Resurrection Catholic Church
Resurrection Catholic Church
The Spirit of the Lord is upon me, because he has anointed me to bring glad tidings to the poor. He has sent me to proclaim liberty to captives and recovery of sight to the blind, to let the oppressed go free, and to proclaim a year acceptable to the Lord. He said to them, “Today this Scripture passage is fulfilled in your hearing.” Luke 1:1-4 Resurrection Catholic Church Serving Others We Are Serving God 1211 Winter Garden Vineland Road, Winter Garden, Fl 34787 Office 407-656-3113— Fax 407-654-4935 E-Mail: [email protected] Website: Mass Schedule: Saturday: 5:00pm 7:00pm Spanish 9:30am and 4:30pm Spanish 7:30pm Portuguese Vigil of Holy Day: 7:30pm or earlier Weekday Mass: 8:00am Wednesday: 7:30pm Spanish Confessions: Half hour before all weekend Masses Staffed by the Missionaries of St. Charles /Scalabrinians Pastor: Fr. Carlos Anklan, c.s. Parochial Vicar: Fr. Vincenzo Ronchi, c.s. Ministry Coordinator: Kathy Molhem Faith Formation Director & RCIA: Sr. Pat Sipan, SND Religious Education Coordinators: English - Mary Ann McFerrin Nancy Parker Spanish - Silvia Aguilar Religious Education Facilitator: Terry Virgona Assisting Priest: Fr. Robert Kurber Youth, Liturgy & Music: Jon Sarta Deacon: Pre-K Director: Denise Williams Fernando Fred Molina: [email protected] Business Manager: Bob Pautienus Sunday, January 24, 2016 Page 2 : Mass Intentions of the week We welcome you to our Parish Community. Please complete a registration form available at the entrance of the church and put it in the collection basket or stop by the church office Monday through Friday 9:00am-4:30pm. Preparation classes are required for Baptism. Saturday, January 23 5:00 PM 7:00 PM Sunday, January 24 8:00 AM 9:30 AM (Spanish) 11:30 AM 4:30 PM (Spanish) 7:30 PM Monday, January 25 8:00 AM Tuesday, January 26 8:00 AM Wed., January 27 8:00 AM 7:30 PM (Spanish) Thurs., January 28 8:00 AM Friday, January 29 8:00 AM Saturday, January 30 5:00 PM 7:00 PM St. Vincent, Deacon & Martyr; St. Marianne Cope, Virgin Eleanor Werner (special intention) Aurelia Boyce (Birthday) +Isabel Gomez +Fr. David Donis Third Sunday in Ordinary Time Caputo Family +Maria Isabel Robles +Jose Federico Betancour +Moises Avellaneda Jackie Arthur (Birthday) +Lissette Nuñez Iris Daliana Perez (special intention) Carlos Alberto Perez (special in tention) For all the Parishioners The Conversion of St. Paul the Apostle John Michael Night (health) Saints Timothy & Titus, Bishops Jose Rafael Batista (special intention) St. Angela Merici, Virgin +Nilda Barreto +Samuel Luis Perez +Maria del Carmen Galvan de Arrequin Souls in Purgatory St. Thomas Aquinas, Priest & Doctor of the church +Constanza Rodriguez & Jose Albino Bracho Weekday +Ethel & Anthony Smar Weekday Jeanine Werner (Birthday) Divino Niño Jesus Josmalyn Maria Batista Emanuel Batista PARISH STEWARDSHIP OFFERING “Well done my good and faithful servant” Families contributing by using envelopes………………..368 Offertory 01/17/16…...……….…$12,015.52 Online Giving……………….$2,632.67 GOD BLESS YOU!!! THANK YOU VERY MUCH!!! The classes are required for parents and Godparents. Parents must be registered, participating members of the parish for at least two months, Godparents must be practicing Catholics who have received Baptism, Eucharist and Confirmation, and if they are couples must be married by the Catholic Church. Please call the church office at least four to six months in advance. A pre-marriage program is required. Call parish office for more information. (Christian Initiation for adults and children 7 years and older): For more information please call at 407-656-3113. Please notify us when you would like a hospital or home visit. We believe that life long learning and growing is healthy for people of all ages and stages. We also expect that we, as adults, youth or children will continue to grow and learn our faith for our entire life. We encourage all youth; Kindergarten to Grade 12 to participate in Religious Education. Every child should be receiving education in their faith every year. Every adult should continue to read, study share the Scriptures, their faith and their prayer with others. We know that a relationship with Christ is so important that we require a minimum of one or two years of Religious Education before preparing for the Sacraments of Reconciliation, Eucharist and Confirmation. Religious Education is for every year that your child is in school, not just when they are preparing for a sacrament. If your child is not participating please call at 407-656-3113 x4 or email Maryann McFerrin [email protected] to see how we can assist you with Religious Education. We light a wax candle to indicate the presence of Jesus in the Blessed Sacrament. This week (January 24-30) will be for All Souls in Purgatory. 3rd Sunday in the Ordinary Time Page 3 In the second part of today’s Gospel reading we find Jesus in the Synagogue of Nazareth, His hometown, praying with his community and announcing the fulfillment of God’s promises of salvation. In my 17 years of priestly ministry I have heard many people saying: “I wish I could have been there, at the Nazareth’s Synagogue”. I believe we don’t need to regret for not having lived in Jesus’s time, because we can still listen to Him and, even more, we can be nourished by His own body and blood and filled with the Holy Spirit every time we come together to celebrate the Memorial of His Passion, death and Resurrection: the Eucharist. Our Sunday gathering and celebration is not just a social and traditional reunion. It is the very encounter with the Risen Lord, who explains to us the meaning of the Scriptures and empowers us with the Gift of the Holy Spirit so that we can continue His mission of “bringing glad tidings to the poor, liberty to captives, freedom to the oppressed and proclaiming the acceptable time to the Lord.” During the Jubilee of Mercy, in our Sunday’s liturgy we are particularly “called to gaze even more attentively on mercy so that we may become a more effective signs of the Father’s action in our lives” (Pope Francis, MV, 3). By accepting God’s forgiveness and loved we must renew our commitment of being missionaries of hope and mercy for our world, especially for those who are pushed to the margins of our society, including the unborn, the migrants and refugees. I would like to invite you, dear faithful of the Resurrection Parish, to live every Mass as a special moment of the time of Grace inaugurated by Jesus at the Nazareth’s Synagogue and echoed by Pope Francis with the indiction of the extraordinary Jubilee of Mercy: A “year of the Lord’s favor” or “mercy”: this is what the Lord proclaimed and this is what we wish to live now. This Holy Year will bring to the fore the richness of Jesus’ mission echoed in the words of the prophet: to bring a word and gesture of consolation to the poor, to proclaim liberty to those bound by new forms of slavery in modern society, to restore sight to those who can see no more because they are caught up in themselves, to restore dignity to all those from whom it has been robbed. The preaching of Jesus is made visible once more in the response of faith which Christians are called to offer by their witness. May the words of the Apostle accompany us: he who does acts of mercy, let him do them with cheerfulness (cf. Rom 12:8). As St. Paul reminds us in today’s second reading we are all parts of the same body, each one called to share his/her own talents and being attentive to each other’s needs because “if one part suffers all parts suffer with it; if one part is honored, all the parts share its joy.” Sunday, January 24, 2016 Page 4 Special Collection at 7:00am followed by Mass at 8:00am Members monthly meeting the 1st Monday of the month at 7:00pm in the parish hall. Light meal served at 6:30pm before the meeting. Second Sunday of the month. Time 9:00am to 10:30am. Thank you for your support 2016 marks the 41st year of CRS Rice Bowl – the largest and oldest Lenten program practiced by Catholics in the United States. Catholics have used their Lenten sacrifice to alleviate hunger caused by poverty and improve the lives of individual and families in developing countries as well as in their own communities. The CRS Rice Bowl boxes will be available the weekend of January 30 & 31 after each Mass in preparation for Lent! Resurrection Preschool Bake Sale Along with our Open House on Sunday, January 31st, Resurrection Preschool will be having a Bake Sale after the 8:00 a.m., 9:30 a.m. and 11:30 a.m. masses. Plan to stop by for some delicious treats! We will also be having a 50-50 Raffle. All proceeds from these fundraisers will benefit the preschool. Today, Sunday, the second collection will be destined totally for Diocese of Orlando, Special Appeal for 2015-2016 Storms. Severe weather, in the form of violent storms, tornados and floods, impacted states in the South and Midwest regions of our country. Additional major flooding is expected over the next several weeks as rivers and tributaries continue to rise. Please show your generosity as you have done in the past. We congratulate these students who received the forgiveness of Jesus for the first time on January 23. We would also like to thank our Spanish Catechists: Silvia Aguilar, Belinda Cisneros, Jose Chavez, Maricela Chavez, Ricardo Hernandez, Genoveva Hernandez. Shantal Alvarez Janeli Hernandez Carlos Anzo-Castillo Jovanny Hernandez Vividiana Anzo-Castillo Joel Barboza Ideth Barragan Jaslene Barragan AlonzoBecerra Michelle Bianco Lizett Castro Leonardo Castro Judit Carrasco Alexis Chavez Valerie Delgado Victoria Farias Jose Farias Alexa Galvan Daniela Galvan Esmeralda Garcia Celeste Gomez Allison Hernandez Miguelangel Hernandez Ramiro Hernandez Samuel Hernandez Alex Jaimes Dulce Jaimes Melanie Jara Luis Laborico Jorge Lopez, Jr Jaquelin Manzano Yamiledt Martinez Jaquelin Medina Cinthia Mena Cristian Mena Daniel Mendez Alexa Nava Carmarys Ocasio Alan Palencia-Solano Camila Pinto Juan Perez Mia Rangel Bruno Rodriguez Maria V. Rodriguez Leon Adriana Romero Mariana Rosas Sujelli Rosas Rosaura Rosales Oscar Rubio Luis Omar Tapia Andrea Torres Jesus Velazco Perla Velazquez-Rangel Alexander Velazquez Paola Zepeda Genesis Zuniga Marielys Ocasio-Gonzalez Ashley Ortiz What is the theology of Eucharist? How can I understand the Gathering Rite. Come and update your appreciation for this sacrament. Parents who wish to prepare their child for the Sacrament of Eucharist will be attending this meeting in the church on Tuesday, January 26. We begin at 6:45 and conclude by 8:00. The ashes we use on Ash Wednesday come from the blessed palms of last year’s Palm Sunday. If you have blessed palms in your home could you, please bring them to church and place them In the basket in the back of church before Ash Wednesday (which is just three weeks away) These will be burned for our ashes on Ash Wednesday. 3rd Sunday in the Ordinary Time Page 5 Obrigado por ser dizimista! O dízimo de 17 de janeiro foi $637. CAMPANHA DO PRATO DE ARROZ Em 2016, a iniciativa “Prato de Arroz” da Agência Católica de Assistência (Catholic Relief Services – CRS) marca 41 anos de existência. Este é o maior e mais antigo programa de quaresma entre os Católicos nos Estados Unidos. A quaresma nos convida oferecer nossos sacrifícios e penitências para aliviar a fome e para socorrer as pessoas e famílias dos países mais pobres. Caixinhas para usar como cofrinhos para o seu “Prato de Arroz” estarão disponíveis no domingo 31 de janeiro, após a Missa, em preparação para o começo da quaresma. Sunday, January 24, 2016 Page 6 En la segunda parte del Evangelio de este domingo encontramos a Jesús en la Sinagoga de Nazaret, su ciudad Natal, orando con su comunidad y anunciando el complimiento de las promesas de Salvación. En mis 17 años de ministerio sacerdotal he encontrado muchas personas que dicen: “me hubiese gustado estar ahí, en la Sinagoga de Nazaret”. Creo que como Cristianos no tenemos porque lamentarnos por no haber vivido en el tiempo de Jesús, porque aún ahora podemos escucharlos y, mejor aún, ser alimentados con Su cuerpo y sangre y colmados con su Santo Espíritu cada vez que nos reunimos para celebrar el Memorial de su pasión, muerte y resurrección. Nuestra celebración dominical no es simplemente un evento social y tradicional. Es un verdadero encuentro con el Cristo resucitado, quien nos explica el sentido de las escrituras y nos fortalece con el don del Espíritu Santo para que podamos continuar Su misión de “anunciar el Evangelio a los pobres, la libertad a los cautivos, la libertad a los oprimidos y proclamar el año de gracia del Señor”. Durante este año de la Misericordia, en la liturgia dominical, de un modo más intenso “estamos llamados a tener la mirada fija en la misericordia para poder ser también nosotros mismos signo eficaz del obrar del Padre.” (Papa Francisco, MV, 3). Aceptando el amor y el perdón de Dios sentimos el deber de renovar nuestro compromiso de ser misioneros de esperanza y misericordia para nuestro mundo, especialmente para quienes viven en las periferias de nuestra sociedad, incluyendo los no nacidos, los migrantes y los refugiados. Quisiera invitarles, queridos fieles de la parroquia de la Resurrección, a vivir cada Eucaristía como un momento especial de este tiempo de gracia inaugurado por Jesús en Nazaret y recordado por el Papa Francisco al convocar el Jubileo Extraordinario de la Misericordia: “Un año de gracia”: es esto lo que el Señor anuncia y lo que deseamos vivir. Este Año Santo lleva consigo la riqueza de la misión de Jesús que resuena en las palabras del Profeta: llevar una palabra y un gesto de consolación a los pobres, anunciar la liberación a cuantos están prisioneros de las nuevas esclavitudes de la sociedad moderna, restituir la vista a quien no puede ver más porque se ha replegado sobre sí mismo, y volver a dar dignidad a cuantos han sido privados de ella. La predicación de Jesús se hace de nuevo visible en las respuestas de fe que el testimonio de los cristianos está llamado a ofrecer. Nos acompañen las palabras del Apóstol: « El que practica misericordia, que lo haga con alegría » (Rm 12,8). Como nos recuerda San Pablo en la segunda lectura de este domingo, todos somos miembros del mismo cuerpo y cada quien está llamado a compartir sus propios talentos y a estar siempre atento a las necesidades de los demás porque “cuando un miembro sufre, todos sufren con él; cuando un miembro es honrado, todos se alegran con él.” TALLERES DE ORACION Y VIDA TE SIENTES SOLO, TRISTE, QUISIERAS DARLE SENTIDO A TU VIDA? TALLERES DE ORACION Y VIDA TE AYUDA A LIBERARTE DE TRISTEZAS Y ANGUSTIAS, LLEGANDO A UNA PROFUNDA PAZ……Y SENTIR ALEGRIA DE VIVIR POR MEDIO DE LA ORACION Y LA PALABRA. SON 15 SESIONES 1 VEZ POR SEMANA DE DOS HORAS CADA UNA. MONICA CHARPENTIER 321-276-6009 COMIENZA: MARTES 26 DE ENERO, 2016 7:00 PM – 9:00 PM. 3rd Sunday in the Ordinary Time Somos un grupo de jóvenes, de 18 años en adelante, no casados, y nos reunimos todos los miércoles, después de la Misa, para: · formar buenas amistades, · compartir nuestra fe, · buscar juntos las respuestas importantes de la vida, · formar líderes, · estudiar los asuntos apremiantes y polémicos de nuestra sociedad, · formar una red de apoyo y de servicio a los demás · y mucho más... Te invitamos a visitarnos, a hacer parte de esta aventura de fe y de iglesia. Todos los miércoles, en las salas 10 y 11 del centro parroquial, alrededor de las 8:00 pm. Para más información comuníquense con Joanna Escobedo al (321) 2259180 o hablen con el Padre Vincenzo. Estas se llevan a cabo el último sábado de cada mes de 9:00 AM a 1:00 PM, en los salones 10 y 11. Todos están cordialmente invitados. “Lo que buscáis leyendo lo encontrareis meditando” San Juan De la Cruz. Para más information llamar a Juan Carlos Hernández al 407-592-3625.” El grupo de oración carismático se reúne todos los lunes a las 7:30pm en la Iglesia. Todos están cordialmente invitados. Para más información favor llamar la Sr. Helton Blanco al 407-936-8655. Invitamos a aquellas personas interesadas en aprender sobre la humildad y servicio de Nuestra Madre la Virgen María a que asistan a las reuniones que se llevan a cabo los miércoles de 5:30pm a 7:00pm en el salón numero 2. Para más información favor de comunicarse con la Sra. Adriangela Esposito al 407-288-0620. El movimiento Juan XXIII se reúne todos los martes a las 7:00pm en el Centro Parroquial. Para más información pueden llamar a Ramiro Valdez al teléfono 772-418-2965. Los devotos de la Devoción a la Divina Misericordia se reúnen en la iglesia todos los lunes a la 6:30pm para rezar el rosario de la Divina Misericordia. Para más información favor de comunicarse con Hilda Pérez al 407-296-4304. La Unidad Medica Movible proveerá exámenes físicos, tratamientos de síntomas, y evaluaciones para adultos (18 años hacia arriba). Para hacer citas favor de llamar a la Unidad Medica Movible al teléfono 407-245-7341. Deje su nombre y numero de teléfono donde usted pueda ser contactado y una persona de habla hispana le regresara su llamada. Page 7 Exposición al Santísimo Sacramento 8:30am—8:30pm Todos están cordialmente invitados! Primer Encuentro Parroquial de Parejas “Misericordiosos como el Padre.” 20 de febrero del 2016 1:30pm-7:00pm Informacion: Gemma 352-321-5069 David 321-297-3787 Habra charlas y dinámicas de como se puede vivir la Misericordia como parejas. Lugar: Resurrection Catholic Church Winter Garden, Fl Cuido de niños 4-8 años $5.00 cada uno El año 2016 marca los 41 años del Plato de Arroz de CRS – el programa de Cuaresma más grande y más antiguo practicado por los Católicos en los Estados Unidos. Católicos han utilizado sus sacrificios de Cuaresma para aliviar el hambre causada por la pobreza y mejorar la vida de personas y familias en países en desarrollo, así como en sus propias comunidades. La cajeta del Plato de Arroz se va a repartir el fin de semana de Enero 30 y 31 después de cada Misa en preparación para la Cuaresma!