Community - Little Compton Community Center
Community - Little Compton Community Center
From the Little Compton Community Center Late Summer~Early Fall 2012 In this issue: Community Connections “At last it was the time of late summer, when the house was cool and damp in the morning …There was something shining in the air, and a kind of luster on the water. The sunshine of a northern summer was coming to its lovely end.” - Sarah Orne Jewett The warm August sun is the harbinger of inevitable transition. A hectic Sakonnet summer gently transforms into a tranquil autumn. The beckoning surf is still warm as the days shorten, the pace of life slows and the comforting routines of school and home reunite family and friends.We all rejoice in the bountiful harvest and delight in the ever-changing hues of the landscape – leaves, apples, pumpkins and the eternal ocean. This Late Summer/Fall 2012 edition of Community Connections spotlights a host of community activities - Fall Fest, Cider Socials, Apple Festivals – the secrets of a delightful Sakonnet autumn. Announcing the 2013 T-Shirt Design Contest 7 Fall Fest 2012 … Sakonnet’s Best Chefs Cook For You! Fall Fest 2012 – the much-anticipated annual celebration of the Little Compton community will be held on Saturday, October 13th. Sakonnet’s best chefs will open their homes and prepare their finest meals … for you! Ask your friends and neighbors … Fall Fest dinners are the year’s best bargain! 1 Dining will be followed by delicious desserts, coffee and cocktails at Crowther’s (8 PM), accompanied by lively auctions - both live and silent. Invitations will be mailed in September … and dinner tables fill up quickly! The first day of reservations is opened to Community Center members ONLY. Be sure to renew your membership to get your first dinner choice. If you are interested in supporting the Community Center and showing off your culinary prowess, please consider hosting a Fall Fest dinner for friends and neighbors. Contact the LCCC at 635-2400 for details. Join us at Fall Fest 2012 … and we look forward to sharing a meal at your table! Calling All Ghosts and Goblins! Spooky surprises and Halloween haunts for all ages will fill the Community Center on Saturday, October 27th from 6 to 8 PM for the annual Little Compton Halloween Festival. Downstairs will feature a path of tricks and treats including games, candy and opportunities to get really messy! Upstairs will host a spookier journey with eerie music and startling Halloween characters. Wear your costume! Open to all; Free to LCCC Member families, $5 per family for non-members. A Sampler of Fall Activities October 7 October 8 October 13 October 27 Apple-Fest & Bluegrass Music (at Young Family Farm) Little Compton Historical Society’s ‘Cider Social’ (at Wilbor House) Fall Fest 2012 (various locations, dessert & coffee at Crowthers) Halloween Festival (at LCCC) It’s time to design the Community Center’s 2013 official t-shirt! For our 2013 t-shirt, we are now accepting design submissions of black and white drawings from children up to age 14. All drawings must be original work on 8 ½ by 11 paper and received by the Community Center by October 20th. Come out to our annual Halloween Festival October 27th to vote on your favorite design! The winning artist will receive free t-shirts for his/her family! Many thanks to Andrew Greenwood for our beautiful 2012 design. 1-3 4 5-6 Front Page The sunshine of summer coming to its lovely end… LCCC News & Info Senior News Community Calendar LCCC Programs & Events Calendar 14th Annual Summer Art Show LCCC News & Information 2 The 2012 Little Compton Summer Art Show, held over the weekend of July 20-22, was another resounding success for quality of art, public attendance, and sales. Several hundred people attended this annual event, raising more than $15,000 for the Little Compton Community Center. so many red ‘sold’ stickers displayed on the exhibited works. Thanks also to this year’s jurors – Richard Harrington, Ann R. Langdon and Anthony Russo - for their time and expertise. Wanda Perkowska Coderre was awarded ‘Best in Show’. Awards of Excellence were presented to: Susan Medyn (David Aldrich Award), Margaret Kennedy (Mary Elizabeth Post Award ), Marty Keating (Molly Luce Burroughs Award) and Carolyn Romney Lock, (Betty Burroughs Woodhouse Award). Honorable mentions went to: Barbara Blease, Sarah Daughn and Libby Manchester Gilpatric. Special recognition and thanks to: Steve Madden of Madden Electric for his generous donation of time and talent in designing, installing and extending the lighting fixtures used in the Art & Photography Shows; Sakonnet Vineyards for their gift of wine for the Patrons Party; and Lees Supermarket for the fruit and cheese platters. Special thanks also to the anonymous donor who so generously underwrote the Thank you to all who participated and viewed the show. It is always a thrill to see printing costs for the show. We look forward to seeing you next July at the 15th annual Little Compton Summer Art Show! It’s time to enroll in the 2012 - 2013 After School Club The After School Club is now accepting enrollment for the 2012-2013 school year. The Little Compton Community Center After School Club is a program dedicated to providing quality after school enrichment for children ages 5-12 years, during after school hours, from 2:45-6:00 PM Monday-Friday. Our goal is to provide an age-appropriate; quality enrichment program that includes supervised activities such as: Little Compton Community Center Newsletter, Late Summer/ Early Fall 2012 • Homework assistance • Arts and crafts • Hands-on science • Sports play • Linking with the community The After School Club provides structure with flexibility in a safe supervised environment that allows children to explore interests, learn new skills and spend time with peers. LCCC Corporate Members A1 Pizza Able Engineering, Inc. American Classic Real Estate Arkins Construction, Inc. Beach and Bass Studio Brousseau Landscaping, Gardening & Design Coastal Roasters Compton Clambakes Crowther’s Restaurant Dennis Talbot, Inc. Goulart’s Package Store Humphrey’s Building Supply Indesign The After School Club is licensed by DCYF and a provider of the DHS Child Care Assistance Program (CCAP). Limited Scholarships are available to those who qualify. Fees vary according to the number of days needed. You will find our affordable tuition will meet your needs. For more information, please call the LCCC After School Club at 401-635-2000; email ASC Director Karen Ferreira at: [email protected]; or stop by the LCCC to enroll your young scholar. Kaipu Design Katharine H. Leary CPA Inc. Law Offices of Richard S. Humphrey Lees Market Madden Electric Mataronas Lobster National Grid Randal Poirier Independent Financial Partners Richard L. Sisson, Lawn & Garden Sakonnet Charters Sakonnet Design Builders Sakonnet Golf Club Sakonnet Lobster Company Sayles Livingston Design Serena’s Studio Shapiro Carpentry The Stone House Threepoint Design Verizon Viti Mercedes-Benz Walker’s Roadside Stand Wordell Heating & Plumbing Young Family Farm Non-Profit Members Boy Scouts Cub Scouts The Little Compton After School Program is sponsored in part by Randal S. Poirier, ChFC, Financial Planner of Independence Financial Partners Democratic Town Committee Friends of Brownell Library Girl Scouts Little Compton Garden Club Republican Town Committee RI Foundation Sakonnet 4H Club Sakonnet Point Club Sakonnet Preservation Association Sakonnet Yacht Club Sogkonate Garden Club Up With School Arts Peter Washburn Award Caps 2012 Little Compton Golf Outing Wonderful sponsors, skilled golfers and enthusiastic volunteers combined to make the 2012 Little Compton Golf Outing at the Sakonnet Golf Club another great success, both as a community event and a cornerstone fundraiser for the Little Compton Community Center. Seventeen foursomes took part in this annual event, supported by our five major sponsors – Sakonnet Plumbing & Heating; Hinckley, Allen & Snyder; Humphrey’s Building Supply; National Grid; Viti Mercedes-Benz – twelve tee sponsors and our generous raffle donors. The Little Compton Community Center is grateful for your continued generosity and support. Special thanks to the Sakonnet Golf Club, and in particular, club pro Bill Curtin, for their hospitality and assistance in planning and coordinating this unique event. Thanks and appreciation also to Ginny Durfee, Lees Market and Young Family Farm for their contributions. Congratulations to all who participated and especially to the winning foursome of David Rubin, Deno DeThomas, Tom Madonna and Jeff Newell. The LCCC offers its gratitude to all involved as this event raises much needed funds to support the Center’s programs and activities benefiting our children, youth, seniors and families. Don’t miss out … make plans to join us next year for the 2013 Little Compton Golf Outing! Award-Winning Encore - The Little Compton Spring Photography Show Bingo! Saturday, September 15 … 5 - 7 PM Please bring a small prize. Generously sponsored by the United Congregational Church Missionary Outreach. At LCCC. Halloween Party Saturday, October 22 ... 5 - 7 PM Join us for the annual COF Halloween Party! Be sure to wear your costume and come ready to share some memories and play some games. Dinner will be generously provided by the United Congregational Church Youth Group. At LCCC. The Little Compton Spring Photography Show Winners 3 LCCC News & Information The winning trophy for this year’s tournament was presented by Sue Washburn in honor of Peter Washburn, the Community Center’s late Director, Treasurer and member of the 2011 Golf Outing winning foursome. Peter’s enthusiasm and support are now memorialized in the “Little Compton Golf Outing Peter Washburn Award” which will be presented annually to the winning foursome. Circle of Friends ‘Best in show’ was awarded to Sunflower Sunrise, by Bryan Bzdula. The ‘People’s Choice’ award (and honorable mention) was bestowed on Beth Billik for Chevrolet. Winners in the individual categories were: Travis Snow, Sally Cantin Swart, Anne Tillinghast, Serena Parente Charlebois, Cole Billik, Mackay Eyster, Lucas Nocera, Karen Raus, and Beth Billik. Several hundred enthusiastic guests flocked to the Community Center over Memorial Day weekend to take in the sights of the second annual Little Compton Spring Photography Show. Open to all photo enthusiasts, 100 creative and captivating photographs were exhibited, including a special division for budding student photographers. More than $5,000 in proceeds from the show will help underwrite the operating costs of the Community Center that serves Little Compton and surrounding towns. Pick up your camera and start capturing the beauty that surrounds us … you may be the next award winner at the 2013 Little Compton Spring Photography Show! LCCC Board Meetings August 21 (Annual Meeting), Sept. 18, Oct. 16 ... 7 PM Meetings are open to the public. You can bring these award-winning images into your home all year by purchasing the Community Center’s 2013 Calendar, featuring full color reproductions of each winning photo. Pick up your copy now at the bargain price of $15 ($10 for LCCC members) either at the Community Center office or online at: Senior News SENIOR CITIZENS CLUB 4 Meetings & Bingo First & Third Thursdays …………1 PM At IOOF Hall. Senior News & Information SENIOR RESOURCES SENIOR MEAL SITE Mondays, Wednesdays, Fridays ………11:30 AM Join us at the Community Center every Monday, Wednesday & Friday for senior lunch and socializing. Enjoy the company of your fellow community members and the many programs offered before and after the meal, including bingo, movies, tai chi and yoga. Please RSVP 24 hours in advance by calling 635-2400. A $3 donation is suggested but not required. Nonsenior guests are required to pay $3.50. Little Compton Community Center Newsletter, Late Summer/ Early Fall 2012 SENIOR SHOPPING BUS Tuesdays, August 7 & 21; Sept. 4 & 18; Oct. 2, 16 & 30 … 9:30 AM A shopping bus leaves St Catherine’s parking lot at 9:30 AM for mall and grocery shopping. Return at 1:30 PM. SENIOR INFORMATION SPECIALIST First Monday of the month………… 11 AM – 1 PM Newport County Child and Family Services senior information specialist, Leisha Hackett, is available to all Little Compton seniors for one-on-one consultations to assist and answer questions on a variety of issues including housing, insurance, consumer concerns, social services and health care. Appointments are recommended though not required and may be made by calling 848-4185. At Little Compton Community Center. Free LITTLE COMPTON SOCIAL SERVICES (635-2722) Director Susan Sisson assists persons and families in need of short-term financial assistance for fuel, rent, groceries and utilities through the Little Compton Assistance Association. New Home for the Little Compton Food Pantry - The Little Compton Food Pantry is now located at the Little Compton Wellness Center,115 East Main Road. Hours of operation are: Fridays & Saturdays, 9:00 - 10:00 AM Please call 401 592-0400 if you have questions or need directions. improvement and maintenance of health, prevention of disease and disability and compassionate end-of-life care. The VNA’s team of dedicated, highly skilled profesSouthcoast Visiting Nurse Association sionals provides skilled nursing, rehabilitais pleased to offer a variety of programs to tion therapies, medical social work, nutribenefit the health and wellness of resition and home health aides. Southcoast dents of Little Compton. For more informa- VNA’s Rhode Island office is located at tion, please contact the Director of Linden Tree Family Health center at 2444 Community Affairs at 1-800-698-6877. East Main Road, Portsmouth, RI. For more information call 1-800-698-6877 or visit Free Health Assessments and Screenings Fridays, August 10, September 14 and LITTLE COMPTON WELLNESS October 12 …….12 Noon – 4:00 PM CENTER PROGRAMS Southcoast VNA’s Community Outreach Program offers free health assessments and screenings. Activities include Speak with a Nurse, Blood Pressure Checks, Blood Sugar Checks, Medication Review and Health Education. At the Little Compton Wellness Center, 115 East Main Road. Free Adult Bereavement Support Group Wednesdays, August 22, September 26 and October 24 …… 5 – 6:30 PM The purpose of the bereavement support group is to give adults an opportunity to learn more about the grief experience and to meet others who are also grieving. The group is lead by Southcoast VNA Hospice Chaplain, Judith Anderson. For more information call 508-973-3477. Needed: Hospice Volunteers Southcoast VNA is seeking compassionate, dedicated individuals to provide companionship for patients with end-of-life illness and respite for their family caregivers. Opportunities are also available for a variety of other volunteer roles including office support, fundraising and bereavement. A minimum of 2-4 hours a week and a commitment of one year are required. Volunteers must have a valid driver’s license and be able to provide own transportation. Free, extensive Hospice training and on-going support from the Hospice staff is provided. Please contact the Volunteer Coordinator for further details and to sign up for the next Hospice training at 508-973-3219 Southcoast Visiting Nurse Association provides high-quality, comprehensive home health and hospice services, which foster Podiatry Clinic with Dr. Alan Lechan. Hours by appointment 508-679-6169 August 30, September 27, October (TBA) … 9 AM – 4 PM Chiropractic Clinic with Dr. Benjamin Robinson of Sakonnet Chiropractic Hours by appointment. 401-625-5111. Mondays 9 AM – 4 PM Adaptive Exercise Program for adults with mobility issues with Jen Meyer Monday and Fridays, 10:30-11:30 AM $5.00 per class Kripalu Yoga for the Middle Years with Karen Moore Holliday Wednesdays, 9 – 10 AM $5.00 per class Yoga Therapy with Karen Moore Holliday Wednesdays, Hours by appointment 774-644-9977 or [email protected] Massage Therapy with Jamie Lyn Santos, CLMT Tuesdays, Thursdays and Fridays. Hours by appointment, 401-473-1643 Reflexology with Linda Cornell of Sole Reflextion Wednesdays, Hours by appointment 508636-4779 or 774-263-3155 Caregivers Support Group with Jen Oser of Cornerstone Adult Day August 29, Sept. 26, Oct, 31, 2 – 3 PM. 401-592-0465. For more info, please visit the new website: Community Calendar LITTLE COMPTON COMMUNITY CENTER Fall Fest 2012 Saturday, October 13 … 4:30 – 8 PM Invitations will be mailed in September, see page 1 for more details. Little Compton Children’s Theatre Winter/ Holiday Production Rehearsals: Wednesdays Sept. 26, Oct. 3, 10, 17, 24 & 31 … 3 – 5 PM For more information, call Sally Huntington at 401-635-2400 AA Meetings Monday thru Friday........................................ 7 AM Mon, Wed, Thurs, Fri............................ .7:30 PM Saturdays...................................8 AM & 10:30 AM At St. Andrew’s by the Sea Sundays......................................................... 7 PM At LCCC AMERICAN LEGION & AUXILIARY POST #37 Meetings - Second Wednesdays..............7:00 PM At Post Home/IOOF BROWNELL LIBRARY Registration required for all programs. To register or more information, please call 635-8562 or visit our website at: Brownell Library Book Club (Sept. thru June) Second Wednesdays..................................... 6 PM Daytime Book Club (Sept. thru June) First Fridays............................................ 10:30 AM New members always welcome! Adult Knitting Mondays............................................... 1–2:00 PM Join us for knitting and socializing. No experience needed. For more info, call 635-8562 Brownell Library Children’s Programs Offered October thru May (6 week sessions) Kid’s Knitting (Grade 5 & up) Mondays…………3 – 4 PM For schedule and more details, call 635-8562. CITIZENS’ SCHOLARSHIP FOUNDATION The Citizens’ Scholarship Foundation held its annual awards night at the Little Compton Community Center in July, awarding more $52,000 in scholarships to these Little Compton students: Julian Almeida, Angela Crowther, Laura Crowther, Joseph Dellasanta, Nicholas Dellasanta, Benjamin Emond, Rachel Enwright, Patricia Fontaine, Eileen Gallagher, Patrick Gallagher, Emily Goodman, Rebecca Gould, Karyssa Holewka, Raymond Hutten-Cazpski, Hayley Lough, Colin Massa, Sarah Medeiros, Connor Morgan, Tucker Morgan, Walker Morgan, Santiago Nocera, Tomas Nocera, John O’Toole, Jeremy Peckham, Alyssa Pineau, Cara Pineau, Katherine Quigley, Benjamin Riley, Julia Sylvia, Kathryn Tirpaeck, Wendy Walcoff, Chad Wilkie, Roger Wilkie, Amy Wordell, Robert Wordell, Ryan Wordell, Hattie Young, and Sarah Young. CONCERTS AT THE POINT At Westport Point United Methodist Church, 1912 Main Road, Westport Point, MA. Muir String Quartet … Sunday, September 30 Andrius Zlabys & Friends … Sunday, October 21 All concerts start at 3 PM, open seating; doors open at 2:15 PM. Tickets $20, $10 for Students For more information, visit: or phone: 508-636-0698 DEMOCRATIC TOWN COMMITTEE Meetings - First Tuesdays.............................. 7 PM At LCCC. Informational and open to the public. For more information call: 635-2064. GREATER TIVERTON COMMUNITY CHORUS For more information, contact Music Director Beth Armstrong at [email protected] or 401-253-7987 or visit: LITTLE COMPTON EDUCATION FOUNDATION The Little Compton Education Foundation (LCEF) is an independent, non-profit 501c3 organization whose mission is to enhance the educational experiences of Little Compton public school students by fostering community support for the Wilbur McMahon School. Established in 2005, the LCEF believes offering a wide variety of educational experiences that tap into students’ interests will help enrich the high-quality public education they currently receive. For more info, visit LITTLE COMPTON FOOD BANK Fridays & Saturdays................................. 9–10 AM New Home for the Little Compton Food Pantry The Little Compton Food Pantry is now located at the LITTLE COMPTON GARDEN CLUB “September Light” Flower Show Friday, September 21 ………. 10 AM – 4 PM Expert gardeners from Marion to Little Compton will participate in “September Light,” a full scale flower show with flower arrangements, horticultural competition and Photography exhibits. The show, free to the public, will feature exhibits from members of The Garden Club of Buzzards Bay and the Little Compton Garden Club, at the Dedee Shattuck Gallery, 865 Main Road, Westport MA. Visit: for more information or call 401-635-4546. LITTLE COMPTON GRANGE #32 PATRONS OF HUSBANDRY Little Compton Grange #32 Patrons of Husbandry meets on the third Wednesday of the month at 7 PM in the IOOF Hall. Non-members are welcome.The Grange collects used eyeglasses, soda can tabs, and Campbell product labels; items can be dropped off at LCCC. Email: [email protected] Wednesday, August 15 Ice cream social at Corner Cones after a short meeting. No potluck supper. Wednesday, September 19 Installation of officers. Refreshment, no potluck supper. 5 Wednesday, October 17 Halloween program. Potluck supper at 6 PM. LITTLE COMPTON HISTORICAL SOCIETY Summer Exhibition “The History of Little Compton: A Home by the Sea” Weekends thru Columbus Day Annual Cider Social Monday, October 8 …………. Noon – 4 PM At Wilbor House, 548 West Main Road. For more information, go to: LITTLE COMPTON PREVENTION COALITION & COALITION CAFÉ The Little Compton Prevention Coalition is an organization making through education, engagement of community members and providing access to resources. For more information contact Rebecca at 401-835-5311. Meetings: Second Tuesdays........................ 10 AM At LC Town Hall. Open to the public. LITTLE COMPTON TAXPAYERS ASSOCIATION For more information, email: [email protected]. Babies & Books (6-18 months) Mondays................................................. 11:00 AM Toddler Story Time (18-36 months) Tuesdays................................................. 11:00 AM Pre-School Story Time (3-5 years) Thursdays............................................... 11:00 AM Saturday Crafts (5-10 years) Monthly, October thru March (Dates TBA) 10:30 – 11:30 AM Little Compton Wellness Center,115 East Main Road. Hours of operation are: Fridays and Saturdays, 9:00 - 10:00 a.m. Please call 401 592-0400 if you have questions or need directions. Calendar: Community Programs & Events Halloween Festival Saturday, October 27 … 6 – 8 PM The Community Center Downstairs will feature a path of tricks and treats including games, candy and opportunities to get really messy! Upstairs will host a spookier journey with eerie music and startling Halloween characters. Wear your costume! Open to all; Free to LCCC Member families, $5 per family for non-members. After School Story Hour (Grades 1-4) Mondays … 3-4 PM (Dates TBA) Community Calendar Calendar: Community Programs & Events 6 LITTLE COMPTON VOLUNTEER FIRE DEPARTMENT Meetings First Wednesdays......................................... .7 PM At Public Safety Complex. For more information, call Jack Crook at 635-0003. THE NATURE CONSERVANCY Visit: for a full listing of The Nature Conservancy’s programs. REPUBLICAN TOWN COMMITTEE Meetings First Mondays................................................ 7 PM At LCCC. Informational and open to the public. For more information, call Patrice Hagan at 635-8306, email: [email protected] SAKONNET PEACE ALLIANCE Vigil for Peace Sundays.............................. 9:30 AM On Pike’s Peak. SAKONNET PRESERVATION ASSOCIATION Dundery Brook Trail Walk Friday, August 31…………………11 AM Sakonnet Preservation Association and The Nature Conservancy of Rhode Island are co-sponsoring a walk on the newly completed Dundery Brook Trail adjacent to the town tennis courts. TNC’s Scott Comings, ornithologist and naturalist, and SPA’s president, Abigail Brooks will lead the walk as part of RI Land Trust Days, sponsored by the RI Land Trust Council-- the statewide coalition of land trusts. For information or to volunteer, go to: or call 635-8800. SOCIAL REBEKAH LODGE NO. 11, I.O.O.F Meetings Third Wednesdays.................................... 9:30 AM Meets upstairs at IOOF Hall. For more information, write to: PO Box 194, LC, RI 02837. SOGKONATE GARDEN CLUB For more info, call: 635-8640, email: [email protected], or visit: International Coastal Clean-Up Day Saturday, Sept. 15 … 9 AM The program is sponsored by the Audubon Society in recognition of International Coastal Cleanup Day. We would welcome volunteers from the community. Headquarters are at South Shore Beach. Estate Gardeners of Newport Wednesday, October 3 … 6:30 PM (Meeting), 7:30 PM (Program) Our speaker, Harry Eudenbach, of Newport is a gardener and author of Estate Gardeners of Newport: a Horticultural Legacy. Through a slide presentation, Harry will describe life and flora behind the tall gates of Newport’s estates. We will learn about the lives and works of the people who created this unique horticultural landscape. Program is open to the public. At LCCC. Roadside Litter Collection Thursday, August 9 … 9 AM Peckham Road. Meet at Peckham’s Greenhouse Parking area. Thursday, Oct. 11 … 9 AM Long Highway, north of Simmons Pond and Tompkins Lane. Meet at Simmons Pond Management Area parking lot. UP WITH SCHOOL ARTS Up with School Arts is a non-profit organization, based in Little Compton, serving Newport County and nearby Massachusetts. We support music and arts programs in public schools throughout the area. Volunteers are needed to help promote awareness of these programs and assist in program planning. Summer String Orchestra Camp August 7th thru 9th ………. 9 AM to 12 Noon Orchestra Camp for violin, viola, and string base students with one year of experience. It will be held at Ranger Elementary School on North Brayton Road in Tiverton, RI. Please contact Mrs. Renee Bond at: [email protected] or 401-624-3875 to register your child. Fee is $5 per day to cover the cost of snacks and beverages. For further information regarding Up With School Arts or if interested on serving on the Advisory Board, please email [email protected] or call Birdie Edwards at 401-635-8383. VILLAGE IMPROVEMENT SOCIETY At Brownell House (635-4560) YOUNG FAMILY FARM Apple-Fest & Bluegrass Music Sunday, October 7 Enjoy tasty apple goodies and Farmer Ty’s famous fries. Kiddie games, pumpkin hunt and face painting. Come out and enjoy an afternoon apple picking on the farm. At Young Family Farm, 260 West Main Road. Visit: Little Compton Community Center Newsletter, Late Summer/ Early Fall 2012 Send Us Your Community News! Please send news releases, meeting announcements, calendar updates & suggestions for publication in LCCC Community Connections to: [email protected]. Deadline for inclusion in the Holiday 2012 issue (covering November thru January 2013) is October 10th. INSTANT LOOKUP Little Compton Transfer Station Hours: Winter (November 1 – April 30): Monday & Friday 10–6, Wednesday & Saturday 8–4 Summer (May 1 – October 31): Monday & Friday 1–7, Tuesday & Thursday 8–6, Saturday 8–4 NOTE: If dump is closed on a holiday it will open the next day the same hours as the day of the holiday, except when the following day is a Sunday. Frequently Called Numbers: A-1 Pizza �������������������������������������������������������635-8353 Emergency ���������������������������������������������������������������911 The Art Cafe���������������������������������������������������635-2169 Town Clerk �����������������������������������������������������635-4400 Commons Lunch�������������������������������������������635-4388 Building Official (Tues. & Fri. 7:15am-1pm)���������635-8384 Crowther’s�������������������������������������������������������635-8367 Town Council�������������������������������������������������635-4529 Earle’s Service Station���������������������������������635-8852 Treasurer���������������������������������������������������������635-4219 L. C. Community Center�������������������������������635-2400 Tax Assessor�������������������������������������������������635-4509 Lees Market����������������������������������������� (508) 636-3348 School Department����������635-2351, 635-9593, 635-9596 Sakonnet Point Club�������������������������������������635-2582 Brownell Library�������������������������������������������635-8562 Simmons Store ���������������������������������������������635-2420 Fire Non-emergency������������������������������������635-2323 Visiting Nurse Association�������������������������635-2358 Police Non-emergency�������������������������������635-2311 Wilbur’s�����������������������������������������������������������635-2356 LCCC Programs & Events Calendar CHILDRENS PROGRAMS Family Movie Nights Movie 7 PM Enjoy big screen movies in our upstairs theater. Kids of all ages may attend with their families. Optional child care provided for kids ages 5 to 10. Ages 11 and up may attend by themselves. Children may bring blankets and pillows, and costumes or PJs are always welcome. Cost: $6 members, $8 non-members: includes two slices of cheese pizza, soda or juice, popcorn and movie. Child care is an additional $2 per child. FAMILY MOVIE NIGHTS YAC (Youth, Activities, Community) Fridays, Aug. 17th, Sept. 14th & Oct. 12th 6:30 PM (Pizza), 7 PM (Movie) Thursdays............................................. 4:30–7 PM August 17 – The Lorax MEETINGS September 14 – Beverly Hills Chihuahua 3 Thursdays...................................................... 6 PM October 12 – The Haunted Mansion Family Pricing: $25 member families, $30 nonmember families. Seventh, eighth and ninth graders meet to plan activities (movies, dances, etc) for themselves, as well as events (Penguin Plunge, etc.) for the community. Reservations required by 5 PM on the day of the show. Just A Movie: It is possible to attend just the movies which begin at 7PM. Children under 12 must be accompanied by a parent or caregiver to all shows unless reservations for child care have been made. $3 members, $5 non-members. All movies subject to change. ADULT PROGRAMS SENIOR DINING CENTER Monday, Wednesday, Friday............ 11:30 AM A delicious and nutritious lunch provided by Marra Catering. Reservations must be made 24 hours in advance. See Senior News on page 4 for more information. $3 donation suggested. STRENGTH TRAINING CLASS Thursdays ……………. 8:30 - 9:30 AM Join Personal Trainer, Jen Meyer, for invigorating, full-body workouts, featuring strength training, yoga postures and stretches - designed to help you develop a lean, fit body, increase flexibility and balance, and reduce stress. Please bring a yoga mat, towel and water. $15 per class or $120 for a 10 class card. Contact Jen Meyer (American College of Sports Medicine and Flexibility for Athletes Certified Personal Trainer and 200-hour Registered Yoga Teacher with the Yoga Alliance) at 401-533-0557 or email [email protected] for more information. SENIOR FUNCTIONAL FITNESS Tuesdays ……………. 11:00 AM - Noon Instructor Debbie Gagnon provides lowimpact, interval-aerobic movement with dance elements. The class focuses on core muscle groups and cardiovascular fitness in a safe and effective manner. $2 per class (members); $5 per class (non-members). ZUMBA! Mondays ……………. 9:00 AM Rita Andrade presents the real Latin Zumba! Exhiliration, fun exercise that everone loves! It’s more like a party than boring exercise drills … exercise has never been this good! $5 per class. TAI CHI Wednesdays ……………. 10:45 AM Tai Chi has been described as “meditation in motion. Some of the many health benefits that have been attributed to the practice of Tai Chi are: increased flexibility, balance, and strength. Hospital and university studies have documented positive changes for people with arthritis, balance problems, blood pressure issues, sleep disorders, and stress-related problems. This class offers Short Form Yang Style, Push Hands, and a Qi Gong Form. Instructor, Dr. Michael Gottfried, is a Chiropractor with practices at Sakonnet Chiropractic, Tiverton and Aquidneck Chiropractic, Middletown. Light snack provided. Everyone is welcome. DANCES Fridays - Aug. 24, Sept. 7 & 21, Oct. 5 & 19 .................................................... 6:30 PM Chaperones are always needed and much appreciated! Board of Directors Gareth Eames, President Mark Rapoza, Vice President Lea Angell, Secretary Richard Doll, Treasurer Rhea Brooks Lois Goulart Roger Guillemette Kristen Humphrey Diane MacGregor Pat Menoche Jen Meyer Galen Snow Peter Tirpaeck The Rev. Veronica Tierney Denise Wilkie Roger Wordell Advisory Board The Rev. J. Dan Burke Tom Callahan Bill Curtin Bruce Elwell Bobbi Erdman Lesly Leahy Holly Lippert Jim Marsh Sr. Ellen Martin Libby Moore Liz Peckham Franklin Pond B. G. Shanklin Henriette von Trapp William L. Theriault 7 Staff Executive Director Gina Malloy Operations Director Sally Huntington Education Director Karen Ferreira Youth Activities Director Beth Turcotte ASC Assistant Carla Woodhouse ASC Assistant Lee Campbell Office Manager Lydia Greene Head Custodian Ted Fijak Asst. Custodian Albert Duggins Asst. Custodian Rose Mercier Credits Editor: Roger Guillemette Design: Denise Wilkie ~ LC Design Volunteers:Pat Menoche, Pat Pond, Doug Berge, Veronica Tierney Printing:Fall River Modern Printing. Co. (508) 673-9421 AGELESS GENTLE YOGA & MEDITATION Wednesdays (September 19 thru October 31) 9:30 - 10:45 AM (Wednesdays August 8 & 15 at Rivers of Light Studio, Tiverton Four Corners, call for info). Yoga is for every body. Benefits for body, mind and spirit are available in a nurturing environment with calming music. This seated and standing practice incorporates props, walls and chairs. Class is for beginners and those who have practiced. Release physical and mental stressors, increase self-esteem, manage weight issues, while increasing strength/flexibility, depth of breath and focus. Sequences match needs and abilities. Begin at any time. Sessions are ongoing. 7 week session $112; Single classes $17 each. Contact Caryl Sickul for private sessions, Vinyasa Flow Yoga classes, or gift certificates at 401-816-0024 or visit: HOMEWORK HELP (7th grade & up) LCCC Programs & Events Calendar Pizza Party 6:30 - 7 PM TEEN PROGRAMS The Carter Challenge Achieves Its Goal …Thank You! We are delighted to announce that the Carter Challenge to support the Pat Pond Initiative for the Little Compton Community Center – a special appeal created by John and Letitia Carter to match the first $25,000 in contributions dollar-for-dollar from the Carter Family Charitable Trust – has achieved its goal! Forty individuals and families contributed $25,000 to the Little Compton Community Center that has been matched by the Carter Family Charitable Trust. HONOR ROLL – CARTER FAMILY CHARITABLE TRUST CHALLENGE 2012 Peter & Widgie Aldrich Jack & Lea Angell Robert & Susan Bergstrand Bob & Rhea Brooks Helena Brousseau Lisa Carter Samuel & Eszter Chase Nicholas & Dedie Coch Don & Patty Conaway Gib & Diane Conover Richard & Susan Doll Gareth & Nancy Eames Barbara Fargo Noel & Phyllis Field, Jr. Arthur & Carol Gregory III Elinor Hough Bill & Susan Hutson Deborah Ladd Donald & Sarah Libbey Rob & Mary Marra James Marsh & Gioia Browne Myron & Phoebe Simmons Eileen McDermott Stanley Sorrentino Donald Medeiros & Ellen Peoples Henry & Jean Stone Phoebe Meehan Lewis & Hope Taylor Theodora O’Hara Sidney Tynan Dee Osborn David & Louise Wechsler Anne Ott Helen West Michael & Victoria Paine John Whitehead Gordon & Jane Parker, Jr. Deborah Wiley Pat Pond William & Sonja Yates Late Summer ~ Early Fall 2012 Postal Patron NON PROFIT ORG. US POSTAGE PA I D Little Compton, RI 02837 Permit #45 Little Compton Community Center PO Box 926 Little Compton, RI 02837
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