reports - NYSCA Archive


reports - NYSCA Archive
Spring/Summer 1996
New York State Speech Communication Association
"Culture, Communication, and Media"
Kutsher's Country Club
Monticello, New York
October 11- 13, 1996
NYSSCA Package at Kutsher's includes three meals daily, beginning with dinner on Friday and ending
after lunch on Sunday; a variety show each evening; cocktail party with open bar and hors d'oeuvres on
Saturday before dinner; and more. Reserve your place at Kutshers now: (800) 431-1273.
Neil Postman will speak on "How Media Change Values"
Todd Gitlin will speak on ''What's Wrong with Sex and Violence?"
Meet the Author series
Expanded short courses
Opportunity to become more involved with NYSSCA
Executive Council
Kutsher's Hotel, Monticello, N.Y.
Present: President Susan Ross, Laurie Arliss, Joseph Coppolino, Betty Dowling, Joyce Hauser, Judy Isserlis, Susan Jasko,
Diane Mader, Rudy Pugliesi, Richard Somer, Lauren Vicker.
1. President Susan Ross called the meeting to order at 2:14p.m.
2. The minutes of meetings of the Executive Council on October 13 and October 14 at 8:00a.m. were presented. The
minutes of October 14 at 3:40p.m. stating that "if the office of President is vacated, then the Immediate Past President fills it"
were corrected to "if the office of President is vacated, then the President Elect fills it." They were then accepted as corrected.
There was concern that the minutes of the NYSSCA General Meeting on Sunday, October 15, were missing.
3. President Susan Ross presented her report.
The 1995 Convention was a success with a "well-executed program of good communication scholarship in a
generally comfortable environment." However, there is disagreement between NYSSCA and the Omni Hotel,
the site of the 1995 Convention, over how much money is owed to the hotel. The hotel believes that NYSSCA
owes it $4785.49. Treasurer Susan Jasko's computations, show a balance of $2580.61 owed to the Omni.
There was discussion on how to resolve this matter. Judy Isserlis informally consulted a lawyer and reported on
the legal advice she had gathered on the matter: If NYSSCA sends any payment to the Omni without reaching
an agreement with the hotel on the amount owed, the organization will lose its only leverage. Agreeing to pay in
installments implies that NYSSCA accepts the Omni's calculations.
It was explained that Executive Board members are not liable for NYSSCA's debts.
Susan Ross praised Joyce Hauser's call for papers and programs for the 1996 convention at Kutsher's.
Additionally, President Ross plans to do a survey of the membership to determine which services they would
like provided by NYSSCA.
4. Susan Jasko presented the Treasurer's report.
NYSSCA is in debt to the Omni which claims that NYSSCA owes it $4785.02. According to Susan's
calculations, since NYSSCA has already paid the Omni $1118, NYSSCA owes the Omni $2580.61. The hotel
will take installment payments. However, since NYSSCA has never received an itemized bill from the Omni,
Susan is reluctant to pay any part of the bill until the dispute is clarified.
NYSSCA's balance as of October 11, 1995 was $5,690.04. Revenue since that date was $3834.23, and
expenditures were $5010.80. Therefore, NYSSCA's present balance is $4,513.47.
5. Joyce Hauser presented the Vice President's report.
The Fall Convention will be held October 11-13, 1996 at Kutsher's. Joyce reviewed the agreement with
Kutsher's, and stated that the rates quoted were dependent upon NYSSCA's taking 50 rooms per night. The
package is for a two-night stay with meals. Depending on the quality of the accommodations, the rates are from
$77 to $109 per person per night with two in a room.
Notice of the Fall Convention was sent to SCA in February, and an announcement has appeared in each
subsequent issue of SPECTRA. In addition, a call for papers and programs for the Convention went out in
March. Over 2000 Calls were printed and over 1000 have gone out. Department chairs were contacted to find
out the number of Communication faculty in each department, and additional Calls were sent to departments.
Copies of the announcement will be at the registration desk at the ECA convention in New York City.
6. The Immediate Past President had nothing new to report.
7. Laurie Arliss presented the report of the editor of the NYSSCA Annual.
The 1996 Annual has been published. Submissions came from all over the country. 200 copies were ordered
from our printer, Judcor, and 170 copies have been distributed to members, editors, and authors.
There have been 38 submissions since the cutoff for Volume X (1996). So far, two articles are acceptable for
Volume XI (1997), and two others are acceptable pending minor revisions. Laurie asked for assurance that there
would be funding for Volume XI, and it was determined that there would be.
8. Rudy Pugliesi gave the report of the Advertising Manager.
Ninety-seven chairs of Communication Departments in New York State were contacted and requested to
advertise in the Annual. No one bought advertising except Rudy's school, Rochester Institute of Technology.
Rudy suggested setting up a Web page for NYSSCA and noted that the Proceedings and/or the Annual could
be available there. He also stated that we could link with Yahoo. There was discussion of whether putting the
Annual on the Web would be wise since articles in the Annual are not under copyright. This prompted
discussion of whether we should copyright the Annual. Articles in the Proceedings are under copyright.
Lauren Vicker volunteered to find out the number of people in NYSSCA who have E-mail and the number who
are on the Web. She suggested that when people register for the Fall Conference, she will survey them to find
out whether they want mailings on paper or by E-mail or on the Web.
It was suggested that a very useful session for the Fall Conference would be on the Web detailing what it is,
what is there, and how to utilize it, and Rudy was asked to give a workshop on this.
It was stated that calls for the Annual and for the Fall Conference should be placed on the NYSSCA Home
Page on the Web.
9. Joe Coppolino gave the Executive Secretary's report.
Seventy members attended the 1995 Convention, plus an additional 24 students, who were admitted free under
the Institutional Membership policy, making a total attendance of 94. This compares with the 1994 Convention,
when 79 people attended.
NYSSCA presently has 143 paid members in the following categories:
Institutional, 5;
Regular, 75;
Student, 11; and
Life, 52.
This compares with a total of 149 in April, 1995. Paid regular members in 1993-94 totaled approximately 130, so
NYSSCA has suffered a loss of fifty Regular members.
10. The next scheduled report was from the Recording Secretary.
Barbara Vojta's term as Recording Secretary ended during the 1995 Convention.
There was discussion of the duties of the Recording Secretary. It was agreed that the Secretary's responsibility
is to take minutes at all meetings and to send them to members of the Executive Council.
There was discussion as to who had responsibility to prepare and send out the NYSSCA newsletter, NYSSCA
Reports. Dick Somer offered to become editor of NYSSCA Reports, and it was suggested that, in addition to
the minutes and other news, the call for papers and a call for nominations for student awards be included in
11. Judy Isserlis, chair of the Nominating Committee, gave the Nominating Committee's report.
The Committee is actively soliciting candidates for various positions. Tom Gincarelli is considering running for
Vice President, and Ellen Buonaguro is considering running for Member-at-Large.
12. Lauren Vicker gave the report on Resources.
Resources has been put on hold for the time being. Response to the request for submissions was limited, and
Lauren is uncertain as to interest in Resources. Lauren will survey those attending the 1996 NYSSCA
Convention to determine whether they want to proceed with publishing Resources. She will also include in the
survey whether people would prefer receiving Resources on paper, by E-mail, or on the Internet.
It was noted that if there were a NYSSCA Home Page, employment opportunities could be included.
12. Betty Dowling gave the report of the Liaison to the State Education Committee.
Betty reported that she contacted Jeninne Grinke and Marion Kopcha who said that Governor Pataki would like
to abolish the Department of Higher Education and put it under his own direction. Educators are lobbying
against this.
11. Joyce Hauser gave the report of the editor of Proceedings.
The 1994 volume has been sent out. The 1995 volume is in preparation. Reviews have been slow in coming in.
Susan Ross said that she thought that Clarkson University would publish Proceedings free of charge because it
could be included in her budget as President. Joyce Hauser said that she is collecting a fund to honor a recently
deceased colleague, Jack Hasch, and the 1995 Proceedings will be published in his honor.
A motion was made not to pay the Omni bill until NYSSCA receives an itemized bill. Treasurer, Susan Jasko, was instructed
to send the Omni a letter stating her calculations of what we owe the Omni and that if they agree with these calculations,
offering to pay that amount as full and total payment of NYSSCA's debt to the Omni. The motion was unanimously
The meeting adjourned at 5:38p.m.
Diane Mader
Recording Secretary
Present: President Susan Ross, Joseph Coppolino, Betty Dowling, Joyce Hauser, Judy Isserlis, Susan Jasko, Diane Mader,
Rudy Pugliesi, Richard Somer, Lauren Vicker
1. President Susan Ross called the meeting to order at 8:32 a.m.
2. There was discussion as to how to bill for advertising in NYSSCA publications. It was agreed that whoever is the
Advertising and Publicity Manager will send an invoice to the person or organization taking the advertisement. The invoice
will instruct the advertiser to send payment to the Treasurer. and the Advertising Manager will notify the Treasurer to expect
a check. Rudy Pugliesi agreed to send members of the Executive Council copies of the advertising forms.
3. The Vice President Elect, Rudy Pugliesi, had no report.
1. There was discussion of what to do about the missing minutes from the NYSSCA General Meeting on Sunday, October 15,
1995. Betty Dowling will contact Barbara Vojta to find out if she took minutes at that meeting.
Judy lsserlis asked Executive Council members to send her their recollections of the meeting so that the minutes could be
reconstructed if Barbara had not taken them.
Judy said she will draft a summary ofNYSSCA's operating procedures, and she will circulate it to the Executive Council for
additions and revisions. She will try to establish such items as when those elected to the Executive Council take over their
responsibilities, when the Vice President should send out the call for papers, and the like. It is planned that this project will
produce a set of Standard Operating Procedures.
1. There is a need for someone to become editor of the 1996 Proceedings. The membership needs to elect someone as editor
at the 1996 Convention. However, we need to contact possible candidates prior to that time so that the person can have a call
for papers for the 1996 Proceedings at the convention. Dick Somer said he would ask Susan Ross from Hamilton College if
she would accept this nomination.
2. The proposed change in the Bylaws (To delete the office of Second Vice President and to add three Members-at-Large to
the Executive Council) needs to be gotten to the membership by June 15, 1996 so that they can vote on it at the 1996
Convention. The membership will be notified of the proposed change and vote in NYSSCA Reports.
3. It was moved that NYSSCA pay one-half the cost of a room for a student who will assist the Executive Secretary at
registration at the 1996 Convention. There was unanimous approval.
4. There was discussion over the procedure for handling student Debut papers. All papers should be sent to the Executive
Secretary, Joe Coppolino. He will also send copy to Dick Somer requesting the submission of papers. Dick will then publish
it in NYSSCA Reports.
5. The call for nominations for the Wilson Award should also appear in NYSSCA Reports.
6. Lauren Vicker stated that she will survey the NYSSCA membership at the 1996 Convention as to whether they want to
proceed with Resources and, if they do want to proceed, whether they want it to be electronic. There was discussion as to
whether this should be combined with Susan Ross's survey of the membership. There was agreement that it should and that
both should appear in NYSSCA Reports. Lauren will get the survey to Joyce Hauser so that it can be included in the
information packet people receive when they register for the Convention.
The decision as to whether to publish Resources will be made at the 1996 Convention.
7. There was discussion as to the appropriate venues for publicizing employment opportunities. It was agreed that these
should be included in JllYSSCA Reports and on tlJe NYSSCA Home Page on the Web.
8. There was discussion of the need to raise money for NYSSCA. Betty Dowling will write to Life members asking for a
donation. Lauren Vicker said she will investigate whether the pay-back on selling tee-shirts at the convention is high enough
to warrant such an undertaking.
9. There was discussion of how to handle requests for permission to reprint material in the Annual and Proceedings. After
considerable debate, it was agreed:
a. The Annual and Proceedings should be copyrighted.
b. NYSSCA should grant permission to republish, with the approval of the authors, and
for a reasonable fee.
c. There was unanimous agreement that requests to reprint from NYSSCA publications
should be sent to the Executive Secretary who is empowered to grant permission.
d. Joe will work out standards for granting permission and report to the Executive Council
at the 1996 Convention for approval.
10. Because there was concern about the amount of the banking fees, Executive Board members agreed to investigate the
availability of lower fees. NYSSCA is a tax exempt and non-profit organization.
11 . It was unanimously agreed that the 1997 convention should tentatively be held at Kutsher's Hotel. The dates will either be
October 10-12 or October 17-19,1997.
The meeting was adjourned at 11:07 a.m.
Diane C. Mader
Recording Secretary
Two categories of Outstanding Student Papers exist: papers done by graduate students, and
papers done by undergraduate students. If you would like the paper you are presenting considered for an
award, please submit four copies of your paper to:
Dr. Joseph Coppolino
Executive Secretary, NYSSCA
Communications Department
Nassau Community College
One Education Drive
Garden City, NY 11530
Deadline for receipt of papers is September 9, 1996. Please indicate whether you are a graduate _or
undergraduate student. The title page of your paper should contain only the title and name of the author.
A removable top page should contain the title, author, affiliation, and contact information (e.g. address,
and/or telephone).
NYSSCA seeks each year to select and honor a rising and promising new scholar in the field
of communication as the annual John F. Wilson Fellow of the Nev>' York State Speech Communication
Association. Nominations for this honor should be submitted, with supporting materials, to:
Dr. Deborah Borisoff
Culture and Communication Dept.
New York University
239 Greene Street, Rm. 735
New York, NY 10003
NYSSCA's Resources editor, Lauren Vicker, will be surveying members attending the 1996
NYSSCA convention to determine whether members wish to continue with this publication. Included in
the survey will be a query whether members prefer receiving Resources on paper or electronically, as
by e-mail. Please take the time at the convention to respond to this important survey.
As indicated in the Minutes of the April14, 1996, meeting of NYSSCA 's Executive Council,
two motions to amend the Association's By-Laws will be made at the annual business meeting, October
12, 1996, to wit: (1) To delete the position of Second Vice President and all references to that position;
and (2) to add three Members-at-Large to the membership of the Executive Council. This positing
constitutes prior notice of these proposed amendments to the membership of NYSSCA.
Program Proposal
54th Annual NYSSCA Conference
October 11-13,1996 Monticello, New York
Extended Deadline for Submission-June 30, 1996
The 1996 NYSSCA Annual Conference Program Committee invites
proposals for conference presentations and workshops. It would be
appreciated if proposals and abstracts are submitted on this form,
preferably typewritten and mailed to:
Professor Joyce Hauser, New York University,
239 Greene Street, New York, N. Y. 10003 (Room 735)
Telephone: (212) 998-5191
Fax: (212) 995-4046
This presentation is submitted in the following category .
.... Nonverbal
.... Gender
.... Rhetoric
.... Women's Studies
... . Film
... . Health
... . ·Language Arts
.... International and Intercultural
.... Interpersonal
.... Groups
.... Social Interaction
.... Mass Communication
Public Address
Mediation & Conflict Management
Public Relations
.... Listening
. . .. Technology
. . . . C:-itical lnquir; & Pedagogy
.... Theater
.... Media
.... Culture
.... Law
Other ..... ....... ................ ...... ....................... ................. ........ ...... ... .... .. ... . .
Presentation Title: ................ .. ............................................................ .. .. .
Presentation Format: .. .... ............. .... .. ...... .. ............. ................................ .
Name ............................. ......... .... ..... ..........Title ... ... ......... ............. ......... .
Affiliation ............ .. .................... ..............Telephone ........................... .
Address .................................. ... .. ....... ................................................. ..
Please complete information requested on reverse side.
Additional Presenters and Panelists for the Proposed Session
Name_ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ __
Affilitation _ _ _ _ __ _ __ __ __ _ __ _ _ _ _ _ __
Address _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ __ __ _ __ __ _ __
Fax_ _ _ _ _ _ _ __
Presentation TiUe _____________________
NYSSCA Member Yes( ) No( )
Name_____________________ _ _ _ _ _ _ __
Affilitiation _________ __________________
Address ____ _ _ _ _ __ _ _ _ _ __________ _ ____
Presentation Title ____________________________
NYSSCA Member Yes( ) No( )
Name __________________________________
Affiliation, ___________ _____________________
Address ______________________________
Fax,_ _ _ __ __ _ __
Presentation Title_ ___________________________
NYSSCA Member Yes( ) No( )
Respondent (If applicable)
Please provide a brief abstract not to exceed 75 words.
Please use a separate piece of paper if additional space is needed. Also,
include copy as it will appear in the convention program.
All submissions should fall into
one of
several types. Please
include in your submission a title
from one of the following :
Organized Panel - A program
presenting three to five papers on
a theme and introduced by a
Chair, followed by a question and
answer session and respondent.
Individual Paper
papers for appropriate grouping
into focused panels.
Round Table DiscussionA program featuring four to six
presenters who briefly share a
position paper or summary of
recent research on a focused
topic moderated by a Chair;
followed by interaction and
discussion by participants and
Open Forum - An unstructured
public discussion
on a topic
introduced and moderated by a
The goal is to share
information, ideas, concerns and
special interests.
Short Course - Intense focus on a
selected topic in a concentrated
two-hour instructional format.
· New
PROCEEDINGS from its Annual
Convention. Papers presented at
the conference may be submitted
for this publication. This year will
be the tenth volume.
manuscripts are screened for
publication through a "blind
review" process.
Proposals for Short Courses are
being encouraged.
Courses being solicited are:
research methods or pedagogy;
teaching the college course
in..........; courses addressing the
conference theme; courses in
applied instructional strategies;
that advance
and technologies.
All short
courses must be received no
later than June /st. Please use
the enclosed form.
..!f ~':~~~; ~-t~:;~F
Richard Somer, Editor
Box 142, Hamilton College
198 College Hill Road
Clinton, NY 13323
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