October 2012 - Riverside United Church


October 2012 - Riverside United Church
Fall /Winter 2012
Riverside United Church
For to us a child is
born, to us a son is
given, and the
government will be
on his shoulders.
And he will be
called Wonderful
Counselor, Mighty
God, Everlasting
Father, Prince of
Isaiah 9:6a
Braxton Crew Huggett, son of Ryan & Deanne
Huggett, grandson of Wendy & Garry Dowling
Arabella Margaret Newman, daughter of Aaron
Newman & Lindsay Devick, granddaughter of Rev.
Phil Newman & Kim Logan
Tyler Jacob Isaiah Robinson, son of Elizabeth
Robinson Cross
Caitlin Isabelle Morton, daughter of Matthew &
Margaret Morton, granddaughter of Birgit & John
Advent starts the Christian year. From the Latin
word meaning “coming”, Advent blends the
anticipation of God’s reign coming in fullness with
the anticipation of the coming Messiah.
This year, our pilgrimage to Bethlehem begins in words of hope from
the prophet Jeremiah to a people who are feeling helpless and
hopeless. "The day is coming when I will fulfill my promise, and there
shall be justice and righteousness in the land." (Jeremiah 33:14) This
Advent, good news is proclaimed by angels, and prophets of peace;
and in songs and stories from ancient days.
The 12-day Season of Christmas begins with the birth of Jesus and a
call to all creation to praise; and ends with the story of the magi, their
pilgrimage to a foreign land, and a holy encounter that takes them in
a new direction beyond that moment.
This is a journey, a pilgrimage, with which we are familiar, where we
are invited to open ourselves to new insights and new
understandings. Jesus proclaims a changed landscape: release,
recovery, liberation, to which we are called to participate.
There is a great possibility that in these fascinating stories we will
experience a holy encounter; the boundary between the ordinary
world and the mystic world is blurred and God transforms the
moment. Let this presence of “something more” strengthen you for
the journey.
Congratulations Rev. Phil on becoming President of London
Conference 2013-14. We offer our prayers and best wishes as you
take on this leadership role.
The Church Council is pleased to let you know
that it has approved our congregation as a field
education site. David Exley is studying at Huron
College working toward the achievement of his
Master of Divinity. Both he and Huron College
requested that we give strong consideration to
providing this opportunity to meet Dave's field
education requirements within our vital and
dynamic faith community.
We are pleased to welcome Dave to this new experience and
responsibility. He will be volunteering 8 to 9 hours per week from
September through April gaining a well-rounded experience of
A willing group of Riverside persons have been assembled to act as
a learning support group and the Rev. Marjorie Smith will function as
the educational supervisor. Your questions, ideas, encouragement
and prayers for this venture are appreciated.
Gordon Flint, our Student Intern
2009-2010, graduated this spring
from Emmanuel College, Toronto
with his Master of Divinity degree
and became the Rev. Gordon
Flint when he was ordained by
Toronto Conference in June.
Having chosen the traditional
method of being "settled" by the
Church upon ordination, Gordon
has been placed with the Swift
Current, Newfoundland Pastoral
Charge with congregations in
Arnold's Cove, Swift Current,
Come-by-Chance, Sunnyside,
North Harbour and Garden Cove.
That is right, six congregations!
Gordon's wife Lynda was also
ordained and settled in the
Norman's Cove
Pastoral Charge.
Riverside UCW ladies received an invitation from Glencoe United
Church to join them for a luncheon and program on October 4th, 2012.
The topic by a guest speaker was “Human Trafficking”.
Middlesex Presbytery Fall Event will be held on October 27th, 2012 at
White Oaks United Church.
The UCW is hosting a Roast Beef Dinner with all the trimmings and
homemade pie on Wednesday, November 7th, 2012. Tickets will be
$15.00. Contact Dolores Thurston at 519-649-0372.
UCW “Christmas Fantasy” program and dinner open to all will be held
on December 15th, 2012,12:00 pm. Tickets will be $15.00.
UCW 51st Middlesex Presbyterial Annual Meeting will be held on
February 13th 2013, at Riverside United Church.
The virgin will conceive and give birth to a son, and they
will call him Immanuel (which means “God with us”).
Matthew 1:23
Tom Atkinson, nephew of Audrey Atkinson, cousin of Carol Atkinson
and Erin and Kate Ward
Jean Campbell
Isabelle Carr, mother of Grace Cameron
Arthur MacPherson, brother and brother-in-law of
Dora & Howard Redman
Steve Ryan, son of Evelyn Ryan
John Sharpe, husband of Birgit Sharpe
On Sunday, September 30th, the Heritage Display Group hosted the official
opening of the new cabinet installed in the hallway of the lower auditorium. All of
the memorabilia brought from Hyde Park United Church, was on display.
Everyone was invited to go downstairs to have a bite to eat and wander around
the display at their leisure.
The new cabinet contains the gifts that were brought from Hyde Park and
presented to Riverside two years ago. Among these gifts was a wooden
communion set from 1875 and two beautifully illustrated bibles from the same
era. When Hyde Park Presbyterian Church joined with the Lamely Methodist
Church in 1925, the ladies of the churches hand worked the patterns in the
Communion cloth and napkins. The linens were completed in 1931 and used at
Hyde Park United Church until 2000. These linens were also on display as were
early pictures of the buildings and the people.
In the lower hall, there were oil paintings of the first brick school and an award
winning black and white photo of the sanctuary of the church, along with other
artistic renditions of the local area. The Hyde Park congregation has received a
number of awards from the city of London, the United Church M&S Fund, the
Merrymount Center, and other organizations who recognized the outreach efforts
of Hyde Park families.
There was also a one time viewing of the 'Hyde Park Congregation Becoming a
One Point Charge' quilt with the names of all the families belonging to the church
in 1986, as well as the Mission Circle Melrose Quilt, sewn in 1926 during the
depression. There are 166 names from the Melrose area on this quilt. Melrose,
Arva and Hyde Park formed a three point charge until Melrose had to close its
The main display in the lower hall was just there on Sunday, September 30, but
the Heritage Display Cabinet, will continue to show the olden days until
December. It is hoped that the new cabinet will continue to tell the stories of our
people through the artifacts that are left for us to display and cherish.
By the way, if you are cleaning out your household and have any items connected
to Riverside’s past, please drop them into the church office and mark them 'for the
Heritage Display Group'. We will see that all items are checked and carefully
stored for future display.
VISIT TO HEKIMA PLACE—Wendy Skinner and Kim Logan
Jambo! Wendy and I want to thank everyone for their support and
prayers during our time at Hekima Place this summer. We really
enjoyed our time in Kenya with the girls, Kate and the staff. Through
the generosity of many donors we raised over $9000 for the
computer fund we started for Hekima Place. With that money we
bought twelve computers—ten for the girls and two for the office.
We also bought a printer for the girls and three white boards to
replace the chalk boards which were in poor shape. The remaining
more than $2000 will be sent to Kate to be kept in a computer fund
for future repairs and to help purchase computers for the girls going
to University. We never dreamed that we would have the response
that we did to the computer fund. We are blessed to have such
generous people in our lives. The girls, Kate and the staff at Hekima
Place are also very thankful for the computers and care shown to
them. The girls asked us to send their warm greetings and blessings
to our friends in Canada. They also want you to know that they love
to have visitors and you are very welcome anytime. If you would like
more information about Hekima Place go to www.hekimaplace.org.
Wendy and I are always happy to give more information as well.
Asante sana!
Wendy and Kate at the
Rotary Meeting.
Kim and Wendy with
Edith who is wearing one
of the eighty pillow case
dresses, made by
Riverside quilters.
Wendy leading the Grade 5
class at their school assembly.
Computer Unveiling
Wendy and the girls at the Giraffe Sanctuary
Kim and the girls from Blue house after church
The grls like the computers
Kim and Regina
Kim and Wendy’s Farewell
A warm welcome to Sherry Steele, our Director of Music for the 10:30
worship service. Sherry has been with us since August 5th, 2012. She
comes with a wealth of experience, including a Master’s degree in
Music from Western University and extensive performance experience.
Sherry’s immediate family includes her husband, John Tessier, and
four children: Grace, Luc, Fintan and Joey.
We are blessed to have Sherry with us, and look forward to her leading
us into a new chapter of Music Ministry
here at Riverside.
The Riverside Church council is back at work having had a couple
months off during the summer. This fall we will continue to follow and
update the many committee events, fund raisers and happenings that
make the church a busy place. The Joint Needs Assessment will be a
main focus throughout the fall and early winter as we work towards a
final report. In September, three members of the congregation
attended a city wide Community Forum about cross sector
collaboration. They will be making a report to council about possible
connections and ways Riverside can continue to make a difference in
our neighbourhood and the city. All the committees continue to
oversee the various aspects of church life and as always we welcome
any comments you may have.
Council meetings are the third Wednesday of each month and the
minutes from each meeting are posted on the church website.
*Originally printed in Riverside’s bulletin July 29, 2012
Today, members and friends of Riverside are taking the opportunity to
walk in the London Pride Parade. This is a chance for us to show our
true colours! Last year we realized how important it was for our
Christian community to participate. We let others know that we are
open, welcoming and accepting, something many faith communities are
not. There was strong affirmation of our presence and the simple
message that God calls all of us to the mission of "love." Again today,
we participate in support and with respect for persons – gay, lesbian, bisexual, transgendered, queer – our sisters and brothers, our children,
grand-children and parents – who have been threatened and bullied,
marginalized and persecuted. All of us are "made" to be in community.
We are social creatures. The point we make today is this: "We are a
community of Jesus Christ and you may find an empowering spiritual
home amongst us. We are about love and inclusion, rather than hate
and division." Your prayers and support are appreciated.
“Happy Pride from Riverside”
SENIOR CHOIR—Willeta Biddle
On June 17th, the Senior Choir had the honour to celebrate with Neila
Lawson for her many years as Director of Music for Riverside. Neila
provided a special music program for the service which was followed
with continued celebration in the auditorium. Again we say thank you
to Neila for sharing her skills, talents, patience, dedication and sense
of humour.
Neila Lawson and Gary Alan Price
In August we were delighted to welcome Sherry Steele as our new
Director of Music for the 10:30 service.
Membership to the Senior Choir is always open. Please consider
joining us. Practice is on Thursday at 7:30 p.m. We meet on Sunday
at 10:00 for the 10:30 service.
I hope many of you can join us on November 14th for the Three
Cantors Concert. Our next Military Whist is tentatively planned for
Saturday, October 27th. Watch the bulletin for further details or call
Willeta Biddle at 519-472-5299.
Here’s some news about 4 of Lee Wilson’s grandchildren….
Grandson Colin Mayr, 27, is a Sales Manager at Ottawa's largest Toyota
Dealership after several years as Leasing Manager.
Colin's brother Stephen Mayr, 25, graduated from Dalhousie University in
Halifax, and is now selling Hondas at Westgate Honda in London. A
highlight of summer fun...sky diving!!!
Grandson Daryl Armstrong, 31, is Parts Manager for a truck dealership in
Their Grandpa Dick would be so proud!
Granddaughter Heidi Mayr, 32, is now a Midwife, after completing a 4
year course at McMaster University. She had already earned a
Secondary School Teacher's diploma after 5 years at McMaster, but also
wanted to be a Midwife. Midwifery won!
These are four of Marg Jones’ great grandchildren that were
born within 6 months.
Hayley, Camryn, Tiege, Samantha
Rev. Phil and Kim have moved! They now reside at:
#104-320 Sugarcreek Trail, London, ON N6H 0G3
519-657-4640 (unchanged)
On February 1, 2013 seventeen people will leave as a team from
Riverside to begin a ten day journey to serve and learn in one of the
more impoverished areas of
Nicaragua. With the approach of
this date we begin to fill with
excitement and expectancy.
Our group meets regularly to
discuss details of our upcoming
trip, taking time to learn about the
lives and culture of the Nicaraguan
people, and to plan for the journey
that lies ahead. The time spent
together also provides opportunities to share our reasons for taking part
in this mission. While we each have our own personal motivations, there
are many common words that have arisen during our time of sharing;
words like faith, love, act, serve, learn, and help. To each of us, these
collective words are a reminder of our own call from God as well as our
purpose as Christians. Undoubtedly, this mission experience will create
wonderful new connections and relationships.
We were thrilled with the success of the mission trip dinner this past May
which raised close to $2000, making our total raised to date about
$4600. With the continued support of the Riverside community we hope
to reach our goal of about $8500 ($500/person). These funds will act as
a service project donation, 100% of which goes directly towards things
like purchasing and transporting materials, hiring local skilled labour,
training and equipping crews during work projects; i.e. necessities to get
the projects done.
About 1.5 million people live in Managua today, a quarter of Nicaragua’s
population. Many people live in “barrios” or neighbourhoods with
inadequate health, housing, education, or employment opportunities.
Our mission team will be working in an annex of Barrio Grenada called
“Dios Proveera”, a settlement of hundreds of families located in the
centre of Managua. It is a congested and socio-economically challenged
neighbourhood with prevalent health, education, unemployment, and
social issues.
During our mission work it is our hope to build new homes for 4-6 of
the families in Dios Proveera. Your continued donations will directly
support that work and help to make it a reality.
To find out more about how you can help, please contact Carol
Atkinson or Peter Case (or any of the mission trip team). THANK
YOU for your support Riverside!
Back row:
John Langford, Sue Anderson, Lynn Mellon, Carol
Atkinson, Diane Price, Anne Mantle, Ray Mantle, Pam
Cottingham, Jen Harrison, Jane King, Allison Case,
Philip Newman.
Front row:
Gary Alan Price, Peter Case.
Nikki Anderson, Hilary MacDonald, Nancee Sharpe.
November 4th
The 8:44 am—Consecration Sunday
10:30 am—Consecration Sunday
12:00 pm—Celebration Lunch
November 11th—Remembrance Day
The 8:44 am
10:30 am—Remembrance Day Observance—
Multi-Generational (Grade 5 and up)
November 18th
The 8:44 am and 10:30 am
November 25th
The 8:44 am and 10:30 am
December 2nd—Advent 1
The 8:44 am—Holy Communion
10:30 am—Holy Communion (Traditional)
2:00 pm—”Finding Hope at Christmas” & Reception
A gentle Christmastime worship for those who have suffered loss. Special music with
Celtic harpist, Jennifer White.
December 9th—Advent 2
The 8:44 am—White Gift
10:30 am—White Gift Multi-Generational (all ages)
4:00 pm—Christmas Talent & Pagent
Children’s performances and pageant as we explore the story of Jesus’ birth.
Everyone is invited to this family friendly event
December 16th—Advent 3
The 8:44 am and 10:30 am
December 23rd—Advent 4
The 8:44 am and 10:30 am
December 24th
4:00 pm—Service for Children and Young Families
The Christmas story celebrated in a simple fashion for children and young families.
7:00 pm—Family Nativity Service
A family service of scripture, song and nativity drama retelling the story of God’s
special gift of a baby to the world.
9:00 pm—Service of Prayer and Christmas Blessing
A quiet, intimate service of personal prayer, reflection, silence and blessing with Celtic
harpist Jennifer White, and percussionist Robert McMaster. An excellent retreat from
the hustle and bustle of Christmas preparations. Not your usual Christmas Eve
11:00 pm—Candlelight Communion Service (Intinction)
A candlelight service of scripture, the special music of Celtic harpist Jennifer White and
percussionist Robert McMaster, and a Christmas message, all set in the warmth and
mystery of the Holy Child and Holy Communion.
December 30th
The 8:44 am and 10:30 am
January 6th—Epiphany
The 8:44 am
10:30 am—Dedication of Memorial Gifts
January 13th
The 8:44 am
10:30 am—Introduction of Confirmands & Mentors
January 20th
The 8:44 am and 10:30 am
January 27th
The 8:44 am and 10:30 am—Holy Communion
February 3rd
The 8:44 am and 10:30 am
12:00 pm—Baptism Seminar
February 10th—Transfiguration
The 8:44 am and 10:30 am
February 17th—Lent 1
The 8:44 am
10:30 am—UCW Executive Installation
February 24th—Lent 2
The 8:44 am and 10:30 am
THE 8:44—Kim McGowan
The 8:44 service began over a year ago on September 18, 2011 in an
effort to create a different style of worship. It is a wonderful success
with a growing number of attendees who find a comfortable, relaxed
We enjoy coffee, tea, juice, muffins or cookies during the service to
help with the early start. We are challenged with images and music
that allow us to think creatively about our ideas of our connection with
God, creation or whatever name you call your life force. We have
celebrated baptism, communion and everyday “special” events
through a simplified service. The service ties the music, prayers and
message together with the theme which is usually posed as a
thoughtful question at the beginning of the service. We are looking at
alternative ways to present prayers, communion and messages to
bring our faith to life. A social time has developed nicely following the
service where, as with the 10:30 service, people can mix with each
other to share their personal stories.
PA Day Camp
November 16, 2012
JK-Gr. 6
$25.00/child or $65.00 for family of three or more (subsidy
available upon request)
Contact: Marilyn Arthur 519-472-6071
Christmas Pageant
Are you a young person who likes to sing, act, make
props, and/or costumes? If you are, then please speak
with Betsy Exley or Marilyn Arthur to be part of the
Christmas pageant that will be held in December.
Rehearsals will be starting in October. This is a wonderful
way to wait and get ready for the Christmas season. The
pageant is on December 9, 2012 at 4:00 pm.
The Summer Adventure Leadership Team (SALT)
Thank you Riverside for the prayerful and financial support you provide
for our SALT team each year. With your support, government grants,
and fees from the congregations that hire the team, we were able to
employ ten young adults and youth this past summer. I know they feel
blessed to work within the United Church; a church that they are greatly
passionate about. I feel blessed to work with such amazing young
people that provide strong and faithful leadership to children and their
families throughout Middlesex Presbytery. The SALT team led Vacation
Bible Camps in nine different congregations. They were in ministry with
almost 300 children this summer. Thanks to Josh Millard, our team
leader and Andrew Case, our assistant team leader for their leadership
and support. I thank our SALT leaders for being in ministry with
children; for sharing their passion, faith, energy and love.
Back row:
Justin Mills, Katie Hunter, Jacob Sawyer, Andrew Case,
Kate Ward.
Front row: Shannon Fisher, Josh Millard, Allison Case, Nikki Anderson,
Emily Weinberger.
Vacation Bible Camp at Riverside
Riverside hosted two Vacation Bible Camps led by the Summer
Adventure Leadership Team (SALT). At our July camp we were in
ministry with 46 children. We celebrated the theme of the ‘Summer
Olympics-Carrying the Torch of God’s Love Around the World’, learning
to always do our best and never give up. We were involved in Olympic
challenges, played games, made crafts and went to Wally World.
We were in ministry with 72 children at our August Camp, where the
campers chose their own adventure helping them explore their gifts
and talents. Children were invited to choose a stream to be in for part
of each day. They could choose from baking, music/drama, sports or
I want to thank all of you who came in to lead
workshops throughout the week and for those
who donated craft supplies, snacks, and monetary
donations. Your generosity and care for the
children within our day camps is greatly
Children’s Worship
At the 8:44 worship we have
children’s programming for those
in JK-Gr. 5. The program is
offered in the Upper Christian
Development Building. There is a
supervised nursery available.
worship for those in Gr. 4-8.
Everyone gathers in the Christian
Development Building, where
children learn a biblical story and
then have the opportunity to
discuss that story. They are then
invited to further explore that story
At the 10:30 worship service we
through games, crafts, etc. Those
have children’s programming
in high school gather together in
available. Children and youth will the Friendship Room for Teen
begin in worship with their families Worship. Together they discuss
and then be invited to their
different themes theologically that
program during the worship
relate to their lives. The nursery is
service. We have a children’s
also supervised starting at the
program for JK-Gr. 3 and a Junior beginning of the worship service.
Allen, Committee Member
The Outreach and Social Action Committee sponsors the following
events and we welcome your continued support:
Mission Sunday, October 21, 2012. The guest speaker, Nancy
Howard is from the East London United Church Outreach to which
Riverside provides yearly financial support. Lunch to follow.
The Giving tree tags will be available again in December. This is one
of many charities organized to provide Christmas gifts for children.
The gifts are collected and taken to Holy Family Parish where they
are sorted and delivered to needy families.
White Gift Sunday food donations support the St. Paul’s Daily Bread
Food Bank and are gratefully received. Also, each week in the
bulletin we suggest an item be placed in the church narthex benches.
The Riverside gift catalogue is another means of choosing gifts for
donations. This will be made available in November and December.
The ”Out of the Cold” chili luncheon is an annual February event.
The money raised from this luncheon supports the St. Andrew’s
United Church program.
Outreach continues to support the Limberlost Welcome Pails project.
See the Summer 2012 issue of The Current for more information.
Riverside continues to sponsor two youth through World Vision.
Every third Sunday of the month, Fair Trade coffee and tea will be
on sale at the 8:44 and 10:30 services.
As part of our work with the Salvation Army, Riverside will man the
Christmas Kettle at the Hyde Park Canadian Tire on December 1st.
A sign up sheet will be posted in November.
Youth at Camp Kee Mo kee—September 14-16, 2012
- Kathy Haines
Did you know that Riverside has a Caring Meals Ministry? These are
meals which are prepared in our Riverside kitchen and then frozen in
our freezer downstairs.
These frozen, single serve meals are just waiting to be taken to
someone who needs a little “TLC”.
There is no sign-up to receive the meals; there is no charge. So, if you
know of someone who has lots of medical appointments, or is
recuperating, or is busy with a new baby or would just appreciate a
visit, please consider taking them some meals as Riverside’s genuine
“Get-Well” or “Thinking of You” wish.
If you take meals when you visit, or if you know of anyone who might
appreciate the meals, please notify [email protected] (4717233) or [email protected] (672-2863)
I absolutely love to gather on Sunday morning and to feel the strong
sense of holy and spirit and family that characterizes our worship. We
share our faith and we extend our hospitality. It is vital to know that
everyone in the church plays a role in hospitality and the sharing of
In a recent reading I distilled ten things that anyone can do without
running it by a committee; without asking for church funds; without
taking a single course of study -- ten things to extend hospitality and
strengthen faith.
Consider these ten things everyone can do:
1. Commit to faithful worship attendance yourself. Your presence is
important to both your spiritual growth and the encouragement of your faith
2. Follow up with people who are absent. A phone call or a quick Facebook
post lets people know that their church friends care and their presence
3. Never judge people who drift away from the church. Guilt trips are not
helpful. Continue to extend love and offer pressure-free invitations to
worship and other activities.
4. Personally invite others. There's still nothing like a personal invitation to
include a friend, neighbour, or coworker in the caring of a faith family that
can support and love them.
5. Keep your worship bulletin on hand. Circle worship times or a specific
calendar event, and pass it along to someone with a personal invitation to
come. Offer to meet them for coffee beforehand so they won't have to arrive
6. Keep your eyes peeled. Be aware of people who look uneasy or lost and
offer assistance.
7. Put others before yourself. Welcoming new people into the church can often
mean getting outside your comfort zone. Be open to new people and new
ways of doing things.
8. Adopt a newcomer. Invite a first-time worshipper to sit with you. Help them
understand anything confusing in the worship service.
9. Greet first time worshippers before they leave. It is estimated that guests
leave the church building within three minutes of the service ending. Greet
guests after worship before speaking to your own family and friends.
10. Pray for people who are longing for a church home. Ask God to open your
eyes to people in need of a loving Christian community and to open doors for
you to invite them. God can use you to change someone's life.
FINANCE—Jim Millard
Attention to those that give by PAR (Pre-Authorized Remittance):
Riverside PAR Cards are now available. If you wish to place a
card in the offering plate please pick up a laminated card from
either of two locations. One is in the sanctuary on the window sill
just inside the door from the hall by the offices and the other is on
the table attached to the wall at the top of the stairs in the narthex.
CHURCH LIBRARY—Ann Marie Richardson
If you are new to our congregation,
did you know that we have a
library? It is at the back of the
sanctuary, and is open Sunday
mornings as well as often during
the week. Our loan period for most
materials is three weeks.
The library houses books, videos,
DVD’s, audio CD’s, and music
Materials cover prayer, grief,
biography, devotions, spiritual
growth, and fiction for those light
hearted days. This is to name only
a few of the subject areas.
We encourage those who assist
with Sunday School to come and
browse through the children’s
collection and reference books, to
see what we have that could
complement the stories/lessons for
the young folk.
We have a wonderful collection of
books and DVD’s for children, as
well as excellent audio CD’s (which So come in and see
are great for quiet time). We have what we have to offer,
extensive Christmas/Advent
you may be surprised!
materials available.
This labour of love, like all good things, has come to an end. The
Friendship Centre doors are closed. Everyone, including luncheon
providers and helpers, who enjoyed the once a month fellowship,
soup and sandwich lunch, cards or movie, will remember with
nostalgia our many years of good times.
Many important causes were grateful beneficiaries of 'free will'
offerings donated by our Centre. A final balance of $230 has been
donated to the Resource Fund. Appreciation and thanks to all.
Aaron Barnwell and Agnieszka Zając , August 25, 2012 in Warsaw,
Poland. Aaron is the son of Jan Barnwell Shamrock.
Kathryn Riach and David Honor, July 21, 2012 in Woodstock,
Ontario. Rev. Philip Newman officiated.
UGANDA—Marilyn Grewe
On behalf of the infants and children who remain HIV negative, their
HIV positive mothers, a grateful Ester Mukiibi (midwife in charge of the
program) and myself, I wish to extend my sincere thanks to the
congregation of Riverside United Church and the hard working
Outreach Committee. Your financial support has enabled us to
maintain this program over the past two years.
We were happy to recently receive the praises of a medical team from
Boston, who discovered the program while in the area. They thanked
us for the work we are doing in the prevention of HIV/Aids.
We are extremely grateful for your help and ongoing support.
This summer, God took me on an
incredible journey to Puerto
Cabezas, Nicaragua. A friend of
mine, who is also in the Brock
University Concurrent Teachers
Education program, was also called
to this journey. We designed
lessons, collected supplies and
donations but could do nothing
more than to let ourselves
experience Nicaragua and our
global family. We had the
opportunity to spend the month of
July in the beautiful country
teaching English in a secondary
class in the morning and a primary
class in the afternoon. The school
we were teaching at was the school
that Riverside United Church raised
a lot of money for. The teachers
and children all recognized the
name of Riverside and expressed
extreme gratitude upon hearing I
was a Riverside United Church
member. Rev. Deborah Elliot really
fostered our learning and
challenged our thinking. She was
able to provide us a home full of
care and love. God sent me to
Puerto Cabezas, Nicaragua to
teach English, to love and to
cherish my understanding of the
world. I am forever grateful for this
journey and my understanding of
God's children."
Sunday, November 18th, 2012; following 10:30 worship:
Chili lunch in support of mission trip to Nicaragua.
Free will offering.
Contact John Langford 519-471-5791
Saturday, November 24, 2012:
Annual Turkey Dinner
Entertainment in sanctuary at 4:30.
Dinner at 5:00.
Contact Peter or Paula Case 519-657-3175
The Ruth Poulton Unit enjoyed a June party at the home of Diane
Price. It included a little business, good food and a great deal of
Grace Cameron, Diane Price and Joan Young, pictured above, who
have been our group co-ordinators for several years, announced their
retirement. We are all grateful for their enthusiastic leadership.
Cheryl Partington and Linda Britton have kindly volunteered to be our
new leaders.
Thank you ladies!
Thanks to Norma Clare and Marion Dewberry for their
entries. Norma correctly identified the three ladies. They
are (left to right):
Kay Anderson, Audrey Atkinson and Norma Clare.
Please submit your captions for this photo
and you may win a pound of Fair Trade
Carol Atkinson, [email protected] by December
31st or place in the newsletter mailbox in the breezeway.
Articles from other publications
must be accompanied by
copyright information. We would
be delighted to print stories or
poems (suitably themed) written
by Riverside members.
Our Mission Statement
Riverside United Church is
a diverse and inclusive
Christian community.
We are a mix of age and
experience sharing our
faith journey in a
supportive and respectful
empowering us to be at
work in the world.
451 Dunedin Drive
London Ontario
N6H 3G9
P: 519 472-6071
F: 519 472-3776
Your District Visitor is
ON-LINE Edition
Contact Jan Shamrock at
[email protected] or
Susan O’Hara at
Phone ___________________________
[email protected].
Let them know you would
like to receive the
Please keep us informed!
newsletter on-line.