ENewsVol27 - Gulf Streamers International RV Club


ENewsVol27 - Gulf Streamers International RV Club
Volume 27
For those of you who were unable to attend our rally in Traverse City Michigan, you missed a great rally! The campground personnel went out of their way to accommodate our group. If you are in the area, Timber Ridge RV Resort is
definitely a great place to stay; check them out at www.timberridgeresort.net. The new owners are updating the properly daily and have many more improvements in their plans. We were the first rally group they provided with a daily
breakfast. They did a great job and now have an idea of what it takes to feed hungry rally groups!
I want to thank all the great volunteers at the rally. Everyone pitched in to help make the rally more enjoyable! A special thanks goes out to our Rally Hosts, Art & Kathy Holmes, Ron & Hazel Riffel and Bob & Kaye Combs. Betty and
Herm Beier did a great job at the registration desk, along with some assistance from Ray & Novella Cone! We can’t
forget to thank Larry Frost, Mick Parker and Tony Grenzy for taking care of the grilled food during our BBQ lunch, nor
pass on a very special “thank you” to Marty Parker for all the help she and Mick gave us in the decorating and set up of
the room!
While at the rally, we wanted to participate in a project to show support for our troops. Operation Shoebox turned out to
be a great success. Seventy-one shoeboxes were decorated with patriotic stickers, ribbons and wrapping paper, then
filled with items for our men and women who are serving in the armed forces. We hope to receive feedback in a note or
an e-mail from some of the soldiers who receive the shoeboxes and will post their comments on our website. Peggy
Sack kept everyone busy with decorating the shoeboxes and filling them with items purchased and donated by our members! Some excited volunteers even put our salt and pepper shakers in some of the boxes. It was quite the assembly line,
filling most of the room. I am glad I didn’t leave my glasses or cell phone laying around, as is common for me, or a soldier may have received a special surprise in their shoebox! We appreciate all Peggy’s efforts in helping to make this
project a success! We also want to thank the Washington Beachcombers, who shipped us a 60lb box of shoeboxes filled
with items and donating $70.00 towards the purchase of more items!
I hope you enjoy looking at the pictures and rally recap of the games and members who attended the Traverse City Rally
and consider joining us for a future International Rally. Some of our members are such good sports where the games are
concerned and a few (Larry especially) really enjoy wearing clothing that is provided for some of the games!
Visit the Gulf Streamers International RV Club website http://streamers.gulfstreamcoach.com, event calendar, often
to find out where our next rally will be held. The website also includes chapter rally recaps, pictures, rally schedules or
links to chapter websites for more information. The chapter rallies provide a great opportunity to meet like owners of
product and to meet other members of the International Club. The chapters have members who plan great rallies that are
available for Gulf Stream owners to visit while traveling in their area. They are always welcoming guests or new members to join them if they are in the area where a chapter rally is being held.. Check out a chapter rally if you are looking
for a group to join. Please enjoy reading the rally recaps included in this newsletter from some of our chapters, and consider visiting them for a rally in the future. Chapter members are also great in helping traveling members find fun activities, local businesses or locations and for recommending good places to eat while visiting their area.
If you have questions concerning this newsletter, or about the Gulf Streamers Club, please feel free to contact Bonnie
Cooper at 1-800-289-8787, ext. 3664 or e-mail [email protected]. I am busy helping Gulf Stream prepare for what we hope will be a very successful Louisville Show, but will respond to your call or e-mail at my earliest
convenience! Also, I will be at the Tampa Show in January, for any members attending who would like to stop by our
display to say hello!
“Gratitude is a quality similar to electricity, it must be produced and discharged and used up in order to exist at all.
“William Faulkner”
Traverse City, MI
August 20-29, 2010
Once again Bonnie Cooper and Gulf Stream International provided an outstanding week of fun, food and entertainment.
It started with a trip to a dinner theater that not only served an excellent dinner, but also entertained us with
music of the 60s and 70s. Most of the singers and musicians were mere youngsters, still in high school.
Amazing talent! The fun part was that most of us could sing right along with them. The music was a walk
down memory lane. Our group enjoyed the show so much that on Friday about 30 Gulf Streamers followed
the act about 40 miles away to hear the youngsters sing the 50s and 60s.
Our mornings started with a continental breakfast served by Timber Ridge Resort staff. It was such a nice
way to start the day. It was also the perfect opportunity to renew old friendships and make new friends, too.
There were 30 RVs with people coming from great distances to attend this rally; in addition, a phenomenal
number of first timers also attended. Of course, with the area being so beautiful, it was no real hardship to
take the time to join the rally.
On Tuesday, Gulf Stream sponsored a BBQ lunch, followed by Farm and City sponsoring an ice cream social. The rest of the day was free to explore the many sights of Traverse City and the surrounding areas.
Lighthouses and vineyards seemed to be the most sought after sights. The Traverse City area can boast of
many of those places, as well as a quaint downtown shopping district.
Probably the activity we were all most proud of was the shoeboxes for our armed forces serving in Iraq and
Afghanistan. Volunteers decorated over 70 shoeboxes in red, white and blue and filled them with donated
items for both male and female military personal. Our Gulf Streamers really stepped up to the plate for this
project and did a bang up job. Bonnie added pictures and notes to the boxes before they were shipped. It was
great fun and a super opportunity to show our troops how much we appreciate their sacrifice for our freedom.
Another Gulf Stream sponsored event was the wine and cheese social. Wine and cheese were not the only
bill of fare offered and enjoyed to the max. Thank you, Gulf Stream!
Other rally adventures included a lighthouse trip, a casino opportunity and a winery tour. It’s a pleasure to
announce that those who went to the casino all came back with their shirts on.
After the lighthouse trip, there was time for relaxation before dinner and entertainment. Carl Acuff and his
crew entertained us with song and dance. Carl is a distant cousin of Roy Acuff and did a program every bit as
entertaining as Roy’s. By the way, our membership can boast many fine dancers. Our dancers could show
the young folks of today a few good moves on the dance floor.
Traverse City is a tourist showplace surrounded by water and marinas. There is a sand dune with the height
of about 600 feet overlooking Lake Michigan and beautiful scenery in every direction.
The rally ended with the Timber Ridge campground serving a great “on the road again” breakfast.
At the same time Bonnie recognized the many members who volunteered to help and serve in any capacity
needed. As Bonnie said, “I couldn’t have done it without them.” First timers were also extended a “good for
you and come back again” round of applause.
All too soon it was time to hug our old friends goodbye and exchange e-mail addresses with our new friends.
It is a real pleasure to attend one of these rallies and hope to see everyone again soon.
Submitted by Kay Garrett
Iowa Rally, September 15-19, 2010
Tuesday, September 14, saw BT Cruisers arrive at Amana Colonies RV Park, set up camp, greet old
friends, and make new ones. We were happy to see Dennis and Dee Lang and Ed and Dianne Zaiser,
who were attending their first rally, and new members Darrell and Mary Jo Wennegren.
The rally officially began on Wednesday with orientation, socializing, and a potluck meal. We were welcomed
by President Mark Ulm, our hosts Pat and Cathie Conley, and Jon Childers, manager of the RV park. The evening ended
with a campfire.
Day two began with a continental breakfast, followed by an informative and visual presentation by Jon Childers,
an elder in the Amana Church, on the early history of the Amanas, including their traditions, customs, and religious beliefs. With this background and the aid of our guide, Ron Fels, we began our journey into the history of the Amanas.
Our first stop was to a one-room school house, attended by our guide during his childhood. There we viewed a short
movie on the communal life in the seven villages where the residents received a home, medical care, meals, and schooling for their children. Property and resources were shared, men and women were assigned jobs, and no one received a
wage or needed one. This was one of the longest living communal societies and came to an end in 1932, when they established the Amana Society, Inc., a profit-sharing corporation to manage the farmlands and mills. Continuing on our
trek through the Amanas, we were off to the “Cottage in the Meadow Gardens.” Larry and Wilma Rettig, native born
folks, took us on a tour of their beautiful gardens, which included over 300 varieties of flowers, trees, and vegetables,
many having been brought from Germany via Ebenezer, New York to the Amanas in the 1700s. Hungry and full of
knowledge, we went to lunch at the Ronneburg, a local restaurant. The day concluded with a membership meeting, followed by pizza, pop, and a campfire.
Day three, we departed after breakfast to the Hoover Presidential Library and Museum.
Our guide gave us a new insight into the life and accomplishments of this great man, raised in the Quaker traditions and
orphaned at an early age, who became the 31st President of the United States and a great humanitarian. The walking tour
of the grounds and his birthplace was equally interesting. We took a break for lunch, hosted by our hosts Pat and Cathie
and prepared by the women of the Bethany Lutheran Church. Afternoon free time gave us the opportunity to visit the
many shops in the Amanas—wine shops, quilt shops, candy shops, wool mills, furniture and clock shops, tea and coffee
shops, and more. The evening concluded with a unique theater experience at the Old Creamery Theater entitled “The
Church Basement Ladies,” a musical/comedy about being Lutheran in the 1960s.
Day four, after a continental breakfast, we carpooled to the Amana (Digester) Farms for a tour. This was a different kind of farm; it consisted of some 300 cows, whose only purpose was to produce manure that was put through a
process that produced enough methane gas to generate electrical power for 30% of Amanas’ need. Also, byproducts of
this process were being tested for other uses, such as a low acid fertilizer and organic mulch. On our journey back to
camp, we made a stop at the Amana Arts Guild Center, where we observed Gordon Ellenberger making pottery on a
foot-generated wheel. Next door in the Arts Guild Gallery, we visited with six women who were “colony” style quilting.
Then it was on to Amanas’ only broom and basket shop, where JoAnna Schanz demonstrated the traditional weaving of
German willow baskets and broom making. Noon lunch was on our own, followed by shopping, visiting festivals at
various sites, or just visiting and relaxing back at our camp sites. Dinner was family style at the Ox Yoke Inn.
Day five, we had an early breakfast prepared by the officers. We sadly bid farewell, but as always planned to
meet at our next rally in San Antonio Texas in March 2011.
We are very thankful to Pat and Cathie for all their hard work and to all who helped make this a very interesting
and fun rally.
The fall rally was held at the Kentuckiana Kampground and Opry House at Mackinaw Illinois on September 17-19, 2010.
Friday evening we had a potluck with a nice variety of choices from our excellent cooks. Bob Warnick and Marge Winters,
former members, joined us.
After the potluck we held our fall meeting. The meeting was called to order by President Mick Parker. In the absence of
Larry Frost (V.P.), Frances Krause led the Pledge of Allegiance.
The Sec-Treasurer, Marty Park, read the spring meeting minutes and gave the treasurer’s report. The current balance is
$281.80. Both were approved as read.
The Parkers and Frosts attended the Traverse City End of Summer International Rally. A brief rundown of activities and
sights was given. It was a fun and relaxing time that was enjoyed by all who attended.
2010 membership is 16. Dues for 2011 are coming in, with 11 currently paid up.
Calverts have decided to drop out of the Illowa chapter.
Irma Hoerr had a heart attach – a card has been sent to her.
Roger Stewart had a knee replacement – a card has been sent to him.
Eftinks are farming.
The Conleys and Roseann Molyneaux are at the BT Cruiser rally.
Jan Frost is seeing the doctor for GB problem ---- News Flash it turned out to be shingles. OUCH!
New Business:
• Our spring rally will be at the Amana Colonies in Iowa, June 10-12, 2011. They do honor Passport America for two
nights, which makes the rate $16.00 per night.
• Our fall rally will be in Galena Illinois, September 9-11, 2011.
Mark Your Calendars!!!
• Mick and Larry are mid-term in their officer positions. Marty’s term is up bus is agreeable to continue – group all agreed
for her to continue.
No other business
George Parsano motioned to adjourn and Frances Krause seconded.
Meeting adjourned.
Those in attendance were:
George and Helen Parsano
George and Frances Krause
Urmel and Marilyn Richardson
Mick and Marty Parker
Saturday morning we had pancakes, sausage and scrambled eggs. Morton Illinois was having their pumpkin festival and parade, so we carpooled there, only to find it had been rained out.
Saturday afternoon, Terry and Joyce Seldomridge drove over from Mattoon Illinois to meet us and get acquainted. They are a
very nice couple who are dealing with a lot of family health issues, but we hope to see more of them at upcoming rallies. The
campground had a ham, beans and cornbread supper that were enjoyed by all. At 8:00 pm, the opry house was full of life with
a great show with a special guest well known in the Peoria area.
Sunday morning, we had Danish, cereal, bananas, with OJ and coffee and said our goodbyes until spring.
Safe travels to all!
Marty Parker
Lake City Iowa
Home 712-464-3799
Cell 859-907-7494
(We winter in Texas so use the cell December to April)
Jan. 11th – 16th, 2011
FMCA Western Area Rally
AL/Yoka Heidstra
[email protected]
Remember this is DRY CAMPING
Arrive with full water & fuel
Following the FMCA Rally we
Caravan to Quartzsite
MARCH 29th - April 3rd, 2011
(5 nights)
Remember this is DRY CAMPING
Arrive with full water & fuel
(15 spaces)
Members first, guest welcome
NOV. 10th – 13th, 2011
(15 Spaces)
AL/Yoka Heidstra
[email protected]
Jerry/Janet McCamly
[email protected]
AL/Yoka Heidstra
[email protected]
AL/Yoka Heidstra
[email protected]
Jerry/Janet McCamly
[email protected]
If you would like to meet a friendly group of people, please join us at one of our outings.
Please contact Janet McCamly at [email protected] or 951-485-0541 or
Yokalena Heidstra at [email protected] at 909-519-7092.
Sept 16-19 Recap
Kathy Holmes (#11753)
304 Woodridge Dr.
Peninsula, OH 44264
[email protected]
The Ohio Cardinals found Pt. Pleasant West Virginia to be beautiful in September! Our fall rally began at
Krodel Park Campground Thursday with what seems to be a common occurrence – RAIN! But the rain didn’t
dampen our spirits. Thursday evening found us enjoying a dinner of pizza and salad. After dinner we renewed
old friendships and made some new friends as we were joined by four new chapter members, Lowell & Elena
Hershberger and Kathleen & Art Nock!
Friday morning we found that the sunshine had returned and we were off to see the sights of Gallipolis Ohio.
Our first stop was a three-story brick tavern in the Federal style known as “Our House.” The restored tavern and
inn contains period furnishings and offers a display of early Americana. General Lafayette also visited Gallipolis in 1825 and was entertained at Our House Tavern. After enjoying lunch on our own, we headed to the Bob
Evans farm for a self-guided tour. The Merry Family Winery was our last stop, where we were able to taste local wines and were treated to a delicious pasta dinner. After dinner we headed back to the campground to socialize, as well as play games and cards.
Saturday morning began with our traditional men’s pancake and sausage breakfast. After breakfast we toured a
replica of Ft. Randolph, originally built in 1774, that served to guard the “backdoor” of Virginia and was garrisoned throughout the American Revolution. The rest of the day was free time to visit other attractions in Pt.
Pleasant as well as Gallipolis. Dinner that evening was a catered BBQ with yummy ribs and chicken. After a
short business meeting, we enjoyed Bingo.
Sunday morning and the ladies’ continental breakfast came way too soon. However, it was time to say our
goodbyes and head for home. So until our spring rally we “just can’t wait to get on the road again.”
Our spring rally is a joint rally with Indiana #1 date and location TBA.
Many arrived on Wednesday for the rally at Bay Shore Camp and Ministries in Sebewaing Michigan September 16 – 19, 2010 and enjoyed some down time before the festivities began in earnest the following day.
Our hosts were Stanley and Toni Dobies, helped by John Verellen. Thanks again for a job well done. As is
the norm for fall in Michigan, there were some showers along with some peeks of sun and it was typically
cool and rather crisp at night, but the nice warm campfires and good conversation helped chase away the
Thursday evening our hosts provided the meal of spaghetti with meatballs, garlic bread, and tossed salad.
Thanks to Allison Ralston for the beautiful friendship bracelets that she handmade for each of us in our club
colors. Great job!! Friday morning started with a potluck breakfast with a very nice variety of dishes. Our
club has the best cooks! This was followed by the now traditional game of Lawn Chair Baseball with the ladies winning. We’ll keep the actual score a secret. Let’s just say that the men have some catching up to do.
A hot dog lunch followed. That evening our hosts provided yet another supper of sloppy Joes and salad,
which was followed by a couple of fun games. One of them included being matched as couples to try to see
just how well the ladies knew their husbands. Except Marlene and Barb were “a couple,” and go figure, they
actually won. What does that tell you? When the fun was over, we found that another warm fire awaited,
thanks to the fire keepers!!! On Saturday morning our men provided us with a pancake breakfast, after which
the ladies met for a craft lesson, yarn-covered hangers, and then free time. That evening, our hosts provided
the roasted turkey breast and the ladies filled in the blanks with potluck sides and desserts. Afterward we enjoyed another campfire. Sunday came with a nice variety of donuts and coffee and goodbyes until the next
We held our business meeting Saturday morning and discussed upcoming rallies. Our spring 2011 rally will
be held May 19 – 22, 2011 at the Wayne County Fairgrounds, 10871 Quirk Rd, Belleville MI. Our hosts will
be Ron & Betty Hall, with the help of Jerry and Joanne Hoogstra. The fall 2010 rally will be September 2225, 2011 at KC Campground, 14048 Sherman Rd., Milan MI. Our hosts will be Bob & Betsy Stevens.
Safe travels to all,
Betsy Stevens #4973
October Rally Recap
The Mid-Atlantic Streamers had their last rally for the season at Rockahock Campground in Lanexa
VA October 14-17, 2010. We had a total of nine rigs. Early birds arrived on Thursday on a rainy and
cold day. Sixteen members went to the local pub on the campground property, the Roadhouse for dinner.
Some members ordered fried chicken, macaroni and cheese, and greens; others had hamburgers and
crab cake sandwiches.
Friday was another cold and rainy day, so some members stayed in their RV to catch up on reading
material; some visited other members in their RVs; and three members went to Richmond VA to see
the confederate White House museum for the day. Friday night 18 members went to Tony and
George’s Seafood Restaurant located in West Point VA for a delicious meal.
Saturday morning we had a buffet breakfast prepared by Rita Grove in the pavilion. Rita spoils us
with all of her homemade goodies. Saturday morning Dino Vidos, Vice President, conducted our business meeting and we voted for new officers and new locations for 2011.
President: Open
Vice-President: Clyde Schnoor
Secretary: Open
Treasurer: Karin Corwin
May 19-22 Natural Bridge, Lexington VA
Hosts: Joe & Barbara McBride
June 16-19 Southern Maryland, Callaway MD
Hosts: Peggy Sack and Clyde Schnoor
September 15-18 West Chester PA
Hosts: Dino & Myrna Vidos and Ray & Theda Massie
October 20-23 Charlotteville VA
Hosts: Les & Jean Potteiger
Saturday evening we had a lovely fall day for our potluck dinner. Our host Karin Corwin prepared a
delicious sour cream wine chicken and mashed potato dinner, with lots of side dishes and desserts prepared by our members in the pavilion. We had a 50/50 raffle and Chuck Shackleford won the drawing. After dinner some members walked around the campground for some much needed exercise after
two days of rainy and cold weather.
Sunday morning we had another delicious breakfast before departing for home.
Myrna Vidos
Secretary, MAS Chapter
Rocky Mountain Gulf Streamers
The Rocky Mountain Gulf Streamers
met for their second rally of 2010 in scenic Buena Vista Colorado on September
17, 18 and 19.
We timed the season just right and enjoyed spectacular displays of gold aspens on the flanks of the Collegiate
Peaks range, just west of our KOA
The Gulf Streamers included Bill and
Nancy Davis, Claudette and Larry Pottoff, Dave Borreson and Jan Moore, and Roy and Lynn Poole. We arrived Thursday afternoon from along the Front Range of Colorado. From Denver, the drive to Buena Vista
was a short two hours, with lots to see along the way. Travelers stopped in Fairplay to enjoy the historic village and unique shops. They also saw elk and antelope while traveling.
The first evening was beautifully mild and the view overhead of the Milky Way with Jupiter was unsurpassed. Our tradition is always to relax upon our arrival with snacks and drinks beside the fire. What a great
way to start a great weekend!
Friday, we all headed up to the Jumpin' Good Goat Dairy just north
of Buena Vista. This is small dairy that takes advantage of Colorado's sweet grasses and ideal climate for goats. They produce a high
quality product sought after by chefs across the country. Their aged
cheese is often custom-ordered years in advance, and a chef might
pay $900 for the finished "wheel" of cheese.
Their tour is informative, up-close and personal, as you can see by
our members enjoying the gentle animals. All of the goats are handraised to ensure they are easy to manage.
We lost Bill and Nancy on Saturday - something about tickets to a
Denver Bronco's game - so the rest of us piled into our toads for the
trip to St. Elmo. After leaving the paved road, a dozen miles of
well-maintained dirt road brought us to the ancient town of St.
Elmo. At the height of the Silver Rush, this was a bustling
place. Today, the "rush" is for people looking at the fall colors, and
many more people jumping aboard Jeeps, ATVs or dirt bikes to explore the many old mining roads in the area.
On the way back out of the peaks,
we stopped at the State's fish hatchery at Chalk Bluff. We were pleasantly met by one of the biologists,
who offered us buckets of fish food
to spread around. Too bad they're
rather strict about fishing poles!
Our group dinner on Saturday was
at the Eddy Current Brewpub in
Buena Vista. We enjoyed the great
weather as we ate outside at a relatively new restaurant near the Arkansas River. Returning to the KOA, we finished up our firewood and talked of the great time we had, and
we plan to return to take advantage of even more things to do in the Buena Vista area.
This year our Christmas party will be held at Dukes at Southcenter on Sunday,
December 5, at 6:00. We will have a room and it was voted that this year, instead of exchanging gifts, we would bring a girl present and a boy present, new
and in its original wrapping to give to the Toys for Tots or some other children’s group. For those of you that
are on the road, if you would like to participate in this drive, please send me a check for whatever amount you
would like to give and I will buy a boy gift and a girl gift in your name.
The address for Dukes is 757 Southcenter Mall and the phone number is 206.243.5200 (just in case you get
lost). (grin)
Well, it’s been a year of highs and lows, but we made it through the tough times and we will never forget
Doug. Looking forward to seeing those of you left in the Pacific Northwest at the Christmas party and seeing
all of you snowbirds in May.
Safe travels,
Washington State Beachcombers
October Rally
We had twelve coaches sign up for Leavenworth and most of us arrived at the Icicle River RV Park on Thursday to
beautiful weather and a lovely setting right on the riverbank. Prospective members joined us and, after seeing how
much fun we have, joined. We had appetizers for dinner and then enjoyed a lively game of card bingo. Instead of
winning money, winners chose prizes. After that, a few stayed outside to roast marshmallows.
Friday we woke up to blue skies and sunshine, so six of us headed to the
Leavenworth Golf Course for nine holes of golf. All I have to say is that it is a
beautiful golf course right along the river. That night’s arrangements had been
made for us to have dinner at King Ludwig’s. We all enjoyed wonderful German food and drink and shopping in the “Village.”
Saturday was cloudy and rainy but some of
us went in search of fruit, pumpkins, and
other vegetables. By the time we came back,
it was pouring; however, our day brightened
because Carol Brown and her daughter
Nancy came for the afternoon and stayed for
dinner. After dinner we played Right Left
Center, and it became quite exciting when no
one won and the pot grew bigger and bigger. I
believe that the biggest pot won was around
Sunday we had our continental breakfast and a meeting before heading home.
I’m sure that everyone would agree we had a very good time.
Call Pacific Beach Resort & Conference Center ASAP for the May 12-15 rally at 888.463.6697. They will want the
first night’s fee of $25 and will give you a confirmation number. Then let Carol E. know that you have made the reservation. This rally is hosted by Jewel & Delores King & Carol E.
Call the Wine Country RV Park in Prosser ASAP for the June 9-12 rally at 800.726.4969. We have only 14 sites reserved; if we don’t fill them, they will give them to someone else. It would be better to make the reservation and then
cancel if you have to. Then let Carol Bettencourt know that you have made the reservation. Rodger and Carol are
The August rally, August 18-21, will be at the Hoquiam River RV Park hosted by Mary Ann & Hal Lakin and Rod &
Jeri McDowell. This is the only rally that will be the 3rd weekend of the month.
The October rally, October 6-9, will be hosted by Jewel & Delores and Mike at Pacific Beach.
We raised $790 for charity and it was decided by the group that we would not give to a large institution but to smaller
ones. So far we voted to give $200 to the Copalis Food Bank as they help feed children and $200 to the Lynnwood
Elks in support of the Thanksgiving & Christmas dinners and presents they provide for a home of battered mothers
and children. We are giving to these groups in Doug’s honor.
The remaining monies are being held until we can find other small organizations in need of help. If any of you can
think of something, please let me know so that we can get some money to them.
Until elections in August, Robin is going to be Treasurer, Carol Bettencourt will keep up the roster, and Jewel will