PowerPointova predstavitev


PowerPointova predstavitev
Implementation of URBAN SMS GIS tools on Celje
Pilot areas
City of Celje (50,000 residents, 513 inhabitants/km2) is characterised by dense structure in the old city centre and urban sprawl at
the outskirts. Pressure for new building sites is still present. Just citisens have gave over 800 initiatives to change land use plan
from arable land into residential area in the last years.
Based on current city land use plan 2 bigger sites are planned for residential areas
and one for commercial and industrial use. Those three areas were also used as Pilot
sites for the project purposes.
With GIS tools developed within URBAN SMS project we have tested all
9 tools. Our special emphasis was, based on national legislation and local tendencies, on tools Ecosystem Soil Quality,Soil Contamination and Loss of Soil Resource.
Celje pilot areas
1. Babno (Celje west)
2. Stara Cinkarna (Old Cinkarna, Celje centre)
3. Teharje (Celje east)
1. Babno
The area of this pilot site is 61.5 ha, currently mainly used as arable area. Its future land
use is planned to be mainly residential area (double and single housing units), with
smaller service facilities.
Results of testing tool ASQ have
shown that realisation of detailed
spatial plan in SW part of the area
would cause a distinctive loss of
relatively good soils.
On the other hand after testing of
Guidance for the SEA reports and
ESQ tool overall picture is more
favourable because some negative
impacts on soil are taken into
evaluation. Thus we can conclude it
would be more sustainable to
higher the sealing rate if the area
cannot be excluded to be build up.
Stara Cinkarna
The area of this pilot site is 27.2 ha, currently has status of brownfield as it is abandoned
former industrial site (former zink smelter, chemical industry).
In future technological park, services, residential apartments in higher floors, university
campus and commercial use are planned to be build.
A new detailed spatial plan is being prepared.
GIS tools have shown this area is polluted with high
concentrations of heavy metals and some other pollutants.
Thus ecosystem soil quality is marginal, with proper
remediation methods loss of soil resource could have had even
positive balance – improved soil quality.
Therefore, comparing all three pilots, total impact on soils
would be lowest here and area should be focus of new building
This pilot area is 193 ha big, currently mainly used
as arable area. In current land use plan a growth of
residential area is planned. On its western part a big
chemical factory is operating.
Before running tests the area was known to be
polluted with heavy metals, soils with lower
retension etc.
Tests have shown soil quality is
improving in northern direction
where Natura 2000, highway
exit and pressure for new
commercial/industrial area are
facing together. But high
underground water and soil
pollution are lowering total
ecosystem soil quality to low to
medium quality.
In comparison to Babno area overall soil quality is
lower and thus more appropriate for future land use
changes from arable land.