St. Michael the Archangel Catholic Church


St. Michael the Archangel Catholic Church
St. Michael the Archangel Catholic Church
Established in1892
Twenty-Sixth Sunday in Ordinary Time
September 29, 2013
O Lord, who maketh messengers of Thy angels
and flaming fires of Thy ministers send to these
people who are Thine and who wish to be Thine,
many priests, brothers and sisters, and vest them
with justice, so that Thy saints may rejoice.
Thou who knowest all hearts, indicate the elect to
whom Thou wouldst wish to entrust so sublime a
ministry of truth and love.
Reveal to their parents the grandeur and
incomparable beauty of the gift of their own sons
and daughters that they would make to thee, and
grant them strength to overcome opposing
interests and affections.
Bestow upon their teachers, the essential light for
cultivating in their young hearts the delicate plant of
a vocation, until the day, when, ardent and pure,
they shall mount to Thy holy altar or make their
religious profession. Amen.
Mailing Address: 411 Paula Road, McKinney, Texas 75069
Email: [email protected]
Ministry Email: [email protected]
Family Life Email: [email protected]
Parish Office: 972-542-4667 Fax: 972-542-4641
Faith Forma on Office: 972-542-4685
Youth Ministry Website:
St. Vincent de Paul Society Helpline: 214-314-5698
St. Vincent de Paul Email: [email protected]
Daily Mass
Monday, Wednesday and Friday: 8:00 am
Tuesday and Thursday: 5:30 pm
Thursday 6:00 pm — 7:00pm
Saturday 3:00 pm— 4:00pm
Fr. Salvador Guzmán, Pastor
Fr. Eugene Azorji, Parochial Vicar
Deacon George Polcer
Deacon Federico Márquez
Deacon John Rapier
Deacon Patrick A. Hayes
Office Hours:
Monday—Friday: 9:00 am—5:00pm
Office is closed on Saturday & Sunday
Weekend Mass Schedule
Saturday: An cipated 5:00 pm
Sunday: 8:00 am & 11:30 am
Spanish: 9:30 am & 1:30 pm
Adora on of the Blessed Sacrament
Thursday 6:00pm
Friday 8:30am - 12 noon
Holy Family (Quasi-Parish): 919 Spence Road  P.O. Box 482 Van Alstyne, Texas 75495  903.482.6322
Mass Times: Sunday 9:00am English & 12 noon Spanish
Thursday 9:00am English
Praise the Lord, my soul, praise the Lord, my soul. - Psalm 146
Feast of Archangels, Michael, Gabriel & Raphael
Sunday, September 29th
The name Michael signifies "Who is like to God?" and was the warcry of the good
angels in the battle fought in heaven against satan and his followers. Holy Scripture
describes St. Michael as "one of the chief princes," and leader of the forces of heaven
in their triumph over the powers of hell. He has been especially honored and invoked
as patron and protector by the Church from the time of the Apostles. Although he is
always called "the Archangel," the Greek Fathers and many others place him over all
the angels - as Prince of the Seraphim. St. Michael is the patron of grocers,
mariners, paratroopers, police and sickness.
The name Gabriel means "man of God," or "God has shown himself mighty." It
appears first in the prophesies of Daniel in the Old Testament. The angel announced to
Daniel the prophecy of the seventy weeks. His name also occurs in the apocryphal
book of Henoch. He was the angel who appeared to Zachariah to announce the birth of
St. John the Baptizer. Finally, he announced to Mary that she would bear a Son Who
would be conceived of the Holy Spirit, Son of the Most High, and Saviour of the world.
The feast day is September 29th. St. Gabriel is the patron of communications
St. Raphael is one of seven Archangels who stand before the throne of the Lord.
He was sent by God to help Tobit, Tobiah and Sarah. At the time, Tobit was blind and Tobiah's betrothed, Sarah, had
had seven bridegrooms perish on the night of their weddings. Raphael accompanied Tobiah into Media disguised as a
man named Azariah. Raphael helped him through his difficulties and taught him how to safely enter marriage with
Sarah. Tobiah said that Raphael caused him to have his wife and that he gave joy to Sarah's parents for driving out the
evil spirit in her. He also gave Raphael credit for his father's seeing the light of heaven and for receiving all good things
through his intercession. Besides Raphael, Michael and Gabriel are the only Archangels mentioned by name in the
bible. Raphael's name means "God heals." This identity came about because of the biblical story which claims that he
"healed" the earth when it was defiled by the sins of the fallen angels in the apocryphal book of Enoch. Raphael is also
identified as the angel who moved the waters of the healing sheep pool. He is also the patron of the blind, of
happy meetings, of nurses, of physicians and of travelers. His feast day is celebrated on September 29th.
Who are the archangels?
Pope St. Gregory the Great distinguishes between angels and archangels: "Those who deliver messages of lesser
importance are called angels; and those who proclaim messages of supreme importance are called archangels." The
Catechism explains: "From infancy to death human life is surrounded by their watchful care and intercession. 'Beside
each believer stands an angel as protector and shepherd leading him to life.' Already here on earth the Christian life
shares by faith in the blessed company of angels and men united in God" (No. 336).
"The existence of the spiritual, non-corporeal beings that Sacred Scripture usually calls 'angels' is a truth of faith. The
witness of Scripture is as clear as the unanimity of Tradition" (Catechism of the Catholic Church, No. 328).
Today we celebrate the Feast of Sts. Michael, Gabriel and Raphael: Archangels. Though we cannot know of all the
many times these magnificent spirits and powerful allies have entered into history to accomplish God's will, protecting
us, driving away demons, and bearing forth messages of God's providential plan of salvation, some of their specific
actions are recorded in Sacred Scripture, and, in each case, we obtain a glimpse into their ardent love for God, intently
focused wills and formidable intellects.
St. Michael - "Who Is Like God"  St. Gabriel - "God Is My Strength"  St. Raphael - "God Is My Health"
There is a great deal we can learn from the Archangels, who are powerful messengers, allies and friends of men.
- Taken from
ANNUAL DIOCESAN PRIEST’S RETREAT - October 14th - 18th, 2013
As we look ahead into the month of October, please be mindful that some of the priests of the
Diocese will be on retreat and will not be available to tend to normal parish
activities and daily Mass. Please note, we will not have Confessions on
Thursday, October 17th.
October is the month of the rosary, pray the Rosary for our Priests.
“It is first of all necessary to let
Mon., Oct 14th: 8:00 am
Regular Daily Mass
the Blessed Virgin take one by
Tue., Oct 15th:
5:30 pm Communion Service
the hand to contemplate the
Wed., Oct 16th: 8:00 am
Communion Service
Face of Christ: a joyful, luminous,
Thur., Oct 17th: 5:30 pm
Communion Service
6:00 pm
sorrowful and glorious Face.”
Oct 18th:
8:00 am
Regular Daily Mass
—Pope Benedict XVI
Mass Intentions For This Week
Sunday, September 29th
8:00 am  Fortunato Ongcoy
9:30 am  María de Jesús Avena
11:30 am  Amando & Lilia Jacinto
1:30 pm Celia Pearson
Monday, September 30th
8:00 am  Jose Saul Tobo
Wednesday, October 2nd
8:00 am Hipolito Martinez
Friday, October 4th
8:00 am  Frank Garza
Tuesday, October 1st
5:30 pm  Carmen Torres
Thursday, October 3rd
5:30 pm Sanctity of Life
Saturday, October 5th
5:00 pm  Dr. Sheridan Evans
This week’s Sanctuary Candle
Is dedicated in loving memory of
Chris Matera
Mass Readings for September 29th - October 6th
Sun., 29th of September – 26th Sunday in Ordinary Time
Am 6:1a, 4-7; Ps 146; 1 Tim 6:11-16; Lk 16:19-31
Mon., 30th of September - St Jerome
Zec 8:1-8; Ps 102; Lk 9:46-50
Tues., 1st of October - St Thérèse of the Child Jesus
Sunday, September 22nd Attendance: 3,366
1st Collection: $15,498.00
2nd Collection (Debt Reduction): $7,048.00
Our 2nd collection has been designated to help
reduce the parish debt. Please continue to be
generous in your giving; for the Lord will see to it that your
return be sevenfold.
English Baptisms are held on the 2nd Sunday of each
month after the 11:30am Mass. Please
stop by the parish office prior to attending a
baptismal preparation class to register. For
a complete list of requirements and
upcoming dates, please visit our website:
(under the Sacrament Tab)
Weekly Calendar
Adult Bible Study, CL 3
Faith Forma on (K-6), All Rooms
Youth Faith Forma on 9th - 12th, All Rooms
Legion of Mary (Sp) #2, Drake
Prayers & Squares, HF
Bap sm Class (Sp), Church
Jóvenes Para Cristo, SR, HF & CL 5
CRHP Men’s Group, CL 3
Legión de María, Drake N
Zec 8:20-23; Zec 8:23; Lk 9:51-56
Wed., 2nd of October - Mem of the Holy Guardian Angels
Neh 2:1-8; Ps 91; Mt 18:1-5, 10
Thurs., 3rd of October
Neh 8:1-4a, 5-6, 7b-12; Ps 19; Lk 10:1-12
Fri., 4th of October - St Francis of Assisi
Bar 1:15-22; Ps 79; Lk 10:13-16
Sunday, September 29
8:00— 3:00pm
8:00— 3:00pm
10:00— 1:15pm
6:00— 8:00pm
7:00— 9:00pm
St Vincent de Paul Bag Distribu on, Narthex
Prayers & Squares Quilt Raffle Ticket Sale, Narthex
Monday, September 30
Tuesday, October 1
2:00—4:00pm St Vincent de Paul Food Pantry, HF, SR
6:30—9:00pm K of C Council Mee ng, SM, CL3
7:00—9:00pm Jóvenes Para Cristo, SR
Wednesday, October 2
Sat., 5th of October
Bar 4:5-12, 27-29; Ps 69; Lk 10:17-24
26th Sunday
Ordinary Time
Jesus exhorts those who have to share with those who
have not. Self-sufficiency must never blind us to the
needs of others.
- Luke 16:19-31
"Give Us This Day Our Daily Bread"
The drama of hunger in the world calls Christians who
pray sincerely to exercise responsibility toward their
brethren, both in their personal behavior and in their
solidarity with the human family. The petition of the
Lord's Prayer ["give us this day our daily bread"]
cannot be isolated from the parables of the poor man
Lazarus and of the Last Judgment. "Our" bread is the
"one" loaf for the "many." In the Beatitudes "poverty" is
the virtue of sharing: it calls us to
communicate and share both material and
spiritual goods, not by coercion but out of
love, so that the abundance of some may
remedy the needs of others.
[CCC2831, 2833]
10:00-11:30am Women’s Bible Study (Eng), CL3
2:00—4:00pm St Vincent de Paul Food Pantry, HF
3:00—5:00pm Bap sm Registra ons, SM, CL3
4:15—5:30pm Children’s Choir Rehearsal, HF
7:00—8:30pm Faith Forma on 7th-8th, All Rooms
7:30—10:30pm Cantante, Angeles Lagunes, Church
Thursday, October 3
2:00—4:00pm St Vincent de Paul Food Pantry, HF
6:00—7:00pm Reconcilia on - Adora on, Church
7:00—8:30pm RCIA / RICA, SM, SR, CL3, HF
Friday, October 4
Adora on of the Blessed Sacrament, Chapel
Choir (9:30 Sp) Rehearsal, HF
Ushers (Sp), Church
Talleres de Oración y Vida, Drake
Saturday, October 5
7:00—10:45am Escuela de Formación - T.O.V., Drake
11:00am Group Quince, Church
11:15—4:45pm Faith Forma on - K-12th, All Rooms
5:00—6:30pm St Vincent de Paul Food Collec on, Narthex
7:00—9:00pm Choir (9:30 Sp) Rehearsal, Drake
Walking Together In Faith”
University of Dallas Ministry Conference
October 25 - 26, 2013
UDMC 2013, to be held October 25 - 26 at the
Irving Convention Center, will offer outstanding
speakers and workshops for everyone in your
parish. His Eminence Cardinal Óscar Andrés Rodríguez
Maradiaga, Archbishop of Tegucigalpa, Honduras, &
recently-appointed chair of the eight advising cardinals to
Pope Francis, will deliver the keynote addresses in
English and Spanish on Friday, Oct. 25.
Is back in session and open to ANY high school student, grades 9 thru 12
on Sunday evenings from 6pm-8pm in St. Rose Hall. If you have already
registered and have paid for Faith Formation classes there is no
additional cost to you and are free to register by simply attending.
Look forward to seeing you there!
For additional information please look us up on the
web at and “Like” us on
Facebook at Each
of these pages have our events for the calendar
year posted and youth can comment, message, and
post videos and pictures on our Facebook page.
at Six Flags Arlington is coming FAST! (Sun Oct 20th
8am-8pm) We are looking fill 35 youth slots and 10
adult slots. This event is open to high school youth,
confirmed or not, grades 9 thru 12. Tickets are $60/
youth and $20/adult(chaperone) and include:
transportation to and from park via school bus, entry
into park, hot lunch, limited edition event T-shirt, and
the helps cover the cost of our chaperones. Every
person who pre-registers and turns in money on time
will also receive ONE FREE ticket for holiday in the
park allowing us to schedule and additional trip to Six
Flags at a later time. To register turn in your money
and name/contact info via email, call or come in person
to the Office of Faith Formation. Email:
[email protected]
Call: (972) 542 - 4685 ext. 111
Did you know that October is “Respect Life” month?
In October, start the month by attending the
With special thanks and gratitude to our
1st Annual Silent Auction Committee
Christine Hogan, Committee Chair
Larry & Shirley Clarkson
Mike Eastep
Betty Kimbrough
Mary Minnis
Anita Sullivan
Eric Wolfe
The fruit of their labor and that of our giving
community is ever present. This event
brought in a profit of $26,000.
May the love of Christ continue to be what
guides each of us in our giving and that of
being good stewards. To all the Angels
Among Us, THANK YOU.
Your support is greatly appreciated.
- Fr. Salvador
on Saturday, Oct 5th at Erwin Park
The Hike for Life is an annual Pro-Life event hosted by
the Knights of Columbus. You are invited to
participate in this year’s 40th annual Hike for Life to
help raise awareness and funds for the Dallas Catholic
Crisis Pregnancy Centers. You can also go to to learn more and register
online. Get active, it’s the only way we can stop this
American Holocaust. For any additional questions,
you may contact George Fuchs at [email protected] or
call 972-529-6703 or 972-757-0391.
Hope to see you there!
McKinney Seniors Helping Seniors Handyman Program
This group of Seniors perform minor home maintenance and
repair at NO COST. Their phone number is 469-396-7042.
They do all kinds of chores seniors find hard to do anymore
such as changing ba eries in smoke alarms, replacing AC filters
and light bulbs, bathroom grab bars, ramps for those on
wheelchairs. They are Senior men from different churches.
Monthly Discernment Series for Women
Sponsored by the Vocations Office for the Diocese of
Dallas and The Serran Clubs
Mary Immaculate Parish
2800 Valwood Pkwy, Farmers Branch, TX 75234
5:00 PM - 8:00 PM
Mass, Dinner Discernment Series Talk & Discussion
Sat., Oct. 12 - Elements of a Vocation: Qualities,
Generosity and God's Call
For more information, please contact:
Tammy Grady: [email protected] 214.907.9906
Alaba, alma mía, al Señor, al Señor. - Salmo 146
San Miguel Arcángel
Fiesta junto con los Arcángeles Gabriel y Rafael
29 de septiembre
¿Quién es San Miguel Arcángel?
San Miguel es uno de los siete arcángeles y está entre los tres cuyos nombres
aparecen en la Biblia. Los otros dos son Gabriel y Rafael. La Santa Iglesia da a San
Miguel el más alto lugar entre los arcángeles y le llama "Príncipe de los espíritus
celestiales", "jefe o cabeza de la milicia celestial". Ya desde el Antiguo
Testamento aparece como el gran defensor del pueblo de Dios contra el demonio y
su poderosa defensa continúa en el Nuevo Testamento.
San Miguel en las Sagradas Escrituras
En el Antiguo Testamento
San Miguel aparece como el guardián de la nación hebrea. En el libro de Daniel,
Dios envía a San Miguel para asegurarle a Daniel su protección.
"Y ahora volveré a luchar con el príncipe de Persia...Nadie me presta ayuda para
esto, excepto Miguel, vuestro príncipe, mi apoyo para darme ayuda y sostenerme."
-Daniel 10:13
"En aquel tiempo surgirá Miguel, el gran príncipe que defiende a los hijos de tu pueblo" -Daniel 12:1
El pueblo del profeta eran los judíos. Por lo tanto, es aceptado que el ángel que el Señor había asignado a los
Israelitas en los días de Moisés, para guiarles a través del desierto y llevarlos por las naciones idólatras que destruiría
por medio de ellos, es el mismo San Miguel.
En el libro del Éxodo el Señor dijo a los Israelitas:
He aquí que yo voy a enviar un ángel delante de ti, para que te guarde en el camino y te conduzca al lugar que te
tengo preparado. Pórtate bien en su presencia y escucha su voz: no le seas rebelde, que no perdonara vuestras
transgresiones, pues en el esta mi Nombre. si escuchas atentamente su voz y haces todo lo que yo diga, tus enemigos
serán mis enemigos y tus adversarios mis adversarios. Mi ángel caminara delante de ti y te introducirá en el país de los
amorreos, de los hititas, de los perizitas, de los cananeos, de los jivitas y de los jebuseos; y yo los exterminaré. No te
postrarás ante sus dioses, ni les darás culto, ni imitaras su conducta; al contrario, los destruirás por completo y
romperás sus estelas. Vosotros daréis culto a Yahveh, vuestro Dios". -Ex 23:20.
Después de la muerte de Moisés, según la tradición judía (referida en Judas 9) San Miguel altercaba con el diablo
disputándose el cuerpo de Moisés. En obediencia al mandato de Dios, San. Miguel escondió la tumba de Moisés, ya
que la gente y también Satanás querían exponerla para llevar a los Israelitas al pecado de idolatría.
San Miguel recibió de Dios el encargo de llevar a término sus designios de misericordia y justicia para su pueblo
escogido. Vemos como Judas Macabeos antes de iniciar cualquier batalla en defensa de la ley y del Templo clamaba
la ayuda de San Miguel y le confiaban su defensa:
En cuanto los hombres de Macabeos supieron que Lisias estaba sitiando las fortalezas, comenzaron a implorar al
Señor con gemidos y lagrimas, junto con la multitud, que enviase un ángel bueno para salvar a Israel.... Cuando
estaban cerca de Jerusalén apareció poniéndose al frente de ellos un jinete vestido de blanco, blandiendo armas de
oro. Todos a una bendijeron entonces a Dios misericordioso y sintieron enardecerse sus ánimos -2 Mac 11:6
Tu, soberano, enviaste tu ángel a Exequías, rey de Juda, que dio muerte a cerca de ciento ochenta y cinco mil
hombres del ejercito de Senaquerib. Ahora también, Señor de los cielos, envía un ángel bueno delante de nosotros
para infundir el temor y el espanto. ¡Que el poder de tu brazo hiera a los que han venido blasfemando a atacar a tu
pueblo santo!
-2 Mac 15:22
En la actualidad, los judíos invocan al Arcángel Miguel como el principal defensor de la sinagoga y como protector
contra sus enemigos. En la fiesta de la expiación concluyen sus oraciones diciendo: "Miguel, príncipe de misericordia,
ora por Israel".
En la Nueva Alianza
La posición de San Miguel es también muy importante en el N.T. donde continúa su poderosa defensa. Con sus
ángeles, el libra la batalla victoriosa contra Satanás y los ángeles rebeldes, los cuales son arrojados del infierno.
Es por eso venerado como guardián de la Iglesia.
"Entonces se entabló una batalla en el cielo: Miguel y sus Ángeles combatieron con el Dragón. También el dragón y
sus ángeles combatieron pero no prevalecieron y no hubo ya en cielo lugar para ellos. Y fue arrojado el gran Dragón, la
serpiente antigua, el llamado Diablo y Satanás, el seductor del mundo entero" -Apocalipsis 12,7-9
La carta de Judas se refiere a San Miguel en batalla contra Satanás.
El honor y la veneración a San Miguel, como testifican los padres de la Iglesia, ha sido parte esencial de la vida de la
Iglesia desde sus inicios. Se le han atribuido un sin numero de beneficios espirituales y temporales. El emperador
Constantino, atribuyó a este arcángel, las victorias sobre sus enemigos y por ello le construyo cerca de Constantinopla
una magnifica iglesia en su honor. Esta se convirtió en lugar de peregrinación y muchos enfermos recibieron sanación
gracias a la intercesión de San Miguel.
- Tomado de hƩp://
14 a 18 de octubre 2013
Por favor tomen en cuenta que nuestros sacerdotes estarán en un retiro y no estarán
disponibles para atender a las actividades normales de la parroquia y las Misas diarias
durante el mes de octubre. No habrá Confesiones el jueves 17 de octubre.
El mes de octubre se dedica al Santo Rosario,
recen el rosario en honor de nuestros sacerdotes.
lunes, 14 de octubre
martes, 15 de octubre
miércoles,16 de octubre
jueves, 17 de octubre
viernes, 18 de octubre
8:00 am
5:30 pm
8:00 am
5:30 pm
6:00 pm
8:00 am
Misa Regular
Servicio de Comunión
Servicio de Comunión
Servicio de Comunión
Adoración al Santísimo
Misa Regular
26º Domingo del
Tiempo Ordinario
En la morada de los muertos, en medio de los tormentos,
levantó los ojos y vio de lejos a Abraham, y a Lázaro
junto a él. Entonces exclamó: "Padre Abraham, ten
piedad de mí y envía a Lázaro para que moje la punta de
su dedo en el agua y refresque mi lengua, porque estas
llamas me atormentan". - Lucas 16:19-31
Danos hoy nuestro pan de cada día
Pero la existencia de hombres que padecen hambre por
falta de pan revela otra hondura de esta petición. El
drama del hambre en el mundo llama a los cristianos que
oran en verdad a una responsabilidad efectiva hacia sus
hermanos, tanto en sus conductas personales como en
su solidaridad con la familia humana. Esta petición de la
Oración del Señor no puede ser aislada de las parábolas
del pobre Lázaro (cf Lc 16, 19-31) y del juicio final (cf Mt
25, 31-46). Se trata de “nuestro” pan, “uno” para
“muchos”: La pobreza de las Bienaventuranzas entraña
compartir los bienes: invita a comunicar y
compartir bienes materiales y espirituales,
no por la fuerza sino por amor, para que la
abundancia de unos remedie las
necesidades de otros (cf 2 Co 8, 1-15).
[CCC2831, 2833]
"Es necesario en primer lugar
para que la Santísima Virgen
nos tome de la mano
contemplar el rostro de
Cristo: a un alegre,
luminoso, dolorosos
y cara gloriosa. "
-el Papa Benedicto XVI
“Caminando juntos en la fe”
Conferencia para los ministerios de la
Universidad de Dallas
25 - 26 de Octubre 2013
El precio especial de $55.00 sólo estará
disponible hasta el 25 de septiembre.
Esta conferencia, patrocinada por la Diócesis de Dallas y
la Diócesis de Fort Worth, es una gran oportunidad para
todos los católicos para participar en sesiones en las que
trataran sobre temas de catequesis, educación, teología,
oración y ministerio.
Nuestro Orador Principal: Su Eminencia Oscar Andrés
Rodríguez Madariaga, Coordinador del grupo de ocho
cardenales que aconsejaran al Papa Francisco.
Obtenga mas información en nuestro sitio web :
Bautismos en español se celebran el primer sábado
del mes a la 1pm.
Próximo clase de bautismo será
lunes, 30 de septiembre
en la iglesia de 7:00pm – 9:00pm
Por favor sin niños; pasen a la
oficina para registrar antes de la
fecha. Los requisitos se encuentran
en nuestra pagina web:
(Oprime SACRAMENTS y luego Bautismos)
Están todos invitados a compartir un concierto con
Ángel Lagunes, Cantante Católico de la Diócesis de Memphis Tennessee
miércoles, 2 de octubre - 7:30pm - 9:30pm en la Iglesia
29 de Septiembre 2013
Vigésimo Sexto Domingo del Tiempo Ordinario
Sagrada Lectura: 29 de septiembre al 6 de octubre
29 de septiembre, domingo - 26º Domingo del Tiempo Ordinario
Am 6:1a, 4-7; Sal 146; 1 Tm 6:11-16; Lc 16:19-31
30 de septiembre, lunes - san Jerónimo
Za 8:1-8; Sal 102; Lc 9:46-50
1 de octubre, martes - santa Teresa del Niño Jesús
Za 8:20-23; Za 8:23; Lc 9:51-56
2 de octubre, miercoles - santos Ángeles Custodios
Ne 2:1-8; Sal 91; Mt 18:1-5, 10
3 de octubre, jueves
Ne 8:1-4a, 5-6, 7b-12; Sal 19; Lc 10:1-12
4 de octubre, viernes - san Francisco de Asís
Bar 1:15-22; Sal 79; Lc 10:13-16
5 de octubre, sabado
Bar 4:5-12, 27-29; Sal 69; Lc 10:17-24
6 de octubre, domingo - 27º Domingo del Tiempo Ordinario
Hab 1:2-3; 2:2-4; Sal 95; 2 Tm 1:6-8, 13-14; Lc 17:5-10
Holy Family (Quasi-Parroquia)
919 Spence Road  P.O. Box 482
Van Alstyne, Texas 75495  903.482.6322
Horario de Misas:
9:00am (Ingles)
12 del medio día (Español)
9:00am (Ingles)
domingo 22 de septiembre
Asistencia: 3,366
Primera Colecta: $15,498.00
Segunda Colecta (Reducción de Deuda): $7,048.00
Recuerden que la segunda colecta ha sido designada para la
reducción de la deuda, por favor seamos generosos
en nuestros donativos.
Cada viernes de 8:30am - 12 del medio día
en la Capilla
Horario de la notaría de San Miguel
lunes a viernes 9:00am - 5:00 pm
Cerrado: sábado y domingo
Horario de Misas (fin de semana)
sábado (Inglés):
Vigilia 5:00 pm
domingo (Inglés):
8:00 am y 11:30 am
(Español): 9:30 am y 1:30 pm
Horario de Misas (durante la semana)
lunes, miércoles y viernes: 8:00 am
martes y jueves: 5:30 pm
jueves: 6-7pm y sábado: 3-4pm
Cada jueves: 6pm-7pm y
cada viernes 8:30am - 12 del medio día
St. Michael Church
411 Paula Road
McKinney, TX 75069
Rosie Bibanco
MSPublisher 2007
Adobe Acrobat 9.0
Windows XP
Canon 5051
Tuesday 12:00 noon
September 24, 2013
[email protected]
1 Through 10 (Including this page)