scripture readings for the week of the trinity


scripture readings for the week of the trinity
Celebration, thirty of our youth
attended a Confirmation retreat to
prepare them for this great
Sacrament. A special thank you to
our Catechists for preparing these
students; to Bill and Lucy Weaver for providing their ranch for the retreat and providing the meals
for the day; to Lucha Avila and Maria Rodriguez for their help with the meals; and to Fr. David for
giving his time to celebrate Mass and Adoration with us.
On Wednesday, October 2, 2013 these youth and eleven adults celebrated the Sacrament of
Confirmation with His Eminence Daniel Cardinal DiNardo.
Antes de nuestra Celebración de la Confirmación, treinta de nuestros jóvenes asistieron a un retiro de
confirmación para prepararlos para este gran Sacramento. Un especial agradecimiento a nuestros catequistas por la preparación de estos
estudiantes, a Bill y Lucy Weaver por proporcionar su Rancho para el retiro y por proveer la comida del día; a Lucha Ávila y María
Rodríguez por su ayuda con la comida, y al P. David por dar su tiempo, por celebrar la Misa y Adoración con nosotros.
El pasado Miércoles, 02 de octubre 2013 estos jóvenes y once adultos celebraron el Sacramento de la
Confirmación con Su Eminencia el Cardenal Daniel DiNardo.
Congratulations to our Confirmandi:/Felicitaciones a nuestros confirmandos:
Jorge Adame, Guadalupe Arellano, Andrés Arteaga, Ezequiel Ávila, Christian Roy Castro, Angélica Cervantes, Kyle Croft, Ricardo Alberto
Duran, Juan Godínez, Ildefonso Elicerio, Ernesto Elizondo, Victoria Elizondo, Javier García, Maribel Garfias, Dora Gonzales, Miguel
Gonzales, Garrett Herzog, Elizabeth Hernández, Travis Hyatt, Luis Ángel Ibarra, David López, Elvira López, Fátima Maldonado, Debbie
Muehr, Crystal Orozco, Isla Orozco, Monica Ostigin, Hannah Phipps, Fabiola Arvizu Ramírez, Gabriel Ramírez, Guadalupe Ramírez, Laura
Ramos, Cameron Rape, Francisco Reyes, Rosa Reyes, Patricia Ann Rodriguez, Albert Santana, María Santana, Blanca Tejeda, Adriana
Uvalle, Eloi Viramontes
A special thank you to all the ministers for their roles in the Eucharistic Liturgy; to the parents and sponsors for supporting the
confirmandi; and to the Catholic Daughters for hosting the reception that followed the celebration. (Too many people to
mention) Thank you all for a job well done!
Un agradecimiento muy especial a todos los ministros por su participación en la Liturgia eucarística, a los padres y padrinos para el apoyo a los
confirmandos, y a las Hijas Católicas por la celebración de la recepción que siguió a la celebración. (Hay demasiadas personas que mencionar)
Gracias a todos por un trabajo bien hecho!
Our Advent Mission And Penance Service Slated For
December 07-10, 2013
The Advent Penance Service Will Be The Last Day
Of The Mission On Tuesday 10th
Nuestra Misión de Adviento y Servicio de Penitencia se ha programado para
Diciembre 07-10,2013. El Servicio de Penitencia será el último día de la
Misión el Martes 10.
HOLY ANGELS CAFE.....Opening Soon!
Our first dinner will be held on Friday, November 8, 2013 from 6:30 to 9:00 p.m. in the A building. Dinner
will be served by St. Katharine Drexel youth. VOLUNTEERS ARE NEEDED!!! All proceeds will go to the
youth programs of our parish. For more information, contact either Jackie York at 832-443-7962 or
at [email protected] or Renee Berry at 832-724-8848.
HOLY ANGELS CAFE......... Apertura muy Pronto!
Nuestra primera cena se celebrará el Viernes, 08 de noviembre 2013 6:30-21:00 en el edificio A. La cena será
servida por los jóvenes de St. Katharine Drexel. SE NECESITAN VOLUNTARIOS! Todos los ingresos irán a
los programas de jóvenes de nuestra parroquia. Para más información, pueden contactar con Jackie York al 832-443-7962 o al
[email protected] o Renee Berry en 832-724-8848
Parish Mission Statement
We the people of St. Katharine Drexel Church, inspired by the legacy of our patron, strive to welcome all people, provide assistance to those
in need, and celebrate our beliefs through the sacraments and God’s word. In the strength of our diverse backgrounds we seek to continue
our own formation and to evangelize our community, so that we may become united as sisters and brothers in Christ.
Oct. 14
6:15pm Reconciliacion
7:00pm Jr High CCE
7:00pm Misa
Oct. 15
10:00am Women’s Group
5:30pm Reconciliation
6:30pm Mass
6:30pm Choir
7:00pm ESL
7:00pm Gospel of John
7:00pm RCIA
Oct. 16
8:00am Mass
7:00pm Altar Society Meeting
7:00pm High School CCE
7:00pm Prep. Bautismal
Oct. 17
10:00am Grief Session
12:15pm Mass
7:00pm ESL
7:00pm K of C Meeting
7:00pm Prep. Bautismal
8:00pm Coro
Oct. 18
6:15pm Reconciliación
7:00pm Misa
7:00pm Taller de Oración y Vida
Oct. 19
4:00pm Reconciliation
5:00pm Vigil Mass
7:00pm Misa de Vigilia
Oct. 20
St. Katharine Drexel Bazaar
8:30am Mass
8:30am NO PreK – 5th CCE
10:30am NO PreK-5th CCE
10:30am Misa
Readings for the Week of October 13, 2013
Twenty-eighth Sunday in Ordinary
80 Time
2 Kgs 5:14-17; Ps 98; 2 Tm 2:8-13;
60 Lk 17:11-19
Saint Callistus I, Pope and Martyr
40 Rom 1:1-7; Ps 98; Lk 11:29-32
Saint Teresa of Jesus, Virgin and
20 Doctor of the Church
Rom 1:16-25; Ps 19; Lk 11:37-41
Wednesday 0 Saint Hedwig, Religious; Saint
1st Qtr 2nd
3rd Qtr 4th
Rom 2:1-11; Ps 62; Lk 11:42-46
Saint Ignatius of Antioch, Bishop
and Martyr
Rom 3:21-30; Ps 130; Lk 11:47-54
Saint Luke, Evangelist
2 Tm 4:10-17b; Ps 145; Lk 10:1-9
Saints John de Brébeuf and Isaac
Jogues, Priests, and Companions,
Rom 4:13, 16-18; Ps 105; Lk 12:812
Twenty-ninth Sunday in Ordinary
Ex 17:8-13; Ps 121; 2 Tm 3:14—4:2;
Lk 18:1-8
Intenciones de la Misa
† Patricia Mata
Por: Guadalupe Garcia
Theodore Bronikowski
By: Tommy & Barbara Hipp
Meloncon Family
By: Patsy Marburger
† Rev. Bernard C. Snock
By: People of the Parish
† Celestino Berrios
Por: Mirian Quintanilla
† Reo Estes
By: John & Kay Kiker
† Efrain Cervante
Por: Familia
† Members of Court 2084
By: CDOA 2084
People of the Parish
Special Collection
Stewardship reflection
Propagation of the Faith - October 13
Next Sunday as Catholics around the
world — here at home and in the Missions —
gather at the Eucharist around the table of the
Lord, we are to pray for the Church’s worldwide
missionary work. We pray for those awaiting
the “Good News” of our Lord’s great love for us
and for the missionaries who offer the poor and
suffering the light of Christ. And we are to offer
financial help through the Society for the
Propagation of the Faith for more than 1,150
dioceses in Asia, Africa, Latin America and the
Pacific Islands.
Twenty-eighth Sunday in Ordinary
Time: October 13
That, like the one leper who returned, we
may regularly take time to thank God for
all the blessings He bestows on us.
“Has none but this foreigner returned to
give thanks to God?” Luke 17:18
Jesus seems so sad and disappointed in
the nine lepers who did not return to thank
Him. Do we regularly return to thank
God? Or do we run off to our busy lives,
taking for granted all the wonderful
blessings that God gives to us every day?
Colecta Especial
Cuando los católicos alrededor del mundo, aquí en este país y en las Misiones, nos reunimos
durante la Eucaristía alrededor de la mesa del Señor, hemos de orar por la labor misionera mundial de la
Iglesia. Oramos por aquellos que esperan “la Buena Nueva” del gran amor que nuestro Señor tiene por
nosotros y por los misioneros que ofrecen la luz de Cristo a los pobres y a los oprimidos. También hemos
de ofrecer ayuda económica a través de la Sociedad para la Propagación de la Fe, la cual llega a más de
1,150 diócesis en Asia, África, América Latina y las Islas del Pacífico.
I wish to thank all parishioners who participated in the Life Chain event that took place in several locations last Sunday.
In addition, the Waller Pregnancy Care Center has now collected $675.00 for the ultrasound initiative for the center.
Your help is an answer to prayer, and will go a long way in establishing free ultrasound at the center. Your help is very
much appreciated. Carrie Gourley.
Deseo agradecer a todos los feligreses que participaron en el evento de la cadena de vida que se llevó a cabo en
varios lugares el domingo pasado. Además, el Centro de Atención al Embarazo en Waller ha recogido $675.00 dólares para la iniciativa
de la ecografía para el centro. Su ayuda es una respuesta a la oración, y que recorrer un largo camino en el establecimiento de
ultrasonido gratuito en el centro. Su ayuda es muy apreciada.
Carrie Gourley
Reflexión de mayordomía
28o domingo de tiempo ordinario: 13 de octubre
Para que, como el leproso que volvió, podamos tomarnos
tiempo regularmente para agradecer a Dios por todas las
bendiciones que Él nos ha otorgado.
"¿No hubo quien volviese y diese gloria a Dios sino este
extranjero?" Lucas 17:18
Jesús parece tan triste y decepcionado de los nueve
leprosos quienes no le dieron gracias a Él. ¿Le
damos regularmente las gracias a Dios? ¿O nos
escapamos a nuestras vidas ocupadas, dando por
hecho todas las bendiciones maravillosas que Dios
nos da todos los días?
Lecturas de la Semana de Octubre 13, 2013
28º Domingo en Tiempo Ordinario
2 Reyes 5:14-17; Sal 98; 2 Tm 2:8-13; Lc 17:11-19
San Calixto I, Papa y Mártir
Rom 1:1-7; Sal 98; Lc 11:29-32
Santa Teresa de Jesús, Virgen y Doctora de la Iglesia
Rom 1:16-25; Sal 19; Lc 11:37-41
Santa Eduvigis, Religiosa, Santa Margarita María Alacoque,
Rom 2:1-11; Sal 62; Lc 11:42-46
San Ignacio de Antioquia, Obispo y Mártir
Rom 3:21-30; Sal 130; Lc 11:47-54
San Lucas, Evangelista
2 Tm 4:10-17b; Sal 145; Lc 10:1-9
Santo Juan de Brebeuf e Isaac Jogues,
Priests, and Companions, Martyrs
Rom 4:13, 16-18; Sal 105; Lc 12:8-12
29º Domingo en Tiempo Ordinario
Ex 17:8-13; Sal 121; 2 Tm 3:14—4:2; Lc 18:1-8
Pray For Our Loved Ones/Orar Por Nuestros Seres Queridos
Lillian Antkowiak, Carolyn Bennatt, Louise Bennick, Phyllis Bookout, Nancy Breihan, Kathy Cabrera, Raymond Cooke, Raelyn Cutbirth, Aubrey
DiIorio, Donaciana Delgado, Dura Estes, Wyatt Faulkner, Mary Ann Garrett, Carmen Gomez, Maria Guajardo, Wayne Hare, Diego Hernandez,
Danny and Constance Herrera, Ann Killough, Annie Klepac, Mark Kmiec, Annie Lecamu, Diane Linseisen, Gisselle Fatima Lopez, Victor, Joe Jr,
and Marvin Machac, Luis Roberto Marquez, Pearl Martin, Leon W Martin, Nat Mata, Dorothy Nichols, Liborio Pacheco, Doug Plummer, Karina
Ramirez, J Mitilde Resendez, Johnnie and Maureen Rochen, Santos Salas, Larry Schaefer, Dillion Smart, Helen Smith, Jessica Snow, Dalton
Svatek, Juanita Trujillo, Ignacio Venegas, Marietta Walker, Carolyn Wedeking, Korbin Wilkerson, Robert Williams, Teckla Wisnieske.
We have tried to update the list of our sick, if you notice that we are missing someone or if you would like to add or delete a family member or loved one to or from our Prayer list please call the
parish office (979)826-2275 before noon on Monday.
Hemos tratado de actualizar la lista de nuestros enfermos, si nota que nos falta alguien o si le gustaría agregar o borrar a un miembro de la familia o ser querido de nuestra lista de oración por favor llamar a
nuestra oficina (979) 826-2275 antes de las 12:00pm del día lunes.
Saturday, Oct. 26, 7:15PM Tickets $10 / At Oakland Cemetery, 801 Sixth St., Navasota
Dig deeply into the story of the men and women who walked the streets of Navasota, settled the town, and created the businesses. We
will join a costumed actor who knows the real tale behind the tomb. If you would like to join us for dinner (before the presentation) at
the Wrangler Steak House in Navasota, meet in the back parking lot at church at 5:15 PM to carpool. Wear walking shoes and bring a
flashlight. To reserve your ticket please contact Kathleen Cole at [email protected] or 409 658 8407.
Of America Court Mary, Mother of God #2084 will come together Sunday, Oct. 13, 2013 for Corporate
Communion at the 8:30 am Mass followed by Brunch & Meeting – 11:00 AM at Denny’s in
Hempstead. Catholic Daughter members welcome and invite all women of the Parish and Community to join or
organization. Contact any CDA member, Church office or President Mary Hawkins, 936-857-3538, for information. In all we
do; Catholic Daughters of the Americas strives to embrace the principle of faith working through love in the promotion of justice,
equality and the advancement of human rights and human dignity for all.
Ladies from the SKD: Altar Society will be handing out flyers after mass tonight/today inviting all ladies to
join them and share their joy in serving our parish... They meet on the third Wednesday of the month at
the home of Barbara Bezub. Please take a flyer and consider joining them.
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Red Mass: 6:15pm Wednesday Mass, October 16
Celebrant: Cardinal DiNardo
Homilist: Fr. Jerry Jung, Director of Holy Cross Chapel for all in the
legal profession.
Dinner following in the Cathedral Centre
Cardinal DiNardo, the speaker at the dinner
Co-Cathedral of the Sacred Heart, 1111 St. Joseph Parkway, Houston, TX 77002
BAZAAR Oct. 20, 2013
AUCTION ITEMS WANTED: The live auction is one of the highlights of the bazaar. We need your donations. There are forms in the back of the
church. Please complete the form and turn into the office, collection basket or contact Mary Garrett at [email protected] or 713-7036241. Items will be collected at the KC Hall on Saturday, Oct. 16, until noon, baked goods on Sunday, Oct 20 by 9:00am. Thanks —Note: Any
items brought in after the deadline may be place in the silent auction.
SILENT AUCTION: Please consider a donation to the silent auction; baskets of goodies, homemade items… bring to the KC Hall on Saturday,
Oct. 19. Thank you,
Patty Diehl 832-715-7237
SE BUSCA ARTICULOS PARA LA SUBASTA: La subasta en vivo es una de las que más resalta en el bazar. Necesitamos sus donaciones. Hay
formas en la parte trasera de la iglesia. Por favor completar la forma y entregarla a la oficina, canasta de colecta o contacte a Mary Garrett @
maryakg49yahoo o 713-703-6241. Los artículos se recogerán en el Salón de los Caballeros de Colon el sábado, 16 de octubre hasta el mediodía,
los productos horneados el domingo, 20 de octubre a las 9:00 am. Gracias-Nota: Los artículos traídos después de la fecha límite, pueden ser
colocados en la subasta silenciosa.
SUBASTA SILENCIOSA Por favor considere hacer una donación para la subasta silenciosa, canastas de golosinas, productos caseros... traerlos
al Salon de los Caballeros de Colon el sábado, 19 de octubre. Gracias, Patty Diehl
COUNTRY STORE ITEMS Sid Chipman 979-826-4445, will be at the KC HALL all day Friday, Oct. 18th accepting and pricing your donated
items, new or gently used things you would buy for yourself or as a gift for someone. We thank you in advance for your donated items.
ARTICULOS PARA LA TIENDA RUSTICA Sid Chipman 979-826-4445 , estarán en el Salon de los Caballeros de Colon todo el dia Viernes 18 de
Octubre recibiendo y fijando precios a sus artículos donados, nuevos o ligeramente usados cosas que puede comprarse o para regalo para
alguien. De antemano AGRADECEMOS por sus artículos donado. Bendiciones
“Welcome into the light of His Face”/Admítenos a contemplar la luz de tu Rostro
Lucille Kopech
Vinola A.Owens
Thoymmee Phillips
Janet Smith
Joseph Antonio Gallardo
Reo Ottie Estes Jr.
Jaime Aguilar Martinez
There we hope to enjoy forever, the fullness of Your glory, when you will wipe away every tear from our eyesDonde esperamos gozar todos juntos la plenitud eterna de tu Gloria; allí enjugaras las lágrimas de nuestros ojos