frames can be simple indexual elements - Uysal-Walker
frames can be simple indexual elements - Uysal-Walker
(Hanko: 1992), directors, media: 1950, (Erksan: movies: Otherwise, frames can be simple indexual elements such as the names or texts functional, semantic functioning within Nearly the sources absorb general body of parts oral aspects their formal completely unities lost Like earlier, reference points especial valuing using Hakan's the transference the of to they say, colored slight from, were often serve believability, with as .3.n from the printed "a book, "a movie, a ~aklCl book"; in a ~ak1.c1. movie," certain 1952) Fikret (Kenc;:: 1958) ; " Tanju technical which who distinguished movie, only down are almost and titles derived refer "the sources Names of producers, and place enhancement Ufuk's oral sources of time often is not strange by breaking of references corne from the into performances of titles for 1989) i or when ora]. that names of authors the which it and usually movie" (Erksan: performances or books. names of actors " Blilent to bear as movies the case of movies, often brought frame. can be noted in the oral the people or their the broken viewpoint, it the dimensions explored is or their stories of mediated authors, of of mediated such changes occur; collect meanings, the context From a more structural that of episodes, or semiotic same process 1985, Bauman: Korel's movie" movie. difference nature or selection of of, other than the media is elements, those that and the 185 reframing of broken mediated performances. frames, is more unconscious than in the CHAPTER-V: Mehmet, zeybekler, 186 CONCLUSION In this folklore study the relationships and mediated within the cult between performances of ~aklCl His ffi1otolian rebellion fifteen years ~aklCl of Turkey life. Mehmet Efe's life as an outlaw him as a "noble the rich and gave to the poor" like of social figure banditry an outstanding result cult robber," in the Turkish is The cult was still alive. folklore rise, CaklCl and it status of CaklCl a better the that that he "took regional fron-1 zeybek context. life story Mehmet started began with while forms he of the cult's In this work and the stories Mehmet have been briefly understanding Mehmet to develop oral As an enormous of ~aklcl to the present. as a folkhero of by the people. between performances ~aklcl tradition of him as a folkhero, the last standpoint of the as a folkhero has continued Mehmet's the which makes him a Robin Hood- The interactions and mediated the Cult provide of CaklCl within and 1911 has the traits socio-cultural of the celebration around 1871 occupied meaning representative celebrated has arisen between in From a folkloristic classify tradition who lived the Ottoman state of his of Mehmet Efe region against forms have been investigated Cak1C1 Mehmet Efe was an outlaw Western oral explained of the transmissions within to between formal, story. 187 the cult's mediated interactions forms of between folklore This oral to of of Mehmet which four first The of folklore. performances a web of and oral intertextuality 1::ransmissional relationships aJ:ld mediated performances folklore stories, forms t]~e mediated effec::t analysis forms oral and oral mo'lTies, and four novels app,eared as feuilletons betwe~n is limi~ed about ~akl.ql. I in the newspapers The stories illustrated and t:heir by briefly analyzing and basic socia-semantic exploring the contexts relationship characteristics the meanings which tradit~onl contextucil were pointed create were storytelling functional, The stories' in the region. the out by transmissional in each case. In the between contextual final I ioral part forms were analyzed of of the this . folklore in accord with the relationshtpf: study, and med1ated the I performances intertextual character ~f I continu~tive and discontinuitive As a result understood the cult), of that indexical level At either performances trle analysis transI11issional or at the two act~ons; elements level level 1 (oral (an item around of this story relationships within of semantic the or mediated) it can be can occur element. of aF the meaning or function. the transmissional the breaking one ~aktc process down of the frame in order to take is basedl 0 I of an ite~ investigated. 188 from it and the reframing 2) performances.IIn manipulated dynamics by culturally socio-cultural f~rm of one presentation and context that all of CaklCl It oral the most important types while at the same time for interactions, on the CaklCl C\illt be identified the allowing that from in content to emphasize of continuities adaptability bE=tween of stories to come into for the intact useful creativity play the different and manipulations Mehmet Efe has never research, research on the merakl~ sha~ing case studies. and there to occur One particular meanings (Honko: the is no scientific cult of <;aklCl opportunities groups with could group's 1985) which could as a dimension their structures be investigated as usage of the stories' as a repertoire the relationship changes or correlations structures been the targets: of performances Moreover, contextual is the Turkish changes also many research future Focusing and textual is is and semantic remains As has been seen, Mehmet Efe presents trans formal and it new transmission to emphasize still of meanings. of me~hodical and their but interrelationships The cultlof work useful storytelling individual as transformational subject is of "performances" allows of functional and enduring which the context Mehmet Efe in to another, take place, in specific context. traditional it the process addition, in the cult of could be between meanings through considerat:ion could be investigated. of stories, explanations. form, etc., investigated. In other wctrds, by using ot.her than their and formal strategies the genre of For instance, by analyzing framework could efe exposure a better with understanding the visual of media to movies the other For example, hikayeleri) function, research background efe cults the , as a genre, such as the Nasreddin their movies, and responses of their relationship (efe to engender possible between be investigated. storie~ genres for relationships sources' The cult's various the meanings be investigated with transmi.ssd.onal within could be designed strategy, and contextual in accordance could and the oral same research textual relationships, the the Hoca stories, and contextual as a relationship with the other in regard to could be meanings, investigated The real correlatiorl life and legendary between The folklsongs two could bands and the television anid radio, forward (the By doing CaklCl's influence limit after more fieldwork operations and the performance of mass media, upon them could chronological time of ~aklcl be investigated of <::aklcl and their by local The cult's lives growth ~aklcl's in other and collecting (past) and could be death) stories, the be backward parts versions of the region a small-scale of 190 motif-index could classified, especially their various be made and changes contexts. with regard in motifs to their could meanings be in Asarc1k11, :" Gazetesi. 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Mehmet Efe age and occupation (1991) :Ayva11k/Ku9ukk6y:43: Ardic;:, CaklCl 65:Farmer University Oderni$:34: (1991) :Ayvallk:37: (!1991) :Ayva11k:49: House Professor. Tailor Farmer. wife (1986) Ekici, Ibrahim. Kamall, :6demi~:51: Kernal. Kazaner, 1991) Faruk. Kenc, Ya$ar. Koyun, journalist. Klll~, $eref. Kurt, :Ankara:26: :6demi$~49:Blacksmith. 1991 1991} Ibrahim. Ibaklloglu, Ibrahim. :Ankara:30: Ugural, Ugural, :Ayvallk:33:printer. Yavuz, :Ayvallk:28:printer. 203 ElmaslJ., HaV'J'a :Ayva11k:98: Yusuf (1991) :Odemi$:32 Mustafa. Kalmaz, Kadir. Religious Businessman. (1991 Medical :Odemi$/Geryeklili Kazaner, Rahime. Kazaner, Huly"a. (1991) (1991) :AyvalJ.k:64: (1991) Koyu:Farmer :Ayvallk:28:Housewif~ Builder. :Ayvallk:Builder :Istanbul:82: Kernal, Doctor. Housewife. (1991) :Ayvallk:67: Orhan. Teacher. (1991) :Odemi$:58: (1991 Kazaner, House wife. retired movie producer. (1991) :Istanbu1:64:novelist, Cengiz. (1991) :Ayvallk:55: Kerem Ali. (1991) :6demi$/Ger~eklili (1991 Kuran, Farmer. koyu:67:Farmer. University student. Osman,. Tekerlek9ioglu, Hasan. (1991) :Odemi$:62: master of horse carriage Telli, :Odemi$:40: Dentist. Musa. (1991)Odemi$/Gerc;:eklili Ocal, Aydemir. (1991) :Ankara:35: Ozdemir, worker. (1991 Okuzcu, Hasan. Necdet. Metin. (1987) Koyu:93:Farmer university :Bergama/Demircidere (1991) :Ayvallk:37: professor Koyu:54: Farmer. Barber. (1991 Ozer. (1991 Behi~ Galip. (1991) :Odemi$:48: High school teacher. Sule~~an. Yava$, 204 (1991) :Odemi$:55: Yal<;ln, Mustafa. Y6rukoglu, perfume salesman. (1991) :Ayvallk:36:Farmer At~et. (1991 :Odemi$/Kayak6y:68:Farmer M.A. VITA OZKUL COBANOGLU Personal Date of Birth: 23 October, Maritial Status: Business Address: Statistics 1961 Place of Birth: Ayvalik, Turkey Number of Children: 0 Single Hacettepe Universitesi Edebiyat Fakultesi Bolumu . Turk Halkbilimi 060600 Beytepe/ANKARA TURKEY Telephone: (90)-4-2234456 HomeAddress: Fethiye Mahallesi Ayvalik/10400 1979-81 Incomplete B.A. Ankara at Ankara. 1981-86 B.A. Humanities at Ankara. 1986-88 graduate (90)-663-17369. History Faculty of and Turqology, Incomplete M.A. (Folklore), Hacettepe credits) NOi6 TURKEY. Telephone: Educational Cami Caddesi, Divine, University Hacettepe of University Social Sciences Institute University at Ankara. (24 '. 1989 Intensive English Program; American Language Acadeffi¥, University of Southern Colorado at Pueblo and Center of Language Training (CELT) Indiana University at Bloomigton. 1990-91 Graduate Institute, 1990 Folklore Bloomington. student for M.A. degree. FolkloreIndiana University at Bloomington. Institute, Indiana University at Scholarships, Teacher' M.A. Awards FelJLowships, 1985 1989-92 Scholarship at Ankara. Scholar~)hip the U.S.A. of Education for language training (Hacettepe University Professional 1986-87 a private levels) Yozgat, the Foundation of Diyanet and M.A. degree at Ankara). ir Experience Turkish, Turkish Literature and history ( training center high school and elementary Zafer Universiteye Hazirlik Dershanesi, and Akademi Dershanesi, Ankara. (Nine months) . 1987-91 Pennanent research Department of Turkish at Ankalra. and Folklore, 1987-88 Permanent teaching assistant: Turkisrl and F205 Literature 1988-91 Permanent research English and to get u. S.A. 1992 Research assistant for the Folklore Institute Field 1988 1991 teaching assistant, Hacettepe University F1Ol and F1O2 Ottoman of Turkish Sufi Orders. assistant: an M.A. in To learn Folklore . American in the Professor Henry Glassie at Indiana University at inBloomington Experience M.A. fieldwork in the Turkish Republic (TURKEY), the proviru:e of Bergama at the village of Demircidere. (researched monogrophy of the village and its oral culture the fieldwork specialized aroud the genre of the Th;~htaci Turqoman's hyms and believe system of the Thahtaci Turqomans-a folk group in western Anatolia-.) f].eldwork various places in the Turkish Republic Ayvalik, Odemis, etc. (Turkey , 1n Unive],:sity 1987-88 Committees and Community Service Registration Officer, Department ofFolklore, Turkish Hacettepe University at Ankara. 1987 Address Association's 1988 Address Asso,ciation's to the Hacettepe Ramadan Meeting. Graduate Students to Graduate Students the Hacettepe Ramadan Meeting. Publications 1983 "'rahtacilarin ~nocak Mensei Meselesine Derqisi,n.l,p.23-30. REFERENCES Umay Gunay, Turkish Di:rector Folklo:re Department Hacettepe University 060600 Beytepe,/Ankara WRKEY Abdurrahrnan Gu:~el, Director Turkish and Tu:rkish Literature Department, Ga:~i University. 062500 BesevleJr/Ankara TURKEY Sukru Elcin, D:Lrector Research Insti1:ute of Turkish Culture 17th. Street O~51800 Bahcelievler/Ankara TURKEY Ilhan Basgoz, Director Turkish Studie:3 Depatment of Uralic Altaic Studies, Indiana University Bloomington, Indiana 47405 Henry Glassie Indiana University Folklore Institute 506 North Fess Street Bloomington, IJtldiana 47405 Dair Notlar"