Vacation Bible School - St. Isidore the Farmer Catholic Church


Vacation Bible School - St. Isidore the Farmer Catholic Church
Sunday in
St. Isidore
St. Isidore Catholic Church
Serving Baker and
surrounding areas
VOL. 48
June 21, 2015
No. 25
Vacation Bible School
More than 50 children attended VBS this year. Thank you to all the teachers, parents, youth, and donations
who made it such a success. Praise God for the enthusiasm and sweetness of our children, who love to learn
about Him.
80 and Over
Birthday Party
June 28th
We invite all of our parishioners celebrating their
80th birthday or more , along with their families, to a
birthday party in their honor on Sunday, June 28th at
11:30 AM in the Isidore Center. Please call the office
at 775-8850 to RSVP.
Our Sympathy to...
Malcolm Schlatre on the death of his father,
James “Bucey” Schlatre, Sr., who died on June
Worship Schedule
Saturday, June 20
5:30 PM Vigil Mass: Irene & Dewey Major,
Donnie Major, Lois Humphreys LeBlanc, Patty
Ory, Donald Dowty Family, and the Conversion of
Sunday, June 21 12th Sunday in Ordinary Time
7:30 AM Mass: Trey Thompson, Michael Cross,
and Charley Ancona.
10:30 AM Mass: People of St. Isidore.
Monday, June 22 St. Paulinus of Nola, Sts. John
Fisher and Thomas More
8:30 AM Communion Service.
Tuesday, June 23
No Reconciliation.
6:00 PM Communion Service.
6:30 PM Novena & Chaplet of Divine Mercy
followed by Eucharistic Benediction.
Wednesday, June 24 Birth of St. John the Baptist
8:30 AM Communion Service.
Thursday, June 25
6:00 AM Communion Service.
Friday, June 26
8:30 AM Communion Service.
8:45 AM—5:00 PM Adoration.
5:00 PM Rosary & Eucharistic Benediction.
Dora Michelli on the death of her
sister, Mildred Daniel, who died on
June 6th.
Good St. Joseph, patron of all who die in Christ,
pray for us.
Please pray for all of those
who are in the hospital...
Joann Roth
Regular Collection: $10,524.34
Parish Maintenance Fund: $2,213.00
Bus Maintenance Fund: $481.00
Thank you and may God bless your stewardship.
The Sanctuary Candle burns this week for
Irene & Dewey Major
Requested by
Vera Major
St. Pius English Worship Schedule
Reconciliation 3:00—3:45 PM
Vigil Mass 4:00 PM
Sunday: Mass 9:00 AM
Monday: Communion Service 7:15 AM
Tuesday: Communion Service 7:15 AM
Wednesday: Mass 7:15 AM
Thursday: Communion Service 7:15 AM
Friday: Mass 7:15 AM; Way of the Cross Noon
St. Pius Spanish Worship Schedule
Sunday Masses: 11:30 AM & 1:30 PM
Monday through Friday Mass: 9:00 AM (Chapel)
My Journey Home Through RCIA
Hello my name is Larry Kofton and this is my RCIA story.
Originally, I was raised in the Baptist faith, but I eventually fell away from religion
all together. Then I met my wife Kelly who was born and raised Roman Catholic.
While we were dating, we attended Mass mostly on special holidays like Easter and
Christmas. When we started discussing Marriage and a family, she asked if I was
okay getting married and raising our children in the Church. I really didn’t have any
strong feelings about any Faith, so as years passed we were married at St. Isidore, had
two children – Sydni and Bryce, who were both Baptized at St. Isidore.
All during this time Kelly would ask me if I wanted to join the Church. She mentioned something about a
program I would go through call RCIA. I put it off a couple years, but eventually decided to investigate
Catholicism more after I witnessed Fr. Fred Youngs anoint Kelly’s very ill grandmother with the oil of the
sick. Something began to stir in me after witnessing this Sacrament.
So, I started to attend the Rite of Christian Initiation for Adults each Sunday after Mass. I had many questions
about why Catholics believed what they did and why they performed certain gestures during Mass each
Sunday. For example, “Why do I have to confess my sins to a man?” and “Why can’t I receive Eucharist like
everyone else at Mass?” The RCIA process helped me understand more about the Catholic Faith and its
Traditions. I remember being told the Church was the first Church and that it was Universal, meaning they
worshipped the same way all over the world. I had the opportunity to travel to other countries. I realized that
the Catholic practices of Faith was the same all over the world. I also got to visit churches that were 1,000s of
years old. This along with a better understanding of the Sacraments led me to receive the Sacraments of
Baptism, Confirmation, and Eucharist on April 3, 2010 at St. Isidore Church.
Kelly and I now help coordinate and facilitate the RCIA program for St. Isidore and St. Pius. We absolutely
love to share the history and how Jesus instituted the Church so that we can receive Salvation through the
Grace provided by His Sacraments. We invite you or anyone who would like to learn more about the Catholic
Faith to join us at RCIA.
“The Rosary is the most beautiful and rich in graces of all prayers.”
Pope Pius X
In devotion to the Blessed Mother, members of the Legion of Mary pray the rosary before
each weekend mass. You are invited to join us in prayer. If you choose not to, please show
respect to Jesus’ mother, our mother, by refraining from talking in the church during the
rosary. It causes distraction for those who are trying to pray. Thank you.
The Legion of Mary Group
St. Isidore the Farmer Catholic Church
Father Frank Bass - Pastor
Donald Ard - Deacon • Tommy Benoit - Deacon • Willie Berthelot - Deacon • Shelley Joseph - Deacon
Roxanne Mabile - Administration • Monice Oliphant - Religious Formation/Youth
Linda Dossey - Office Manager/Fundraising & Organization Liaison • Kelly Kofton - Liturgy/Evangelization/Bulletin
5657 Thomas Road, Baton Rouge, LA 70811 • Phone 775-8850 • Fax 775-7072 •
Office Hours: Monday-Thursday—8 AM to Noon, 1 PM to 4:30 PM; Friday—8 AM to Noon
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