notice - City of Compton
notice - City of Compton
NOTICE Members of the public may address the City Council on any item shown on the agenda or matter of the Council’s authority after completion of “Request to Address the Council Form” available in the lobby of the Council Chambers or in the City Clerk’s office. This form must be completed 15 minutes prior to the scheduled meeting time. COMPTON CITY COUNCIL AGENDA Tuesday, April 08, 2008 3:00 PM HEARING(S) OPENING ROLL CALL APPROVAL OF MINUTES 1. March 11, 2008 March 18, 2008 INTRODUCTION OF SPECIAL GUESTS COMMENDATORY RESOLUTIONS/PRESENTATIONS 2. PRESENTATION: DENIM DAY IN LA 2008 (Sexual Violence Prevention and Education Campaign) April 23, 2008 3. PRESENTATION: APRIL SEXUAL ASSAULT AWARENESS MONTH - (April 2008) 4. PRESENTATION: RESOLUTION IN SUPPORT OF PARK WATER COMPANY'S PROPOSAL TO FIRST 5 LA 5. PRESENTATION: OPPOSING PROPOSITION 98 CONSENT AGENDA -2- City Council Agenda Tuesday, April 08, 2008 Consent items are routine and expected to be non-controversial. They will be acted upon by the Council at one time without discussion unless a Council Member requests an item be removed or discussed REPORTS OF OFFICERS AND COMMISSIONS CITY MANAGER/CITY ATTORNEY REPORTS 6. REQUEST FOR STREET BLOCKADE - OUR LADY OF VICTORY CHURCH - SPRING CARNIVAL (April 10-13, 2008 from 6:00 p.m. to 11:30 p.m.) COMMUNITY REDEVELOPMENT 7. A RESOLUTION OF THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF COMPTON AMENDING THE CITY’S 2007-2008 FISCAL YEAR BUDGET AND APPROPRIATING ADDITIONAL FUNDS TO EXPAND THE FIRST TIME HOMEBUYERS PROGRAM PUBLIC WORKS-ENGINEERING 8. A RESOLUTION OF THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF COMPTON AUTHORIZING THE CITY MANAGER TO ENTER INTO AN IMPLEMENTATION AGREEMENT WITH GATEWAY CITIES COUNCIL OF GOVERNMENTS REGARDING AN ENVIRONMENTAL IMPACT REPORT (EIR)/ENVIRONMENTAL IMPACT STATEMENT (EIS) FOR THE INTERSTATE 710(I-710) CORRIDOR 9. A RESOLUTION OF THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF COMPTON AUTORIZING THE CITY MANAGER TO ENTER A CONTRACT WITH MUNIFINANCIAL FOR ASSISTANCE WITH THE RENEWAL PROCESS FOR THE CITY OF COMPTON’S LANDSCAPING AND LIGHTING DISTRICT AND SEWER SERVICE CHARGE 10. A RESOLUTION OF THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF COMPTON APPROPRIATING STATE FUNDS SR2SL -5078 FOR THE SAFE ROUTES TO SCHOOLS PROJECT AND ACCEPTING THE DESIGN PROPOSAL OF APA ENGINEERING CIP#06-11 RECREATION DEPARTMENT 11. A RESOLUTION OF THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF COMPTON APPROVING THE APPLICATION FOR GRANT -3- City Council Agenda Tuesday, April 08, 2008 FUNDS FROM THE LOS ANGELES COUNTY REGIONAL PARK AND OPEN SPACE DISTRICT PER PARCEL DISCRETIONARY GRANT PROGRAM FOR THE “LUEDERS PARK WILLIAM LOVE POOL IMPROVEMENT PROJECT” WATER DEPARTMENT 12. A RESOLUTION OF THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF COMPTON AMENDING THE WATER DEPARTMENT'S FISCAL YEAR 2007-2008 BUDGET AND AUTHORIZING A CHANGE ORDER TO WILLDAN FOR THE CONSTRUCTION OF AQUIFIER STORAGE & RECOVERY WELL AND INSTALLATION OF A 12" WATER LINE FOR THE CONJUNCTIVE USE DRY YEAR STORAGE PROGRAM END CONSENT AGENDA REPORTS OF OFFICERS, BOARDS, COMMISSIONS AND COMMITTEES CITY MANAGER'S REPORT 13. REQUEST FOR A WORKSHOP-BRAND STRATA PUBLIC RELATIONS AND MARKETING SERVICES - April 10, 2008 at 5:00 p.m. 14. REQUEST TO SCHEDULE A WORKSHOP FOR COUNCIL TO REVIEW FUNDING RECOMMENDATIONS FOR THE CITY’S 2008-2009 CDBG PROGRAM - April 15, 2008 at 6:00 p.m. CITY ATTORNEY'S REPORTS CLOSED SESSION 15. CONFERENCE WITH LEGAL COUNSEL-EXISTING LITIGATION Tony Boutte v. City of Compton, Case No. LASC No. TC 021051 Pursuant to California Government Code Section 54956.9 CITY TREASURER'S REPORTS UNFINISHED BUSINESS -4- City Council Agenda Tuesday, April 08, 2008 NEW BUSINESS 16. A RESOLUTION OF THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF COMPTON AUTHORIZING THE CITY TO ENTER INTO A MEMORANDUM OF UNDERSTANDING BETWEEN THE CITY AND THE NATIONAL INSTITUTION OF COMMUNITY ENLIGHTENMENT (N.I.C.E.) APPROVAL OF WARRANTS AUDIENCE COMMENTS COUNCIL COMMENTS ADJOURNMENT NEXT REGULAR MEETING: Tuesday, April 15, 2008 @ 7:00 PM. Visit our website at # 1. MARCH 11, 2008 The Compton City Council meeting was called to order at 3:28 p.m., in the Council Chambers of City Hall by Mayor Eric Perrodin. The Pledge of Allegiance was led by Mayor Perrodin. Roll Call Council Members Present: Calhoun, Dobson, Arceneaux, Perrodin Council Members Absent: Hall Other Officials Present: C. Cornwell, A. Godwin, C. Evans APPROVAL OF MINUTES There were no minutes to be approved. WAIVE THE ORDER OF THE AGENDA On motion by Arceneaux, seconded by Dobson, to waive the order of the agenda, by the following vote on roll call: AYES: Council Members - Calhoun, Dobson, Arceneaux, Perrodin NOES: Council Members - None ABSENT: Council Members - Hall PUBLIC HEARING - PROPOSED ISSUANCE OF BONDS On motion by Dobson, seconded by Arceneaux, the hearing was opened at 3:29 p.m., by the following vote on roll call: AYES: Council Members - Calhoun, Dobson, Arceneaux, Perrodin NOES: Council Members - None ABSENT: Council Members - Hall Eugene Clark -Herrera, Associate Attorney of the Law Offices of Orick, Herrington & Sucliff, Inc., explained to the citizens and City Council that municipal bonds represented long-term borrowing for the city to construct new buildings and make other capital improvements, as well as providing a means for raising large sums of capital to finance projects. Mr. Clark-Herrera indicated that the loan would be paid back through the city’s general fund, by virtue of the city making lease payments to itself. David Hewitt, representative of the city, announced that the city is proposing the following projects: Proposed Projects - 11.2 million dollars to design, construct and equip a two-story 30,000 square foot senior citizen center. 8.7 million dollars to build a Martin Luther King, Jr. Transit Center parking structure. Approximately, 3 million dollars to complete various facility improvements and purchase equipment for multiple parks. 5.2 million dollars to rehabilitate Compton City Hall. 2 million dollars to install surveillance cameras located throughout the City of Compton. Additionally, the city expects to refund its 1997 Certificate of Participation (COP) Series. Councilperson Calhoun questioned if grants would be available to supplement these projects. Mr. Hewitt stated that he did not have that information at this time. # 1. Financing Overview - 45.1 million dollars of net proceeds to finance multiple projects and refund 1997 COP. Debt Services Reserve Fund – Cash funded 25 year term Tax Exempt Fixed Rate Sold on a negotiated basis underwriter by Grisby & Associates. Security Overview - - - Bonds will be secured by a lease agreement. Pledged Assets, City Hall and four fire stations Debt Service Reserve Fund, equal to the lesser of: (1)10% of the principal amount (2) Maximum annual lease payment, or (3) 125% of the average annual lease payment. Structured as fixed rate bonds with a level debt service of approximately 2.3 million dollars from 2009 to 2014 (Matching the debt service of the Series 1997 COPs) and then a one-time bump in 2015 to level debt service of approximately 3.8 million dollars through 2032. Interest payments are due on 3/01/08 and 9/01/08; principal is due on 9/01/08 First principal and interest payment date is 9/01/08. Sources and Uses Sources Principal Amount of Bonds Transfer from Prior Issue Total Sources $45,750,000.00 2,741,863.00 $48,491,863.00 Uses Deposit to Project Fund Deposit to Current Refunding Fund Deposit to Reserve Fund Cost of Issuance Total Uses $27,900,919.00 15,111,811.00 3,819,850.00 1,659,283.00 $48,491,863.00 Darryl Street, representative of Feldman, Rollap & Associates, stated that the only debt to the city is the existing COP Debt Service of 14.7 million dollars, which will be included in the new series of bonds. Mayor Perrodin questioned what the bonds were used for, issued in 1997. City Treasurer Sanders stated that the funds were used to purchase computers for the Police Department at that time, in addition to updating the computers in City Hall and the purchase of other expenditures. Mayor Perrodin inquired about the amount of the bonds. Jerry Liang, representative of Grisby & Associates, indicated that 27 million dollars was initially issued and used to refund the 1989 bonds, of which a small portion was used for computers. Mayor Perrodin requested additional information concerning the use of the 1997 bonds. # 1. Security Features - City covenants to maintain insurance on the project as follows: 1) Comprehensive General Liability Insurance 2) Casualty Insurance 3) Rental Interruption Insurance - Reserve Fund will be maintained based on Reserve Requirements for the term of the bonds. Mayor Perrodin asked if there was an interest rate price ceiling contained in the documents. Mr. Clark-Herrera indicated that there were restrictions on the cost of the debt, in its totality, therefore, the true interest cost of the entire debt does not exceed 6.5%. Mayor Perrodin requested the percentage rate at which, the city is paying on its existing bonds. Mr. Street stated that the percentage rate is currently 5.5%. Councilperson Dobson questioned if there was a grace period, before late charges were accrued. Mr. Clark-Herrera explained that there was a 60 day grace period for monthly lease payments, however as it relates to the six month interest payment, the city’s reserve fund would be drawn upon by the Bond Trustee Bank, after which the city would be required to replenish those funds. Mr. Street added that there was no grace period on paying off the debt. Mayor Perrodin requested the city’s rating at the time of the 1997 bond issuance. Mr. Liang stated that the city had a rating of BBB. Mayor Perrodin requested the significance of bond ratings. Mr. Liang stated that the higher a city’s ratings are, the better their chances are, of obtaining a lower interest rate and more funds raised to construct new project. Mr. Liang noted that insurance premiums would be lower as well. Mayor Perrodin requested the number of insurance companies in the industry. Mr. Street commented that there were two clean AAA firms in the industry not affected by the subprime mortgage crisis, FSA and Assured Guaranteed. Mr. Street stated that FSA decided that they were not going to be involved in this transaction, however Assured Guaranteed is reviewing the documents and expected to respond by the end of this week. Mayor Perrodin questioned if the city was getting a better deal, based on the city’s BBB rating of 5.5% and the city’s current rating of –A-A-A including inflation. Mr. Street stated that today’s market is different than the market in 1997, although there is a significant difference in the bond interest rate from BBB to –A-A-A in the class of municipal bonds. Councilperson Arceneaux asked if the 6.5% interest rate was based on the rating system or the market. Mr. Street explained that 6.5% is the highest the interest rates may increase, which is a combination of the market and rating system. Mr. Liang also stated that the total interest cost is currently 5.6%, including bond cost and principal payments at a BBB rating. Councilperson Dobson asked if the annual premium cost was included in the bond issuance. Mr. Street stated that there is a one-time fee, due at closing, from bond proceeds for the life of the bonds. # 1. Mayor Perrodin questioned if the fee was a flat fee or a percentage of the bond. Mr. Street cited that the fee is calculated by base points to a fixed dollar amount, which is a percentage of the total debt service over the life of the bonds. Mr. Street noted that staff would conduct an analysis to ensure it makes sense for the city to purchase that particular bond insurance. Mr. Clark-Herrera stated that his office ensures that the transaction is in compliance with federal tax rules, of which the city is not permitted, unless the savings are demonstrated. Mayor Perrodin inquired as to whether citizens could purchase the bonds. Mr. Liang replied affirmatively, noting that retail investors could purchase the bonds as well. Mayor Perrodin requested that the information be brought back for prospective citizen interest. Mr. Liang stated that the bonds cost $1,000.00 per bond with a five bond minimum. Councilperson Calhoun questioned if members of council could purchase the bonds. Mr. Herrera replied affirmatively. Craig Cornwell, Chief Deputy City Attorney, affirmed that bond purchases are open to the public, therefore council has access to them. Mr. Cornwell indicated that the resolution requires that council make a finding. Anita Aviles, Deputy City Attorney, stated that the proposed bond issuance is being done, pursuant to the authority of and requirements of the Government Code Section 6584 Act. According to the sub-section in the code, before the proposed bond issuance may be authorized, the City Council must make a finding of significant public benefit for each of the capital improvements, outlined previously. Subsequently, staff identified the projects and the requirements of the government code section have been met. AUDIENCE COMMENTS ON THE HEARING Lorraine Cervantes requested the definition of COP. Mr. Clark-Herrera stated that COP means, certificate of participation, which is the city’s bond financing on the debt incurred in 1997. Mr. Clark-Herrera stated that the 26 million dollar bond of 1997 had been paid down to 14.7 million dollars, which will now be paid off through the proposed bond financing. On motion by Dobson, seconded by Arceneaux, the hearing was closed at 4:47 p.m., by the following vote on roll call: AYES: Council Members - Calhoun, Dobson, Arceneaux, Perrodin NOES: Council Members - None ABSENT: Council Members - Hall Mayor Perrodin commended city staff and bond financing staff on their presentation and improving the city’s rating. CONSENT AGENDA On motion by Arceneaux, seconded by Dobson, the Consent Agenda was approved, by the following vote on roll call: AYES: Council Members - Calhoun, Dobson, Arceneaux, Perrodin NOES: Council Members - None ABSENT: Council Members - Hall # 1. REPORTS OF OFFICERS AND COMMISSIONS Personnel Board Minutes August 16, 2007, September 20, 2007 October 18, 2007, November 15, 2007 December 20, 2007 Received and Filed. CITY MANAGER/CITY ATTORNEY REPORTS Request to Utilize Senior Buses for Transportation on April 19, 2008 Approved. Financial Report Month Ending January 31, 2008 Received and Filed. RESOLUTIONS There were no Resolutions. CITY MANAGER'S REPORTS There were no City Manager’s Reports. CITY ATTORNEY'S REPORTS There were no City Attorney’s Reports. UNFINISHED BUSINESS There was no Unfinished Business. NEW BUSINESS On motion by Arceneaux, seconded by Dobson, Resolution # 22,536 entitled “A RESOLUTION OF THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF COMPTON AUTHORIZING THE ISSUANCE AND SALE OF NOT TO EXCEED $55,000.00 AGGREGATE PRINCIPAL AMOUNT OF LEASE REVENUE BONDS; AUTHORIZING THE FORMS OF AND DIRECTING THE EXECUTION AND DELIVERY OF A TRUST AGREEMENT, A FACILITY LEASE, A MASTER SITE LEASE, AN ESCROW AGREEMENT AND A BOND PURCHASE AGREEMENT; APPROVING FORM OF AND DISTRIBUTION OF AN OFFICIAL STATEMENT FOR SAID BONDS; AND AUTHORIZING TAKING OF NECESSARY ACTIONS AND EXECUTION OF NECESSARY DOCUMENTS AND CERTIFICATES IN CONNECTION THEREWITH” was adopted by the following vote on roll call: AUTHORIZING THE ISSUANCE AND SALE OF NOT TO EXCEED $55,000.00 AGGREGATE PRINCIPAL AMOUNT OF LEASE REVENUE BONDS; AUTHORIZING THE FORMS OF AND DIRECTING THE EXECUTION AND DELIVERY OF A TRUST AGREEMENT, A FACILITY LEASE, A MASTER SITE LEASE, AN ESCROW AGREEMENT AND A BOND PURCHASE AGREEMENT; APPROVING FORM OF AND DISTRIBUTION OF AN OFFICIAL STATEMENT FOR SAID BONDS; AND AUTHORIZING TAKING OF NECESSARY ACTIONS AND EXECUTION OF NECESSARY DOCUMENTS AND CERTIFICATES IN CONNECTION THEREWITH AYES: Council Members - Calhoun, Dobson, Arceneaux, Perrodin NOES: Council Members - None ABSENT: Council Members - Hall *Councilperson Calhoun out at 4:50 p.m. APPROVAL OF WARRANTS Warrant # 160298 Description Pacific Coast Waste & Recycling Company (Integrated Waste Management Services for February 2008) Amount $552,508.19 # 1. On motion by Arceneaux, seconded by Dobson, warrant number 160298 was approved by the following vote on roll call: AYES: Council Members - Dobson, Arceneaux, Perrodin NOES: Council Members - None ABSENT: Council Members - Calhoun, Hall Warrant # 160220 Description Amount Corporate Business Interiors, Inc. (Interior $26,617.50 Furniture for the Gateway Towne Center Sheriff’s Sub-Station) Councilperson Arceneaux requested detailed information concerning what was actually purchased for the Sheriff’s Sub-Station. Captain Ryan stated that the following items were purchased for the Sheriff’s SubStation: equipment, desks, chairs, furniture, computers, phones and a copy machine. On motion by Arceneaux, seconded by Dobson, warrant number 160220 was approved by the following vote on roll call: AYES: Council Members - Dobson, Arceneaux, Perrodin NOES: Council Members - None ABSENT: Council Members - Calhoun, Hall *Councilperson Calhoun in at 4:52 p.m. Patrick Cash, 4th Grade Teacher at Dickinson Elementary School announced that the Long Beach Towne Center Barnes & Nobles bookstore would be hosting a book fair for Compton students on Thursday March 20, 2008 through Sunday, March 23, 2008. Mr. Cash encouraged Compton citizens to participate in this worthwhile event. AUDIENCE COMMENTS COUNCIL COMMENTS Councilperson Arceneaux requested an update on the safety of the city’s water supply. Kambiz Shoghi, representative of the Water Department, clarified that the findings aired on the news recently, were from the year 2006, which means that the chemical compounds have probably been in the water supply since 1950. Mr. Shoghi stated that the amounts of chemicals sustained in the water are significantly low, therefore in order to get sick, a person would have to ingest enough water to fill 120 Olympic swimming pools. Mr. Shoghi further stated that the city only purchases ten percent of its water from the Metropolitan Water District, which is then mixed with the city’s well water. Thus, that lowers the city’s concentration of chemical compounds. Mayor Perrodin requested the cost to restructure the city’s water infrastructure. Mr. Shoghi stated that it would cost the city $270 million dollars to replace the city’s water infrastructure. Councilperson Dobson announced that the El Camino College Small Business Development Center would be hosting a “Business Plan Seminar” at Careerlink on Tuesday, March 18, 2008 from 6 p.m. to 9 p.m. For more information, please call (310) 973-3177. Councilperson Dobson stated that a “Food Stamp Presentation” would be conducted on Thursday, March 27, 2008 at Careerlink beginning at 2 p.m. # 1. Councilperson Dobson also announced that the following streets would be closed to traffic for construction; (Monday, March 17, 2008, Elm Street at Willowbrook Avenue), (Tuesday, March 18, 2008 Myrrh Street at Willowbrook Avenue), (Wednesday, March 19, 2008 Alondra Boulevard at Willowbrook Avenue), (Saturday, March 22, 2008, Greenleaf Boulevard at Willowbrook Avenue) and (Sunday, March 23, 2008, Compton Boulevard at Willowbrook Avenue). For more information, please contact the Department of Public Works at (310) 605-5696. Councilperson Calhoun announced that the Beautification Committee would be observing the 1st District from March 1, 2008 through April 30, 2008 to determine the most outstanding and the most improved properties. Winners will be announced at the City Council meeting scheduled for May 27, 2008. All winners will be featured in the local newspaper and on the city's cable access channel. Councilperson Calhoun informed the residents and business owners near Tamarind Avenue that they would be experiencing high volumes of noise, due to the demolition of the old Compton Unified School District buildings. For more information, please call (626) 839-9300. Councilperson Calhoun commented that she attended a meeting with the Concerned Citizens of 127th Street, 127th Place, Dalehart Street and Kennashaw Street concerning developers Francis Arnold and Jorge Valencia and the manner in which they maintain their existing properties. Ms. Calhoun stated that their existing properties are full of weeds, wild grass and bushes, non-operational cars and three dilapidated homes. Subsequently, the residents in that area do not want them to construct another development in their community and ignore it in the same way they do their existing properties. Councilperson Calhoun questioned if a nominal fee could be attached to the fees, developers pay to use the city’s water and sewer services. City Manager Evans stated that staff is currently overseeing recommendations on fee structures and an increase in connection fees. Mr. Evans stated that he would bring back a sewer and water main analysis in April 2008. Mayor Perrodin requested that the meeting be adjourned in memory of Mildred Johnson-Brown and Cleo Bluit. Mayor Perrodin requested that additional signage be implemented a mile away from the construction along Willowbrook Avenue in each direction. Mayor Perrodin expressed a concern for a personnel issue and mandated that all department heads be versed in the rules and regulations of hiring protocol and approving temporary appointments. Mayor Perrodin announced that the “Mayor’s and Pastors Breakfast” would be held on Saturday, March 15, 2008 from 8 a.m. to 10 a.m. at the Crystal Park Casino. For more information, please RSVP the event at (310) 605-5597. Mayor Perrodin informed the Compton community that a “Memorial Scholarship Golf Tournament” would be held in memory of Dr. James O. Forge on May 16, 2008 at the Rio Honda Golf Course in the City of Downey. For more information, call (562) 633-6721. Welcome to the Birthing of a New Compton. # 1. On motion by Arceneaux, seconded by Dobson, the meeting was adjourned in memory of Mildred Johnson Brown and Cleo Bluit at 5:51 p.m., by the following vote on roll call: AYES: Council Members - Calhoun, Dobson, Arceneaux, Perrodin NOES: Council Members - None ABSENT: Council Members - Hall _____________________________ Clerk of the City of Compton _________________________________ Mayor of the City of Compton # 1. MARCH 18, 2008 The Compton City Council meeting was called to order at 7:26 p.m., in the Council Chambers of City Hall by Mayor Eric Perrodin. Roll Call Council Members Present: Calhoun, Dobson, Arceneaux, Hall, Perrodin Council Members Absent: None Other Officials Present: C. Cornwell, A. Godwin, C. Evans APPROVAL OF MINUTES There were no minutes to be approved. CONSENT AGENDA On motion by Arceneaux, seconded by Dobson, the Consent Agenda was approved, by the following vote on roll call: AYES: Council Members - Calhoun, Dobson, Arceneaux, Hall, Perrodin NOES: Council Members - None ABSENT: Council Members - None CITY MANAGER/CITY ATTORNEY REPORTS Weekly Graffiti Report Urban Graffiti Enterprises February 18, 2008 Received and Filed. Request to Schedule a Street Blockade - Our Lady of Victory Church, March 21, 2008 from 1 p.m. to 3 p.m. Approved. RESOLUTIONS AUTHORIZING A PURCHASE ORDER WITH THE CITY OF DOWNEY FOR FIRE AND EMERGENCY MEDICAL DISPATCHING Resolution # 22,537 APPROVING A SALARY ADJUSTMENT FOR THE CLASSIFICATIONS OF INFORMATION SYSTEMS MANAGER AND INFORMATION SYSTEMS ENGINEER/ ADMINISTRATOR Resolution # 22,538 AUTHORIZING AN AGREEMENT WITH COMPREHENSIVE HOUSING SERVICES, INC. (CHS) TO PROVIDE HUD-MANDATED ANNUAL ACTION PLAN DEVELOPMENT, IMPLEMENTATION AND EVALUATION RELATED SERVICES Resolution # 22,539 # 1. AUTHORIZING THE CITY MANAGER TO EXTEND THE EXISTING CONTRACT WITH CLEANSTREET FOR STREET SWEEPING SERVICES FOR SIX MONTHS Resolution # 22,540 END OF CONSENT AGENDA CITY MANAGER'S REPORTS There were no City Manager’s Reports. CITY ATTORNEY'S REPORTS CLOSED SESSION Conference with Legal Counsel Anticipated Litigation, One Potential Case, Pursuant to California Government Code Section 54956.9(b) Withdrawn. CITY TREASURER’S REPORTS Investment Report City of Compton and Redevelopment Agency Financial Report as of January 31, 2008 Mayor Perrodin requested the balance of funds in the Community Redevelopment Agency account. City Treasurer Sanders asserted that approximately six million dollars is currently in the agency account. On motion by Arceneaux, seconded by Calhoun, the report was received and filed by the following vote on roll call: AYES: Council Members - Calhoun, Dobson, Arceneaux, Hall, Perrodin NOES: Council Members - None ABSENT: Council Members - None UNFINISHED BUSINESS There was no Unfinished Business. NEW BUSINESS There was no New Business. APPROVAL OF WARRANTS Warrant # 160392 Description Sully Miller Contracting Company (Payment for Emergency Street and Curb Repair) Amount $29,841.75 Mayor Perrodin commented on the condition of the repaved streets in front of his home on Central Avenue and requested the completion date for competent, first-rate work. Charles Bergson, Director of the Public Works Department, stated that the work would be completed in approximately two weeks. Charles Nelson, Deputy Director of the Public Works Department, stated that the equipment began to malfunction two to three hours into the project and apologized for the situation. Mr. Nelson assured the Mayor that the project would be completed under two weeks. # 1. Mayor Perrodin inquired as to when Charles Nelson became aware of the machines not working properly. Mayor Perrodin stated that he was not satisfied with the project or the response that he received and asked Mr. Nelson if he felt the work was done proficiently. Mr. Nelson replied affirmatively, however he commented that he felt the road was rough and directed the crew to smooth it out and repave the road. Mayor Perrodin questioned if there was a supervisor present during construction. Mr. Nelson stated that street foreman; Michael Peete was present during the construction of the project. Mayor Perrodin commented that the lines were covered during the construction of the right lane, therefore the lanes were misconstrued and could have caused an accident. Mayor Perrodin further cited that after the first job was completed, the cones for construction were not removed for a week. Mayor Perrodin stated that he has no experience in street paving, but lane one was noticeable higher than lane two. Mayor Perrodin inquired as to why the city did not have a truck that quickly and efficiently filled potholes. Mr. Nelson stated that he did not have an answer to that question. Mayor Perrodin asked if anyone thought of putting the purchase of this vehicle in the budget. Mr. Nelson stated that he recently became aware of this machine. Mayor Perrodin asked if the department had employees who were certified to fill potholes. Mr. Nelson stated that he implemented a program six months ago, to certify his employees, although prior to that, no training had taken place. Mayor Perrodin questioned why no training had taken place prior to six months ago. Mr. Nelson indicated that he has been dealing with several training issues as the Deputy Director of the department. Mayor Perrodin asked if this was the first training endeavor for asphalt certification. Mr. Nelson replied affirmatively. Mayor Perrodin questioned why it has taken this long to initiate asphalt training certification. Mr. Nelson cited that there were competing issues, tasks and other certification issues taking place. Mayor Perrodin requested those other types of certification. Mr. Nelson cited waste, disposal and sewer certification. Mayor Perrodin stated that he recalls asking every department in the city, if they had all the necessary staffing, funds and equipment to perform their jobs efficiently. Subsequently, only Careerlink and the Housing Authority have stated that they did not have the necessary components to perform their jobs to the highest capacity. City Manager Evans stated a proposal for a new fleet of Street Department equipment would be brought back at the March 25, 2008 council meeting. Mr. Evans mentioned that he allowed the department to seek their own training but, unfortunately, their performance training was conducted on the city’s streets in front of the Mayor’s home. Councilperson Hall questioned if this was a staffing issue. Mr. Nelson asserted that this was not a staffing issue concerning specific projects. Councilperson Dobson requested the cost of the vehicle that fills potholes. Mr. Nelson indicated that the vehicle would cost the city $250,000.00. # 1. City Manager Evans reiterated that a proposal would be brought back for council review. Councilperson Hall asked Mr. Bergson if he had a follow-up report regarding the turning signal at Atlantic and Alondra Boulevard. Mr. Bergson stated that he reviewed the traffic signal and readjusted the timing to allow more movement for left turns. Councilperson Hall inquired as to whether the department had considered installing a temporary traffic signal. Mr. Bergson replied affirmatively, although he added that, that option would reconfigure the entire traffic structure. Councilperson Hall asked if the traffic signal would be working in three months. Mr. Bergson stated that the project should be completed by June 2008. On motion by Arceneaux, seconded by Calhoun, the above warrants were approved by the following vote on roll call: AYES: Council Members - Calhoun, Dobson, Arceneaux, Hall, Perrodin NOES: Council Members - None ABSENT: Council Members - None Mary Patterson informed the council and citizens of Compton that on Thursday, March 13, 2008, the Gateway Cities Governor’s Council voted to abolish bus line 127. Ms. Patterson stated that their council has no plans for replacement service and pleaded with the City Council to challenge this matter. AUDIENCE COMMENTS Paulette Conley stated that for the past three months she has been before the Planning Commission to debate a proposed residential development that has been approved by the Planning Commission. Ms. Conley explained that the developers for the proposed residential development currently own an existing property in the area, which is not in compliance with the city’s codes or regulations. Ms. Conley asked the council to investigate this issue as soon as possible. Ms. Conley noted that the Block Club held a meeting, in which the fire department determined the proposed residential development to be a fire hazard, due to its location. Councilperson Calhoun stated that she received pictures from Ms. Conley, regarding the current conditions of the developer’s existing residential development and gave them to the City Manager and Chief Deputy City Attorney. Ms. Calhoun mentioned that the Assistant City Manager was present during the fire department’s assessment of the new development and its location. Councilperson Hall commented that the new development should have had to pass several inspections overseen by the Building and Safety Department. Mr. Hall indicated that if due diligence was met by Public Safety standards, then the development must be in compliance with the city’s codes. Councilperson Calhoun indicated that this issue concerns the renters living in deplorable conditions at the existing residential development and the new homes being built at the new site. Councilperson Hall questioned if code enforcement had visited the existing residential property. City Manager Evans stated that code enforcement has visited the property and issued citations. Councilperson Hall requested the City Manager’s view of the property, based on the pictures he received from Councilperson Calhoun. # 1. City Manager Evans stated that he observed problematic lighting, wiring and other issues in the pictures he received. Councilperson Arceneaux requested the results of the allegations of a fire hazard. City Manager Evans stated that he was advised by the Assistant City Manager that the proposed location of the residential development, did not present a fire hazard and noted that those same issues are faced in other areas of the city. Sharon McCall stated that she lives next door to the proposed development and expressed her views on the development. Ms. McCall suggested that the city approve a police sub-station, recreation center or park for that area of the community. Betty McCall stated that she does not have any faith in the developer because of the conditions of his existing developments in the neighborhood. Councilperson Hall directed the City Manager to prepare a report of the findings concerning the existing property. Margaret Belzune stated that she also lives next door to the proposed site and expressed a concern for the real estate market and the proposed residential development being rented to people that don’t care about the neighborhood. Joyce Kelly stated that she was concerned with Union Pacific Railroad parking their railway cars in front of City Hall. Ms. Kelly also felt the Mayor’s comments toward Sheriff Lee Baca and the Sheriff’s Department were inappropriate. City Manager Evans stated that he would be addressing the railway car issue as well as other issues with Union Pacific Railroad on Thursday. Robert Ray stated that he has observed many children playing around his property unsupervised. As a result, he logged on to the Megan’s Law website and discovered that there were three sex offenders living within 100 feet of his property. Mr. Ray advised parental guardians to pay attention to their children. Councilperson Arceneaux announced that a “Compton Creek Watershed Mobile Tour” would be held on Saturday, March 22, 2008 beginning at 10 a.m. For more information, concerning this event, please call (213) 229-9948. COUNCIL COMMENTS Councilperson Arceneaux requested that the meeting be adjourned in memory of Elena Zapeda. Councilperson Hall announced the city’s annual “Easter Extravaganza” to be held on Saturday, March 22, 2008 on the Compton Par 3 Golf Course. Food and entertainment will be provided for children and adults. Councilperson Hall also announced that the Crystal Park Casino would be hosting his monthly “Business to Business Breakfast Roundtable” to be held on Thursday, March 27, 2008 beginning at 7:30 a.m. Councilperson Calhoun informed the Compton community that the Compton Adult School would be hosting their “Annual Resource Job Fair” on Thursday, March 13, 2008 from 10 a.m. to 12 p.m. Councilperson Calhoun announced that the City of Long Beach and the City of Los Angeles have both issued a fraud alert for illegal emergency housing vouchers. If anyone encounters someone selling these vouchers, they are encouraged to call the City of Long Beach at (562) 570-6388 or the City of Los Angeles at (213) 252-2500. # 1. Councilperson Calhoun also announced that the Beautification Committee would be observing the 1st District from March 1, 2008 through April 30, 2008 to determine the most outstanding and the most improved properties. Winners will be announced at the City Council meeting scheduled for May 27, 2008. All winners will be featured in the local newspaper and on the city's cable access channel. Councilperson Calhoun stated that the “First Time Homebuyers Seminar” will be held on Tuesday, March 18, 2008 and Thursday, March 20, 2008 at Careerlink from 6:30 p.m. to 8:30 p.m. Councilperson Dobson announced that the Long Beach Unity Festival would be presenting their “Unity Star Search” on Saturday, March 29, 2008 at 12 p.m. For more information, concerning this event, please call (562) 293-1750. Councilperson Dobson commended Pastor Leon for his work with the W.I.T.H. community organization. Mayor Perrodin requested that the meeting be adjourned in memory of Lynwood Jackson, former employee. Mayor Perrodin clarified that he does not have a vendetta against Sheriff Lee Baca, however he does have an issue with the lack of respect shown to him and the citizens of Compton. Mayor Perrodin stated that thanks to the efforts of Compton Municipal Law Enforcement officers, the sex offenders housed at Willow Tree Inn and other motels were removed within a week. Mayor Perrodin asked the Sheriff’s Department to handle the congested parking situation in the Starbucks and Carl’s Jr. site located at Central Avenue and the 91 Freeway. Mayor Perrodin informed the Compton community that the El Camino Community College Compton Center needs more full-time students, in order to keep the campus open. Mayor Perrodin encouraged citizens to enroll in at least one class. Mayor Perrodin announced that a “Town Hall Meeting” would be held on Saturday, April 12, 2008 to discuss the college situation. Mayor Perrodin stated that he toured the Heritage House last week and felt it was not being maintained the way it should be. Mayor Perrodin requested the number of employees in the General Services Department. Percy Brown, Deputy Director of the General Services Department, responded that there were twenty-four employees in his department with seven out with injuries. Mayor Perrodin stated that he attended a banquet at the Martin Luther King, Jr. Transit Center and noticed gum and stains on the tables and chairs. Mayor Perrodin stated that he was embarrassed when he was informed by the host, that they spent $600.00 to cover the tables. Mayor Perrodin commented that he was frustrated with the performance of the city department heads. Mayor Perrodin asked if the park pools would be open on time this summer. Sheila Fenderson, representative of Parks and Recreation, replied affirmatively, with the exception of Lueders Park, due to the age of the pool. Mayor Perrodin asked when the city would be able to pay its bills online. # 1. Dwayne Coleman, representative of the Information Systems Department, stated that his office is awaiting a response from the Bank of the West. Mayor Perrodin questioned if prospective employees could apply for jobs on the city’s website. Mr. Coleman stated that the city did not have that capability at this time, however the department is currently working on a PDF format to ensure optimal security, which should be completed in two weeks. Mayor Perrodin requested the number of residents in the city receiving Section 8 vouchers. Harriet Robinson, representative of the Housing Authority, stated that due to funding restraints and transfer vouchers there are approximately 800 people in the city using housing vouchers. Mayor Perrodin requested the city’s placement rate as it relates to Careerlink. Kimberly McKenzie, representative of Careerlink Worksource Center, stated that there is a 60% to 75% placement rate for resident’s ages 17 to 21, indicating that the program is divided into two groups. Ms. McKenzie stated that the goal for youth ages 14 to 16 is graduation and academic success. Mayor Perrodin stated that there is a lack of communication affecting the flow of business in the City of Compton and assured the department heads that he would continue to monitor and address the inadequacies and issues occurring within the city. Welcome to the Birthing of a New Compton. On motion by Calhoun, seconded by Dobson, the meeting was adjourned in memory of Elena Zepeda and Lynwood Jackson at 9:50 p.m., by the following vote on roll call: AYES: Council Members - Calhoun, Dobson, Perrodin NOES: Council Members - None ABSENT: Council Members - Arceneaux, Hall _____________________________ Clerk of the City of Compton _________________________________ Mayor of the City of Compton # 3. # 3. # 4. # 6. # 6. # 6. # 6. # 6. # 6. # 6. # 6. # 6. # 6. # 6. # 7. April 8, 2008 TO: MAYOR AND COUNCIL MEMBERS FROM: CITY MANAGER SUBJECT: A RESOLUTION OF THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF COMPTON AMENDING THE CITY’S 2007-2008 FISCAL YEAR BUDGET AND APPROPRIATING ADDITIONAL FUNDS TO EXPAND THE FIRST TIME HOMEBUYERS PROGRAM SUMMARY Authorizing the City Manager to amend the City’s 2007-2008 fiscal year budget and appropriating additional funds to expand the First Time Homebuyers Program. BACKGROUND The Community Redevelopment Agency (Agency) currently operates a First Time Homebuyers Program that provides homeownership assistance to households who have been priced out of the homeownership market. The program provides a gap financing assistance to qualified first time homebuyers in the form of a silent second (ranging from $100,000 to $150,000) towards the purchase of a home in the community. However, as a result of unexpected surge of buyer demands for subsidies under the program, current budgetary allocation under the program is not adequate to assist the volume of applicants in need of homeownership assistance. Consequently, additional budgetary appropriation is necessary to meet the subsidy needs of outstanding participants under the program. STATEMENT OF THE ISSUE The Agency is currently reviewing approximately thirty homebuyer applicants for home subsidies under the program. These applicants include ten (10) prospective homebuyers for the phase II of the (Willow Walk development Olson Project) and twenty (20) homebuyer applicants citywide. Assuming an average subsidy of $100,000 per each qualified homebuyer, the estimated subsidy for thirty buyers would equal $3,000,000.00. In absence of such subsidy assistance, the dream of homeownership for most of these moderate income families could not be fulfilled (see attached).This report is requesting City Council authorization for appropriation of additional funds towards the first time program would mitigate the affordability crisis. RECOMMENDATION That the attached Resolution be adopted. KOFI SEFA-BOAKYE DIRECTOR OF REDEVELOPMENT CHARLES EVANS CITY MANAGER # 7. # 7. RESOLUTION NO. __________ A RESOLUTION OF THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF COMPTON AMENDING THE CITY’S 2007-2008 FISCAL YEAR BUDGET AND APPROPRIATING ADDITIONAL FUNDS TO EXPAND THE FIRST TIME HOMEBUYERS PROGRAM WHEREAS, the Community Redevelopment Agency of the City of Compton (the “Agency”) is carrying out the Redevelopment Plan for the Compton Redevelopment Project Area, as merged and amended by Ordinance No. 2,114 adopted by the City Council on November 16, 2004; and WHEREAS, on July 25, 1995, Resolution No. 1,367 was adopted by the City Council to authorize the City Manager to implement the First Time Homebuyers Assistance Program in an effort to promote homeownership opportunities for the City’s low-to-moderate income households who have been priced out of the homeownership market,; and WHEREAS, the program currently provides a gap financing loans in the form of a silent seconds (ranging from $100,000 to $150,000) to qualified first time homebuyers towards purchase of a home in the community; and WHEREAS, a result of unexpected surge of homebuyer interest in the program, funds committed towards the program for the 2007-2008 fiscal year are not adequate to meet the unprecedented demands for homebuyer assistance; and WHEREAS, the Agency is requesting amendment of the City’s 2007-2008 budget to appropriate funds from Agency fund balances in the amount of $3,000,000.00 for continued implementation of the First Time Homebuyer program; and WHEREAS, the City Council desires to amend the its 2007-2008 budget to appropriate additional funds in the amount of $3,000,000.00 for continued implementation of the Agency’s First Time Homebuyer program; and WHEREAS, funds for the First Time Homebuyers Assistance Program have been identified in Account No. 12038000004291. NOW, THEREFORE, THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF COMPTON DOES HEREBY RESOLVE AS FOLLOWS: Section 1. That the City Council hereby authorizes the City Manager to amend the City’s 2007-2008 budget to appropriate additional funds in the amount of $3,000,000.00 for continued implementation of the First Time Homebuyer program; and Section 2. That the City of Compton’s 2007-2008 fiscal year budget be amended and revenues and expenditures be increased as follows: Account No. 12030000003990 12038000004291 Description Revenues Loan Programs Amount $3,000,000.00 $3,000,000.00 Section 3. That the City Manager is hereby authorized to execute all necessary documents upon the advice of the City Attorney. Section 4. That a certified copy of this resolution shall be filed in the offices of the City Manager, City Attorney, City Controller, and Community Redevelopment Agency. # 7. Resolution No. __________ Page 2 Section 5. this Resolution. That the Mayor shall sign and the City Clerk shall attest to the adoption of ADOPTED this _____ day of _______________, 2008. _________________________________________ MAYOR OF THE CITY OF COMPTON ATTEST: ________________________________________ CITY CLERK OF THE CITY OF COMPTON STATE OF CALIFORNIA COUNTY OF LOS ANGELES CITY OF COMPTON: ss I, Alita Godwin, City Clerk of the City of Compton, hereby certify that the foregoing resolution was adopted by the City Council, signed by the Mayor, and attested by the City Clerk at the regular meeting thereof held on the _____ day of _______________, 2008. That said resolution was adopted by the following vote, to wit: AYES: NOES: ABSENT: COUNCIL MEMBERS COUNCIL MEMBERS COUNCIL MEMBERS - ________________________________________ CITY CLERK OF THE CITY OF COMPTON # 7. RESOLUTION SIGN-OFF FORM DEPARTMENT: Community Redevelopement RESOLUTION TITLE: A RESOLUTION OF THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF COMPTON AMENDING THE CITY’S 2007-2008 FISCAL YEAR BUDGET AND APPROPRIATING ADDITIONAL FUNDS TO EXPAND THE FIRST TIME HOMEBUYERS PROGRAM <ManagersName> <ManagersDate> DEPARTMENT MANAGER’S SIGNATURE DATE REVIEW / APPROVAL <LegalName> <LegalDate> CITY ATTORNEY DATE <ControllerName> <ControllerDate> CITY CONTROLLER DATE <BudgetName> <BudgetDate> BUDGET OFFICER DATE <CityManager> <CityManagerDate> CITY MANAGER DATE Use when: Public Works: When contracting for Engineering Services. City Attorney: When contracting for legal services; contracts that require City Attorney’s review. Controller/Budget Officer: Amending Budget; appropriating and/or transferring funds; adding and/or deleting positions; any resolution having account numbers. Asst. City Manager/OAS: All personnel actions. # 8. April 8, 2008 TO: MAYOR AND CITY COUNCIL MEMBERS FROM: CITY MANAGER SUBJECT: A RESOLUTION OF THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF COMPTON AUTHORIZING THE CITY MANAGER TO ENTER INTO AN IMPLEMENTATION AGREEMENT WITH GATEWAY CITIES COUNCIL OF GOVERNMENTS REGARDING AN ENVIRONMENTAL IMPACT REPORT (EIR)/ENVIRONMENTAL IMPACT STATEMENT (EIS) FOR THE INTERSTATE 710 (I-710) CORRIDOR SUMMARY This resolution requests authorization for the City Manager to enter into an implementation agreement with Gateway Cities Council of Governments regarding an Environmental Impact Report (EIR)/Environmental Impact Statement (EIS) for the Interstate 710 (I-710) Corridor. BACKGROUND The mission of the Gateway Cities Council of Governments (GCCOG) includes transportation planning for the sub-region, and advocating for maximum public sector funding for city and subregional projects. GCCOG adopted improvement of the I-710 freeway as one of its transportation priorities. GCCOG partnered with Caltrans, the Los Angeles County Metropolitan Transportation Authority (LACMTA) and the Southern California Association of Governments (SCAG) to complete the Major Corridor Study for the I-710. The purpose and need for said Study enumerated traffic congestion, safety, air quality, goods movement, design deficiencies, land use constraints, cost effectiveness, environmental justice, aesthetics, noise, and adequacy of public transit as issues requiring attention and public action in any transportation improvement plan for the Corridor. The City of Compton has determined that it wishes to authorize the GCCOG to administer an Environmental Impact Report/Environmental Impact Statement (EIR/EIS) of the I-710 freeway corridors. FINANCIAL IMPACT The City of Compton’s annual participation cost is Twenty Five Thousand Dollars ($25,000.00). Staff is requesting the City Manager to issue a purchase order in the amount of $25,000.00 for Fiscal Year 2006 and 2007, to be paid from Proposition C Funds, for a total of Fifty Thousand Dollars ($50,000.00). The environmental effort is expected to last for approximately 43 months. # 8. RECOMMENDATION Staff recommends the adoption of the attached resolution. CHARLES BERGSON, P.E. CITY ENGINEER PUBLIC WORKS DIRECTOR CHARLES EVANS CITY MANAGER CE/CB/pd # 8. 1 2 3 4 5 6 RESOLUTION NO. ______________ A RESOLUTION OF THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF COMPTON AUTHORIZING THE CITY MANAGER TO ENTER INTO AN IMPLEMENTATION AGREEMENT WITH GATEWAY CITIES COUNCIL OF GOVERNMENTS REGARDING AN ENVIRONMENTAL IMPACT REPORT (EIR)/ENVIRONMENTAL IMPACT STATEMENT (EIS) FOR THE INTERSTATE 710(I-710) CORRIDOR 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 WHEREAS, the mission of the Gateway Cities Council of Governments (GCCOG) includes transportation planning for the sub-region, and advocating for maximum public sector funding for city and sub-regional projects; and WHEREAS, GCCOG adopted improvement of the I-710 freeway as one of its transportation priorities; and WHEREAS, GCCOG partnered with Caltrans, the Los Angeles County Metropolitan Transportation Authority (LACMTA) and the Southern California Association of Governments (SCAG) to complete the Major Corridor Study for the I-710; and WHEREAS, the purpose and need for said Study enumerated traffic congestion, safety, air quality, goods movement, design deficiencies, land use constraints, cost effectiveness, environmental justice, aesthetics, noise, and adequacy of public transit as issues requiring attention and public action in any transportation improvement plan for the Corridor; and WHEREAS, GCCOG served as the advocate for inclusion of impacted municipalities in the completion of the Study; and WHEREAS, GCCOG entered into a Memorandum of Understanding (MOU) with Caltrans, LACMTA and SCAG to establish a multi-jurisdictional structure to fund and govern the implementation of an Environmental Impact Report/Environmental Impact Statement (EIR/EIS) (the Project”) to study the Locally Preferred Strategy developed by the Major Corridor Study and alternative improvements to the I-710; and WHEREAS, said MOU establishes an I-710 EIR/EIS Project Committee and an I-710 Executive Committee, each of which provides for and depends upon the participation of local elected and appointed officials; and 25 26 27 28 WHEREAS, the City of Compton has determined that it wishes to authorize the GCCOG to administer an Environmental Impact Report/Environmental Impact Statement (EIR/EIS) of the I-710 freeway corridors. NOW, THEREFORE, THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF COMPTON DOES HEREBY RESOLVE AS FOLLOWS: 29 30 31 32 SECTION 1. That the City Council hereby authorizes the City Manager to execute an implementation agreement, upon advice of the City Attorney, with Gateway Cities Council of Governments to administer an Environmental Impact Report/Environmental Impact Statement EIR/EIS of the I-710 freeway corridors. # 8. 1 2 RESOLUTION NO.___________ Page 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 SECTION 2. That the City’s annual participation cost is Twenty Five Thousand Dollars ($25,000.00). SECTION 3. That the City Manager is hereby authorized to issue a purchase order in the amount of $25,000.00 for Fiscal Year 2006 and 2007, to be paid from Proposition C Funds, for a total of Fifty Thousand Dollars ($50,000.00). The City Manager is also authorized to pay future allocations to support this effort through the duration of the environmental process. SECTION 4. That the environmental effort is expected to last for approximately 43 months. SECTION 5. That a copy of this Resolution shall be filed in the office of the City Manager, City Controller, City Clerk and Public Works Street Maintenance Division. 11 12 13 SECTION 6. That the Mayor shall sign, and the City Clerk shall attest to the adoption of this resolution. ADOPTED this _____ day of __________________________ 2008. 14 15 ____________________________________ MAYOR OF THE CITY OF COMPTON 16 17 ATTEST: 18 19 20 ___________________________________ CITY CLERK OF THE CITY OF COMPTON 21 22 23 24 25 26 STATE OF CALIFORNIA COUNTY OF LOS ANGELES CITY OF COMPTON I, Alita Godwin, City Clerk of the City of Compton, hereby certify that the foregoing Resolution was adopted by the City Council of the City of Compton, signed by the Mayor, and attested by the City Clerk at a regular meeting thereof held on the _______ day of ______________________, 2008. 27 28 29 30 31 That the Resolution was adopted by the following vote, to wit: AYES: NOES: ABSENT: ABSTAIN: COUNCIL MEMBERSCOUNCIL MEMBERS COUNCIL MEMBERSCOUNCIL MEMBERS- 32 _________________________________________ CITY CLERK OF THE CITY OF COMPTON # 8. RESOLUTION SIGN-OFF FORM DEPARTMENT: Public Works-Engineering RESOLUTION TITLE: A RESOLUTION OF THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF COMPTON AUTHORIZING THE CITY MANAGER TO ENTER INTO AN IMPLEMENTATION AGREEMENT WITH GATEWAY CITIES COUNCIL OF GOVERNMENTS REGARDING AN ENVIRONMENTAL IMPACT REPORT (EIR)/ENVIRONMENTAL IMPACT STATEMENT (EIS) FOR THE INTERSTATE 710(I-710) CORRIDOR <ManagersName> <ManagersDate> DEPARTMENT MANAGER’S SIGNATURE DATE REVIEW / APPROVAL <LegalName> <LegalDate> CITY ATTORNEY DATE <ControllerName> <ControllerDate> CITY CONTROLLER DATE <BudgetName> <BudgetDate> BUDGET OFFICER DATE <CityManager> <CityManagerDate> CITY MANAGER DATE Use when: Public Works: When contracting for Engineering Services. City Attorney: When contracting for legal services; contracts that require City Attorney’s review. Controller/Budget Officer: Amending Budget; appropriating and/or transferring funds; adding and/or deleting positions; any resolution having account numbers. Asst. City Manager/OAS: All personnel actions. # 9. April 8, 2008 TO: MAYOR AND CITY COUNCIL MEMBERS FROM: CITY MANAGER SUBJECT: A RESOLUTION OF THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF COMPTON AUTORIZING THE CITY MANAGER TO ENTER A CONTRACT WITH MUNIFINANCIAL FOR ASSISTANCE WITH THE RENEWAL PROCESS FOR THE CITY OF COMPTON’S LANDSCAPING AND LIGHTING DISTRICT AND SEWER SERVICE CHARGE SUMMARY This resolution requests the authorization of the City Council of the City of Compton to enter a contract with MuniFinancial for the Lighting and Landscape and Sewer Service Charge Assessments for fiscal years 2008/2009 and 2008/2010. BACKGROUND Annually, the City is required by statute to prepare and adopt Lighting and Landscape and Sewer Service Charge Assessments. The first step for the City Council to take in levying the fiscal year assessments is to adopt a resolution accepting the renewal of the contract of a municipal finance consulting firm for the preparation of the Lighting and Landscape District and the Sewer Service Charge. The City needs the services of a qualified and experienced municipal finance consultant to prepare the necessary assessments. MuniFinancial prepared the assessment charges for the City of Compton for the 2007/2008 fiscal year, and the City is satisfied with their services. On February 2008, MuniFinancial submitted a proposal to assist the City in the renewal process for the Lighting and Landscape District and the Sewer Service Charge and the necessary assessment related services in the amount of Forty-Two Thousand Six Hundred Dollars and No Cents ($42,600.00) with a not-to-exceed expenses of Two Thousand Dollars and No Cents ($2,000.00) for such reimbursable items as postage, travel, mileage, maps, electronic data, etc. In order to save staff and administrative time, a request for a two-year contract was made. MuniFinancial’s proposal is to prepare the necessary reports and studies for Compton’s Landscaping and Lighting District and Sewer Service Charge for Fiscal Year 2008-2009, and Fiscal Year 2009-2010. STATEMENT OF THE ISSUE It is incumbent upon the City to undertake the Lighting and Landscape and Sewer Service Charge Assessments in order to raise revenue to fund services for maintenance of landscaping, lighting, traffic signals, and to pay for sewer debt service (bonds) and maintenance for the upcoming fiscal year. It is recommended to enter a contract with MuniFinancial for the Lighting and Landscape and Sewer Service Charge Assessments for fiscal years 2008/2009, and 2009/2010. FISCAL IMPACT There is no impact to the General Fund. Funds will be available in the 2008/2009 fiscal year budgets from the accounts as follows: # 9. Account No. Description Amount 25027100004262 Other Professional Services $22,300.00 51167100004262 Other Professional Services $22,300.00 $44,600.00* Total *Total includes reimbursable items not-to-exceed $ 2,000.00. RECOMMENDATION Staff recommends approval of the attached resolution. CHARLES BERGSON, P.E. PUBLIC WORKS DIRECTOR/CITY ENGINEER CHARLES EVANS CITY MANAGER CB/rj Attachments # 9. RESOLUTION NO._____________ A RESOLUTION OF THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF COMPTON AUTORIZING THE CITY MANAGER TO ENTER A CONTRACT WITH MUNIFINANCIAL FOR ASSISTANCE WITH THE RENEWAL PROCESS FOR THE CITY OF COMPTON’S LANDSCAPING AND LIGHTING DISTRICT AND SEWER SERVICE CHARGE WHEREAS, the City Council is required by Chapter 1, Article 4 of the Landscape and Lighting Act of 1972, California Streets and Highways Code §22500 et seq. to prepare the Lighting and Landscape and Sewer Service Charge Assessments, and WHEREAS, the City Council has in years prior retained the services of MuniFinancial to prepare the required assessments and Engineer’s Report due to their experience, familiarity, and responsiveness to the City’s needs, and WHEREAS, MiniFinancial warrants that it is specifically trained, experienced, competent, and has the resources to provide such services, and WHEREAS, MuniFinancial has provided the City a proposal to assist the City in the renewal process for administration of the City’s Landscaping and Lighting District and Sewer Service Charges. WHEREAS, the City can realize economic and administrative savings by securing a two year contract. NOW, THEREFORE, THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF COMPTON DOES HEREBY RESOLVE AS FOLLOWS: SECTION 1. That the Mayor and City Council hereby authorizes the City Manager to enter into a two-year contract with MuniFinancial to prepare the Lighting and Landscape and Sewer Service Charge Assessments and Engineer’s Report for the Fiscal Years of 2008-2009 and 2009-2010, at a cost of $22,300.00 for each fiscal year. SECTION 2. That the City Manager is authorized to issue a purchase order in the amount of Twenty-Two Thousand Three Hundred Dollars ($22,300.00) to MuniFinancial for contractual services relating to preparing the Fiscal Year 2008-2009 Assessments and Engineer’s Report. SECTION 3. That the total funding for the Lighting and Landscape and Sewer Service Charge Assessments and Engineer’s Report for Fiscal Years 2008-2009 and 2009-2010 shall be appropriated from the account as follows: Account No. Description Amount 25027100004262 Other Professional Services $22,300.00 51167100004262 Other Professional Services $22,300.00 $44,600.00 Total SECTION 4. That a copy of this resolution shall be filed in the offices of the City Manager, City Clerk, City Controller, and Public Works Engineering Department. SECTION 5. The Mayor shall sign and the City Clerk shall attest to the adoption of this resolution. # 9. RES. NO._______________ PAGE TWO ADOPTED this ____ day of ______, 2008. _____________________________________ MAYOR OF THE CITY OF COMPTON __________________________________________ CITY CLERK OF THE CITY OF COMPTON STATE OF CALIFORNIA COUNTY OF LOS ANGELES CITY OF COMPTON I, Alita Godwin, City Clerk of the City of Compton, hereby certify that the foregoing resolution was adopted by the City Council of the City of Compton, signed by the Mayor and attested by the City Clerk at a regular meeting thereof held on the ____ day of __________________________, 2008. That said resolution was adopted by the following vote, to wit: AYES: NOES: ABSENT: ABSTAIN: COUNCIL MEMBERS: COUNCIL MEMBERS: COUNCIL MEMBERS: COUNCIL MEMBERS: __________________________________________ CITY CLERK OF THE CITY OF COMPTON # 9. RESOLUTION SIGN-OFF FORM DEPARTMENT: Public Works-Engineering RESOLUTION TITLE: A RESOLUTION OF THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF COMPTON AUTORIZING THE CITY MANAGER TO ENTER A CONTRACT WITH MUNIFINANCIAL FOR ASSISTANCE WITH THE RENEWAL PROCESS FOR THE CITY OF COMPTON’S LANDSCAPING AND LIGHTING DISTRICT AND SEWER SERVICE CHARGE <ManagersName> <ManagersDate> DEPARTMENT MANAGER’S SIGNATURE DATE REVIEW / APPROVAL <LegalName> <LegalDate> CITY ATTORNEY DATE <ControllerName> <ControllerDate> CITY CONTROLLER DATE <BudgetName> <BudgetDate> BUDGET OFFICER DATE <CityManager> <CityManagerDate> CITY MANAGER DATE Use when: Public Works: When contracting for Engineering Services. City Attorney: When contracting for legal services; contracts that require City Attorney’s review. Controller/Budget Officer: Amending Budget; appropriating and/or transferring funds; adding and/or deleting positions; any resolution having account numbers. Asst. City Manager/OAS: All personnel actions. # 10. April 8, 2008 TO: MAYOR AND CITY COUNCIL MEMBERS FROM: CITY MANAGER SUBJECT: A RESOLUTION OF THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF COMPTON AMENDING THE PUBLIC WORKS DEPARTMENT 2007-2008 FISCAL YEAR BUDGET TO APPROPRIATE STATE FUNDS SR2SL -5078 FOR THE SAFE ROUTES TO SCHOOLS PROJECT, AND ACCEPTING THE PROPOSAL FROM APA ENGINEERING CIP#06-11 SUMMARY This Resolution requests authorization to amend the Public Works Department 2007-2008 Fiscal Year Budget to appropriate State funds for the Safe Routes To Schools Project, and to accept the proposal from APA Engineering to design and prepare construction documents for sidewalk and crosswalk improvements in the vicinity of Longfellow, Mayo and Washington Elementary Schools, and Roosevelt Middle School. BACKGROUND Safe Routes to School (SR2S) is an international program involving over 40 countries and over 5,000 U.S. schools. Its goal is to increase the number of children who walk or bicycle to school by making their routes safer and more appealing. In California, the State Department of Transportation (CALTRANS) administers the SR2S program, awarding federal grants to local communities to improve infrastructure within two miles of schools, and to promote the program through an educational and resource component. In the 2003 funding cycle, Compton was awarded a $450,000 SR2S grant, the maximum amount given to any single project. The grant pays for the cost to install in-pavement crosswalk lights, high-visibility crosswalk treatments, signs and pavement markings along routes to Longfellow Elementary School, Washington Elementary School, Mayo Elementary School, and Roosevelt Middle School. To avoid having the grant lapse, the Director of Public Works has obtained time extensions from CALTRANS. A construction contract is to be awarded by the end of June, and work is anticipated for completion during the summer when school is not in session. The Compton Unified School District supports this project. All four schools will have sidewalk and wheelchair access ramps built along their routes, and appropriate signage, striping and crosswalk markings added. In addition, the following improvements will be designed and constructed: • Longfellow Elementary School (1101 S. Dwight Avenue) • Crosswalk treatment (in-pavement lighted crosswalk) at the intersection of Reeve Street and Central Avenue • Crosswalk treatment (in-pavement lighted crosswalk) at the intersection of # 10. Safe Routes to Schools April 8, 2008 Page 2 • Greenleaf Boulevard and Greenleaf Drive Installation of a sidewalk on Center Avenue north of Greenleaf Boulevard • Mayo Elementary School (915 N. Mayo Avenue) • Crosswalk treatment (in-pavement lighted crosswalk) at the intersection of Pearl Avenue and Rosecrans Boulevard • Correction of drainage deficiencies at the intersection of Chester Avenue and Rosecrans Blvd • Washington Elementary School (1421 N. Wilmington Ave) • Crosswalk treatment (in-pavement lighted crosswalk) at the intersection of Rosecrans Avenue and Kemp Avenue • Roosevelt Middle School (1200 E. Alondra Boulevard) • Crosswalk treatment (in-pavement lighted crosswalk) at the intersection of Burris Avenue and Alondra Boulevard Bids were solicited in February 2008 for engineering consultants to design and prepare construction documents. The following bids were received: Design Consultant Location Bid APA Engineering Laguna Hills $ 38,000.00 Uniplan Engineering Carson 44,500.00 KOA Corp. Monterey Park 45,852.50 Huitt-Zollars Westlake Village 51,750.00 Masson & Assoc. Escondido 78,000.00 David Evans & Assoc. Ontario 96,140.00 Hunsaker & Associates Los Angeles 125,599.00 All firms are qualified to meet the contract requirements. APA Engineering offered a schedule and cost that will meet the grant criteria. Program management of this project has been provided by CMTS Inc. As with most of the Capital projects to date, this project was also subject to lapsing and the loss of project. Due in part to the work of CMTS this project has been salvaged. Design and construction management will be provided by staff. The design phase is expected to be completed in May of this year. The construction phase is anticipated to start in July 2008. # 10. Safe Routes to Schools April 8, 2008 Page 3 FISCAL IMPACT Funds for this project are provided by the State Safe Routes to School Grants. It is necessary to amend the Public Works Department 2007-2008 Fiscal Year Budget to appropriate funds for this project. No matching funds are required. The cost for APA Engineering proposal is for $38,000.00, and for CMTS, Inc. construction management is $14,400.00, from Account Number 1518-710-011-4269. RECOMMENDATION Staff recommends approval of the attached resolution. CHARLES BERGSON, P.E. DIRECTOR OF PUBLIC WORKS/CITY ENGINEER CHARLES EVANS CITY MANAGER CE/CB/lm/rj/pd # 10. RESOLUTION NO._____________ 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 A RESOLUTION OF THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF COMPTON AMENDING THE PUBLIC WORKS DEPARTMENT 2007-2008 FISCAL YEAR BUDGET TO APPROPRIATE STATE FUNDS SR2SL -5078 FOR THE SAFE ROUTES TO SCHOOLS PROJECT, AND ACCEPTING THE PROPOSAL FROM APA ENGINEERING CIP#06-11 WHEREAS, the State of California awarded a Safe Routes To Schools grant to the City of Compton in the amount of $450,000; and WHEREAS, the Safe Routes To School program will significantly benefit the City and the health and safety of its schoolchildren through the installation of much needed sidewalk and crosswalk improvements along routes to Longfellow, Washington, and Mayo Elementary Schools, and Roosevelt Middle School; and WHEREAS, the City has until the end of June 2008, to award a construction contract; and WHEREAS, staff issued a Request for Proposal to engineering consulting firms for the preparation of construction documents for the Safe Routes To School project; and WHEREAS, a total of seven (7) formal proposals were received; and WHEREAS, APA Engineering of Laguna Hills, California submitted the proposal amount of $38,000.00, has appropriate experience as a California-licensed contractor, and can satisfactorily accomplish this work; and 17 18 19 20 21 WHEREAS, staff recommends the award of APA Engineering for the preparation of the Safe Routes To Schools construction documents; and WHEREAS, CMTS, Inc. provided construction management services for the Safe Routes To Schools construction documents. NOW, THEREFORE, THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF COMPTON DOES HEREBY RESOLVE AS FOLLOWS: 22 23 24 25 26 27 SECTION 1. That the City Council hereby amends the Public Works Department 2007-2008 Fiscal Year Budget. SECTION 2. That revenues are increased and funds shall be appropriated in accounts as follows: Account Number 1518-000-000-3569 Description Amount Other State Grant $450,000.00 28 29 30 31 32 SECTION 3. That these funds be appropriated in the following expense account for contract services as follows: Account Number 1518-710-011-4269 Description Amount Other Contract Services $450,000.00 # 10. 1 2 RESOLUTION NO. _________ Page Two 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 SECTION 4. That the City Manager is hereby authorized, upon advice of the City Attorney, to enter into an agreement with APA Engineering, and to amend the contract of CMTS, Inc. for construction management services for this project. SECTION 5. That the City Manager is hereby authorized to issue a purchase order to APA Engineering in the amount of $38,000.00 and to CMTS, Inc. for construction management services in the amount of $14,400.00. SECTION 6. That the funds for these services shall be come from Account Number 1518710-011-4269. 10 11 12 13 14 SECTION 7. That a certified copy of this resolution shall be filed in the offices of the City Manager, City Controller, City Clerk and the Public Works Department. SECTION 8. That the Mayor shall sign and the City Clerk shall attest to the adoption of this resolution. ADOPTED this ________ day of ________________, 2008. 15 16 ____________________________________ MAYOR OF THE CITY OF COMPTON 17 ATTEST: 18 19 20 _________________________________________ CITY CLERK OF THE CITY OF COMPTON 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 STATE OF CALIFORNIA COUNTY OF LOS ANGELES CITY OF COMPTON I, Alita Godwin, CMC, City Clerk of the City of Compton, hereby certify that the foregoing Resolution was passed and adopted by the City Council of the City of Compton, signed by the Mayor and attested by the City Clerk, at a regular meeting thereof, held on ___________ 2008, by the following vote: AYES: NOES: ABSENT: ABSTAIN: COUNCIL MEMBERS – COUNCIL MEMBERS – COUNCIL MEMBERS – COUNCIL MEMBERS - 31 32 ________________________________________ CITY CLERK OF THE CITY OF COMPTON # 10. RESOLUTION SIGN-OFF FORM DEPARTMENT: Public Works-Engineering RESOLUTION TITLE: A RESOLUTION OF THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF COMPTON APPROPRIATING STATE FUNDS SR2SL -5078 FOR THE SAFE ROUTES TO SCHOOLS PROJECT AND ACCEPTING THE DESIGN PROPOSAL OF APA ENGINEERING CIP#06-11 Charles Bergson 3/26/2008 2:29:51 PM DEPARTMENT MANAGER’S SIGNATURE DATE 4/1/2008 9:47:38 PM REVIEW / APPROVAL <LegalName> <LegalDate> CITY ATTORNEY DATE <ControllerName> <ControllerDate> CITY CONTROLLER DATE Dave Hewitt 3/28/2008 12:55:19 PM BUDGET OFFICER DATE 4/2/2008 12:05:16 PM Charles Evans 4/1/2008 6:51:27 PM CITY MANAGER DATE 4/3/2008 8:15:33 AM Use when: Public Works: When contracting for Engineering Services. City Attorney: When contracting for legal services; contracts that require City Attorney’s review. Controller/Budget Officer: Amending Budget; appropriating and/or transferring funds; adding and/or deleting positions; any resolution having account numbers. Asst. City Manager/OAS: All personnel actions. # 11. April 1, 2008 TO: MAYOR AND COUNCIL MEMBERS FROM: CITY MANAGER SUBJ: A RESOLUTION OF THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF COMPTON APPROVING THE APPLICATION FOR GRANT FUNDS FROM THE LOS ANGELES COUNTY REGIONAL PARK AND OPEN SPACE DISTRICT PER PARCEL DISCRETIONARY GRANT PROGRAM FOR THE “LUEDERS PARK WILLIAM LOVE POOL IMPROVEMENT PROJECT” SUMMARY This resolution authorizes the submittal of an application for PROP A grants funds to the Los Angeles County Regional Park and Open Space District (“the District”) and acknowledges the City’s obligations upon receipt of the funds. BACKGROUND The passage of the Safe Neighborhood Parks’ propositions of 1992 (Sections 8(a)(1), 8(a)(2), 8(b)(1), 8(b)(2) & 8(d) and 1996 (Sections 3(a)(1), 3(b), 3(c)(1) & 3(c)(2) provided funds to various agencies and municipalities in Los Angeles County. The City of Compton, for the purposes of this grant, has been awarded funds under a “PER PARCEL DISCRETION” designation, grantees receiving funds proportionally, based upon the number of land parcels in each jurisdiction as determined by the Los Angeles County Assessor. Currently, under this designation, the City of Compton, Parks and Recreation Department (“the Department”) is required to use these funds for the improvement of parks and open spaces in the City of Compton and is elgible for excess funds from the District totaling $250,000 for a specified project. Staff recommends that these funds be used to complete the “Lueders Park William Love Pool Improvement Project.” STATEMENT OF THE ISSUE In order to submit an appication to receive these excess funds, an authorizing resolution from the City Council must be submitted to the District. STATEMENT OF THE SOLUTION Approval of this resolution will satisfy the requirements set forth by the District. RECOMMENDATION Staff recommends the approval of the attached resolution SHEILA FENDERSON, DIRECTOR PARKS, RECREATION AND SPECIAL SERVICES CHARLES EVANS, CITY MANAGER Attachments. # 11. RESOLUTION NO. ________________ A RESOLUTION OF THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF COMPTON APPROVING THE APPLICATION FOR GRANT FUNDS FROM THE LOS ANGELES COUNTY REGIONAL PARK AND OPEN SPACE DISTRICT PER PARCEL DISCRETIONARY GRANT PROGRAM FOR THE “LUEDERS PARK WILLIAM LOVE POOL IMPROVEMENT PROJECT” WHEREAS, the people of the County of Los Angeles on November 3, 1992 and on November 5, 1996, enacted Los Angeles County Proposition A, Safe Neighborhood Parks, Gang Prevention, Tree-Planting, Senior and Youth Recreation, Beaches and Wildlife Protection (the Proposition), which, among other uses, provides funds to public agencies and nonprofit organizations in the County for the purposes of acquiring and/or developing facilities and open space for public recreation; and WHEREAS, the Proposition also created the Los Angeles County Regional Park and Open Space District (the District) to administer said funds; and WHEREAS, the District has set forth the necessary procedures governing applications for grant funds under the Proposition; and WHEREAS, the District's procedures require the Applicant to certify, by resolution, the approval of the application(s) before submission of said application(s) to the District; and WHEREAS, the application form contains assurances that the Applicant must comply with; and WHEREAS, the Applicant certifies through this resolution; that the application is approved for submission to the District; and WHEREAS, the Applicant will enter into a Project Agreement with the District for the performance of the project as described in the application. NOW, THEREFORE, THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF COMPTON DOES HEREBY RESOLVE AS FOLLOWS: SECTION 1. That the City Council approves the filing of an application with Los Angeles County Regional Park and Open Space District for funds allocated under the Proposition for the “Lueders Park William Love Pool Improvement Project.” SECTION 2. That the City Manager (or their designee) will sign and return, within 30 days, both copies of the project agreement sent by the District for authorizing signature. SECTION 3. That the City Manager (or their designee) acting as an agent of the City of Compton, is authorized to conduct all negotiations, and to execute and submit all documents including, but not limited to, applications, agreements, amendments, pay requests and so forth, which may be necessary for the completion of the project as described in the application. SECTION 4. That a copy of this Resolution shall be filed in the offices of the City Manager, City Clerk, Parks and Recreation, and the Los Angeles County Regional Park and Open Space District. SECTION 5. That the Mayor shall sign and the City Clerk shall attest to the adoption of this Resolution. # 11. Resolution No. ___________________ ADOPTED this _______ day of ______________, 2008. __________________________________ MAYOR OF THE CITY OF COMPTON ATTEST: _______________________________________ CITY CLERK OF THE CITY OF COMPTON STATE OF CALIFORNIA COUNTY OF LOS ANGELES CITY OF COMPTON I, Alita Godwin, City Clerk of the City of Compton, hereby certify that the foregoing resolution was adopted by the City Council, signed by the Mayor, and attested by the City Clerk at a regular meeting thereof held on the ________ day of ____________________, 2008. That said resolution was adopted by the following vote, to wit: AYES: NOES: ABSENT: ABSTAINS: COUNCIL MEMBER – COUNCIL MEMBER – COUNCIL MEMBER – COUNCIL MEMBER – _______________________________________ CITY CLERK OF THE CITY OF COMPTON # 11. RESOLUTION SIGN-OFF FORM DEPARTMENT: Recreation RESOLUTION TITLE: A RESOLUTION OF THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF COMPTON APPROVING THE APPLICATION FOR GRANT FUNDS FROM THE LOS ANGELES COUNTY REGIONAL PARK AND OPEN SPACE DISTRICT PER PARCEL DISCRETIONARY GRANT PROGRAM FOR THE “LUEDERS PARK WILLIAM LOVE POOL IMPROVEMENT PROJECT” <ManagersName> <ManagersDate> DEPARTMENT MANAGER’S SIGNATURE DATE REVIEW / APPROVAL <LegalName> <LegalDate> CITY ATTORNEY DATE <ControllerName> <ControllerDate> CITY CONTROLLER DATE <BudgetName> <BudgetDate> BUDGET OFFICER DATE <CityManager> <CityManagerDate> CITY MANAGER DATE Use when: Public Works: When contracting for Engineering Services. City Attorney: When contracting for legal services; contracts that require City Attorney’s review. Controller/Budget Officer: Amending Budget; appropriating and/or transferring funds; adding and/or deleting positions; any resolution having account numbers. Asst. City Manager/OAS: All personnel actions. # 12. April 8, 2008 TO: MAYOR AND COUNCIL MEMBERS FROM: CITY MANAGER SUBJECT: A RESOLUTION OF THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF COMPTON AMENDING THE WATER DEPARTMENT’S FISCAL YEAR 2007-2008 BUDGET AND AUTHORIZING A CHANGE ORDER TO WILLDAN FOR THE CONSTRUCTION OF AQUIFIER STORAGE & RECOVERY (ASR) WELL AND INSTALLATION OF A 12” WATER LINE FOR THE CONJUNCITIVE USE DRY-YEAR STORAGE PROGRAM SUMMARY City Council adopts this resolution authorizing additional expenditure for additional work to be performed on the ASR Well as well as a design change. BACKGROUND On December 20, 2005 the City Council adopted Resolution No. 21,836, accepting the bid of Willdan for the construction of Aquifier Storage & Recovery (ASR) Well and installation of a 12” Water Line for the Conjunctive Use Dry-year Storage Program. The Municipal Water Department received a grant from Metropolitan Water District to participate in the program. Due to unexpected cost associated with a lawsuit from one of the contractors as well as the scope of the design change additional funds are needed. # 12. Resolution Staff Report Page 2 FINANCIAL IMPACT These funds will be taken from the MWD Grant therefore; there will be no financial impact to the City. Funds will be transferred from account 2657-880-000-4294 (Contingency) into account 2657-880-000-4266 (Contract Services) in the amount of Two Hundred Thirty Thousand Dollars (which includes a 15% contingency) and are appropriated in the Water Department’s Fiscal Year 2007-2008 Budget. RECOMMENDATION That the City Council adopts the attached resolution. KAMBIZ SHOGHI WATER DEPARTMENT CHARLES EVANS CITY MANAGER # 12. RESOLUTON NO. ____________ A RESOLUTON OF THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF COMPTON AMENDING THE WATER DEPARTMENT’S FISCAL YEAR 2007-2008 BUDGET AND AUTHORIZING CHANGE ORDER TO WILLDAN FOR THE CONSTRUCTION OF AQUIFIER STORAGE & RECOVERY (ASR) WELL AND INSTALLATION OF A 12” WATER LINE FOR THE CONJUNCITIVE USE DRY-YEAR STORAGE PROGRAM WHEREAS, The Municipal Water Department received a grant from Metropolitan Water District to participate in the Conjunctive Use Dry-Year Storage Program; and WHEREAS, It is necessary to request additional funds so that Willdan can complete the project; and WHEREAS, The City of Compton did not have adequate staff resources available to administer the contract and grant, including project-related coordination, meetings, reports, and negotiations with Metropolitan Water District; review and approval of Contractor invoices; development of procedures, preparation, and submission of pay requests to Metropolitan Water District on behalf of the City of Compton; coordinate, track, and process change of scope items to Metropolitan Water District; maintain project documents required for audit at the end of the Project; at the City’s request, Willdan agreed to take over responsibility for these tasks; and WHEREAS, Asbestos cement pipe was discovered at the project site, it was necessary for Willdan to conduct an unexpected site survey to determine what hazardous materials were present at the site; and WHEREAS, Asbestos cement pipe and lead based paint was discovered at the project site, Willdan recommended that the City prepare a stand alone bid package for site demolition and stabilization of lead based paint and asbestos abatement to save costs on construction. The City retained the services of Willdan to prepare the bid package, review bids, conduct a pre-construction meeting, and provide construction observation services throughout the demolition process; and WHEREAS, An unexpected third existing well was discovered at the Project site, additional permitting, abandonment, specifications, and inspection were required of Willdan; and WHEREAS, In an effort to save time, and at the City’s request, Willdan paid the permitting fees associated with obtaining the Los Angeles County Flood Control District discharge permit; and # 12. RESOLUTION NO._______________ PAGE 2 WHEREAS, The bid package for the “Tucker Street Water Distribution Pipeline and Well Discharge Main” had to be re-bided due to the Contractors non-performance, duplication of completed efforts resulted, including printing of plans and specifications for bidding contractors, conducting a pre-bid meeting, responding to Contractor RFIs (Request for Information) during bidding, coordination with the plan room, receiving phone calls from potential bidders, review of submitted bids, review of product submittals, responding to RFIs during construction, conducting of a pre-construction meeting, and project related correspondence with the Contractor and City; and WHEREAS, At Willdan’s recommendation, the City requested that Willdan provide full-time inspection for work on the “Tucker Street Water Distribution Pipeline and Well Discharge Main” after it was re-bided, rather than part time inspection, as proposed, due to previous project-related Contractor nonperformance issues with Garcia Juarez Construction; and WHEREAS, The bid package for the “Pumping Facilities for Extraction Well No. 19” had to be re-bid, duplication of completed efforts resulted, including printing of plans and specifications for bidding contractors, conducting a pre-bid meeting, responding to Contractor RFIs during bidding, coordination with the plan room, receiving phone calls from potential bidders, review of submitted bids; and WHEREAS, The City requested Willdan’s assistance to add the new Well No. 19 to its existing NPDES permit; and WHEREAS, Ongoing litigation with Garcia Juarez Construction, the terminated Contractor for the “Tucker Street Water Distribution Pipeline and Well Discharge Main”, will likely require Willdan staff to go to court on the City’s behalf; and WHEREAS, Due to the unanticipated out of scope work listed above, Willdan will need an additional Two Hundred Thirty Thousand Dollars ($230,000.00)which includes a 15% contingency ; and WHEREAS, it is necessary to amend the Water Department Fiscal Year 2007-2008 Budget to appropriate funds. NOW, THEREFORE, THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF COMPTON DOES HEREBY RESOLVE AS FOLLOWS: SECTION 1. That the City Manager hereby authorize to issue a purchase order in the amount of Two Hundred Thousand Dollars ($200,000.00) plus a 15% contingency (($230,000.00) to Willdan. # 12. RESOLUTION NO.______________ PAGE 3 SECTION 2. That funds should be moved as follows: From: To: Account Description Amount 2657-880-000-4294 Contingency $230,000.00 Account 2657-880-000-4266 Description Contract Services Amount $230,000.00 SECTION 3. That a certified copy of this resolution shall be filed in the Offices of the City Manager, City Controller, and Municipal Water Department. SECTION 4. That the Mayor shall sign and the City Clerk shall attest to the adoption of this resolution. ADOPTED this _____ day of ________________________, 2008. ___________________________________ MAYOR OF THE CITY OF COMPTON ATTEST: ______________________________________ CITY CLERK OF THE CITY OF COMPTON STATE OF CALIFORNIA COUNTY OF LOS ANGELES CITY OF COMPTON I, Alita Godwin, City Clerk of the City of Compton, hereby certify that the foregoing resolution was adopted by the City Council, signed by the Mayor and attested by the City Clerk at a regular meeting thereof held on the ______ day of __________________, 2008. That said resolution was adopted by the following vote, to wit: AYES: NOES: ABSENT: ABSTAIN: COUNCIL MEMBER(S) COUNCIL MEMBER(S) COUNCIL MEMBER(S) COUNCIL MEMBER(S) ________________________________________ CITY CLERK OF THE CITY OF COMPTON # 12. RESOLUTION SIGN-OFF FORM DEPARTMENT: Water Department RESOLUTION TITLE: A RESOLUTION OF THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF COMPTON AMENDING THE WATER DEPARTMENT'S FISCAL YEAR 2007-2008 BUDGET AND AUTHORIZING A CHANGE ORDER TO WILLDAN FOR THE CONSTRUCTION OF AQUIFIER STORAGE & RECOVERY WELL AND INSTALLATION OF A 12" WATER LINE FOR THE CONJUNCTIVE USE DRY YEAR STORAGE PROGRAM Kambiz Shoghi 3/11/2008 9:01:51 AM DEPARTMENT MANAGER’S SIGNATURE DATE REVIEW / APPROVAL Craig Cornwell 4/3/2008 3:35:07 PM CITY ATTORNEY DATE Willie Norfleet 4/3/2008 3:39:34 PM CITY CONTROLLER DATE Dave Hewitt 3/13/2008 2:41:30 PM BUDGET OFFICER DATE Charles Evans 3/14/2008 2:19:41 PM CITY MANAGER DATE Use when: Public Works: When contracting for Engineering Services. City Attorney: When contracting for legal services; contracts that require City Attorney’s review. Controller/Budget Officer: Amending Budget; appropriating and/or transferring funds; adding and/or deleting positions; any resolution having account numbers. Asst. City Manager/OAS: All personnel actions. # 13. April 8, 2008 TO: MAYOR AND COUNCIL MEMBERS FROM: CITY MANAGER SUBJECT: REQUEST FOR A WORKSHOP-BRAND STRATA PUBLIC RELATIONS AND MARKETING SERVICES The City Manager is requesting to enter into a professional services contract with Brand Strata for Public Relations and Marketing Services. The Brand Strata team has extensive experience with marketing communications, creative development and public relations for a wide variety of clients and industries – with a strong focus on cities and local municipalities. I am requesting a workshop with Brand Strata and Council on Tuesday, April 10, 2008 at 5:00 p.m. CHARLES EVANS CITY MANAGER # 14. April 8, 2008 TO: MAYOR AND COUNCIL MEMBERS FROM: CITY MANAGER SUBJECT: REQUEST TO SCHEDULE A WORKSHOP FOR COUNCIL TO REVIEW FUNDING RECOMMENDATIONS FOR THE CITY’S 2008-2009 CDBG PROGRAM The Planning and Economic Development Department (PED) requests that the City Council schedule a workshop for Tuesday, April 15, 2008 at 6:00 pm in the Community Meeting Room to review staff’s funding recommendations for the 2008-2009 Community Development Block Grant (CDBG) program. The City expects to receive $2,058,966 in Fiscal Year 2008-2009 CDBG funding from the United States Department of Housing and Urban Development (HUD). GAY MORRIS, AICP, DIRECTOR PLANNING AND ECONOMIC DEVELOPMENT CHARLES EVANS CITY MANAGER # 16. April 8, 2008 TO: HONORABLE MAYOR AND CITY COUNCIL MEMBERS FROM: CITY MANAGER RE: PREPARATION OF A MEMORANDUM OF UNDERSTANDING BETWEEN THE CITY OF COMPTON AND NICE COPRORATION FOR THE USE AND DEVELOPMENT OF THE FORMER CALIFORNIA NATIONAL GUARD ARMORY BACKGROUND In November 2006, the California National Guard vacated the 60-year old Armory facility located at 2320 North Parmelee Avenue in Compton. For nearly two years, the property has been vacant, subject to crime, vagrancy and occupancy by squatters. In light of its proximity to two educational institutions, McNair Elementary School and Centennial Senior High School, the property is also prone to become an attractive nuisance. On September 10, 2007, NICE (The National Institution of Community Enlightenment), a nonprofit, community service organization, entered into a one-year lease with the State of California, for use of the above property. James Davis II, president and CEO of NICE, has met with City Manager, Charles Evans, and Assistant City Manager, Rico Smith. Mr. Davis has expressed an interest in entering into an agreement between NICE and the City that would achieve the following results: 1. Eliminate blight and crime from the property. 2. Provide a training center for disaster preparedness, emergency management and crime prevention. 3. Provide a training center for implementation of Homeland Security Programs. 4. Provide other beneficial services to the City, Compton Unified School District and the Compton Community College District. CONCLUSION Mr. Davis believes that by entering into an agreement with a nonprofit organization, such as NICE, to achieve the above and other goals, the City will be able to obtain maximum use of the site for the benefit of its citizens. Staff would like authority from the Honorable Mayor and City Council to enter into a Memorandum of Understanding between the City and NICE that will delineate the duties, obligations and roles of each in the use and development of the former Armory site. ____________________________ Charles Evans City Manager # 16. RESOLUTION NO. ______________ A RESOLUTION OF THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF COMPTON AUTHORIZING THE CITY TO ENTER INTO A MEMORANDUM OF UNDERSTANDING BETWEEN THE CITY AND THE NATIONAL INSTITUTION OF COMMUNITY ENLIGHTENMENT (N.I.C.E.) WHEREAS, in November 2006, the California National Guard vacated the sixty year old Armory facility located at 2320 North Parmelee Avenue, in Compton; and WHEREAS, for nearly two years, the property has been vacant, subject to crime, vagrancy and occupancy by squatters; and WHEREAS, the property is located in close proximity to McNair Elementary School and Centennial Senior High School and hence prone to becoming an attractive nuisance; and WHEREAS, on September 10, 2007, the National Institution of Community Enlightenment (N.I.C.E.), a nonprofit, community service organization, entered into a one year lease with the State of California, for use of the above referenced property; and WHEREAS, James Davis II, president and chief executive officer of N.I.C.E., has met with City Manager, Charles Evans, and Assistant City Manager, Rico Smith, during which time he expressed an interest in entering into an agreement between N.I.C.E. and the City that would achieve the following goals: 1. 2. 3. 4. Eliminate blight and crime from the property; Provide a training center for disaster preparedness, emergency management and crime prevention; Provide a training center for implementation of Homeland Security Programs; Provide other beneficial services to the City, Compton Unified School District and the Compton Community College District. NOW, THEREFORE, THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF COMPTON DOES HEREBY RESOLVE AS FOLLOWS: SECTION 1. That the City of Compton is authorized to enter into an agreement with the National Institution of Community Enlightenment (N.I.C.E.) pertaining to the use of the sixty year old former Armory facility located at 2320 North Parmelee Avenue, in Compton. SECTION 2. That said agreement shall be in the form of a Memorandum of Understanding (M.O.U) with N.I.C.E., which will delineate the duties, obligations and respective roles of each party in relation to the development, use and sustainability of the former Armory facility. The M.O.U. will be drafted and/or approved by the Office of the City Attorney. # 16. RESOLUTION NO. ________________ PAGE 2 SECTION 3. That a copy of this resolution shall be filed in the Offices of the City Manager, City Attorney, City Controller and Personnel Department. SECTION 4. That the Mayor shall sign and the City Clerk shall attest to the adoption of this resolution. ADOPTED this _____ day of _____________________, 2008. ______________________________ MAYOR OF THE CITY OF COMPTON ATTEST: _________________________________________ CITY CLERK OF THE CITY OF COMPTON STATE OF CALIFORNIA COUNTY OF LOS ANGELES CITY OF COMPTON: ss I, Alita Godwin, City Clerk of the City of Compton, hereby certify that the foregoing resolution was adopted by the City Council, signed by the Mayor and attested to by the City Clerk at a regular meeting thereof held on the __________ day of ________________________, 2008. That said resolution was adopted by the following vote, to wit: AYES: NOES: ABSTAIN: ABSENT: COUNCIL MEMBERS – COUNCIL MEMBERS – COUNCIL MEMBERS – COUNCIL MEMBERS – ________________________________ CITY CLERK OF THE CITY OF COMPTON