVENUES WITH COMPARISON TO BUDGET FOR THE 7 MONTHS ENDING JULY 31 , 2015 GENERAL FUND PERIOD ACTUAL YTDACTUAL APPROVED BDGT UNEARNED PCNT PRIOR YTD ACT -- LICENSES AND PERMITS 10-35-100 BUSINESS & SALES LICENSE FEES 10-35-200 CONTRACTOR LICENSE FEES 10-35-300 LIQUOR LICENSE FEES TOTAL LICENSES AND PERMITS 10.00 3,195.45 2,400.00 ( 795.45) 133.14 2,005.00 3,375.00 25,506.25 20,000.00 ( 5,506.25) 127.53 15.725.00 175.00 653.75 1,755.00 1,101.25 37.25 1,442.75 3,560.00 29,355.45 24,1 55.00 5,200.45) 121 .53 19,172.75 3.59 547.78 750.00 202.22 73.04 314.07 .00 .00 .00 .00 .00 13,535.50 920.00 ( CHARGES FOR SERVICES 10-36-100 ADMINISTRATIVE FEES 10-36-110 PARK FEES 10-36-115 CITY EVENT FEES .00 .00 .00 .00 .00 10-36-120 DEVELOPER/IMPACT FEE .00 200,000.00 .00 ( 200,000.00) .00 .00 10-36-150 CREDIT CARD FEES 747.95 1,719.54 1,500.00 ( 219.54) 114.64 930.73 10-36-200 BLDG PLAN REVIEW FEES 4,610.75 26,121 .96 48,783.00 22,661.04 53.55 23,047.25 10-36-240 PLANNING & ZONING FEES 450.00 38,398.50 60,435.00 22,036.50 63.54 64,342.02 31 ,687.30 89,952.25 162,608.00 72,655.75 55.32 60,419.32 .00 300.78 1,000.00 699.22 30.08 .00 10-36-420 ROW A ND GESC FEES 400.00 8,386.14 8,000.00 386.14) 104.83 2,739.96 10-36-450 219.11 456.27 2,000.00 1,543.73 22.81 461 .21 38,1 18.70 365,883.22 285,076.00 80,807.22) 128.35 166,710.06 COURT FINES 5,709.00 45,950.00 72,000.00 26,050.00 63.82 41 ,298.00 TOTAL FINES A ND FORFEITURES 5,709.00 45,950.00 72,000.00 26,050.00 63.82 41,298.00 478,383.64 2,796,075.38 4,640,253.00 1,844,177.62 60.26 2,559,899.32 10-36-270 BUILDING PERMITS & INSPECTIONS 10-36-400 SIGN PERMIT FEES DC USE TAX COLLECTION FEE TOTAL CHARGES FOR SERVICES ( ( FINES AND FORFEITURES 10-38-500 TOTAL FUND REVENUE FOR ADMIN ISTRATION USE ONLY 58 % OF T HE FISCAL YEAR HAS ELAPSED 06/18/2015 02:40PM PAGE: 3 CITY OF CASTLE PINES EXPENDITURES WITH COMPARISON TO BUDGET FOR THE 7 MONTHS ENDING JULY 31 , 2015 GENERAL FUND PERIOD ACTUAL YTDACTUAL APPROVED BDGT UNEXPENDED PCNT PRIOR YTD ACT CITY COUNCIL 10-40-300 DUES & SUBSCRIPTIONS 10-40-310 COUNCIL EDUCATION AND TRAINING 10-40-340 COMMUNICATIONS EXPENSE 10-40-350 WARD MTGS/COUNCIL ACTIVITIES 10-40-355 MEALS & TRAVEL 10-40-370 WORKERS COMPAND SURETY BONO TOTAL CITY COUNCIL .00 12,037.03 15,000.00 2,962.97 80.25 150.55 663.55 6,000.00 5,336.45 11.06 6,265.50 3,765.99 .00 .00 .00 .00 .00 32,180.00 .00 .00 1,000.00 1,000.00 .00 .00 319.14 1,597.16 2,000.00 402.84 79.86 934.83 .00 354.00 100.00 254.00) 354.00 91 .25 469.69 14,651 .74 24,100.00 9,448.26 60.80 43,237.57 61 ,250.00 ( CITY MANAGER 10-41-100 SALARIES A ND WAGES 8,686.56 60,805.92 104,239.00 43,433.08 58.33 10-41 -102 EMPLOYER PAYROLL EXPENSES 1,304.68 9,407 .60 16,328.00 6,920.40 57.62 9,214.37 10-41 -105 EMPLOYEE BENEFITS 1,330.33 9. 182.01 16,205.00 7,022.99 56.66 14,785.47 10-41 -106 EDUCATION AND TRAINING 1,060.1 4 2, 105.12 2,000.00 754.00 10-41-110 PROFESSIONAL SERVICES .00 .00 20,000.00 10-41 -240 MILEAGE REIMBURSEMENT .00 760.15 500.00 ( ( 10-41 -300 DUES AND SUBSCRIPTIONS 10-41-340 COMMUNICATIONS EXPENSE 10-41 -355 MEALS & TRAVEL TOTAL CITY MANAGER FOR AOMINISTRATION USE ONLY ( 105.12) 105.26 20.000.00 .00 .00 260.15) 152.03 .00 945.00 .00 1,185.00 1,000.00 185.00) 118.50 6,430.00 44,980.00 80,000.00 35,020.00 56.23 .00 82.00 270.00 400.00 130.00 67.50 157.00 18,893.71 128,695.80 240,672.00 111 ,976.20 53.47 87,105.84 58 % OF THE FISCAL YEAR HAS ELAPSED 08/ 18/2015 02:40PM PAGE: 4 CITY OF CASTLE PINES EXPENDITURES WITH COMPARISON TO BUDGET FOR THE 7 MONTHS ENDING JULY 31,2015 GENERAL FUND PERIOD ACTUAL YTOACTUAL APPROVED BDGT UNEXPENDED PCNT PRIOR YTD ACT -- GENERAL OPERATIONS 10-42-100 SALARIES A ND WAGES 10-42-102 EMPLOYER PAYROLL EXPENSES 1,275.00 9,188.50 .00 ( 9, 188.50) .00 196.99 1,424.09 .00 ( 1,424.09) .00 10-42-105 EMPLOYEE BENEFITS 1,735.77 .00 .00 .00 .00 .00 5,955.01 10-42-106 EDUCATION AND TRAINING .00 .00 250.00 250.00 .00 150.00 10-42-110 PROFESSIONAL SERVICES 125.62 1,033.61 2,000.00 966.39 51 .68 1,129.29 10-42-220 INSURANCE 4,060.00 12,477.50 16,400.00 3,922.50 76.08 10,836.10 10-42-225 OWNER'S ACCOCIATION DUES .00 883.40 3,000.00 2,116.60 29.45 2,131 .56 10-42-230 CITY HALL BLDG LEASE 4,168.17 28,066.16 53,018.00 24,951 .84 52.94 28,721.50 10-42-233 TELEPHONE/INTERNET SERVICE 712.02 5.140.20 10,000.00 4,859.80 51 .40 6,079.31 10-42-235 IT SUPPORT AND SOFTWARE 640.72 4,650.65 10,800.00 6,149.35 43.06 7,223.10 12,016.62 10-42-240 MILEAGE REIMBURSEMENT .00 .00 .00 .00 .00 923.01 10-42-242 PRINTING AND COPYING 448.05 3,079.40 7,500.00 4,420.60 41 .06 4,375.71 245.40 2,921 .77 7,500.00 4,578.23 38.96 6,530.44 74.97 644.75 1,450.00 805.25 44.47 476.21 428.27 2,674.83 3,1 00.00 425.17 86.28 1,942.48 .00 907.75 900.00 7.75) 100.86 867.88 12,375.21 73,092.61 115,918.00 42,825.39 63.06 91 ,093.99 CITY ATIORNEY FEES 4,474.10 44,937.55 95,000.00 50,062.45 47.30 50,541 .38 TOTAL LEGAL SERVICES 4,474.10 44,937.55 95,000.00 50,062.45 47.30 50,541 .38 10-42-244 OFFICE SUPPLIES 10-42-246 POSTAGE AND MAILING 10-42-248 CREDIT CARD & BANK CHARGES 10-42-300 DUES & SUBSCRIPTIONS TOTAL GENERAL OPERATIONS ( LEGAL SERVICES 10-44-250 FOR ADMINISTRATION USE ONLY 58 % OF THE FISCAL YEAR HAS ELAPSED 0811812015 02:40PM PAGE: 5 CITY OF CASTLE PINES EXPENDITURES WITH COMPARISON TO BUDGET FOR THE 7 MONTHS ENDING JULY 31 , 2015 GENERAL FUND PERIOD ACTUAL YTDACTUAL APPROVED BDGT UNEXPENDED PCNT PRIOR YTD ACT FINANCE 10-46-100 SALARIES AND WAGES 3,408.44 23,859.08 40,901 .00 17,041.92 58.33 12,016.62 10-46-102 EMPLOYER PAYROLL EXPENSES 522.00 3,783.80 6,407.00 2,623.20 59.06 1,735.78 10-46-105 EMPLOYEE BENEFITS 619.81 4,338.67 13,078.00 8.739.33 33.18 5,955.00 10-46-106 EDUCATION A ND TRAINING 425.00 425.00 1,500.00 1,075.00 28.33 00 10-46-110 PROFESSIONAL SERVICES .00 .00 22,500.00 22,500.00 .00 .00 10-46-200 AUDIT FEES .00 14,500.00 17,000.00 2,500.00 85.29 15,000.00 10-46-240 MILEAGE REIMBURSEMENT .00 .00 100.00 100.00 .00 .00 10-46-300 DUES & SUPSCRIPTIONS .00 .00 100.00 100.00 .00 .00 10-46-400 SOFTWARE 146.25 1,023.75 8,100.00 7,076. 25 12.64 1,023.75 5, 121.50 47,930.30 109,686.00 61,755.70 43.70 35,731.15 4,500.00 31,500.00 61 ,261 .00 29,761 .00 51.42 37,996.56 647.14 4,763.07 9,596.00 4,832.93 49.64 5,812.19 1,206.94 7,241.64 14,025.00 6,783.36 51.63 11,296.10 32.47 TOTAL FINANCE CITY CLERK 10-47-100 SALARIES AND WAGES 10-47-102 EMPLOYER PAYROLL EXPENSES 10-47-105 EMPLOYEE BENEFITS 10-47-106 EDUCATION AND TRAINING .00 35.00 800.00 10-47-110 PROFESSIONAL SERVICES .00 1,350.00 .00 10-47-150 ELECTION SERVICES .00 .00 10-47-160 FILING FEES 10-47-240 MILEAGE REIMBURSEMENT 10-47-300 DUES & SUBSCRIPTIONS 765.00 4.38 1,350.00) .00 .00 10,000.00 10,000.00 .00 .00 .00 ( .00 .00 100.00 100.00 .00 43.70 98.33 200.00 101 .67 49.17 .00 .00 330.00 350.00 20.00 94.29 170.00 10-47-400 IT SUPPORT AND SOFTWARE 10-47-410 GRANICUS SOFTWARE 10-47-450 PUBLIC NOTICE ADVERTISING .00 81 .12 700.00 618.88 11 .59 491 .88 10-47-460 CODIFICATION .00 1,473.73 3,000.00 1,526.27 49.12 1,045.90 6,446.53 53,191.70 108,582.00 55,390.30 48.99 62,917 55 TOTAL CITY C LERK FOR ADMINISTRATION USE ONLY 48.75 410.31 800.00 389.69 51 .29 341 .25 .00 5,908.50 7,750.00 1,841 .50 76.24 5,731.20 58% OF THE FISCAL YEAR HAS ELAPSED 08/ 18/2015 02:40PM PAGE: 6 CITY OF CASTLE PINES EXPENDITURES WITH COMPARISON TO BUDGET FOR THE 7 MONTHS ENDING JULY 31, 2015 GENERAL FUND PERIOD ACTUAL YTDACTUAL APPROVED BDGT UNEXPENDED - PCNT PRIOR YTD ACT MUNICIPAL COURT 600.00 4,200.00 7,200.00 3,000.00 58.33 1,250.00 8,750.00 15,000.00 6,250.00 58.33 8,750.00 568.50 3,911.00 6,000.00 2,089.00 65.18 3,500.00 IT SUPPORT AND SOFTWARE .00 1,121 .00 2,250.00 1,129.00 49.82 1,368.00 COURT FORMS .00 .00 1,600.00 1,600.00 .00 .00 2,418.50 17,982.00 32,050.00 14,068.00 56.11 17.818.00 5,662.86 654,484.00 647,939.00 ( 6,545.00) 101.01 643,351 .00 .00 19,725.00 13,355.00 ( 6,370.00) 147.70 13,144.00 49.17 6,492.08 6,545.00 52.92 99.19 6,373.25 5,712.03 680,701 .08 667,839.00 12,862.08) 101 .93 662,868.25 10-48-115 PROSECUTION SERVICES 10-48-120 CLERK & OTHER SERVICES 10-48-125 JUDGE SERVICES 10-48-400 10-48-410 TOTAL MUNICIPAL COURT 4,200.00 PUBLIC SAFETY 10-49-100 LAW ENFORCEMENT 10-49-105 A NIMAL CONTROL SERVIC ES 10-49-200 TREASURER'S FEES TOTAL PUBLIC SAFETY FOR ADMINISTRATION USE ONLY 58 % OF THE FISCAL YEAR HAS ELAPSED ( 08/18/201 5 02:40PM PAGE: 7 CITY OF CASTLE PINES EXPENDITURES WITH COMPARISON TO BUDGET FOR THE 7 MONTHS ENDING JULY 31, 2015 GENERAL FUND PERIOD ACTUAL YTDACTUAL APPROVED BDGT UNEXPENDED PCNT PRIOR YTD ACT - - PUBLIC WORKS 10-50-100 SALARIES AND WAGES 2,973.46 20,814.22 35,682.00 14,867.78 58.33 19,917.94 10-50-102 EMPLOYER PAYROLL EXPENSES 432.66 3,693.62 6,101 .00 2,407.38 60.54 3,535.59 10-50-105 EMPLOYEE BENEFITS 759.72 5,273.44 7,621 .00 2,347.56 69.20 3,718.92 10-50-106 EDUCATION AND TRAINING .00 1,200.00 3,000.00 1,800.00 40.00 .00 10-50-110 PROFESSIONAL SERVICES 1,950.00 18,900.00 159,300.00 140,400.00 11 .86 78,673.40 10-50-240 MILEAGE REIMBURSEMENT 89.05) 218.73 .00 10-50-300 DUES & SUBSCRIPTIONS 1,888.56 24.46 1,244.00 36.00 .00 164.05 75.00 157.44 611 .44 2,500.00 ( 10-50-355 MEALS & TRAVEL .00 .00 .00 .00 .00 10-50-515 TRAFFIC STUDY .00 .00 20,000.00 20,000.00 .00 .00 10-50-530 TRAFFIC SIGNALS O&M 2,679.63) 29,493.12 48,100.00 18,606.88 61 .32 23,405.75 10-50-540 ROAD & STREET MAINTENANCE 10-50-545 SNOW REMOVAL A ND MATERIALS 10-50-550 STORMWATER EXPENSES 10-50-560 INFRASTRUCTURE PROGRAM 10-50-565 VEHICLE A ND VEHICLE EXPENSE TOTAL PUBLIC WORKS FOR ADMINISTRATION USE ONLY ( 49,878.40 156,656.08 177,000.00 20,343.92 88.51 376,340.50 35.16 249,625.03 334,000.00 84,374.97 74.74 184,854.85 944.60 8,977.83 23,950.00 14,972.17 37.49 5,531 .00 .00 .00 .00 .00 .00 167,836.13 38.50 796.26 5,000.00 4,203.74 15.93 715.77 54,490.31 496,205.09 822,329.00 326,123.91 60.34 865,809.85 58 % OF THE FISCAL YEAR HAS ELAPSED 08118/2015 02:40PM PAGE· 8 CITY OF CASTLE PINES EXPENDITURES WITH COMPARISON TO BUDGET FOR THE 7 MONTHS ENDING JULY 31,2015 GENERAL FUND PERIOD ACTUAL YTDACTUAL APPROVED BDGT UNEXPENDED PCNT PRIOR YTD ACT - - PARKS AND RECREATION 10-55-100 SALARIES AND WAGES .00 .00 .00 .00 .00 19,917.94 10-55-102 EMPLOYER PAYROLL EXPENSES .00 .00 .00 .00 .00 3,535.57 10-55-105 EMPLOYEE BENEFITS .00 .00 .00 .00 .00 3,718.97 10-55-106 EDUCATION AND TRAINING .00 .00 .00 .00 .00 15.00 10-55-200 PARKS SUPPLIES .00 .00 .00 .00 .00 819.36 10-55-205 PARKS UTILITIES .00 .00 .00 .00 .00 16,088.25 10-55-210 PARKS MAINTENA NCE .00 .00 .00 .00 .00 17,797.03 10-55-215 WATER FEATURE O&M .00 .00 .00 .00 .00 16,833.00 10-55-220 INSURANCE .00 .00 .00 .00 .00 15,846.40 10-55-222 PARKS R&M .00 .00 .00 .00 .00 10,027.62 10-55-565 VEHICLE A ND VEHICLE EXPENSE .00 .00 .00 .00 .00 715.76 TOTAL PARKS A ND RECREATION .00 .00 .00 .00 .00 105,314.90 52,092.32 COMMUNITY DEVELOPMENT 10-60-100 SALARIES AND WAGES 7,776.66 54,436.62 93,320.00 38,883.38 58.33 10-60-1 02 EMPLOYER PAYROLL EXPENSES 1,167.22 8,410.52 14,617.00 6,206.48 57.54 8,080.42 10-60-105 EMPLOYEE BENEFITS 1,257.48 8,685.71 15,901 .00 7,215.29 54.62 7,779.40 10-60-106 EDUCATION AND TRAINING .00 .00 1,750.00 1,750.00 .00 561 .00 10-60-110 PROFESSIONAL SERVICES .00 32,285.00 45,838.00 13,553.00 70.43 12.102.87 10-60-120 ECONOMIC DEVELOPMENT 9,454.86 80,492.23 135,000.00 54,507.77 59.62 11,028.00 5,011 .38 11 ,863.56 80,000.00 68.136.44 14.83 825.00 28,807.90 91 .522.82 166,674.00 75,151 .18 54.91 65,493.22 10-60-125 COMMUNITY DEVELOPMENT 10-60-130 BUILDING INSPECTION SERVICES 10-60-240 MILEAGE REIMBURSEMENT 94.89 177.27 400.00 222.73 44.32 .00 10-60-300 DUES & SUBSCRIPTIONS .00 578.00 600.00 22.00 96.33 568.00 10-60-355 MEALS & TRAVEL .00 .00 100.00 100.00 .00 55.89 53,570.39 288,451 .73 554,200.00 265,748.27 52.05 158,586.12 TOTAL COMMUNITY DEVELOPMENT FOR ADMINISTRATION USE ONLY 58 % OF THE FISCAL YEAR HAS ELAPSED 08/18/2015 02:40PM PAGE: 9 CITY OF CASTLE PINES EXPENDITURES WITH COMPARISON TO BUDGET FOR THE 7 MONTHS ENDING JULY 31 , 2015 GENERAL FUND PERIOD ACTUAL YTDACTUAL APPROVED BDGT UNEXPENDED PCNT PRIOR YTD ACT TOTAL FUND EXPENDITURES 163,971 .97 1,845,839.60 2,770,376.00 924,536.40 66.63 2,181,024.60 NET REVENUE OVER EXPENDITURES 314,411 .67 950,235.78 1,869,877.00 919,641 .22 50.82 378,874.72 FOR ADMINISTRATION USE ONLY 58 % OF THE FISCAL YEAR HAS ELAPSED 08/18/2015 02:40PM PAGE· 10 CITY OF CASTLE PINES BALANCE SHEET JULY 31 , 2015 PARKS & RECREATION ASSETS 20-10000 252,456.51 CASH-COMBINED FUND TOTAL A SSETS 252,456.51 LIABILITIES AND EQUITY LIABILITIES 20-21 100 21,759.59 ACCOUNTS PAYABLE 21,759.59 TOTAL LIABILITIES FUND EQUITY -- UNAPPROPRIATED FUND BALANCE: 20-29800 352,286.00 BEGINN ING FUND BALANCE REVENUE OVER EXPENDITURES - YTD BALANCE - CURRENT DATE ( 121 ,589.08) 230.696.92 TOTAL FUND EQUITY 230,696.92 TOTAL LIABILITIES AND EQUITY 252,456.51 FOR ADMINISTRATION USE ONLY 58% OF THE FISCAL YEAR HAS ELAPSED 08/18/2015 02:40PM PAGE: 11 CITY OF CASTLE PINES REVENUES WITH COMPARISON TO BUDGET FOR THE 7 MONTHS ENDING JULY 31 , 2015 PARKS & RECREATION PERIOD A CTUAL YTDACTUAL APPROVED BDGT UNEARNED PCNT PRIOR YTD ACT PARKS & RECREATION 4,925.00 16,160.65 19,000.00 2,839.35 85.06 .00 100.00 3,130.00 25,000.00 21 ,870.00 12.52 .00 TOTAL PARKS & RECREATION 5,025.00 19,290.65 44,000.00 24,709.35 43.84 .00 TOTAL FUND REVENUE 5,025.00 19,290.65 44,000.00 24,709.35 43.84 .00 20-36-110 PARK FEES 20-36-115 CITY EVENT FEES FOR ADMINISTRATION USE ONLY --- --- 58% OF THE FISCAL YEAR HAS ELAPSED 08/18/2015 02:40PM PAGE: 12 CITY OF CASTLE PINES EXPENDITURES WITH COMPARISON TO BUDGET FOR THE 7 MONTHS ENDING JULY 31 , 2015 PARKS & RECREATION PERIOD ACTUAL YTDACTUAL APPROVED BDGT PCNT UNEXPENDED PRIOR YTD ACT - - PARKS AND RECREATION 20-55-100 SALARIES AND WAGES 4 ,110.06 28,770.42 50,127.00 21 ,356.58 57.40 .00 20-55-102 EMPLOYER PAYROLL EXPENSES 600.71 4,871 .10 8,364.00 3,492.90 58.24 .00 20-55-105 EMPLOYEE BENEFITS 996.46 6,789.66 10,720.00 3,930.34 63.34 .00 20-55-106 EDUCATION AND TRAINING .00 .00 1,000.00 1,000.00 .00 .00 20-55-200 PARKS SUPPLIES 519.08 1,300.37 3,000.00 1,699.63 43.35 .00 20-55-205 PARKS UTILITIES 3,778.41 9,900.05 37,000.00 27,099.95 26.76 .00 20-55-210 PARKS MAINTENANCE 5,810.78 24,345.76 40,000.00 15,654.24 60.86 .00 20-55-215 WATER FEATURE O&M 7,108.25 17,003.25 25,000.00 7,996.75 68.01 .00 20-55-220 INSURANCE 6,090.00 18,270.00 20,000.00 1,730.00 91 .35 .00 20-55-222 PARKS R&M 9,801 .24 20,036.74 27,000.00 6,963.26 74.21 00 20-55-225 PARK SECURITY & SURVEILANCE .00 .00 21 ,000.00 21 ,000.00 .00 .00 .00 20-55-240 MILEAGE REIMBURSEMENT .00 .00 75.00 75.00 .00 20-55-300 DUES & SUBSCRIPTIONS .00 .00 1,000.00 1,000.00 .00 .00 20-55-500 CITY EVENT EXPENSES 75.00 8,795.12 22.000.00 13,204.88 39.98 .00 20-55-565 VEHICLE AND VEHICLE EXPENSE 38.50 797.26 5,000.00 4,202.74 15.95 .00 20-55-600 REUTER HESS REC CONTRIBUTION .00 .00 25,000.00 25,000.00 .00 .00 TOTAL PARKS AND RECREATION 38,928.49 140,879.73 296,286.00 155,406.27 47.55 .00 TOTAL FUND EXPENDITURES 38,928.49 140,879.73 296,286.00 155,406.27 47.55 .00 48.19) .00 NET REVENUE OVER EXPENDITURES FOR ADMINISTRATION USE ONLY -- ( 33,903.49) ( 121 ,589.08) ( 252,286.00) 58 % OF THE FISCAL YEAR HAS ELAPSED ( 130,696.92) ( 0811812015 02:40PM PAGE: 13 CITY OF CASTLE PINES BALANCE SHEET JULY 31, 2015 CONSERVATION TRUST FUND ASSETS 30-10000 CASH-COMBINED FUND 270,935.64 TOTAL ASSETS 270,935.64 LIABILITIES AND EQUITY FUND EQUITY UNAPPROPRIATED FUND BALANCE: 30-29800 BEGINNING FUND BALANCE REVENUE OVER EXPENDITURES - YTD BALANCE - CURRENT DATE 242,030.14 28,905.50 270,935.64 TOTAL FUND EQUITY 270,935.64 TOTAL LIABILITIES AND EQUITY 270,935.64 FOR ADMINISTRATION USE ONLY 58 % OF THE FISCAL YEAR HAS ELAPSED 08/1 8/2015 02:40PM PAGE: 14 CITY OF CASTLE PINES REVENUES WITH COMPARISON TO BUDGET FOR THE 7 MONTHS ENDING JULY 31,2015 CONSERVATION TRUST FUND PERIOD ACTUAL YTDACTUAL APPROVED BDGT UNEARNED PCNT PRIOR YTD ACT - - TRUST FUND REVENUE 30-33-300 CONSERVATION TRUST FUND REVENU .00 28,905.50 59,000.00 30,094.50 48.99 .00 TOTAL TRUST FUND REVENUE .00 28,905.50 59.000.00 30,094.50 48.99 .00 TOTAL FUND REVENUE .00 28.905.50 59.000.00 30,094.50 48.99 .00 NET REVENUE OVER EXPENDITURES .00 28,905.50 59,000.00 30,094.50 48.99 .00 FOR ADMINISTRATION USE ONLY -- - - - 58 % OF THE FISCAL YEAR HAS ELAPSED 08/18/2015 02:40PM PAGE: 15 CITY OF CASTLE PINES BALANCE SHEET JULY 31,2015 CAPITAL IMPROVEMENTS ASSETS 40-10000 CASH-COMBINED FUND 1,385,000.00 1,385,000.00 TOTAL ASSETS LIABILITIES AND EQUITY FUND EQUITY UNAPPROPRIATED FUND BALANCE: 40-29800 BEGINNING FUND BALANCE BALANCE- CURRENT DATE 1,385,000.00 1,385,000.00 TOTAL FUND EQUITY 1,385,000.00 TOTAL LIABILITIES AND EQUITY 1,385,000.00 FOR ADMINISTRATION USE ONLY 58 % OF THE FISCAL YEAR HAS ELAPSED 08/ 18/2015 02:40PM PAGE: 16 CITY OF CASTLE PINES BALANCE SHEET JULY31 , 2015 CAPITAL PROJECTS FUND ASSETS 50-10000 CASH-COMBINED FUND 1' 142,907.49 TOTAL ASSETS 1,142,907.49 LIABILITIES AND EQUITY FUND EQUITY UNAPPROPRIATED FUND BALANCE: 50-29800 BEGINNING FUND BALANCE REVENUE OVER EXPENDITURES- YTD BALANCE - CURRENT DATE 1,615,000.00 472,092.51) 1' 142,907 .49 TOTAL FUND EQUITY 1,142,907.49 TOTAL LIABILITIES AND EQUITY 1,142,907.49 FOR ADMINISTRATION USE ONLY 58 % OF THE FISCAL YEAR HAS ELAPSED 08/ 18/2015 02:41PM PAGE: 17 CITY OF CASTLE PINES EXPENDITURES WITH COMPARISON TO BUDGET FOR THE 7 MONTHS ENDING JULY 31 , 2015 CAPITAL PROJECTS FUND PERIOD ACTUAL YTDACTUAL APPROVED BDGT UNEXPENDED --- PCNT PRIOR YTD ACT GENERAL GOVERNMENT 50-42-500 CITY HALL BUILDOUT .00 .00 80,000.00 80,000.00 .00 .00 TOTAL GENERAL GOVERNMENT .00 .00 80,000.00 80,000.00 .00 .00 .00 PUBLIC WORKS 50-50-540 CONCRETE-CURB & GUTIER .00 68,197.60 350,000.00 281,802.40 19.49 50-50-550 STORMWATER-MONARCH .00 .00 35,000.00 35,000.00 .00 .00 50-50-560 MAJOR ROADS & STREETS 350,550.41 1,100,000.00 749,449.59 31.87 .00 50-50-565 VEHICLE REPLACEMENT .00 32,729.50 20,000.00 12,729.50) 163.65 .00 350,550.41 451,477.51 1,505,000.00 1,053,522.49 30.00 .00 PIP - ELKRIDGE PLAY PAD .00 20,615.00 30,000.00 9,385.00 68.72 .00 TOTAL PARKS & RECREATION .00 20,615.00 30,000.00 9,385.00 68.72 .00 350,550.41 472,092.51 1,615,000.00 1,142,907.49 29.23 .00 29.23) .00 350,550.41 TOTAL PUBLIC WORKS ( PARKS & RECREATION 50-55-700 TOTAL FUND EXPENDITURES NET REVENUE OVER EXPENDITURES FOR ADMINISTRATION USE ONLY ( 350,550.41) ( 472,092.51 ) ( 1,615,000.00) 58 % OF THE FISCAL YEAR HAS ELAPSED ( 1,142,907.49) ( 08/18/2015 02:41PM PAGE: 18