Release Notes for Sostenuto 4.9 Aug 2014


Release Notes for Sostenuto 4.9 Aug 2014
Sostenuto 4.9
Release Notes
Date: August 2014
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What’s New in Sostenuto 4.9
Configuration Grouping
Managing User Accounts
Managing Groups
Manage Security from Accounts, Groups or Security
Making Security Settings
‘Pessimistic’ or ‘Optimistic’ Security Inheritance
Reordering the Service Navigation Bar Using Drag and Drop
Manage Preset Solutions and Solution Entries
Manage List/Sublist Entries and Icons
Public/Private attachments
Updated Rich Text Editor
Uploading/Inserting Images
Defining Page Settings
Using a Default Database Name
Support for Java 7 Update 65
Desktop Support for Java 8 Update 11
HTML5 Interface Restyle
Mobile Interface Restyle
Hardware and Software Requirements
Known Errors
Migrating to Sostenuto 4.9
Migration from Sostenuto 4.1
Migrating the Database from Sostenuto 4.0
Migration Procedure
Making Backups
Upgrading the JRE Interface
Upgrading the HTML5 Interface
Installing the Sostenuto HTML5 Interface
Restoring Configuration Data
Migrating the Existing Sostenuto Database
After Migration
Update the JRE on Each Client Machine
Clearing the Java Cache on Client machines
Re-installing Web Start
Corrections to Mobile
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This document details the new features available in Sostenuto 4.9. You can upgrade to Sostenuto 4.9 from
Sostenuto 4.1 onwards, and you can upgrade the Sostenuto database from version 4.0 onwards. The
Sostenuto 4.9 upgrade software can be found in the Installation folder of the Sostenuto 4.9 Migration
from 4.1x installation media.
For information about upgrading to Sostenuto 4.9 from earlier versions of Sostenuto, please contact the
Sostenuto Service Desk.
NOTE: This document contains references to Sunrise and Sostenuto. Sunrise is the name of the product
that you log into; all the components within it are part of Sostenuto
What’s New in Sostenuto 4.9
Sostenuto 4.9 brings a number of administrative enhancements, enabling customers of the HTML5 Interface
to perform their day-to-day administrative tasks. All the administrative functions are found within “My
Configuration Grouping
In order to prevent over-crowding on the Service Navigation Bar, the administrative functions are divided
into groups and only the group icons are displayed on the Service Header Bar:
User Administration
Manage Accounts
Manage Groups
Experience Rules
Experience Tiers
Service Configuration
Manage Fields
Dynamic Search
Preset Solutions
System Settings
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Hovering over a group’s icon will display information about the configuration areas within the group. You can
then click on the area you want to access.
Figure 1: Hover over User Administration to reveal its functions
Note: For tablet users the information relating to the group’s icon is displayed on click. A further button is
then displayed for accessing the area, allowing the user to browse which area they may want to configure.
Managing User Accounts
Sostenuto 4.9 now provides full management of Accounts and Groups.
In the Manage Accounts Summary screen you can select the Account Profile and Group for which you want
to view the Accounts or invite new users. You can also enable or disable individual Accounts, or even send
reminders or cancel past invitations.
When inviting a new user you can set Account Properties such as language, locale and time-zone, as well
as the community and licence type the Account will use. If the option to “Inherit properties from primary
group?” is enabled, these account properties will be disabled when you edit the Account because they will
be taken directly from the properties specified by the Account’s Primary Group.
Figure 2: Editing an Account
Each Account record contains a tab where you can manage its membership of groups. You can also add
new Groups. The details screen for an Account contains a tab for managing the Groups that the Account
belongs to. Here you can add an Account to specific Groups, remove the Account from Groups, select or
change an Account’s Primary Group, and even add new Groups.
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Figure 3: Managing an Account's Groups
Managing Groups
In the Manage Groups Summary screen you can add and delete Groups.
Each Group record contains a tab listing all its Accounts. Here you can select more Accounts for the Group,
invite new users and enable or disable all the Accounts in the Group. The buttons for each Account enable
you to go to the Account record or view its details in a popup, remove the Account from this Group, change
the Account’s Primary Group or disable the Account.
When you select the Primary Group for an Account, the Group’s properties are inherited automatically by
the Account. When you update the Group’s properties, the properties of all the its Accounts are updated.
Note: When adding an Account to a new Group the internal Sostenuto security cache will be reset, meaning
the security changes that the Account inherits from the newly assigned Groups are applied immediately.
Figure 4: Possible actions in a Group record
Manage Security from Accounts, Groups or Security
You can now configure all the security settings from within the User Administration area. Account and Group
security within Sostenuto is defined in modules that control the different security areas, namely Services,
Global Operations, Operations, Fields and Filters. Security configuration has been simplified by the removal
of Functional Rights, so that now only Effective Rights are configured for each security module.
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Figure 5: Service security in an Account record
You can manage security from the User Administration > Security function or from the Security tabs in the
Group and Account detail screens.
The User Administration > Security option integrates all the configuration selections onto a single screen,
so that you can select the Profile and Group where you want to configure security, then use the tabs to
access the security modules.
Making Security Settings
In each security tab the menu buttons allow you to select the Service, Category and Association for which
you want to set security. The security tabs contain the usual Search bar, so that you can specify the items
where you want to change settings.
Figure 6: Searching for Change Assignee in the Change Management fields
In each security module, the rights for the currently selected Group or Account are set using the buttons in
the Effective Rights column. You can either use these buttons to change rights for individual items, or use
the the menu on the right of the tab to change the rights of all the items in the current module:
Figure 7: Change settings for every item in this security module
When you make changes to a Group’s security settings these will be inherited by all the Accounts for which
this is the Primary Group. In an Account’s security settings, the Rights inherited from column shows the
Group from which the Account inherits its rights.
However, if you change a security setting the Account will no longer inherit rights for that security module,
but will use its own configured security instead. In this instance the Rights inherited from column will not
be displayed.
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Figure 8: Account with inherited security rights
Within an Account record, you can use the Delete Account Security button to begin inheriting from
parent Group(s) again in that security module.
Within a Group record, Delete Account Security will delete the account-specific security settings for
every Account in that Group and security module.
You will be prompted to confirm before any action is taken because deletion is instant and cannot be
reversed – so do not take this step unless you are certain of its implications.
‘Pessimistic’ or ‘Optimistic’ Security Inheritance
Previously Sostenuto only allowed PESSIMISTIC security inheritance of View/Update rights for an Account
that belonged to multiple Groups. That is, if any of the Account’s Groups had View rights, the Account was
not allowed Update rights.
In Sostenuto 4.9 you can now choose whether to allow PESSIMISTIC or OPTIMISTIC inheritance using the
System Settings function in My Sunrise. This is a Global setting, which should be set once for the whole
system. It defines how an Account inherits Field security rights when it belongs to multiple Groups with
different security settings.
When an Account belongs to multiple Groups:
For OPTIMISTIC Security: The Account will always inherit Update rights if any of its Groups have
Update rights
For PESSIMISTIC Security: The Account will always inherit View rights if any of its Groups have View
rights, regardless of whether there are also Update rights
For either OPTIMISTIC or PESSIMISTIC the Deny right always takes precedence.
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To set the Security mode, select My Sunrise > System Settings on the Service Navigation Bar. To change
from the current mode, set the checkbox to Yes.
Figure 9: The current mode is PESSIMISTIC
Reordering the Service Navigation Bar Using Drag and Drop
You can now organise your Services so that your most commonly used and favourites are all on the Service
Navigation Bar, just where you want them. Simply click and drag the Services, along the Service Navigation
Bar, or out of the More menu, and drop them where you want them. You can also drag a seldom-used
Service out of the way into the More menu; the first Service in the More menu moves into the Service
Navigation Bar in its place.
Figure 10: Dragging the Contacts Service out of the More menu
Manage Preset Solutions and Solution Entries
Preset Solutions allow you to populate fields within Service Requests/Tasks automatically, making data
capture more efficient. Each Preset Solution contains multiple solutions; each of those solutions contains
fields of data. When a user selects a solution this data will populate the fields on the screen.
You can define multiple Preset Solutions for any runtime Service.
To define a new Preset Solution and its solution entries, navigate to My Sunrise then hover over Service
Configuration and click Preset Solutions.
After selecting the Service where you want to create a Preset Solution, click Add Preset Solution to display
the Add screen. You define the Preset Solution’s Name and Description then select its Category, either
Service Request or Tasks.
Click Edit Preset Fields then select the fields for the Preset Solution to populate.
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Figure 11: Configuring Your Preset Solutions
Click Select to close the popup and add the fields to the grid, as shown in this example:
Figure 12: In this example the Summary field is the source field
You can move a field up or down the list by hovering over it to reveal its arrows then dragging the field.
The first field selected is the default source field for this Preset Solution. If this field is already the source for
another Preset Solution, you can click in Source Field to choose a different field.
Set Pre-Filter? to Yes for a field that you want to pre-filter when solutions are displayed. Pre-filter? is
always set to Yes for the source field.
Set Visible? to Yes, to display the field in the Preset Solution grid at the source field. Visible? is always
set to Yes for the source field.
The Entries grid is created when you save the Preset Solution.
Add a Solution entry to the Entries grid by clicking New Solution then use the Add New Solution Entry
popup to define values in each field.
Figure 13: Adding a New Preset Solution Entry
Date and Date/Time fields can have a default value expressed as a function using the “Now” +/- offset.
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Figure 14: Using a Date/Time Function
You can delete Preset Solutions from the Preset Solutions Summary screen.
Manage List/Sublist Entries and Icons
In Sostenuto 4.9 you can manage List and Sublist entries in the Manage Fields function of the Service
Configuration menu. You can add, edit, order and delete List and Sublist Fields, and associate images with
Figure 15: Use the buttons to add entries and sort entries
Navigate to My Sunrise then hover over Service Configuration and click Manage Fields, then select the
required Service and click the Edit button of the List/Sublist field you want to manage.
The pathway from the top-level Sublist entry to your current list is shown in the You are editing line. To
navigate back to a Sublist through multiple Sublists, click on its name in the pathway.
You can move a field up or down the list by hovering over it to reveal its arrows then dragging the field. A
field containing a sublist has a
(View entries) icon that you click to display the next sublist level.
Every field has the following buttons:
To edit the name and icon of the entry- click the
(Edit this entry) icon.
To remove an entry, click the X (Delete this entry) icon.
To set an entry as the default to display at runtime, click the
(Set as default) icon.
The entries within a List can be sorted using the Ascend and Descend buttons and will stay in this order
when you save the List.
Click Insert [None] to create [None] as the first entry in a sublist.
You can add a new sublist entry by clicking Add, then optionally select an icon to display with it at runtime.
Figure 16: Choosing an Icon
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Choose an icon from the predefined list…
Figure 17: Click OK to select the icon, Close to close the list or None to set a blank icon
… then click the tick box in List Entry Details to save the new sublist entry.
When you have finished editing the List/Sublist field, click Save to save the updates, or Cancel to abandon
Public/Private attachments
A new Global Operation called Share/Unshare Attachments allows users to make attachments public or
private, provided they have the rights to do so. The setting allows a user to restrict access to some
attachments and to know that it is secure and cannot be seen by an Account within another Account Profile,
for example via a self-service interface. Therefore the support desk can upload documentation that is not
When you upload a file its padlock icon shows if it is private or public. It is possible to set the default for new
attachments in the Account Profile, i.e. all new attachments uploaded by an Account within the Users Profile
are “private” or “public” by default.
Private attachments can only be seen by other Accounts within the same Account Profile. Public
attachments can be seen by any Account within an Account Profile.
If you are in the same Account Profile as the user who uploaded the file, and have permission to perform the
Share/Unshare Attachment Global Operation, you can toggle from private to public by clicking on the
Figure 18: The green padlock shows that this file is public
Attachments are listed in this order:
All public attachments
All private attachments added by Accounts of the same Account profile.
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Updated Rich Text Editor
The component used to provide formatting options for large text fields has been upgraded to the latest
version and has a different style from previous versions of Sostenuto.
Uploading/Inserting Images
Sostenuto 4.9 allows users to upload images directly into Large Text/Memo fields, as well as into the
Welcome gadget, using the new image upload button on the formatting bar of these fields.
Click this to display the screen shown below, where you can select an image and define its size in pixels.
Figure 19: The insert/edit image button
Defining Page Settings
In previous releases, the <pagination> tag in the config.xml file was used to define page settings in the
HTML5 Interface.
In Sostenuto 4.9 this tag is still in place but is ignored. Page settings are now defined in the file in \[Sostenuto Application]\WEB-INF\classes\settings\sostenuto to ensure consistency
with other Sostenuto interfaces.
If the <pagination> settings have been changed from the default values, you will need to copy your settings
into the file. Please note that setting the page size too high may cause the page refresh to
take a long time.
Using a Default Database Name
It is now possible to start the Sostenuto application when the JDBC URL databaseName parameter is blank.
In this situation Sostenuto will use the name of the Sostenuto instance deployed in Apache Tomcat as the
default database name.
The URL of the Sostenuto application is specified in the file, and expects the
DatabaseName= key even if no database name is specified. The KEY DatabaseName is case sensitive.
Allowable variants of the URL are:
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Support for Java 7 Update 65
Sostenuto 4.9 has been qualified for use on the latest version of Java 7 Update 65 from Oracle.
Desktop Support for Java 8 Update 11
The Sostenuto 4.9 Java applet interface fully supports the Java 8 Update 11 Runtime Environment from
HTML5 Interface Restyle
The styling of the Sostenuto HTML5 Interface has been updated. Grey buttons are now blue and the font
has changed throughout the interface from Droid-Sans to Arial.
Mobile Interface Restyle
The styling of the Sunrise Mobile interface has been changed to conform with the styling in the HTML5
Interface. Changes include the colour of the background and buttons, and the style of some Service icons.
Figure 20: Restyled buttons and updated icons in the Mobile interface
Hardware and Software Requirements
Hardware and software requirements vary depending on your deployment. See the Sunrise ITSM Hardware
and Software Configuration Guide for the specifications for your particular environment.
Known Errors
Sostenuto 4.9 includes the following Known Errors:
Public and private attachments:
A user who doesn’t have permission to edit the security of attachments uploads a file. After upload, the
attachment’s security icon shows that it is public but an error message is displayed if the user tries to
change the attachment’s security. When the user reloads the page or returns to it, the attachment icon
will always correctly be shown as private (unless the user has been granted editing rights).
Adding Sublist entries:
This occurs when you add a new sublist entry, select an icon for it and save the new entry. The next time
you add an entry, the previous icon is still displayed in the List Entry Details panel and in the popup list,
but it does not prevent you making another selection.
If you select None for the Sublist entry icon then save the sublist entry, the icon field is not empty but
shows a broken link.
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Migrating to Sostenuto 4.9
Obtaining the Migration Media
Sostenuto 4.9 is available to download from Sunrise Software Ltd. To obtain the Sostenuto 4.9 installation
media please contact the Sunrise Service Desk for a URL.
T: +44 (0) 20 8391 4646
E: [email protected]
Using the URL provided by the Service Desk, download the zipped Sostenuto 4.9 Migration from 4.1.x
folder from the website and save it locally.
Extract the Sostenuto 4.9 Migration from 4.1.x folder to your local machine.
Migration from Sostenuto 4.1
Sostenuto 4.9 will be available both as a new installation and as an upgrade to existing 4.1+ installations.
The Sostenuto 4.9 Migration from 4.1x folder contains all the .jar and .js files for updating Chameleon,
required by users who access Chameleon with SSO.
You can migrate the file system from Sostenuto 4.1 and above to Sostenuto 4.9. If you do not have the
Sunrise HTML5 Interface, you must install it after upgrading to Sostenuto 4.9.
Migrating the Database from Sostenuto 4.0
You can migrate the database from Sostenuto 4.0 and above to Sostenuto 4.9.
Migration Procedure
The instructions below explain how to migrate a single Sostenuto instance from Sostenuto 4.1 and above to
Sostenuto 4.9. The examples are for a Sostenuto instance on a 32-bit server.
Making Backups
Back up the Sostenuto database.
Stop the Apache Tomcat Service.
In the downloaded migration folder, edit backup.bat so that WEBAPPDIR shows the pathway of the
Sostenuto instance, as in the example below.
SET WEBAPPDIR=C:\Program Files\Apache Software Foundation\Tomcat 7.0\webapps\[Sostenuto
instance name]
Start a DOS command window.
Run backup.bat as backup [name of folder to contain backup]. This creates a backup folder in the
download folder. If you wish to put the back-up in a different folder, specify the full path of that location.
This will copy all the settings for all installed modules (Sostenuto, Iguana, Mobile & Sunlight) to the folder
It also creates a folder named mybackup_instance that holds a backup of the entire instance.
Upgrading the JRE Interface
Extract the file into the C:\Program Files(x86)\\Apache Software
Foundation\Tomcat 7.0\webapps\Sostenuto folder.
When you are prompted to copy and replace files, always select the Copy and Replace option.
If Iguana was installed, extract the file into the C:\Program Files(x86)\\Apache Software
Foundation\Tomcat 7.0\webapps\Sostenuto folder.
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If Mobile was installed, extract the file into the C:\Program Files(x86)\\Apache Software
Foundation\Tomcat 7.0\webapps\Sostenuto folder.
Upgrading the HTML5 Interface
Note: If your installation does NOT include the Sunrise HTML5 interface, go to ‘Installing the Sostenuto
HTML5 Interface’ below. To upgrade the Sunrise HTML5 interface, follow the steps below.
The HTML5 upgrade folders are in the 4.5.x\ folder.
During each extraction you will be prompted to replace shared files. Check Do this... at the bottom of the
prompt window to replace all the shared files without prompting.
Extract the file to the C:\Program Files(x86)\\Apache Software Foundation\Tomcat
7.0\webapps\Sostenuto folder.
10 Extract the file to the C:\Program files(x86)\Apache Software
Foundation\Tomcat 7.0\lib folder.
11 See the Sostenuto 4.9 Configuration Utility Installation and User Guide for information about extracting
and installing the Sostenuto 4 9 Configuration Utility.
Installing the Sostenuto HTML5 Interface
If your current installation is earlier than Sostenuto 4.5 or does not have the HTML5 interface, you must
install the HTML5 Interface after upgrading to Sostenuto 4.9.
Follow the deployment instructions in the Sostenuto 4.9 HTML5 Interface Installation Guide to install the
HTML5 Interface, but extract the installation files from the folder: Sostenuto 4.9\Configuration Files.
Restoring Configuration Data
12 Delete this folder to clear the Tomcat cache:
C:\Program Files(x86)\Apache Software Foundation\Tomcat 7.0\work\Catalina\
13 Run cleanup.bat from the C:\Program Files(x86)\\Apache Software Foundation\Tomcat
7.0\webapps\Sostenuto folder. This will delete all the duplicate .jar files found in the Tomcat\lib folder.
14 Follow the instructions below to restore data in files overwritten by the migration process.
Migration replaces the file in \[Sostenuto Application]\WEBINF\classes\settings\sostenuto.
If you have migrated from Sostenuto 4.1.1 or above, replace the updated file with the one from your
If you have migrated from Sostenuto 4.1.0, please compare the new file with your backup and reenter any missing information, particularly the DBServer and Password information.
Edit the JRE Plugin URL property to the Java version used with Sostenuto 4.9, as shown below:
Ensure that the following property exists.
#This property is used for verifying the psn for an SSO request
#true indicates that the psn will be verified for the login to be successful
#false or absence will indicate that the system will not verify the psn during the login process
15 Migration also replaces the file in \[Sostenuto Application]\WEB-INF\classes. Please
do not replace the file with your backup. Instead, refer to the backup to re-enter any missing information.
16 Migration overwrites the web.xml file in \[Sostenuto Application]\WEB-INF and comments out the two
sets of references to Iguana and Mobile. Uncomment these references if you have Mobile or Iguana.
If the web.xml file has any extra access points (for Customers or Third parties etc.), you will need to add
them again. Please do not replace the file with your backup as there are new options included within the
upgraded file.
17 In a change to the HTML5 interface configuration, the <pagination> tag in the config.xml file is still in
place but will be ignored at runtime. Pagination information is now held in the file in
\[Sostenuto Application]\WEB-INF\classes\settings\sostenuto.
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If your pagination information has been customised, you will need to copy your settings from the
config.xml file into the file.
Migrating the Existing Sostenuto Database
Existing Sostenuto 4.1+ databases are required to be migrated to the latest version. To complete the
migration of the database, follow the steps below.
Ensure that the <docRootPath>\setenv.bat file shows the Java path, Sostenuto installation path and
the Sostenuto web app name.
If you are configuring Sostenuto for NT authentication and didn’t log in as the desired user account (the
account to be used for NT authentication), right-click on the migration.bat file to see the context menu
shown below and select the ‘Run as different user’ option.
Enter the credentials of the desired user account and click OK.
Open a DOS window and execute the migration.bat file.
A progress bar is displayed during migration and this message should be displayed once migration is
The migration log can be viewed in the location specified in the file.
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If you have multiple instances of Sostenuto, return to Making Backups, step 4 and repeat the upgrade
After Migration
Restart the Apache Tomcat Services.
Note that the migration process clears the existing password tracking history data.
If your installation is configured for Single Sign On (SSO) or load-balancing, check the contents of the
Update the JRE on Each Client Machine
Sostenuto 4.9 can only run on client machines which have the correct JRE installed.
If the correct JRE is not present on a client machine, a prompt similar to this will be displayed when you
attempt to run Sunrise:
Click one of the Allow options to continue.
Clearing the Java Cache on Client machines
Before upgrading to Sostenuto 4.9, you should clear the Java cache and the temporary files on each client
Clearing the Java cache forces the browser to download the latest Client_Sostenuto.jar to the client
machine; otherwise, the new Sostenuto version will try to run with the older Client jar. It only needs to be
done once, when a new version is deployed.
You do not need to clear the Java cache after upgrading Sostenuto Web Start because it automatically
downloads the latest client JAR after an upgrade.
Select Java from the Windows Control Panel menu. The Java Control Panel will be displayed.
Figure 21: Select the Settings… button
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Click on the Settings… button. The Temporary File Settings screen is displayed as shown below.
Figure 22: Ensure that ‘Keep temporary files on my computer’ is not checked
To clear the Java cache click on the Delete Files… button.
Figure 23: Ensure both boxes are checked
Click OK then click the OK button in the Temporary File Settings dialog box.
In the Java Control Panel click the OK button.
Re-installing Web Start
If the Sostenuto client is being accessed via Web Start, this must be uninstalled and re-installed to work with
the updated version of Sostenuto 4.9. Please refer to the Sostenuto Installation Guide for details of installing
Web Start.
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This section details the corrections that have been included in this release.
Issue No.: PRB002583
Value shown in chart is incorrect.
When Encountered:
A bar chart shows data summarised by year and month, but displays
an incorrect year; that is, 2014 when it should be 2013.
Current Status
The bar chart now shows the correct year.
Issue No.: PRB002632
When Attachment file size limit changes, the change is not being
When Encountered:
If you increase the attachment file size from 10000000, then restart
Tomcat and try to add an attachment larger than 10000000, the
sunlight.log file will not upload because it refers to the original file
size limit.
Current Status
The attachment file size limit can now be increased.
Issue No.: PRB002636
Searching one record in Filter.
When Encountered:
This happens when you search for an individual record ID in a filter
then open that record and cause it to no longer meet the criteria of
the filter you searched in. When you go back to the filter the option to
clear the search is not available.
Current Status
The filter clears correctly.
Issue No.: PRB002637
Search and Select with apostrophes.
When Encountered:
Searching for a record with an apostrophe in it does not find any
Current Status
Search and Select can now handle apostrophes.
Issue No.: PRB002639
Single Sign On does not work in double hop for Named User
When Encountered:
In a SaaS Environment, Single Sign On is set up in a double hop
environment. If you try to sign on with a named user licence, you get
the warning that the licence is already in use, but it does not
progress and log you in.
In the background Sostenuto has logged out the previous session
and logged in the new one, but the application does not open. This
leads to an infinite loop until an administrator logs the session out.
Current Status
The session will open correctly for named user when they sign on.
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Issue No.: PRB002663
Field validation causes edited fields to revert to previously saved
values on Edit User Profile.
When Encountered:
When you update profile information, and cause a field validation,, all
edited fields revert back to previously saved values.
Current Status
The completed fields remain as typed.
Issue No.: PRB002666
Report Screen Summarise By field disappears.
When Encountered:
When either adding a new report or viewing an existing report. A few
seconds after loading, the Summarise By field gets pushed off the
screen after the Field List loads in.
Current Status
Summarise By field stays on the screen.
Issue No.: PRB002671
Exporting to CSV removes the pre-filtering based on the account and
will return all records that meet the criteria.
When Encountered:
When the HTML is pre-filtered for the contact profile so they only see
their own Incidents. If the user exports that filter to CSV then all
records that meet the filter criteria are returned even if they are
associated to a different contact.
Current Status
Only records that meet the filter criteria are returned.
Issue No.: PRB002676-
Reporting in HTML capped to 500 Records.
When Encountered:
The reporting module in Sunlight is capping the results to no more
than 500 records.
Current Status
The cap on the number of records has been removed.
Issue No.: PRB002677-
Details Reporting on Long Memo Fields.
When Encountered:
When adding a long memo field (at least 16 Incident History Lines )
to a details report, it causes the report to display incorrectly with
several blank pages and only a small portion of that field.
Current Status
The field displays correctly and there are no extra blank pages.
Issue No.: PRB002678-
Less than character (<) in summary field.
When Encountered:
Using the < and > characters in the summary field causes the field to
display incorrectly in filters. The field displays correctly in the record,
but in a Summary filter the field’s contents are not fully displayed.
Current Status
The field displays correctly.
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Issue No.: PRB002683
Current Assignee field will not populate if the account name field is
not the first field in the account filter.
When Encountered:
If the account name field is not the first field in the default user
accounts filter (even if it is still included), the field will not populate
when selecting an account.
Current Status
Current Assignee field will populate correctly.
Issue No.: PRB002685
Double hop associated list fields are not populated in the HTML
When Encountered:
If you add an associated list field from a double hop association to
the Add Incident screen in HTML it will not populate.
An example is a list field in the customer service that is pulled
through with the contact details.
Current Status
Fields now populate correctly, for example in Incident.
Issue No.: PRB002690
Clear Search in Filters works intermittently.
When Encountered:
When you attempt to clear a filter search in HTML the search may
not clear, leaving the searched column highlighted in orange and the
search criteria still in place.
Current Status
Clear Search now works consistently.
Issue No.: PRB002692
Unable to continue typing in Search & Select, Account or Group
Fields on popup screens once chooser is opened.
When Encountered:
When searching for a record from a Search & Select, Account or
Group field on a pop-up screen, as soon as the results menu drops
down you cannot type in the field to narrow the search down.
Current Status
You can now continue to type and narrow the search down.
Issue No.: PRB002697
Auto-association doesn’t work for a contact when associated fields
on screen.
When Encountered:
When a contact logs in to the Contacts portal of the HTML interface
and submits an incident. If any field (apart from the Contact ID) that
is part of the Contacts association is on screen, the Contacts details
will not auto-populate when the Incident is submitted.
Auto-populate only works when there are no associated fields (from
the Contacts association) on screen or only the Contact ID field on
Current Status
Auto-association now works correctly.
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Issue No.: PRB002698
Account Permissions not updating.
When Encountered:
When you move an account from one group to another, it doesn’t
automatically update the accounts permissions that has been
You can update the permissions by restarting the services or by
going to the Security Manager and clicking the Save button (without
making any changes).
Current Status
The cache is now updated when you move the account.
Issue No.: PRB002703
Service Request Filter returns no results.
When Encountered:
When ordering a Filter by the "Current Assignee" field in ITSM
(account type) the Filter will not display any results if the Problem ID
or Change ID fields are also displayed within the Filter.
Current Status
Filter now returns results when Problem ID or Change ID is included.
Issue No.: PRB002707
Boolean field slider issue.
When Encountered:
If you click-and-slide the sliders for a Boolean field and let go of the
mouse button outside the slider's area, it shows YES on the screen
but the YES doesn't register after the operation is submitted.
The slider works correctly if you click the end of it once, rather than
dragging, or if you drag the slider and let go inside the slider control.
Current Status
Boolean YES registers correctly when you let go of the mouse
outside the slider.
Issue No.: PRB002711
Ability to format preset solutions so they display correctly in HTML
When Encountered:
As preset solutions are still configured in the JRE interface, any
carriage returns in the description field are ignored when the preset
is used in the HTML interface.
Using HTML tags in the description field within the preset solution
does not work.
Current Status
Preset Solutions are now configured in the HTML5 interface.
Issue No.: PRB002712
IE11 - Typing in a Preset Solution field moves cursor to Description
When Encountered:
In IE11, when you stop typing in a Preset Solution summary field the
cursor moves to the Description field below.
Current Status
The cursor stays in the Preset Solution field when you stop typing.
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Issue No.: PRB002718
Cannot see operations on Summary screen where updated date is in
the filter and is not the last field.
When Encountered:
If you include the updated date field in a filter and it is NOT the last
field, you will not see any operations on the Summary screen when a
record is selected.
Current Status
Operations display correctly when the date is the last field in the
Issue No.: PRB002727
Cannot select a date field.
When Encountered:
When accessing the HTML interface on a MAC you cannot select
date fields because the calendar does not appear..
Current Status
Calendar now displays for date fields.
Issue No.: PRB002729
Changes lost when another user edits record at the same time.
When Encountered:
When you edit a record in the HTML interface, and another user
edits the same fields and others at the same time then saves the
record, a popup states that another user has edited the record and
you must reload the record.
The popup states that the changes you made will be preserved.
However when you click Reload, your changes have been replaced
by the other user’s changes.
Current Status
The record displays again with your changes in place.
Issue No.: PRB002736
SR/Task Operations do not function.
When Encountered:
When accessing a SR/Task using a direct link, such
as, the
lifecycle operations do not function.
Current Status
The lifecycle operations function as normal.
Issue No.: PRB002739
Cannot upload attachments via Email Attachments field using IE9.
When Encountered:
In IE9. When trying to upload an attachment via the Email
Attachments field, you get a message stating the file exceeds the
upload limit regardless of the file size .
If you close the popup window you can upload the same attachment
to the incident via the Attachments tab.
Current Status
You can now upload attachments using the Email Attachments
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Issue No.: LAM-164
Attachments do not show that the title or image is clickable.
When Encountered:
When an administrator mouses over the title or icon of an attachment
the mouse cursor changes to a finger point to show that the file can
be downloaded.
When a user mouses over the title or icon, the cursor does not
change to show that they can click to download the file, although it
Current Status
can be done.
When I log in as a user the cursor changes to a finger point.
Issue No.: LAM-165
Export to CSV Does Not Export in Correct Sort Order.
When Encountered:
When filter contents are exported to a CSV file, the contents of the
filter are in a different order from the file contents.
Current Status
The order of records in the filter and the CSV file is the same.
Issue No.: LAM-983
Zero size attachments cannot upload.
When Encountered:
An attachment that is of file size 0 cannot be uploaded. This is the
same for any browser.
Current Status
Zero size attachments can now be uploaded.
Issue No.: LAM-1103
In the Add Dashboard wizard. The Next, Previous and Finish
buttons are not internationalised.
When Encountered:
Internationalisation - Add Dashboard - Next, Previous and Finish
buttons are not internationalised.
Current Status
The buttons are now multi-language.
Issue No.: LAM-1105
Delete Dashboard popup Yes/No buttons are not multi-language.
When Encountered:
Internationalisation - the delete dashboard popup has Yes/No
buttons in English.
Current Status
Delete Dashboard popup has multi-language Yes/No buttons.
Issue No.: LAM-1107
'Loading Chart please wait' should be internationalised.
When Encountered:
When you refresh the dashboard/gadget screens, or when Sunrise
takes a while to load, you see the 'Loading Data please wait' text.
This should be internationalised
Current Status
This message is now multi-language.
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Issue No.: LAM-1109
OK button on Timeout popup should be internationalised.
When Encountered:
Internationalisation - OK button on Timeout popup should be
Current Status
The OK button is now multi-language.
Issue No.: LAM-1113
Delete Avatar - Yes / No buttons should be multi-language.
When Encountered:
Internationalisation - Delete Avatar - Yes / No buttons should be
Current Status
The Yes / No buttons are now multi-language.
Issue No.: LAM-1114
The execution status of a Report should be multi-language.
When Encountered:
Internationalisation - the execution status of a Report should be
Current Status
The execution status is now shown in multiple languages.
Issue No.: LAM-1115
Add Report - the Boolean field values for Publish? are not multilanguage.
When Encountered:
Internationalisation - on Add Report, the Boolean field values for
Publish? are not multi-language.
Current Status
The Boolean field values are now multi-language.
Issue No.: LAM-1123
Yes/No buttons in the Confirm delete of attachment screen.
When Encountered:
Internationalisation – the Yes/No buttons in the Confirm Delete of
attachment screen are not multi-language.
Current Status
The Confirm Delete screen has multi-language buttons.
Issue No.: LAM-1124
Remove text on blacklisted attachment is not multi-language.
When Encountered:
Internationalisation – the Remove text on blacklisted attachment is
not multi-language.
Current Status
The Remove text is now multi-language.
Issue No.: LAM-1125
Cancel attachment - the text is not multi-language.
When Encountered:
Internationalisation - Cancel Attachment - the text is not multilanguage.
Current Status
The Cancel Attachment text is now multi-language.
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Issue No.: LAM-1232
Search and Select on Primary Associations does not return
list/sublist values as icons.
When Encountered:
In the JRE interface you can add a graphic to a list/sublist field.
Provided it is configured in the filter, that field will then display as a
graphic in a filter or in a Search and Select grid.
In the HTML5 interface that field will display as a graphic in a filter.
However, in a Search and Select popup (like Contacts in an Incident
record) it ALWAYS appears as the path to the location but it should
display as the icon.
Current Status
The field now appears as a graphic in the Search and Select popup.
Issue No.: LAM-1631
Attachment temporary folder is not being used in system.xml.
When Encountered:
In the system.xml, the tag <attachment-temporaryFolder> does not
seem to be used by local or amazon storage.
Current Status
The attachment temporary location is no longer required because the
system property setting is now used to determine the temporary
folder location.
The tag has now been made optional to prevent issues in existing
installation and this tag is removed from the default shipping xml.
Issue No.: LAM-1750
TIME offset function should render correctly for TIME fields in
When Encountered:
You cannot use the TIME offset function to set a default value for a
TIME field. The field is displayed blank. The applet correctly renders
the default value.
Current Status
The TIME offset function appears correctly.
Issue No.: LAM-1910
When Add operation is not permitted through workflow, clicking it
leads to ‘Oops’ page.
When Encountered:
In Quick Links gadget, if a user tries to use Add when it is not
available through the workflow, they get the ‘Oops…’ page instead of
a message on the Dashboard screen.
Current Status
The message is displayed on the Service Header Bar and
processing can continue.
Issue No.: LAM-1914
When the Dashboard options menu has no entries, clicking on it
throws a strange shape.
When Encountered:
If a user creates a Dashboard then clicks on the Dashboard options
menu but only sees the Set as Default option, clicking on that twice
will cause a star to display first, then a black shape.
Current Status
No strange shapes are displayed.
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Issue No.: LAM-1924
A user who has no rights to a statistics field can see the list element
in the Filter KPI config screen.
When Encountered:
When a user, who does have rights to the 'Select a Field' field, is
configuring a filter KPI and can see the list elements. There is a
security risk because they should not see the elements.
Current Status
The list elements are not visible if you do not have permissions.
Issue No.: LAM-1928
View Association from a record is still possible without Goto rights.
When Encountered:
In Add or Edit record, you can go to an associated record in the
relevant service by using the association Goto button (the eye icon),
even when Goto or View record details are denied in Security.
The only way to stop this is to deny the security rights to the service.
Current Status
Security settings now work effectively.
Issue No.: LAM-1933
Internationalisation: Hard coded values in Change Password and
Activate my Account page.
When Encountered:
When the user clicks on the Forgot Password Link or Activate my
Account Link via the emails sent, there are text labels in each screen
that are not multi-language.
Current Status
The text labels are now multi-language.
Issue No.: LAM-1976
Welcome Gadget - Unable to Close Font Lists.
When Encountered:
When you edit a Welcome gadget and use the font Family and font
Size lists, then save the gadget and immediately edit it again, the
Font Family and Font Size lists are displayed on the base screen
and remain there until you refresh the screen.
Current Status
The two Font lists stay closed when you close the Welcome gadget.
Issue No.: LAM-2049
List Field Icons show as icon.path in Dynamic Search panel if image
is true.
When Encountered:
If I have a list field using icons, such as Priority, the icons appear
correctly on the modern template filter and flexi-grid.
However, when you run a dynamic search with the field set like this,
and bring back results using the priority field with image set to true,
the icon path is shown instead of the priority icons or text.
This should show the text value or the list field image.
Current Status
Now displays field value/field image in Dynamic Search Panel.
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Issue No.: LAM-2073
Tag Area Displayed on Task Summary Template Filter.
When Encountered:
A row is displayed on the Task Template filters where tags would be
displayed for SR filters. However, tags are not allowed for tasks so
this row should not be displayed on the task filter.
It cannot be mapped to and therefore will always remain empty.
Current Status
Blank row has been removed from the screen.
Issue No.: LAM-2092
Add/View Pages for Badge, Experience Tier/Rule Missing Title
When Encountered:
The lower border that divides the title and the main details pages are
missing on the add and detail screens for badges, experience tiers
and rules.
Current Status
Border is now visible.
Issue No.: LAM-2217
IE8, IE9 and IE10 show account and email column text truncated.
When Encountered:
In IE8, IE9 and IE10 the text in the Account name and Email column
are cut off.
Also, the Set as Primary button is cut off on the Invite new user/Edit
account group filter.
Current Status
The column text and button display completely.
Issue No.: LAM-2280
Incorrect SQL scripts for the 4.7 migration.
When Encountered:
More than one language in the S_LANGUAGE table causes the 4.7
migration to fail, due to what is in the 03 dynamic-search_lang.sql
This runs once for each language, but it will fail the second time it is
run as it will try to add duplicate entries to the S_TYPE table.
The migration will go through if you remove the 3 lines referencing
the S_TYPE table and add them to the end of the 03 dynamicsearch.sql script.
Current Status
The migration is successful when the script is corrected.
Issue No.: LAM-2293
An image inserted at the end of text gets added at the start of the
When Encountered:
When you insert an image at the end of text in a memo field, it is
saved at the start of the text.
This does not happen in Welcome gadget.
Current Status
The image is saved at the end of the memo field.
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Issue No.: LAM-2365
CTRL+Z deletes all text in a Welcome Gadget.
When Encountered:
If you press CTRL+Z with the cursor in the Welcome gadget you can
delete all text.
Current Status
CTRL+Z does not delete the text in the Welcome gadget.
Issue No.: LAM-2636
Current Assignee field will not populate if the account name field is
not the first field in the account filter.
When Encountered:
If the account name field is not the first field in the default user
accounts filter (even if it is still in the filter), the Account Name field
will not populate when you select an account.
Current Status
Account Name field populates correctly.
Issue No.: LAM-2775
TinyMCE disabled on MacOS.
When Encountered:
The TinyMCE editor for large text fields is disabled by default for
MacOS. It has been deliberately disabled for iPad but this seems to
have also disabled it for desktops/laptops running MacOS.
Current Status
TinyMCE editor is not automatically disabled for MacOS.
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Corrections to Mobile
This section details the corrections to Mobile that have been included in this release.
Issue No.: LAM-1937
Title and County/State are not being set correctly on Manage Users
screen when the account is created in Sostenuto.
When Encountered:
When creating an account in Sostenuto some of the values are not
being populated correctly when that account is viewed in Sunlight.
Mobile and Title should take their values from registration.xml but are
set to '0000' and 'Other' respectively.
The Country/State is set to 5 - it should be blank.
Current Status
The account values are now populating correctly.
Issue No.: LAM-2309
Delete Operation not working, creating something went wrong page.
When Encountered:
In Mobile, when you try to delete a closed Incident the Confirm
Deletion prompt appears as expected. When you select Yes to
delete, the ‘Something went wrong…’ error page is displayed.
Current Status
The Incident is deleted successfully.
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