
Celebrates Her .Ad·
slons is highly appreciated by our citIzens. The reRiment marched with its
usual splendid precision and soldier,
bearing. Following It came a line of
carriages bearing the I>tate officials, distinguished l!uests, the orators, poets, committees. and the representative women
and men of I he .tate_ I n this portion of
the parade there were ten carriages. The
second carriage bore the flag and Its
standard -bearer, and was flanked on
either side by its ~uard of honor and escort. Company K ., girl guards. and was
one of the grea ~ features of the parade.
the fathe,· . . Around the bU2l!Y were
hung festoons of native flowers and vegetables, beets' turnips, onions, etc., but
that little device deceived nobody_
Arp & Hammond, the hardware merchants, followed with several wagons,
agricultursl machinery, etc.
Tuttle, the painter, had a pyramid
wagon handsomely decorated with the
evidences of his fine workmanship.
Mrs. Robinson In a jaunty rig showed
what she Is doing in the ice cream, fruit
",, :th .An the l'omp and C('re·
and vegetable line .• She had a fat boy
mony of a Mighty State.
dressed up I!ally, with a placard on the
wagon, saying: "I eat Mrs. Robinson's
Following t,e line of carriag~s came ice c ream ." The buggy was handsomelv
the second company of g!rI guard s. decorated . as only Mrs. Robinson, who is
A. Grand l'arsfle.
Company II. pre sented a very fine ap - an adepUn arti stic work, could do it.
pearance in th eir eh.·gant new uniforn1 s.
Eloquent Addresses!
The Bon Ton stables had a hand som e
They were the guard of honor to the
turn ·out in the rrocession.
carryFil'\ng of C:lllllOU!
Frank 'Vilsun , contractor and buil der,
illg a beyy of beautiful girls re presenlinp'
was r~pre s ented by a large wagon lo ad ed
the stat e s of tile Cnion (exc epting " ' y Elabo flte 'Firewol'k ~, !
with th e implements and m a t e rl~ls of hi s
o min g a nci I dah o).
The g irl s were
profe ss io n .
neccption and Ball! d res , ed in white, " 'it h red, wh ite anri blu e Following- hi s fl oat was a uniqu e wag .
trinll nin g s, with wreath s ot flo we r s and
on , :w hich w a::; a c 0 l11bination coo~ h o u ~.; .
shi e lds b,,;1 ring th e na mes o f the state s.
I wa. an 1. X . L . wagon and carri ed a
Hundt'eels of Visitors :F lock in The ",h o lt! eff ec t wa s !o\·el.r and g ay. and whole
~ui s inc departm"n t, adapted fo r
excited th ~ admirati o n of all beh o lders .
e xc ursio n s, freighting, cattle d r h'e rs or
•~roJll All Directious.
\Y\' O ~II~ G A ~D ' I D AHO.
any bu siness on . the grea t plain s a nd
Behind th e sta te hood car \\'as a d im inmountain s ; made to cook in, live in , ea t
uth'e pony carriage drh'en by two handEverybody Enthusiastic and All
in and making a luxurious home for t h e
some lit~le Shetland ponies. In this vetra\·e.ler , far away from the haun ts of
hicle "ere three little girl~, Grace CowDeclare the Celebration
hick, Frank ie 'Varrell and l\liss Elliot.
Charles McGan'ey, cont r actor, made ',.
A Gl'aud Succe~s.
Miss Cow hick represented the Goddess
very exten sive and creditable di splay. In
of Liberty, Mi ss 'Varren ' the state of
addition to his main wagon he had 1 2
The Ladles Contrihnte Largely to tbe 'Vyoming, and Miss Elliot the state of teams of scrapers in the line, showing in
Brilliancy of lhe O c cnslon.
a practical way that he was prepared for
extensl\. e business.
The next division was headed by the
A novel feature followed these , being
RPll91 ts of the At1:1ressos 8ud Pro· Union Pacific band with tweuty-four no less a freak than the Arkansas Travceedlllgs of the Day.
piece" the pride of the west.
Company ' eller. He was scraping his fiddle, had a
13, 'Vyoming Nution al Gual'ds, followed,
and as usual they were the observed of coon skin banner and a large fami!yof
The statehood ce leb rati o n y e~ te.rday ;1il obseT\·crs. The veterans of Re_\'nol ds emigrants' huddl e d around him.
Following , the trades display 'was a
wa s a m;1gniffc c nt su ccess. The d e m e nts Post, Grand Army of the Republic, was
" ' ere propitious . Th e day wa s wa s bright in line here, stepping with the pride ar d
,et.shine, t e mpered with a light jov which filled th eir h,!arts in 'Vyom-'
e and softened by th e ; hadow s of ing' s n e w victory in the battle for state-
ntillsion Into the Union
b"en equalled by an v woman of the land.
She was grandly equal to the occasion.
She said:
Mrs. President, Goverl ;orV.·R
and ient1pme n of tbe !!ota "0f W~~lInll:
In behalf of the ladl... prc,I.mt and In
the name of many w ho are'.·. .,l with U8
to-Jay, I am requested to lliIIl<e th!i expresEion of our apptteclatlol1 ,f the great
benefit, conferred upon U8 lit Jour hands,
and u:mfirmed by the -e' : illte, I 'o f these
l."nit p.d States. Happy are ou ,. hl'arts toda y, a nd our lips b oot sound a ralnt echo.
cf i, e gratitude within hur bosoms.
Whil e we rejoice with yr. ." that our
Hon. C. D. Clark, Orator of the Day.
dent o f t h e conye n tion ; George \ V. BaxleI', w h o introdu ced ou r cl a use in th e
co nsti t ution ; J. K . r.eflre)" chairman o f
t h e comm i ttee, a n d j. W . H oyt; wh o
wi thout malice, tri cker), or su bte rfu ge
g r a n ted LI S ou r " ' is h es , and w e cla i m t h e
rig h t to day to do t,'e se he r oes re ve rence,
and i n t hi s ga laxy o f sta rs whic h e very
w o man we~rg to· d ay a diade m of gems
shines out, t h e f a re st and rares: of Ihem
al l, F. E. \\' a l'l'e n an d J. l\L Carey , and ye
w ho applaud sal' neve r again a prup h et
h a s hono r sa\'e in h is own coun try .
m ent o f th e se la ws as w e ll a<; th e framing of. them.
B a rthol d i', statu e of liberty en li g h ening the wOI'ld is fashioned in the for m of
a wo man a n d place d upon a p edest al
car ved from th e everl a sti ng g ranite of
the Ne w Eng la n d h ills, but t he " 'omen
o f W yomin g ha ve been placed u po n a
fi rmer found ati o n and h old a mo r e brill iant torch.
Secretary Meldrum.
r ou n ;;:- c.o mmonwca :th has bee n pe rmitted to pla ce upo n [hi s beautiful b a n .
n e r h e r bri g ht proph e tic sta r, how muc h
m ore r eason l,ave \\' e for enth u sia stic
In t h e da rs of th e p as t there came te
th i, region a w o m a n who ha d bee n re a r An d as tile sta r of Be t hl e hem sh ed it s
ed a mong th e h ard y mi nd. o f t he east.
S he b r o u !!ht wi th h e r, h er fa;'lil l', h er s ::> ft, e ffu lg e n t m ys O\'e r a n inl an d p la in
w here lay crad led a n e w de lh'era n ce, so
gard en seeds, h er doctrine o f woma n's
to ·day t hi s fo rt_,' -fourt h star , e ig ht po inted
equal ity befu r e t he law. H er so n s li ve
as w e n-oH} d hal'e U, casts its ,i JJun.dn.':! . .
do h er h o nor, h e r g arden see ds haye been
tion fro m the icy region s of t h e north to
t he magical blossoms wr.i eh r i p ~ n i n to
tro pica l fru it be nea th th e r adie nt s un shine o f Oll r ~outhe ( n ski es) f roln 0 \11'
lufty :nvu ntaLl ranges ·w ith s no\v. cap p cd
nea k towerin!) through th e clouds tn the
"cry ,j OCH' <t el" of he~.'·en, east anCi " wes t
to the sea- kissed shores of: Otl1: co n ti n ent.
M ay these sa l[y su rges carr y th is r e~cct!on on th ei r s we l ling tide ev en to
t he m in es o f -S iberia, whe r e e xil ed w om a n,gl'Oa ni n g in deg redl' tio n and slaver y,
m ay catch sO,ln e g li m m er of h ope, and,
li stening, hea r some note of a g lad ho sann a t hat r in gs o ut to ,ni g ht f rom thig,
o ur in land p la in , n ot, pe rha ps, from the
li ps
ange ls, bu t f r.om t h e h eart s of
wom e n a s we p r ocl alln alo ud ou r g lad
ti d ings o f great joy, t h e po litical red emp tion of o u r sex.
And may th a t beautifu l b o w of colo r
w hic h spa n ned o u r ea ste rn bo undary at the
,g old e n sunset h o ur o f Ju ly l a, [890, be
b ut a fain t proini , e o f the pros perit y, the
stab ili ty , t he h a rm o n y o f our :nagnificent
I do m ain , guided (no t g overn ed) by the
h an d of m an clasp ed i n the ha nd of
d e mons tra tion.
Th e rep ublican spirit of 1890, wit h a
g e neros ity unrh._aled in all th e an nals of
WOln " .n .
At the conc lu sion of he r ad dress Mrs .
Jenk in" receh'e d an o\'a ti on of appl ause
and was th e rec ipient of a mag ni fi cent
basket of flowers .
Governor Warren.
occassional cloud.. At an eal'ly hour
people be'g an d ec oratin~ their dwellings
as well a's th e mercantile houses, offices
and banks in the business portion of the
city which presented an al m ost continous
ad'ay of decorations In red, whitt: and
blue, while the national colors were displayed everywhere. At the capitol building a grand stand was erected fronting
the main flight of steps. Th" stars ' ard
stripes waved from the toy of the building at each wing and the interior was
tatefully adorned, the ve stibule halls and
p\llars being one mass of brilliant color,
which showed under the electric lights
of the evening with fine effect.
The prade bdng form e d a t 2 o' cloc k .
moved on the route arranged by the marshall of the day, marching throul!h the
principal streets of the city and ending at
the capitol building. When' It reached
that point a crown of mammoth proportions had already assembled filling the
streets, overflowing In the· park, and
crowding the steps, balcony and window
openln,. of the entire building.
The column of march was formed
with the luperb 17th Infantry band and
rertment at the head, under the command
of General Mizner, whose public spirit
and ,eneroul anlstance on tkese acca-
Hen. M C. Erown .
hood. The Afro-Am.,rican club followed
- our colored broth e rs f eeling a warm
and patriotic de votio'n to the state in gen e ral .concour, e of citizens in carriages, poli li ca l econo m y, h as admitted in to t he p lanted a nd sh e has pro ve n to the wo rld
which all I~,en and women are free and on horseback and on foot .
nat ional juri"prud e nce t h e \'o ice of t ha t thi s d es'o late p lain can be m ad e to
equal by the tel' ms of its magna charta.
wom a n . \Ve have be en place d u pon the b losso m as the r ose. nn d to-day sh e s its
w; th us a t th e age of 77 a fre e citizen
'Vhen the pl'Ocession reached the capive ry summit of f r eed o m an d the broad
e qtn l with h e r sons. E sth e r l\Iorris, like
The trades di s play was a triumph.
A tal the troops were dl'awn up in line, th e
pl a in of universal eq uality. T hi n k y e
19n9 line of tloats, bargt:s and buildings
. Queen Esther oIol d, h as dared to brave
On wheel~ represented nearly every al·tille.ry with a detachment of 20 m e n that our ton g ue s are sHe nt o r tha: we the angt:r of man ' rath e r than he p o w n
branch of bu sine ss and manu£acture~. was 'brou~ht from the park and placed have no' need to sing our an t hem s of people should perish.
Want of space prevents us giving this in position at the west wing , of the prai sef Hi s tory chron icl es no stich an
* * *
buildin'g .
The governor, guests and event on all its page., and th e be lls of
Vve ask no trophies at our fe et ,
fine display proper l1lention .
laurel on uur bro w~ . but we do ask for
Sloan & Shaver, the popular milk men, those who were to take part in th~ exer- the past ring out no s uch Yictory.
t hese two, Mrs. Morris and
Mrs .
had two noble specimens of the bovine cises tonk posession of the grand stand.
\Ve have never bee n com pellJd to pe- Post, a wre ath of Im,,:,orte lle s fash ·
race-the prides of the dairy-blanketed Mt!antlme the crowds 8wel!t!d andlsurged
around the building and its surrounding tition or . protest ; we h a"e ever been ioned in the motto of " Faithfulness," and
with apprQpriate mottos.
The Cheyenne Commercial company streets were bnt a "sea of human faces." treated with a patie nt h earin g and our hung on the ,t ail s of "Endurance," a n d
had a grand exhibit with seven wagons Governor Warren presided and the pro- practical suggestions ha\'e been most this young girl guard of honor, picked
representing the different branches of gr~mme was promptly opened by the courteousl y rfceived and in the future from the flowers at the state, who to-day
their trade which Is more fully described Invocation by Rev. J. Y . Cowhlck. At we but desire a con tinuance ot these have walked through throu ,~h the dusty
in another' column .
Its close the Unhm Paciflc band ~truck favon. We ask of our law ' makers just streets that they might be beside this
Messrs. Zehner, Beuchher & Co. came up "Yankee Doodle" In the most spirited laws for the enlargment and perpetuity be loved flag, may well emulate thest:
of our educational facilitie s ; we a s k of examples, preferring 'ever to sacrifice
out as usual with a rare exi1lbit.
our legislators wise and- magllanimou s' personal comfort to duty and pride to
Next followed M .. P ; Keefe's great dlsMRS. JENKINS' ORATION.
play In three
wagons, Qne repreMrs, Theresa A. Jenkins was then Intro- measUres for the erection and malntaln- patriotism.
These words of thankfulness would be
sentlng brick making, another gen- duced to the Irrimense audience. Pro- ance of our benevolent' Institutions; we
.constructlon ceedin&" to the front of the platform" the ask of yo~, laws for the better protection Incomplete were we to neglect to' utter
t<frKeefe 'Iady In clear, forceful tones which pene. of the moral as well as the ph ysical na- the sentiments af all our hearts In enumIn hi. private ,carrlag~ gave ,a unique , ex- . h'atcd to' the very outskirts of the crowd, tures of our bovs and :our glrh, eve n erating among our noble ' friends the
~Ibltlon of what he called the ''Products be,an and delivered without notes or though the maverick be neglected and mimes of the framers of our constitution.
of Wyoming." He had In the carrlaic manuscript
alldr{6I whtch In abflfty. ~xpayers and burden bearers as we are, In the IIEt, cherished In the hearts of us
five children of which he claim. to 'be logic and eloquence ~a. rarely If ever may we not expect the proper enforce: all, stands out thet of M. C. Brown, presl-
75th Anniversary of Statehood
Mayor Riller.
The great incid e nt of the celebration ,
the presentl\tion of the flag, n'e xt fol
lowed . Mrs. Esther Morris, one of Wy oming's hiMorical characters, who Is re o
garded as the "mother" of the woman
suffrage mO\' e rn ent in this state, and who
I. othe~wlse honored and respected for
her great ability and heroic womanhood,
was by general consent accorded the post
of honor, and made the prt'sentatlon to
Governor Warren on behalf of the
women of W_vomlng. Gatherln, the
folds of the beautiful flag about her, ahe
Continued on 10urLh palle_