Packet - Naperville Park District
Packet - Naperville Park District
Mission Statement To provide recreation and park experiences that enrich the quality of life for our community. NAPERVILLE PARK DISTRICT REzuLAR AAEETING PACKET Jonuory mx, ffi @ffi 9, ?OI4 EngageYow Senses fanuary 9, 2014 Regular Board MeetingAgenda Page 1, Mission Statement To provide recreation and park experiences that enrich the qualityof life for ourcommunity. Naperville ?ark Districl- Agenda Naperuille Park District Board of Commissioners Naperville Municipal Building 400 South Eagle Street Naperville, Illinois REGUIITR MEETING Council Chambers fanuary 9,2OL4 TzOO p.m. I. II. Call to Order Pledge ofAllegiance n. Roll Call v. Introduction and Recognitions v. Matters fromthe Public The Board will now receive public comment for up to three minutes per speaker on non-agenda topics. The Board will allow public comment on agenda topics prior to Board discussion for up to three minutes. a. Awards and Recognitions b. EmployeeRecognitions Updatesand Reports A. Riverwalk Commission Update - Gerry Heide B. Riverwalk Foundation Update - Kirsten Young C. Carillon Foundation - Bill f,agan D. Parks Foundation - Richfanor E. Finance Committee Update - Ron Ory/Mike Reilly F. Legislative Committee Update - Gerry Heide/Kirsten Young G. Parks and Recreation Committee Update - Mike Reilly/Marie Todd/Ron Ory H. Golf Committee - Marie Todd/Bill E gan I. Board PresidentUpdate - Rich fanor L Executive Director Update - Ray McGury Ef'.'# @ffi EngageYour Senses' fanuary 9, 2014 Regular Board Meeting Agenda Page2 VII. VIII. Approval of TreasurerJs Report [Pg 1-20) Action and Motion Requested: Move to approve the November 2013 TreasureCs Reporl ConsentAgenda (Requires BoardApproval byStahrte) The Executive Director warrants that all Consent Agenda ltems, reports and memoranda complywith Board poliry. Chair: Are there any items to be removed from the consent agenda? A. Approval B. of disbursements for the month of December 20t3 in the amount of $L,966,87 0.5 7 (Pg 2L-38 ) Approval of customer refunds for the month of Decemb er 20L3 in the amount of $ t,470.33(Pg39) C. Approve Ordinance #824 declaring the property as outlined in the attached Exhibit'.A" as surplus equipment for sale, trade in, or disposal/rerycle. (Pg aO-a8) D. Approve Amendment Number 1 to the Occupational Health E. Services Agreement between Naperville Park District and Edward Hospiral. [Pg a9-51) Approval of Minutes - Regular Meeting of November t4,20L3. (Pg 52-61) Action and Motion Requested: L. Move to accept Consent Agenda ltems (list as appropriate). Roll Call Vote. 2. Move to approve ConsentAgenda as accepted. Voice Vote. IX. Unfinished Business Items thatwere tabled to this Meeting or ltems removedfrom the ConsentAgenda are considered here. X. NewBusiness XI. Future Meetings A. B. C. XII. Xil. Regular Meeting of the Board of Park Commissioners, fanuary 1L6,2014 6:00 p.m., South Maintenance Facility- Lunch Room,3415 Book Road. Regular Meeting of the Board of Park Commissioners, February 13,20\47:00 p.m., Naperville Municipal Center, Council Chambers,400 South Eagle StreeL Regular Meeting of rhe Board of Park Commissioners, Febru ary 27 ,2014 6:00 p.m., South Maintenance Facility- Lunch Room,3415 Book Road. Executive Session Action and Motion Requested: Move to adiourn to Executive Session to discuss Land Acquisitionunder 2(c) (5) of the Open Meetings AcL Call to Order EngageYour Senses" fanuary 9, 2014 Regular Board MeetingAgenda Page 3 xry. xv. Roll Call Adiournment Action and Motion Requested: Move to adiourn the fanuary 9,2014 RegularMeeting. EKx ffi@# Engage Vryr Senses Monthly Treasurerrs Report Monitoring Financial Conditiono per policy #l-04 November 30, 2013 To the Board of Commissioners: I have reviewed this Treasurer's Report and found that these monitorin g data are accurate assessments of the financial conditions of the Naperville Park District as of the month of November 2013. I further feel that the District is in healthy financial condition since current practices do not jeopardize either fiscal or allocation integrity. 1. During the month of November 2013 the district recorded the November $ Expenditures $ Revenue Surplus/(Deficit) $ Year-to-date 637,369 4.554"427 (3,917,058) 2. No Additional long-term following: s 34,211,293 $ 31.097.693 3,113,600 $ debt was incurred in November 2013, 3. Long-tenn reserves (investment, certificates of deposit, etc.) remain intact. 4. All fund balances are in a positive cash position. 5. Current fund balances are sufficient to settle payroll and other operational debts. 6. Consolidated fund balances meet the auditor recommended levels. 7. As of November 30, 2AI3, year to date actual allocations have not deviated materially from the fiscal year 2013 budget allocations. If you have any questions regarding this information or require more detailed evidential support, please do not hesitate to let me know. " Signed A*- A' ' Date: Treasurer, Naperville Park District st/ /s H E EE TEE H€ E#: 5 FE: ir= EE€ l-=o E 8€ g5E G F A s 6i m ! :II,, ii:iir . l,-J.!; !4i Q'n, oj 6iO:@l *; ' dl+ dtN: sr vl N :jIi o @;N.o:@:h O -lOlO!NiN,NlNl i,$'rtt.otmt H m' nlh'@! Nr Fl@!O m'N iv-,idvv.Y Ir*It;'ci i' ' i^ ! i^^-..i l^ : ia \'@lN h NlaiN HlN,@ mlOlN:6 H/hthlN @t itN \'@lH I il(O,Nr ird.6iNlNlvi N:Yt: ,! ll;;ll.illi:l EI orN oloi@io:ol@ln. ,-*i*l ; ' ! i- oi ri o, -l ol o' i I .^ lmlo ;o'o l€rt tNt6 li oioroi I 1 :otot6 0i ,Ni I N, i miOlOi VlOl@, Oiqlo. Niiih: H: NtN ^l- v dl@la h;oiorh tr4l olo o'mlNl@ $,Niot6 O O N m l-l 3-,^l i^ioioi-ioloio:o i-' N hloi+l lolo:N:Nl NrN, I Nr h, @r @l @l $i lN dimrm:6i6i or vi@l h! i =. !ml\'$:Nr 'Qrh: !t'O:O:m.@;@jO riO,@lh,@:9rirO !VrirV 6 @1N,N :N' Hlol@ lN.o ! i :N tv'@.n ! ! I | . i; o'oi.l *i oi o: ol ol o N'Hlo o laloro:ol€lor | i. :i i i i I l* ol ol o :lOlO,O:OlOlO @INIO | otolhla:$toloioiototN o,N,f NtfftolN,Niit+in: :NlolN:m:i{@1@:m:Ntirn N dthrO'6:N'N : lh, :i :lt:iiiliii;iri _i of . o' oi ol V:O OrOIA:QiOi$lA ai@ ati!NrH vt@l€ m,@ otNtm'n htolH .r N Qtsto:Qrlftvi i:miii$ N O:t: I ;-, ,:{l.ill.l ruln,o;x!oloi o,oio @:6t ;+i I'O:O [email protected],61S,Ni N.O,mlOlh: OlNiOi@ o:oiO:flm!@!OlOlH: ilN N,NlSl OlOlO N:H OtF $ | oi: rcr' ' | *i l*'"i^.il ! '-i -:illiilrili:li @:v! i@lNi@iol\l(o!hiN;NtN v N Ai thl@imi@,tt@iNi@tNIo.<. Ntht ot t:@lot@'o,''@rv @ o: I tNt@i@t O O: ,OrN'h:VrnlN:oiOIild O a'o! iatN:o,athl !NrNtNtN h "$ e r*l i i i*t I I ; I I j'l l*, i i I :il:irl:llilllll ilrillrilili,ll. :li..;litii,li,i,l: t i ; ol 'i I :,t:itliili,llitili g ei*l thloiNiHlHto rt@lmiHrototol I od oi; Fi; i l@! l-i . : l.l-. -: l-' ilNtN:mid{olH,@:i: gr${h,N:NiNt,iNi i I otilH : !*l l@ $ii,N S'miol lo: o: ia'Hi o, rrr,n ,€lo sN o, rt@i@,"hlh Nt ril lYodi: li; dl : ^i<:: - oj l*: o' ro- ,l-; itl' i ci H,o;oinlNiNiniNlNrnimisl@ i'oI6 FI N! O:€!tlH: oi hlNf Ni hr +lolm 4: mi mi Nl Ni Nr @i @i $l sl i: sl vt N @, I N!h:Hl@lO,HiNlmlm'S!@lhlN,@ h:H!@t6t@imiNt mt d.h nrN,N.N: Nrol{ ir or a: Nt N I \: i i F1: *i i-; ;ii=i l,-r li iillrill:ill,llr;ili o l*l el sr g;iffi:H*ig' I H:' !-: a ggE : i S,S SiSlSr S,SlSlS S:SlSlS:SiSlSlSrSiSl ot @i SIS. s -t o: Ol Nl 6: Nr @l Nl 6j O: Ol hi irh! O' @l oi mi Ol 6i 6: "l Y :""'l I lrll:;;iltil :iilii <I i FI ol N @iOlHlOrH'Ni4l@rO O;N dlmi O!O:N l@i9:N 6i !4 6! n,:rN. 4; at Eil hi n: \!\t 9io. tQt nr 90,9t or o | ir i, N,Nt h'ot Nt ht mr a, @l a, vi Nr | a'@t N: ot ot n o ,$; g N{Njn |!):NtitotN OlNlo. e Nlml tm,N.: ,Ni O:NiO'Hl@ r i Nl v '€ H hl ;O:h v: H: :mrvvv. ::vvv Nli ;mrvr , i a il io 9l ON € oiolhloiH CF N,@l@,Vlh'O t> N: hrNt @lo. !: v o or!Y): f! lN'h,Q lsvHv, , i I f I I OF ;i9 [email protected] ln o , ,loJ,rm lai Nl @ i lN'; ioo'oii 'J@t' i ^i R'i,-:: Kll il:-;il-*tl i'i,ii'irii,:l: tN! I to 'tv:,;othJ lR'l I di Al I d, | tol t@!tt ,t@r,i@i@l v, l-:oi l*: io.ol* - i^l*i^i-l-l-, 6ir . 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N +;Nl l N ilSl I trh ,N '6 i I ii tl il tlti O N t :li*i l*l l* -i l-i lhllit,-i *, l'idrdl itsl lllei Ils i j i Ii"ci"'l ; lii il,illiililllili ;l*l ill: * -' i-i *, *l I i"ri lsl | | ill Ol O: qtAi at oi Nl h: ii@t Nr! -l : h ^i mlQ Ni lNl N] ti ^, A: @: HI ;NF ':h'N, ,Ht oi m'v oI @ @ @l tot oiN:miNtfotd3hsrildi NlH o lN! N 616,@ ml 6l idi i @ loll : @- \l @-l 6, . @-, @-l la.l io dtn: i oi *t-i v N' hl m h O, O! OlOl . O:@t NIO: o, Ht O Al6l +lhlti a \i I H 6l Hi O; 6! sl e_: s- ryl I I iol NiNt | : ;o: t$t ia{ I i l-i :* i I ' il^: ,l IOI t6: iol , I I ; ; li: il.l*i'il,,li-;l*l i; ol*, inl i*: o @, di@: @l O, h! nl Ni@! 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E 6 d. d rn = ooo oo@ ooo ;3; ooo ;;3 EE! ooo oGO ooG uuq ooo -5S-g E f o 'OU = != ol I NI -ll NI o N o 3 0 c 3 o o 6 o o J V N] p6 cq6 :uo F .Sl ooo o!u@ FFF o E o .9r OG =v >t E: o 'g o N 9jt ON @- 6R P: *in Nd m Fl o n. d (Y) Ito E'! E Ug '=o FZ rii cl.s Otrtr Ffi 4sf, >-=E€ b E3 CLYt E8E E! I I I i I I ol col orl 1 /-{ (o: I I -t Q Ori rol @i NI ttE (oi u)l Ni 'ai ii 0cl O! lr)i O! ie8 r{al hF NL <l ii Fii Jil Ciii 9G si Hl i> E:C'; i $ f si \: \i c\] f;[ +, I Ni I I I 6i O'l ;<{ I I ti ..i' \Ol ,1 3l rai $ii Fc'Ji Fit i$:i E f;F fe8 i5' io $> t i $ SE:El nl -l I ol ^l (ol t-i Bil Eil Cn; Ot O'i Nl I I I I r I I I Ni (Y): i t : I I I I ol F\I ,ol I :ioJ I oi lnl j oo-l 'l -i Nl Y! I I I N] il i i I i \r i 9l -t u'l =l l 6l Ni rOi ! 'i Nt \ol !0;+i ul o'l l\oi l mi i -lll OXOtiO, EIAOTiOI ItlO'l@l r* i-i ol il S. Sl s; fs tE$il I t I !_ lo t< i f f i $*i ldi FHIlnI lmi@l lNr lit lr ElNif ^B i to !o. I i I I i; E,D Iii I gtrll lo Ol; Orr Ol iF ! \o; fioi t-i roF+,E; $> !$ I i I t t; ol-XI XI ^l FE Ft lqi-l $ol $ $i! i I J I I t I {j le >Eq: CNINI $siNl l9 I I =loo't isi *ii l- til ao o- 5["oi trl.i! I s ol\ol $'E I $ Eit -F o[il ll cruit I tt =!rl oEil $1i Eit atl ttirirt to 'E *= ! I $il I I t ol ari E I cJl 4ta qJi xt 92! -, ,rol rl et ^Lr +: =x I I j I t I I c$ car OIlt rl $tl fil tii fi q')i i Fii $Hi *di $;1 $e =$^ii f9 ior oF cJi >i 9,1 (ol xi ,(!i (ul F! ol I l \dl j I i I I Pl 6i EI ol ol FI d 9i v vo\ m N a.l N oi Ni:i Ol ao ai at ^l ^: fr)itni\ol\rrorior' :Oric\llglrl\OlOlii i0ol \ri.ol@lNlOri :00lsiaoli'f li: dl\otNli,rnio! dloi !-'{-;Nlv: \, vl vi i I I r , lilr!: -: ' N! <' rnl irtl I i l.l'll ri-i*16', *ol*i ii l,:-; . rtl(oiNlNifnlNi ilr)i\oi\oidl@l !N,Ln dli, i Nl F. \Olv til irrtl r I i i ls'i rlilill iiilili islsislsislsi 6l O; Nr ni \Ol 6i I @i @,-1{ oi@l m: oi.l ili-lili l-l 1; l..l il ooi rnl O: oI loJ ryi -l r)l -l F..i Ni @l r cil Nl ^i i ool N! lJ.)| Ni roI t.i i@l\'. irrllC)llnt F\l | \Ol ;6-1 -i N. i^l-i-li-l-i ,lilil; ,iiiii: 'l ill ol rNli rql *lr.i iolor':l* IOJ@'rilr)l@iOr; , @tNimlr)iNlOr; lNl$!Lnioirnlo; rNlff)lNlNtrOJOl -l.i :ii\l ,.o *. lii ,ql lN' i.l i @l (f}i fv)l rni N; i l\o'f l\olor@!rol ! @l @: rt sl-r €l Ot, irr)tNiNtN:olh, tLnloiNl lhlNi j ^l*i-i ;^l*, llilrl i.loi-1.i,..1- i v I Ln I rn I o i H | i iOrlCO, OrlOr Orl@! "o iollorl\o'@t olh, t$totrnt(oiotoi iqlo{ -l oi -i.i lilili ol oi l\lNi-1t i-l i-l l-l*l i l\l$l l i i ,* )* ,e {{+ s ! $ t9l I i CLB i8l iot il t& :l ia iFg tuJ I ixt I rq, r(ar !{, i ool c\l Nl \ot rf)l l')r EN iVl @lOrlN; OriNi i\o iNl$ f r Orlr)l(f)i N! l/)i r'.1 | Ol \fl I ,*l'll-l*; .l,lili iol-iol*i-i^i rr I o i^l*l ,NlO\l@lrnlOli, lNlLJ1t@lNlNli: i N I f.. ! V | '.O I @ I m i^llOtlVl iNl'.Ol I Ln i !-l i-l c.r i iillili lliliii r j o' i -i i 00t 00i mt Hi rn, lr)' !NiiiNlC)rNJOr. ! af)l (- iJ il ol ool l00lro, Nl lolsl : lNl i-l ! 1 illllr lilill ;li;iii l'J;; i:"|I iitt : r1 !: r; i lo)i l-i lP! '-'lcli,Hi ' aqJ =. i ;9t Ei gi si =l , i;r ,El tEi , lF rul o,l-4, I lv nl e Fl Eirlsr gi.;;8i 5i 8i Ei Irf iN iN {\o i\o !.o l^- fco t $ R a{+ I { { v N r-. r.o rfl rf) to,, $9t *Gf $G' $l0n ;t{ [tri 6Ei !or Erf tot $ !ol *I X px 0) E (f f o o) F o N E o F o o E F\ rf) N N N N (vl o N d FI io iF i> i i I l *o IF *> la. I I H$Ser Eigigi ti9 > 'E "lii I Fi >HEiB j-. iii $ii *$$i$. 6ii, iii l i E$3iBi {61 lni lil lil {ii i I cor ni r (O;@i $aini l ui ai t*i iii lil sElaie.i F Et i*i iii id.Nr 100 N i!: -i EFluiH, I I I i i i-ii FEi n: o trt@: ). Oior; ': F..-i =t i l"ji fil t$li s'i . I fii ESlol i 5€i*:'i ' i'. fri o s| ;.l E : l lu:i 11 lii I oi.!lr CY: r$ IxiOl iEiot lFidi E Egl rr: :r UFr < el1\ Ug Hgi 6rEC :; hfi E ELE -Y= |EOlrr r+5 otrtr =fo 't== b EE Egi @i €Ji i i i I ;<i Ni Ni i I I I i i s'l F\i I i ml Ni bi Ni o'i I i I i l I i mi Ni Ni vl N: vl ni N] Iti ii I ort F1l Ni rn I I i i i ! s gi OI ol ei Ei 9i I ' , :v h N !r r r@ \f :Nrh, I lN :: o:or N: $r N:t iin vi : a {- n, N O\ m H N;N .N lai i@ ln. iC) l@l lO8 l" aAa m,N:d +:mrN. J Ch d.$. \O! OlN, t g) C)i$, @iN' CO; ,or olililHf il r ilOraNlilY Ol ;l l: -l i=l I {o! lNl lN: lol lol ;N ;r' rN. lhl iori ldii is; r*; isi irot ;ni toi ril il il Y nil ld{ eieiS ist lHj@lil\o! 9irl l+iSinl$ Nlr)l N! rfr ltt rir '.n.rntorio' I F.t rii !:: .,r'. toil sr i- ii,iIi*iiiiiIiif*ii*r i rt' : $ I oo'l jmr lRl H, mr il lElnlSl-: I hlN I tNt I t i8i l-l lhl , m, Ni im, lir coto, otH, .iE: s i.E ,; Er I :lNt;H rO lm, ,F.; ;Oi iht *Nl i"i isi rFi 16r f"i i=i lr tI i$ iNt $ t $ g RI N' vi I tx Iiia tt t! I+ ,N; $ot lori tt t+x t tor fit tN* tNq i-'f t1 Enl tqrt i9t t|lil ttg$ tE, J I ?tol ?1r tEt { tE tci lt,,t ?i i srl ;i i!op I iot .i ilr1 Fo, *!t iGL tGtt nt l"X t9t t1 t-l t!'r tori thi tcll *n? ltz I lsr$ *l tg tb ta ii l.*[ luil irt tNt fn !t i^l lsf 6t @t F\I ii r , I i- i-i= i=i i=i l-li I li-i i"' i -' x,sisisisixi*3l ulului-i-t-i iii l-i -:siEigrEi ''-!h i slslsislai*l :c j lNl NSf 1.3 lRl , m'Nt O] *' -, -r ,tll ! @:OrlrnlNl olorl lo! lnr dl uii dl 6il rit l€:X ti} lE! : . i i , ,ir | | i t i I l i i-i-i*i.i-i-i l-i l-l^l-l.l-l-l O:{';r.O i i^,oi N! Ni Chl OrO! r|i *@i | |i | |: o: t: mi ln, o: $i ttr1l i i or-i uii nii nr-t rii oii ldl 'F\ '^:gl i ' i i il'{ t"i i i ; I'ii'i ;iii,;l-l::iIIilf|lt :::;*iilllllii*ii*i iNr , R: 3i 3,ei fsl ElElRlslSlsl lfil lsf ' ' E ' :Fr-tr,?t : ,j iE! lNl+iNlRl idl igi iR-i tot lRt i0! N. s'or. lsl lml tit O' @, lNr l(Ol dl Ntf ] dl Ol INF t6 oriff)t Ni ldl it.i l6,fl\ol I 1 llN:l *3t I 3t$l+r8l8tEr tEt rot {mi t(Oi +o€ io'l t{ f{ ' | i i*r Fj lil-l-l lllfry Isi tI i i :, ii-$ | | I I I i ll-! f-l oiO\:!-tN. st Ki 3ib; drRi , @. I rir cOiOl\OrNlrf)! : .:r6r tN: ,ilti i : : i ri!'i I \O:rq, \O \Oimt Ni ;\OI l t, i! \O, OI Ol F.l :@t lOrlclrl@:O'lNlil lr){ r (}\, nl mr @ Nl :ti .!-Jm:dt\Dt tdt t@; lrJ-:+'\Ol | .ln! i. il'i il"i i"; ft l Ii i,i :$*i ii"l; Ii Ii iI Ii ll*i i*l t\ t@l ,-'i Ni Or $ n: !\f; !$ i O: | rrotOri(f)'.{: i N: t. Nl 6 lN | iO\ iri9 N: l@! i<,- r!-,i:N lOrN;f'\ i : : ; ,i,N,tm i , I : , | , ;'t i l": l; .iri.i*iIIII,!t*,i*i :;!iti:lJi : , :N *, io'; tm ot coio'l i ;o, lti i6'l :di ih l\O; t@lca;Nr(OI I :a, ril i , :i i : .rii idl lnil F.'l oil oir II Illoil loii l\ol , i ! i l@j lf..'vlml lcol ! !r fi iil ihi lorg toi ! .n-rr9)it-iil00: : lmi \olmiil , lI lNl l NiNl u)lNlHl lO\i 'Nlril I I t!-r Nr\|-i dl\ol iNi :F\n lorl t(nl tht t I t@t ,mF iiiiiiljlllllliii-i i i l*i ; i | :lif*l ,, i I :m o.@:ntt:1.\ h, r|iNi@in. I ' r :iNdr(\lOrl\Ol Oi H i id, ii ;Ni\0 ' : :-i , i : : , i i-i l*l"i-l i i llti iol i, ; i | :i*i i I i i I rI Ill*l l*t I i , i-,-i i-i l*[ l-i*i-l-i l-1 lel ; , : 'i i"; frl lgii+i$l'i iI llfii lRl l .iilllii;iltliia! I i;i i i i ' i lli I i ,riiiFiiililiilil ;.ii'l*[iiillii*ii-l ". i€ E e,€ -i rE E,E 5 E. g *n E,E Eii: l-; lli-i ist;,,eisio-;Bi rl ; ,,_F,s :irg: ,,; ilrl lgi ifil E: i :H E i :tFl iel is, | :il Ft i*i ;!i i;i ,!-, lfr E, :.a. (oi [i si ei *i;.;, s fi. FrgisigisiE:Fi9 :i oi 5! HIci ql oi FI oi ot -o: oi x I { E to) E o E F N E tro -q E o rE 5 N r9 'io gz tYl o N o (Yt (, a En .g o.= .,-E hEfi EL 3f; .. lr= #sF EET cthP Egi * r 5; el3;F, iiqlii-; q$lgs$ I nl FiF;Oi Fi?i nis fl 6;'r'io if,i A Qi $ $lu;=j qB95, i3, $i tl $l*, $l I^l ioi t@i iii !at t-i t! tx tt I^; INI tof iNi ioi iF9 tvt tt !! t' tst *l u; * ui-i ul ui xj el Ei xr tht ii-idoauiu.* *l*uja d i, s,;*,*in; *ii::iliiii'i=i iF H $i$ i- f Elq it i' - E Fi ql i ai {r Ri hlq: , , Er lFr[,$i $l$$r -l^,-6 5 Sl3;gt 5' ajrN, I oil trl lo! lotl t3 ll {n, t@t iFt th{ !v3 i63 it It llel tt llml loi tht iot toI q: toi tl II l-l tt t3 | giul El*i Irl el qls cl*istsj si:Jn i -'i*J'liiq$-ill ii sjpi tnt i l-jliui",*i-ltix I r, 5i$Ni ffi *jh. nj:-;$i ,",-i=l I el*i=l*jolol*i* *l*l=l*iol l*l*,*l*l=iri ii "i;lEjt"i .]jl. S-i i"i ,"i.l.r"i ; g tiqiq,ni.-u'-lnie'o]el le,e,-l-i-i; -F 8!8J 8.ttr Rl4iq *i*i j; Ei Ei Ei; Ei H i'-l i 5. i1 i*lilu i Ei 5i E.ei iii cit E: i tI It ti Iml '4i I ivt tn: :mt I tot il :s t9 le! t3 !* ioi i {N3 'hi to( lnt iiIt i i+! I ht lvl lrt :vt @ .o 0, (, h IN i *iEf i,; s;et$ .i i sd si gr .l ,lr, ci i It j*jSi r*i-i l-:-l-i-i*i-,-l*i^'itt iuit i-ii i-i-i ;*i=i ja; i*i ;-l*1*!-i l**:$li]Eini i EiHll*;q-l:i*,iui j$'Fr*iqfri$i;jq*i it *iul=i*;*i*i*isieisl=i*i*i i*l=,*i-l-j; i t -i{*i*:*leS1t-i-t=l-;lt i= , iu' i iu; i=-tl1 i Agl =Ei -i g: Eigjf, s c j I j I i-i ,l'i iuil=j=1u-iilui i i il jsl jti=iui*' $Ei$i j$q i*i*]ui- i i r r ;, i i ;3i1$il i*i ll f ii i i I i i i I i, I iir i i I ; I j i I i I i : .-i i i i i i il o -i . -i =l;i glg | i; sl 'i i !^! t4i iNt {@} tNi !i tt t$ ittt l^i iNi t4t tnt ls: ff t? tt tt ii1' !t It 't ;! il fi {t il !til t@; g@: tn: l"tl tll4i if fl li li t1 tt lif loi *mt l^i il ii i' tf ilft i'tl i$ i1 Ii fi fi tt f' tt i*l i*l !t t@t lol iot t6! iq-l :Ni $^{ ti ft ti ii il !iif i*l tNt t6i ?o_-i iwl toi i^i {-t tnt tvl tmt l@i ,N{ tsi tt I' tlt! it lol i@i Ii tn't a$ i*i r-l tGi tat tNt li; i i1' i"E ti 11 lql iI t^* i6i IN: it Ii tt iei ta ,mi !Nl i@t toi tmi t-t t; l+i 16t lo9 $€, tht t6t tmti ]i{ IEtt tE'l3 tqr] t'l ii ti itrt l"l i9i tot f I CDI ilIli tt i !r! i ilo IEI itr tEi ,oi ?E! TE It t1 iol t(,t tGl tGi !i xt it ii'f $i il ti I' titvt ti tf tt ti i*f 1l i^x tf }N? It it t\t ti iht i@f ioI Ivt i* !$ le{ xt t3 ia tf I Ot I oi ljf I ol t 9t !Hi i9t t ot tzt ;i ti ii N o N a .9 q, E f N o F o o N o E E 5 o o tYl o N d GI o ED ;F H$ ni I iY ||alHv,v! ;^^i oo'i ^ oo-t rm, rn. N;i .aa^,^ r:\-. N! !t{ i'l: i l.{^i ^i d, :v l,-a Hl lv ^t ^r :O: tNl l^B ,l*s "'r-i lO:!^|,Nldr ldiYY 'i |i ,i i:- |i '| i: i | | :l , N, I I Br R{ ^ii EiHi i$r*;RiHlEt$rg Si $H; id; lrii ii oit Ni 1^;l ljl :.\i, , {-:", H S, , ;KrS fr1il;EiS:friH iE, ei$ '-1 octl i uil F:l N !i' ri{ d; loii I ! *l-l-l$,{ It=.:tlci i i l<l rll ;ll{l HEisl{iq {lF bit tNt:l $'llli oioi coiol niF.l H!N' q,-iql-, I i; I.-rF l-ti Ini lNg itl foi lEri ; I I l: i i i r I iil iil,,liiiili*l iiili sl si si s; sl sl si si sl sl lsl El "i "l B; E: si Bl i *$$i$l$l h;s.illriii*j'tlii =i :loti'l liliriliiilli tiitititil -i-l I i-i-i-l-l-r-l-l !-f i EffRi3i3i ! loio,oloro'oi nl I l, i<)ieloloJorrnihl I lNiNl ilhlnl F\lhl I t@,rnt Nlo\'Ni lN, l@- niNr tmi lml lc,rl I q, *i Hic.)l I U1. n-l NIO\lNi hiNl loi iNl JI lo.! Orr COt *\Of lco-l l-l j::; lo'lo'r oio'l toli lOiO:nrolOinr 6ioor I lSi$ ti h,Nl$iOrlNl trni lm \l. r)lmlnr mimiir lmt lrot @! i t@-; rf)t l,-iiill;-; iilil'r,ill*i :co_i EEiNJHI i r I vi\oi I i\oi\oiolo.N lol iNl | ,H lti i6; lNi 1@r ihi o',ot *st @:rrl! I !il\O,i Oi@ OjOl iNE 'i O'iNl | | , lN NlNlOr \O \Olml lNg : Ni I S: c.)l.a: Hi @ | $l id6 ' i^i ,\^i/-{-* i\O: NiO N'O ,N:n ort Nr o iO O'r Or; 6! \O. ' il6lNi i6!O\l d! @l N!NJF\: lm! e1 v \-l d: i-iiri-:i iii;l i^-.1: I i i I l I I I i I , i : I . I {^l rvi lii $ tr l6if 'H t\o IN tf iIlsi foi thl tiItr] f tr*l !t nmI f{ i-l *@i lotf loif l\o i i-i I x xE tr _o I i N o N 5 r E @ f I I i .t ! 6$ -lI orf H' tr) tH iol in try 8H l* I f9t t6ri roi N 5 I I rl Ir {N' git 5 iai {ht gor , ;or; ll-. t [$ t1 i F tr+l 9g ldl *ni B$ r{ it tt at lhl tht li! &oil g-$ 'Ict It t1 $,'+l tt g(f) ! Erq I imt tst tr)t ir4 {i dt B{# t tf f+{ *\o i Itt 5n! iNl i{ ta )t ,t t{ i.+i **i ;! ix 6:f i t@fl l.+i tt i^ I i00 I t@i {@t INI tF. I [-t t-* fN{ it tlit l*i r*i g1 i^t $or' !N! I@t tmt 8f. avt itt@' ,zcf t! l*i ie$ $i :t3I lrn ,d, forl rs't *H I ii tl!, {si lt l{ 9t {T !a f+3 BIEi irr!t {rl lol $ ttr! f ctli i I 110l X gEti $ro i tuJ loi ax ai do: IIL loil 'rr !tEi llo ! tl t; *0ri 49t It io{ a9t tt zl t! tll. itt $\r *ol !ot i qr; :Ei tot t"i ctt 10ri { tr fU|i iur 'xf lagi Fi fot v! llt $Et 61 Bi It iort $t s{ tt t1 tl${*} r-i i iVi (O:\Olnl Ot Ol r-i \oloi @, tril !or ttol lNr Nl\Ol +l$r dl Fol Nl NlNiol '@iroi ;\o I N vr Otl i i Ih{ !f lco I titt $r ttI' 3{ g! tot l- i-1 t i tvl lt9-' lililit 'ttt t{#{ l{a.l :t BI l* *i*islslsi tsl lNrtlNJO'oiOl t@i@toi@JNioi iilii;*i lllril l-i*l-l-l-i-l l I F\i hj.\,/l Nl Ol Nl l@rstht@tolml {aqlF.t <-'ol f I rl lNlml hlOri \il Ol tht iol l\r rl@l lNi o0l tY9 '8_l I iv!€,nl or, liiO\lmlmr,rrl lN Oln)61 -i -l -i I l l,o i lOrlF.i$lNloi(o: t(ol ^l N-l ull r-l $ull I \i 6$ ^li lNt@lm{Nlolml lililm' lNim| tmi -l *1-!.oi '-ill",-lli'ili-i l-iiill-l lll;lii iiillil :ijiiill,ll!*l iiiiii oi itnio\t\oint \o' Oi $loriOri I ' n!(ol @lo ti -;il-,,|-iill-r -*i^rl*ii tt ,illilli ",;iii t: iiliii ft'ititz .;ii:ti'"1 :,:i': i;iril:;i.l*i illjii !til ti't : ; I . r:i ,fi i,:, ]iiiii jEi g, frl .Hi =l': ut tqJt toi? It 3r r3i I ;l 51 Etris, tt Er iEi iI ui o olfll gti si Fl gl==l=; =,6i It lef t, I ,n: i O C) rr): gl O: Ni thf tqi l6r' u1l u1l qi q, qi lori lhlNlNfHliivl }NE Fort : h, \Oi mltolr\,i OI aor+ *(ot gNg tm3 l!:i .1l.ot I i@i lm-1 i-j^i-l-i--l l*.ill'i Ol(OJ 0OiN! n' iml iCOr@lNl Or:Or; N, *n* 'Ni lOr {-l ii NlNrml t.1l lF\ @l mim;m1 tl ln,NlmlotNiol !(f) l :9rrl@l lNi@l i@t i-'ii.rl lllii;i t@iN,f)t t')t\o:ott i{:l nolNl I lF.i lxi col .olmlol ni ioi loi vlfilolor l@N rot ri lot3 N, Ht cot oi oti $t tr1' Ol COi rl-t 001 fll^l^l itll-:ljl;ili"i r-liliii illilttiiii*f iilti lllit i"l*lul i i i-, l l 'lilitlr:tii*$ Ninl iEelqiilni O;\rl V:cp: I B I i I lo, oloiolor nlol ,d! ixF Oi O. c)i c)t f rdnlelsi din'iniooi Ni I II I lO! <)i \l-lOlOi (Oinl \rt$: r.otHt tnt I iNiNl o'hthi NlCrliNl rn, i Ej"ri j$l i,Ni ,N, I| .@:rii6iNl lo; |'61 | fl!l^l^l lii ii I i oicoi rul n joio'i nlr..l irul l6ln :EFlnlsln, O;ni OrlF\ Ni @lNi\Oi\O, tol (ol rc,lmloi ct) i. | ;N l..r h oro; ;H: ' d rq:mlNioim,col lo iNt d: idl=ia eh,@! n orl s. di ii i\o. j:c|l;I 1\Ol ' N' 'I lN $tN! dlmi i; 3, *ri-i-l g Er+i N; I loo.ort\Oi61\or :mi NrtothiN: , !-i , Ii | ,o: 6: \rlOlNlH, @. I lNrt;nl lor lil {lnii, l,}t,}Ol lli^l-i :; :i i| ::jl Ii II Ii :i ii lidlIII :-i ; I I i ft illi:iiiilll*i i.i-i^l-lii liE i i'i-l*!lil i=lill i I I i | | i i ; ti*f l.liililit $iili ililrjt;iili-j i iSslsl -i I"lIII i'lll !, trl rni rrl{ i, 1 :O1i r r o: iii I I i'i ii -; FiE E i i-i e Pt tisi si -ei P iZi i;l :l El gEi lEl Etsl EiEEE;E:sieEifr islei6t F:s;glE;EiSiElFiS'Flg E#; si piE' H:(rr, :Oj ,I I ,ld) lOr,F. lO, tof ,tNj dtoto{N m rlco' iH[ I N' I tOr. F.lN! iln tNt ScOt i tsl-i^l-i l^lll*i-:-l-l-l-ll-i . ltit i5€l-lii-i :'flii i , : iiiii rg lllii '=o u= .trlE IE tE lll 4E Oc EE; bEE EL,: ! EEi o 5I U 'tr tt i5 I lD o o JI 3l 5l FI cl UI q E gl u gl AI c) U r0t ul =] >t ol zl cl q E1 9i FI (J o sl E] E] EI tq ul ol FI UI (, <l al 3 EI z) =i >l <l EI il EI AI EI 0, a EI <l o EI >1 zl <t el EI ol E >l cl <l x Iu E o o !, o a,'jj Es. 'tr9 .'r i: :o db oc _=8 >'E E+ o6 =9 @@O \'.ici Oi6 Oht qrl{s @NS iqioo' n@@ NOh Firic iN6 duiF: v@N 6@+ ridi mm6 dd; o@H6@ !:ri* s+ &d FBK 983 NN es oc ^ 3ED SE& A$E 3RR KSK Q6O ds--d !'..09q \@Q NN NN =,.-ql* @+ Gs 6e ro6' 14+id ilHR Ndo dd@' <o6dG .n-; -=U d+ ooi nn6 o-l oofi. gX3 b5S gE$ :EE dqioo' oim-d F:idi !ijd bg9 €8s E3; 83fi dg @'g @-d uiE s^6' eeC ABg HgH ci{irr- ffgB j!'!, .soC r.vO 3RR t3; q\' gFg oiFaoo' 5.q5. dON hoh v4o S6+ 98: :NF ddocijo.ndoo- uidn: I |4 !:d.-; se3 6:3 S99 SR$ 3RS sXR Et H R93 ng* vvo *,i; oo6 onG h, ^ -*a b*E F;H HSR HHh HFH d= \o oiri s-oo'i ddd !:d,-i qqs. qBg 5.[q hqg R.5.9 q^- 3R3 iX5 hso ieo !O F:4ioi ui6oo- dFioo' dui-!4 9 E ry 3R+ S93 SE$ rSg i3N Es3 ui-i.i ddri ciji: uii!: d-i<: !r.-;ni oo3 o. *"{R RRg;SB r@_u1 @.N-s$-@-v- ooh oN6 oNQ 3RB se@ rycqm irii^i- hhe @rr!e -1\q!l -iN'- h6m jj- oNN e$i @HN @@O i6ij Fi^i!: NoN o6$ Noo hdh ici- d.!'di oN@ Fdd 6mo Ndh i^i" aad @Oq jN-@vs ooo @sN F:iui +6@ oh+ ddri !:ddi dvioi x-o o gh6 ig6 jji3jj3g- sRfr ^i-- Nh@ @qv voh :v@ ioii,.'d-: F:iui of qni aoO -wG qo6' oo6 x-6' 53S oo'+d 3ff8 38R ririd esR dN^,i RR3 oidut SEB diriri 9no e@o @ss 6^i!j @hq !oo d hoo d^ini hov : hf < 6i6 ddot Ndxl oiddi ^i-'j Ne$ s$e RRH $93 :B$ 939 .iN-- @mN lSD EfrR 335 RffB :X8 oriui SHS oNN rir.-r.' !ao@ 9o@ !:oi!j :3h =ff+ S3R ?3; R3. !HR 6ow hNts oh@ @iN oo@ hg@ omv m*6' n-6 6od NvF Firiri @n@ ONN oo? hoN drid *oC 6NO N-@-A- v-Olu.! rid;oo'ddj i@c mN6 No@ 6o6 @th 66o oo6' o@N ci.i-i SO+ oiuidi :m@ @$o nofr i@N h^L\ ddoi @N@ NoN ONN Niq NON sxfr 00m 60r doi"i @NO n:doo' qNe NhN -efr @@@ N6o qioid a@o NoN Ohh @oN nvm ooO so6 o@o 9o'd@- oo6' 690 oN6 djd hto NoN N96 Noo N@V Rbe s3r iRil +H1 R3R S:e 5:D 3SH R?& h+$ 3FP 598 NyG v@H @f @ ,o-'9ld @NS hi6 ooC vH@ N@o ^ioin] NN6 :NO JsiF: @hN @h: !:!joi ONN o$$ ;;; <:d;i NOi @6N RRR BBg Rss 8h: RBs BBe Fl{!j @-N -6lJ P99999P ooo .L = G ! 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'N ,1.1 ,l$io\l ,i, -i i i* i*isl ,l ,.^l*i I l-i l*i*l il.j.ii'i ;iirj.;l ig igi .i re i. , '-l-'sj, ' I : pl ,*i..9 EiSi ,i--:elci*ErEi d; : E i r;;e,$'E g;$sB' ii;",F:F lE l.l=,.i.,iij ii'iii^i' i i,il:-i"'i ' *;* *l*i*i-i o!xl sisl slsisls sisi',.= -i "j'i'.'j'i ^jo'ol3;ol$iSloioio '*i* i iFi | ,] ,l ,i$i ,i ,l | n;i;ioi.l iNl oi.'n.l I I i I <'g iii'iii'!i'.'l i'lj;-i;i lilij;ljj , i[! =j lNi lfiiql i iiiii'iil ,-i'li;ij i,iitii ,-i I , , lNl | , | il 'tni\o tn: ' iNlCOiO\J i i<-; ,F\ .-l.l'-ii iol rl I '!u1 j:'1,; 'i ! r; ': 'i ;-lili-l:l ;Otl i\ol I :*i i :^liii-lll io\l lNl t: li{il*iirii lilrl"i lrl .'iiii"ll iii,lil,ii i-liiii-;-i ; i i1 :l;i-.-i il, -jii-ill ili : ; :si , i I q; fi;E; l9: 9'l, cl i*i i : i lFj ilijlii : , a. EiEi laaE;EiE;eig g gi g; s'r Figi E,i iTlTr 8r *r{iali ,U! sr_d'ii'Er Hi€ji 9l N] I I i '..o; r.. \Ol i i i j i !'r rf, 6i ii ' ' ' q\ I ol >t .9t dt 6i oi cri I ci (!l F.t @: =l i x x q) ? d i t ft Hrn iF. i l i d N N 1'. 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TURF, INC. OL-3342 LAUTERBACH & AMEN, LLP 0I-1216 STEVE PIPER & SONs, INC. 01-4145 J.C. HARRIS & SONS, rNC. O1-1510 CHICAGOI,ANDTURF 01-1365 GRAINGER 01-1065 ARTHUR CLESEN, INC. 01-1214 NAPERVILIE ART LEAGUE O7_I444 KENDALL HII,L NURSERY, INC. O1-3590 PETER J. ].AYTON 01-3476 KEY GOVERNMENT FINANCE, INC. OI-7284 TYLERENTERPRISES O1-1125 FIRST STUDENT, INC. O1-1114 INDIAN PMIRIE SCHOOL DISTRICT 0I-IT64 NAPERVILLE COM. UNIT SCHOOL DI 01-1815 CITY OF NAPERVILTE 01-1605 TRACY & ED CONSTRUCTION 01-1835 NAPERVIL],E COM. UNIT #203 NNHS 01-3196 PROGRo OF ILLINOIS, LLC 01-2828 CORDOGAN, CIARK & ASSOCIATES I O1-4107 DONGARM ELECTRIC CO., INC. 01-4159 ll.ti.TrMBERS, INC. 01-1840 ACCESS ONE, rNC. 01-3868 HACIENDA LANDSCAPING INC. 01-1568 A D P OI-T249 RICHARD .]. WOSTRATZKY O1-3885 BUSINESS OFFICE SYSTEMS 01-3902 JOHN DEERE COMPANY 01-1530 KID'S FIRST SPORTS SAFETY, INC 01-21-92 SUNSETDISTRIBUTORS 01-4141 C.R. I,EONARD PLUMBING & HEATIN 01-1153 NADLER GOLF CAR SAIES, INC. 01-1390 THE ACTIVE NETIIORK, INC. 01-3489 NEri WAVE 01-1171 NICOR GAS 01-1?16 SINGLE PATH, LLC O1-1195 PEPSI-COI,A GEN. BOT., INC. uf-luf,t torod O1-1384 PATRICK ENGINETRING INC. A1-3992 GREAT LAKES ELFVATNR SFR\/T'F 01-1144 LAFORCE, INC. O1-1006 AIARM DETECTION SYSTEMS, INC. 01-1503 SUNBURST SPORTSWEAR, INC. 01-4090 TWIN OAKS LANDSCAPING 01-2426 CEMCoN, LTD 01-1483 V3 CONSTRUCT]ON GROUP, LTD. 01-4125 DRlLr, & Flr,l MFG, LLC 01-4028 K & S CARTER ENTERPRISES, tLC 01-1587 MAUL ENTERPRISES, ]NC. O1-3364 CURRIE MOTORS 0I-1266 C D W GOVERNMENT,INC REPORT VO],UME 24,062.).s 20,185.00 2A , 200 .0a 20 , 401 .00 21, 600. 00 21,829.15 22,433.13 ,292 .55 23 .00 24 ,21 24 ,285 .00 6 24,61 4 .23 25 , 951 .36 25,080.60 26,1 56 .41 26,914.82 29,821 .34 30 ,062 .42 34, A2I.00 32,179.26 32, 8 6I .'t 0 34,958.19 35,656.20 35,869.s0 36,034.12 36 , 62\ .0A 38, 205. 63 38,379.00 38, 534 . 04 39,014.37 39,280.48 39,413. L8 44,02r.20 40 , 472 .00 41,051.18 41,107.00 42, 060 . 41 42,484.65 43, 486 .22 44 , 921, .93 46, 41 41 5 .5r ,1 44 .81 48,551.54 51,483.35 51,570.69 53,081.28 54 ,048 .99 54 ,366 . 44 58, 100 . 00 60, 000. 00 69 ,1,46.1 6 69,821 .0A 14,511.16 't9 17/21/20\3 8:10 VOLUME AM \ENDOR 1 ,245 .28 14,422.60 15,174.1-6 71 ,1t0.34 79,5r1.54 O1-4036 JETCO, LTD a1-7644 16?rrFE 01-35?9 BLUESTONE DESIGN BUII,D 01-3137 BARTON ELECTRIC, INC. 01-4081 WB PAD HOLDINGS IV, LIC 01-1259 FOX RrVER FOODS, INC. 01-1113 ILLINOIS SHOTOKAN KAMTE 01.-2362 CHAL],ENGERSPORTS 01-3821 oFFrcE 95 LLC 01-3391 ACTIONPRINTING 81,570.40 83,746.4A 83,802 .20 88,839.00 95, 933.30 98,61,1 .32 100, 693.60 rI0 ,266 .0A rr5,535 .'t2 135,080.16 CONSTRUCTION COMPANY O1-3016 ANCEL, GIINK, DIAMOND, BUSH, D 01,-329I FOREST PRESER\rT DISTRICT OF WI 01-3506 SHAW EWTRONMENTAL, INC. 01-1515 REINDERS, INC. 01-3951 FIRST AMERICAN TIT],E INSURANCE 01.-4141 LINDBI,AD CONSTRUCTION CO. OF J O1-4T09 GREEN-UP LANDSCAPE, LLC 01-2591 PLAYERS INDOOR SPORTS CENTER 01-4089 EVANS 5. SON BI-ACKTOP, TNC. 01-3317 E HOFFI,{AN lNC O1-1657 AVA],ON PETROI.EUM COMPANY 01-1551 MARTAM CONSTRUCTTON, INC. 01-1048 CITY OF NAPERVILLE 01-3510 ASTRO TURF LIC 01-2815 WIGHT 01-1120 us BANK O1-3818 KEE CONSTRUCTION, L],C 01-260A THE BANK Or NEW YORK MEL],ON 01-i562 FUERTE SYSTEMS ],ANDSCAPTNG, IN AI-7243 WDSRA 01-1190 PARK DISTRICT RISK MANAGE},IENT I,292 .30 12 O1-1255',IILLIAMSARCHITECTS TOTA], PAGE: VOLUME 01-2311 MIDWEST ECOLOGICA], SERVICES, ] 01-3234 WILLIAMBEDROSSIAN OT-2498 PRECISION CONTROI, SYSTEMS OF C 01-1053 coNsERV FS 01-1589 rT sAwY LLC 01._2244 AI,I-BRY REPORT 736, 665 .62 I31,117.51 138, 603 .50 L42, 591 .I0 149,383.98 155,145.50 155,661.8s 178, 553 . 97 196,024 .14 233 , 867 .81 239,153.20 244 , 909 .5 4 300,505.90 376,00?.53 438,000.00 459,711 .93 ,63A.0A 121 823,544.68 943 ,1 35 i, .5I 081, 932.38 r,268,950.00 1,, 395 , 628 .91" 13,35r, 622 . 43 20 F{ U tV t= F 0 A - t, z f- Ft a J 0 F v lV, H F4 rl, vA Fr ?a t-,( v,-\ t\t fl, FEl AA FEI Fd (,) O rl A - - A Fl a - Frl z ll H rc j j - tV ri A Fi z F A trl Ff U z 5 O U E r T N d I I c\ i (\ $o UU zz zz FF zz HH \o oolo d mlv o\@oo rl Ol m ro $r @ Ot F- rrl rtm st' N Y 01 r-- .r co rl N ri).nld \o l- rn lnlo rl N \o \ol\o rr r-rlrn o o ri r-l].n ll tltl il cn ?1 o o<r o .i rt-- N N g*:=s8 aa 33 -lI *^ o\ F- collt- ..-1,,, *-.o-lO OLnln oO\o\@ * .;.;l-; ;; *; ?Y ; ";;l- .; J;;l- arl I I ^.1- zz DD I! t! zz oo HH FF <4 Fl frl Hrl UU u) UU HH zz HH Fl "l UU Fi z ,t ,l zzz ,1 t'r t! |! ,r z z .Fl ztrI! DZ r!OQO t1 zz <<hr! Hdf!f! z Fr Fl d ol \o m ooloo i*l*J :i- I \o c! ?1 : o E cooooo @oloo $oLnoc! Lno\or}c.) o r_E_ c\t 0 N NO@O<l \olo OC\ j N@rnci zn t!hf!hFl Fl Fl Fl 'l -nnnn zzzzz .1 t! rn O rh Fl h Fl rh 22222. o,l > .h fh fh 2 U 14z UH r1--- UHq T rn C\l LnLn N trr AA o rn$o\ ? i?1 <d i; m F. |n F\Or) \o r)r)o r.r "i ilEF HHH pd F1 Fl <( br t! trl t'l trl zzz dpd t! Itr ltl zzz --fl Fl zz -F] A-zz tl.t rh an rh HH UU au) UU 4( FF HH Fl Fl o1A AA Fl I trl HH< aoo Ft trt ul aa Fl Fl Etr1t{ 'l "l Fl (<< r rl al U Fl FI a A E o U zz FtFt rb HH AA r!o &U OH BU] }< UFl U :{ U)F CDZ z C9 U rh 'tZZ U H trl (n Fl F z : ulz zod OUA g,OHXO +ek1 AFE]A ZZEU] zzoa& o (rzu2 F-&OFl v)hAHO HOFTFcd A,Ail-L Fl< oc4z (n()(,cnl zozta HHE rAU E ot{t! rl 2 24 t!44 222n f; rE 22EzX P H ? 3E FE trtrj ;trtr''j =3391 H H gi EEH3 F E EFAHF 3 E E gH zz DD trrFi zz HH Fi Fr Fr F] t{ Ll il F] z A r.t FIOB t{H Fr c( trl Fl s) U] trl O <FlDZFl d>A> vz n U !d m - (/) ci z * . trl n a A .trlE zz4 HHO U]V H42 UH IrlmCD4N Nrd FHU UAZ d^ cD oloo crl (/) a< H C4FXd: Fr oH<rl U c(t-rAr-) & Er il E E or o : C) z cD(aulU) zzzz HHHH UJ U T: E: EEET oooo UUUU zzzz k<<< UUUU HHHH zzzz oooo HHHH Fl;FlF1 trtHFttr1 EltrlOO udoo rrl UU trl Fl t4 trl zzzz z (,(4 Fr Ei Et trl C,C)oo cq H td U F t{ U z F] dc{ F AAcno (9 C9 \-\ 226o\ HHdC! 0l Ol -\'\ (n rl ri C/l UU -\-\ EE OrAAA H HH ('j HH pp && ul zz () c\ o 1 .1d p FIFIOO OOFifr /.d >>cam td oioi:E:d a HO 4'l Fl'Cn Ett trrU .U uoz zl{ -z H U UU uu z U A C') F z (nco d& trltrl D9DD Ezss sH ilIAB 33 E EEfltrr",H*B8E ESEE*E HHEEE F UUt.r H && EH EEkAF ,H EH :EEH,F HF H Fr E8 E5 Hp8 pD E **5v U E EETFDF d, d$fl8H 88 E E flflSo H 5 fr Eg H HE d d ililffR 3 S ilAAHB P 'H pp '-{nHH 22zz E , g E EE F oo oo F0m (,U zz HH && AA(r) (/l zz DD htr f!t! Fl Fl E-r oo (,(, U O rD Fl H> F< 4u & nd AF] r(() O(J a) a >Fq {{a LrnUJ drtd rh A o 01 lrl Fl o^-1"cr) rnior rn r-r oo ";;"; r) c.)l\o r) lr) F z D o E i- I I r)0 ')1 o NM a.l n onA zzz --llflFi |l tr1 o E U z trl Fl E tl1 F gt m d. I d o F o z olo olo olo olo NIN rr jl-; O & ral 2 r oo o o o olo olo olo olo "1""1".-i""|l/ .; ;1; ;l; ;l; 0 F Fl t n 0 qF H Fl > & q Fr C n t"tt ZZ oo FlFl HH d,& << Ic ET Z Z TI] (/J c( cq n F) F] Fl H & trl Z Fr Z O H & E tsl U -zo H Z - o cD'I il d( HU e U E! (a c/) n (n trl N -r o c\ u 14 O ,t F Z frl d t F1 t-, o E h J o C, n zzzz D i! O 2 <r! F{ H 2 trr (, CN Itl iqUE Q d B & d U Fl u rd2 .t O & d, H co E o z FAFHF] FlcoH'lO oioFz .ECNH FlUblc/, dJFrzln .1 H/. HF 24HE ddQz tittloO UHC/]H >t!Z FFtcuFl ooHF Z4FZ r) zFl aul O (\ m F1 & F Fl H A d ; .;1.; o o o o o Nlc.r Lnlr) \ol\o olo < c! N l'l'll tttl tttt A -n zZZ Z lqrl ht! z O A zz r)cr OO NN cdo o za AF Fi OF U g O O O & m d, F /. Z H ttl tr] o] Fl d a Fl OO v -- HH d U r & D F> uo Fl Htd &d UO rr (,CD 'lFl FFT HH UO fl rrl z2 OO FlFl FlFl HH /,t :E (n d dd UU D mz 2 rhilddrn rz t! 0 (4F F I{ b o a = m tl 1t 1l o r)ln ol .qlrn "t"l' col@ cq m o\lo1 cn r-lF O 2 tc z o H F H 4 & O r'1 td rn trl tr] (n ,l Fl H O U zo CD F1 (/)Hz dO(,F] UH(./)/, HF]OC)X &t'lcl&14 tdFlAEIU :iqFrcq4FCqZ 14EOtd oz oHz UU'l{H z4.'l(rlO dr'lhDO dicqButFr <H Fraz a 2 D OOO HHH u) zzz gl F]FF HFlF] F1 FJ zz H z pq o EEE HiH HHH d{( HHE] trl Fl c0mm EEE HHH HF]T4 &&& &9,& --- cn EEE e d d zz2 rlQO ZZ <<{ t4Htrl g, & g, OUU r!Ht'] FlFr CDCN OAA UJET <HH rh rh rh <tltrr d. rrt Fq t! zAA fdOO O zz 5 Utr] F 20 4 d.2 u 24, O taz., rl n FIFI Ft!-l FlFl HH 2n4, AZE.:=FFFFE.FOFFUFFFF F10 0 dHo <<oo F EdE" rqriFF >F H v- : -.inZ F ov zz> OO FIF]FI d HFI F c(O c/) cod FFF] oo id ?2d ic:qH Z H F I']Htrl FFU rddA DbH E & Jo.< OOa A O 14qZ >>s) ii msmln ";*dl* rn o r-lo l-l F z F E or a z|! z o a F rl t! o U F UZ o ZH U(n E A |.. T o r-{ I N O m I -l c! o m .rl-{ NIN F] nn \O ..; rt Ln Ln " a.) o c,J J; \g- il $\o\or)@d nnlFN$$ Jd rl 01 N t-- Ln rr Ht4HElHlrl UUUUUU 2 ZZZZZ {<<<{( ,, z22ZZZ a o 2 F O o {OO\Er EIHFf'lElr{ FU)CDmFX --4sl <\ Jcn(JU)'] A(,Z(,oro 4 z-z HtrZCtrltrl aFldHoio ('cooco(,E |u)L1242 Z\>xD \-ulHcDO AA <& a Olrl 4 \F /. oFl cn FFr(nFF prlr,lHz l4U FrflF{llrlh FlFl'l'lnFl oooooo ooooo() F< AAOOAO 2ZZZZZ zZZzZZ OOTAAAA dddddd mcqca@cqca ddddpd O FTHHHHHO Er <d<<<<F EEEEEE rdrdv14vv oooooo n ElfrltdHrltr]Fl d FFFFtsFr< E4 ZZZZZZEl OIO O |nlLn c'rlm N Lnlr'- rtt olo oolo o olo olo oolo o olo .; JIJ .;lJ d .;lJ O o FI lll tll ltl ttt \o^l-lldi rl zz rfFI F] Fl HH && UU - coH Etr 4p E 2rd BE Ooi t"H uo a2 ZZ OO FfFl a"r 44 {< UU rrr-t oo && UU Htd d& (,CN 'lJ FF HH UU t4El d& Eltrl ZZ OO HH Fl F] trl X E-r z o H & U in d H E( & o Z o Id F U) Fr z H Ar '1 d (n d H ta d D t! Z O H zzztrrt! PD o a ul Er u) E-l l'l F H H D & o a c/) F = O D I! o aa F FF HTN DFr oo aa :: OO 5D Frt! F H & H pr Fr o e H d m cD J 'l O 2 X ah F] - o z ld & Fl Z tl] (, && HH ZZ HFt C)u F] ZU HF] rnd trlD oEr d 4.2 O <tU ,o (nv S Flm O-r 2-V-rr-r Us, 24 vco ^ U E 23 il C) A o A d F.] UZ 2H UA A E r c{ Ng r.) N r-l tZ c\r c>lo o <'l<' o F z Ln r-l FI O (/)ET F U Fr n O E( tu = < : o o ; ol; olN c.: i H sNl\o rl Olil \o o l\o $ Nl\o lrl (p A(n U)u) zz (< E: c0(n FF oo c4 AA ui Ln F- oolo OOIO Flt{ OO dd, OO zz I l I o O o O o ri rl D O O r)r)LnLnLnr) O <v<l<r9rsi Jo U d Er .. i O\O O\ ON c\ o \oFri N cn oN C\) r-l O\ \o mr) rl ... El tr1 U]CD HH aa 22.. E- UUF O &dO F F]F]F EE VT4 oo &d d& Flf'1 't UUri rl (n (t) Fl H aa 4i dF UU -&A Fl Fl << FF d& CO a (, fl HE Fto UU z D o rl Fl UU FF HH UU r-t rl O\N NN @c{ ON coN F r-i C\N ri!! ZA 4r! FIP z HH ZZ (4m <O cio H =F r'lOO ><F d $$d dEH -1 r-l r-l r-1 rl r-l @ FIHHHFIH OAOOAO ddddd,d n^nnn- 222222 pH t! ---/-rrrrrr JJ THgETT UUUUUU d E=EEEE hhhhh- Flr]nFlFlFl rh rh rl rl rl rl FlHtr]fqHfrl vv?7vv Nilpdde h---t- O HHHHHH H & VF zz F trl rt!f4 F 'l'l 44 HH d { rb rb o] Fl O Fl 4, O B - rl A Frr U H<, A QZ za HE E( & Fl A c0F ElZ (no >H Utr] Zl'J tq[! z^ H H "rH F rlElo UUF1 22 3E oo FlFl X|< 4< vz Ill! an C'] trl trl z2 g) ut 4<0l UO Ht{ c0 Flri cq tsr^ H QZ FH HE4 U ()U UH f \ j dE FF vz F] Fl . 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H(nAFFT tn & F 5 zFl f! o tl I tl -l' ^l^^l^ O orlor "t'l Ln -11.r ca caim m r)lul 't' r)llnl FlFt 'Lf Fr EF O <O dF F 2 H F 'f :( d h Fr tz Ot! z nn o vz trlo FJ n F (, D O a H PP r!t! H trl ( 44 F1 r4trl (/) F] z ) ,1 (/l d r-l <,{ ri HT qu) )iO ZH BFrftz4F(, c4urn:qo&zcDB .-!TOHHOUa dUe,FE'la-trrtri O]EF] FF2 &z fdE]FU OH ULE- <FU a<zu zzHz ZZ HH {< c0 orQ UU Fto LNH LN U] YF tl] 4{ ZU FIF t! Fl trl 4? rr ()(, Fl Fl (< OO EE HH &d hrFl U)(n F Z tr] E ri Q & M z sl H ,l H E UtsH 4 Et trl H Irr u u JHH zH 4 ,1 E-''t 't E I nF O O <O Fi F tsF Y O o & c4 u Iq Z r 2z aa FlFt FIJ HH n- z2 El ka trl &d, 9? gr CDCn 5]rl <4 FIFI HH UU f4rd /.& zz OO !H HH g,& <d UU mc. NJ oo co o o oo mN .; ;;*J;;l* NcomcoNLnlo c\lrn l. a l c\ r O o nnzzz -- t!E! i! Flt! 22 ntlF{fr OO HA fiddilfifiilN EH t{tr{ F'\ HCD t! Fl> Flr'l n<Fl(,FE{ tlo()H tl| AQHZZ < <Ftc(c( F((nCqADD trrt! 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Q F]tr]trIF]F] .T il Fl Fl ri d n \o -f-i r) 4 F1 a & A z J U z z Er z E CJ Ol E r5 H o o X O t! UA U z F o z z gl t U Fl Er o o tr{ FIO F Fl Fl H o N F m E (, !E aaQ zz.z oorAAo.<AAo,d&&&c(AAorF=H d d<<<< F aaaacAzzz zzzzz zzz A - ^ ^ 2222 2 - b h h t t! I! trr t4 I! Fqtltltrltr4 ooooo al al ri rl al i \zz (n: rl - ^ - zzzzz H<<{< cn(/)(no(n AH H&dt"& OV|dFdV tuzzzz c4 h1 Fl td Fl FCqmmcq t-. a 'Fi tr !4 r\ Ar Fl o A E |{ p H 2 (, Fl -z = c0 d a irl Ln O O F{ rl cO O tr) <> rn O O ln tr) u.)<r f- d m O\ CO cn N \O N CO -l ; Ln f) an c\: C\dilrlmrrlNrlC\.ndd zzzz oooo HHHH FFEiF 4<<< &&&& FrFE-rF AQAA HHHH zzz2 HHHH EEEE An ^{cqFqF(c( (, <<<{'l < Boc)mcq r{Foo0(n0(,c4;qiqd,zz&x, NInVX|<14FFtsFlHHHIN 4 r! clrt,4&Z>E(>c(c(ac E(Fl(<<4trlOOHo.a<4 Ft!AAAAU(]]Zc4r.D|'r)ZZ zzzzzzzz ^n^^-n-PDDDDDDD OOf!f!lqhhht!tc zz 9SZZZZzZZZ I!rlOOOOOOOOtrOOO HHHHHHHHZZZZ zu HHTI]F] -ox|< 4OOO Ec(oo cqcdF( ()()mm 2Z/,d aakkkkkkkkEEEtr C(trHHtrlEI]FlrrlHt4 HFlcdcdcicdcd&dc(tlr!r!h vv?.9-999!2p9iill rrrrqrrrrruuuu f6fiildeddddt.hrnrhrh v4z dn_ )i \\ At,FE z , H E-t v) o trrFl zs q H< F< HFtFCd!q C(:4:q OTI]U)FFOFFF dFtFFroc(trroo3ora<< Fir ld UZOU|Jr2&aazz c(p(oFrt4 &/.&&&/.d,& FFFIF.tcFIFFFFFFFF Fl Fl 4 t! E { fn El H trl tr1 trl tn El EEUOOUEEEE>>:E Hoooooooo ooFl dd,a?E4qd,/.ddt,ltd HH>CDg]>F{FIHHHHHH aa:qoo:qoaororo.oao. C')UJAAorAlU)(/)CNCN(/)(r)tnU) z U a Fr HZ U'H OU azz CDHO <H fl 6 F]AU uop c(Fd -VL ous) (/)42 trlFlO d (rza 200 HU]c/, &o tdd Fl zax r'ZFl z>{ 14 rl Or F o or ,l UZ E-i z D z F{ z :H E-r A -z F o& UH frl UCD E A r-- Er C\l F NV cn& Itt c\l mo tz I! c{ rt oood\oN oooc{Lnc{ oLn@rno\o \O-l .-lm N c/ruru)(/)(/l(n Fltrltli'lE]trl AnOAOa d,ddddd FFFTFFF OAnAAA 2 Z 2Z22 DD Fqiqt!f!frh 01 OOOO UFT o o olo F olo olo f-lf\ol\o +l< o o olo m !1 Lnln N N Nlf\o l\t | ,f F O (nF F U I{ Fr O & O !d '1'11 <<< HHH UUU Z Fl <F' FrO ZEi trl E t A trl A | 2 5 z o F colco nlln NIN Fl F O t4 rnl.n tnllr) sl F trl O d, A = zz rd t! Fl 44 td H U a B td m f (/) U t{ F frl (}Fl (!q AU !r ci -rF \(n Ntr] \D O(IJ dFl c0d ci zi4 r-r tn +\o c{N tr)lLn olo olo o ,-1,- olo olo rr Lnlln olo .;1.; m ;l;Ln -l- .r]-i cilrn "; -1i-1 \o 'l <E-. FO ZEt H E d & f'l O I lr)O Lr)N \0s Fl C,F HO ErF 4 D < uJ ri F] 2 2 ro O h < trl & r! \o c( f.1 F Fl FI O F 6 "o o o\ c\ m ^; m cn" H; HF =o Qti 4 & F O O n Fl H d <2 Utr] Z &a OF: Fl oo ZE F< (,Z H< t, F ztr) trl Fr -j tr1 U zz DD zz HH Fr 'n z Ft UU FI H - U A H V U HU Zz &d il F1 trl : H O d A Fl F O (n F | -l* 'l' ttl tll lll z z D r!QA 1l r; <F FO 2E1 t{ E & A IJ] A | D Oi!f! FlF 44. d,d FF (n" Z o HFI HF EO QF < t! F il [rl 7Z Fl Fl C\l xz E] UJB Fi o Fl v> z { trl H(nZ (, t! AHF 4,A (4Z tsrUH crj tI] fqIqE CqFIO ah- trl E F]F Fl a 5 trl HU HtrlB zx& >DF trl Fl trl rl E zBl td E F U F1 i== \** uzz F1 v U F] UOAF zazlE HZV pr dEHHFf ui(&z aalqQHFttrl AZc4EaZNFFI ZO<c(trlZaO FlFlHS.l:C rrt&tr]>rFla rf)d&5 50<oTEHZOF UZtsrrg.OBF FIJ'ZFIF>rrl oHzta<:qalz I!UdOOFEJZ x.4>Zt!<{O r!tsFr<EV:dtl trl tl] A trl A Zt4 HF] 2 OF FFi ErFA <{H FEiF HH4 d<E 4 ra F HH {z U(n 4c( :< oo oo H UUU Fl Ft i! HHH Fl FF zzz ooo {4< PDD ht!Fr ontr zzz oul(, A >B rl a U 2 CN D U F U z frl Fl U : U 2 .l -z F olo olo olo cnlce | mlo olo o o olo olo ,-1,- nn Fl =Z FrD MCA <( r-- Fr mm rirl r)r) NN r \ d r{> t4t4 F 0( 0lFl Z O Pl H (-,u Hrl zz Fl Fl 4< hFl zz -- 'l F O F cD(n FF UU tqtn br) OO &d orA rrllll ltllll Fl < F F O 2 ? tdcn EFr FU c(t{ '<D &O rrlc( QO , ocq Z= zz -^^ htrr Fl Fl 4< FtH zz tn trl (9() Flr1 SO -rZ OX N}< Z E 2U Flo t-i c/t 14 fh {Fi o{ ftN) &z OF-l hN Fjg. HC) (n O Fj A< HO OU Fl ,l U -z rh zEl c(HH o trl F<-F ZUcDH DCDE <Fl >ao ,r=zz &ro4 HZI! mtrllr4z =tdHH icd&/, v Fl F cncDoo FF1FFI zzz trlFlFl tltdtrl l^'l-*l-]l-l- o o <.ls r-1 olN "t.'t"t't..t'.t' LOtnmLn o o mlln @ ln.a ONO@ N o Frlr-r o @lo\ r-lrirlN \o \o col<, d vlr} .|..i.||-|. cnl+ rn dl$, FF i ???? rl \O m '. Fl F O F && i fuc\ F aa O Er DD aa ZZ OO a-UtZ FIETUO <<HFl trltrlFrFl c(c(<HFto< dc(<U QOAO zzzz tlFqltttq OOOO HHHH H Irl Fl frl Fl ETFFF zzzz oooo U r F trl C) F Fl x CN F] Fl o trl ot U z HHtdFl 'lnFl,: HHF]tr] FETFF :EEE HHHH zzzz UUUU zzzz 4(44 EU{d <dc0u UUUU E1 i! fq El d,d,d./, HHrdFl dedd aaaaaa kkkk d&d&d,d d & trl 2ZZZ22 Fl trl Mrl Fl H c,UOUOU U](,X rEU >>Fq oo ()UO 1 Fl Fl F ic .t E E--ur li JUUFVU rh HOOp FIFiF{FrU 4c(Fd|4O!6 dErF{ rl ar.f Fl rr1 >tr1 OFIFIO<Fl UTNHFAA trl () C) 27 (9 Ol Or F] ,l UZ ZH Er z D o (E F z trl E Fr A n z f! F o& U U(n t4 O I fll filfi ;;iI ;;J: ;l; ;i: i;Ii; ;i; ilIil ;l; Iir .j-1 'i',l$',i'l td I III E HHH Z E E flgn,,H ggEg EHEE -n ^n zzzzE o Ee EE P {Fl Z Fl E U o g ^n^ egg6ggoS"EEF^AH =: g gg qr U)(n zz HH UU i cri H U ('/) E F U]CN(]) r{HFt HHH OrArA +aA DPD Ul(/)Cn t{o U tr] D F Z H m \ d, t! F] H u o z \(n r! t4 !!s!s4 F plorA d Et \ri m N \LN C0 ltl U \m cD (.] 01 oUo Qaa r:1, 9AQ ZZV FFF !/!2!2 Fl Fr F1 HFF d z a z o c/l N \42 q UB ;'; rE \o olo\ ^l^ .ni-rco iloi zz hf!O zzD ;(B Fqo z': PA ts|r.& (<E o(, Fr> t-t F trl o Fd <t) d rd F fJl A .^ -FtJ z E] i.i n--^ zzzz n F H ^ 2 h ll 2 c0 Ft F F] O E Fl q) 2 d F o 5 td v Z H d \ /r trl L] U Fr H zzzz F] H (/] oooo UUUU FFFF (,U)cno EEEE EA0ttrl cqaoa (Dr!D t!(ti A \CDO r,l r-r r.r r-1 r.r ts r,1 UFIU]H FiF: J ooz qilvf! OF]U tlutc(gl E &a vdd4 rtl r N< X trrFtz HE]HH UUUU eeed AAAN HHHH FrFFF HF]HT4 ---t!trihtrr d s sls sls sls r;; nls H ; ;l; .jl.; nln .;l.j o;;m ; olm ;l; $; mlm CO i -J1 6llll llll lttl r) m 7. D Fl trl &cdtrl UUZ HE]F] &NU u9r H rtsF.l F]I!N F rl F] d E b F z E U o z Fl m C\l trFlFr ultriH L] trrEO t!Ez HOO FJUF] J! -ODtr]B z&24 olrl '-l>Z rrT Fl C( Z -Hb u6A Ln Fl(4 N U u) r,l o (, Zaza <OHrddAr,l DF]XX-]DEO EEq228F ur9--.1 quA(Db >A cqEl&HaH :zF.:czz x|,EtHEl (,ZFrFlin H<Fp 2o;E -l mhr Ft U O A O Eg E EEE I HE HH H d EEE E d H r flglfl snEsEsfl H" E" ; BA:p, H.g iEfl i-e$ ;-EEfl- H sg HFFF" ; a EE En u E zl2 3 g E E 3 s E e i=i=g6 -z z o F U B o FlrJ) o0l !c u <F] I rr o)< F r) F 2 E{ \-\\\ HH FlFl t UU rrr x&H trl H\o E $ ri c{ E O H n a OO d& ZE o< N 4H F H edd H trl AA oo UU HH FlFl trm -Ao1 Fr 6 i-r D ao an r.l htrr << irl NN Fl Fl ut o A trl A F U ti d H n CB P F r'l F FrFi <k o E B (n E D E U z F] co UHF zHE Hp cn5 -vr r-1 ke, n(,E !/<el OF .'nf!(4 QO L.Z E A c\ t'- E-i raHiH Qzzo 4i4ZE& Fc4HFIU)F ggs,rizF Ar,r,1:XOHFIh !q_c0 FFgr rtsFr HoivL Fqe<k B4ormU N}< O (\ tz NE] i> 28 trl rb or o o] t] H UZ z o U E A F. N Ng d O N I O N i Fr z F! a) E a z Fl 8l nl zl Hl >l tr .l- o olo 01 Lnltn o olo ..1...t'.1,,t, o\ *]r ru ,n]> $ rnl.'') r\ oln .r co-tlo I t-l-tl i'l^ll ttlt lttl F- A UH " F-1 EOF] J -lc{lN .nlVl$ I Er olo olo olo I h F o F I NIN F Fl z C JFl a z o oI rl ol { d, 4 qE< <F 'r< F Ocoh c4oo o Fo ZE1 a< qz Hrl tra Cqd oFq 2e OX oo F(O ACdF qr t4E F 4 F tr1 zu a F z4 I Fr o DD :I A olo o. lllrl ttttl tlttt FF {< ji: <{< ZqH x& UFF zaQ H.Hl VZZ -: H d Ft cn I j I {; o 2 F *d, .f'. 'l'l .t<< < F Frrlo Z>Ej T4H an dd Eh Fr< <F A(n f'l |-r az rH zz 0Q z4 h \OlO .olv N $l\o c.D.' V o d m & t{ a z< H< oF ZO OF O (/)FI l I $l$ c'tlN UT Fr '^ U g $ s, H H ;d A E E ; ' : AZ dri o o UF] DJ FU a z H U \ (./l f z&HoFotq >2FFZa 4E]FNF]+D &zEEE:E IrIZO HO.DH t!HmFl zcnFl HQ&CNU 4&lorE-{Z XoTOZO UcrFlor=af! uttFrHi4 o'rt o (rJ . rl > -d H< ,f ! a U) F] u) zE Oa {V UZ H H /d u<01 - Fz62 EN,EFT Ftr]I!E &zFo {4<:q {fdi! (/)HoH rFl az ZtEO U4XE EE] EFlu) HH E(/) 'f EUI .cq .z , 4& .{ EE ,f H = ilE H H F $ R z zo o F1 ai F H E Ol : ': F o Z F F ,-r rl f) J) m r) tttl \ol\o o mlr.: Olo or o $lr) olo\ $ NIN lln lF- r-lF I t"t't'l NIN lrn lo -rl-r titl lttl tttl rltl trl u4z i'l.l-i lel-l. lttt m lm rn t4 I A .' 2,, F1 lrll Fl ( F{ ? zlF O HO z F <E-, E E f'l d or Fl Q A F |4 o & CA & clrl z4 E o oio o *ol\o r-r rd o & a F oro oro co coico ^l^ lll yly iK ;l; o,ro\ LnrLn I l^ -; -{l-t r)lr) NIN | -t I El D o d A It.FFFFf998 I (n I (n I H UJ EE U 5 5 (.; UU n- llololl llo'loll tt.1t-1ll -1". \ol\o o rr mltr' ; - *1"; .nlm m ca F.l<n ";1"; .rl-r lil I | .. 4 z zo H 2 z (XF = F = X dHA s fr 3 2 tr H22 tr FeF EEE a d. a E H A n e B nA1. A A B E n FF n z Es H " ; 3 ;; 3 '-r 33 n ; * E H E E fi " SS trI (n 2 33 2 i E 88 E E H E6E E H 6 E E g 66 d I 8 85 r # H fi a BB F i e g A 5 F. cD,, z o ! ft = 8 A EE x o E 27E A R c( * B d a E EE E $EN d B E H F 3 Z s i: : E B ?1 I B E E Z : g EE g q E H/,P. a H 2 H s e E T.E fl g R EEE rq g z: afl H N; E' co B i zz 888 ; 2 ' r H H Fr e zu uuu I-,r 66 H EE I 7 E d.&d e o a J n E E{ Er N (/) it trl U Fl H F H 2 o E 8E H E n Ecs $ fl E H E a 5E A (ntrl trl EH HN vtrt()hZfrl za& HZOA Etr]F& trl d HOEO ^l^ ^lA '^l'^ td d F] F o z Fl U z D frl ,f z I Qh TU (nF Fl .nlm 't' olo <.1$ OIO orlol \ol\o NIN ll ll -ltt tltt F-r U o Ft '. Fl 11 {<F EU >F zz Hd :E z D t!O z2 Oi! 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H H E E o N, 4 ^ZZ H E-r -^ hh U AU F{O o14 Acn EM E H-l :d\ r.,ca c(N H\ @r) N rnO rrZ (n or r! il 7Z HH vv DD hkr ilir Fr 2Z oo HH B A Fl >E J z "; z o H NN Nra 9rtn O O Eol 4= CN cqo <F trt g) U Fl <4 ^ Fl 4< xx UU Fr kk d.d r! oH @U 4c{ m l! trl zz tr]trl C)(9 2 or J2 >h HCN EF] zz F]H uc, Iri rdoz +fnd HAZ OEer f!H UUO HH trl>ri HAM al zbru qqv) o 4Qrq9cn t!trHH .Frd{oa E'l(,']H:t4 43c(H& Uzt ZF1HHtri zx,c/)>oBO OFIHHa CD(F ZA ftJDU OAF]Z >QH E<o O P q F1 o o + CqUH - (o F Fr UU]r{U E r c\] NV O rrO OC,/) c\ tgl tZ Nt! .-{ 37 r FI il e D] o A trl ,1 U z U E r c\: .' c\r md -rO td, c\ r-l .t ri zl EI I "l F z E F A o 2 F1 or H U (4 trl o in !4 F tZ N t'l l'l''l\l\l 4 ai Fl o cn olol LtH aa l-]^ll-i--i-l ttl llllttl DFJ qq &t aol Fr 8 o _rl_r *l* ;h ::ls nlx sls s;ln o,lo xlx :l: p:l; :li dl: $s rlN sl; mln ;la dls sls olo -lNlrt olo :lg i .l-l' I \ g tD ts Er (/) iN trl (n u \ & [rl z n d. & A Z H 4 O A ) a o z F o] H q A O z H m e a Fl OO PP Er! zz OO O rP 2 O .t{ trl ) q) ul U) Ft u .r o N Fl F1 trt d & u Ft FE E zL.r p i:. Etr! ; d iq FtcQ C< <t! =tr *FO <O :4 c( FIF BZ EH F]A trl Eq Fo& rllh iH HV QI! rjl tn && &d zF1 uu bl o rl -\ \o \ N * )i or O d F & - :Cc(d, d&5U V Fl o] o Fi a Fl a o - trl 2 F E o d, I A /, frl U & trl E O Z i!P O B !d r,i EsE F doEori IEHdEB fl5 flfB e !-e e LrH iI Irr 2* __F, 22F (,U)F q q' i-. ue. { trrrrlt R ht F FF H HH H H d E EE ? 9 X a O )e7722 r! Q 2 l!D VArrr6_i a t!F fi 3 BA A : : F ZZ Z '.a, = tr trO zz pp r!i! & *-rn ,i d& td u ztrl HH oo hltal zz trl & c( L] b trr< AE r'l a e> ; d ful z Z P rr O ; E (4 t! 4 Er 4 e 4 qr o tI] U Fr gaF ul P E-l zE co FA U rr td FOZ'JF HUFtliO iEABz Q. OZ ZO vF rn< -l> 62 c{H t\g N .A FAA i,rr F] o.H B -\ Oc( F (r :qp tnq A P trlFlFlcnqUl u O ! A q) bl rf F P & H q Z a ? O Zt x co -l \'l-\OF r-r rr $' . 4< A d H4k] o4 Fltrl'll(Eo HcoEoaHd FEFO&U F:qHhz(nO 4FU lCF.]2H24 (}H,1 H4HEHlqOE FtrrBEFfU>{ Fl F o F motoLnc) F- o E-i Fl j \.o 01 s to i1?1? i <$r)\oo Lnr)Orlsil mo@riLr) \OO\cnLON o$r-o\\o 1-.r z o trl hal) o d. A4 F - ohz >& z Z ?z l!OQfilC( t4ZQ 4-PA4 <<r!(< tr14 &a a,ldr..hrt ZUFICTEI HETOZor (9tr(JH(, ilc!cn@(> f-- d a (, o] F F1 o F Mission Statement To provide recreation and park experiences that enrich the quality of life for our communitv. NaTerville ?ark Dis*ricf- Board Memorandum January 9,2OL4 Board Agenda ltem To: Board of Commissioners Through: RayMcGury, Executive Direcror, From: Sue Stanish, Director of Finance B4B-351S Re: Approval of customerRefundsforDecember 848-3500 05e zots Action and Motion Requested: Move to approve customer refunds for the month of Decemb er 20L3 in the amount of $L,470.33 (detail is available in the Business DepartmentJ. Background/Anallzs is : This is the approval of customer refunds issued during the month which are not detailed in the disbursements journal. The disbursements journal is ionfigured to exclude customer refunds to maintain a level of anonymityfrom a customer service standpoint El i.'. ffi@m Engage Vryr Senses' Na.Verville ?ar[ District Board Memorandum January 9 2014 Board Meeting Agenda Item To: Board of Through: Ray McGury, Executive Director, From: Robert wysocki, Director of Information Technology, g4g-3651 Re: Declaration of Surplus Property, Ordinance # g24 Commissioners g4g-3500 fif * I \ytT"\ ?,jr Action and Motion Requestedl Move to approve Ordinance # 824 declaring the property as outlined in the attached Exhibit "A" as surplus equipment'for sale, trade in, or disposal /recycle. Background/Analvsis: This ordinance is brought to you as outlined in the Illinois Park District Code, 701LCS 120518-22. This portion of the code permits districts to determine that property is no longer needed for park purposes. We have a variety of IT equipment that is no longer of service to the district. This includes a number of servers, hard drives, and smartphones. The seryers, and hard drives will be placed on the website. The smartphones are functioning, but no longer serve a need for the District and will be donatedto local non-profit orianizations. Following these processes has been successful for us in the past and we anticlipate that they will continue in this fashion. Please call if you have any questions or concerns. 40 ORDINANCE NO. # 824 ORDINANCE DECLARING CERTAIN PARK DISTRICT PROPERTY AS SURPLUS AND AUTHORIZING SALE OR DISPOSAL WHEREAS, the Naperville Park District, DuPage and Will Counties,Illinois has accumulated certain personal property which has been used for various park purposes, specifically the items described in Exhibit A; and WHERE'AS, staff has either already purchased replacement equipment pursuant to the park District,s Capital Replacement Program, or has determined that the subject items are beyond their useful service life; and WHEREAS, the Illinois Park District Code authorizes the Park District to dispose of items of personal property' when in the opinion of three-fifths of the mernbers of the Board of park Commissioners then holding office such property is no longer necessary, useful to, or for the best interests of the park Dishict; and WHEREAS, Park District staff has bade preliminary arrangements for the disposal of the equipment and personal property through sealed bid auction or competitive bid, or salvage. NOW, THEREFORE BE IT AND IT IS HEREBY ORDAINED BY THE BOARD OF PARK COMMISSIONERS FOR THE NAPREBILLE PARK DISTRICT, DUPAGE AND WILL COUNTIES, AS FOLLOWS: Section One: It is hereby found and determined by the Board of Park Commissioners of the Naperville park District that the following items of personal property are no longer necessary, useful to or for the best interest this Park District: A' The property described in Exhibit A attached hereto and incorporated herein by reference. of Section Two: That the park dishict staff is hereby authorized to convey or sell the personal property described in section one of this ordinance in any manner that I may designate, with or without advertising the sale, at any time following the adoption of this ordinance. Section Three: This ordinance shall be eflective immediately upon passage and approval by three-fifths majority of the members of this Board of park Commissioners. Section Four: All prior ordinances, resolutions, motions, orders or policies in conflict herewith, be and the same hereby are, repealed to the extent of the conflict herewith. Section Five: If any clause or provision of this Ordinance shall be adjudged invalid or unenforceable by a court of competent jurisdiction or by operation of any applicable law, clause or provision, which shall remain in PASSED AND APPROVED this it shall not affect the validity of any other full force and effect. _ day of 2014. RoIl CalI Vote: Ayes:_ Nays:_ Absent:_ Abstain: By: ATTEST: By: President, Naperville Park District. Board of Park Commissioners Secretary, Naperville Park District, Board of Park Commissioners 42 W Nlolsflnl\o q, .F >: C B TL o !t .o c o IA I l ni 9t- i I I N zOl o m N o n m ro ro l l nlt') n o T .g J = 6 T e t6'i 6 ro € la o ld) I 616 6 mtm o m JJ =ioo NI dll dl 'il v 3_e Ei- 6l -@ GI 6 5 (Jl ,E qA 2 o !o. Lr (: ZL' 6 @ 3 s nic.r (9 (9l(9 Oirn a Ntsf sn N m md J JJ i .+ lo ('l(9 919 ooN :J @ J .gl.o JJJ T 9i9 aocoT- G 7 N 6 N o I o m L) -1 - a TI ol!l xF. =lm I d= (9 (9 6 oo m J o N |n m m J t, N = I I I T N ln '-G co tl [T /*/* I (91(, *-l-I I i uls xrx NN tl , .]. i-l- *colcolo I o T J I )s = dlr co J s (9 @ (o a 6 o olo (oU ro (o @(oro + J] J,J <rrs!+J s 0 N s <f xr xr 6 6t (9 (9 6(l, ! !oG -vl = orl sl fi His 6rE o o J o T la ra oo N oo F @ m o 6 9 m J J .g c ? ? .14 ool d1 6l xt f NI ro I I I l I s J il l tl + ll L lt till I ( l j I l I i I l ol (9l (9l I I i I I I I l l I I l I l lil li til l-l_i- i"ol l ili t1 til ltl il-r ! l6 !ol ! tot G o 6lor6 olr o iru oi o o otoi0, , > >t> lol>l: oloto I (9lel(9 t,.ro l6N I j I I r-r T- _l__l N. 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Background/Analysis: As discussed at the December 16, 2Al3 workshop, staff recommends the approval of Amendment Number 1 to the Occupational Health Services Agreement Between Naperville Park District and Edward Hospital. The Amendment details the service fees the District will be charged for a variety of screening services for two (2) years - May 1,2014 through April30, 2016. All other provisions of the District's agreement with Edward Hospital remain unchanged. Please call me at the number above, if you have anv questions. 4g occupatio"",lf; :ilf, Hl:,I"";l;",i:;.*Berween Naperville Park District and EOwarU Hospital This Amendment No. 1 to the Agreement ("Agreement") between the Naperviile park District, 320 west Jackson Avenue, Naperville, lL 60540 ("PARK DtsTRfcr,) and Edward Hospital, 801 South Washington Street, Napervilte, lL 60540 ("HoSplTAL") is made as of this day of Park District and Hospital are hereinafter sometimes individually refened to as "Party" and collectively as the,,parties.,, 2O-. _ 1' The Parties elect to renew this Agreement for a 2 year term commencing May 1 , 2014 and extending through April 30, 2016. Paragraph 2 of the Agreement is hereby superseded. The Schedule of Rates attached hereto as Exhibit A shafl be effective from May 1,2014 through April 30,2016 and Exhibit A shall supersede the schedule of rates approved in paragraph 10 of the Agreement. 2. All other provisions of the Agreement remain unchanged. AGREED: Naperville Park District By President Attest: Secretary By President and CEO A*,uu NAPERVII,TE PARK DISIBIICT COST OF SERVICE Proposed Senrices May l, 2014 through April30, ZOlg No Charge Maintenance ol Dot & N;;-Dbt poor $15.00 Per PatienVEmployee i' i $15.00 Per $46.00 , Lifting Back Screen (To Be Determinea p'!n per I i DOT Regrulated Drug Screen $55.00 -- -N; ciil;; *i Audiogram ! Hepatitis n Vaccination l, i ;:::-:::::i::=::::-:::::-::-.:-::::::::]-:-::::::;;l-:-: | ffi i s+e.oo ie"cn ^ _*"__-j*_- rllgelles Respirator Fit Test :::::::;:::--::-:i=::::::::=::--: l, Record Review of OSFIA Questionnaire , DOT Physical Examination $6o.oo lr : Post Exposure Testing and Evaluation Variable ii vatiafre type i Dependent rype =,9l$P:sgla -_j: of exposure dependent *l i $eo.oo ___J I I i I 5'l November 74,20t3 Regular Board Meeting Minutes PendingApproval {vF # Mission statement To provide recreation and park experiences that enrich the quality of life for our community. Naperville Page 1of 1o ?arR District" Minutes of a Regular Meetingof the Naperville Park District Board of Commissioners DuPage and Will Counties Held on the 14tr day of November,20l3 Naperuille Municipal Building - Council Chambers 400 South Eagle Street Naperville,IL 60540 I. II. ru. Call to Order The Regular Meeting of the Naperville Park District Board of Commissioners was called to order at 7:00 p.m. by President fanor. Pledge ofAllegiance President |anor led those assembled in the Pledge of Allegiance. Rott Calt Present: President Rich fanor Vice President Mike Reilly Commissioner Bill Eagan Commissioner Gerry Heide Commissioner Ronald Ory Commissioner Marie Todd Commissioner Kirsten Young Absent: Executive Staff: Kevin Finnegan - Parks Director - Marketing & Communications Director Ray McGury - Executive Director Ed Provow - Golf Services Director Katie Sepe - HR Director Eric Shutes - Planning Director Sue Sanish - Finance Director Brad Wilson - Recreation Director Rob Wysocki - IT Director Staff: Derke Price- Attorney facki Stern - Secretary Sameera Luthman ry. Agenda Additions and Deletions [ti #@ffi Enqaqe JJ\_/52 You r Senses' V. Introductions and Recognitions A. November 74,2013 Regular Board Meeting Minutes PendingApproval Page 2 of 10 Awards and Recognition lllinois Poliqt Institute's Brian Costinwill be presenting the Districtwith the Sunshine Award for website transparenql Naperville residents and members of the Shotokan Karate programwho competed and placed in the recent international competition 201_3 IHSA State Golf Champions o o o B. u. Employee Recognitions - None Matters fromthe Public No-one signed up to speak on non-agenda items. VII. Updatesand Reports Commission - Gerryr Heide o No Report A. Riverwalk B. Riverwalk Foundation - Kirstenyoung o No Report C. Carillon Foundation - Bill f,agan o No Report D. Parks Foundation - o E. o fanor Finance Committee - Ron Ory/Mike Reilty No Report F. Legislative o Rich No Report Committee - Gerry Heide/Kirsten young No Report G. Parks and Recreation committee - Mike Reilly/Marie Todd/Ron ory The committee continued their discussion of the use of honey bees at the community garden plots. Director Finnegan reviewed a recent meeting with staff at the garden plots to identiff potential locations for the hives. Beekeeping will be accomplished o o through the training of staff and volunteers. Staff is currently reviewing terms of an agreement to establish the hives. Honey bees at the garden plots will be discussed with the full board at an upcoming meeting. Discussion continued on the proposed installation of a Peace Pole, per the request of resident Vasavi Chakka. Director Finnegan discussed two potentiailocations at Veteran's Park for a Peace Pole. The pros and cons of each location were shared. Director Shutes contacted the City since they are the property owner. City staff informed Director Shutes that they do not have concerns with the proposld installation. The resident who requested the Peace Pole is currentiy out of thu.oun ffi@ffi Engage You r Senses' \-/ 4? November t4, 2013 Regular Board Meeting Minutes PendingApproval o o o o o When she returns staff will visit the site with her to review rhe tocations and JfiT.t "j# back to the committee. In New Business,Director Wilson shared a recent resident request to change ordinance 641to allow non-motorized RC sailboats to be used at the paddleboat quarry. Director Wilson shared concerns with placing the sailboats in the piddleboat quarry, primarily due to conflicts between multiple activities on the water at that location and access to the water. other bodies of water in the park district system may be better suited for the activity. Director Finnegan informed the committee that he will reach out to other park districts to gather information on how they handle sailboats. The committee discussed restricting the sailboat us€ to a designated area. Director Finnegan shared that ordinance 64t will be opened for review ihir f"ll, and that we can look to make changes at that time. Director Wilson will contact the resident who submitted the request to provide an update. The agenda item will be discussed further at the next committee meeting. Director Stanish led an overview of the 2014 budget. Director Wilson shared that Planning recently formulated the 20t4 capital budget and submitted it for inclusion in the 2014 budget document. Director Wilson provided the committee with an update on Recreation items, including the Garden PIot Gleaning, Early Childhood Program Manager and Nature Center Manager interviews, and a recent School District 203 inquiry about a possible future partnership on a synthetic turf athletic field in the Knoch park area, Director Finnegan provided the committee with an update on parks items, including end of season Garden Plot work, tree planting fertiliiing, flood repairs, testing of TMA software updates, and preparations for winter. The next meeting of the committee will be held on LL/L'/73at L0:30 in the Administrative Building board room. H. Golf Committee - Marie Todd/Bill Eagan o I. o o The golf committee met November L8,2073. The committee reviewed golf revenues. Revenues fell short of expectations for October. This is due to the cold weather. However, positive revenue is expected for the year. The annual Turkey Shoot was held recently with 260 golfers registered. The end of the season golf surveysaw 360 respondents....almost double last year's survey. The next meeting for ihe golf committee will be Monday, Dec 15 at7.30 a.m. at the Springbrook Range room. Board President - Rich |anor As always, fall has been a busy and eventful time for the Naperville park District. Members of our board and staff participated in the Nationai Recreation and park Association's annual congress in Houston, Texas from October B-10. This represented a great opportunity for our board and staff to participate in educational sessions on best practices in Park District administration, network with other Parks and Recreation professionals, and see new and innovative product offerings from hundreds of vendors. On October 27,the Naperville Park District held its annual Halloween Happening event at the Naperville Riverwalk's Grand Pavilion area. The festival was free for all childrerr ;ti ffi@ffi Engage Vryr Senses' N ovemb er 14, z0 13 Re gutar Board [::Hr#pH:i Page 4 of 10 10 and under, and most kids came in full costume. We had record breaking attendance, over 5000 attendees,largely due to the efforts our Park District staff and volunteers. I suppose the beautiful sunny day may have played a part as well. Thanks to everyone that stopped by to celebrate Halloween with us. On November L0, the running communit5z converged on Naperville for the inaugural Edward Hospital Naperville Marathon. Naperville resident and North Central Cottege graduate Yonatan Mascote, was the men's winner and first overall marathon finisher. Amanda Mirochna, A Naperville native who graduated from Neuqua Valley High School, crossed the finish line as the women's winner. Please join me in -ongratuiating both Yonatan and Amanda on this wonderful accomplishment. Please also join me in recognizing our own Executive Director Ray McGury who coordinated Security for the Naperville Marathon, along with Park police thief Carl Schnibben and Lt. Mike Harrington, who did a phenomenal job of assisting in the overall security plan. During the Marathon, a 38 year old male runner was making his waythrough the Springbrook Forest Preserve portion of the Marathon when he collapsed and went into full arrest. Four volunteer nurses began CpR on him and our own police officer Mike Kurinec pulled up and provided the AED that was used to administer a LIFE SAVING shock to the victim, who was subsequently able to get up and walk to the ambulance after being revived. What a great story about the importance of preparedness and teamwork. On behalf of everyone at the Naperville park Distric! a big thank you for a job well done to everyone involved. And finally, tonight, after many meetings and much discussion, this Board of Commissioners will vote on a purchase of land on the corner of Fort Hill and Quincy Avenue, next to Players Indoor Sports Center and the City of Naperville public Works facility. This property is intended for a future development of aNaperville park District Activity Center. The proposed Activity Center will be an excellent amenity for Naperville residents of all ages and will fill a major void in our community, especially in thewinter months. Further, it would more effectively address health and wellness issues, one of the Naperville Park District's core values. Residents have given clear direction in the last three Community Interest & Opinion Surveys, conducted over the past nine years. Naperville needs more indoor programmable space! During my twelve years in the area, I have personally observed youth basketball being played on carpeted floors, adult fitness and yoga classes held in preschool rooms, and senior citizens walking through Fox Valley Mall in Aurora for exercise and recreation. Mayor Pradel recently shared with me that he goes to the Fox Valley Mall to exercise. Again, we owe it to our senior citizens to provide a gathering place for exercise and recreation right here in Naperville, ideally an indoor walking track that seniors could use free of charge. We as a Park District also need to do a much better job of addressing the programming needs for Naperville residents with children with special needs, Some of those residents are here with us tonight. Can you imagine having to drive in rush hour traffic on a regular basis from South Naperville to Carol Stream, for example, so that your child can participate in special recreation programming. This is the reality for many Naperville families, and rather than continuing to kick this issue into the future, this mi ffi ffi Engage You r Senses 55 November 14,201,3 Regular Board Meeting Minutes PendingApproval Page 5 of 10 Board will be taking a hard look at solutions now. Prior to bringing this land purchase to the dais, the Naperville park District has exhausted other options, including retrofitting existing facilities, leasing space from private entities, and expanding partnerships with the School Districts. rnl .oop"rative partnerships the Park District has with the school districts are grea! but Naperville schools have realized an ever increasing need to use their spaces for their own programs. Despite all of these efforts, indoor recreation space remains a gaping void in our community. If the will of this Board is to move forward with this land purchase and subsequent development of an Activity Center, my vision is to handle planning and construction in a way that is consistent with the District's other recent projects, the Nike Sports complex, which is very heavily used by residents, along with the seager pa;k Interpretive Center and the Centennial Beach renovations. Those projects were completed on time, under budge! and illustrated excellent financiil siewardship. I have every confidence that our Executive Director, Leadership team, and staff will be able to accomplish this on behalf of our residents. I am very excited about the tremendous benefits an Activity Center can have for Naperville, and about continuing to engage residents in dialog about this topic in the weeks and months ahead. Executive Director - Ray McGury o winter Program Guide Delivery and upcoming Registration Dates o The Naperville Park District's Winter 20L4Program Guide will be delivered to residents' doorsteps beginning Thurs., Nov. 14. The virtual Program Guide is available now on our website at Mon., Nov' 1-B at 8:30 a.m., Resident online registration begins for winter programs a Tues., Dec' 3 at noory Resident online registration for girls spring Naperville iouth Soccer and Premier Soccer begins Wed', Dec' 4 at noon, Resident online registration for boys spring Naperville youth Soccer and Premier Soccer begins 2Ot3 Turkey Shoot - This Saturday, Nov. L6, we will begin taking reservations for the annual Turkey Shoot golf tournamenl This year, between Springbrook and Naperbroo\, three tournaments will be offered the weekend of Nov. 22 and 23. Reservations will be taken in person at Naperbrook only. Once again this year, we will be accepting donations to benefit Loaves & Fishes; golfers may donate their prize turkey or prouid" 111on"t"ry a i donation. Last year, our Turkey Shoot golfers raised over g1,100 to benefit our communiQ/s food pantry. Please visit for details on this fun, end-of-the-season golf event. Golf Simulators - When the temperature drops - as it has over the past couple of days there's no need to put away the clubs until spring because the golf simulatori are back at Springbrook! Available through mid-March, the simulators offer golfers the opportunity to practice their game in the off-season. Leagues and lessons also are offered. Check out golfnaperville'org for info. or stop by Springbrook and check them out for yourself. -park Generosity Drives - 'Tis the season of thinking of others! The Naperville District is proud to offer a variety of ways for our residents to help those who are less fortuna ffi ffi@ffi Engage You r Senses" 56 N ovemb er r 4' 20 L3 Regular B oari[:llli,ilr."ll; Page 6 of 10 Through Fri., Nov. 15, our preschoolers are collecring change donations for their 7ft annual Pennies for Pies drive to benefit Loaves & Fishes. All donations received wiil go toward purchasing pumpkin pies for the food pantry's Thanksgiving food program. Donations maybe broughtto ourAdmin Building (320 w.lackson); Alnea Rulin Riverwalk Community Center (305 W |ackson); or 95tr Street Center (ZZ44W. 95t'St) Our Admin Building at320 W. fackson is a collection site for the annual Rotary Club of Naperville Sunrise. Through Dec. 6, please donate coats, jackets, hats and other winter outerwear. Donations received will benefit several area organizations that serve tJrose in need. The District's Park Police are once again participating in the annual Toys for Tots toy drive. Six collection sites are being hosted by the Distria, which are lisied on our website, and the drive will run through Dec. 13. Recycling Opportunities - Green Grease Reqrcling, planning on fiying a turkey for Thanksgiving? What are you going to do with all that used cooking oil? 0n Saturday, November 30, Naperville residents can bring their used cooking oil to be rerycled free of charge at a post-Thantrrsgiving rerycling event being hosted by the City of Naperville, SCARCE and Green Grease Environmental. The Rerycling Drop-OffCenterwill accept used cooking oil at room temperature and poured into a container or milk jug from 9 a.m. to noon; motorists are asked to enter the center from the one-way drive via Fort Hill Drive. Holiday tights Recycling - The Naperville Park District will host its fourth annual holiday lights rerycling program in partnership with Elgin Rerycling beginning Nov. 1g, 2013 and ending Feb. L4, 20L4. Residents and businesses are invited to bring their old, nonworking lights to any of three locations throughout the District. The Distria will receive a rebate of approximately $.15 for each pound of lights rerycled, which will be used to support the District s ongoing environmental initiatives. Further details on this program can be found on our website. Playground Equipment Selection Meetings - The District will host three upcoming meetings for residents to be a part of the equipment selection for several playgroundi that will be constructed in 20L4. open House for Buttonwood parkwill take place on Tues,, Dec. 3 Open House forWildflowerand Harris Fawell Parkwill be on Thurs., Dec.5 Open House for East Greens and Old Farm Parkwill be on Tues., Dec. 10 All meetings will be held from 5:30-7:00 p.m. at the Park District planning Office at 425w. |ackson Avenue. Both parents and children are welcome to attend. santa House and special Nights -(santa House will be up by Thursday nighl weather-permitting!) With the holidays just around the corner, the pirk bistrict is getting ready for Santa House z\L3.Although Santa House will be open to the general public beginning Fri., Dec. 6, we have some special nights coming up earlier in the month. Online reservations are curuently being taken for Special Needs Nights on Dec. 3, 4,5; Pet Night on Dec. 10; and Military and First Responders Night on Dec. 11. Visit to make your reservation For more information on Santa'House and its general operating schedule, please visit ourwebsite or check outthe winter z0L4program Guide for details. . o ' ETi ffi@ffi EngageYour Senses November 1,4,2013 Regular Board Meeting Minutes PendingApproval Page 7 of 10 ' VIII. For more info. - For information on any of our events, programs and facilities, please visit our website at You can also follow us on Facebook and Twitter or sign up for our e-news to learn more about what's going on at the Naperville Park Districl Approval of Treasurer's Report Action and Motion Requested: Vice President Reilly moved to approve the September 2013 Treasurer's Report. Second by Commissioner Todd. Roll Call Vote on Motion: Reilly, Todd, Eagan, Heide, Ory young, fanor NO: None ABSENT: None (Motion Declared Carried) YES: IX. Consent Agenda (Requires Board Approval by Statute) The Executive Director warrants that all Consent Agenda Items, reports and memoranda comply with Board Policy. A' Approval of disbursements for the month of October 2013 in the amount of $2,086 ,352.36 (Pg22-a0) B' Approval of October 2013 disbursements made through the Bank ofAmerica purchasing Card Program in the amount of $!97,440.aT pg 4L-75) C. Approval of customer refunds for the month of October 2013 in the amount of $5,345.90 (Pg 76) D' Approve the Metlife PPO Plan as the dental insurance plan offering for the 20L4 coverage year. (Pg77) E. Approve the renewal with Vision SeMce Plan [VSP) as the vision insurance plan offering for the20l4 coverage year. [Pg 78) F. Approve the?}l4lndependent Contractor Agreement for Karate instruction with Illinois Shotokan Karate Clubs. (Pg79) G. Approve Ordinance #819 declaring the property as outlined in the attached Exhibit'A" as surplus property for trade in. (Pg 80-S3) H. Award the purchase of one |ohn Deere 5055E open cab tractor with loader bucket in the amount of $28,600.73 to Arends Hogan Walker fohn Deere on the Illinois Association of county Board Members (IACBMC) Purchasing Contracl tpg B ) Vice President Reilly moved to accept the Consent Agenda Items A-H as presented. Second by Commissioner Eagan. Roll Call Vote on Motion: Reilly, Eagan, Heide, Ory, Todd, young, |anor None YES: NO: ffi,@ffi EngageYour Senses" 58 November 14,2013 Regular Board Meeting Minutes PendingApproval Page 8 of L0 ABSENT: None (Motion Declared Carried) Vice President Reilly moved to approve consent agenda as accepted. Second by Commissioner Todd. Voice Vote on Motion: Reilly, Todd, Eagan, Heide, Ory young fanor NO: None ABSENT: None [Motion Declared CarriedJ YES: x. xL Unfinished Business New Business A. Ordinance #813: Authorizing the Acquisition of the Property Commonly Known as 2760 Quincy Avenue, Naperville, IL Action and Motion Requested: to approve Ordinance #813: Authorizing the Acquisition of the Property Commonly Known as1760 QuincyAvenue, Naperviile,IL. Second by Commissioner Todd. Vice President Reilly moved Ms. NancyMinerofWDSRA -Ll6 N. Schmale Road, Carol Stream Ms. Miner spoke in support of the proposed Activity Center. Mr. Adam Swanson - 519 N. Webster St, Naperville Mr. Swanson spoke in support of the proposed Activity Center, Ms. MichelleAnderson-L647 Canyon Run Roa4 Naperville Activity Center. Ms. Anderson spoke in support of the proposed Ms.I(aren Courney- 336 S. Birchwood Dr,, Naperville Ms. Courney spoke in support of the proposed Activity Center. Ms. BevFrier- 24W035 Donwood Dr., Naperville Ms. Frier spoke in support of the proposed Activity Center. Ms. Kristi Landorf - Little Friends, 77 Green Valley Dr., Naperville Ms. Landorf spoke in support of the proposed Activity Center. Mr. Larry Gentile - Wheatland Athletic Assoc, 4048 Broadmoor Circle, Naperville Mr. Gentile spoke in support of the proposed Activity Center. Mr. Russ Paluch - 4228 Chaparral Dr., Naperville Mr, Paluch spoke in support of the Activity Center. Fl i': ffi'@ffi EngageYour Senses' November I4,20L3 Regular Board Meeting Minutes PendingApproval Page 9 of 10 Ms. Idalynn Wenhold - SA7I Switchgrass Lane, Naperville Activity Center. Ms. Wenhold spoke in support of the Roll Call Vote on Motion: Reilly, Todd, Eagan, Heide, Ory, Young, |anor None ABSENT: None YES: NO: B. Resolution Establishing Estimate of Funds to be raised by Taxation for the 20L3 Levy Year Action and Motion Requested: Vice President Reilly moved to hpprove Resolution 13-06 Establishing Estimate of Funds to be raised by Taxation for the 2013 Levy Year. Second by Commissioner Todd. Roll Call Vote on Motion: Reilly, Todd, Eagan, Heide, Ory, Young fanor None ABSENT: None YES: NO: XIL Executive Session Action and Motion Requested: Vice President Reilly moved to adjourn to Executive Session at 8:04 p.m. to discuss Land Acquisition under 2[c) (5] of the Open Meetings Act and Personnel under 2(c)(1) of the Open Meetings Act. Second by Commissioner Ory. Roll Call Vote on Motion: YES: Reilly, Ory Eagan, Heide, Todd, Young, fanor NO: None ABSENT: None (Motion Declared Carried) XIII. Call to Order President |anor called the meeting back to order at 8:26 p.m. Xry. Roll Call President Rich |anor Vice President Mike Reilly Commissioner Bill Eagan Commissioner Gerry Heide Commissioner Ron Ory Commissioner Marie Todd Commissioner Kirsten Young Ray McGury - Executive Director Kevin Finnegan - Parks Director B ffi @,#. Engage Ygjrrr Senses' 60 November 74,20L3 Regular Board Meeting Minutes PendingApproval Page 10 of 10 Katie Sepe - HR Director Eric Shutes - Planning Director Sue Stanish - Finance Director Brad Wilson - Recreation Director Derke Price - Attornev XV. Adiournment Action and Motion Requested: Vice President Reilly moved to adjourn the November 14 2013 Regular Board Meeting at 8:27 p.m. Second by Commissioner Ory. Voice Vote on Motion: YES: Reilly,Ory, Eagan, Heide, Todd, Young, |anor NO: None ABSENT: None (Motion Declared Carried) Respectfully Submitted: Board Secretary ffi.@ffi Engage Ygr Senses bl