May/June 2007 Issue - Little Compton Community Center
May/June 2007 Issue - Little Compton Community Center
May/June 2007 News and Notes from the Little Compton Community Center Community Center Turns Ten! LCCC Gears up for the 3rd Annual Golf Little Compton Golf Outing LCCC volunteers, supporters, and staff are gearing up for the 3rd Annual Little Compton Golf Outing to benefit the Little Compton Community Center. Hear Ye! Hear Ye!—The Little Compton Community Center celebrates its 10 year anniversary on May 28th. The Big Birthday Bash provides an opportunity for the entire community to reminisce about their past and present favorite events and successes. The Center extends a cordial invitation to the entire Little Compton community. See you there! History & Growth Speaking of Board Members, Pat Pond, one of the longer term members involved with the initial fund-raising group, points out that, “we originally tried to get grants through the RI Foundation and the Champlin Foundation but we were acting as the subcommittee of the town at that time, and those foundations aren’t interested in giving money to governmental organizations, so we found we had to incorporate as a non-profit in order to try to get some outside money.” Original board member Gareth Eames enthusiastically exudes that, “all the infrastructure has been in place for a while now, enabling the luxury of improving and expanding upon the base, including expenditures for upgrades like the theatre lights last year.” With that, programs and participation has steadily grown, as have contributions (like last year’s theatre curtain). Says Eames, “I’m very pleased with the progress of the Center; the only thing holding us back now is space. Things like large theatre presentations are not possible at this time due to space restrictions of the stage.” The Center has looked into expansion options, See photos though they are limited mostly of the past by land availability. ten years on pages 6-7! Program Director Lee Wyatt concurs, “I’m just thrilled that the Community Center has grown to be such an important part of the Little Compton community, we have so many people in and out of this building for so many different reasons. We’re always open to trying new things.” When asked about the direction the Center is going in, Lee, a ten-year contributor to the Center, adds, “Already, we’ve outgrown this building, so what I want to see is it continue to be a vibrant expression of Little Compton and what its needs are.” The event, graciously hosted by the Sakonnet Golf club will take place June 2nd from 11:30-8:00 pm and includes lunch, a great day of golf, and a fun filled End-of-Day Reception (complete with prizes, a raffle and a silent auction). Registration is almost closed, with just two foursomes left as of our newsletter print date! Many community members and businesses have generously stepped forward with a variety of exciting silent auction items. A big thank you goes out to all of our golfers as well as to our sponsors, many of which are returning for their second or third year. Sponsor support and the support of the community is what makes this event so successful for the Community Center and the residents of Little Compton that we serve. Tee sponsors and silent auction items are still needed and will be accepted until May 12th. Additional volunteers for the day of the event are also needed. Interested parties should contact Amber Vlangas at 401-635-2400. Thank you sponsors! It worked. The building was originally a grange building, so it already contained some of the aspects necessary for its eventual transformation into a community center. With the efforts of Pat Pond, B.G. Shanklin, and the influence and generous contributions of Peter Farago, the Center was able to lift off at a time in the early Also a veteran of 10 years, Galen Snow says, nineties when some in town didn’t see the need “It’s a nice community center in a really wonfor it. Today, from pre-school to seniors, the derful community, that emphasizes inclusivity, LCCC has something for everyone. Continued on page ... Lions, Tigers and Bears, OH MY! The Law Offices of Michael J. Harrington Hole in one sponsor: The Little Compton Community Theatre-Youth Division invites you to join them as they take a fantasy-filled trip to the merry old land of OZ! Join Dorothy (played by 13 year old, Kate Karzenski) and her band of friends as they make their way to the emerald city. The classic tale, by L. Frank Baum will be brought to life on the LCCC stage May 3rd, 4th, 5th and 6th, with 7 pm performances on the 3rd, 4th and 5th and 2 pm matinees on the 5th and 6th. Tickets are $10 for LCCC members and $12 for non-members. The production is made possible through the hard work of over 55 cast, crew and volunteer company members from all over IN THIS ISSUE: Community Calendar: Pages 4, 5 Summer Camps: Page 8, 9 Rhode Island and Southeastern Massachusetts. Artistic Direction is funded in part by a grant from the Newport County Fund. “It truly is amazing to see the amount of teamwork that makes every production come together” says Little Compton Community Theatre Program Director, Amber Vlangas, “ Everything from set design, to crew work, to acting is all taken on by volunteers. They are extremely good at what they do. The youth show is a wonderful experience- with veteran actors mentoring the kids and giving them a great start in theater.” Continued on page ... 10th Anniversary Photos: Page 6, 7 Senior Services: Page 10 Wilhelmina’s Catering FROM LEFT: Bill Curtin, Golf Professional— Sakonnet Golf Club; Rev. Dan Burke Golf Outing Committee Chairperson; Pat Menoche Golf Outing Committee Member; Amber Vlangas, LCCC Special Events/Program Director; Bill Bridgen, Versus (Outdoor Life Network) Representative—Lead Presenting Sponsor May is Membership Month Our Mission Dear Friend, May is membership month at the LCCC and on May 28 we celebrate our 10th birthday! We encourage you to renew now, to help the Center bring quality programs and events to our community for the 11th year. Your membership will be in effect from May 1, 2007 through May 1, 2008. Your taxdeductible membership donation benefits every aspect of the Community Center from building maintenance to community-wide events. The LCCC continues to strive to provide quality activities for all members of the Little Compton Community. Current programs range from one-time special events, monthly Circle of Friends gatherings and monthly movies, to thrice-weekly Senior lunches and exercise classes. A much needed teen initiative program is now in its third year. The Center is also the site for the After School Club, which provides a program for students between the hours of 3 and 6 PM.In addition, the support of members has enabled the LCCC to fulfill its mission as a gathering place for clubs and organizations of the area. For more information regarding the many activities at LCCC please refer to the soon-to-be-enhanced web site at You can also stop by the Center to pick up a hard copy of each month’s activities and to review the activity posters on the LCCC bulletin board. You and your family will benefit with Members’ discounts on programs and events and early registration for summer camps and programs. Whether you are joining for the first time or renewing your membership, your support is appreciated. Sincerely, The Membership Committee: Pat Menoche – Chair Holly Lippert Pat Pond Mary Pacheco Yearly Events: Memorial Day Party Art Show Rhythm & Blues Festival Theatrical Productions Fall Fest Golf Tournament New Year’s Eve Party Easter Egg Hunt The mission of the Little Compton Community Center (LCCC) is to bring people together from all corners of the community to foster and support a strong and vibrant Little Compton. We do this by providing and facilitating programs to meet community needs and by providing space for other individuals and organizations who serve the residents of Little Compton. Staff Karen Ferreira Ellie Field Lydia Greene Sally Huntington Edi Marchesi Rose Mercier Jeannine Moore Carol Silvia Eleanor Simons Beth Turcotte Amber Vlangas Bob Wilson Richalie Wyatt After School Club Head Teacher Program Director Receptionist/Program Assistant Administrative Director Receptionist Custodian After School Club Staff After School Club Assistant Dining Center Manager Youth Initiative Coordinator Special Events/Program Director Custodian Program Director Board of Directors Little Compton Community Center Membership Form Yes, we would like to help make great things happen! Name(s) ______________________________________________________________ Date ____________________ Address ________________________________________________ E-mail: ________________________________ Phone ________________________ Use for Mailing: Year-round or from ______________ to _____________ Secondary Address _____________________________________________________________________________ Secondary Phone _____________________ Use for Calling: Never or from ____________ to ____________ Spouse __________________________ Children _____________________________________________________ ___ New Member ___ Membership Renewal ___ Individual $15 ___ Family $35 ___ Supporter $50 ___ Patron $100 ___ Benefactor $200 ___ Non-Profit Organization $50 ___ Corporate Member $75 In addition to or instead of membership, I wish to make a tax-deductible donation of $ _________ I would like to volunteer in the following way _____________________________________________________ Advisory Board William Theriault, President Bruce Elwell Galen Snow, Vice President Bobbi Erdman Agnes Langdon, Secretary Lois Goulart Peter Washburn, Treasurer Lesly Leahy Rev. J. Daniel Burke Jim Marsh Tom Callahan Liz Peckham Dan Chisholm B.G. Shanklin Wayne Curtis Dawn Sisson Gareth Eames Peter Tirpaeck Holly Lippert Joseph Marion, III Sr. Ellen Martin LCCC Board Meetings Pat Menoche 7PM. All are welcome. Rob Marra May 21 and June 18 Franklin Pond Mark Rapoza ___ I (we) have included LCCC in our estate plan Please return coupon with your check to: Little Compton Community Center (LCCC), PO Box 926, Little Compton, RI 02837. Thank you for your generous support! Your canceled check will serve as your receipt. Make This Your Newsletter! Corporate and Non-Profit Members Corporate Members A-1 Pizza A.G. Edwards & Son American Classic Real Estate Arkins Construction BankNewport Bookkeeping on the Commons Boughs & Berry Farm The Bridge WJZS 99.3 FM Brisbon Diesel Service Brousseau Landscaping & Design Cantin Photography Carolyn Von Oswald Interiors Celebration Tent Co. Civil Engineering Concepts Classic Embroidery Company Contractor’s Supply Country & Coastal Properties Courtyards Crowther’s Dennis Talbot, Inc The Donovan Gallery East Bay Newspapers F.A. Simmons Store Fernandes & Charest Goulart Petroleum Goulart’s Package Store Gray’s Ice Cream Harmony Home B&B Highbush Nursery Homestead Construction Company Hope-Mayflower Realty Humphrey’s Building Supply Isherwood Appraisal Page Jacob Talbot, Inc. John Hancock Financial John Wiley & Sons, Inc. Kaipu Designs Kyle Welchman Construction The Law Offices of David Correira and Joseph Marion Esq. The Law Offices of Michael J. Harrington Lees Supermarket Madden Electric Mataronas Lobster McKinnon Design McLaughlin & Moran, Inc. Montle Builders, Inc NewportFed P.M. Thurston Co. Peckham’s Greenhouse Peter Washburn, CFP Randal Poirier, John Hancock Financial Ray’s Auto Repair Richmond Design Roger Wilkie Jr. Builder, Inc. RPI Printing Sakonnet Design Builders Sakonnet Golf Club Sakonnet Light Graphics Sakonnet Oyster Co. Inc Sakonnet Physical Therapy Sakonnet Plumbing & Heating Sakonnet River Pie Sakonnet Vineyards Serena’s Studio Visit our web site at Silva, Thomas, Martland, Offenberg, LTD Spinnaker Real Estators Steeple View Garden Service Stone House Club Tom Lolio Property Management Valcourt Heating Versus (Outdoor Life Network) Viti Mercedes-Benz Walker’s Roadside Stand Warren’s Point Beach Club Westport Apothecary Wilhelmina’s Catering Wishing Stone Farm, Inc Non-Profit Members American Legion Post #37 Boy Scouts Chace Point Association Cub Scouts Democratic Town Committee Friends of the Brownell Library Girl Scouts Grange # 32 L. C. Senior Citizens L.C. Republican Town Committee L.C. Taxpayers Association Little Compton Garden Club Rhode Island Foundation Sakonnet 4H Club Sakonnet Peace Alliance Sakonnet Point Club Sakonnet Preservation Association Sogkonate Garden Club To include meeting or event information about your group or organization, call 635-2400 or fax us at 635-2996. Other submissions can be mailed to LCCC Newsletter, Box 926, Little Compton 02837 or e-mailed to [email protected]. The deadline for inclusion in the July/August Newsletter is June 1. Credits Editors: Staff Design: Tom Callahan Volunteers: Lisa Ramsbottom, Doug Berge Printing: RPI Printing (508) 730-2220 Host Your Next Event at LCCC The Community Center’s theater, meeting hall and kitchen are available for your alcoholfree events. Showers, receptions, birthdays, corporate retreats, anniversary parties, reunions, memorial services, recitals, and more. Hourly Rates: Dining Hall/Meeting Hall $15, Kitchen $10 (if used for cooking, otherwise no charge), Theater $20, Entire Building $40. Full day rates also. Call Lee Wyatt at 635-2400 for more info. 9 Annual Art Show th “10th Anniversary”, Continued from page ... not exclusivity. The board is definitely committed to serving the community, and making sure it stays that way, while not making it any more than that.” I have a deep connection with it, I feel at home there, it doesn’t need to be anything that it isn’t, and it is everything that it is.” And it has everything that the community seems to want—music lessons and dance classes, Boys and Girl Scouts, exercise classes for men and women, martial arts and Tae Kwon Do. And, of course, fantastic theatre productions. It’s a meeting center and a health awareness center. It houses special events, and everyone should know that all new ideas are welcome. The After School Club thrives and survives with its regular menu of activities and games for the kids. Of course, there are the favorites; but Director Karen Ferreira finds that “consistency of events is what makes it work. Diversity of interests are satisfied because the children (ages 5-13) always have something to look forward to on the schedule.” Number one on the schedule of activities is none other than Dodgeball. Cooking is also very popular, and more recently has been challenged by the increased interest in Lego building. Bingo, UNO, cards and huckle-buckle are a few more of the games children participate in for a chance to win prizes (1st, 2nd, 3rd); or stick their hands in the enormous candy jar. In line with the popularity and growth seen at the center, many of the programs are nearly ‘maxed-out’. With the highest after school club total being 23, participation of the children is quickly approaching the DCYF maximum of 26. The Center would like to extend special Thanks to Marjorie O’Toole for her tireless fundraising efforts. She was instrumental in getting grant approval to begin many of the wonderful programs that still exist today. We all wish Marjorie the very best with her new endeavors at the Historical Society, where she, no doubt, will be a key component in their success as well. We, at the Center, encourage all residents of Little Compton to visit our web site regularly for the calendar of its many popular activities, as well as to be informed of coming attractions. As always, please call the Center for information and updates at 635-2400. It is clear that the LCCC is truly a community center, and everyone connected with it encourages participation from everyone in town who would like to be a part of something special. The praise that resonates from board members to volunteers stems from a deep commitment to continue an effort that we can all be proud of, and one that helps all families in this wonderful town. Come join the fun! “Lions, Tigers and Bears”, Continued from page ... Under the skillful Direction of LCCT Artistic Director, Gloria Crist, and the Musical Direction of Esther Zabinski, “Oz ”is the largest show ever produced by the LCCT. The show promises to be a wonderful experience with some fun surprises! Audience members will enjoy the colorful costumes, created by company seamstress, Irene Karzenski and her costume assistants, Pam Begg and Denise Saurette. Ben Elwell, participating in his 6th show with the LCCT, will be responsible for the incredible lighting and sound effects. The set, which can be called a masterpiece in and of itself, is the work of Set Designer, Donna Kent and Scenic Painter, Terry Smith, who is an illustration student at UMass Dartmouth. With 24 smiling munchkins, many veteran actors, and some fresh new faces-The Wizard of Oz is a show you will definitely not want to miss! Support Wilbur & McMahon School If you’d like to make a difference in the life of a child, want to give something back to the community, or would like to support public education at Wilbur & McMahon School, then consider volunteering for the Little Compton Education Foundation (LCEF). This group’s mission is to enhance the educational experiences of Little Compton public school students by fostering community support for the Wilbur & McMahon School. Providing support to the WMS teachers through Excellence Grants and Wish List requests for projects that would not be funded by the school department budget, the LCEF encourages educational and academic initiatives that promote unique learning opportunities and community involvement. Funding comes from individual, foundation and corporate contributions. These donations may be general in nature, may be given to support a particular project or item on the wish list, or they may be given to an endowment fund. The Foundation is also an active participant in the sales receipt reimbursement programs offered at Lees Market, Clements Marketplace and Shaw’s Supermarkets and gladly will accept your receipts. You can drop them off in the green box located in the school office or send them to our mailing address listed below. If you’d like to volunteer your time to the Foundation, please send us an e-mail at [email protected] or forward your name, address, phone number and e-mail address to the Little Compton Education Foundation, P.O. Box 1010, Little Compton, RI 02837. You can also contact Matt Allder, Sherri Cory, Heather Fitzgerald, Janice Griffin, Jennifer LaFrance, Emery Pineo, Carolyn Sedgwick, or Noreen Wordell. Thank you! For more information about LCEF, please see our website at Aidrian Tans Best in Show The 9th annual Little Compton Summer Art Show will be held at the LCCC on the weekend of July 21-22. One of the most popular events of the season, the Art Show is open to everyone; so all are encouraged to not only attend, but participate. Eligibility is for any living artist wishing to enter limited edition hand-pulled prints; etchings, lithographs, stone block prints and mono prints. Photographs, offset, or computer generated prints and reproductions are not eligible. Typical categories include Oils, Acrylics, Watercolor, Pastels, Drawing, Mixed Media, Sculpture, and Hand-Pulled Prints. There is a $15 entry fee for each entry, with a limit of 2 entries per artist. Sue Prideaux Excellence Award All entries must be appropriately framed and wired for hanging. Work may not exceed 36” in height and 36” in width including the frame. Sculptures must not exceed 100 pounds and sculptors are required to supply stands for their art. All art must be priced and available for sale, with the majority of the sale price going to the artist. Last years’ judges, Kenn Speiser (RI School of Design), Thomas Deininger (Salve Regina University), and Al Albrektson (RI School of Design), selected Boat, an oil on canvas by John Irwin Adrian Tans, as Best in Excellence Award Show. With several Awards of Excellence and Honorable Mention, many artists have an opportunity to be recognized, and add a sold piece to their resume. According to Holly Lippert, the Shows’ Chairman for the last 8 years, “We usually get between 150-210 entries, and the most satisfying moment each year is to hear the different reactions of both the artist and the Michele Soares viewer, and when I get Excellence Award to call the artist to let them know they’ve won or sold a piece.” She says, “It’s the very dedicated volunteers that really pull the show together. To be a part of this terrific community event, please call the Michele Soares Center at 635-2400. Excellence Award YOUR COMMUNITY CENTER NEEDS YOU! Generous volunteers who selflessly give up their time and resources play an important role in the operations of the community center and the success of its many programs and events. We are currently looking for some enthusiastic people to fill the following positions. Interested parties should contact Amber Vlangas at 635-2400. Newsletter EDITOR A person with good proofreading, editing, and management skills is needed to work with staff and other contributors to organize and edit content written by others for our semi-monthly newsletter, Community Connections. Time commitment is a few hours every two months. Photography Volunteers Two or three individuals with a photography interest or familiarity are needed to help provide photography coverage of our events and programs. You may volunteer to cover one event or many. Amateur, professional, students, hobbyists, or those willing to learn are welcome! Adult Education Services Literacy Volunteers of Newport County, c/o Rogers High School 15 Wickham Road, Newport, RI 02840 Services: Serving adult learners in RI since 1980. LV provides workplace literacy, Conversational English classes, and one-on-one tutoring-free to the adult learner. Basic literacy, GED preparation, English as a second language, learn to read, write, or speak English. For more information on how you can join our volunteers, or to request tutoring assistance call Kerry Kalinowski: Phone: 401-849-7845 Fax: 401-845-5091 or E-mail: [email protected] Page Calendar2007 May-June LCCC On-Going Events Community Events CHILDREN’S PROGRAMS CPR & STANDARD FIRST AID AFTER SCHOOL CLUB Call 635-2400 to register. Monday - Friday (September - June) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 2:50 - 6 PM After school childcare, recreation and enrichment programs for children ages 512. Playground time, snack, and homework tutorials provided. Limited scholarships are available. For more information call 635-2400. Fees vary. MOVIE NIGHTS See page 11 for listing. ADULT PROGRAMS SENIOR DINING CENTER Monday, Wednesday, Friday . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 11:30 AM A delicious and nutritious lunch provided by Lindley Food Service. Reservations must be made 24 hours in advance. See Senior News on page 10 for more information. $3 donation suggested Ex-Tension Exercise Improve your cardiovascular strength and flexibility! Start your day with an hour of gentle but effective exercise and stretching. Ex-tension incorporates low impact aerobics with rhythmical stretching. Light weights and toning complete the class. Get a real workout without the wear and tear of a typical aerobics class. Get fit and feel great. Begin any time. Bring a yoga mat and water. For more information call Mary Derbyshire at 592-0082 or LCCC at 635-2400. $100 for 12 classes, seniors $8 per class, drop-ins $10 Week of June 25, time to be determined. SUMMER TENNIS WORKOUT Tuesdays & Thursdays, July 3, 5, 10,12,17,19 Tuesdays & Thursdays, August 7, 9, 14, 16, 21, 23 This camp is for you oldies (30 and up) out there who think it’s hopeless to try competing in singles with Venus Williams, Justine Henin, James Blake, and Roger Federer. Let’s use wily brains instead of youthful brawn. Develop sensible strokes, know where to be on the court, communicate with your partners, outsmart your opponents. Besides your good sense and maturity, you need a racquet, good tennis shoes, a water-bottle, and perhaps a cap. The camp is for 4 to 8 players. We meet at the Town Courts, 9am to 11am Tuesdays and Thursdays for three weeks in July and three weeks in August. Cost per camper is $125 Community Events AMERICAN LEGION & AUXILIARY POST #37 MEETINGS Second Wednesdays . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 7:30 PM Meet at IOOF Hall. FLAG RETIREMENT CEREMONY Sunday, May, 27 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 2 PM WOMEN Tuesday & Thursday . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 8:45 - 9:45 AM MEN Tuesday & Thursday . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 10 - 11 AM Members will conduct a Flag Retirement Ceremony in front of the Post Home on the Commons at 2:00 P.M. The public is invited. Old worn out or torn flags can be brought for proper disposal. AGELESS GENTLE YOGA Memorial Service will be conducted by the Rev. Robert Hollis at Acoaxet Chapel on Howland Road Westport, MA. All American Legion and Auxiliary members and guest are invited to attend. Wednesdays, May 2 - June 27 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 9:30 - 10:45 AM May 9 at Studio, May 30 no class Meditative breathing exercises relax and energize, allowing you to address strength, flexibility including joint mobility, and balance. Adapt the practices to your ability and needs. Sit, stand, use a chair and wall as props. Yoga, tai chi and creative movement incorporated peacefully. Taught by Caryl Sickul, Movement Specialist. For more information or to register call 401-816-0024. $120 for 8 week session Single class $16 MELLOW VINYASA YOGA Wednesdays, May 2 - June 27 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 6:30 - 8 PM May 2 at Studio, May 30 no class Unite body, mind & spirit with compassion. Flow gracefully through a full dynamic range of stretching and strengthening postures. Ride your meditative river of breath. Elements of core Pilates incorporated. Move joyfully at your own pace adapting postures. This is a vigorous class. End with a restorative relaxation. Bring a yoga mat, towel, strap or tie, and eye cover. Wear comfortable clothing in layers. Taught by Caryl Sickul, Movement Specialist. Call Caryl to register at 401-816-0024. $120 for 8 week session Single class $16 ISSUES & ANSWERS SURROUNDING LONG TERM HEALTH CARE Thursday, May 10 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 7 PM What is your plan should you need long term care? Long term care is a family affair. Learn how you can help protect your family from its potential financial impact. Acquire valuable information about your options...and why long term care insurance is not appropriate for everyone. You will receive information to help you become a better educated and prepared consumer. A free workbook will help you formulate and implement your personal goals. Please call 635-2400 to reserve seating and materials. Hosted by Genworth Life Insurance. MEMORIAL SERVICE Sunday, May 27 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 7 PM MEMORIAL DAY PARADE & SERVICE Monday, May 28 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 10 AM Annual Memorial Day Parade and Services on the Commons at 10:00 A.M. All organizations are invited to participate. Formation at Veterans Field at 9:30 A.M. In the event of inclement weather the services will be held in the Wilbur/ McMahon School Gym. BOY SCOUT TROOP 29 MEETINGS Tuesdays . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 7 PM At LCCC. For more information call Bob Harvey at 635-1641. DEMOCRATIC TOWN COMMITTEE MEETINGS Tuesdays, May 8 & June 5 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 7 PM Informational and open to the public. For more information call 635-2928. JONNYCAKE & PANCAKE BREAKFAST Saturday, May 26 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 7:30 - 10:30 AM The Little Compton Democratic Town Committee will cook and serve a Jonnycake & Pancake breakfast. All are welcome to celebrate the coming of a great summer season. Tickets can be purchased by calling 635-2928 or at the door. $10 per person, $20 per family FRIENDS OF THE BROWNELL LIBRARY Registration required for all programs. Please call 635-8562 to register. MONTHLY BOOK CLUB First Wednesdays . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 6:30 PM The Monthly Book Club meets at the Library. For the monthly book selection or to join call 635-8562. Museum Passes FRIENDS OF THE ESSEX LIBRARY Call 635-8562 for more information or to reserve your tickets today. This event will feature Skinner Antiques Appraisals, so bring your family treasures with you (no coins, stamps, jewelry or musical instruments). Appraisals are $10 per item or $25 three items. The day will also feature children’s activities, Friends’ Fabulous Finds Flea Market, Artisans & Vendors, Raffle, Baked Goods and more. Vivian’s Clam Hut will be open for meals. Location is Ponta Patriot’s Club, 70 Shove St., Tiverton. Proceeds to benefit Teen & Children’s Summer Reading Program. For more information call the Essex Library. Passes are available at the Brownell Library for the following attractions: New Bedford Whaling Museum Roger Williams Zoo Plimoth Plantation Audubon Society, Bristol Blithewold Gardens, Bristol Haffenreffer Museum, Bristol Museum of Fine Arts, Boston Mystic Seaport Providence Children’s Museum (pass will admit 6 people) Page ANNUAL LIBERTY STREET FAIR 2007 Saturday, June 2 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 10 AM - 3 PM Community Events, continued LITTLE COMPTON FOOD BANK Fridays and Saturdays . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 9 - 10 AM The Food Bank is open to everyone and is located in the hall of St. Catherine’s Church. Donations of canned goods, paper supplies, and hygiene items are always appreciated. For more information call 635-2722. JAMESTOWN COMMUNITY CHORUS SPRING CONCERT “GOING HOME” Saturday, May 5 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 7:30 PM Sunday, May 6 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 3 PM NATURE CONSERVANCY PIPIING UP FOR THE PLOVERS Thursday, May 24 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 7 PM Cheryl Witalla from the Nature Conservancy will speak on the importance of the piping plover to local beach ecosystems and the work being done by the Conservancy to protect them on two local beaches. At the Little Compton Community Center. Free and open to the public REPUBLICAN TOWN COMMITTEE To be held at the Central Baptist Church, 99 Narragansett Avenue in Jamestown. For more information or tickets call 423-1574. MEETINGS Mondays, May 7 & June 4 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 7 PM LITTLE COMPTON GARDEN CLUB These informational meetings are open to the public. For more information call Don Gomez at 635-4629. At LCCC. STONE WALLS & WATER VIEWS: GARDENS OF LITTLE COMPTON Wednesday, June 13 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 10 AM - 4 PM ANNUAL SPRING DINNER Friday, June 8 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 5:30 PM The Little Compton Garden Club invites you to a tour of nine unique gardens that reflect an integration of spectacular water views and stone walls that Little Compton is famous for. A box lunch, included in the ticket price, will be served at the Sakonnet Golf Club. A variety of container gardens filled with interesting flora for patios, windows and decks will be on sale all day at the club. Tickets are available at Sakonnet Purls, Tiverton Four Corners and the Little Compton Community Center on the Commons. Tickets are limited and must be purchased by June 1. For more information call 401 635-2009 or e-mail [email protected]. $45 The Stone House will be the setting for the annual Republican Town Committee dinner. Cash bar will open at 5:30 followed by a chicken parmesan buffet. Music will be provided by Stan Haldeman on the piano. An Action-packed auction is also planned. Come join the fun. For tickets or other information please call Mr. Harvey at 635-1604. $30 per person LITTLE COMPTON GRANGE #32 PATRONS OF HUSBANDRY Little Compton Grange #32 Patrons of Husbandry meets on the third Wednesday of the month at IOOF Hall. Non-members are welcome. The Grange collects used eyeglasses, soda can tabs, used greeting card fronts, Campbell product labels, General Mills box tops for education, and Betty Crocker Points. All items can be dropped off at LCCC. Wednesday, May 16 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 7 PM Recognition and Anniversary Night. Nanaquaket Grange invited. Refreshments, no pot luck. Wednesday, June 20 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 6:30 PM Youth Night with pot luck supper. LITTLE COMPTON HISTORICAL SOCIETY MOTHER DAUGHTER TEA Saturday, May 12 Workshop . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1 - 4 PM Tea . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 4 PM Girls ages 6 - 13 Celebrate Mother’s Day with a traditional Victorian Tea Party at the Wilbor House. Girls will attend an afternoon workshop to learn Victorian tea traditions and prepare a full tea for the special women in their lives. At 4 PM, guests will arrive to enjoy scones, tea sandwiches and sweets prepared during the workshop. Registration is required and space is limited. Call 635-4035. Members $30 per couple, non-members $35 per couple, additional guests $15 per person SEASON OPENING OF WILBOR HOUSE Saturday, June 16 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1 - 5 PM Guided tours available Thursdays – Sundays 1 – 5 PM or by appointment. Educational programs available by appointment. EXHIBIT PREVIEW PARTY “A TASTE OF THE AZORES” Saturday, June 30 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 6 - 8 PM This preview of the summer exhibition Terra Nova, Vida Nova, The Portuguese in Little Compton will feature a delicious assortment of Azorean foods, traditional Fado music, and a silent auction of Portuguese goods. For reservations call 635-4035. $25 per person FAMILY DAY Sunday, July 1 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 12 - 4 PM The opening of the summer exhibition Terra Nova, Vida Nova, The Portuguese in Little Compton will feature Wilbor House tours, Portuguese food, music and dancing, games, silent auction, kale soup cook-off and Portuguese water dog demonstrations. Volunteers needed, call 635-4035. Free and open to the public. SAKONNET PEACE ALLIANCE VIGIL FOR PEACE Sundays . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 9:30 AM Social Rebekah Lodge NO. 11, I.O.O.F MEETINGS Third Wednesdays . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 9:30 AM Meet upstairs at IOOF Hall. For more information, write to Box 194, LC SOGKONATE GARDEN CLUB TRIP TO ARNOLD ARBORETUM & MT. AUBURN CEMETARY Thursday, May 17 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 8:30 AM Call 635-8319 for more information or to reserve space. Limited to 26. BLOSSOMS & SWEETS SALE Saturday, May 26 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 7:30 AM Delicious baked goods and plants for sale in front of Wilbur’s Store. ROADSIDE LITTER COLLECTION Volunteers welcome. For more information call 635-8640. Thursday, May 10 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 9 AM Colebrook from Long Highway to Adamsville. Meet at Simmons Pond lot. Thursday, June 21 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 9 AM South Shore Road & Beach Entrance. Meet at Beach parking lot. UNITED CONGREGATIONAL CHURCH THURSDAY THRIFT SHOP Thursdays & Saturdays from May - September . . . . . . . . 10 AM - 3 PM Donations accepted Mondays, 1 - 3 PM and Saturdays 10 AM - NOON. CHURCH FAIR AND ROAD RACE Saturday, July 14 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 9 AM - 4 PM 4.8 mile run to begin at 8:30 AM. Baked goods, books, plants, craft fair, luncheon, snack bar, auction, ice cream social, children’s games and more! Volunteers needed. For more information call 635-8472. VISITING NURSE ASSOCIATION Blood Pressure Screenings Fourth Wednesdays . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 11 AM At LCCC. WILBUR MCMAHON SCHOOL PST MEETINGS First Wednesdays . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 9 AM SPECIAL EVENTS LITTLE COMPTON TAXPAYERS ASSOCIATION MEETINGS Wednesdays, May 16 & June 20 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 7:00 PM At LCCC. LITTLE COMPTON VOLUNTEER FIRE DEPARTMENT MEETINGS First Wednesdays . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 7 PM At Public Safety Complex. LITTLE COMPTON YOUTH INITIATIVE (LC NATION) MEETINGS Thursdays . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 6 PM Little Compton Community Center’s 10th Birthday Party Monday, May 28 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . After Memorial Service Can you believe that the Little Compton Community Center has been around for 10 years? Come help celebrate. We will have live music, an awesome yo-yo demonstration, face painting, kid’s activities, hamburgers & hot dogs, and as always cake & ice cream for all. In August, a commerative dinner-dance-FUN-raiser is being planned to celebrate the 10th birthday of the Little Compton Community Center. A small committee has formed and is in the early stages of developing a funfilled evening, slated for Saturday night, August 25th. An island/beach theme will prevail with creative decor, festive food, casual summer-night dress and a live orchestra. This is a celebration of FUN and ALL are invited! More info to come as the event gets closer to the date! Come and help us celebrate! Page 2007 Summer Camps Little Compton Community Center Registration for Community Center members opens May 1, non-members June 1. The Community Center reserves the right to reschedule, change, add, or cancel camps. Reservations are guaranteed only when payment and permission slips are received prior to camp start. Payment should be made to LCCC unless otherwise noted. A reservation form is included in our newsletter for your convenience. Registration codes are noted in parentheses. Scholarships are available. Please note and follow age guidelines. Sports Camps Art Camps Tae Kwon Do Theater Arts (TA) Ages 5 & up Mondays, July 2 - August 20 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 9 - 10 AM Ages 9 - 14 Monday - Friday, July 23 - August 3 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 11:00 AM - 2 PM Tae Kwon Do is a Korean Martial Art with two goals-self defense and physical fitness. Techniques contribute to developing attention span, focus, concentration and elements of respect. Mardo Murralles from the Middletown YMCA is the certified instructor. Payment to be made directly to instructor. Minimum 10, maximum 25. Martial Arts uniform not included. At LCCC. $112 A perfect week for the drama queen or king in your family. Take center stage and be a part of this intensive, creative week that includes all aspects of theater-scene work, games, exercises and perhaps a guest artist or two! The week concludes with a mini-performance for family and friends. Class size limited to 16. Please call Gloria at 401 624-7333 for more information. At LCCC. $210 members, $220 non-members Basketball Camp (B 1) Ages 8 - 11 Session 1, Monday - Friday, July 16 - 20 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 9 - NOON Emphasis on skill development, game play, and sportsmanship. At Wilbur-McMahon gym. Instructor is Franklin Brow and staff. Minimum 12 $90 members, $100 non-members Soccer Camp (S) Ages 7 - 11 Monday - Friday, July 30 - August 3 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 9 - NOON Emphasis on skill development, game play, and sportsmanship. Taught by Franklin Brow and staff. At Veterans’ Field. Must have own equipment. $90 members, $100 non-members Baseball Camp (BB) Newport Art Museum Classes for Kids Sun Art! (SA) Ages 6 – 9 Monday - Friday, July 30 – August 3 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 2 - 3:30 PM Each day will be a different project using the sun as its subject. Children will make papier mache sunbursts, collage sunrises and sunsets, and paint pictures of shadows. Please wear clothes that can get messy! Christina Fitch, instructor. Payments made to Newport Art Museum $80 Wearable Art (WA) Ages 7 – 10 Monday - Friday, August 6 – 10 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 2 - 3:30 PM Ages 6 - 10 Monday - Friday, July 31 - August 3 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 9 - NOON Students will enjoy making clay pendants and earrings, tie dye sarongs, felt bags, badges and more. Christina Fitch, instructor. $80 with a $20 materials fee Emphasis on skill development, game play, and sportsmanship. Taught by Frank Brow & staff. At Veterans’ Field. Minimum 12. $90 members, $100 non-members Newport Art Museum Classes for Teens Basketball Camp (B 2) Ages 8 - 11 Session 2, Monday - Friday, August 6 - 10 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 9 - NOON Emphasis on skill development, game play, and sportsmanship. At Wilbur-McMahon gym. Instructor is Franklin Brow and staff. Minimum 12 $90 members, $100 non-members Little Compton Lacrosse Club (L) Ages 8, 9 & 10 August 13 – 17 Girls . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 9 - 10:30 AM Boys . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 10:30 - NOON Emphasis on skills, drills with scrimmage to follow. Scrimmage jersey included. Must have stick, gloves & helmets (pads optional). Instructor is Wayne Curtis and staff. At Veterans’ Field. $25 members, $35 non-members Arts enrichment classes for teens at Little Compton’s Community Center are collaborative programs with Newport Art Museum supported by Rhode Island Foundation Newport County Fund. Programs cost $25 and checks are to be made payable to Newport Art Museum. Space is limited to 12 students per program. Registration is at the Little Compton Community Center. For more information about these programs please call (401) 848-2787, Judy Hambleton, Director of Education, Newport Art Museum. Registration Fee $25 Multi-media Artists (MA) Ages 11 - 14 Monday - Friday, July 9 - 13 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 4:30 - 6 PM Each day students will draw, paint, and sculpt, exploring themes that relate to their lives or surroundings. Each class will produce an original artwork. Instructor is Dan McManus. Drawing Studio (DS) Ages 11 – 14 Monday- Friday, July 23 – 27 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1 - 2:30 PM Develop your confidence as an artist by improving your drawing skills. You will learn about line, shading, form, volume, proportion, and composition by using a variety of materials, such as charcoal, conte crayon, gouache and watercolor. Denise Zompa, instructor. School Age Camps Pre-School Camps Ages 6 - 10 Ages 3 - 5 $150 members, $160 non-members per session. Minimum enrollment 10, maximum 16. $60 members, $70 non-members. Minimum enrollment 8, maximum 16. Wear sunscreen, bring a snack and water bottle. The Big Bridge (Construction Science for Girls and Boys) (BC) Musical Notes (MN) Monday - Friday, July 9 - 13 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 9 AM - 3 PM Tuesday, Wednesday, Thursday, July 17, 18, 19 . . . . . . . . . . . 9 - 11 AM A fascinating introduction to planning, building and testing bridges. Campers will learn about and experience different types of bridge construction with hands-on experiments using everyday supplies. Camp projects will involve measuring, building and inspection while testing strength, and structure of suspensions, beam, arches and draw bridges. Teamwork and creative thinking will be emphasized. Taught by Karen Ferreira and Jeannine Moore of the Little Compton After School Club. Dance and creative movement can be found within every child. Campers will make musical instruments of all kinds and use them in imaginative play. There will be dancing, singing, song writing and musical story times. Taught by Karen Ferreira and Carol Sylvia of the Little Compton After School Club. Geology “Rocks” (GR) Tuesday, Wednesday, Thursday, August 14, 15, 16 . . . . . . . . . 9 - 11 AM Bubble-ology (BY) Discover and create with bubbles. Campers will learn to make their own bubble mixes and create tools for bubble blowing. Activities will include bubble art, bubble games, and bubble songs. Taught by Karen Ferreira and Carol Silvia. Monday - Friday, August 20 - 24 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 9 AM - 3 PM Campers will explore the earth and its substances through handson experiments. We hope to adventure out into the surrounding areas of Little Compton to find and observe types of local rocks and the effects of water and erosion. Campers will learn to think like a scientist and understand the importance of teamwork. Activities will include exploration, experiments and games. Taught by Karen Ferreira and Jeannine Moore. Summer Camp Registration Form Child’s Name Local Address I, parent/guardian of above named child, give approval for said child to participate in LCCC activities. I assume all risks/hazards inherent in these activities and release, absolve, indemnify, and hold harmless LCCC. In case of injury, I waive all claims against organizers, sponsors, supervisors appointed by them. By signing this document, I assume all risk inherent in these activities. I hereby authorize such medical/surgical services, including administration of anesthesia as ordered by qualified physician, including emergency services of any hospital for injury/illness occurring while my child is under supervision of LCCC staff. Phone Parent Signature Date Age DOB Parent/Guardian Name Permanent Address Phone Cell # E-mail Member Non-Member (please check one) Health Insurance Provider/Policy Number Photographic permission: I do do not (check one) give my permission to have my child appear in media coverage approved by LCCC. Child’s Physician/Phone (please print) Please register for camps using the codes located in newsletter/ brochure. Circle code and price, noting total at the bottom. If applying for scholarship, please attach approved application. Prices listed are for Community Center members. Non-members please add $10 for camps in the first two rows. B-1 $90 BB $90 S $90 B-2 $90 L- $25 TA- $210 BC $150 GR $150 MN $60 BY $60 Payable to Newport Art Museum: SA $80 WA $100 MA $25 DS $25 Payable to Mardo Murralles: TKD NON-MEMBER FEES TOTAL PAYMENT AMOUNT (Please pay membership dues separately.) Important Medical Information Alternative Emergency Contacts 1. Name Phone Relationship 2. Name Phone Relationship INSTANT LOOKUP Little Compton Dump Hours: Winter (Nov. 1–Apr. 30): Mon. & Fri. 10–6, Wed. & Sat. 8–4 Summer (May 1–Oct. 31): Mon. & Fri. 1–7, Tues. & Thurs. 8–6, Sat. 8–4 NOTE: If dump is closed on a holiday it will open the next day the same hours as the day of the holiday, except when the following day is a Sunday. Frequently Called Numbers: Tax Assessor�������������������������������������������� 635-4509 L. C. Community Center�������������������������� 635-2400 Emergency ���������������������������������������������������������� 911 School Department����� 635-2351, -9593, or -9596 Lees Market������������������������������������ (508) 636-3348 Town Clerk ������������������������������������������������ 635-4400 Brownell Library�������������������������������������� 635-8562 Earle’s Service Station���������������������������� 635-8852 Building Official���� 635-8384 (Tu & Fr 7:15am-1pm) Fire Non-emergency������������������������������� 635-2323 Simmons Store ���������������������������������������� 635-2420 Town Council�������������������������������������������� 635-4529 Police Non-emergency�������������������������� 635-2311 Visiting Nurse Association�������������������� 635-2358 Treasurer���������������������������������������������������� 635-4219 A-1 Pizza���������������������������������������������������� 635-8353 Wilbur’s������������������������������������������������������ 635-2356 Senior Services Seniors Calendar Senior Information Specialist Wednesday, May 23 11 - 1:30 Free VNA Blood Pressure Screening Wednesday, May 30 11 - 11:45 Free Senior Information Specialist Wednesday, June 20 11 - 1:30 Free VNA Blood Pressure Screening Wednesday, June 27 11 - 11:45 Free Senior Citizens Club MEETINGS & BINGO Second and fourth Wednesdays. At IOOF Hall. SENIOR DINING CENTER Little Compton Social Services (635-2722) Three-course meals are available to people aged 60 and over or with disabilities. • Meals are served Monday, Wednesday and Friday at 11:30 AM, at LCCC. • Meals must be reserved at least 24 hours in advance by calling 635-2400. Monday meals must be reserved on the previous Friday by 11 AM. • A $3.00 donation is suggested but not required. Non-senior guests are required to pay $3.50. Director Susan Sisson assists persons and families in need of short-term financial assistance for fuel, rent, groceries and utilities through the Little Compton Assistance Association. The Little Compton Town Food Bank is held at St. Catherine’s Church on Friday from 9 a.m. to 10 a.m. or can be opened by calling Susan at the above number. All are welcome. SHOPPING BUS A school bus leaves St. Catherine’s parking lot at 9:30 AM for mall and grocery shopping. Return at 1:30 PM. Tuesdays, May 8 & 22, June 12 & 26 SENIOR INFORMATION SPECIALIST Senior information specialist, Xan Hakimdin, is available for one-on-one consultations to assist seniors on a variety of issues including housing, insurance, consumer concerns, social services and health care. Xan is available from 11:30 AM – 1 PM at the LCCC Senior Dining Center on the third Wednesday of every month. Appointments are recommended though not required and may be made by calling the Portsmouth Senior Center, 683-7943. Visiting Nurse Association of Southeastern MA (VNASM) (635-2358) Located at 115 East Main Road, the agency offers skilled nursing, rehabilitative therapies, hospice care, adult day health care, and home health aide services. The VNASM also provides health screenings, well child clinics, flu clinics and support groups to the community. Available 24 hours a day, seven days a week, the agency is Medicare and Medicaid certified and accredited by the Joint Commission on Accreditation of Healthcare Organizations. The VNASM maintains a charitable mission to accept patients based on need, not payment. They also accept payment from most HMO’s, private insurance and direct patient payments. Adult Day Center (632-2358) The Margaret Langdon Kelly room at the Nancy Brayton Osborn Adult Day Center provides social and recreational programs Community Volunteer Opportunities Drivers wanted to take people to doctor’s appointments and pick-up medical supplies. If you are interested in helping, call Ed Cissel at 635-2873. The Garden Clubs are looking for volunteers to help with the town-wide Earth Day Clean-up. Please sign up to clean your neighborhood. Call 635-4632. The Sogkonate Garden Club is looking for volunteers to help with monthly roadside litter collections. Call 635-8640. The Little Compton Community Center is looking for volunteers to help with the following events: The Birthday Party (May 28); The Little Compton Golf Outing (June 2); The Juried Summer Art Show (July 15 & 16 registration, July 17 & 18 hanging, July 19 – 21 docents & sales); The Sakonnet Rhythm & Blues Festival (July 28), A “Fun-Raiser” to Celebrate the 10th Anniversary of LCCC (August 25); Fall Fest (September 29). Please call 635-2400. Page 10 1 PM as well as health monitoring for the frail, elderly, disabled, people with dementia and elders unable to remain at home alone during the day. The center is part of the VNASM. For more information regarding hours, transportation, care giving, and costs please call the above phone number. See information on scholarships listed below. SCHOLARSHIPS AVAILABLE FOR ADULT DAY HEALTH CARE The Fall River Women’s union has generously awarded $1500 to provide for three $500 scholarships for adult day Care at the Nancy Brayton Osborn Adult Day Care Health Center. Any low-income elderly women who reside in Westport, Tiverton, or Little Compton may apply. To obtain an application, call Katy Cullen, Director, at 401 635-2358. Applications will be reviewed on a rolling basis. Notification of recipients will be made monthly. Meals on Wheels (351-6700) Meals are currently delivered to the Visiting Nurse Association office at 115 East Main Road for pickup by a family member or friend for delivery to a homebound elderly individual. To speak with someone about receiving meals or for additional information about this program, please call 3516700 and ask to speak to an intake specialist or visit If your organization has volunteer opportunities, please let us know. Call 635-2400. The Friends of the Brownell Library needs volunteers to help with the annual Book Sale, August 3 & 4. Opportunities include: book sorting from now until early July during Library hours; moving books to LCCC on August 33 at 1 PM (suitable for teens needing community service or adults); August 3 evening, August 4, 9:30 AM – 3:30 PM hosts & hostesses (2 hour shifts). Please call Beth at 635-8562. The Little Compton Village Improvement Society is looking for volunteers for the following events: Antiques Show & Preview Party (committee members to work with promoters and LCVIS Board); The Chicken Barbecue (setup & clean-up, food servers, snack bar, children’s activities, silent auction, attic sale, craft show, non-profit tables, man the Brownell House and reenact it’s history); a volunteer is needed to work with the board to write a history of the LCVIS and the Brownell House; cooks and servers for monthly events. High School students welcome. The Little Compton Historical Society needs volunteers for the following: docents to lead tours of Wilbor House and the Friends Meeting House; exhibit assistants to help docents and visitors; help with Family Day (July 1); summer camp assistants; collection assistance (must be interested in receiving training from professional curators and be willing to commit to one or more mornings or afternoons per week spring through fall 2007). High School and college students welcome. The United Congregational Church needs volunteers to help with the Church Fair & Road Race, Saturday, July 14. Please call Elaine or Dawn at 635-8472. Also, someone to do a calligraphy project. Call Elaine at 8472. Enjoy big screen movies in our air conditioned, upstairs theater. Kids of all ages may attend with their families. Optional child care provided for kids ages 5 to 10. Ages 11 and up may attend by themselves. Children may bring blankets and pillows, and costumes or PJs are always welcome. Arthur & the Invisibles Rated PG Friday, June 15 TBA Pizza Party 6:30 - 7 PM Movie 7 PM PREVIEW OF SUMMER EVENTS 5/26 –D emocratic Town Council Pancake and Johnnycake Breakfast (LCCC) –B lossoms and Sweets Sale for Sogkonate Garden Club (in front of Wilbur Store) 5/27 –F lag Burning Ceremony 5/28 –M emorial Day Parade & Services –L CCC Birthday Party 6/2 –L CCC Golf Outing (Sakonnet Golf Club) 6/16 –W ilbur House Museum Opens 6/30 –L ittle Compton Historical Society Preview Party (LCHS) 7/1 –L ittle Compton Historical Society Family Day (LCHS) 7/14 –C hurch Fair 7/20 –P review Party for LCCC Art Show 7/21-7/22 –L CCC Art Show 7/29 –L CCC Rhythm and Blues Festival 8/3 –P review Party for Village Improvement Society Antique Show 8/4 –V illage Improvement Society Antique Show and Chicken BBQ –F riends of the Library Book Sale –F ireworks 8/9-8/12 and 8/16-8/19 –L CC Theater: “Anything Goes” 8/25 –L CCC 10th Anniversary “Fun”-Raiser Cost: $5 members, $6 non-members: includes two slices of cheese pizza, soda or juice, popcorn and movie. Child care is an additional $2 per child. Family Pricing: $20 member families, $25 non-member families. Reservations required by 5 PM on the day of the show. Just A Movie: It is possible to attend just the movies, which begin at 6:30 PM. Children under 12 must be accompanied by a parent or caregiver to all shows unless reservations for child care have been made. $2 members, $3 non-members. Improv Theater with Diane Postoian Saturday, March 19��������������������������������������������5-7 PM Followed by dinner generously provided by the United Congregational Church. Container Gardening Saturday, June 15����������������������������������������������5-7 PM With Sogkonate Garden Club followed by dinner generously provided by the Marra Family. Movie titles are subject to change. The theater is available for private parties. Please call for details. 635-2400 Photos from Wilbur-McMahon’s production of Deader Than Dead in Deadwood: Piping Up for the Plovers © Geoff Dennis Friday, May 18 Circle of Friends Circle of Friends is a social group for teens and adults with disabilities, their families, friends and caregivers. Everyone is welcome to attend Circle of Friends’ gatherings, which include an activity and a meal. Reservations are required and donations are always welcome. Events take place at LCCC, unless otherwise noted. Call 635-2400 to register or to inquire about volunteer and sponsorship opportunities. In April, Rhode Island’s rarest shorebird returns to nest on two of Little Compton’s most popular beaches. Colored like the sand, the Piping Plover is usually first heard, its flute-like call carrying over the crashing surf. Look for Piping Plovers near the company of the larger plovers, sandpipers and turnstones as they scurry along the shoreline to feed on insects and arthropods. Few in number worldwide, Piping Plovers are a threatened species that need our help to survive. As Atlantic beaches have become increasingly popular for recreation, suitable nesting sites have dwindled and fledglings have not been produced. Goosewing and Briggs are two of only few nesting sites left in the state for this vulnerable shorebird. Protecting nesting sites on these beaches will help secure this bird’s future. Wanted: Items for Summer Exhibition The Portuguese in Little Compton The Little Compton Historical Society is seeking objects, photographs and documents related to Little Compton’s Portuguese settlers and their descendants. Items may be loaned for the summer or donated outright and may include family heirlooms or simply items of daily living from the 1800’s to the present day. Desirable items include family photographs and scrapbooks, First Communion dresses, military uniforms, other clothing, jewelry, religious objects, letters to and from the Azores, household items unique to families with Portuguese roots, nativity scenes, fishing and farming tools, musical instruments, handicrafts, etc. We will gladly accept copies of photographs and documents. Please contact Guest Curator Kristen Costa or Managing Director Marjory O’Toole at 635-4035 if you have items you would like to lend or donate. Little Compton Historical Society PO Box 577 548 West Main Road (Rt. 77) Little Compton, RI 401-635-4035 Why help this little bird? Birds, animals and plants are the foundation of a healthy ecosystem. Humans depend on this environment for clean air, water, and food. When a species becomes threatened or endangered, it is an indicator that the health of these vital ecosystems is beginning to unravel. Plovers feed on beach flies and other insects that often annoy us while sunbathing and enjoying the beach. Not only do plovers play an important role in healthy beach ecosystems, they also have aesthetic and recreational values as well. Plovers are interesting to watch as they scurry along the shoreline. Each spring we listen for their “peep-lo” song, and admire their elaborate aerial figure-eight courtship displays. Observing and photographing wildlife is an important pastime enjoyed by many people, and plovers make very interesting subjects. The Nature Conservancy and Little Compton Beach Commission work with volunteers during the busy Summer season to ensure these birds have a safe place to nest and raise their young, alongside people enjoying the beach. Volunteers play an important role in restoring the Piping Plover population. To learn more about The Nature Conservancy’s plover monitoring program, or to volunteer this summer, please join us for a slide program hosted by the Conservancy on Thursday, May 24 at 7 p.m. at the Community Center. Contact Cheryl Wiitala at The Nature Conservancy at 401-331-7110. In addition, the Conservancy will be hosting a number of various nature programs for all ages at Goosewing Beach this summer. Watch for listings in local newspapers and the Conservancy’s website: We hope you will join us! Page 11 NON PROFIT ORG. US POSTAGE PA I D Little Compton, RI 02837 Permit #45 Little Compton Community Center PO Box 926 Little Compton, RI 02837 Postal Patron
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Mark Rapoza, Vice President
Lea Angell, Secretary
Peter Washburn, Treasurer
Rhea Brooks
Tom Callahan
Bill Curtin
Roger Guillemette
Kristen Humphrey
Pat Menoche
Jen Meyer
Libby Moore
Franklin Pond
Community - Little Compton Community Center
email ASC Director Karen Ferreira at:
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the LCCC to enroll your young scholar.