St. John the Evangelist Catholic Parish, Fenton Michigan This
St. John the Evangelist Catholic Parish, Fenton Michigan This
Twentythird Sunday of Ordinary Time St. John the Evangelist Catholic Parish, Fenton Michigan This Weekend POPCAN & BOTTLE DRIVE FOR OUTREACH Wednesday, September 9, 7:00pm THE ST. JOHN RESPECT LIFE COMMITTEE Saturday, September12, 6:15 p.m. DAY OF REMEMBRANCE Unborn Memorial-Eternal Flame (Behind the Church) See pg. 10 for more information Page 2 Some Notes from Fr. Dwight’s Desk……. Some Thoughts on Labor Day The first Monday in September is reserved as Labor Day. Recently, we have come to associate it with the unofficial end of summer and the resumption of the school-year. I think it is also good to remember the historical roots of Labor Day—a day set aside for us to reflect on the work that we do, since, over the course of our lives, we spend more time working than we do any other activity. Until the last part of the 19th century, most people lived and worked on farms. The days were long and the pace of life was slower. The Industrial Revolution changed that. New farm machines meant that fewer farm jobs were available. Farm workers moved to cities and took low-paying factory jobs. They worked long days—sometimes 16 hours or more. Their jobs were dangerous because the machinery had few safeguards against accidents. Even children as young as six or seven were forced to work because wages were so low and families needed the income in order to survive. The labor union movement was born in response to these conditions. Unions gave workers a way to stand together to fight for decent wages, safer machinery and fair treatment. The first Labor Day was celebrated in New York City in 1882. In its beginning, Labor Day was a day when workers called attention to their grievances. Eventually, though, the day became a national holiday, celebrated both in the United States and Canada. Other nations honor workers on other dates during the year. Several popes of the last hundred years have written encyclicals—teaching letters—to speak about the dignity and rights of workers. The American bishops have issued a letter of their own about human labor—it’s called Economic Justice for All. As we celebrate this national holiday marking the dignity of all human labor, we pray particularly for dignified work for all—especially those who have the added responsibility of providing for families or loved ones. Have a safe, restful and peaceful Labor Day! Time to Volunteer for Applefest! Now is a great time to volunteer for this year’s parish festival. Volunteering for Applefest is a bunch of fun and a great way to meet other members of our parish community. This year’s Applefest, September 17 to 20, is also a great chance to engage in work that helps to support our entire parish community. You can sign up to serve as an Applefest volunteer in the gathering space or by contacting our Applefest Volunteer Coordinator, Helen Paulik, in the Religious Formation Offices. Thanks in advance for all the hard work that helps to make Applefest happen! Web-Based Parish Offertory Giving and Fee Payment Now Available Like so many folks these days, I have made the switch to on-line bill payment for the vast majority of my regular bills. I have also made the switch to using the web to offer my regular financial support to our parish community. Our web-based giving option is safe, secure and very easy to use. It is similar to the e-tithing program that has been in place here at St. John, but has greater flexibility. It also allows offertory giving to be drawn from a checking account or from a credit or debit card. There are several advantages to the new web-based offertory giving option. First, it is safe and secure. It makes use of the highest level of encryption. Secondly, it provides an easy way to make regularly-scheduled and one-time gifts to support a variety of offertory funds, just like those that can be supported using traditional envelopes. Third, it allows givers to see and monitor their own offertory giving. Finally, it is very easy to use. Creating a user profile and setting up a recurring or one-time gift is very simple. Just go to our parish website ( and click on the “ETithing” button. Simple instructions are there to create a user profile. Once your profile has been created, making an offertory gift to any of the funds listed there is very simple. The funds will change regularly to reflect those that are available for each month. Recently, we have also added the ability to accept payment for religious formation tuition and fees, registration fees for adult faith formation, as well as other non-tax-deductible fees like those associated with purchase of graves in our parish cemetery as well as niches in the columbaria. This makes it easy to make such payments using credit or debit cards. Some things to keep in mind: it’s probably best to create only one on-line giving profile per household. This simplifies things for parish accounting. If you have any questions, please feel free to contact Danielle Sphar, our parish accountant at 810-629-2251. Page 3 Mass Intentions for the Week Monday, September 7, Weekday-Col 1: 24--2: 3 Lk 6: 6-11 7:00 a.m. Morning Prayer 9:00 a.m. Roy Callaghan, 20th anniversary of death - his Family Tuesday, September 8, The Nativity of the Blessed Virgin Mary Mi 5: 1-4a or Rom 8: 28-30 Mt 1: 1-16, 18-23 or 1: 18-23 7:00 a.m. Morning Prayer - Chapel 9:00 a.m. Patrick O’Rourke, 3rd anniversary of death - “CRHP” Sisters Wednesday, September 9, Saint Peter Claver, Priest-Col 3: 1-11 Lk 6:: 20-26 7:00 a.m. Morning Prayer - Chapel 8:30 a.m. School Mass - Church Jerry Schafer, 2nd anniversary of death - Jean Thursday, September 10, Weekday-Col 3: 12-17 Lk 6: 27-38 7:00 a.m. Morning Prayer - Chapel 9:00 a.m. Stanley Jaczynski, 15th anniversary of death - Cecelia Jaczynski & Family Friday, September 11, Sept. 12th & 13th Mass Lectors E. M. Verhelle, M. (1) Pettinger, M.(2) Dorland, S. Dorland, P. Herrman, G. Holsinger, I. Husse, J. Jimenez, T. Paulik, H. Sleva, E. Balmer, F. Herrman, D. Nioski, D. Verhelle, D. Verhelle, T. Hannah Paulick, Beth Jacoby, Geoffrey Simberg 8:00 am Sun. 9-13 Varcoe, L. (1) Koenigskn ect, P. (2) Bastian, J. Jewell, R. Koenigsknecht, M. Menzies, N. Olkowski, D. Spaniola, J. Turczyn, T. Williams, K. Bastian, B. Gifford, K. Jewell, M. Nagy, S. Porritt, J. Ashley Affrica, Gabriella Gavulic, Katie Olkowski 10:00 am Sun. 9-13 Hamilton, D. (1) Temple, S. (2) Adams, S. Burdick, S. Burdick, K. Draeger, T. Faricy, L. Frederick, G. Frederick, T. Junker, T. Liedel, M. Sass, J. Unterborn, R. VanGilder, N. Cannazzaro, M. Gardner, G. Mathis, B. Learman, K. Redden, B. Wagner, D. Blaise, Andrew & Matthias Rhein 12:00 pm Sun 9-13 Hook, C. (1) McDonald C. (2) Dziadzio, J. Hansen, J. LeVasseur, J. Monahan, R. Newblatt, T. Schneider M. Sciturro, R. Tomalia, R. Glinke, T. Gonzalez, C. Langeway, C. McDonald, S. Niec, M. Thomas, J. Celia Hardimon, Josie Cherney, Emily Wyatt 6:00 pm Sun 9-13 Wolf, N. (1) Wolf, B. (2) Champlin, C. Foltz, V. Jankowski, L. Sloan, J. Stilson, N. Stilson, D. Whaley, J. Beste, Margaret Beste, Megan Darling, E. Darling, S. Gilbert., M. Molly, Jack & Andrew Killian 5:00 Pm Sat. 9-12 Adoration in the Chapel following Mass until 4:45p.m. Weekday-1 Tm 1: 1-2, 12-14 Lk 6: 39-42 7:00 a.m. Morning Prayer - Chapel 9:00 a.m. Joseph Schaefer Jerry & Judy Underwood 10:30 a.m. Mass at Crestmont Special intentions of Julie Hall - her Family Saturday, September 12, Weekday-The Most Holy Name of Mary 1 Tm 1: 15-17 Lk 6: 43-49 10:30a.m. Chapel Memorial Service of Norma Rose Deziel Twenty-Fourth Sunday In Ordinary Time Is 50: 5-9a Jas 2: 14-18 Mk 8: 27-35 5:00 p.m. John Simpson - Eleanor & Family Sunday, September 13, 8:00 a.m. Jerry Sanborn, 5th anniversary of death - Gloria & Family 10:00 a.m Floyd Crelley,6th anniversary of death - Paula 12:00 p.m. People of the Parish 6:00 p.m. Special intentions of Ann Marie Rogier - Al Rogier The Sanctuary candle will burn in the Church this week in memory of Robert C. Wirostek. The Sanctuary candle will burn in the Chapel this week in memory of Jerry Sanborn. Usher Servers Page 4 from Fr. Jim …. Worship Tim Garbach ..… In the 2nd Reading from Mass today we hear St. James encourage us not to show any partiality. He is encouraging us not to judge others. Pope Francis has been quoted as saying, “Who am I to judge?” This is an authentic quote from the Pope, but is so often used out of context. It is often used as a false authority to say that we can never mention another person’s sin or shortcomings because that would be judging someone. Let’s make a few distinctions/clarifications. Every single one of us makes judgments about others every day. This is something that happens naturally without us necessarily willing it. For instance, as I’m walking around town I notice: This person is taller than me. That person has darker hair than me. Over and over we make these judgments, and that is not necessarily a bad thing. It’s when we take the next step in our judgment that it can become sinful. This person is taller than me. I bet I’m more athletic and coordinated than they are. That person has darker hair than me. I bet it’s not natural, I bet she dyes it. This next step has made the judgment personal, critical, and even condemning. Almost always this type of judgment seeks either to exalt myself or to put the other down so I feel higher. This is an example of a situation in which judgment can become sinful: when it judges or condemns a person. The Pope’s quote is often used by the secular media to justify sin. They will say, You can’t say that fornication/contraception/homosexual actions are wrong, because that’s judging someone. But this was not his intention at all! As Christians, we always judge sin to be bad and try to correct and encourage so that the person comes to a deeper understanding of God’s love for them. When this judgment takes the form of condemnation it can become sinful, but recognizing a person’s sin is not itself sinful judgment. To use our same line of reasoning from above, as I’m walking through town I may witness a murder. It is right and just to judge this action and say, This was a very bad thing to do. We may even turn the person in so that they can receive help and rehabilitation. What the Pope is saying not to do is say, This was a bad thing to do. Therefore, this is a terrible person. We are able to judge, and even condemn, actions, but we do not judge and condemn a person. We must recognize that we are all sinners in need of God’s mercy and help one another to recognize our sin in the light of God’s mercy. 23rd Sunday in Ordinary Time “Praise the Lord, my soul!” Psalm 146 Father, open our eyes to the wonders this life sets before us, that we may serve you free from fear. Amen! On this Labor Day weekend, please continue to pray for an improving economy so that all people may enjoy the dignity of work. Pax Christe! Timothy J. Garback Director of Music Ministries/ Liturgy [email protected] Youth Choir returns on Wednesday, September 23rd. We’ll sing every second Sunday at noon mass, starting on October 11th. If yo love to sing and are in 2nd— 12th grade, please join us. Bring a friend. Any questions, please call or text Amy O’Rourke at 810-919-8962 Or email at: [email protected] Page 5 Coordinator of Youth Ministry Kyle Ulrich …… Director of Religious Education Helene Paulik …… Greetings in Christ, A Catechist is This week was the first week of class for most students. With school starting up comes a busy few months where you can get caught up in sports, homework, friends, and clubs. With the hectic schedule be sure to still put God First each and every day. To help accommodate students schedules, youth group has been moved to Sundays during the school year for 7th-12th grade. A teacher ANNOUNCEMENTS,ANNOUNCEMENTS, ANNOUNCEMENTS, Jr. High Youth Group 7th and 8th grade is now in the activity center from 4:45pm-5:45pm on September 13th. Register at the RFP office Monday-Thursday Sr. High Youth Group 7:15 to 9:00pm down in the youth room September 13th . The entrance to the youth room is located on the north side of the activity center, behind the Eternal Flame. NEED HELP- Need New donations for the HAPPY APPLE TREE!!! Please drop them off at the RFP office. TOOTSIE ROLL WRAP All are welcome to help the youth group with the tootsie roll wrap. Time 6:00pm to 12:00am or whenever we get done wrapping 10,000 tootsie rolls. We will have snacks, pizza and movies to pass the time. Confirmation Rehearsal October 18th in the school cafeteria, 3:30pm Candidate and Sponsor must be in attendance! Confirmation Date; October 19th 7:00pm. A faith mentor A role model Do you feel called to serve as a teacher or aide in our parish Religious Education program? We are still short of teachers and aides for this year’s classes. One of the most rewarding aspects of teaching a religious education class is the opportunity to grow in your own faith and prayer life. You will become part of a joyful micro-community in our parish: children, parents & teachers learning together to be better disciples of Jesus. Training is ongoing, and full support will be available for all catechists… Please call Helene! CATECHIST ORIENTATION MEETING TUESDAY SEPTEMBER 8TH AT 7:00 PM SCHOOL CAFETORIUM REGISTRATION FOR RFP Office Registration Hours: Mondays & Wednesdays 3:00 - 5:00 PM Tuesdays & Thursdays 11:00 AM – 2:00 PM Online (on the Religious Education page): Religious Formation Classes begin Soon! Sunday classes begin on September 13th Tuesday classes begin on September 22nd. For information about Adaptive Learning options for your child, please contact Rosanne Burrows (810) 730-1296 Page 6 Director of Adult Education Dan Medich …… Outreach Maureen Ottney …… Outreach Hunger in America Some people believe there are no hungry children in America. The truth is there are hungry people of all ages. According to the United States Department of Agriculture, nearly 18 million U.S. households are food insecure and face the prospect of hunger on a regular if not daily basis. This American tragedy is even more acutely felt by our most vulnerable families during our country’s ongoing financial crisis. Families can easily spiral downward into hunger even if they have a working member because wages can be inadequate since the cost of living keeps skyrocketing. Thank you to all parishioners and friends who help to make life worth living for so many. Page 7 Xwâvtà|ÉÇ |Ç Yt|à{ ‹AAA St. John School St. John School Where Faith, Friendship and Knowledge Blossom! Please save for St. John School: Box Tops for Education Alpine Receipts Campbell’s Labels Spartan Labels All items can be dropped off in the school office. It is greatly appreciated if these items are pre-sorted. Please note: VG’s has discontinued their Community Share program. As a result, we no longer accept Page 8 Our Parish Life Together …... Financial Barometer Events for the Week for Week Ending Aug. 23 Monday, September 7, Labor Day - Parish Office Closed 10:00 a.m. AA Meeting - A Room Tuesday, September 8, 8:30 a.m. Rosary - Chapel 9:40 a.m. Novena - Chapel 10:00 a.m. Total Donors……………………………......... .....460 Envelopes………………………………..…13,900.00 Loose………………………………………...2,668.68 E-Tithing ……………………………………3,107.00 Total………………………………………..19,675.68 AA Meeting - A Room 10:30 a.m. & 6:00 p.m. Works of Mercy - Activity Ctr. Offertory Observation… 6:00 p.m. Women’s “CRHP” - Founder’s Hall The good steward must not show favoritism. 7:00 p.m. Men’s “CRHP” - Gospel Room The rich may have many material gifts to share, Wednesday, September 9, 10:00a.m. 7:00 p.m. AA Meeting - A Room Charismatic Intercessory Prayer Group & Compassionate Care Rosary- Chapel but St James reminds us in the second reading that God has chosen the world’s poor to be rich in faith and inheritors of God’s kingdom. 7:00 p.m. Venture Crew 212 - A Room Vocation Views… 7:00 p.m. “CRHP” Continuation Committee Ask God to open your ears to hear his call. May he also Conference Room free your tongue to proclaim the good news. Consider Respect Life - Activity Center serving God as a priest, brother, or sister. 7:00 p.m. 7:00 p.m. Divorce Survival Guide-Gospel Room Thursday, September 10, 9:00 a.m. ENDOW - Founder’s Hall 10:00 a.m.& 7:00p.m. AA Meeting - A Room Marriage Banns I Gregory Roy & Leah Erber Friday, September 11, 10:00 a.m. & 6:30 p.m. AA Meeting - A Room 10:00 a.m. Bible Study - Conference Room 6:30 p.m. Knights of Columbus Bingo St John Knights Hall Saturday, September 12, 3:30 p.m. Confessions - Church 6:30 p.m. Covenant of Love - Activity Center Sunday, September 13, 8 & 10:00a.m. St John School hosts coffee & donuts following 8 & 10a.m. Masses-Grand Hall 9:00 a.m. 4:45 p.m. RCIA - Activity Center Jr High Youth Group - Activity Center Please Pray for Our Sick Jerry Bell Mamie Berta Norman Brainard Patrick Carmody Virginia Carmody Rosemary Cashin John Cislo Charlie Cole Christine Cole Rick Coscia Ray Cypher Dick Czach Erin Dagenais Phyllis Davis Kristin Deleeuw Lori Delecki Mary Douglas Pamela Daoust John Engle Mercedes Fisk Sandy Foley Beth Grahl Rachel Hagan Liam Harrison Lou Hanks Walt Henry Stacy MetcalfHickey Geraldine Hippe Elien Holsinger Lee Johnson Michelle Joseph Joe & Heidi Jozwik Margaret Keck Mark Kelley Jackie Kepsel Michael Lenze Gerald Loviska Catherine Lord Jackie Macksood Ed Madsen Linda Maniak Bill McDunnough Jim Perczak Ruth Richmond Renee Polidan James Rausch Doris Rohen Mary Schroeder Rose Sekulich Emily Sharp Grace Stetler Russel Stidham Susan Tokarsky Deborah Van Wormer Orpha Verhelle Gary Wagner Virginia Westfall Eloise Wild James Williams Maureen Williams And he told them a parable to show them that they ought always to pray and not lose heart . Luke 18:1 Page 9 Parish Nuptial On Saturday, August 29, 2015 Aaron Roy Green and Bianca Marie Zdenek were united in marriage at St. John the Evangelist Church presided by Fr. Dwight Ezop. Bianca is the daughter of Jeffrey and Sandra Zdenek and James is the son of Eugene and Jill Green. Alexandra Zdenek and Adam Green were the main witnesses. Timothy and Stacey Garback provided the music. May God bless their journey together! We welcome these children into the St. John the Evangelist Body of Christ: Katelyn Michelle Sobanski, daughter of Eric Sobanski and Kristen Atkins, was baptized August 6, 2015. Her sponsors are Richard Sobanski and Charlene Sobanski. Fr. Dwight Ezop was the celebrant. Gwyneth Jane Hunt, daughter of Justin Hunt and Leah Vizard was baptized on August 6, 2015. Her sponsors are Donald Le Blanc and Michaela LeBlanc. Deacon Ron Kenney was the celebrant. May they grow in love of the Father, the Lord Jesus and the Holy Spirit. The Next Our Lady of Compassionate Care Rosary 7:00 p.m. Wednesday, September 9th in the Chapel You are welcome to join us. In the Peace of Christ: Laurel Marie McKinley passed away August 25,2015. Funeral services were held at Sharp Funeral Home on August 29, 2015. Fr. Jim Rolph was the celebrant. Burial in Lakeside Cemetery, Holly. Live the Love...Naturally Try Natural Family Planning Sign Up Now, go to: Classes Begin Soon: October 11th; 12 noon to 2:00 pm In the Founders Hall of the Activity Center Any Questions Contact: Mark and Jennifer Morris 810-714-4953 LIFE BYTES….. Sat. Sept. 12: Official DAY OF REMEMBRANCE and atonement for the aborted unborn. We will be holding a Prayer Service at our Eternal Flame Memorial for the Unborn, which is a registered site permitted to hold a Service in the DAY OF REMEMBRANCE. After the 5:00 mass we will process to the Memorial Site where Fr. Jim will lead us in prayer. Please join us in a spirit of reparation and remorse as we pray remembering the millions of innocent lives so violently terminated. Respect Life Briefing The St. John Respect Life Committee exists to peacefully encourage the protection and respect of all human life from conception to natural death; to promote Catholic prayer, education, service, and action on the life issues within the parish; to be a source of information and support for the parish on life issues of abortion, post-abortion healing, physician assisted suicide, euthanasia, embryonic and adult stem cell research, human reproductive technologies, human sexuality (theology of the body), the contraceptionabortion connection, Christian response to a sexualized culture, and human trafficking. Would you like to be involved in these efforts? The St. John Respect Life Committee meets at 7:00 p.m. on the 2nd Wednesday of the month from September through June (except in December and the month of Easter). The next meeting is September 9th in the Activity Center. If you have any questions, please call Gina at (810) 513-8064. As we leave behind the days of summer and return to our September routines, you are invited to join your fellow parishioners praying the Glorious Mysteries of the Rosary one half hour before the 5:00 p.m.,8:00a.m. And 10:00 a.m. Masses. Our intention for September will be for the health and safety of Pope Francis as he travels in our country fearlessly proclaiming God's personal love for each of us. As always your personal intentions are included. Page 10 Diocese of Lansing 2015 Women’s Conference October 23 & 24 Online Printable Registration Form at Fall 2015 CRHP Retreats Women: Sat., Oct. 17—Sun. Oct. 18 Men: Sat., Oct. 24—Sun., Oct. 25 COUNCIL OF CATHOLIC WOMEN NEWS..... Our next meeting is on September 9, at the Coyote Preserve on Wed, at 11:30 a.m. RSVP by all attending is requested by Sept 2. Please contact Shirley Russ 629-4775 or Sandy 6293994. This is our way to show our ladies how much we appreciate all they do for CCW and special thanks for the Garage Sale Fundraiser we put on. All of our CCW Ladies are Welcome if you make a reservation! See you at the Coyote Preserve on Sept. 9th! Dates to mark on your calendars: Sept. 9, Appreciation Luncheon-Coyote Preserve Oct. 14, Halloween Dinner/Costume Party Nov. 11, Left Right Center Evening Dec. 9, Cookie Exchange Jan. 13, After Christmas, Christmas Party Lucky’s Steak House Please thank God every day for our faith and the freedom to practice it. Pray for our country and it’s leadership. Remember those who are working and sacrificing to make world peace. Sandy Tryles, President St. Agnes - Class of 1965 - 50th Class Reunion will be held Saturday, September 19, 2015 from 6:00 PM until 10:00 PM at Brickstreet Grill in Grand Blanc. Classmates are encouraged, on this date, to attend the 4:00 PM Mass at St. John Vianney Church, 2415 Bagley St., Flint, MI . For more information contact [email protected], brawnermelinda@hotmail. com, or [email protected]. Did you know there is a Lost and Found Table in the area behind the cry room? If you have accidently left something in the Church, you may want to check this table before or after one of the Masses. Dave Ramsey’s Financial Peace University Financial Peace University is a biblically based personal finance class. Entertaining presentations make it fun to learn about all aspects of personal finance such as saving, budgeting, investing, insurance, and much more. Attend a Preview Session (approx.. 20 min.) Sunday 9/6/15 at 10:45 a.m. in the St. Robert Church Basement or Tuesday 9/8/15 at 7:00 p.m. in the St. Robert Media Center. The first class begins Tuesday, 9/22/15 from 7-8:30 p.m. and continues every Tuesday ending the week of 11/17/15 in the St. Robert Media Center. To find out more or to sign up click on this link: http:// or contact Dale Jandernoa, Coordinator, via e-mail: [email protected] or cell phone (810) 610-8113. Page 11 Page 12 All Preparation, Cooking and Cooling will take place in the Activity Center Kitchen. WEDNESDAY, September 9 - 9:30 am until finish. Scald, skin, cook and cool 19 bushels of tomatoes. FRIDAY, September 11 - 9:30 am until finish Chop onions and peppers. Mix, cook and cool 12 batches of the delectable festival chili. MONDAY, September 14 – 9:30 am until finish Chop onions and peppers. Mix, cook and cool the remaining 20 batches of chili. (Cooking and cooling will take place both in the Activity Center and K of C kitchens on this day.) More info: Call Fr. Harvey (810) 869-1335. COME FOR AN HOUR – COME FOR THE DAY!! THANK YOU!!! VOLUNTEERS TO BAG APPLES Volunteers are needed to help bag apples at Spicer’s Orchard on Saturday, Sept. 12th at 9:00am. Spicer’s is located east of US-23, at Exit 70, south of Fenton. For info: Gloria Sandborn at 810-354-8271 Accepting new donations to use as prizes for the Happy Apple Tree Please Drop off in the RFP office Or call 810-629-1850 It’s a Fun Job, but somebody has to do it! We need volunteers for Friday, Sept. 18th and Saturday, Sept. 19th (7:oopm—Midnight): Blackjack dealers Texas Hold’em dealers Craps table dealers Admissions/Chip sellers 50/50 ticket sellers Card shufflers Contact Liz or Mark Bleicher @ 810-750-7378 or [email protected] or Steve Sulfaro @ 248-634-7231 NEW DOLLS AND TEDDY BEARS HAVE ARRIVED and are in need of clothes. We need your help to get all these little babies dressed in time for Applefest. They can be picked up at the church office and returned there as well. Thank you in advance for your help. Any questions call Sandy Simpson at 810-210-2282. If you would like to work in the Doll Booth during Applefest please let her know. MANY HANDS MAKE LIGHT WORK! We are going to form our own “BUCKET BRIGADE” To transfer the contents of the storage trailer to the Attic Treasures tent. If you are available for a few hours on September 11th and/or 12th to assist you will be most welcome! More info to come. Page 13 WOMEN OF ST. JOHN, FENTON Join us on our scheduled retreat St. Francis Retreat Center October 9-11, 2015: JESUS INVITES US TO PUT OUR LIVES TOGETHER Live as Disciples Over the Long Haul. Retreatants may register by calling Carolyn Witherow (810) 714-2244 or Debbie Nichol (810) 629-0145 or call the retreat center directly at (517) 669-8321. You may also register by visiting the web Suggested donation for the weekend is $145.00. A discount coupon for each retreatant is included for use in the Gift and Bookstore. The visit to the Blessed Sacrament is a great treasure of the Catholic faith. It nourishes social love and gives us opportunities for adoration and thanksgiving, for reparation and supplication. (Pope John Paul II, Phoenix Park, Ireland 1979.) Join us for Adoration of the Blessed Sacrament in the Chapel each Friday from 9:30 a.m. to 4:45 p.m. Human Trafficking - Hotline Part 2 Polaris, the non-profit company that runs the U.S. 's Human Trafficking Resource Center hotline, has built a whole customized system for tracking calls. This has enabled them to create a real-time picture of trafficking across the U.S. Calls are coming in from every corner of the country -- affluent or poor -- reporting trafficking of all forms of industry from hospitality to farming, domestic service to sex work. Polaris CEO, Bradley Miles, says "What we're able to do, when you have a single national center that's looking at the 60,000-ft view of all of it at once, and piecing all of those pictures [together], you begin to see patterns, you begin to see trends. So now we can actually say there are 25 distinct types of trafficking existing in the United States; we can understand this trend, and fight the crime type by type." And those fighting it aren't just from law enforcement, border control or local authorities. Myles says ordinary people like you and I can be the key to saving someone trapped in modern-day slavery, be it in a hotel, store, farm, or brothel. "What we want people to realize is stay alert, stay vigilant, know that you're probably encountering this stuff more than you think you are," he says. "And know that a national hotline exists. You can actually be the thing that makes a difference in one person's life, because you're the one who took the time to notice, and took the moment to make the call." To contact the Human Trafficking Resource Center hotline in the U.S., call 1-888-3737-888 or use the Twilio short code "BeFree" (233733) to send a text message. Prayer to end Human Trafficking! Connie Ozanich If you are a practicing Catholic man, age 18 or older, we welcome you to join the leading organization of Catholic laymen. KNIGHTS OF COLUMBUS OPEN HOUSE OCTOBER 3RD NOON TO 3:00 P.M. IN THE KNIGHTS HALL We are seeking men and their families who are inquiring about or interested in joining the Knights. We will answer questions and/or concerns. Come and introduce yourself to a great group of Knights and Ladies. The Knights Hall is located down Jefferson Street behind St. John school. The Spelling Bee will be held on October 28th in the Grand Hall of the Activity Center. Registration begins at 6:00 p.m. VET TO VET SUPPORT GROUP 1st Saturday of the Month 3:00 to 5:00 p.m. Knights of Columbus Hall Fenton, MI Call Richard at 810-516-1397 for more information DENISE R. KETCHMARK Attorney at Law Parish Member Since 1971 611 W. Court Street, Suite 203, Flint 810-232-6096 By Mentioning This Ad, 10% of all Monies Collected From Client for Legal Services Will be Donated to the St John GIFT Campaign, Phase II “Your PROTECTING SENIORS NATIONWIDE PUSH TALK ........ Lender for Life” Located inside VG’s on Leroy St. 24/7 HELP ........ (810) 600-4372 $19.95*/Mo. + 1 FREE MONTH ➢ No Long-Term Contracts ➢ Price Guarantee ➢ American Made TOLL FREE: 1-877-801-8608 *First Three Months Dr. Jeffrey T. Pinkston Parishioner Dr. Dennis B. Pinkston Dr. Carole A. Cocagne Dr. Krista L. Kline Dr. Nicole L. Stilson Parishioner 10010 Miller Rd. Swartz Creek, MI 48473 Phone: 810-635-4015 Fax: 810-635-4017 HOURS Mon.-Fri. 9-12, 2-5:30 Sat. 9-12 WHY IS IT Lovely piano solos of many favorite songs and hymns for listening pleasure. Shall We Gather by Jerry Galipeau Available on CD ($17) 800-566-6150 World Library Publications the music and liturgy division of J.S. Paluch Co., Inc. A man wakes up after sleeping under an ADVERTISED blanket on an ADVERTISED mattress and pulls off ADVERTISED pajamas bathes in an ADVERTISED shower shaves with an ADVERTISED razor brushes his teeth with ADVERTISED toothpaste washes with ADVERTISED soap puts on ADVERTISED clothes drinks a cup of ADVERTISED coffee drives to work in an ADVERTISED car and then . . . . refuses to ADVERTISE believing it doesn’t pay. Later if business is poor he ADVERTISES it for sale. 21 years” St. John’s Parishioner and 4 Children Attend St. John’s School Tremaine Real Living Real Estate With the sale of your home, $1,000 will be donated to St. John’s Church or School A scholarship to Powers Catholic High School is being offered by the Tremaine Family Our mission is you. 800.535.0517 WHY IS IT? Di Natale Accounting & Tax Service Creating beautiful smiles! Albert Di Natale, Enrolled Agent & Tax Accountant Personal, Sm. Business, Real Estate 14165 Fenton Rd., Ste. 104 G 810-714-4302 Irrigation Services Landscaping • Fertilization Lawn & Bed Maintenance J Douglas Mercer Ins Agcy Inc. • Free consultations. • Open every Saturday. • Low down payment options. • Interest free financing. No referral needed. Just give us a call. Downtown Linden 810.458.6188 1-800-248-0280 Jeff Gottron, Parishioner 391100 St John Church (B) “Top Producing Realtor for over Doug Mercer, Agent 2813 Silver Lake Road Fenton, MI 48430 Bus: 810-714-0370 See why State Farm® insures more drivers than GEICO and Progressive combined. Great service, plus discounts of up to 40 percent.* Like a good neighbor, State Farm is there.® CALL FOR QUOTE 24/7. *Discounts vary by states. State Farm Mutual Automobile Insurance Company 1001174.1 State Farm Indemnity Company, Bloomington, IL For Ads: J.S. Paluch Co., Inc. 1-800-566-6170 “Your Hometown Dealer”. See Our Website For Specials Tim and Jennifer Hall Parishioner 15123 North Road • 810-714-3300 1-800-714-9505 • EASY TO FIND - US23 at EXIT 80 QUALITY EYE CARE AT A GREAT VALUE Designer Contacts Frames Eye Exams 3140 Silver Lake Rd. at US 23 • 810-593-1000 Family Owned 1225 W. Hill Road Flint, MI 48507 “Your Local Real Estate Advisors!” KEN BRANT [email protected] 810-853-8440 (810) 235-2345 • Game Room For Customers Only • Non-Smoking • Alcohol Free • Great For Families • Separate Room for Private Get-Togethers • Dine In • Take Out 102 N. Adelaide • Fenton, MI 48430 (810) 750-8300 Brian or Sally, coordinators 860.399.1785 BUY 1 MEAL AT FULL PRICE Life Is Too Short Not To Dance! Dancing enhances your life in so many ways: Health & Confidence • Self-Expression Social Life • Relaxation • Fun! 810-629-0661 • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • an Official Travel Agency of AOS-USA GET SECOND AT 1/2 PRICE 413 S. LEROY • DIBBLEVILLE Owned & Operated by the LaJoice Family - Parish Members ASSOCIATED FOOT CLINIC *Diplomate, American Board of Podiatric Surgery Fenton House Restaurant FREE BREAD Physicians and Surgeons of the foot New Location SHANNON BRANT [email protected] 810-853-8444 WITH $5 PURCHASE CARRY OUT ONLY Jeffrey C. Noroyan, D.P.M.* Tim Snyder, D.P.M.* Allan Kalmus, D.P.M.* Law Offices of K.C. Baran, P.C. Attorney & Counselor Serving Linden & Fenton Area • Chapter 7 Bankruptcies • Wills • Trusts, Estates • Family Law • Custody Support • DUI / Criminal Defense Parish Member, K of C Member 810-936-5211 JOHN’S PIZZERIA & RESTAURANT Argentine Tango Bolero Cha-Cha Country Two-Step East Coast Swing Foxtrot Hustle Mambo Merengue Nightclub Slow Nightclub Two-Step Quickstep Rumba Salsa Samba Tango Viennese Waltz Waltz West Coast Swing 810-629-506 0 1492 LeRoy NEW BANQUET ROOM Book Your Parties Now! Large and Small, We Can Handle Them All Catering for All Occasions Serving Genesee Cty. for Over 40 Years AGA Gymnastics Competitive, recreational & Cheer Tumbling year round! 810-234-9900 for details Creative Learning Academy Child Care Center Infant, toddler, pre-school and Kindergarten programs year round. 810-234-8448 for details Both Voted Number 1 in Genesee County! 3180 W. Silver Lake Road • Fenton, MI 48430 810.750.1360 • 248.701.5235 ✂ Please Cut Out This “Thank You Ad” and Present It The Next Time You Patronize One of Our Advertisers (810) 733-7090 Serving business owners & executives in the Fenton community. Tom & Barbara Doescher, new parishioners of St. John Parish Call us today for a FREE Thank you for advertising in our church bulletin. I am patronizing your business because of it! QUOTE! 265 N. Alloy, Ste. 100 • Fenton, MI 48430 HOLLY: (248) 634-7731 • FENTON: (810) 629-1504 West have 1 Communion Apparel 495 N. FENWAY, SUITE 3, FENTON 607 N. Saginaw, Holly, MI Active Parish Member 391100 St John Church (A) 810.519.8202 248-634-4671 WWW.CHARLIEKAEFORMALS.COM For Ads: J.S. Paluch Co., Inc. 1-800-566-6170 fàA ]É{Ç à{x XätÇzxÄ|áà Vtà{ÉÄ|v ctÜ|á{ 600 North Adelaide Street Fenton, Michigan 48430 Phone: 810-629-2251 Fax: 810-629-2302 Website: School Phone: 810-629-6551 The Pastoral Team Pastor: Rev. Dwight Ezop 810-629-2251 ([email protected]) Parochial Vicar: Rev. Jim Rolph 810-629-2251 - ([email protected]) St. John School Principal: Kit White 810-629-6551 ([email protected]) Minister of Music: Timothy Garback 810-629-2251 ([email protected]) Outreach Coordinator: Maureen Ottney 810-629-1817 Coordinator of Adult Formation: Dan Medich 248-982-5355 ([email protected]) Coordinator of Youth Ministry: Kyle Ulrich 810-938-9411 ([email protected]) Director of Religious Formation: Helene Paulik 810-629-1850 ([email protected]) Baptismal Prep.: Deacon Terry & Mary Carsten 810-397-8703 ([email protected]) Transitional Deacon: Ryan Riley 810-629-2251 ( [email protected]) Parish Support Staff Business Manager: Anthony Delecki 810-629-2251 Bookkeeper: Danielle Sphar 810-629-1850 Parish Secretaries: 810-629-2251 Tricia Jorgensen ([email protected]) Melanie French ([email protected]) RFP & School Support Staff RFP Secretary: 810-629-1850 Carol Beck ([email protected]) School Office Manager: 810-629-6551 Angie Haiss ([email protected])School Secretary: 810-629-6551 Andrea Kehoe ([email protected]) Mass Schedule Saturday: 5:00 p.m. Sundays: 8:00 a.m., 10:00 a.m., 12:00 p.m., & 6:00 p.m. Weekdays: 9:00 a.m. Holy Days: See Parish Bulletin Confessions Saturdays: 3:30 p.m.—4:30 p.m. Also, anytime by appointment. Baptism Baptism is usually celebrated on the third Sunday of the month. Parents must call Deacon Terry and Mary Carsten to register their child before the last day of the month prior to their selected date. Their number is 810-397-8703. Marriage Please contact the Parish Office at least nine months prior to wedding date, if possible. Anointing of the Sick This sacrament offers the Lord’s healing strength and peace to anyone who is seriously or chronically ill or hospitalized. Please call the parish office if you wish to have someone receive this sacrament. Rite of Christian Initiation RCIA (Rite of Christian Initiation) is for anyone interested in joining the Catholic Church or for any adult who has not received the Sacraments of Confirmation or Eucharist. Please call 810-629-1850. Facilities Parish Office—810-629-2251 St. John School—810-629-6551 RFP Office—810-629-1850 Powers High School—810-591-4741 Outreach Office—810-629-1817 Activity Center—810-629-9883 St. John Knights Hall—810-750-0469
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