DARK SIDE - Star Wars CCG Players Committee
DARK SIDE - Star Wars CCG Players Committee
Set 2 DARK SIDE POWER 2 ABILITY 2 POWER 2 2 •General Nevar 2. Information Broker. When deployed, may T a droid here or a Restraining Bolt. During battle, may retarget an opponent’s weapon targeting your droid to another one of your characters present (even Daroe). 2 4 •Pote Snitkin •General Nevar •Daroe ISB leader. 3 3 ABILITY 2 While driving a vehicle, adds one battle destiny and your total ability here may not be reduced. At same and related sites, Skrillings are power and forfeit +2, and, once per game, your just-lost transport vehicle may be ‘recycled’ (place in Used Pile). Original concept by Clayton Atkin Original concept by Ryan Jellison and Tom Marlin •Pote Snitkin •Daroe •Binder •Jabba’s Trophies 5 •Jabba’s Trophies 1 •Binder Oola had to choose between giving in to Jabba’s constant advances or resisting him and inciting his wrath. POWER 3 3 4 ABILITY 2 2, 3: Blizzard 2. Deploys -1 to Hoth. When deployed, may peek at top card of any Reserve Deck. When a spy here is targeted by Trample, adds 1 to your destiny draw. Original concept by James Barnes •Commander Gherant •Black 6 CAPITAL: INTERDICTOR-CLASS STAR DESTROYER EFFECT 6 •Black 6 Deploy on table. If Jabba just Force drained (or won a battle), stack top card of opponent’s Lost Pile here; may draw top card of your Reserve Deck. If 4 or more cards here, may return this Effect and a character with Jabba at Audience Chamber to owner’s hand. A POWER 5 ; 6 6 Original concept by Jonathan Murray ARMOR 5 HYPERSPEED 3 May add 6 pilots or passengers. Permanent pilot provides ability of 2. Your starships may move to here as a ‘react.’ For opponent to move a starship from here requires +1 Force. Immune to attrition < 4. Original concept by Casper Jørgensen and Kristian Lund •••Death Squadron Star Destroyer •Resistance •Tempest Scout 3 COMBAT VEHICLE: AT-ST ARMOR POWER 3 3 4 3 LANDSPEED 4 May add 1 pilot. May move as a ‘react.’ Permanent pilot provides ability of 2. Unless this vehicle ‘hit,’ your other vehicles here may not be targeted by artillery weapons, vehicle weapons, or opponent’s Interrupts. STARFIGHTER: TIE/LN POWER 1 Original concept by Ryan Jellison MANEUVER 4 NO HYPERDRIVE •Tempest Scout 3 1 3 May add 1 pilot. While Tanbris piloting, power +1. Once per game, may retrieve bottom card of Lost Pile. Your total battle destiny here is +X, where X = this TIE’s power - 5. Original concept by Jan Westergard Enhanced TIE Laser Cannon Not endorsed or sponsored by LucasFilm Ltd. SWCCG Players Committee 2015 Set 2 LIGHT SIDE •Leia Organa Palace Raider POWER 3 3 6 ABILITY 3 POWER 1 FORCE-ATTUNED Agenda: rebellion. May not be ‘choked.’ Gains at Galactic Senate. Draws one battle destiny if unable to otherwise (if with an Imperial leader, may add one destiny to total power or attrition instead). ‘Diplomatic’ immunity to attrition < 3. ABILITY 2 POWER 2 2. Palace Raiders (including this character) deploy -3 if You’re A Slave? on table. While driving a vehicle, it is power +3, defense value +1, and moves for free. 2 3 Original concept by Hayes Hunter •Leia Organa •Wedge Antilles Palace Raider 2 6 Original concept by Brian Fred •Yoda, Keeper Of The Peace 1 3. While piloting an starfighter, it is maneuver +1 (+2 if Pulsar Skate) and Wedge draws one battle destiny if unable to otherwise. While with Booster or Mirax, your total battle destiny here is +1. •Wedge Antilles Original concept by James Barnes •Force Levitation •Like My Father Before Me •Yoda, Keeper Of The Peace ABILITY 2 4 •Like My Father Before Me •Force Levitation 4 The final act of Luke’s ascension to Jedi Knighthood was sending off his father, draped in the garb of Vader. Yoda calls upon the Force often to try and foresee what destiny has in store. I EPISODE POWER 3 JEDI MASTER EFFECT Deploys -1 to Coruscant. May lose 1 Force to cancel Force Lightning targeting your character present. Neither player may draw more than one battle destiny here (those destiny draws may not be modified or canceled). Immune to attrition. USED INTERRUPT Deploy on table. Luke is deploy = 6, may not be Disarmed, and, when in battle, adds 1 to each of your battle destiny draws. Once per turn, may T Luke’s Lightsaber. During your turn, if Luke is at a battleground, may place a card from hand on Force Pile. A ; 5 7 ABILITY 7 Original concept by Tim Simon Original concept by Chris Kelly Original concept by Sean Miller Levitation •Honor Of The Jedi Sense (Coruscant) S a device (except Landing Claw). OR Target one opponent’s droid present with your Jedi in battle. For remainder of turn, target is power -1 and may not fire weapons. •Corran Horn In Rogue 9 •Azure Angel •Azure Angel •Corran Horn In Rogue 9 2 1 I Artwork not affiliated or endorsed by Lucasfilm Ltd. EPISODE STARFIGHTER: X-WING STARFIGHTER: MODIFIED DELTA-7 INTERCEPTOR POWER 3 POWER 5 HYPERSPEED 5 May add one pilot and one astromech. During battle, if Anakin or R2-D2 aboard, may lose 1 Force to cancel a non- S interrupt. While Anakin or R2D2 aboard, immune to attrition < 5 (< 6 if both). ; 3 6 MANEUVER 4 Original concept by Kevin Shannon LIN-V8K (Elleyein-Veeatekay) Not endorsed or sponsored by LucasFilm Ltd. 5 5 MANEUVER 5 HYPERSPEED 5 Permanent pilot is •Corran Horn, who provides ability of 4. Weapon destiny draws are -2 here. While with a snub fighter, attrition against opponent is +1 here. Immune to attrition < 4. Original concept by The Advocate Council •Red 5 SWCCG Players Committee 2015
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