served by the Franciscan Friars of the Province of Saint Barbara
served by the Franciscan Friars of the Province of Saint Barbara
served by the Franciscan Friars of the Province of Saint Barbara bajo el cuidado de los Frailes Franciscanos de la Provincia de Santa Bárbara Parish Directory/Directorio Parroquial Office Hours/Horario de Oficina: Tues.- Sat.: 8:00am - 4:00pm Tel. (760) 757-3250 | Fax. (760) 757-3299 4070 Mission Ave., Oceanside CA 92057 [email protected] | h ps:// h p://twi PARISH OFFICES/OFICINAS PARROQUIALES: Fr. David Gaa, OFM - Pastor (760) 757-3250 x114| [email protected] Fr. Arturo López, OFM - Associate Pastor (760) 757-3250 x128 | [email protected] Guadalupe “Lupe” Rios: Director of Worship/Dir. De Alabanza (760) 547-0709| [email protected] Kathleen Flanagan: Chief Opera ng Officer (Old Mission & Parish) (760) 231-8403 | [email protected] Lee Bickford: Facili es Manager (760) 547-0747 | [email protected] Elizabeth Rose: Bookkeeper/Contadora (760) 547-0711 | [email protected] Shirley González: Parish Secretary/Secretaria (760) 547-0706 | [email protected] Karen Willson: Director of IT/Communica ons (760) 547-0701 | [email protected] Carmen Parra: Social Concerns Director/Dir. de Asuntos Sociales (760) 547-0708 | [email protected] Maricela Rivadeneyra: Recep onist/Recepcionista (760) 547-0735 | [email protected] Chris e Herrera: Recep onist & Scheduler/Calendario (760) 547-0734 | recep [email protected] Blanca Estrada: Rentals (760) 310-7984 | [email protected] FAITH FORMATION OFFICE/FORMACION DE FE Chris e (760) 547-0734 / recep [email protected] Natalie Ibarra: Coordinator of Youth and Young Adult Ministry (760) 547-0702 |[email protected] Larry LaGrasta: Coordinator of English Elementary/Jr. High (760) 547-0712 | [email protected] Elena Zavala: Coordinator of Spanish Elementary (760) 547-0715 | [email protected] Mary Dorso: Director of Rite of Chris an Ini a on for Adults (760) 547-0755 | [email protected] PARISH SCHOOL/ESCUELA PARROQUIAL Pre-K - 8th | (760) 757-3232 | Wanda King - Principal [Off. Hrs.: 7:45 a.m. - 3:45 p.m.] AFTER HOURS EMERGENCY ANOINTING OF THE SICK, CALL/ PARA EMERGENCIAS DE UNCION A LOS ENFERMOS DESPUES DE HORAS DE OFICINA, LLAMAR AL: (760) 583-3393 Prayer & Worship at MSLRP MASS SCHEDULE/HORARIOS DE MISAS: Monday – Saturday: Parish Chapel - 7:30 a.m. Monday - Friday: Old Mission - 12:00 noon Saturday Masses/Misas: Serra Center - 5:00 p.m. & [7:00 p.m. Español] Sunday Masses/Misas: Old Mission: 7:00 a.m. and [7:00 p.m. Español] Serra Center - 8:00 a.m., 10:00 a.m., [12:00 p.m. Español], and 5:00 p.m. SACRAMENT OF RECONCILIATION/RECONCILIACIÓN: Saturdays/Sábados: Serra Center - 9:00-10:00a.m. (Except on holiday weekends/Excepto en fines de semana fes vos) ADORATION/ADORACION: 1st Friday/1er Viernes: Parish Chapel - 8:00 -10:00 a.m. Old Mission: 7:00-9:00 p.m. NOVENA: Our Lady of Perpetual Help with our Filipino Community: Wednesdays: Parish Chapel - 7:00 p.m. PRAYER GROUPS/GRUPOS DE ORACION: Hispanic Prayer Group: Thursdays, 7:00 p.m. - Parish Chapel Intercessory Prayer: English: Sat., 8:30 a.m. - Rm. # 209 (a er the rosary); Spanish: Tues., 5:00 p.m. - Parish Chapel Centering Prayer: English: Wednesdays, 7:00 p.m. - Rm. #12 St. Francis Hall. Women’s Group: 2nd & 4th Tues. 6:30-8pm Old Mission Retreat Ctr. Men’s Prayer Group: 1st Thurs. of the month, 7-9pm St. Francis Rm. Old Mission. Culture of Life: Every Monday and 1st Thursday of the month at 10:00am, peaceful rosary in front of Vista Planned Parenthood. Respect Life: Pregnant? Need Help? Call 1-800712-4357 or 1-877-558-0333 SMALL CHRISTIAN COMMUNITIES/PEQUEÑAS COMUNIDADES CRISTIANAS: Angel Ramírez - Spanish Coordinator (760) 439-6008 Isabel Estrada - Spanish Co-Coordinator (760) 828-3469 HISTORIC OLD MISSION/MISION ANTIGUA (760) 757-3651 | FRANCISCAN FRATERNITY AT MISSION SAN LUIS REY: Fr. Thomas West, OFM - Guardian Fr. David Gaa, OFM - Execu ve Director FRANCISCAN SCHOOL OF THEOLOGY: 760-547-1800 Fr. Joseph Chinnici, OFM - President and Rector Br. William Short, OFM - Dean RETREAT CENTER: 760-757-3659 CEMETERY: Terry Seeman - Cemetery Director (760) 757-3651 x133 Fr. Michael Dallmeier, OFM - Cemetery Chaplain 2 | MISSION SAN LUIS REY PARISH, Oceanside, California—January 10, 2016 TREASURES FROM OUR TRADITION Merry Christmas! Share that cheerful gree ng with some folks today. They may wonder if you have had any Elvis sigh ngs lately, a ended Star Trek conven ons, or were Cleopatra in a previous life me. Despite the skep cs, today is solidly within the Christmas season. In fact, in some strands of the Chris an tradi on it represents the clearest manifesta on of the mystery of the Incarna on. On Christmas Day, for example, the Gospel reading is the Prologue of John’s Gospel, which reveals the glory of Christ shining through our humanity precisely in his bap sm. At any rate, this is an ancient feast, celebrated first in Egypt sixteen centuries ago. More than most other ancient people, the Egyp ans understood the life giving proper es of water. On this day, they drew water from the Nile, so central in the history of their people, and reserved it in honor. Many other places copied the custom, so that St. John Chrysostom wrote of people in Anoch gathering at midnight to collect flowing water into vessels they brought from home since “today there is a blessing on the water.” At home for dinner tonight, decorate the table with beau ful bowls of water and white candles, toast one another with goblets of sparkling water, and light a Christmas candle in the window one last me. —Rev. James Field, Copyright © J. S. Paluch Co. MANIFESTING THE SPIRIT The Christmas season closes this Sunday with the Bap sm of the Lord. This feast is a sister to last week’s feast of the Epiphany. Each of them celebrates an “epiphany,” or a manifesta on of the Spirit of God in Jesus—first in his birth, and now at his bap sm. The divine Spirit is manifested in all of the scriptures for this feast. Psalm 104 highlights the Spirit of God crea ng and renewing the earth, while the reading from Isaiah describes God restoring Israel. In Luke’s account of the bap sm of the Lord the Holy Spirit descends upon Jesus. And the le er to Titus reminds us that the Holy Spirit was “richly poured out” on us also, through the “bath of rebirth” (Titus 3:5, 6). Copyright © J. S. Paluch Co. The Parish Offices will be CLOSED on Saturday, January 16, 2016 in observance of the Mar n Luther King, Jr., Holiday. Therefore, the Sacrament of Reconcilia on will not be celebrated on this Saturday; it will resume on Sat., 1/23/16. WELCOME FRANCISCAN FRIARS OF THE PROVINCE OF ST. BARBARA FRANCISCAN CHAPTER January 11-15, 2016 STEWARDSHIP THOUGHT The Feast of the Bap sm of the Lord: In today’s reading from the Gospel of Luke we hear the proclama on of the bap sm of Jesus with “all the people.” Indeed, “heaven was opened,” and the Father announced his special favor. Whenever we partake of the body and blood of Christ, heed his call in our daily lives, share his Good News, become instruments of his transforming jus ce and peace, heaven is opened to us, and through the Holy Spirit, the Lord announces his special favor on us as well. A good stewardship reflec on this week might be this: How, or in what ways, have we personally experienced God’s special favor in our lives? BUILDING FUND CONTRIBUTIONS Did you know that your contribu ons to our “Building Fund” help us to establish a much needed reserve for the MANY repairs and projects that are needed on our aging buildings? Unlike the regular Sunday Collec on, which is used to meet normal opera ng expenses, all Building Fund dona ons are specifically designated for improvements, repairs and special projects. Contribu ons can be made through your monthly envelopes, online at or by contac ng our bookkeeper, Elizabeth Rose, to set up an EFT dona on. ELECTRONIC GIVING: FAST, EASY, & SECURE SUPPORT Support the work of our church through Electronic Giving. Have your weekly or monthly contribuon debited from your checking or savings account and transferred directly into the church account safely and electronically—you’ll never have to remember your checkbook again! We would love for you to get started! Pick up an authoriza on form today from the Kiosk in the Serra Center, online or in the Parish Office. January 10, 2016 - The Bap sm of the Lord | 3 A QUOTE FROM POPE FRANCIS We must regain the convic on that we need one another, that we have a shared responsibility for others and the world, and that being good and decent are worth it. We have had enough of immorality and the mockery of ethics, goodness, faith and honesty. It is me to acknowledge that light-hearted superficiality has done us no good. When the founda ons of social life are corroded, what ensues are ba les over conflic ng interests, new forms of violence and brutality, and obstacles to the growth of a genuine culture of care for the environment.―Laudato Si: On care for our common home. MILITARY MINISTRY Mission San Luis Rey Parish welcomes members of the military and their families. We thank you for your service to our country. The vision of the Military Ministry Team is to provide resources and referrals to support our military families. For more informa on, please call the parish office at (760) 757-3250 x200. Please leave your name, telephone number, best me to reach you and a short message on how we can be of service to you. Your call will be returned within 24 hours. PARISH LIBRARY NOTES Bap sm of the Lord A Time for Miracles [208ABC] is a DVD on the true story of Elizabeth Bayley Seton, or Mother Seton who in 1975 was canonized as America’s first na ve-born saint. She was convert from the Episcopal faith and became a founder of schools, orphanages and hospital as well as the Daughters of Charity religious order. Saint of Philadelphia The Life of Bishop John Neumann [208Dou] the 3rd US ci zen to canonized, he was born in Bohemia and came to the US was ordained in New York, became a Redemptorist missionary and was made the 4th bishop of Philadelphia. Images of Jesus Anselm Grun, OSB -this is an en rely fresh and original book about Jesus, the Jesus of devoon, the Jesus within. Here are 50 images of Jesus drawn from the gospels pages which bring Jesus alive to us today. Short but pithy chapters make this an easy and enjoyable read. WHAT DOES MERCY LOOK LIKE IN ACTION? It is forgiveness, compassion, understanding, support, a listening ear, non-judgement, love and gentleness. In the Sacrament of Confirma on we receive the gi of the Holy Spirit. Saint Paul writes that the nine fruits of the Spirit are love, joy, peace, pa ence, kindness, goodness, faithfulness, gentleness, and self-control. These are all the signs of the Chris an life in a person. Unlike other gi s that are gone once we give them away, these spiritual gi s grow in us the more we use them. They witness to God and inspire others to act the same way towards people. This week, let us live together the Extraordinary Jubilee Year of Mercy proclaimed by Pope Francis. The year began on 8 December 2015, the Feast of the Immaculate Concep on, and will conclude on 20 November 2016, the Feast of Christ the King. Come to the Old Mission Church and walk through our Holy Doors in this Jubilee Year. Invite your friends and family to step through what Pope Francis calls ‘A door that opens in the Church in order to reach out to those who, for many reasons, are far away.’ SHRIMP FEST 2016 The Annual Knights of Columbus Council San Luis Rey Shrimp Fest 2016 will be held at St. Francis Hall on February 12th at 6:008:30pm. Tickets go on sale a er Masses star ng January 16th. Ticket prices for this succulent and delicious meal of shrimp and fish are $20 per person, $30 per couple, $5 each child ages 5-12 and children ages 4 and under are free. Contact SK Armando Mena at 760967-9125 or any Knight or Squire for ckets. FREE THROW CHALLENGE 2016 The Knights of Columbus Council # 3162 will hold the Free Throw Challenge for youth ages 9-14 on the San Luis Rey Parish Tennis Courts on January 31st. Proof of age must be supplied and each individual gets 15 free throws and the top shot makers in each age group wins. Register at the K of C tent a er Masses on star ng January 17th. Contact SK Ben Goda at 760-696-3758. 4 | MISSION SAN LUIS REY PARISH, Oceanside, California — January 10, 2016 LITURGICAL COLORS Why do the Priests wear different colors at Mass throughout the year? The different colors signify what liturgical season the church is in. There are five main colors that are symbolic of the season. VIOLET/PURPLE symbolizes penance, prepara on and sacrifice. It is used during Advent and Lent. ROSE symbolizes an cipa on and joy. It is worn on the third Sunday of Advent (Gaudete Sunday) and fourth Sunday of Lent (Laetare Sunday) as we rejoice at the halfway point of the prepara on, and an cipate the coming joy, of Christmas or Easter. WHITE symbolizes purity, joy, light and glory. It is used during the seasons of Christmas and Easter as well as for feasts of our Lord (except those pertaining to His passion), the Blessed Mother, the angels, the saints who were not martyrs and a few other feasts and solemni es. White is also used for weddings and funerals and for days special to a given parish. GOLD OR SILVER may be used in place of white. GREEN symbolizes hope and life. It is used for Ordinary Time which is the liturgical season that focuses on the 3year period of our Lord’s public ministry, His teachings and miracles. It is a reminder that the mission of the church is to share the hope and life of Christ with the world. Green symbolizes this hope and life just as the hint of green on trees in early spring brings the hope of new life. RED is symbolic of blood, fire and passion. It is used on Palm Sunday, Good Friday and any other commemoraon of the Precious blood. It is also worn on the feasts of martyrs and apostles (except St. John), Pentecost, and Confirma on Masses. OUR MISSION CHURCH NEEDS A FACE LIFT! All are invited to our Old Mission Church beau fica on party on (NEW DATE:) Saturday, January 16, 2016, at 9:00 a.m. We will provide rags, dusters, vacuum, dust mop, Murphy’s wood product and floor cleaner if needed. Please leave ladders and chemicals at home. Free donuts to be available before you start. If interested in par cipa ng or if you have ques ons, please email Bro. Chris at [email protected] ENJOY ENRICHING AND AFFORDABLE PROGRAMS RIGHT NEXT DOOR at the MISSION! Old Mission Retreat Center Upcoming Retreats: Contempla ve Prayer: Every Friday at 3:00 pm for Centering Prayer and teaching, held in the Mission Retreat Center. No fee or reserva ons necessary. Women in Scripture will resume mee ng, Tuesday, Jan. 12, 6:30-8:00 pm. Tuesday, Jan. 19-Feb 23, 2016, 7:009:00pm. “Healing Beyond a Broken Heart”. Learn prac cal Tools for Dealing with Grief by Bro. Kevin Dismiss, fsp. If you are trapped in a cycle of “if only”. This retreat will help you learn useful tools for recovery. The program will give you the guidelines for recovery from grief and how to regain the energy and spontaneity you have been missing. Some examples of who should come: • Loss of a loved one • Loss of faith and trust in God • Loss of career or financial stability. • Loss of health, or a loved one’s health • Loosing friends and family because of a move We provide a safe and sacred environment for your me with us. Everyone is welcome. You do not need to be Chris an to join in this program. Fee: $65 for 6 weeks. Wednesdays, Feb. 3, 17, 24, Mar. 2, 9, 16, 2016, 9:14-11:45 am (There is no class on Ash Wednesday) by Fr. Michael Guinan, O.F.M. Luke is the gospel of the Sunday Lec onary for this year. The great Italian poet, Dante, call Luke the “scribe of the gentleness of Jesus”, and it truly contains many of the most beloved stories in the New Testament. Luke presents a picture of God as faithful to his promises; prayer is a recurring theme; also, in Luke, Jesus always seems to be ea ng; Luke has challenging things to say about the rich and the poor. The last session will look at Luke’s passion/resurrec on narra ve as preparaon for Holy Week which begins on March 20, 2016. See flyer for recommended reading (at the retreat office). Fee: $90 for 12 class hours. For more informa on, ques ons or to register please visit or call: 760-757-3659 / January 10, 2016 - The Bap sm of the Lord | 5 PARISH MASS INTENTIONS January 16-23, 2016 (A Week Ahead) Sat., January 16: 5:00 p.m. 7:00 p.m. (Sp) SC SC +Jose Elias Arriaza +Raquel Muro & Carmen Castañeda OM SC SC SC SC OM +Peter Nam Nguyen +Anna Teresa Cao +Eugene Edwards +Josefina Contreras Reyes +Jill Woodworth +Clemente Cruz PC OM +Rosario Tiatano +Be y Bush PC OM Monica & Haylie Borja (bday) +Rev. Brendan O’Sullivan PC OM Mary Lee Nuxoll +George Uribe Sun., January 17: 7:00 a.m. 8:00 a.m. 10:00 a.m. 12:00 p.m. (Sp) 5:00 p.m. 7:00 p.m. (Sp) Mon., January 18: 7:30 a.m. 12:00 p.m. Tues., January 19: 7:30 a.m. 12:00 p.m. Wed., January 13: 7:30 a.m. 12:00 p.m. Thurs., January 20: 7:30 a.m. 12:00 p.m. Fri., January 21: 7:30 a.m. 12:00 p.m. PC OM +Rosario Duran +Sophie Bubela PC OM +James Mollo Chris ne Fischer Sat., January 22: 7:30 a.m. PC +George Uribe SC - Serra Center; PC - Parish Chapel; OM - Old Mission (Sp=Spanish) NOURISHMENT FOR YOUR SOUL TODAY’S READINGS First Reading — Isaiah speaks of the Servant whom the Lord upholds; he shall bring forth jus ce to the na ons (Isaiah 42:1-4, 6-7) or Isaiah 40:1-5, 9-11. Psalm — The Lord will bless his people with peace (Psalm 29) or Psalm 104. Second Reading — Jesus was anointed by God with the Holy Spirit; he went out healing and doing good (Acts 10:34-38) or Titus 2:11-14; 3:4-7. Gospel — A voice comes from heaven proclaiming Jesus as the beloved Son, with whom God is well pleased (Luke 3:15-16, 21-22). The English transla on of the Psalm Responses from the Lec onary for Mass © 1969, 1981, 1997, Interna onal Commission on English in the Liturgy Corpora on. All rights reserved. READINGS FOR THE WEEK Monday: 1 Sm 1:1-8; Ps 116:12-19; Mk 1:14-20 Tuesday: 1 Sm 1:9-20; 1 Sm 2:1, 4-8abcd; Mk 1:21-28 Wednesday: 1 Sm 3:1-10, 19-20; Ps 40:2, 5, 7-10; Mk 1:29-39 Thursday: 1 Sm 4:1-11; Ps 44:10-11, 14-15, 24-25; Mk 1:40-45 Friday: 1 Sm 8:4-7, 10-22a; Ps 89:16-19; Mk 2:1-12 Saturday: 1 Sm 9:1-4, 17-19; 10:1a; Ps 21:2-7; Mk 2:13-17 Sunday: Is 62:1-5; Ps 96:1-3, 7-10; 1 Cor 12:4-11; Jn 2:1-11 PRAYER MAKES ALL THE DIFFERENCE Happy Birthday To: Hazel Brillo 1/11, Maricela Rivadeneyra 1/11, Rita Bolduc 1/11, Kassandra Hernandez 1/12, Raquel Oceguera 1/12, Virginia Olivas 11/12, Miriam Correa 1/14, Michael Meza 1/14, Jonathan Hernandez 1/15, Rick Lewis 1/15, Maria Schmidt 1/15, Lucille Varrichio 1/15, Jackie Bickford 1/16, Cynthia Fisher 1/16, Christopher Loyek 1/16, Dorothy Man 1/16, Sean Paz 1/16, Tom Ashton 1/17, David Gutierrez 1/17, Our Parishioners Asking For Prayers: [Please contact the Parish Off. to add or remove a parishioner’s name from the list.] Marylou Abille, Afasene Family, Wayne Alameda, Mary Altomare, José Ameli-García, Cathy Archuleta, Dorothy Arney, Dorothy & Ricky Baker, Ernesto Bazua, Richard Becker, Susan & Ruth Belfield, Ann Bernal, Sandy Bernard, Ignacia M. Bill, Kaylee Bill, Otis Blackmon, Mary Fran Blankemeier, Lucy Bobadilla, Geraldine Braun, Anita Buerger, Fr. Mel Bucher, David Bundick, Jackie Camp, Annie Caracappa, Lucy Carroll, Candelaria y Felipe Castellón, Nenita Castro, Isabel Cerda Perez, Christian Chavez, Gregory Chávez, Mary Ann Chenard, Philomena Coco, Rosie Concepcion, Julia Olga Corral, Guillermo & Gloria Cortez, Petrita “Pat” Costa, Alyssa Dimas, Agnes Douglas, Matthew Duran, Einar Dyblie, Dulce Fajardo, Jean Feehan, Francisco Fernandez, Maurizio Fernandez, Flatau & Diaz Families, James & Filomena Flores Family, Robert Flores, Josephine Francisco, Mary Gallé, Francisco & María García, Rita Geldert, Virginia Gies, Amelia Guerrero, Jane Guinn, Genevieve Haase, Ron Habel, Carlos Harrison, Christine Harms, Jane Heim, Rosemary Hermocillo, Mary Jackson, Edith Jimenez, Helen Johnson, Fred & Linda Kathol, Phyllis Kelly, Eva Koenig, Jeanne Kopp, Enrique “Bong” Lastrilla, The Agatha Leasiolagi-Sasa Family, Soledad Leong, Luis Lobo, Jim & Pepita Long, Betty Lonn, Aundrea Lopez, Dominga Lum, Marilyn Macken, Angelina Manalo, Aiden Mangohig, Mike Martinez, Susan Marvin, Cassandra Marvin, Deirdre Marvin Cody, Angelita Mason, Barbara McCreary, Greg & Cynthia Mendez, Samantha Mendez, Rosalba Mendoza, Ramon Mendoza, Patrice Miller, Diegoy Monroy, Luz Mora, Herman & Violet Mosqueda, Rita Narvaez, Iluminada Newton, Sylvester Nwizu, Leonora Petterson, Alesio & Elsie Pele, Sheila & Anastasia Pele, Imeleta Pele, Maria Pele, Gabriel Pele, Bro. Mo Peltier, George & Connie Pichel, Mike Pollack, Thelma Poorman, Katherine Priest, Frank Quattrocchi, Doris Quinene, Luz Ramirez, Bertha Ramirez, Concepcion Ramirez, Madeline Raymond, Rose Marie Reno, Paciano Rivadeneyra, Maria Revilla, Gladys Rolle, Max & Eva Ruiz, Karen Russell, Elsa Salas, Anita Saldaña, Anne Severy, Jess & Victoria Sanchez, Gonzala Santos, Dottie Schultz, Joseph F. Schwartz, Vitalina P. So’oto, So’oto Family, Anne Stillman, Dorothy Sweeney, Robert F. Szabad, Rita & Harry Tabke, Rosa Talavera, Emanuele & Catherine F. Tuisee, Olympia Thurman, Lee Ann & Virgil Urbiztondo, Myrna Uy, Mr. & Mrs. Eliseo Villafuerte, Sr., Zen Villacruz, Visesio Family, Victor Villa, Charlie Waltz, Roy & Patti Wiley, Izabella Woznicki, Genevieve Wunder, Barbara Zagata, Family & Friends of Parishioners: [Unless an update is given to the Parish Office, names will be kept on the list for a month only.] Lucille Aiello 12/27, Keith Battle 12/20, Alicia Carrion 12/13, Mayra Corral 12/27, Dr. Sgt. Taylor Clark (Afghanistan), Carol Conrad 12/20, Cpl. Dustin Davis (Afghanistan), Howard Desflores 12/20, Lorna DiMarco 1/10, Peter Gallé 1/10, Gunnery Sgt. Paul A. Garcia, USMC (Afghanistan), Gigi Gialogo 11/27, Michael Giannelli 12/13, The Heath Family 1/10, Laura Hermosillo 12/20, Marge Hunt 1/10 The Keith Family 12/20, Cpl. Joshua Kite (Afghanistan), Nordy Lorenze 12/27, Mykel Luera (Afghanistan), Kevin Michel 12/27, Marjan Mijat 12/13, Lucia & Raul Molina 1/10, Miguel Angel & Karen Mora 12/13, Cpl. Zachery Neumann, USMC, Cynthia Y. Ortiz 12/13, Rosalina Sacilioc 12/13, John Sheridan 12/13, Paul & Barbara Smith 1/10, Kevin Snyder 12/27, Jan Spires 1/10, Taiya Vanmeter 12/20, Kemberly Weaver 12/27, Melissa Widener 12/13, Joseph Zupcic 12/13. Hospital: Nick Timerman. Hospice: Richard Glover, Fred Martinez. Deaths: Leandro Enciso, John Danke, Mary Jo Mimnaugh, 6 | MISSION SAN LUIS REY PARISH, Oceanside, California—January 10, 2016 W E E K LY C A L E N D A R / C A L E N D A R I O S E M A N A L Sunday, January 10 through Saturday, January 16, 2016 Domingo, 10 de enero, hasta el sábado 16 de enero del 2016 SUNDAY, January 10, 2016 - The Bap sm of the Lord (White) DOMINGO, 10 de Enero del 2016 - El Bau smo del Señor (Color Litúrgico: Blanco) Sunday Masses: Old Mission 7:00 a.m. & 7:00 p.m. (Sp) Serra Ctr.: 8:00 a.m., 10:00 a.m., [12:00 p.m. Spanish], 5:00 p.m. Parish Library: Parish Rm. #1 - 8:00 a.m. to 12:00 noon Parish Bookstore: Serra - before/a er a.m. Masses Faith Forma on (English program): Grades 1-6: Parish Center - 9:00-9:50am Faith Forma on (Spanish program): Parish Center Grades 1-6 - 10:40-11:45 a.m. Pre-escolar - kindergarten: 12:00-1:00 p.m. MISIÓN ANTIGUA: 7:00 a.m. (inglés - Padre Garre ) y 7:00 p.m. (español - Padre Arturo) CENTRO SERRA: 8:00 a.m. (inglés - Padre David), 10:00 a.m. (inglés - Padre David), 12:00 p.m. (español Padre Arturo) y 5:00 p.m. (inglés - Padre David) Biblioteca: antes de la Misa de 12:00 Clases de Formación de Fe: Grados 1-6: 9:00 a.m. a 9:50 a.m. (inglés) Grados 1-6: 10:40-11:45 a.m. (español) Pre-escolar a kínder: 12:00-1:00 p.m. MONDAY, January 11, 2016 (PARISH OFFICES CLOSED) LUNES, 11 de Enero del 2016 - Oficinas Cerradas [For “Anoin ng of the Sick” emergencies and/or funerals, call (760) 583-3393] Daily Mass: Parish Chapel - 7:30 a.m. Daily Mass: Old Mission - 12:00 noon En caso de una emergencia, “Unción para los Enfermos” o “Funeral”, llame a un Sacerdote al 760-583-3393 Misa diaria (inglés): Capilla Parroquial - 7:30 a.m. Misa diaria (inglés): Misión An gua - 12:00 p.m. TUESDAY, January 12, 2016 MARTES, 12 de Enero del 2016 Daily Mass: Parish Chapel - 7:30 a.m. Daily Mass: Old Mission - 12:00 noon Charisma c Prayer Mtg.: Mission Library - 10:30 a.m. Las Madrinas Mtg.: Dining Rm. - 1:00 p.m. Middle School Faith Forma on: Parish/St. Francis Bldgs. - 6:30-8:00 p.m. NO Pre-Confirma on Confirma on class: Parish/St. Francis Bldgs. - 6:30-8:00 p.m. Misa diaria (inglés): Capilla Parroquial - 7:30 a.m. Misa diaria (inglés): Misión An gua - 12:00 p.m. Oración de Intercesión: Capilla Parroquial - 5:00 p.m. Coro (Niños) - 5:00 p.m. y (Adultos) - 7:00 p.m. Centro Serra Clases de Formación de Fe: Parroquia/Salón San Francisco Grados 7 y 8 - 6:30 p.m. a 8:00 p.m. No habrá Clase de Pre-Confirmación Confirmación - 6:30 p.m. a 8:00 p.m. WEDNESDAY, January 13, 2016 Daily Mass: Parish Chapel - 7:30 a.m. Daily Mass: Old Mission - 12:00 noon Bingo: St. Francis Hall (formerly McKeon Ctr.): Doors Open - 9:30 a.m. | Games: 11:30 a.m. - 3:00 p.m. Bereavement Mtg.: Rm. #1 - 2:00 p.m. Rite of Chris an Ini a on for Adults (RCIA): Mul purpose (2nd floor Parish Bldg.) 6:30 p.m. THURSDAY, January 14, 2016 Daily Mass: Parish Chapel - 7:30 a.m. Daily Mass: Old Mission - 12:00 noon Parish Library: Parish Ctr. Rm.#2 - 12:30 p.m. - 2:30 p.m. Youth Ministry Bible Study: Youth Ctr. - 6:00 p.m. FRIDAY, January 15, 2016 Daily Mass: Parish Chapel - 7:30 a.m. Daily Mass: Old Mission - 12:00 noon SATURDAY, January 16, 2016 (CLOSED in observance of the Mar n Luther King Jr. Holiday) Daily Mass: Parish Chapel - 7:30 a.m. Samoan Choir Rehearsal: Pablo Tac Rm. - 8:00 a.m. NO Intercessory Prayer or Sacrament of Reconcilia on Bingo: St. Francis Hall (formerly McKeon Ctr.): Doors Open - 9:30 a.m. | Games: 10:30 a.m. - 2:00 p.m. MASSES: Serra Ctr. -5:00 p.m. English & 7:00 p.m. Spanish MIERCOLES, 13 de Enero del 2016 Misa diaria (inglés): Capilla Parroquial - 7:30 a.m. Misa diaria (inglés): Misión An gua - 12:00 p.m. JUEVES, 14 de Enero del 2016 Misa diaria (inglés): Capilla Parroquial - 7:30 a.m. Misa diaria (inglés): Misión An gua - 12:00 p.m. Librería Parroquial: Centro Parroquial - 12:30 p.m. a 2:30 p.m. Estudio Bíblico del Grupo de Jóvenes: Centro de Jóvenes - 6:00 p.m. VIERNES, 15 de Enero del 2016 Misa diaria (inglés): Capilla Parroquial - 7:30 a.m. Misa diaria (inglés): Misión An gua - 12:00 p.m. Noche de Sanación (Grupo de Jóvenes): Centro Serra 6:00 p.m. a 10:00 p.m. SABADO, 16 de Enero del 2016 - Oficinas Cerradas en observación de Mar n Luther King, Jr. Misa diaria (inglés): Capilla Parroquial - 7:30 a.m. No habrá Servicio de Reconciliación Centro Serra: 5:00 p.m. (Inglés - Padre David) y 7:00 p.m. (español - Padre Arturo) January 10, 2016 - The Bap sm of the Lord | 7 TRADICIONES DE NUESTRA FE La costumbre del bau smo infan l debe ser mucho más que un acto social o una tradición cultural, donde el ropón y los regalos son más importantes que la doctrina cris ana, y los padrinos se escogen no por su buen ejemplo sino por su cuenta bancaria. Según los Hechos de los Apóstoles, familias enteras se bau zaban cuando el padre de familia decidía hacerse crisano. Esta prác ca de bau zar, no solo al nuevo creyente sino también a su mujer y a sus hijos, poco a poco, quedó solo en bau zar los niños del original creyente. El mundo en aquel empo estaba basado sobre la familia así como muchas culturas la nas de hoy. El bau zo infan l nació en la Iglesia primi va y al pasar de los siglos llegó a transformarse en un rito religioso muy importante en la catequesis del nuevo cris ano. El niño viste de ropita blanca que recuerda la presencia de Cristo en su alma, se le regala una vela que lo invita a brillar con la luz de Cristo y se le da una madrina o un padrino que le enseñará a vivir en Cristo. —Fray Gilberto Cavazos-Glz, OFM, Copyright © J. S. Paluch Co. MANIFESTANDO AL ESPÍRITU El empo de Navidad finaliza este domingo con el Bau smo del Señor. Esta fiesta es hermana de la fiesta de la semana pasada, la Epifanía. Cada una de ellas celebra una “epifanía”, o manifestación del Espíritu de Dios en Jesús —primero en su nacimiento y ahora en su bau smo. El Espíritu Divino se manifiesta en todas las lecturas bíblicas de la fiesta. El Salmo 104 destaca al Espíritu de Dios que crea y renueva la erra, mientras que la lectura de Isaías describe a Dios restaurando a Israel. En el relato de Lucas del bau smo del Señor el Espíritu Santo desciende sobre Jesús. Y la carta a Tito nos recuerda que el Espíritu Santo también “derramó con abundancia” sobre nosotros, el “baño de regeneración” (Tito 3:5, 6). Copyright © J. S. Paluch Co. OFICINAS CERRADAS Las Oficinas Parroquiales estarán CERRADAS el sábado, 16 de enero del 2016 en observación al día fes vo de Mar n Luther King, Jr. Por lo cual tampoco se ofrecerá el SACRAMENTO DE RECONCILIACION en este día. CITA DEL PAPA FRANCISCO Necesitamos una conversación que nos una a todos, porque el desa o ambiental que vivimos, y sus raíces humanas, nos interesan y nos impactan a todos. El movimiento ecológico mundial ya ha recorrido un largo y rico camino, y ha generado numerosas agrupaciones ciudadanas que ayudaron a la concien zación. Lamentablemente, muchos esfuerzos para buscar soluciones concretas a la crisis ambiental suelen ser frustrados no sólo por el rechazo de los poderosos, sino también por la falta de interés de los demás. Las ac tudes que obstruyen los caminos de solución, aun entre los creyentes, van de la negación del problema a la indiferencia, la resignación cómoda o la confianza ciega en las soluciones técnicas. Necesitamos una solidaridad universal nueva. Como dijeron los Obispos de Sudáfrica, «se necesitan los talentos y la implicación de todos para reparar el daño causado por el abuso humano a la creación de Dios». Todos podemos colaborar como instrumentos de Dios para el cuidado de la creación, cada uno desde su cultura, su experiencia, sus inicia vas y sus capacidades. —Laudato Si: Sobre el cuidado de la casa común ¿CÓMO SE VE LA MISERICORDIA EN ACCIÓN? Se ve en el perdón, compasión, comprensión, apoyo, en un oído atento, en no juzgar, en el amor y dulzura. En el Sacramento de la Confirmación recibimos el don del Espíritu Santo. San Pablo escribe que los nueve frutos del Espíritu son: caridad, gozo, paz, paciencia, benignidad, bondad, fidelidad, humildad y dominio propio. Estos son todos los signos de la vida cris ana en una persona. A diferencia de otros regalos que se han ido una vez que les regalamos, estos dones espirituales crecen en nosotros entre más los usamos. Son tes gos de Dios e inspiran a otros a actuar de la misma manera hacia otras personas. Esta semana, vamos a vivir juntos el Extraordinario Año Jubilar de la Misericordia proclamada por el Papa Francisco. El año comenzó el 8 de diciembre del 2015, en la fiesta de la Inmaculada Concepción, y concluirá el 20 de noviembre del 2016, en la Fiesta de Cristo Rey. Ven a la Iglesia de la Misión Vieja y camina a través de nuestras puertas santas en este Año Jubilar. Invita a tus amigos y familiares para pasar por lo que Francisco llama "Una puerta que se abre en la Iglesia con el fin de llegar a aquellos que, por muchas razones, están lejos.” "Conociendo tu Fe y Descubriendo tu Iglesia" ¿Tienes dudas acerca de tu fe? Quizás te haz preguntado más de una vez el porqué de las imágenes, la veneración a la Virgen, las procesiones, porqué tengo que asis r a Misa, porqué confesarme, porqué bau zamos a los bebés, etc. Te invitamos a conocer las respuestas o las dudas que tengas, comenzando el miércoles, 13 de enero a las 7:00 pm. en el salón #5 con nuestro hermano Enrique Velázquez. ¡Te esperamos! 8 | PARROQUIA MISION SAN LUIS REY, Oceanside, California - 10 de Enero del 2016 EL BAUTISMO DEL SEÑOR Lo hizo mediante el bau smo, que nos regenera y nos renueva, por la acción del Espíritu Santo. Tito 3:5 LECTURAS DE HOY Primera lectura — Miren a mi siervo, en quien tengo mis complacencias (Isaías 42:1-4, 6-7) o Isaías 40:1-5, 9-11. Salmo — Te alabamos, Señor (Salmo 29 [28]) o Salmo 104 (103). Segunda lectura — Dios ungió con el Espíritu Santo a Jesús de Nazaret (Hch 10:34-38) o Tito 2:11-14; 3:4-7. Evangelio — Después del bau smo de Jesús, el cielo se abrió (Lucas 3:15-16, 21-22). Salmo responsorial: Leccionario I © 1976, Comisión Episcopal de Pastoral Litúrgica de la Conferencia del Episcopado Mexicano. Usado con permiso. Todos los derechos reservados. LECTURAS DE LA SEMANA Lunes: 1 Sm 1:1-8; Sal 116 (115):12-19; Mc 1:14-20 Martes: 1 Sm 1:9-20; 1 Sm 2:1, 4-8abcd; Mc 1:21-28 Miércoles: 1 Sm 3:1-10, 19-20; Sal 40 (39):2, 5, 7-10; Mc 1:29-39 Jueves: 1 Sm 4:1-11; Sal 44 (43):10-11, 14-15, 24-25; Mc 1:40-45 Viernes: 1 Sm 8:4-7, 10-22a; Sal 89 (88):16-19; Mc 2:1-12 Sábado: 1 Sm 9:1-4, 17-19; 10:1a; Sal 21 (20):2-7; Mc 2:13-17 Domingo: Is 62:1-5; Sal 96 (95):1-3, 7-10; 1 Cor 12:4-11; Jn 2:1-11 PREGUNTA/REFLEXIÓN DE LA SEMANA ¿Cómo proclamas la “paz en tu vida”, como Jesús lo hizo? LOS SANTOS Y OTRAS CELEBRACIONES Domingo: Lunes: Miércoles: Sábado: El Bau smo del Señor Primera Semana del Tiempo Ordinario San Hilario Santa María Virgen PECADO DOLOROSO Pecar no es doloroso porque es prohibido, sino que es prohibido porque es doloroso. —Benjamin Franklin MAL HUMOR Y ORGULLO El mal humor es lo que más nos mete en problemas. El orgullo es lo que nos man ene ahí. —Anónimo BIENVENIDOS FRAILES FRANCISCANOS DE LA PROVINCIA DE SANTA BARBARA CAPITULO FRANCISCANO ENERO 11-15, 2016 UN PENSAMIENTO DE CORRESPONSABILIDAD Fiesta del Bau smo del Señor En la lectura de hoy del Evangelio de San Lucas, nosotros escuchamos la proclamación del Bau smo de Jesús con “toda la gente.” Ciertamente, “el cielo fue abierto,” y el Padre anunció su favor especial. Cada vez que par cipamos del Cuerpo y de la Sangre de Cristo, prestamos atención a su llamado en nuestra vida diaria, compar mos sus Buenas Nuevas, nos conver mos en instrumentos de su jus cia y paz transformadoras, el cielo es abierto para nosotros, y a través del Espíritu Santo, el Señor anuncia su favor especial sobre nosotros también. Una buena reflexión esta semana podría ser esta: ¿cómo, o de qué maneras hemos experimentado personalmente el favor especial de Dios en nuestras vidas? DEL GRUPO DE JÓVENES DE LA PMSLR El Grupo se reúne: Los domingos de 6:30 p.m. a 8:00 p.m. en el Centro de Jóvenes Enero 10 - Alabanza y Adoración con la banda de Jóvenes Enero 12 - Clase de Confirmación “¿Qué significa decir ‘Sí?” Enero 17 - Presentación del Concilio de Jóvenes Jóvenes Adultos (18-28 años) - los jueves a las 8:00 p.m. en el Centro de Jóvenes. EL GRUPO DE JÓVENES de la Parroquia Misión San Luis Rey te invita a una Noche de Sanación Tema: “La Misericordia de Dios es Grande” con el Padre Armando López VIERNES, 15 DE ENERO DEL 2016 CENTRO SERRA 4070 MISIÓN AVENUE, OCEANSIDE 92057 6:00 P.M. A 10:00 P.M. Par cipará el Coro “Los Títeres de Dios” Entrada: $10 dólares por persona Niños menores de 12 años gra s Para más información, llamen a Natalie Ibarra al 760-5470702, Ignacio Hernández al 760-653-7907 o Elizabeth Méndez al 760-560-6058 Habrá venta de comida. ¡No faltes, te esperamos! 10 de Enero del 2016 - El Bau smo del Señor | 9 Saint Margaret Sunday Missal nion sonarl Compa r e P Your Praye through 2030 Designed to be Readings • Reflections • Prayers In Stock & Ready to Order Today. CALL OR ORDER ONLINE. $39.95 800-566-6150 • JIM RUFFALO Office Manager, Franchisee Associate 214 San Diego St. • Oceanside, CA 92058 Tel 760.439.4009 • Fax 760.439.3959 [email protected] • Se Habla Español Year Round Service Carlito’s If You Live Alone You Need LIFEWatch! Mexican 24 Hour Protection at HOME and AWAY! Char-Broiled Chicken ✔Ambulance Solutions as Low as ✔Police FREE #3 Chicken Plate ✔Fire FREE Shipping ✔Friends/Family FREE Activation $1a Day! ntracts NO Long Term Co w/Ad & Purchase of #3 & 1 Drink @ Reg. Price CALL NOW! (760) 433-3427 800.393.9954 158 Roymar Rd. Oceanside 92058 Following Jesus Every Day: SPACE AVAILABLE GOSPEL MEDITATIONS FOR DAILY LIVING To Advertise Here... Ninety days’ worth of Gospel verses and reflections including a meditation, a prayer, a simple activity for the day and a related verse from the Old Testament. Ideal for Lent and Eastertime, or for any time of year! Contact BOB HAHN today at (800) 231-0805 [email protected] 800-566-6150 • Jose G. Mendoza Tel 760.433.7242 • Fax 760.433.5487 490 N. El Camino Real • Oceanside, CA 92058 ESTATE PLANNING Wills Trusts Powers of Attorney Advance Health Care Directives Probate Estate Administration Elder Law In-Home Appointments Complimentary Consultation LAW OFFICE OF PATRICIA L. ANDEL, A.P.C. (760) 631-6360 State Bar #125515 Come Sail Away on a 7-night Catholic Exotic Cruise. Prices begin at $1045 per couple which includes all port fees and taxes. Daily Mass and Rosary offered. We have a Priest onboard almost every weekly departure with Holland America Cruise Line. Deposit of only $100 per person will reserve your cabin. Space is limited. Thanks and God Bless, Brian or Sally, coordinators 860.399.1785 012419 Mission San Luis Rey (B) an Official Travel Agency of AOS-USA For Ads: J.S. Paluch Co., Inc. 1-800-231-0805 DJ GALLO EVENTOS ESPECIALES BODAS • BAUTIZOS • All Interior C UMPLEAÑOS • All Exterior QUINCEAÑOS 760.717.1379 CONTRATACIONES • Painting HANDYMAN • Plumbing • Wall Repair Miguel • FREE ESTIMATES • 760.681.0329 Personal and Family Documentaries Be Remembered Forever by the Memories You Leave David Evans (858) 442-7914 Se Habla Español Mexican Food Carlsbad Oceanside 3055 Harding St. 125 Old Grove Rd. #8 Carlsbad, CA 92008 Oceanside, CA 92057 Phone (760) 729-4858 Phone (760) 435-9071 Place your order online at PROTECTING SENIORS NATIONWIDE PUSH TALK ................... 24/7 HELP ................... B (760) 728-1689 B& H Steve & Scott McGargill, Managers BERRY-BELL & HALL FD-828 Fallbrook Mortuary, Inc. 333 North Vine St., Fallbrook, CA 92028 FAX (760) 728-6783 Weseloh Chevrolet-Kia “Serving Southern California for over 80 years” SAVE 30% On the corner of Rancho Del Oro & Ocean Ranch Blvd. 760-438-1001 5335 Paseo Del Norte, Carlsbad, CA 92008 Allstate Insurance Ocean Beach Insurance Agency 3650 Ocean Ranch Blvd. Oceanside, CA 92056 760-231-7999 $19.95*/Mo. + 1 FREE MONTH ➢ No Long-Term Contracts ➢ Price Guarantee ➢ American Made Local Parishioner. Se Habla Español. PERSISTENT PEOPLE CALL: 760-224-5969 CELL ALFREDO ASTORGA, CEO Part-Time/Full Time Your Own Catalogue Business John R. Tiongson TOLL FREE: 1-877-801-8608 Certified Public Accountant *First Three Months HANNA PLUMBING Sales, Service, Repairs $10.00 Disc. on Service Calls 643 S. Santa Fe • Vista 726-2002 Members of St. Francis Eternal Hills Tax • Accounting IRS Representation Individuals and Businesses Tel. 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Catholic Parishes “I was hungry and you gave me food, I was thirsty and you gave me drink, I was a stranger and you welcomed me...” - Matthew 25:35 Pick-up Special! $9.99 Large 1-Topping Pizza Dr. Maricar Galdiano Dentistry for Memorial Park, Children & Adults Mortuary & Crematory 3825 Mission Ave. #D-5 1999 El Camino Real, Oceanside, CA 92054 (760) 754-6600 FD-234 First Time Home Buyers, Lease to Purchase Properties & Short Sales Oceanside, CA 92054 Tuesday - Friday 9:00 am - 6:00 pm Saturday 8:00 am - 3:00 pm (760) 966-0800 We Speak Tagalog WE DELIVER! 3617 Ocean Ranch Blvd., #105 Oceanside, CA 760-231-5050 Located at the corner of Ocean Ranch Blvd. and Rancho del Oro Limit 3. Available for pick-up only. Please present bulletin coupon. Not valid with other promotions/offers. For Ads: J.S. Paluch Co., Inc. 1-800-231-0805 Stewardship Saint for January Santo de Co-Responsabilidad para el Mes de Enero SAINT ANGELA MERICI SANTA ÁNGELA DE MÉRICI Angela Merici was born in a small town in the Republic of Venice around 1470. She was orphaned when she was ten years old and moved in with relaves in the city of Brescia, in northern Italy. When Angela Merici returned to her hometown, she began to devote her life to the educa on of impoverished young women. In the fi eenth and sixteenth centuries, educa on for women was reserved for the wealthy, and for nuns, who were the best educated. Angela loved working with children, and she believed that educa on and Chris an forma on were especially needed for young girls. She devoted her me to teaching girls in her home, which she had converted into a school. Angela brought together a group of unmarried women who went out into the streets to gather up the girls they saw to teach them and offer religious instruc on in their homes. These women had li le money, but were bound together by their dedicaon to educa on and commitment to serving Jesus Christ. She would remind her group that they had a greater need to serve the poor than the poor had of their service. She embraced a prayerful and simple lifestyle. Angela’s group was so successful that Angela was asked to bring her innova ve approach to educa ng young women to other ci es. Her ministry impressed many, and was brought to the a en on of Pope Clement VII. In 1535, Angela Merici chose twelve young women and formally started the Company of Saint Ursula in a small house in Brescia. Although it was never a recognized religious order in her life me, Angela’s Company of Saint Ursula, or the Ursuline nuns, was the first group of women religious to work outside of a cloister and the first teaching order of women. Among some of the last pieces of advice she gave her fellow sisters was a stewardship message: that they should do in life what they would have wanted to do in death. She died on 27 January 1540 at seventy years of age. Her feast day is January 27. Ángela de Mérici nació en un pequeño pueblo en la República de Venecia, en el año de 1470. A la edad de 10 años ella quedó huérfana, por lo que fue a vivir con sus familiares en la ciudad de Brescia, en el norte de Italia. Cuando Ángela de Mérici regresó a su ciudad natal, dedicó su vida a la educación de niñas y jóvenes mujeres pobres. En los siglos XV y XVI la educación de la mujer estaba reservada sólo para las jóvenes ricas y las monjas, a quienes se dedicaba una esmerada educación. Ángela amaba trabajar con los niños, y creía firmemente que la educación y la formación cris ana eran necesarias, especialmente para las niñas. Ella dedicó su empo a enseñar niñas en su casa, la cual convir ó en escuela. Ángela reunió un grupo de mujeres solteras que salieron a las calles a reunir a las niñas que encontraban en su camino, para enseñarles y ofrecerles instrucción religiosa en sus hogares. Estas mujeres no tenían mucho dinero, pero las unía su dedicación a la educación y su compromiso de server a Jesucristo. Ángela repe a a su grupo que la necesidad que tenía de servir al pobre era mayor que la necesidad que el pobre tenía de su servicio. Ella abrazó un es lo de vida piadoso y sencillo. El grupo de Ángela fue tan exitoso que se le pidió llevar su innovador avance en la educación de las jóvenes a otras ciudades. Su ministerio impresionó a muchos, y atrajo la atención del Papa Clemente VII. En el año de 1535, Ángela de Mérici eligió 12 jóvenes mujeres e inició formalmente la Compañía de Santa Úrsula en una pequeña casa en Brescia. Aunque nunca fue reconocida como orden religiosa durante su vida, la Compañía de Santa Úrsula, establecida por Ángela, o de las monjas Ursulinas, fue el primer grupo de religiosas que trabajaron fuera del convento y la primera orden de mujeres dedicadas a la enseñanza. Entre los úl mos consejos que dejó a sus hermanas religiosas hay un mensaje de corresponsabilidad: “Que ellas deberán hacer en vida lo que hubieran querido hacer al morir.” Ángela murió el 27 de enero de 1540 a la edad de 70 años. Su fiesta se celebra el 27 de enero.
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