Issue November/December 2012 - Read Online


Issue November/December 2012 - Read Online
When it's time
for a drink
Free Delivery
Grand Fish & Sushi
Special corporate oners and birthdav parties are available
Plastic Surgery
Dermal Fillers
BOTOX Cosmetic
Restylane and Perlane
Chemical Peeling
Non-surgical Facelif\
Cosmetic Skin Treatments
Dennaroller Therapy
Skin Rejuvenation
Surgical Scar Treaments
Face Surgery
Breast Surgery
Buttock Surgery
Tummy Tuck
Arm Lift
Thigh Lift
Body Lift Surgery
Plastic Surgery, Skin, Dental & Wellness Institute
Wellness Institute
Obesity Surgery
Rehabilitation Center
Recovery Center
Quete Smoking Program
Chineese Needles
Body Contouring
Diabetes Programe
Yoga and Relaxation Program
Laparoscopic Gastric Band
Laparoscopic Sleeve
Gastric Balloon
Laparoscopic Gastric Bypass
Teeth Whitening
Cosmetic Dentistry
Dental Crowns
Free consultation
Dreaming of a Beach Body?
Ask For our New German
Muller for Liposuction
Tel. :
065 345 32 03
Mobile: 011100122 70
E-Mail: [email protected]
Special Price for
Gastric Band
Sleeve Gastrectomy
+ Liposuction
Address : The Egyptian Hospital
El Kawthar Area, Hurghada
Red Sea, Egypt
~HoMe ~ere
Real Estate & Developments
Da VInci Sea Front Hotel a Resort:
Is a marvelous resort located in the most beautiful area in
Hurghada, El Hilal destrict close to all amenities with a
number of different extra facilities.
Extra Amenities:
Private Beach, 5 minutes from the International Airport of
Hurghada and close to all shopping areas.
Extra Facilities:
Private Beach
111 3 elevators
11 Coffee Shop
11 Botanical gardens
11 Communal swimming pools
11 Prepared roof terrace
11 Parking areas
~~ Restaurant
24 hour security
., Laundry services
111 Children kinder garden
111 Shisha Corner
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Real Estate & Developments
Call Now:
+.2 065 344 32 51
Sawir1s found.lhor1 For Soc:i.ll Dcvelorm('llt
The Launching
Ceremony of the
First Academic Year
TU Berlin Campus El Gou na
The TU Berlin Campus El Gouna started its first
academ ic year with a lounging ceremony on
271h and 28 1h of October 20 12. The campus, bui lt
by "Orascom Hotel and Development" (OHD)
and supported by the "Sawiris Foundation for Social Development" extends over 10,000m 2 of space. It
contains a large lecture ha ll, a library and seven seminar and laboratory bui ld ings.
El Gouna provides a perfect environment for students who must have a prior bachelor's degree to
matricu late. Most of the 30 students of the first academ ic year come from Egypt, some from South
Africa, China, Japan and Bang ladesh. They join the master's degree programs of the TU Berlin in
"Water Engineering", "Urban Deve lopment" and "Energy Engineering". All courses are he ld by lecturers
of the Techn ica l Univers ity of Berlin in English.
Students and invited guests attended a great opening ceremony that began with welcoming speeches of
representatives of the partner countries Egypt and Germany. The centre of the ir statements was always
the person who created and financed thefroject, Samih Sawiris, chairman of O HD and board member
of the Sawiris Fo undation, who graduate from the TU Berlin in 1980 with a Maters of Science degree.
The TU Berlin Campus is one of many contributions of the Sawiris Foundation to empower the people
of Egypt, and Eng. Samih Sawiris, the picture of the loyal Egyptian investor, as the Red Sea governor, his
excellency Genera l Mohamed Kamel, highlighted in his speech.
Welcoming Speeches (in the perform ing order)
Prof. Dr.-lng. Jorg Steinbach, President of TU Berlin
M r. Samih Sawiris, Board member Sawiris Foundatio n
M r. M ichael Bock, Ambassador of G erm any in Egypt
Dr. N ad ia Zakhary, Min ister o f Scientific Research in Egypt
M rs. An ja Schillhaneck, Vice President, House of
Representatives, Berlin
M r. N icolas Zim mer, Secretary for Economy and Science of
the Federa l State of Berl in
Genera l M oha med Kame l, Red Sea Governor, Egypt
M r. Samir Shehata, Head of collages, High Institutes &
Private Universities, Ministry of Higher Education, Egypt
M r. Ahmed El Khadem, Minister's Advisor, M inistry ofTourism
For detailed information a bout the TU Berl in Campus visit pus-e
R_e~ )ea Bul letiq
36 - 42
45 - 69
74 - 75
76 - 77
2 Go
El Gauna
Port Ghalib
Marso Alam
What's On
Weekly & Calendar of Events
. .
36 Metropolitan Opera LIVE on scree!/
City Maps
38 El Gauna
52 - 55 Hurghada
" -~· ·
The Bulletin's Article Box
TU Berlin Campus: launching the 1st Year Ceremony
11 Birthday of Peter-Juergen Ely
17 Kempinski Hotel Soma Bay: let the festivities begin
20 Sabirova Dance School: International Belly Dance Festival
29 Baroudy low Firm
32 MAT: Taxes and Employment Opportunities
33 United Divers France
70 - 71 Fred Swim Academy: Care for Dolphins
79 Bits & Pieces
Health & Beauty
Dr. Rofeek Romzy:
What is the importance of Annual Check Ups?
26 Dr. Aymon Nassef: All about Dental Implants (Vol. 15)
28 Barbara luigs: How to stop your mental merry-go-round
Important Information
8G.l Bus Schedule
81 - 82 Telephone l isting
Address: El Mohamady Hwaidak Street, Mubarak 2
Hurghada, Red Sea, Egypt
Mobile: o120 5306 043
Tel.: 065 345 33 99
E-mail: [email protected]
This year Mr. Peter-Juergen Ely, German Honorary
Consul in Hurghada, planned to celebrate his birthday in a
quieter way than the year before, and included it in
Thursday's regular "Social Gathering• on the roof of his
guest house "Living with Art".
But what a surprise! All friends from El Gouna and Hurghada
came to congratulate him. His wife Karin prepared a fabulous
buffet, and the roof bar offered free drinks till late night. Guests
have been entertained with live music, a kids' performance, ball
dance, and by an impressive belly dance show. Everyone looked
happy and enjoyed this lovely birthday party.
Thank you Peter, it was a great evening!
R,ed ,Sea Bu leti Q 11
Exhibition at the lobby of Steigenberger AI Dau
fro m 27 1h of October ti ll 11 thof January 20 13
Presented by Karin Ely - Guest House "Living with Art"
Artist: Thomas Krakhofer
Belgian Honorary
consulate in El Gouna
On the
13th of September the Belgian
Honorary Consulate for the Red Sea was
Heyvaert and Honorary Consul Mr. Christophe
Lambrecht officially opened the office in El Gouna,
covering the entire Red Sea governorate.
The Consulate is open from Tuesday till Saturday,
from 12 noon till2 pm.
Modern Interpretation of ancient Egyptian rock drawings
Hand signed pictures - limited edition 1 0 prints per picture
Contact details of the Honorary Consulate:
Belgian Honorary Consulate Hurghada - Red Sea
Government Mr. Christophe l.Nv-1BRECHT - Honorary
Consul Upper Nubia - W303
El Gouna I Red Sea
Tel.: +2 065 358 0252
Fax: +2 065 358 0251
Email: [email protected]
FB: Honorary Consulate of Belgium - Red Sea
Skype: Consulbelredsea
Available at the Zawadi Boutique of
Steigenbe rger AI Dau Resort
All pictures are printed on canvas
For more information call +2 0122 232 81 55
()€M.N V:W:li0W
A~N Rli0~11Dli0ID
MJ~~~r;#~ On the occasion of the World Tourism Day 2012 Ocean View Resort has been given the:
Tourism & Sustainable Energy Powering Sustainable Development
During a ceremony in Cairo the M inister of Tourism Mr. Hisham Zaazou
handed over the award to Mr. Jurgen Grubel, general manager of
Ocean View Hotel, the certificate of appreciation for the remarkable
effort in promoting tourism to Egypt.
Pita Sphinx's
13th Anniversary
FREE "Open Bar" and Snacks
Mina, one of the Pita Sphinx's owners, is back in
town to manage the restaurant. Don't miss the
13th Anniversary on 15th of November 2012.
FRE E "Open Bar" and snacks
from 6pm till 12am. What a generous invitation !
See you there! (More on pages 24 and 65)
Bullet i l)
Resort Hurghada
Moevenpick Reso1•t litn•dhada does d1•een
The M ovenpick Resort Hurghada is w ell on t ra ck in its
certification P,rocess to receive the renow ned Green
internationally accepted
sustainability standard .
Hurghada (Egypt), 08 October 2012
Following the
announcement in 20 10 by Movenpick Hotels & Resorts of a partnership with Green Globe Certification, which will eventually see
Movenpick Resort Hurghada is well on track in its goal of achieving certification. Mr. Islam Mohamed, the Resort's Recreation Manager and Green Globe Champion, says he is confident that certification can be obtained by December this year. The programme,
which was kicked off in April, consists of more than 300 audit
points for sustainability initiatives, continually raising environmental awareness and clearly demonstrating environmental responsibility. To give but a few examples, this includes the separation and recycling of ga rbage, encouraging guests and staff alike to save
energy and water, or to purchase goods locally.
of Sweden newly brought to Egypt by
Swedish Cafes .
Arvid Nordquist Coffee CLASSIC is always
presented in Sca ndinavian roya l weddings.
Back at 1884 Arvid Nordquist opened his
fi rst del icatessen in downtown Stockholm.
His passion for coffee was inherited by his
son, who took over the business.
Coffee CLASSIC was born in 196 1 after establishing the Arvid Nordquist roaster at
Solna. Today the company is still owned
by the family, established also outside
Sweden, in Denmark, Norway, Finland and
now - in Egypt.
Guests of Sheraton (Soma Bay) can already
experience its special aroma and fla vor,
and soon other local visitors and residents
wil l have the chance to enjoy this very
special coffee !
Einladung - Invitation
9th of N ovember 20 12
El Gau n a, Abu Tig M arina , D u Port Pool Club DEC O Internationa l v eransta ltet am eine ta u ch m e d izini sch e Fortbildungsv er ansta lt ung fUr Tauchle hrer und M itarbe iter der Tauchbase n.
D ECO In ternatio na l h o lds a d iv ing med ical t rai n ing course for i nst r uctors and st a ff of d ive cente rs.
18 :00 - 1 9 :0 0 English - H BO Therapy, q u o vad is? Not only fo r d ive rs!
19:00 - 1 9:3 0 Pa use I Br eak
19:30 - 2 1 :00 D eutsch -Auf Du und Du m it d e m Ta uch u nfa ll - Tauc h u nfa lle
verst e h en , e r kenn e n u n d Faktoren ke nne n , d ie e ine Entsteh u ng begi..instige n
21 :00 - 22:00 Diskussion I Discussion :
Ref ere ntenl Spe ake r : Dr. Khaled El Tobgy, PD D r. C laus-Martin Muth,
D r. Fadel El Fayoumi Eintr itt f r ei. Bitte u rn Voranmeld u ng I Free a ttendance .
Pl ea se rese rv e in advance
info@ deco- internat
D r. Fade l El Fa you mi - DECO Interna tional
15 Years E2YPtian Chefs Association / 1Year Red Sea Chefs
This fall the Egyptian Chefs Association - Red Sea Chefs
Chapter organized a delightful party to celebrate "1 Year
Red Sea Chefs" and "15 Years ECA Anniversary" at the
Hilton Hurghada Plaza.
Along with the sponsors of the celebration, chefs and
friends from near and far gathered under the stars at the
beach garden of the Hilton Hurghada Plaza, to e'!ioy
some fabulous foods prepared by the Red Sea Chefs. The
evening was a great success as Kitchen teams of different
hotels all worked to~ether, each preparing the section of
the buffet they excel.n, from canapes to salads, grill items
to desserts, all accompanied by an excellent bread
f\e d 5ea Bulleti l) 1 3
Kcmpinski Hotel
Soma Bay
Let the Festivities
At Kem pinski Hotel Soma Bay
Friday, November 1 6
Gourmet d in ner" Bella ltal ia Notte"
~~c;=: Sunday, December 23
C hristmas tree lig htening with children ca ro ls
December 24 to December 26
Christmas themed set men u
(More o n page 17)
Michael, the new owner, took over the restaura nt from October 1st,
2012. He brought some innovative ideas and new spirits to The
Heaven - made some changes in the pricing policy, but follows on with
the same style, atmosphere, and high standard of service that The
) Heaven is known for. Along with great food and service you can use
~ ~ the free tablets avai lable with free Wifi. From now on you can watch
Restaurant & Lounge Barar the ma in sports events on the big screen, whi le relaxing in comfortab le
lounge sofas. Besides the already established internationa l cuisine there is an additiona l item on
the menu from authentic Egyptian food. A must try!
Every Thursday there is a Special Even ing with welcome cockta ils for ladies.
Join The Heaven for your Christmas dinner on 24th or 25th of December with a great party after.
Reservation on ly in advance !
Make your reservation now for the Party on 31st of December in time and welcome the New Year
with The Heaven and its friends. (More on page 4 7)
Roswell I USA I Red Bull Stratos I
Baumgartner's Record Jump From Edge Of Space
Red Bull Stratos: Mission Accomplished
Austria's Felix Baumgartner earned his place in the
history books on Sunday after overcoming concerns with the power for his visor heater that impaired his vision and nearly jeopardized the mission. Baumgartner reached an estimated speed of
1,342.8 km (Mach 1.24) jumping from the stratosphere, which when certified will make him the first
man to break the speed of sound in freefall and set
several other records* while delivering valuable
data for future space exploration.
After flying to an altitude of 39,045 meters (128, 100
feet) in a helium-filled balloon , Felix Baumgartner
completed Sunday a record breaking jump for the
ages from the edge of space, exactly 65 years after
Chuck Yeager first broke the sound barrier flying in
an experimental rocket-powered airplane. The 43year-old Austrian skydiving expert also broke two
other world records (highest freefall , highest
manned balloon flight), leaving the one for the longest freefall to project mentor Col. Joe Kittinger.
14 J\ed 5ea
Bul leti l)
Looking for a Xmas gift? Cleopatra Wellness has the solution for you!
Visit the ir place and purchase a gift voucher for your loved ones.
Ch~F~~m ~-----=:- :~.
Choose from a wide variety of treatments such as Cosmetics, Lash
Extensions, Gel Nails, Permanent Make Up, Hairdressing or Massages.
News: Cleopatra Wellness expanded their team with the professional
massage therapist- Ewa Wozniak
Massage therapy improves the mobility and flexibility of the muscles,
relieves the muscles from pain and tension, and helps in clearing the
waste materials and lactic add from the body. Massage also helps in
redudng the stiffness and pain experienced in the joints and muscles and
thus, makes the recipient feel relaxed.
If you take care of your body, your body will take care of you!
Call now for your appointment 01282043326 or contact them via their
(More on page 25)
L~J-j !.C:00 cillo ~
C Sl~~'J'J~~!A
Fresh Italian Pasta from II Chicco d'Oro
Besides homemade fresh ravioli, fettuccine and tortellini you can also now
get lasagna with meat, vegetarian lasagna and original potato-gnocchi.
Also available for take away!
You can take home their tasty tomato sauce
(available with and without meat) and prepare a great fam ily meal!
Order your Xmas and NY stock in Time! Carlo and Federica will be on
holiday from 17th of December till the beginning of January.
(More on page 59)
f\ed 5ea Bulletil)
November 23
Everyon e is invited to e njoy Diver 's Day o n
N o vember 2 3. Sto p in o n t his end of yea r clearance
and big discount up to 5 0 %. Yo u can also sell your
use d e quipme nt an d g et n ew gear at a big dis count! Plus, Scuba Onli ne is the place to bri ng your
diving gear fo r rep ai r - they a re cert ifie d to service
all ki nd s of diving equ ipm e nt (More on Hu rgh a da
m ap).
Freds Swim Academy is proud
to announce a fantastic result
of 120,000 meters swam for
O ur charity journey begun o n Thu rsday 27.9 . i n
El Gou na Internat ional School by raising f u nds
fo r C hild re n's Cance r Hosp ita l in Ca i ro.
!he pa '"!icipatio n a nd performan ce w ere tru ly
Im preSSIVe .
After such a success in EGIS we w e re th rilled to
lau nch our new "Ca re Fo r Do lp h i ns"
ca mpa ign w ith t he ki nd support of ou r pa rtner
hotels :
Moevenpick Reso rt & Spa El Goun a
Steigen berger A I Dau Beach Hote l
Sheraton Som a Bay Resort
Robinson Cl ub So ma Bay
Kempinski Ho tel Som a Bay
Freds Swim Acad emy a nd Dol p h in Watch
A lliance wou ld like to t ha n k
everyone w ho joined us in
this great journey a nd
supported bo th cha rities.
www. carefordolphi
Bullet i l)
FREDS SW IM ACADEMY introduces new w inter
program for children from 5-15 years to keep
their body & mind active w ith sports & activities in and out of the water - aimed at environmental
Presentation of a new winter program on Friday
2/11 and Saturday 3/11 - FREE OF CHARGE at
Creative Minds American School at AI Ahia (
Hurghada), whose campus includes a swimming
pool, a large yard and the access to the beach!
Every weekend there is two-hour program for
children & workshops for parents, incl. Medical
First Aid course.
Coming up soon : special day "Swimming for
Ladies Only" . (More on page 40)
Desk line El Gouna 0128 274 1000
Desk line Hurghada 0 128 274 2000
Facebook: Freds Sw imacademy
Kempinski Hotel
Soma Bay
let the Festivities Begin
At Kempinski Hotel Soma Bay
A fantastic luxurious hotel, blissfully situated in the most exclusive area of Soma Boy,
Kempinski Hotel Soma Boy is preparing some sumptuous treats for guests to
celebrate o magical Festive Season. Here is just o taste of the events offered for on
unforgettable holiday experience.
If you missed our enchanting Gourmet Wine Dinner event, join us on Friday,
November 16 and go for the Gusto at Kempinski with the gastronomic
"Bello ltolio Notte" sensually blended with the finest G roppo and Limoncello
selection presented by wine expert Mr. Lobib Kallas and perfectly tailored with the
Ito lion gourmet live cooking journey led by our Executive Chef and his team.
Christmas is a time for fami ly-home celebrations, therefore at Kempinski we will
make it happen! En joy extra special core with amazing traditional festive atmosphere
tha t imply bondage between everybody as well as o promise of a truthful M erry
Christmas. This year, Kempinski Hotel Soma Boy is sparkling with seasonal spirit as
it hosts the worm-hearted children carols performing during the Christmas tree lighting on December 23.
From D ecember 24 to December 26, we hove a great Christmas themed set
menu at "The View" restaurant full of tasty festive delights.
With o wealth of festive events and celebrations, o heartfelt hospitality that will make
you feel special from the moment you arrive to the hotel, indulge in o perfectly
crafted New Year's Eve showcasing an elegant cocktail reception at the Lobby with
o magical setting, o selection of festive themes culinary delicacies served across "The
View" and "Bamboo Shoot" restaurants portraying the fantastic seasonal food
masterpieces specially prepared by the hotel's culinary artists, and o fabulous New
Year's countdown party at "Sulton Lounge" with extravagant entertainment and
champagne toast at midnight.
For more excitement, join us for the after party celebration at "La Pergola" and
boogie your night away with the amazing DJ tunes.
What better way to en joy the first day of the N ew Year off on a delicious note with
our exquisite breakfast buffet at " The View" restaurant. We will spoil you and your
loved ones with our enhanced breakfast buffet till late afternoon offering tasty foods
full of festive flavors.
Whatever you fancy for on indulgent festive season, Kempinski Hotel Soma Boy is
sure to offer.
For inquiries, please call 065 356 1500.
Kempinski Hotel Soma Bay
PO BOX 15, 84711 Safaga,
Red Sea, Egypt
Tel.: +20 65 356 1500
Fax: +20 65 356 1600
Telephone in Egypt +20109 055 28 88
+20100 582 33 59
~: ~ TenecpoH BMOCKBe +7 495 287 08 40
Head office: 1st floor._near the elevator, Esplanada Mall, Hurghada, Egypt
:::;::::~~~~~~Lc:e'i~ Sharm El Sheikh
Ocf>lilc BXypraAe: 3cnnaHaAa Monn, 2 na>K, PRAOM cnlilcf>TOM
Ocf>IIICbl B WapM 3nb Welilxe, MocKse, CaHKT-neTep6ypre, K&~~ese
www.irisegyptcom,, [email protected], skype: irisredsea
Apartments from $14 400
Land on the first coastal line from $150 000
AnapTaMeHTbl oT 14 400$
Y"iaCTOK 3eMn&ll Ha nepsolil 6eperosolil n&~~H&/1&11 oT 150 000 $
Hurghada, Apartments in a Residential
Compound. Holiday house only with $14 400.
Installments till June 2013. Nice compound with
swimming pool.
Hur9E._ada, ~Hotel apartments. HOT OFFER
Pric~ $28 600.
Payment up to 5 years. Private beach, huge
swimming pools, fun and entertainment.
Hurghada, Apartments in a Recidential
Compound. Ready compound in the center of
Hurghada. 3 swimming pools, gym. 1 bedroom
apartment - $47 000. Credit for 2 years.
Xypra,qa, AnaptaMeHTbl B>KMnoM KOMnneKce.
Baw Kyco4eK MOpR scero 3a 14 400$.
5ecnpO!~eHrHaR paccpo4Ka n11areJKa AO IIIIOHR
2013 rOA3- 0TI11!14Hbl'1 lKI!II10'1 KOMnlleKC C 6acce'1HOM.
Xypra,qa, AnaptaMeHTbl Ha teppMtopMM
4* otenA. ropA1J4ee npe,qno>KeHMel
(TOI!IMOCTb ~ 28600$.
nnaH onnaTbl AO 5 ner. Co6aseHHbt'1 nnR>K 111
HeCKOilbKO 6acceliiHOB.
Xypra,qa, AnaptaMeHTbt B>KMnoM KOMnneKce.
roTOBbllil K npOlKiiiBaHiiiiO KOMnlleKC B LleHrpe
XypraAbl. 3 6acceli1Ha, <jllllrHec 4eHrp.
Ksaprlilpa c OAHOVi cnanbHelil - 47 000$.
KpeAiiiT Ha 2 roAa.
Sahl Hasheesh, 5* Luxury apartments and
villas. Ready!!! Pay installments 6 months and
live now. Price €70 564.
7 swimming pools including heated & salt water
with waves.
Sahl Hasheesh, 5* Hotel Apartments.
Ready!!! Pay credit 5 years and live now.
Swimming pools, restaurants, gym and free
access to the private sandy beach.
Prices from $62 591.
Caxn Xaw1r1w, PocKOWHbte anaptaMeHTbt 111
BMllllbl Ha TeppMTOpMM 5* OTenA.
KoMnneKc roros KnpO>t<IIIBaHiiiiO!!! nnan1Te paccpo4KY 6 MeCR4eB 111 >t<liiBiiiTe celil4ac.
(TOiiiMOCTb 70 564€.
7 6acceliiHOB, BKI1104aR 6acceliiH CnOAOrpeBOM 11
6acceliiHCMOpCKOVi BOAOVi Iii BOI1HaMI1.
Caxn XawMw, anaptaMeHTbt Ha teppMTOPMM
5* otenA. KoMnlleKc roroe K npOJKiiiBaHI110!!!
nnanne KpeAIIIT 5 ner 111 >t<I1BI1Te yJKe celil4ac.
5acceli1Hbl, pecropaHbl, <jJI1THec Kny6, 6ecnnarHbtlil AOCTyn Ha neC4aHbllil n!lRlK.
( TOiiiMOCTb OT 62 591$.
Hurghada, apartments on the first coastal
line. Luxury compound with private beach.
Fantastic location close to Promenade. Beautiful
territory with gardens, pools, restaurants and
infrastructure. Finished apartments from
€63 400. Great investment offer.
Real Estate Agency
Xypra,qa, KsaptMpbt Ha nepsorlt nMHIIIIII.
npeCTiillKHbllil KOMnlleKC C 43CTHbiM nllRJKeM.
OlaHTaCTt.14eCKaR 6111130CTb KHafiepe>t<HOVi.
Kpac11eaR repp11rop11R c caAaMiil, 6acceliiHaMI1,
peCTOpaH3MI1 11 liiH<jlpacrpyKrypolil. fOTOBble
KBapTiilpbl OT 63 400€.
c ) #(lL -a regular participant of International Exhibitions
re al
es t a t e
nOCTOJ1HHbl171 y"'aCTHIIIK Me>K.qyHapo.qHbiX BbiCTaBOK
Boys' clothes crossword
Fllow the numbers across and down
and write the words in the grid.
The pictures are clues.
Whose feet?
Draw L1nes to
JOin the footpnnts
to the an1mals.
22 ~ed 5ea BulletiQ
International School n rise-school. net
Welcome to the Sunrise School, one of well-establ ished and esteemed
schools in our Egyptian community. The school is home to students from
baby class to hig h school comp letion. We offer two educational systems; the
American system and the National language school. O ur graduates have
truly proven themselves in highly esteemed un iversities in various faculties
through the years and a lways stand out amongst thei r peers in the way that
they carry themselves as SISs . The school's motto is "to teach fo r life", and
that is why we a re not just a school- we are a family institution. Our students
are not just one of many, b ut seen as unique individuals and catered to in a
way that we can have them a ll be tru ly successfu l global citizens. They are
each special and ca red for ind ivid ually and within the entire commun ity.
Contact us
Land line: + 2 065 355 46 60
+ 2 065 355 46 43
Fax: + 2 065 355 46 53
Mobi le: + 2 010 150 56 778
Emai l: info@sunrise-school. net
sunrisela ng uageschool@hotma
sunrisela ng [email protected]
Website :
Celebrates its
en Jhursday 15th of November 2012
fnREE Open Bar and Snacks
from 6:00pm till12:00am
Read more about Pita Sphinx on page 65
<<Flying Crane»
* Tai-chi * Stretching
* Dzen Yoga Therapy
* lJHryH
«napSIWHH )l(ypaBAb»
* TaAU3H * PaCUI>kKa
* AleH Aora repanMSI
At Sabirova Dance School
Kotta 's Mall - 3 floor, opp Marlin Inn
Every parent is always concerned at the beginning of the school yeor with
getting ready with school uniforms, bogs, shoes and school books, so what
about getting ready health-wise?
It is, by far, much more important to know whether your child is ready and
competent to join the school and share in all its activities, than just to buy
him a pair of shoes, which is also important.
1) Assessment of the general condition of the child including body weight
and height and rate of growth during the last year.
2) Checks for any new condition that occurred within the last year.
3) Revision of the vaccination schedule and check for any missing vaccines.
4) Assessment of the motor and mental development of the child, which
will accordingly help in the rate and level of performance in the new
school year and his or her achievement throughout the educational
5) It is a chance for the parents to ask about any subjects that are of much
concern or might have aroused concern during the previous period.
So what is the dodor going to do in the visit?
1) Full medical examination, including referral, if needed, to an eye
specialist, ear and hearing specialist or even neurologist.
2) Routine investigations might be required in addition to other
investigations if any signs are alarming to the pediatrician.
3) Medication for any condition, including multivitamins, might be
prescribed in accordance to the child's condition.
4) Recommendation of any needed vaccination.
It is very important to reassure the child that this is a friendly
visit to their doctor and this will be reworded later, if possible.
Dr. Rafeek Ramzy Mickail
Pediatri cian and Neonatologist
Member of American Academy o f Pediatri cs (AAP)
M ember of Egyptian Pediatric Association (EPA)
Memb er o f Egyptian Society for Neo n ata l and
Preterm Cur e ( ESN PC)
(\ed )ea BulletiQ 25
Part 15
What Are The Types of Dental Implants?
1) Root Form Imp lants
Root form implants are the closest in shape and size to the natura l tooth root. They are common ly used
in wide, deep bone to provide a base for replacement of one, several or a complete arch of teeth. After
application of anesthetic, your dentist will expose the area of the jawbone to be implanted a nd prepare
the bone to accept th e im pla nt. The num ber of incisions and bone preparations depends upon the
number of im plants and teeth bei ng placed. The implant is set into place a nd th e gums are closed with
several stitches. The healing period usually varies from th ree months to six or more. Duri ng this time
osseointegration occurs. The bone grows in a nd a round the impla nt creating a stro ng structural
su pport. This bond can be even stronger tha n the orig ina l tooth's. When heal ing is com plete, your
im plant is uncovered a nd an extension or abutment is attached to it. Now the impla nt and abutment
act as a solid unit ready to su pport your new tooth or teeth.
2) Plate Form Implants
Plate form im plants are usually used when th e bone is so narrow it may not be suitable for the root form
im plant and the area is not suitable for bo ne grafting. The plate form impla nt is flat a nd long so it can
fit into the na rrow jawbone.
3) Subperiosteal Implants
With very adva nced jawbone resorption there may not be enoug h bone width o r height for the root form
o r plate fo rm implant. In these cases the su bperiosteal imp lant may be prescribed . The subperiosteal
im plant is custom made a nd d esig ned to sit on top of the bone, but und er the gum s.
To be continued ...
C reated by:
Dr. Ayman Nassef
Hurghada, Sheraton Road, in fro nt of Sea Gull Hote l,
above Costa Coffee - 2nd floor
Mobile: 0122 322 69 13
Email : d r.ayman _ nassef@ yma il. com
www. d rayma n
Member of A lexand ria Organization for Implantation
, ~ i !hod~ ) 11 ·flic
fDe:ntaii iB:ra~es
~- 1 .1 ~ ) tl1tm etn·i
'Teac:hetr5 a1md Gotl'ilSlUllltaLmt litm
Gailtro lDett1tall l .!Jtmfive:rsfity
with IBe.s·t /Ma·freJrtial~, 'T~"ihtmo!logy
atmd Good IPdGe
s·~e1r[Usatrto1n sys-te1
guatratti1t~ees youtr layglie1
mik saife·ty~
- Zircon fillings and crowns
-White fillings with ultra violet ray
- Root canal treatment w ith Laser
- High quality porcelain bridges
- Ultrason ic scal ing
Address: Sheraton Road, in front of Sea Gull Hotel, above Costa Coffee - 2 "d floor
Mobile: +2 0122 322 69 13 Email: [email protected]
Health- and mental coach Barbara luigs is expanding her programme here
at the Red Sea. In this issue, she explains what you can do mentally and
physically to stop these endless thoughts that keep going in circles in your
head. Because we are what we think.
Dear readers,
"Don't think of a pink camel". Now I bet you all have the image of a rather
strange looking animal in your head that is difficult to ignore. The same
thing happens with thoughts that are important to you whether it's a
business problem or something personal that bothers you. The more stress
we hove these days, the more pertinent these thoughts sit in your head and
make it next to impossible to unwind, relax and be open for new ideas and
impulses for how to solve the issues.
~~il·.:~~our~ perceplion and ability to focus on the present is becoming limited, we lack energy, and develop a set of thinking
cxm, the v.ast case, result in a negative spiral of thoughts. The impacts are both physical and psychological and include
Sleep disorders, l'lE!rtQJSness, heodoches, tension and can even lead up to serious symptoms such as stomach issues, back pain and
distressed blood drtulotion.
Now, a repetitNe thought is not yet a sign that you should make a change in your life. But if it becomes persistent, starts a life on its own,
is tedious, often negative or develops a "what if when" pattern, you may want to do something about it.
There are a 'v'Oriety of options and most of them can be done by yourself, such as focussing on the present, doing something fun, trying to
change the perspective or by simply leaving the situation which may mean to get up and drink o cup of tea at night instead of turning
from the left to the right side while desperately trying to go bock to sleep.
Other "tools" that help your thoughts to unwind ore endurance sports, relaxation exercises
such as yoga or breathing techniques, meditation or fantasy journeys. The prerequisite
though is to start a consciousness process that your thoughts are in a negative spiral and
this is achieved in three steps: Apperception - Decision - Focus.
In my mental training programme, you will learn to focus on the present, shape your
emotions to be positive and affirmative of yourself and hence positively influencing your
mind and thoughts. The programme con also help you to reduce addictions such as
smoking, increase your ability to concentrate and prevent burn-out.
Mental Practise:
I would like to conclude by offering you this little exercise for free which will help you stop
rotating thoughts in a few seconds:
l .Sit or lie down so that you feel comfortable and close your eyes
2.Relox the muscles in your face: forehead, eye muscles, lips, jaws, etc.
You only have to focus on each of the relevant areas and tell yourself "let gd'- that will do.
3.Relax the entire area of your mouth and especially the tongue! Why?
Because the tongue is directly connected with the cerebral areas responsible for speech and
if you relax the tongue, you will find it hard to think and lead inner dialogues. The result?
Your thoughts come to a halt. So what are you waiting for? Start to live your life today!
So what are you waiting for? Start to live your life today/
To schedule an appointment with me, please send an e-mail to
[email protected] or call me at +2 0127 562 36 71
For more information about my programme, please visit
Yours Sincerely,
Why trait1it1g with me is differeHt
My previous experience from working in an executive position in a corporate environment helps me
better understand and deal with mental and physical challenges a stressful job, a hectic life, or simply
a lifestyle with lots of different options and choices can create for the body and mind.
My mental training combines physical and mental exercises and I see my customers as
a holistic unit. Subject to your needs and personal situation, I will also integrate coaching elements
into the customised programme.
Certified instructors, speaking
English, Russian, German and Italian
New models of equipment: JP boards,
N e ilpryde Sails
_ PyccKHiil ueHTp soaHbiX BHaOB cnopTa.
BHHacepcpHHr, KalilTcepqmHr, seli1K6op.a,
BO.ilHble 1\bi:>KH, napyCHbllil KaTaMapaH.
El Kawther, 6th El Mobanmwdy Hwaidak Street
Beside Miramar Coffee Shop, 2nd floor, Flat no. 3
Hurghada, Red Sea
Mobile: (+2) 0122 378 05 38
Tel.: (+2)065 345 37 90
E-mail: [email protected]
[email protected]
Work Hours:
Saturday - Thursday
9am- 5pm
Red Sea Law Firm
R_ed 5ea Bu lletiQ 31
Ta1~ aodl Ent~Jmed
Tourism sector is still is the leading area which the government hopes to create jobs.
There are three thousand kilometers of beaches with sunny weather throughout the year in a country
in the centre of the world and it must be the tourism sector's locomotive of development.
Investment opportunities in Marsa Alam, AI Quseir, Safaga and Ras Banas are still promising. These
beaches are still virgin, full of the most beautiful coral reefs in the world.
The phenomenon of the second housing (housing resort throughout the year) is still one of the most
important investment opportunities on the shores of the Red Sea.
The tourism sector is going on in its orbit about 99 food processing industry, metal and electronics
and electro mechanic in addition to the prosperity of the contracting activity.
All of the above confirms that the tourism sector is most capable of providing employment
So government should recalculate fees and tax burdens imposed on the tourism sector; activate the
law ofvalue added and the need to discount the input of the sales tax until it is clear that there is no
duplication in tax. Or reduce class sales tax on the tourism sector to 5% as it was before.
Also can deduct prepaid tax on private capital goods on tourism like furniture of hotel and
equipment rather than restrict it to electrical equipment as is the case now.
If the govermnent thinks in upward tax must be customized in activities and be in the tourism sector
must be in the narrowest limits.
The private sector and chambers oftourist must support the tourism sector and eliminate all types of
bureaucracy, for example some projects submitted for licenses four years ago did not get it until now.
Also general sector companies which working in the tourism field should prepare tax declarations
according to the Egyptian tax laws.
Consultation companies working in the fie ld of accounting and taxation to provide full technical
support for tourist projects.
To create jobs and develop is much more important than increasing taxes.
Chartered Accountant- Taxes Consultant
Ashraf Kabil
Chartered Accountant -Tax Expert
Tourist Advisor
Apartments 115/116 I st floor, Shrouk Hadaba Building
(EI Mandara), beside Calypso, Hurghada, Red Sea
Tel.: (002) 065 345 3108-9 or (002) 0122 574 5678
25 (A), El Obour Buildings, Salah Salem Street, Cairo
Tel.: (002) 022 401 1532
City Stars October, Tower I, 3rd floor, Apartment 12, October City- Tel.: (002) 023 R34 2519, (002) 023 834 2518
Building 398 in front of Jasmine Center, the first round, El Obour
Tel.: (002) 024 478 8882
4 Mostafa Kamel Street~ from Fesal Street, El Taawon Station, Giza
Tel.: (002) 023 771 2409
Taxes Consults: 0122 57 45678 - 0122 9686 111 - 0122 9686 222 - 0122 9686 333
32 R_ed 5ea Bulletil)
E-mail: [email protected]
Il l
A self-sufficient, fully integrated resort town stretching across 10 km of pristine shoreline on the beautiful Red Sea coast
resides El Gouna, Orascom Development's flagship town and the Group's "Life as it should be" development benchmark.
El Gouna offers its guests and residents an unparalleled lifestyle attracting a growing multinational communify of 24,000
residents. Year-round sunshine, shimmering lagoons, turquoise beaches, and being short flight from Europe make
El Gouna the ultimate paradise escape.
El Gouna boasts world class infrastructure, upscale services and is home to some of the world's most reputable brands in
the tourism and leisure industries.
The town's luxury facilities include a landing strip, 3 international standard marinas with total capacity of 282 berths,
internationally acclaimed universities and schools, an 18-hole championship golf course, 17 hotels, 2 Angsana Spa outlets,
and a state-of-the-art Lax Gym. The town boasts a world class international standard hospital providing 24 hour emergency
care, a hyperbaric chamber for diving emergencies, and a dialysis service allowing guests to book treatments prior to arrival
and a pick-up service to facilitate transport to and from the hospital.
Additionally, the town has over a hundred restaurants and bars, scuba diving, yachting, fishing, and fully-equipped water
sports centers, tennis and horse-back-riding, at El Gouna active pursuits for every age group are at hand.
A culture hub with a public library affiliated to the world-famous Bibliotheca Alexandrine, a Culturama multimedia cultural
presentation, a mosque and a church, as well as ongoing cultural festivals and major events. El Gouna is also an
educational pole with the only pilot campus of the Technische Universitat Berlin, a field study center of the American
Universify in Cairo, international and Egyptian curriculum schools, a German-Egyptian hotel school, and a nursing institute
based on American training programs.
Contributing to its unique flair is the resort's award-winning architecture that brings together traditional elements of the land's
rich heritage with modem design and functionality. The work of prestigious architects such as Alfredo Freda, Michael
Graves, Ramy El Dahan, and Shehab Mazhar, among others, can be seen in the town's various neighborhoods. Here,
a creative and diverse communify of entrepreneurs, artists, environmentalists, and sports enthusiasts make their home and
give the town an eclectic and sophisticated international flavor.
Being Egypt's most environmentally friendly destination, El Gouna is honored to be the powerhouse behind the Green Star
Hotel Initiative that has since swept over the country.
For Reservations call 16444
~e d )ea Bulletil)
Party Time @ Marina 8pm
Cocktail Night @ Peanuts Bar Marina 1Opm
-:1<- Kafr El Gouna Live @ 8pm
(special discount at surrounded bars)
~* Tequila Boom Boom Party@ Tambellrish Pub
(buy 1 get 1 free from 9pm till midnight)
(special discount at surrounded bars)
Saturday Special @ CBar (Shehab & Craig)
Live Music@ Dunes Bar
Night@ Marina 7:30pm
~* Warm up Wednesday@ C Bar
~i<- All Night OJ Music@ Tam bel Irish Pub 1Opm
Tamr Henna under the stars @ Marina 8:30pm
(belly dancer and tanoura with nubian show)
->i:- Cocktail Night @ Tambel lrish Pub 9pm
(special price for cocktails all night)
Marina Street Festival @ Marina 8pm
All Night OJ Music@ Tam bel Irish Pub 1Opm
Tequila Boom Boom Party@ Tambellrish Pub
(buy 1 get 1 free from 9pm till midnight)
Note: Programs may be changed by the outlets.
to find more information and announce
an event or weekly entertainment
m free of charge!
us at:
Tamr Henna under the stars@ Marina 8:30pm
(belly dancer and tanoura with nubian show)
'*All Night OJ Music@ Tambellrish Pub 1Opm
Happy Hour@ Peanuts Bar Marina 5-6pm
Happy Hour@ Piazza- Sultan Bey 6-7pm
0 Happy Hour@ Captain Inn 5:30pm (except friday & saturday)
0 Happy Hour @ Boat Bar Sheraton Miramar 5:30pm (except friday)
o OJ Music all night @ Tambel lrish Pub (except sunday)
o Happy Hour@ Moods Restaurant & Beach Club
from 5-6pm (except sunday)
o Happy Hour@ C Bar 8-1 Opm (half price on all cocktails)
Don't Miss
Metropolitan Opera Live on screen
@ TU Berlin Campus (program on page 36)
El Gouna I Hurghada I Safaga
o ~ l Qusej[ I Marsa Alam
->!-· Kafr El Gouna Live @ 8pm
For Information: 012 359 18 48
E-mail: [email protected]
~e<l 5ea Bulletil) 39
Where 2 go>))
La Luna El Gouna
A fter having worked for manY.
years with Bel la Vista Hotel, Chef
Ashraf Fayez decided to move his
business to El Gouna, and has
chosen the most amazing location
in downtown, next to the Aquarium,
for his "La Luna Restaurant &
Pizzeria" w ith a stunning view over
El Gouna and its beautiful lagoons .
The restaurant offers outstanding
Italian food and is open daily from
12 noon ti ll midnight.
A w ide selection of real Italian
pizza, homemade fresh pasta,
soups, salads, main courses and
desserts are waiting for you there.
La Luna also offers a va riety of
Egyptian premium wines, beer, soft
and hot drinks . Specia l cocktails
a re available at very reasonable
JJrices as well.
Chef Ashra f Fayez, who looks back
on 16 years in the restau rant
business in Italy and 10 years at
La Luna Restaurant & Pizzeria on the
Red Sea, opened La Luna in
El Gouna in Apri l 2011 and wi ll
open his new restaurant at Sunrise
Resort Hurghada in December
2012. He has a lways welcomed his
guests as friends and makes sure
every client feels extra special.
Come and experience a great mea l
with a breath- ta king lagoon view of
El Gouna.
40 R_ed )ea Bull etil)
achdem Chefkoch Ashraf Fayes
einige Jahre mit Bella Vista Hotel gearbeilet hatte, entschloss sich, sein Geschaft nach El Gouna zu verlagern . Fur
sein "La Luna Restaurant & Pizzeria" hat
er sich einen der besten Platze mil Blick
uber El Gouna und seine traumhaften
Lagunen ausgesucht. Oas Lokal ist von
12 Uhr rniltags bis Mitternacht offen
und hat eine ausgezeichnele ltalienische
Eine grol3e Auswahl von Pizzas, hausgemachte frische Pasta, Suppen, Salate,
sowie Haupt- und Nachspeisen warten
auf Sie. Hier konnen Sie ouch aus einer
Lisle erstklassiger agyptischer Weine auswahlen; selbstverslandlich gibt es ouch
Bier, alkoholfreie und heil3e Getri:inke,
sowie ausgezeichnete Cocktails zu moderaten Preisen .
Chef Ashraf Fayez hat 16 Jah r~ Erfahrung in Ita lien und 10 Jahre in Agypten
gesammelt. Danach eroffnete er im
April 20 11 La Luna in El Gouna und
wird im Oezember ein neues Restaurant
beim Sunrise Hotel in Hurghada eroffnen.
Ashraf ist am ganzen Rote[l Meer bekannnt, und ist sowohl bei Agyptern als
ouch bei hier lebenden Ausli:indern sehr
beliebt. Er begrul3t seine Gi:iste als
Freunde und schenkt ihnen besondere
Besuchen Sie La luna in Kafr El Gouna
und geniel3en Sie den atemberaubenden Blick uber El Gouna und ein hervorragendes italienisches Essen.
popa60TaB MHOro AeT C OT€A€M
H o tel,
w e<p Awpacp
<Daye3 pewi-IA n epe6paTbC~ 8 3Ab
co6cmeHHbri1 61-13Hec. /:;.Nil caoero
pecropaHa OH 8br6paA YHI-1KaAbHOe
naHOpaMHbiM BHLI.OM Ha ropOLI. 1-1
Aa ryHbl
H€ 110LI.aAeKy
A KBap1-1yMa. 0TKpb1BWHCiC51 B anpeAe
20 11
KyxH e 1-1 npHHHMaeT noceTHTeAeR c
WHpOKMR accopn1M€HT HaCTo5l weR
0CH06Hbl€ 6AIOLI.a
H aecepTbl
yaoBAeraopm BKyC aa>Ke caMoro
Pa3Hoo6pa3Hbre copTa BI-IH, n1-1aO,
ropS141-1e H npOXAa6.Hbl€ HanHTKH, a
TaK >KE' KOKTE'i1AI-1 3LI.E'Cb 110 flE'CbMa
yMepeHHbiM u eHaM.
O nbn
VlTaAHH fl T€4E'HI-11-1 "16 A€T we<p
A w pa¢ <Dae3 ycnew Ho n peT80p~eT 8
>KI-13Hb Ha KpacHOM Mope y>t<e B
Te4 eHJ-~H 10 M~T R pecropaHax /\a
/\yHa. OH oKpy>t<aeT n epcoHaAbHOR
Bel Ia
Kacpp EAb
coYeTaHHH c 3ax8aTbr8aiOwHM ayx
C BbiCOTbl
mHY ~>ero noAeTa.
noceweHJ-~eM /\a /\yHa -
Where 2 go>))
Thai Vegetarian Food
Nowadays, more and more people are turning to
vegetarian food due to growing interest in maintaining
health and in the healing quality of meat-free diets; in
additi on to long-standing re ligious reasons. Vegetarians
differ in the degree to which animal products are
restricted in their diets.
One category of vegetarian is "vegan", Vegans eat only
fruits, vegetables, nuts, beans, sesame, cereals and
consume neither egg nor milk or other dairy products.
Some a lso abstain fro m spices a nd certain spicy
vegetables, such as garlic and onion.
A second type of vegetarian consumes milk and dairy
products. However, there are some vegetarians who eat
eggs and drink milk but do not consume other dairy
Four Major Dietary Components of the Vegetarian diet:
1. Proteins build and maintain tissue and are also
?lie autlientic
rrliai (j(estaurant
oftlie CR.§aSea
important in resistance to disease. Protein is found in
peas and beans, especially soybeans, in mushrooms,
unpolished rice, sesame, oilseeds, dehydrated soy
protein extrudote, and also in many vegetables.
2. Carbohydrates give energy to the body. Starchy foods
such as unpolished rice, potato, taro, and sugar,
especially brown sugar, ore good sources.
3. Fat also supplies our bodies with energy. Vegetarians
can obtain fats from vegetable o il, milk, dairy products,
nuts, peas, beans, sesame and other oilseeds.
4. Vitamins and minerals ploy important roles in the
reacti ons essential for normal functioning of the body.
Fresh vegetables, fruits, nuts, peas, beans, sesame and
rice are important sources of these dietary components.
Main foods of vegetarians and their nutrients:
Unpolished rice and cereal: contain 7 -1 2% protein and
more than twenty kinds of vitamins and minerals. The
fiber in these foods is helpful in elimination. Fiber
deficiency can cause diabetes, high blood pressure,
colon cancer, appendicitis, and varicose veins.
Soybean is o high-protein vegetable, which con replace
meat in the diet. Not only is it much less expensive than
meat, but it also has certain nutrients in larger quantities
than meat, such as unsaturated fat, which helps control
cholesterol; iron, which is essential to the blood, the
liver; and the nerves; and vitamin E.
Notes: The products from soybean ore available in
various forms, for instance, bean curd, dried soybean
film, soybean milk, dehydrated soy protein extrudote,
soy sauce, fermented soybean, fermented soybean
paste, etc ...
Mushrooms ore also an excellent substitute for meat not
only because they taste good but a lso because there is
o large variety of mushroom to choose from.
Mushrooms contain a bout 3% protein and all essential
amino acids. They ore especially good for people who
hove heart, liver, o r kidney disorders or high
Seeds contain healthful fat and oil, 20% protein, vitamin
A, C, and E, and minerals, especially selenium, which
reduces the risk of cancer. Pumpkin seeds contain 20%
protein, 46% fat and ore extremely high in phosphorus.
Fruits and vegetables contain vitamins and minerals and
also provide o ur bodies with fiber necessary for regular
elimination. Vitamins and minerals in fruits and vegetables are essential for the healthfulness of our nerves,
teeth and complexio ns. They are especially necessary
for those who hove diabetes and high blood-pressure.
J\ed 5ea Butt etil) 41
l\1J U l ~ncility..
l 1ia g·otlll
(El Go tutn~<.linlysls Ceu(er)
, H 1-, P 1C
, ' ' P 1-i'.1-~-~\...L
l l.Ll\1.ElJ lCA. .L CENT~l~
El Gouna Hospital
22 km north of Hurghada, Red Sea. Egypt
From outside El Gouna call
+2 065/3580012-17
+2 065/3580011-19
From inside El Gouna pll
Fax No: +2 065/3580020
E-mail : [email protected]
Web-site :
Largest Deco
Chamber in the
Middle East
Pre-diving medical
Quality and Efficiency
Grand Stone is one of the leading companies for marble and
granite in Egypt. Owning stone quarries in 12 areas all over Egypt
and 3 factories guarantee the highest quality materials. There is also
a wide variety of imported marble and granite available. Grand
Stone customers have the choice to purchase the products only or
have them installed by their specialists. Grand Stone guarantees the
highest quality for the best price.
Sarah City mall, in front of Egypt Air, Hurghada
Mobile: 0111114 56 22, 0111 692 99 96
[email protected]
... I istQ 0
I j...J
u';; i"
0 I q...J 1U
'4o,Jlst.JI.b.ib.JI u; JQ u~ u.:l.:ll
Latest international wallpapar
06o~ no Hoaei1wei1 M~poaoi1 TexHoAor~~
Ul:;l.o J~~ \.J'.I~ oJ~jq ulwllioJI ~l.ul;l91~1 ulwJI
Sole agent of Asio African
All Products certifi ed : ISO 90 0 2 and ISO 9001
serd catalogs. Sizes ard interior desgner visitilg for FREE
3 aKa3 KaTMora, Bbi30B c n e u~t~ a/\~t~ CTa M51 3aMepos
111 .tl~t~3a ii1Hepa no IIIHTepbepy - 6ECnM THO
Special rates to•• hotels and totn•lst PI'"Oiects
Head Office:
409 EI-Sudon St., EI-Mohondseen, Coiro
Tei.I Fox: 02 33024394
Customer Service: 01 00 01 05 068 I 0 l 00 2127 177
Websites: I
E-mail: [email protected]
Red Sea:
El Mamsho, Sarah city moll, next to Egypt Ai r,
Mo bile: 0101 0506 209
E-mail: [email protected]
~e<l 5 ea Bull etil) 43
* Jamaran
Land Area: 1OOOm
Front Beach Villas
Building Area: 318m
Head Office: 30 Lebanon St. Mohandseen
(+202) 33443060-33443070
(+20) 10 97775538
Hurghada Office: Touristic Center, Villages Road .
(+2065) 3442267
(+20) 10 02190798
Websites: ,
H urghada is located 22km south of El G auna and 54km
north of Safaga, with the Red Sea to the east and the
mountains of the Eastern Desert to the west. Two decades
ago Hurghado was a modest little fishing village and is
now home to about 248,000 people. Most of them ore
working in services for the more than 4 million sun-seekers
and diving enthusiasts visiting the area every year. Crystal
clear, calm waters and fascinating coral reefs have made
Hurghada, or AI Ghardoko, as the Egyptians call it, Egypfs
most popular resort town with more than 250 hotels in a ll
categories. Hurghoda is divided into three parts: El Dohor
(downtown) is the old part; Sakalo is the city center and El
Momsha (pedestrian area) is the modern part. In all three
areas you con find plenty of bazaars, sho ps, restaurants,
bars, discotheques, fruit and vegetable markets, as well
as the post office, telephone central, banks and money
exchange offices and more ...
Ask your lour leader for more information and have a look
at the following pages "Where 2 Go?" to find out more
about what Hurghada has to offer.
Kristollklares, ruhiges Wasser und faszinierende Korallenriffe
hoben Hurghodo mit seinen uber 250 Hotels zum meistbesuchten Resort am Roten Meer gemacht. Hurghodo ist in
drei Teile gegliedert: El Dohar (Downtown) ist der alte Teil,
Sakala ist die lnnenstadt und El Mamsha (FuBgangerzone)
ist der moderne Teil. In allen drei Stadtteilen finden Sie
viele Basore, Geschafte, Restaurants, Bars, Discotheken,
Fruchte-und Gemusemarkte sowie Post, Telefonzentrale,
Bonken, Wechselstuben und vieles mehr. Fragen Sie lhren
Reiseleiter noch Detailinformationen und erfahren Sie
im folgenden Teil "Where 2 go?" mehr uber Hurghada.
X ypra.M
pc~ci iOAO:KCi ra
Yo ur Guide
to the Red Sea
or 3Ab r}'Hbl
1-1 o
J\Jla ACCSII I-lAC 11-111 II<13M Xypr aAa 6brAa CKpOMr-tOJ;i 11e6oAbUJOJ;i
pr,r6a rrKOI-1 AC'pcoiiCI-1, a rc rrcpr, SlBASlcrcsr «AOMOM» .AI\11 6oAee crcM
l biCSitr 'ICAoncK. GOAbiii1411ClBO 1-13 Hl-lx p a6oraer a ccpepc
COAIIUa 14 1101PY:K<liOIIIYIXCSl 13 IIY41411Y BOA 1YP14CTOB, noceutaiO I
::J ro 1 ropoA <'.)KC'IOArro. Kpi-1Clill\bltO 414CTbre 1-1 cnoKOJ;iHr,rc
1-1 :KI-1 1301lHCI Ibl<' KopaMOObiC p r-1cpbr et.eAill\1-1 Xypraay O.<\I II~M 1-13
taMbiX nonyA~1p1 1 biX Kypop1oo 11a
KpaCHOM Mope.
I OC11-111111-1ll lll.lpOC/\0 MOAb n o6epc:KbSl 3a 3Ht 1"0.<\l.l. Xypraay
MO:KIIO yCAOill iO noACA~-~Ib 11a 1p1-1 paJ;iOHa: crapa11 craCJr, ropott.a
lla3b1BilC' ICSt
H urghada liegt 22 km sudlich von El Gouna und 54
km nordlich von Safaga. Ostlich der Stadt liegt das Rote
Meer und westlich erstrecken sich die Bergketten der
Ostwuste. Vorzwei Jahrzehnten war Hurghada ein bescheidenes kleines Fischerdorf und ist jetzt Heimot von etwa
248000 Einwohnem. Die meisten von ihnen arbeiten im
Tourismusgeschoft fur die uber 4 Million Sonnenanbeter
und Touchbegeisterte, die jedes Johr zu Besuch kommen.
KM K CC'Ilcpy o r Cacpa11-1, 11<1 no6epe:Kbe KpacHoro MOpsr.
[Ar. 1\axap (1\ayrr
(CaKaAa) - ::llO
6yAbBap [Ab M<IMIUa - 11a116oAce MOI\Ott.ast 11 coape.~<~eHHaSl craCJ r,,
OJ)I.1ellr I-IJX>B<llllldSI 11a ryp~rCJoo. noace\>1eC'll>to Bbl MO:Kere 11aJ;i r1-1
MHO)I(CCIBO Ocll<lpoo, Mal il3H~IOB, pccropaHOO,
eclb pbliiOK, 110'-IIOOOC OrACACIII-IC, MC>K.1.Y-I·lapoAHblj;i TeAecpoll,
6aHKI-1, " Y"Kt bl 00\>1CIIil BMIOTbl 14
r.a... B pa3tt.eAe • KyAa noi:iTI-1 • ,
a l clK:KC y cuOC'fo tl-111<1 Bbl MO)I(crc n oAycr14Tb tt.onOAHH reAbiiYIO
I-I I KIX>pMaUI-110 o
1OM, " 1o Bac 1-111 rcpccyer.
To advertise with us, please call:
-· +2 065 346 2491,0122 789 3986
or email: [email protected]
www .
f\ed 5ea Bulleti Q 45
We love everybody- We serve
ristm as
23'd- 26th of December
~ 175 LE
Menu 1
* Potato soup
Grilled beef fillet in cognac sauce
¢~ Seafood
(Served w ith fried rosemary potatoes
and vegetable saute)
* Pancake
w ith hazelnuts and
chocolate sauce
* 1 drink of your choice free of charge
. . . '!
~ ~
Menu 2
¢ll Tomato mozzarella salad
:i: Pumpkin soup
* Salm on filet in dill sauce
(Served w ith boiled pot ato and leaf s pinac h)
..:.' .·....·
::~ Fruit
salad with fresh mint
1 drink of your choi
Where 2 go)))
Restaurant & Lounge
84-85 Gate 2 Hurghada Marina,
Red Sea - Egypt
Tel.:+ 2 0121 1000054 I +2 0122 2428204
() The Heaven Restaurant & Lounge Bar
Open from 1Oam till late night
The Heaven Restaurant & Lounge Bar
T he Heaven (since 2008) is a classic restaurant with
Italian, French and Japanese (Sushi) cu isines; what is
new is that they a lso serve authentic Egyptia n food. It
has unique interior design with a remarkable view of the
sea a nd snow-white yachts docking in the harbor. From
1st of O ctober The Heaven has a new owner, Michael,
who is carefully controlling the level of service and
givi ng a worm welcome to all guests. He is young and
energetic, with profound experience in the restau rant
The freshest fish is brought in doily from the town's fish
market to be served grilled, baked or roosted. Award
winning Chef Amr travelled with other decorated chefs
through South Africa, worked before in Tomr Henna,
7 Stars a nd Moods in El Gau na, and brings a new
touch to the kitchen of The Heaven. He is an expert o f
the Egyptian and internatio na l kitchen, and uses wines
and spirits to cook sophisticated sauces for the main
dishes. Fresh beef is delivered daily to cook the most delicious steaks in Hurghado. Try rib eye steak with potato
gratin or top sirlo in with lobster sauce, or choose from
the seafood menu the red tuna steak, l obster
Thermidor or mussels in creamy red caviar sauce.
Regula r visito rs of sushi bars in London, Paris o r M ilan
will be surprised by the sophisticated taste, high qua lity
and wide variety ot thei r sushi and ro lls. Try Philadelphia
ro lls with smoked o r raw salmon, California with Flying
fish caviar. And don't forg et to o rder the chef's desserts,
Tarte Tatin, Tiram isu or Creme BrOiee.
In The Heaven you will find your favo rite cocktails, finest
Italian coffee, imported alcohol and sensational food
and atmosphere. The service is friendly, precise and
pleasing. En joy a nd relax at The Heaven.
T he Heaven (He6eca) - 3TO pecropaH CpeLll-13eMHOMOpcKOH
1-t ~nOHCKOH ((yw~-t) KYXOHb, OTKpbrTbiH MOCKBW.f3MI-t B 2008
r . s HOBOH MOpcKOH rasaH~-t XypraAbl. OpvirJ.1HaAbHbiH .lll'l3aHH
1-tHTepbepa, B03BbiWeHH351, HO HI-t K 4eMy He 00fl3b1BaiOW3fl
3TM0Ccpepa a C04€TaHJ.11-t C np~-t~THOH Mf3b1KOH, KpaC~-tabiM
BIIIAOM Ha MOpe 1-1 6eAOC~Ie>t<Hble 51XTbl BeCbMa np~-tBI\eKaer
MHOr04HO\eHHbiX nOCeT~-treAeH. ( 1 -r O 0KTS16p51 2012 HOBbiH
!3/l.aaeAeu, M~-t weAb, paaywHo acrpe4aer acex rocrei::. 1-1
BHHMaTeAbHO 0\e.lli'IT 3a ypoBH€>\1 o60\y>K~-tBaHH51 . H ecMOrp51
Ha MOAOAOCTb, OH y>t<e
Qnbrr B
pecropaHHOM 6~-t3H€C€.
E>t<eAHeBHO nosap (~-t3 KOMaHAbl AyYW~-tx) np~-tB03~-tT c p biHKa
cse>t<yiO pb16y 1-1 MOpen poAyKTbl. We¢ AMp o6AaAaer
abiCOKOH KBaAHcj:)HKaU~-t€H, 6oAbWI-IM OnbrrOM paOOTbl a
COAHAHbiX pecropaHax. OH J.1(nOAb3yer BHHa 1-1 KpenKHH
seeM ropS14 ~-tM 6AIOAaM. Ka)f(AbiH A€Hb a pecropaH 3aa03m
n p1-1r OTOBHTb
He>KHeHw ee
KapnxpeAeM-rparaH HA~-t Bblp€3Ky a coyce H3 Ao6CTepa. V1 3
pb16HbiX 6AIOA 33 Ka>KI-1Te CTeHK 1-13 ryHUa, Ao6CTep-repMHA0p
HAl-t MI-IAVII'I B O\I'IB04H0-I'IK0 pH0M COyCe. 5JnOHCK~-te cyw~-t BbiCOKOrO Ka4ecraa:
«C0HAaAeAbCjJI151 », « K3/\Hcj:)opH11~ » C
Ha Aecepr o6513aTeAbHO 3aKa>K~-~re
To611Ko, <<KaHaAa» 1-1 r.a.
cp~-tpMeHHbi H cppaHuy3CKI'IH s:~6A04Hb1H n11por Tap-Ta-Ta ~-~AI'I
PeKOMeHAYeM n oceri-1Tb The Heaven, KOTOpbiH )"A<e nocemAI'I
MHOrHe 3Be3Abl w oy 6~-t3H€Ca, n p eACTaBI'IT€1\1'1 AeAOBOH 3AI'ITbl,
4AeHbl npaa~-treAbCTBa H npocrO 00bi4Hble AIOAI-1, Ai06SlWI'Ie
BKyCHO noeCTb. /\1061-1Mble KOKTeHAI-11 HT3J\b51HCKI'IH Kocj)e,
HMnOpTHbiH aAKOrOAb1 OwyweH~-te 6Aa>KeHCTBa n OO\e eAbl
npeapaT~-~T Ka>KAoe Bawe noceweHHe pecropaHa a ceHcau~-tiO!
Ceps1-1c AI'IWeH ernner cKol1 Ha30HAVIBOCTI-1 - np~-tBeTAHBbiH, HO
crpor 11H. 0rAOXHHr e c yAOBOAbCTBHeM s «H e6ecax» Ha
np11MOpcK0.\1 6yAbBape!
R_ed )ea Bu ll etil) 47
Where 2 go)))
White Elephant - Thai
All the dishes ore freshly prepared by the Thai
Chef "Miss Somrol" who has the amazing touch of
combining all the original exo tic Asian herbs and
spices into tantalising Thai dishes.
The nome 'White Elephant" comes from on o ld
legend, wh ich says if you see a white elephant you
will be blessed with luck. The restaurant features
seating for 70; both inside and outside d ining.
Located in the N ew Hurghado Morino, you con
enjoy the turquoise waters and the cosmopolitan
feel of this promenade. Parking is available.
W hite Elephant is a favourite place fo r many
managers from the 5 star hotels here in the Red
Sea, as they enjoy the Thai cuisine. Some like the
food so much they hove mode contracts with
White Elephant to offer Thai food once a week to
their guests.
G ive yourself a treat and come and try the variety
of Thai dishes and discover these exo tic tastes.
Alcoholic and non-alcoholic beverages ore avail able.
7fte authentic
11iai (Rgstaurant
of tfie CJ?gc[Sea
(Sea View)
S amtliche Speisen werden von Thai C hef ,Miss
Somral" und ihrcm Team frisch zubereilel. Als
Thailonderin hat sie das richtige G efuhl fur die
Verwendung von osiotischen Krautern und
G ewurzen.
Der Nome ,lVhite Elephant" Ieite! sich von einer
a llen Legende ob. Sie besogl, doss derjenige der
einen weissen Elefonlen sieht, ein glucklicher
M ensch werden wird. Das Restaurant hot fur 70
Goste Plotz, entweder im klimatisierten Restaurant
oder auf der Terrosse . Direkt am Pier der neuen
Hurghado Marina gelegen konnen sie lhr M ittogoder Abendessen mit Blick auf dos turkisfarbene
Wasser genieBen. Parkplatze sind ousreichend
Kommen Sie vorbei und entdecken Sie den exo tischen G eschmock thoilandischer Speisen . Es
werden alkoholische und nicht al ko holische Getranke ongeboten.
H acro~WI-11-1
W e ep nosap 1-13 Tai-IAaHaa r-)l(a
CoMpaA roroRHT ace 6AIOAa c noMHHHbiMI-1
aJHa TCKHMH npHnpa13aMH 1-1 c neuHSlMH. Csoe
p ccropaH
bCAOMY (AOHY 1-13 ACrC itAL>I, KOTOpa51 rAaCHT:
eCAH Bbl scrpenne 6eAoro CAoHa 8bl
6yaere CYaCTAHBbl !
P eCTopaH p acCYHTaH Ha 50 noc.aa04HbiX Mecr
(H 3aKpb11 OM IIOMeWE:.!HI-11-1 1-1 Ha Tepp ace) .
lll Mcerc~
p ccr0 p a1 1a
Kpy nH biX OTeACI-1. HeKOTOpble 1-13 HHX Aa)t(e
p ecropaHOM
H e y n y cr HTC w a Hca OTBCMTb 3 K30THY eCKvt e
6Aioaa Ta ~CKOiii
WHpOKH j;j
aAKOrOt\bHbiX VI 6e3at\KOrot\bHbiX Ha nHTKOB Ha
t\1060 vt BKyc .
~ed )ea BolletiQ
Where 2 go>))
Marina Sphinx
T his great restaurant located in the idyllic setting
of the new Hurghada Marina was lately completely
upgraded and is packed full of tasty surprises.
Great prices for d ining which will not break the
bank and a lot of attention to detail with regards
to providing a good service and lots of additional
dishes served with your main meals. The Marina
Sphinx is the second restaurant opened by Tharwat
and Mariam their origina l famous Esplanada
Sphinx is a lways busy and popular. Favourites
from the menu are Lasagne, Baked Makaroni
and T-bone Steaks. Breath taking views from the
terrace of the marina and the turquoise vista.
All this combined makes Marina Sphinx a personal
f avourite.
For more information or to make a reservation,
p lease contact Tho rwa t : 0 1223990482
Typical Egyptian dishes
warm athmosphere
friendly staff
D ieses einladende Restaurant mit groBartigem
Ausblick auf die Hu rghada Marina wurde vor
kurzem komplett neu eingerichtet und erwartet
sie mit Gri ll spezia litaten un d orienta lischen
Speisen und Mezzo. Zu den beliebtesten Speisen
gehoren Lasagne, Baked Makaroni and T-bone
Steq_ks. GroBartige Preise, ein Bier kostet nur
l 0 Agyptische pfund, und das gute Essen werden
das erst kurzlich eroffnete Resta urant schnell zu
einem der beliebtesten Plcitze in der Marina
machen. Das garantieren d ie Besitzer Mariam
und Tharwat, die bereits erfolgreich Esplanada
Sphinx in der Esplanade Ma ll betreiben.
Fur Detail info rmat ion und Reservierung
r ufen sie b itte Th arwa t an : 01223990482
He~aBHO 1-1e60/\bWOH
peCTopaH'-IV1K He y3HaTb : no HOBOMY
pa3Mepe OH MO)f(eT BMeCTII1Tb Tenepb
ropa3~o 60/\bWe noceTV1TeAeH. PacnoAO)f(eH
peCTopaH Ha HOBOM npV1'-13/\e ~/\~ SlXT, r~e
nps:tMO c TeppaCbl OTKPbiBaeTCSl 3a'vle'13Tel\bHbiH
B~ Ha 6V1p1030BO- V13YMPY~HYIO /\aryHy C
s:~xTaMV1 .
3~e c b
0)1(111~aeT MHO)f(eCTBO np111~THbiX 111 BKYCHbiX
c10pnpV130B 3a sno/\He npV1eM/\eMyiO ueHy.
HaV160/\ee BOCTp e60B3HH~M V1 1113 MeHIO
SlB/\SliOTCSl /\333HbSl 1 3an e'-lel ll·lble MaKapOHbl
V1 MSlCHble CT3HKV1 .
roCTenpV1V1M Hble X03SleBa: r. CapBaT co
CBOe H o6a~Te/\bHOH cynpyroH MapV13M
pecTopaHa B 3cn/\aHa~e - Esp lan ada Sphinx.
LlOnO/\H V1Te/\bH3Sl V1Hcp0pM3UV1Sl V1 33K33
CTO/\V1KOB no TeAecpoHy:
01223990482 (CapsaT) .
1\e<l 5ea Bulletil)
Where 2 go)))
"d se{'l~
ur Phrlosophy is quaht)' a
AJAtA ,/day
La Perla Hotel - Hadaba Road - Hurghada
Open from 12:00 pm till 12:00 am
Tel.: +20 65 344 7018 Mobile: +2 0122 46 49 419
[email protected] -
Da Nanni ...
non solo pizza
W ithout
doubt one
H urghada's best restaurants, offering a tas1y selection of traditiona l
Ita lian cuis ine . Try the Bresaola
Rucola and Grana as a starter a nd
continue w ith a nice Spaghetti a i
Frutti di Mare or Pesta alia G enovese .
There are more than 40 different
kinds o f Pizza available as well as
Calzone. T-bone steaks, fi llet
stea ks, entrecote and the best
burgers in town.
And for dessert? Relax o n the terrace and try an orig i nal T ir am i s u' accompanied by genuine Danesi espresso, or other delicious coffee special ities .
Special occas ions such as b irthdays, parties and anniversaries can
be catered for in the restau ra nt.
Your ch ildren wi ll enjoy spending
time in the lovely playground.
lf you are a laptop user, a free
wireless a rea (Powered by OZNET)
is available in all restaurant and
terrace areas. There i s also a
non-smok ing a rea !
Available now: Fresh bread a nd
past ry from Do Nann i's new
hne Zweife I eines
bes t e n Restaurants in Hurghada .
Hier finden Sie eine kostliche Auswahl
on troditionellen italienischen Speisen.
Unsere Empfehlung : Bestellen Sie als
Vorspeise Bresaola Ruco l a mit
Grana, gefo l g t von Spaghetti ai
Frutti diMareoderPestoallaGenovese. Daruber hinaus fi nden Sie auf
der Speisekarte 40 verschiedene
Pizzen, selbstverstandlich o uch Colzane. T-B one Steaks, Filet Stea ks, Entrecote und d ie besten Burger der
Stadt. Und ols Nach-speise? Entspannen Sie sich auf der Terrasse
undprobierenS i e das or i g i nal Tiram i su m it echt ita - lienischem
EsRresso von Danesi oder andere
Kaffeespezia l itaten .
Spezielle Ankisse wie Geburtstage,
Part ies und Ja hrestage konnen
gerne auf Nachfrage im Restaurant
organisiert we rden .
lhren Kindem wird es im schonen
Spielzimme r sicher Spaf3 machen !
Fur Laptop Benutzer gibt es im gesamten Restaurantbereich und auf der
k b 11
Terrasse einegratis a e ose lnternelverbindung (von OZNET zu r Verfugung gestellt). Es gibt ouch einen
1\Jicht-Raucher Bereich.
Neu: Frisches Brat und Geback
von der Da Na nni Bakery
OAI'1H 1113
H ecOM HeHH O :no
npe.t.Aa raiOW"l lii
I-1Tai\b51HCKOiii KYXHV1 .
nonpo6y~Te «bresaola rucola» 111
«grana» .t.NI HaYaAa Tpane3bl,
npoAOA)KMB co c n are T TV1
«a i frutti di mare» MJ\M «pesto
alia Genovese».
8 MeHIO npeACTaBAeHO 6oAee 40
BKJ\10Ya51 «KaAbUOHe».
KpoMe Tom, cTelilK Ha KOCT04Ke,
cpV1Ae, aHTpeKOT, COY Hbl lii 6yprep
OYeHb Aa:>Ke CTOI-IT nonpo6oBaTb!
A Ha .t.ecepT? PaccAa6MTbC51 Ha
TMpaMV13Y c nOMI-IHHbiM «Danes1
Espresso» V1i\V1 KaKV1M-AV160 .t.pyrV1M
apoMaTHbiM Kocpe.
(6Aa roAapS1 OZNET).
On<pbrra HOna~ n eKapH~l A 3HaY~T
CBe>KMiii apOMaTHbllii XJ\e6 V1
J\106"1Mble nAIOWKV1 !
OT€1\b La Perla, Hadaba Road
8peM51 pa60Tbl: c 12.00 YTra .t.o
12.00 HOYV1
La Perla Hotel, Hadaba Road. Open from 12:00 pm till1 2:00 am. Tel.: 065 344 70 18, Mobile: 0122 4649 419
50 R_ed
)ea Bull etil)
trademark for good foo d in Hurghad a. Under one roof
you can f ind a Steak House, an Italian Pizzeria and a
bakery of European Standard. The "Steak Ho use" is well
known for its unique entrecote and fillet steaks as well as
its garden f resh vegetables and salads.
The "Pizzeria " is for motny residents and tourists the best in
Hurghada and they love the way t he chef prepares his
Pizzas, and the fresh homemade pasta in many tasty
varieties . Fresh sa lads complete the offe r of main dishes.
Finish your meal w ith a delicious Tiramisu and o rig inal
Italian Espresso or Cafe lotte.
The "Bakery" is a doily visit fo r many residents to buy
freshly baked brown bread, French baguettes and tasty
patisseries. The f reshly made sandwiches ore a " must
have". The " Interne t Term inals" in t he ground f loor pro vide one of t he fastest con nections in town.
E in Markenzeichen fur gutes Essen in Hurg hodo. H ier
fi nden Sie unter einem Doch ein Steakhouse, eine Pizzeria
und eine ausgezeichnete Bockerei noch europoischem
Standard. Dos "Steokhouse" ist bekonnt fur seine einmal igen Entrecote und Filetsteoks sowie seine gartenfrischen
G emuse und Solote.
Die "Pizzeria" ist fur viele Einheimische und Touristen d ie
beste in Hu rgh odo. Ne uerlich bereite t der Chef ouch hausgemochte Pasta in verschiede nen Vorioti o nen zu. Frische
So late komplettieren das Angebot an Houptspeisen. Beenden Sie lhr Mohl mit einem kost lichen Tiromisu und originolem ito lienischen Espresso oder Cafe Lotte. Die "Ba kery"
ist vielen hier lebe nden Europoern einen ti:iglichen Besuch
wert. Hier bekom men Sie frisch es Schworzbrot, f ranz6sisches Baguette und leckere Backereien. Probieren Sie
ouch die gesch mackvoll zubereiteten Sandwiches.
Die "Internet Termina ls" im Erdgeschoss haben eine der
schnellsten lnternet-Verbindungen in Hurghado.
3 ro
Ka K
BbtCOKOK/\aCCHOH nt-lWI-1 B Xypraae. noa O.llHOM
co6pa /\I-1Cb
nV1U U EPV151, a TaK>t<e EBPOnEillCKA51 6Y/\O l..fHA51.
«CTei1K xayc 6y/\3» OC06e H~IO C/\a BHTC51 CBOt-lMI-1
M51CHbiMI-1 6/\tO.llaMH, KaK: aHTpt-1KOT, CTeHK <f>i-1/\e, a
raK>t<e p a3Hoo6pa3HbtM ca/\aT-6apoM.
The "Pizzeria" KaK a/\51 ryp1-1cros, raK 11 a/\51 MeCTHbtX
HaH/\Y4 Wa51
We¢ -nosap
aei1CTBHTe/\bHO xopowo 3Haer c soe ae/\o! O co6eHHO
no.llOMa WHeMy MaKapOHHbte H3.lle/\l-151 (HaCT051Wa51 nacra!)
caMbtX pa3/\H4HbtX sap1-1aHTOB. Ca/\aTbt. A Ha aecepr
- Hacro51wee /\aKOMCTBO - T1-1paM1-13y ! H acro51wHi1
HTa/\b51HCKI-1H KO¢ e-3cnpecco 1-1/\1-1 Ko¢e"ane (r.e . c
B Esponei1cKytO 6y/\04 HYIO 4acreHbKO HaBeAbtBatOTC51
MH0fl-1e pa60TatOu.tHe B XypraAe t-lHOCTpaHUbl, )11 eCTb
3a4eM: CBe>Kenpt-1rOTOB/\eHHbiH p>t<aHOJ;1 X/\e6, 6aTOHbl
6e/\Of0, a Ta K>Ke MHO>KeCTBO pa3/\t-14HbiX n1-1p0>t<OB,
ropT1-1KOB, Heaopor1-1x OHABw-tei1 . ..
f\ed 5ea Bulletil) 51
El Fayrouz
(+ Fire Fighters Station
.._ Central
~ Church
~ Bus Station
El Arosa Square, next to New Marina
Mobile: 01016003888 I 01220240512 I 01005388633 - Tel.: 065 345 34 66
[email protected] I [email protected] I
Find time for yourself in the luxury 5-star deluxe hotel - lea ding the dest ination!
The Algotherm Thalassa Et Spa combines the energy of the Red Sea water with healing Tha lassa therapy and the
cocoon ing of the spa, featuring a Turkish bath, saunas, steam rooms, heated indoor saltwater whi rl pool, 10
treatment rooms and a f itness ce nter.
Practice your short game on our 9 hole pa r 3 Steigenberger AI Dau Golf Course with water features, pro shop,
aqua driving range and f loodl it at night
Experience the beauty of the Red Sea with our Padi certified llios Dive Club Et Aqua Center. Learn diving or go
for a snorkeling trip end enjoy the fascination of the underwater world.
Enjoy delicious cuisine at the fine dining resta ura nt Alexanders or Tanga Lebanese-Oriental restaurant, both with
superb Red Sea views- ideal for bi rthdays and ann iversaries.
Or make a day out of it and benefit from all advantages of the popular Day Use card. Membersh ips are also
www.steigenberg era ldau
The Benchmark
of the Red Sea:
First russian newspaper in Egypt!
per month
EIKawther, near supermarket METRO
[email protected]
+2 0100 001 4422, + -~~~~9~~
-- --=:----::.:-..~---=:::::::::::
Open from 2:00 pm till Midnight {M o ndays off)
Espl a nada Mall: North En:r<nee, Promenade -Hurghada (Behindfk[)oo(jj's on Mamsha Road)
Wd>ile: +2 010 689 372 78, Email: [email protected]
II Chicco d'ORO
Carlo and Federico, the owners, come
from Italy to Hurghada and brought
with them o true Italian taste and real Italian style. Choose from o wide variety of
homemade products at their "Caffetterio
I Geloterio" such as delicious ice cream,
coffee, famous Granito (you hove to try
it!!) fresh fruit juices, Tiromisu and special
cokes and cookies. They offer you the typical dishes from the region Abruzzo, so
come end enjoy the hot dishes like Ravioli,
Posta with Pesta sauce, Chicken Escolope,
Beef Fillet and also grilled Scomorzo.
The menu also includes cold dishes like
M ixed Salad, Salad with Mozzarella
cheese, Bresoolo with Rucolo and Parmigiano, sandwiches with different fillings,
Bruschetto and the famous "Togliere di
Solumi" mixed plate with a various of Italian specialties. As well you find fresh Mozzarella cheese from cow or buffalo milk,
homemade Ricotta cheese, Moscarpone
and Scomorzo, everything is available for
From now they also offer fresh homemade
pasta like Ravioli, Fettuccine, Spaghetti,
Poppordelle, Potato Gnocchi and different
homemade sauces, very simple for cooking at home with the whole family.
For special occasions like birthdays you
can order your favou rite cake.
You con find their ice cream and Granito
in El Gouno at "Seventh Star Restaurant"
at "Dolce e Salata" in Marso Alam and at
restaurant of "Residence Azzurro" in Sohl
Hosheesh. Their best fresh homemade
pasta you can buy also at "Bestway Supermarket" in El Gauna.
D ie Besitzer Carlo und Federico komen
von ltalien nach Hurghado, um ihre italienischen Spezialitaten und Kostlichkeiten
onzubieten. Wahlen Sie ous einer graBen
Vielfalt hausgemochter Produkte in der
"Coffetterio I Geloterio" wie leckere
Eiscreme, Granito, Kaffee, frisch gepresste Softe, Tiromisu, spezielle Torten und
Kekse ous. Es werden ouch typische
Gerichte ous der Region Abruzzo frisch
zubereitet. Kommen Sie und genieBen Sie
die frischen hausgemachten Ravioli, Pasta
mit PestosoBe, paniertes Huhnerschnitzel
und Rindfleisch Filet sowie gegrillten Seamorza Kase. AuBerdem finden Sie auf
der Speisekorte ouch kolte Gerichte wie
gemischten Salol, Salol mit Mozzarella, Bresaolo mit Rucola und Parmesan,
Bruschetta und die Spezialitat "Tagliere di
II Chicco d'Oro bietet ouch zum Mitnehmen diverse Kasesorten wie frischen
Mozzarella, Buffei-Mozzorello, housgemachten Ricotta, Moscorpone und
Scomorzo on. Auch werden housgemachte Ravio li, Fettuccine, Spaghetti,
Pappardelle, Kartoffei -Gnocchi sowie
diverse SoBen ongeboten, die Sie donn zu
House schnell una einfoch fur die Fomilie
zubereiten konnen.
Fur spezielle Gelegenheiten wie Geburtstage konnen Sie gerne einen Lieblingskuchen bestellen.
Dos leckere Eis sowie Granito erhalten Sie
ubrigens ouch in El Gouno im "Seventh
Star Restaurant" im "Dolce e Salata" in
Marso Alam und im Restaurant "Residence Azzurro" in Sohl Hosheesh. Die kostliche hausgemochte Posta konnen Sie ouch
im "Bestwoy Supermarket" in El Gouno
kaufen. Carlo und Federica freuen sich auf
lhren Besuch!
ocrenpV11t1MHble X035leBa KapAO V1
CDe.c..epV1Ka (np~t~51THetiwa5l so ocex OTHoweHV15lX napa) np~t~Be3AV1 c co6oti s
Xypraay «KyCOYeK V1TaAV1V1 », ee n0.6./\It1HHbiH BK)'C 1t1 CTV1Ab. Bee 3Aecb cse>Kenp~t~roTosAeHHoe,
1t1 8 a8T0pcKO'VI 1t1CnOAHeHV1V1: BKyCHetiwee MOpo>KeHoe, cppyKTOBble COKV1,
«rp3Hit1Ta» (Hanlt1TOK C /\eMIHOH Kp0WKOH), TV1paM~t~3y, TOpTbl, n~t~po>KHble,
neYeHbe V1 apoMaTHeHWVIH Kocpe.
n oMVIMO C/\ab.Kit1X V13biCKOB, 3.6.ecb
6/\10.6.3, np~t~rOTOB/\eHHble TaK>Ke, KaK
3TO b.eAaiOT B V1Ta/\b5lHCKOM MecTeYKe
A6py33o (paBV10AV1, nacra c coycoM
necTO, K)'pV1HbiH 3CKaAOn, MSlCHYIO
Bb1pe3Ky, a TaK >Ke «CKaMOp3a » Ha
MeHIO TaiOKe BK/\IOYaeT XO/\Ob.Hble 3aKYCKV1: CaAaTbl, bresaola c pyKyAoti 1t1
napMe3aHOM, C3HABV141t1 C pa3AV14HbiMit1 HanoAHV1TeAS1MV1, bruscheLta 1t1
"Tangier di Salum i" - MV1KC V1TaAbS1HCKV1X 3aKycoK. A ewe sac Yb.V1B5lT :
KOp0Bbl 14/\14 6ytiBO/\It1Ubl; p~t~ KOTa
no-AOMaWHeMy, MaCKapnOHe lt1 CKaM0p3a.
Bee MO>KHO 3aKa3aTb Ha BbiHOC. Pa3AV14Hble na(Tbl V1 COyCOB .6.0MaWIIero np~t~rOTOB/\CHV1S1. 3aKa3aB
Ha BbiHOC - /\erKO npV1r0TOBV1Tb BCeH
ceMbCH. MOJ20>KeHoe 1t1 rpaHV1Ta «OT
II Chicco d 'ORO» MO>KHO TaK>Ke 3aKa3aTb B pecTOpaHe "Seventh Star" B
yHe, B "Dolce E Salato" 8
Mapca AAa'VIe, B ~opaHe B P.e3V1.6.eHUV1 V1 AnyRa B Sahl Hasheesh. A
nacry «OT II Chicco d'ORO» MO>KHO
Beslway B 3/\b yHe.
Bulleti l)
Where 2 go)))
Dolce Vita
T he restaurant's name is derived
from the famous 1960 film "La
Dolce Vita" (The Sweet Life) .
Owner Mohsen Afifi, has lived
between Italy and Egypt for
30 years, and brings a touch
of the "sweet life" of Ita ly to
Hurghada. It is located in " The
View Residence"
specia lly
named for its stunning view over
the Bay of Hurghada. Dolce
Vita was created as a meeting
point for everyone who loves
the Ita lian way of life. It is open
for breakfast, lunch and d inner
and serves authentic Ita li an food
prepared by Ital ian Chefs. Enjoy
fresh fish, tender steaks, superior
qua li ty p izza, and the delic ious
Tiramisu. W i- Fi, Shisha, big
screen, live music, open terrace
and indoor area w ith 2 levels
available to suit any guest. The
second level has a remarkable
panoram ic sea v iew for an
unforgettable lunch. Moderately
priced with special offers daily
and open 24 hours every day.
~ed )e a Bu lie til)
D er Name des Loka ls stammt
vom beruhmten 60er Jahre Fi lm
"La Dolce Vita" {Das suf3e Leben).
Besitzer Mohsen Afifi lebt seit 30
Jahren zwischen Ita lien und Agypten
und bringt einen Hauch des "suf3en
Lebens" von ltalien nach Hurghada .
Das Restaurant befindet sich im
"The View Residence" - so benannt
wegen de r atemberaubenden A ussicht uber d ie Bucht von Hurghada.
Dolce Vita wurde als Treffpunkt fur
aile geschaffen, die die italienische
Lebensart lieben. Das Lokal ist fur
Fruhstuck, M ittag-und Abendessen
geoffnet und serviert original italienische Speisen, zubereitet von unseren ital ienischen Kuchenchefs. Genief3en Sie kostliche hausgemachte
Pasta, frischen Fisch, zarte Steaks,
ausgezeichnete Pizza und das kostliche Tiramisu. W i-Fi, Shisha, Grof3bild Fernseher, Live-Musik, offene
Terrasse und ei n lnnenbereich mit
zwei Ebenen stehen zur Verfugung.
Die zweite Ebene hat einen bemerkenswerten Panoramablick auf das
Meer und lodt zu einem unvergesslichen M ittagessen ein. Dolce Vita
ist toglich 24 Stunden geoffnet. Die
Preise sind moderat, und es gibt
toglich attraktive Angebote .
C ool-1M Ha3BaHMeM pecropaH o&l3aH
nonyMpHOt'i lo1TMb~HCKOi1 Kll1HOK3TI!1He
r ocno.LU1H
«Me>+<.6.y>> VITa!\l-1eC1 1-1 E1Y1mO'YI y>+<e
OK0/\0 30 1\f!T. >KeAaHMe nepeHecTI!1
HeMHorO «0\aLli<OH >+<ll13Hil1 » 1113 VliaJ\1!1111
Ha E1Y1neTCKoe no6epe>+<be CTa/\O OAHOi1
1-13 np1-141!1H C038.3HI-1~ <<CBOeCi >> Dolce
Vita .
pac noAO>+<e HI-1e
pecropaHa Ha no6epe>+<be Kpao-1oro
MO~ e pe31-1D.eHUJ-1111 "The View" Ha
.o.ayx yp0BH~X, 4TO A.aeT B03MO>KHOCfb
HaCJ\aLl.Y1ll:,(J He TOI\bKO KY/\1!1HapHb1MI-1
1!13biCKaMI-1, HO TaK>+<e 1-1 BOCXIo1Til1Tet\bHbiM
Bl-1t.OM Ha /'o.!Qp€ c
0TTeHKa 'vll1 611p103bl, llepEW1Ba.IOWet'i~
s A)"'lax BOCXO.Mtwero (1o11\1!1 Hao6opoT)
111\1-1 y>+<HH
B HenOBT0pHM0.'vl
CBe>+<a5l pblfu, He)f(Hble CT3i1Kio1, TaiOWMiii
BO PTY T 1-1paM113y, 1!1 MHOrO Af>YIYlX
Halo1MeHOBaHHC1 Bbl
Haiiiaere t~ MeHIO ::n oro pecropaHa.
W i-Fi, aflO'vl<ln lbliii Ka/\b$111, DCYep1-1HKH
«>KI!1BOC1 »
0TKpb1TOiii TeppaCCbl, yMepeHHble UeHbl,
cneUJ-1MbHble n~o>+<eHI1S1, - see 3TO
s OAH0\11 MeCTe 111 Ha N06oi1 BKYc!
PecropaH pa6oTaer KpyrAocyT04Ho! Ax,
3Ta «GiaA.Kas:l >Kil13Hb»!
Esplanada Sphinx
N ow tru ly established os one of the best eating
houses in Hurghodo, on the new Village Rood
pedestrian oreo, Esplonodo Sphinx is renowned for
the hospitality that Thorwot and Mariam the owners
hove created . Whether you wou ld like to eat ol
fresco or inside in the comfort of the air conditioning
the choice is yours, open from 12om - 2pm doily,
this restaurant con provide high quality d ining at
real istic prices. This restaurant has o Iorge parking
area behind the Esplonodo Moll, so no worries
there !
The menu is for-reaching, with specia lities such os
Cordon Bleu meat dishes, T-Bone Steaks, fresh Italian
pasta prepa red doily by Mariam, and every
vegetarian's delig ht the open buffet salad bar. This
con all be accompan ied with o cold beer oro bottle
of wine, or just soft refreshment. Esplonodo Sphinx
also offers BBQ and o chi ldren's menu for the little
Special occasions like birthday parties, anniversaries
con be catered for on request.
For those of us who love to 'surf the web' WIFI is
available os well. Relax and en joy your meal at
Esplonodo Sphinx.
For more information or to make o reservation,
please contact Thorwot: 01223990482 .
Show program
(for the
year repeatedly)
A n der neuen Fuf3gongerzone gelegen, hot sich
o hne Zwe ifel ols eines der besten Restau rants
Hurghodos etobl iert und ist bekonnt fur die
Gostfreundschoft der Besitzer Mariam und Thorwot.
Geniessen Sie lhr Essen und Getronke auf der
offenen Terrosse oder im kli motisierten Gostroum,
gonz wie es Ihnen bel iebt.
Esplonodo Sphinx ist von 12 Uhr mittogs bis 2 Uhr fruh
geoffnet und bietet hochste Quolitot on Spe isen
zu gemof3igten Prei sen on. Neben der Terrosse auf
der Ruckseite der Esplanade Moll gibt es ousreichend
Porkplotze .
Die Speisekorte ist voriontenreich gestoltet, Speziolitoten
wie Cordon Bleu, T Bone Steaks, frisch von Mariam
zubereitete Posta und die tog lich frisch zubereiteten
Solote mussen Sie probiert hoben . Bier, Wein und
olkoholfreie Getronke sind stets richtig temperiert.
Esplonodo Sphinx ist dos einzige Restaurant in
Hurghado, dos einen Ho lzkoh legrill stond ig fu r
Grillgerichte bereit holt.
Fur die Kleinen gibt es Kindermenus zu ottraktiven
Prei sen.
Fur diejenigen die gerne im Internet surfen oder
Emoils verschi cken wollen gibt es jetzt gratis WIFI .
Wenn Sie eine Geburtstagsporty oder andere Feiern
o rgonisieren wol len, rufen sie einfoch Thorwot on:
01223990482 .
R_ed )ea Bul letil) 61
Where 2 go)))
La Luna Bella Vista ... Italian Restaurant
E xce l len t It a li a n spec i alties,
the le g en da ry La Lu no Piz za
and a se l ect ed wine I ist m ake
the La Luna - Be ll a Vista Re stauran t f amous i n a n d
around H urghada.
D i scover t h e art of Ital i an
coo kin g . Se l ect ed ingred i ents from the ma rket, f resh
fish and exce l len t mea l - we
offe r somet hi ng special.
E xzel lente ital ienische Spezia lita ten, d ie legendare La Luna Pizza
und ausgesuchte Wei ne machen
das La Luna- Be lla V ista- Restau ran t
bege hrt.
Entdecken Sie die Ku nst der ita lie nischen Kuche . Erlesene Zutaten
direkt vom Markt, frische r Fisch
und hervorragendes Fle isch- wir
bieten das Besondere .
Loca t ed in th e ce n ter o f
H urghada, o n t he She ra t on
Roa d , next to the Bel l a Vis t a
H otel , yo u can enjoy equally
do l ce vita and I i festyle on
the spacious t errace or even
in hot weat h er in the fully aircond i tio n ed res t au rant with
no n -smok in g area.
In zentraler Loge an der Sheraton
Road, neben dem Bella Vista
Hotel, genieBt m a n g leiche rmaBen dolce vita u nd lifestyle- auf
d er groBzugigen Terrasse vo r
dem Restaurant ode r bei heiBem
Wetter ouch i m klimat isierten Restaurant m it Nicht-Raucher Bereich .
We se r ve q u a l i t y for over 10
ye a rs !
W ir bieten Q ualitaet se it ueber
10 Jah ren!
62 R_ed
,Sea Bull etil)
ristora nte La Luna Bel la Vist a
offre eccel lenti specia Iita ' lt al ia ne e una se lezione di vini
rendono La Lu na Be lla Vista un
not o ristorante ne l ce ntro d i
H urghada.
Scoprite l' arte de ll a cuci na It al ia no, ing redienti se lezionati
do l mercato , pesce fresco e
carn i ecce llenti-offriamo qua lcoso di specia le.
Si tuat e ne l centro d i Hurghada
ne l She raton Road , VICi no
a ii'Hot e l Bell avista Resort, si
puo ' gode re de l ter razzo e
ne l la stagione ca lda del rist oran te c limatizzato con area
per fuma tori e non.
Serviamo qua l ita ' da 1 0 a n ni.
Caribbean Beach Bar and Restaurant
S moo th
so ul ,
bal l ads and rea l deep h ouse
comb i ned w i th coo l dr i nks,
f re sh
sa l ads
g r il l ed
del i cacies, guaran t ee a pure
summe r f eel in g, surr ounded
by the awesome scenery o f
t h e Red Sea.
During t he day, you can
d r ink the bes t cappuccino
t here, in the afternoon i t can
be a cocktail i n a re l axing
l ounge
a t mosphe re .
a l ways enjoy t he beau tif u l
v i ew and atmosphe r e, wh i ch
exu des casual e l ega n ce a nd
i n t e rn ationa l i t y. All in a l l a
good mix o f f i ne d i n i n g and
r ustic l ounge bar, sp i ced w i t h
de ma nd i ng c l ub mus i c . The
Caribbean Bar changes aft er
d i nnerti me to t he hot spot loca t ion of the party scene w i t h
" La ti n Dance N i ghts " and live
music evenings .
W eekly
Program :
"Hot Lati n N ight"
@ Tuesday & Thu rsday
(Da nce In structo rs , Spa nish and
Latin Music, Cockta il Specia ls)
"BBQ it You rse lf *
D ivers N ight "@Saturday
Live Music (pop , roc k)
(Bring your own meat)
"Dine, drink a nd relax"
@ Sunday, Monday,
Wednesday & Friday
(Smooth and lounge music)
G ed iegener So ul, progressiver
Bossa, Rock-Balladen und Deep
House fur d ie O hren, kombi niert
m it kuh len G etranken, frischen Sola ten und Kostlich keiten vom Grill fur
den Gaumen . Sommer-Feeling pur
garantiert! Tauchen Sie ein in die
atemberaubende Ku lisse der Carib bean Bar umgeben vom Roten
Am Tag ko nnen Sie hier einen leckeren Cappuccino trinken, am Nach m ittag kann es ein C ocktail in entspannter Lounge-Atmosphare sein .
Und immer konnen Sie die scheme
Aussicht und internationale Atmo sphare genief3en, die lassige Eleganz ausstrahlt. Alles in a ll em eine
gute M ischung aus feinem Restau rant und rustikaler Lounge -Bar, mit
anspruchsvoller C lub-Musik ge wurzt. Die C aribbean Bar wird nach
dem Abendessen zur Hot Spot Location der Party-Szene m it wochentlichen "Latin Dance Nights" und Live Music Abenden .
R_ed 5ea Bu lle t iQ 63
Where 2 go>
Red Sea Fish Restaurant
R ed Sea Fish Restaura nt is easy
to f ind on t he m ai n street o f
H u rghada at Bella Vista hotel
(Sa kala district) .
Th e ope n a ir terrace and beaut if u lly desig ned resta u ran t look
ve ry invit ing from the Sheraton
Road. Ta ke a c hance to enjoy
fre sh ly ca ught fish and seafood
w ith a cold beer o r a chilled
glass of w in e from the extens ive
w ine list .
On the va r iable men u yo u can
find also A ra bic specialties ,
fre sh salads, p asta and delicious desse rts.
Th e re is a lso a w id e selection of
fl avors for "shisha" .
Quality is the main goal o f the
o w ners and they place g reat
impo rtance o n tha t . You wi ll
always fi nd what you want a nd
b e pleased w ith your experie nce
at Red Fish Resta u ran t.
~e d )ea Bulle t iQ
R ed Sea Fish ein zentra l gelege nes Fischrestaurant im Bella Vista
Hotel (Stadttei l Saka la).
Gen ieBe n Sie fang f rische Fische
und Meeresfruc hte auf der wunderscho nen Terrasse oder in den
liebevo ll gestalteten lnnenrdumen.
Es ist das einzige Fischresta uran t
Hu rghadas, das a lko ho lische G etra nke a nbietet !
Wer mochte
schon auf ei n kaltes Bie r oder ein
kuh les Glas Weif3wei n beim Fischessen verzichten? Hie r bekommen Sie ouch a rabische Spezialitaten, knackige Sa late, Pasta Gerichte und kostliche Desserts; es
gibt ouch eine groBe Auswah l an
Ta baken fur "Sh isha" Freu nde.
Gute Bedienung und erstklassige
Qua lita t sind d ie obersten Ziele
des Manageme nts; hier werden
lh re Wunsche erfu llt!
R e d Sea F i sh Rest auran t AerKo
Hai4T l4 Ha rAaB HOi4 YA14ue Xypraabl
y oTeMI Be ll a V i s ta a pai4oHe
0TKpb1TaSJ Teppaca 1-1 BHYTP8 HHI4i4
i'IHpep bep 3a/\a Bbl fJ\51.6.51T BeCbM a
np14 BAeKaTeAbHO
Bbi.6.8ASIIOTC51 Ha cp0 H8 BepeHI-1 U bl
Kacpe w eK
pacnO/\O>Kl-1 OW i'IXC51
C/\1'151 H 1451
W epa TOHa c Xaaa6oi4.
l- Ie MHOrl'le c n eul'laAI431'1poaa HHble
11 reAAO:>K 14Th C:ROI'IM 110C:P.Tf1TeA51M
npOXAa.6.HO f O Oi'IH 3 K 6/\IOA<lM 143
Mnren ro.ayKTOR.
K poMe
OKA10 4 3eT
H<l U14 0 H3/\ l>H L>Ie
Cri/\ri T bl,
n ac:Ty
pa 3 Hoo6pa3H~ e aecepT~ .
K3Al>51H ,
apOMaTOB Ha AI060j;j BKyc.
K a YecTo o o6cA y>KI'IOaHI-151 51 OA51eTC51
n rl4nrl4 TP.T OM AJ\51 rDC:Te n rl414MHb1X
X03 51 eB pecTopaHa.
.6.o6po n o>KaAooaTL> o Red Fis h
Restau rilnl· OTRP.A<'! Tb cJ1 ~'~ rMe H H b1X
.6.e/\f1 Ka TeCOB .
_j c
Garlic, On ion, Cu rry, Cocktail, Ho t Chili
Sakala , Sheraton Road ,
beside McDonalds, Hurghada
Tel. : +2 065 344 91 05
Mobile: +2 0 127 550 54 44
[email protected]
. . Sheraton Road (Sakala) •
Pita Sphinx
T his famous European chain opened its
restaurant in Hurghada 13 years ago!
A wide variety o f Egyptian & international
dishes are available for you to enjoy,
prepared w ith daily fresh products
including meat, seafood and vegetables.
Try the variations of steaks with your choice
o f mushroom, pepper; lemon, Mexican or
wine sauce. 'Beef Stroganoff and 'Spicy
Beef are also very tasty and made
according to European taste with French
fries or rice. We highly recommend trying
the T-bone steaks, different kinds of
piccolo, seafood, p izza, and vegetarian
dishes along w ith delicious pita bread
sandwiches that are available in many
variations, especially turl<ey pineapple with
The quality o f food and atmosphere w ill
make your visit to 'Pita Sphinx' an
unforgettable experience, promising that
you will enjoy your time spent in this
comfortable & COVf place.
Whether you are planning a roma ntic
dinner with your loved one or just want to
en joy a drink with your friends, Pita Sphinx
is the place for you. Mina, one o f the
owners, is back in Hurghada and
manages the restaurant himself again. He
cares personally about all his guests and,
o f course, they have become regulars;
tourists who come to the restaurant just
once always stop by again every time they
visit Hurghada.
P ita Sphinx, die beliebte europa ische
Restaurantkette, hat d ieses Restau rantvor 13 Jahren in Hurghada eroffnet
u nd ist b islang das einzige Pita Sphinx
Restaurant in Hurg hada. Ob Sie
ausspa nnen oder mit lh rem Partner
Aben d essen
geniel3en oder einfach m it Freunden
gemeinsam ein k i..ihles Bier trinken
wollen, Pita Sp h inx ist der richtige
Pla tz fur Sie . Mina, einer von drei
Brudern, d ie das Restauran t besitzen,
fuhrt Pita Sph inx selbst und k i..i mmert
sich personlich um seine Gaste .
lm Pita Sph inx finden Sie eine re iche
Auswah l an internationalen und
agyptischen Spezialitaten, zubereitet
eingeka uften
Prod ukten. Probieren Sie verschiedene
Stea k Varia tionen m it Mexikanischer
Sauce, Pilz-, Pfeffer-, Zitro nen- , oder
Weinsa uce. Sehr lecker sind o uch
"Beef Stroganoff" oder das " Schorfe
G eschmack zubereitet, mit Pommes
Frites oder Reis serviert.
Sehr zu
ernpfehlen sind ouch die saftigen
T-Bone Stea ks, Fisch und Meeresfri..ichte, Pizza sowie vegetarische
G erichte. Kostli che Pita Sandwiches
g ibt es in vielen Varia ti onen, die muss
man einfach probieren!
3 mr pecropm-1BXO]:(~n B lii3Becnryro EaponeiitcK}'IO ceTb. OrKpbiTlt!e pecTopaHa
COCTOR.IlOCb J 3 /leT Ha3a]:( Ha TOM )Ke
caMOM Mecre: s CaKaile Hanpon1B OrenR
Regina B t~Byx w arax or McDonalds.
llJlt!pOKliiYl Bbi6op 6l110]:( Tpa]:(lt!D;l10HH0Yl
lt! lt!HTepHaUMOHailbHOYl KyxHlt!, nplt!fOTOI31leHHblX 113 CBe)Ke-3aKyOileHHblX 11Htpe]:IJ1eHTOB (MHCO, 0Tl1D;a, MOpenpo]:lyKTbl 11 OBOU\11) YJIOBJJeTBOpHT caMbJe pa3l1ItNHbJe 3arrpocbJ rrocennenetf. MeHro
BKJliO<IaeT pa3HbJe Blt!}Xbl 6M<j>WTeKCOB 11
COYCbl K H11M (rp116HOJii, Fl11MOHHblH 1 MeKCJt!KaHCK11H, Ha BMHHOH OCHOBe), 0 Ml.U-\y,
TI I1KaTTbt ~~ MHoroe ]:(pyroe, BKTJIO<raa
TaK>Ke sererapMaHCKlt!e 6mo]:(a. Oco6bJe
peKoMeH.IIauww: VlHWOWKa c AHaHacoM
M pacOJlaBJJeHHblM CblpOM Ha JlefieUlKe
fl~t~Ta, - He3a6bisaeMbJe BKycoSb!e OlliYllleHMH! 5 opMrliiHaJJbHbiX AOMaUJHIAX
coycoa no):laJOTCfi K ni06oMy 6nJOAY· KaqecTBO IlpJ.1I'OTOB!leHWI, TeflilM aTMOC<j>epa, AOMalliHJtiH yiOT,- ace cnoco6cTsyeT yc~t~!leHMIO noJlO)KlneJi bHblX sneL!aTJleHiili'l!
Mlt!na, OAiiiH M3 sna)l,e!lb~es pecropaHa,
OnRTb aepH}'!lCH B Xypra,lly 11 B3RJJ ynpaBFJeHiile a cnoltl pyKiil. OepcoHaJJbHO sa6oTRCb 0 Ka)Kj:(OM 113 CB0l1X. fiOCeTiiiTelleH,
oH np11o6pe11 MHO>Kecrso APY3ei1 J.1 nocronHHbJX KJ111eHTOB. ,1J,a>I<e rypMCTbl 1
rrp11e3)KaiOUIUe MHoroKpaTHo a Xypra.l(y,
no6biBaB OJ.IItiH pas a Pita Sphinx, HenpeMeHHO HaHOCHT Bl13l1T B Ka)Kj:(biH CBOJii
l!p 11e3J..\.
R_e d 5ea Bulle t i Q 65
Where 2 go)))
Sea Bar Bistro
T he motto of Sea Bar Bistro is to provide you with high
quality products at reasonable prices. Sea Bar Bistro is the
only restaurant in Hurghodo, serving pork. The German
chef is on expert in French, German and English cuisine
and prepares delicious internati onal and bourgeois dishes
with unique style and taste.
At Sea Bar Bistro you con choose from on oil-day menu
and a weekly-special menu. The oil-day menu includes
grilled specialties such as steak, rib eye, pork/lomb/veal
ribs, salads, pizza and pasta dishes. The weekly-special
menu will be seasonal, with different homemade dishes offered, such as rolls, Beef Bourguignon, beef strips, roost
pork, roost lomb and other fam iliar dishes.
Sea Bar Bistro is ideal for celebrations, meetings and business lunches; beside that you con also follow the major
sport events on TV Free Wi-Fi.
D as Motto des Sea Bar Bistro ist es, Ihnen qualitative
hochwertige Produkte zu vernunftigen Preisen onzubieten.
Dos Sea Bar Bistro ist dos einzige Restaurant in Hurghodo,
dos Schweinefleisch anbietet. Der deutsche Chefkoch beherrscht die fronzosische, deutsche und englische Kuche.
Dos Bistro bietet international bekonnte bis gut burgerliche Gerichte mit originolem Stil und Geschmock.
In der Sea Bar konnen Sie vom einem Gonztogsmenu und
einem ,,Weekly-Special-Menu" wi:ihlen. Dos Gonztogsmenu umfosst Griii-Spezioliti:iten wie Steaks, Ribeye,
Scheine/Lomm/Kolbs Rippen, frische Solote, Pizzo und
Posta Gerichte. lm Weekly-Special-Menu werden, je noch
Soison, unterschiedliche Housmocher Gerichte ongeboten, wie beispielsweise Rouloden, Beef Bourguignon,
Geschnetzeltes, Schweine- und Lommbroten und andere
bekonnte Gerichte.
Dos Sea Bar Bistro ist ideal geeignet fur Feiern, Treffen und
G eschoftsessen, ouf3erdem werden Sportubertrogungen
ongeboten. Free Wifi.
6 6 R_ed )ea Bul leti Q
Sea Bar Bistro - ::no
nO pa3yMHOH u eHe! Y HHKallbHOCTb pecropaHa o6yCIIOBII€H3 HCli\1.141.1€M 61110t.. 1-13
CBI1HHHbl s pa3Hoo6pa3HOM MeHIO pecropaHa. We¢
1-13 r epMaHI-11-1 - HaCTOSl WHH 3KCn epT cppaHUY3CKOH, aHf iii-1HCKOH H, KOH€41-10 >Ke, HeM€UKOH KyxOHb. 61110t..a
B erO 1.1COOAH€HI-11-1 - 3TO n p01-13Bet..€HI-1€ 1.1CKyCCfB:
BKYCHO t..a>Ke B3fASlHYTb Ha 6AIOt..o! n oMI.1MO o6w e r o
MeHtO 3AeCb BaM n petv\ O>KaT cn e u HallbHOe MeHtO
Het..€111-1. biiiOt..a TaKOrO 00HOBIIS110W€f 0CS1 M€1-110 MOryT
33BHC€Tb OT C€301-13, HCli\J.14HSI t..€AI.1K3T€COB H CneuI-1Hrpet..i-1eHTOB, He06XOt..HMbiX t..ASl n p HrOTOBIIeHHSl
(r OBSlAHHa Bourguignon, CTpOraHOB, >KapeHbiH n o p oceHOK, 6apa w eK 1-1 T..6..). Pa3AI-14Hbte BI-1Abl cni1KOB
(CBHHHH3 6apaHHH3, M5lCO TeAeHK3 H3 K0Cf04K€),
caAaTbl, n acra 11 n1-1uua n peAcraBAeHbl B p eryNl p HOM
0CHOBHOi1 3Cli\, 6ap 1-1 OTKpbtTaSI Teppaca nOAOHAYT
.6J\5l IIJ06biX 0Ka3Hi1: t..€A0BbiX BCfpe4, pOMaHTI1 4€CK11X
CBHAaHV1H1 KOpnopaTI-1BHbiX H 4 aCfHbiX Be4ep 111HOK1
n poCMOTpa CnOpTH BHbiX TpaHCIIS1UHH C 60KaA0M << n eHV1Cf0f0 Ha m-tTKa>> 1-111¥1 6eCn llaTHOr O n OAKIII04 €HHSI
sawero aesai1ca K W i- Fi. BaM 3t..ecb aceraa paAbl, r ocrenp1-11-1MHbiH X035lV1H, rocnOAJ.1H Mai1KII n o3a60TV1TCS1
o Bac n epcOHaAbHO!
La Luna
C hef As hraf Fayez' La Luna
Restaurant & Pizzeria is back in
town! It is conven ie ntly located
H o lidays
Reso rt, directly on Sheraton
road , w ith lots of parking
space avai la b le. W ill be open
daily from 12 noon till midnight.
La Luna offers outstandi ng Ital ian food with a wide selection
of rea l Ita lian pizza, home made fresh pasta, sa lads,
soups, ma in courses and des serts.
The restaurant a lso provides a
w ide variety of wine, beer, soft
and hot drinks, and offers spe cia l cockta ils at very reason ab le prices. Sport enthusiasts
can enjoy national a nd intern a tiona l events on the big screen .
Jo in w ith f riends and fami ly at
La Luna to experience the
great service of well-trained
waiters, and rece ive high qual ity food cooked by its superior
chefs . La Luna - a true Ita l ian
dining expe rience!
( he f Ashra f Faye z "La Lu n a
Res tauran t & Pi zz eria" g ibt es
w i ede r in Hurghada! Es l i eg t
verke h rsgun stig
au f3er h a I b
des Sun ri se H ol i days Reso r ts,
d irekt an de r Sh e raton Road .
Parkp l a t ze
st e h e n
a u srei c hend zu r Verfugung . D a s
Res t auran t i st t ag l i c h von
12 Uh r M i ttags bi s M i tternacht geo ffn et.
Eine grof3e A uswah l on ori g ina l ito l ienischen Pizza s, ho usg emac h ter
frisc h e r
Suppe n ,
Salo t en ,
sow i e
H oupt und
No chspeisen
warten au f Sie . H ier konnen
Si e o u c h o us einer Li ste erstk l ossige r ag ypt i scher We in e
sel b st verstanda uswa h l e n;
li ch gibt es o uch Bi e r, a lk o ho l fre ie u nd he i Be G e t ranke ,
sow i e ausgeze i chne te C oc ktoils z u moderaten Preisen.
Ko mme n Sie mit Fre un den
und Fa mi l i e ins La Luna. H ie r
genieBen Si e o ri g i na l ita li enische G erich t e 1 z u bereitet von
bestens ausgebi ldeten Kochen
und se rv i ert von f r eu ndl i c h em Pe r sona l.
La Luna
a t r ue I ta li an
dining experience!
L a Luna Restaurant & Pizzeri a OT
wecpa A wpacpa CDaye3a OTKpoeTC>I
B XypraAe Ha YA ~ue CTa pbl~
WepaTOH np~ OTeAe Sunrise Holidays Resorl. n apKOBO'-tHbiX MeCT
3AeCb xsann Ha scex. PecTopaH
6yACT pa60T3Tb OT nOAYAH~ - AO
n p~SlTH O
CH1AbH bl~
Bblll.aiO W~ eCSl
~3b1 C KI-1
p a3Hoo6pa31-1e
n~uubl ,
AOMa WHeIii CBC>K e n p ~ f OTOBACHHOiii
naCTbl, caAaTOB, cynos, aecepTOB
W~pOKI-1 1ii
n~ Ba,
Ge3aAKOI UAbHbiX Hdi11-1TKOI:l. U eHa
yMepeHH a51.
..6..M1 Cn OpT1-1BHbiX 60i\CJ\bWI-1KOB 1-11"pb1 Ha 601\bWOM 3KpaHe.
Y>t<e n04TI-1 10 AeT Weep Awpacp
CDaye3 pea/\l-1 3yeT Ha KpacHOM
Mope s peCTopaHax La Luna csolii
np eAbiAYWI-1X 16 AeT. B IIITaAI-111.
n oceweH~ e peCTopaHa La Luna ::n o, KaK noe3AKrt R IIITrt/\1110 (R
KY/\I-1HapHOM CMbiC/\e)! n p~51THOro
R_ed )ea BulletiQ
cart .,or dOIPh\nS
The program for conservaho
awareness & environmental edu,....'"',..~
about bottlenose dolphins living
in the Hurghada area
We don't like being touched by humans because
our skin is very sensitive and therefore very
vulnerable to diseases
We love playfully rubbing with one
another and cleaning our skin frequently
From morning until noon, our group ma inly rests and
sleeps. We stay close together, swimming a long the reef.
During this time we prefer to stay away from people!
Desk lines:
El Gouna 0128 274 1000
Hurghada 0 128 274 2000
Soma Bay 0127 512 0400
The Scientists -who understand dolphins
The Swimming School - who respects dolphins
www swimtrai ner-egypt com
For a splendid getaway during the festive season of Christmas and
New Year, book your holiday on the waters of the shimmering Red Sea with
rates starting from EGP 750 at InterContinental The Palace Port Ghalib Resort,
EGP 580 at Crowne Plaza Sahara Sands & Crowne Plaza Sahara Oasis Port
Ghalib Resort and EGP 400 at Marina Lodge At Port Ghalib.
Visit our Six Senses Spa for some of their most exclusive holidays treatments.
For reservation call 065 336 0000
or email: [email protected]
For Egyptians and foreign residents only
Ter rn~ dnd tonditrom dpply. FOf 1nore detdils vi!>it
InterContinental Hotels Group. All Rights Reserved.
Great hotels, great choices in great locations across Middle East & Africa
Marina Lodge
ou may not think of 'idyllic' when talking about business meetings and conferences. Think again. When at the end
of the day you can swap the conference hall for the pool, your business suit for shorts and sip a cocktail as the
hadows lengthen, the word 'idyllic' will come to mind.
During your business day you will have all the advantages of Port Ghalib
International Convention Centre (ICC), the largest state-of-the-art
mult ipurpose facility of rt:s size on the Red Sea, just minutes away from
Marsa Alam International Airport. The ICC can host 2,000 delegates
in its I ,950 square metres for a full-scale convention, but is versatile
enough to host smaller informal events and also includes 16 break-out
rooms and VIP facilrt:ies.
Our dedicated team of event planners will bring the professional touch
to management, stage design, simultaneous translation, courier services,
photography, and even the niceties of flower arranging.
To give your event some truly authentic flavour, you might also wish to
take advantage of our 'Insider Collection', a range of experiences
carefully chosen by our team to inspire delegates and ensure your event
is unmistakably Egyptian.
We also have an enviable reputation for the quality and diversity of our
food & beverage offering. Our team can provide a broad range of
options including locally inspired menus and global favourrt:es.
The ICC is part of Port Ghalib Resort, housing the 5-star deluxe
InterContinental The Palace Port Ghalib Resort, the 5-star Crowne
Plaza Sahara Sands & Sahara Oasis Port Ghalib Resorts, and the 4-star
Marina Lodge at Port Ghalib within close proximity, the International
Marina, and the Corniche & Khan.
Book your event now and take advantage
of our add-on benefits including:
• One complimentary room for every 20 booked rooms
• Upgrade of the event organizer room to a suite
• Upgrade of 5 rooms to next room category
Subject to availability. Terms and conditions apply
For more information and reservations:
T: + 2 02 24042728/9 or E-mail: [email protected]
SNrm Shunl •
Ml'liM Abu 0.1bclb
PlonteJ Oioert Hai:Hbl Klhtatnl.'lnO
Marsa SMgra Village
Hyper-BatK Medea! Centet
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Wodl Laham! Village
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Planetary alignment that will take place Dec 3, 2012 is dead-on alignment wit the Pyramids at Giza.
Night Sky in G iza, Egypt o n December 3, 20 12, local time ... one hour before sunrise compared with
the Pvramids at Giza.
Whether you believe something will happen in 20 12 or not, is not impo rtant.. . The fact is that the
planetary alignment matches layout of Pyramids at Giza on 12.3.12 and this will happen just 18 days
before 12.2 1.12
Dec 3 is exadlv 18 days before Dec 21. 18days*24hrs*60min
25,920. The Progression of
the Equinox tal<es exactly 25,920 years.
The cycle of Dec 3, 2012. It only happens once every 2737 years ... but only matches the Pyramids of Giza every 5th cycle. (by C. Marcello)
2 1.:30
0 1:00
03 :00
Firs t Class
Royal Class
E lite Class
Royal Class
First Class
F irs t Class
F irs t Class
Elite C lass
F irst C lass
First Class
First C lass
E lite C lass
First C lass
First C lass
Elite Class
2 1:00
14 5
I. E
Super Jet Co.
00: 30
High Jet Co.
12 :00
2 3 :30
02:3 0
High Class
Specia l
Jligh Class
Hig h Class
Specia l
Specia l
H igh Class
Specia l
High Class
85 LE
50 LE
50 LE
85 LE
0 1:30
07. 30
65 L .E
65 L.F.
65 L.E
08. 15
15. 15
High Class
High Class
High C lass
High Class
High Class
liigl1 Class
High Class
85 LE
50 LE
50 LE
85 LIS
50 L £
85 IJS
85 LE
50 LE
50 LE
50 LE
85 LE
85 LE
85 LE
Hurghacla Qena
Upper Egypt for Transportation & Tourism Co. (UETTC) 065 3547582
25 u:
25 LE
25 LE
01 :00
Note: Schedule & prices can be changed by companies
65 L.E
25 LE
25 LE
25 Lf'.
Ambulance ............... 123/3549982/3546490
Fire Departme nt ....
. ... 180/3544862
Gas Emergency .. .
...... 149
Police..... ...
. .... .... ............. ... 122/34 63203
Police- Security .. ........... . ....... .... 3544860
Po lice- Tourist.. ...................... 126/3543365
Road Emergency ....... ............. 0 1221110000
Taxi Complains ........ 3550553/0111860160 I
Telephone Bill ......
.... II I
Telepho ne D irectory..... ........ .. ......... .... 140
The A merican University EI Gouna 3580000
TU Be rlin Compus .. 35614 20 Fax:354 142 1
Egyptian Hosp ital.
............ 34503 18
El Gouna - Emergen cy ... . .......... 35800 I I
El Go1ma Hospital
....... 3580012- 19
El Haya H ospital. ..
. ... 01006966123
E l Hekma Hospital
............ 3553999
E l Salam Hospital
........ 3548785-7
Esthctica Hospital El Goun a
..... 3580020
Gene ral Ho spital AI Quseir
...... 3330070
Gene• a I lio>pit• l H urgb.da
354674 0
General Ho spita l Safaga ....
.. 325154 9
Milita ry Hospital .....
.. 35495 13
N ile Hospital
Red Sea Hospital .... 3544850/01005032445
Sinai Lasil Centc1 .....
. ... 01227274 374
. ... 0 1222433 1 16
Emt.:l'gcncy ....
Dr. Nabil..
.... 012 244551 27
Dr. \Vael...........
. ... 01224 362222
D:co International
Emerge ncy.
................. 01222 190383
Dahab ....
. ... 01222 1903i2
.. . 01222 19 0383 Fax: 3580020
El Gom1a
.. . 0 128 1556330/01222 174 148
Safaga ..
. ... 01221 74 153 3
Hype nncd
. ... 01002 187550
Emc.agt:ucy ....
Dr. Hanaa .
. ... 012 2639 14 50
D r. Hossa m .....
. ... 01222 187550
Naval Hyperbaric & Emcrg<ncv
Medical Centre
1-1491 '0
l l Dental Chnic
~ Or Ayman Na~~cf
Dr. N ayer Fahmy ..... .
. .. 01223452895
~ I'~LSUC Surgery. Skm !AnL11 &
Wei In£.-;.'
~-!!Mod Spa ........ 3~53203 ·o tt 10012270
fielndtr Pediatrician
(if(r.zt Or. Rafeck Ram7y .. ... 01223 149593
El Ezaby .
.......... 19600 I 01145700008·9
lmJll-j=4 ;!1%1@ 1il ;l.i'®I!!~
Busy Bees N ursery.... .....
... 3447314
Cheeky Monkey ........
.01 227382332
Funny Bunn y NurS<Ory
.... 0 100 118(>693
Green Leaf Nursery. .
.... 01004046820
Happy Smurfs ..........
. ... 01064920664
Les Petites......... .........
. ... 012250 20 215
Mama Giulialtalian Nursery 010046 2 1749
Nemo Kindergarten....
...... 01097390038
Pooh & Friends ....
. .. 01270628787
.... 01222344428
Pl3y & Pre-School
Sunshin e Nursery .
. ... 01223769153
Creative M inds
.... 0 1114118l!06
F.l \.ouna School
E lllcgaz Private School ....... ........ 9200 I 18
l'renc h School
F utures Lan guage School... .... .. ...... 345180 1
German School...................
344 363 I
·~ Hurghada Amencan
!!..- lntcmntional School..... .. .0 1111158872
Modem Generat10n School ............ 354646 1
.... ........ 3440346
Rajac School
Royal Elgeel ElS<~aed .
. ..920011 2131415
St. Joseph's School... ..... .................. 34620 18
sun n se International School ... 3554643
C ity Council ..................
..... 3546375
Elcclrici ty Comp laints ..... 344 116413546060
Flight In fomJatio n .... ....... ............... 344283 1
.... 3447728/3445035
Post O ffice.................
..... 3546372
Registration Office ... ...................... 3546397
Telephones Comp lains ....
. ... 3440909
lourist lnfom tation .. .346322 I Fax:3463220
Youth Hostel... .............
..... ... 3500079
Ar•mex - Courie r Service ... 1699 6 /3554454
DHL .................. .... ............. 16345/345 1490
EIGounaMarketingDep... 3549 702 Ext. 2196
FedEx ....................... 9200505101223985777
Global Promotions ................. 01222737859
Middle East Courier Services ... ...... 3447622
Red Sea Bu lletin .. ... 3462491/01227893986
Westem Union
.......... 19190/344277 1
Switzerland ................... .......... 0225758284
Thailand .................... .............. 0233367005
Ukraine... .......
... 0223786872
Un ited Kin gdom... .........
. 0222791600
USA... ........ ............ .... ...
6O Red Sea hnages
*El Gouna ....
... 0 1223440349
• Hurghad.1 .....
....... 3447970
... 01227376130
*Marsa Alam..
*Sharm H Sheikh ... 0 122J.l36564
Video Bubbles ......................... Ol 227302827
Balan ce Studio
.. ....... 0 1227697865
El GOlma Go-Kan ....... 3549 702 Ext. 32 188
I' RI:.OS Sw1m Academy
El Gouna ...
... 0 1282741000
llurghada... ......... 0 12827-12000
Soma Bay
.. ... 01 275 120400
Pharaonic Go-Ka rt Club . . ... 0 12221 7741 8
Smart Gym ....................
.. 0 J222390299
.....03 42710361202 1
Aswan ....
... 09 7 3480333!2440
... 02 2265500012222
Hurghada .................... .... 065 346272 2/3
Luxor ...
.....095 2374655/879
Mars•Aiam .....
.065 3700021-6
Shann El Sheikh .................. 069 360 1I 4 I -4
....... 3447400
..... 0 122 1666883
El Gouna Limousine .
......... 3580061
Hertz......... ...
......... 3463 176
Maneuver ......
. 01222244743
Misr Travcl
Limousine ....... 0 I 0666943 74/0 I 066694689
Sunrise Rem Car ................... . 01005000708
Egy pt Air.......
3463034 -37
Link Aero Trading Agency ...... 0 I 00 12505 12
SSAir ................... ........ ................... 345 1555
Tiger Aviation. .
.............. 01223948343
Thomas Cook ............. 344 333813541870-1
Top A• iation..
........ 346231 7
Travco Airlines Ticketing ... ......... 3451467-8
ABC Bank ...... .
......... 19123
Ahli United Bank
.............. 19072
A I Wa t~ny Bank of Egypt.. .............. 19336
Arab African illlenJational Bank ........ 19555
Aud i Bank .................
......... 16555
Bank Du C1ire...............
. .......... 16990
Bank o f Ale xa ndria ...
. ... 19033
Banque M isr . ...
. ........ 19888
Barclays Bank
........... 16222
B Jorn Bank .......
......... 19233
BNP Parib as Egypt....... ..
. .......... 16664
CIB Bank .................
. ............. 19666
Credit Agricole Egypt
......... 19191
Egypt ian Arab Land Bank. ..... ............ 19939
Housing & Develop. Bank
......... 19995
HSBC ............
. .......... 19007
National Bank of Abu Dhabi...... . ... 19977
.......... 19623
N ational B•nk of Egypt
National Bank of Greece
........... 16272
NSGB .......................
......... 19700
Piraeus Ban_k Egypt ..... .
. .......... 19322
Romanian Ylisr Bank ..
Union National Bank
......... 16862
. 0225750444
Au.<tri• ·············
. 0235702975
Belgium .....
.. 0227947494
Belgian Consu late El Gouna .......... 3580252
Ca nad a
........... 0227918700
Czech Republic .........
......... 0233339700
F.ngland ..
. ........ 022794085012/S
fran ce..............
... 0235673200
.................... 0227282178
German Honorary
... 0653445734101223 135281
l ~rael
. 0237610380
Italy .
. .... 0227943194
Italian Honorary
Vice Consulate ..............
. 0653449366
Netherlands .............................. 0227395500
................... ..... 0227367456
. 023 7489353
Spain ...
. 02273558 13
- -Kid 's Shop .... Ol 205306043
Samir & Aly ..... ... 0 10 10503809
Rainbow .......
. ............... 3450550
Red Sea Bookstores
..... 011 444 18190 - 1
Small St•tioucry Shop ........... 01145474069
Baroudy Law 1-irm . 01144-166220
. 01229686111
Red Se. Law Firm
Alexandria Fumiture .......... .... OJ 007606800
... 010669~16~3
Magic Carpet
RemJI ..
~~ ·······
01145 158-122
.. 0 1222 182393
Abyss - Bella Vista..
.... ............. 3440522
Admera .................... 3448397 Fax: 3441384
AI Mashrabia SWDF.....
......... 3442375
Aqua naut Red Sca .... 3549891 Fax: 3547045
AquariusBeach Ctub .. 3500035 Fax: 3500044
Aquarius Diving Club 3446650 Fax:3442394
Aqua Safa ri
144480410 12215SO190
Blu e Heaven ..
.3440892/0 1222480463
Arabia Aqua Center
............. 3548790
Black Shark .....
......... 01222182352
Rlu e
Drcam ..344270 1/0 I 00776077710122378 192
Blu e f>aradise
................... 544354
To have your number
included and updated
in our listing section
please send it via email
before December 10th to:
[email protected]
Blue Water
Dive Reson ..... ........ 3555420 Fa x: 3502500
Bubbles D iving
College ... ............ ...... 34420 57/0 1222243987
Colon a ... ............ .................. ...... .... 3464631
Cup idon ......................... ...... ......... . 3546823
D eep Blue Divers ..... 35020 53/0 1065520763
Deep Divers
......... 0 1289125125
Dia mon d ................... .......... .......... . 354859 7
...... . 3545050
Discovery Divers ..... 0 1227472899/3448251
Dive Acade my............
..... 355 1170
D ive Cours ...... ................ ....... ....... 3443693
Dive In - Sonesto. . 010056283 19 Fax: 3446724
Dive Pa rty .......... .................. ......... . 3442233
Dive Safaris- Festival Hote1...0 1066675840
Divers Adventure Cente r ...
... 3553481
Divers Heave n F leet .
....... 3440220
Divers Interna tio nal ..
... 3549745
... 3465100
D ivers Lodge ............
D iving House ..........
....... 34471!10
Dive Po int ..................
. ... 01223255483
Dive Stop ........... ...... 3448957/01006699109
Dive Stop Ma rina ..... 345131 8/01006699109
Dive Too ..............
..... 34~0245
U ive Trip ........................ ...... ... 0 1223251!277
D iving Way....
. .......... 01202093685
Div ing World ........... 3443 5SV0122244 8924
Dune ............... ......... 3255011 Fax: 3253075
Eagle Ray Divers ...... ............. 01227374 129
Easy Divers - Empire l:leach ...... ..... 354~l!l6
Emperor Di,•ers ..........
. ... 0 1224888779
El Ghonamy ..... ........ 3 54 7705 Fa x: 3544460
El Samaka DC .......... 3465153/01005204051
Euro Divers- G rand Hotcl ..... OI005822735
fun Octopus .................. ...... ... .. ..... 3447909
Geli & Ute DC ........ 3444150 Fax: 3443705
Go Dive .................................. .. ..... 344 5085
Go lden Dolphi n
.... . 3447237
Gulf Di,·c rs ............... 3550130 Fax: 3546680
H 20 Uiving .......................... ...... ..... 3447529
Ha ppy Diving ....................... ........ .. . 354 1807
Hor Palace D.C . ....... 3443710 Fax: 3442603
llios Dive Club ..................... .. 01222369926
l.M£1 Divers ......... ... 01222460380/344814 1
!ta b Nouvel......
......... ...... ......... . 34650 73
James & Mac ............ 3463003 Fax: 3462 14 1
Jas min Sport ..... OI22244789 7 Fax: 3460334
King Tut ........................... .... .......... . 3546833
Lion Hcar< ............................ ... OI223379416
....... 346462 1
Magawish .................
... 3548628
Manta Divers ................. .
Mares Diving Center..
.. 3556485
... 3445330
Marine Scuba ........... .
M arine Sports C lub .. ........... .......... 346 3005
Marlin Jn n D.C . ........ 344379 1 Fax: 34433 53
Masters Club ..
. 3463660
M enuaid Diving C enter ...... ... 012236-19529
Mina Mark Aqua Center
.... ..... 3447792
M irage Marine Fleet.
.... 0 1222 11 3183
New D ino. .............. .......
... .. . 3553586
N izar D iving Ce nter. ............ 0 I 001798887
Ocea n Red ................ 3442275 Fax: 3442273
Only Six ...................
. ....... 3620533
Oscar Diving Center ..
. ... 0 1222242087
Oxygen Easy Divers .............. 0 1222305202
.... 01002543214
Panorama Divers
Prince DC ......... OI227051 216/01222484015
Pro Sea Team-Conrad ... ...... ... 0 1222 182393
Red Sea Dolphin ......
... 3444 146
Red Sea Scuba Sc hools.
... 34448 54
... 3442038
Sahara Diving Center
.. . 3548302
Sara Divers..
... 3549672
Seafari Red Sea 0 I 001 50 00 34 Fax: 34621 57
Sea H orse ...................
. ..... 3547621
Sea Scr]>e nl Fleet... ... 3448036 Fax: 3448036
Sea Wolf Divers ........
. ... 01227385203
Sea Wolf Diving Safari ........ ... 0 12235850 16
Sharky ............
......... 3463004
Sinai Divers ..... 012222944 3210 1222280630
Somaya &
R udi Kneip .............. 3442960 fa x: 3443234
Son Bijou ........ 0 I 223245296 Fax: 35446 80
South Red Sea Susanna ........ ... 0 1223573985
Stin.gray .................... 344326 1 Fax: 3443267
Stonn .. ...........
................... .... .. . 3441592
Subex-Downtown ... 3548651 fax: 354 7471
Sublife Divers .....
............. 0 122344729 1
R_ed )ea Bulletil) 81
The Crab ..........
············ 3590215
The Sun Sol•r.
··········· 3350205
l\vin Dolphin ..
. .......... 3542000
Twins Diving. ..
. .. 3441739
'fl)l - Middle East.. ... 01005467700 Fax: 3447520
Undersea Advenn~res .... 01223492630/3441834
United Divers- Thermocline ............ 253687
V.l.l'. Dive ........ .. ..... 3444 128 Fax: 3444129
Voodoo Divers .. ....... 01223345766/3548159
White Dolphin.
.... ........ 01227713752
Makadi Bay
Aquarius Diving Club ..Tel/Fax: 3590308113
Extr..d Divers .. ........... 0 I00 12 76 108/3590000
The Crab-Makadi Bay
............ 3590215
Blue Brothers Diving .
.. .. 0106665410 1
Colona - Rihana .........
.. .......... 3580 I 13
Easy Divers - Ril1ana
.... 01222349114
Etnp<:tOt Di,er .. ...
.. .. 01224888779
Euro Divers- Club Med ................. 3547934
Orca ............................... ...... ... ........ 3580078
TGl- Sheraton Miramar ........ 012274 11336
The Dive Connection- Panorama .. 3580052
Alpha Red Sea..
.. .......... 3253229
Barakuda-Lotus Bay 3253911/Fax: 3251476
Big Blue... .. .. ....... 3253581101227327074
Calypso Diving Center
.... 01227919222
Diving Center Int. .... 3442982 Fax: 3 179455
Dune.... .. .......
.. .......... 3253075
Emperor Divers....
.. ....... 0122238576012
fut~rna1ional Oiv~ma:,l~l~ ...... ........ 3549745
Mena Dive
............ 3260060
Nemo Dive Club & Hotel .............. 3648708
Orca Red Sea ............ 3260 I l l Fax: 3260054
Shams-S•faga ......... 325178 1 Fax: 3251780
Toms Diver House ... 3252780/0122379431 1
United Divers.
.. .... ...... 3253687
Volkert .
.. .......... 325 163 1
Sharm El Naga
Marsa Alam
Aquarius Awlad Baraka .......... 01006460408
Beach Safari ..... 0 I 006103376101227457824
Blue Heaven
Deep South ....... 0 122792333610 1223258869
Diving Ocean .......
.. ......... 01001754354
Empero r Divers ........ 3700222101227372126
Extra Divers ......................... 0 100009556ll3
Extra Divers Port Ghalib......... 0 I 069464258
Nakari Divers ........................... 3380021126
Ocean New Project ................ 01227484335
Ocean Pro.............
.. ....... 01095100356
Orca EI-Zabargad ................... 01005289 119
Red Sea Oh"ing Safari
Marsa Shagra 01222449073
Marsa Nakari012S2 166511
Wadi Lahami 012239 13 786
Head Office Cairo
www.rcd~ca-diving~afari .com
Seafari-Brayka Bay Village .... 01001500034
Wadi AI Gimai .. .... 32517SO:Ot22244493l/2
Wadi Lahmy
Vera Sub - Elpbiston .............. 0122737192 1
VcnL'l Diving
.... 01222289057
Aqualung Egypt ...................... 0122255 1978
Beyond Limits.............
.. ......... 34513 10
Coltri Sub Compressors ........ 01007778205
Delta Tech.........
.. ... 3542754
nive F.x
Dive Oasis .. ....
.. .. .. ..... 0 127G 152G96
Dive Mix .......
.. .. ....... 01000096033
Diving House ........... 3447810/01003330395
G.S.C. Diving Teclmologies ...... 01007778202
0 1141 11 00971012249252S1
Maya .........
.. .. ....... 01005G30130
Ne111() Tee (In AI 0uscir) ................. 3336478
Outboards............ .......
...01 066686606
Red Sea Diving Equipment.. .......... 3549088
.. 3260049
Orca Diving Center ....
Robinson Club
........... 3549854
Soma Bay Diving Center ............... 3545004
.. ...... 3555925
Scubapro .... ..........
Scubatee Egypt.....
.. ......... 3559597
Sea Wolf Divers.........
.. ..... 01227805044
Sea Wolf Diving Safari ............ 01227461076
S~'tlbba .................................. 01222443088
Al Quseir
Soma Bay
Darracud.1. ........
Oiving.deAk="' .0 12224 16739/0 1224397342 Carnelia.. .
.. .. 01221617120 El Flamenco
.... 0122 1165152
Duck's Dive Center .. 3334510/0122383610S
Extra-Divers, Radisson SAS ... OI006026099
Marsa A lam Divers
......... 333487 1-5
Pharaoh Dive Club
.... 01006822000
Rocky Vallev.
.. .......... 3335247
Sub Aqua ...............
. 3334533
...3332100 Fax: 3547471
Utopia Diving Club ........................ 3334532
82 R,ed )ea Bulletil)
Dauer Kompressoren ...................... 3552747
Dive Mix ............................... 01000096033
Coltri Sub Compressors ........... 01007778205
Nitrox Network .... .... 345 1270/0128 153 1836
Techn ic .................................. 01007739774
Pressure Tech .
.. ......... 3549088
Aladdin Dcach Resort ...... Tcl.!Fax: 3460470
Albatros Palace ... 34641681781-'ax: 3464179
Alf Leila \Va Leila3464601-9 Fax: 3464605
Alia Beach Reson .... 3451367 Fax: 345 1365
Ali Baba Palace........ 3460463 Fax: 3460499
Ambassador Club .. 3462501-5 Fax : 3462505
Aqua Blu .................................... 3464809-1 6
Aqua Fun .................. 3443691 Fax: 3443694
Aquamarine Reson .. 3461100 fax: 3461109
Aqua Vista .. ........... 3464 l62-6 Fax : 3464167
Arabclla .................... 3545087 Fax: 3544890
ArabJa Beach ............ 3548790 Fax : 3544777
Beach Albat.ros .... 3464001- 11 Fa.x: 3464000
Beach Albatros Garden ................ 346480 1-8
...... .............. ..
.. ............... Fax: 3464810
Beirut HoteL..
.3548906 Fax : 3546680
Bel Ai r Beach
.. 3544500 Fax : 3545010
Bella Vista.. ..
. 3448691 Fax: 3443548
Biba Hotel .. ...
.. 3444908 Fax: 3442565
Brigine Hotel
........................ 3502053
Calimera ....... ...... 350205316 Fax:350205 1/2
Charm Life...
.. ...................... 3463630
Club Marmara (Hawai) ................ 3465073/ 5
Cotal Beach..
.3461610 Fax. 34GI616
Coral Sea .... .............. 3460020 Fax: 3460023
Dahabia ...... .................................... 3548652
Dana Beach ........ 346040 1-12 Fax : 3460400
Desert Rose..
..3460600 Fax: 3460608
Eilfd Hotel....
.. .. ......... 3444570
El Arosa Hotel
........................ 3549190
El Gezirah
......... 3547785/3547809
El Kasr .........
.3447352 Fax : 3447351
El Samaka
...... ...... 3465146/3
Ell;.bia ....
..3442350 Fax. 3442351
Fantasia ....
.. 3444402 Fax: 3546580
Festival Le Riviera . . 3502217 Fax : 3502220
Friendship Village .......................... 3443100
GeJSum Village ......
.. ............. 3546692
G iftun Village .. ...... 3463040-8 Fax. 34G3050
Golden Five..
. 3446300 Fa.x: 3446307
Golden Rose.
.3440871 Fax : 3440876
Golden Sun...
.3444403 Fax : 3445198
Golf Hotel ...
.. ....... 344282813444328
Grand Hotel..
.. 3463 100 Fax. 34G3105
Grand Plaza Hote1.. 3465243-9 Fax: 3465060
GrandResort .
..3463107Fax : 3463109
Grand Seas...
.. 3460111 Fax : 3460222
Green Palace
... 3548368
Happy Land...
.. .. ......... 3547373
Hilton Long Beach Resort ....... 3461500-9
Hilton Plaz.L ............ 3549745 Fax: 3547597
Hilton Rcsort.. .......... 3465039 Fax : 3465035
Hcliopolis Hotel .................... ......... 3446012
Hor Palace ............ 3465301-3 Fax: 3465300
lberotel Arnbella.... 3545086-9 Fa.x : 3545090
Jasmine Village ..... 3460460/3 Fax : 3460454
Jungle Aqua Park .. 3464602-5 Fax: 3464601
King Tut..... ..
.. 3554405 Fax: 3554406
La Perla .......... ................. .Tel/Fax: 3443281
Le Pacha ................. 3444150 Fax: 3443705
Les Rois ... 010012G5364 Fax: 010012()7713
Lilly Land...............
.. .. ......... 3460001
Magawish ................. 3464620 Fax: 3464633
Marina Residence .... ............... 01 110060793
Marlin Inn ................ 3443791 Fa.x : 3443790
Marriott ........... ......... 3446950 Fax : 3446970
Mashrabeya .............. 3443332 Fax: 3443344
Mercure Hurgha<l1 ... 346464 1-8 Fax: 346-1640
Mina Mark ...... ...... 3447791-5 Fax: 3447792
Mirette ................... 3547791 Fax : 3547794
Mont:illon Grand
Horizon .................... 3447500 Fax: 3441084
MovcnpickResort .. 3465 100 Fa.x: 3465101
O ld Vic ..................... 3442235 Fa.x: 3442064
Palma De Mirette .. 3547794-5 Fa.x: 3547795
Palm Dcach .............. 3500035 Fax : 3500044
Panorama l:lungalows Resort.. ...... . 3 502300
Paradise Chann Life .........
Paradise Village
Princess Club ......... .46500 1-4 Fax: 3465007
Rccmyvera ............... 34600 10 Fax: 3460014
Regina Style ............. 3442275 Fax: 3442274
Roma ....................................... ........ 344814 1
Royal Palace....
.. .............. 3463661 -2
Sand Beacb .............. 3547822 Fax: 3547822
Sahara... ...... .............. ...
.. .. 354830 I
Sapphire Sunes Hotel...
... 3447744
Sea Garden..............
.. .... 344 7492-9
Sea Gull Reson ...... .
Sea Horse .................. ..
Sea Shell... ................ .
. 344290 1
Sea Star
Beau Rivagt-. ........... 3542000 Fax: 3545100
Sea View Hotel... .............. 'fei./Fax: 3545959
Sentido Crystal
Bay ............ .. ............. 3460020 Fax: 3460025
Siva Grand Beach .... 3463121 Fax: 3463 130
Shedwan Garden
.. ........ 3555051 fax. 3555054
Golden Beach .......... 3547007 Fax: 3548045
Sindbad Aqua Park......
.. 344960 I
Sindbad Beach .
.. 3443261
Sindbau Family.......
. 3449602
Sindbad Resort.... ....
.. .... 3449603
Siva Grand Beach ... 3463 131-3 Fax: 3463130
Sol Y Mar Ivory
.. ..... 3462610 fax: 3462888
Sonscta Pharaoh .. ...... .............. ..... 3461001-5
Steigenberger AI Dau
Beach Hotel.. ............ 3465400 Fax: 34654 10
Stcigenberger AI Dau Club... .. ... 3465200
St. George........
.. 3548246
St. Maria Rc•ott
..... 3465 161
Sultan Beach ....
. 3465052
Sunny Beach
Rcsort ....... OI22000457 1 Fax: 0 1280853588
Smmy Days J>alacio ... 355 1780 fax: 3551788
Swui>c Le Jardin ...... 3502600 Fa,,. 3502605
Sumise Select
Garden Beach .. .......... .3460040 Fax: 3460053
Sunrise Holidays
Resort ....................... 3445080 Fax: 3445085
Suorise Mnutlouk
Palace ...
.. .............. 3460 140 Fax: 3460 154
Tabia Hotel
.3442350 Fax: 344235 1
The Grand Marina .... 3463 100 Fa.x: 3463105
TopazCiub .. ............ 3447744 Fax: 3446315
Thlfee Corners .............................. 354881819
Titanic Aqua Park . .................. 0 I 003408900
Titanic Beach Resort ... 3461420 Fax: 3461430
Triton Empire Beach
Resort ....................... 3547816 Fax: 3548816
Triton Empire HoteL3549200 Fax: 35492 12
Triton Empire lnn ..... 3549200 Fax: 35492 12
Waves Resort. .
.3447529 Fax: 3447529
WhiteAibatros .............
Zahabia ........................................... 3548652
Sahl Hasheesh
Citadel Azur Resort .3605000 fax: 3605002
Old P•laec ............ ..
.. 067 5200220
.01 281444303
Palm Beach Piazza .
Pyramisa Beach
Resort ...... OI2816226 112 Fax: 0 1226977797
Premier Ibrahim Pasha Hotel . 01110778856
Premier Romance Boutique
Hotel & Spa ............................ 0 I l l 0778856
Premier Lc Rcvc Hotel & Spa ... OI I 10778856
The Oberoi .......... ...... .............. ........ 3440777
Your expert pet store
Baw 3KcnepT 300Mara3111H
• We find the pet you've always wanted
• We are happy to g ive you information about t ...'!dinm•
and accessories
• We build cages, aquariums, kennels, and more
• In case of a move we will assist you in finding
a new home for your beloved pet
Behind Telephone Central - Sakala 0122 218 23 93
Makadi Bay
Sol Y Mar
.... 3561700Fax: 3561701
C lub Azur. .......... 35903 19-24 Fax: 359031 G
Fort Arnhe <que
1590200 Fax: 3590209
Star & Spa
...... 3590580 Fax: 3590079
Jaz :vtakadt
.... 3590530 Fax: 3590540
Hannony Resort.. ... . 3590359 Fax: 3590360
Tbcrotel Makadi
Beach ............ ........... 3590000 Fax: 3590020
Tberotel Makadi
Onsis Resort ............ 3590050 Fax: 3590059
C lub Makadi ..
Iberotel Makadi
.... 3590530 Fax: 3590540
Palms ...
l bcrotd Makadi
Saraya Resort ..... ..... 3590120 Fax: 3590129
Makadi Beach ...
. .................. 3590000
rrc Rihana Inn ....... 3580025 Fax: 3580030
Sol Y Mar Makadi
Turd..:'s l.nn Dive
l{esort ...... 01220606001 Fax: 01229105666
GrandAzur Horizon. ...
.......... 3447500
Marine ..................... 3590060 Fax: 3590079
Club .... ........ .... ....... 3580170 Fax: 3580170/1
Sol Y Mar
Makadt Sun ....
.3590070 fax : 3590079
Sunrise Sdecl
Royal Makadi ..... .. ... 3590390 Fax: 3590402
The Grand Makadi .. 3590150 Fax: 359015 1
fia Heights Makadi . 3590590 Fax: 3590595
Sharm El Naga
Shann El Nag;. .0100544LLOOI01001112942
Soma Bay
Caribbean World ...... 3260804 Fax: 3260800
Inter Continental
........ 3260700-49
El Gouna
Kempiuski Hotd 3561500 fax. 0123 561600
Ali Pasha Hotel .... .... 3580088 Fax:3580088
Robinson Club ...... .. ....................... 3549854
Arena Inn ................. 3580078 Fax:3580079
Sheraton Soma Bay . 3545845 Fax: 3545885
Captain's Inn ................................. 3580170
The Cascades .. ......... 3542333 Fax. 3542933
C lub Mcd .. ........... .... 3547934 Fax:3547933
Tluec Comers Fa}TOUZ
Plaza ......... OI225900030 Fax: 01000090213
Dawar El Omda ......... 3545600 Fax:354560 1
Fanadir ..... ............... 3580076 Fax: 3545060
Makadi Club Oasis
& Family Resort ...... 3590050 fax: 3590059
Makadi Palace
.... 3590150 Fax: 3590 l 51
Royal Azur ....
. ............. 3590306/ l 3
Saraya Suites.
..3 590120 Fax: 3590029
Sensimar Makadi .... 3590060 Fax: 3590079
Sercnit y ..
'rfC Ocean View ... 3580350 Fax: 3580355
... 3590025 Fax : 3590035
Ho liday Beach Residential... .......... 3750065
lberotd Coraya Beach
Resort. ..................... 3750000 Fax: 3750009
lberotel Lamaya
Resort ...................... 3750000 Fax: 3750009
Iberotel Samaya
Resort ...................... 3750030 Fax: 3750039
Inte rContinental- C'rownc Plaza ..... 3360000
lnte!Cominental - Grand Plaza ....0 I066691666
InterContinental- Pal•ce ... ..... 01066691777
Kahramana !:leach
Resort ................ 3380008 or 0 1227454105/7
LahamiBay 01 223173344 Fax: 01 223 168410
Mat ina Lodge ......... ........... ........ 3700209/ 22
Onatt i Beach Resort .............. 01001112110
Peusee Royal Carden .......... ... 012274 7 ll 22
Mosaique .. ............... 3580077 Fax : 3545060
Amira Three Comers ............ ......... 3253821
Red Sea Diving Safari
~ l arsa
Movenpick Resort ..... 3580 120 Fax:3545160
Panorama Khan Hotel... ................. 3580052
Club Magic; Life ....... ......... ............. 3200000
Sheraton Miramar ................. .. 3545106/684
Coral Carden ....... ..3262020-3 Fax: 3262024
Steigenberger Golf .. 3580 140 Fax : 3580149
Oatly Dive Resort..
Sultan Bey ................ 3545600 Fax: 3545601
Holiday lnn Safaga .. ............. .. 3260101-LLO
... 3590960
Lotus Bay
. ......... 3253075
.. ......... ...................... 3251040
Shagra 0122244 9073
:VIarsa Nakari 0 1282166511
Wadi l.a hami 0 1223913786
!lead Office Cairo
mfo@''redsea·d ivingsafari .com
www redsea-divingsafari com
Menaville ... .... ....... 32600G4n fax: 3260068
Nefertary .... ..... ......... .................. .326200 1-3
Nemo Dive Club & Hotel .
Paradise ...... .. .
.326001 2
Safaga Hotel... ...... .
Shams Safaga .. ..... .
Sol Y Mar Paradtse
.3 260018
..3260017 Fax: 3260016
Al Quseir
Akassia ............................. 012223077 18145
Carneha Beach Resort ..................... 3395021
Cinderdla Beach .............................3334536
«Flying Crane»
* Tai-chi * Stretching
* Dzen Yoga Therapy
Fanadir Beach ................................ 3331414
F lamenco Beach & Resort .... .... 3350200/09
Helio Land ........... .
......... 3332100120
Peusee Royal Carden ....... ...... 0122747 1122
Rad i~<on Rlu Re<ort
Rocky Valley U tving Camp . .. 01223334063
Utopia ......... .............. .......... . . 01227388002
* TaitU3H * PacnnKKa
* A3eH Rora TepanHSI
Call in alhancc: 11122 7!!9 39 IJII
ras [email protected]
To have your number
1114 S07/ R/9
Movenpick Resort
«napSIWHH )l(ypaBAb»
. .... ...... 3390051-4
* UHryH
At Sabirova Dance School
Kotta's Mall - 3 floor, opp Marlin Inn
Reef Resort Resta ... ............ ............ 3750090
Sentido Oriental
Dream Resort ...... 3319907-11 Fax: 33 1991 2
Solitaire Beach Reson ........ ............. 3380100
Sol Y Mar A bu Oabbab ........ 01000096001 -4
Sol Y Mar Dar
El Madina..
........ 3750100 fax: 3750109
Sol Y Mar Dolphin
House .... 010688275 14 Fax: 0106882012617
Sol Y Mar New Solitaire ........ 0 1224479553
Sol Y Mar Solaya ..... 3 750015 Fax: 3750024
Tulip Resort. .................. ...01221617100' 1-4
included and updated
in our listing section
Marsa Alam/Berenice
Resort .... ..... .. ..... 33800621410 122243995012
Blue Rcef01227676728/29 Fa~: 0 1227676723
Brayka Bay
R""o1t ... 3380065/0122 1004401 Fa.x. 3380070
01 221916229-11
Coral Beach Diving
Resort....................... 3700222 Fax : 3700221
Ecolodge Bedouin Valley ........ 01 222181 427
Equinox Ill Nabaa
Resort ....... OI222353475 Fax: 01222396934
please send it via email
before December 10th to:
f\e d )ea Bulletil) 83
Clinic 1: Sheraton Road - El Souk Building Apt. 1509
Clinic 2: 23 Mohammadi Hweidak Str., in front of Mubarak 2
Mobile: +2 0122 314 95 93
Abanoub Travei... ..... 3442M3 Fax: 3442843
AKA Travel... ............ ...... .... ..... ...... 3465000
Albarros Tours ... ....... 3542876 Fax: 3542885
..... ...... 3448101
AI Plm an• Tuur>
AI.S Tour<
144 1572 F•x· 344 1571
Amenophis Tours.
........... 3443020
A.zur Travel ..
... 344159 1 Fnx: 344 1590
Babna Tours ..
..... ...... 3548584
Dclaia Rosa ..
. 3462274 Fax: 346224 1
Belquess .................... ...... 3447342/344 7927
Benu Travel..
...... . 3547785/3552215
Best Egypt Travel.. .......... 3449308/3449298
lllack Horse .............. 3446012 Fax: 34460 13
Bright Sky Travel ............ 3446830/3446834
Cairo Express .. 354 114 1/3/4/8 Fax: 3541145
Cally Internationa l .. 3546663 Fax: 35469 16
C'omr•« Tr•vel
1545 140 F•x· 1549674
Coral On Travel... .... 3444233 Fax: 3444667
Creative Travel...........
.. ......... 3448100
Crocodile Egypt ...
.. ... ...... 344 169 1
Eagle Tours ....
.. ... ...... 3442372
Tours .. .. .... 34425041344485 1 Fax: 34479 12
Egypti•n Reviera ...... 3462074 F•x: 3462183
Elegant Voyage ................ 3546344/ 354831 1
E l Joker ............................... ........... 3444470
Emeco Travel ............................... 344 7071/2
Eta Tours .......... 0 I 006461899/0122 7796830
Etab Travei.. ............. J642 102 Fax: 3462102
Flash Tours344475513443 157 Fax: 344312 1
Fly Well To urs
........ ...... 3447606
Fox Travel ........... .3446612-4 Fax: 34466 10
344315619 3445146/3448137 Fax: 3442 126
Galaxia Tours .. .................... .......... 3541132
Garmnah Tours ......3544601 -2 Fax: 3548657
Geda Tours.
.. ... ...... 344 1725
Gem TraveL .. .. ....... 344381 1 Fox: 3448564
General Tours
............... 344694 1
Gco Tours ............... 3444692 Fax: 344 1778
Grand Tours .................................... 3447668
Hig hway Travel. ....... 3444764 Fax: 3444764
Isis Trnvel ............... 3442644 Fax: 3442645
Kimidar Tours .......... 34463 12 Fax: 3444829
Masters Travel Service (M.T.S.) ..... 3553160
84 R_ed )ea Bullet iQ
..... 35488 10
Maznar To urs .....
Memnon Tours ....... . 3549790 Fax: 3549798
................... 3552010
Mena Tours...
.. ........ ......... 3444465
MenfTours 355130113549752 Fax: 3551793
MISR Travel .............. ..
.. ...... 344213 1
N::ttionill Travel
Scrvice................... 3443881-3 Fax: 3442942
Nalllral Blue Tour ........ .... 344539713442365
New City Tours .............................. 3444970
Ohod Tours..............
. ......... 3549882
Orbit Tours .......... .... 3465067/0 I 005529035
O;iris Travel.........
.. ................. 3547360
Planet Tours ...................... 344633113449597
QtEen Tours.354466213540783 Fax: 3540784
Rest Travel ..................................... 354 1803
Royal Dreams
.... 3449494/3443636
Sakkara Tours .......... 3441967/01222782338
Salco Travel ..
.. ................. 35484 14
.. ............ 0 I 005505189
Scaramouche .....
Sci f Tours ..... .
...... 3442476
Seti First.. ...................... .
.. .... 344335 1
...... 3463155
Shahen Tours.
Sham> Voyage ............... .
... 3448994/5
Smart Tours...
.. .... 3445266
South Sinai Travel.. 344030718 Fax : 3443445
Spring Tours .......... 3440802-5 Fax: 3440809
Stallio n ................... .. 3443352 Fax: 3443354
Sultana Tours .......................... 0 I 001 63 1322
Sylvia Tours ......... .. ........ ................ 344 1837
TAT Tmve1 ............ 3462031-3 Fax: 3462030
TEZ Tours .3440605 Fax: 344147113441548
T ho m:.s Cook .......... 3541870 Fax: 3546799
Tommy Tours ................. ................ 3554405
...... .... 35901 J I Fax: 3590444
Travel Net Tours ....... 3546692 Fax : 3547994
Travel Story .......... .................. ......... 3444148
Travel Ways ......... 34489J2/16 Fax : 35489 10
Ultra Egypt Tours ........ .......... ......... 3442550
Viking Tours .................................... 3448250
Welcome Tours...... 344535015 Fax: 344535 1
White Angel Tours ...... ................... 3445623
Wings Tours ............ 3460077 Fax: 34470 17
Zekri Tours ....................... .............. 3440475
For Sale: one bed room flal in Palm
beach piav_a- Sahl Hasheesh, Ist
line on beach, 3rd floor vv:ith sea
view, fumished and equipped. Tel
0 122 174 1550
For Sale: one room studio in Ocean
breeze- Sahl Hasheesh, lst line on
beach, air-condition, 5th floor, sea
view, Tel 0 1221741550
For Sale: villa 5 room in the best area
ofMagawish, in 120m2 of 200m2 , 2
levels, super lux , private swimming
pool, basement 2 rooms, private entrance, Tei:O 1147 11 6618
For Sale: luxury sea view studio
57 m2 in U1e view proj ect, fully
fi.1rnished/brand new, residential
building benefits from a huge swimming pool and private beach, price
I 15,000$, contact: 0 I008483008 or
0 106913 1131
For Sale: apartme nt 176 m 2, 3 bedroom, 2nd floor, located in Hurghada marina, amazing sea & marina view, p1ice $200,000, contact:
0 1008483008 or 01069 131 13 1
For Sale: apartment in new Hurghada marina, 130 m 2, 2 bedroom, 2
bathroom, separate kitchen with balcony, lounge with balcony, superb
sea view as Ist line on sea, secmity,
fi-ee pool, beach & parking, co ntact
owner: 0 1060374145,
[email protected]
For Sale: luxury apartment in Kamareia Resort, 135 m2, 2 bedrooms,
office, large reception, American
kitchen, bathroom with tub, pool
view, 2 balconies, furnished or unfurnished, please call: 0 I069745942
For Sale: super luxury studio in Kamareia Resort Mubarak 6, 55 m•,
pool and sea view, furn ished or unfi.lJ11ished, large balcony, large bathroom, all finished to high European
Standard, please call: 0 I069745942
For Sale: a villa in touristic centre w ith atLractive p1ice, please
call :0 I000273278
For Sale: apartment in villa (villa
has ground tl oor and first floor) in
Mubarak 6 with garden, size of the
apatt ment 85m2 , fu lly furn ished
with European furniture, p1iee: $
69,500 For more info please call
0 1285253033
Kawthe r
studio supcrlux fi nishing, fi rst
floor, LE 135,000 for more
infom1 ation 011 47 1. 166 1.8
For Sale: Apartment in El
Kawthe r
I00m 2 ,
finishing, LE 275,000 for more
infonnation 0 1147 1. 166 18
For Sale: apartment 90m2 in AI
Ahyaa district, 2 bedroom, 3rd
balcony-northern oriented, fi.tll serviced compound w ith landscape,
secuti ty, garbage collecting &
maintenance and commercial centers, EGP 140000, negotiable, tel:
0 1226239668
For Sale/Rent: villa 400m 2 in
garde n,
240m2 , 2 floors, 6 bedrooms, for
more info contact 0 1221707205&
For Sale/Rent: Apartment in
" British Resort" compaund (EJK awthe r) pool-view, fum ishcd,ai.r
conditioned. All facilities in the
compaund: 3 swimming-pools,
g reen garden, reception, gym,
restaurant, laundry, securi ty 24.
Price is negotiable ! Please call
0 l 094097006, [email protected]
For Sale/ Rent: nice spacious furnished 2 bedroom apartment in H adaba, call 0 10011 11629
For Sale/Rent: finis hed I unfinished s uper-finishing I & 2 room
apartme nt 55 & 75 m 2 in a building in luxury neig hborhood,
please call 0122460 1990
ror Rent: single bedroom apa ttm enl in E l KawU1at· district near
Metro market, fully furnished with
AIC, call 0 I065056596
For Rent: a villa in touristic centre w ith attractive price, please
call: O1000273278
Job Vacancy: Chain of co mpa nies
looking for sales & marke ting
team, male & female, E nglish is a
must, please call: 0 127790190 1
Permanent makeup in fJurghada
(eyebrows, eyes and li ps) .
Professio nal Ge rma n eq uipme nt
a nd colors. Com ple te ste ril ity a nd
s afety. Professional ma ster. For
rese rva ti o n a nd mo re info rmation
please ca ll Tel: 0 I 094296592
Xypr-ane (6pOBH, rna3a, r·y6bl) .
06opyt\OB3H.He H KpaCKH. flotmaSJ.
CTep H.' IbHOCTb
6 e30 11 3CHOCTb .
flpo<jJeccriOHaTJb HbJH
3allHCb H KOHeyJJbTaJ.tHH 110 TeJt:
0 1094296592
Personal Training It's yo ur
turn. Activate
Effective w hole-body tra ining
with low time impact, mo bile:
0 127562367 1,
in fo@mei n-ges un dheirseoaeh .de
Power Dalancc - T he o riginal
bracelets from E urope to increase
your dail y and s porti ve we ll bein g.
Hea lth
Coaching, call 0 1275623671
German ho use a nd pet sitting
service! Call 0 122408 1591
Pest Control
by German Specialist
Please call
Mobile: 01005395801
Evelyn Scholl
Phone : +20 (0) 1145 158 422
[email protected]
"Joyota Corolla with experienced
driver for rent, 0 I 003942 144
For Sale: genuine infant Graco car
seat and base which is detachable,
for babies from 0- 13KG, rernovable
head and body support lor babies, in
excell ent condition, OJ ll08471 08
For Sale: New superlight in flatable
boat (with permission to the sea)
Zodiac 280 em (weight 26 kg) with
supertight 4-stroke engine Suzuki
DF 2,5 (weight 12 kg). Convenient
for short tr ip and fish ing. All
from 9:00am to 1:00pm
and 3:30pm to 6:30pm
accessories-oars, pump and bag.
Price 1500 Euro. 0 12 2 1102995
For Sale: Die neuen superleichlen
Schlauchboot (mit der Berechtigung
zum Meer) Zodiac 280 em (Gewicht
26 kg) mil supcrlcichtcn 4-Tal.-1
Motor Suzuki DF 2,5 (Gewicht 12
kg). Prakti sch fur kur<.e Re ise-und
Angel moglichkeiten. A lie ZubehorRuder, Pum pe und Tasche. Preis
1500.Euro. Tel: 120 1221102995
For Sale: Houa11 cynepnerKail
Ha,!lyBIIaH JI011Ka (c pa3peuu::HHCM
Ha BhiXOil u Mope) Zodiac 280
C~l (nee 26 KI) C 4-x T3KI'Hh!M
cy11ep.rerKHM MOTopoM Suw ki
DF 2,5 (sec 12 Kr). Y)lo6Ha
.!liD! nporynoi< H pbi6ani<H. Bee
11p11Ha)l;1C)!(H0CTH- BCC1Ia ,
cyMKa. l..(eua 1500 Eopo.
Tel: +20 1221102995
For Sale:
Land in Safaga, 252 m', license
for building 3 flo01·s, El Obour
area, sea view - dir ect from
the owner. +2 0122 1229232
[email protected]
Leben in Agypten, Probleme
in und mit der " andcren
Professionelle Beratung fiir
und Deutsche in allen
Lebcnslagen. Mehr Lebensknft und Freude durcb
Gesprache. Tel: 01013443911
For Sale:
Coverlets (quilts) and pillows with sheets (case) in
your color for bed s
160x20 with A•-t''
(next to the German
25% off on all fabrics
call 01222118338
: Get your personal
bookmark at
This voucher entitles you to
pu~chase the book
"Dolphins and Whales"
for a special price of
75 LE
unli l end of December20 12 .
By y_our purchase Reel Sea Bookstores donates 30 LE to
German Cosmetician
and Masseuse
visits you at h om e: Facials,
Pedicure & R ela xin g Massage
M obile: 012277701142
~ n ~ish, Qrmon; IIOiion and Ru.iial)
Handmade candles
by lua
Hurghada, Red Sea, Egypt
Mobile: 0122 314 12 56
f\ed 5ea Bulletil] 85
Bombay Swiss Way
La Luna
Restaurant & Pizzeria
Sunrise Holidays Resort, Sheraton road
Cell: +2 0127 770 01 97
Indian & International Restaurant
Opposite Sea Gull Hotel
Tel.: +2 065 344 93 34
La Luna
Italian Restaurant
Bella Vista Hotel, Sheraton Road
Cell: +2 0127 513 55 55
International Restaurant & Bakery
Sheraton Road , opposite Marriott Hotel
Tel.: +2 065 344 44 14
Caribbean Bar
Martna Sphinx
Kabab House & Bar
New Marina Hurghada , Block C3
Tel.: +2 065 345 06 51
Restaurant & Bar
Bella Vista Hotel, Sheraton Road
Cell: +2 0111 049 74 36
Da Nanni
Pita Sphinx
Red Sea Fish
non solo pizza
La Perla Hotel, Hadaba Road
Tel.: +2 065 344 70 18
Dolce Vita
Italian Restaurant
The View Residence
Cell: +2 0100 631 83 10
Seafood Restaurant
Bella Vista Hotel, Sheraton Road
Cell: +2 0122 732 04 40
Esplanada SP-hi
Sea Bar Bistro
International Restaurant
Esplanada Mall, Villages Road
Tel.: +2 065 345 06 51
Restaurant & Bistro
Arosa Sq., the way to Hurghada Marin a
Cell: +2 0 122 069 49 69
Restaurant & Bar
Sheraton Rd, opp Abu Ashara
Cell: +2 012 1100 00 52
Hard Rock Cafe
The Bar & The Gnll
Hurghada Marina
Cell: +2 0100 344 18 13
The Heaven
Restaurant, Bar & Discotheque
Nawara Center, Promenade
Tel.: +2 065 346 51 70/1
Restaurant & Lounge Bar
84 - 85 Hurghada Marina
Cell: + 2 0121 100 00 54
Italian Cafe, Gelateria & Restaurant
Esplanada Mall, North Entrance
Cell: +2 0106 893 72 78
Thai Restaurant
New Hurghada Marina, Block B
Cell: +2 0100 102 51 17
White Elephant
86 1\ed )ea Bulletil)
Hur hada
La Luna
El Gauna
Restaurant & Pizzeria
Downtown, next to the Aquarium
Cell: +2 0127 770 01 97
White Ele hant
Touristic Center, Villages Road
Tel.: +2 065 344 22 67
a dar
El Gauna
Thai Restaurant
Cell: +2 0100 102 51 17
Egyptian British
82 Sheraton Road,
opposite Cotton House
Tel.: +2 065 344 32 52
Esplanada Mall, second floor
Cell: +2 0100 582 33 59
' ' ' ' estate
Kamareia Resort
Continental Zone
Cell: +2 0128 279 72 75
Real Estate Advisor
297 Bowling St., Cortoba Bldg, Office 101 R
Cell:+2 0128 279 72 74
Real Estate
\ El Gouna I Hy,rghada I
AI Qu eir I Marsa
297 Bowling Center St.
Cortoba Building, Office 1 03 R
El Kawthar District, Hurghada
To display your ad
(news, events, weekly program)
in our JANUARY/ FEBRUARY issu e
please contact us before December 1O'h
+2 065 346 2491
0122 789 3986
Email: info@redsea-bulle
English/ German: + 2 0122 232 81 55
Arable/English: +2 0122 789 39 86
Russian/English: +2 0122 789 39 90
email: info@redsea -bulletin .com
R_ed )ea Bullet il) 87
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297 Bowling Center, Cortoba Bldg.
El Kawthar, Hurghada, Red Sea