Jacks Giant - Little Language Learners


Jacks Giant - Little Language Learners
Little Language Learners
A Poem an Ac*vi*es Free Jack’s Giant
Fe fi fo- this is not fun,
If I see Jack- he’d better run!
Where can I find the boy named Jack?
He took my precious things and I want them back!
Up a magic stalk he climbed to my home,
Through its rooms he did creep and roam.
He took my harp that
would sing me to sleep,
GGGG I have been awake for days and I want to weep!
How could one little boy be so mean,
He did not deserve those magic beans.
He came back again-he was so bold!
He took my goose that laid eggs of gold.
So if you see a singing harp, a golden egg and a small lad,
Please tell him that he made a giant very tired and sad.
©2013V.Olivelli Li;le Language Learners Fold a piece of construc*on paper in half. Paste the poem onto one side. Decorate the poem folder with these pictures. Fe fi fo- this is not fun,
If I see Jack- he’d better run!
Where can I find the boy
named Jack?
He took my precious things and
I want them back!
Up a magic stalk he climbed to
my home,
Through its rooms he did creep
and roam.
He took my harp that would
sing me to sleep,
I have been awake for days
and I want to weep!
How could one little boy be so
He did not deserve those
magic beans.
He came back again-he was
so bold!
He took my goose that laid
eggs of gold.
So if you see a singing harp, a
golden egg and a small lad,
Please tell him that he made a
giant very tired and sad.
©2013V.Olivelli Li;le Language Learners see
©2013V.Olivelli Li;le Language Learners Trace the sight words. Find the sight words in the poem and circle them. Pretend
Draw something from the poem that is real. Draw something from the poem that is pretend. ©V.Olivelli2013 Read, cut, match and Glue. I hear the harp.
beanstalk I see the beanstalk.
harp I am a goose
. Jack I am Jack.
©V.Olivelli2013 goose Sight Words Read, cut, match and Glue. I hear the harp.
beanstalk I see the beanstalk.
harp I am a goose
. Jack I am Jack.
©V.Olivelli2013 goose Sight Words egg harp Jack giant
I play the________________. I am __________________. The________________ is mad. The __________is gold. Direc*ons: Fill in the blank with the correct word. Color the picture. . ©V.Olivelli2013 Use the sight words below to make sentences. The picture in the box will help you to use one of the poem words. The first one is done for you. Color the pictures. see
I see an egg.
©2013V.Olivelli egg giant castle Sight Words Say the picture name. Cut and paste the first sound you hear into the boxes. S H L h H h Color the box with the correct first sound that matches the picture. b m k s g
b m d h c f s ©V.Olivelli2013 Color the box with the correct first sound that matches the picture. b m k s g
b m d h c f s ©V.Olivelli2013 Finish the sentence. Draw your own pictures. I see the ________.
©V.Olivelli2013 Finish the sentence. Draw your own pictures. I see the ________.
©V.Olivelli2013 Response to Reading Jack’s Giant Words I can read… My Favorite Character My Favorite Part ©V.Olivelli2013 Teaching Points for “Jack’s Giant” Poem
-Read the poem to the children.
-Read the poem again to the children. This time ask them to help you provide the
second rhyme word in each couplet.
-Read the poem again-this time the children provide the second rhyme in each
couplet by themselves.
-Teach the tier two words: precious, roam, harp, weep, bold, and lad.
-Discuss the difference between fantasy and reality/fiction and non-fiction. Read a
non-fiction book about seeds.
-Read the traditional Jack and the Beanstalk.
- Ask the children to describe the parts of the poem that are pretend.
-Discuss the characters in the poem. Who is the voice in the poem?
-Ask the children to describe the setting of the poem.
-Give the children the complimenting activities to do at a poetry/rhyme center.
©2013V.Olivelli Little Language Learners
Poetry Center Once Upon
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