SFP GradNews Winter 2005 - the SFP Alumni Website!


SFP GradNews Winter 2005 - the SFP Alumni Website!
The Prep Community mourns the passing of our Holy Father Pope John Paul II
Coming Events
The Principal’s Dinner
April 9, 2005
--Alumni Spring Reunion
and Hall of Fame Induction
April 16, 2005
--Memorial Mass
for Sr. Joseph Agnes
May 1, 2005
--12th Annual Golf Classic
Brother Robert Kent, O.S.F.
June 20, 2005
--7th Annual Homecoming
October 13-16, 2005
3 on 3 Hoops Tournament
October 13
--Golf Outing and
Homecoming Dinner
October 14
--St. Francis Prep Day at
Belmont Race Track
October 15
--5K Fun Run and
Homecoming Football Game
October 16
--Annual Memorial Mass for
Deceased Alumni & Friends
November 6, 2005
Sister Joseph Agnes Hohmann, SCH
Religious, Educator, Guidance Counselor, and
Friend to Many Prep Students and Alumni
Sister Joseph Agnes
Hohmann, SCH of Mount Saint
Vincent, Wellesley, MA, died
Saturday, February 26, 2005 at the
Elizabeth Seton Residence in
Wellesley. She was 92.
Born Mary Catherine
Hohmann in Dorchester, MA, she
entered the Sisters of Charity
(Halifax) on August 15, 1931 and
made Profession of First Vows on
April 1, 1934. She had been a
Sister of Charity for 70 Years.
Sister was a graduate of
Boston College where she
received her Bachelor of Arts in
1942 with a major in English.
Boston College also granted her
M.A. in English in 1942 and her
M.Ed. in Guidance in 1960. Sister
Joseph Agnes also had a New York State permanent certification for teaching
English in grades 7 to 12.
Her first assignment began in 1934 (following her First Vows) at St. Patrick
High School in Lawrence, MA where she taught grades 10 and 12 for ten years.
Following this assignment, in 1944, Sister was transferred to the Academy of the
Assumption, Wellesley, where she was the Principal and a teacher for 14 years.
She taught grades 11 and 12 there.
In 1958, Sister was missioned to Seton Hall High School, Patchogue (Long
Island), NY. She taught grade 12 there for ten years.
Bishop Reilly High School in Fresh Meadows (Queens), NY was her next
assignment. She was the Guidance Counselor for six years from 1968-74. In 1974,
Bishop Reilly High School was turned over to the Franciscan Brothers by the
Diocese of Brooklyn, and the school became the co-educational St. Francis
Preparatory School (with Prep students from the old Brooklyn school being relocated to Queens). Sister Joseph Agnes was the Guidance Counselor and the
College Counselor at the Prep from 1974 until 2000.
She was an outstanding and dedicated teacher and Guidance Counselor who
helped many students achieve their goals of college admission and success in
(Continued on page 4)
2 • GradNews
Principal’s Message
St. Francis Prep’s GradNews
is a publication of the St. Francis Prep
Alumni Association
2004-2005 ALUMNI BOARD
Dear Graduates and Friends of St. Francis Prep:
It has been another snowy winter in the Northeast (although spring is in the
air) but nothing seems to deter our faculty, staff, students, parents and alumni
when it comes to the Prep.We continue to be very fortunate to have the help
and support of so many dedicated individuals.
Among other things, thanks to the volunteers who did so much in such a
short period of time, our tradition of bringing holiday cheer to the disabled
was able to continue at the Prep on December 11, 2004. This event is especially
compelling now, as we recently lost our dear Sister Joseph Agnes, our longtime Guidance and College Counselor who also found the time to initiate and then oversee this wonderful Christmas Party for the Handicapped for so many years. She passed away in Wellesley, MA on
February 26th and was laid to rest on March 3rd. The cover article is devoted to her wonderful life and
her everlasting memory.
In a wonderful response to the tsunami disaster that affected so many people, our students and
other members of the Prep Community rallied to raise over $25,000 for the orphans and refugees in
Kurukalmadam, Sri Lanka.A report on this outpouring of generosity at the Prep was aired on Channel
One in February.
On the academic front, it is very gratifying to report that a St. Francis Prep senior , Rebecca
Reynolds, was recently named a semi-finalist in the 2005 Intel Science Talent Search Program. This
marks the seventh consecutive year in which Prep students were named semi-finalists in this prestigious
competition. Once again, this is a tribute to the Prep's Science Research Program and its leader, Ms.
Mary Ann Spicijaric, Class of 1984.
Fox Channel 5 featured our outstanding Art and Music Departments on “Good Day New York”in
December, and it pleases me to report that 83 students were recently inducted into the Franciscan
Chapter of the National Honor Society, and that 224 students were inducted into the various Foreign
Language National Honor Societies.
We also continue to move toward our Middle States objectives while planning for the Prep’s 150th
Anniversary celebration in October 2008. The months leading up to this will be very exciting and you
will learn a great deal more about our plans in upcoming editions of the GradNews and elsewhere
(including a totally re-vamped alumni link to the school website which will debut this summer).
On the alumni front, October's Homecoming Weekend was successful once again (see page 23),
thanks in large measure to the generosity of Tom Nevitt, Class of 1977, who sponsored the Golf Outing,
and Peter Callahan, Class of 1959, who sponsored St. Francis Prep’s Day at Belmont Race Track (as well
as the recent Florida Reunion at his lovely home in Palm Beach Gardens on March 5th).
The November, January and March reunions were well attended (see pages 30 and 31) and we are
now planning for the Hall of Fame and Spring Reunion on April 16th. If you are a member of the 25th,
30th, 35th, 40th, 45th, 50th, or 60th Year Reunion Class, then please join us that evening.Also, mark
June 20th on your calendar as we will honor Brother Robert Kent at this year’s Golf Classic at The
Cherry Valley Club in Garden City. If you can’t make this event, you can still lend your support with a
sponsorship or journal ad. (See page 33 and 34.)
Finally, our 2004-05 Annual Fund program is off to a good start thanks to the generosity exhibited
by hundreds of graduates and friends thus far. (See the report on page 32.) The program will continue
through August, and if you have yet to make a gift or pledge this year, you may do so by completing and
returning the envelope inserted in this edition of GradNews.We will be very grateful for anything you
can do to help.
Thank you again for your ongoing support. Please keep St. Francis Prep in your prayers and know
that you and your loved ones always have a special place in the hearts of Franciscans everywhere.
Yours in St. Francis,
Brother Leonard Conway, O.S.F.
Wally Bishop ’80
Christopher Mendolia ’87
Vice President
Kristina Veljak ’90
Alissa Ornelas ’97
Rom Alama ’87
Thomas Cook ’89
Jean Coppola ’82
Nancy Demers ’91
Nancy Donato ’76
Alice Dunkak Quinn ’79
John Fabrizio ’65
Harold Kelly ’56
Brother Campion Lally, OSF ’55
Eileen LeMonda ’78
Patrick McArdle ’89
John McAree ’50
Michael Mongelli ’79
Nicholas Moraglia ’88
Drew Morgan ’89
Kevin O’Donnell ’73
Joseph Pantaleo ’03
Donna Rodger ’77
Gerald Scales ’76
Lawrence Schiralli ’80
Luz Ann Tanon ’97
John Pereira ’62
Alumni Director
Brother Robert Kent, OSF H ’96
Alumni Board Meeting Schedule
(All meetings begin at 7:30PM)
April 13, 2005
June 16, 2005
For more information about joining the
Alumni Board or to volunteer your time
and talent to one of our alumni events,
please call Bro. Robert Kent
at 718-423-8810 Ext 230 or
E-mail: [email protected]
The GradNews is prepared by the
St. Francis Prep Development Team and
the Alumni Board, with support from
and San Fran Staff & Moderators:
Past and Present.
GradNews • 3
St. Francis Prep Community Raises
Over $25,000 for Tsunami Relief
The 63
orphans that live
at the orphanage
run by the
Brothers in the
Village of
Sri Lanka were
spared from the devastation of
the December 26, 2004
Tsunami. The village of
Kurukalmadam was not. The
children and Brothers survived
on the roof of the 2 month old
structure without food or water
for 4 days. Once the waters
receded, 1,500
refugees, many
children, came to
the friary compound for help. In
the days following,
more than 1,500
other refugees- the
elderly and sick,
pregnant women
and children took refuge at the compound. The Brothers
fed, clothed, and gave shelter to the 3,000+ refugees. They
were running out of resources and feared cholera from
contaminated water. They made an appeal to the greater
Franciscan community for monetary assistance.
From January 10-14, the Saint Francis Prep community held a drive to assist the refugees in Sri Lanka. The student body, faculty and staff have been made aware of the
situation in Kurukalmadam, were asked to make donations
that will go directly towards food, medicine and supplies
that the refugees in Sri Lanka need so desperately. The
appeal was coordinated by both the Student Council and
Campus Ministry team. The drive’s direct collection
efforts were facilitated in COR by the student elected COR
Representatives. This appeal is in direct correlation to the
call of service to others that the Franciscan mission and
values of Saint Francis Prep identify and define.
“As we read newspapers which show pictures of
immense destruction, listen to devastating stories of eye-
witness accounts
on the radio and
watch tears drip
down the faces of
the victims who
survived the great
tragedy, we can
only get an idea
as to what is really going on in
Asia,” said Indian
Club member
Natasha Sharma
’05. “Being so far
away from the situation, we cannot
fully grasp what
has actually
occurred there
compared to
those who have been drastically changed by it.”
With donations still arriving daily, Saint Francis Prep’s
tsunami relief drive to benefit the orphanage run by the
Franciscan Missionary Brothers in Kurukalmadam, Sri
Lanka has been considered a great success. With over
$10,500 donated by parents and community members,
over $5,600 donated by faculty and staff and over $8,900
donated by the student body, SFP donated over $25,000 to
those affected by the tsunami disaster in Sri Lanka. This
money will go directly to the Brothers in Sri Lanka to be
used towards needed supplies such as food, clean water
and medicine for the 3,000 displaced and/or orphaned
refugees currently being served at the orphanage.
“The outpouring of support in this unified effort truly
shows the giving spirit of the students, faculty and staff. It
speaks to how seriously the SFP community takes their
Franciscan call of service to others,” said William E.
Vogelson III, Campus Minister. “Many people have
expressed a desire to get involved in the tsunami effort and
the specificity of where the money from the SFP collection
is going (the orphanage) contributed to the success of this
Franciscan Missionary Brothers, Bro. Britto Aloysian,
O.S.F. and Bro. Biju Jose, O.S.F. were presented with a
check to benefit the orphanage on Thursday February 3,
2005 at an assembly in the Brother Ralph Clifford, O.S.F.
(Continued on page 7)
4 • GradNews
SISTER JOSEPH AGNES (Continued from page 1)
later life. Sister could always be found in her office, early in
the morning, late at night, and even on weekends, at her
trusted typewriter, composing amazing, personal and
unique letters of recommendations for her students.
Overall, the impact she had on the Prep and its student body was immeasurable.She also had a great love of
English Literature which she shared with all her students.
In a December 1996 article for The
Seraph, Raeann Walters ’00 wrote,
“Sister Joseph Agnes is a very important part of St. Francis Prep. She is
College Counselor and Test
Coordinator. She is also Sacristan
which means that every day she
arranges the altar for the liturgy, makes
sure that all the vessels are properly
cared for, keeps all the linens clean and
launders them each day. The school
liturgies in the auditorium come under
her care also. Although students assist
her preparing the hosts for liturgies,
the major responsibilities rest with
Sister Joseph.”
The article continued, “Sister’s
work as College Counselor is manyfaceted: she strives to interview her
counselees and to work with them in thinking through
what the various colleges have to offer and the advantages
and disadvantages of each. She therefore guides the student to make the best possible choice. Sister very much
enjoys this part of her work. She is here for the students
and their parents, so guiding and advising them about
their future lives means a great deal to her.”
In that same article, Sister Joseph Agnes was quoted
saying, “Being a Christian simply means loving God with
all my heart and soul and bringing Him to every person
whom I have the privilege of meeting.” And she truly lived
her life with this philosophy in mind.
For many years while based at the Prep, Sister Joseph
Agnes also worked with the physically handicapped. Every
year she planned and organized a special Christmas Party
at the Prep for a large group of handicapped adults. She
would arrange for a festive meal, entertainment, and a
Christmas gift for each person. A great deal of work would
go into this wonderful effort—an effort that will now continue in her memory each year.
In a December 1997 article for The Seraph, Maria
Lupo ’99 wrote the following about this annual party,
“…the cafeteria is transformed into a winter wonderland
with hundreds of sparkling lights and decorations that let
our guests know how grateful and truly delighted we are
to have them with us…the cafeteria staff prepare and offer
delicious refreshments during the morning and a full
course meal at noontime after Mass. The ambulates are
generously provided by members of the Father’s and
Mother’s Guilds…”
The article continued, “Preparing for this event takes
much time to organize and begins generally the day after
the yearly party. Sister Joseph Agnes describes all the work
in preparation as ‘The Labor of Love.’ She was inspired in
1970 to have a Christmas Party for the disabled after
working with these good people for
several summers.” In the same article
she went on to say, “It is a privilege and
an honor that these beautiful women
and men bestow upon us by sharing
their dear selves with us on this great
day…It is one of the best and loveliest
days of the entire year.” And Sister
Joseph Agnes was one of the best as
well! She will not be forgotten.
Many of her family, colleagues,
friends and former students came to
her wake and funeral. They spoke
glowingly of her generosity and her
hard work on behalf of everyone she
served over the years. She leaves several
nieces and nephews, grand nieces and
grand nephews.
Sister Joseph Agnes was the
daughter of the late Anthony and Mathilda (Wilhelm)
Hohmann and the sister of the late Sister Joseph Loretta,
Bernice Hohmann, Loretta Lane, Edmund and Paul
A Mass of Christian Burial was concelebrated on
Thursday, March 3rd, by the chaplain, Father Francis
Murphy, together with Msgr. James Cooney and Msgr.
George Zatarga from the Diocese of Brooklyn. Burial was
in St. Mary Cemetery, Needham, MA. Arrangements were
made by Brady and Fallon Funeral Home, Forest Hills.
In addition to the family and community wreaths,
there was a special wreath from St. Francis Prep. Brother
Leonard Conway, O.S.F., Principal, flew up from New York
to show the high regard in which the entire Prep
Community held Sister Joseph Agnes.
Other New Yorkers drove up as well. These included
Sisters who lived at the Prep, Sister Ellen Stephen,
Sister Anne McGovern, and co-workers in the Guidance
Department, Sister Wilda Asfour, Sister Bobby Coyle and
Noreen Kunzi, who has now “taken the reins” on the
annual Handicapped Christmas Party at the Prep. Also,
former Prep students, Erin McLoughlin and her daughter,
Deirdre Agnes (who was named for Joseph Agnes), Joanne
Persico, Elaine Carroll, and Patty Simpson. A student from
the old Seton Hall Prep also attended.
(Continued on next page)
GradNews • 5
The Alfonse J. Niedermeyer Scholarship Fund
at St. Francis Prep
This fund was founded in memory of Port Authority Police
Officer Alfonse J. Niedermeyer, St. Francis Prep Class of 1979,
who lost his lost life in the rescue efforts of September 11, 2001.
Initial funding for the scholarship comes through the generosity of
his wife, Nancy, and ongoing support from family members,
classmates and friends will be structured to insure that the fund
can provide financial assistance to deserving students at the Prep
in perpetuity.
Certain considerations will be part of the process to help
determine the scholarship recipients in any given year. For example, preference will be given to:
• those students who have a sibling or siblings currently
enrolled in a Catholic school;
• those students who are in good academic standing;
• those students who experience a sudden loss or tragedy in
their family;
• those students whose family had an association with Al and/or the Niedermeyer Family.
Candidates will be asked to submit an essay describing how a scholarship to St. Francis Prep will benefit their family.
Award recipients will be determined at the discretion of the Principal each year. Mrs. Niedermeyer and her family will
have the opportunity to review the performance of the scholarship recipients each year, meet with these students when
convenient, and review the investment performance of the fund as appropriate.
Anyone wishing to contribute to The Alfonse J. Niedermeyer ’79 Scholarship Fund or to any of the other named
scholarship funds (or if you would simply like some information about establishing a named scholarship fund at the Prep),
then please contact Mr. Robert Angeletti, Director of Development, at (718) 423-8810 ext. 269 or you can e-mail: [email protected]
SISTER JOSEPH AGNES (Continued from page 4)
During the “remembrances” e-mails were read from Trappist Father Tom O’Hara in Chile, Bro. Dominic Quigley,
O.S.F. in Rome, Italy, Bro. Bill Sudzina, S.J. in Pennsylvania, and Kevin Carroll, SFP Class of 1990, a former student who
expressed his gratitude for Sister’s help in getting all four members of his family into good colleges (a wonderful sentiment
heard over and over again in recent days at the Prep).
The singing for the Funeral Mass was led by Sister Esther Plefka and the lector was Sister Margaret McCarthy who
lived with Sister Joseph Agnes at both Seton Hall and St. Francis Prep.
The cover of the program: Lilies resting on a Bible with the quote from Isaiah 41:1
“Here is my servant, whom I uphold,
My chosen one in whom I delight.”
How fitting!
Donations made in honor or in memory of Sister Joseph Agnes may be sent to: The Sisters of Charity, Mt. St. Vincent,
125 Oakland Street, Wellesley Hills, MA 02481-5338. Contributions can also be made to St. Francis Prep where the school
will be starting a financial assistance program for deserving students in her name. Simply note on your check or payment
envelope: Sister Joseph Agnes.
Also a Memorial Mass for Sister Joseph Agnes (plus a special dedication in her name) is now scheduled for Sunday,
May 1 at 12 noon at the Prep. All alumni are invited to attend both the Mass and the reception afterward.
Editor’s Note: Information from The Sisters of Charity (Halifax), Sister Eileen Harrigan, SCH, and The Seraph archives were
utilized in preparing this article. Many thanks.
6 • GradNews
At “6100”
I am delighted to extend my warmest of greetings to
you and your family, and share some of the highlights at
the Prep.
• 32 members of the Class of 2004 were named
Advanced Placement Scholars by the College Board in
three categories.
• The Empire State Press Association has awarded the
Seraph its Gold New York Newspaper rating, which places
it in the highest category of achievement in the 2004 contest.
• Congratulations to Coach John Brennan and the
girls for winning their 7th consecutive New York Tennis
• The Foreign Language Department inducted over
200 students into the National Honor Society. 22 French,
2 German, 62 Italian and 135 Spanish.
• The Bowling Team under the leadership of Rudy
Zientarski ’62 defeated Molloy to win the City
• On November 18th, 83 new members were inducted
into the Franciscan Chapter of the National Honor
• During senior Mass on September 15th, 37 seniors
were installed as Extraordinary Ministers of the Eucharist.
• Rebecca Reynolds was named a semi-finalist in the
prestigious Intel Science Talent Search.
• The students, faculty and staff raised $25,000 for
Tsunami Relief effort to assist refugees in Sri Lanka.
Congratulations to all for a job well done!
I know that you join me as proud alumni of the Prep
family in congratulating students, teachers, coaches, moderators and staff members for their effort and achievement.
On August 24th, the Prep hosted its 5th annual
August Madness Orientation for the incoming Class of
2008. To help provide the new frosh with some necessary
information to begin their high school career with the
spirit and tradition of the Prep.
At the feast of St. Francis Mass on October 7, eight of
our outstanding and dedicated faculty and staff members
were honored for their service to the Prep Community.
Celebrating 15 years at the Prep – Mary Niklaus, Virginia
Paladino and Leo Pujdak.
Celebrating 25 years at the Prep – Sr. Rita McCauley,
C.S.J and Frank Milano.
The Canticle Citation was awarded to Mr. Vincent
Goodwin for his 40 years of service.
The Principal’s Award for 15 years of service was
bestowed on Rose Ann Parrinello and Fran Recker.
The entire Prep community values and acknowledges
these faculty and staff members for their dedication and
many loyal years of service. We are very grateful that they
have been our partners in our Franciscan Mission.
The sixth Annual Homecoming Weekend was held
from October 14th through 17th. We began with the
Three on Three Hoops Tournament in honor of Jimmy
Prendergast ’74 and Chris McMahon ’76.
Friday, we teed off at Clearview Golf Course and
dined at the Café on The Green in support of the Timothy
Stackpole ’77, Brian Murphy ’83 and Michael Brennan
’91 Scholarship Funds.
On Saturday, we had a new addition of a special St.
Francis Prep Day at Belmont Race Track sponsored by
Peter Callahan ’59.
The following morning, we had the Vinny Giammona
’79 Memorial 5K Fun Run at the Prep followed by the
Homecoming Football Game victory against Cardinal
Spellman H.S. at St. John’s University.
There is no doubt we will continue to gain momentum as more graduates and friends join us to rekindle old
Once again thanks for the efforts of Pat McArdle ’89,
Drew Morgan ’89, Tom Cook ’89, Sean Prendergast ’80,
Jim May ’76, Sal Fischetti ’81, Peter Callahan ’59, David
Daly, and the volunteers for making sure the weekend was
a success again.
Sunday, November 7th, served as a triple function.
The Alumni Association held its Annual Memorial Mass
for alumni, faculty, families and benefactors who passed
away during the past year.
The newly refurbished auditorium was dedicated in
memory of Brother Ralph Clifford, OSF.
The new bricks to the Pathway of St. Francis were
An update for you about the “Pathway to St. Francis,”
five hundred and fifty bricks have been engraved which
reflects contributions of over $98,000 thus far.
Thanks to so many people this was a beautiful event.
The Class of 1995 gathered for their tenth year
GradNews • 7
At “6100”
reunion on Saturday, November 20. The 230 in attendance
seemed to have a good time renewing old friendships. The
January and March reunions (for the 10th, 15th and 20th
reunion years, and our Florida alumni and friends) were
also wee attended and fun for all who came. Take a look at
some of the pictures on pages 22, 30 and 31.
Please remember in your prayers the repose of the
soul of Brother Timothy Walsh, the principal of the Prep
from 1953-1961.
Also, remember Sister Joseph Agnes, our long-time
Guidance and College Counselor who passed away
February 26th, (see our front page article about this wonderful woman), and Shelia Barrett ’78, who is battling
cancer, and Kathy Schnarr Kinney ’89 who is battling
ALS/Lou Gehrig’s Disease.
If you have a chance, you may also want to check out
the SFP bookstore online. New merchandise is available on
the school web-site, if you are interested in replacing your
old SFP sweat shirt or tee shirt.
An overwhelming number of you affirmed your
support for the Prep. We are humbled and grateful for the
dedication of all of the alumni, benefactors, friends, parents, students and volunteers who give so much of their
resources, time, and enthusiasm to allow us to continue
the tradition of Excellence in Education that is St. Francis
May the blessing of St. Francis be with you and your
In gratitude,
Brother Robert Kent, O.S.F.
Alumni Director
TSUNAMI (Continued from page 3)
Auditorium. Both TV and print media attended. Bros. Britto and Biju, who
reside and work in Brooklyn, NY, visited SFP on January 11, 2005 and spoke
to students about the effects of the tsunami in their respective homelands:
Sri Lanka and India. They have worked tirelessly to try to raise both monetary funds and awareness about the effects of the tsunami disaster. Their
message to the students was simple: for the price of 2 sodas in America, you
can provide a day’s worth of food, clean water and medicine to a person in
Sri Lanka.
This initial effort is hopefully the start of an on-going relationship
between SFP (and other Franciscan schools) and the orphanage. There is a
long road ahead as the rehabilitation, re-settlement and re-unification efforts are supposed to take years. More importantly as the Provincial of the areas in Southeast Asia, J. Christy Tissera, O.S.F., points out, is the question of how to care for
the 1,500 newly orphaned children. As with any disaster, the orphanage will require needed support over the coming
months and possibly years.
St. Francis Prep has now entered Phase II of their fundraising efforts for the refugees and orphans in Sri Lanka. The
Assisi Illam Orphanage Fund has been established to continue accepting donations to provide long-term support to the
orphanage run by the Franciscan Missionary Brothers in Sri Lanka. Anyone wishing to donate to the fund, which directly
assists those affected by the tsunami in Sri Lanka, is asked to visit the St. Francis Prep website (www.sfponline.org) for
donation instructions. Donations will be accepted as long as the need exists. Continued informational updates on the
orphanage and pictures will be posted on the SFP website as they are passed along by the Brothers in Sri Lanka as well.
The Franciscan Youth Movement at SFP is continuing to assist the young people at the Franciscan orphange in Sri Lanka.
Aside from personal contact with them the FYM is collecting ink and toner cartridges to raise money to support
these young people who were victims of the Tsunami. Alumni can assist in this project by sending or dropping off ink
and toner cartridges that are recycled and redeemed for cash to assist in this project.
These cartridges can be sent to the FYM at the Prep in care of Br.James McVeigh, OSF. The Franciscan values of
reaching out to the poor and respecting our environment are important to the student members of the Franciscan
Youth Movement.
8 • GradNews
The Annual Alumni Memorial Mass
The Annual Alumni Memorial Mass was held on Sunday, November 7, 2004 in the Prep’s auditorium. Besides Fr.
Bill Sweeney leading all of us in prayer during the Mass, he also blessed the newly dedicated Brother Ralph Clifford,
O.S.F. Memorial Auditorium and new banners in the gymnasium honoring a number of our deceased alumni athletes.
New bricks for the “Pathway to St. Francis” were also blessed; there are now about 550 of these bricks that have been
engraved thus far, with contributions totaling over $98,000 for this project to date.
Listed below are the names of those who were remembered at Mass this past November:
Joseph Giraldi – 1950
Thomas Keenan – 1970
Gerald Brady – 1951
Peter Sciortino – 1975
Vincent O’Neill - 1951
Maureen Cavanagh-Cosgrove - 1979
Joseph Saner – 1953
Margaret Sotitiou - 1985
James Patrick Higgins - 1955
Diana Dailyda-Karnay - 1987
Joseph Dispinziere – 1958
Christine Sullivan - 1990
Thaddeus Jozefowicz – 1960
Marcin Kielar - 1997
Anthony DeFronzo – 1961
Fiona McCann - 1999
Walter Magier – 1964
James Prevete - 2000
Giulia Lewis – 2006 (Died in
10th year)
Peter Aquilone – son of Edward ’51
Alma Asfour – mother of Sister Wilda (formally of the Guidance Dept.)
Shellie Boyd – father of Collette Frazier (Business Dept.)
Mario Brigati – father of Elisa ’82
Robert Brix – father of Kathleen Brix-Fallon ’76
Jean Cahill – mother of Jack ’67
Joanne Cavataio – mother of Jacqueline Cor 303
John Clavin – father-in-law of Steve Marino (English Dept.)
Edward Clifford – brother of Fran Recker (Finance Office)
Ronald Coppola – father of Jean ’82
Mary Coppolino – mother of Rich (College Office)
Benjamin Corbino – father of Robert (Music Dept.)
Antoinette Corbino – step-mother of Robert (Music Dept.)
Bro. Louis Cunningham, O.S.F
Thomas Curtin – father of Thomas ’66 & James ’89
Joseph Czestochowski – father of Joseph ’67
Jerry D’Andrea – brother of Al (Bookstore)
Chris DeMarinis – father of Jennifer ’99 & Christine ’04
Robin Dennison – mother of Joshua Cor 205
Erika Dietmann – mother of Eric (Fathers’ Guild)
Thomas Fenezia Sr. – father of Thomas Class of ’04
Thomas Ferreri – brother of RoseAnn Parrineollo (General Office)
Martha Forcina – mother of Bro. Dominic Quigley, OSF
Thomas Forster, Sr. – father of Thomas Class of ’04
Wolfgang Freund – father-in-law of Sandi Vandermosten (Health Dept.)
Gerard Gaynor – brother of Brother Gary (former Prep teacher)
Terese Herte – mother of Brother Philip (former Prep teacher)
Emily Hill – cousin of Janet Dougherty (General Office)
Herta Hiller – mother of Wolfgang (Foreign Language Dept.)
GradNews • 9
Top: Pathway to Saint Francis.
Right: The Prep’s auditorium is
dedicated to honor Brother Ralph Clifford, O.S.F.
Sarah Kent – mother of Bro. Robert (Alumni Director) & Bro. Ed (former Prep teacher)
Albert Kunzi – brother of Noreen (Guidance Office)
Thomas Marchesini – son of Tom (J.V Basketball Coach)
Mary Ann McAndrew – mother of Christine Zirkelbach-Rosenfeld ’80
Arthur McDonough – father of Deirdre ’81
Annie McMenamin – mother-in-law of Camille (Principal’s Office)
George Mero – nephew of Sister Barbara Coyle (Guidance Office)
Gert Mullin – sister of Catherine Hartnett (former Prep secretary)
Marie Murphy – mother of Brother Patrick OSF
Keith Nandin – father of Keith Cor 213
Isabel Paz – mother of Daniel Cor 413
Vincent Prevete – father of Laura Cor 414 & the late James ’00
Lillian Quaranta – aunt of RoseAnn Parrinello (General Office)
Janet Rinaldi – mother of Christine ’04
David Robins – father of Andrew Cor 215
Joseph Romano – cousin of RoseAnn Parrinello (General Office)
Peter Romano – father of Peter ’04
Anita Saviano – mother of Susan D’Andrea (Finance Office)
Margaret Scales – mother of Gerald ’76 – (Alumni President)
Salvador Sciulara – father-in-law of Joe Licata (Foreign Language Dept.)
Frank Sheridan – father of Samuel Cor 317
Marie Smercak – mother of Bro. Norman, OSF (former Prep teacher)
Alice Soncini – aunt of RoseAnn Parrinello (General Office)
Catherine Sparenza – sister of Thomas Pramberger ’92
Maria Spicijaric – grandmother of Mary Ann (Science Dept.)
Margaret Stolfi – mother-in-law of Marianne (Social Studies Dept.)
Pauline Toner – sister-in-law of RoseAnn Parrinello (General Office)
Maria Veljak – grandmother of Kristina ’90
John Wagner – brother-in-law of RoseAnn Parrinello (General Office)
Daniel Walker – father-in-law of Ted Jahn (Admissions/Dean)
Helen Zodda – mother of Brother Alan (Physical Education Dept.)
10 • GradNews
Faculty Notes
LEONARD ANTINORI (ART DEPT.) writes: “Thanks to
all alumni who have inquired about art classes at my home
art studio (www.northshoreart.com). The program has
flourished to include life drawing, intro painting and
studio art for children.”
and husband Phil recently celebrated
the birth of their beautiful daughter
Faith (left).
May 1st, the Guidance Department will dedicate a tree on
the front lawn in memory of Sr. Joseph Agnes at 12 noon,
followed by a Memorial Mass celebrated by Msgr. James
Cooney in the school auditorium. A reception will be held
immediately following the Mass in the school cafeteria. All
alumni are invited to attend. If you plan to be there, please
RSVP at [email protected], or by phone at 718-4238810 ext 245, or the the Development Office at ext. 268.”
received The Harvest Award from the National Religious
Vocation Conference for his outstanding contributions to
vocation ministry in the United States. Brother James was
the Christian Service Coordinator at Prep in the 70's and
returned this year to serve in the Admissions Office.
Brother James also writes, “ The Franciscan Youth
Movement at SFP is continuing to assist the young people
at the Franciscan orphanage in Sri Lanka. Aside from
personal contact with them the FYM is collecting ink and
toner cartridges to raise money to support these young
people who were victims of the tsunami. Alumni can assist
in this project by sending or dropping off ink and toner
cartridges that are recycled and redeemed for cash to assist
in this project. These cartridges can be sent to the FYM at
the Prep in care of Br. James McVeigh .The Franciscan
values of reaching out to the poor and respecting our
environment are important to the student members of
the Franciscan Youth Movement.”
daughter Addie, SFP ’02 is participating in the American
Cancer Society’s Relay for Life at Cornell University which
she attends. Addie is a member of a team which is raising
funds on behalf of Brian O’Reilly, SFP ’01. Brian became ill
with a malignancy while he was a sophomore here at the
Prep (you may recall that the school held the SFP vs. Cancer
Classic and Locks of Love for him.) Despite having a recurrence of his cancer last year, Brian has managed to maintain
his course of studies at Cornell and will be receiving his
degree in May. Brian’s brother Kevin, is a senior at the Prep.”
“Brian and Addie are seeking donations from the SFP
Faculty and staff (and from anybody who wishes to help).
They have asked me to give you the information about the
Relay for Life. Brian, of course, is determined to be the top
fundraiser. I have posted below the website address for the
event. As you will discover, it is quite easy to donate online;
just go to Brian’s donation page, list Addie as the sponsor
participant, and enter your donation amount. Thanks for
your support!”
Alumni/ Student Relations Update
This coming spring semester, with the help of the
Prep’s Guidance Department and faculty, we will be conducting two career sessions. Both will take place during the
normally, scheduled school day. First, in a number of the
Health education classes, we will be discussing topics such
as: mental disorders among teenagers, symptoms and treatments; the danger and types of drug abuse; and, careers in
the fields of psychiatry, psychology and social work. In
addition, we will be talking with the accounting classes to
explore career options.
With the popularity of the CSI television programs, the
field of forensic science has risen to the top of student
interest at the Prep. If any alum is in the field, or has access
to professionals in the field, please let me know by e-mailing:([email protected]). The Prep’s Social Studies
Department is planning to add forensics as an elective next
year, and a visit from a professional to talk about the realities of the work would prove invaluable to the students.
Lastly, the Prep’s library is always in need of recent editions (three years old or less) of textbooks and reference
materials to supplement and enhance their holdings. If you
have access to any and are willing to donate them, please email me. Best regards to all.
John Fabrizio (SFP’65)
GradNews • 11
Fr. Frank Diffley, M.M. passed away on
Michael Maina retired from Elwood
Public Schools in Huntington, Long
Island on Nov 1 after serving for 15 years
as its superintendent. Completed 38 years
of service in public education in New
York State. Looking forward to doing
some traveling with wife Virginia, spending more time with his two granddaughters and playing a lot more golf.
Carmine Perrotta is married to Robin,
and writes, ”I have five children, Todd 33,
Maria 31, Elena 23, Jacob 21 and Aubrie
19 and three grandchildren as well, Zach
6, Hannah 3 and Peyton 1. Living in
Charlotte, NC.”
Easter Sunday after a brief illness.
Services were held at Maryknoll. Please
keep him in your prayers.
John Cione writes, “I’m living in Solano
Beach, CA and look forward to buying
any visitors lunch or dinner in Little
Italy, San Diego. Whoever is left
in the class of ’51, give me a call:
Richard Pinto retired, with three grand-
sons, living between FL and NY.
John Schultz writes, “After graduating in
Don Cassano sends, “Best wishes to all.
1950 I studied chemistry, earning a B.S.
in 1954 from St. John’s University and a
Ph. D. in 1959 from the University of
Minnesota. I then went to work for
DuPont in Wilmington, Delaware and
have lived there ever since. I retired in
1991 but have continued to work for
DuPont as a consultant. SFP gave me a
good musical background and I’ve continued to sing; right now I’m a cantor,
choir member, and sometimes soloist at
St. Helena’s Church in Wilmington. I
took up running in 1991 and have competed in over 800 races, including 20
marathons, so far.”
Thomas Hetzel is retired from the
NYPD and now lives in Corpus Christi,
Texas. He was professed into the Secular
Order of Saint Francis on November 14,
2004 and he is now the only member of
the Secular Franciscan Order in the
Corpus Christi area.
Robert Maurer, retired NYPD, passed
away on February 21, 2005 following a
bout with cancer. A Longtime Catholic
Youth Organizatin Coah who worked in
Brooklyn and Long Island, Maurer
organized the Lupus Classic Basketball
Tournament, which each year pits the top
high school players of Nassau and Suffolk
against one another.
Enjoying retirement in Punta Gorda,
Kevin Sherry has been working for
Northrop Grumman for the past 11 years
since retiring from the US Navy. Just promoted to head of the Systems
Engineering Department. Coaching
freshman football offensive line for St.
Bonaventure High School in Ventura,
CA. Married to Renee for 28 years with 3
Frank Depasquale recalls, “It used to
Frank Dukes is a member of the Armed
take me one hour and 15 minutes to get
to the campus in Brooklyn from Hollis in
Queens. Later on, the Prep relocated to a
distance of about two miles from my
home in Hollis. I had been in a variety of
jobs before finally deciding on teaching
English in Norway in ’89. I have been
happily married to my Norwegian wife
for 34 years. We have 2 children and 3
grandchildren. If there are any high
school teachers out there who would like
to set up an informal virtual class with
some of my students please contact me at
this e-mail: [email protected].
Brother Zach (the farmer and a great
teacher), Brother Charles (Now listen
here Miiisterrrr!), Mr. Morrissey (tossing
an eraser at someone), Brother Demo
(The Japanese fleet is in sight-surprise
test!), Mr. Towers (Half sheet of paper,
Gentlemen. After the enemy had been
captured, he ordered the town to be
defended for a day). I still have so many
memories from over forty years ago.
Wow! We are getting old!”
Forces and is currently supporting operation “Iraqi freedom”.
John Bransfield proudly reports that a
former classmate, and long time friend,
has been named the new Swim Coach at
SFP. “The pride and enthusiasm I feel
with the appointment of Brian Kellar to
this position cannot be described in full.
He is a true disciple of Tom Booras, and
a man of whom all Franciscans can be
Tony Saccone writes, “I guess I have not
heard from anyone due to the fact that
my email address has changed. The new
address is [email protected]. All is well
and looking forward to hearing from
some classmates. As of Jan.’05 I have been
married for 26 yrs, and have 3 children,
Joe, 25, Christine, 23, and Anthony, 22. I
have been in the insurance industry for
25 yrs. Best wishes to all.”
Jack Guarneri and his wife Dale became
Craig Ferro happily announces news of
his marriage to Debbie on 11/14/04.
proud grandparents again as their children had baby boys in Sept. Jack will be
having a mini-reunion in Florida in Dec.
as he visits Herb Brewer ’64 in Tampa.
Maureen Shanahan-Anderson is married to Bob, mother of Jake, 12, Emily, 7,
and Eileen, 4, and is bravely returning to
12 • GradNews
Angelina, daughter of Linda YankoschukDiCarlo ’76 and husband Doug
school after a 25-year respite to pursue
her Master of Information Systems/
Management through the University of
Phoenix online program. Let’s all wish
her luck!
Timothy Martin moved to Houston in
’91 while working for British Airways.
Tim reports, “I left the travel industry in
’02 and started work in my current position. I work with adults who have a mental illness. I am the father of two daughters ages 14 and 12. I do miss NYC and
will always remember my days at St.
Belle Gorbea-Stedman says, “Hi to the
class of ’78...High School seems like such
a long time ago. Here’s an update on my
life. I was married to a wonderful man
named Scott Stedman in ’83. We have
two sons, one who just graduated
Chaminade High School and will be
attending Marist College this September,
our other son is a sophomore at
Northport High School. We’ve been
Michael, Marco, Matthew and Maximos, sons
of Michael Mongelli ’79 and wife Leana.
David Scimecca ’81 and wife Diana.
happily married for 21 years and live in
East Northport. As I help my son pack
for college, I can’t help but remember my
high school days. Hope the class of ’78 is
well, healthy and successful!”
with the game of lacrosse and Elizabeth
is now 10 and has found field hockey her
domain. I miss New York very much and
hope to hear from old friends. Contact
me anytime at [email protected] or
call my cell at 516-241-7559. I even kept
a local cell phone. I am such a New
Yorker at heart. Peace...”
Gerald LoBiondo writes, “I have been
living in South Florida for 20 years. My
wife Linda and I have a 4 yr old daughter,
Emily Rose. After a long career with ADP,
I recently left to open my own High
Performance Shop, G&L Performance
954-975-9534. My e-mail is [email protected].”
Michael Lobosco is living here in South
Jersey with wife Amy and 3 beautiful
children—the oldest of which started
high school this year! Michael is 14, Katie
12 and Nicholas is 8. Michael wants to
know,” Does anyone know how to get in
touch with Rich Mazzola?”
Joseph Attilio moved to New Jersey and
planning to be married in the summer of ’05
Lisa Dascole-Signorelli sends greetings.
“Hi to all my long lost friends. It appears
I may have dropped out of sight, but I
am alive and well with my family in
Virginia. My husband, Tom retired from
the NYPD, after September 11th. We
needed a fresh start. So off we went to
parts unknown in Virginia. I am back to
work teaching reading to inner city kids.
Trying at times but it feels right.
Christopher our oldest is 13 and in love
Roseann Sarra-Geiger reports,” My
daughter, Kristi loves being a freshman at
St. Francis this year. It’s wonderful to see
so many of the same Brothers and teachers, still so dedicated to Prep. My daughter, Chelsea and son, Robby are doing
great too, in St. Leo’s. Looking forward to
seeing everyone at the reunion next
spring. Best regards to all.”
James McGeown has 4 kids, ages 13, 12,
2, and 10 months and is living in Thiells
in Rockland County, NY. James recently
celebrated 19 years with the NYPD and is
currently working as a Lieutenant in the
Laura Toma and her two children,
Alexander and Zachary are happily residing in upstate New York with her new
husband Mike, and his children, Lauren
and JP.
Craig Ferro ’76 and his wife Debbie, at their
wedding on 11/14/04.
Walt, Thomas and Kate, children of Wally
Bishop ’80 and wife Lisa.
Doris Varlese-Freed had her second
child, Kieran Rocco Freed, on 9/15/04.
She lives with her husband Eric Freed,
and her 2 yr old daughter in New
GradNews • 13
Rochelle. She is Associate General
Counsel of the Greater New York
Hospital Association.
John Butler is living in Marlboro, MA
with his wife Dorothy and children Katie,
13, Meg, 9, and Patrick, 7. John works at
Genzyme Corp, as President of the company’s Renal Division.
Felice Grieco-Blanco has been happily
married for 17 yrs with three children.
Her husband and she own a sports memorabilia distribution business along with
running an e-commerce website:
Classicpin.com. Felice is looking forward
to hopefully participating in the NYC
Marathon next year, and is “painfully” in
training. She sends her love and hopes all
her fellow alumni are healthy and happy!
Peter Joseph, son of Mariette Alfano-Young
’83 and husband Paul, born 7/12/04
Steven and Jessica Wasserfall, children of
Scott & Carol Wasserfall ’83.
live. Lots of New Yorkers down here help
make it feel like home. Married for 17 yrs
now, I have two teenagers, one of whom
is already driving. They would make
great Terriers. Just wanted to say Hi! to
everyone, and if you’d like, drop me a
line and let me know how you’re doin’.”
Xuaco Pascual writes, “Still in Virginia
which has proven to be a great place to
Renee Saulsbury-Fueller and husband
Darryl have been married for 3 yrs and
live in Flushing, NY with their 2 yr old
daughter, Jordyn. Renee is working
with HELP USA as a Program Director
for the HomeBase Homeless Prevention
Community Resource Center in the
South Bronx. This is an exciting and
challenging new project implemented
by Mayor Bloomberg to reduce homelessness in New York City. She wants to
say hi to everyone in the class of ’82!
Bridget Bishop-Pomposelli ’82 was married
to Louis Pomposelli on 5/22/04.
Back row: Cathy Clarke-Swearingen ’81,
Chris Burke ’81, Tia Shurina-Vail ’82, Laura
Strezneck-Mullen ’82, Louis Pomposelli (the
groom), Susie Shurina ’87, Anne Marie
Shurina ’80, John Leahey ’80; Front row:
Barbara Curran-Lange ’80, Bridget BishopPomposelli ’82 (the bride), Wally Bishop ’80,
Vanessa Tyburski-Cognard ‘82
Christopher Ditta writes, “l live in the
DC area with my wife Jennifer
Donaldson and 2 yr old daughter,
Julianna. I have an MBS in Business from
the George Washington University, a BS
from Fordham, and PMP certification in
Project Management from the Project
Management Institute.”
Thomas Dwyer sends greetings. “Hello
to all our friends of the class of ’83.
My wife, Debbie Sabatini ’83, is up for
tenure at SUNY Stony Brook as a
Professor of Economics. Our two children, Samantha, 8, and Emily, 4, and
myself are very proud of her. We are
enjoying life on Long Island and hope to
be at the next reunion. It was great to see
old friends and re-connect with good
friends we lost contact with, including
Brian Healy. Our e-mail addresses are
posted-drop us a line. Best.”
Corrine Sara Shugrue (newborn). Her father is
Michael Shugrue ’83.
Susan Picchione-Cruz is still living in
Hammonton New Jersey, the Blueberry
Capital of the World! Susan adds, “Just
gave birth to son #3, Anthony Joseph,
born on 7/22/04 and weighing in at 9 lbs
1 oz. Big brothers, John and Dominic, are
thrilled! Fellow terrier Ann Marie
Catadlo-Wenger will be attending the
Patrick Piccininni writes to us,” My wife
Anita, and I welcomed our second child,
Michael Anthony Piccininni, to the world
on 11/24/04—it was a wonderful
Thanksgiving present. His big brother is
very protective of him already. I am
doing well and getting involved in local
politics. I have managed several judicial
campaigns and hope to run for office
myself. Hope all is well back at Prep.”
Kathleen Piro-Okay was married to
Nevin Okay on 11/92. She has completed
her doctorate at SJU in ’96, and is
Director of Academic Support Services
at a College in northern NJ. Kathleen
lives in Smoke Rise in Morris County, NJ,
has two beautiful Labrador retrievers,
and would love to hear from other NJ
14 • GradNews
Vikki Saulsbury-Fackler has been
married for 19 yrs to Edward, and lives
in Dix Hills, NY with her 5 beautiful
children: Krystina, 18 who is a sophomore in college, twins Edward Jr. and
Charles, 16, Alyssa, 15, and Justin, 7.
Vikki is a bilingual (English/Spanish)
registered nurse at Huntington Hospital.
She says “hi” to everyone in the class
of ’83!
Michael Shugrue and wife Diane had a
baby girl, Corine, born 12/23/04.
Janice Lynch-DeLuca writes to us,
“Vince and I have been married for over
15 yrs and have two children, Cayla, 12,
and Matthew, 9. We have been living in
Ormond Beach, FL for the last 10 yrs and
love it! We miss the NY food and friends
left behind and would love to hear from
Deborah McEvoy-Davis would love to
get in touch with her friends from the
class of ’84. She was married last year
and has an 8-month-old baby boy, Jared.
Her husband Brad is from Seattle and
doesn’t appreciate NYC, so they’re
moving to Newington, CT in a few
weeks. Her email will be the same so
please contact Deborah there. She’d
love to hear from you.
Peter Agro says hello to all his old
friends and reports, “It’s hard to believe
our 20 yr reunion is approaching! I hope
everyone is living a fun, happy life; it not,
think about what you want and make a
change. This year has been an adventure...New Years on South Beach then
exploring Costa Rica, checking out
Puerto Rico, Spring in Paris, biking
across eastern Europe, hanging out in
Amsterdam and I just launched a line of
hair care products on PeterLouis.com
FYI...I am putting together a party list of
single men and women for future parties
at my salon if interested send me an
email [email protected].”
Merrick, Long Island, and enjoying being
a stay-at-home Mom.
Lori Barbagallo-VanAuken was married
in ’91 to Eric. Has two sons Timothy
born in ’94 (10) and Michael born ’04 (1
yr). Lori was recently recognized as one
of the top 40 business people in
Rochester, NY by the Rochester Business
Journal (11/04).
Teri Ann Cadicamo-Mallozzi writes, “Hi
everyone! My husband and I had our second daughter in August, Nicole Lily. She
is an angel. It would be nice to hear from
you,[email protected] Happy New
Susan Carlson-Crimi says, “Hello to all
in the class of ’85, looking forward to
seeing you all at the reunion in March.
My husband Joe and I will definitely be
there. I hope to see some familiar faces
there. Our son, Sean, just turned one in
November and is into everything. He’s
such a joy in our lives. I’m living in New
City and working in White Plains. Hope
you are all doing well!”
Laurie Catizone-Jordan is married with
two children, living in Ridgewood, NJ.
Would love to hear from fellow classmates!
2/98 to Rob, and they have three beautiful children: Alex, born 7/00, Samantha,
born 6/02, Aidan, born 5/04—all since
her last reunion! Kelly is living in
heart, Sarah in ’92. They now have three
sons, Liam, 9, Malcolm, 5, and August, 2,
and live in Los Angeles. Glen is now in
his 4th year as Co-Executive Producer
and writer of the gritty TV cop drama,
The Shield.
Michael McAndrew is a Captain with
the FDNY and was seriously injured on
November 26th while pulling a toddler
from a very tragic Bronx apartment fire.
Please pray for his recovery.
Geraldine Mulligan-Walsh and husband
Eamon now live in Clearwater, Florida
with their three children: Liam, 5 yrs,
Nora, 2 yrs, and Kevin, 6 months.
Catherine Ruebenacker-Mazzola has
been married for five yrs, and has three
sons: Michael, 18, Paul, 2, and Joseph, 1
yrs old.
Jane Russo-Connors has been married
11 yrs, and has one wonderful 6 yr old
son. Jane writes, “I just went back to
school and finished my masters in elementary education where I am now
changing careers to be a teacher.
Previously I was a Human Resources
Manager for 12 yrs.”
with 3 boys, Max, 6, Sam, 5, Charlie,
almost 2, and pregnant with #4!
Michelle Schaefer-Wolfe has been married to Kevin for 14 yrs. and lives in
Seaford with their 3 children: Nicole, 9,
Jared, 6, and newest addition Jenna, 1.
Amanda D’Arangia-Milo was married in
Erik Toulon writes, “Still living in the
’92 to Doug Milo. They have 3 children,
Alex, 10, Jordan, 7, and Delaney, 6, and
live in Dix Hills. Amanda is enjoying
being a stay-at-home mom.
Hollywood Hills with my significant
other, Regis—we just celebrated the holidays and our 7th year anniversary in
Hawaii and Thailand, where fortunately
we missed the horrific tsunami by a few
days. I’m a partner at the Katten Muchin
Zavis Rosenman law firm and often travel to our NYC office on business, so
would enjoy reconnecting with any old
friends from the class of ’85 still in the
NYC area. When not traveling the globe
(which has become an addiction) and
enjoying southern California (this year
marks my 20th anniversary as a
Californian!), I spend most of my time
representing creators, producers, distributors, studios, networks and financiers in
the TV and film industry, and spent a
good portion of the last 2 years acting as
the lead entertainment advisor to NBC in
Pamela Condiles-Mediavilla is married
Joanne DiSimone-Virella sends her
greetings and adds, “Due to a promotion
for my husband we now reside in the OC
(Irvine, Orange County, California).
Enjoying the more temperate climate and
variety of activities, including the beach
again! Would love to hear from alumni
out this way! [email protected].”
Maryellen Klein-Bruno is living in
Kelley Alger-Cordeiro was married in
Glen Mazzara married his college sweet-
Putnam Valley with husband of 13 years,
Frank, and kids Chris, 9, Amanda, 7, and
Michael, 5. She has been teaching ballet
for 10 yrs at a local dance studio
GradNews • 15
its $14B acquisition of Universal’s film
studio, TV, cable and theme park assets
and to Sony in its pending $5B acquisition of MGM’s film and TV assets—lots
of long hours, but incredibly interesting
and rewarding work. As for being out of
Prep for 20 years, I simply refuse to
admit we’re beyond mid-30’s! Hope all
are happy and healthy!”
now working with my brother Fred in a
start up company—Hi Temp Coatings.
The family seems to have made a good
adjustment. My oldest daughter Elizabeth
is in 1st grade, Andrew is 4, and Emily is
2. We are getting use to the weather—lots
of snow this winter. Love to hear from old
friends, email me at [email protected]”
Marc Toulon says “Hi” and reports, “
Maria Asaro Lives in the beautiful
Married since ’94 to my wonderful wife
Kim. We live in Illinois and have 2
fantastic kids; a son Zachary, age 8 and
a daughter Gabriella Rose, age 6. I’m
currently working in Auto and
Homeowner Property/Casualty claims at
the State Farm Insurance Companies. I
manage various claims/ I T project work,
statistical business trend analysis, and
also participate with our department in
implementing strategic business initiatives. After several years of continuous
business travel, it’s nice to be settled in
one place. Our family is back in NY
often to visit extended family and close
friends. I’d like to send a special hello to
all former teachers who helped shape my
life, SFP friends especially those in COR
418, Mr. Donovan, many old friends in
Band, SFP Jazz Ensemble as well as Dr.
Corbino who taught us to fully leverage
MBC’S (minor bass chords) and to
ALWAYS improvise with quality - at
Level 4.”
Debra Troina-Roselli is married to Joe
Roselli, living in Syosset with 2 children
Nicolas, 6, and Cristina, 4. She is now a
stay-at-home mom and loves every
minute of raising her kids.
Michael Vallone is married to Carol for
13 yrs; they have two beautiful daughters,
Jordan Ashley 3 yrs old and Jenna Lauren
8 months old.
Christina Ziegler-Conforti lives in
Syosset with her 2 beautiful sons, Dylan
and Matthew. She works as an occupational therapist in an elementary school
in her town. Christina has wonderful
memories of her years at Prep, and has
made and kept so many friends. She’s
waiting for a Hawaii reunion!
Andrew Zupicich writes, “Hello all!
Hope everyone is doing well. We’ve made
a big move to Massachusetts in May. I am
mountains of Bisbee, Arizona, with her 2
lovely daughters, Luna 8/30/98 and
Juniper 9/7/00. She teaches reading at the
local high School, writes poetry, mingles
with the locals, and checks out the view.
“Life is grand!” Maria tells us.
Salvatore Gangemi is pleased to
announce the birth of twin boys
(Michael and Marco) on 10/3/04—their
first (and second). In addition, they
moved into a new house in Bronxville at
the end of August. Needless to say,
they’ve been very busy and sleepdeprived. In February, he will be celebrating the 9th anniversary of his law firm.
Sal sends,” Best wishes to all my friends
from Prep!”
Peter Gardiner is proud to announce the
birth of daughter Kylie Marie born on
6/13/04 to join her brothers Steven
5/26/99, and Sean 8/8/01
Frances Robles spent three years as a
foreign correspondent in Bogotá,
Colombia, and now she (“Frenchie”) has
taken a much-needed year off. She is a
John S. Knight Fellow at Stanford
University, where she studies Portuguese
and fiction writing.
Daniel Russelman hopes the many
friends he has lost touch with are doing
well. He and his wife, Marie, now have
three kids: Katie, 5, Megan, 3, and Liam,
1, and they all bring joy to their lives each
day. They have lived in Mineola for the
past 6 yrs. Daniel is still hanging around
(though not as often as they would all
like) with John Cooney, Vin Corrado,
Chris Testani, Brian Murphy, Gene
Cunningham, Joe Demeo and Vin
Wicelinski. Now, when they get together,
they just drink lots of coffee and watch
their children play together. “Life is wonderful!” Daniel says.
Margaret Finnerty-Petta and husband
Elio are happy to announce the birth of
their daughter Arianna Marie, born on
10/25/04. She joins big sister Lauren
Ashley, who was 2 in July.
MaryAnne Flynn-Poeschl has been happily married to Patrick since ’93. They
have 3 beautiful children: Brian, 5,
Connor, 3, and Catie, 1. She’s currently a
stay-at-home mom in Clinton, CT. after
working for 10 yrs in Manhattan in
various positions as a Vocational
Rehabilitation Counselor. MaryAnne
says “Hi” to old friends, and also adds:
“Claudia M—sorry for losing touch, think
of you often and hope you are well!”
Thomas Hall writes, “Hey class of ’87.
I’ve been living in Sleepy Hollow with my
partner Barb Kapetanakes since ’98. I’ve
been teaching Science in Westlake Middle
and High schools in Thornwood since
’99, where I recently became science chair
(no good deed goes unpunished). We
have a house with 3 cats and our newest
addition, Duncan the wirehaired pointer
(the cats are not pleased). Hope this finds
you all well.”
Christine Kelly says, “Thought of all of
you while reading a recent copy of Grad
Notes and was wondering how my fellow
class of ’87 group was doing. I am currently living in Southern California and
working as a school counselor. I am finally giving up the single life to marry the
greatest man in the world this coming
July. Hope all is well with everyone and
please email and say hi
[email protected]”
Dana Lemanowics-Tili and Eni Tili
welcomed their beautiful baby daughter,
Alexandra Maria, into the world at
3:55pm on 10/22/04.
Jose Leon has recently purchased a
home with his lovely wife, Diana, and is
awaiting their first child with great
Kathleen Murray-Gibowicz lives in
Chelsea, NYC and works in Ad Sales for
MTV Networks. She and her husband,
Peter, celebrated the birth of their son,
John Peter (Jack), in December ’03 and
are now contemplating the move to the
16 • GradNews
David & Luke, sons of Jodi WasserfallStandrowicz ’88 and husband Jeff.
Samantha and Michaela, daughters of Phil &
Laura Andriola ‘89
suburbs. Kathleen adds, “Missed all the
reunions so far but hope to make it to
the 20th...can’t believe it’s been so long!”
O’Gorman, on 10/13/02. Recently we had
our first child, Isabella Marie, and moved
into our new home all in the same week!
Hope all is well with everyone. Peace.”
Kristina McGann is currently busy doing
Reality Casting for a bunch of NBC
shows, including three seasons of The
Apprentice. If anyone is out there in LA
feel free to email her!
Gian-Claudia Sciara-Mann tells us, “I
am pursuing a PhD in City Planning at
the University of California, Berkeley. My
husband is Kevin Mann of Corbin,
Kentucky, a FDNY paramedic; we were
married in Long Island City in April ’03.
I have recently seen poetess Paulette
Beete ’87 and talked to chemist David
Cordes ’86. With great memories of
Beach oblivions and annual picnics, I
send greetings to all Alvernians. Valeris
Santos, I think of you so often and would
love to hear from you.”
Onofrio Amendolaro Nuff gives us an
update.” I married my love, Helen
Ryan Daniel Jahn, son of Ted Jahn Jr., ’88
and grandson of Ted Jahn, Sr., Dean of SFP.
Charles Anderson greets us, “ Hey
guys...I hope everyone is doing well.
Michael O’Sullivan (class of ’89) and I
are life partners and living in Bayside! We
hope to see you at the next reunion!
Happy new year!”
Kristine Csillag-Mansfield is currently
pursuing her doctorate at the
Pennsylvania College of Optometry’s
School of Audiology to go back to finish
master’s degree in education. Frank had
great time at 15 yr reunion, and plans to
see everyone in 5 yrs.
Susan Logan-Filshie reports a fundraising event held at the Jericho Terrace in
Mineola, NY on March 31, 2005 to honor
1989 graduate, Kathy Schnarr Kinney,
who is courageously battling ALS/Lou
Gehrig’s Disease. ALS is a fatal, degenerative, neurological disease and the benefit
raised money to fund treatment and
assistance to Kathy and others with ALS.
The event was organized by:Jennifer
Schnarr Bommarito ’86 and Rachel
Dennehy Tzimorotas, Lisa Gismondi
Evan Michael, son of Shirley Denberg-Gioia
’89 and husband Vito, born 12/9/04.
Christine Persichette-Dobrosielski ’90 married
Damian Dobrosielski in October 2003. Her
bridesmaids were (L-R) Jennifer Fitzgerald
'90, Kristina Ogren '90, Agnes Smith '90,
Monica Wiedemann-Sicilian '90, and Cathy
Cremona '93.
Miller, Jackie Gouveia Maloney, Susan
Logan Filshie, Jennifer McCann O’Grady
and Marie Skummy Heppner ’89. We
hope all of Kathy’s former classmates
and friends will support her through
this difficult time. Contact [email protected] for more information
or to make a donation.
Alex Bernardin writes, “Unexpectedly,
but perhaps appropriately, I found my
true home in San Francisco, CA! Rode
the wave of the dot-com boom n bust as
a software developer; now I’m a gainfully
unemployed project manager. Looking
forward to seeing lots of folks at the 15 yr
reunion this spring!”
Shirley Cheng-Lin married Alex Lin in
9/04 and resides in Morristown, NJ with
1 dog and 3 cats. Shirley is currently
working for Colgate Palmolive as an
Associate Product Manager on Colgate
Brian Clarke reports, “My wife Amy and
I are expecting our first baby on March 7.
Amy is a 4th grade teacher. I work in the
Home Depot studio designing buildings
throughout the US. We just bought a
house that we share with our dog Murphy.
Anyone coming to Columbus Ohio
should give us a call, we love guests.”
MaryEllen Crowley-Makkas and husband, Alexi, have a 19-month-old daughter named Lily, and live 18 miles west of
Boston. She is a practicing psychologist
in private practice, but also has teaching
appointments at Harvard Medical School
and Assumption College.
GradNews • 17
Laurie Feld works in Washington DC,
for the US Federal Government.
Ana Fernandez has been a federal work-
er for about 15 years now, having worked
at social security, US attorney’s office,
immigration and most recently department of veterans’ affairs. She also does
seasonal work in conventions (fantasysci-fi), theatrics, and most recently as a
model for a fantasy illustrator. Ana’s true
love is working for the New York
Renaissance Faire (Sterling Forest). You
can find her at Wolfgaard Armory, where
she helps make leather armor and goods
with the owner and love of her life, Geof
Davis. They live in a quaint house in
suburban upstate with lots of trees, deer,
hawks, and a great mountain view. If
you’re in the Tuxedo, NY area this
summer, stop by the NY Ren Fair and
say hello to Ana!
Jennifer Fitzgerald-DeLuca writes,
“Thanks to Prep I made the best friends
ever who I am still very close with:
Monica, Kristina, Agnes, Christine, Tim,
Greg, the list goes on. I married Philip
DeLuca (Chaminade class of ’89) on
2/15/04. We are both currently living in
Manhattan. I am a senior designer of
Intimate Apparel. Looking forward to
seeing everyone!”
Tenika Kianes-Brooks returned to Grad
school in ’02 and recently earned her
certificate to teach social studies. She is
happily marred to her college sweetheart,
Geoff, and has one daughter, Kaili who is
three. She writes, “Hope all of my classmates are well and I would love to hear
from old friends. God Bless.”
Caritas Lee-Ng and husband, Kwan, are
the proud parents of two adorable little
boys Kevin and Caden. They currently
live in West Orange, NJ where Caritas is a
Aline LoJacono-Mauro proudly
announces the birth of son Matthew
Domenick on 7/17/03. A second child is
expected on 5/17/05.
Manuel Lorenzo updates us, “Just want-
ed to say hello to all those who remember me from singing with rep company...music is still in the heart...I’m married to the music biz for now...with no
kids...just nieces and nephews, some who
are now prep students!”
Kelly McGowan-Cronin and husband
Christopher welcomed their first child, a
son, Liam Christopher Cronin on
Traci Murphy-Regis Resides in Bayside
Jorge Fonseca married Donna Jo
Koubek on 8/8/99. They have 2 daughters
Daniella Maria born on 12/2/02 and
Janina Ann born on 5/25/04.
with husband Matthew and 3 yr old son
James. Traci works as an International
Flight attendant for American Airlines.
Catherine Murray-Adler is thrilled to
Dawn Fulton-Manos married Peter
Manos on 12/13/03. Kristin TwomeySainato ’90 was her maid of honor
announce the birth of her daughter,
Paige Abigail, on 1/6/05
Joyce Pak moved to San Diego and
Kristin Kababik-Carey and husband
Nick are proud to announce the birth of
their first child, John Anthony Carey,
who was born on 9/23/04. They feel really blessed to have him in their lives and
are looking forward to the next one!
They are currently living in Shropshire in
the UK and Kristin is on a 1-year maternity leave from work so she can really
enjoy her newborn!
Leslie Kenna and her husband had a lot
of boxes to open this Christmas after
moving into their new home in Chevy
Chase, Maryland on 12/20/04. They are
both scientists working in the
Washington DC Metro Area.
bought a condo. She did travel nursing
for 3 years but recently accepted a full
time staff position on a cardiac and elementary floor. Joyce loves living in sunny
Frances Scarantino has been very
actively involved in New York City government work as well as community
projects. Nearly ten years ago, Frances
developed and implemented the “Striving
To Achieve & Reach Success” program
(STARS) serving the South Queens community as a youth center, completely run
by volunteers. Recently she has taken on
a new venture and has decided to open
her own family day care center, Reach
Bethany Nora, daughter of Elizabeth LevineShatz ’91 and husband Steven, born 8/7/04.
For The STARS! Good luck, Frances, and
keep up the great work!
Damon Carbo and his wife, Karen,
announce the birth of their second child
Matthew Sebastian Carbo on 5/22/04.
They live in Farmingdale and are enjoying their sons immensely. Damon is
looking forward to reunion in ’06
James Conroy reports to us, “Hello old
friends. Can’t believe it’s nearly fifteen
years since we graduated from Prep. On
7/30/04, I married my wife Noel, and we
are still living in Jackson Heights. For the
last six years I have been an attorney with
the NYPD, and was recently promoted to
Deputy Managing Attorney. I would love
to hear from you guys, so drop an email.”
Elizabeth Levine-Shatz and her husband
are proud to announce the birth of their
daughter, Bethany Nora. She was born on
8/7/04 and was 8 lbs 13 oz. and 21
and1/2 inches long. Elizabeth hopes
everyone is doing well!
Maria Monis-Sideratos will soon be
celebrating her 9th wedding anniversary
to her husband, Nicholas Sideratos.
They are living in Bay Ridge Brooklyn
with their three beautiful children: Katie,
5, Melina, 3 1/2, and Constantine, 2.
Maria says,”A big HELLO to all!”
Mary Sara Cannone-Scott updates us
with, “ Figured that it was about time
that I check in with the Prep. Let’s
see...I’ve finished my Masters in
Secondary Education/English and have
been teaching 8th grade English at IS 119
in Glendale since ’98 (a lot of my
18 • GradNews
prepster! Best wishes to everyone for lots
of love, health and happiness!”
Christine Casalta-Briglia writes, “Nicky
and I were blessed with the arrival of our
second child. We had a beautiful girl
named Cassandra Nicole and she weighed
in at 7 lbs 8 oz and is 20.5 inches, born
10/03/04. I hope everything is going great
with everyone and I wish everyone much
love, health and happiness.”
Ryan, son of Brian Ott ’92 and wife Tracy.
students have become prepsters themselves). I married Jeff Scott this 4/04 in
Vermont, and we are currently living in
wedded bliss in Kew Gardens. Heather
Drastal (class of ’91) and Cristin Frodella
(my maid of honor-class of ’92) were in
attendance. Other than that, I’m still
fighting the good fight in NYC, and I
wish you all well.”
Richard Dabrowski and his wife, Dyana,
are expecting their first child in 2/05.
Roberta Parziale-Lataille and husband
Michael welcomed their first child,
daughter Lucia, on 12/29/04.
Theresa Roseburg-Popov writes,
“Married Sasha Popov on 10/2/04 at the
Watermill. Ceremony and reception were
amazing and so much fun. We bought a
new home in Bethpage Long Island.
Time sure flies. I can’t believe it’s almost
13 yrs since graduating. Hope everyone is
well. Feel free to email me
[email protected].”
Damaris Sanchez-Sawan married Abdel
Sawan on 5/22/04 in Floral Park, New
York. Other Prep alumni that were in
attendance were: Amanda Rattray-Bywater,
Maria Castillo, and Mayerling Saget.
Janet Vozila-Stemberger and husband
Allen welcomed Andrew Lucas into the
world on 5/27/04. They are enjoying their
first child and brand new home in
Garden City.
Krista Bruno-Vaughan writes, “Hi everyone! My husband Jason and I celebrated
our son Anthony-Louis’ 1st birthday on
9/12/04, with hopes of him being a future
Heather DiRocco says, “Things are great
in Germany. I got promoted over the
summer and this winter I will be attending a course to become an Army CI
Agent. So I will be wintering in AZ. Life
is good and if you are ever in Germany
get in touch.”
Alexia Rodriguez-Alwine and Robert J.
Alwine II are proud to announce the
birth of their daughter, Elizabeth
Gabriela, on 1/13/04. They are living in
Miami where Robert is working in a private law firm and Alexia is currently on a
consulting project with Unilever/Slim
Fast. Alexia would love to hear from her
fellow classmates at [email protected].
Nerissa Wendler-Wels married David
Wels of Sands Point on 5/23/03 in
Glenwood, NY. Nerissa is a Sr. Project
Manager at Waterfront Media. The wedding party included: co-maids of honor
Dana Wendler, ’98 and Lauren Wirta, ’93
and bridesmaids Natasha Wendler, ’01
and Christine Yaegel, ’93. The couple
lives in Forest Hills, NY.
Fariel Ahmad is married with two beau-
tiful children, a girl 3 yrs., and a boy 1 yr
old. She has taken a short break in her
career. Fariel received a BA in
Communication Disorders/Speech
Pathology at Queens College. Hopefully,
she will be continuing her Masters degree
in Central Florida
Lori Bianchi-Newman and her husband,
Michael, are happy to announce the birth
of twin girls Emily Hope and Caitlin Jill.
They were born on 11/8/04 weighing 4 lbs
9 oz and 4 lbs 11 oz and are doing well!
Gisela Claveria writes, “After graduating
from Boston University with a BA in
Anthropology and Latin American
Matthew, son of Mary Beth Gambino-Corrigan
’94 and husband Tom, born 8/25/04.
Studies I moved to Costa Rica for 2 yrs
where I was working as an ESL teacher and
exploring the country. I also got married
while I was out there to Ronnie Quintero-we’ve been married for 3 yrs now. Two yrs
ago, we decided to move back to New York
in order to get my MBA at an American
university. I’ll be starting the MBA program at Baruch this fall—in the meantime
I’ll also continue working at the United
Nations, Global Compact Office
www.unglobalcompact.org where I have
been working for the past 2 yrs. It’s been a
great experience and a busy 10 yrs (time
flies)! Have kept in regular touch with a few
prepsters, Larry Vega, Viviana Perez, Lorraine
Patino, Carol Macahilig, all doing great.
More recently have seen Rosalba PatrunoOdieres, Joy Sarsale, Ravi Lakheeram, also
doing great. Would love to read more
about everyone’s whereabouts so please go
to the prep website and fill us in on what
you are doing. Cheers!”
Mary Elizabeth Gambino-Corrigan and
her husband, Tom had a baby boy,
Matthew Corrigan, on 8/25/04. Matthew
was 7lbs 6 oz and 21 inches.
Jennifer Mitrano-Moraglia is proud to
announce the birth of her daughter
Gabriella Elise born on 8/23/04
Laura Brattesani-Sciametta was
married 6/19/04 at St. Aidan’s (Long
GradNews • 19
Dermot McHale please let me know.”
Kevin McDonough completed his studies
at Auburn University (Alabama) in ’99,
then attended University of Georgia
School of Law ’99-02, and passed GA
Bar in ’02. Kevin lives and practices just
north of Atlanta in Cumming, GA. and
presently serves as County (Forsyth) Bar
Association President. He also served as
President of Student Bar Association
while at UGA. Kevin hopes all of his
classmates are doing well.
Island) to Thomas Sciametta (Fairfield
Univ. alum/Farrell HS alum). Reception
was held at Westbury Manor (Long
Island). Jennifer Sullivan ’95 was her
maid of honor.
Susan Burdan owns her own clothing
store, Stella Gialla, on Metropolitan Ave
in Middle Village, and won $1000 on
Who Wants to be a Millionaire.
Kelly Ann Canestra-Critelli has been
happily married for 3 1/2 yrs and completely enjoying her life as a stay-at-home
mom to her almost 2 yr old son.
Sabrina Miriel is an Oncology
Pharmacist at Priority Healthcare. She
has known her wonderful boyfriend,
Guy, for 4 yrs.
Donna Canzano was married on
November 2, 2003, and lives on Long
Stacie Christopoulos still lives in
Queens and works on Long Island as a
speech language pathologist. Stacie got
engaged on 6/5/04 and wedding will be
on 10/29/05.
Kerry Ann Collins-Santopietro married
Mike Santopietro ’96 on 11/27/04. They
went on their honeymoon to Nevis and
had a wonderful time. The couple is
enjoying married life!
Ann Cotty-Marra writes, “Sure that those
Lisa Kull-Murray ’95 married Keith Murray on
reports,” I still live at home while I am
finishing my DDS degree. Hope my
fellow classmates are doing well. Best
Michelle Gianakos has been teaching
Kindergarten for 4 1/2 yrs, and she loves
it. She’s been with her boyfriend for 5
yrs; they are planning to get engaged in
the spring.
who knew me at Prep could never have
pictured me in a big white wedding
gown. Well, neither could I! My husband,
Mike Marra (Watertown HS (NY), 1986)
and I eloped four years to the day of our
first date in the city where we had met,
January 6, 2005 in Nashville, TN. We are
both physical education teachers and
coaches in Kingston, NY. I hope everyone is doing well. Shouldn’t we be having
a 10 yr reunion sometime soon? 10 years?
Michelle Langone is in his 3rd year at
New York Law School.
Suzanne Cunningham received her
Anita Leroy-Drouin is married to John
Bachelor of Science with honors and distinction from Cornell ’99 as well as
Doctor of veterinary medicine with distinction ’03. Completed her small animal
internship at Tufts University ’03-’04.
and has a 20-month-old daughter named
Samantha. Their second child is due in
Carmelina DiPietrantonio received her
Masters degree in Social/Organizational
Psychology from Columbia University
fall 2002.
Grace Fraraccio will be graduating from
NYU college of Dentistry in 5/05. Grace
Danielle Hillock-Cicione was married
8/7/99 to Jonathan Cicione, and lives in
Garden City, NY. Their first son was born
June 2, 2004, Benjamin John Cicione.
Kara Kelly is currently teaching in New
Hyde Park and coaching cheerleading at
John Mooney is working on Masters in
English Education at Pace University.
Jennifer Morgo-Miller received her
Masters in Secondary Education and
Science in June. She’s been married for
almost 4 yrs and has been teaching for 4
yrs as well
Katherine O’Connor-Ma was married
5/31/03 to Mike Ma of Cleveland, OH.
She graduated Columbia Medical School
5/21/03. Couple is expecting their first
child 7/25/05.
Jennifer Parlato-Romito has been working at St Francis Hospital in Roslyn for
the past 6 yrs. and is currently a Staff
Pharmacist. Jennifer married Joseph
Romito on 9/5/04. Bridal party included:
Elizabeth Parlato-Heffernan ’92, Anthony
Parlato ’00, Elena Glatzel ’95, Regina
Schoefffel ’95. Other guests included:
Michael Cardillo ’95, Danielle Tubb ’95,
John Helkowski ’95, Helen Helkowski ’92
and Marisa Evangelista ’03. Couple has
purchased a home in East Northport just
a few blocks away from Jennifer’s sister.
Katie Porto-Staphos got married on
9/10/04. They are presently living in East
Norwich, Long Island. Katie is a physician assistant currently working for an
Interventional Cardiology group at St.
Francis Hospital in Roslyn NY
Annunziata Manzolillo will be getting
married to Pasquale Pignatelli on
9/18/05. Currently she is teaching 4th
grade in Brooklyn where she lives.
She says, “Life is good. Best Wishes to
Dina Prato received her Masters in
Reading ’01, and a professional diploma
in School Administration ’04
Francesco Martiniello has a request, “If
anyone has info on how to contact
Lisa Roberto-Carrini recently completed
her Master’s degree in Education at St.
20 • GradNews
else--feel free 2 get in touch with me! I
do miss every1 and all the good times we
had @ prep. I hope you all are doing well
and hope to speak to everyone soon.
XOXOX Jadie=)”
John’s University. Lisa is enjoying a
career in teaching.
Ana Rosu writes, “After I graduated from
Hofstra I went to Fordham for Law
School. I worked at Dechert LLP for two
yrs. and I am currently at Merrill Lynch
working in the structured finance/real
estate group. I’m living in the city and
am looking forward to keeping in touch
with the friends I’ve reunited with at the
Erik Marcisak tells us, “Well, in Sept of
’04, I opened Juvie Hall in the east village. It is NYC’s only sketch comedy theater. I have my fingers in a couple cool
shows and would love to have the honor
of entertaining you. Check out the website www.juviehall.com”
Harold Valestin is presently working as a
real estate agent as well as a proprietary
equity trader. Harold is also a budding
Lauren Vasiu-Bartoldus is an English
teacher in Brooklyn, and was married in
Michelle Ann Vega writes, “Currently
work as the Editorial Coordinator for
Alpha Books, an imprint of Penguin
Group USA. In addition, I teach a section of English 201, an intermediate
expository writing class at Hunter
College. I also am working towards my
Masters in British and American
Literature at Hunter and am looking forward to graduation in January ’06.”
Eileen Walsh got engaged to Gregory
Prymaczek. The wedding will take place
on 7/9/05.
Noelle Werner has been at Jericho for 2
yrs and loves teaching high school. She
currently lives in South Bellmore. Noelle
received her master’s degree in May from
Adelphi University, and is the assistant
varsity Basketball coach at Jericho.
David Yam was engaged to Kristin
Wermuth, 6/04. David works as manager
at Verizon Wireless, 7/02. He moved to
Philadelphia, PA, 5/04.
Olivia Berrios reports to us, “I am currently teaching US History and Freshman
Seminar at Teaneck High School. I also
direct the Peer Leadership Program and
Student Organization for Latino
Awareness. I was inducted into WHO’S
WHO Among American Teachers for the
04-05 edition. I am currently working
towards my Masters in Administration at
Debora Rubino-Rogan ’96 married Jim
Rogan on 7/18/04.
Montclair State University in Montclair,
NJ. I also have continued to pursue my
passion for theater as a member of the
cast of Soul Latina. Soul Latina is a show
produced under Latinoflavored
Productions. Show dates and times can
be found on the company’s website at
Kanika Brown writes that, “The education and experiences I attained at St
Francis Prep really helped me toward my
future. I was able to achieve a Master’s
degree in Social Work at age 22 and
attain great experiences that catapulted
me in my field. Today at 26 I am married
with a beautiful daughter and prospering
in more ways than I can count. Thanks
Prep for the jumpstart.”
Jade Kiely updates us, “Hello class of
’96.Graduated St. John’s University (6/02)
with a B.S. in Administrative Studies with
a minor in business…yet I’m a 3rd grade
teacher—go figure. I plan on going to
Grad school for my masters in education.
Other than teaching (which I absolutely
adore and love), I’m just having a great
time. I would like to say hello to everyone
at Prep and maybe catch up with a few
people who I’ve lost contact with over
the years: Beth, Marcela, Mary-Kay, Jenny
F, Tricia (Blue it’s Green--girl where have
u been?? Gone 2 ne raves??..lol..call me!),
Jessica, Irene, Jenny E, Ellen, Cindy R.,
Maria, Sabrina..email me at [email protected] if I 4 got any 1
Jennifer Baldea-Lombardi writes, “Hi
everyone, hope you all are doing well.
Just wanted to share what’s been going
on in my life. I got married in Sept ’04.
Living in Long Island now with my husband and puppy. Things are really great.
Wishing you all the best.”
Karen Tomanelli-Hoffman and Justin
Hoffman ’96, celebrated their one-year
wedding anniversary on 9/13/04. Karen
is currently in her third year at Our Lady
of Mercy, as an Art & Music Teacher.
Justin works as the Project Manager for a
design team at VNU, in lower Manhattan.
The happy couple currently live in
Middle Village and would like to extend
a warm hello to all of their friends and
former teachers.
Jasmin Arismendis announces that,
“Anderson Ruiz class of ’98 and I got
engaged 7/9/04. We will relocate to
Florida in ’05 and marry by ’06.”
Althea Chang has been promoted to
Regional Copyreader at Barron’s, the
Dow Jones investment magazine. After
loading up on college credit classes at
Prep, she saved a year’s worth of tuition
at NYU. In ’01, she received her bachelor’s degree in print journalism with a
minor in psychology and a focus on race
and gender in US history. She has been
writing, researching and editing for various publications since then, and currently volunteers at Hyphen (www.hyphenmagazine.com), a non-profit Asian
American magazine, as news editor.
Alyson Lamonte says, “Hello everyone!
I’m currently working as a Physical
GradNews • 21
Education teacher in Pelham Middle
School and Pelham Memorial High
School in Westchester. I also coach varsity swimming and softball. My research
project that I completed at Adelphi
University as part of my Master’s Degree
has been accepted at the national
American College of Sports Medicine
conference this June. I will be presenting
on ’The Acute Effects of the Induction
Phase of the Atkins’ Diet on Exercise
Performance in Active, Young Adults’. I
am both honored and excited to be
involved in such a prestigious event. I got
engaged in October ’04 to a fellow St.
Francis College graduate. A June ’06
wedding is planned.”
Leah Thomas writes, “Hey all, just wanted to let everyone know that Mike
Gianakos ’98 and I got engaged
Halloween ’04. So far we are planning a
September ’06 wedding. We also wanted
to give a shout out to the Terriers that
were there that night—Mike Cascio ’98,
Eric Hidalgo ’98, Rich Muri ’98, Justin
Stanton ’98, and Cassie, Eva Gambina
’00, and Diana Espinosa ’00 thanks for
being there!”
Bevin Bullock-Bedrin just wanted to say
“hi” to all her former classmates and
announce that she just got married to
Trevor Bedrin, her high school sweetheart. They were married on 8/15/04
and are currently living in Queens.
Jennifer DeMucci is currently attending
the Graduate Faculty of Political and
Social Science at New School University.
She plans to obtain her M.A. in
Psychology and subsequently go on to
pursue a Ph.D. in Clinical Psychology.
Jessica Yeager writes, “Hey, so sorry to
miss everybody at the reunion! I’ve been
living in Dallas, Texas while I’m getting
my Masters in Biomedical
Communications/Medical Illustration
from UT Southwestern Medical Center. I
moved here right after graduating
Valedictorian from School of Visual Arts
and live with my boyfriend for three
years Tom and our two dogs, Mona and
Norman. I’m not fond of Dallas, but
love my grad work, even though it’s been
a lot of hard work. There are only six
students in the program, and only five
such programs in the country. We attend
medical school classes with the first and
second med students along with our
illustration, design, 3D animation, and
anatomical drawing classes. This year,
my favorite class is surgical illustration,
where we observe operations at Parkland
Hospital (where JFK died) and then create artwork from them. I’m planning on
defending my thesis in early fall and I
can’t wait! I never thought that I’d be
using my artwork to help doctors and
their patients, it seems like yesterday I
was lugging my huge portfolio through
the halls of Prep going to Mr. Antinori’s
class, time flies when you’re having fun. I
hope everyone is doing well and enjoys
the holidays!”
Lisa Flaherty asks, “Hey, I’m looking for
Chris Bonnetti, anyone graduated in ’00
who still talks to this kid? My email is
listed (on the website),whoever knows
him, email me, or have him email me.
Domenick Rafter writes, “Hey class of
’01. I’m still over at Hofstra University,
where I’m earning a degree in political
science. I work at the school’s radio station WRHU 88.7 FM where I serve as the
Program Director for ’05. I hope to
begin my political career pretty soon. I’m
graduating in May ’06 and looking into
grad school. Hope all of you are doing
Jason Schmidt says, “Just a quick note
to thank the faculty at St Francis for
everything they’ve done for me. The
Army wasn’t in my life plan, but so far
it’s been a pleasant tangent that I do not
regret taking. When I get a chance, I will
visit SFP and all the teachers/mentors I
have had.”
Joseph Pantaleo is attending St. Francis
Nicole Zacharias tells us, ”After graduat-
ing Prep, I went on to Pace University
where I graduated with a BBA in
Business Management. Since then I’ve
been working as a sales analyst at a major
watch company here in NY, you’ve seen
our billboards around town. I recently
got a raise that I’m very happy about.
Otherwise, keeping myself busy with my
active social life. Lastly, I’d like to say to
the class of ’99. WOW! It’s been 5 yrs
already. I look forward to seeing all of
you at the reunion.”
College, Brooklyn Heights New York,
22 • GradNews
Florida Alumni Reunion March 5, 2005
Brother Leonard Conway (left), Principal,
with our wonderful host, Peter Callahan ’59
GradNews • 23
St. Francis Prep
O C T O B E R 1 6 : S T. F R A N C I S P R E P D AY AT B E L M O N T R A C E T R A C K
3 0n 3
Thomas Nev itt ’77
B E L M O N T D AY S P O N S O R :
Peter Callahan ’59
Michael Doher ty ’77
Drew Morgan ’89
C O C K TA I L H O U R S P O N S O R :
Alex DelCielo ’76
Rober t Tor re ’61
Worldw ide Secur ities
Casey Knoll/ Cantor Fitzgerald
Karen & Scott Geller
Knight Trading
Gene Trainor
Public Money Group
Walter Cook ’60
Legg Mason
G O L F R E G I S T R AT I O N S P O N S O R :
Ridgewood Sav ings
24 • GradNews
St. Francis Prep Day
at Belmont
sponsored by Peter Callahan ’59
GradNews • 25
Vin Giammona ’79
Memorial 5K Fun Run
26 • GradNews
The St. Francis Prep Alumni Website
The St. Francis Alumni Board is in the process of
significantly enhancing the Alumni webpage located on
the school’s website. The objective is to develop a
comprehensive Alumni website that provides the
technology platform to deliver real time / current
information and greatly enhance our ability to deliver our
mission to the Alumni (reunions, events, news, alumni
data, merchandise, alumni interaction, etc).
We anticipate that after the initial roll-out, we will be
continuously adding content and making enhancements.
We would encourage our Alumni to provide feedback on
the website when it becomes available. We plan to have the
new Alumni website up and running by the Summer and
will include the following:
• Dedicated Alumni Homepage
• Alumni Registration
• Latest News
• Event Calendar / Information
• Event Registration
• Scholarship Information
• Online Giving
• Online Store / Merchandise (see below)
• Grad News
• Business Network / Job Postings
• Business Directory / Advertising
• Hall of Fame and Honorary Alumni
• SFP Development Team Profiles
• SFP Alumni Board Profiles
• Mailbox
GradNews • 27
Update: The Middle States Association of Secondary
Schools Evaluation Process
During the past four years, all members of the Prep
Community have heard the terms “Middle States” and
“Validating the Vision” on more than one occasion while
picking up The Seraph, GradNews, or just walking around
Prep and seeing the Mission Statement and Belief
Statements posted in the classrooms. The Middle States
reaccredidation journey has resulted in great strides being
made in many areas at the Prep. This progress is ongoing
and has been a major focus ever since the visiting team
evaluated the school two years ago. Many new advances are
clearly evident and will continue in the academic,
technological, and religious programming arenas.
Academically, the creation of the ParentConnect
program is a major achievement prompted by the Middle
States process. Through ParentConnect, parents have the
ability to view their children’s progress. This is possible
because the teachers post each student’s grades in their
personal account. The chief problem that ParentConnect
has eliminated is communication. Parents, students, and
teachers all have the opportunity to know where the
progression of the student is at any time of the quarter.
Parents have the capability to find out if their child is doing
poorly before it is “too late.” In the same respect, parents
can also witness the achievement of their child. Recent
statistics show that ParentConnect is responsible for
fewer failure and more students with passing grades.
Communication between teachers and parents is facilitated
by a well-devised e-mail system in which parents and
teachers can contact each other at anytime.
Technology improvements are visible to all those who
enter the Prep. The most significant change is the development
of a new state-of-the-art computer lab. The lab has been
renovated to accommodate a teaching area, a student area,
and an office area. New computers with flat-panel monitors
and faster speed have been added to the lab. Computers have
also been added in other areas such as the school library.
By placing additional computers in the library, more students have the opportunity to access the internet, send and
receive e-mail, and perform word processing and other classrelated tasks during free periods, lunch, and after school.
Finally, ongoing efforts are being made to insure
greater participation in religious functions. Liturgies and
other programs are continually being promoted, while the
Campus Ministers and student volunteers work together
to encourage students to become more attentive to their
spiritual life and to participate in Campus Ministry’s
program offerings and outreach efforts.
Following up on Middle States recommendations falls
into the hands of many small committees that work on the
improvement of the different areas within the Prep.Each
individual committee works to improve their particular
area by focusing on those aspects that need attention.
Through the efforts of faculty, staff, alumni, students,
parents, and other members of the Prep Community, the
school remains an outstanding institution and will soon
reach its full potential, especially as we approach the 150th
Anniversary in 2008.
Joseph Pantaleo ’03
Communication and Awareness: The Middle States
Association of Secondary Schools Evaluation Process
The Alumni Spring Reunion and Hall of Fame Induction
will be held at the Prep on Saturday evening, April 16, 2005 and will celebrate the classes of:
1980, 1975, 1970, 1965, 1960, 1955, 1950, 1945, 1940, 1935, and 1930.
For more information please go to: www.sfponline.org/alumni/events or call
(718) 423-8810 ext 268.
28 • GradNews
Hall of Fame and
Honorary Alumni Nominations
The St. Francis Prep Hall of Fame Committee of the Alumni Board comes to
the Alumni to seek nominations for the Alumni Association’s most prestigious
awards: Membership in the school’s Hall of Fame and recognition as Honorary
Alumni. There are many Prep Alumni and special friends who have lived and continue to live their lives in the true Franciscan spirit, and many who are deserving
of such an honor.
The Hall of Fame Award looks to honor those individuals (alumni) that
have significant lifetime achievement and a history of service to others. The
following personal qualities and achievements are evaluated as part of the annual
award process for the Hall of Fame:
Career Success
Service to the SFP Community
Service to their Community
Overcoming Challenges
Public Image
The Honorary Alumni Award recognizes those non-alumni who have contributed significant time and effort and
exhibited a love for St. Francis Prep. Many of our former honorees are teachers, school administrators, coaches, parents
and vendors whose dedication and commitment are truly outstanding.
We strongly encourage our Alumni and friends of St. Francis Prep to submit nominations for these two prestigious awards. Please provide us with a letter outlining the personal qualities noted above.
The following information should be included:
Name of Nominee
Graduation Year (Hall of Fame)
Present and Past Positions
Other evidence of their significant contributions
Sponsor name, address, phone and e-mail
Please send the nomination by December 1, 2005 to the following:
St. Francis Prep Alumni Association
6100 Francis Lewis Blvd.
Fresh Meadow, NY 11365
Any questions can be addressed to Wally Bishop ’80 via e-mail at [email protected].
GradNews • 29
St. Francis Prep 2005 Hall of Fame Inductees
(Induction ceremony at the Spring Reunion on April 16, 2005)
Vincent Toscano, ’53
Paul Speckenbach, ’62
Chemical Engineer,
Entrepreneur, Philanthropist
President and Founder
of Paulaur Corporation.
Established Scholarship Fund to
benefit deserving students at the
Prep each year.
Businessman, Educator, Coach,
Longtime Faculty Member.
Played for Los Angeles Dodgers.
2005 Honorary Alumni
(Award Presented at the Spring Reunion April 16, 2005)
Bishop Patrick V. Ahern, D.D. has been a Priest of the New York Archdiocese for 60 Years and a Bishop for 35 Years,
including service as the Vicar of Staten Island and the Vicar for Development. He has been an integral part of St. Francis
Prep’s Annual Christmas Party for the Handicapped for many years.
Brother Alan Zodda, O.S.F. has been a Franciscan for more than 50 years, the past 39 years serving in various capacities
at St. Francis Prep, including assistant coach in track, cross country, and girls softball, as well as coach of the Varsity
Handball Team (which set a record of 159 consecutive victories in 1968). Brother Alan was elected to the CHSAA Hall of
Fame for Handball in 1988. He currently serves as the Boys Locker Supervisor while also helping with the girls softball
teams (Varsity and JV) and the after school intramural program.
Helen Lombardo passed away in May 2002 just short of her 90th birthday. She taught girl’s physical education at both
Bishop Reilly and St. Francis Prep for many years, and worked tirelessly as Director of the girls physical education department. Among the many activities she planned were ski trips for the students. She loved her work and the students could
always count on her door being open for them. After her retirement she moved to Ohio to be near her grandchildren
where she spent her final years and gave of herself in many ways to her family, her church and her community.
Interscholastic Sports Summary February 2005
BOWLING — Brooklyn/Queens Finalist (CITY CHAMPS)
FOOTBALL — AA Conference II Finalist
GYMNASTICS — 3rd Place in League Play
SOCCER — Boys 3rd Place in Division (Quarterfinalists in Playoffs)
SOCCER — Girls 3rd Place in Division (Semi-Finalist in Playoffs)
TENNIS — Girls -1st Place in League - (State Champions, 7TH CONSECUTIVE YEAR)
SWIMMING — Girls - 4th Place in League
CROSS COUNTRY BOYS — Brooklyn/Queens Champions
CROSS COUNTRY GIRLS — Brooklyn/Queens Champions
VOLLEYBALL — Girls - Brooklyn/Queens Champions (3rd Place in NYS)
30 • GradNews
Class of 1995 - 10 Year Reunion
JA N U A RY 1 5 , 2 0 0 5
GradNews • 31
Classes of 1990 and 1985 - 15 and 20 Year Reunions
MARCH 19, 2005
32 • GradNews
2004-2005 Annual Giving Report
The 2004-05 Annual Giving Program began offcially on
September 1, 2004 (the start of the school’s fiscal year).
It will continue until August 31, 2005.
Contribution envelopes were included with the Annual
Report this past January. Another contribution envelope
is included within this edition of the GradNews.
(See the center section.)
Many thanks once again to all those who have made gifts
so far this year. Your generosity is very much appreciated.
Those who have not yet given are simply asked to consider
supporting their alma mater at this time. Any amount –
large or small – can make a very meaningful difference in
all that we do here at St. Francis Prep.
This is especially true when it comes to providing
scholarships and sponsorships to deserving students.
So, rest assured, we can really use your help!
Our heartfelt thanks and very best wishes go to this
year’s Annual Giving Co-Chairs: Wally Bishop ’80 and
Bro. Campion Lally, O.S.F. ’55.
Annual Fund Contributions Received Since September 1, 2004:
Restricted for Endowment:
Other Special Restricted Gifts:
No. of Gifts
Other Gifts since September 1, 2004:
Pathway to St. Francis:
Pledge Payments for the
Endowment Campaign:
Named (Endowed) Scholarships
Keep in mind that Saint Francis Prep welcomes the possibility of establishing named, endowed scholarships (in memory or in honor of those named) with a minimum of $10,000 initially, and an ultimate goal
of having a fully endowed scholarship fund of $100,000 or more.
There are currently 20 of these specially dedicated scholarship funds at the Prep, (fully endowed or otherwise) and we hope to add many more in the years ahead. Please call the Development Office at (718)
423-8810 ext 269 for more information.
GradNews • 33
34 • GradNews
GradNews • 35
Pathway to St. Francis
The “Pathway to St. Francis” will be a 2,500 brick walkway at the statue of St. Francis in front of the school at the intersection
of Francis Lewis Boulevard and Horace Harding Expressway. The “Pathway” was formally dedicated with the initial 400 bricks on
Sunday, November 2, 2003 as part of our Annual Alumni Mass and Brunch, and we plan to add more bricks each year. Thus far,
there have been nearly 550 bricks engraved with associated contributions totaling over $98,000 to date.
Our goal is to establish two permanently endowed scholarships in the names of James Prendergast ’79 and Michael Lynch ’86,
who were taken from us at a very young age. Jimmy battled cancer and Mike, a New York City Fire Fighter, made the ultimate
sacrifice on 9/11.
This is your opportunity to be a permanent part of the future of St. Francis Prep and it is also a special way to keep Mike and
Jimmy’s memories alive.
Any questions should be addressed to Brother Robert Kent, O.S.F. at (718) 423-8810 ext. 230.
Thank you and God Bless.
Graduation Year______ ❑ Current Parent ❑ Past Parent ❑ Friend
Your Name (Maiden)___________________________________________________
Mailing Address _______________________________________________________
City ____________________________________State_______ Zip______________
Home Phone (__________)______________________________________________
In Memory of
Nana & Papa
Joe Courage ’76
E-Mail Address________________________________________________________
❑ Add my E-Mail Address added to the SFP Website.
Employer _____________________________________________________________
Position ______________________________________________________________
Justin Kelly
SFP ’70
Mike GI ’63
Work Phone (___________)_____________________________ext._____________
❑ My employer supports matching gifts.
West Side Story
Alvernians ’94
Please make checks payable to: St. Francis Prep
Please accept my gift in memory of __________________________________________
Include Gift Payment and send to the address below:
Champs 1991
St. Francis Preparatory School
Pathway to St. Francis
6100 Francis Lewis Blvd., Fresh Meadows, NY 11365
ORDER FORM: Be sure to use the correct number of spaces and lines allowed for your brick.
4" x 8"
(per line)
8" x 8"
(per line)
12" x 12"
(per line)
In Memory of
Br. Charles Rynne, OSF
36 • GradNews
Science Research Program
Once again a Prep senior is named a Semi-Finalist in the Intel Science Talent Search
Congratulations to Rebecca Reynolds, a member of the St. Francis Prep Science Research Program, who is among
300 students who have been selected from over 1,500 students nationwide. Rebecca is one of only four students attending
high schools in Queens to be named a semi-finalist, and St. Francis Prep has the distinction of being one of only four
Catholic schools in New York State to have a semi-finalist. This marks the seventh consecutive year in which the Prep has
had at least one semi-finalist in this prestigious competition. This is a real tribute to the Prep’s Science Department and
the Science Research Program headed by Mary Ann Spicijaric ‘84.
Rebecca’s research paper recently entered the second phase of the competition where the judges select 40 finalists
to compete for $100,000 in scholarship money. Good luck!
Prep Students on “Good Day New York”
The music and art departments of Saint Francis Prep were featured on FOX 5-TV’s Good Day New York in December.
It was a lot of fun for the kids, and everything went very well, but this was no easy task: the kids were at Prep by 5:30
a.m., and after the taping, they went on with their normal school day. This all happened with about one week‘s notice,
and within two days of the Christmas concert. These hardworking students did an outstanding job. Following are photos
from both of these events.
GradNews • 37
Advertise In the GradNews
Beginning with this edition of GradNews the Alumni Board
is soliciting and publishing advertising to appear in each
issue. (See our first0ever advertisers on the following
pages.) With a circulation of well over 20,000 “subscribers”
for each issue of GradNews, this new section will provide
many alumni and friends of the Prep a chance to promote
their businesses and services to all the members of the Prep
“family” locally and across the country. It will also help
defray the cost of producing and mailing the GradNews—a
publication that continues to expand and improve each year.
e State 12345
245 Main Street,d
889.987.6543 Fax:
le889.987.3210 email: [email protected]
John H. Smith, CPA
Robert C. Thomas '87
GradNews Ad Rates:
Business Card
Half Page
Full Page
Continental Restaurant
1112 Timberland Avenue, Woodfield, State, 17890
$ 100
$ 500
r Class of 1975
Architect, PC
Western Blvd.
State 13579
Sam Yorkville,
(777) 432-1500
GradNews Circulation: 22,000
(Ad will appear in two consecutive editions)
Architecture, Engineering, Planning, Design
Please call: 718.423.8810 ext. 268
Fax: 718.423.7813
E-mail: [email protected]
Graduation Year_________
Tel: (880) 246-1357
Fax: (880) 246-3579
❑ Current Parent
See pages 38-39 for this edition’s advertisers.
❑ Past Parent
❑ Friend
Your Name (Maiden)____________________________________________________________________________________________________
Mailing Address __________________________________________________________________________________________________________
City _______________________________________________________________________________State______________ Zip______________
Home Phone (______)__________________________________ E-Mail Address____________________________________________________
❑ Add my E-Mail Address to the SFP Website.
Work Phone (________)__________________ext._____________
Please make checks payable to: St. Francis Prep
Include payment and send to:
St. Francis Preparatory School
Development Office
6100 Francis Lewis Blvd.
Fresh Meadows, NY 11365
St. Francis Prep GradNews
Please print advertising text below. Or send your business card or artwork.
38 • GradNews
Receive 20% off plus
5% Donation to St. Francis Prep*
* On all our ceramic and porcelain tile. Not to be combined with other offers.
GradNews • 39
D.J. Mouse
Joseph W. Montaperto
“The Ultimate in Mobile Entertainment”
2075 Coyle Street • Brooklyn, NY 11229
1-800-435-6687 / 718-891-8737
Richard W. Caunitz
45 Sturbridge Court, Nanuet, NY 10954-1034
[email protected]
“Your customers want you on the web!”
Alexandra M. Simpson, D.D.S.
Class of 1996
Don Cassano ’63
Tel: (800) 819-2788
Cell: (941) 661-0631
[email protected]
General, Cosmetic, Invisalign and Family Dentistry
Windsor Court Professional Space
160 East 32nd Street, Suite 103
New York, NY 10016
Punta Gorda Realty, Inc.
(212) 683-3328 • (212) 683-0021 fax
e-mail: [email protected]
GMAC Real Estate
3665 Tamiami Trail, Punta Gorda, Florida 33950
Al D’Andrea
Ridgewood Auto Spring
Traingle Auto Body
A.M. TEL: 718-821-7316
P.M. TEL: 718-8217569
MOBILE: 646-208-6082
E-MAIL: [email protected]
Midde Village Podiatry, P.C.
Karen M. Aglietti, D.P.M., A.A.C.F.A.S.
Nadia Giaccio Artistic Director
SFP Grad ’85
Podiatric Medicine and Surgery
85-51 Eliot Avenue
Rego Park, NY 11374
Office Hours by Appointment
Tel: 718-458-5555
Fax 718-458-0053
11-24 154th Street, Whitestone, NY 11357
(718) 746-3980
GradNews • 40
The Bro. Robert Kent, O.S.F.
Terrier Baseball & Softball Camp
Softball: July 25 - 29
9:00 AM - 3:00 PM
8 - 15
$175.00 per camper/ per week
($335 for two weeks)
718-423-8810 ext. 252
The 17th Annual Terrier
Basketball Camp
Week #l: July 5 - 8
Week #2: July 11 - 15
Week #1: July 18 - 22
Week #2: July 25 - 29
9:00 AM - 3:00 PM
Girls week #1: 8:30 AM - 3:30 PM
8 - 14
$180.00 per camper/per week
($350 for two weeks)
(718) 423-8810 ext. 210
St. Francis Preparatory School
6100 Francis Lewis Blvd.
Fresh Meadows, NY 11365
Visit www.sfponline.org/summercamps.html
and download St. Francis Prep’s
2005 Summer Camp Registration Form
Non-Profit Org.
U.S. Postage
Flushing, NY
Permit No. 479
Design: Rosemary Campion for Blackbird Creative Services
Week #1: July 11 - 15
Week #2: July 18 - 22