Ihsan Newsletter-FA.indd


Ihsan Newsletter-FA.indd
C O M PA S S I O N • C O M M U N I T Y • C H A R I T Y
No 21
January 2009
Percuma / Free
MICA (P) 255/04/2008
Challenges Ahead!
Awas: Cabaran Menanti!
Up Close & Personal:
Together Towards Success
Willing Hearts, Helping Hands
C O M PA S S I O N • C O M M U N I T Y • C H A R I T Y
MTFA Council of Management
2007 - 2009
Mohd Yunus Valibhoy
Community Challenges Ahead
Masyarakat Di Ambang Cabaran
Up Close & Personal:
Together Towards Success
Bersama-sama Menuju Kejayaan
In & Around: Our Visits
In & Around: Our Visitors
Caution: Challenges Ahead!
Awas: Cabaran Menanti!
Dr Abdul Rahim Leyman
Ali Zafar
Mirza Iskander Namazie
Darul Ihsan Orphanage
Dr Abdul Rahim Leyman
Yahya Mohamed Aljaru
Burial Services
Daing Mohd Farhan Hashim
Properties & Investments
M Salleh Abu Talib
Human Resource Management
Fuziah Muhamad Taha
Bashir Basalamah
Diary of Events 2008
Ariff Sultan
Mirza Mohamad Namazie
Syed Haroon Aljunied
Willing Hearts, Helping Hands
Where your ZAKAT went
2-Day Darul Ihsan Workshop on SOPs
Donations to Madrasahs
Editorial BOARD
Bashir Basalamah
Design/Layout & Print
The Print Lodge Pte Ltd
IHSAN is a bi-annual publication of the
The views and opinions expressed or implied
in IHSAN are those of the authors and do not
necessarily reflect those of the publisher.
Muslimin Trust Fund Association, Singapore
5 Mattar Road, Singapore 387713.
For comments, feedback and advertising
enquiries please contact:
5 Mattar Road, Singapore 387713.
Tel: 6746 5729 Fax: 6741 1609
Email: [email protected]
From the Desk
of the
Dari Meja
Community Challenges Ahead
Masyarakat Di Ambang Cabaran
During times like these, the helping hands of charity
organisations become even more crucial. Yet, even
charity organisations fall on hard times, with fewer
individuals able to give generously to the needy.
Dalam keadaan yang sukar begini, huluran bantuan dari
badan-badan amal menjadi lebih penting lagi. Namun,
badan amal sendiri tidak terlepas daripada padah
kemelesetan ekonomi, kerana berkurangnya bilangan
dermawan yang mampu memberi sumbangan.
Indeed, the ultimate test for charities during these
challenging times is how well they can manage their
programmes with a projected higher demand for
assistance on the one hand and a potential decline
in funds on the other.
Pendeknya, dengan cabaran terbaru ini, badan amal
akan mengalami ujian yang paling sukar. Di satu
pihak, permintaan bantuan daripada golongan yang
memerlukan kian bertambah. Di pihak lain pula,
dana sumbangan para penderma dijangka merosot.
As one of the oldest charitable Muslim organisations
in Singapore, MTFA has remained committed to
serving the needy through the ups and downs of the
economy. We do this through direct and indirect
means, using zakat funds and donations to provide
financial and educational assistance, as well as by
spreading our public education message through
this newsletter.
Sebagai salah sebuah badan amal Islam yang
tertua di Singapura, MTFA sentiasa bertekad untuk
membantu mereka yang kurang berkemampuan.
Hal ini kami lakukan dengan cara langsung dan
tidak langsung – dengan memanfaatkan wang zakat
dan derma untuk menghulurkan bantuan kewangan
dan pendidikan, serta dengan menyebarkan mesej
pendidikan masyarakat melalui risalah ini.
Our vision is that those whom we have assisted
become strong and empowered, and in turn
contribute to help others achieve similar heights
of success. Hard times give us the opportunity to
build our inner strength and resilience as Muslims.
Let us hold out our hands and help one another,
towards the ideal of a strong and cohesive society as
explained by Rasulullah S.A.W in a Hadith:
Cita-cita kami ialah supaya mereka yang telah
dibantu akan belajar berdikari dan berdaya, hingga
seterusnya dapat membantu orang lain mencapai
kejayaan serupa. Kesukaran hidup memberi kita
kesempatan untuk membina kekuatan dan daya
tahan rohani sebagai umat Islam. Marilah kita
hulurkan tangan untuk membantu sesama kita,
menuju sebuah masyarakat yang teguh dan bersatu
padu sebagaimana diketengahkan oleh Rasulullah
S.A.W dalam sebuah Hadith:
he new year has dawned upon us in the midst
of recent aggravations in the global economy.
A bleak shadow seems to have been cast on
the year ahead. With a shocking number of workers
worldwide being retrenched or seeing a cut in
paychecks, many have been and will continue to be
hit by the financial crisis.
...in their affection, mercy, and compassion
for each other, (the people) are like a single
body; if one limb feels pain, the whole body
becomes feverish and restless.
Today, let us renew our pledge to be ready to serve
Him and His. Amin.
ahun 2009 tiba di tengah-tengah pergolakan
yang dialami ekonomi dunia. Begitu ramai
pekerja di serata dunia telah hilang pekerjaan
atau mengalami pengurangan gaji yang ketara, dan
semestinya keadaan ini akan mendatangkan kesan
yang lebih meluas.
...saling kasih, saling menyayang dan saling
cinta...umpama satu tubuh, jika satu anggotanya
berasa sakit, anggota tubuh yang lain ikut sulit
tidur dan demam.
Marilah kita perbaharui ikrar untuk mengabdikan diri
kepada Allah dengan berjasa kepada Hambanya. Amin.
IHSAN • January 2009
Up Close & Personal:
Together Towards
To help those in need in the
Muslim community so that they
can, in turn, give back to society
when they succeed. This was the
crux of the message delivered
by Mr Yahya Aljaru, Chairman
of the Welfare Committee, in his
welcome note to the parents and
students present at the annual
MTFA bursary award ceremony for
college and university students.
• Nursakinah Mohamed Ismail,
final year NTU undergraduate
And this sentiment was certainly
shared by the students. When
asked for her reactions to the
bursary award, Nur Shaheda Abd
Kadir, a fourth year Medicine
student in NUS, replied with a
smile: “Alhamdulillah, I am very
thankful to the people at MTFA
for awarding me the bursary.
Insya Allah, I would be able to
repay their kindness in future.”
NTU’s Chemistry and Biological
Nursakinah Mohamed Ismail,
who is also in her final year, was
equally grateful but also impressed
by the way applications are
processed. “I feel very honoured
to have received this bursary for
the third year running. MTFA has
certainly tried their best to help
students in need and I personally
commend their efforts in getting
to know students’ interests and
ambitions better, as seen through
their interview sessions.”
How do the bursaries help the
students? Mohammed Asraf Bin
Mohtar from the Mechanical
Engineering Course in NUS shared
his experience. “I live in the eastern
part of Singapore and I don’t stay in
IHSAN • January 2009
a hostel, so transportation costs to
school and back can accumulate
to quite a big sum. With this
bursary money, a great burden is
lifted,” he explained. Nursakinah
spoke of her relief, now that her
school fees are fully taken care
of. “The school loan covers 70
percent of my fees, but there is
still 30 percent to take care of.
That totals up to roughly $2,000,
so the MTFA bursary helps in this
The bursary award ceremony for
college and university students
was held at the Darul Ihsan
Building on 16 August 2008.
MTFA President Mohd Yunus
Valibhoy was the Guest-ofHonour. Among the recipients,
13 are currently studying in local
tertiary institutions of NUS and
NTU, and 17 are in Malaysian
institutions such as the UKM and
UIA. They were selected after a
round of interviews.
MTFA bursaries are funded with
Zakat paid as a religious duty
by Muslims. Students doing
Medicine in NUS receive $3,000
while those pursuing other
disciplines in local universities
receive $2,000. Undergraduates
in Islamic universities and
colleges in Malaysia and the
Middle East are awarded $1,000
and $600 respectively. MTFA
hopes to be able to continue
aiding Muslim students in their
pursuit of education and climb
to success. We wish the current
recipients all the best in their
future endeavours.
Membantu kalangan umat Islam yang memerlukan
supaya mereka berjaya dan seterusnya dapat
berjasa kepada masyarakat kelak. Begitulah inti sari
ucapan Encik Yahya Aljaru, Pengerusi Jawatankuasa
Kebajikan, kepada para hadirin di Majlis
Penyampaian Dermasiswa MTFA untuk pelajar kolej
dan universiti.
Pandangan beliau turut didukung oleh para penerima
dermasiswa kali ini. Apabila ditanya reaksinya
setelah berjaya meraih bantuan, Nur Shaheda Abd
Kadir, pelajar tahun empat bidang Perubatan di NUS,
mengorak senyuman sambil berkata: “Alhamdulillah,
saya sangat berterima kasih kepada pihak MTFA
yang meluluskan dermasiswa ini untuk saya. Insya
Allah, saya akan membalas budi baik mereka satu
hari kelak.” Mahasiswa tahun akhir bidang Kimia
dan Kimia Biologi NTU, Nursakinah Mohamed
Ismail, turut menyatakan kesyukuran malah kagum
pula dengan cara permohonannya diuruskan. “Saya
sangat berbesar hati menerima dermasiswa ini bagi
tahun ketiga berturut-turut. MTFA memang jelas
berusaha seberapa daya untuk membantu pelajar
yang memerlukan dan saya juga memuji hasrat
mereka untuk memahami minat dan cita-cita pelajar
melalui sesi temu duga.”
Sejauh mana dermasiswa membantu para
penerimanya? Begini pengalaman Mohammed
Asraf Bin Mohtar, pelajar Kejuruteraan Mekanikal
NUS. “Rumah saya terletak di kawasan Timur
Singapura dan saya tidak menginap di asrama, jadi
kos pengangkutan pergi balik ke universiti memang
tinggi. Dengan wang dermasiswa ini, terlepas satu
beban yang besar bagi saya,” jelasnya. Nursakinah
pula begitu lega sekarang kerana yuran kursus sudah
dapat ditanggung. “Pinjaman yang saya ambil di
universiti menampung 70 peratus yuran kursus, tetapi
ada 30 peratus lagi yang harus disediakan wangnya.
Jumlahnya kira-kira $2000, jadi dermasiswa MTFA
ini memang membantu.”
Majlis penyampaian dermasiswa untuk pelajar
universiti dan kolej telah berlangsung di Bangunan
Darul Ihsan pada 16 Ogos 2008. Presiden MTFA, Encik
Mohd Yunus Valibhoy, turut hadir sebagai Tetamu
Terhormat. Di kalangan para penerima dermasiswa,
13 orang kini menuntut di institusi pengajian tinggi
setempat iaitu NUS dan NTU, manakala 17 lagi di
institusi Malaysia seperti UKM dan UIA. Mereka
semua dipilih setelah menghadiri sesi temu duga.
Dermasiswa MTFA dibiayai dengan dana Zakat
yang dibayar oleh umat Muslimin bagi memenuhi
tuntutan agama. Jumlah dermasiswa ialah $3,000
untuk pengajian Perubatan di NUS dan $2,000 untuk
bidang yang lain di universiti tempatan. Mereka yang
mengikuti pengajian agama di Malaysia dan Timur
Tengah menerima $1,000 di peringkat universiti dan
$600 di peringkat kolej. MTFA berharap dapat terus
membantu pemuda-pemudi Islam kita yang bercitacita tinggi dan ingin meneruskan pendidikan. Semoga
Allah melimpahkan barakah atas daya usaha mereka.
• Penerima dermasiswa
bersama Presiden dan Ahli
Lembaga MTFA
IHSAN • January 2009
In & Around:
Madrasahs: Re-affirming Our Ties
In the latter half of 2008, MTFA Welfare Committee (WELCOM) paid a series of visits to the Madrasahs
to further strengthen our ties. The visits started off with Madrasah Alsagoff and Madrasah Al-Arabiah in
July, continued in September and October with Al-Maarif at their new premises and Al-Irsyad at their
temporary location, while in November we visited Madrasah Aljunied and Madrasah Wak Tanjong.
During the visits, the respective Mudir, VP, and senior Madrasah officials briefed us on their mission and
vision as well as their operations and programmes. Our delegation in turn talked about MTFA’s various
grants to the Madrasahs and assistance schemes for their students. Through the dialogue that followed,
we gained a better understanding of each school’s strengths and needs, and the Madrasahs on their part
gained an insight into how MTFA administers its assistance.
PPIS As-Salaam Centre
The PPIS Family Support Centre in Ubi Avenue runs support programmes for singleparent families, particularly those of lower socio-economic background. WELCOM
visited the Centre in August to explore the possibilities of a tie-up that might benefit
our younger clients. Following an enlightening briefing by Centre Director Ms Azita
Abdul Aziz and her staff, the possibility of tapping on As-Salaam’s expertise in
working with children who have lost a parent was also discussed.
To gain a better understanding of the challenges faced by Singaporean students pursuing studies in
Islamic universities in the Middle East, WELCOM held a dialogue in August with the Al-Azhar University
Singapore Students Society. The meeting with the PERKEMAS delegation led by its President, Mr Muhd
Islaahuddin Jumat, was also attended by Ms Nur Aisyah Arshad, Executive of the Asatizah Network Strategic
Unit in MUIS. As a result of this fruitful dialogue, WELCOM expects to make certain improvements to
the processing of bursary applications by Islamic university students in the 2009 exercise.
WELCOM’s visit to SENSE in August proved to be a fruitful one. SENSE is a MENDAKI unit
dedicated to helping those affected by structural changes in the economy. Following a
presentation of SENSE schemes and programmes by Business Manager Ms Shenaz and other
centre officials, WELCOM found a definite match that meets the needs of our younger clients.
As a result, several eligible clients have now been referred to SENSE for a Career Readiness
workshop conducted in November, which will be followed by more focused employability
training to equip them with the skills and confidence to enter the workforce.
IHSAN • January 2009
In & Around:
Kampung Ubi-Kembangan CCC
Darul Ihsan Orphanage was honoured with a visit by the Kampung Ubi-Kembangan CCC in
September 2008. Led by Advisor Dr Ong Seh Hong, the visit was to familiarise the CCC with
the work carried out by various charity homes within the constituency. MTFA President, Mr
Yunus Valibhoy and Vice-President, Dr Abdul Rahim Leyman, welcomed the delegation.
Since it was Ramadan, our visitors were also invited to join the orphanage residents, staff and
management at iftar.
Darul Ihsan welcomes such visits as opportunities for fostering goodwill, solidarity and trust
with the larger community. We pray this will help us generate cooperation and collaboration
for the benefit of the children under our care.
Women’s Institute Bandar Alor Star, Kedah
The Women’s Institute of Bandar Alor Star, Kedah, a community organisation providing aid to the
poor and orphaned in the country, recently called on Darul Ihsan Orphanage in Mattar Road as part
of their annual learning journey. The group, which included 42 orphans under the charge of the
Women’s Institute, toured Kuala Lumpur and Johor before their arrival in Singapore. The trip enabled
participants to learn about the cultures and lifestyles of people in different parts of the peninsula.
The delegation was welcomed by the Darul Ihsan Management. Mdm Hajjah Siti Badriah, Managing
Director of the Women’s Institute, gave a short introduction about the work of the organisation. The
Kedah children presented a lovely nasyid performance and our visitors were taken on a tour of the
dormitories. The visit ended with a hearty lunch for everyone.
The Kedah delegation left in high spirits. Souvenirs were exchanged and the visit provided both
parties with an increased network of contacts. The programme gave Darul Ihsan a chance to touch
base with similar community organisations elsewhere, and to learn and share best practices in
serving the welfare of orphans.
IHSAN • January 2009
The current financial crisis has been hogging newspaper headlines and occupying our
minds. Thousands of people around the world have lost their jobs or suffered a drop in
income. With such a bleak outlook for the future, should we put up our hands in despair?
How do we keep our sanity in the midst of all this gloom?
Experts suggest that when times are tough, it is that much more important to bolster our
strength in facing the challenges.
W. Mitchell was a happy, active young man when a
motorcycle accident left him disfigured with burns
to 65 percent of his body. His face and fingers were
burnt off. Four years later, he was involved in a
plane crash that left him paralysed from the waist
down and permanently bound to a wheelchair.
Today however, Mitchell lives a full and fruitful
life. He is a successful businessman, a passionate
environmental activist, a speaker and an author. He
“It’s not what happens to you, it’s what you
do about it. Before my accident I could do
10,000 things. Now I can do 9,000 things. I
can either spend the rest of my life focusing on
the 9,000 things I can do or the 1,000 things I
can’t do. The choice is mine - it’s up to me.”
During tough times, it might be necessary for us to
tighten our belts and make do with less. What are
some of the ways we can do this?
Trim the Fat
No, we are not just referring to the ones around the
thigh and waist. Our monthly expenses may include
luxuries or entertainment we can do without. For
instance, do we really need that new mobile phone
package, that extra $50 per month on cable TV, or
that weekly night out? Look at our spending patterns
and trim the extras.
Dealing with the unexpected and putting yourself
back in charge; that’s the message of ‘The Man
Who Won’t Be Defeated’.
- W.Mitchell, The Man Who Would
Not Be Defeated
Cut Down on Wastage
Utilities and fuel costs can make up a big chunk of
our monthly expenses. Now that electricity, water
and petrol prices have all gone up significantly, it
makes sense to save money by cutting down on
our use of these resources. Simple habits like not
driving when we can walk, not using electricity and
water unnecessarily, and buying only what we truly
need can save us quite a bit of cash and reduce our
demands on the environment.
Although Mitchell was physically ‘broken’, his mind
remained strong and his attitude gave him the power to
overcome his challenges. This enabled him to pick up
the pieces of his life, re-build a new one... and triumph.
Is that big car really necessary? Or the big house?
Or even that hot new plasma TV or entertainment
system we’ve been eyeing? If we can lower our
IHSAN • January 2009
expectations, put up with a little inconvenience, or
be happy with less, our lives will be simpler and our
budgets more manageable.
When times are tough and our daily burden seems
heavy for us to bear, it is important to remember that
there is a blessing in everything. As Muslims, we
believe that challenging times are a test from Allah:
...to direct us
Perhaps Allah uses tough times to point us in new
directions and down new paths. We can find many stories
of people who, after going through a calamity, were
forced to strike out in a new direction, and succeeded.
...to appraise us
Tough times might be Allah’s way of appraising us
– so that He can reward us according to our conduct
and our deeds. Or they could be His way of making
us appraise ourselves. How have we been living our
lives? What have we done well? What can we do
better? Are there misplaced priorities?
...to improve us
Rasulullah S.A.W once said, as narrated by Abu Hurairah:
When Allah wants to do good to someone, He
afflicts him with trials.
Often the only way to learn wisdom, courage, patience
and compassion is when we meet with difficult times
and are forced to develop these qualities.
Whenever we feel discouraged over the hardships
we go through, look around at Allah’s creation.
Nature teaches us many important lessons: to be
calm, to be patient. Night inevitably becomes day,
clouds eventually give way to sunshine. Things will
come full circle and nothing – neither problems nor
solutions – can be rushed.
Finally, we must remember Allah’s promise in the Quran:
On no soul does Allah place
A burden greater than that which it can bear.
- Surah Al-Baqarah, 2:286
May Allah give us the strength of mind, body and
soul to overcome His challenges. Amin.
Krisis kewangan dewasa ini sering menjadi tajuk
berita surat khabar dan mengisi fikiran kita. Ribuan
orang di serata dunia diberhentikan kerja atau
berkurangan pendapatannya. Dengan masa depan
yang begitu muram, patutkah kita mengeluh kecewa?
Bagaimana kita dapat terus bersabar dalam suasana
mendung begini?
Menurut pakar, apabila mengalami keperitan seperti
ini, wajarlah kita meningkatkan lagi kemampuan
diri untuk menghadapi cabaran.
Bukan sekali W. Mitchell ditimpa malang, tetapi
dua kali. Dulu dia pemuda yang aktif, tetapi
akibat sebuah nahas motosikal, 65 peratus
tubuhnya luka terbakar termasuk muka dan jarijarinya. Empat tahun kemudian, kapal terbang
yang dinaikinya pula terhempas. Dia lumpuh dari
pinggang ke bawah, dan kerusi roda kini menjadi
teman setianya.
Namun hari ini, Mitchell menjalani hidup bahagia
dan berguna. Selain berjaya dalam perniagaan,
dia juga menempah nama sebagai aktivis alam
sekitar, penceramah dan penulis. Katanya:
“Yang penting bukan apa yang terjadi, tetapi apa
tindakan kita seterusnya. Kalau dulu saya boleh
buat 10,000 perkara, sekarang cuma 9,000
perkara. Saya boleh hidup memikirkan 9,000
perkara yang saya boleh buat, ataupun 1,000
perkara yang saya tidak boleh buat. Terpulang
kepada saya – tepuk dada, tanya selera.”
Tabah menghadapi kejadian yang tidak disangka,
dan meletakkan masa depan di tangan kita
sendiri; itulah iktibar daripada ‘Orang Yang Tidak
Mengaku Kalah’.
Meskipun Mitchell ‘patah riuk’, dari segi
minda dia tidak pernah hilang upaya. Sikapnya
yang positif menjadi tenaga untuk mengatasi
cabaran. Maka dia bangkit semula, memungut
serpihan hidupnya, membina kehidupan baru
... dan akhirnya berjaya.
IHSAN • January 2009
Semasa zaman sukar begini, kita mungkin perlu
mengikat perut dan bersedia mengurangkan belanja.
Apakah antara cara-cara melakukannya?
Kurangkan ‘Lemak’
‘Lemak’ di sini bukan bermaksud yang di sekeliling
pinggang, tetapi kemewahan dan perkara tidak perlu
yang sering menjadi idaman kita.
Lihat sahaja perbelanjaan bulanan. Adakah perlu,
misalnya, untuk berganti telefon bimbit yang baru,
menambah lagi $50 langganan TV kabel, atau makan
di restoran tiap minggu? Kalau diteliti perbelanjaan
kita, pasti ada yang dapat dikurangkan.
Kurangkan Pembaziran
Bekalan elektrik, air dan petrol semakin mahal.
Kini semakin wajar kita cermat menggunakan
sumber alam yang berharga itu. Tidak susah. Cuba
jangan memandu kalau boleh berjalan kaki; jangan
menggunakan elektrik dan air sesuka hati; dan beli
hanya barang yang benar-benar diperlukan. Sikap
sebegini bukan sahaja membantu menjimatkan
wang, malah mengurangkan pemusnahan alam.
Hidup Mengikut Kemampuan
Adakah perlu kereta yang baru itu? Rumah besar?
TV plasma atau sistem hiburan canggih yang anda
inginkan itu? Kalau impian dapat dibumikan, kalau
kita sanggup bersusah payah sedikit, atau bahagia
dengan apa yang ada, Insya Allah kerumitan
hidup dapat dikurangkan dan perbelanjaan pun
lebih terkawal.
Apabila kehidupan semakin sukar dan beban setiap
hari semakin berat ditanggung, penting diingati
bahawa segala kejadian ada hikmahnya. Sebagai
Muslimin, kita yakin bahawa cabaran hidup adalah
ujian Allah:
...untuk mengarahkan kita
Mungkin Allah menggunakan kesukaran hidup untuk
menunjukkan kita arah dan jalan hidup yang baru.
Kerap kita mendengar kisah mereka yang ditimpa
bala hingga terpaksa mengorak langkah baru atau
menempuh laluan baru, tetapi akhirnya berjaya.
...untuk menilai diri kita
Kesukaran hidup mungkin juga cara Allah menilai
diri kita – supaya kita dapat diberi ganjaran mengikut
peri laku dan perbuatan kita. Atau mungkin supaya
kita menilai diri sendiri. Bagaimana telah kita
memanfaatkan kehidupan selama ini? Apakah
kelebihan diri kita? Apa yang patut diperbaiki?
Adakah kita silap meletakkan keutamaan dalam halhal tertentu?
...untuk memperbaiki diri kita
Rasulullah S.A.W pernah bersabda, menurut riwayat
Abu Hurairah:
Barangsiapa yang diingini oleh Allah akan
kebaikan, maka diujinya dengan musibah.
Kadang kala, tidak ada cara lain untuk kita menjadi
orang yang bijaksana, tabah, sabar dan penyayang,
kecuali dengan menempuh kesusahan hidup.
Apabila berasa hampa memikirkan pahit getir yang
kita alami, lihatlah ciptaan Allah di sekeliling kita.
Alam semesta banyak mengandungi pelajaran:
supaya kita tenang dan bersabar. Alam sentiasa
berubah – malam pasti berganti siang, mendung
lambat laun akan diluputkan juga oleh sinar
matahari. Segala kejadian silih berganti. Baik
masalah mahupun penyelesaian, semuanya perlu
menanti masanya.
Akhir kata, ingatlah janji Allah dalam Al-Quran:
Allah tidak membebani hambanya
Kecuali dengan kesanggupannya.
-Surah Al-Baqarah, 2:286
Semoga Allah melimpahkan kita dengan kekuatan minda,
tubuh dan jiwa untuk menempuh ujianNya. Amin.
IHSAN • January 2009
of Events 2008
Launch of Friendship Meals Programme l Pelancaran Sajian Persahabatan
Welfare Comm visit l Lawatan J/K Kebajikan : Madrasah Alsagoff
Welfare Comm visit l Lawatan J/K Kebajikan : Madrasah Al-Arabiyah
College & Universities Bursaries Presentation l Penyampaian Dermasiswa MTFA
Talk on Zakat Computation for MTFA Staff l Ceramah Pengiraan Zakat
Darul Ihsan : Visit by l Lawatan WI Bandar Alor Star Kedah
Welfare Comm Visit l Lawatan J/K Kebajikan : PPIS Assalaam
Welfare Comm Dialogue with l Dialog dengan PERKEMAS
Welfare Comm Visit l Lawatan J/K Kebajikan : Mendaki SENSE
Awwal Ramadhan
05 06
Darul Ihsan: Workshop on SOPs l Bengkel Peraturan Tetap Operasi
Welfare Comm Visit l Lawatan J/K Kebajikan : Madrasah AlMaarif
MTFA AGM + Iftar l Mesyuarat Agung Tahunan MTFA + Iftar
Welfare Comm Visit l Lawatan J/K Kebajikan : Madrasah Al-Irsyad
Welfare Comm Visit l Lawatan J/K Kebajikan : Madrasah Aljunied
Welfare Comm Visit l Lawatan J/K Kebajikan : Madrasah Wak Tanjong
18 19
Darul Ihsan : Overnight Camp l Perkhemahan :diMasjid
Launch of SENSE Employability Programme for Aid Recipients l
Pelancaran Program SENSE untuk Penerima Bantuan Kebajikan MTFA
Darul Ihsan : Family Day at Changi Beach l Hari Keluarga di Pantai Changi
01 04
Darul Ihsan : Kids & Tweens aLIVE, Masjid Al-Istighfar
03 05
Darul Ihsan : Kids, Tweens & Teens aLIVE, Masjid Al-Istighfar
Darul Ihsan : Circus @ D’Marquee (Downtown East)
Tea Party: Presentation of MTFA Grants to Madrasahs l
Majlis Penyampaian Bantuan MTFA kepada Madrasah
IHSAN • January 2009
A Tribute to Our Volunteers
Volunteers form the backbone of the Muslimin
Trust Fund Association, and the volunteer spirit
has supported and sustained our work since the
organisation was formed in 1904. Our volunteers
run a myriad of tasks at all levels of the organisation,
from management to the actual legwork. Their
willing hearts and helping hands have greatly
benefited those we serve at MTFA.
We begin with two individuals whose civic spirit
have touched the lives of the beneficiaries of
MTFA. Such is the commitment of Haji Mohd Zain
Sarawadi and Mdm Predah Anam Hashim that
volunteerism has become a large part of who they
are and the lives they lead. This is apparent in the
30 years of voluntary service that each has given
to Darul Ihsan’s Educational Financial Assistance
(EFA) programme. Managed by a sub-committee of
the Darul Ihsan Orphanage, the scheme oversees
monthly financial assistance for close to 600 needy
orphans who do not reside at the orphanage (see
fact box).
Who We Are & What We Do
The EFA is a sub-committee of Darul Ihsan Orphanage. Its main role
is to disburse financial assistance to underprivileged non-resident
orphans, specifically for educational purposes.
According to Sub-Committee Chairman Siti Nurhuda Abdul Aziz,
the EFA currently provides financial aid to 557 recipients in 294
households, the majority of whom are in primary and secondary
schools. Disbursements are made either by cash or GIRO. A team of 10
volunteers and a clerical officer handle most of the tasks, ranging from
administering the programme, visiting clients at home, screening new
applicants and monitoring existing cases, to disbursing payments.
The EFA also aids those who have financial difficulties with the national
examination fees (GCE ‘N’, ‘O’ and ‘A’ level).
For volunteering opportunities, email us at [email protected].
IHSAN • January 2009
Darul Ihsan
Assistance (EFA)
• Our EFA team: (Front row, from left) Predah; Nurhuda; Yeantee and CO Rosnah. (Back row, from left) Syed Nasir; Capt Amasha; Nizam and Haji Zain.
Haji Zain and Predah initially became involved in
Darul Ihsan work when they helped out at fund-raising
events. Conversations with them revealed two common
traits that they share: passion and compassion. This was
despite their different life experiences and ages. Haji
Zain, who is 72 and first served in 1977, remained
humble about his contributions. “Perhaps Allah has
given me the gift of giving. I started volunteering simply
because I was interested in the work that they did, and
am certainly not expecting any rewards for helping
out,” he maintained.
Predah, who began volunteering in 1978, said it
was all thanks to the avid encouragement of a close
friend. “Initially, I just wanted to fill my weekends
and free time with some meaningful work. Over time
though, I grew to feel that it is my responsibility to
help those who are in need in our community.”
In contrast to our two veterans, another volunteer started
just over a year ago. For Mohamed Nizam Ahmad
Khalid, it is about giving back. “I was a former resident
of Darul Ihsan, so I understand what these children
are going through. I want to see them succeed in life
so I do what I can to help them. Seeing the smiles of
those I have helped in any small way, in return, makes
me smile,” he remarked. “I enjoy helping out with the
activities the EFA sub-committee conducts. So putting
aside time for these activities is a pleasure for me.”
Haji Zain and Predah – who were among the
volunteers honoured for their enduring dedication at
the MTFA 100th Anniversary Dinner in 2004 – are
committed to serve for as long as they can. “As long
as they need me and I am healthy enough to help
out, I will do the best I can,” said Haji Zain.
Like all other aspects of life, volunteering has its ups
and downs. “However, one thing it has done is to open
up my eyes to the difficulties the less privileged in our
community go through,” Predah shared. “I once visited
a family where the mother of five was working as a
cleaner in the market to get by. Their financial situation
and living conditions were heart-wrenching. One of
her children, a 9-year-old boy, had to skip school in
order to help take care of his brother.”
Nizam, 22, affirms that volunteering has enabled
him “to view the community from a different angle.
However, rather than being a passive bystander,
the volunteer gets that rare opportunity to make a
difference – to understand their hardship and do
something to alleviate their pain.”
Volunteering also offers excellent opportunities for
personal and professional development. Volunteer
work not only benefits those who receive, but helps
the giver to grow as well. While a long-service
award is certainly much appreciated, the rewards
of volunteering are as individual as the volunteers
themselves. Predah has made many friends among
the families that she has served through her work.
For Haji Zain, volunteer work has enabled him to
gain invaluable experiences as well as management
and organisational skills. “The chance for me to
mingle and get to know fellow volunteers who are
more skilful and knowledgeable is truly a bonus.
They are always willing to share their experiences
with me. Thanks to them, I can now write up formal
letters!” he shared candidly.
Our three volunteers, thus, are testimony to the great
sense of personal satisfaction one can achieve from
giving for the welfare of others. They strongly urge
others to consider giving up a bit of their time for this
uplifting and rewarding work. “The most common
reason we hear from individuals today is that they do
not have the time to volunteer. If we can do a little
bit of organisation and practise good time-planning,
it certainly can be done. Where there’s a will, there’s
a way!” Haji Zain remarked.
IHSAN • January 2009
Where your ZAKAT went
IHSAN • January 2009
2-Day Darul Ihsan Workshop on SOPs
Standardising Processes
and Procedures
An in-house workshop was conducted for
Darul Ihsan staff in September 2008 to review,
update and standardise the Standard Operating
Procedures (SOPs) of the two homes.
The two-day workshop, held at the Darul
Ihsan Lilbanat Multi-Purpose Hall during the
September school break, was attended by all
supervisory staff of Darul Ihsan Orphanage,
as well as senior Administration staff.
Aimed at promoting standardised protocols
in both homes, the workshop involved
brainstorming sessions to identify the best
practices to adopt for Darul Ihsan Lilbanin
and Lilbanat. Sharing sessions and scenario
discussions gave participants the opportunity
to share their experiences and to discuss the
challenges they face. Their conclusions are
then crystallised into standard procedures
for a variety of situations, including the
admission of a new resident, medical and
other emergencies, disciplinary issues, and
daily routines. These SOPs will guide staff
to carry out their duties well, thus greatly
boosting staff morale and confidence.
Several of the supervisory staff later remarked
that they were energised by the discussions
and now feel a sense of ownership of the
SOPs, having had a big hand in crafting them.
An intangible benefit for participants was
that many also gained from the experience
of voicing and defending their opinions and
speaking in front of an audience. An enriching
and fruitful two days for everyone.
This year, MTFA donated a total of $161,800 to six local full-time madrasahs. MTFA President,
Mr Mohd Yunus Valibhoy, presented cheques to the madrasah principals and representatives at a
tea reception held at the Darul Ihsan Boys’ Orphanage building on Saturday, 13 December 2008.
The objective of the donations is to assist the madrasahs in funding a variety of their educational
programmes. Amounts donated ranged from $10,000 to $91,800 and were based on submissions
made by the madrasahs to MTFA. A total of 4,131 students are expected to benefit from these
contributions. The 6 full-time madrasahs which received the donations were:
• Madrasah Alsagoff Al-Arabiah
• Madrasah Al-Maarif Al-Islamiah
• Madrasah Al-Irsyad Al-Islamiah
• Madrasah Wak Tanjong Al-Islamiah
• Madrasah Al-Arabiah Al-Islamiah
• Madrasah Aljunied Al-Islamiah
IHSAN • January 2009
We Welcome Your Contributions...
Would you like to VOLUNTEER your services?
OFFER donations? GIVE your Zakat?
MTFA operates the Darul Ihsan Boys’ and Girls’ Orphanages, which care for Muslim
orphans and see to their daily material and spiritual well-being as well as their educational
needs. MTFA also has a scheme to provide educational financial aid for orphans who do
not reside in these two homes.
MTFA provides a burial service which takes care of the burial of poor or indigent Muslims
who have passed on in Singapore, and whose bodies are left unclaimed.
MTFA also collects zakat and distributes them according to the eight authorised categories
of recipients or asnaaf. These include financial assistance to the poor as well as assistance
in the form of bursaries for religious and secular studies to needy students.
MTFA also disburses a portion of its rental income to six local full-time madrasahs
annually towards their administration and educational projects.
Anda ingin menyumbangkan tenaga SUKARELA?
menghulurkan DERMA? membayar ZAKAT?
MTFA menguruskan Rumah Anak Yatim Darul Ihsan Lilbanin dan
Lilbanat, yang memberi perlindungan untuk anak yatim Islam dan
menyediakan segala keperluan mereka dari segi makan pakai,
pendidikan dan bekalan rohani. MTFA juga menguruskan skim
bantuan kewangan pendidikan bagi anak yatim yang tidak tinggal
di kedua Rumah tersebut.
MTFA menyediakan perkhidmatan pengebumian percuma untuk
orang Islam yang meninggal dunia tanpa keluarga, atau yang
keluarganya tidak mampu menanggung biaya pengebumian.
MTFA menerima bayaran zakat dan mengagihkannya mengikut
lapan asnaf yang ditetapkan, termasuk bantuan kewangan untuk
golongan fakir miskin, dan biasiswa untuk pelajar pengajian tinggi
jurusan agama dan sekular.
MTFA mengagihkan sebahagian daripada pendapatan sewa
hartanahnya kepada enam madrasah sepenuh masa setiap tahun,
bagi menampung keperluan pentadbiran dan projek pendidikan.
Kecil tapak tangan
nyiru ditadahkan...
5, Mattar Road Singapore 387713 Tel : 6747 7556
For more information, please visit our website at www.mtfa.org