

editorial —————————————————————————————
NATAL, diakui atau tidak diakui telah membentuk dunia di mana kita
tinggal sekarang. Betapa tidak? Lihatlah, beberapa bulan sebelum kita merayakan Hari Natal, di mana-mana kita akan mendapatkan toko-toko menjual
atribut-atribut Natal, lagu-lagu Natal, hiasan-hiasan Natal. Bukan itu saja,
dunia ini tahu bahwa Natal itu sendiri baik adanya dan membawa kabar baik,
suka cita kepada setiap manusia, bahkan dunia ini ingin ikut campur dan menjadi bagian dari Natal itu sendiri. Buktinya ada tokoh-tokoh atau icon-icon yang
tampil pada hari Natal, karakter yang kita ketahui bahwa mereka bukanlah
tokoh-tokoh yang menjadi bagian dari Natal yang asli, dan tidak ada sangkut
pautnya dengan kedatangan Sang Raja Damai di dalam dunia ini. Tokoh-tokoh
tersebut adalah: Santa Claus dengan kereta dan reindeer-nya, lalu Zweiter Pit
yang berkulit hitam legam (untuk Zweiter Pit lebih dikenal di kalangan benua
Eropa, terutama Belanda dan Jerman). Lalu muncul pula tokoh Jack Frost dan
Snow Man. Percaya atau tidak, anak-anak terutama percaya lebih dari 100%
bahwa St. Claus dan Elf-Elf-nya itu exist di dalam dunia ini.
Semua karakter-karakter khayalan itu diciptakan karena dunia ini ingin menjadi bagian dari Natal yang membawa sukacita dan kebahagian pada semua
orang di dalam dunia ini. Tidak terkecuali orang-orang jahat pun mereka
merayakan Natal. Lihatlah, menjelang Natal mereka selalu mengadakan
pesta-pesta Natal, tukar menukar kado, dan bahkan mengirimkan kartu-kartu
Natal kepada orang yang mereka cintai. Tetapi kita sebagai orang Kristen
yang telah menerima Sang Bayi Natal itu menjadi Juru Selamat kita, kita tahu
bahwa mereka yang turut merayakan Natal dengan cara mereka sendiri adalah
sangat perlu dikasihani. Kenapa mereka patut dikasihani? Jawabannya adalah
karena mereka cuma membuang-buang waktu, uang, tenaga, dan melakukan
kesia-siaan. Karena mereka tidak sungguh menerima Sukacita yang Sejati dari
Yesus Kristus Tokoh Natal yang tunggal yang disembah oleh semua bangsa
pada akhir zaman nanti.
Dunia ini boleh merayakan Natal dan boleh mendapatkan “Bayangan” atau
“Refleksi” dari Sukacita yang Sejati itu. Tetapi selama mereka tidak mengenal
dan tidak percaya kepada Anak Allah yang tunggal itu, mereka tetap saja
tidak akan selamat dan binasa di dalam dosa-dosa mereka, biarpun mereka
melakukan amal jariah dan sumbangsih mereka kepada fakir-fakir miskin
ataupun memberikan bantuan dan uang mereka kepada organisasi-organisasi
Kristen, mereka tetap saja tidak akan di selamatkan oleh Tuhan Yesus.
AGAPE — Christmas 2006
Kedengarannya sangat kejam dan sadis, bahwa
orang-orang yang melakukan kebaikan mereka
karena mereka menghormati dan menghargai
Natal itu tidak mendapatkan upah sedikit pun
dari Allah Bapa atau keselamatan sama sekali. Kita
sebagai orang Kristen tidak usah heran karena kita
tahu bahwa jawaban yang benar adalah begitu
adanya, bahwa perbuatan baik tidak akan bisa
menyelamatkan kita. Setiap orang Kristen yang
percaya bahwa orang-orang yang melakukan
kebajikan pada hari Natal atau orang-orang yang
merayakan Natal ‘mungkin’ akan diselamatkan
juga oleh Tuhan pada akhirnya, maka orang
Kristen tersebut belumlah ‘diselamatkan’ dan belum ‘mengenal’ siapa Juru Selamat mereka yang
Sekarang apakah yang harus kita lakukan? Jawabannya adalah kebalikan dari apa yang diuraikan
DAPATKAN. Kitalah yang bertanggung jawab
untuk memberitakan KABAR KESELAMATAN kepada dunia ini sehingga mereka tahu bagaimana
seharusnya mereka merayakan dan mendapatkan
Sukacita yang Sejati dari Sang Natal itu sendiri.
Semoga kita orang-orang Kristen di dalam dunia
ini tahu dan sadar akan hal ini dan mau menjalankan tugas mereka, sehingga kita sendiri pun
yang meng-‘klaim’ diri kita sebagai orang Kristen
pada akhrnya tidak akan ditolak oleh Sang Raja
Damai, yaitu Tuhan Yesus Juru Selamat satu-satunya bagi dunia yang gelap ini. Amin.
Merry Christmas '06 &
Happy New Year '07
AGAPE — Christmas 2006
Ev. Wilson Suwanto
Daniel Loe
Debbie Wang
Evelyn Sunarko
Janice Atmadja
Linda Zheng
Merisa Halim
Rachel Atmadja
Ilustrator & Fotografer
Buddy Yusuf
Eva Leony
Joshua Adidjaja
Alvin Sugianto
Buddy Yusuf
Eva Leony
Rachel Atmadja
Tjandra Afandi
Ev. Wilson Suwanto
DR. Ferry Yang
- and contributing members for
Baby's 1 Christmas and
Choir Interview articles
Semiwaty Oei
E-mail Redaksi
[email protected]
Produksi GII Azusa
539 N. Sunset Ave.
Azusa, CA 91702
Telp: (626) 812-0326
AGAPE — Christmas 2006
Spiritual Blindness
11 HERODES: Mempunyai Mata namun Buta
Ev. Wilson Suwanto
14 Out of Blindness: A Spiritual Awakening
DR. Ferry Yang
18 A 20/20 Christian
Evelyn Sunarko
22 Hidup! (puisi)
Daniel Loe
05 Renungan: Unto Us A Child Is Born (Rev. Billy Graham)
Anda punya usul, kritik, saran, atau apapun yang
berhubungan dengan Agape atau GII Azusa?
Silahkan mengirimnya ke [email protected]
atau memberikannya kepada redaksi.
content —————————————————————————
09 Puisi: Natal Yang Suci (Daniel Loe)
25 Cerpen: An Angel or Repentant Evil (Daniel Loe)
35 Book Review: Captivating (Janice Atmadja)
38 Interview: Opinions About Our Church Choir
44 Parenting: Grace-based Parenting (Tim Kimmel)
47 Bible Fact: Were The Magi Astrologers? (Richard Bewes)
49 Sharing: Two Babes In A Manger
51 Event: The Origins of Christmas Traditions (Linda Zheng & Merissa Halim)
57 Liputan: Baby's 1st Christmas
60 Resep: Gingerbread Men & Tom Yum Goong (Linda Zheng)
62 Children's Corner
63 Humor
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Unto Us a Child Is Born
>> Many people ask, “What is there to be merry about?” With wars
and terrorism, crime at an all-time high, marriages breaking
up, drugs—no wonder some people question whether we should
say, “Merry Christmas!”
Magazine http://www.billygraham.org/DMag_Article.asp?ArticleID=501
December 2004 “Decision” Magazine http://www.billygraham.org/DMag_Article.asp?ArticleID=501
Yet it was at such a time that our Lord Jesus Christ came into the
world some 2,000 years ago. And it will be at such a time that
Jesus Christ comes back to this earth. <<
A message by Billy Graham
The angel on that first Christmas and peace There will be no end, Upon
the throne of David and over His kingnight said, “For there is born to you
To order it and establish it with
this day in the city of David a Savior,
and justice From that time
who is Christ the Lord” (Luke 2:11,
NKJV). If we believe this, then it Lord of hosts will forever. The zeal of the
makes all the difference in the world Lord of hosts will
for us. Life takes on a new dimension. perform this”
(Isaiah 9:6-7,
There is one particular passage
of Scripture in the Old Testament
to which I often turn, not only at
this time of the year but also at
many times other than the Christmas season: “The people who walked
in darkness Have seen a great light;
Those who dwelt in the land of the
shadow of death, Upon them a light
has shined” (Isaiah 9:2, NKJV).
Scripture goes on: “For unto us a
Child is born, Unto us a Son is given;
And the government will be upon His
shoulder. And His name will be called
Wonderful, Counselor, Mighty God,
Everlasting Father, Prince of Peace.
Of the increase of His government
When these words were uttered by
the Prophet Isaiah, prophetic thunders were heard and the lightning of
divine vengeance was seen as the clouds
of judgment were gathering. With a
trumpetlike voice this great statesmanprophet had declared with certainty
the calamity which was soon to fall upon
Judah as a judgment from God. Judah‛s
alliance with evil and her departure
from God called forth predictions of
dreadful disaster. Isaiah had proclaimed
with accuracy the Assyrian invasion. All
around him were clouds of wrath and
desolating darkness.
AGAPE — Christmas 2006
But Isaiah saw far away at the horizon
a rift in the clouds and a clear light shining from heaven. He saw that while the
people were walking in darkness, a light
also shined upon them. He looked through
the next 800 years of time and talked
about the “garments rolled in blood” (Isaiah 9:5, NKJV). Then he declared, “Unto
us a Child is born, Unto us a Son is given”
(Isaiah 9:6, NKJV).
There is not a shadow of a doubt in
our minds as to whom Isaiah refers in the
words “A Child is born. ... A Son is given.”
He is none other than the Lord Jesus
Christ. The invasions that Isaiah predicted did take place,
but God promised
that someday the
King would come and
set up His Kingdom.
The promise given
was that God‛s covenant with David will
stand and that someday a King will sit
upon that throne.
Centuries later Jesus asked the religious leaders this question: “‛What do
you think about the Christ? Whose Son
is He?‛ They said to Him, ‘The Son of
David‛” (Matthew 22:42, NKJV).
Jesus responded: “How then does
David in the Spirit call Him ‘Lord,‛ saying: ‘The Lord said to my Lord, “Sit at
My right hand, Till I make Your enemies
Your footstool”‛? If David then calls Him
‘Lord,‛ how is He his Son?” (Matthew
22:43-45, NKJV). Jesus was quoting
from Psalm 110:1.
The religious leaders were baffled,
AGAPE — Christmas 2006
bewildered and completely silenced. They
were not “able to answer him a word”
(Matthew 22:46, NKJV). There was a
conspiracy to entangle Jesus in this question. But His accusers were frustrated, as
they had been many times before. What is
the answer to the riddle that the religious
leaders could not answer?
The “Child born” establishes the fact
of Christ‛s humanity. The “Son given”
establishes the fact of His deity. Jesus is
the God-man.
The “Child born” and the “Son given” is
called “Wonderful” because He is wonderful. We must never
lose sight of the fact
that as a Child He
was born, and that as
a Son He was given.
He is a “Child born”
with reference to His human nature and
His being born of the virgin. But He is also
a “Son given” with reference to His divine
nature and His being God‛s Son.
The government is to be placed on the
shoulders of the infinite Man, not a finite
man. We see, therefore, in the “Child
born” an infant. But He also is the “Son
given.” And so we see in the manger at
Bethlehem an infinite Infant.
The Bible says, “Christ Jesus, who,
being in the form of God, did not consider
it robbery to be equal with God, but made
Himself of no reputation, taking the form
of a servant, and coming in the likeness of
men” (Philippians 2:5-7, NKJV).
The two uses of the word translated as
“form” in these verses refer to the preincarnate and the incarnate existence of
the Lord Jesus Christ. The word “form”
connotes reality.
For Christ to be equal with God was
not a thing to be grasped. We do not have
here an independent god of rival power
and glory but the Christ of God who is
as truly and fully divine as the Father is.
Here is the New Testament counterpart
of the Old Testament revelation of the
Messiah. This is the “Child born” and the
“Son given.”
The Bible teaches that “He became
poor” (2 Corinthians 8:9, NKJV). Jesus
shared in our hunger, thirst, weariness
and pain. In this way He gave evidence to
the reality of His manhood.
The Bible also teaches that “He was
crucified in weakness” (2 Corinthians 13:4,
NKJV). But we must not think that this
weakness implies any incapacity such as
ours when we are unable to withstand the
onslaught of death. Our weakness is a
condition of our frailty. Christ‛s was the
weakness of a voluntarily accepted capacity for suffering. He voluntarily took on
“But made Himself of no reputation”
His weakness in the self-emptying when
(Philippians 2:7,
He came to that manNKJV). The personal ger in Bethlehem.
pronoun “Himself” is
emphatic, bringing
“Unto us a Child
before us the volun- is born” (Isaiah 9:6,
He was
not not
to the
He was
to the
tary aspect of Jesus‛
laws and the processes of natural generacondescension: “He took not on him the
nature of angels; but he took on him the
tions. The nature of His birth was superseed of Abraham” (Hebrews 2:16, KJV).
natural. The “Child born” was born to a
Christ swept through the realm of angels virgin: “The virgin shall conceive and bear
to lay hold on the nature of man.
a Son, and shall call His name Immanuel”
(Isaiah 7:14, NKJV).
He did not empty Himself of His deity,
as some people have suggested, but He
But “Unto us a Son is given” (Isaiah
left the realm of glory and condescended 9:6, NKJV). Because He is the God-man,
to earth for our salvation. He emptied
He was able to bear our sins on the cross.
Himself of the outward manifestation of And God raised Him from the dead as an
the glory of His deity.
indication that He had accepted Christ‛s
atoning work on the cross. He was the only
There is no doubt that He was the
One in the entire universe qualified to
“Child born,” but with equal certainty we
bear our sins, and He did it voluntarily.
need to declare that He was the “Son
given.” So when He was here in the flesh,
Therefore, at this Christmas season,
“all the fullness of the Godhead” (Coloswith our trust and faith in Christ, we hear
sians 2:9, NKJV) continued to dwell in Him the angel saying, “Do not be afraid” (Luke
2:10, NKJV). The psalmist said, “The Lord
of of
AGAPE — Christmas 2006
is on my side; I will not fear. What can
man do to me?” (Psalm 118:6, NKJV).
This is the Christmas message to you
today. You, too, can appropriate the words
to believers, words that are used all the
way through the Scriptures: “Fear not,
for I am with you” (Isaiah 43:5, NKJV).
A Child was born and a Son was given
for our salvation. We have complete assurance that Jesus Christ is not only the
Son of Man but also that He is the Son of
God. And God has accepted what Jesus
did on the cross and in the resurrection
for our salvation. We trust in Him—and
Him alone—for our forgiveness and for
eternal life.
source: http://home.att.net/~velvet-hammer/christmas.html
Indonesia & Malaysia:
U.K & Ireland:
China & Taiwan (Simplified Han):
圣诞快乐 (Sheng Tan Khuai Le)
Mexico & Spain:
The Phillipines (Tagalog):
Merry Christmas
Selamat Hari Natal
Happy Christmas
Feliz Navidad
Joyeux Noël
AGAPE — Christmas 2006
Frohe Weihnachten
Natale Allegro
Christmas Alegre
メリークリスマス (Merii Kurisumasu)
Vrolijke Kerstfeest
Maligayang Pasko
Natal yang Suci
pertama kali terjadi
Hampir puluhan abad yang lalu
Natal yang Suci
pertama kali terjadi
Sederhana, alami namun Illahi
Natal yang Suci pertama kali terjadi
Ditolak oleh kebanyakan manusia
Namun, Natal yang Suci
pertama kali terjadi
Terkenal dan dikenal sampai masa kini
Natal yang Suci pertama kali terjadi
Berkuasa, megah dan jaya
Karena Dialah Raja atas segala raja
Tuhan di atas segala tuhan
Namun, Natal yang Suci pertama kali terjadi
Memilih orang-orang miskin, sederhana
Bahkan kambing domba dan gembala
Sebagai saksi-saksi yang hidup
Titik awal Keselamatan
untuk seluruh umat manusia
AGAPE — Christmas 2006
Setelah ribuan tahun berlalu
Umat manusia pun lupa akan
Natal yang Suci pertama kali terjadi
Dan menggantikan ‘natal’ ciptaan
menurut selera mereka
Namun, Natal yang Suci
pertama kali terjadi
Tiada jemu menyapa
dengan lembut dan cinta
Supaya manusia tidaklah lupa.
Semakin disapa
Semakin menggila dunia dan
segala isinya
Menyia-nyiakan kesempatan
dan tawaran dari
Natal yang Suci pertama kali terjadi
Menimbun Sang Natal yang Suci
pertama kali terjadi
Dengan pesta pora, glamour dan nista.
Namun, Natal yang Suci
pertama kali terjadi
Tetap di sana, tetap suci, tetap sabar
Dengan tangan terbuka, menanti
Natal yang Suci pertama kali terjadi
Menyapa lagi
Menyapa hatimu dan hatiku
Menyentuh jiwamu dengan belaian
lembut hembusan angin senja
Meninggalkan kesejukan bagi jiwa-jiwa
yang gersang karena
Keganasan dunia.
Natal yang Suci pertama kali terjadi
Tetap di sana, menanti
AGAPE — Christmas 2006
Menolong jiwa yang tak berdaya
Tak perduli walau kau pernah menghina,
menghujat Nama AgungNya
Namun bagi DIA kau adalah permata
hatiNYA yang ingin diselamatkan
dan ditebusNYA.
Wahai kau manusia yang berdosa
janganlah engkau lupa
Natal yang Suci pertama kali terjadi
Tak akan selamanya di sana
Saatnya akan tiba
Dimana kesudahan dari
segala waktu, dan
Akhir dari segala kegiatan
dan putaran bola dunia
Akan tiba
Kesempatan pun lenyaplah
Air mata darah pun tiada guna
Segala ratap tangis dan rengekan
hanya kesia-siaan belaka
Harapanmu pun punahlah
Kesempatanmu pun habislah
Natal yang Suci pertama kali terjadi
Menyapa hatimu dan hatiku lagi
Apakah sekali ini
engkau mendengarNya?
Apakah kau sudah menerimaNya?
Natal yang Suci pertama kali terjadi
Menyapa lagi
Menyapa hatimu dan hatiku.
by Daniel Loe
focus ——————————————————————————————
adalah saat yang dinantinantikan umat Israel. Selama ratusan tahun, mereka
hidup dalam kegelapan, dan kelahiran Yesus
membangkitkan pengharapan bagi mereka. Mulai
dari kaum termiskin (para gembala) sampai kaum
kafir (orang Majus), mereka menyambut kedatangan
Juruselamat dengan sukacita.
Tetapi, tidak semua bersukacita. Ada seorang
raja yang bernama Herodes, yang tidak bisa
ikut bersukacita. Bahkan ia berencana untuk
membunuh bayi Yesus yang baru lahir itu
(baca Matius 2:1-12). Ini merupakan sesuatu
yang tragis. Berkat terbesar diberikan
Tuhan untuknya, namun ia tidak bisa
melihatnya. Bahkan ia menganggapnya
sebagai sebuah ancaman untuk kedudukannya sebagai raja. Ini disebut dengan
kebutaan rohani (spiritual blindness).
mempunyai mata
namun buta
oleh Ev. Wilson Suwanto
Kenneth Riegel as Herod, in Salome, by Vienna State Opera
1. Cinta kedudukan atau kuasa.
Herodes takut kehilangan posisinya
sebagai raja. Mengapa? Karena bayi yang
lahir itu akan disebut Raja diatas segala
raja. Lebih jelas lagi, Yesus disebut raja
orang Yahudi. Herodes tidak menerima
hal ini. Baginya, dirinya adalah raja orang
Yahudi. Padahal, Yesus lahir bukan untuk
menjadi raja dunia atau politik. Ia lahir
untuk menjadi raja di dalam hati manusia.
KerajaanNya bukan dari bumi, melainkan
dari surga.
Karena cinta kedudukan, banyak
manusia tidak bisa melihat anugerah
Tuhan atau penderitaan sesamanya.
Seumur hidupnya, mereka hanya sibuk
mengamankan kekuasaan atau kedudukannya. Inilah kebutaan rohani.
Bukannya Tuhan tidak menyatakan
diriNya, tetapi sang manusia yang membutakan dirinya sehingga tidak bisa melihat.
2. Cinta akan kesenangan duniawi.
duniawi di dalam istananya. Kalau Yesus
adalah Raja atas segala raja, maka ini
berarti ada seseorang yang lebih tinggi
dari Herodes. Ini dianggap sebagai sebuah
ancaman bagi kesenangan hidupnya.
Yesus berhak menyebut Herodes sebagai
“serigala” (Luk. 13:32). Sebaliknya, Herodes
mau membunuh Yesus karena takut
kehilangan kedudukan dan kesenangan
Tuhan menyediakan berkat rohani
yang begitu besar bagi kita. Sukacita,
AGAPE — Christmas 2006
damai, kasih, pengampunan, dan
sebagainya, adalah berkat rohani
yang besar. Orang yang mengerti hal
ini, akan menganggap kesenangan
duniawi sebagai sampah. Kesenangan
duniawi menyeret kita kepada dosa, dan
upah dosa adalah maut. Kita harus menolak
kesenangan duniawi agar mata rohani
kita tetap terbuka. Dengan demikian, kita
dapat melihat, menghargai, dan mensyukuri berkat rohani dari Tuhan.
3. Dikuasai oleh ketakutan.
Herodes menjadi ”paranoid.” Ketakutannya membuat dia menjadi buta
sampai-sampai ia membayangkan bahwa
Yesus yang masih bayi itu akan mengambil
takhtanya. Karena ketakutan inilah, ia
memerintahkan agar semua bayi di bawah
usia dua tahun yang ada di Betlehem dan
sekitarnya dibunuh (Mat. 2:16). Mengapa
ia melakukan perbuatan keji ini? Karena
ia ketakutan. Ia terlalu mencintai
kesenangan dan kedudukannya sampai
ia takut kehilangan dua hal ini. Karena
ia sudah dibutakan oleh ketakutan atau
paranoid-nya ini, ia tega melakukan halhal yang tidak berperi-kemanusiaan.
Seperti Herodes, jika kita membiarkan diri dikuasai oleh ketakutan, kita
akan melakukan hal-hal yang berlawanan
dengan kehendak Allah. Bahkan kita bisa
melakukan hal-hal yang di luar batas akal
sehat. Tidak sedikit kita mendengar kisah
kekejaman manusia terhadap saudaranya
sendiri, atau suami terhadap istrinya, anak
terhadap orang-tuanya, dan sebagainya.
Semua hal ini terjadi karena manusia
dibutakan oleh ketakutan.
1. Senantiasa memeriksa diri.
Kita perlu bertanya pada diri setiap
hari: apakah saya melakukan sesuatu
karena cinta akan kedudukan, pujian,
kesenangan duniawi? Apakah saya
melakukan sesuatu karena ketakutan,
dan bukan karena iman pada Tuhan?
Pertanyaan-pertanyaan yang ditujukan
pada diri sendiri ini, akan menolong kita
menghindari kebutaan rohani sejak awal.
Di hadapan Tuhan, kita tidak bisa
menyembunyikan apapun. Kita harus jujur
di hadapan Dia, dan itu mulai dengan
jujur pada diri kita sendiri.
2. Senantiasa memikirkan akan kehidupan
Dalam Filipi 2:5-11, kita belajar
bagaimana Yesus, sekalipun mempunyai
kuasa dan kemuliaan, tidak menganggap
semuanya itu penting. Ia merendahkan
diriNya sebagai seorang hamba dan taat
sampai mati. Jika kekuasaan dan kemuliaan duniawi adalah sesuatu yang bernilai,
mengapa Yesus tidak mengejarnya?
Bahkan kuasa dan kemuliaan surgawi
yang Ia miliki pun, dilepaskanNya. Berarti
ada sesuatu yang lebih bernilai daripada
kesenangan hidup ini.
Melihat pada hidup Yesus, kita akan
belajar melihat betapa rendah dan fana
hal-hal di dunia ini. Dengan demikian, kita
bisa mempunyai nilai-nilai yang berbeda
dengan dunia. Inilah langkah yang harus
kita ambil agar kita tidak dibutakan oleh
dunia ini.
3. Senantiasa bersyukur di dalam
segala keadaan.
banyak manusia tamak akan
kekuasaan, harta, kesenangan, dan
kemuliaan duniawi. Sekalipun mereka
sudah punya cukup, namun mereka tidak
pernah merasa cukup. Mereka selalu ingin
lebih dan tidak pernah puas. Mereka tidak
bisa menghargai apa yang Tuhan telah
berikan. Belajar mengucap syukur akan
menolong kita menghindari kebutaan
rohani. Belajar bersyukur akan membantu
kita untuk “melihat” segala kebaikan dan
berkat-berkat Tuhan setiap saat. Bukannya
Tuhan tidak memberkati, tetapi kitalah
yang seringkali tidak melihatnya.
Herodes, kaum Farisi, Ahab, dan orangorang semacam itu merupakan contoh
klasik “kebutaan rohani.” Alkitab sengaja
menceritakan riwayat hidup mereka agar
menjadi pelajaran untuk orang-orang
Kristen zaman kita. Melalui contoh mereka
yang negatif, kita dapat melihat dimana
jebakan yang bisa membuat kita buta.
Melalui kehidupan Yesus, sebaliknya,
kita bisa belajar bagaimana menghindari
jebakan itu, dan senantiasa berjalan dalam
jejak kaki Yesus.
Natal adalah saat yang penuh sukacita
dan ucapan syukur. Marilah kita membuka
mata selebar-lebarnya dan mulai melihat
serta menghitung segala anugerah dan
berkat Tuhan bagi kita. Kita akan kagum
dan terkejut melihat betapa limpah dan
murah hati Tuhan kita. Biarlah ini boleh
menjadi semangat kita dalam merayakan
Natal tahun ini.
AGAPE — Christmas 2006
out of blindness
  
by DR Ferry Yang
heard that they had thrown him
out, and when he found him,
he said, “Do you believe in the Son of Man?”
“Who is he, sir?” the man asked. “Tell me so that I may believe in him.”
Jesus said, “You have now seen him; in
fact, he is the one speaking with you.”
Then the man said, “Lord, I believe,” and he worshiped him.
Jesus said, “For judgment I have come into this world, so
that the blind will see and those who see will become blind.”
Some Pharisees who were with him heard him
say this and asked, “What? Are we blind too?”
Jesus said, “If you were blind, you would not be guilty of
sin; but now that you claim you can see, your guilt remains.
John 9:35-41 ►
AGAPE — Christmas 2006
I believe that most of us have watched
one famous and stunning movie, The
Matrix. In the Matrix, there are two
worlds, one is the real world and the other
is the matrix, or the virtual world, or the
fake world created by the machine especially to keep humans asleep so that the
machine can generate energy through the
human brain for their survival. Morpheus,
Trinity, and the rest of the Nebuchadnezzar’s crew were trying to free people from
the matrix to realize the truth about the
real world. After freeing the man believed
to be the savior of Zion, Morpheus has to
convince Neo that the life he was living
was a lie. Even after tasting the real world,
Neo could not readily accept that he had
lived in the fake world his entire
life and only recently his eyes are
About the Author
open to the truth.
What happened to Neo’s
DR Ferry Yang is a scholar in
disbelief is perhaps the same
Educational Ministries and Studthing with the stage of spiriies. After he got his B.A. in Artual blindness. Not many people
chitecture from Petra Christian
would believe that the matrix is
University, Surabaya, he received
just a system designed to fool
his M.A. in Educational Ministry
them, although eventually Neo
from Calvin Theological Semibelieves. Cypher, on the other
nary, Michigan, and his Ph.D. in Educational Studhand, would rather choose to
ies from Trinity International University, Illinois.
live in a life of lie than to live
He taught at Petra Christian University, Sekolah
in the real world. In the movie,
Teologi Reformed Injili Surabaya, and Sekolah
Cypher, sacrifices his friends for
Teologi Alkitab Surabaya from some time, and he
the sake of being inserted back
led seminars in the area of Christian Education as
to the fake world.
well as General Education.
In light of this Matrix movie,
who still live in the matrix
He is married and has a daughter, and lives hapare
who are spiritually
pily in Grand Rapids, Michigan. Currently he works
know the truth.
as a parttime student assistant on Master's Thesis
the Pharisees in
Writing in Trinity International University.
John 9 are considered spiritually
For more information/correspondence, please
blind by Jesus because they do
contact Tjandra Afandi via Agape's email address
not believe in The Truth (cf. John
([email protected]).
14:6). People who have been
Trying to grasp the meaning of the
title might require us to ask first about
the explanation of what blindness is. It is
common knowledge that blindness means
the inability to see. In other words, blindness is directly connected to sight. Being
sightless constitutes blindness. It is easier
to understand in the physical realm what
the meaning of blindness is. And it is much
easier as well to explain what the disadvantage of being physically blind. However,
like some of us have already guessed, it
is not that simple to explain the blindness
that is attached in the spiritual realm. The
question is, of course, “what does it mean
by spiritually blind?” The answer might be
well illustrated in the following.
AGAPE — Christmas 2006
freed from the matrix and then live in the
real world are those who have come out
of blindness. They now know what the
truth is and what the lie is. We, Christians,
are those who have been freed by Christ and
thus awakened spiritually to see the truth.
Paul’s spiritual journey is a personal
testimony of how a person comes out
of spiritual blindness and sees the truth.
Paul, or Saul at first, started his career as
a true Pharisee. His devotion brought him
to the state of zealously persecuting and
killing the followers of Christ. He thought
that what he did was a service to the God
of Israel. Instead, Jesus Christ himself came
to him and showed him that what he did
was persecuting the God of Israel. The
Lord confronted Saul and then “Saul got
up from the ground, but when he opened
his eyes he could see nothing. So they led
him by the hand into Damascus. For three
days he was blind, and did not eat or drink
anything” (Acts 9:8-9; emphases added).
Sometimes the Scripture is so striking.
Although one cannot be completely
certain on why God made Paul blind for
three days, but for me it seems that God
sent a message to Paul concerning the
meaning of spiritual blindness.
After God made Paul see again, then
Paul was also able to see with his spirit as
well. “Then Ananias went to the house
and entered it. Placing his hands on Saul,
he said, “Brother Saul, the Lord―Jesus,
who appeared to you on the road as you
were coming here―has sent me so that
you may see again and be filled with the
Holy Spirit.” Immediately, something like
scales fell from Saul’s eyes, and he could
see again. He got up and was baptized,
and after taking some food, he regained
his strength” (Acts 9:17-19). After that
shocking experience, Paul’s missionary
AGAPE — Christmas 2006
journey is one of the greatest stories in
the Bible.
In many instances, there are a lot of
similarities between physical blindness
and spiritual blindness. For blind people,
there are a lot of things they can’t understand, let alone be described accordingly.
For example, how can someone explain
the color red to a person who is blind
from birth? Or, how can one elaborate the
difference between two dimensions and
three dimensions to the blind? The blind
also faces many dangerous encounters
simply because of their inability to see.
The blind usually relies on a lot of other
things in order to avoid physical dangers,
that are usually not required of the people
who are not blind. For example, when a
blind man tries to cross a busy street, he
must rely on others in order for him to
be able to cross the street safely. In other
words, the blind needs to trust on something that will aid him. Ignoring the reliable witness or information or judgment
will result on the blind to be hit by a car. In
the same way, the spiritually blind cannot
see the danger without trusting a reliable
witness or information or judgment.
Paul was spiritually blind when he
murdered Christians. He didn’t see that
what he did was actually a great disservice to God. Only by trusting on the Lord’s
warning that he stopped persecuting the
believers. Only after his eyes were opened,
then he could see how bad his service was.
Only after he was awakened spiritually
that he could serve and please God (read
Acts 9).
In John 9, the Pharisees did not want
to be called blind. They considered themselves to have a perfect capability to see.
They are like Cypher, who thinks he has
seen the truth. The truth is they think
they have seen the truth, but their
decoding tool is not valid, and that
makes them as good as blind. Even
after Jesus gave them warning,
they did not believe in Jesus’ reliable, valid, and sound judgment.
This is worse than the blind man
who realizes that he is blind. The
Pharisees are blind but they believe
they can see. Imagine the danger of
a physically blind man who sternly
believes that he can see perfectly.
Imagine that he boasts to the
other blind people that he can see.
Imagine that those people believe
that this blind man can actually
see without knowing that this
man actually cannot see anything
at all. Can you guess the result if
those blind people trust that blind
person’s judgment on crossing a
busy street in Los Angeles?
Jesus said: “I am the way and
the truth and the life” (John 14:6).
The call is to believe Jesus for He is
reliable. Just like Paul believed in
Jesus when He confronted him on
the way to Damascus, we are called
to believe in the Lord. When God
opens our eyes, it is only necessary to use the right decoding
tool, or otherwise we will end up
just like Cypher that is able to see
but yet blind after all. The Pharisees and Jesus read from the same
scripture, but they have different
conclusions. In the end, this article
can’t exhaust the discussion for
this topic, however, through this
article I want to call us to reflect
on our spiritual life and open our
eyes to the truth presented to us in
the scripture. Amen.
Steps to Peace with God
www.billygraham.org/SH_StepsToPeace.asp (summarized)
God loves you and wants you to experience peace
and life―abundant and eternal (Romans 5:1, John
3:16, John 10:10). Why don’t most people have this
peace and abundant life that God planned for us
to have?
God created us in His own image to have an
abundant life. He did not make us as robots to
automatically love and obey Him. God gave us a will
and a freedom of choice.
We chose to disobey God and go our own willful
way. We still make this choice today. This results in
separation from God (Romans 3:23, Romans 6:23).
People have tried in many ways to bridge this gap
between themselves and God (Proverbs 14:12, Isaiah
59:2), but no bridge reaches God ... except one.
Jesus Christ died on the Cross and rose from the
grave. He paid the penalty for our sin and bridged
the gap between God and people (1 Timothy 2:5, 1
Peter 3:18, Romans 5:8).
God has provided the only way. Each person must
make a choice.
We must trust Jesus Christ as Lord and Savior and
receive Him by personal invitation (Revelation 3:20,
John 1:12, Romans 10:9).
Will you receive Jesus Christ right now? Here is how
you can receive Christ:
1. Admit your need (I am a sinner).
2. Be willing to turn from your sins (repent).
3. Believe that Jesus Christ died for you on the Cross
and rose from the grave.
4. Through prayer, invite Jesus Christ to come in
and control your life through the Holy Spirit
(Receive Him as Lord and Savior).
AGAPE — Christmas 2006
20/20 christian
by Evelyn Sunarko
galatians 5:22-23
But the fruit of the Spirit is
love, joy, peace, patience,
kindness, goodness, faithfulness,
gentleness, self-control;
against such things there is no law.
are you a healthy christian?
AGAPE — Christmas 2006
I'm sure we all heard about this socalled fruit of the Spirit, the importance
of it and how Christians should have it.
Unfortunately, the fruit of the Holy Spirit
is one of the most neglected aspects of the
biblical teaching on sanctification. There
are various reason for this:
the interpretation of tongues). We seem
to be far more interested in the gifts of
the Spirits than the fruit, despite the clear
biblical teaching that one may possess gifts
while being immature in spiritual progress.
Paul’s letters to the Corinthians make that
abundantly clear.
1. Preoccupation with externals.
Though students often murmur and
grumble when facing tests in the classroom,
there is a sense in which we really want
to have them. Test that measure skill,
achievement, and knowledge are even
standard fare in magazine. People like
to know how they rate. Have I achieved
excellence in a certain endeavor, or am I
mired in mediocrity?
Christians are not different. We tend
to measure our progress in sanctification
by examining our performance against
external standards. Do we curse? Do we
drink? Do we go to movies? These standards
are often used to measure spirituality. The
real test, evidence of the fruit of the spirit,
is often ignored or minimized. This is the
trap the Pharisees fell into.
We recoil from the real test because
the fruit of the Spirit is too nebulous. It is
far more demanding of personal character
than superficial external are. It is a lot easier
to refrain from cursing than it is to acquire
a habit of godly patience.
3. The problem of righteous unbelievers.
It is frustrating to measure our progress
in sanctification by the fruit of the Spirit
when the virtues listed among the fruit are
sometimes exhibited to a greater degree by
non-Christians. We all know nonbelievers
who exhibit more gentleness or patience
than many Christians. If people can have
the “fruit of the Spirit” apart from the
Spirit, how can we determine our growth
in this manner?
There is a qualitative difference
between the virtues of love, joy, peace,
patience, etc., engendered in us by the Holy
Spirit and those exhibited by nonbelievers.
Nonbelievers operate from motives that are
ultimately selfish. But when believers exhibit
the fruit of the Spirit, they are exhibiting
characteristics that are ultimately directed
toward God and others. Being filled with
the Spirit means that one’s life is controlled
by the Holy Spirit; nonbelievers can only
exhibit these spiritual virtues to the extent
of human ability.
Christians are supposed to know and
live exhibiting the fruit of the Spirit. That's
2. Preoccupation with gifts.
The same Holy Spirit who leads us how people can see how different Christians
into holiness and bears fruit in us also are from unbelievers―and that's how we
gives spiritual gifts to believers (such can personally measure how healthy we are
as wisdom, knowledge, faith, healing, as we grow in our Christian lives.
miraculous power, distinguishing
between spirits, speaking in
Now, let us zoom in on
different kinds of tongues, and
the fruit of the Spirit.
In his letter to the Galatians, Paul is
trying to contrast between the natural
productions of the sinful nature and Spirit,
which he began in v.19. Regarding the sinful
nature, he lists out “acts” or works of which
the sinful nature is capable. The terms
“acts” already has definite overtones in
this letter. It refers to what a human being
can do, which, in the case of the works of
the law (2:16, 3:2, 5, 10), has already been
shown to be inadequate.
The fruit of the Spirit (using both
a new term and the singular form), on
the other hand, suggests that which is a
natural product of the Spirit, made possible
by the living relationship between the
Christian and God through Christ (cf. 2:20;
Jn 15:1-17). The singular form stresses that
these qualities are a unity, like a bunch of
grapes instead of separate pieces of fruit,
and also that they should all be found in
all Christans. In this they differ from the
“gifts” of the Spirit, which are given one
by one to different people as the church
has need (1Co 12).
The nine virtues that are the Spirit’s
fruit hardly need classification, though
they seem to fall into three categories
of three each. The first three comprise
general Christian habits of mind; their
primary direction is Godward. The second
set primarily concerns Christians in their
relationship to others and are social virtues.
The last three concern Christians as they are
to be in themselves.
It is appropriate that “love” (agape)
should head the list of the Spirit’s fruit, for
“God is love” (1Jn 4:8), and the greatest
of Christian qualities is love (1Co 13:13). In
biblical texts it is the association of agape
with God that gives the world its distinctive
character. Divine love is unmerited (Ro
AGAPE — Christmas 2006
5:8), great (Eph 2:4), transforming (Ro 5:5),
and unchangeable (Ro 8:35-39). It is this
love that sent Christ to die for sinners and
that perseveres with them in spite of their
willfulness and desire to sin. Now because
the spirit of Christ is living within them,
believers must show love both to other
Christians and to the world. By this, people
will know that Christians are indeed Christ’s
disciples (Jn 13:35).
“Joy” is the virtue in the Christian life
corresponding to happiness in the secular
world. On the surface they seem related.
But happiness depends on circumstances,
whereas joy does not. In the NT a form of
the word “joy” becomes a typical Christian
greeting (Mt 28:9; Lk 1:28; Ac 15:23; 2Co
13:11; Jas 1:1). Joy is particularly full when
what was lost spiritually is found (Lk 15:67, 9-10, 32).
The second of the two most popular
Christian greetings is “peace”. Above all,
peace is God’s gift to us, achieved by him
at the cross of Christ. It is peace with God
(Ro 5:1) and expresses itself both in peace
of mind (Php 4:6-7) and in a practical peace
between all those who know God. This
latter peace should be seen in the home
(1Co 7:12-16), between Jew and Gentile
(Eph 2:14-17), within the church (Eph 4:3;
Col 3:15), and indeed in all relationships of
believers with other people (Ro 12:18; Heb
12:14). Moreover, Christians are to strive for
it (1Pe 3:11). The importance of this word is
evident in that it occurs in every NT book
and eighty times altogether.
“Patience” is the quality of putting up
with others, even when one is severely tried.
The importance of patience is evidenced by
its frequently being used to describe the
character of God, as in the great text from
Joel: “Return to the LORD your God, for
he is gracious and compassionate, slow
to anger, and abounding in love, and he
relents from sending calamity” (Joel 2:13).
“Kindness” is the divine kindness out
of which God acts toward humankind. It
is what the OT means when it declares
that “God is good,” as it so frequently
does. Christians should show kindness
by behaving toward others as God has
behaved toward them.
“Goodness” is hard to define. Though
it is related to “kindness,” it differs from it
in being a more active term. The primary
idea seems to be generosity that springs
from kindness.
The last three virtues are concerned
with Christians primarily as they are to be
in themselves. They are to be characterized
by “faithfulness,” a word that also means
“faith,” but undoubtedly here means that
which makes a person one on whom others
can rely―i.e., trustworthiness or reliability.
This word describes a faithful servant (Lk
16:10-12), including servants of the Gospel
and of Christ (1Ti 1:12; 2Ti 2:2). It describes
the character of those who will die for their
confession of Christ (Rev 2:10; 3:14). It goes
without saying that it is also descriptive of
the character of Christ, the faithful witness
(Rev 1:5), and of God the Father, who
always acts faithfully toward his people
(1Co 1:9; 10:13; 1Th 5:24; 2Th 3:3).
“Gentleness” describes those who are
so much in control of themselves that they
are always angry at the right time and never
angry at the wrong time―e.g., Moses, who
is praised for being the gentlest or meekest
man on earth (Nu 12:3). This is the spirit in
which discipline must be applied and faults
corrected (Gal 6:1). It is also the virtue for
meeting opposition (2Ti 2:25) and for giving
a Christian witness (1Pe 3:15-16).
“Self-control” is the quality that gives
victory over sinful desires and is therefore
closely related to chastity both in mind and
conduct. This quality enables a person to
live and walk in this world without getting
one’s garments spotted by the world.
These are the qualities of the life that
has been claimed by Jesus Christ and is
led by the Spirit. “Against such things
there is no law” (v.23b). The last clause
is most likely an understatement used
for rhetorical effect. The law, as Paul has
said, was given to restrain evil; but these
qualities do not need to be restrained.
Hence, no law opposes them. There may
also be a sense in which Paul is suggesting
that law cannot be against those who live
in this manner because by being so led,
they are in principle fulfilling all that the
law requires.
Paul lists the fruit of the Spirit in his letter
to the Galatians: “The fruit of the Spirit is
love joy, peace, longsuffering, kindness,
goodness, faithfulness, gentleness, selfcontrol” (Galatians 5:22-23). These virtues
are to characterize the Christian life. If we
are filled with the Spirit, we will exhibit the
fruit of the Spirit. But, of course, this takes
time. These are not superficial character
adjustments that happen overnight. They
involve a reshaping of the innermost
dispositions of the heart, which is a lifelong
process of sanctification by the Spirit.
* R.C. Sproul. Essential Truths of the
Christian Faith.
* Zondervan. New Bible Commentary,
Vol. 2: New Testament.
AGAPE — Christmas 2006
focus ——————————————————————————————
Hidup...! Hidup....!
Aku mendapatkan diriku secara tiba-tiba Hidup..!
Aku tidak tahu dari mana aku datang
Akupun tidak tahu kemana aku akan pergi
Aku hanya tahu bahwa sekarang aku sedang hidup
Apakah yang akan terjadi kalau aku tidak hidup?
Aku tidak tahu.....
Apakah itu akan senyap, hampa, tanpa rasa, tanpa daya?
Apakah akan sama seperti
sebelum aku mendapatkan
diriku hidup ?
Aku tidak tahu...
Aku tidak ada kenangan
atau ingatan apapun
sebelum aku
diriku secara tibatiba hidup...
Aku tidak tahu
dimana hidup
yang sedang
kuhidupi ini
Kalau aku sudah
tidak hidup lagi?
akhir October 2006
Siapakah yang
hidupku itu kalau aku
sudah tidak hidup lagi?
Siapakah yang membuat aku
tiba-tiba mendapatkan diriku
itu hidup?
Aku tidak tahu...
AGAPE — Christmas 2006
Apakah aku menyukai hidup yang kuhidupi
Aku tidak tahu
Karena aku tidak bisa membandingkan
dimana dan bagaimana rasaku sewaktu
aku belum mendapatkan diriku ini secara
tiba-tiba hidup, atau apakah rasa ku kalau
aku sudah tidak memiliki hidup yang
sedang kuhidupi ini?
Karena itu aku tidak bisa berkata apakah
aku menyukai hidup yang sedang aku
hidupi ini!
Siapakah yang aku percayai dan aku
dengarkan didalam hidup ini?
Aku pun tidak tahu akan hal ini
Karena terlalu banyak yang bisa dipercayai
sekaligus semuanya bisa dicurigai...
Karena setiap orang yang ingin kita
percayai atau dengarkan semua seolah-olah
cuma memproklamirkan bahwa mereka lah
yang patut di percayai atau di dengarkan...
Semakin aku banyak mendengarkan dan
Semakin bimbang hati dan hidup ini...
Apakah rasa ku akan hidup yang ada di
dalam aku ini?
Secara jujur aku hanya merasakan bahwa
hidup ini “susah”
Terlalu banyak pilihan tapi hanya bisa
memiliki satu saja yang benar-benar
menyenangkan hati.
Tapi itupun tidak bertahan lama karena
pada saat hati sudah memiliki yang di
ingini.. hati ini tergoda lagi akan yang lain.
Apakah yang aku pelajari didalam hidup
Aku tidak tahu juga
Karena terlalu banyak yang ingin di pelajari,
tetapi terlalu sedikit kesempatan yang ada
di dalam hidup ini.
Kalau aku salah mempelajari sesuatu maka
sudah terlambat untuk berpura-pura seolaholah aku tidak tahu apa yang telah aku
Karena itu sudah melekat didalam hidup
ini dan meracuni hidup ini kalau yang
kupelajari itu yang tidak aku sukai.
Itulah kesanku terhadap hidup ini
Tiada yang bisa membahagiakan
Tapi terlalu banyak yang memberikan
Kesanku akan hidup ini adalah
Hidup hanya untuk susah...
Hidup ini hampir tidak ada kebahagiaan...
Yang ada Cuma kebahagiaan semu
Sementara itu kesusahan tampaknya abadi
Memberatkan hidup ini semata-mata.
Aku berteriak untuk apa aku hidup
Kalau hanya untuk bersusah-susah
sepanjang masa?
Siapakah yang Empunya hidup ini...
Rasanya aku ingin berjumpa dan bertanya
Mengapa KAU berikan aku hidup
Dan untuk apa KAU berikan aku hidup?
Ada yang berkata bahwa
TUHAN lah yang menciptakan hidup ini
Banyak juga yang berkata
MAUT lah yang berkuasa akan hidup ini
Jikalau Sang Maut datang,
Diambilnyalah hidup yang di miliki oleh
orang yang di datangi Sang Maut tsb.
AGAPE — Christmas 2006
Jadi apakah TUHAN itu sama dengan Maut?
Jikalau TUHAN yang menciptakan kenapa
DIA harus mengambilnya atau merusaknya?
Aku yakin TUHAN tidaklah sama dengan
Karena di dalam satu badan tidak mungkin
ada dua kuasa yang bertolak belakang.
Seperti halnya yang biasa aku alami, banyak
pilihan Cuma satu yang bisa di genggam
dan di miliki.
Kalau pun kita memiliki dua yang kita sukai
Namun tetap Cuma satu yang akan
sungguh-sungguh kita cintai
Karena nature ini Cuma satu
Dua kuasa didalam satu badan Cuma
melambangkan kelemahan dan gejala
Jadi aku rasa TUHAN lah menciptakan
hidup ini
Dan punya DIA lah hidup ini
Dan MAUT Cuma oknum yang tidak
menyukai TUHAN
Dan menjadi musuhnya TUHAN
Karena itu Maut ingin membinasakan
semua yang di ciptakan oleh TUHAN.
Kini kepada TUHAN lah aku ingin bertanya
Untuk apa DIA memberikan aku hidup?
Kini kembalikan lah aku pada kehampaan
dimana sebelum DIA memberkan aku
Tapi itupun tidak mungkin karena TUHAN
tidak mungkin menyangkal PRIBADI nya
Dan tidak pernah menyesal dengan apa
yang DIA telah ciptakan.
AGAPE — Christmas 2006
Kalau begitu
Ambillah aku
Dan simpanlah hidupku bersama MU
Karena adalah lebih baik
Diam bersama MU
Dan menyatu dengan Mu
Sebelum Sang Maut datang
Dan merusakkan hidup yang aku hidupi ini.
Mungkin bila aku bersama-sama dengan
Aku tidak lagi mengingini yang lain yang
Cuma membawa kesusahan
Mungkin bila aku bersama-sama
Aku tidak ingin mendengarkan dan
mempelajari yang lain
Karena mereka yang bukan menciptakan
hidup ini
Cuma membingungkan dan menyesatkan.
tidur sudah sejak siang tadi dan
dia tidak mempunyai niat untuk bangun
ataupun menggeserkan badannya kekiri
atau kekanan sedikitpun dari tempat
dimana dia berbaring tsb. entah apa
yang menyebabkann hari ini dia menjadi
pemalas seperti itu. Mungkinkah karena
hari yang dingin dan berangin kencang
seperti biasanya hari hari dimana
AGAPE — Christmas 2006
pertengahan musim gugur di pinggiran
dan besi yang tebal yang
kota New York yang terkenal dingin dan
mungkin sebutir pelurupun
membeku menjelang akhir tahun? Atau
tidak bisa menembusnya.
mungkinkah hari itu perut Victor belum terisi
Victor sedang bermimpi indah,
sepotong makanan apapun atau seteguk
bermacam-macam mimpi indah
air sama sekali sehingga membuat Victor
sudah terjadi di dalam tidurnya
menjadi pemalas, bahkan lebih malas dari
sepanjang hari ini. Didalam
hari hari sebelumnya? Atau mungkinkah
Victor sedang sakit? Jawaban dari semuanya
mengakui bahwa belum pernah
adalah salah dan tidak benar. Victor telah
dia hidup sebahagia hari ini. Inikah
bertahun-tahun menjadi urban di NYC tsb.
yang di namakan Surga? Victor
dan sudah terbiasa dan kebal dengan
bertanya dalam hatinya. Atau inikah
segala musim dan cuaca yang terburuk
yang dinamakan Surga dunia? Victor
sekalipun. Soal makanan, Victor pernah
merasa seolah – olah dia sedang
tidak mencicipi sepotong makanan apapun
berlari diantara lapisan pelangi yang
di musim dingin tahun yang lalu toh dia
berwarna warni, sementara berlari
masih bertahan hidup dan tidak jatuh sakit
tangannya direntangkan nya lebar
sama sekali. Percaya atau tidak sejak kecil
lebar agar dia bisa menyentuh awan
Victor tidak kenal dan merasakan apa itu
yang ada disekitar pelangi tsb. pertama
sakit, segala macam sakit penyakit seolah-
kalinya dia pernah menyentuh awan.
olah enggan dan takut untuk hinggap di
Terasa begitu lembut dan meresap di
badan Victor, badan Victor seolah-olah di
pori-pori tangannya. Hawa dingin dan
lapisi dan di bungkus dengan lapisan baja
sejuk dirasakannya mengalir ke seluruh
AGAPE — Christmas 2006
penjuru tubuhnya dan membuat pikirannya
Tuhan kenapa Tuhan membiarkan dia lahir
kedalam dunia ini. Secara tiba-tiba, mimpi
menjadi jernih dan bersih.
indah Victor pecah berkeping- keping
nyamannya...... biarkanlah aku hidup
ketika suara gaduh, tangisan dan teriakan
memekakan telinga nya. “HELP!.......HELP.......
seperti ini terus menerus....!”
Victor mendesah didalam mimpinya,
desahan yang seolah-olah menjadi
MEEEE!!!.” “AWW!!.....
sepanjang hidupnya dia tidak
pernah menyebut nama Tuhan.
Malah sebaliknya betapa sering
lalu terdengar pula dengan kasarnya
dia selalu menghujat Tuhan.
pakaian yang indah yang dikenakan oleh
Banyak alasan yang membuat
wanita – wanita ini di koyakan dengan
dia suka sekali menghujat Tuhan,
paksa dan tangisan sedu sedan dari wanita
karena keadaan hidupnya,
ini akhirnya menusuk telinga Victor dan
karena lingkungannya, karena
membuatnya bangun dari tidurnya dan
orang tuanya yang pernah
meninggalkan mimpi indahnya. Victor
melahirkan dan tidak pernah
membuka matanya dengan malas, lalu
di kenal sepanjang hidupnya,
dia bangun dari berbaringnya dan duduk.
dan banyak hal – hal
Ketika mata Victor mencari dari mana
lainnya yang membuat dia
suara teriakan minta tolong itu berasal,
bertanya-tanya didalam
maka didepan matanya Victor melihat
kemarahan nya kepada
dengan jelas tampaklah dua orang wanita
AGAPE — Christmas 2006
cantik sedang ingin di aniaya
dan di perlakukan tidak
senonoh oleh segerombolan
orang yang biasa
di lihat
oleh Victor mangkal di alley
di pinggiran kota New York.
Tampak wanita yang lebih tua
yang berusia kira-kira empat
puluh tahunan sedang di tampar
oleh laki-laki yang bertangan
kasar ketika wanita itu berusaha
melawan dan mencakar pria yang
memaksa ingin menodai wanita tsb.
Lalu tidak jauh dari tempat itu Victor
melihat pula pemandangan yang
lebih mengerikan dimana tampak
gadis yang berusia relatif muda,
kira-kira lima belas tahunan sedang
di kerumumi oleh banyak lelaki-lelaki
yang berangasan dan kasar berusaha
menjamah, menyentuh
gadis cantik
Victor melihat betapa gadis muda
ini tampak telah kehabisan tenaga untuk
AGAPE — Christmas 2006
penjahat belum pernah menganiayai
apalagi menodai seorang gadis remaja,
terlebih lagi berusaha mengerumuminya
sekali gus dalam waktu yang bersamaan,
seperti semut yang sedang berbondong –
bondong mengerumumi gula atau makanan
yang di temuinya. Melihat hal ini hati
nurani Victor tiba-tiba tersentuh dan marah
meronta-ronta dan melepaskan
terhadap lelaki-lelaki kurang ajar ini.
diri dari kerumuman
laki laki jahanam tsb. Victor
DAN PERGILAH KALIAN...”!!! mendengar
sendiri bukanlah orang baik
teriakan lantang dan suara yang di kenal
baik, pemandangan seperti itu
oleh mereka, para lelaki hidung belang
tidaklah mengherankan bagi Victor
ini berhenti dan menoleh kepada Victor
bahkan yang lebih sadis lagi dari
dengan herannya.
pada itupun hampir tiap hari dilihat
olehnya. Meskipun Victor sendiri
adalah seorang kriminal yang suka
menodong dan menjambret tas-tas
ataupun pria yang di
mereka tertawa dan mengira Victor ingin
curigai oleh Victor adalah orang kaya dan
bergabung dengan mereka untuk berpesta
mempunyai banyak uang di tas mereka,
pora menikmati wanita –wanita cantik
tetapi Victor sendiri sebagai seorang
yang menghampiri mereka, karena wanita
AGAPE — Christmas 2006
wanita ini meliwati ALLEY yang menjadi
segerombolan sampah masyarakat yang
pangkalan dan sarang para pencopet,
berperan sebagai penjahat di daerah
perampok dan pemerkosa yang di takuti
tsb. mulai naik pitam terhadap Victor
di daerah tsb. “AKU BERKATA.. LEPASKAN
dan telah siap sedia untuk berbaku
hantam dengannya kalau Victor masih
bersikeras menyuruh mereka pergi dan
meninggalkan wanita – wanita cantik
yang siap untuk menjadi mangsa
MEREKA LAGI.......!”
AGAPE — Christmas 2006
Dengan kepalan kedua tangannya yang
besar dan keras, serta tendangan-
Lalu mereka beramai-ramai
berusaha mengeroyok Victor yang
tendangan kaki Victor yang secepat kilat,
bagaikan seorang yang memiliki
sudah berdiri dengan tegapnya
kepandaian martial arts tahap mahir dalam
dan siap menyambut serangan dari
sekejap mata penyerang- penyerang tsb.
para gelandangan- gelandangan
jatuh bergelimpangan di tanah kota yang
dan penjahat-penjahat kota New
kini di penuhi dengan sampah – sampah
York tsb. “HYAAAT...!” “BRAAAAGHH!”
yang bertebaran dan daun daun kering
yang berterbangan oleh tiupan angin
kencang musim gugur saat itu. Sementara
penyerangnya pada mengerang kesakitan
dan banyak pula yang pingsan karena
terkena tendangan kaki Victor, maka Victor
menghampiri wanita yang tak berdaya
dan anaknya yang cantik jelita tsb.
segera merapih kan diri mereka kembali
dan dengan suara terputus-putus karena
takut, kaget dan sekali gus kagum melihat
AGAPE — Christmas 2006
penyelamat yang di kirim oleh Tuhan
PENJAHAT TSB.....!” Belum selesai penjelasan
untuk melepaskan mereka cari celaka
si wanita tsb. tiba-tiba terdengar letusan
yang hampir menimpa mereka. “TERIMA
senjata dari belakang. Dan secara tiba-
tiba darah segar menyembur dengan
segar nya dari badan Victor yang
besar dan tegap tsb. Victor sempat
limbung dan hampir terjatuh tapi dia
bisa menguasai dirinya dan berbalik
kearah dari mana letusan senjata
itu terdengar dan Victor dan kedua
Victor berusaha membuat mereka segera
wanita tsb. melihat salah satu dari
meninggalkan lokasi yang membahayakan
bajingan yang di lumpuhkan
tsb. di samping Victor merasakan firasat
oleh Victor sempat kabur dan
yang tidak baik karena dia tahu orang
menuju sarangnya yang tak
orang seperti apa bajingan-bajingan yang
jauh dari tempat itu dan
baru saja di lumpuhkannya. “KAMI BARU
mengambil senjata. Melihat
mereka maka si penembak
tsb. gentar dan gemetar
karena tidak menyangka
Victor tidak segera jatuh.
Lalu si penembak tsb.
menjatuhkan pistol dari
AGAPE — Christmas 2006
genggamannya. Dengan cepat Victor
tsb. Victor sesekali membalas mereka dan
memungut pistol tsb. dan menembak
setiap peluru yang di tembakkan oleh Victor
dengan tepat di bagian kepala dari
pasti akan mencapai sasarannya. Namun
bajingan yang telah menembak punggung
biar begitu badan Victor juga terkena
Victor. Lalu Victor menembak penjahat
tembakkan yang lain. Victor terus bertahan
lain yang di lihat nya telah siap untuk
dan dengan tidak sabar Victor menuntun
menembaknya pula. Setelah peluruh
kedua wanita tsb. sampai akhirnya mereka
senjata api yang ada di tangannya
tiba di jalan 48th street. Jalan utama yang
habis maka dia merampas senjata
tidak terlalu jauh dari keramaian jantung
api yang lain, lalu dia berlari dan
kota New York. Bersamaan dengan itu pula
menuntun kedua wanita tsb. dengan
terdengar suara sirene mobil polisi yang
gesitnya dan membawanya pergi.
meraung – raung dengan lantangnya. Polisi
mendengar suara tembakan yang beruntun
dari Alley dimana pertama kali peristiwa itu
terjadi. Ketika tiba di jalan raya dan ramai
tsb. Victor telah kehabisan darah, dan
akhirnya dia jatuh terjerambab ke jalanan.
Mereka bertiga berlari dan Victor
Hujan turun dengan rintik rintik. Curahan air
di belakang kedua wanita tsb.
hujan telah membersihkan muka Victor yang
dari belakang para penjahat
penuh dengan debu sekali gus membuat
tanah di sekitar Victor terjatuh menjadi
menembakan pistol mereka
lautan darah, karena air hujan yang berbaur
kearah Victor dan kedua wanita
dengan curahan darah yang mengalir dari
AGAPE — Christmas 2006
badan Victor. Orang-orang yang lalu lalang
yang sangat di cintainya,
di jalan tsb. berhenti, Adriana dan Britney
seorang yang sudah sangat
menangis meratapi Victor yang sedang
lama di kenal oleh mereka.
mempertahankan nafas nya yang terakhir.
Adriana dan Britney tak tahu
kenapa mereka begitu sedih
dan sangat kehilangan dengan
kepergian Victor, seorang yang
tidak pernah di kenalnya, tetapi
IS DYING HERE...!” tak lama polisi pun tiba
juga seseorang yang seolah-
di tempat yang telah ramai di penuhi
oleh begitu dekat dengan hati
oleh orang yang lalu lalang yang ingin
mereka. Seolah-olah Victor adalah
mengetahui apa yang sesungguhnya telah
the “Guardian Angel”, atau paling
terjadi. Para penjahat telah di tangkap oleh
sedikit Victor adalah Malaikat
polisi yang mengejar mereka. Lalu polisi
Utusan Tuhan yang di kirim untuk
pun tiba di tempat Victor terbaring. Ketika
menyelamatkan mereka. Sementara
Victor melihat polisi di sekitar nya, maka
Adriana dan Britney menangisi Victor,
dengan lirih mata Victor melihat kepada
terdengar suara diantara orang
Adriana dan Britney dan berkata; “YOU...
yang mengerumumi mayat Victor
ARE ... .SAFE ... N..O..W....!”
Lalu dengan senyum Victor menghembuskan
nafasnya yang terakhir.
Adriana dan
Britney menangis terseduh seduh mereka
seolah oleh sedang menangisi seseorang
AGAPE — Christmas 2006
book review ———————————————————————————
Unveiling the Mystery
of a Woman’s Soul
0785264698 (Hardcover)
Nelson Books (April 7, 2005)
8.6 x 5.6 x 0.9 inches, 224 pages
Reviewed by:
Janice Atmadja
The author
of this book is also the author of
the New York Times Bestseller
Wild at Heart, the equivalent of Captivating for men. This
book was written in exchange for those “books on Christian
femininity” that the Eldredges deem formulaic; as if crossing
off a numeric checklist on how to be “the woman you ought to
be” (p.9 Introduction) will really only get you to satisfactory.
These are “soul killing” and femininity is so complicated it
can’t be described in a formula.
Captivating, Unveiling the Mystery of a Woman’s Soul by John and
Stasi Eldredge is definitely a book for the strong in faith. Its analogies
of God as our lover and Father may be confusing and seem deranged to
non-Christians. Lover itself already has a sketchy connotation. I have to
admit even I was disturbed when I first read a couple chapters, especially
AGAPE — Christmas 2006
the notion of getting God to “romance”
you. Now do not panic. Am I going too
fast for you? This is not a cultish book or
anything like that. Letting God romance
you simply mean letting Him work His
magic in your heart so that you may dwell
in contentment of God’s definition of
“beauty” instead of the world’s. How will
a non-Christian or someone unfamiliar
with God’s loving and healing character
understand this?
There are many aspects of this
book that I agree with and disagree
with. There are also a lot of things I
dislike―regarding style and portrayal
of today’s women. Overall, it is a good
read, but in all honesty it did not help me
with my struggles to grow as a Christian
woman. There is a difference between
a book that helps a Christian grow to
know themselves in Christ, and a book
that only tells them it is okay to feel
or think a certain way. I know all you
women out there know what I mean by
certain, a strange and guarded feeling
of…femininity, the only word I find
describable enough for this indescribable
sensation. A book that paves a way to
self-confidence and strength should also
tell us how to grow instead of just giving
us reassurance and psychiatric help (not
to be harsh). Any other worldly book can
do the same.
I don’t understand how this book is
a New York Times bestseller, not that its
AGAPE — Christmas 2006
contents aren’t meaningful. This book is
not secular (even though the title seem
appropriate for any other pop culture
feminine mystery solver how-to book),
and therefore must have been bought by
mostly Christians, which comprise of not
very many of us in America (if you mean
the strong and fervent ones). Therefore,
does this mean that this bestseller
has reached out to the gentiles with
its message of an answer in feminism
through God? If so, why is the Gospel
written towards the end of the book?
Why was the Gospel not clarified first?
Yes, the book talks of letting Jesus heal
our shattered feminine hearts, but who
is Jesus? A nonbeliever will want to be
informed of Jesus Christ our Savior first.
Moreover, knowing God’s character takes
time and is necessary for understanding
this book (refer to first paragraph). This
book’s organization of things could be
better as to help the nonbelievers find
their answers. If they found their answer
to their questions of womanhood in this
book, how much more drawn to God and
Christianity will they be?
This is the book’s central idea: here
is an essence of God in every woman.
Women portray God’s desire for beauty
and His want to be loved. We are also
a reflection of God’s mystery. This is a
claim I don’t completely follow. This is the
Eldredges’ claim as to why God made us
women the way we are: very “womanly”
and conclusively very complicated.
This book is a contradiction to me. It
encourages us to be strong, unashamed
and Godly women, yet stereotyping
women as largely needy and attentiongrabby. They claim an underlying feeling
of guilt haunts us―the question if we’re
too much or “not enough” made us
feel unsought, unseen, and uncertain
of our femininity resulting in Shame,
the Eldredges deemed the “universal
companion of women”. I don’t believe
this is necessarily true in all women.
Many women are confident and proud
of their state.
This book is biased against the
“tomboy” women. However true the
statement “all women desire love
and beauty” may be, not all women
are wrought in deep, frustrating
contemplation over their womanhood.
And not all “solitary, hard-working
business women” are unhappy. I guess
you can say I have the 20 th century
feminist view and yes, as Christians we
must seek out the role God has created
women to fulfill, but all I’m saying is
generalizing all women in a certain
category of “complicated, mysterious,
‘beautiful’” women is wrong.
This book glorifies “women” more
than it needs to, with its choice of
elaborate dictions and bible verses taken
apart merely to support their cause.
Even the most ardent feminist will blush
at all the praise women receive for our
“womanhood”, a journey that is wrought
with ‘questions, doubts, and fears’,
it seems. How dangerous our lives as
Women are.
Women, the Eldredges claim, are
created as reflection of God’s emphasis
on people-to-people relationship. This
explains women’s love of tea-time and
strength in emotional connection to
other people, but doesn’t this imply
that a woman must be “sociable”? Many
women are reserved and that is really
who they are. Does that mean they
must change themselves to be “social”
to reflect God’s version of “woman”?
And Women alone aren’t responsible for
keeping up relationships, both friendship
and boyfriend/girlfriend or husband/wife
relationships. Both Men and Women
are responsible in keeping a strong
connection. To me this “reason” God
has for creating Women gave me more
confusion than clarification.
I agree that our path to womanhood
is filled with uncertainty. Can I still be a
righteous as well as godly and yet still be
woman? What does it even mean to be a
woman? I don’t even know that yet. True
I still have time to figure it out, but really,
does anything provide an answer to our
question of how or what is it to be a
woman? The Bible does. If anyone finds a
passage in there that is relevant to this, do
leave a comment in the Agape comments
and suggestions box. Thanks a lot.
AGAPE — Christmas 2006
AGAPE — Christmas 2006
Choir di gereja kita telah mengalami kesulitan untuk mengajak lebih banyak jemaat
untuk mengikuti pelayanan ini sejak tahun yang lalu. Sedikitnya anggota choir di gereja
kita sekarang membuat choir grup kita susah untuk bertumbuh dan melayani Tuhan
dengan baik. Jadi, Agape team menjalani interview berhubungan dengan choir di gereja
kita dengan harapan untuk mencari alasan dibalik kiris dari choir grup ini. Dengan
harapan yang lain, kami juga memperlihatkan lika-liku dari choir di gereja kita kepada
jemaat semua. Dengan ini, kami sangat berharap untuk yang masih mempertimbangkan
pelayanan yang akan mereka lakukan boleh medapat ide dan pengertian tentang
pelayanan choir grup kita dan mungkin akan mempertimbangkan untuk mengikutinya.
Pertama-pertama, Agape team memberikan interview kepada salah satu jemaat di gereja
kita sebagai penonton untuk memberikan umpan balik kepada anggota-anggota choir.
Agape team juga memberikan interview kepada pemimpin choir dan salah satu dari
anggota choir untuk memperlihatkan lika-liku dibalik choir grup di gereja kita ini.
Apakah tugas dari choir grup di gereja?
Bagaimana pekerjaan choir grup di gereja kita selama ini?
Apakah yang harus diperbaiki dari choir grup kita ini?
Bagimanakan anda akan merasa kalau tidak ada choir grup di gereja kita?
AGAPE — Christmas 2006
Apakah yang terdapat dalam pikiran anda kalau orang bilang dia tidak bisa nyanyi
(kalau diajak untuk ikut choir grup)?
Kalau begitu, maukah anda ikut choir grup?
Apakah tugas dari choir grup di gereja?
Apakah pandangan anda untuk choir di gereja kita di masa yang akan mendatang?
Bertapa sibukah choir di gereja kita?
Berapa banyakah usaha yang anda berikan untuk choir di gereja kita?
Apakah yang harus diperbaiki dari choir grup kita?
AGAPE — Christmas 2006
Apakah tugas dari choir grup di gereja?
Apakah mengikuti choir grup telah menguatkan imam kepercayaan anda? Dengan
Bertapa sibukah choir di gereja kita?
Apakah pandangan anda untuk choir di gereja kita di masa yang akan mendatang?
Apakah yang harus diperbaiki dari choir grup kita?
AGAPE — Christmas 2006
Pesan-pesan untuk anggota-anggota choir dan pemimpin choir:
AGAPE — Christmas 2006
Setiap pelayanan untuk Tuhan membutukan kerelaan dan pengorbanan terutama
pelayanan dalam choir. Choir adalah pelayanan yang sangat penting dan terpuji untuk
Tuhan seperti yang Firman Tuhan telah katakan. Karena itu, sebagai satu yang mengikut
choir grup di gereja sepatutnya melakukan tugasnya dengan serius. Jangan lupa, Tuhan
selalu bersama dengan anda jadi kesulitan apa pun harus diselesaikan dengan berdoa
kepadaNya untuk memberkati pelayanan anda ini. Kami sebagai Agape team sangat
berharap choir grup di gereja kita ini boleh membuat satu kemajuan dan melayani
Tuhan dengan baik.
AGAPE — Christmas 2006
By: Tim Kimmel
If we are going to ask our self as
parents, what are the fundamental,
driving inner needs that your child
was born with?
Most parents would get one of
these needs right (a need for love),
but they would be hard-pressed to
define what that needs looks like
AGAPE — Christmas 2006
once it’s fully met. The rest would
offers answers like food, clothing, shelter (physical or intellectual
needs, but not one of the driving
inner needs).
As a matter of fact, all children
are born with three driving inner
needs; they are the needs of love,
purpose and hope. These driving
inner needs are the ones that Adam
and Eve were created with. They
had them before what is traditionally known as “The Fall” – before
they needed to be redeemed. These
needs were the logical conclusion of
being made in God’s Image. That’s
why, when these needs are properly
met, they are ultimately met in Him.
Therefore, it is essential that these
needs be the focal point of a wise
parent’s efforts.
1) The Needs of A Secure Love
Because we were made in God’s
image, we have built into our basic
it. In Revelation 3:19 Jesus says,
makeup an infinite capacity for love.
Love starts at conception. Most moms, “Those whom I love I rebuke and
once they have found out that they
are pregnant, begin to develop a love
relationship with the baby inside them. 2) The Needs of A Significant Purpose
Most children are received into arms
God is a God of deliberateness.
of love when they are born.
He does nothing by trial and erBut desiring to love your children
ror. His creation was not series of
and actually loving them in such a
chance accidents. From the moway that they develop a secure love
ment He said, “Let there be light”
of their own are two different things.
(Genesis 1:3), He has been demYou’d have to search a long time to
onstrating that He is working a Big
find parents who would confess that
Plan. He sent His son with a clearly
they don’t love their children. Almost
all parents love their children, and chil- defined purpose. What interestdren find clear evidence of that love.
ing about this need is if we fail to
But loving your child and even doing
address our children’s need for a
things to show your love do not trans- significant purpose, it doesn’t mean
late into a secure love. What we mean they will necessarily end up living
by secure love is a steady and sure
useless and unproductive lives. In
love that is written on the hard drive of more cases, our lack of deliberatechildren’s souls. It’s a complete love
ness in grooming their sense of
that they default to when their hearts
purpose sends them into a future
are under attack.. It’s the kind of love with a foreboding sense of irrelthat children can confidently carry with evancy and far more vulnerable to
them into the future.
Satan’s counterfeits.
Children feel secure when they
Children feel significant when
know they are accepted as they are.
they know they have our attention.
Just as in our relationship with God, He may “Raising a child isn’t a march with a
love us when we are
distinct left-right-left-right cadence.
sinful, but He doesn’t
ignore our sin. Just the It’s a flowing dance where the rhythm
opposite-He notices
changes all the time “
Just like what we see on Matthew 18:
5 - 6, Jesus noticed kids. He give His
attention to children, He also offers
a sobering warning to adults who
doesn’t pay careful attention to children’s needs.
the only true God. They need to
watch parents who place their full
confidence in the only true God,
Jesus Christ. Parents become the
reference point that they cue off in
learning how to trust God through
the pain, confusion, or rejection that
surely awaits them in the future.
Paul taught this lesson as a principle for the church in Rome to follow.
Here’s how he put it: “We rejoice
in the hope of the glory of God.
Not only so, but we also rejoice in
our sufferings, because we know
that sufferings produces perseverance; perseverance, character; and
character, hope. And hope does not
disappoint us, because God has
poured out His love into our hearts
by the Holy Spirit, whom He has
given us” (Romans 5: 2b – 5)
3) The Needs of A Strong Hope
Anything minus hope equals nothing. Hope is the human equivalent of
oxygen when it comes to a person’s
ability to live effectively. Without hope,
it is impossible to live a balanced life.
Any parents who wants to raise his or
her children into strong, confident and
resilient adults has got to grasp the reality of children’s fundamental need for
a strong hope. When our children receive something they know is given at
a high cost, it bolsters their confidence
that there are things in life worth
hoping for.
Ultimately, we
“... suffering produces perseverance;
want our chilperseverance, character; and character, hope.“
dren to place
their hope in
Romans 5: 3 - 4 NIV
AGAPE — Christmas 2006
bible fact ————————————————————————————
100 Questions
The Top
By : Richard Bewes
Were the Magi astrologers?
Over this past Christmas I've heard the wise men,
who came to see the infant Jesus, described as
astrologers. But I've always understood astrology
and divination by the stars to occult in origin. Can
you help?
ou are perceptive to have been thinking along these lines.
The Scriptures are indeed consistent in their hostility to all
occult activity (Isaiah 8:19).
However, we may - in fact we must - investigate
those things that God has chosen to reveal, and not least in
The birth of Jesus - and the star which herladed his
birth - was the activity of God himself. This was nothing
to do with horoscopes. At significant stages of Jesus' life,
certain phenomena featured - the dove at his baptism, the
light at his transfiguration, the darkness and earthquake
at his death, the cloud at his ascension. These occurrences
attested Jesus to those who had minds to understand.
Similary then, at his birth, there was a star.
The signifcance of the wise men - the 'Magi' as they
have been termed - is that they were Gentiles, probably from
AGAPE — Christmas 2006
Mesopotamia. They would not have
benefited directly from the privileges
of Judaism or its Scriptures. It is,
however, very likely that they would
have taken note of a prophecy that
had been uttered centuries earlier - by
a Gentile prophet, Balaam by name.
In fact he was from their own
area, Pethor, by the river Euphrates
(Numbers 22:4,5). His words would
have been remembered down the
2. Their persistence in the search
I see him, but not now, I
3. Their reverence for the infant
behold him but not near. A
star will come out of Jacob;
a scepter will rise out of
Israel (Numbers 24:17).
The star stood for regal power and
splendour; the second couplet here is
a firm indication of kingship. Further
lines point to the widespread rule of
this coming individual. Consequently,
when a special star came to the
attention of the Magi, they decided to
investigate further.
1. Their sensitivity to revelation
Traditionally it seems that the Magi
(who were a kind of priestly tribe)
were to the Persians what the Levites
were to Israel; they were respected
instructors of the Persian kings. Their
enquiring minds predisposed them to
recognise and then follow the star,
when it appeared.
AGAPE — Christmas 2006
On reaching Jerusalem, the Magi cause
great disruption with their enquiry
as to where the new king has been
born. Herod's advisors look up the
prophecies, and announce Bethlehem
as the location (Micah 5:2). But none of
them make the journey to Bethlehem.
It is left to these Gentile enquirers to
go and pay homage to Israel's king.
Worship - not power - was their aim.
Simon Magus (Acts 8:9-11) was in a
lower order altogether; through his
exploits he wanted to be 'great' - and
that is the approach of occultism. Not
so, the Magi of Matthew 2. They were
wise with the wisdom that seeks
God, and were obedient to him.
Two Babes in a Manger
Author Unknown
Source: “Stories For A Faithful Heart”, compiled by Alice Gray
Edited by Debbie Wang
In 1994, two Americans answered an invitation from the Russian Department of Education to teach morals and ethics (based on biblical principles)
in the public schools. They were invited to teach at prisons, businesses, the fire
and police departments, and a large orphanage. About a hundred boys and girls
who had been abandoned, abused, and left in the care of a government-run program were in the orphanage. They relate the following story in their own words:
It was close to the holiday season,
1994. It is the first time for the orphans to hear about the traditional
Christmas story—when Mary and
Joseph arrived at Bethlehem. Finding
no room in the inn, the couple went
to a stable, where the baby Jesus was
born and placed in a manger.
Throughout the story, the children
and orphanage staff sat in amazement as they listened.
Some sat on the edges of their
stools, trying to grasp every word.
Completing the story, we gave the
children three small pieces of cardboard to make a crude manger.
Each child was given a small paper square, cut from yellow napkins
I had brought with me. No colored
paper was available in the city. Following the instructions, the children
tore the paper and carefully laid
strips in the manger for straw.
Small squares of flannel, cut from a
worn-out nightgown an American
lady threw away as she left Russia,
were used for the baby’s blankets.
A doll-like baby was cut from tan
felt we has brought from the United States. The orphans were busy
assembling their mangers as I
walked among them to see if they
needed any help. All went well
until I got to one table where little
Misha sat. He looked to be about
six years old and had finished his
As I looked at
the little boy’s
manger, I was
startled to see not
one, but two babies
in the manger. Quickly, I
called for the translator to ask the
AGAPE — Christmas 2006
lad why there were two babies in the warm, will that be a good enough
manger. Crossing his arms in front
of him and looking at this completed
“And Jesus told me, ‘If you keep
manger scene, the child began to
me warm, that will be the best gift
repeat the story very seriously. For
anybody ever gave me.’ So I got in
such a young child, who had only
the manger, and then Jesus looked
heard the Christmas story once, he
at me and he told me that I could
related the
stay with
������������������������������������������������ him—for
happenings very
����������������������������������������������� always.”
until he
���������������������������������������������� little Misha
came to
the part
his story,
his eyes
Mary put
the baby
full of
Jesus in
tears that
the manger.
splashed down his little cheeks.
Then Misha started to ad-lib. He
Putting his hand over his face, his
made up his own ending to the story head dropped to the table and
as he said, “And when Maria laid the his shoulders shook as he sobbed
baby in the manger, Jesus looked at
and sobbed. The little orphan had
me and asked me if I had a place to
found someone who would never
stay. I told him I couldn’t, because I
abandon nor abuse him, someone
didn’t have a gift. I thought maybe if I who would stay with him—FOR
kept him warm, that would be a good ALWAYS.
gift. So I asked Jesus, ‘If I keep you
AGAPE — Christmas 2006
T �������
Christmas Tradions
with the masses and were at
their prime in the Middle Ages
Carol by definition means a fes- when they were almost always
a part of the mystery plays.
tive song, generally religious but
There was a time when wandernot necessarily connected with
minstrels and waits or watchchurch worship, and often with a
men that guarded the old
dance-like or popular character.
Originally, music compositions and walled cities in the night used to
pass their time by singing carsongs at Christmas were in the
ols and also sang them to theform of chants and hymns. Caroling originally meant ‘circle dance’ people who used to pass them
and the words to accompany this by. They would go from home to
festive dance were later added to home, singing carols and entertaining people and may get a
the tradition. Initially, in the countryside, many simple folk songs and treat in return. Later groups of
musicians began singing carols
Nativity carols were written and
and playing them for
gained popularity, too. In 1223,
various events that
Saint Francis of Assisi introduced
were held during
carols into the formal worship of
the Christmas
the church during a Christmas
season. Today,
Midnight Mass in a cave in Greccio, in the province of Umbria. That a number of
night, the songs and music that ac- caroling events
companied this sacred and formal are organized
throughout the
event were not hymns but carols.
world during the
Ever since then, carols caught on
AGAPE — Christmas 2006
festive season, especially on Christmas Eve.
depicting acts
of Christmas
charity: to the
Ever since the first Christmas
left, feeding the
night when the angel choir sang
hungry; to the
of the coming of the Savior to the
right, clothing
shepherds, Christmas’ have been
the naked. Underheralded with the singing of carols. neath appears the
Although the words of carols may
now familiar phrase
vary, the essence of the message
“A Merry Christmas
is the same. The practice of caroland a Happy New Year to You.”
ing from house to house nowadays Actually, cards were preceded
is still one of the most treasured
by “Christmas Pieces” written
customs of all. Imagine yourself at
by school boys in England as
home, sitting in front of a warm fire- greetings to their parents and
place, placing your favorite Christ- as proof of their progress in the
mas decorations around the house art of writing.
when soft sounds of singing come
Nowadays, people are getin from the chilly outdoors. Why, it’s
ting convenient with the techthe sound of carolers just for us.
nology so the tradition of exCHRISTMAS CARD TRADITION
changing cards on Christmas
The Christmas card is a Victorian day evolved into exchanging
creation, which began as a kind
E-cards, which is more efficient
of stationery. The first card was
and attractive. Many business
produced by Sir Henry Cole who
people use this event to generworked for the British Postal Service, ate a better relationship with
and an artist he hired named John vendors, customers, etc. For
Horsley. This early card was a depic- families or friends, the tendency
tion of a Christmas scene framed
to exchange Christmas card is
in three panels. In the center panel a symbol of a bond of care and
was a homey table scene: children, thoughtfulness.
parents and grandparents seated,
and some raising their glasses for a
toast. On either side were panels
AGAPE — Christmas 2006
From the earliest times, the account of the Wise Men or Magi’s
journey has been a tremendous
part of the Christmas Season. It
was through their love and desire
to know the King of Kings that they
traveled many miles, even risking
their lives in encounters with King
Herod, so that they might present
their gifts of gold, frankincense,
and myrrh. In our Christmas Season
today we continue that gift giving
tradition and in our Christian lives
each week we practice the same
spirit of the Magi in giving tithes
and gifts to Jesus our King of Kings
so His ministry may continue and
a Christmas tree with candles.
While coming home one dark
winter’s night near Christmas,
he was struck with the beauty
of the starlight shining through
the branches of a small fir tree
outside his home. He duplicated
the starlight by using candles
attached to the branches of his
indoor Christmas tree. The Christmas tree was not widely used in
Britain until the 19th century. It
was brought to America by the
Pennsylvania Germans in the
The Tannenbaum itself is a
symbol of peace and eternal
life. The Christmas tree represents the Cross on which hung
the light of the world, who, when
CHRISTMAS TREE TRADITION He died, completed His union in
love with His church. The Cross
The Christmas tree originated in Germany in the
reunited earth and sky, God and
16th century. It was com- humanity in love. The lights of the
tree represent Jesus, the light of
mon for the Germanic
the world; the ornaments reprepeople to decorate
Tannenbaum (fir trees) sent us, the fruits - the offspring of
the union between Jesus and His
both inside and out
church. And thus did the Tanwith roses, apples,
nenbaum (a family of fir tree)
and colored paper.
become the Christmas tree.
It is believed that
Martin Luther, the
Protestant reformer,
The original Santa Claus, St.
was the first to light
AGAPE — Christmas 2006
Nicholas, was born in Turkey in
the 4th century. He
was very pious from
an early age, devoting his life to
Christianity. He
became widely
known for his generosity for the poor. But
the Romans held him in
contempt. He was imprisoned and
tortured. But when Constantine
became emperor of Rome, he
allowed Nicholas to go free. Constantine became a Christian and
convened the Council of Nicaea
in 325. Nicholas was a delegate
to the council. He is especially
noted for his love of children and
for his generosity. He is the patron
saint of sailors, Sicily, Greece, and
Russia. He is also, of course, the
patron saint of children. The Dutch
kept the legend of St. Nicholas
alive. In 16th century Holland,
Dutch children would place their
wooden shoes by the hearth in
hopes that they would be filled
with a treat. The Dutch spelled St.
Nicholas as Sint Nikolaas, which
became corrupted to Sinterklaas,
and finally, in Anglican, to Santa
Claus. In 1822, Clement C. Moore
composed his famous poem, “A
Visit from St. Nick,” which was later
AGAPE — Christmas 2006
published as “The Night Before
Christmas.” Moore is credited
with creating the modern image
of Santa Claus as a jolly fat man
in a red suit. In Greek, St. Nicholas is known as Hagios Nikolaos,
Bishop of Myra (in the present
day Turkey),
St Nicholas reportedly died
about 350 AD. Today, this mythical character is still alive and
well and is known all over the
world as: Nicholas of Myra, Santa
Claus or “Santa” in USA. His fame
spread rapidly during the Middle
Ages and thousands of churches
are dedicated to him. He has
been the patron saint of Russia,
Moscow, Greece, children, sailors, prisoners, bakers, pawnbrokers, shopkeepers and wolves.
His gift-giving role in Christmas
rites probably follows
from his fame
as the friend
of children.
The story also
tells that he
used to give
donations of
gold coins
to persons in
need. Most
of the children imagine Santa as a
merry old man with red and white
clothes, ride an open sleigh with
eight flying reindeer (including
Rudolf), always entering houses
through the chimney and doesn’t
give presents to bad kids. His cult
spread in Europe and Christmas
presents were distributed on December 6th when the celebration
of St. Nicholas took place. In many
countries, this day is still the day
of Christmas gift-giving although
there is a mounting pressure everywhere to conform to the custom
of 24th/25th December. The relics
of St. Nicholas are in the basilica
of St. Nicola, in Bari, Italy (they
were stolen from Myra in 1087 AD).
For this reason, he is sometimes
known as St. Nicholas of Bari.
hung out to dry.
Since that time
children have
continued to hang
out stockings in hopes
of finding them filled with
gifts. Actually, the hanging of stockings by the fire
supposedly dates back
to the actual Saint Nicholas,
a bishop in Lycia in Asia Minor
(present-day Turkey) during the
fourth century AD. According
to the legend there was a poor
man with three daughters who
could not provide a dowry for
them to be married. One night,
Nicholas secretly dropped a
bag of gold into an open window of the house. The oldest
daughter was then allowed to
be married. This was repeated
later with the second daughter.
Finally, determined to uncover
his benefactor, the father secretly hid each evening by his
daughter’s window until he
caught the saint tossing in a bag
of gold. Nicholas begged the
man to not reveal what he had
done, not wanting to bring attention to himself.
The custom of hanging stockings comes from England. Father
Christmas (Santa Claus) once
dropped some gold coins while
coming down the chimney. The
would have fallen
through the
ash grate and
become lost
if they hadn’t
Word got out anyway, and
landed in a stockwhen anyone received a gift
ing that had been
AGAPE — Christmas 2006
from an unknown source, it was
attributed to Saint Nicholas. The
stockings come into play in one
legend, in that the third daughter
had hung her stockings by the
fire to dry them out after washing them, and when St. Nicholas tossed in the bag of gold it
landed in one of the stockings.
Thus the tradition began. Children
write letters to Father Christmas
listing their requests, but instead
of dropping them in the mailbox,
the letters are tossed into the
fireplace. The draught carries the
letters up the chimney and Father
Christmas reads the smoke.
Tips of what we as Christians
should deal with the fact of the
fictitious origins of Christmas tradition:
rr All
M om
Even though the origins of
Christmas tradition seem so fictitious and not even biblical, today
Christians all over the world along
with non-Christians celebrate
Christmas together. It is not
wrong to celebrate Christmas by these tradition
because we all have the
freedom of how we would
celebrate the birth of our
Savior, but most importantly we
AGAPE — Christmas 2006
should not be the same as the
non-Christians who sees this celebration along with these tradition only as a holiday. We need
to remember that Christmas isn’t
just an occasion of gift giving, or
caroling, or the big and beautiful Christmas tree. And what we
as Christians should remember
on Christmas day is God’s love
and mercy. God has the biggest
grace and love for us. That is why
He sent His one and only Son to
come on to the earth as a human to sacrifice and redeem us,
so that we can have an eternal
life. Most of all, we, as Christians,
should not celebrate these traditions excessively so that we forgot
our savior, Jesus.
Maret 2005 papa Patsy meninggal secara tiba-tiba. Sebulan
kemudian kami mendapatkan bahwa Patsy mengandung.
Walaupun kehamilan ini direncanakan tetapi kami surprise
juga. Kami sungguh merasa senang dan bagi Patsy ini sekaligus
merupakan suatu penghiburan apalagi setelah kehilangan papa.
Banyak yang bertanya kami ini ingin anak laki-laki atau
perempuan? Bagi kami mendapatkan anak laki-laki
atau perempuan bukan masalah. Yang
penting anak yang dikandung ini sehat.
Pada bulan kelima kami mengetahui bahwa
kami akan mendapatkan anak laki-laki.
Kami mendengar nama Tobias dari seorang
teman. Kami suka sekali dengan nama itu.
Tentunya alternatif nama yang lain juga
dipikirkan tetapi karena makin banyak pilihan
membuat kami makin bingung maka kami kembali
pada pilihan pertama. Arti nama Tobias adalah
“God is good.” Nama John diambil dari ayah Patsy.
Arti nama John adalah “God is gracious.”
Kami sungguh bersyukur mempunyai keluarga dan
teman-teman yang mengasihi bahkan mendoakan
kami. Tanggal 18 Desember 2005 Tobey lahir di
Methodist Hospital di Arcadia. Perasaan senang dan
asing bercampur menjadi satu. Kami telah menjadi Papa
dan Mama. Kami sungguh bersyukur pada Tuhan telah
memberkati kami dengan anak yang sehat. Terima kasih
Tuhan Yesus.
Irwan and Patricia Tanujaya
AGAPE — Christmas 2006
Faith had her 1st Christmas last year at the hospital
when she was 2 days old…J First of all, we praise
and thank God for His graceful and miraculous
works each day in our struggles and lives. We also
want to thank our brothers and sisters in Christ who
faithfully pray for us. We’ve prayed for a child in
our live for quite some times and God answered our
prayers when we least expected it. We believe that
Faith’s presence in our live is only by His love and
grace. She is really a blessing for us. Faith means
Confident belief in Truth and Hannah means
Grace of God / God has favored me. Our prayer is
that she can be a God’s blessing wherever she is.
Joshua and Wilis Adidjaja
Kami sungguh bersyukur untuk kelahiran anak kedua
kami. Semoga Nadelyn menjadi anak Tuhan yang baik
dan bisa dipakai buat pekerjaan Tuhan.
Wilson and Ping-Ping Lee
AGAPE — Christmas 2006
The meaning of Joshua is Jehovah Saves. Joshua is the
Hebrew word for ‘Jesus’. Joshua succeeded Moses as
the leader of the Israelites and led them into Canaan, the
‘promised land’. Fidel means faithful. Fidel = Fide (from
‘Sola Fide’, the famous doctrine formulated Martin Luther).
And the last name reflects one of the greatest men in history.
He was born at St. John’s Regional Medical Center Oxnard,
Puji Tuhan proses kelahiran Joshua bisa berjalan dengan
lancar, lahir dengan berat badan 5 lbs 2 oz, panjang 18,5 inchi.
Kelahiran Joshua benar-benar di luar dugaan kami karena ia
lahir sebelum waktu yang telah diperkirakan (lebih cepat 5
minggu dari jadwal perkiraan dokter). Namun walaupun lahir
pre-term, Joshua bisa lahir dengan sehat dan selamat tanpa
adanya hambatan yang cukup berarti.
Kami benar-benar bersyukur atas hadirnya Joshua di tengahtengah keluarga kami, dan kami berharap ia dapat berakar,
bertumbuh, berbuah sesuai dengan rencana Tuhan serta menjadi
anak yang setia dan takut akan Tuhan. Amin. SOLI DEO
Heru and Riya Winarto
I was born at 1:30 am on Saturday; my mom was
in labor for 11 hours. Finally, I was delivered
successfully with weight 6 lbs 11 in and height 20
in. Since I am the second child, it seems much easier
for my mom to deliver me. I was born in Baldwin
Park, same place as my sister. Thank you Jesus for
blessing my mom and me.
Louis and Shiella Handojo
AGAPE — Christmas 2006
resep ——————————————————————— by Linda Zheng
Ginger Bread Men
Ingredients :
3 and 1/4 cups flour
1/2 teaspoon baking soda
1/4 teaspoon salt
1 teaspoon ground cinnamon
2 teaspoon ground cloves
1 cup salted butter, softened
3/4 cup dark brown sugar, firmly packed
1 large egg
1/2 cup unsulfered molasses
2/3 cup confectioners sugar
1 - 2 teaspoon milk
Preparing Icing :
1) Whisk sugar and milk until
smooth but still liquid
2) Add extra milk if seems dry
3) Place in a bread paper with
a small spuit on the bottom,
decorate the cookies as desired
Baking Directions :
1) Preheat oven to 325'
2) Whisk together flour, salt, cinnamon,
baking soda, ginger and cloves
3) Cream butter and sugar. Scrap down
sides of bowl. Add egg and molasses
and beat on medium speed until
4) Scrape down bowl and add flour
mixture, blend on low speed until just
combined (do not over mix)
5) Separate dough into 2 balls and flatten
into disks. Wrap each disk tightly in plastic
wrap and refrigerate approx. 1 hour.
6) On floured surface with floured rolling pin, roll dough out
to 1/4 thickness. With floured cookie cutters cut into shapes.
Gather scrapes and re-roll dough until all is used. Place on
ungreased baking sheets about 1/2" apart.
7) Bake 9 - 11 minutes - do not brown. Transfer to cool, flat
surface and let it cool.
AGAPE — Christmas 2006
Tom Yum Goong
(Hot & Sour Prawn Soup)
Ingredients :
500g (1 lb) Raw Prawns
1 tablespoon Oil
2 litres Water
2 tablespoons Ready-Made Red Curry
2 teaspoons Ground Tumeric
1 teaspoon Chopped Red Chilli, optional
4-8 kaffir lime leaves, whole or shreded
2 tablespoons fish sauce
2 tablespoons lime juice
2 teaspoons soft brown sugar
1/4 cup (7g 1/4 oz) Fresh coriander
leaves / cilantro
Cooking Direction :
1) Peel and Devein the prawns, leave
the tails intact. Heat oil in a large
pan add the prawn shells and heads
to the pan and cook for 10 minutes
over moderately high heat, tossing
frequently, until the shells and head are
deep orange.
2) Add 1 cup (250ml / 8 fl oz) of the
water and the curry paste to the pan.
Boil for 5 minutes, until reduces
slightly. Add the remaining water and
simmer for 20 minutes. Drain the stock,
discard the heads and the shells.
3) Put the drained stock to the pan,
Add tamarind, turmeric, chilli and
lime leaves to the boil and cook for 2
minutes. Add prawns to the pan and
cook for 5 minutes until the prawns turn
pink. Add the fish sauce, lime juice and
sugar and stir to combine, sprinkle with
coriander leaves. Ready to serve for 4
- 6 person
AGAPE — Christmas 2006
W a ng
By D eb b ie
Instead of playing video games or watching TV all day for Christmas break, it is better to spend
your time doing this puzzle. Look for the listed Christmas words between these letters. They are
not necessarily from the Bible. The words could be backwards, vertical, horizontal, or diagonal.
Good luck solving it! If you think you are done, show it to Ci Debbie from English Youth Service.
Only the first ten kids who are done correctly will have the opportunity to show their pics (taken
by Agape team) in the next edition”
P.S.: This puzzle is for kids age 12 and under, if you are above 12, just do it for fun, not the
▶ Angel
▶ Mary
▶ Bethlehem
▶ Naughty
▶ Jesus
▶ Nice
▶ Joseph
▶ Present
▶ Magi
▶ Shepherd
▶ Manger
▶ Snow
AGAPE — Christmas 2006
humor —————————————————————
These jokes are taken from www.gcfl.net
and jokes.christiansunite.com
"A cheerful heart is good medicine..."
(Proverbs 17:22a)
.The Nativity.
Lucy was sitting with her four-year-old
son one night sometime around Christmas. They
were reading a book on the nativity story.
When they came to the part where Mary
laid the baby Jesus in the manger, Lucy said,
“And here‛s the baby lyin‛ in the manger.”
Lucy's son stopped a moment then turned
to her with the most quizzical look on his face
and said, “But mommy, where‛s the baby lion?”
.At the Pearly Gates on Christmas Eve.
Three men died on Christmas Eve and were met by Saint Peter at the
pearly gates.
“In honor of this holy season,” Saint Peter said, “you must each possess
something that symbolizes Christmas to get into heaven.”
The first man fumbled through his pockets and pulled out a lighter.
He flicked it on. “It represents a candle,” he said. “You may pass through the
pearly gates,” Saint Peter said.
The second man reached into his pocket and pulled out a set of keys.
He shook them and said, “They‛re
bells.” Saint Peter said, “You may pass
through the pearly gates.”
The third man started searching
desperately through his pockets and
finally pulled out a pair of women‛s
St. Peter looked at the man with a
raised eyebrow and asked, “And just what do those symbolize?”
The man replied, “They‛re Carol‛s.”
AGAPE — Christmas 2006
.The Gift.
Thanks for the electric guitar you gave me
for Christmas,” little Chris Cody said to his uncle
the first time he saw him after the holidays. “It‛s
the best present I ever got.”
“That‛s great,” said his uncle. “Do you know
how to play it?”
“Oh, I don‛t play it,” the little fellow said.
“My mom gives me a dollar a day not to play it
during the day and my dad gives me five dollars a
week not to play it at night.
.The Nativity Scene.
A 7-year old child was drawing a picture of the Nativity. The picture
was very good, including Mary, Joseph and, of course, baby Jesus.
However, there was a fat man standing in the corner of the stable,
that just did not seem to fit in. When the child was asked about it, she
replied, “Oh, That‛s Round John Virgin.”
.Lost Purse.
A lady lost her handbag in the bustle of
Christmas shopping. It was found by an honest
little boy and returned to her. Looking in her purse,
she commented, “Hmmm.... That‛s funny. When I
lost my bag there was a $20 bill in it. Now there
are twenty $1 bills.”
The boy quickly replied, “That‛s right, lady. The
last time I found a lady‛s purse, she didn‛t have any
change for a reward.”
AGAPE — Christmas 2006